Shower      06/16/2019

Biologized protection of the garden and vegetable garden in June. Indoor plants for the office How to arrange an office with flowers in a pot

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, medium ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

unpretentious plants The “second plan” of sansevieria does not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. The stable decorative effect and extreme endurance of only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very fast growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their stiff leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. In June, gardening and gardening can be done throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for sowing with plantings, and for pruning, and for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - mushrooms, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, non-trivial foliage color. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will talk about in this article - the viburnum vesicle. To make my dream of a low maintenance garden come true, it's probably the perfect fit. At the same time, it is able to diversify the picture in the garden very much, moreover, from spring to autumn.

June is not accidentally one of the favorite months of gardeners. The first harvest, new crops in the vacant places, the rapid growth of plants - all this cannot but rejoice. But the main enemies of gardeners and gardeners - pests and weeds - also this month use every opportunity to spread. Planting work is on the wane this month, and seedling planting is at its peak. The lunar calendar in June for vegetables is balanced.

Many owners of cottages, equipping the territory, think about creating a lawn. Imagination draws, as a rule, magical pictures - a smooth carpet of green grass, a hammock, a deck chair, a barbecue and lovely trees and shrubs around the perimeter ... But, faced with the breakdown of the lawn in practice, many are surprised to learn that it is not so easy to create a beautiful, even lawn. And, it would seem, everything is done correctly, but here and there incomprehensible bumps appear or weeds sprout.

June chart garden work able to surprise anyone with its richness. In June, even lawns and ponds require attention. Some ornamental plants have already completed flowering and need pruning, others are just getting ready for the upcoming show. And donate ornamental garden in order to take better care of the ripening crop - the idea is not the best. IN lunar calendar June will be the time to plant new perennials and potted compositions.

Cold pork leg terrine is a meat appetizer from the category of budget recipes, because pork legs are one of the cheapest parts of the carcass. Despite the modesty of the ingredients, the appearance of the dish and its taste are highest level! Translated from French, this “game dish” is a cross between a pate and a casserole. Since there were fewer game hunters in times of technological progress, terrine is made more often from livestock meat, fish, vegetables, and cold terrines are also made.

In pretty pots or trendy florariums, on walls, tables and window sills, succulents can last weeks without watering. They do not change their character and do not perceive conditions that are comfortable for most capricious indoor plants. And their diversity will allow everyone to find their favorite. Similar either to stones, or to bizarre flowers, or to extravagant sticks or lace, fashionable succulents have long been not limited to cacti and fat women.

Trifle with strawberries is a light dessert common in England, the USA and Scotland. I think this dish is prepared everywhere, only called differently. Trifle consists of 3-4 layers: fresh fruits or fruit jelly, biscuit biscuit or biscuit, whipped cream. Usually they prepare custard for a layer, but for a light dessert they prefer to do without it, whipped cream is enough. This dessert is prepared in a deep transparent salad bowl so that the layers are visible.

Weeds are bad. They stop growing cultivated plants. Some wild herbs and shrubs are poisonous or may cause allergies. At the same time, many weeds can be of great benefit. They are used and how medicinal herbs, and as an excellent mulch or component of green manure, and as a means of repelling harmful insects and rodents. But in order to properly fight or use this or that plant for the good, it must be identified.

Once upon a time, while visiting, I saw and fell in love immediately and forever with this bush. Of course, for this I needed to see it in all its glory, namely, at the time of flowering. And now, when I write this article, outside the window inspires me Pink colour massive bush - weigela. It is named after a German scientist of the 18th and 19th centuries. In those distant times, a scientist, as a rule, was a specialist in many areas at once - both in botany, and in chemistry, and in pharmaceuticals.

Fish pie with pollock and fried potatoes is an everyday dish that is prepared simply, although not as quickly as a sandwich. Pollock fillet for this recipe is steamed, potatoes are fried in vegetable oil, so the number of calories in the dish will remain at an acceptable level. Cooking fish and potatoes does not take much time, then it remains to collect the ingredients, pour in a simple dough (as for pancakes) and wait for the oven to do its job.

The modern office is no longer a dull and boring room, cluttered desks, racks and shelves for documents. A person today wants to feel comfortable and in a working environment. This is why landscaping of offices has become very popular. Thanks to live plants, workrooms look much more welcoming and comfortable, fresh greenery creates a pleasant atmosphere, and, in addition, helps to increase the efficiency of employees.

Plants for the office should be unpretentious, hardy and, of course, beautiful.

Even the most diligent and hard-working employee needs breaks and small pauses throughout the day. Not everyone can afford to take a walk in the park, but you still want to relax and take a break from routine duties for a while.

A small green corner in the office, even just a couple of pots with live plants, by their very appearance, pleases and cheers up. But it is worth thinking about competent office gardening not only for this reason.

Psychologists have long proven that green color has a calming effect on nervous system, energizes and increases optimism. Employees will not feel tired and depressed, in those offices where there are living indoor plants, conflicts and misunderstandings are much less likely to occur.

Any plants are able to absorb harmful radiation from office equipment and release oxygen. With a lack of oxygen, the brain begins to "starve", a person's memory and vision deteriorate, he quickly gets tired. Greenery in the office provides a special microclimate that contributes to increased productivity of employees.

An office decorated with potted flowers looks much more aesthetic and presentable. Every person who gets here understands that they care about employees here, do not spare time and money to create the most favorable conditions for work.

Office dust, electrostatic field created by computers and office equipment, pathogenic microflora - all this has a detrimental effect on human health if he is forced to stay in such a room for several hours in a row every day. The smartest and healthiest way to solve problems is with the help of houseplants - but the main thing is to choose them correctly to get the desired result.

How to choose plants for the office

Spathiphyllum - hardy and beautiful indoor flower, perfect for the office.

Houseplants, even the most unpretentious, require regular care. For the office, it is worth choosing such flowers and ornamental shrubs that will not take a lot of time every day for watering, spraying and other procedures.

  1. Endurance - the office is not a greenhouse, because the flower must tolerate insufficient moisture and natural light, dusty air, abundance various devices and technology.
  2. Unpretentiousness in care - even if during the rush period none of the employees has time to water the plant or loosen the soil, it should not die.
  3. Aesthetics - small green oases in the office should please the eye, and not strain and cause antipathy. It is not bad if you manage to choose flowers in such a way that they emphasize the style of the interior in which the office is designed and harmoniously fit into the surrounding environment.
  4. Compactness. Even if a tree in a pot was purchased for the office, it should not clutter up a third of the room, interfere with employees, or disturb the lighting.

In other words, office plants should provide sufficient oxygenation and air purification, look beautiful and stylish, but at the same time not take up employees' working time for care and maintenance. Are there any? Yes, and there are many.

Often in the office there are those indoor plants that the employees themselves brought from home. This is the most budget convenient option. But if it is possible to purchase office plants in a specialized flower shop, you should pay attention to such varieties and species.


Many people have this luxurious flower in their home collection, it will be appropriate and how office flower. Spathiphyllum attracts the eye with lush greenery, and even with proper care it blooms profusely.

The plant is unpretentious, it is enough to water it regularly, replant it once a year with strong growth, sometimes air it. It is important not to allow drying out, then it will delight with beautiful white flowers for more than one year.


Chlorophytum purifies the air from harmful impurities and odors.

This plant should be in every office filled with office equipment. It has the unique property of lowering the level of ionization, filtering the air, releasing oxygen.

Chlorophytum tolerates the lack of natural light well, and, in addition, fits perfectly into any interior style - from classic to modern.

decorative lemon

A small tree in a beautiful tub will delight not only with its juicy greenery, but also with small, fragrant fruits of bright yellow color. The subtle smell of the leaves of this indoor plant has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, increases efficiency, soothes and relieves nervous tension.

Lemongrass has bactericidal properties - office employees with such a plant will get sick less even in the midst of a flu epidemic. Best of all, this plant is combined with the interior in English style, strict and classical.

The lemon tree will not only decorate the office, but also fill it with a pleasant aroma.


Another decorative tree, the leaves of which have a specific smell. Inhaling it, you can get rid of headaches, migraines, irritability, relieve fatigue after sitting at the office desk for a long time.

The laurel tree releases special phytoncides into the air, which suppress viruses and stimulate blood circulation.


The optimal indoor plant for offices, the Flower tolerates drought, hot air, frost, can grow for years in the same soil without transplanting. The only thing that can destroy it is frequent watering, leading to waterlogging of the soil.

Mother-in-law's tongue is perfect for the office - the plant is completely unpretentious.

"Three-strip" sansevieria can grow to a very large size, it will decorate a spacious office with its bright contrasting sheets. But the variety "Khana" will look great on a rack or computer desk.

Aglaonema and monstera

Like the previous type of indoor plants, aglaonema is unpretentious in care and does not require frequent transplants - aglaonema grows very slowly, it can be installed on a shelf or rack and not remember to change the soil for this plant for several seasons.

Monstera is suitable for decorating halls and waiting rooms.

Monstera is a classic office plant with a wonderful appearance and absolute unpretentiousness. During active growth it does not need to be watered at all, the rest of the time it tolerates dry well, warm air, small droughts and other costs of life in office conditions.

The office provides several different rooms. These are offices for employees, the chief's office, a meeting and conference room, a reception room, a hall. Sometimes in large offices there is a dining room, a canteen, a recreation area and other auxiliary rooms and departments. For each of them, it is worth considering a separate flower arrangement.

  1. Schefflera, palm, orchid, dracaena, croton - all these indoor plants are large-sized, look great in office space and do not take much time.
  2. To create beautiful composition, it is better to supplement the overall bushes with such small ornamental plants like arrowroot, calathea, asparagus, stromanthus, tradescantia.
  3. Large-sized - representative, bright and impressive flowers. It is better to put them in the boss's office or place them in a conference room or reception room.
  4. On tables and racks in the room for employees and managers, compact pots with flowering ornamental plants, various cacti and orchids will look beautiful.
  5. In the hall or recreation area, you can build a whole green wall using creepers or ferns.

combination various plants will help create an original design.

It is not necessary to hire a designer to help with office gardening. Ordinary employees can also cope with the task. It is important to be guided not only by the cost of the plant and your own preferences. First of all, you need to find out what kind of care the flower will need, and assess whether it is possible to provide it.

Every day, millions of people go to work on their computers. Flickering monitor, motionless posture, monotonous movements - all lead to rapid fatigue. Add intense electromagnetic radiation, and you get a significant reduction in human productivity. How to mitigate these negative impacts, on what to rest a tired look? Greening the office can greatly mitigate the problem and ultimately increase work intensity. It has long been established that the color of green plants soothes and relaxes. eye muscles, and this color cannot be replaced, say, with green walls or tables: live colors change shades in a special way, cast glare of light and create a unique effect. An island of wildlife in an office saturated with electronics, this is also the opportunity to breathe high-quality air, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity.

So, decorating an office with flowers is not a whim of decoration, but a vital necessity. Not every plant will take root in an office space. It is necessary to take into account the humidity, and the amount of light, and the availability of free space, and other factors. Questions arise:

  • What kind of species to choose - ampelous, large-sized or succulents?
  • Are flowering plants, and what?
  • Which plants are the most tolerant of environmental conditions?
  • How to arrange them indoors so that they do not interfere with work and feel good?

All this is known to specialists in floristics of the Good Day company. They will make your office a place where it is easy to breathe and work productively.

An office is also a place where visitors are received. Each firm seeks to show itself to potential or actual customers with the best side. The interior is thought out so that visitors are comfortable if they have to wait. A comfortable environment is created not only soft chairs, tables with magazines to pass the time. Office decoration with flowers plays an important role in creating the image. It depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in the reception room, how it will be decorated with live plants.

If your goal is strict businesslike, lush large flowers with a strong aroma are unlikely to be appropriate. If you want your customers to be immersed in an atmosphere of comfort and emotional peace, your green assistants will best be able to contribute to its creation. Landscaping of the office will emphasize the lines of the interior even in the case when it is made in an exotic or antique style.

It is not enough just to hang pots on the walls, arrange floor vases with large plants or flower pots on all surfaces. Of course, this is a matter for specialists. They know how certain types of plants are combined with the environment, so that a stylish office does not turn out, say, a village hut.

Office decoration with flowers is also relevant for executive offices. This part of the company should not only have a stylistic unity, but also reflect the individual features of the person working here. Hard work requires at least a minute of rest, switching attention to something pleasant and sincere. Take a look at green twig sometimes it is simply necessary to inhale a delicate aroma in order to gain new strength and acquire inner balance. It is no coincidence that the Japanese, whose tradition includes admiring nature, are distinguished by the highest achievements in modern technologies. Landscaping the office of the head should also work on the impression of people who come for business negotiations or other issues. It is important, although not easy, to achieve harmony between the official atmosphere of a solid office and living plants.

To make a competent landscaping of the office, you need to find specimens in the sea of ​​​​houseplants that are suitable for each individual office in style, make a collection that meets specific tasks. Their location in the room, taking into account the type and brightness of lighting, humidity, temperature, interior features - all this is the scope of floristry. Aesthetic impression is also of no small importance. The combination of shades of green in different varieties and types is inexhaustible. Shading the dark with light, large leaves with small and airy lace, placing accents in the form of bright flowers is a whole art. Florists know which plants to put next not only visual signs. As in all wildlife, there are antagonists and “friendly” species among them. We must not forget about the effect of plants on health. Some of them emit unsafe substances.

If you leave the office gardening in the hands of professionals from the Good Day company, you will not have to wonder why your plantings or you yourself do not feel well. Everything will be done in a scientifically accurate way, as well as stylishly and beautifully.

Working in an office often Negative influence on the health of workers, which office plants help to compensate. In addition to purifying the air, plants give office space a feeling of comfort and simply pleasing to the eye with their appearance.

How to choose a plant for the office?

  • When choosing a plant for fashion, you should be guided last, much more important is what is the level of illumination, humidity and temperature in the office.
  • It is also worth considering possible negative impact of the split system on plants.
  • One of critical factors- This light, in natural conditions, flowers live at different levels of lighting, for some, straight lines are comfortable Sun rays, others better fit diffused light, the third - a shadow. It is worth paying attention to what opportunities office windows provide, how much light comes through them during the day. If the light of the sun comes most day, the window sill is well suited for sun-loving plants. A darker window is suitable for those who feel better in diffused light. Flowers that prefer shade are best removed from the window altogether, or placed in an office without a window.

    It is also worth considering the height of the pots, the distance from it to the window or lamp, and whether the office lights are turned off at night.

  • Besides, it is important to consider the opinions of colleagues, since pollen or mold can cause allergies in them. It is important that your workplace greening plans do not cause trouble for the neighbors. If colleagues have problems with pollen, you should choose plants without peduncles, you should pay attention to those that feel comfortable in the shade, as a rule, they do not bloom much. So that the neighbors do not have an allergic reaction to mold, it is worth planting them in special soil that is resistant to fungi. Make sure the soil dries out completely between waterings, as mold usually develops in damp, dark environments.

For the office, it is better not to purchase flowers that need a cool environment in winter, as offices are usually warm all year round. In such an environment, the plant can become sick, drop leaves, stretch or wither.

When choosing flowers for the office, remember that:

  • plants are alive and improper care and the tense atmosphere of the office can lead to their undoing.
  • whimsical flowers like roses, orchids or gloxinias are not very suitable for an office table.
  • it is also better not to purchase for the office, as they need special conditions in winter, which are difficult to perform in an office environment.
  • if you still decide to start plants, you should understand how difficult the New Year holidays are for them, long breaks in watering, vandalism, and also watering with the remnants of tea.

Top Best Office Plants

  1. sensevieria, it is also called "mother-in-law's tongue", does not require specific living conditions, is calm about drought and drafts, dense leaves break with difficulty, and damage is easily tolerated. Also, this flower calmly reacts to temperature changes, rare transplants. Their appearance is varied, the size is graduated from big plants, which are placed on the floor, to small desktop ones, and the color can be chosen from dark green to pale yellow-green.
  2. Monstera- a traditional plant of offices, hospitals and schools, is resistant and unpretentious, it suits both natural and artificial light.
  3. Zamioculcas- is gaining popularity as an office plant for its beauty and unpretentiousness, even an uninsulated window sill will suit it, as it is not afraid of low temperatures.
  4. Saintpaulia or, unpretentious to the soil, capable of flowering even on dry stone ground. It has an attractive and varied appearance, you can choose double or semi-double flowers, large flower stars, stripes or small rosettes, which the window sill can accommodate a whole collection.
  5. Spathiphyllum- it is slightly capricious, but better than other plants it copes with air purification. All that is required is moderate but regular watering.
  6. Bamboo- instead of a pot of soil, it is constantly in a vessel with water that needs to be topped up. It is quite unpretentious, looks good and is especially suitable for oriental style interior.
  7. very hardy and cleans the air better than other plants. Can last a whole month without water and does not need frequent transplants. Its lifespan reaches ten years.
  8. Dracaena or originally from the Mexican desert, which indicates its immunity to temperature extremes and drought. Its disadvantage is the high need for sunlight which makes it unsuitable for living in dark rooms.
  9. needs intensive watering and abundant, but not direct, lighting. With its beauty and bright colors it can decorate any table.
  10. ficus benjamina or rubber has already become an office classic, needs good lighting and moderate humidity, cleans the air very well.

Where to place flowers?

  • large plants like or dieffenbachia will organically fit into the interior of the manager's office and reception.
  • small pots can be placed on work tables or flower shelves.
  • it is worth protecting the flower from being close to the battery, draft from the door and the air conditioner.
  • also worth considering general form office after landscaping, flowers should look appropriate, and if there are too many, the office will look frivolous.
  • the other extreme is the complete absence of flowers, such an office will seem too strict and unoriginal.

Plants with natural light

If in the office big windows, facing south, you should choose plants that feel comfortable in such an environment. Choice is possible agapanthus, aloe, beloperone, ginura, indoor jasmine, coleus, palm, hoya or citrus. However, direct sunlight can burn the foliage, so it's a good idea to close the blinds.

Plants with artificial light

Best shade tolerance aspidiastras, aglaonemes, adiantums, oriental biotas, clivias, ficuses, fatsias, chlorophytums. But they all need a different level of lighting, only time will tell how comfortable the flower is in the place chosen for it.

If its foliage is thick and green, then the lighting is sufficient, if it stretches, loses leaves and exposes shoots, then there is little light.

  • All plants need careful watering, if the plant has fleshy and thick leaves, watering is needed only when the earth in the pot is completely dry.
  • If the plant curves in the direction of the light, it should be moved closer to its source, but not under direct rays. The lack of light will be noticeable by the loss of brightness of the colors of the leaves.
  • It is better to choose pots from ceramics, as they better pass air to the roots and evaporate excess moisture.
  • The bottom of the pots should be covered with expanded clay to a thickness of 2 cm.
  • Flowers will help the reception and conference room look more friendly.

The main advantages of flowers in the office