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Types of paints - general overview, history, classification, requirements. Types of paints for interior finishing works

Paint is one of the most common materials. It is used for walls, floors, etc. In this article we will talk about emulsion paints. Emulsion paints - they are diluted with water. The coloring particles and the paint base are in an aqueous medium, thus forming a stable emulsion. After such paint dries, it is not washed off with water.

The advantage of this paint is that until it dries, you can easily wash your hands, as well as working tools. Emulsion paints are an environmentally friendly material. Before using paint, the surface must be primed. Emulsion paints should not be applied over old paint, especially if they are adhesive and glossy paints.

In turn, over emulsion paint Can be applied to any lacquer and paint. This paint dries quickly and does not have a strong odor.

Emulsion paints are usually divided into several types:

Water-based paints

Many people think that water-based and water-dispersion paints are the same thing, but this is still not the case. Water-based paints are less resistant to moisture, and water-dispersion paints are waterproof and such paint can often be wiped with a damp cloth. There is another difference that they have very a large number of different colors, which water-dispersion paints cannot boast of.

Water-based paints can create various volumetric effects. You can decorate surfaces.

The composition of paints and their use

Acrylic paints- the connecting element in them is the presence of acrylic resin. Such paints are very durable, as well as very elastic. But this type of paint is quite expensive, so not everyone makes a choice in favor of such paint. Acrylic paints can withstand severe frosts, but only after they are completely dry. Such paint is not recommended to be applied to the plaster earlier than 1 month after the plaster has dried.

latex paints- the cost of such paint is the highest among all emulsion paints. They are made with the addition of latex, hence the name. This type of paint can be used on different surface: , ceilings. Drying speed is quite fast approximately 20-60 minutes after application.

Polyvinyl acetate paints- PVA paint. This type of paint is the most affordable. If such paint is often washed, then it will peel off very quickly. But there are pluses - it is light-resistant and environmentally friendly.
Silicone paints - their connecting link is silicone resins. They have a high degree of elasticity.

The second group of colors are - alkyd paints.

The basis of this paint includes. These paints include oil and enamel paints. They can be used for painting. metal products, wooden, as well as plastered surfaces. Non-toxic, light-resistant, able to withstand interaction with water.

Everyone who plans to repair is wondering: what to choose for wall coverings? Manufacturers offer a wide range different materials for finishing: wallpaper, plastic panels, decorative plasters, special chips made of artificial or natural stone. The variety of colors and textures is sometimes confusing, and it can be very difficult to make the right decision. It is important to take into account not only your personal ideas about aesthetic interior, but also the features of the premises and the conditions in which it will be operated.

IN Lately more and more buyers, as well as professional designers, prefer wall painting - this is the easiest and most affordable way space decoration. Such a coating has many advantages: the paint can have a variety of colors and shades, it is easy to apply to a surface on which dust does not accumulate after processing, and dirt is removed with a damp cloth. For rooms where high humidity is noted, special paints are produced - waterproof.

Rooms with high humidity are not only the bathroom and kitchen. The bedroom, living room, office are also at risk: increased levels of humidity are often noted due to pipe malfunctions.

One of the types of such compositions is dispersion-. In addition to decorative, it also performs a protective function, preventing the appearance of fungi and the formation of mold deposits due to the ability to repel water and prevent its penetration into the surface structure. Plus, like other waterproof paints, AQUATEX does not change the vapor permeability of the base, so in damp rooms the moisture content in the surrounding air is reduced.

Wet room paints or waterproof paints are the best choice for wall decoration in hallways, bathrooms, lavatories, kitchens. They paint the walls staircases, baths and saunas. Such premises are actively exploited by people, they have a large amount of moisture or water vapor, as well as condensate, which settles on the ceiling and walls. Not surprisingly, these rooms most often need cleaning and cosmetic repairs. Finishing materials are required: they must be resistant to moisture and abrasion, easy to install, non-combustible and have an aesthetically attractive appearance. Waterproof paint is suitable for wet areas like no other material.

Tile vs waterproof paint

Until recently tile considered the most the best option wall and ceiling finishes. This material has many advantages. First, the tile differs in wear resistance. It is durable, well withstands mechanical, chemical influences and, most importantly, water. Due to this, the tile retains its original operational properties and characteristics, as well as an attractive appearance for many years of use. In addition, from individual elements you can assemble an original mosaic or panel, which will also play a decorative role. On the other hand, tile has obvious disadvantages:

  • The high cost of the material itself;
  • Complexity self-assembly, which must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Hence the high cost of the work of a specialist in laying tiles.
  • The tile is quite difficult to replace if there is a desire to update the room.

The use of waterproof paint allows you to get a durable result, and changing the color of the walls will not be difficult. It is not at all difficult to carry out work on painting surfaces: it is enough to have the initial skills of owning a paint brush or roller in order to evenly apply the composition. Compared to tiles, paint is relatively inexpensive, plus you can find a variety of color and texture coating options in stores, so you can decorate the room in an original way.

A few decades ago, painting bathroom walls evoked only negative associations: over time, the surface lost its original appearance, the paint itself cracked and literally fell off the wall and ceiling in whole pieces. The result is a sloppy appearance of the premises and the need for repair. Modern formulations allow you to achieve an almost perfectly flat surface.

The main advantages of waterproof paint

Their most important advantage is their water-repellent properties. They are due to the presence in the composition of special compounds that form the thinnest film on the surface that does not allow water molecules to pass into the structure. In addition, there are a number of other advantages:

  • Antiseptic properties. Walls, floors, ceilings and other surfaces treated with waterproof paint are not subject to the formation of mold. Fungus does not appear on them, and bacteria do not multiply. This effect is observed for a long time after applying the coloring composition.
  • wear resistance. Waterproof paint is less susceptible to abrasion. The surface can be cleaned with chemicals, and this can be done as often as possible - the coating will not lose its initially attractive appearance and will not lose its performance and properties.
  • Hiding power and economical consumption. To get a beautiful surface, it is enough to apply only two layers of the composition, instead of 4-5.
  • Environmental friendliness. Paint that is used in wet areas (for example, AQUATEX) is absolutely safe for humans and environment. It does not emit toxic and other harmful substances- and these are the most basic requirements that apply to a comfortable stay in any home.

A bathroom, a bathroom, a kitchen are the most expensive to repair and finish, so you should not save on the quality of work and wall paint - the attractiveness of the interior and the service life of the finishing materials themselves depend on this.

  • Ease of application. Even a schoolboy can paint a wall! This process does not take much time and does not require special skills.
  • Durability. The moisture-resistant paint is resistant to fading, and even after several years it retains its original shade. It adheres well to the prepared base and does not chip.
  • Easy Care. Dirt can be removed with a normal damp cloth.
  • Aesthetics. Wide choose color solutions allows you to create a comfortable and eye-pleasing environment - the bathroom needs this no less than the living room or bedroom.

To achieve maximum benefits, experts recommend using two paints: the main one and for finish coat. In the latter case, water-based latex compositions based on acrylate are most often used. Subject to all the rules of staining, it turns out even and beautiful coverage.

What paints can be used in wet rooms? Main types: pros and cons

Currently, there are several varieties of waterproof paints. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered when choosing for a particular room.

acrylic paint

The coating made with acrylic paint is not resistant to low temperatures: when exposed to cold, small cracks may appear on the surface, which destroy the integrity of the coating and spoil the appearance. With a long hit on the coating sunlight the paint is gradually fading. Acrylic is not recommended for use in bathrooms, baths and saunas: the composition loses its properties with constant excess moisture.

Despite these disadvantages, the paint has numerous advantages:

  1. With its help, you can achieve a flat and smooth surface;
  2. It is practically odorless and does not contain toxic substances;
  3. Acrylic paint - the leader in a variety of colors and shades;
  4. It is resistant to dirt and high temperatures without yellowing or flaking.

Coating life up to 20 years metal structures and up to 8 years on wooden. It can be used for both interior and exterior decoration.

Latex waterproof paint

It can be classified as universal. The composition is easy to apply and adheres well to almost any surface (provided that they are carefully leveled): concrete, wood and others. Walls covered with latex paint can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, without causing any damage to the coating. The composition with a beautiful matte sheen is easy to apply, evenly distributed over the surface in an even and thin layer, and dries quickly. It creates a certain degree of thermal insulation, but at the same time remains "breathable", thanks to which a healthy microclimate is maintained in the room.

This paint is the absolute leader in moisture resistance. When applied to the walls, it seems to separate the base and the environment, and due to the increased surface strength, it perfectly resists moisture.

Among the disadvantages of latex paint are:

  • The impossibility of hiding the defects of the wall, since it completely repeats its relief;
  • Low resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • The need for additional ventilation of the room and surface treatment with special compounds that prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

Latex paint is expensive, however, long term exploitation reduces this "disadvantage" to a minimum. It can be absolutely matte, matte, semi-matte, semi-gloss, glossy and absolutely glossy. The latter option is recommended for decorating a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, since constant shine can cause irritation.

silicone paint

It has good dirt and water repellency, as well as elasticity. Thanks to the latter characteristic, work on preparing the surface for painting is greatly facilitated. With the help of such paint, you can even close cracks up to 2 millimeters wide, which are on the base of the wall. An indisputable plus of silicone compounds is vapor permeability, that is, the ability to "breathe". Dust does not accumulate on the treated surfaces, the coating itself is durable, resistant to direct sunlight and, in particular, ultraviolet radiation. The service life of silicone paint can reach 25 years or more - this compensates for its high cost, which can be attributed to disadvantages. The composition is odorless, absolutely environmentally friendly, resistant to the appearance of microorganisms, mold and fungi.

Water based paint

Such paints are widely used for wall decoration in toilets, kitchens. These compositions are not very suitable for painting a bathroom or shower room, as they have a low margin of safety and pores into which water vapor penetrates. The material is suitable for decorating a children's room: a bright matte surface is pleasing to the eye, and its durability will only be in the hands of parents, because the coating can be easily removed and a new one applied, but of a different color. The paint does not have an unpleasant odor, and it does not contain toxic components. It dries quickly, which significantly reduces repair time.

Alkyd paint

It has good water-repellent properties and after drying forms a glossy coating without streaks, streaks and marks. On the other hand, such a coating can be easily damaged, especially if brushes and abrasive detergents are used to remove dirt. In addition, the paint has bad smell, which may appear when the surface is heated. It is suitable for decoration of technical rooms, basements, pantries. It is there that the composition shows its advantages, demonstrating increased surface strength, strong and reliable adhesion to the surface. Another advantage of alkyd compounds is affordable price: with significant savings Money and you can paint the surface of a fairly large area. Such paint dries quickly: within an hour after application, the crystallization process is completed, the maximum strength of the coating is formed after a few days.

What paint to choose?

For bathroom walls that are finished with stucco, plywood, concrete or plastic, acrylic paint is an excellent choice. For a plastered or plasterboard surface, to which there are no serious requirements regarding durability, a water-based emulsion can be used. , for example, a metal roof, it is worth choosing a silicone compound. Latex paint is more suitable for reinforced concrete and glass, and alkyd enamel is more suitable for walls in basements, industrial and utility rooms.

Ready-made wall painting solutions

Today manufacturers paintwork materials offer customers a whole system of means for decorating walls. The kit usually includes putty, primer and paint. Some of these "sets" additionally include special fiberglass wallpapers and a primer that is applied over them. All means complement each other, enhance the dignity of each. This allows you to perform high-quality repairs without spending a lot of time and effort searching for materials.

Technology for applying waterproof paint to the surface

Of course, you can just paint the wall, but the result will be disastrous. To achieve desired effect, a number of rules must be followed. The whole process of painting walls with waterproof paint can be divided into several successive stages:

  1. Surface preparation. It consists in high-quality cleaning - the final result will largely depend on this. First you need to remove all old coatings (wallpaper, paint, etc.). Better if only concrete base. If there are any impurities on it, they should also be removed. Mold and fungus must be removed. In the event that sufficient attention is not paid to cleaning the surface, then all stains may already appear on the new coating.
  2. Plastering and puttying. At this stage, it is important to level the relief and close all, even the smallest, cracks. A smooth wall looks much more attractive, and the paint on such a surface will be easier and easier to lay down, without drops, streaks and streaks. It is desirable that both putty and plaster also have water-repellent properties.
  3. Padding. For priming walls in wet rooms, special compounds are used, which can be purchased at specialized stores. They create an additional barrier to moisture penetration and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms. A truly high-quality primer penetrates deep layers of plaster, enhancing the strength of the coating.
  4. Direct painting. The paint is applied only on a completely dry primer, usually in two layers. It is also important to wait until the first layer is completely dry - only after that you can paint a second time.

Waterproof paint is applied to the surface with a roller, brush or pneumatic sprayer. The latter method is not suitable for all formulations - be sure to read the information on the package.

Used to paint walls different instruments: manual or mechanized. For example, a spray bottle. It allows you to economically consume the material, ensures the quick completion of all work and good penetration of the composition into the pores of the surface. It is convenient to work with a roller, but with its help it is difficult to reach the corners. If you use the usual paint brush, you should be prepared that the paint consumption will increase markedly. You will also have to constantly monitor that there are no leaks. On the other hand, the coating layer is more dense. To decorate the walls, masking tape is used, which delimits areas for applying paint of different colors, or stencils.

When painting walls, experts recommend observing temperature regime. The optimum air temperature in the room should be +10 °С ... +20 °С. The humidity indicator is also important: it should be in the range of 50-70%. Under these conditions, the paint lays down better and adheres well to the surface.

Paints for baths and saunas

Baths and saunas are a separate category of premises in which high humidity is noted. In addition, there is almost always heat. Moisture and heat are two factors to consider when choosing a finishing material, in particular wall and floor paint. Modern compositions designed specifically for baths and saunas have properties such as:

  • Excellent surface protection against moisture;
  • The ability to penetrate into the substrate material to ensure resistance to adverse external influences and increase the strength of the coating;
  • High efficiency against mold, fungi, any kind of bacteria;
  • Dirt-repellent properties that facilitate cleaning;
  • Environmental friendliness (absence of toxic and other substances and components harmful to humans and the environment).

With the help of waterproof paints for baths and saunas, you can easily create a beautiful coating. The composition can be transparent or colored: in any case, it will favorably emphasize the texture of natural wood that is used inside bath rooms. Some paints create a tinted effect, highlighting the natural pattern of the surface and giving it a more expensive and noble look.

Wall decoration in wet rooms with waterproof paint is the best option for creating a beautiful interior. Numerous advantages that modern compositions have allow us to achieve a durable result that will delight the eye for more than one year. It is important to buy waterproof paint from trusted suppliers and manufacturers. This is the only way to guarantee high quality and rational investment in repair work.

Before painting interior walls, most of us think about color first. However, what is not visible is very important. Will the paint be difficult to tolerate for allergy sufferers later? How to protect the wall from moisture? How easy will it be to remove dirt from the wall?

We will tell you what type of paint is needed for every corner of your home.

1 Paints for rooms for various purposes

For painting internal walls and ceilings, it is better to use emulsion (dispersion) paints. They are resistant and not subject to abrasion, they are well applied to plaster, concrete, brick and drywall. Walls covered with emulsion "breathe" as they pass water vapor, so they are not afraid of mold. In addition, the surface after painting remains smooth and, in case of contamination, it can be easily wiped with water with the addition of detergent. High-quality emulsion paints are easy to work with, they have a thick consistency (jelly when unmixed), do not drip or drip from the brush. They differ from each other in the binder, which can be, for example, acrylic, vinyl or latex.


In living rooms and bedrooms, matte emulsion paints have proven themselves well. They perfectly hide various irregularities - the walls and ceilings will look noble. It is worth taking care that the painted surfaces absorb excess moisture. This is especially important in a room designed for sleeping. So the bedroom is worth using acrylic paints with the so-called high vapor permeability.


For children's rooms we recommend easily washable acrylic paints. They must be characterized by zero emission, that is, they must not contain harmful substances. Choose paints that have designations such as Eco Label, Blue Angel on the labels. This label indicates that the products are environmentally friendly and safe. Glue paints are also safe, but walls painted with them are more difficult to keep clean.


Sanitary areas are best painted with moisture-resistant latex or acrylic paints with the addition of antifungal agents. And for the kitchen best solution there will be those paints from which in the future you can easily wash off stains of fat.


For painting the walls of the hallway and corridor, you should choose paints that are resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion, for example, acrylic-latex. If you are planning to use Wall panels, then instead of an emulsion, you can choose a whole range of enamels, that is, acrylic and alkyd paints with varying degrees of gloss.


For utility rooms, inexpensive vinyl and acrylic paints are suitable. Everyone knows that workshops and garages need to be systematically tinted. In the washing and drying rooms in country houses you can use the same type of paint as for the bathroom and kitchen.

2 Paints for surfaces of various materials


Even such a durable material as concrete requires additional care, especially in utility rooms. For example, in the garage, special reinforcing paints (polymer and polyurethane), resistant to dirt and oily stains, have proven themselves well. They also protect against dust on the floor, creating on the surface protective film, which neither moisture nor mechanical damage can destroy. Such paints are offered in various shades of gray.

Concrete is gradually “coming out of hiding” and more and more often it can be found in residential premises. For example, the concrete floor in the living room needs to be treated as follows: primed with an oily base or painted with a paint with increased durability. Your floor will sparkle like rubbed. The concrete floor in the bathroom must be protected from water. Epoxy based paints are perfect for this.


If you are bored old tiles, it is not necessary to knock it off the walls and put a new one. Special paints make it easy to change the design of the room. You can also decorate the tile with decorations, any image of your own taste, or use a template. It all depends on your ingenuity and on the appropriate colors. Special paints for glass and ceramics can be purchased, for example, from plastic stores. If necessary, you can also change the color of the joints between tiles or terracotta, using paints for fugues. Such painting will require attention, patience and precise execution, as it is important not to paint the edges of the tiles. Therefore, you must first protect them by sticking thin strips of masking tape.


To preserve the texture and natural shade of the interior wooden doors, floors, stairs and panels, use varnishes or varnish stains. The most demanded polyurethane varnishes, well protecting the surface from damage. They are quite cheap, but, unfortunately, they dry for a long time. Increasingly popular are acrylic and alkyd varnishes. They can be either colorless, preserving the characteristic pattern of the layers and the original color of the wood, or transparent - allowing you to get shades that imitate the colors of precious woods (blue wood). Covering paints can be painted wooden elements in any color, but the pattern of the layers will be lost. Color natural wood can be changed with a stain, on top of which apply a colorless varnish. In this case, the color of the surface will remain unchanged.


If emulsions diluted with organic solvents (for example, gasoline for varnish) are used to paint the building, the paint is deeply absorbed into the structure of the plaster and further strengthens it. In addition, emulsion paint dries quickly and therefore there is no need to protect the walls from rain during work. It is only necessary to remember that it is impossible to paint fresh plaster with an emulsion. You have to wait at least a month for this. Otherwise, the paint will lose color and smudges will appear on the wall. If there is no such amount of time left, then mineral paints (silicate, cement, and silicone) will come to the rescue. They can paint the walls in three days after plastering works. Thanks to the silicone film, during rain, water will flow down the wall of the house, at the same time washing away dirt. These paints have only one drawback - having applied this type of paint once, it will not work to change it. Other paints simply won't adhere to the silicone surface.


External wooden walls are treated primarily with impregnations against mold and insects. Varnishes are also used, which create a film that protects the tree from exposure to water and the sun. Lacquer stains and azures on wood for external works able to protect the surface from a large amount of moisture. You can choose between varnishes that change the color of wood and paints for outdoor use in various colors. Remember that light colors are more resistant to sunlight.

3 Special paints

Paint today is more than just color. They can imitate wood or stone, create a textured surface. Why glue wallpaper and knock down plaster? You can update the wall with the help of appropriate compounds or even a regular emulsion.

For decorative effects, the best are special paints, such as structural or decorative paints. In this case, there is a double effect. The wall looks beautiful and at the same time resistant to scratches and moisture.


After overlay structural paint the surface of the wall looks like an abstract relief, and to the touch it resembles sandpaper or hardened earth. The so-called structure can be bought in the form of powder, finished mass, paste, which is then added to regular paint. Structural paints "breathe" and wash well.

Instructions for use

  1. Clean the wall first. When the wall is dry, apply an appropriate primer to it.
    ATTENTION! If you want to paint a larger section of the wall, first divide it into smaller sections using masking tape.
  2. Structural paint is applied with a brush, soft roller or trowel (an applied layer with a thickness of more than 8 mm is called structural plaster).
  3. Before the mass dries, drawings must be made on it. textured roller(it must not be dipped in paint), sponge or rag.
  4. After a few hours, the wall can be painted with azure or varnish (colorless or colored).


Decorative paints perfectly convey the illusion natural materials or cracked plaster. They can look like wood and noble stones. The technique that is used to apply these paints to the wall depends on the effect you want to achieve. For example, pearlescent.

Instructions for use

  1. Apply the base paint to the primed surface.
  2. Distribute a thin layer of mother-of-pearl decorating paint with a roller using cross-shaped movements.
  3. Finally, with a brush with artificial fibers, we make marks that emphasize the shiny fragments of the wall.


Want to achieve a worn effect? Emulsion paints are also suitable here. The trick is to alternately apply thin layers of emulsions of different colors to the wall.

Instructions for use

  1. A primer of a light shade is applied to the prepared surface.
  2. After drying, paint on top with a darker paint.
  3. To obtain an original pattern, we wipe a still wet surface with a brush or crumpled newspaper.

ATTENTION! Scuffs on a large wall in indoor areas can create an overwhelming effect. Therefore, take only a small part of the surface for them.


  1. Phosphorescent paint contains pigments that absorb light rays. In a room, the walls of which are painted with such paint in two layers, the glow effect can last for 20 minutes.
  2. Scented paint can smell, for example, of lemon or flowers (optional). Its smell remains in the room for 3 days after closing the jar.
  3. Magnetic paint will successfully replace buttons and adhesive tapes. It contains stainless iron particles, thanks to which the magnet is attracted to the wall like a refrigerator door.

Filling chipped areas of enameled bathtubs

Chips appeared on the perfectly white bathtub. No panic! The surface can be renewed with a two-component polyurethane paint (the second component is a hardener), the texture of which resembles enamel.

  1. First, fill the chips with putty.
  2. Sand thoroughly after drying.
  3. Clean the inside of the tub with a cloth soaked in solvent.
  4. Thoroughly mix the paint with the hardener and apply to the surface of the bath.
  5. Wait a few days for the paint to dry before taking a bath.

In this way, you can update any other enameled sanitary equipment.

Lacquering parquet

Various varnishes are used for varnishing parquets, depending on the type of wood. Before coating, you need to properly prepare the base:

  • Wooden parquet conifers wipe with acetone or thinner.
  • On oak and hornbeam parquet, you first need to apply a layer primer varnish otherwise it will lose its natural color.
  • Exotic wood parquet must be treated with a primer that blocks the release of essential oils.

rust painting

In order to renew metal objects on the site or old gates, you will need a wire brush and anti-corrosion paint as a primer and paint over the surface. Most often it is alkyd paint. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Carefully clean the rust. Get rid of cracked paint with a paint remover.
  2. Apply a light gray or dark brown primer to the surface prepared in this way, depending on the selected color of the base paint.

Attention: You can also buy surface paints with anti-corrosion additives. In this case, there is no need to clean the metal from rust.

Paint is one of the very first and at the same time the main finishing materials used by man. The desire to draw has appeared in people since ancient times. This is evidenced by the painting of the walls and ceilings of the caves in which the ancient man lived. Already at that time, he sought to decorate gray stones using ocher, charcoal and animal blood.

Millennia have passed, but people's desire to paint has not diminished at all. They strive to change the color of almost everything that comes their way. Cars and houses, hair, pet hair, etc. are painted. That is why recently the number of varieties this material increased several times.

No renovation is complete without paint. But everyone who makes it dreams of keeping a decent view of the walls or ceilings for a long time, that way for twenty years. That is why it is important to know what types of paint exist, what characteristics they have. This will allow you to choose the right finishing material that will last as long as possible.


Paint manufacturers include at least three components in their products. It is a pigment, an astringent and a solvent. The color of the paint depends on the first of these components. The binder does not allow the applied layer to crumble after it dries. The solvent is designed to dilute too thick paint, which makes it easier to apply. Often, a variety of fixatives, stabilizers and other additives are added to the mixture formulation.

Depending on the characteristics and quality, there are different kinds paints. Let's consider them in more detail.


What is the paint? Types of this finishing material according to their purpose are divided into universal, as well as for interior and exterior work. All of them have some differences in their characteristics. So, paints used for outdoor work are highly resistant to moisture, sunlight, temperature fluctuations and other external factors. However, they are very toxic and therefore prohibited for indoor use.

To repair apartments and rooms, a different type of paint is needed. It must be intended for internal works. Such material is extremely sensitive to external factors, therefore it is not used for

The third type is universal paint. The types of the first two finishing materials, as mentioned above, have different characteristics. Universal paint can be used not only for interior, but also for exterior work. It is manufactured on water based and therefore non-toxic.

According to the characteristics of the solvent included in the composition, all paints are divided into:
- oil;
- emulsion.

Oil paints

This finishing material is made on the basis of white spirit, drying oil, turpentine, gasoline or alcohol. All of these substances are organic solvents.

On what basis is the oil paint you purchased made? GOST will help to understand this. It regulates the brands of this finishing material, depending on the type of foaming component used. So, the symbols MA-021 indicate that the composition of the oil paint contains natural drying oil. If MA-025 is combined, etc.

The main advantage of such paints lies in their durable waterproof layer. But these materials also have a drawback. Drying, the oil paint releases everything that is in it. Indoors, this can cause intoxication.

Oil paint is used for wood, metal, cement plaster, gypsum putty and many other surfaces. You can even apply it on a layer of water-based emulsion.

Oil paint for wood can be used as a primer. To do this, it is additionally diluted with turpentine, white spirit, kerosene or other solvents.

In the old days, oil paint was used everywhere. It was used for finishing surfaces. Today, however, other, more modern materials. The fact is that oil paint can dry up to several days, while highlighting so much that people start to have a headache. In addition, the applied layer does not allow the surface to "breathe". This leads to the appearance of cracks and peeling on it after a short period (from three to five years). In addition, drying oil turns yellow, the surface loses its original color.

However, despite such significant shortcomings, oil paint continues to be produced today. GOST strictly certifies this finishing material, designating its various types with combinations of numbers and letters. Customers purchase this inexpensive and affordable paint for doors and window frames, radiators and other surfaces. It is also used as a primer.

Emulsion paints

This finishing material is made by mixing fillers and pigments with water. And today it is increasingly used in the decoration of apartments. The positive side of this paint is that when it dries, it does not emit toxic substances. An important advantage of emulsion paint is also its environmental friendliness.

This material is easy to use. Completely dry, it is easily washed off hands and tools.

What are emulsion paints?

This finishing material is divided into several types. Among them are paints:
- water emulsion;
- acrylic;
- latex;
- polyvinyl acetate;
- water-dispersion.
- silicone.

Water based paint

It is usually used for finishing internal surfaces. This is an environmentally friendly material that is in high demand among consumers. Water-based paint, the price of which is quite affordable for all segments of the population, is applied to almost any surface. In doing so, it forms an air-permeable polymer film. Steam can pass through. But she won't let the liquid through. The positive side of this material is its explosion and fire safety.

Unlike water-based, more moisture resistant. This allows you to wipe the surface on which they are applied much more often with a damp cloth.

Acrylic paints

These finishing materials are very elastic and durable. Acrylic resins give them such characteristics. These substances are the main binder component of the composition. Acrylic types of paint have a high cost, and therefore not every buyer chooses them. However, it is a wonderful finishing material. After complete drying, it is able to withstand even the most severe frosts. Acrylic paints have good water resistance. Moreover, this indicator increases as the volume increases. acrylic resins in their composition. Such paints are perfectly tinted. Moreover, they form surface layer capable of lasting for many years.

latex paint

This is the most expensive type of all water-based finishing materials. The composition of such a paint, which has increased water resistance, elasticity and strength, contains latex. This material can be used to cover various surfaces. It can be both walls and ceilings, which will dry in 20-60 minutes.

Polyvinyl acetate paints

They are made on the basis of PVA. Moreover, such water-based paint has been familiar to consumers since the days of the USSR.

Polyvinyl acetate finishing material - environmentally friendly, light-resistant and the most affordable. However, this paint should not be washed frequently. It will slide off the surface very quickly.

silicone paints

This finishing material is relatively new and relatively expensive. Silicone resins act as a binder in it. This component gives the paint high water resistance. You can buy a silicone-based finishing material for painting any surface, including metal.

Enamel paints

This finishing material incorporates pigments and varnishes. Under different names this paint can be realized. Types of enamel coatings include several various types. These are nitro enamels and enamel paints, and after they dry, a matte or shiny glossy film with high strength is formed on the surface. Several layers of such paint will provide good protection of the coated material from various external influences - sunlight, temperature changes, etc. Enamel is characterized by a high drying rate (15-45 minutes) and sensitivity to mechanical damage.

Facade paints

These finishing materials differ from those used for interior work in their maximum resistance to external environmental influences. You need to choose them depending on the properties of the surface to be treated. Wood, brick and concrete need their own paint.

The types of considered finishing materials for facade work are divided into:
- silicate;
- acrylic;
- silicone.

For outdoor use, it is made on the basis of polymer dispersions and liquid glass. This material is very durable and reliable. It is as vapor and breathable as possible, and due to its alkaline reaction it does not allow the appearance of mold and fungi on the walls.

For the facade they have significant differences from the interior. They are more resistant to UV rays and weathering, as well as high spreadability and minimal spatter.

The most progressive and modern can be attributed They have the best performance silicate and acrylic finishing materials - UV resistance and elasticity.

Modern manufacturers also offer perchlorovinyl facade paints. They are recommended for outdoor use. finishing works. Such paints are obtained by dissolving perchlorovinyl in a solvent or xylene. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at the level of seventy degrees. The solvents contained in such a composition evaporate during drying, and a fairly solid decorative and protective layer appears on the treated surface.

Perchlorovinyl paints do not allow moisture to pass into the finish. They are made with a high saturation of the color tone, which lasts from three to four years.

Tikkurila brand.

Today, consumers put forward increased requirements for facade paints. This does not allow manufacturers to stand still. They develop such finishing materials that not only give the surface a particular color, but also protect it from dirt and moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Tikkurila paint has all these properties.

The trademark of the same name, offering its product on the market of paint and varnish building materials, has more than a hundred and forty years of history. The products of this company are familiar to customers due to their wide range and excellent quality.

It's no secret that facade painting is an expensive business. That is why the finishing material must have such properties that would allow it to protect the surface for a long time and reliably. Tikkurila paint has such characteristics. It is resistant to alkali, impact and abrasion, has exceptional hiding power and high vapor permeability. Such qualitative characteristics allow this finishing material provide an excellent view and reliable protection facade for ten or more years.

Surface finish by painting - the cheapest and, at the same time, sufficient effective method ennoblement of walls in various rooms of the house. Properly selected waterproof paint and adherence to the technology of its application will have an effect no worse than the use of more expensive schemes. But, for this you need to choose the right type of paint for the walls of the bathroom and living rooms.

What properties are in demand in the first place

Taking into account the noticeable labor costs for painting the walls (if it is not possible to purchase or rent an airbrush for a while), the main consumer advantage of the coloring composition is its hiding power. This is the consumption of material per unit area of ​​walls and / or ceilings in the bathroom and other rooms. However, there are other requirements as well.

  1. Environmental Safety. The composition of the substance must be free of toxic components. It is for this reason that oil compositions so popular in the Soviet past, despite their cheapness, are gradually fading into oblivion.
  2. Convenience of technology of drawing on the painted surface. That is why nitro-based dyes are used less and less - if you can still somehow put up with their pungent smell, using intensive ventilation of the premises, then the instant drying of such paints and varnishes on the walls of rooms or on glass requires truly jewelry painting skills. Correcting the wrong smear will no longer work.
  3. Durability. The coating on the walls must be resistant to fading under the influence of sunlight, and also be well kept on the prepared base (after all, the primer is a mandatory component of all preparatory work).
  4. Hygiene. The painted surface must completely separate the finish surface from the base (concrete, wood, plaster), otherwise dust and dirt will begin to accumulate in the pores very quickly, and fungi will also begin to accumulate in the bathroom, causing the formation of stubborn mold on the walls.
  5. aesthetic effect. First of all, this applies to living rooms, which are painted relatively rarely. But also for technical premises - kitchen, bathroom, bathroom - the visual impression must be positive.

Despite the above factors, the main thing for household paint is its moisture resistance. The waterproof composition not only provides easy and pleasant maintenance of the wall or ceiling, but also protects against possible troubles associated, for example, with a sudden flooding of the bathroom by neighbors from above or a break in the pipes of the water heating system.

Unfortunately, universal moisture-resistant paint is an ideal concept. For each type of surface - plywood, glass, metal, concrete, plastic, wood it is possible to recommend a certain composition of the paintwork, the choice of which is determined by the specific operating conditions of the premises.

Is it ok to paint everything?

Of course not. For example, glass is not painted by all compositions. It is more profitable and more aesthetic to provide inserts from frosted, colored and other types of opaque glasses (including acrylic). These glasses look very modern. Moreover, glass inserts can be combined, modified, replaced.

Staining of concrete is also rarely done, since concrete can be easily plastered with decorative compounds. As a starting surface, concrete remains predominantly in basements and cellars. In addition, due to the porosity of concrete, paint consumption increases.

There is practically no point in painting plastic and tiles. Painted plastic looks much worse, because only by painting with thick paints can streaks be avoided. When coloring plastic, it is necessary to increase the layer of the coloring composition, and its durability on plastic will in many cases be minimal due to low adhesion. If the need for painting is great, then the plastic should be treated with emery cloth before painting.

Plywood (as an element of arrangement of covered balconies and loggias) can also be painted. Plywood is processed in the same way as wood. Since plywood is more often used as an underlay for floors made of wood, laminate, etc., it is enough to paint it in one layer.

Wood (in particular, parquet) is better not to paint at all, but to varnish. A well-dried wood is not prone to rotting, so it is easier to extend the life of a wood coating by less drastic methods. Besides, old paint it is quite difficult to remove from the tree.

Formulations based on aqueous emulsions

Water-based paint has certain water-repellent properties, as a result of which it is used for finishing walls and ceilings in toilets and kitchens. The water resistance of wood and plywood painted with water emulsion increases as a result. However, the strength turns out to be rather average, which is why such compositions are not used in rooms with particularly high humidity, for example, in bathrooms and showers.

The low moisture resistance of water-based paints is associated with the following. The matte surface that these compositions form is quite porous. Therefore, over time, water vapor penetrates into the pores. If for living rooms, where relative humidity rarely exceeds 65-70%, such a circumstance is unimportant, then for bathrooms it is perhaps the main argument "against".

Water-based paint, if it is worth using, is for finishing exclusively children's rooms - thanks to such advantages:

  • brightness (especially if you add a color-forming component there);
  • haze that is pleasant to the eye of the child (the presence of bright glare has a bad effect on the organs of vision of babies);
  • no smell.

And the not very high durability of water-based paint in this case will be in the hands of parents - the coating that bothers children can be easily removed and replaced with the same, but of a different color. By the way, according to the water-based composition, it is simply impossible to apply another. The old coating must be removed to the base, and then a new one must be applied. Water-based formulations are not suitable for painting metal, plastic, concrete and glass. But they do not have an unpleasant smell.

Acrylic products

Acrylic coloring compositions are considered to be the most versatile. They differ:

  • bright, smooth surface;
  • almost complete absence of odor and toxic components;
  • ease of use.

Acrylic paints firmly hold the leading position in terms of wealth color shades. It is often difficult to choose an acrylic color, toilet, hallway due to the huge selection. There are no bathrooms in the presented list of rooms, and this is not accidental. Acrylic is highly resistant to periodically changing relative humidity, but immediately loses its protective properties in cases where excess humidity is constant. This is explained by the following properties of acrylic paints:

  • good adhesion on smooth surfaces(in particular, on plastic, plywood);
  • low abrasive resistance of acrylic against constant mechanical influences (for example, cleaning powders or pastes);
  • tendency to form fungi in hard-to-reach and poorly ventilated places.

Therefore, if there is no reliable supply and exhaust ventilation in the bathroom, painting with acrylic compounds will not lead to a significant increase in the moisture resistance of the finish.

Synthetic paints and varnishes based on high-polymer compounds are often used for domestic purposes. They actually include polyurethane paints and rubber, which also contains polyurethane. These compounds are not environmentally friendly when applied to the surface, but they have a very high water-repellent effect. This happens because during the application process, the surface film is additionally polymerized under the influence of oxygen. During this polymerization, the molecules form a long chain, through which it is almost impossible for moisture to break through (in particular, in the bathroom).

It is also important that the chains of macromolecules of secondary polymerization are extended in a parallel direction, so the surface has some air exchange, “breathes” well and, therefore, does not allow the development of fungal formation processes. Bathrooms painted with such compositions may not have a powerful ventilation system and at the same time effectively resist the ubiquitous mold.

A clear disadvantage of paints based on polyurethane compositions is their toxicity. Therefore, after staining, the finished surface of the bath should stand for several days until the binding of macromolecules is completed.

At the same time, one should not forget about the versatility of such paints and varnishes - they are suitable for processing not only plaster, but also concrete, plastic, metal, glass, plywood and even wood.

Alkyd compounds

In terms of their water-repellent properties, alkyd paints are not inferior to polyurethane ones. However, they contain quite toxic components based on heavy metal alkyds. Therefore, the use of such paints should be limited to painting technical rooms with high humidity e.g. basements. There, alkyd paints will fully reveal their operational advantages:

  • high surface strength;
  • the ability to simultaneously form a thick layer;
  • adhesion to any surface.

Working with such paints and varnishes, great care must be taken: do not lean over the container with the dye, protect the respiratory organs with a gauze bandage or respirator, work in a well and constantly ventilated area.

Latex products

Of all the paints used in everyday life, it is latex that holds the palm for moisture resistance. Latex, when applied to the surface, completely separates the base from the environment. Possessing at the same time high surface strength, it will be guaranteed to withstand moisture, for example, in the bathroom. With one exception - the base, which does not have the ability to ventilate normally, will collapse very quickly. That's why latex paints ideal for moisture resistant processing of metals, reinforced concrete, plastic.

What to choose

With moisture-resistant painting of bathrooms, the walls of which are finished with plaster coatings, plastic, concrete, plywood, acrylic paints will have undoubted advantages. For finishing plaster or drywall, but with low requirements for durability, it is permissible to use water-based paint. When finishing exterior surfaces, metal (for example, roofing), the use of polyurethane or rubber paints is ideal. Latex is suitable for painting metals, glass and reinforced concrete, while alkyd enamels can be very effective on basement walls.