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Where and how to properly store gardening equipment and equipment in winter. Storing shovels and rakes in the shed

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: If you feel that finding the right rakes is taking too long or you are just thinking about demolishing an old barn that brings more problems than good, because everything is piled up inside it - it's time to think about building the "right" barn. But how it should be, and will be discussed further.

If you feel that finding the right rakes is taking too long or you are just thinking about demolishing an old barn that is more trouble than it's worth. everything is piled up inside it - it's time to think about building the "right" barn. But how it should be, and will be discussed further.

And for starters, it should be noted that a barn or other structure for garden tools can not only fulfill its direct function of a banal storage - if you attach a little imagination, a "rake house" can even become an ornament to your garden plot.

Storing "high" inventory

It makes sense to divide your tools into several categories and create their own little storage for each of them, based on their shape and purpose. For example, to store such equipment as shovels, rakes and other long-handled tools, you can make a tall and narrow shed that resembles a telephone booth in dimensions. In such a booth, its contents will not constantly fall on your feet (or on your head), but the right tool can be easily found right away.

You can make such a shed "from scratch" - from boards and pieces of slate for the roof, and then paint it in some bright, eye-pleasing color. Or not to knock together, but to "compose" a barn like a puzzle, for example, from four old doors. If at least one of them is with glazing elements, you can inspect the presence inside the right tool without even opening the shed.

If you do not want to make storage for rakes and shovels separately, you should allocate a special place for them in a large shed by making special devices screwed to one of the walls.

In this option, you only need to create an individual mount for each available tool. If the length and height of the wall allows you to place the entire collection, then you definitely won’t lose anything else.

If you decide to make a longitudinal storage system, then (polyvinyl chloride) may be suitable as "pocket" holders plastic pipe of the required diameter, sawn into the required number of pieces. If you choose a transverse system (tool shafts parallel to the floor), then wood may also work.

But in general, if you have a plastic pipe, then from it you can create a storage system for almost anything - from pencils, pliers and screwdrivers, up to drills and screwdrivers.

It can also be translated into vertical plane storage and small garden tools (and, in principle, almost any tool in general). To do this, you need to drive carnations into the surface of the wall and make hooks on which even coiled hoses can be hung. If inside the barn (in our weather conditions it is still better to store inventory inside) you have walls made of logs and therefore uneven, then you can take an upside down as a flat base wooden pallet, and attach the desired hooks to it. Then, among other things, you can take out the entire structure for a while garden work out.

Well, if you don’t want to do anything special, but there are free pallets, then you can simply put the pallet vertically against the wall and use it as a stand, for example, for shovels. Just do not forget to make sure the stability of the structure. You may still have to attach it to the wall.

Storing smaller items

For storing bags of fertilizer or other items that you need a little less often, it makes sense to use plastic containers. This is nothing new, unless, of course, you decide to hang them from the ceiling. This will significantly save you such valuable space in the barn. If the ceiling height allows, you can build special "rails" there and remove a lot from the aisle.

This principle is also applicable to the storage of any little things - nuts, screws, cloves, and so on. To quickly find what you need, they can fall asleep in glass jars. And so that the lid from this jar is not lost, screw it to the bottom surface of some shelf, or even the ceiling of the barn.

If there is a problem with what small items mixed, then you can build a special sorting box, following the example of a toy for very young children.

It is quite possible to combine several of the above ideas and make an outdoor, as compact mini-shed as possible, which will not take up much space and at the same time contain what you need.

garden work table

For various small gardening and chores like repotting potted plants or preparing fertilizer, you can build a table that allows you to do everything in comfort without bending over.

You can make it, like everything else, from scratch according to your own sketch, or you can build it from an old bench, an old table, a pallet, an outdated door. For more convenience, install on your desktop as rear wall a piece of metal mesh from the fence, on which, among other things, you can hang small inventory.

As you can see, you can come up with a lot of ideas - the main thing is to start. What do you want! published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Maintaining a garden requires a lot of equipment and tools. Rakes, shovels, choppers, garden shears. The list will take a long time. And all this must be stored somewhere, so that the inventory is at hand, remains dry and clean. We present you a selection interesting ideas storage garden tools.

The simplest option that does not require any effort or special cash costs is railing. You may be familiar with this item in the kitchen, where such a crossbar with holders is usually hung on an apron near the stove and sink. For garden tools, the railing must be bigger size, and you can hang it anywhere - in the garage, shed, just on outer wall economic building.

Homemade holders for shovels, choppers and other tools with long handles. We already touched on this topic in the article on storing tools in the workshop, but there are so many ideas that the options can be expanded.

Garden hose. An important inventory that tends to roll on garden paths and get in the way. You can purchase a special hose reel, or you can fold it into such a compact box, which also has become an unusual high flower bed.

Hanging shelves and containers for small items. There are also plenty of small garden tools on the site, so he needs his own storage space. This option looks modern, convenient, everything is in its place, nearby.

Such homemade holders for garden tools, they are only suitable if the shovels and rakes have an appropriate handle with a hole.

purchased plastic stand for all tools that are used in the garden. It is convenient that the stand is light, in summer it can be installed somewhere under a canopy, not far from the beds themselves, and hidden in a barn or country house for the winter.

This option can be called a garden cabinet. You can build one yourself or use an outdated wardrobe that no longer has a place at home. All in one place, protected from bad weather and dampness.

A similar option, conveniently and compactly attached to the barn wall. The advantage of garden cabinets for inventory is the presence of a door that hides a not always attractive picture, as well as the ability to equip shelves to suit your needs.

Mobile wooden box on wheels. There is where to insert the handles of tall garden tools, hang and put smaller inventory. In addition, this repository can easily "travel" throughout the site, moving closer to the place of work.

Double locker that protects at the same time electric meter and shield from external influences and moisture, and also serves as storage for a hose and small garden tools.

If you have a lawn mower on the site, you can purchase or build a separate "garage" for it. It will have enough space for other garden tools, such as a hose for watering the lawn after mowing.

Old mailbox. Gloves, garden shears, small spatulas for digging up tubers and transplanting flowers can be conveniently folded. Can be installed directly at the bed, so as not to look for necessary fixtures by the shed.

Finally, examples of how neat and beautiful in its own way can look right organized system storage of garden tools in a shed or garage. Shelving, railings, open shelves, small drawers - all this can be used to get rid of chaos and bring order to such a spacious enough storage.

As soon as warm days come, gardeners, summer residents begin to actively take out their tools for giving and gardening, as well as other inventory from hiding places. After all, in the midst of work, especially in spring, everyone necessary tools must be at hand at the summer resident. We constantly need rakes and shovels, pitchforks and much more! On the other hand, not only do you not want the garden tool for giving to be scattered throughout the site, because it will be difficult to find it that way, but it spoils general form site exterior! Therefore, without fail, every responsible summer resident should have one place where to store tools so that everything is safe and sound. In addition, the season comes and goes, winter comes, and at this time the instrument needs to be put somewhere ...

For spring, summer, autumn

We can offer you several convenient options to store inventory, you only need to choose from!

Under the porch, or maybe a terrace ...

If you notice at least a little space in this gap, a place to store inventory is provided. If only it was so that the structure is at least half a meter raised from the surface of the earth.

Accordingly, the greater this distance, the more opportunities you have to store the tool in the country.

Suitable for a garden bench

Usually they do not use the space under the benches in any way. But you can equip a very useful box with inventory. In this case, the aesthetics will be preserved, and the space under the bench will not just be empty.

DIY garden tool box

First you need to make a miscalculation of the dimensions of the box so that everything you need fits into it. After that, you can think about its other functions.

So, the box can be made quite roomy by equipping it with retractable shelves and a large folding lid. You can also make a combined version, where the bottom will be located drawers, and on top you will store your shovels, pitchforks, choppers, rakes and more. Such a volumetric structure can be used different ways. For example, on top there may be a sunbed for comfortable rest, or maybe even a table on which seedlings will be grown.


This option will look very original, and your guests will not even be able to think that it contains garden tools and equipment! For example, even an air conditioner can be located in the lower part of the container, but the upper part will be occupied by long objects. Fisherman's gear can also be stored here.

Storage of little things

Right on the counter, make a birdhouse in the form of a house with your own hands, in which small inventory will be stored, such as the same secateurs and other things.

The use of suspended structures

For climbing plants, special supports should be provided to which small hooks can be attached. It will always be possible to hang inventory on these elements that is not needed “right now”.

Cylindrical racks look quite aesthetically pleasing!

Do you have any leftovers, cuttings of pipes made of plastic or metal? Don't throw them away! After all, they can be fixed in any part of your personal plot and on them to store all the tools that are equipped with handles.

Take a board whose length is from a meter and a thickness of at least 4 cm; you will also need some remnants of boards and all kinds of planks, plywood trimmings in the shape of a triangle, of the same size.

In each triangle, make grooves the same size as the largest board. Connect the triangles to the slats with self-tapping screws. The edges need to be cut. And as a result, you will get each of the triangles, the console.

Further, all consoles should be individually attached to a large board using self-tapping screws. In the process of this, see that the inventory can be hung up with the working part. In between the consoles, insert boards. This is important for stiffness.

As a result of the work done, you will get a fairly heavy shelf, which cannot be attached to the wall surface of the room without an assistant.

In fact, there are a lot of options for how to store tools in the country. And no one forbids you to fantasize and create your own developments. A very interesting option for storing inventory is the organization of a garden organizer.

And so that you do not have to run for new garden tools at the beginning of each season, be vigilant and observe the correct storage conditions for your tools. Carefully consider their storage system so that they are reliably protected not only in the season, but also during frosts.

Over the years of gardening, I have accumulated a large number of various equipment for working with the earth. Became topical issue storage of garden tools in the country. Before, I did not think about it, I left shovels and rakes on the street under the open sky. But this attitude to inventory leads to early wear and tear. Then I thought about the storage place for garden tools, equipped with my own hands.

Wintering inventory

Proper storage of garden equipment in winter is a guarantee of its long service life. late autumn When the work in the garden and vegetable garden comes to an end, prepare the tools for the next season.

Clean off any visible dirt and grass, then go over the surface with a rough sponge. Forks and shovels fill with water with the addition laundry soap or dishwashing liquid and leave for 20-30 minutes. Wipe dry and leave to dry on the street for 2 hours. Loose cuttings are strengthened with wedges or winding fabric. Sand the wooden handle itself and varnish it. This will help you avoid splinters, and the wood will not exfoliate from moisture. Complex tool(secateurs, scissors), if possible, disassemble into parts, lubricate and assemble back. Dull parts must be sharpened and greased before winter to avoid rust. Store knives and sharp tools in sheaths or sheaths.

Of course, it is best to build a miniature house for garden tools, which can become not only convenient place for storage, but also to decorate your site. But if this is not possible, then a garage or barn is perfect for storing inventory. The main criteria for choosing a room are dryness and ventilation. If you are using a garage, please Special attention fasteners so that the tools, in case of a fall, do not scratch the machine.

How to store the instrument?

This simplest design has only one drawback: it is difficult to get to the tool in the middle.

For storage of small tools sew a fabric or plastic organizer with pockets.

Such a device for storing garden tools will help not to lose small tool(scissors, secateurs, scoops) and necessary things (gloves).

Creative Storage Ideas

Choosing a place to store garden tools is partly a creative task. If a staircase leads to the house, you can arrange a storage of large inventory under the porch, and make drawers for small things in the steps.

An excellent cabinet for garden tools will turn out from a bench.

And if you remove the railing and the back, we get a comfortable lounger. Or a planting area. Or dinner table. Don't be afraid to fantasize! And then an inconspicuous toolbox will turn into a multifunctional, eye-pleasing storage system.

Often people just store things in a garage, in some room, in a shed. You can find everything there: garden tools, old furniture, spare parts. If you leave it like that, then you will need to spend a lot of time every time to find the right thing. Therefore, summer residents came up with special ways storage that makes life easier. This article tells about the storage of shovels and rakes in the country.

Wall Mount System

This is one of the most the best options tool storage, as it allows small area place a large number of tools. Differs in simplicity, cheapness, big universality. The wall fixture can be attached to the shed for shovels, rakes. The system consists of a grid (sold in the regular market) and hooks on which inventory is hung. You can also make wooden holders and attach them to the wall.

Wall mount for tools

Garden toilet for tools

Since the room is high, it is well suited for rakes, shovels, choppers. You can also nail hooks on the toilet door, hang shelves on the wall, put tool boxes. For these purposes, household blocks are often used.

If there are a lot of garden tools, then it is better to use the traditional method - storing shovels and rakes in a shed, where you can build storage cabinets, put baskets for small items or special metal constructions for heavier things.

How to store garden tools

Storage lockers

If the option with garden toilet does not fit, then you can make lockers yourself. The advantage of this option is that you can choose the number of shelves, their height, the presence or absence of hooks.

You can also make a locker on wheels, which will allow you to easily change its location. Everything you need to create a locker is purchased in specialized stores.

A rack for shovels, forks, rakes, cuttings is another storage option. The sequence of its manufacture:

  1. Nail the crossbars to two boards: one - from above, the other - from below (the boards should be in the center of the crossbars).
  2. Make a bottom box for the stability of the tools in the cells.
  3. Nail supports from the ends to the box and boards.

Such a stand for shovels, rakes takes up little space.

Tool cabinet

Baskets for small things

You can use drawers that are made from a single piece of metal. Nothing will fall out of such boxes, and if you add an inscription, it will be easy to find the necessary inventory. Mesh baskets are used for rags, gloves. Storage for small things can be a container from under something (for example, a coffee can).

Advice! Tools and containers must be washed, cleaned and disinfected.

Sturdy metal structures

On metal shelves heavy tools are stored, so welding is best used to secure them.

The sequence of creating a metal structure:

  1. Make drawings.
  2. Take care of the elements of the frame - the usual corners.
  3. Cut out the frame elements with a grinder, and then weld them. Do not forget to check the right angles between the mounts, racks.
  4. To make shelves from perforated or rolled steel (thickness - 1-5 mm).
  5. At the end of the work, the rack should be cleaned of rust and painted.

It is better to place such a structure near a solid wall, which would be a support, carry part of the load. Often a metal structure is combined with wooden materials to make it easier.

So that outdoor furniture does not take up much space, it is attached to the wall with brackets.

Note! Hardware do not rot or ignite, are the most protected from chemicals, and the value of humidity and temperature does not affect them.

Preparing a garage for a lawn mower and walk-behind tractor

The room should be room temperature(approximately +22 °С), humidity - no more than 70%. You need to position the device so that the wheels do not touch the floor. The equipment must be stored in the working position, i.e. horizontally, otherwise it may be flooded air filter or an oil leak occurs.

It will be good if the lawn mower (walk-behind tractor) is covered with a cover made of soft tissue. Should not be nearby chemical substances for cleaning, as their aggressive compositions can cause severe damage to parts. Old rakes, shovels must be removed so that they do not fall on the walk-behind tractor.

Advice! A lawn mower garage can be made from a dog house.

How to store shovels in the country

Tips for storing shovels and other similar garden tools in winter:

  1. Clean off dirt.
  2. Dry in the sun.
  3. Sharpen the shovels and then put them in a bucket of sand.
  4. Lubricate cutting tools with oil.

There are quite a few options for storing country tools. It is not necessary to call the master, everything can be done by yourself. If you try, these designs will last a long time. Tips on how to properly store shovels, rakes will help save time and money, save appearance tools.