Shower      04/23/2019

Do-it-yourself wiring from a support step-by-step diagram. Do-it-yourself wiring

Every year we use an increasing number of household and digital appliances at home, which not only makes our life more comfortable, but also significantly increases the load on the electrical system. Old wiring cannot always withstand the increasing load, so the owner may need to upgrade or completely replace the power grid. Replacing wiring is a very complex and responsible task that requires special knowledge and skills from the performer. Today we will talk about the rules of design and execution electro installation work.

Rules for creating electrical wiring in the house

Any construction works are regulated by a number of rules and regulations described in GOST and SNiP. Work with the electrical system is described in sufficient detail in the PUE - in the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations. If you want to do it yourself or an apartment with your own hands, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with this document.

Maximum attention should be paid to the rules affecting the laying of electrical wiring, the selection and installation of electrical equipment. The PUE states that important elements electrical system, such as sockets, meters, junction boxes and switches must be mounted so that they can be easily accessed at any time.

Switches are recommended to be placed at a height of 60 to 150 cm from the floor. It is better to mount them so that opened door the room did not prevent access to them. That is, if the door opens to the left, then the switch should be located on the wall on the right. The wires to the switches must be fed from above.

Sockets are best placed at a height of 50-80 cm from the floor level. Electrical consumption points should not be located completely near the floor; this is not safe in case of flooding of a residential facility. Sockets must be located at least 50 cm from cooker, heating radiators, pipes and various grounded elements. The electrical cable to the sockets is laid in the direction from the bottom up.

The PUE also regulates the rules for calculating the required number of outlets for the premises of a residential facility. For living rooms, 1 socket is required for every 6 m2 of room area. The only exception is the kitchen, in this room it is allowed to place almost any required number of sockets, their exact number is determined taking into account the number of household appliances installed in the room. In toilets, the installation of points of electrical consumption is prohibited, and in bathrooms they must have special protection against moisture.

Cabling can be done openly or hidden. Regardless of the type of installation chosen, cables can only be placed strictly horizontally and vertically. The turns of the wires must be at right angles. Horizontally located wires should be installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from floor beams and cornices, at a distance of more than 15 cm from the ceiling and at least 20 cm from the floor. Vertical cables are located at a distance of more than 10 cm from windows and doorways. between electrical cables and gas pipes there must always be more than 40 cm of empty space.

Wires must not touch metal parts and building structures. When installing several cables in parallel, there must be a gap of more than 3 cm, and each wire must be located in a protective corrugation or box. Connection and wiring of wires is possible only in junction boxes, all connection points must be insulated, and it is forbidden to connect copper and aluminum wires to each other. Neutral wires and grounding are fixed on the equipment with special bolted connections.

Is it necessary to design the electrical system before installation?

Work on the installation of new electrical wiring must necessarily begin with the creation of a full-fledged electrical project, which includes wiring diagrams. This document is the basis of the future electrical system, therefore, design is considered the most important and most difficult task that has to be solved during the electrification of facilities.

It is best to order high-quality design from professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience to create electrical circuits. The most important reason for turning to the masters is the danger electrical network for a person. Making mistakes at the stages of designing electricians with a high degree of probability will lead to the occurrence emergencies, to fires and electric shock to people.

If you do not want to turn to professionals because of a desire to save money or for other reasons, you can prepare an electrification project on your own, but in this case, the PUE will have to be studied thoroughly. After that, you will have to perform load calculations on the electrical system, select suitable equipment and wires in accordance with future loads and prepare a wiring drawing.

To prepare a drawing, you will have to use generally accepted conventions. By using the correct designations on the diagram, you will make it competent, correct and publicly available, that is, outsiders, and not just yourself, will be able to understand the drawing. In the picture below you will find the most common conventions that are used in all electrical projects without exception.

Using these designations, you will need to mark the location of all elements of the future electrical network on the drawing of the apartment, including sockets, switches, lighting points, junction boxes, a shield, etc. When determining the location of power consumption points, it is imperative to use the recommendations and requirements described in the PUE .

At the next stage, you need to lay out routes for the passage of electrical cables so that they connect individual points of power consumption into a single system, originating from the electrical panel. Wiring design is the most difficult design stage, as there are several types of wiring connections:

  • consistent;
  • parallel;
  • mixed.

When electrical points are connected in series, they are connected one after another from one cable, and when parallel, a separate wire from the junction box is pulled to each outlet. Serial connection is considered too unreliable, and parallel connection is considered very expensive, due to a large number used cables. Therefore, professionals recommend using a mixed connection, which involves the use of both types of connection in different conditions. Where it is possible to save money without compromising the reliability and functionality of the system, a serial connection is used, in other cases - parallel.

To simplify wiring and improve the reliability of the entire system, the entire home wiring divided into several consumption groups, each of which is connected to a separate machine and RCD in the electrical panel. Most often, the following consumption groups are distinguished in a private house:

  1. 1. Kitchen and living area lighting group.
  2. 2. Bathroom and toilet lighting.
  3. 3. Power supply of sockets in living quarters and corridor.
  4. 4. Power supply for electric stove sockets.
  5. 5. Power supply for kitchen outlets.

Of course, you can form any other electrical consumption groups if you think that your option will make the electrical system more reliable and convenient to use.

In some cases, to simplify internal wiring, it is allowed to lay wires to the socket under the floor, and wires for overhead lighting inside the floor slabs. Such wires in the diagrams are marked with a dotted line.

The project for the power supply of a residential facility must necessarily contain a calculation of the current strength in the electrical network, on the basis of which the materials for the system are selected. The calculation is performed according to the formula:

Where I is the current strength, U is the mains voltage, and P is the total power of all power consumption devices installed in the house.

First you will need to calculate the total power of electrical equipment. To do this, add the power of a microwave (1,000 W), a refrigerator (400 W), a kettle (2,000 W), 10 light bulbs (60 W each = 600 W). In total we get:

1000 400 2000 600=4000W

We divide the resulting figure by 220V (mains voltage) and get the current strength at the level of 16.5 amperes.

In most cases, the current in modern houses and apartments rarely exceeds 25 A. Based on this, all necessary materials, including cables, wires, protection devices and automatic shutdown.

The table below shows the required cross-sectional area for aluminum and copper cables laid open way and in the pipe, according to the force electric current, voltage in the network and the total power of consumer devices.

The table shows the exact values, but the current strength can fluctuate, so the wires must be chosen with a margin. The stock is also required because over time, the number of household appliances used will only increase and the load on the network will increase.

  • VVG-5 * 6 (5 wires, cross section 6 mm2) - suitable for houses with a three-phase power supply for connecting a lighting panel;
  • VVG-2 * 6 - used in networks with two-phase power to connect a lighting panel;
  • VVG-3 * 2.5 - as wiring from the internal switchboard to distribution boxes and sockets;
  • VVG-3 * 1.5 - for laying from distribution boxes to switches;
  • VVG-3 * 5 - for electric stoves.

To determine the exact length of each type of cable, you will have to use a tape measure and use it to measure the approximate distance of the route of each wire. It is recommended to add an additional 3-4 meters to the result obtained so that the cable is exactly enough for installation.

In the electrical panel of the house, there must be a place for circuit breakers and RCDs. RCDs are installed on each lighting group. Usually use RCDs for 16 and 20 A. Safety devices 16 A are suitable for lighting groups and switches, and 20 A are suitable for socket groups. For installation electric tiles usually use a 32 A RCD, but if the power of the tile is more than 7,000 W, then a 63 A protection device will be needed.

Next, you will have to calculate how many outlets will be needed in the house and junction boxes. There should be no problems with this, just look at the previously prepared scheme and make a calculation. In addition to electrical appliances, you will need various consumables - electrical tape, cable channels, electrical wiring boxes, socket boxes, etc. Their number must also be calculated in advance in order to purchase everything you need at a time.

Rules for performing electrical work

When the design of the electrical system is ready, you can proceed to the electrical installation, but where to start? The best place to start is with safety education and training. necessary tools which you will definitely need. For installation, you need a tester, wire cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, a screwdriver, as well as a tool for. Chasing is required for a hidden installation of electrical cables, which involves mounting cables into walls. You will also need a level with which you can draw perfectly straight horizontal and vertical lines that will serve as a guide when installing wires.

After preparing all the necessary tools, you can start marking. You will need to mark with a marker or pencil on the walls and other surfaces the routes for the cables and the locations of the points of electrical consumption, in which you will have to make holes for the installation of switches and sockets.

After marking is completed, you need to act in accordance with the chosen method of cable installation. If you plan to make open wiring, then after marking, you can proceed with the installation of cable channels, which are usually made of high-quality plastic. If the wiring is planned to be installed in a hidden way, then it is necessary to perform gating - to make channels in the surfaces, inside which the wires will be laid in the future.

When chasing, it is recommended to first make holes for electrical consumption points - sockets, switches and light sources, and then proceed to create cable channels. Holes in the walls are made with a perforator, and strobes are made with a grinder. Get ready for the fact that the work will lead to the formation of a huge amount of dust and dirt, because the strobes under the cables must be large enough to fit all the wires.

In addition to the walls, the wires will also be located on the ceiling. There are several ways to run cables on the ceiling. If you plan to make a tension or false ceiling, then the wires must be attached to the floors. Otherwise, it will also be necessary to perform chasing on the ceiling for the installation of channels in the surface for laying cables.

To run cables from one room to another, holes must be made in the walls. Holes must be made with a puncher near the corner of the room. After the completion of chasing and drilling, you can proceed with the installation work.

Open wiring is much easier to install than hidden. You need to start work with the installation of an internal electrical panel. If the house has a special niche for it, then install the box in it, if there is no niche, the box is simply hung on one of the walls, next to the place where electricity enters the house. Install purchased RCDs and circuit breakers inside the shield, the number of which should correspond to the number of allocated consumption groups.

In the upper part of the assembled shield there should be zero terminals, in the lower part there should be grounding terminals, and between them there should be automatic switches. After that, you can put the VVG-3 * 2.5 cable into the shield. From the side of the place where electricity is entered into the house, the shield must be connected by a professional electrician, so you do not need to touch it. Inside the shield, the input wire is connected as follows: blue wire to zero, white to the upper RCD contact, yellow with a green stripe to ground. RCDs are connected in series with each other at the top using a jumper from a white wire.

Further, along the lines marked on the surfaces, plastic cable channels are installed in the rooms. Usually they are placed on baseboards or under ceilings. The boxes are fixed with self-tapping screws every 50 cm. Drill holes in the walls with a perforator in advance and drive dowels into them.

Sockets, distribution boxes and switches are also hung directly on the wall with open wiring, and you do not need to make holes for them. It is enough to fix the purchased devices with self-tapping screws. Now you can start step by step installation wires. Start by laying the main line, and then move on to the wires that connect the distribution boxes to the points of electrical consumption. Lastly, wires from the junction boxes to the lighting devices are usually installed.

Remember that wires require insulation. All connections must be insulated, otherwise accidents may occur that can endanger you and your loved ones. After connecting each wire in the shield, you need to hang a label so as not to forget which machine is responsible for which group. At the end, you need to "ring" all the wires with a tester to make sure there are no errors and you can call an electrician to connect the shield to the power supply.

Installation of hidden wiring is carried out in exactly the same way, but with the only difference that the wires are not laid in plastic cable channels, but in pre-prepared strobes in the walls and ceiling. After the cables are laid in the strobes, the holes in the walls must be sealed with gypsum putty.

For an experienced electrician, the procedure for electrifying a house is a fairly simple task that he can complete very quickly. But for a beginner, installing electrical wiring can be simply an overwhelming task. The description presented in the article is only an example of how the wiring is mounted, in each individual conditions There are many nuances that are important to consider. In the absence of confidence in your own abilities, you do not need to take risks, it is better to order design and installation from experienced craftsmen.

Not every home craftsman knows how to properly install electrical wiring in a house with his own hands. We will help to formulate the basics for a novice master and equip the house with light and warmth.

The electrical communication device can be carried out both in an open and in a closed way. The open type is laid on the surface of the wall, covering the cables with plastic tubes or skirting boards. The height level for this type is not regulated and is chosen arbitrarily. When performing installation work open wiring it is forbidden to combine cables of different power in one plinth. Moreover, the data decorative elements it is necessary to choose from a non-combustible material, which, moreover, has insulating properties. In basements and attics, cables are reinforced with special brackets.

Concealed wiring is located in voids specially designed for this purpose, inside structures suspended ceilings or partitions. It is recommended to lay the power cable at the same time as laying the floors. If there are no ready-made niches, then it is produced, and the wire is laid in the resulting grooves. When installing an electrical system for lighting fixtures under a layer of plaster it is necessary to use cables with protective insulation.

When doing the installation of electrical wiring in a private house, it must be remembered that communications hidden by plaster must run perfectly horizontally or vertically. By laying cables in all sorts of voids, you can look for the shortest paths, while saving wire. Installing electricity in suspended structures ceilings, it is necessary to use materials that do not support combustion. When installing in rooms with high humidity, do not use wires with a protective sheath made of metal.

Before starting work, you need to carefully consider how to conduct electrical wiring in the house, observing all safety rules. After all, improperly performed work can have backfire. In places where the cable branches, it is necessary to install special junction boxes that will hide the connection points and protect them from unwanted short circuits. When installing a hidden type of wiring, it is necessary to install sockets and switches of a special type.

The installation height of the electric cable is self-adjusting, but must be at least 40 cm from the floor, for the safety of the residents of the house from electric shock in the event of unforeseen flooding. Following safety regulations, sockets should be installed at a considerable distance from sinks and radiators. The distance between these objects must be at least 50 cm.

Installation of sockets in rooms prone to high humidity (baths, saunas) is allowed at a distance exceeding 2.6 m from the water source.

When installing electric motors and various other power equipment, it is necessary to choose models whose interior can only be accessed with the help of special tools. Connecting appliances and electric stoves requires the use of a cable that has an appropriate cross section and is necessarily covered with a metal sheath. Such a wire can be laid under the floor, choosing the shortest path from the machines to the device.

Before laying the wiring in the house, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan on paper, marking on it each switch and the location of heating and power devices. Using the diagram, you can accurately calculate required amount cables of a certain section, which will significantly save money. Next, we will tell you how to do electrical wiring in the house, and even the most distant person from electricity can do it on their own.

Do-it-yourself wiring in the house - let's get to work

The installation of electrical communications is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the necessary sequence, and everything will definitely work out. So now is the time to proceed directly to the discussion of the process of how to make electrical wiring in the house.

How to make wiring in the house with your own hands - step by step diagram

Step 1: Markup

Before starting installation, regardless of the type chosen, it is necessary to make markings by drawing directly on the wall the places where junction boxes, switches and, of course, sockets will be located. It is also necessary to note the route of the wires where they will be mounted. Marking is done with a crayon or marker and a long ruler. As a simplified option, to mark the places where the cable passes, you can use a nylon cord painted with bright paint.

Step 2: Preparing the Seats

Using a puncher, in the places where the junction boxes will be located, it is necessary to drill holes, the diameter of which should not exceed 70 mm. And where the wire is supposed to enter, additional recesses are made to facilitate installation work. When working with a perforator, it is advisable to periodically moisten the drilling site with water. This will help save the drill, and there will be much less dust..

In places where electric lighting is carried out through the wall to another room, it is necessary to make holes of small diameter. If a private house being created according to the plan will be mounted in a wall, it is necessary to dig furrows in it that exactly correspond to the scheme. For this, a grinder or a specially designed construction wall chaser is suitable. When working with a grinder or a puncher, in order to maintain your health, you must follow certain safety measures.

Designing electrical wiring in a private house is quite troublesome, but quite feasible even without special knowledge. It is enough to take a balanced approach to this issue. Well, our tips given in this article will allow you to step by step create own project electrical wiring for any private house.

Any development of an electrical network project begins with determining the total power of the consumer, in this case our house, and its power circuit. And if the total power of the consumer in our case is determined by the energy supply company, which sets the consumption limit, then we have the right to design the scheme of the internal electrical network on our own.


  • The wiring device in a private house is as follows. On outer wall at home, the energy supply company installs an introductory machine and a meter. The connection of these electrical devices is also carried out by the power supply company.
  • But after the meter, we already carry out the input to the house, the connection to the switchboard and the wiring around the house on our own. And here we have the right to choose a convenient power supply scheme for us.
  • Usually the power supply scheme of the house is as follows. The cable or CIP wire from the meter is connected directly to the busbars of our switchboard. Separate power supply groups are powered from these buses. Each group has its own power circuit breaker installed on the phase conductor. The neutral and protective wire of each group should not have switching devices.

Note! The neutral wire of individual groups can have a switching device, only if connected through an RCD machine. The RCD machine can be installed both on a separate group and as an introductory for all groups. The issue of choosing the installation site of the RCD is not standardized by the rules of the PUE and remains a controversial issue. But based on operating experience and the personal opinion of the author of these lines, we advise you to install them separately for each group.

  • Further, the wire or cable from each group machine is mounted to junction boxes. Each group can have from one to several junction boxes.
  • From the junction boxes, the electrical wiring is distributed to the final consumers - sockets and switches.

Designing an electrical network at home

Based on the above general power supply scheme for the house, to design the electrical network, we first need to calculate the number of groups and distribute the loads among them. In order to do this, we need to decide on the method of wiring installation and calculate the possible load of our consumers.

Choice of wiring method

Let's start by choosing a method for installing an electrical network. The wiring of a private house can be done in an open and hidden way. And from right choice depends not only on the number of groups, the cross-section of wires and the total cost of installation, but also appearance the whole house.


  • First of all, we note that any type of wiring installation can be implemented in a house of any design and from any building materials. The only question is the cost of installation work. We will not provide installation standards for different types wiring under different conditions. You can find this information in other articles on our website. Let's just stick with the generally accepted rules.
  • Open wiring has found wide application in houses made of combustible materials. First of all, it is wood, SIP panels and other types of combustible building materials. For such houses, the price of installing open wiring is often much lower. Hidden wiring will require considerable financial investments, and its installation is laborious.
  • Hidden wiring is used mainly in the houses of their bricks, foam blocks and other non-combustible materials. After all, this type of wiring allows you to completely hide network engineering, at the same time, in houses made of non-combustible materials, it does not impose special requirements.

Calculation of the total load at home

At the next design stage, you need to calculate the total load for the house and for individual electrical receivers. This is necessary for the subsequent formation of groups.

  • To do this, we first need to determine the number of electrical outlets and their maximum power consumption. This often becomes the most serious problem for non-professionals, but de facto there is nothing difficult about it.
  • Each socket or switch in the house is mounted for a specific electrical appliance or a group of electrical appliances. It is enough for us to choose the most powerful of them and continue to calculate for it.
  • The power of the appliance can be viewed in the instrument's passport. It may also contain an instruction manual. If you do not have one or the other, then you can find out the approximate power in our table.

  • But in most cases, the power of the devices is indicated in Watts, and we need to convert it to Amps. To do this, you can use Ohm's law -. In general, this is a simplified version of the formula, but for our purposes this is quite enough. Based on this formula, we get that an electrical appliance with a power of 1 kW for a 220V network consumes an electric current of about 4.5A.

Distribution of loads by groups

After we have calculated the total load for the house and for each individual electrical point, we can proceed to the direct creation of groups.


  • According to clause 9.6 of VSN 59 - 88, the rated power of circuit breakers for supplying group lines of sockets and the lighting network should not exceed 16A. Based on this point, we distribute our loads into separate groups.

Note! To power powerful electrical receivers such as an electric oven, it is allowed to install group machines with a rating of 25A.

  • The distribution of the load into groups should be made based on their location and type of load. So quite often the group lines of the lighting network are separated from the power groups of the sockets. But this is not mandatory, and in some cases it is not advisable.

  • It is also worth remembering that it is not easy to install the electrical wiring in a private house yourself. Therefore, you should not place different electrical receivers of the same group in different parts Houses. Usually it is 1 - 2 adjacent rooms.
  • Another aspect worth paying attention to is clause 7.2 of VSN 59 - 88. It requires connecting sockets in the kitchen and living rooms to different groups. Quite often, a socket in the bathroom is also included in the kitchen outlet group.

Note! Sockets in the bathroom are allowed to be installed only if there is a group in which an RCD socket is installed. At the same time, according to the PUE, the rated leakage current for such a switching device is normalized by a leakage current of 30mA.

  • As a result, we can get from 3 to 7 groups, depending on the total load. Some may have more than 10 groups. But here it all depends on the size of the house and the number of electrical appliances. But according to specifications the introductory machine that is installed at home rarely exceeds 25A, sometimes 40A.
  • This should be remembered when dividing the load into groups with your own hands. After all, the likelihood that all electrical appliances will work at the same time is quite low. Therefore, you should soberly approach this issue and perform the distribution more balanced, taking into account such a factor as the utilization rate.

Wiring selection

Before you conduct electrical wiring yourself in a private house, you should also worry about calculating its cross section. After all, it is this factor that determines its durability and Fire safety. This issue is especially relevant for houses made of combustible materials.

  • According to clause 7.1.34 of the EIC in residential buildings since 2001, only copper cables and wires should be used. Prior to this, aluminum wires were allowed, which can often be found in old houses.
  • As for the cross section of the wires, it should be selected based on the load on the group line. But in order not to do a lot of calculations and simplify the choice, we can proceed from the nominal parameters of group machines.
  • In addition, when choosing the size of the wiring, the method of laying the wires should be considered. After all, heat transfer for wires laid in a hidden and open way is different. In this regard, although slightly, but depending on the load, their cross section differs.
  • The choice is made according to Table 1.3.4 of the PUE. In addition to the loads and the laying method, it also takes into account such a parameter as the type of wire.

  • But no matter how the wiring itself is chosen in a private house, it should be remembered that the cross section must not be less than that shown in Table. 7.1.1 PUE. For group lines, it must be at least 1.5 mm 2.


In our article, we have given the main stages of designing an electrical network in a private house. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, and the video on our website should make this task even easier. The main thing is to approach this issue carefully and carefully, and you will surely succeed.


Wiring is carried out at the stage fine finish built house. Installation of electrical wiring is carried out according to a pre-compiled layout of electrical access points for connecting household and lighting devices. Proper wiring in a private house should be carried out by a qualified electrician. But a number of operations can be performed independently. Installation of el. wiring can be carried out in an open and hidden way. In private wooden houses the second option is preferred. If the walls are concrete, then the wiring of the house is carried out according to a hidden type. How is the installation of wiring in the house, you can read on this page.

In order for electricity to appear in the sockets and the light to light up in your house, you need to supply electricity to it and complete the installation internal wiring. In this case, many factors should be taken into account: architectural features houses (one-story or two-story, the presence of a basement, garage, etc.), the material from which the walls, floor and ceiling are made, the level of humidity in the room, the location of lighting fixtures and much more. This chapter covers some of the issues related to electrical wiring.

Installation rules and methods of wiring in the house

IN country house according to the wiring installation rules, it is carried out from the electrical panel where the electric meter is installed, to the location of the sockets. For work, only rigid copper cable in PVC sheath is used. When choosing the cross-section of wires, they are guided by the parameters of the distribution machine.

When bringing electricity to the house, it must be borne in mind that in the residential area, as well as on suburban area wires must be located at a height of at least 2 m, in utility rooms(workshop, garage, etc.) - not less than 2.5 m.

Exist various ways laying wiring in buildings of various types. In a wooden house, open wiring is laid, in a brick house it can be closed. Inside the building, wiring in the house is carried out at a distance of 15-20 cm from the ceiling; when approaching the chandeliers, they pass directly along the ceiling. If it is difficult to fulfill the above requirements, then it is better to lay the wires in pipes or hide them in the walls. An exception can only be the descent of wires in a dry room.

To protect the wires from mechanical damage when laying through brick or wooden walls, small pieces of metal or insulating pipes are laid in the holes. In this case, the deviation of the wiring from the route is not allowed. Make sure that the wires are not crumpled when entering the pipe. The pipe should protrude from the ceiling and wall by 10 mm, and from the floor of the second floor by at least 1.5 m. Metal structures must be grounded to avoid electric shock. If you plan to finish the walls with drywall, the wires should be additionally insulated - this way you will increase fire safety Houses.

In addition, when performing electrical wiring inside the house, you must follow some rules.

The wires brought into the junction boxes are soldered without the use of acid. It is better to use rosin.

So that the wires do not heat up when an electric current passes through them, they are connected in such a way that the cross section of the nodes corresponds to the cross section of the main conductor, that is, all conductors must have the same cross section.

Particular attention is paid to the grounding of metal cases of electrical equipment and transformers that lower the voltage.

For kitchen hood, electric stove, washing machine, porch lighting, electric bell button, automatic garage doors arrange separate branches of the wiring.

Selection of wire and cable cross-section by current and power

The most important step is the choice of current wire. In order for the installed wiring to serve for many years without failures and repairs, the wires and cables must be correctly selected and laid correctly.

When choosing wires and cables, the following factors must be considered.

Never approach the rated power of the wiring to the power consumption, make the selection of the wire size of the cable in accordance with the recommended standard. Always remember that these figures are based on the operation of the conductor under ideal conditions: no connections, possible deviations in design, temperature changes, etc.

The power of all energy-consuming devices that will be installed in the house has a significant impact on the choice of wire cross-section for current. First, you need to find out what maximum power networks. Then you should add up the indicators of all devices, including those that you plan to install in the future, and select a wire for power.

For example, the house has a refrigerator, TV, washing machine and computer. The total power of these electrical appliances, together with lighting, will be no more than 3.5 kW. In the future, you plan to install an air conditioner, an electric stove, as well as another computer and improve the lighting scheme.

As a result, energy consumption will increase and the wiring will need to be changed. To avoid such problems, it is better to immediately make all the desired changes to the project and, based on it, select the type of wiring.

Suppose the PUGNP 3x1.5 wire is used in the kitchen, where the total power of the appliances is 3.5 - 4 kW. For a wire of this cross section, this is the limit of possibilities. If it is laid behind a refrigerator, it can heat up from the radiator grill, its temperature and resistance will increase, a poorly twisted connection can spark, and burn out with increased load. In the best case, you will have to look for the place of the break and connect the PUGNP, in the worst case, change all the wiring and pull it again.

On this moment for lighting, it is customary to use wires with a cross section of TPZh 1.5 mm2, for sockets - 2.5 mm2. For electrical appliances with increased energy intensity (electric stoves, powerful air conditioners, etc.), there are special types of conductors, the cross section for them is chosen taking into account the power of the device. For example, for electric stove a wire with a cross section of at least 4 mm2 is recommended, such as PVA 3x4 or 3x6. It is best to bring separate three-phase lines to such devices.

It should be borne in mind that the thicker the TPG, the higher the price of the cable. However, in no case do not save on wiring. If a weak wire burns out, then replacing it will cost you ten times more: you will have to open the partitions, change the cable and close everything up again. It is better to spend more, but be sure that the selected conductor will last more than a dozen years and cope with any load.

Laying method: internal or external. For the inside, wires and cables with a solid core and a flat cross section (for example,) are suitable, for the outside - flexible wires or wires with a round cross section (for example,). This division is not strict. However, the NYM round cable will require a deeper strobe than a flat VVG, which will increase the labor intensity of the work. In addition, PUGNP flexible wires fit perfectly into the cable channel and are pulled through the corrugation, while you will have to tinker with a monolithic cable, especially if it is of a large cross section.

Before starting work, it is necessary to choose the color of the TPZh insulation: grounding, phase and zero. The ground conductor is always yellow-green. The colors of the phase and neutral conductors may differ depending on the cable manufacturer. As a rule, the main colors of the phase conductor are brown, red and white, the zero one is blue or black.

If all the cores in the cable are painted the same color, mark the TPG with electrical tape. This must also be done if two cables with different colors of core insulation are connected. It is best when the wire has a different color lived. In this case, you should choose specific color and firmly remember or write down what it refers to.

conductor material. Currently, the old ones are being replaced everywhere with copper ones, since the latter are many times better in many respects. Inflexible brittle aluminum wires require a lot of effort during installation. Copper is much easier to work with and safer. The only downside is the price. Copper wires are about one and a half to two times more expensive than aluminum.

Wiring diagram

Consider connection methods electrical circuit. The parallel type has minimal impact on the wiring layout. With this method, the elements included in the chain are not connected to each other, but have two common nodes. In this case, even if one of the lamps burns out and breaks the circuit, the rest will not go out, since the current will have “bypass” paths.

Consistent. All elements of the chain are located one after another and do not have nodes. An example is one wire. If one bulb burns out, the circuit will break and all the others will go out.

The wiring diagram also depends on the type of wiring.

"Star"- this type is sometimes called boxless, or European. Schematically, it can be represented as follows: one outlet - one cable line to the shield. This means that each outlet and lighting point has its own cable line that goes straight into the shield, and ideally a separate circuit breaker. The advantages of this type of disconnection are safety and the ability to control each electrical point. In addition, in this case, it is not necessary to install junction boxes. A connection of this type is used in the system " smart House". The disadvantages of the "star" are at least three times the consumption of wire compared to other types of wiring and, accordingly, an increase in labor costs for its installation. It is difficult to install such a shield on your own, and it is more expensive than usual.

"Plume". It is similar to the previous type, but differs in economy. You can depict it as follows: socket - socket - socket - electrical panel or soldering

Several electrical points are connected in series to one cable, from which a common supply conductor goes either to the shield or to the junction box.

through junction boxes. The most common method that does not require special costs. This is how wiring was done in Soviet times. A branch departs from the common supply riser, on which there is a counter and one or three (rarely more) in the shield circuit breakers. The power cable enters the house, then with the help of junction boxes - into the premises to each electrical point.

In its purest form listed types exceptions are rarely used. As a rule, choose mixed version. Consider how the wiring is formed in a private house.

The supply cable enters the building's introductory switchboard, where there are several groups of automatic machines and protection devices.

Here it is divided into several zones ( living rooms, basement, garage, attic), separate branches go to the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen. In each zone, the wiring is divided into two more groups: one is for sockets, the other is for lighting. Thus, in the shield, the cable is wired according to the "star" type. Further, the supply cables of a separate zone go into the room, where their disconnection options are used for them. For example, a power cable line going to an outlet is connected to other outlets this room"loop", and the lighting cable line is supplied to the chandelier and the switch through the junction box.

In order to competently perform the laying of wires and arrange electrical points, it is worthwhile to draw a detailed plan for arranging furniture and placing electrical appliances in the house in advance.

Taking into account the wishes of the owner of the house, professional electricians will draw up similar wiring diagrams according to the rules of electrical work, taking into account the progress of their implementation, safety parameters, type of wiring, dimensions of the strobe, etc. Such a drawing is a document and is certified by a special organization. Let's give an example of a similar scheme for a living room, where there should be two groups of sockets, three each, two walk-through switches and three telephone sockets.

Laying and installation of hidden wiring

To perform the installation of hidden wiring, the diagram can be drawn independently. First, draw a floor plan of the house (including the basement and attic), taking into account all dimensions. The necessary documentation can be obtained from the developer, although it must also be kept by the owner of the property. Then, using special symbols, expose all electrical points:, sockets, etc. After that, draw lines indicating the laying of hidden wiring. Be sure to indicate in the plan how far from the ceiling or floor the cable is, especially if the wiring is hidden.

Let's give an example electrical circuit Houses. It shows lighting wires, power cables and ground wire. Conventional signs lamps, sockets, switches and junction boxes are depicted. Such a scheme is very clear, according to it you can perform everything necessary calculations, and in the future, if necessary, find out the exact location of the wires.

Installation of open external wiring

When installing open wiring, the following typical rules must be observed. They affect not only the installation outdoor wiring, but also all other ways of laying wires in the house.

1. The wire is laid strictly vertically or horizontally and at a right angle.

2. The distance from the wire to the ceiling or floor should be 15 cm, to corners, door jambs and window frames- at least 10 cm. A gap of at least 3 cm must be observed between the heating pipe and the wiring.

3. When laying wires, make sure that they do not intersect. If this is difficult to do, then a distance of at least 3 mm must be left between the cables.

4. All switches and sockets are located at the same level - this simplifies the calculations. As a rule, switches are installed to the left of the door at a height of 80 - 90 cm so that they can be reached by lowering the hand down. Sockets are mounted at a height of 25 - 30 cm. However, in the kitchen and for connecting high-hanging electrical appliances, the distance may vary. It is best to bring the wire to the switches from above, and to the sockets - from below.

5. For ease of installation, the length of the conductor coming out of the electrical point should be 15-20 cm with a hidden type of wiring and 10-15 cm with an open one. Having prepared the drawing, you can proceed directly to the installation of electrical wiring.

IN Lately capital and cottage construction became very popular. Many homeowners prefer to create their dream home with their own hands, without resorting to the services of firms.

life without electricity modern man unthinkable. Therefore, the electrical supply of the home is a top priority for the homeowner.

People who decide to build a house with their own hands are faced with the need to electrify it. It also happens that in an existing home, the electrical wiring is in very poor condition and needs to be replaced.

We will consider all the nuances of connecting a home to the mains, installing electrical wiring of various types, we will study in detail common mistakes in order to avoid them in practice. Also in the article there will be instructions for commissioning wiring and recommendations on popular issues.

Regardless of whether you want to connect to the network new house, or restore power supply in the old one (for example, with a complete change of wiring), you will have to undergo a lot of bureaucratic procedures. To obtain a permit, you need:

Drawing up a wiring diagram

It is best to start wiring in a private house with your own hands with a basic electrical one. This will greatly facilitate further calculations of consumables and determination of the installation locations for power elements.

The wiring diagram must include the following elements:

  • Supply from the nearest support to the introductory electrical panel
  • Introductory /
  • Internal electrical panel with consumer groups:
    • Rosette group
    • Lighting
    • Power group (high current Appliances(boiler, washing machine, machine tools)
    • Hozblok (garage, basement)

A diagram of how to properly conduct and make electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands:

Separate RCDs / automata are installed for each of these groups.

Also, when drawing up a diagram, you need to have a general plan of the house, on which to mark the direction of cable laying and the installation location of sockets and switches.

Well, if the wiring will have two separate circuits. Then it will be possible to turn off one for repair, and power the necessary lighting or soldering equipment from the second.

Based on these data, a circuit diagram is built, the total cable length required in each case, the placement of power elements, metering devices, and the entry point for power cables are calculated.

What will be required

Let's try to figure out how to make and conduct electrical wiring in a private house. In order to conduct high-quality electrical wiring in the house that meets all SNIPs and safety standards, you will need the following materials and tools.


Required Tools

  • (grinder with diamond discs)
  • Mounting chisel
  • Hammer
  • Cable cutters
  • Putty knife
  • emery grater
  • pliers
  • Roulette
  • screwdriver

It is selected based on the total load. On average, it is 0.5-0.9 square millimeter per 1 kW of power. It is best to use copper stranded wire. He is better twistable, elastic, stable for short term loads.

The number of sockets, switches and other elements is calculated when compiling circuit diagram. Boxes and boxes are best taken from self-extinguishing or non-combustible materials.

Hidden wiring is best done under the plinth, and not in a groove. This position of the cable prevents a drill or a nail from getting into it when repair work, there is access to it and it is possible to check or re-switch.

Video on how to properly make and conduct electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands:

Step by step installation instructions

IN different houses recommended different type wiring. It is most often done in wood, and hidden in concrete buildings with many technological voids. Consider the nuances of installing and conducting electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands.

Open (outdoor)

Often used in country wooden houses. It can be made both in special boxes, under skirting boards, and in, from a special cable and on porcelain insulators-fasteners that fix vertical elements.

To conduct open wiring in the house, you need:


Mounting is somewhat more difficult. To hide the cables in the walls, you need:

  • Mark the walls with a marking cord
  • Using a grinder, cut grooves 2x2 cm in the walls
  • With a wall chaser, cut out places for the installation of junction boxes, switches and sockets
  • Install boxes and sockets. Fix them with asbestos or screws with a dowel
  • Prime the grooves
  • Lay the cable in them. First, it must be cut into pieces of the desired length.
  • Fix it in the groove with plaster. Mounting step - about 40 cm
  • After 20-25 hours, when the plaster is completely dry, clean it
  • Install switches and sockets

That's all the simple steps required for hand-made electrification of the home.

Step-by-step video instruction on how to conduct electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands:

Hardware installation

In the now fashionable retro wiring open type accessories can be very diverse. In addition to switches and sockets, porcelain insulator rollers are used there. Each of the fittings should be fixed at a distance:

  • Insulator rollers: 10-12 centimeters apart
  • Twisted single-core wire - 1 centimeter from the wall
  • Sockets: no lower than 35-40 centimeters from the floor and no lower than 15 cm from the kitchen table
  • Switches - from 50 to 150 centimeters from the floor

Do not install switches and sockets on the same level. This rule also applies to hidden wiring.

Safety rules, errors and ways to avoid them

Sometimes homeowners neglect some of the nuances or make inadvertent mistakes that can seriously affect fire safety. We will look at the most popular of these mistakes and how to avoid them.

  • aluminum wires. Under no circumstances should they be used. They are fragile and can break off when replacing an outlet or switch. It is better to pay more, but take copper ones.
  • IN hidden wiring it is forbidden to use stranded wires. The terminal does not hold such a cable very well, so a constant heating point is created. Doing so may damage the socket/switch or cause a fire.
  • Do not connect wires of different metals directly to each other. To avoid oxides, do this only through the terminal to eliminate possible metal contact.
  • Waterproofing. It must not be neglected in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, kitchens, pantries, terraces. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.
  • Mark the length of the wire with maximum precision. It is strictly forbidden to put twists on straight sections, especially if 10-15 centimeters are not enough!
  • Groove groove. Its depth should be 2-2.5 centimeters. It makes no sense to run the cable deeper, and it is difficult to plaster a shallower groove.
  • . They should be located almost under the ceiling. This is done for the convenience of wiring maintenance and to avoid confusion of cables for various purposes.
  • Cuts for wire. They must be strictly vertical or horizontal. Possible cable savings with diagonal laying can lead to a drill or a nail getting into it during repair or finishing work in the house.
  • Wire section. It shouldn't be too thin. Thin wires cannot withstand the increased load and burn out. For the socket group, the optimal section is 2-2.5 mm, for the lighting group - 1.3-1.5 mm.

And a little about safety. Work with home electricians only when plugs are turned off. Electric shock can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

Checking and commissioning

After the complete installation of the electrical wiring, you need to install all planned machines, RCDs and electrical appliances. After that, feel free to invite a specialist from the energy supervision to check and commission the electrical equipment of your home.

Acceptance testing of your facility must end with the issuance of a positive conclusion on the safety of the electrical installation, possibilities further use equipment. With the "Act of admission to connection" you should contact the power supply organization. On this basis, she must connect your object to the support and draw up a service agreement.

Don't skimp on consumables and tools - after all, in the future, high-quality work will be the key to your peace of mind and comfort.

Make electrical wiring in the house on your ownIt is a simple matter, but it requires care and scrupulousness.. If you approach this matter responsibly, the wiring will serve you for many years and will be guaranteed to be safe.