In a private house      06/17/2019

Black rot in pears signs of treatment. Pear diseases: description with photos and methods of treatment. Visual signs, diagnosis of pear diseases

Greetings, dear friends!

To get good and regular pear harvests, you need to make sure that the tree is healthy. And for this you need to know what diseases this culture is affected by, how they manifest themselves, how to deal with them and what preventive measures exist. So, let's talk about pear diseases and their treatment on the site.

Pear scab

If this disease appears on the tree, then black-greenish spots with a velvety coating form on the leaves. Pretty quickly, the spots get bigger, the leaves dry up and then fall off. With scab, dense hard spots form on the fruits, the flesh under which cracks heavily.

Also, young shoots are affected by scab, which are bent, and the bark on them is covered with cracks. Often such shoots dry up.

The causative agent of this disease lives on the fallen infected leaves, the bark of diseased branches and the remaining fruits. Scab spreads especially quickly in regions with high rainfall, which occurs in spring and summer. This disease is found almost everywhere, except for the arid zone.

Control measures:

1. Mandatory cleaning and destruction (burning) of fallen leaves.

2. Treatment with Bordeaux mixture or preparations containing copper. The first time spraying is carried out before flowering, when the buds just burst, but did not release the first leaf (green bud cone). The second spraying - at the end of flowering, and the third time - 10-12 days after the second. In seasons with high rainfall in spring, the number of treatments is increased: the first - by the kidneys, the second - when the buds turn pink, the third - after flowering and the fourth - after 10-12 days.

3. In regions where scab appears every year, it is advisable to treat pears every spring with Bordeaux liquid (4%) over bursting buds. applied to fruit crops, with such spraying, it protects against infection with scab until the end of flowering, and therefore the second spraying can be carried out only at the end of flowering.

4. Also used to combat this disease are: fungicidal preparations, like “Strobi”, “Skor”, “Popiram-DF”, “Gamair”.

“Strobe” treats pears twice during the growing season, two weeks apart. The spray solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 2 grams of the drug.

The preparation "" is sprayed on trees before and after flowering. At least 10-12 days should pass between sprayings. 2 grams of the drug are diluted in 10 liters of water.

5. Prevention of this disease is the selection of varieties resistant to scab. Among them, the following varieties can be distinguished: Marble, Michurinskaya Krasavitsa, Otradnenskaya, Lira, Svetlyanka, Pamyati Yakovleva, Tenderness, Srednerusskaya, Chizhovskaya and others.

Fruit rot or moniliosis

This disease begins with the appearance of a brownish spot small size. Typically, such a spot forms on fruits in areas of insect damage. The pear pulp becomes loose, and yellowish-gray swellings appear on the skin, shaped like a circle. These swellings consist of large quantity fungal spores that cause the disease moniliosis (fruit rot). Subsequently, the infected fruits dry out and turn black. If such fruits are not removed in time, then the spores from them will be carried by the wind, raindrops and insects to healthy pears, which may become diseased.

Control measures:

1. Regular cleaning of fallen and rotten fruits in the garden, and after the end of harvesting - mandatory collection of all black and rotten fruits that remain on the pears. You also need to ensure that during the harvesting of fruits they are not damaged. mechanical damage.

2. In spring and summer, treatments are carried out with Bordeaux mixture, Abiga-Pik, Skor and other fungicidal preparations. The trees are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture for the first time 3-4 days before flowering, the second time during the first fall, and the third time 10-12 days after the second. Fungicidal agents are used according to the instructions.

3. Mandatory control of harmful insects, since they help the penetration of the moniliosis fungus through the damaged skin of the pear. And insects such as goose carry spores into cracked and damaged fruits.

4. Prevention of this disease is also the planting of pear varieties that are resistant to fruit rot. These pears include: winter Michurina, Curet, Bere, Saint-Germain, Oktyabrskaya and Aurora.

Black cancer

Talking about pear diseases and their treatment , one cannot fail to mention “Black Cancer”. This disease is caused by a fungus that settles on fruits, leaves, on the bark of the trunk and large main branches of the crown. Bark disease is considered especially dangerous. First, a slightly depressed spot forms on the bark, colored dark color, after some time, small black swellings appear on the bark, then the bark severely cracks and dries out. As a result of black cancer, shoots located above the affected area quickly die. If the spots on the trunk are arranged in a circle, then the entire tree dies.

The fungus that causes this disease enters the tree tissue through various damages(mechanical, frost damage, sun burns).

Black cancer is most common in the North Caucasus and other regions, where strong temperature fluctuations occur in the spring, leading to damage to the bark.

On pear fruits this disease appears in the form of black rot. At the same time, small blackish swellings form on the surface of the skin. Black cancer forms small spots on the leaves.

Control measures:

1. First of all, you need to create best conditions for growing pears. This crop cannot be planted in lowlands and at the bottom of the southern slope, where temperature changes are especially strong. Also, unsuitable areas for growing pears are places with stagnant water and a large amount of lime in the soil.

2. Fatty shoots should be left on the sides of the pruning wound, which help the flow of nutrients and thereby accelerate the healing of the wound.

3. To protect the bark on trunks and branches from sudden temperature changes, they are covered with lime milk. Whitewashing should be done in the autumn.

4. To prevent the appearance of black cancer, you need to protect the tree from sunburn and mechanical damage.

5. The damaged bark is first removed with a scraper or other tool. Then the wood is cleaned and treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1%), and then covered with drying oil or oil paint.


This disease is quite common in the central part of Russia and more its northern regions. Signs of cytosporosis resemble symptoms of black cancer. It appears as slightly depressed brown-red spots on the trunk and large main branches. Where the diseased tissue borders on the healthy one, strong cracks form, and the bark tissue softens.

Small black swellings, in which spores of the cytospora fungus are stored, are located randomly along the bark of the pear. This fungus mainly settles on skeletal branches that have mechanical damage or frost damage.

Control measures:

1. Timely pruning and mandatory burning of diseased branches. It is also necessary to whitewash the trunks and main branches lime mortar in the fall to prevent damage from extreme temperature changes.

2. Treatment of affected branches is carried out only when the wood under the bark is not damaged. In this case, the diseased bark is carefully removed, treated with a solution of copper sulfate and covered with oil paint.

Pear rust

This common disease appears on the upper surface of leaves as roundish spots of orange-reddish color. The places where rust spores accumulate have the shape of a small cone. They appear on the undersides of leaves in July.

This disease can affect not only leaves, but also shoots. If a pear is heavily infected with rust, then it does not grow, and the fruits fall off prematurely.

Control measures:

1. Treatment of trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1%) or Bordeaux mixture (1%) before flowering and after it ends, as well as 10-15 days later. Good results obtained by spraying with Bordeaux mixture (4%) at the very beginning of the growing season (when the buds have just burst).

2. You can also treat pears with the drug “Skor”, which is an extended action fungicide. Two sprayings are carried out: before flowering and after flowering.

I hope the article is about pear diseases and their treatment will help you maintain the health of your garden. See you later, dear friends!

Every gardener knows that fruit trees must be strong and healthy. Pear is one of the favorite crops of Russians; it grows well and bears fruit abundantly in the Moscow region, where summers are often cool. But in some cases, the tree becomes sick or is affected by harmful insects, as a result of which changes occur that make fruiting and further growth of the pear impossible. What to do if it loses its usual appearance and the quality of the fruit deteriorates?

Infectious diseases of pear

There are many garden diseases that can destroy crops. The gardener’s task is to identify signs and timely combat pathogens.

Black cancer- this is dangerous fungal disease fruit crops, which affects bark, branches, leaves, and fruits. On the tree you can notice wounds that look like spots, which increase over time. Soon, bright brown spots appear along the edges of the wounds, which are the main sign of the disease.

Red spots on fruits and leaves also signal danger - the fruits shrink in size and dry out. For preventative purposes, collect fallen leaves in the fall and burn them, and remove pieces of bark affected by black cancer with a sharp knife, taking about 2 cm of healthy wood. Disinfect wounds after treatment copper sulfate. In the future, plant only those varieties of pears that are resistant to this disease.

Why do pear fruits rot for no apparent reason? The fact is that the harvest in mid-summer is often affected by a fungal infection, which is called fruit rot or maniliosis.

The fruits become covered with brown spots; over time they grow and destroy the pears completely. Such fruits are unsuitable for consumption and contribute to the spread of fungus. Protection against infection consists of collecting damaged specimens and destroying them in a timely manner, after which the tree is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Another equally dangerous disease affects foliage, shoots, flowers and fruits. Scab almost always leads to death fruit tree, its signs are small spots that increase in size over time. The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • heavy, prolonged rains;
  • cold weather;
  • planting seedlings close to each other.

The fruits ripen in small quantities and become small, the peel hardens, as a result of which the fruits crack and burst. You can't eat them. Gardeners usually fight the disease by collecting and destroying fallen leaves, In addition, in the spring it is necessary to spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture and a weak urea solution, and the ground around it should also be treated with preparations.

Cytosporosis just like other pear ailments, it is caused by a fungal infection. The disease affects weakened trees that have suffered from excessive influence sun rays or frost. Stem rot is characterized by damage to the bark, which turns dark red and dries out. It is important to recognize the signs of the disease at an early stage and begin treatment immediately. So, the affected areas of wood must be removed with a sharp knife and the wounds treated with garden varnish. But better protection prevention of infection is considered, which includes the autumn whitewashing of trunks and the timely destruction of dried branches.

Pear diseases: fight (video)

Microscopic fungi often cause rust, which appears as bright red spots on the foliage. The disease reduces the tree's immunity and weakens it. As a treatment, gardeners use spraying with sulfur and Bordeaux mixture. Do not forget that diseased leaves and branches should be disposed of.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects pears in the garden. It most often affects leaves and shoots, which stop growing and forming, and most of them fall off prematurely. Inflorescences affected by powdery mildew die, as a result of which the pear does not bear fruit at the end of summer. They fight this disease by eliminating diseased parts of the tree in the fall or in early spring, and it is also recommended to spray with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

When examining pear trees, you can notice leaves that have acquired a milky hue. This disease is called milky shine, its main reason is improper care behind the fruit tree. Dryness, sudden changes in air temperature and aggressive exposure to sunlight contribute to the development of the disease. The infected bark must be removed, and the wounds are disinfected by applying a weak solution to the wood. Diseased branches should be pruned and burned to prevent the spread of the disease.

One of the well-known diseases is bacterial burn- damage to a tree caused by a dangerous microbe. Having examined an unhealthy tree, the following symptoms can be identified:

  • blackening and drying of inflorescences;
  • darkening of the kidneys;
  • damage to pear foliage and branches.

Gradually, the entire tree, including the trunk and shoots, turns black, the branches and flowers dry out. It can only be saved at an early stage of the disease by taking a number of measures.

A powerful medicine against fire blight is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime milk., a diseased pear should be treated several times a year - during the appearance of buds, after they bloom, and at the end of flowering. They also spray the tree shortly before fruiting and after picking the fruit. Some gardeners successfully treat pears with antibiotics such as phytosporin and streptomycin. In this case, the spray solution is prepared by diluting 1 ampoule of the drug in 5 liters of water.

The decisive method for completely getting rid of an infection is to exterminate the sick. fruit trees. They should be uprooted and burned immediately.

Rust on a pear: treatment methods (video)

Non-infectious diseases of pear

Chlorosis is a disease that often affects fruit trees. This is evidenced by the unexpected appearance yellow leaves, which fade and die over time.

The disease reduces pear yields because the growing fruits do not receive sufficient nutrition. They become small and fall off, and next year’s fruit buds are not formed. The cause of chlorosis lies in the lack of iron in the soil, therefore, tree treatment consists of saturating the soil with a valuable microelement. So, the pear is sprayed with a solution iron sulphate and other drugs containing this substance. You also need to dig up the soil around the tree and water it warm water with the addition of iron sulfate.

Trees often suffer from negative influence exposure to sunlight and excess moisture, causing the foliage to turn black and die in late summer. In winter, the pear is susceptible to freezing and subsequent damage to the bark; temperature changes inside the trunk lead to damage to the wood.

How to avoid illness

The garden pear grows well in all types of soil; this crop especially loves black soil. It needs regular watering and fertilization, as well as protection from pests. Nevertheless, common agricultural mistakes lead to the fruit tree becoming sick. The following factors contribute to this:

  • incorrect choice of place for planting pears;
  • insufficient care;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • poor soil.

In order to avoid the occurrence of non-infectious diseases, you just need to properly care for the pear, water it on time and apply fertilizers. Indispensable measures are sanitary pruning of the tree and whitewashing of the trunk, as well as careful digging of the soil around it.

Prevention of infectious pear diseases includes the following rules:

  • keeping the area around the tree clean;
  • use of clean garden tools;
  • selection of pear varieties resistant to infections.

It is important to know that branches and leaves affected by pathogen spores must be removed immediately, as they can become a source of new infection.

Pear pests and their control

Pear moth caterpillars affect the pulp of the fruit, as a result of which they are poorly preserved at the time of harvest and become unfit for consumption. After you notice signs of the presence of these insects on the pear, start treating the tree with Agravertin, and 1 month after flowering you can use Iskra.

pear sucker not only sucks out cell sap from the tree, but also provokes the appearance of fungal diseases. Young leaves and buds dry out, as a result of which the pear does not bloom and withers. The fruits become inedible and deformed. You can fight the copperhead both with the help of the above-mentioned drugs and folk remedies- decoction of chamomile, tobacco dust.

Pear mite also spoils pear foliage, causing it to dry out. It is easy to get rid of it by spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Bacterial burn of pear (video)

If you properly care for your fruit tree, the risk of diseases and a large number of harmful insects is significantly reduced. Thus, the more time we devote to careful crop care, the less often we treat dangerous diseases and eliminate their consequences.

Gardeners who have ever encountered pear diseases know that in a short time they can destroy the tree and fruit. To prevent this, it is necessary not only to know how to treat a pear tree, but also to determine in time what disease the tree is dying from. Below is a list of pear diseases with descriptions and photographs. As well as treatment options for various diseases.

Pear diseases and the fight against them

Good to know!

If you find the source of the disease in time and prevent it, you can get a good harvest.


Affects the multitude garden plants, including garden ones. The leaves and wood of the pear tree suffer from it. First, the lower part of the leaf is affected with the appearance of black dots. Then the disease spreads to the fruits, and they become covered with rotten spots and the skin cracks. In this regard, the fruit loses its taste.

How to treat:

To get rid of scab you will need a solution of Bordeaux mixture. They need to spray the trees before flowering, during the appearance of buds and after flowering. The bark should be thinned out a little so that the pear is ventilated. Whatever falls off during thinning should be removed and the leaves thrown into the fire.

With a progressive disease, you can resort to the chemical agent “Skor”. Typically, this treatment is carried out at least six times per season. Before winter, the soil needs to be dug up properly.

Fruit rot

The fungus that infects the fruit causes brown spots, and over time, gray growths appear on them. The flesh of diseased fruits rots, and the pears themselves fall to the ground. The virus becomes active in mid-summer, when the weather is dry and hot.

How to treat:

You can get rid of fruit rot by directly harvesting infected fruits and branches. In spring and autumn weather, for prevention, the tree is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, and the leaves can be treated with lime and water.

Among the chemicals that will strengthen the plant’s immunity, the bio-cocktail “Baikal” and “Healthy Garden” will help.

sooty fungus

From this disease, the leaves and fruits turn black on the tree. If a pear has reduced immunity, which is typical for young plantings, insects such as aphids further worsen its condition.

How to treat:

When sooty fungus appears, you need to use a soap-copper solution together with Bordeaux mixture when spraying.


Sooty fungus is not afraid of the only variety of pear - the Cathedral.

Powdery mildew

When appeared on this garden culture white coating on the leaves, it means the tree is sick. The plant soon begins to dry out and die. The leaves curl into a boat and fall to the ground. Young shoots are susceptible to such infection in the spring.

How to treat:

First of all, you need to get rid of those shoots that are already infected. In the extension phase, it is necessary to treat the buds with fungicides. Repeated treatment must be carried out again after two weeks.


The fungus is the causative agent of this disease. Orange spots on pear leaves and shoots indicate the presence of a disease. Activation occurs in mid-April. Diseased areas of the pear are no longer capable of photosynthesis. If the disease is advanced, fruitfulness ceases.

How to treat:

Experienced gardeners, when rust appears on leaves, often destroy leaves and fruits susceptible to this disease. They claim that a solution of urea with copper sulfate, as well as ash mixed in an infusion of marigolds, have proven themselves to be excellent. Spraying helps prevent this infection from occurring at an early stage, often in the spring. All pear varieties are susceptible to this virus.

Antonov fire

This is a cancer characteristic of pears that affects the tree bark and branches. It appears in the form of cracks, which increase in size over time, and the bark bursts. Then brown spots appear on the cracks, and the fungus penetrates them. In this regard, other diseases immediately begin to spread to the affected pear.

How to treat:

Pear cancer should be treated slowly, carefully diagnosing the infected areas where the root cancer is located. Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate solution have proven to be the simplest and most effective means.

Bacterial burn

It is considered a dangerous disease that spreads from diseased trees to healthy ones. Can lead to the destruction of all garden crops. If you don’t start fighting it in time, you can lose it forever beautiful plot, and diseased trees will have to be burned.

How to treat:

If a gardener discovers a bacterial burn on a pear at the initial stage, you can simply remove the affected branches and treat with a solution of copper or iron sulfate. As chemical methods can be treated with Azophos solution or antibiotics: gentamicin, rifampicin.

It is best to start processing in late spring. To prevent inflorescence disease, it is recommended to treat with Bordeaux mixture.

With a more advanced stage of the disease, it is necessary to uproot or burn trees.

Brown spot

Begins to appear at the end of spring. Leaves affected by this disease become covered with brownish spots. Every day their number increases and falls to the ground. The period of strong disease activity occurs in mid-summer.

How to treat:

In case of brown spot, the infected leaves should be destroyed. Treatment of pear leaf disease is carried out with a fungicide together with copper. It is recommended to stop spraying after fruit growth.

Mosaic on leaves

Often observed in young plantings on the leaves in the form of greenish spots. Some gardeners try to vaccinate trees against all sorts of diseases, thereby risking infecting them with this disease during grafting.

How to treat:

Mosaic on the leaves cannot be treated. If the disease progresses, seedlings or big trees can't help anymore. It would be best to cut down such trees and burn them before the infection spreads to healthy plants growing close to the source of the disease.

Cracks in the bark

If small fruits and tree litter are observed, and the tree is covered with numerous cracks, it means the plant is sick. But the cracks themselves are not a cause for concern. An infection that has engulfed a planting can enter with spores through wounds and cause rot.

How to treat:

Cracks in the bark of trees cannot be ignored. Ignoring this form of the disease can lead to other infectious diseases. When treating you should arm yourself wire brush, with which you can clean damaged bark. If you don't have a brush, a knife will do. The next step will be treating the bark with a solution Bordeaux mixture with an antifungal drug (you can choose any one). A solution of iron sulfate is also used in treatment. At the end, after processing, the cracks are usually covered with wet clay.

White spot

Caused by the formation of white spots on the surface of leaves. As the disease progresses, the spots change color from white to yellow and then brown. As a rule, the infection begins in late spring, the plant's immunity deteriorates, the leaves fall to the ground, and lose the ability to resist winter. If left to the mercy of fate, over the years the disease will progress and infect other trees. It's all about the bacteria, which perfectly tolerate wintering and every year in the spring again infects the pear.

How to treat:

White spot treatment is carried out in early spring using a solution of nitrafen (10 liters of water per 5 grams of product). Even summer residents are accustomed to using a mixture of slaked lime and a solution of copper sulfate. Spraying is carried out several times in one season. The initial period when you need to do this is April, when the buds are just blooming. Then during the appearance of buds and after flowering.

Some gardeners carry out late processing. In this case, spraying is carried out to check the effect of the liquid on the leaves. For example, if there are no burns, it is recommended to process all parts of the pear.

If the leaves and fruits of the pear have darkened or become stained, this may be a sign of a bacterial or fungal infection of the tree. Today we will look at the most common pear diseases- description with photographs and methods of treatment. Love your garden - and it will give you an abundance of delicious fruits!

Pear diseases - description, treatment, photographs

Noticing signs of disease on neighboring trees, carry out preventive treatment of the rest. This is the unshakable rule of the gardener. Tell your garden neighbor to do the same. This way you will protect yourself from loss of harvest. Processing a pear chemicals, consider the period for removing its components from the plant so as not to feed your family with poisonous fruits.

Most pear diseases are fungal in nature. Mushrooms love dampness and warmth. To prevent them from doing well on pear or other trees, thin the canopy well. Don't plant a tree in a poorly ventilated garden dream. To stop the spread of spores, burn cut diseased areas, keep the area around the tree clean, loosen the root zone of the soil, and carry out preventive treatment annually. Also, constantly control pests, as they can also cause disease.

Pear scab

Description. The disease is the result of fungal growth. It is characterized by the formation of olive spots with a velvety surface on the lower part of the leaves. The fruits crack, become deformed, and become covered with putrefactive spots.

The photo shows leaves affected by scab.

Treatment. If you notice signs of pear scab, spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture. The following drugs will help you save a tree in case of severe infection: “Skor”, “Dnok”, “Nitrafen”. Thin out the crown of the pear so that it is well ventilated. This will prevent the growth of fungus. Regularly collect carrion and fallen leaves, loosen the soil around the tree.

Fruit rot

Description. Scientific name diseases - moniliosis. Also caused by fungi, but of a different type. A sign of tree infection will be the formation of brown spots on the fruit followed by the formation of growths. Some infected fruits fall off, others dry out on the branches. The peak of the disease occurs in the second part of summer.

Photo of pear fruit rot

Treatment. The crown of the affected tree should be thinned, all fruits remaining on the branches should be removed, and the area around should be thoroughly cleaned. Moniliosis is fought with the help of Bordeaux mixture and the drug “Hom”. The following cocktail is effective: “Healthy Garden” + “Baikal” + “Ecoberine”. At the beginning and end of the season, the wood is treated with lime milk.

sooty fungus

Description. The fruits and leaves of the pear are covered with a black coating similar to soot. A favorable environment for the development of fungus is created in the second half of summer, on a tree that is weakened and affected by pests.

sooty fungus

Treatment. Destroys fungi that cause the appearance of black plaque using the drug “Calypso”. A more gentle option is “Fitoverm”.

Powdery mildew

Description. Another fungal disease. The pear leaves look like they have been sprinkled with flour. Over time, the coating takes on a rusty appearance, and leaves and flowers fall off.

In the photo you see powdery mildew on pear leaves

Treatment. Fundazol and Sulfite help against powdery mildew. From folk ways: Solution of potassium permanganate or soda ash with soap. All dried leaves and shoots must be collected and burned.

Leaf rust

Description. At first, the leaves become covered with yellow spots, which over time change color to red. The fungus that causes the disease originates on coniferous trees.

Red spots, as in the photo, indicate the development of leaf rust

Treatment. You need to start fighting rust in early spring. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture and infusion of ash brings a good effect. In difficult cases, repeated spraying with a solution of the drug “Baleiton” helps. In the fall, the use of “Urea” is indicated.

Black cancer

Description. The disease develops gradually over several years. Pears appear on the trunk and branches small cracks, which over time become wider, deeper and covered with brown spots. Such deep wounds on the tree become a gateway for various infections.

Photo of the initial stage of black pear cancer

Treatment. Removing the wounded part of the tree will help correct the situation. The cut site should be treated with copper sulfate, and then with a mixture of clay and mullein. Complete cleaning of autumn leaves is very important.


Description. Based on the external manifestation, the disease was nicknamed stem rot. Sign - localized brown spots on the bark of a tree. Provoke stem rot sunburn or frostbite.


Treatment. The methods of struggle are similar to the previous case. It is also necessary to remove dried parts of the plant in time and whiten the trunk for the winter.

Bacterial burn

Description. Dangerous damage to the pear tree, the main manifestation of which is curling and blackening of the leaves. However, they remain on the tree. Following this, the trunk and shoots die. The reason for this condition of the tree is bacteria, which are easily carried by insects, wind and precipitation.

In the photo, a bacterial burn of a pear

Treatment. Most the right way struggle - the complete removal of the affected branches with a deep capture of healthy tissues. The amputated part must be burned and the used instruments must be disinfected. Sections are treated with a solution of antibiotics and the entire tree is sprayed. During the growing season, the pear is repeatedly sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Pear is one of the most common and highly valued by gardeners because of its tasty and healthy fruits. However this cultivated plant, like all others, is subject to the most various diseases. One of the most formidable is the bacterial pear burn. Treatment can be quite lengthy and not give the desired result, especially if you use universal means against Gardeners often waste a lot of time on these useless manipulations, and when they realize what they are dealing with, it is already too late to save the tree.

What is a bacterial burn

Many gardeners do not know how to recognize this formidable disease, which is why they lose a lot of time, and meanwhile there is less and less chance to save the tree. Among these ailments, the most dangerous is precisely the bacterial burn of the pear. Treatment depends on how quickly a correct diagnosis is made and whether there are other trees in the immediate area that could be infested. Today, experts are making a lot of efforts to find effective remedy to fight it, however, despite this, the disease continues to actively destroy the gardens.

The first time a bacterial burn was recorded was in the eighteenth century. After about 150 years, the disease spread throughout the continent. Now it is found all over the world, regularly devastating gardens. All above-ground parts of the plant are affected by bacterial blight of the pear. Treatment should begin at the earliest early stages, otherwise it may be ineffective.


What does a bacterial burn of fruit crops look like? The process begins in the inflorescences and quickly covers the entire tree. Branches and shoots are damaged. In the spring, you will observe how the disease slows down the opening of the buds, which turn black, dry out, but do not fall off, but continue to stick to the branches. If the disease hit the tree at the time of flowering, then the flowers will also darken and wither. Slowly, young twigs and leaves will begin to turn black, they crowd together, but remain in their place. That is why the disease is called “Anton’s fire.” The pear stands as if burnt, black, lifeless, but with all the flowers, fruits and leaves.

The infection then moves along the trunk. It may be too late at this stage to wonder how to treat pear blight, but it is worth trying to save the rest of the garden so that other trees do not suffer the same fate. At this stage, you can observe how the bark softens. Milky white droplets appear on it, they are called exudate. The bark around the site of discharge acquires a characteristic pattern; red-brown stains appear on it. Those tissues that are already affected by infection begin to peel off and become covered with blisters. Ulcers form on the tree.


So what causes fire blight on pears? Treatment can only be successful when we know exactly what we are dealing with. The causative agent of the infection is the bacteria Erwinia amylovora. They spread from a diseased tree to a healthy one, and high humidity and moderate air temperature are the most favorable factors for the development of infection. However, there is no age limit for the spread of the disease.

Diseases of young pears are as common as diseases of old fruit trees. The above exudate forms thin threads, which are easily carried by the wind. It is he who transmits the pathogens of the disease, which means that the disease quickly affects everything around. Flowers are the most convenient for the development of infection; it develops in them and continues its path throughout the tree. That is, spring is the time when the risk of infection is greatest.

Less commonly, the infection enters the plant through rain. The bacteria survive the winter inside the pear, and with the arrival of spring they resume their development. By mid-summer you will see milky white droplets coming out. That is, the cycle repeats again. Very rarely, infection occurs during grafting or through pruning tools. The infection can also be transmitted by insects, aphids, bees, flies and wasps.


To protect the pear from fire blight, you must follow some rules. First of all, you need to keep the area clean and pull out all wild plants. This is especially true for hawthorn, which is often a hotbed of infection. It is very important to process fruit crops in a timely manner, since insect pests are very fond of trees such as pears. Leaf diseases are not the only problem they suffer. On their bristles they can easily carry fire blight pathogens into your garden.


Experts offer several methods that can be used to combat this disease. Each of them has been tested countless times and is quite effective. At the same time, they all have their pros and cons, so you need to carefully weigh the expected risks and benefits. We bring to your attention three ways that help cure a bacterial burn.

A radical method of combating the disease

If you have a lot of fruit trees growing on your site, and you notice rapidly developing symptoms of the disease in one of them, then it would be best to get rid of it quickly. This way you will protect the rest of the garden. Moreover, if the area of ​​the lesion is less than 30%, then you can try to remove all the affected areas, cut even healthy tissue 20-40 cm below the lesion. After that, it is imperative to process the tools with 70% alcohol or 10% copper sulphate.

It is imperative that if you notice signs of fire blight in your garden, remove all wild plants and shrubs, and also treat the garden against pests to avoid further dissemination infections.

Treatment with antibiotics

This is the most effective method, which is most often recommended by experts. In order to get rid of this scourge, the most common “Streptomycin” is used. Moreover, the most effective is the use of antibiotics during the growing season. This drug can be bought at a regular veterinary pharmacy, with large bottles of 500 thousand units each. very affordable.

For minor damage, you can use Streptomycin. The dosage is one ampoule per 5 liters, it is enough to treat a dozen young trees. Best time for this procedure - May, June. At this time, shoots are growing rapidly, and such treatment will be an excellent prevention. It is worth repeating the procedure after 2-3 weeks, and also after every heavy rain, especially with hail.

It is not recommended to use Streptomycin more than 3 times in a row. Therefore, after several treatments, they switch to immunity stimulants - these are Fitosporin, Immunocytofit, Silk, Zircon and many other drugs. In addition, you can take 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy for the next treatment. It should also be dissolved in 5 liters of water.

With a strong lesion, you can try injections of "Streptomycin" under the cortex. To do this, choose the most affected place, cut it out, and then perform ordinary injections around.

Chemical treatments

Today in stores you can be offered a large selection of universal, antibacterial drugs that can most often help if a pear is infected. Diseases of leaves, fruits, various pests - all these are problems that are solved quite easily. However, bacterial burn is a slightly different case.

Modern fungicides, except for copper-containing ones, have practically no effect on its pathogens, which means that such treatment will do little. Many gardeners use The treatment is carried out after leaf fall, then in early spring and several more times until the fruits are poured. However, this tool can only be used for prevention. If the infection has already spread, then it remains only to cut out the affected areas and try to save the rest of the tree. Dead plants or individual branches must be burned.

Other common diseases

However, fire blight is not the only problem for gardeners. Now let's look at what other diseases of pear leaves exist and how to combat them. A common ailment is scab. This is what affects leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaves fall off and the fruits crack. The disease can also lead to damage to the shoots, but then it is better to remove them. Scab and fruit rot are diseases of pear fruits that respond quite well to treatment. Rot appears on fruits in the form of brownish spots on the surface.

To combat scab, use repeated spraying with Bordeaux mixture and copper chloroxide. Treatment should begin before flowering. It is recommended to carry out this procedure a second time during bud setting, then after flowering and two weeks after it. Against fruit rot it will take more strong remedy- universal fungicide "Inta-Vir".

For prevention, they use “Fundazol” or “Sulfite”. It should be borne in mind that the fungus spreads well in humid weather, so it is better to carry out several treatments. A mixture of antibiotics helps against powdery mildew: Penicillin, Streptomycin and Terramycin in a 1:1 ratio. You can often see rust on pears, bright brown spots on the leaves and fruits. Against this disease it is necessary to use a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Major pests

When choosing what to treat a pear with, it is good to include a pest control agent in the mixture at the same time. They also cause considerable damage, in addition, they are carriers of various bacterial diseases. These are the hawthorn butterfly and the brown fruit mite, and the gall mite, the pear itch, the pear sawfly and the pear pipeweed, as well as many others. In order to protect yourself from all these misfortunes, it is enough to treat the garden with a systemic insecticide, such as Decis, Calypso or Biscaya.

Let's sum it up

Diseases such as bacterial blight, powdery mildew, fruit rot, rust can quickly nullify all your work in the garden. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment regularly, and if necessary, take measures to quickly and effective treatment. All of the above means and methods have been tested many times, their effectiveness has been proven, so you can use them on your summer cottage. The universal scheme is preventive treatment in the fall, after leaf fall, then in the spring, immediately after awakening, then after flowering. This is usually enough to keep you happy all year round.