Well      06/13/2019

Brugmansia. Angel's Trumpets: How to Care for the Magnificent Beauty Brugmansia

Brugmansia reproduces seeds, cuttings, air layering. But the easiest way to propagate is by cuttings. They are cut in the fall, before the threat of frost, in preparation for wintering. The strongest and most viable cuttings are obtained from the semi-lignified middle parts of the shoot or trunk. But you should know that it is almost impossible to get a new plant from the top of the shoot. The length of the cutting should be 15-20cm, but the number of internodes does not matter. Brugmansia cuttings do not like cramped spaces, so only 3 cuttings are placed in a jar with a capacity of 0.7-1 liters. They take root in a bright place.

But personally, it seems to me that spring rooting is the most productive, and cuttings are more viable than autumn-winter cuttings. Since spring cuttings are well ripened, they take root easily, because the plant wakes up and begins active growth.

Brugmansia takes about a week to root at a temperature of +20 degrees. When tubercles (roots) appear on the cutting, it is planted in a separate pot with prepared substrate and covered with a glass jar. Glass jar serves as a greenhouse for cuttings. You should periodically ventilate the cuttings by opening the jar for a few minutes. When it is clear that the plant has taken root and started to grow, you need to gradually accustom the young plant to environment, harden, and modern, remove the greenhouses altogether.

To get wounded flowering plant, cuttings should be taken back in February, planted separately, and in the spring, after the threat of frost, planted in open ground, or in pots outdoors.

Brugmansia reproduces easily by layering. If you need to get it right away mature plant, then this method is the most optimal.

Choose a shoot with a diameter of at least 1-1.5 cm. shoot in a circle upper layer peel, 1-2 cm wide, but so as not to damage the light green layer of wood. We treat it with root and put sphagnum moss on top of the cut bark, and tie it with a plastic bag. After a month, roots will form, and when they fill the entire space under the bag, you can separate the young plant from the mother plant and plant it yourself. It is ready to live on its own.

Seed propagation of Brugmansia is mainly used for breeding work. And if you have such a desire, you can try to grow Brugmansia from seeds yourself. To do this, you need to soak the seeds in a root solution to improve and speed up the germination process. Then they are sown in a container to a depth of 0.5 cm and covered with a transparent lid or glass. After 2-3 weeks, seedlings will appear, and we gradually accustom the seedlings to conditions without a cover. And when they grow up and produce 2-3 true leaves, we replant them separately. The course is normal, the soil mixture is the same as for an adult plant, light, water- and air-permeable.

Caring for it at home will not be the easiest, but the plant will respond to care with magnificent, unique flowering.

In nature, Brugmansias are large perennial shrubs or trees that grow up to 11 meters in height. It would seem that there is simply not enough space in the room for such a giant, but nothing is impossible for flower growers. An evergreen crop with tubular, fairy bell-like flowers ranging from 20 to 50 cm in length is now available to indoor plant lovers.

How to organize the planting and care of Brugmansia, whose flowers not only amaze with their size and bizarre shape, but also with a variety of colors, as well as a bright aroma that intensifies at night?

Since the plant is very large, before sowing or planting it, you need to sensibly assess the possibilities and existing conditions. Although pruning to correct size is required for Brugmansias, the tree must begin to branch before flowering. And until this moment passes from 1 to 4 years.

Conditions for the growth of indoor Brugmansia plants

Brugmansia, as an indigenous inhabitant of the South American tropics, is very thermophilic and reacts sharply to temperature changes, dropping foliage and stopping the formation of buds. A temperature within 23–28 °C is considered comfortable, and the first signs of discomfort are noticeable already when the temperature drops by 8–10 °C. Closer to zero, Brugmansia first stops the growing season, and then the above-ground part of the tree dies.

To maintain the attractiveness of the plant throughout the year, when caring for Brugmansia at home:

  • try to maintain a constant temperature;
  • protect the plant from drafts;
  • provide bright and long lasting;
  • carry out regular watering and fertilizing, the schedule of which depends on the vegetative activity of the indoor flower;
  • trim the crown and replant the plant when it “outgrows” the old pot.

In the summer, when there is no danger of frost, cold wind or rain, it is useful to take the Brugmansia pot out into the fresh air.

Brugmansia loves the sun and feels great not only on the eastern or western side, but also on the south side. Only on the sunniest days, at midday, the plant may droop slightly, which can be easily corrected by watering and moving the pot a meter deeper into the room.

If indoor plant Brugmansia is kept indoors all year round, from autumn to spring, and also when located away from the window, the flower needs additional lighting. When kept in cold conditions in winter, for example in a basement with a temperature of about 10 °C, light is not required at all.

Soil for Brugmansia, replanting and choosing a pot

Brugmansia grows quickly in a pot, and for a full growing season it needs a nutritious, light substrate.

This mixture can be made based on:

  • 2 parts lowland;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part garden soil.

If necessary, pre-washed sand, perlite and vermiculite are added to the soil for Brugmansia; as a preventive measure against fungal infections and putrefactive bacteria, it is useful to add a little crushed charcoal.

A pot for Brugmansia is chosen based on its serious size. Due to rapid growth, it is better to take a container “with a reserve”, otherwise the bush will have to be replanted several times a year.

Transplantation is carried out in early spring, before the awakening of the main growth points. Small specimens are transferred to a container bigger size, and in adult Brugmansias the top layer of soil is changed.

Before planting, add a layer of expanded clay, pebbles mixed with charcoal or other material to the bottom of the pot. Then a rooted cutting or a specimen requiring replanting with an old earthen lump is transferred to a small layer of soil.

If we are talking about replanting, the Brugmansia roots are trimmed a little along the contour of the pot, simultaneously removing dead or rotten rhizomes.

Finally, all voids in the new pot are filled with a nutritious, pre-sterilized mixture, which is carefully compacted and watered.

Watering and fertilizing indoor Brugmansia plants

Brugmansia has a well-developed crown, which:

  • protects the soil under the flower from overheating and evaporation;
  • participates in photosynthesis and helps the plant receive the necessary nutrition;
  • to maintain tone, especially during hot weather solar time requires a lot of moisture and nutrients.

Therefore, Brugmansia in a pot is regularly and abundantly watered, reducing watering only during cloudy weather and wintering. Watering the flower is carried out with warm soft water, soaking the entire earthen Komi and be sure to drain the excess that accumulates in the pan within 30–40 minutes.

For tropical plants, especially young specimens, the humidity of not only the substrate, but also the air is important. However, moisture on flowers and leaves can cause burns. To prevent this from happening, use the following to humidify the air:

  • irrigation when the plant is in partial shade or in the evening;
  • placing a container of water nearby;
  • placing the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay;
  • household humidifiers.

Fertilizing is carried out throughout the growing season. First, immediately after spring pruning they apply nitrogen fertilizers that activate the growth of greenery, then switch to complex mixtures that stimulate the formation of buds and lush flowering.

In warm weather, Brugmansia, when cared for at home, is fed at intervals of 7 to 14 days.

Growing Brugmansia from seeds at home

Today flower growers have the opportunity to grow Brugmansia in different ways, including seed. If the seed is obtained independently, there is no certainty about what the young plants will be like. As a hybrid houseplant, Brugmansia does not retain its parental characteristics. Seeds from a trusted manufacturer are another matter.

In this case, obtaining varietal Brugmansia from seeds at home will not be difficult. Sowing is carried out from January until the beginning of spring. In this case, seedlings appear with increasing daylight hours and quickly grow. You can use base soil as a substrate, but a mixture of equal parts of peat, sand or perlite works just as well. The seeds are laid out on the surface on moistened soil and sprinkled with a layer of soil from 5 to 12 mm.

In a greenhouse at an air temperature of 22–25 °C and high humidity To hatch and show sprouts, the seeds will take from 1 to 10 weeks, depending on the freshness of the seed.

All this time, the container is in the light and moistened as necessary. Brugmansia is picked when grown from seeds at the stage of 4–5 true leaves. IN further care caring for plants differs little from caring for adult specimens.

You just have to remember that shoots that have not become lignified for up to a year are less resistant to heat and dry air, and are more afraid of pests and fungal infections.

Propagation of indoor Brugmansia by cuttings

Cuttings make it faster and easier to get a flowering plant than when planting Brugmansia seeds and caring for tiny seedlings. Specimens grown from sections of half or completely lignified shoots bloom in the second year after planting. For seedlings this takes from 2 to 4 years.

You can get hardy cuttings ready to form roots from spring to early autumn, the main thing is that there are growth points on such pieces of the stem. Branched cuttings bloom earlier than ordinary, straight ones.

It’s even better to use root layering to propagate Brugmansia, which every now and then appears at the base of an adult plant. They are separated during transplantation, just like stem cuttings, treated with a root formation stimulator and dropped into a light substrate with high content nutrients or immerse in water with the addition of a few pieces of charcoal or activated carbon.

The average length of a Brugmansia cutting is 15–20 cm, which is enough to awaken 1–3 growth points. In a room greenhouse, roots form in 4–7 weeks, after which the seedlings can be transferred from their own pots.

Brugmansia in a pot - video

Brugmansia belongs to the Datura genus. Depending on the species, it can grow like a shrub, or maybe like a tall tree, so most often it is grown in fairly large pots. Why in a pot and not in open ground?

The thing is that this plant does not tolerate cold, so in winter it can freeze and disappear. As for the flowers, they can reach 50 cm in length, having the shape of a bell lowered down with ragged edges diverging to the sides. Has an alluring aroma. With all this, do not forget that the seeds and flowers are poisonous.

Brugmansia species and varieties

Brugmansia fragrant (fragrant) It grows very quickly and branches well. The inflorescences are white with greenish veins, and the buds are pink.

Brugmansia golden or yellow reaches 6 meters in height. It has yellow, bell-shaped, wide-open inflorescences. The leaves are large, soft and slightly drooping.

Grows in the form small tree with low growing shoots. It has velvety, oval leaves. The flowers are white (sometimes yellow and apricot shades).

A very tall tree, in nature it can reach 12 meters. Has very expressive orange flowers with yellowish veins and red edging. This type of Brugmansia is more resistant to winter, but, nevertheless, it is better for it to winter indoors (especially for young specimens that have yet to get stronger).

Brugmansia variegated (variegated) This species differs from others in having the largest cream flowers, which in some cases can reach up to half a meter. The shape, like the others, is tubular bell-shaped.

The most famous species, there are many varieties bred on its basis. In nature it grows as a 4-5 meter tree, although there are also small specimens (up to 1.5-2 meters). Among them there are varieties with double or tiered flowers of different colors.

Brugmansia planting and care in open ground

In summer, Brugmansia can be planted in open ground, but closer to frost, it will have to be dug up again and brought indoors.

Choosing the optimal place for healthy flower growth will be the key to long and beautiful flowering and abundant growth. After Brugmansia has been indoors for a long time, it will need time to adapt.

In the first few days of being outside, you need to choose a shady place, after which you can place it in well-lit (with the possibility of shading from the scorching sun), but not windy areas of the garden, park, terrace, etc.

Watering Brugmansia

Watering is an important component of plant care. In summer, watering should be daily, and on hot days, twice. The exception is days when it rains. In general, make sure that the soil in the flowerpot does not dry out.

In addition to watering, spraying is also important. But do not allow moisture to get on the opened buds.

Brugmansia fertilizers

For abundant and long flowering, do not forget about fertilizers. Fertilizer is added to the water during watering, no more than 1-2 times a week, from late spring to late summer. During the flowering period, the components of potassium and phosphorus will be useful.

Pruning Brugmansia for the winter

Brugmansia pruning is carried out around mid-March, when damaged leaves and branches are removed and the shoots are slightly shortened.

Soil composition for Brugmansia in pots

The soil for planting should be light and fertile: loam, compost or humus and peat (1:1:2). Before replanting, the soil is filled with water and a light solution of potassium permanganate. Don't forget about the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Brugmansia transplant

A young plant must be replanted annually. At the same time changing the pot to a more spacious one (2-3 cm larger). When choosing a material, preference is given to plastic (with drainage holes in the bottom) rather than clay. The pots should not be small, as the soil dries out much faster there, which can lead to the leaves wilting.

Brugmansia wintering

Winter care involves insulation, since Brungmansia is afraid of frost and is brought indoors. In this case, it can continue to bloom. The dormant period of this species is not clearly defined, so if the conditions are comfortable, the flowering will probably last throughout the winter. For example, additional lighting will be needed, since it gets dark earlier in winter.

The watering regime can be maintained if you maintain comfortable temperature in room. If the room temperature is low (5-10°C), then watering should be reduced. If the lighting is dim, then most likely the leaves will fall off, but closer to spring new buds will begin to appear and additional lighting will be required.

Brugmansia growing from seeds

Not the most reliable method of propagation, since there is no certainty that a plant grown from seeds will be of the same variety (heredity is not preserved). But still this method has its place.

Sowing is carried out between January and March, in a light substrate, the seeds are sprinkled on top with the same soil composition 1-2 cm thick, moistened and covered with glass or film. Control the temperature within 20-25°C, in bright but diffused light.

After just two weeks, you can observe the first shoots, after which the glass (film) is removed. It is necessary to ensure sufficient moisture for the seedlings (spray 2-3 times a day), while avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Only when 4-5 leaves appear on the shoot can you begin replanting into a separate pot.

But still this is not the final “place of residence” of the flower. Only when the roots completely fill the entire pot (evidence of reliable rooting) can it be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Propagation of Brugmansia by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is the most reliable and common method of propagation. To do this, at the end of spring (beginning of summer), fresh shoots with an apical bud are taken and cut to a length of 20-25 cm (the lower leaves are removed).

Place in water, after adding activated carbon, spray the leaves so they don’t wither, cover plastic bottle or a jar and put it in a bright, warm (not lower than 20°C) place.

The cause of the appearance may be stress from a sudden change in care and maintenance regime. For example, a purchased plant should not be replanted immediately, even if you have more beautiful pot, which fits into the overall interior. No earlier than two weeks later, such manipulations can be carried out. Treatment: “Topaz” will help get rid of gray rot, “Actellik” will help get rid of whiteflies, and “Fitoverm” or “Agravertin” will help get rid of mites.
  • Young leaves turn yellow and fall off – nitrogen starvation. Apply missing fertilizers to the soil.
  • All kinds of spots appear on the leaves , stripes, light areas, edges become deformed, begin to curl, plant growth stops - viral damage. It’s better to get rid of such a plant before it infects your neighbors.
  • Long lasting flowering shrubs often found in landscape design. They are a decoration for carpet flower beds. Bushes planted in tubs serve as decoration for the front entrance or terrace. Such perennials include Brugmansia, which attracts attention with its huge flowers on a bush two meters high.

    Brugmansia is native to the South American subtropics. By appearance flowers, the plant is called datura, angel's trumpets, poisonous properties– a demon tree, since the juice and aroma of some types of bushes cause hallucinations.

    Description of Brugmansia, its types

    The perennial plant belongs to the Solanaceae family, and looks like dope. In addition to the lush foliage, the tree-like bush is decorated with funnel-shaped flowers up to half a meter long and twenty centimeters in diameter. The shape of the large leaves of the shrub is oval with slightly wavy edges. Veins are clearly visible on the surface of the green plates. The leaves are arranged on the bushes in tiers.

    There are several types of Brugmansia, differing in the color of their bell-like flowers:

    1. The most common species include Brugmansia tree, on the basis of which many varieties have been bred. The tree reaches four to five meters in height and pleases with double inflorescences of various colors.
    2. Brugmansia Fragrant is considered decorative. Its pale yellow or white flowers are simply stunning. The rims, divided into five parts, are slightly curved at the edges.
    3. Brugmansia Visible blooms luxuriantly with yellow, white, and pale pink flowers. The drooping corollas of the inflorescences open well, and thin, elongated leaves with wavy edges highlight the beauty of the buds.
    4. The shrub, belonging to the Golden species, reaches a height of two to four meters. Narrow dark green leaf plates and long curved flowers decorate the shrub. In addition, the plant emits a strong intoxicating odor.
    5. Brugmansia Bloody is covered with scarlet flowers. This tree is easy to care for and can tolerate light frosts.

    Brugmansia is called multi-colored, which has the most large buds, up to thirty to fifty centimeters long. A special feature of the flower is the gradual change in color of the buds from white to peach.

    What all plant species have in common is its form in the form of a bush or tree. Varieties of ornamental crops vary in tree trunk height, but they are rarely less than two meters. This must be taken into account when growing a flower indoors. It is best to place an adult plant in the garden, creating special conditions for the growing season.

    Methods of propagation of ornamental crops include seed and vegetative.

    Features of propagation using seeds:

    • The preparation of seeds for planting begins in February by soaking them in a biogrowth stimulator for a day or two.
    • Then the seeds are placed in the soil that has been disinfected in advance, the container is covered with film and placed in a warm place.
    • During the germination period, the plantings are ventilated and watered. They are provided with good lighting so that the seedlings do not stretch out.
    • As soon as two true leaves appear on the sprouts, they are picked and placed in individual containers. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the root collar of the stem is above the ground level during transplantation.

    For better preservation qualities of the Brugmansia variety, the propagation method used is:

    • In autumn or in early spring cut cuttings from strong shoots. There must be four leaves per branch. The top with two leaves is cut off, and the lower plates are shortened. Cuttings placed in water will take root while in a cool room.
    • The time has come to transplant the rooted shoots into pots filled with nutritious soil. After the secondary transplant, fifteen to twenty days later, pots with cuttings are placed on window sills on the north side of the house.
    • If the propagation procedure takes place in the spring, in early March, then many nodes form on the cuttings and roots appear faster. When it gets warm, the bushes are planted in open ground.

    Brugmansia grown from seeds is characterized by the absence of varietal characteristics. But vegetative methods will give the offspring full parental qualities.

    On permanent place The flower is transplanted into the garden after the soil has warmed up to ten to fifteen degrees Celsius. The container with the plant is carefully inspected, determining whether the flower is healthy or not. Then they are taken out into the air for adaptation.

    The best place to plant ornamental shrubs will be a well-lit area, well protected from the wind.

    Prepared in advance landing hole larger than the tub in which Brugmansia was located. A nutritious soil mixture consisting of humus, peat and a small amount of river sand is placed in the pit. The presence of humus in the soil is important for the plant.

    Now all that remains is to carefully remove the bush from the container, clean its roots from damaged parts, and straighten it. It is better to remove rhizomes that are too thick by sprinkling the cut area with charcoal powder. After placing the plant in the hole, cover it with soil and water it. You can leave Brugmansia in a tub, and when cold weather sets in, bring it into the house, greenhouse or winter garden.

    Flower care: watering, fertilizing, pruning

    The basic requirements for caring for ornamental shrubs are the procedures for watering, fertilizing and pruning:

    1. Compliance with the moisture regime consists of abundant watering, frequent during the growing season. If the weather is dry, water twice a day - morning and evening. But usually a single moistening of the soil is enough.
    2. To fertilize the bush, use a solution of chicken manure prepared in a ratio of 1:12. Of the mineral complexes, those that contain potassium and phosphorus are suitable. The substances will stimulate the flowering of the plant. Fertilize once every two weeks.
    3. Every year, flower shoots that grow below the first forks are removed. Horizontal branches with many knots do not need to be removed, as they will produce flower buds. Pruning is also carried out to form the crown of the tree.

    As soon as the air temperature in the garden drops below five degrees Celsius, Brugmansia in a tub is brought into the house. If it is planted in open ground, then it is dug up, trimmed and placed in buckets with neutral soil. Store the plant in basement with an air temperature of ten degrees Celsius. Leave it outside decorative bushes It is possible only in regions with a warm climate, covering the tree with spruce branches.

    The toxicity of the flowers and seeds of the plant is known, so it is necessary to allocate a large room in the house to keep it. But for Brugmansia this quality is only beneficial - it is rarely attacked by pests.

    But the pleasant aroma attracts insects, and they are ready to feast on the leaves and flowers of the plant. Among them:

    • whitefly
    • aphid
    • spider mite

    The most common disease that affects the plant is the gray rot fungus.

    The danger of the disease is that it can lead to the death of the flower. At first, the growth of shoots and flowers stops, and the processes of photosynthesis slow down. During a humid summer, mycelium of the mycelium appears on the plant, and the spores are spread to neighboring bushes and trees. The disease is identified by a grayish coating on the leaves.

    A small number of foci of gray rot can be removed by treating with a mixture of chalk, taken one glass per bucket of water. Add a teaspoon to it copper sulfate. Severe damage can be cured by spraying. Proper care of a flower will save it from diseases and pests.

    More information can be found in the video:

    In summer, in some gardens you can see unusual plant, reminiscent of dope - with a large beautiful flower and strong aroma. This tree-like shrubbrugmansia, an alien from South America. Brugmansia is highly decorative, and even novice gardeners can plant and care for it in the open ground. The main problem encountered when growing this southern plant is its sensitivity to cold and frost. Therefore, Brugmansia is often called a tub plant: it spends the summer in open ground, and winters indoors - in a tub.

    Did you know?In addition to beauty and aroma, brugmansia has a whole “bouquet” of properties: it can cause hallucinations, have an antispasmodic and anesthetic effect, and help with asthma and inflammatory processes. In its homeland in the Andean region, Brugmansia is actively used for religious and health purposes. The plant is used in various forms: its leaves are rolled into cigars, smoking mixtures are made from its seeds and tobacco, teas are brewed from flowers and leaves, the seeds are infused in wine, the juice is squeezed out, enemas are prepared from a decoction of the leaves, hot compresses are made from chopped fresh leaves, etc. .

    Brugmansia: botanical description

    Brugmansia forms a separate genus and belongs to the Solanaceae family. Previously, it was classified as a member of the Datura family. Brugmansia received its name in honor of S. Yu. Brugmans, a 18th-century botanist from Leiden (Holland). Perennial tree-like shrubs have flexible green branches, large leaves, large (from 15 to 50 cm in length, 25-30 cm in diameter) simple, double, two-level flowers of a tubular-bell-shaped form (angel's trumpet is the second name that the flower received due to its shape ).

    Colors – white, pink, peach, yellow, orange. Hundreds of flowers can grow on one plant. One flower blooms from one to two to three days. The aroma of flowers intensifies in the evening and especially at night. Flowering continues from July to December.

    There are 6 types in total:

    • golden (B. aurea) - in nature can reach 6 m in height, distinguished by bright yellow shades flowers, drooping leaves;
    • fragrant (B. suaveolens) – famous for its fast growth (3 - 7 cm per day), fragrant flowers white with green veins;
    • snow-white (B. candida) – looks like a small tree, with oval velvet leaves and white flowers (sometimes with apricot and yellow hues);
    • bloody (B. sanguinea) - the most cold-resistant of the Brugmansias, can reach 12 m in height, the flowers are bright orange with a red border;
    • variegated (B. versicolor) - has the longest flowers in the genus (up to 50 cm) of cream color.

    Hundreds of varieties have been bred for cultivation in gardens and greenhouses, differing in the color of flowers and leaves, their shape, size (Apricot Queen, Miss Rhianna, Variegata, Ogo Verde, Fandango, etc.).

    Selecting a location and preparing the soil for Brugmansia

    Brugmansia needs to be as close as possible to natural living conditions, then growing and caring for it will not be difficult. Natural conditions for Brugmansia are tropics and subtropics, plenty of light, humidity. Temperature, the most favorable for the growth of brumancy, is not lower than +23 °C in summer and +8 °C in winter. It should be taken into account that the plant does not like drafts and is afraid of strong winds (large flowers and large leaves create windage and branches can break in strong gusts of wind).

    Lighting for Brugmansia

    Brugmansia is a light-loving plant; it feels most comfortable in bright sunlight, so the area for planting Brugmansia should be well lit (in as a last resort– be slightly shaded). In the shade, Brugmansia practically stops blooming; its foliage begins to actively grow.

    What should the soil be like for planting?

    For good development of Brugmansia, neutral, loose and fertile soil is needed. On the site, you can prepare the landing site - make a soil mixture of loam, humus (one part each) and peat (2 parts). Before planting, the well-loosened mixed mixture can be watered with a manganese aqueous solution (pink).

    Brugmansia propagation: how to plant a plant

    Brugmansia reproduces by generative (seeds) and vegetative (air layering and cuttings) methods.

    Seed method

    Brugmansia does not reproduce from seeds very readily, and besides, planting and care require more effort than with other methods of reproduction. Seed germination is not guaranteed (the seed may germinate in ten days, in fifty days, or may not germinate at all). A plant obtained in this way will only be able to bloom the next year. Another disadvantage is that varietal characteristics hybrid varieties are not preserved during seed propagation. Therefore, this method is not very popular among gardeners. Brugmansia sowing is usually carried out from early January to March inclusive.

    The sowing procedure is as follows:

    • preparing seed material (soak for a day in a growth stimulator or scratch the seed shell with the tip of a knife);
    • lay to a depth of 10 mm, moisten, cover with film and maintain the temperature from 20 to 25 °C;
    • After the shoots appear, remove the film, spray the sprouts until the fifth leaf appears, then transplant into a separate container.

    Important!Brugmansia – poisonous plant. All his organs contain scopolamine, atropine and other toxic substances (poisoning can cause diarrhea, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, etc.). This plant poses a particular danger to children, who can taste the beautiful flowers. When pruning the plant, you should wear gloves so that the juice does not get on the skin of your hands.

    Propagation by cuttings

    Taking into account the disadvantages of seed propagation, many gardeners are interested in the question of how to propagate Brugmansia from cuttings. Cuttings are the most popular method of propagating this plant, as it guarantees quick and successful results. Cuttings can be practiced year-round, but most favorable conditions for this purpose in the spring (when sap flow begins) and in the fall (before the onset of frost).

    Did you know? Brugmansia and Datura have common ancestors and belong to the same family. Carl Linnaeus united them into one group in 1753. In 1973, T. Lockwood formulated the distinctive features. In the 1980s The Association of American Breeders has united Brugmansia and Datura again. Among distinctive features: Datura - annual, herbaceous plant(up to 1.5 m in height), flowers look upward, the seed pod is covered with spines, like a chestnut, the growth phase is short (flower buds appear at 3-4 leaves).Brugmansia is a perennial, shrubby plant, woody branches, flowers pointing down, seed pods oblong, pod-shaped, longer growth phase.

    Before growing Brugmansia from cuttings, you need to select and prepare the material. Lignified annual apical shoots with a bud (15-25 cm) are best suited. Lateral buds can also be used, but the young plant will flower a year and a half later. After cutting the cuttings, you need to free them from the leaves. After this, the cuttings are placed in a container with soft warm water(activated carbon is often added). For better germination, it is better to keep the container in a warm place. After the callus (white dots on the stem) appears, you can transplant it into containers with soil and keep it in a warm and bright place.

    Growing Brugmansia by air layering

    Brugmansia allows propagation not only by cuttings and seeds, but also by air layering. To do this, a lignified annual shoot is cut transversely (by about ¼). The cut is treated with a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, etc.), wrapped in sphagnum, moistened and wrapped in film. Sphagnum moss needs to be watered periodically. After 6-8 weeks, check for the presence of aerial roots. After they appear, the shoot can be cut off, the leaves removed and rooted in a container with light, fertile soil.

    How to grow Brugmansia correctly: secrets of care

    In order for Brugmansia to bloom constantly and profusely, the vine needs not only correct landing, but also in proper care. To do this, you need to know and apply several rules - how to water, feed, prune.

    Did you know? When Brugmansia blooms, a strong aroma (especially at night) can affect a person in different ways (cause headaches, hallucinations, erotic dreams, etc.). Each type of Brugmansia has a special smell (inconspicuous in Sanguinea, the strongest in Suaveolens). The aroma is something between the smells of lily, jasmine, musk, mint, lemon and hyacinth. It is not recommended to place Brugmansia in bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms.

    Brugmansia: watering

    Brugmansia is not particularly picky when it comes to watering, but it should be taken into account that:

    • In hot summers, you need to water abundantly (the signal for watering is the dry surface of the soil). In the evening, an adult plant can be sprayed (when Brugmansia blooms, you need to make sure that water does not get into the flowers). Young plants need regular spraying;
    • In winter, you need to water depending on the wintering conditions. Can be stored in a warm and bright room summer mode watering, spray those plants that are located near the radiator or heating device. In a cool room - minimal watering (so that the soil does not dry out, but also so that the leaves do not lose their elasticity).

    Did you know? The Chibcha-Muisca Indians in the Andes, after the death of the Katsik leader, drank the wives and slaves of the deceased with Brugmansia juice and buried them alive with the body of the leader. Warriors of the Jivaro tribe, before military clashes, gave themselves enemas from a decoction of this plant in order to gain strength and courage. In Colombia, criminals secretly add grated dry leaves to tourists’ drinks to commit crimes (robberies, rapes).

    Feeding Brugmansia

    Brugmansia is different good appetite. It is necessary to feed it regularly complex fertilizers. Brugmansia also does not refuse organic matter - mullein solution (the ratio to water is one to ten). The first feeding of Brugmansia is carried out in the spring. In summer, Brugmansias are fed once every 7-10 days with complex organo-mineral fertilizers. With the beginning of flowering, greater emphasis is placed on phosphorus and potassium-containing fertilizers. When kept warm in winter, fertilizing is reduced to once a month. In cool conditions, feeding is stopped.

    Important! When yellow stripes, streaks, dashes or spots appear on Brugmansia leaves different shades You should urgently fertilize the plant with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. You also need to feed once a month during active growth magnesium sulfate (1 tablespoon per liter of water).

    How to prune Brugmansia

    Brugmansia does not require special pruning, but plant care and propagation by cuttings requires periodic surgical interventions. In addition, pruning promotes better further flowering of Brugmansia. Best time to remove damaged and dead stems - from February to mid-March. The main stem cannot be pruned, only the side ones. Next rule– do not cut off Y-shaped shoots, and also keep small horizontal side branches in the upper part of the crown (you can cut off their tips by 1/3), flowers will form on them.

    Features of caring for Brugmansia in winter

    In mid-latitudes, Brugmansia will not be able to winter in open ground. When the temperature drops to 5-7 °C in autumn, this is a signal to move to a “winter apartment”. There are several ways to preserve Brugmansia in winter. The choice depends on whether you want to give the plant rest or want to extend the flowering period until January and beyond:

    • To prolong flowering, you need to place Brugmansia in a warm, bright room, maintaining the summer care regimen. Additional lighting with a phytolamp is necessary (daylight hours are short in winter);
    • for a period of semi-rest - find a cooler room, add water about once a month, water less often and provide additional lighting;
    • for rest - place in a dry, dark room (with a temperature of 5 to 8 degrees Celsius). Brugmansia will shed its leaves; at the end of winter (before the time comes to plant it in open ground), you need to move it to a bright or brighter area. warm room, as new buds begin to wake up.