Toilet      08.03.2020

What rollers are better to use for painting the ceiling? Selection rules. What are paint rollers: types and sizes Which roller is better velor or fur

Painting is one of the easiest ways to update a ceiling surface. Such a simple, but very effective type of home repair is available to almost everyone who knows how to hold a roller and a can of paint in their hands. However, sometimes, behind the obvious elementarity of a process, there are multiple pitfalls, and the final result directly depends on how you overcome this barrier. How to paint the ceiling with a roller? A simple and complex question at the same time, the price of which is your satisfaction from the work done. We offer the most helpful tips by choice and some painting secrets.

What determines the choice

"Don't Think Downward of Tools"- a paraphrase of a quote from a well-known song that has already set the teeth on edge is just right here. Most people who start repairs are very frivolous in choosing the necessary tools. Especially when it comes to painting. Here the whole narrow-minded fantasy comes down to acquiring hardware store the first roller that came into view.

It’s also good if, before buying, a person holds it in his hands, checking for a comfortable grip. However, often this moment is also successfully dissolved in a hasty desire to buy everything necessary and start (finish) the repair.

  • type of surface to be painted;
  • the quality of the paint used;
  • the nature of the prepared surface.

The ideal type of surface for uniform painting with a roller is drywall. It perfectly absorbs any kind of paint, stably keeping the chosen color. True, before direct painting, it would be useful to walk along the entire ceiling surface with an acrylic-based primer, which will somewhat reduce the absorption rate of the cardboard sheet. And in this article you can learn more about the features of painting the ceiling with water-based paint.

Most often, ceilings are painted with water-based or water-dispersion paint, which brilliantly retains color, is not afraid of moisture and is generally absolutely safe for humans.

Depending on the type of ingredients used, it can be acrylic, silicate, latex. The answer to the question of which roller is better to use for painting the ceiling, in each individual case, will directly depend on the choice of paint type. So, water-dispersion paint is great for painting plastered surfaces, which means that we will select the tool, taking this fact into account.

In addition, the choice of roller is also affected by overall quality prepared surface. How ready is she for coloring? Are all cracks sealed? What are the gaps between the sheets when it comes to plasterboard ceilings? What primer was used to finish the ceiling surface? All this is just a small part of the questions, knowing the answers to which allows you to correctly determine the tool in each individual case.

What rollers are

Trying to sort out all the rollers for sale on the shelves is still a gamble. The fact is that a variety of criteria can serve as a starting point for classification. Starting from the type of fur coat used and ending with the size of the drum. All this ultimately affects not only the speed of the work, but also the immediate convenience at the same time. Let's try to systematize the accumulated experience and sequentially go through each of them.

Handle size

As a rule, in rollers of domestic production, this indicator fluctuates within 30-50 centimeters . Experts note that it is these dimensions that allow you to confidently hold the roller in your hands and carry out uniform painting. If the task is to paint individual elements, and not the ceiling as a whole, then you can choose a roller with a smaller handle - 15 centimeters . As a rule, the manufacturer of such products are foreign companies.

A great option is a tool with interchangeable handles, one of which is short and the other, on the contrary, is long. Such a roller can be successfully used to perform a number of completely different tasks.

Drum size

The standard drum size in modern rollers is from 20 to 40 centimeters . Of course, you can always find options both smaller and larger, but such tools cannot be called universal, since they are not very convenient for general painting and are more suitable for use in solving a local problem related to painting visible decorative elements ceiling surface.

Drum design

The drum can be mounted on the body of the roller both on one side and on the other. By all accounts, the first option is preferable, as it allows you to change the drum coat over time, making the tool suitable for solving other problems.

The double-sided design, alas, significantly limits your "user interface" and you cannot change the fur coat.

coat type

Probably one of the most important indicators that should be taken into account when deciding on a tool.

  • fur;
  • foam;
  • polyacrylic;
  • polyamide.

The advantage of a fur coat is in saving paint and its uniform distribution over the entire surface. The natural fibers used to make these coats have a reference absorbency, but are easily wrung out during the dyeing process. Of course, the final usability is correlated with the length of the pile.

A longer pile allows you to absorb more paint and apply a much thicker and more thorough layer. It uses a strong and thick thread. In rollers with short or medium pile, the thread is much thinner, and the surface of the ceiling after processing with a roller will be covered with a thin and even layer of paint.

Now correlate the information received with what you want to see the ceiling surface in the end - and make the right decision.

Foam rollers are best used when you are aiming to create some texture, relief on the ceiling. They are perfectly "friends" with oil paint, which has the most dense high-quality structure.

As for polyacrylic and polyamide paint rollers, the main area of ​​their use is decorative works. To emphasize some curious detail on the ceiling, to freshen up the color mood, to diversify the fragment - just such a roller should be used to paint the ceiling if your goal lies in this plane.

Current prices for ceiling rollers

The most popular ceiling paint rollers and their cost are shown in our table.

Name Price per piece
Faux fur roller with handle 250mm SIBRTEH 80114 93 rubles
Natural fur roller 200mm SIBRTECH 80128 53 rubles
STRUCTURED foam roller with handle, MATRIX MASTER, 80221 288 rubles
Polyacrylic roller FIT mini 02693 102 rubles
Roller with plastic handle, 250 mm, pile 18 mm, D 40 mm, MATRIX 80887 128 rubles
Roller ANZA PLATINUM Anteks 250/38 mm 580025 379 rubles

  1. avoid using rollers plastic handle- as a rule, it does not differ in particular strength and does not withstand increased pressure;
  2. complex relief patterns can be decorated with a velor roller - for this you need to perform intermittent and sharp movements during the painting process;
  3. also for decorative design ceiling surface, you can use special rollers with ready-made patterns on the surface of the drum;
  4. when buying a roller in a store, buy several replacement elements right away - this will save you time later when the roller becomes unusable and you will hastily pick up a pen or a fur coat for undeformed parts;
  5. ceiling paint rollers are often equipped with a special container, which is fixed on the axis of the tool - it is there that all excess paint flows down, which makes the painting process as convenient and non-irritating as possible.


When deciding which roller to paint the ceiling with, think first of all not about how to save on the purchase the right tool, but about the convenience of future repair work. Still, a business that is done easily and freely, with pleasure, is much more likely to end with such a result that will bring real satisfaction, and not negative polar emotions. To some extent, the choice of roller is a trifle, especially when compared with the selection of paint for decorating the ceiling, but it is from such trifles that the overall result is formed, in the success of which you are most interested. Is not it?

Repair is a long-term event that requires thorough preparation, financial and time costs, as well as the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge. Staining is one of the most common and effective tricks when decorating surfaces. A huge variety of colors and shades, methods of application and textures give plenty of fantasy to roam. However, for the apparent simplicity this option finishes hide many nuances: what paint to choose, how to properly treat the surface, how to apply color so that the color lies evenly, and annoying streaks and unpainted places do not spoil the overall look of the project and the nerves of the unfortunate painter.

Can be used to paint walls different tool, such as brushes, airbrush or roller.

Roller - the golden mean between them. It has a large number of modifications and options for rollers. Prokras guarantees almost perfect, paint consumption is moderate. Ease of use, ease of maintenance and optimal cost create an ideal combination of "price-quality". In addition, with this device, you can apply decorative pattern, stencil drawing and even add texture.

Device Features

A paint roller is a device of a simple design, consisting of a handle and a curved frame, on which ink cylinders are mounted with different surface. The principle of its action is to absorb various substances when the drum is immersed in them and transfer these compounds to the surface to be painted.

Roller Advantages:

  • surface treatment speed;
  • the quality of work on the application of the composition;
  • the ability to add additional effects to the processed plane;
  • reduction in the amount of materials used;
  • large range.

Progress does not stand still, and today you can easily find such variants of this tool as a roller for painting corners or a roller with an elongated handle for painting ceilings and high facades. Special attention should be paid to rollers with automatic or piston supply of the coloring substance. This tool is ideal for processing large flat surfaces. It is used not only when it is necessary to apply paint, but also for other substances - adhesives, varnishes, liquid wallpaper, soil. The choice of roller modification will be based almost entirely on the characteristics of the applied liquid.

When changing the substance, it is only necessary to change the surface of the roller, and the roller is ready for work again. But here it is important to consider that the roller coat can be made from various materials: fur, foam rubber, polyester, polyacryl, felt, rubber, wool, nylon.

To learn all the tricks when choosing a fur coat, you need to take into account the features various kinds coatings, as well as recommendations for their use.


Since there are a great many types of rollers in the store, it is worth understanding the criteria for their selection.

Let's define the principle of operation of the roller.

  • The usual submersible.
  • With a piston paint supply system - its pen is available with a reservoir that can immediately hold half a liter of substance. The substance evenly wets the rotating surface of the roller.
  • WITH automatic feeding coloring matter. The device pays for its high cost only in a large space. It is typical for him high performance and cost-effectiveness of consumables, since this device is a device with a dispenser.

There are two principles of its work:

  • the substance enters through the hose when using the pump;
  • the roller is located in the cavity, and already from it wetting occurs working surface drum.

By the nature of the work, the rollers are:

  • for the exterior (more rigid and reinforced);
  • for interior work (smaller).

The tool is distinguished by the type of roller coating:

  • Furuniversal tool for painting walls. It saves paint, applies layers evenly, paints over uneven and rough surfaces well, is accurate in work (there is a minimum of splashes from it). They can be made of natural fur or synthetic analogues (polyacryl, polyamide), which also differ in the length of the villi. There is a rule: the more irregularities, the longer the pile. One "but" - the villi remain on the treated surface.
  • foam rubber- Applicable for a very limited range of paints and varnishes. It has the lowest cost, but it is short-lived, sloppy (too much splashing), paints uneven surfaces poorly, and is inconvenient over large areas. It is not recommended to paint the walls with them - there are too many streaks. The higher its density, the more durable the roller will be.

  • Velor- used for painting, applying varnishes. Dense staining, but this is a tool for professionals. Working with him is sloppy, characterized by a large amount of splashes. The consumption of substances is somewhat increased due to absorption by the surface of the roller. The cost is relatively low.
  • Thread or rag- can be used with any paint, durable, but spray a lot of material, so you should be careful.
  • Flock and others with a smooth surface- use only for smooth, well-prepared planes. Strong and durable, have a low cost.

Painting walls can be carried out not only by painting, but also by applying a pattern or texture with decoration devices with a pattern protruding on their surface.

The rollers are subdivided according to the height of the villi:

  • high pile. The height of the hairs is 18-22 mm. Ideal for working with brickwork, plastered, concrete surfaces.
  • Medium pile. The height of the hairs is 11-12 mm. Used when working with drywall, wooden plots as well as concrete and plaster. Able to absorb paint well. Can be used in high humidity environments.
  • Short pile. The height of the hairs is 5-6 mm. Used for varnishing and painting wood and metal surfaces. Paint is used sparingly.

It is necessary to choose the right width of the roller. They come in three sizes.

  • Short. Size - 8-10 cm, diameter - 10-15 mm. Suitable for processing small areas hard-to-reach places.
  • Medium. Size - 15-20cm, diameter - up to 20-90mm. Convenient for processing floor, wall, ceiling surfaces.
  • Long. Size - from 25 cm, diameter - from 80 mm. It is characterized by reinforced fasteners, improved nozzle materials. It is positioned as a tool for professionals.

Rollers are distinguished by the way the roller is located on the handle. There are models with a hairpin that can be replaced by a fur coat, frame shock-absorbing.

If your plans do not include painting a huge number of square meters, the design of the roller will not play a role - you can safely take any.

Which to choose?

If you have started painting work, you need to choose the right not only paints and varnishes, but also a certain type of fixture. When choosing a roller, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of manufacturers and sellers regarding the optimality of one or another option. The best-selling rollers for interior work are foam rubber. Foam rubber is a material that is absolutely not resistant to aggressive compounds, oil and alkyd paints. The only thing it is perfect for is paints and adhesives on water based, primer.

But for working with oil, latex paint and enamels, silicate paints and varnishes, fur rollers are perfectly adapted. The smaller the length of the villi, the smoother the surface to be treated should be.

Also, for those who are not afraid of aggressive substances, universal velor rollers. They can be used not only for water-dispersion, but also oil, alkyd, two-component paints. To apply these compositions, you can use nozzles made of synthetics, natural wool, threads with polyacrylic. To add texture, you should take a tool with a silicone coating, a long pile or a rubber pad.

Another important factor when choosing this tool is the quality of the coat: the firmware must be even, the presence of retaining rings is important. The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a roller is the quality of workmanship. Threads should not stick out of the fur coat, the firmware should be even, and locking rings should also be present. It is also worth checking the presence of the manufacturer's markings.

Surface preparation

Surface preparation for painting is a process, often longer than painting itself, but very important. It is worth observing all the technology, without excluding any stages.

  • Remove previous surface coating. Peeling loose parts of the old paint will lead to deterioration general view work and flaking of a new paint. Whitewash or water-based paint can be removed without much difficulty - moisten the surface to be treated with plenty of water, then pass with a spatula. Remove any residue with a damp cloth. Waterproof paint is capricious, you will have to work with a metal brush to remove it.
  • Next, you should wet the surface and, after waiting a bit, open the windows for a draft. The coating should peel off and can be removed with a spatula. Another way: apply wallpaper paste or paste to the old paint, stick newspapers on it, let it dry. By removing a layer of paper, you can remove the previous coating along with it. The third way is to remove it with a drill, but then a huge layer of dust on the surface cannot be avoided.

  • Sand the surface if necessary. When removing the top layer, you can assess the condition of the base of the working surface, check for cracks, voids and irregularities that should be covered with putty.
  • Well sanded sandpaper all irregularities. There is a nuance with oil-adhesive putty - it discolors water-based paint.
  • Prime with starter and finish primer. For work in a residential area, you can only use alkyd, acrylic and mineral primers, other compounds are prohibited. Alkyd mixture is absolutely contraindicated for drywall and plaster surfaces.
  • Clean the surface from traces of dust, dirt, greasy spots. by the most simple method is washing with a water-soap composition without abrasive. Plastered surfaces are checked for the possibility of chalking - if traces of chalk are visible when holding the hand, it is worth re-treating this area with a universal primer.

Surface preparation work must be carried out carefully so that the paint lays better and evenly.


  • Establishes the procedure for painting. First of all, the ceiling is being painted, then the walls and floor.
  • Masking tape outlines the boundaries of painting.
  • When painting the ceiling, you should start by applying a border about 5 centimeters in size without transitions to the wall. If available ceiling cornices, then they are painted in the second turn. When painting walls, the border is applied in the corners, near windows and doors. A section of the surface from one of these places is painted over vertically with a width of one meter. Then, overlapping it, paint the adjacent area. Apply paint towards the light.

For many centuries, the painting and painting business did not know other tools than ordinary brushes. different sizes. The invention in 1940 by a Canadian from Toronto, World War I veteran Bricky Norman of the paint roller made a small household revolution, greatly facilitating difficult process repairs to the owners of houses and apartments.

Although paint roller in the shortest possible time he gained wild popularity all over the world, his invention did not bring great commercial success to the legally illiterate Brika Norman. More experienced in business matters, American Richards Adams, having felt the full benefit of the situation and slightly changing the original design of the unlucky Norman's instrument, patented the novelty. Norman Brikey received only the posthumous title of Great Citizen of Canada in memory of his contribution to the refinishing business. So what types and sizes of paint rollers exist today? Let's find out!

General design principles

Having become familiar in every home and indispensable in the arsenal of both professional painters and amateur home craftsmen, the paint roller for painting has, in fact, a very simple design.

Curved holder-bracket with a handle (byugel) for comfortable grip, on which a cylinder dressed in a special “fur coat” rotates on a bearing mechanism - no electronics and wires, but what a benefit for all mankind! changing various options working covers, depending on the type of paint, the user receives a device that significantly increases labor productivity.

When buying, you should pay close attention to the handle, the fastening of which should not interfere with easy rotation and change of the working surface of the fur coat. If a roller held across the palm of your hand leaves a significant amount of pile, you should give up the desire to purchase such a low-quality tool.

In Soviet times, for paint rollers used in construction, GOST 10831-87 was developed, which defines technical requirements and conditions for their production. And to this day, this GOST is tacitly adhered to by many domestic manufacturers of painting tools.

Designed for painting or applying glue, the roller is lightweight and easy to operate.

And the last rule: high-quality rollers of long-established brands of building paint tools roll the paint the same way both forward and backward.

Classification of rollers of different types

When buying, you must first consider what kind of specific work they will have to perform. There are also several classifications of paint rollers, depending on design features:

  • to size(length + core diameter) - mini, medium, large or facade;
  • by hull type- solid (usually plastic, sometimes aluminum and impregnated cardboard) and wire, with increased elasticity to successfully overcome the unevenness of the painted surface;
  • by mounting type- cantilever (the bracket is attached to the handle on one side) and fork (the plate bracket is attached on both sides, this type is usually used for painting the floor);
  • by shift– removable working surface (fur coat) and non-removable (glued and hot glued);
  • coat type- natural fur with different lengths of pile and artificial.

Each brand manufacturer tries to fulfill its painting tool for a specific type of work and using unique technologies and materials.

Now more about sizes.

One of the main parameters that affect the purchase of a paint roller is the size of the tool itself. It is determined by the width of the working part and varies in the range of 50-300 mm with a possible diameter of the rotating cylinder of 40-110 mm. In accordance with these indicators, all rollers can be divided into:

  • mini-rollers, the width of which does not exceed 150 mm with a diameter of about 15 mm, are intended for painting small areas, surfaces with complex terrain, as well as hard-to-reach places and corners. The material of the coat can be completely different in texture.
  • midi rollers - medium in size (width of the working cylinder 150-250 mm with a diameter of 50-90 mm), are considered universal and suitable for almost any household work: painting even and relief weakly expressed planes, leveling and painting wallpaper after pasting. Fur coats, as a rule, are made of foam material or synthetic fur; standard universal rollers of this type are most popular among craftsmen of any level of professionalism;
  • facade rollers (width more than 250 mm with a diameter of 80 mm or more) belong to a professional tool and are used to perform various kinds of facade work on painting surfaces that are rough in texture with a large proportion of irregularities. Despite the improved bearing systems, working with such a tool requires certain skills: greater absorption of paint by a wide working surface leads to an increase in the weight of the entire tool and, as a result, to increased fatigue.

Choosing a paint roller in size should be based on the intended work and your own skills and abilities in handling this tool - for most household work the best option can serve as a medium-sized roller.

Different rollers are needed, different rollers are important.

For each type of painting and painting work, you can choose the appropriate type of roller, the material of which will give the expected effect. Models with an interchangeable working surface allow you not to change the tool completely.

The roller is foam rubber (polyurethane foam). Polyurethane foam absorbs a lot of paint due to the foamed fine-mesh structure, gradually exposing it to the surface - this significantly increases productivity, but requires accuracy: if you press the roller too much, the paint will simply flow.

One of the serious problems due to the same surface cells was the formation of bubbles in the layer of applied paint - a production solution to the issue was the application of a short synthetic pile on an artificial base.

Perfect for water-based paint jobs. However, very sensitive to organic solvents, corroding the foam surface, and therefore will not last long when working with enamels, varnishes and oil paints.

Roller made of polyamide rope syntax. Designed for processing both smooth and uneven, rough surfaces. Applicable for all kinds paintwork materials, differs in special resistance to hostile environment and high degree of absorption of paint or a varnish. The quality of surface coloring is directly proportional to the length of the polyamide pile, which varies from 8 to 20 mm.

Perfectly absorbs and evenly distributes on surfaces of any type of smoothness, incl. and painting fiberglass, consumable for water-based painting or with a limited proportion of aggressive components. According to its characteristics, it is similar to the polyamide roller, the length of the polyacrylic pile is also different.

Polyester roller. Polyester is one of the cheapest materials used to make fur coats. Cheapness is explained by the fragility and caking of synthetic fibers, and, therefore, the general fragility of the working surface. It is used for applying dispersion and acrylic paints for walls and ceilings, as well as outside the room. It has excellent coloring properties along with wool models.

Velor roller. Designed for varnishes, water-dispersion and oil paints always gives excellent results flat surface, resistant to solvents. When painting, it absorbs little material, which helps to avoid splashing. Ideal for the final stage of painting and rolling the finish coat.

Flocked roller. In terms of functional characteristics, it is a kind of synthesis of a foam rubber roller and a roller with a short pile. Durable, water-resistant and environmentally friendly material is perfect for water-based varnishes, but will be completely spoiled by water-based construction paints. As a rule, it is applied to rather smooth, small area of ​​surfaces.

Fur roller. Made from natural sheepskin or, as a more exotic option, llama wool, it is suitable for working with all types of paints and for all types of surfaces. Work with oil paints, varnishes and enamels is especially effective. It is not recommended to use for paints based on slaked lime, corroding natural fur.

A special type of rollers - angular, designed for places that are difficult to reach with a conventional roller: concave corners, architectural niches in a room, surfaces that are uneven in height, etc. It is a wheel with a working surface on the handle, located at a convenient angle.

With panel rollers it is convenient to apply panels from polyamide material that do not require stencils or a special stencil ruler.

roller-scissors very suitable for painting pipes of various diameters, railings with narrow crossbars, as well as stair and balcony railings.

The roller is needle for self-leveling floors. Used for working with viscous materials for painting and self-leveling floors. Distinctive feature such a tool - in the presence of plastic spikes (needles) on its working surface, which help to remove air bubbles between layers of paint: the solution will lie as evenly as possible, become durable and will not crack over time. Rolling with a spiked roller is technologically necessary if cement or gypsum is present in the composition of self-leveling floors.

For more than seventy years since its birth, the paint roller has firmly established itself in human life, being affordable, convenient and indispensable assistant in the construction and renovation industry.

How to choose a roller for painting? Any such tool turns the boring work of decorating a room into a creative process. The rollers are made by the most different designs and sizes. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the task. How painting is done with a roller, the article will tell you the tricks of using them.

The simplest roller for painting ceilings or walls is a wooden or plastic cylinder with a full-length hole, bushings are installed on its ends, in the form of washers made of copper or other material. The product is equipped with an axle with a handle.

A stop is installed at one end of the axle, a thread is cut under the nut with a washer from the other, or a cotter pin is installed. A cover or nozzle is put on and fixed on the roller. During assembly, free rotation of the cylinder around the axis must be ensured, preventing it from jumping off.

With this design:

  • Performance is greatly improved.
  • The shading of colors changes qualitatively.
  • The compositions can be applied on any basis.
  • No drops or splashes on other surfaces.
  • No lint or hair remains on the layer after application.
  • The coating is carried out evenly, without any traces of the cover material on the roller.

Rollers and mini-rollers are made from various materials: natural - lambskin, velor or artificial:

  • Polyamide rollers all types of paints made on bases that contain solvents or water-dispersion compositions are applied. Such material is able to absorb and give paint well. It is easy to clean, does not require special care, possesses resistance to the aggressive elements which are a part of paints.

Polyamide is a fairly wear-resistant material that allows you to achieve excellent results when painting surfaces with any type of paint. Convenient pile length, thin filament structure allow you to paint uneven, rough, bumpy surfaces.

  • Polyacrylic roller used for water-based formulations or for all types of paints and varnishes with a limited amount of solvents. Polyacryl has similar properties to polyamide, but with less wear resistance and poorer coating quality.

Have long term services are best suited for semi-rough surfaces, but also suitable for rough and smooth surfaces.

  • Polyester roller dispersion paints, compositions for walls and ceilings are applied. Such a material with a homogeneous fiber structure has the least wear resistance.
  • foam roller for painting it is used for painting surfaces with water-adhesive compositions. It is absolutely not suitable for enamels, oil paints and varnishes. This is due to the fact that the solvents included in their composition corrode the foam rubber, and pieces of material remain on the painted surface.
  • Roller with fur nozzle used for enamels, varnishes and oil paints. Lamb rollers provide the most uniform paint application.
  • Velours helps to get a fairly smooth surface. It is a natural or synthetic material with a homogeneous structure, with a short pile, ideal for covering smooth surfaces, allows you to create a uniform, good quality layer.
  • Structural rollers used for applying plasters and structural paints to give the surface a textured, fine-grained finish.
  • Pressing rubber rollers are used for smoothing. With their help, you can expel air from under the wallpaper, roll the seams, evenly distribute the glue on the surface.
  • Plastic clamping products are used for rolling wallpaper seams.
  • Needle roller used for perforating drywall and removing wallpaper.
  • Floor paint roller. Serves for rolling the front layers of the uncured composition, for removing air or deaeration.
  • Roller for decorative painting designed for applying plaster and thick paint, to obtain a relief surface (see Rollers for decorative plaster and creating a relief surface).
  • Roller for painting corners, in the photo VMU, is used for internal corners.
  • Paneled rollers convenient for applying panels, so as not to cut out stencils or make a special ruler.

  • Roller for painting pipes, protections of balconies, ladders and other objects.

How to paint bark beetle plaster

Bark beetle plaster is one of the most popular types decorative coating. It can be used for exterior and internal surfaces. Enough simple technology painting and affordable price, combined with a spectacular appearance.

The disadvantages when staining bark beetle include:

  • The presence of various recesses and bulges, complicating the coloring of the surface. It is quite difficult to paint such a relief with an ordinary roller. In this case, you will need to use manual painting with a brush.
    First, the surface is painted with a roller.

Tip: To color the bark beetle, you should choose a thicker roller.

The tool is maximally impregnated with paint, which can flow into all depressions and paint elevations.

Tip: If paint accumulates in depressions, it must be removed with a dry roller. All emerging non-painting should be tinted with a brush manually.

  • When painting a bark beetle (see. Painting bark beetle plaster - all ways) in one color, the coating does not look too beautiful.
    It is better to paint the surface twice, while applying the second layer in a different color. Thus, an effective appearance. In this case, potholes and furrows will remain with the original layer, and a coating of a different color will be applied on top.

The disadvantages of the bark beetle include the difficulty of applying a two-color layer with your own hands.

To paint a surface in two colors, you must:

  • Add color when mixing directly into the plaster mortar. In this case, the coating acquires the desired color during the preparation of the material. You can use ready-made colors, which you only need to mix thoroughly.
  • When painting the coating, it is better to use a special roller for painting the bark beetle.. It is a little more difficult for them to paint the surface and the paint consumption is slightly higher, but with such a tool you can effectively cover all the furrows on the surface.

How to clean and store the roller after work

Quality tools are quite expensive, but they can last a long time if you take care of them properly. Before saving the roller after painting, it should be properly cleaned after use.

Instructions for cleaning the roller from water-based paint suggest:

  • Prepared:
  1. capacity;;
  2. cleaning solution;
  3. softener for all rollers that were used during operation.
  • For each type of roller, a bucket is filled with warm water and two cups of material softener are added to it and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • After the fabric softener dissolves, the solution breaks the tension on the surface of the water and the dye will begin to dissolve more quickly.

Tip: If necessary, the roller can be cleaned with plain water or a mild dishwashing detergent. In addition, the paint can be rolled out onto newspapers laid out on the floor, having previously removed the excess by rolling the roller with pressure in the paint tray.

  • The roller is lowered into the bucket with the prepared solution for 20 seconds.
  • The tool is removed from the bucket and washed under running water warm water until the liquid becomes clear.
  • After peeling off the paint from the roller, it must be squeezed out of the water as best as possible and put on an old, preferably terry towel. Can be used paper towels thick layer so that all the moisture can be absorbed.

To clean oil paint:

Tip: Do not use water to clean the roller, when using paint on oil based: the paint will not dissolve in water alone, it must be removed with alcohol or turpentine.

  • Excess paint is removed from the roller by rolling it back and forth over old newspapers.
  • Alcohol or turpentine is poured, which will serve as a solvent for the paint, into a clean dish.
  • A roller with paint is lowered into the solution and rolled back and forth, as when painting.
  • The tool is rolled over old newspapers and if there is still paint on it, the process is repeated.
  • After cleaning, the roller is hung on a nail or any hook for drying.
  • After drying, the instrument is covered aluminum foil or plastic wrap to protect it from dirt and dust.

Details about the care of the tool will show the video in this article.

A few tips for using paint rollers:

  • If the repair stops for a short time, the roller can be placed in a plastic bag to keep it from drying out.
  • The tool can be stored in a tightly closed bag in the refrigerator. After that, it will take some time to defrost it before use.

To apply paint on surfaces, it is necessary to choose the right tool, and after completion of work, ensure proper care and storage for it.

The main advantage of the roller over paint brush in that it provides the opportunity to cover a much larger surface area for processing. It is much more profitable to paint walls and ceilings with such a tool, as well as process wide panels, apply paint to various products.

There are times when it is inferior to brushes in some works, for example, in painting hard-to-reach places, corners, lines of interfaces of structures, but basically it is the roller that can significantly reduce the time of painting work.

Based on the desire to get as much pleasure from work as possible, and not turn it into a long painful process, people seek to acquire convenient quality tools.

This also applies to rollers. You always want to know in advance which roller is better. Their quality largely determines the ease of work. In this regard, you need to carefully look at the main elements of the tool: a fur coat, a cylinder.

Varieties of fur coats

In the modern construction market, you can buy rollers of any type and for any work. The difference between the products lies in the type of material used for tailoring fur coats. Most often, foam rubber, fur, velor, polyamide are used in the work.

foam roller

The cheapest option is to sew a foam rubber coat. It is excellent for priming surfaces with water-based paints. But for a water emulsion, this type of fur coat is not suitable.

The main advantage that a foam rubber roller has is its low price. At the same time, it is not recommended to take it for painting walls and ceilings, since when rolling it forms splashes and stripes. But to paint the carpentry with them is a nice thing.

Such a roller will paint a wooden window in just five minutes. The main thing is to first seal the perimeter of the glass adjacent to the glazing beads with masking tape.

fur coat

Fur as the main cover of the tool is convenient for working with any compositions. With water-based and oil. The fur surface perfectly absorbs paint, does not create bubbles on the working surface and evenly applies and rolls out the composition. With such a tool, it is good to mask the places where cracks, chips, and small depressions appear.

Among the disadvantages of the fur roller for painting, the possibility of partial loss of pile during dyeing. It is worth carefully choosing fur coats of this type. If you save money and buy a cheaper option, you will need to get ready to clean off numerous villi from the treated surface.

Roller with a fur coat from velor

Velor in terms of its properties and the quality of surface coloring is on a par with the fur coating of the instrument. To some extent, he even surpasses him. Coloring with a velor fur coat makes the surface smooth after drying. This coat is perfect for weaving wooden surfaces(parquet, floorboards).

How to understand the dimensions of the tool

The rollers have their own division by size. To have a visual representation on this topic, you can view photos of paint rollers. It will be found that the presence of different parameters greatly facilitates the workflow. Are being created comfortable conditions to work with the instrument.

First of all, the dimensions of the main part - the cylinder - are taken into account. The parameters of the handle play a smaller role. This feature divides instruments into the following types:

  • Type - mini. The cylinder has a diameter of no more than 9 cm and a height of about 15 cm. The product is suitable for painting surfaces in hard-to-reach places.
  • Type - midi. The diameter is the same, but the height is increased to 20 cm. The tool is universal and is recommended for finishing walls, ceilings and other wide surfaces. An additional plus the weight of the roller is considered to be low.
  • Maxi type. The length of the roller reaches 30 cm, and the diameter value is 8 cm. Such a roller is a professional tool. Accordingly, its price will be significantly higher than the previous types.

This tool can be used for internal works, and on the outer front.

Separation of rollers by functional types

On a functional basis, the rollers are divided into several groups. According to the location of the working surface, the tool is referred to as intended for internal processes and external ones.

For example:

  • Front rollers. As an interlayer they have an intermediate packing. Due to this, uniform sliding is achieved, excluding splashing of paint.
  • Textured rollers. The top cover of the cylinder can be rubber, plastic, metal, fur, and so on. Are intended for creation of relief drawings. Involved in the application of decorative plaster compositions.
  • Needle rollers. Indispensable when working with polymeric floor coverings. Roll the mixture quickly and evenly over the floor surface, hiding all small cracks.
  • Rubber roller. This tool is used by professionals. This is one of the varieties of textured look, also associated with the application of decorative plaster.

Photo of paint rollers