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How to make a decorative pond in the garden. Pond in the country: varieties and do-it-yourself technology. The original pond in the garden do it yourself photo

Artificial reservoir - a spectacular component landscape design designed to bring peace and tranquility. What could be nicer than sitting in a gazebo covered with roses and admiring mirror surface reflecting white clouds and flowering shrubs? Have you been dreaming of a small pond for a long time, but there is not enough money for its arrangement? No problem. You can do it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. All that is needed for this is to carefully read this article and apply the knowledge gained in practice! So, how to make an artificial pond: DIY instructions.

Artificial pond on the site

Choosing the right place for the pond

The right choice of a place for a pond is a guarantee that it will really delight the eye with clean water, and not scare away those around it with a stormy summer “bloom”. An artificial reservoir should be illuminated by the sun 6-7 hours a day. It is important to find a middle ground, because an excess of sun will lead to intensive reproduction of algae, and its lack - to the complete extinction of "decorative inhabitants".

The pond should be located on an open surface, at a relative distance from the trees. Otherwise, you doom yourself to constantly fishing out branches and fallen leaves from it. In addition, growing, the roots of plants can damage the base or break the film. Do not forget that the home lake needs to be cleaned from time to time and change the water in it. Well, if the source clean water will be nearby - this will solve the problem of filling.

Designing a recreation area with a small pond

Dimensions and design

As for the size, everything, of course, is individual and depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits of your possessions. It is believed that the reservoir should occupy approximately 3% of the area land plot. But that's up to you. Do not make the pond too deep - it will be difficult to care for it. Provide three degrees of depth. The first will belong to coastal plants, the second - to water lilies, the third - to fish.

If we talk about the design of the future reservoir, then you should build on your preferences and the style of the existing landscape. Would you like to emphasize the rigor and geometry of the house? Square or rectangular pond - The best decision. Those who dream of filling the space with oriental motifs should take a closer look at the small, irregularly shaped reservoirs, bordered by smooth boulders and low trees with bright foliage.

Original artificial pond

Round ponds on a green lawn, surrounded by original lanterns, are very popular. It is possible to lay a bridge across the reservoir from terrace board, break flower beds nearby, form stone paths, thus creating an ideal atmosphere for a good rest.

The pond is perfectly round

Materials for an artificial reservoir

Do-it-yourself pond can be made from different materials. The most commonly used film, butyl rubber or ready-made containers. Which option to choose is up to you. But first - consider their advantages and disadvantages.

  • PVC film. Excellent material for homemade ponds. You can easily build a design of the desired shape. If necessary, dismantling is not difficult to do. Affordable price film provides everyone with the opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful pond without significant financial costs. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the fragility of the material, i.e. after some time, you will have to attend to the construction of a new reservoir.

The process of laying PVC film in the pit

  • Butyl rubber. Like PVC film, it allows you to create ponds of any shape, but it has a lot of additional advantages. Rubber is able to withstand high loads and maintain excellent strength characteristics for a long time. Of course, these advantages directly affect the cost - in this case, it will be an order of magnitude higher.

Butyl rubber for pond equipment

  • Finished plastic tanks. The fastest way to get an attractive lake. Plastic containers are strong and resistant to adverse weather conditions, but have a limited range of sizes and shapes.

Not big pond from the finished tank

Some craftsmen build ponds from what is in the garage - from old bath, barrels, a suitable basin, trough and even tires from a tractor. Well, it is possible and so. Original and well worth a look.

Sequence of work

Creating a pond using PVC film is considered the most common, so let's consider it.

  • We make a plan. Before proceeding directly to work, sketch out a rough plan indicating the width and depth of the future pond. It is advisable to think over the decoration in advance. This approach will avoid rework and as a result get what you want;
  • We outline the contours of the pond. This can be done with an ordinary hose or simply by scattering sand along the proposed boundaries of the reservoir. Think again whether everything suits you - at this stage, you can change something;
  • Roem a pit. We start earthworks. We form the first two tiers of the reservoir. Approximate depth - 30 cm, width - 20 cm. Then we dig out the main bowl. Please note that the total depth must be greater than 80 cm. Otherwise, your pond will be too hot in summer and too cold in winter. In such conditions, it is unlikely that someone or something will live there;
  • We measure the dimensions. The pit is ready, now we measure its size and depth. Adds 50 cm around the edges, and with the numbers obtained, we boldly go to a specialized store to purchase the right amount of film;
  • We line the bottom and walls with foil. To extend the life of polyvinyl chloride, geotextiles, linoleum, roofing material are laid under it, or at least sand is poured. If you do this on a hot sunny day, you can achieve maximum elasticity from the material and easily give it the desired shape;
  • We fix the edge. To do this, we dig a trench, put the wrapped ends of the film into it and fill it with gravel for greater reliability. Plastic pipes nailed to pegs will help to eliminate shedding of the edges of the reservoir;
  • We decorate the pond. Decorate the edges of the pond with stones, install a fountain with lights, place containers with plants in the bowl. In the coastal zone, you can settle marigold and marsh iris. In shallow water - reeds and calamus. Deep water will become great place for water lilies, water hyacinth, elodea, aponogeton;
  • We pour water. After graduation preparatory work, you can pour water into the pond. A stream that will ensure continuous circulation will help prevent stagnation. The source of the stream is raised above the level of the reservoir, while water is supplied by a pump resting on the bottom. Don't forget to install a cleaning filter.

Video: instructions for arranging a pond in a small area

The pond is ready. It remains to launch the fish. It is better to keep unpretentious crucians, koi and veiltails. The design of the surrounding area is a purely individual matter. Some will want to build a gazebo, others - to break flower beds, others - to install a barbecue.

Koi carp in an artificial pond

How to properly care

Caring for an artificial reservoir does not require large power and time costs. If the pond is dry, add water to it. In the summer, remove thread algae and weeds around your home lake. In autumn, clear the pond of falling leaves. You can make it easier for yourself and stretch the net over the water surface. With the onset of cold weather, the plants are transplanted into other containers and sent for wintering. Equipment is also removed. In the spring, the walls of the pond are scraped of silt, and everything returns to normal.

As you can see, arranging a pond with your own hands is not such a difficult task. All you need is desire, a little free time and a little imagination. Dare!

Are you constantly haunted by the feeling that something is missing in your dacha? Take a look around you! Yes, there are flower beds, a gazebo, a playground too. Do you have a small pond in which lilies float or a fountain gurgles on your site? If not, then building a decorative pond with your own hands is completely easy.

Key points for arranging a pond

If you have made such a decision, do not immediately grab a shovel. First of all, decide on the following questions:

  • the location of the pond on the site;
  • the size of the pond and its shape;
  • materials for the arrangement of the pond;
  • vegetation for the pond, its decoration.

Don't let difficulties scare you, they are all easily overcome. A small financial outlay, a few days of work, and the “crystal” dream of any summer resident will appear on your site - the quiet expanse of a pond or a babbling fountain sparkling in the sun with a multi-colored rainbow.

Choosing a place for an ornamental pond: it is important not to make a mistake

When choosing a place for a pond, keep in mind that the pond will not be a place for breeding fish or swimming, it will only serve as a decorative function. However, it is very important that a natural ecological system be built for it, otherwise, instead of decoration, after a while, a “charming” swamp may turn out.

Carefully choose a place for an artificial reservoir so that over time it does not turn into a “charming” swamp

The illumination of the site is very important for the placement of the pond. On the one hand, coastal and aquatic plants need the sun, on the other hand, its excess is detrimental to the entire ecosystem.

When the summer is hot, in small ponds the water heats up so much that it becomes impossible to control the reproduction of algae, as a result, the inhabitants of such reservoirs die.

The ideal option considered to be when Sun rays warm the pond only in the first or second half of the day. It is desirable that in the afternoon it was in the shade.

It is advisable to arrange the pond so that the sun's rays warm it up only in the first or second half of the day.

It is not difficult to determine the illumination of a future reservoir. It is enough to mark the contours of the future pond with a rope or white sand and follow during the day which part of it will be illuminated by the sun.

Determine the level of illumination of the place allotted for the pond

If there is no house or garden structures near the place allotted for the pond, a tree or bush can shade it. Trees with a weeping crown shape look very beautiful near the pond, but in this case, you will have to regularly clean the water from fallen leaves.

Building a pond with your own hands is easiest if you fit it into the existing landscape, using the lowest and wettest places in the garden. It can drain water from the site through drainage system.

If country cottage area flat, a place for a pond can be chosen on the border of the garden, marked by trees or bushes. You can allocate a place next to the livestock. But then it is necessary to make between the water reach of the pond and the plantations smooth transition- a strip of perennials or ornamental grasses.

Do not surround the pond with a solid wall. Plant plants of different heights on the shore

The pond among the lawn does not look the best. If there are no other options, plant plants of different heights on the shore, but not in a solid wall - your gaze should slide over the mirror of the water.

Effectively and stylishly looks decorative pond next to alpine slide or rockery. By decorating a hill and a pond with the same forms of stones, you can link them into a single compositional whole.

A decorative pond will look especially impressive next to an alpine slide or rockery

The use of height differences and natural hills makes it possible to enter a stream into such a composition, which will flow over the stones into the pond. In the future, such a composition can be supplemented with a decorative bridge.

The shape and style of the reservoir

A pond, as an element of landscape design, must correspond to a certain style. Round ponds are a favorite form of the English landscape.

Round ponds are widely used in English landscapes.

Precise geometric shapes are best for a regular style. Irregularly shaped ponds that follow the shape of natural water bodies are popular in classical Chinese and Japanese gardens.

An irregularly shaped pond is an ideal addition to a Chinese or Japanese style garden.

Today, it is not at all necessary to strive for a do-it-yourself constructed pond in the country house to have a natural or strict geometric shape. The main thing is that it should fit perfectly into the landscape of the garden.

The main thing is not form and decor, but harmonious unity with the surrounding landscape

With special care, materials are selected for the design of the coast and the coastal zone.

Materials for the design of the shores of the reservoir are selected very carefully. Clinker, a natural stone, wood or concrete should be in harmony with the facade of the house, walkway or retaining walls.

Materials for an artificial reservoir

For arranging a pond in the country with their own hands, they use different waterproofing materials. Their choice depends on the shape and size of the pond. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir does not exceed 5 sq.m, ready-made plastic bowls are mainly used.

It is convenient to use ready-made plastic bowls for arranging reservoirs with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 5 sq.m.

They are very easy to install, and they will serve for decades. The disadvantage of plastic molds is that they have a strictly defined shape and small volume.

Those wishing to create a reservoir for individual project, it is worth using a waterproofing film. It is very elastic and easily deformed to the desired shape. There are three types of this material.

The most commonly used black pvc film(polyvinyl chloride). It lends itself perfectly to repair with glue. Therefore, if the need arises, it can be repaired.

Polyethylene film is cheaper than PVC, but it does not have the same elasticity and durability. If the polyethylene leaks, you can “treat” it with a self-adhesive tape.

Butyl rubber is considered the best film. The thickness of this film is chosen depending on the depth of the pond and the water pressure. For a reservoir whose depth does not exceed 80 cm, a film 0.8 mm thick is sufficient. If the depth is greater, the film thickness should be 1.2 - 1.5 mm.

The best option for an artificial pond - butyl rubber film. The free ends of the film can be masked with stones

On the shore of a reservoir, the bottom of which is made of film, the stones should hang slightly above the water. This way you can mask the free ends of the film.

Another option for arranging a reservoir is a monolithic concrete pit. For ponds with regular geometric shapes, this is the most convenient manufacturing method. Although, in order to build such a pond, one must have the skills to work with concrete, be able to install formwork and reinforcement. In addition, it is necessary to plan the location of the reservoir very accurately, all its parameters, since then it is almost impossible to fix anything.

The optimal solution for ponds with regular geometric shapes will be a monolithic concrete pit

The most difficult thing in the construction of a concrete pit is the pouring of beveled walls with smooth transitions between terraces of different heights. In addition to concrete, in the construction of a monolithic pond bowl, reinforcing steel mesh is used, and internal surfaces the pits are also covered with a protective layer of fine-grained sand, which must be renewed at least once every two years.

Master class: creating a pond based on a rigid container

Rigid containers are good because they are easy and quick to install. You can easily install such a container yourself, spending only 1-2 days.

Installing a rigid container is not difficult. By choosing a bowl with natural stone edges, you do not have to be puzzled by disguise

If you manage to purchase a plastic bowl with edges designed to look like natural stone, the process will go even faster, because the problem of giving the coast a natural look will disappear.

Operating procedure

1. Install the finished container in the place reserved for the pond. So that she does not bend over, put her on the bricks. Circle the edges of the container with light sand or lime. In order for the pit to correspond to the relief of the tank, it is necessary to accurately mark out zones of different heights.

2. It is necessary to dig a pit very carefully according to the markings, expanding and deepening them by 10 cm.

3. Install the bowl of the reservoir in the pit, using the level, make sure that the bowl is horizontal. Adjust the depth of the pit if necessary.

4. Fill the container with water a third and start filling the cracks with sand, periodically pouring water over it.

Master class: creating a reservoir on a film basis

Using a waterproofing film, you can create a reservoir of any, even the most bizarre shape. Having decided on a place for a reservoir, we proceed to its construction.

1. Mark the contours of the pond banks with light sand or dry lime. Dig a ditch around the perimeter on a spade bayonet. Collect the removed sod and fertile soil separately.

2. Again with sand or lime, draw contours for different depths. The deepest place should be in the center of the reservoir. Gradually remove the soil from a less deep zone, and only then from the deepest.

3. Using a tape measure and string, calculate the required film size. To strengthen the banks, add another 50 cm to each side.

4. A layer of sand should be poured at the bottom of the pit, geotextiles or interlining should be placed on top. This will protect the film from contact with sharp stones and roots. Now you can cover the film.

5. Fill the reservoir with water gradually, pressing down the bottom and terraces with stones. The film should settle gradually.

6. After a few days, proceed to the design of the coastal zone. The edges of the film are well seasoned and laid stones and slabs. The gaps between them are covered with pebbles and sand.

A quick way to create a pond mine from improvised means

I will not talk about old bathtubs, buckets, barrels and basins, adapted and converted into garden ponds. It's very simple and primitive.

But with one interesting way creating a pond out of uselessness, I’ll still introduce you. I stumbled upon these photos while surfing the endless expanses of the Internet.

We make a decorative pond from an old car tire

The form for the pond is an ordinary car tire. You can get hold of this "good" at a landfill, at a tire fitting, or at your husband's garage.

How larger diameter tires, the larger the pond will turn out. Tires from the wheels of KAMAZ, BELAZ or the Belarus tractor will allow you to build a decent-sized pond. Cut off the top part of the tire.

Having folded the film in two layers, we line the bottom and sides of the tire. We bend the edges of the film under the sides.

We fill the pond with water and decorate the banks with stones and plants.

Choosing plants for the pond and coastal zone

In the balance of the ecosystem of a reservoir, even a very small one, special role assigned to plants - those that grow on the shore and those that live in the water. Therefore, they must be selected very carefully.

Decoration of the coastal zone

Lovers of natural style, as a rule, prefer large bodies of water. Their shores impress with lush vegetation, which belongs to the local flora: willow loosestrife, monetized loosestrife, marsh iris. There are also such tall plants as reeds and darmer.

artificial pond in natural style impressive lush vegetation

For reservoirs in a regular style, strict symmetry is characteristic. Plants on the shore are planted in a certain order. Large rectangular slabs are laid around the pond. Wooden flooring and "embankments" look stylish.

A special atmosphere of tranquility and unique charm is created by Japanese-style ponds. This is facilitated by the harmony of the stone with skillfully selected plants, decorative bridges and other accessories.

Japanese-style ponds give the beholder a sense of harmony and tranquility

If there is enough space on the shore, tall perennials can be planted.

For ornamental ponds, which are most often found in our dachas, the main thing is a spectacular appearance. If there is enough space on the shore, tall perennials are planted: gunner, rogers, host, bergenia, marsh iris, astilba. Between the stones, closer to the water, you can plant tenacity, stonecrops, forget-me-nots.

Aquatic plants for ponds

Special attention should be given to the selection of aquatic plants for a small pond

For small ponds, it is very important to choose the right plants that will float on the surface of the water. There shouldn't be many of them. Dwarf water lilies, water hyacinth, water ranunculus, duckweed not only decorate a small pond, they saturate it with oxygen, thereby supporting its vital activity.

Choosing aquatic plants be sure to find out how fast they grow. Otherwise, it may happen that over the summer your decorative pond will be covered with wild thickets, due to which the water will not be visible at all.

To control development fast growing plants, it is better to plant them not in the ground, but in special containers or "pockets" made of jute, which are attached to coastal stones. In containers, heat-loving specimens will find their place, which, with the onset of cold weather, are moved to a trough with water and transferred to the cellar.

It is very important to know how deep to plant aquatic plants. In garden ponds, five zones of different depths are conditionally distinguished.

The coastal zone is considered to be up to 10 cm deep; it forms a swamp or a wet meadow. Here marsh iris, plakun and marigold feel great.

Shallow water (depth from 10 to 40 cm). Plants with tubular stems feel good here - reeds, calamus, whorled urt.

The deep-water zone starts at 40 cm. This is the habitat of plants with floating leaves - nymphaeum, as well as aponogeton bicuspid, arrowhead, elodea - plants that hide under water.

So that in winter the reservoir does not freeze and the plants in it are preserved, its depth must be at least 80 cm.

Filters and pumps for ornamental pond

In order for the pond to be always clean and the water fresh, experts recommend equipping it with a filter and a pump for pumping water. Small pumps look like containers. They can easily be hidden under rocks. The right choice of pump for the pond will help a specialist. After all, the power of the pump is determined by the volume of water.

Having chosen a place for the pump, and placing it on a concrete slab or brick, it is necessary to mark the laying line water pipe and electric cable. The cable is placed in a special reinforced tube and, together with the water pipe, is masked with small stones and pebbles. Pump include in electrical circuit through a circuit breaker. The water filter must be changed regularly.

On the shore of a self-created reservoir, you can organize cozy area recreation

All these simple tips that you have read will allow you to complete the creative task perfectly, and the place by the reservoir will become not only a habitat for dragonflies and butterflies, but also a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.

Even in a small area, you can equip a quite decent artificial reservoir, while sacrificing only a few beds. It'll be cheap. In order to create a pond in the country with your own hands, you only need geotextiles, PVC film or polyethylene and a few days of free time.

Choosing a place for an artificial reservoir

When choosing a location for a pond, it is of great importance illumination. Since aquatic plants require enough sunlight, it shouldn't be too shaded. But too much overheating of the water is also undesirable, as this can lead to flowering of the surface.

The most suitable site for placing an artificial reservoir is a place near the fence in the corner of the garden, which is illuminated in the morning, but is in partial shade at noon. Do not place a pond near large trees: Proliferating roots can damage the excavation cover. And during leaf fall, you will have to clean the pond from leaves almost daily.

An artificial pond is best placed in partial shade

Pit preparation

The size of an artificial reservoir can be anything - it all depends on the desire of the owner and the free space on the site. But it should be noted that too large a pond will require more care.

1. With the help of driven stakes and a rope, markings are made according to the shape of the pond at the selected place.

2. Sod is removed along the perimeter of the marking.

3. A small pit can be dug with an ordinary shovel. So that the walls of the pit do not crumble, its walls must have slight slope. There is no need to make an artificial reservoir too deep. Minimum depth bowls - 60 cm (plus 30-40 cm for backfilling drainage from crushed stone and sand).

4. If it is planned to launch fish into the pond, its depth should be lower soil freezing level in this climatic region. Otherwise, the water at the bottom will freeze and the fish will die. In the central part of Russia, the soil freezes to a depth of about 1.4-1.5 m.

5. For planting aquatic plants, it is better if the edges of the pit are stepped. The size of each of these steps is 10-15 cm.

Stepped pond pit

6. All large stones and branches are removed from the bottom of the pit, which can damage a not too strong film.

7. At the bottom of the pit falls asleep drainage: crushed stone, and then sand each with a layer of 20 cm and compacted.

8. To protect against soil erosion, a layer of geotextile. It can be replaced with any durable fabric: old carpets, blankets, old oilcloth or roofing material. Laying such a protective layer is carried out with an overlap on the edges of the pit of about 50 cm.

Roofing material laying

9. Next, you can lay on the bottom of the reservoir polyethylene film(shelf life is about 3 years), pvc film(it will last longer, about 15 years) or durable butyl rubber. To prevent damage to the film during filling with water, it must be laid without tension.

A film is laid at the bottom of the pit

10. Do not cut off excess geotextiles and films immediately. the desired shape they will accept only after filling the pond with water. It is better to dig along the perimeter of the pit shallow trench, in which it will be possible to lay the edges of the fabric and film and lightly cover with earth.

11. After filling the artificial reservoir with water, stones are laid along its edges, which will not only hold the material lining the bottom of the pond, but also serve as decoration. The edges of such an artificial reservoir can be decorate And decorative tiles, slate, sandstone or other suitable size stones or bricks.

Stones are laid along the edges of the reservoir

12. The area adjacent to the reservoir can be backfilled with gravel or marble chips.

Decoration of the edge of the reservoir

13. In the center or at the edge of the pond, you can install a small artificial fountain.

14. Along the edges of the reservoir, you can install several small lamps on solar batteries.

Advice. If there is too little space on the site, a small artificial reservoir can be made from an old wheel or bath, buried in the ground and finished with stones along the edge (see photo).

A small artificial pond made from an old bathtub

Pond from an old wheel

Pond cleaning

To clean a large pond, you can use the simplest system filtration: small pumping station With sand filter. Two pipes are drawn into the pond: one serves to take water, from the second, purified water will again flow into the pool. Additional purification can be provided by a small stream filled with sand, through which the filtered water will pass before re-entering the pool. It can flow into the pond through a small waterfall.

Pond filter

It is enough to clean a small pond only once a season by hand. To do this, completely pump out water from it using submersible pump and remove accumulated dirt from the bottom. To clean the pond, you can also use a special vacuum cleaner equipped with a filter, with which you can collect dirt from the bottom.

Pond vacuum cleaner

Advice. If you put a vessel filled with charcoal at the bottom of the pond, the water in it will not bloom for a long time.

Fallen leaves can be collected from the surface of the pond using a net. In autumn, during a strong leaf fall, the reservoir can be covered with a special net. In order to avoid the ingress of dirt for the winter period, the pond is covered with any covering material.

Advice. So that the film does not crack in frost, it is better not to drain the water for the winter. To compensate for the pressure created by the expansion of the ice, several wooden planks or plastic bottles filled with water.

Planting aquatic plants

Aquatic plants serve not only original decoration pond. Bogwort, hornwort, elodea and other plants that can saturate the reservoir with oxygen will help protect the water surface from greening.

Naturally, only those plants that can develop well in a given climatic region should be planted. To decorate the pond, you can use traditional plants: reed, sedge, reeds. Large plants (lilies, water lilies) will be able to cover the water surface from the bright scorching sun and reduce water heating. Flowering plants that prefer to settle near water bodies include arrowhead, kupena, plakun-grass, fern, bergenia, lungwort, water iris, etc.

Advice. For planting plants, you can use special containers that are placed along the bottom of the pit. In this case, it will be much easier to take care of the plants.

Planting aquatic plants

Video: Do-it-yourself pond in the country

A beautiful body of water garden plot many summer residents dream of building. However, not everyone can boast of a large area of ​​land, trying in vain to place a vegetable garden, fruit trees, as well as several flower beds with their favorite flowers on it. In addition, the construction of a pond is associated with significant costs that not everyone can afford.

A small charming pond is not difficult to build yourself

Several options for a small pond

Our photos show various options artificial reservoirs in suburban areas. Among them you can find budget ones and you can stop at one of the simplest ones to perform. In addition, the choice of option should be determined by the composition of the soil, as well as the availability of free space in the garden or yard. It is easy to build a mini pond with your own hands if you have the appropriate building materials at hand. Available materials can serve as the main argument in finding a solution.

Film pond - a universal solution

To prevent water from leaving a homemade pond, it must be sealed. in a good way the use of film is considered. If you want to save money, you can use leftovers polyethylene film, which was purchased for greenhouses, but such a reservoir will last only a few years.

If it is possible to purchase a butyl rubber-based film, which is designed specifically for the construction of reservoirs, the life of the pond will increase significantly. A compromise option is a dense PVC film.

It happens that the remains of the film are scattered pieces - in this case, they can be glued together to obtain a coating of the desired size. To do this, it is advisable to use a special glue, with which you can also seal cuts and other defects in the material.

A film pond allows you to build a pond of any shape and size

In addition to the main material, you will need sand, geotextile and stones. To equip a reservoir with your own hands, you should act according to the plan:

  1. Mark out a place for a pond. You should not arrange it right in the garden next to fruit trees. It is advisable to choose a flat surface so that the bank levels are the same height - otherwise the water from the pond will pour out from one side.
  2. Dig a pit, making sure that its walls are flat, which will allow the banks not to crumble during operation. The angle of inclination of the walls of the pit should be up to 45˚. If there is a desire, the banks can be made into ledges.
  3. Next, you need to carefully tamp the bottom of the pit, and then fill it with sand to a height of 5 - 10 cm. Lay a piece of geofabric on the sand, some craftsmen replace it with old blankets.
  4. Now the reservoir can be lined with a film. This should be done slowly, trying to immediately straighten the emerging folds. Put the edges of the cover on the banks.
  5. It is necessary to pour water into the reservoir in parts, this will not allow the coating to break. Between each stage, it is recommended to take a two-hour break.
  6. Once again, we check the level of the banks and, if necessary, level it by adding earth. We fix the waterproofing along the entire coast with the help of stones.

Important: it is best to work with the film in the summer, on a hot day. This will facilitate all manipulations with the material, since it will be softer.

A small reservoir from a plastic bowl under protection

Plastic bowl - quick and easy

If there is no desire to work with film, the work on arranging a small pond can be accelerated. To do this, you should choose a finished PVC bowl. Similar containers are sold in construction stores and may vary in shape and size. In addition, plastic liners differ markedly in price and quality. Poor-quality plastic quickly collapses under the influence of frost and ultraviolet radiation of the sun. The choice is yours. The following is an instruction for installing a pond with your own hands:

  1. First you need to mark the place under the pit. To do this, drive in pegs around the perimeter (corners) and tie them with a rope. Perform markup more sizes bowls 20 cm on all sides. Dig a pit with a depth equal to the height of the bowl plus 20 cm.
  2. Now it is necessary to fill the bottom of the pit with sand, achieving it flat surface, - this can be checked using a level. Moisten and compact the sand. Next, put the bowl into the pit, trying to make its edges level with the surface of the earth.
  3. When the bowl is installed, it is necessary to fill in the sand between its side parts and the walls of the pit (in the same stock of 20 cm). Sand should be filled in and lightly tamped as the bowl is filled with water. This will avoid deformation of the tank walls.
  4. It is not necessary to pour water into the bowl immediately, but in small portions. A sharp load on the plastic can lead to distortion and damage.

A small pond is easiest to make from a plastic bowl.

Concrete pit - a reliable option

The method of building an artificial reservoir of concrete is suitable for those who know how to work with concrete. Such a pond has an undoubted advantage over its counterparts - it is reliable and durable. However, it will not be possible to move it to another place, in this regard, before starting work, it is worth considering its configuration well and choosing the most appropriate place Location on. Consider in detail how to build a concrete pond with your own hands:

  1. The pit under the reservoir should be made with ledges. Let its walls be gentle, here it is also important to adhere to an angle of up to 45˚. The hole must be well compacted.
  2. Next, you need to fill in the sand, but its layer should be small - 3 cm is enough. On top of the sand, you need to lay out a film of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, which should not be pulled too tightly.
  3. It is necessary to lay concrete, starting from the walls, and only then go to the bottom. It is important to complete this work within one day to avoid cracking of the concrete at its joints.
  4. Next, you need to wait until the composition hardens slightly, and then press a metal mesh into it to reinforce the concrete. This must be done so that the edges of the grid protrude above the surface of the reservoir.
  5. After the concrete has completely dried, it is necessary to pour its next layer. Before starting work on the second layer, the lower concrete must be sprinkled with water. Experts recommend at this moment to check the bottom surface for its horizontalness.

As soon as upper layer concrete is completely dry, you can pour water into the pool. Then proceed to its design - plant plants on the banks, launch fish or equip the backlight.

Miniature pond plus improvised materials

Budget options for creating reservoirs in the country involve the use of all kinds of improvised materials, instead of buying a bowl or film. Some craftsmen build a pond from an old cast-iron or children's bath, while others were able to adapt car tire or an old basin. The pond will turn out to be quite small, but it is not difficult to take care of a mini pond. It is easier to change water than in a large tank, and with the help of plants in tubs and decorative stones it is easy to turn it into a blooming oasis.

Preparing a pit for a pond from a bath

After many years of use, the bath loses its original appearance. If there is no bowl through holes, it is quite possible to use it in the country under a makeshift pond. To build a small pond without high costs, you must:

  1. First you need to mark out a place under the reservoir, and then add 10 centimeters on each side. Dig a pit, the depth of which will be 20 cm greater than the height of the bath.
  2. Now you need to mark at the bottom of the pit the place where the bowl drain will be located. There it is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter of 30 cm, a depth of half a meter. This will be the drain. Insert a sheet of metal rolled into a roll into a cylindrical hole and fill it with crushed stone. The edge of the metal should protrude 15-25 cm above the pit.
  3. After preparing the drainage, you need to make a “pillow” for the bath, which will allow it not to sink over time. To do this, a layer of rubble is poured at the bottom of the pit, and sand is placed on top. This pillow should have a height of about 20cm. All this must be carefully tamped, after which the sheet of metal should be removed.

At correct installation bath pond will last for many years

Pit for a two-level pond

If you decide to build a pond from an old bath, it can be made quite unusual. We propose to create a two-level reservoir with your own hands, for the device of which you will need to make a little more effort. Work plan, step by step:

  1. Before digging a pit for a bath, you need to mark the site, adding half a meter on each side. The external outlines should be slightly modified - make this line wavy, giving it a contour that resembles the natural outlines of a lake.
  2. Now you can start digging a pit. To do this, you need to dig a hole, 30-40 cm deep, focusing on the outer contours. Next, at the bottom of the dug pit, it is necessary to mark the contour for the bath and deepen the pit under the bowl as described above. That is, the total depth of the pit will be greater than in the first version by the same 30-40 cm.
  3. When the bath is installed, the outer contour of the reservoir should be limited to fiberglass slate. A corrugated hose must be put on the edge of the slate.
  4. Further, the place that has formed between the bathroom and the slate must be covered with sand and rammed, or poured with concrete.
  5. The bowl must be covered with a film, forming a single pool for water. The film should be fixed with stones.

It is more difficult to make a two-level pond, but no one will guess that a bathtub is used in the pond

Installing a bath

After preparing the place for the bath, bricks should be laid at the bottom of the pit - several pieces in each corner, on which the bath is installed. Such a precaution will not allow a bulky container to sag. Next, you should check how evenly the bath is installed, and check that its edge is flush with the ground. There is an empty space between the walls of the bath and the pit. It must be covered with sand, which must be moistened and carefully compacted.

Mini reservoir from a tire

If it is possible to use old tire, you can easily and quickly build a miniature pond from a tire with your own hands. A tire from a KAMAZ wheel or a tractor will make it possible to make the reservoir much larger.

First you need to dig a pit of such a size that the tire fits freely into it. Before installing it in the pit, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the rubber with a knife. You should get a bowl with a hole at the bottom. Next, you need to take the film, cover the bottom and sides of the tire with it, releasing the edges up. They need to be tucked over the edges of the tank. It remains to pour water into the finished tire pool and decorate its edges with plants and stones. Similarly, you can build a pond from a plastic basin.

A tire pond does not take up much space and will be a great garden decoration

Several ways to decorate the pond

Today there are many ways to decorate a mini pond. Among them are the installation of plaster figures on its banks, the laying of decorative stones and tiles. Any body of water will be decorated with green spaces that can be placed around it right in the flowerpots. In other cases, soil is poured on the banks of the lake, interspersed with stones. Moisture-loving perennials are planted in the ground, which eventually form beautiful thickets on the shore.

small waterfall and beautiful lilies decorate and revitalize the pond

If you want to plant aquatic plants, you need to strive to ensure that they do not grow too much. Otherwise, the surface of the pond will be completely covered with greenery. In this capacity, experts recommend using water hyacinth.

Also, the pond can be decorated with a bridge, lanterns can be installed around it. Another way to revive the water of an artificial pond is a fountain or waterfall. All this can be built later, the main thing is to take into account the possibility of modernizing the pond even at the stage of choosing a place for a pond.

How pleasant it is to enjoy the beautiful images of nature, to breathe clean air. And for this there is a wonderful place - a cottage. Here you can realize your ideas. One of them is building a pond in the country with your own hands. Near such a reservoir it will be not only pleasant to relax, but also boldly brag to guests about a masterpiece created by oneself. The dimensions of the pond will depend on the free space on the territory, and the arrangement will depend on the personal imagination of each and financial possibilities.

General principles

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Before proceeding with the direct construction, you need to carefully prepare. For this you will need:

  • determine the location
  • choose the shape, size and style
  • purchase the necessary materials

Planting of vegetation around the reservoir is carried out at the final stage.

Location determination

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For good functionality and attractiveness of the pond, it is necessary to correctly select a place for it. It should not be under the scorching rays of the sun, as well as in the shade of trees. Lighting plays a big role because planted flowers around will not be able to fully grow with a lack of light.

An open area is not the best place for a pond for the following reasons:

  • Resting on hot days under the scorching rays of the sun will be unpleasant
  • Unicellular algae at in large numbers the lights grow stronger and cause the water to bloom
  • The living organisms that will inhabit the pond will die from the heat at a shallow depth.

The best option is a site that is not surrounded by trees nearby and is located next to a building or fence. Here in the morning and evening the sun is not so hot, and at noon the shadow cast from the building will give the necessary coolness.

It is not worth planting trees near the reservoir, because. they can ruin the base of the pond with their roots. For the same reason, do not place a reservoir next to an already growing garden.

It is necessary to think in advance nearby and a source of electricity for arranging lighting, installing a filter, a pump.

The construction of a decorative pond does not have strict requirements. The shape may be different. The perimeter, as an addition to the overall design of the site, is decorated with plants.

In order not to miscalculate with the location, it is advisable to pre-draw the outlines of the future artificial lake with twine or sand. During the day, you need to observe how the lighting will change.

Form and style

Whatever design is chosen, it must be combined with general view throughout the territory. For example, a round pond looks good in an area designed in the genre of an English landscape. Irregular shapes suitable for giving, made in oriental style.

No need to try to design a pond, adhering to clear geometric shapes. It is important that the form is simply in harmony with general design garden.

As far as the free area of ​​​​the site allows, this will be the size of the future creation. It's important to know that a large reservoir is easier to maintain. It is easier to create a stable and sustainable ecosystem in it.


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In order to equip an artificial reservoir and provide waterproofing protection, various materials are used:

  • Concrete- often used to create precise geometric lines. Relatively complex building
  • Plastic containers - used in small areas (up to 5 m2). They are simple to install. They have long term exploitation
  • waterproofing film- good for a special project. It has elasticity, but is easily damaged. There are the following types:
  1. PVC (polyvinyl chloride)– deformed areas are easily removed with glue
  2. Polyethylene- at a lower cost, but not durable. In case of damage, self-adhesive tape helps
  3. Butyl rubber- most best view. Used in various thicknesses. The greater the depth is assumed, the thicker the film is selected

Plastic mold base

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With the acquisition of a finished form, you can easily and quickly create an artificial lake with your own hands. Even a beginner can handle the installation. It will take no more than 2 days.

Plastic is resistant to temperature and UV rays, but requires great care when installing. It is very easy to damage, without the ability to effectively close the cracks.

For garden ponds, prefabricated structures made of fiberglass are also used. This material is more expensive. It also has reliability and is able to last much longer than plastic.

Installation plastic mold carried out in the following order:

  • Initially, you will need to dig a pit that matches the shape of the workpiece. For this, the finished container is installed on the ground. Around it, along the perimeter, with an indent to the sides by 15-20 cm, sticks are stuck into the ground. A rope is stretched over them. The plastic container is removed for a short time. A hole is dug according to the outlined outlines. In height, it should be 30 cm more. At the end of work, it is necessary to check the evenness of the bottom using a board or a special device
  • The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand, which will work as a base. Then the form itself is installed. All free gaps between the walls of the mold and the edges of the pit are covered with sand and moistened with water. This will ease the shrinkage
  • The final stage is filling the form with water and decorating the banks with beautiful stones, planting plants

film base

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The use of a waterproofing film as a base provides great opportunities for recreating a reservoir of various shapes, even the most unusual.

PVC film is also not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays, temperature changes. Its color lasts for a very long time. The service life is up to 10-15 years.

More reliable is a butyl rubber film. For the price it is more expensive. It is used to create deep ponds.

The material is bought with a margin (+50 cm on each side), for a good fixing of its edges along the banks.

Work is carried out in the following order:

  • The outlines are marked with lime or sand
  • A shallow ditch is dug. Excavated earth is not thrown away
  • New outlines are indicated. The deepest should be the bottom
  • Using twine and a measuring tape, the required footage of waterproofing material is calculated
  • The bottom is covered with a layer of sand. Then non-woven or geotextile is spread to protect the film from possible contact with roots or stones
  • The film is slipping. The bottom and ledges are pressed down with pebbles
  • The pond is slowly filling with water. It is important that the base material settles gradually
  • After 2-3 days, the shores are drawn up. The edges of the cellophane are tucked in. Tiles, stones are placed on top, with filling the resulting gaps with sand

Basis from an old bath

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In fact, to recreate a decorative reservoir, any containers that are no longer suitable for farming can be used as a basis. For example, an old bath.

The course of action will be as follows:

  • Under the dimensions of the bath, +20 cm on each side, a pit is dug. In depth, it should be slightly larger than the base. A groove is dug along its perimeter. It should be about 30 cm in height and width.
  • The bottom of the pit is carefully leveled. Its horizontalness is checked using a special measuring tool.
  • The bath is installed in the pit. Empty gaps on the sides are covered with sand (soil)
  • Next, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of tile adhesive and water. Pigment is added to give color. This mass is applied to the sides of the base from the inside. You don't have to try to get it right. Walls will acquire dark color and structure similar to natural soil
  • During the day, the glue should completely dry. To do this, everything is covered with cellophane and left
  • To better strengthen the bath, a metal mesh is laid on its sides. It is cut into pieces and laid along the borders and inside the base (by 1/2 depth). The bottom is left uncovered
  • Next, a solution (cement, water, sand) is prepared for bonding and applied on top of the mesh. It also doesn't need to be leveled much. For greater naturalness and strengthening of the mesh, stones are inserted into the mixture. The drain is carefully cemented
  • Clay is poured on the bottom of the base, water is added and the solution is kneaded. They are smeared on the sides to close the cement and fill the void between the stones. Allow the solution to dry for several hours.
  • The finished base is filled with water. In a circle, aquatic vegetation is planted in the grooves.

After a couple of days, the water will become a little cloudy. A decorative lake will look quite natural, hiding its true origin.

Along the edges of the base, it is better to lay large stones on the grid. This will give clarity to the shape of the pond, and naturalness to the banks. When unfolding the fragments, it is not necessary to observe the severity of the forms. The relief will look more natural with bumps and elevations. And if you alternate large stones with handfuls of rubble, then this will add more beauty to the emerging pattern.


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Creating such beauty is troublesome, but the result will justify itself.

A homemade pond looks very beautiful if fish swim in it and plants grow around it. This is truly a painting.

Under the different depths of the reservoir, certain vegetation is selected:

  • no more than 30 cm- yellow iris, marsh marigold, heart-shaped pontederia
  • 30-50 cm- common arrowhead, reed, broad-leaved cattail
  • over 50 cm- water lilies, lotuses, water hyacinths

Of the fish, crucians, veiltails, and certain species of the carp family are well suited to a home lake. So that the water does not deteriorate, and the living creatures do not suffer, a filter is installed without fail.

Creation of an ornamental lake on personal plot- it's a little troublesome, but the result will be justified. It's incredible a nice place for a holiday that fully meets the tastes of the owners. It will be possible every day to enjoy the water surface, bordered by tastefully selected plants. Which is especially true on hot days.

Every plant has its place

Even with the appropriate experience in arranging, some mistakes are sometimes made. Here are some tips to help you avoid disappointment in your own work:

  • No need to be afraid to pour earth into the created lake. When gardening, many people prefer to plant plants in plastic containers. It is not right. Plants grow best in natural soil. It contains clay, which strengthens the root system well and is not washed out with water. The pond will not be dirty
  • For decoration, it is better to use stones of different sizes. In this matter, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to get an absurd picture of a stone-filled area.
  • Greater depth is not the point. Firms dealing with earthworks, more often they dig deep reservoirs. This is done for profit only. If the plans are to organize a pond with further breeding of fish in it, the average depth will be enough
  • For the purity, freshness of the reservoir and the transparency of the water in it, installation of a special filter and pump is required. The pump must be selected correctly, because. its power depends on the volume of water
  • Each plant must grow in its place. Most often, it is in this situation that mistakes are made. It must be remembered that, for example, a water lily planted in the coastal zone will wither away. The same thing will happen with a fern in shallow water. List of plants with favorable zones for them:
  1. coastline: fluffy, kaluzhnik, highlander snake
  2. coastal area: elderberry, lily of the valley, conifers
  3. area with water depth up to 20 cm: susak, arrowhead, reed
  4. area with a water depth of more than 20 cm: jar, jug
  5. decorations according to the water level add duckweed and water paint

In appearance, the pump resembles a small container that is easy to disguise with stones. It is placed on concrete slab or brick. For laying a water pipe and an electric wire, markings are made. A cable is placed along it into the reinforced pipe. Everything is covered with stones. A breaker is used to connect the pump to electricity. Do not forget about the timely filter change.