Well      06/12/2019

How to store garlic - the best ways to preserve at home. Reviews: "It lies like new until spring!". Garlic Storage Secrets

Although it is not an essential vegetable, nevertheless, garlic is extremely popular in our “homestead farms”. Everyone grows these sharp and fragrant cloves. But growing is half the battle. I would also like to keep the harvest, at least until spring, and even better until summer, and do it in an apartment, saving space in the cellar for other vegetables.

How to store garlic so that it does not dry out, does not germinate, does not become moldy?

First of all, the heads must be removed from the garden in time, dried well and, if possible, prepared for storage.

Winter garlic (the one planted in autumn) ripens in late July - early August, and spring garlic (planted in spring) - towards the end of August.

Digging garlic is best with a pitchfork on a dry and sunny day. The heads, cleared from the ground, along with the stems, are laid out in the garden to dry. It takes five days to dry the garlic. If five dry and sunny days in a row is not about your local weather, then you can dry garlic under a canopy, in a gazebo, on a terrace, even in a greenhouse. The main thing is not to forget to ventilate the room well.

After drying the garlic with scissors or secateurs, cut the roots so that about 3 millimeters remain, then cut off the stem, leaving up to 10 centimeters.

Preparation of garlic for long-term storage

If garlic is properly prepared for storage, you can practically not worry about its future fate. Whatever storage method you choose, processed garlic will last much longer without loss than unprocessed.

First of all, the roots of each head are singeed on a stove or on a fire to prevent the bulbs from sprouting. In order to prevent mold and other diseases, garlic can be processed as follows: heat half a liter of vegetable oil on the stove for two hours, add 10 drops of iodine. Then dip the garlic in oil and dry it in the sun.

These preparatory procedures are desirable, but still not required. Let's say if you're not sure if the garlic is dried enough. Or it happened that you dug it in wet weather. Or overexposed in the garden. In these cases, additional protection for the bulbs will not hurt. But when you have done everything “according to the textbook” - harvested it on time and dried it well - you can immediately proceed to choosing a place and method of storage.

How to store garlic: proven methods

Spring garlic is best stored in a warm place (+16-+20°C), and winter garlic in a cool room (+1-+3°C). But in practice, how and where to store garlic, gardeners choose based on the volume of the harvest.

Garlic is still not the main product, but a seasoning - you don’t need a lot of it. Usually, the garlic crop of an average summer resident is such that it can be safely stored in an apartment without embarrassing the owners. If you are a garlic fan and collect more than one box, you will have to connect a cellar or an insulated balcony.

So, for those who grow a lot of garlic and collect decent yields, it is recommended to store it in wicker baskets, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes in a cool room at a temperature of + 3 ° C to -5 ° C and a humidity of 50-80%.

It’s a completely different matter if you don’t have enough garlic to take it to the cellar. For such a case, experienced gardeners several options for storing garlic directly in the apartment were invented.

Storage of garlic in pigtails, bunches

Most ancient way storage of garlic involves weaving braids from dried heads together with the stem and hanging them in a dark, dry and cool place (for example, in a vestibule, pantry or closet). It requires certain skills, time and labor, but it saves space in home storage, because garlic scythes are hung from the ceiling.

Another way that does not require a lot of space. Nets are filled with heads of garlic, which are then again hung higher. For this case, nets in which pomelo is sold are perfect.

It is worth noting that both in the net and in braids, garlic should be inspected and discarded from time to time: spoiled garlic does not save from drying and germination.

But garlic stored in salt is quite capable of surviving the winter without loss. Someone puts the garlic in a wooden box with holes, sprinkling each layer with dry table salt. Someone stuffs sterilized jars with garlic, filling voids with salt. The main thing is that both the bottom and the top of the container have an impressive layer of salt (about 2-3 centimeters high).

Many store garlic in plain white flour. The fact is that flour absorbs excess moisture very well. A layer of flour is poured onto the bottom of a pot, jar or any other dish with a lid. Then the garlic heads are rolled in flour, tightly placed in a container, sprinkled with flour again on top and close the lid. Garlic retains its freshness until summer.

Happy owners country bath can use ashes to store garlic. In an ordinary cardboard box, it is necessary to pour the ash with a layer of 2 centimeters and lay the heads of garlic tightly on top. The next layer will again be ash, then garlic, and so on. Most upper layer must be from the ashes. A box completed in this way can be safely stored right in the kitchen.

Storing garlic in onion skins

If you have huge crops of onions and have a lot of onion skins left over, why not use it to store garlic? Onion peel can be sprinkled with garlic in a bag, basket or box and removed somewhere higher, on the mezzanine.

Storing garlic in cling film

Cling film tightly wrap each head of garlic in two layers. The film protects the bulbs well from drying out.

Paraffin candles must be melted in a water bath, alternately dipped in melted paraffin heads of garlic and allowed to drain. Paraffin forms on the surface protective film. It will prevent the evaporation of moisture and will not allow pathogens to reach the garlic.

Storing garlic in sterile jars

You can put the garlic heads in ordinary glass jars without falling asleep. They say that even without all sorts of “fillers”, garlic in a jar winters perfectly, does not dry out and does not germinate. But to be safe, the jars should be sterilized and dried.

Storing garlic in a cloth bag

Garlic is well stored in an ordinary linen bag made of natural material, especially if you pre-hold the heads for a minute in a very concentrated saline solution, and then dry them. This treatment minimizes the risk of mold and other diseases.

Garlic is a versatile product that is used in almost every home. It is included in the recipe. various dishes, and is also used as a home remedy, helping to strengthen the immune system and overcome viral infections. Therefore, many housewives are interested in how to store garlic at home. So that he does not lose his useful qualities. To do this, you need to follow certain rules.

  • spring (planted in spring);
  • winter (planted before winter).

Few people know that storage of winter and spring garlic requires different conditions. Therefore, first of all, determine the belonging of your crop.

Winter varieties have a relatively low keeping quality. Such garlic quickly loses moisture and dries out, it is also less resistant to various diseases. It is stored at a temperature of +2 °C to +4 °C and a humidity of 70–80%. This method is called cold. Bulbs are stored for 3-4 months.

In turn, winter garlic is divided into two types:

  • shooter;
  • non-shooting.

The arrow view is different high yield, large size of teeth and high marketability. But for long-term storage still, you should choose non-shooting garlic. It does not have a good presentation, since its bulbs have small size And irregular shape. But at the same time, the keeping quality of such garlic is much higher than that of the shooter.

Suitable for spring varieties cold way, and warm, which involves storage at temperatures from +16 ° C to +20 ° C and humidity 50–70% for 5–6 months.

Photo gallery: differences between types of garlic

Winter garlic has large cloves and a powerful central stem.

Spring garlic does not have a central stem, it consists of a large number comparatively small pieces

Non-shooting winter garlic is stored longer than shooting

Shooting winter garlic, unfortunately, is stored less than other species, but its green arrows can also be eaten.

Temperature, light and humidity

Garlic, which is located in a room with an inappropriate temperature and humidity level, quickly becomes unsuitable for eating. If the rules for its storage are not followed, several difficulties may arise:

1. High temperature and humidity levels lead to the formation of bulbs on the bulbs black rot or green mold. This fungal diseases, which predominantly affect garlic that is damaged.

Such problems can also arise when storing frozen heads of garlic.

2. Due to the impact of direct sun rays heads begin to sprout.

Compliance with the conditions will allow you to enjoy spicy garlic all winter

Important! At elevated temperatures and dry air, garlic gradually loses moisture and dries out.

Why garlic dries and what to do so that it does not dry out

Drying heads during storage indicates a violation of the required conditions. To prevent or stop this process, it is necessary to use methods that reduce the penetration of air to the bulbs. This is the use of paraffin, oil, salt and flour. You should also move the garlic to a room with more high level humidity and low temperatures.

Important! Store in room conditions drying garlic should not be.


Today, there are many methods to save appearance and taste properties of garlic for several months. But before that, the bulbs must undergo some preparation.

First, the garlic must be dried for 3-5 days, spreading them out on boards, paper or cardboard. Putting garlic on oilcloth is undesirable, as it can deteriorate. In dry weather, it is placed on the street, and if it rains, the bulbs are transferred to a well-ventilated area. If you are going to weave wreaths or pigtails from garlic, then you do not need to remove the leaves.

The heads through the leaves receive nutrients that come from the process of photosynthesis, this helps to improve the quality of the garlic.

Secondly, after the drying stage, the roots are removed from the bulbs with a knife. In this case, pruning should be carried out, retreating 2-3 mm from the base. The stem is also shortened, leaving about 10 cm in length.

Important! Garlic must be protected from light during storage, otherwise it will begin to sprout.

Now garlic can be stored in a dark place. To do this, the housewives have been using various methods for many years.

open storage

Wreaths and braids

Braiding garlic into braids or wreaths is a traditional storage method that has been tested for centuries. For strength, you can weave twine into such a wreath. At the end, make a loop for which it will be convenient to hang the garlic after finishing work. To form one pigtail, 15–20 heads are used. Garlic is stored in this form in cool or cold conditions, hanging braids in an unheated room or on a glazed balcony.

To keep out the light, cover the bundles with cotton rags.

In a bag, plastic container or glass jar without a lid

Place garlic in a cloth bag, tie off and place in plastic bag, which must be left open. An ordinary glass jar or plastic container will do. However, they do not need to be tightly closed with a lid after being placed inside the bag of garlic. This method allows you to maintain the required level of humidity, but on condition that the temperature in the room does not exceed +20 °C. Otherwise, mold may appear on the heads.

In salt or flour

Prepare jars or plastic containers and pour a layer of salt 1 cm thick on the bottom. Place unpeeled heads of garlic on top, keeping a small distance between them of 2–3 mm. Then cover again with a layer of salt. Thus, fill the entire container, cover with a lid and place in a dark place. This method allows you to store the bulbs even at room conditions at temperatures from +16 ° C to +18 ° C, since the salt will absorb excess moisture.

You can pour garlic in a ceramic pot or glass container not with salt, but with flour, a layer of 1-2 cm. It does not need to be tamped, make the layer as thin as possible. In this case, there is no need to additionally cover the container with a lid.

You can also lay layers of garlic in a jar or pot with wads of dry paper.


Melt in a water bath paraffin candles. Next, dip the heads in the resulting mass and lay them out on a damp cloth or glass surface. When the paraffin shell has hardened, transfer the garlic to boxes or crates. In this form, the heads will be well preserved when room temperature within 2–3 months.


Dried garlic in powdered form is stored for up to 1 year. Peel the slices from the husk and cut into thin plates. Place them in the oven and dry at minimum temperature(approximately +60 °С). Then grind the slices in a blender to a powder state. Harvested garlic can be stored at room temperature from +18 °C to +22 °C.

This method allows you to save space and time when cooking. But it also has a disadvantage. Garlic loses some of its nutrients.

In the refrigerator or cellar

Garlic can also be placed in the refrigerator or cellar, but since it is not resistant to decay, the bulbs should be placed separately from other vegetables. In the refrigerator, the shelf life of garlic is an average of 2 months, after which it will gradually begin to dry out. Storage methods:

1. The heads can be placed in a paper bag or cloth bag, previously soaked in saline and dried. Store in the vegetable compartment.
2. Cut off the roots and hold the garlic for 3-5 seconds over an open fire to char it. This will help prevent germination.

If this germination process has already begun, it can be slowed down, but it cannot be completely stopped. Cut off the green sprouts and put the garlic back. In this form, it will remain for another 1-2 months.

3. Fill cloth bags with onion skins, then place garlic cloves in them. Store as such in the basement, pantry, or bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
4. Pour vegetable oil into a container, put on fire and boil it. Add iodine at the rate of 5 drops per 250 ml of oil. This composition must be applied to the heads. Bulbs can be dipped in oil or smeared with a brush. Dry the processed garlic in the sun. Then transfer it to any container: jars, boxes, boxes, baskets.

This is a laborious method, but at the same time quite effective. Garlic harvested in this way can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 ° C to +4 ° C throughout the winter.

5. Garlic can be placed in a basket, wooden box or cardboard box with pre-punched holes for air circulation. Place the container in a room with a temperature regime of +2 ° С to +4 ° С.

During storage, periodically sort out and inspect the heads. If spoiled bulbs are found in the box, they should be removed.

Two in one: keep peeled garlic and cook garlic oil

With the help of vegetable oil, garlic can be perfectly stored in a purified state. Prepare a glass jar. Place tightly peeled slices in it and fill them with vegetable oil. Any that is available will do, but olive oil will be the most useful for a salad. This storage option is also convenient because it saves you from having to peel the garlic when cooking. And the oil, impregnated with a characteristic aroma, will be an exquisite addition to salads and sauces.

Garlic prepared in oil can also be stored at temperatures from +18 ° С to +22 ° С, but the shelf life will be shorter, moreover, such a jar should not be left in the light.

Video: garlic cloves in oil

vacuum method

Prepare glass jars, boil them, then dry well. Put the heads of garlic in them. Close tightly with vacuum lids, removing special device(pump) from cans of air. Store in refrigerator.

The disadvantage of this method is that it will not work to remove one head from the container, or you will have to repeat the manipulations to remove air again.

good old retro

Place the unpeeled heads of garlic in nylon pantyhose or nets so that they are loose, and hang them in a cool place. For example, in a cellar or basement, where the temperature does not exceed +4 °C. If the balcony in the apartment is glazed, you can hang garlic there, covering it with a cotton cloth.

in the freezer

Not all housewives advise freezing garlic. Try to do this and, after evaluating the result, decide for yourself how convenient this method of storage is for you. Its advantage is that there is practically no need to spend time processing garlic during cooking, you will immediately add it to the dish.

Video: how to freeze garlic for the winter

Important! If you use freezing as a storage method, be aware that the taste and texture of the garlic may change.

Photo gallery: ways to store garlic in winter in jars and other containers, as well as without them

When storing in the refrigerator for garlic, it is better to use a separate tray.

Pigtails with garlic are hung on a glazed balcony, in a cellar or in an unheated room.

Vegetable oil perfectly preserves the freshness and spice of garlic

The paper in the jar absorbs moisture.

We all know what garlic is. Everyone knows about its beneficial properties and how it transforms the taste characteristics of almost any dish.

But not everyone knows how to properly store garlic so as not to lose their harvest and money spent. Under all conditions, this vegetable can keep for a long time. good view and not spoil.

To be long, you need to properly prepare it. This process begins with the harvest. Garlic is spring and winter. The terms and features of the collection depend on its type.

Spring garlic is harvested at the end of August. To understand when a plant should be harvested, you need to look at the leaves. If she fell and turned yellow, then it's time to remove the garlic. Spring garlic is picky and can be stored until the next harvest.

Winter or winter garlic going in July. It is quite capricious and can lie only until winter (very rarely until spring). If assembled big harvest of this species, it is better to grind the garlic for spices or make a paste from it. You can understand that winter garlic is ripe by its dry and yellow tops, thin scales and cracks on the skin of inflorescences.

Dig up garlic carefully so as not to damage the heads, since cut plants cannot be stored for a long time. After extraction, it is necessary to dry the garlic under a canopy or under the sun (if it is outside good weather) within a few days.

After drying, dry stems need to be cut (unless you are going to store garlic in braids) and the heads sorted.

Empty, scratched, damaged or rotten heads should never be left. They won't keep for a long time. Moreover, they can infect other garlic with rot or disease.

After preparatory work you can start choosing a storage method. The garlic, which for one reason or another has been sorted, can be ground for seasoning or frozen in the freezer.

According to its characteristics, garlic is the champion in terms of shelf life. It is stored both in heat and in cold, while the terms do not change much.

To understand how to store garlic in a city apartment, you need to understand the storage location and packaging (container).

What is the best container to store garlic in?

  1. Box. In the box, garlic does not need to be peeled, whole heads should be placed in boxes and sprinkled with salt or flour if desired. Best to use wooden boxes, and they should have gaps for the passage of air for garlic.
  2. Storage in baskets. This is the simplest container and one of the most simple ways how to store garlic. Due to the weaving in the basket, air constantly circulates. This favorably affects the storage of vegetables.
  3. Stockings or pantyhose. This method was used by our grandmothers. But it still remains popular for storing garlic in homes. Due to small gaps, air enters the pantyhose, and garlic can overwinter remarkably. Tied tights are hung on nails, thereby saving space in the apartment.
  4. Banks. In such a container, you can store both peeled and unpeeled garlic. It can be placed in a jar in its pure form, with salt or oil, and, depending on the contents, closed with a plastic lid or left open. Garlic in a jar can be put in the refrigerator or on the balcony.
  5. Without container. If you do not want to store garlic in boxes, jars, baskets or other containers, a good option- braids. With this method, the garlic should be well dried and constantly kept in a dry place. Heads are intertwined with feathers with twine or rope. This option will allow not only to store garlic for a long time, but will also be a wonderful element of the decor of your apartment.

If you still do not know or have not decided where to store garlic in the apartment, here some of the best options:

  • loggia or balcony. Suitable for storing garlic in jars or boxes if the rooms are insulated;
  • cellar or cellar. Do not know how to store garlic in the winter in the apartment? The underground will become ideal option. There is moderate humidity, good breathability, and garlic in the spring will not lose its properties;
  • any dry place. Garlic will be perfectly preserved in braids, boxes or tights;
  • fridge. Many people ask, is it possible to store garlic in the refrigerator? In principle, as an option, this device is considered. Garlic keeps well in the cold. If it does not interfere with you in the refrigerator and does not take up much space, then you can store it there.

So that you can finally decide how to store garlic at home, we bring to your attention several ways.

Let's consider them.

  1. In salt. To do this, sort the garlic and dry the selected heads. Put salt on the bottom of the plywood box. Place a layer of garlic on this salt, then sprinkle with salt again. There can be several of these layers, at your discretion. It is important that the garlic cloves do not touch each other, and that the salt covers the layers well.
  2. In a refrigerator. This method is the most common, since storing garlic in the refrigerator is simple and practical. It is important that there is a place in it. For safety, you need to dry the garlic well and place it in paper bags. If desired, you can sprinkle with salt. It is necessary to store garlic separately from all vegetables, then it will be stored until the very spring and even summer.
  3. In banks. This is one of the favorite storage methods for housewives. If you have already peeled the garlic or the husk has fallen off by itself, then the jar option will be the best, since you can store the peeled garlic in it without losing the properties of the plant. To do this, we sort out the garlic, if necessary, clean it, dry it for several days and put it in jars. The lid may not be closed. The main thing is to put it in a dry place.
  4. In hammered form. If the garlic managed to spoil, then its processing will be an indispensable option. To do this, choose good, unspoiled cloves, clean them and grind them in a meat grinder. Then they are salted and put into jars, which are covered with lids and put in the refrigerator. This is one way to store garlic for a short time, but you will always have garlic dressing on hand.
  5. In oil. We clean the garlic, pour it into a jar and pour it with oil (olive or vegetable). Then you need to close the lid. Where to store garlic preserved using this method? You can just keep it in the fridge.
  6. In sawdust. Also, instead of salt or flour, garlic can be sprinkled with sawdust (it is better if they are coniferous trees). Garlic should be stored in boxes made of wood or plywood in a dry and cool place.

Shelf life of garlic

Approximate times are:

  • ground garlic - stored for no more than two months;
  • flour, salt, sawdust - about five months;
  • in oil - no more than three months;
  • in the refrigerator, as in paper, - also about three months;
  • in the bank for three months.

A piquant spice and a cure for 1000 diseases is, of course, garlic. In its antimicrobial activity, it is comparable to an antibiotic. Therefore, the desire of housewives to stock up on this miracle product for the winter is quite natural. But by the onset of cold weather, it can deteriorate. It's all about improper storage. How to store garlic in winter at home?

The shelf life of garlic largely depends on the variety. Spring is harvested in the summer (at the end of August). Garlic varieties "Gulliver", "Sochi 56" and "Elenovsky" are stored for a long time. IN favorable conditions they do not lose their useful properties for more than a year. At winter term shelf life no more than three or four months. Judging by the reviews, Nazus, Sofievsky and Alkor are best stored.

Quality preparation: 3 rules

Quality preparation is half the success in product storage. There are three essentials.

  1. Do not water. Stop watering the garlic a couple of weeks before harvest. During this time, it will dry well and the fruits can be easily harvested by simply pulling on the tops.
  2. Sort. You will have to throw away the fruits on which there are spots, dents or voids are felt. Otherwise, all supplies will be spoiled.
  3. Dry. The fruits need to be dried for four to five days outdoors. To speed up the process, place them in a well-heated oven and dry with the door open for two hours.

An ideal option where it is better to store garlic in the house is the cellar. In a city apartment, this can be a glazed loggia or pantry.

How to store garlic in winter: 7 ways

To delight your family with fragrant dishes all winter long and save yourself from a cold, you need to choose one of seven ways to store garlic.


Peculiarities. Braiding is the oldest way to store garlic and onions. In addition, this design looks so pretty that it can be a great decoration for the kitchen interior.

How to do

  1. Take the plant with the longest stem and tie a tight long rope or twine to it at the base of the head.
  2. Choose two more plants with the same size head and long stems. Attach them with the same rope to the first stem.
  3. Start braiding the stems like you would with hair. Do not forget that the thread must also be woven. It holds the structure together.
  4. At regular intervals, add all the new heads, the stems of which will become part of the braid.
  5. When there are 15-20 heads in a bunch, stop adding new ones. Braid the stems to the end.
  6. Fix the bundle with a thread and hang the product for it.

If you are not going to decorate the kitchen with decorative bunches, it is enough just to collect the plant in bunches. Collect "bouquets" of ten pieces, tie with a thread closer to the heads and hang.

in banks

Peculiarities . In a city apartment, it is convenient to store supplies in glass jar. The container takes up very little space in a pantry or closet.

How to do

  1. Separate the garlic into cloves.
  2. Wash the container with soda, sterilize and dry.
  3. Lay a layer of teeth on the bottom of the jar and sprinkle them with flour.
  4. In the same way, fill the container to the top and tightly close the nylon lid.

In a cloth bag or mesh

How to do

  1. Soak each head in the salt solution.
  2. Dry the fruit.
  3. Place in a bag until it is about a third full.
  4. Tie the fabric in a knot and hang up.

As additional protection onion peel protrudes from moisture. Just pour it into a bag mixed with garlic.

In the box

Peculiarities. If there is a lot of garlic, and you expect to keep it fresh until spring, it will come in handy wooden boxes. The method is ideal for storing the product in the cellar.

How to do

  1. Wipe well and dry the drawer.
  2. To ensure air circulation, drill small holes in the walls.
  3. Put a thin layer of ash or sawdust on the bottom of the box.
  4. Lay the heads and sprinkle them with ashes again.
  5. Repeat the procedure until you fill the box to the top.

Humidity in the room where garlic is stored should be in the range of 50-80%. If you go beyond the lower limit, it will simply dry out. Too much moisture in the air can lead to rot.

In food film

Peculiarities. IN winter time when the air in the apartment is overheated by heaters, it is important to find a solution on how to store garlic so that it does not dry out. The cling film will help with this.

How to do

  1. Shorten the stems, leaving about 5 cm.
  2. Wrap the heads tightly with cling film. The stems do not need to be wrapped.
  3. Transfer the product to clean glass jars. Do not cover with lids.

in paraffin

How to do

  1. Melt the paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Holding the stem, dip the head in the resulting liquid.
  3. Keep the product suspended until the paraffin drains and sets.
  4. Line the bottom of the box with paper and spread the heads over it in a single layer.

At what temperature should garlic be stored? Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, there are some limitations. As a rule, it is 15-20 °C. When cold stored, the temperature should be in the range of 2-4°C.

In oil

Peculiarities. It is best to store peeled garlic in vegetable oil. It will protect the product from decay, help preserve its taste and beneficial features. And the oil will acquire a spicy aroma that will add new flavors to your favorite dishes.

How to do

  1. Peel the garlic and divide it into cloves.
  2. Wash a small glass jar, sterilize and dry.
  3. Put the teeth on the bottom of the container. The bank should be filled with it by a third.
  4. Fill the remaining space of the jar with vegetable oil.
  5. Close the container tightly with a lid and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Can garlic be stored in the refrigerator? Yes. This is a real salvation if there is no pantry or you can’t find it in the apartment. suitable place. In order for the product to retain its aroma and beneficial properties, before being sent to the freezer, it must be cleaned, sprinkled with salt and decomposed into vacuum containers or paper bags.

The ancient Egyptians considered garlic sacred plant. A couple of cloves were included in the diet of slaves daily, which made them more resilient and active. IN Ancient Greece this fruit was the main component of an anesthetic that helped even in the most severe cases. And 300 years ago, it was garlic that saved many Europeans from the plague. A modern person should regularly eat garlic to protect himself from viruses, fungi and heavy metals. Proper storage garlic in an apartment or private house will help maintain family health all year round.

Reviews: “It lies like new until spring!”

My mother, when harvesting garlic, does not cut the stems to the very root, leaves about 20-30 cm, ties them into bunches and stores them in a suspended state on a glazed balcony. Always keeps well until spring!

Chanica, http://forum.say7.info/topic12519.html

It is very good for me to store garlic in a cardboard shoe box. In the fall, we take it out, dry it, remove the earth, put it in a box, and put the box on a closet in the living room. It is dry and warm there, until spring it lies like new and does not grow and does not dry out. Last year lay for a whole year and remained quite edible. Certainly the keeping quality depends on the variety and on when to collect it. It is important to catch the moment when the foliage has already withered, but the heads in the ground have not yet begun to separate into slices ...

Tomatologist, http://www.tomat-pomidor.com/forum/cooking/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%85%D1%80%D0% B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA/

How else can you:
1 kg of garlic, 250-300 g of salt.
For long-term storage, it is necessary to select spring garlic; winter garlic is much more productive than spring garlic, but it has a short physiological dormant period, and it lasts only until the beginning of winter. Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the jars, then lay the heads of garlic unpeeled, making sure that they do not touch, and pour salt in such a way that the garlic “drowns” in it. After filling the jars to the top, pour another layer of salt on top, close with plastic lids and put in a dark, cool place. Garlic harvested in this way retains freshness for 7-8 months. I haven’t tried it myself, sorry for the salt ...

Buttercup, http://dacha.wcb.ru/index.php?showtopic=9254


In the article we talk about how to store garlic in an apartment. We determine the time when it is best to collect garlic. You will learn how to best store garlic and extend its beneficial properties until spring.

In order for garlic to be stored for a long time and not deteriorate, you need to know the time to harvest. It should be remembered that there are two types of garlic. It depends on the time of its collection and features temperature regime storage. Garlic planted in spring is called spring garlic. Garlic planted in autumn is winter.

There are several ways to store garlic in an apartment.

When is the best time to collect? Let's take a look at maturity traits, storage conditions, and harvest time for each of these species.

In Russia, several climatic zones. Therefore, to find out best time for harvesting garlic, look for signs of maturity rather than specific dates.

Winter garlic is ripe if:

  • lower leaves turned yellow;
  • the skin of the inflorescences on the arrows is cracked;
  • the scales of the bulbs became thinner and became dry.

The best time to harvest winter garlic is in middle lane Russia - the end of July.

Spring garlic is best harvested in late August - early September. He is mature if:

  • the lower leaves turned yellow, and in the center remained green;
  • the color of the head of garlic has changed;
  • the top plate is easily removed.

So that you have no doubt about the maturity of the garlic, dig a couple of heads. If the head of garlic is dense, covered with 2-3 layers of scales, the cloves are easily separated from each other, then the garlic is ripe.

You need to collect garlic in a short time, the whole process should take no more than a week. Dry and sunny weather is best for harvesting garlic. Dig up the garlic with a shovel or fork, carefully remove the earth from the heads and put it on the bed to dry. You do not need to immediately cut the tops, because the nutrients from the stem will pass into the head, and the garlic will keep better.

If weather permits, leave the garlic to dry in the sun for a few days. If the harvest of garlic takes place in rainy weather, remove the entire crop in a warm, well-ventilated area for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary to trim the roots of the heads so that they dry better. Remove the tops only when they are completely dry. If you plan to store garlic in an apartment in the form of pigtails, then you do not need to remove the tops.

We examined the timing and time of harvesting garlic, and also learned the signs of its ripening. Let's figure out how to store garlic for the winter at home in an apartment.

How to properly store garlic

Garlic is a spice that we use almost every day. It does not take up much space, so it is often stored in an apartment. You need to know that winter garlic is poorly stored at room temperature, often dries out or rots. Spring garlic will be perfectly preserved and will not lose its qualities at room temperature.

To do this, you must fulfill some conditions and choose The right way storage. Below we will give recommendations on how to store garlic in a city apartment.

Storing garlic at room temperature

A popular way to store garlic is to braid it.

One of the most convenient and compact ways to store garlic in an apartment is braiding. This method is suitable if you did not cut the tops when harvesting garlic. The optimal number of heads in a braid is 13-15 pieces.

Weaving braids from garlic:

  1. Take three stalks of garlic.
  2. Weave a braid from below, gradually add new stems. For strength, you can add twine or nylon thread to the braid.
  3. Make a hanging loop.

Garlic can also be stored in a container. Garlic storage containers should be well ventilated. Perfect for this carton boxes, wooden slatted boxes, linen bags, nylon stockings. Transfer the well-dried heads of garlic to a container and put in a dark, cool place. Remember that garlic should be sorted out at least once a month. It is necessary to remove dry, rotten and diseased heads.

Storing garlic in a jar

Above, we gave examples of where and how to store garlic in an apartment in boxes and bags. Another good way- This is the storage of garlic in a jar.

To do this, do the following:

  1. dry the heads well;
  2. wash and pasteurize the jar;
  3. fill the jar with heads of garlic;
  4. close the lid.

For better preservation of garlic, flour can be added to the jar. To do this, spread the garlic in layers and sprinkle each layer with flour. To prevent air from entering the jar, the top layer of flour should be at least 2 cm.

Storing garlic in the refrigerator

Garlic can also be stored in the refrigerator. To keep garlic for a long time:

  1. dry the vegetable well;
  2. transfer the heads to a paper or linen bag;
  3. for better preservation, add salt or husk to the bag.

Do not freeze the garlic as it will lose taste qualities will become soft.

How else can garlic be stored?

Storing garlic with salt

For better preservation of garlic, salt is added to it.

Salt absorbs excess moisture, has an antiseptic effect, and prevents rot from developing. Therefore, the shelf life of garlic in salt is longer. If you doubt whether the garlic was dried well enough, then we recommend this method.

How to store garlic in salt:

  1. take a suitable container;
  2. put salt on the bottom;
  3. lay out a row of garlic;
  4. sprinkle with salt;
  5. repeat the procedure until the container is full.

Storage of garlic with iodine

Garlic storage solution with iodine:

  1. boil 0.5 liters. vegetable oil;
  2. add 10 drops of iodine to the oil;
  3. rub the heads of garlic with the solution;
  4. dry the garlic and put it in a dark place.

How to dry garlic

Dried garlic can also be stored. Dried garlic is convenient to use as a seasoning for dishes. It doesn't require a lot of storage space. Before drying, you need to clean the cloves from the husk. Wash the garlic is not worth it, because it will significantly increase the time of its drying. Wear rubber gloves when cutting garlic for drying. Its juice is very aggressive for the skin. There are two ways to dry garlic:

  • on air;
  • in an oven or electric dryer.

How to air dry garlic:

  1. peel the heads of garlic from the husk;
  2. cut lengthwise into 2 parts;
  3. spread on a baking sheet with the core up;
  4. dry in the sun for 5-7 days.

To dry garlic in the oven, do the following:

  1. peel and cut the garlic into petals;
  2. line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the garlic in a single layer;
  3. preheat the oven to 60 degrees;
  4. dry the garlic with the door slightly open for 30-45 minutes;
  5. cool at room temperature.

Dried garlic is fully cooked if it crumbles and crunches. When drying garlic in an electric dryer, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

For more information on how to dry garlic, see the video:

Storing dried garlic

To preserve dried garlic, you need to protect it from moisture and loss of flavor. Therefore, store it in a glass jar with a lid or an airtight plastic container. You can grind already dried garlic in a blender to make it easier to use.

What to remember

  1. To know if the garlic is ready to harvest, look for signs of garlic maturity.
  2. To keep the garlic for a long time, dry the heads well.
  3. Store garlic in a ventilated container.
  4. For better preservation, add salt or treat with a solution of iodine.
  5. Store dried garlic in containers with a tight lid.