Well      03/08/2020

How to treat lining in the washing department of a bathhouse. What kind of impregnation can be used for baths and saunas: choosing the ideal protection for wood. Impregnation: the difference between a bathhouse and a sauna

When starting to build a bathhouse, many beginners believe that the entire complex of work will be completed after the interior decoration of the steam room, but this is not entirely true, because the steam room must be treated with special compounds that protect the wood from heat and moisture. In this article we will tell you about the best way to treat the inside of a bathhouse.

Do I need to treat wooden surfaces in a steam room?

If you built a bathhouse following the right technologies, then they probably insulated the steam room from external cold, as well as moisture. After taking care of the wood from the outside, do not forget to treat the internal components of the steam room, because this will increase the strength and durability of any structure in the bathhouse.

The center of the steam room is the shelf on which visitors spend most time, so it must be durable and safe. Despite the fact that wood is a material that is not resistant to moisture, it is usually used to build a shelf, which, if done incorrectly, will last no more than a year.

To achieve strength and long term regiment service, it is necessary to choose the right wood, as well as process ready product suitable impregnation, which can be made from natural or artificial ingredients.

First we should talk about the choice of wood. The following types of wood are excellent for structures inside the steam room:

  • Alder– an ideal material for a steam room, but it is difficult to find on the market;
  • Linden– inexpensive but high-quality material with a soft texture, great for steam rooms;
  • Aspen– it is also an excellent wood for a bathhouse with high moisture resistance;
  • Oak, ash, abash sedela, ofram and miranti– expensive types of wood, rarely used for finishing baths.

There are cheaper alternatives, such as pine or spruce, but they have a number of disadvantages and the savings are small, so it is recommended to use the above wood, which has good moisture resistance and is easy to process.

Next, it’s worth talking about treating the shelf with special compounds. Before treating the shelves in the bathhouse and sauna, you should think about whether it is worth doing. It is impossible to give a definite answer, so we will help you resolve this issue by providing some facts:

  • Long-term contact of human skin with poor-quality impregnation can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, a rash;
  • If the steam room has excellent ventilation, then the shelves can simply be sanded;
  • An untreated shelf can quickly turn black and develop mold on its surface.

Everything that has been said about the shelves and their processing also applies to other elements of the bathhouse, for example, doors, benches and walls.

Products for treating steam room elements

All products used to process wood inside a bathhouse are divided into two groups: impregnating and coating agents. They are also often divided into colored and colorless, for example, wax, varnish and some impregnations.

Less common are bleaching agents, which are used in cases where the shelves have already darkened. Next, we’ll talk in detail about specific types of processing agents.


When thinking about how to cover the shelves in a bathhouse, most often what comes to mind is varnish, which is classified as a coating agent. The varnish is in demand due to its moisture resistance, but this is not always the case for a bath the best remedy. The problem is that at high temperatures, the varnish begins to release toxins and crack, after which fragments of the surface will stick to the body, and water will again get onto the wood.

If you decide to use varnish, then you should apply special acrylic varnishes from companies: Tikkurila, Belinka or Supi Saunasoja. These varnishes for steam rooms are different natural base, which does not emit harmful substances.

The frozen surface perfectly withstands temperature changes. Using varnish, you do not have to additionally apply antiseptics, because they are already included in the varnish. When deciding how to treat the doors in the bathhouse, you can safely use a special acrylic varnish.

How to apply varnish to a surface:

  1. Before painting the shelves in the bathhouse, you need to prepare the wooden surface. Take sandpaper of different grits and sand the shelves, starting with the coarsest grain and ending with the finest;
  2. Rinse the surface of the shelf and then dry it;
  3. Apply the first coat of varnish with a brush or roller;
  4. After the first layer has dried (the drying time is indicated on the packaging), apply the second and wait until it dries.

If you are using colored varnish, you can thin it for the first coat to get a more even color.

Work must be carried out in a warm (from +5°C) and dry room. Remember that it will be difficult to remove dirt from under the varnish, so make sure that there are no small debris on your hands and tools.

Impregnations and bleaches for shelves

Bleaching agents and impregnations are quite popular in Russian market, however, they are used much less frequently, despite the fact that they are not inferior to varnish. Among all the impregnations, we can highlight brands such as Belinka-sauna from a Slovenian manufacturer, Prime Thermo, etc.

Special impregnation for a shelf in a bathhouse or sauna has the following advantages:

  1. It is colorless and does not change the shade of wood;
  2. The impregnation is easy to apply;
  3. The composition is quickly absorbed and hardens;
  4. Provides good protection for a low price.

It is not recommended to replace special solutions with improvised means. For example, some people use a bleach solution instead of bleach, but this is a big mistake. Chlorine, when heated, releases many chemicals into the air, which negatively affects human health and well-being. Also unpleasant consequence Such treatment constitutes a second degree burn.

Correct application of impregnation:

  1. Clean, sand and rinse the surface;
  2. Before saturating the wood in the bath, wait until the surface dries and apply the first layer;
  3. After the impregnation has dried, apply a second layer;
  4. In total you need to apply 2-3 layers.

It takes approximately 40-50 minutes to dry each layer, and you can see an example of proper wood processing in the photo.

Separately, it is worth highlighting wax for the sauna. It can be applied with a cloth or a disc machine. It allows you to create heat-resistant protection against moisture and mold. Wax has two significant advantages: it only takes 24 hours to dry completely, and the protective layer it forms is highly breathable, allowing the wood to “breathe.”

Next, it’s worth talking about how to treat the shelves in the bathhouse if it has already begun to collapse. If the shelves or other wooden surface of the bathhouse begins to rot, then you can prevent complete destruction by using the Nortex product. The composition is applied with a sponge to damaged areas.

Any safe bleach intended for wood, for example, “Doctor for Wood” from the Belinka company, will help get rid of darkening. The solution is also applied with a sponge only to damaged areas. Whitening will take about 2 hours, but one time may not be enough.

Subtleties of applying protective compounds

If you don’t know what to impregnate the walls in a bathhouse with, then this article will be relevant for you, because special impregnations for a bathhouse are suitable for any wooden surface, but it is also worth remembering some subtleties:

  • It is much easier to process an unassembled structure, so if you have such an opportunity, saturate the elements of the bathhouse before assembling them;
  • Protective products can have a negative effect on the skin, so to avoid this nuisance, you may not treat the side of the shelf in contact with humans. You can process the rest of the wood in the bathhouse without fear for your health, because only the shelves can affect the skin;
  • Carry out work in the summer to make it easier to dry the steam room;
  • It takes at least 4 days to completely dry the varnish and impregnations, after which you can relax in your bathhouse;
  • Under no circumstances use highly toxic products, such as stains, because they negatively affect your health not only through the skin, but also through the respiratory tract;

Do not skimp on protective solutions, because your health and longevity of wood structures depend on their quality.

How to treat shelves in a sauna: how to cover wood in a sauna, what to impregnate doors and walls with, what to paint, is wax inside better, impregnation in photos and videos

How to treat shelves in a sauna: how to cover wood in a sauna, what to impregnate doors and walls with, what to paint, is wax inside better, impregnation in photos and videos

How to treat wood inside a bathhouse: impregnations for steam rooms

Most owners of private houses and summer cottages build steam rooms and baths. The construction of such facilities has become popular for many reasons. According to tradition, people in the bathhouse cleansed their bodies and were healed of many diseases. In order for a bathhouse or steam room to become truly healthy, it is necessary to properly treat the wood. We will learn from the article how it is recommended to treat the inside of a bathhouse or steam room.

Why is impregnation of wooden walls necessary?

The arrangement of such an object as a bathhouse or steam room should be given Special attention. The room must be resistant to high humidity, temperature changes. Traditionally, for the construction of baths they use hardwoods trees because they have a number of advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • nice atmosphere.

To improve your health and find peace of mind, you need a pleasant atmosphere close to natural conditions. Natural wood has everything necessary and gives a person its energy, natural warmth, and health. Wood in its technical characteristics surpasses many modern materials. The only drawback natural material– it cannot retain its natural qualities for a long time without special processing.

In the old days people used simple remedies for processing - oil or wax. Of the inexpensive oils, we used sunflower oil without a specific odor. More expensive oils were also used - anise, lavender, rose. Some expensive oils were added to refined oil and a richer and more pleasant smell was obtained.

Wood is highly hygroscopic, so it quickly absorbs moisture. Loose wood tissue becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of microorganisms. Can immediately settle in such an environment whole line insects They spread quickly and destroy the structure of the tree. At a normal level of humidity in wood, tannins and resins will serve as reliable protection against various insects and fungal infections. Even under such conditions, the wood must be impregnated with special agents. At high humidity The wooden structure will be constantly subjected to:

Modern manufacturers offer many different products for wood processing. Before choosing an impregnation, you should identify the purpose of its use:

  • painting object;
  • preservation of natural texture, tinting or painting;
  • level of moisture resistance of the room;
  • applying the product to the surface.

Impregnation for wood must have many qualities, the main thing is to provide the material with reliable protection and not reduce its ability to pass air. The decoration of the interior is very environmental friendliness of the product is important. This quality is especially important if there is high humidity indoors. Such conditions will provoke the release of harmful impregnation components.

There are special requirements for wood impregnations. After coating the surface, there should be no film left on it. When the temperature in the bath increases, the coating should not release components harmful to health.

Types of wood impregnations

All impregnations intended for coating wooden surfaces, are divided into types, depending on the composition of the components and the method of their application:

All impregnations are produced chemical or organic based. Any of the varieties has a water-repellent effect. Most often they are universal means for coating wooden surfaces:

  • protection from moisture and high temperature;
  • resistance to damage by fungal life forms and harmful insects.

In terms of their composition, they can be water-soluble or oil-soluble. There are also combined impregnations in the form of paints and varnishes that have protective effects against moisture and harmful microorganisms. Many of them have additional qualities - fire resistance and dirt-repellent properties.

Antiseptic impregnations contain toxic substances, therefore considered aggressive chemicals. When using them, you must follow the instructions for use.

Water-soluble and oily products: their features

All water-soluble antiseptics are made on an acrylate base. This composition has a complex effect on wood in the form of protection from harmful influences:

The disadvantage of such compositions is the rapid leaching from the structure wooden covering. For this reason, it is necessary to coat the surface more often than with other products. To preserve the properties of the impregnation, it is advisable to cover the surface with additional protection in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing. It should not contain film-forming substances.

The advantages of water-soluble compositions are the inability of the products to affect the color of the surface, its texture and the absence of an unpleasant odor. You can buy this product for sale in the form of a dry mixture or solution.

Impregnations on oil based penetrates deeply into the surface of the wood. Wood-protective oil retains the properties of wood for a long time, despite frequent wetting of the surface. This oil contains an unpleasant and pungent odor. This is the only negative.

Due to the high toxicity of the preparations, many of them are not recommended for impregnation of wooden surfaces indoors. However, subject to safety precautions, certain types of oil can be used to treat baths. Impregnations based on wax and oils tend to compact the material. This allows the wood to retain its natural qualities for a long time and give the structure wear resistance and strength.

Alkyd-oil based impregnations give a good effect. With their help, the hygroscopicity of the material is preserved, deformation and cracking of wood is prevented. After oil treatment, the wooden surface acquires good decorative qualities. Many of these products are easily absorbed and are colorless primers.

Oil-wax suitable for processing various surfaces inside and out, although the quality is inferior to synthetic products.

Recommendations for treating wood surfaces

To keep wood in good condition, it is recommended to treat it with protective agents. at least once every 2 years. The best time Autumn is considered for processing. In the spring season, the movement of tree sap begins. They provoke the formation of rot, so it is very important to process the wood in a timely manner in order to maintain the integrity of the structure and protect it from rot.

It is recommended to apply antiseptics only to new wood before using the bathhouse or steam room. old surface It is necessary to clean the coating (paint, varnish), as well as dirt and dust. After this, apply the composition using a soft wide brush or roller. When everything is completely dry, you can use the bathhouse.

If you approach the issue of coating a wood surface correctly and apply impregnation correctly, you can preserve it for many years and enjoy a steam bath with health benefits.

Wood impregnations inside baths and steam rooms: how to treat them inner surface

The main features of products for treating wooden surfaces in a bath or steam room, for which impregnation is used, types of products.

How to cover the lining inside a bathhouse

No one doubts that it is the best for a bath finishing material- tree. And almost everything is used for decoration interior spaces clapboard But whether or not to treat the lining in a bathhouse is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Opinions here are divided: some say that without treatment with special means, wood darkens, loses its attractiveness, rots and is affected by disease. All this is true. But their opponents are definitely right: the combination of high temperature and humidity in the steam room, to which are added fumes from the treated boards, cannot be called a healing effect. But people come to the bathhouse specifically for health.

The lining looks great in a bathhouse or sauna

For the most part, lovers of baths and saunas make a compromise: in the steam room the lining is left without treatment, and for the relaxation room and washing room they use special products. Lining without treatment, of course, becomes unusable over time, but it will have to be changed no more than once every 2-5 years (depending on the type of wood and the intensity of use of the steam room). This is not such a big expense, especially since rarely does anyone have a steam room big sizes. For those who decide to process wood in the steam room, there are several folk recipes or special (required!!) compositions for baths/saunas.

How to treat lining in the washing room and dressing room

The most popular ready-made products are special impregnations and oils. The favorites in this segment are Finnish: Sauna (Belinka company), Supi Saunasoja (Tikkurila company).

Composition for treating wood in saunas and baths

Domestic producers are also trying to lag far behind global producers.

Product of the domestic company "Usadba" - "U-409" - impregnation for baths, saunas, wet and residential premises. All these compositions are made based on natural ingredients. They create a thin film on the surface, which makes removing dirt easier.

Also, the impregnation contains fungicidal and insecticidal additives that prevent the formation and proliferation of fungus in the bathhouse.

"Eurotex-sauna" - antiseptic with wax for saunas and baths. This is a colorless coating that creates a protective film on the surface of the wood. The composition is ideal for benches and shelves (for those who decide to process them).

Impregnation EURO TEX sauna can be purchased in packaging of various capacities. Bucket with a capacity of 2.5 liters (for 35 square meters), costs about 450 rubles.

Considering the cost of lining and other wood products, the cost of impregnation does not seem very high. In addition, it should be noted that after treatment the wood looks much more attractive, is easier to clean and does not darken for a long time. However, there are also disadvantages: during 3-5 visits to the bathhouse there is a not very strong, but quite obvious specific smell.

In the rest room you can use the composition “UnikaSuper” from the same Tikkurila. But this composition changes the color of the wood, so for those who like “natural”, Supi Saunasoja is again suitable.

Impregnations and oils for steam rooms

Most bathhouse fans agree that there is no need to cover the lining inside the steam room with anything. But if there is such a need, then you can use natural oils and wax. Some experts advise soaking the boards linseed oil, to which you can add natural aroma oils of your choice. You can use hemp oil, and, the cheapest option, sunflower oil, but refined, with minimal odor.

It is better to use natural materials to decorate the steam room

This treatment will create a greasy film on the surface of the wood and will not allow dirt to penetrate deep into the wood. But you need to be prepared for the fact that for some time, parts of the body from contact with the treated shelf will be greasy. After some time, the oil will be absorbed (or wiped off), but the protective film will remain.

Similarly, you can treat the steam room with melted natural wax. Before applying wax, the surface must be thoroughly sanded and only then apply melted wax.

There is quite a large selection of impregnations for shelves industrial production. For example, the same Russian company Usadba has oil for shelves, and there is a similar composition for Eurotex-sauna. Of course, Tikkuril also has them - this is Supi Laudesuoja oil.

Important! What you definitely cannot do is use ordinary varnishes or paints for a bath or sauna. The tree must “breathe” by first absorbing excess moisture and then giving it away. When using conventional compositions, wood is completely deprived of this property; in addition, fumes from the components included in the composition are added. chemical substances, which are very dangerous to health at high temperatures and humidity. It's the same as covering a steam room with linoleum or siding: the materials are good, but not for these purposes.

If you use the steam room correctly, ventilate and dry it on time, then fungi and bark beetles will not grow in it. They die at high and low temperatures:

  • At a temperature of 70-80 o C, spores of all fungi and protozoa die within 10 minutes.
  • At -15 o C, young shashel larvae die, and if the temperature remains below -15 o C for a week, then adult larvae also die.
  • Temperature +60 o C is the upper limit at which bark beetles survive.

At high and low temperatures, fungi and pests die

If you either heat the bathhouse to high temperatures or freeze it, then it will not be afraid of any misfortunes, and you can deal with the remaining problems quite simply: clean it more often or cover the most used surfaces with natural compounds.

How to cover the lining inside a bathhouse: choosing an impregnation for the steam room, sink and dressing room

To prevent wood rotting inside the bathhouse, you can use various impregnations intended for both the steam room and the washing room.

How to cover the lining inside the bathhouse and is this operation necessary?
The question, of course, is very interesting if we consider it in the context that each stage of the construction of a bathhouse has its own difficulties. Looking at the photo above, how neatly the entire surface of the bathhouse is covered with clapboard, you understand that the owners will want to keep it in its original form for as long as possible.
To do this, it should not deteriorate from moisture and high temperature and retain heat well indoors. Naturally, the bathhouse consists of not only one steam room, but the problem of whether it is necessary to treat the lining in the steam room concerns more specifically this room, which is operated, one might say, in extreme conditions.
To get a positive result, you need to consider the proposed protective equipment and choose how and with what to cover the lining inside the bathhouse and not only in the steam room.

Protection of lining in the washing room and dressing room

Covering the lining in the bathhouse with protective agents is caused by the need to protect the product from the effects of water vapor and direct exposure hot water. Protection is carried out with antiseptics and plays an important role in the processing process.


  • Defense operation decorative coatings in the dressing room and washing department It can be done with your own hands at home, if you know how to handle painting tools.
  • Many bathhouse owners do not realize that not all tree species, offered by suppliers, are suitable for use in a steam room.
  • Temperatures over 100ºС and high humidity render them unusable, but for a dressing room and washing area with appropriate treatment, they are very suitable. The conclusion suggests itself that the correctly selected material for the steam room will definitely be suitable for the rest of the bathhouse.
  • The only thing you need to decide for yourself is how to cover the lining in the bathhouse in order to protect it from fungus. Such products are commercially available and serve to protect against insects and fungi. wooden products in the bath. In addition, they provide hygienic, infection and antimicrobial protection.
  • The protective mass is applied with a roller, brush, or spray with an interval of 1 hour in 2-3 layers, the instructions contain more detailed information.
  • How else can you treat the lining in a bathhouse to preserve the wood? Semi-matte varnish is used in the dressing room and washing area. water based, which has moisture-proof properties. It is odorless and does not fade; it fits well not only on wooden surfaces, but also on mineral ones, such as stone, brick and concrete.
  • The varnish is applied similarly to the previous product in 2 layers, but the application interval is increased to 2 hours.

Wood for steam room

Light lining is an antidepressant in the steam room

The price of domestic wood is affordable for many consumers, but not all Russians can afford foreign exotic wood, although such wood is a serious competitor to our products in terms of its quality. Therefore, many people make their choice from the tempting offers of domestic lining manufacturers.

  • Linden lining with light and soft wood, resistant to high humidity, having excellent property do not delaminate when exposed to hot air. It refers to a material that does not injure your hands with splinters during work.
  • Aspen has become popular because of its low cost and ease of processing. This is very good option for covering surfaces and for arranging shelves in the bathhouse.
  • Alder with an expressive texture is perhaps the most beautiful among domestic tree species suitable for cladding bathhouses. If not only the functionality of the bathhouse is important to the owners, but also its finishing, then it is worth turning to alder.

Attention: A steam room lined with such materials will last a very long time.

  • Bath decoration quality material made of Abashi wood will remove the question of how to treat the lining in a bathhouse in order to get a comfortable, durable and cozy steam room.
  • The exotic Abashi tree from Africa has distinctive feature do not accumulate heat. Touching a steamed body to the surface of an Abashi lining will instantly take on the temperature of a person’s body, so getting a burn is simply impossible.
  • The natural color of wood varies from milky to light yellow.
  • The picture changes after heat treatment, when the color acquires a beautiful, rich, chocolate shade.
  • Lining made from abache, ofram, meranti, cedrella is not sold in all cities of Russia and has a very high price, so it is not surprising that finishing from these materials is considered luxury and many can only afford shelves made from them.
  • And again, returning to the question of how to cover the lining in a steam room to increase its service life and make the wood structure resistant to the destructive effects of an unfavorable environment, you involuntarily turn your attention to protective equipment.

How to protect a steam room

The steam room is the most important part of the bath and this fact is beyond doubt. How can you treat lining in a bathhouse without disturbing the color harmony?

  • The first thing you should give up and forget is regular wood varnish. It is not enough to say that it cannot withstand high temperatures; the varnish has bad smell, which intensifies when heated.
  • Next, priorities are set. If the choice fell on imported products, then protective acrylic will do.
  • It can be used to treat walls and the floor in a steam room; it is available colorless and tinted with a set of certain advantages that have ensured its popularity.
  • Treating the paneling in a steam room with protective acrylic allows you to obtain a water-repellent surface that does not become dirty or change even at a temperature of 120ºC.
  • It contains a component that prevents the growth of mold fungus on the treated surface.

Attention: This protective agent is used not only for wooden products, but also for concrete structures.

  • Domestic manufacturers offer colorless varnish, which is based on wax and water.
  • From the video in this article, it becomes clear that it is used for walls, ceilings and floors of all types, but is not applied to the canopy.
  • It does not have a negative effect on the color change of wood because it is available in a transparent color.
  • The surface treated with this protective agent does not absorb moisture, which prolongs its service life.
  • It contains an antiseptic that prevents the appearance of mold and the development of harmful microorganisms on the lining.
  • The protective varnish does not burn, is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic fumes over time, but experts do not recommend using it after the expiration date.

Order of operations


  • Before treating the lining in the steam room, you need to make sure the humidity in the room, which should not be less than 75%, and the air temperature not lower than 5ºC.
  • All dirt and dust are removed from the surface being treated.
  • The cleaned surface is slightly moistened to reveal loose wood fibers that appear after the water has dried. They are carefully polished.
  • If the lining in the bathhouse is protected with acrylic, then it is applied in 2 layers.
  • The tinted layer is diluted with water up to 20%; for a colorless composition there is no such need.
  • The next layer is applied continuously to several boards at once to obtain the same color.
  • Before painting the paneling in the steam room over the entire surface, you can apply two layers of protection to a small board and look at the final result.
  • If it is decided to protect the lining in the steam room with a modern colorless antiseptic, which is based on acrylic resin and water, you must remember that you need to work with it at a temperature of at least 10°C and it is not used for treating ceilings.
  • Colorless glaze is also applied to a previously cleaned surface of dirt and sawdust, shavings.
  • The protective agent is thoroughly mixed in a container and applied in 2 layers with a brush or roller.
  • For the first layer, the temperature requirements are 20°C and a minimum humidity of 65%.
  • About an hour after working with the protective agent, the surface of the lining can be covered with fine-grained sandpaper and sanded; this operation will give an excellent final result.
  • The next layer is applied to a completely dry surface, that is, at least 3 hours must pass.

Attention: To perform the work, you should have stainless tools to avoid rust stains on the walls.

  • For new surfaces of built baths, a product with a complex of antiseptics and for combined protection of walls is proposed.
  • It allows you to immediately obtain a surface with fire protection, with an anti-corrosion coating, treated with an antiseptic, and having dirt- and water-repellent properties.

Before soaking the lining in the steam room, you can also look and find suitable information about the proposed protective equipment, suitable specifically for specific conditions. The bathhouse will be ready for use no earlier than 3 days after treatment with pre-heating.
You can take care of the lining coated with a protective agent in a month, when the wood has absorbed this composition. For this purpose, care products for rooms with high humidity are used.
You can start re-treating the lining with protective agents no earlier than 3-4 years.

Building a bathhouse is a complex process that includes many different tasks. The basis of the bathhouse is a log house, which is additionally lined inside. The lining most often used is lining made from alder, aspen or spruce, which have high strength and resistance to steam and moisture.

Briefly about lining coating

When thinking about how to treat wood in a bathhouse, you first need to prepare necessary tools and buy additional materials:

  1. Solvent;
  2. Stirring brush;
  3. Roller;
  4. It is recommended to purchase a spray gun, but you can apply the varnish in other ways;
  5. Sponge;
  6. Paint tray;
  7. Protective equipment (respirator, goggles, gloves and overalls).

It is important to remember that the impregnation of the sheathing must be carried out strictly before its installation. It is also necessary to process the sheathing on which the lining will be attached. After the impregnation has dried, you can sheathe the room.

Having completed installation work, it is necessary to process the wood again. It is important to note that it is important to carry out such treatment approximately once every 2 years, because the coating on the wood takes the “blow” and wears out, keeping the wood in the bath.

How to treat lining

Having prepared the necessary tools, it’s time to choose what to cover the walls inside the bathhouse with.

You can treat the inner surface of a clapboard bathhouse with the following materials:

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning acrylic varnish. They are often used to cover lining, but this is not the best for a bathhouse. the best option. Its protective properties are quite good, but when heated to high temperatures, it begins to release a pungent odor and toxins, which will negatively affect human health and the comfort of the room. In the store you can find a special varnish for hot rooms that can be used in a steam room (read: " ").
  • Oil may also suit you for impregnation of wood in the bath - drying oil. Wood is often treated with drying oil, but it cannot be used in a steam room due to its low resistance to heat. The ideal room for her is the dressing room, because usually there low level humidity and low temperature.
  • A mixture of varnish and solvent is also an excellent antiseptic., however, this mixture will negatively affect your health, because when heated, the varnish and solvent will release a huge amount of toxins into the air, which, together with the lack of ventilation, can lead to serious consequences.
  • The answer to the question About how to treat the lining in the steam room, there will be a special mixture, of which there are a huge variety on the construction market. Special impregnations for baths and saunas inside do not create unpleasant odors and do not emit toxins, while they perfectly protect the lining from various influences.

Proper processing of lining

Having decided how to cover the lining in the steam room of the bathhouse, you can proceed to the processing itself. To perform high-quality impregnation that will last a long time, we recommend that you read the following instructions:

  1. Processing lining in a steam room begins with preparing the wood itself. Clean it from various contaminants sandpaper or others in a suitable way. It is also recommended to wash the boards with an aqueous solution of soda (300 g of soda per 10 liters of water);
  2. Next, you need to degrease the surfaces. Remember that not only the lining itself is impregnated, but also the frame to which it is attached;
  3. Sand surfaces with pumice to obtain a smooth finish;
  4. Next, you need to apply an antiseptic that will protect the wood from fungus and mold, so that later you don’t have to think about how to get rid of fungus in the bathhouse;
  5. Now you can saturate the paneling. When choosing impregnation for the dressing room, pay attention to the humidity of the air in it, as well as the temperature of the steam. If the indicators are approximately equal to the indicators inside the steam room, then it is necessary to use the same impregnation.

By doing all the work correctly, you can achieve an excellent result, as in the photo.

To paint the lining with high quality, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Painting of the lining is carried out in warm and dry weather.
  2. You can paint with a roller or brush, moving them parallel to the wood fibers so as not to leave streaks on the surface.
  3. Stir the paint thoroughly before applying to obtain a uniform color.
  4. Apply the paint in a thin layer - this will allow you to achieve best result staining. Read also: "".

Bath cover care

Now you know how to treat the lining in a steam bath, but such treatment will not be able to completely protect your bath, so you will have to monitor the room, following some rules:

  1. Always ventilate the area to minimize the chance of mold or mildew forming;
  2. The room must be washed frequently with a wet cloth, without using chemical detergents;

If serious contamination appears on the surface of the wood, or it has darkened, then use sandpaper. You can also use special bleaches for wood, but under no circumstances use bleach solutions, because when heated they release a huge amount of toxins, and they can even leave a burn on the skin.

Basic construction material for a bath - wood. And about her interior decoration and there is nothing to say. Traditionally, both the dressing room and the main part of the bathhouse, the steam room, are lined with wood. But comfortable and beautiful wood trim must be protected and preserved, especially in conditions of high humidity. To do this, wooden parts are impregnated, varnished, and painted. Nowadays, it is not so easy to understand how to paint the inside of a steam room in a bathhouse. Modern materials have appeared that reliably protect wooden structures and not harmful to the health of bathhouse visitors.

All wooden surfaces inside the bathhouse must be treated with protective compounds Source bane.guru

Criterias of choice

For all its advantages, wood is susceptible to moisture. Over time, it dries out, darkens and begins to rot. Mold and microorganisms may appear on it. All this is true for normal external conditions. And in the steam room the conditions are extreme. Even in the dressing room there are no such impacts on the walls and floor. The influence of sudden changes in temperature and humidity in the steam room accelerates the destruction of wood. Under the influence of high temperature normal protective covering may release harmful substances.

In addition, a steam room is not just a room in which a person is located. He remains there naked, his body in contact with wooden surfaces. And on some it even lies. This means that for shelves and benches you need to choose wood protection that will not be unpleasant upon contact.

Most often in the steam room they try to preserve the natural color of the wood, selecting species that look beautiful. But if you want to paint part of the steam room, then you need to take this into account when choosing an impregnation. Not every impregnation is suitable for subsequent painting.

Source elka-palka.ru

It is clear that it will not be possible to find the same impregnation for a bathhouse outside and inside. Even for different parts steam rooms may require different protective equipment. Wood treatment in a steam room should be carried out with compounds adapted to its conditions. And the choice must be based on the following criteria:

    Which part of the steam room is the product intended for?

    Will it be primary impregnation of wood, or re-coating of a previously protected surface?

    Method of applying a protective substance to a wooden surface - with a brush, roller or spray

    Are there plans to further paint the impregnated wood?

Features of protection of different parts of the steam room

Of course, you can saturate the entire steam room and the furniture in it with one composition. And then coat it with one varnish. Moreover, the products currently produced are rarely limited to one protection function. They usually combine, for example, impermeability with antibacterial effects. But the conditions affecting different parts of the steam room are still somewhat different. Therefore, the processing requirements are also different.


Perhaps the least requirements are placed on this part of the steam room. It is exposed only to the temperature effects of steam. Water almost never reaches it. Therefore, it can simply be coated with a specialized bath varnish.

The ceiling in the bathhouse must be reliably protected from dampness and temperature Source eco-ceiling.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer bathhouse construction services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Unlike the ceiling, all the water that is used in the steam room ends up on the floor. Therefore, the anti-water protection for floor boards must be very good. In addition to antibacterial and anti-water impregnation, it is advisable to cover the floor with a protective layer of varnish. But not every varnish is suitable for the floor. The protective layer should not be slippery. This is a must to protect the floor. Of course, the soles of your feet should not stick to the floor. Do not think that repeatedly coating the floor with varnish increases its safety. The thick layer of varnish cracks and water reaches the wood. In addition, the wood cannot “breathe” through such a coating and will still deteriorate.

When building a bathhouse, do not forget about impregnating the logs on which the floor boards are laid. This is of course not inner part baths, and there are no special protection requirements for them. But if water gets to them, then sooner or later the floor inside the bathhouse itself will suffer, no matter how well it is protected.


Most of the impregnation for the bathhouse inside is spent on protecting the lining, which is usually used to line the walls. Therefore, you should not use impregnations and varnishes that, when heated, can release strong-smelling substances. And do not cover it with a protective layer that does not allow the wood to “breathe.”

Improper use of protective compounds can lead to the regular appearance of condensation on the walls of the bathhouse Source synteko.in.ua

Shelves and benches

The shelves are the main part of the entire steam room, for which it is, in fact, built. Lying on it should be comfortable, pleasant and safe for health. Wood is a poor heat conductor, so even at high temperatures you won’t get burned by it. It's a different matter if you cover it protective film, which may cause burns if touched. Therefore, it is not recommended to use paints or varnishes for it. It is better to apply a special impregnation for the bath. Often such impregnations are wax-based.

The requirements for the safety and convenience of the surface of shelves and benches are so high that there are bathhouse lovers who believe that wood should be natural for them and not covered with anything at all. But this is still suitable for small bathhouses, where simple shelves can be replaced. And when real furniture masterpieces are built, it’s better to find high-quality composition, and ensure their durability.

Source m.yukle.mobi

Protective compounds and their properties

For the sake of order, it is necessary to mention such a remedy as drying oil, which used to cover all the insides in the bathhouse. It is still used today, but it should not be used in a steam room. It will be cheap, but cheerful. In terms of protective properties, this is yesterday, and the smell from it when heated well is not pleasant.

Water-dispersed impregnations

They are made on a water basis, so they penetrate deeply into the wood structure. They are resistant to high temperatures, do not contain active chemical components and do not emit any harmful compounds when heated. Modern water impregnations contain antibacterial components. Available both colorless and with added dyes.

The disadvantage is their fragility. Over time, under the influence of water, they are washed out of the wood, so the impregnation must be renewed every two years.

Oil impregnations and varnishes

They impregnate and protect wood well from moisture, forming a film. But their inherent smell is a significant drawback. Therefore, they must be used with caution in the steam room. They are quite suitable for external impregnation and for protecting wood in the dressing room.

Varnish preserves the appearance of wood, giving it a mysterious shine Source freepatriot.club

Acrylic based varnishes

Acrylic varnish for baths inside is considered safe. Modern remedy from polyacrylates and organic solvents. Environmentally friendly and more durable than conventional water-dispersed products. Acrylic varnishes, produced for baths and saunas, necessarily contain antifungal components.

Water-based polyurethane varnish

Combines the advantages of water-dispersed and alkyd varnishes. It appeared on the market relatively recently, so it should be treated with caution, as with any new product. And its price is quite high.

Wax-based impregnations

Wax, like drying oil, has long been used to protect and add shine to wooden surfaces. Nowadays purely wax impregnations are almost never used. It is common practice to add wax to protective products based on other components.

In addition to protective equipment, special detergents for cleaning and bleaching wood. They are used both before applying protection and for washing dirty and darkened surfaces.

Video description

About the choice of impregnations for a bath in the following video:

Protective products for baths from different manufacturers

When processing wood inside a steam room, you should not experiment too much. You need to choose varnishes and impregnations made specifically for baths and saunas. Those who produce such products take into account the conditions and requirements for such premises.

The Finnish company Tikkurila is considered the leader of such products.

    Supi Saunasuoja – water-based impregnation with acrylic. Suitable for temperatures above 100 °C. Universal remedy For internal protection steam rooms Available in both a colorless version and a form suitable for tinting.

Source marketut.ru

    Supi Laudesuoja – oil impregnation suitable for covering shelves

    Supi Saunavaha is a wax-based varnish. It is also considered universal and suitable for any bath surfaces.

Imported compounds have one drawback - the price. Domestic manufacturers provide cheaper products. Here are some designed specifically for bath conditions:

    Senezh sauna is an acrylate-based antiseptic to protect wood in saunas. Contains antimicrobial agents but is odorless.

    NEOMID 200 – antiseptic for wooden bath surfaces, including shelves and benches.

    NEOMID Sauna is a translucent acrylic-based varnish. For protecting and finishing wood in rooms with high humidity.

Source gros-stroi.ru

Video description

Comparison of foreign and domestic varnishes for baths and saunas in the video:


Of course, this is not a complete list of paint and varnish products and impregnations that can be used for baths and in particular steam rooms - there are other manufacturers and other products. It is better to discuss what is best to use with the specialists of the company building your bathhouse: there are a number of points that can only be determined directly “on the spot” - depending on the material used or the design of the bathhouse.

When the time comes to decide on the material for a bath or sauna, many unconditionally choose wood. There is nothing strange here, because wood is a high-quality, environmentally friendly raw material with a very impressive appearance. But sometimes inexperienced homeowners are enamored with the benefits natural material, completely forget about its shortcomings. In particular, about one of the most important ones - low resistance to moisture, which provokes rotting of the structure. This significant disadvantage can be mitigated in only one way - by treating the wood with special antiseptic impregnations. Next, we will tell you what the essence of protective compounds is, what they are, what criteria are used to choose them, and also which product is more suitable for internal and which for external work.

Wood is an extremely hygroscopic material, which is often the reason for its fragility. How are these two parameters related? It's simple: due to its high hygroscopicity, the material is prone to quickly absorbing moisture, which makes it loose and, as a result, favorable for the active development and decomposition of all kinds of microorganisms, the appearance of mold and mildew. Subsequently, the wood begins to rot and collapse. Naturally, this negatively affects both the aesthetic and operational qualities of the building.

To be fair, we note that some types of wood protect their own resinous substances from moisture. But here there is a clarification: such an effect is only possible in dry rooms. And, as you know, both a bathhouse and a sauna are zones of extremely high humidity levels, so there is no way to do without additional protective agents - impregnations.

Impregnation is necessary to protect the wood from destruction

Antiseptic compositions are designed to:

  • minimize the risks of bacterial contamination of wood;
  • make the material unattractive for the development of a fungal environment;
  • protect the tree from various wood-destroying organisms.

In addition, impregnations give wooden baths and saunas a more impressive look - they are ways to make the material textured and even change its shade.

Classification of impregnations

There are a huge number of protective impregnations for wood on the market, differing in composition, purpose, functionality and form. Let's look at the main groups.

According to their purpose, impregnations are divided into two categories:

  1. For outdoor use - high-strength products made primarily on an organic basis. Such impregnations not only guarantee the external elements of the bathhouse reliable protection from moisture, fungal life forms, rot and insects, but also increases their resistance to high temperatures and UV rays.
  2. For interior work– water-based substances used to treat internal elements wooden bath. They are less durable, but more environmentally friendly than compounds for outdoor use. Perform standard functions: protect against moisture, rot and insects.

For interior and exterior work, choose different compositions

There are three types of antiseptics based on their form:

  • solutions;
  • gels;
  • aerosols.

Based on the set of functions, compositions can be of three types:

  1. Glazing – provide protection from moisture and sunlight.
  2. Primers – protect against moisture and insects, and also block the processes of rotting and decomposition of microorganisms inside the wood.
  3. Coverings – restore wood surfaces damaged by weathering or microorganisms.

In terms of their composition, wood impregnations can be water-soluble and oil-based, but these antiseptics should be discussed separately, taking into account their specific qualities.

Features of water-soluble and oil impregnations

Water-soluble protective impregnations are water-based antiseptics characterized by high penetrating abilities. Designed to protect wood from dirt, moisture and biological deformation. They can be either transparent or colored. To obtain a particular shade, appropriate coloring pigments are added to the impregnations. Water-soluble antiseptics are usually used for interior work.


  • do not contain aggressive chemical components;
  • do not emit unpleasant odors;
  • do not change the original texture of the wood.

Water-based impregnations can be used in a steam room


  • gradually wash out and lose their original protective qualities;
  • require frequent updates.

Advice. To extend the service life of such protective impregnation, it should be combined with varnish or film-forming compositions containing resinous substances.

Oil protective impregnations are oil-based antiseptics that deeply impregnate and seal wood from the inside. After applying the composition, a special film is formed on the surface of the material, which protects the pores of the wood from moisture and fungus.


  • retain their protective properties for a long time;
  • guarantee the durability of the wood structure.


  • have high level toxicity;
  • emit unpleasant pungent odors caused by solvents.

Advice. Due to such serious disadvantages, oil impregnations are recommended to be used only for external work.

Additional criteria for selecting impregnations

Composition, purpose, functionality and form are not the entire list of criteria that need to be taken into account when choosing protective impregnations for baths and saunas. So, be sure to pay attention to the following additional factors:

  • breathability – protective compounds should not at all reduce the breathability of the wood;
  • compatibility - consider which ones finishing claddings you can combine one or another antiseptic;
  • degree of slipping – antiseptics for bathhouse and sauna floors must have a minimum level of slipping to ensure safe movement;
  • method of application - before purchasing impregnation, be sure to find out how it should be applied to wood, and evaluate whether this or that option is possible in your bathhouse or sauna;

Choose an impregnation based on the characteristics of your bath or sauna
  • cost and manufacturer - since protective impregnation performs a number of important functions and has a direct impact on the condition of the structure used for health treatments, buy products only from trusted manufacturers.

As you can see, protective impregnations for wood are presented in a fairly wide range: for external and internal use, water- and oil-based, different in functionality and shape. To do right choice, do not neglect the properties of antiseptics and do not forget to correlate them with the characteristics of your bath or sauna - this is the only way you can find perfect option protection specifically for your case.