Shower      03/29/2019

What indoor jasmine loves, tips for caring for a plant at home. Jasmine indoor: home care

During the year this garden shrub remains almost unnoticed, but as soon as it blooms, the fragrant honey aroma makes passers-by look around in admiration. How does the jasmine plant reproduce and what kind of care does it need so that it always pleases with decorative forms and violent spring flowering?

The high cost, and sometimes the inaccessibility of varietal planting material, forces gardeners to independently master the cultivation of the plant they like. There are several ways to propagate jasmine with their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s worth dwelling on each in more detail.

  • Growing jasmine from seeds

Ripened seeds are collected from the selected plant and sown before the onset of severe frosts, around the end of November - early December, when there are already 10-15 centimeters of snow on the ground. Small seeds are embedded in the soil to a shallow depth and cover the area with a piece of agrofiber and pine branches. When the snow melts in spring and the soil is saturated with moisture, the seeds will begin to germinate and green shoots will soon appear. Now it is important to provide them with regular watering and protection from the scorching sun until the seedlings get stronger. Transplant to permanent place they will be possible not earlier than in a year and a half, when the branches become a little stiff.

Ripened seeds are collected from the selected plant and sown before the onset of severe frosts.

The process is quite painstaking and time-consuming, and the young jasmine obtained from seeds will bloom only after six or seven years. But the surviving seedlings will be hardened, frost-resistant, with good immunity, able to resist diseases and pests.

  • layering

When rejuvenating an adult bush or during sanitary pruning, the mother plant produces many new young shoots over the summer. Excess shoots are cut off at the root, and the strongest and most promising layers are bent to the ground in shallow grooves and fixed at the very base with wire. The holes are sprinkled with a mixture of sand and soil, watered abundantly and pressed with a brick to better conservation moisture. Soon the shoot will take root, and after about 5-7 weeks, new shoots will appear on it. During the season, the layers are regularly watered and spud two or three times, stimulating the development of the root system. In autumn or early spring, the young plant is separated from the mother bush, the branches are shortened and transplanted.

This method of reproduction is very fast and efficient, but it is applicable only if it is possible to care for layering.

  • Getting a young plant from cuttings

The best time for this is early summer when the plant is full vitality, there is still a long period of heat ahead, and you can evaluate the varietal characteristics of flowering mother plant.

Video clip on how to propagate mock orange, or garden jasmine

For rooting, cuttings no longer than 10-12 centimeters long are suitable, which do not break if they are bent into a ring. On cut branches, the lower leaves are cut off, and the rest are shortened by half. You can root the cuttings in the garden or in the greenhouse, the main thing is to provide nutritious, well-drained soil and sufficient sunlight. transparent cover in the form glass jar or circumcised plastic bottle will create the necessary "greenhouse" microclimate for the development of the plant. From time to time, the cuttings need to be aired, shaded on hot summer days and, of course, regularly watered. As soon as you notice that new buds have appeared at the growth point, it means that the stalk is safely rooted. But it’s not worth removing the shelter completely - tender seedlings are still fragile and weak. For the winter, they are also recommended to be spudded and covered with wood shavings or dry needles, and replanted only next year in spring and autumn.

For planting jasmine in a permanent place, choose sunny areas with fertile soil. This does not mean that the shrub will not grow on poor soil or in the shade, but in this case you are unlikely to wait for abundant fragrant flowering.

Garden jasmine is a shrub that reaches a height of 1 to 2.5 meters and a crown diameter of up to 2 meters. Consider this when placing it next to other landings.

The plant is frost-resistant, when grown in the middle lane in winter shelter only young seedlings need. After transplantation, garden jasmine adapts for a relatively long time and blooms only in the third year.

For planting jasmine in a permanent place, choose sunny areas with fertile soil.

Having picked up a fertile site for planting with loose soil and without stagnation ground water, further care behind jasmine will be uncomplicated. Several times during the summer it is necessary to weed weeds, remove shoots and loosen the ground shallowly, providing oxygen to the roots.

As spring dressings recommended to use liquid fertilizers introduced during irrigation - mullein infusion or mineral complex of nitroammophoska. After the bush has faded, superphosphate is added, embedding the granules in the soil or wood ash.

Garden jasmine is quite resistant to diseases, but sometimes you can notice yellowing of the leaves, developmental delay and poor flowering - these are signs of chlorosis.

Story about what you need to know proper fit and care

This disease is usually caused by a lack of magnesium and iron in the soil. Some prophylactic drugs contain a large number of nitrogen, so experienced gardeners recommend using Orton Micro-Fe.

The main pests of jasmine are mites, aphids, scale insects and thrips. They damage, as a rule, young parts of the plant, destroying green shoots, buds and leaves. For the purpose of prevention, a “hot shower” is used, watering the shrub with water at 40-45 ⁰С. In case of infestation, it is recommended to treat the plant with appropriate insecticides.

Pruning and rejuvenation

With snow-white fragrant inflorescences, the bush always looks impressive, but after flowering, jasmine often becomes untidy, with shoots and old branches sticking out in all directions. And sometimes it even turns into dense thickets, which after a few years cease to bloom. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for jasmine so that it always pleases the eye. And in this case, only timely pruning and proper crown formation allows you to get an ornamental plant at any time of the year.

Video about the features of pruning ornamental shrubs

Here are some rules:

  1. In early spring, all broken, snow-damaged and frost-damaged branches are cut.
  2. To give the bush a symmetrical shape, shoots that are too long and strong are shortened, thereby stimulating the growth of lateral and annual shoots.
  3. Old branches and young shoots are removed, which thicken and shade the crown.
  4. Also, without regret, they remove the branches of the past and the year before last, which will no longer bloom profusely, but will only draw strength from the plant.
  5. After flowering, branches older than 2 years are also removed and wilted inflorescences are cut off so that the jasmine does not expend energy on seed ripening.
  6. To prevent infections, all sections are recommended to be processed using a clay "talker" or garden pitch.

Shrub rejuvenation is a radical pruning. In early spring three or four of the strongest and relatively young shoots are shortened by 30-40 centimeters, and the remaining branches and shoots are cut at soil level. During the season, the plant will give a lot of young shoots, from which a new garden jasmine will form.

Represents evergreen shrub with slightly curly thin and long shoots.
The leaves are pinnate, shiny, light green, simple, oval or ovate, long (up to 10 cm), arranged oppositely on short petioles.
The flowers are white, pink or yellow - fragrant - in single racemes.
Be careful! The strong scent of jasmine flowers can cause headache!
The lower part of the stem gradually becomes woody, and the upper thin shoots need support.

FamilyOlive, Oleaceae
Origintropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia, America
flowering timedepending on the species - from January to December
Accommodationsunny, ventilated place
outdoors in summer (except for Jasminum sambac),
in winter at 8-10°С
Indoor jasmine care
in summer, constantly maintain the humidity of an earthen coma by watering the plant with soft water
feed once every two weeks
in winter, carry out only maintenance watering
if necessary, transplant into larger tubs in spring
Jasmine propagation
semi-dulled cuttings in spring and summer at a soil temperature of 20-25 ° C
Pests and diseasesaphids during warm wintering
spider mite if placed too dry and warm
Jasminum officinale leaves fall in winter - this is normal
Purposebeautifully flowering climbing or tub plant for a room or conservatory

Jasminum officinale, white jasmine, in culture, it can be in a room all summer or in a tub on the street and blooms from June to October.

Jasminum polianthum was the first jasmine that appeared in my house. It differs from its counterparts in unusual, pinkish on the outside, white flowers on the inside, located 40-50 pieces per inflorescence.

About indoor jasmine in books

As floricultural publications write, this species is very active in growth and quickly reaches a height of 5 meters in the winter garden. However, my jasmine can not boast of such dimensions. He appeared in my house on Valentine's Day - February 14, 2002 - and not only did not grow up in a year, but also gave me a lot of trouble regarding caring for his health and creating him optimal conditions for life and growth.
On any floriculture website and in any book about houseplants, you will find the phrase that jasmine is "a profusely flowering plant from June to September." However, I want to warn you right away - this is very, very difficult to achieve.
First of all, you need to create the necessary conditions for jasmine both in terms of temperature and humidity.

Indoor jasmine transplant

Do not use large dishes for transplanting jasmine - jasmine categorically does not like this. Be sure to lay a large drainage at the bottom of the pot, since the slightest stagnation of moisture in the root area leads to their hypothermia and decay.
After removing the plant from the old pot, dip the entire jasmine root system into the root solution for at least half an hour in order to soften the urge to transplant. After transplanting, pour the entire pot with the planted plant with the remaining root solution.
Place the pot in a bright and ventilated area. When keeping indoor jasmine in ordinary apartments in winter, place the pot on the windowsill where you constantly open the windows for ventilation. Do not be afraid - jasmine does not "catch a cold" - in winter it prefers to "cool off" at a temperature of 8-10 ° C. Of course, we are not able to constantly maintain such a temperature in the conditions of an ordinary city apartment, but we are simply obliged to let the plant enjoy the desired coolness under the open window. If the jasmine is not provided with a cool wintering, it will begin to dry out - even the new stems that form will be practically without leaves, and the existing leaves will turn brown, curl and dry out. Only keeping in a cool room and limited watering gives the jasmine much-needed winter rest.
With the onset of spring and an increase in air temperature outside, you can start feeding.
In summer, jasmine (except Jasminum sambac) can be taken out into the fresh air, but protected from direct sunlight. During this period, the plant is watered abundantly (only soft, settled water is used), often sprayed and fed every two weeks with a complete mineral fertilizer. However, it must be borne in mind that a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer can lead to a significant growth of shoots to the detriment of flowering.
With the approach of the winter dormant period, watering is gradually reduced and spraying is stopped.

Jasmine tolerates pruning painlessly. In the spring, before the start of intensive growth, it must be significantly cut off, it can be 1/3 or even half the length of the shoots. Such pruning contributes to the formation of additional side branches, at the ends of which flowering will occur in the future. In order to prolong flowering in summer, pinch the shrub, leaving 6-8 pairs of leaves on the shoots.
Jasmine is propagated in spring and summer. In spring, last year's lignified shoots remaining after pruning are used as cuttings, and in summer, green shoots are used for rooting. In both cases, the harvested cuttings are planted in a substrate consisting of equal parts of washed coarse river sand and peat, covered with glass or plastic wrap and keep the air temperature below 20°C. Rooted cuttings (after about 20-25 days) are planted in pots with a diameter of 7 cm. An acidic substrate is used, consisting of leafy soil, coniferous soil, peat and sand (1:1:1:0.5). In the future, young plants are transplanted every year, older ones - after 2-3 years.

Blooming indoor jasmine

Jasminum mesnyi from January to spring jasmine is decorated with numerous yellow flowers and good for a cool winter greenhouse. In a tub, it can stay outside up to -10 ° C, and then move for a short time, say, to a garage, so that at the first opportunity it can get outside and bloom on time. This jasmine was given to me by my mother on March 8, 2003.

At first I didn’t even believe that it was jasmine - its leaves are so unusual, uncharacteristic for jasmine. Rather, it looks like a bush of Kuril tea - the same cheerful yellow flowers and small ovoid leaves.

Jasminum sambac is recognizable by its long, up to 12 cm, leathery evergreen leaves. Pure white flowers, collected several in racemes, open in March and bloom until October. When gartered, this species stretches up to 3 meters in height, but grows very slowly - it all year round it is better to stay in the winter garden.
Eat terry variety of this jasmine - Jasminum plena.
sambac in its botanical characteristics has nothing to do with garden jasmine - mock orange. They are united only by the unique aroma of flowers. If you already have a fairly large plant and the flowering is quite plentiful, then at night it must be taken out of the living room, since a strong aroma, especially at night, can cause a headache.
Many tea lovers add indoor jasmine flower petals to flavor tea. They are small white or yellow, depending on the type of star, collected in 5-6 pieces. in small-flowered brushes. The flowers stay on the plant for up to 20 days. By the time of wilting, the petals gradually acquire a reddish or purple hue.
This jasmine gave me a wonderful flower online store FloraShop on the eve of the March 8 holiday. This gift was as unexpected as it was airy and fragrant. Tiny jasmine, all strewn with fabulous snowflake flowers, looked more like a flower from a fairy tale than a houseplant from ours. Everyday life. Its delicious aroma immediately filled the whole house!
I immediately transferred this baby to a new ceramic pot, while removing upper layer soil, covered during the journey from distant Holland to frozen Moscow with a crust of brown mold and moss. The pot chose a shallow, but wide. The free space between the clod with the jasmine root system and the walls of the pot was filled with large expanded clay mixed with nutrient soil. She completed the transshipment by watering with a root solution.

All three of my jasmines live in glazed ceramic pots on the northwest window, in which the window is open 24 hours a day.
The experience of communicating with these plants allows me to conclude that the main mistakes and failures in communicating with these wonderful, very delicate and fragrant plants lie in the following:

  • you can’t keep jasmine in a hot and stuffy room in winter, water and feed it abundantly - jasmine definitely needs a period of relative rest
  • can not be transplanted into a spacious pot
  • Don't neglect drainage
  • spring pruning should not be neglected

I assure you that by understanding almost any plant, you will be able to enjoy its company for many, many years! Understand jasmine- and your house from spring to late autumn will be filled with the finest aroma, which (in the truest sense of the word) can make your head spin :))

Jasmine (Jasminum) belongs to the olive family.

Homeland - tropical and subtropical regions of India, Africa and America. Jasmine is an evergreen or deciduous climbing shrub or liana. The smooth stem is covered with trifoliate, unpaired leaves of dark green color, 2.5-5 cm long. Large flowers bloom at the ends of the branches. correct form. The average bush reaches 4.5 meters.

The jasmine flower has the following description: in the center there is a long corolla, similar to a narrow tube, inside of which there are two thin threads, which grow together and form a berry. This is the fruit of a plant that cannot be used for food.

What does jasmine look like: photo, names, description of types and varieties of indoor flower

Jasmine is often associated with the Chubushnik shrub (Hortensaceae family). It has nothing to do with this plant, and their only similarity is the aroma of flowers.

Jasmine flowers are star-shaped, white, pink, yellow in color, with a strong pleasant aroma. There are varieties of this plant that do not smell at all. Single flowers form inflorescences, which are lateral or umbrella, depending on the species.

Jasmine loves open countryside and well-drained soil. Under natural conditions, the plant has a life expectancy of up to 20 years.

Take a look at the photo of what a jasmine flower looks like, and its description matches the appearance:

Flowers, shaped like bells, are usually painted in White color and form brushes.

An interesting fact is that the plant also has pistils and stamens, however, due to the fact that they do not ripen at the same time, jasmine cannot self-pollinate. The plant is pollinated by insects, and the flowers after pollination turn into dark berries.

There are types of jasmine that do not bloom at all. On their branches are miniature decorative leaves, and such specimens are used most often in landscape design.

The genus of jasmine includes more than 300 species distributed in the tropics and subtropics, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics. appearance and care requirements. Few of them are used in indoor cultivation.

Take a look at the photo depicting the types of indoor jasmine:

How different visually their flowers can be: terry and ordinary, large and small.

The most popular types:

Jasmine royal (J. geh) - large flowers(5-7 cm in diameter) odorless.

Jasmine sambac (J. sambac) - beautiful white flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma, climbing plant.

Large-flowered jasmine (J. grandiflorum)’.

Shrub jasmine (J. fruticans).

Jasmine medicinal (J. officinale).

Jasmine many-flowered (J. polyanthum).

Jasmine primrose (J. primulinum) - yellow semi-double flowers, odorless.

The most popular indoor flower - royal jasmine. This is a strong climber with large, white flowers, reaching 5 cm in circumference. It is noteworthy that the plant has almost no smell, which is very good for indoor cultivation. Blooms very profusely, mostly in winter. Valued for its high decorative effect.

Jasmine multifloraroom view, which can often be found in flower shops. It is an evergreen vine with flexible, slender branches that need extra support, feathery leaves, and white, fragrant flowers. Star-like flowers bloom from pale pink buds, clustered in racemes of 20, and have a strong fragrance. Blooms in spring, but single flowers may appear throughout the year. The lifespan of this type of plant in an apartment can be 10 years.

Sambac- This is an evergreen species of jasmine, having the shape of a shrub, reaching 3 meters in length. The plant does not produce seeds, but is propagated by cuttings or other asexual propagation methods. Flowering is long and abundant, can last from May to October. Jasmine sambac can overwinter at room temperature.

On sale you can find several varieties of this type of jasmine, and the most popular are:

Jasmine "Orleans Maiden" - flowers of five or more oval-shaped petals arranged in one row.

Jasmine "Beauty of India" - elongated petals are arranged in one or two layers.

Jasmine "Grand Duke of Tuscany"

Jasmine "Arab Knights"

Jasmine "Mali Mat".

Take a look at the photo and description of the most luxurious variety of jasmine Grand Duke of Tuscany:

Its double flowers reach a diameter of 5 cm, visually they look like roses or peonies. It is a slow growing variety and with regular pruning it is easy to shape the flower into the desired shape.

In indoor jasmine of the sambac species, the Arabian Knights variety is known. He is very similar to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, but differs more small flowers, reaching 2-3 cm. This is an ideal indoor plant that blooms almost all year round, and is completely unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

Take a look at the photo depicting the Arabian Knights jasmine variety:

Due to the fact that the petals are arranged in two layers, the plant looks very elegant and spectacular.

Another unusual shrub is a new variety of jasmine Mali Chat. This variety is characterized by multi-level triple flowers, which can be either white or Pink colour. The shape of the flower is called "garland". This jasmine grows very slowly, is unpretentious in care, can develop in a sunny window, but also feels good in partial shade. In an apartment, you can form a bush or grow a liana.

Jasmine grandiflorum- a tall vine with bare shoots, which in nature reaches 10 meters. It has pinnate, opposite leaves with a pointed edge. It blooms profusely from June to October, releasing umbellate inflorescences, in which 10 fragrant snow-white flowers are collected.

shrub jasmine- upright bush, reaching 1.5 m in height. It has flexible green shoots, thin branches and narrowly elliptical blunt leaves paired in pairs. Sheet platinum is glossy, dark green above, lighter below. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in inflorescences of 5 pieces. Beginning of flowering: from the end of August.

Jasmine primrosefast growing plant with thin shoots that need support. It blooms in late spring - early summer with large, yellow flowers that practically do not smell. The flowers of this type of jasmine look like primrose (primrose), hence the name.

Jasmine officinalis- climbing species, endowed with thin, long branches. Leaf plates are glossy, arranged in pairs. Fragrant, white flowers grow on thin stalks.

Take a look at the photo with some types of jasmine with their names:

This elegant flower deservedly enjoys the love and attention of amateur flower growers.

Growing conditions and proper care of houseplant jasmine

Ampelous plant is great for growing in winter gardens or in an apartment. Its advantage is that it is able to bloom in winter when most flowers are dormant.

At home, most often grown jasmine flower of the following species:

Jasmine Sambac.

Jasmine is unflowered.

Jasmine multicolor.

Jasmine officinalis.

Due to their decorative appearance, delicate aroma and long flowering, these species have gained their popularity among flower growers.

The plant is quite capricious and can die even with excellent care. Therefore, it is extremely important to withstand the basic conditions for growing jasmine:

  1. Illumination.
  2. Temperature regime.
  3. Air humidity.
  4. Watering and spraying.
  5. Application of fertilizers.
  6. Pruning.
  7. Transfer.
  8. Bush formation.

To engage in the cultivation of jasmine, the florist needs to have basic experience in floriculture, since it is not enough to grow a plant, it is important to achieve long-term flowering. Blooms from June to September. At good care jasmine may re-bloom in winter.

Jasmine is photophilous, tolerates direct sunlight well, but prefers diffused lighting. On the south window, the flower needs to be shaded at the peak of the summer heat. If you place the jasmine on the north window, then there is a risk that it will lose its decorative effect and will not bloom. If jasmine is at rest in winter, then it does not require additional illumination, and species that bloom in winter need 10 hours of daylight, so it is advisable to additionally illuminate plants with lamps.

In a well-lit room that is regularly ventilated, indoor ornamental plant jasmine grows well, blooms long and profusely. With prolonged exposure to bright sunlight, the stems wither and the leaves dry.

When caring for indoor jasmine at home, use the tips below.

Best of all, this decorative flower grows and blooms at a temperature of 20-22 ° C in summer, but it also feels normal in the heat. On warm days, it is good to take it out on open air, on the balcony or in the garden, but it is worth protecting from drafts. In summer, be sure to regularly ventilate the room. In winter, for almost all types of jasmine optimum temperature 7-13 °С. The upper mark may be higher, but then you will have to water and spray the plant more often. In addition, if you do not provide a low temperature in the winter, then in the spring the plant will only let greenery, and flowering may not occur.

Regardless of the time of year, the lowest temperature mark that a flower will endure is 8 degrees Celsius.

Look at the photo of how the home jasmine flower blooms while maintaining the appropriate temperature in the room. It is important to consider that the plant does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. With a sharp change in place to a lighter one, burns may appear on the leaves.

To care for indoor jasmine flower, the room must have moist air. Low humidity is detrimental to the plant, it can provoke the appearance of pests and diseases, disrupt flowering. You can use household humidifiers. The plant responds well to spraying. If the room is dry, then the leaves should be sprayed daily, covering flowers and buds from moisture. It is important to ensure that the water used for spraying is warm and settled. You can also put the flowerpot in a tray with wet pebbles and remove it from the radiators.

During the period of growth and flowering, abundant watering is necessary. room temperature slightly warmer than soil temperature. In summer, homemade jasmine needs special care: the flower is watered 3-4 times a week, the soil mixture should be constantly moist, but not wet. With stagnant water, the root system quickly rots. In winter, during flowering, watering should be reduced to once every 4-5 days, but keep the soil slightly moist. When flowering stops, the soil only needs to be slightly moistened as it dries.

Jasmine shrub for planting and care needs loose soil with a neutral pH value that does not retain moisture. The best substrate is turf and leaf soil, peat (1:1:1), pH 5.8-6.5. You can use ready-made earth mix for indoor roses. When planting on the bottom of the flowerpot, be sure to lay a thick layer of drainage.

From mid-spring to the end of August, the flower grows actively, so when caring for indoor decorative jasmine, it must be fertilized regularly. This is for healthy development and abundant flowering. Top dressing is carried out once every 10 - 15 days with complete mineral fertilizer and once a month - ready organic fertilizers. You can use complexes for flowering plants (potassium-phosphorus). Liquid fertilizers can be added to water for irrigation. After the end of the growing season, fertilizers are stopped until the next flowering.

The plant needs support and a garter. For growing jasmine and proper care behind it, you can make an arc of wire or use a finished plastic support. To one of the sides of the arc, you need to tilt the stem, carefully wrap it around the support and secure it with twine or a clip.

Pruning and transplanting homemade jasmine shrub (with video)

The evergreen jasmine shrub requires pruning to form a beautiful, lush crown. The plant responds well to formative pruning, in addition to shorten side shoots necessary to restrain growth and abundant flowering. Every year, before the start of the growing season, all branches should be shortened by about half their length, too long weak shoots should be cut off completely. In a young plant, once a month, pinch the young tops after the formation of 6-8 pairs of leaves - this stimulates branching.

Those types of jasmine that bloom in winter should be cut in the fall, when they begin to actively grow. Species that grow actively and quickly should preferably be pruned twice a year: before flowering and after the end of the growing season. Jasmine sambac can be subjected to this procedure even more often: as the crown grows, you need to shorten the branches and form a decorative bush.

look detailed video pruning jasmine. To shorten the shoots, you need to use sharp disinfected scissors or a knife:

Young plants need to be replanted annually. This is best done in the spring after flowering and pruning. A new flowerpot should be chosen a few centimeters wider and higher than the previous one. If you take a container that is too spacious, then the plant may stop developing the aerial part, and all the forces will go to building up the root system. Jasmine loves that almost the entire substrate is filled with roots. In addition, in a flowerpot that is too large, it is easy to overmoisten the soil, which can lead to its acidification.

Look at the photo how to transplant jasmine and read the description of the main steps:

For a transplant you need:

  1. Choose a suitable container.
  2. Prepare neutral or slightly acidic soil.
  3. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom.
  4. Transfer the flower to a new pot with a clod of old soil.
  5. Fill voids with new soil.

For planting and caring for ornamental jasmine shrubs, a ready-made universal substrate for indoor plants is suitable, but you can also prepare the soil yourself from:

  1. Turf land.
  2. Peat.
  3. Leaf land.
  4. Greenhouse land.

These components must be taken in equal proportions and add half as much sand.

Adult plants need to be transplanted much less frequently, once every 3-4 years.

Reproduction of indoor jasmine flower cuttings

You can also buy an adult jasmine bush in a store, but if there is already one plant in the house, then you can propagate it yourself.

The most effective propagation of indoor decorative flower jasmine in two ways:

  1. cuttings.
  2. layering.

Of course, jasmine can also be propagated by seeds, but there is a risk that the varietal qualities of the plant will be lost. This method is applicable only to the reproduction of wild plants.

Cutting is the most productive method, but at the same time laborious and requires certain skills. Propagate jasmine cuttings, best in the spring. They root in room temperature water and root well in sand. It is best to take annual cuttings: after annual pruning there will be enough of them.

You need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a mature, strong shoot.
  2. Trim its top with two buds (10-15 cm).
  3. The cut must be made at an acute angle.
  4. Treat the cut with the Kornevin biostimulator.
  5. Plant the cuttings in wet sand.
  6. Cover with foil.
  7. Moisten the soil daily.

After about a month, when the roots appear, the plants should be planted in separate plastic cups and placed in a bright place. Without the use of a stimulant, the rooting process may take longer, up to 2 months.

If there are no phytohormones-rooters in the grower's arsenal, then for reproduction ornamental shrub jasmine, you can use honey. One teaspoon of honey must be dissolved in water and the cuttings kept in it for a day, and then placed in the sand.

The substrate must be moistened daily so that the roots do not dry out. The use of transparent cups is very convenient in order to observe the development of the root system. When the entire space is braided with roots, you can transplant the flower into a larger flowerpot (about 10 cm in diameter). Another indicator of the successful rooting of the cutting is the appearance of new leaves.

After transplanting the cutting, the seedling should be looked after as an adult plant.

Propagation of homemade jasmine shrubs by layering

The second way of reproduction home flower jasmine - layering. It is better to do this at the end of spring, when young shoots appear. It is necessary to prepare a pot with the same substrate as for rooting cuttings and place it next to the plant. Then a long thin shoot of the mother plant is selected. At the rooting site of the shoot, you need to make several cuts on it with a sharp knife, then bend it to the soil, dig it in, fix it with a hairpin and cover with a film. The end of the shoot must be pinned in such a way that several leaf buds remain above the soil surface.

The cuttings need to be looked after in this way: water and monitor the humidity of the air. After new leaves and roots appear on it, you can separate the layering from the mother bush with a pruner and care for it like an independent adult jasmine. After a while, when the flower gets stronger, it can be transplanted into nutrient soil.

Secret from flower growers: lower heating has a positive effect on the rooting of cuttings and layering, so it is better to put them on the windowsills above the batteries.

Qualitative planting material- the key to obtaining a healthy flowering plant.

The aroma of jasmine cannot be confused with anything, it is so intoxicating and enveloping that it is widely used in the perfume and food industries.

Fragrant, graceful indoor jasmine, the home care we will study here, is not as whimsical and can be grown indoors, and in open field. Even in ancient times, this flower was used as an aphrodisiac, and ancient legends say that jasmine enhances the manifestation of love and romantic feelings.

Jasmine, plant description

Jasmine (lat. Jasminum) is an evergreen, weakly climbing or liana shrub belonging to the genus Olive (Oleaceae). The place on our planet where the plant first appeared remains unclear. Jasmine habitat is very wide. The flower is found in South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and many other places.

The genus contains about 300 species of jasmine. Most of the varieties are shrubs with thin, flexible, tenacious shoots, densely covered with odd-pinnate juicy green leaves of an oval-oblong shape with narrowed, pointed tips. The length of the shoots of shrubs can reach 7-10 meters.

As it grows, long shoots diverge to the sides and descend to the ground, creating a lush, sprawling bush.

When does jasmine bloom (in what month)

Jasmine begins to bloom in spring (late April, early May) and flowering can last almost all summer. Depending on the variety, the flowers may be single or collected in inflorescences. The shape of the flowers is simple, tubular and terry. Jasmine flowers look very elegant and are in perfect harmony with their bright aroma.

The color of the flowers is often white, but there are cream shades of petals, pink, yellow.

Why indoor jasmine does not bloom

There are many reasons for the absence of flowers, and each of them is a mistake in care.

  • The plant grows in full shade - poor and short flowering.
  • The plant in the room grows at a stable temperature - the shrub will bloom at the wrong time or not luxuriantly. You need a sequence of temperatures.
  • In top dressing, an excess of nitrogen - it negatively affects flowering.

In our area, jasmine is often confused with mock orange. Visually, the shrubs are really very similar and the aroma of their flowers can be distinguished only by comparing them at the same time. But mock orange belongs to a different genus of plants and is a deciduous bush.

Jasmine varieties

In nature, there is a wide variety of jasmine species, but not many of them are suitable for growing at home. Consider what species are common in our area.

  • J. large-flowered. It often goes on sale under the name jasmine polyanthus. One of the most common shrubs grown in open areas. The length of the vines reaches 8-10 m. The leaves on the shoots are opposite, have an elliptical shape with a sharp tip, about 3-4 cm in length. Flowers of a simple form are white, large, collected in inflorescences of 7-10 pieces, very fragrant. It begins to bloom in early summer and blooms until October.
  • G. hololithous. Shrub, 3-4 m high, has drooping thin shoots. The leaves of the plant are very small and few. The bush begins to bloom in winter, at the end of January to the end of spring. Medium sized bright yellow flowers densely cover almost bare shoots, creating a beautiful decorative look. This is one of the most frost-resistant species jasmine.

  • J. many-flowered. Not very large shrub, with a shoot length of 1.5-2 meters. Oblong leaves slightly wavy along the edges, up to 5 cm long densely cover the shoots. In the spring, five-lobed tubular flowers are formed on the tops of the shoots, collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pcs. The buds have a pink tint, when opening the flowers are white.
  • J. Bisa. The plant loves moisture and often grows on the banks of water bodies, at the height of mountains, where it often rains. Slightly climbing vines grow up to 2 m. Juicy green leaves of a lanceolate form are located oppositely. Simple flowers have a pink-purple hue, and are located at the tips of the shoots in 1-3 pieces. Blooms usually begin in May.
  • J. officinalis. The shoots of the shrub are thin, climbing, the leaves are arranged in pairs, have an oblong-lanceolate shape. The flowers are tubular, five-petal, white, collected in umbellate inflorescences of 5-8 pcs. Blooms from April to late August.
  • J. Sambak (Arabic). Jasmine sambac is more like a tree. It has stiff, branched stems densely covered with glossy green ovate leaves with a pointed end. Flowers can be formed singly or in umbrellas of 3 pcs. The shape of the flower is simple, but there are also terry species, the color is white. It blooms very profusely from March to mid-autumn.
  • J. the thinnest. This variety of jasmine is distinguished by medium-sized flowers with thin petals, collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. The height of the shrub can reach 1.1.5 m. Flowering begins early, in January-February and continues until April.

Jasmine: planting and care in the open field for a plant at home

Jasmine can be grown at home as a houseplant, but here one fact should be taken into account: the flowers have a very strong aroma, and the bush blooms for a long time. Such an intense fragrance in the apartment can cause a headache, sometimes even nausea, and for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, attacks may become more frequent. Therefore, it is still recommended to plant a crop on open area or in a spacious room with good ventilation.

So, consider the rules for caring for jasmine at home.

Site selection, lighting

The plant needs abundant but diffused light. A place in a room where direct sunlight enters only in the morning or evening will be ideal. When planting a flower on the street, choose areas that are in the shade during the day. If there is no suitable penumbra zone in the house, then the window can always be shaded with a light curtain.

To protect the jasmine from the scorching sun growing on the street, screens are placed. In regions where the summer is not too hot and sunny, you can not care about shading the bushes. It is also impossible to leave the culture in full shade, it will grow very slowly, bloom poorly and not so long.

Air temperature

Despite the fact that the plant is native to tropical and subtropical zones, jasmine calmly tolerates cold. It has been cultivated for so long in various climatic zones that common species have adapted to cold and heat.

In summer, the optimum air temperature for shrubs is 20-28 ° C. It will withstand higher rates calmly if it is well watered and protected from direct sunlight. In winter, a culture growing on the street needs warming of the roots. If the winters in the region are severe, then it is recommended to cover the bush with a greenhouse.

In mild winters, when the air temperature does not drop below -10 ° C, you can not warm the jasmine at all, just throw some dry leaves or hay on the zone of its rhizome.

Flowers growing in a room environment can easily exist at a stable temperature. But in this case, the shrub will bloom at the wrong time or not luxuriantly. To support the natural cycle of the plant, it must be placed in a cooler temperature for the winter (+ 8-12 ° C), and in the spring it should be brought back into a warm room.

Growing jasmine at home, it is very important to monitor the freshness of the air. Culture does not tolerate stuffiness, the room should be regularly ventilated.

Air humidity

The plant prefers a little high humidity although it can also live in dry climates. Home care for jasmine involves spraying. In summer, the bush is recommended to be sprayed with soft, warm water 3-4 times a week. Spraying is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, when there is no active ultraviolet light, otherwise the leaves and flowers may get burned.


Starting in spring, jasmine is watered so that the topsoil dries out almost completely. You can not swamp the soil, the roots of the flower are very sensitive and with excessive watering can begin to rot.

From mid-autumn, watering begins to be reduced, bringing it to a minimum by winter. From about December to February, the plant is watered so that the substrate dries well inside. Irrigation water should be at room temperature, preferably free of salts.

top dressing

Jasmine must be fertilized from spring to autumn. Winter varieties you can start feeding during the ovary of the buds. While the bush is in the stage active growth and flowering, fertilizer is applied about 2 times a month.

Jasmine fertilizer is easy to pick up. Suitable complex mineral compositions for flowering plants. Please note that an excess of nitrogen negatively affects flowering.

transplant, soil

Shrubs growing in the garden do not need to be transplanted. Updated annually surface layer soil, removing the old and adding fresh soil.

Flowers growing at home in flowerpots are transplanted every 2-3 years. Land for culture needs neutral or slightly acidic.

Ideal composition: sheet earth, soddy earth, sand, in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5. It will be useful to add some peat to the substrate. At the bottom, it is imperative to lay a drainage layer of their brick chips, expanded clay, crushed stone or any other suitable material.

Jasmine pots are selected deep, stable, preferably clay.

Reproduction: how to propagate jasmine cuttings in summer or spring

The easiest propagation method for amateur flower growers is to propagate jasmine by cuttings in spring or summer.

To do this, young shoots with 2-3 internodes are separated from the bush and planted in a container with a peat-sand mixture or sand-leaf. The container is placed in a warm, well-lit room. The soil is watered as the top layer dries out.

After about a month, the cuttings will take root well and then they can be planted in separate flowerpots.


To maintain a beautiful shape of the bush, it is recommended to cut it off immediately after flowering. Not only overgrown vines are removed from the plant, but also weak, drying, poorly developed shoots and leaves.

To form a lush crown, pruning is carried out in the spring, before the buds begin to tie on the shrub. Jasmine varieties that bloom in spring pluck in late autumn.

Diseases and pests

Succulent leaves and thin shell of stems are an excellent delicacy for insects such as , scale insects, , whiteflies. Mealy bugs sometimes grow in the soil.

From overflow or too frequent spraying, a fungus (gray, red or black rot) can start on the plant. It imperceptibly undermines the base of the shrub trunk and corrodes the soil. Having noticed moldy spots on the substrate or on the leaves, stems of jasmine, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible with a fungicidal preparation, which will also be easy to find in the store.

That's all the basic information about jasmine, home care for which is quite simple. The flowers of the plant can be collected and added to tea fresh or dried. They not only give the drink a pleasant taste, but also have medicinal properties. It is an excellent antiseptic, antidepressant and a powerful immune stimulant.

Jasmine: how to care?

How to grow jasmine

Jasmine is a very beautiful and bright plant. Flowers are purple, red, white, orange. The perennial is propagated in the spring by layering and cuttings, which are preferably covered with glass during rooting. For these purposes, it is good to use lignified jasmine shoots with three internodes located at the ends of the branches. As soon as the plant takes root, it must be transplanted into separate pots. small size. Jasmine should be watered with water at room temperature. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are suitable as top dressing.

If the flower is in the bedroom, it must be taken out at night to another place. Otherwise, you can provoke headache attacks from the smell. Jasmine loves light, and therefore it is best to place it on the sunny side. It is in this case that it will bloom in large inflorescences. The room with jasmine should be ventilated at least once a day, while maintaining high level air humidity.

Jasmine Care

Jasmine blooms for no more than 20 days, flowers may appear from March to November, then the inflorescences fall off and new shoots form. Organic and mineral fertilizers with trace elements help the plant to bloom more often, with proper care this is possible all year round. Helps to strengthen the roots and save them from spoilage slurry. Fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, you can use bird droppings, diluted 1 to 20.

As a means for transplanting jasmine, a humus substrate with an acidity of pH about 6 is suitable. It can be a mixture of leaf and coniferous soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1 to 1

However, not all beneficial additives can be applied immediately after planting. Those that contain minerals can be used after two years. As soon as the old jasmine grows strong, its shoots should be put on a trellis or tied to any suitable supports.

In early December, you need to shorten the long shoots of each flower by one third, and cut dry, thin and underdeveloped branches inside the bush itself. This should be done regularly. It is also advisable to transplant jasmine annually. Caring for jasmine has its own challenges. If you do not water the plant in a timely manner, the leaves will curl and fall off. In addition, during the flowering period, it is necessary to provide more intensive watering than usual. This will help to achieve the splendor of the inflorescences.