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How to lubricate interior hinges. How to properly lubricate door hinges to get rid of creaking. The metal door is smeared like this

The creaking of door hinges accelerates wear and tear and is very annoying to the ear and nerves. At proper care behind the door fittings, the structure will remain usable for longer. And inaction in such a situation in the future will lead to breakage and replacement of the loops. It is much easier and cheaper to take care of them in a timely manner. Regular lubrication will help avoid problems and prolong their life for a longer period.

Why do hinges creak?

creak door hinges start on different reasons. It is important to monitor their condition in order to avoid wear in the future. The main problems causing the appearance of a creak are as follows.

  • Insufficient lubrication. Over time, the lubricant expires. It thickens, spreads or dries out, blocking the normal movement of the door, which has a devastating effect on the mechanism.

  • Corrosion. The most common cause of creaking hinges on street doors. This is due to high humidity, which not all metal elements can tolerate. door structure. If you do not take measures against rust, the movement of the canvas is gradually difficult, and the iron is destroyed.
  • Part wear. Prolonged or incorrect operation of the door structure and its fittings leads to wear and tear of the mechanism and its breakdown.

  • Pollution. Dust and small debris often accumulate in the loop space. If nothing is done, the dirt accumulates in the lubricant, gets on the hinge hinges and gradually begins to wear down the metal like an abrasive.
  • Door tilt. If door leaf massive or a mistake was made during the installation of the structure, it can skew. This is not only detrimental to the fittings, but also leads to even greater loosening of the box itself and a change in the contours of the canvas. Usually, the consequences of an unprofessional installation make themselves felt in the very first days of operation of the door structure.

The most common installation flaws leading to backfire: skew of the mounted structure, incorrect or unstable installation of hinges, friction of the web against the sheathing, box or casing. The conclusion suggests itself: the creak of the door indicates that it is necessary to immediately deal with the cause of its appearance.

Choosing a lubricant

Before proceeding with the establishment of a normal and silent course of the door leaf, you need to understand which lubricant is suitable for this. Various special formulations are commercially available that are suitable for street or interior doors. The most popular are the following ready-made products.

  • WD40. A very popular and effective oil material, which allows not only to get rid of squeaks and improve the sliding of metal parts, but also to remove corrosion. The agent creates a protective film on the treated surfaces, preventing further distribution rust.

  • Litol. An ideal type of creaking lubricant for an entrance metal door. Due to its water resistance and frost resistance, it can be used outdoors. Most suitable option to prevent corrosion on the hinges of all external doors, gates and garage doors.

  • Solidol. An oily, viscous mass, one of the most widely used materials in practice. Suitable for lubricating moving parts in machinery.

  • Tsiatim. A multipurpose thick oil with an antioxidant additive.

If you didn’t have a factory tool for lubricating metal parts at hand, you can try one of the “folk” remedies. In the youth of our grandfathers, Litol and WD were absent, but they were able to cope with the problem of creaking with elementary improvised means.

  • Simple pencil. The stylus was crushed and put into hinges, or the door leaf was lifted and a piece was placed directly into the mechanism, and he himself crumbled it into powder. Wax and oil in the composition of the stylus effectively helped to get rid of the annoying squeak.
  • Liquid soap. It's already over modern facility for lubricating door hinges. It is always available at home. One drop of a viscous concentrate is enough, and the blade will move more smoothly and silently. It helps for a short time, but there is always the opportunity to repeat the treatment.

  • Wax. There is always a candle in the house that can be used not only for lighting, but also to improve the sliding of worn-out mechanisms.
  • Sunflower oil. Any vegetable fat from the hostess's kitchen will help eliminate metal creaking for a short time. to manipulate with vegetable oil maybe even a teenager. Special skills and instructions for lubrication are not required. But this method is considered temporary, as dust quickly sticks to sunflower oil. The resulting dirt will quickly wear out the mechanism.

  • Machine oil and working off them. An option better suited for car owners. They always have such a lubricant in stock.
  • Oil for processing parts of a sewing machine. Needlewomen know that such a tool lubricates all moving mechanisms well. The advantage is the absence of greasy traces and ease of application. In an apartment, such accuracy will not hurt.
  • Petrolatum. If none of the above is available, ordinary petroleum jelly is suitable for lubricating the metal. This, of course, is a temporary measure of "taming" the squeak until you can get special agent and carry out the procedure for the rehabilitation of the loops as expected.

How to lubricate?

The final result depends on the technique of applying the lubricant no less than on what means it is carried out. The hinges must be able to be lubricated correctly so that they do not creak. The composition applied to the desired area will help solve the problem efficiently and without hassle. This will help to avoid subsequent contamination of the mechanism and extend its service life. It is worth clarifying certain rules regarding the process of lubricating any door hinges.

  • The product must be applied using a special oiler, using a nozzle with a thin tube or a medical syringe.
  • If the loops are disassembled, you can handle them with a thin brush or cotton swab lubricated with grease. A cloth is less convenient for lubrication.
  • In order not to stain the doors with excess oil, you need to use a dry paper towel.
  • When the door creaks in a particular place, this area needs more intensive treatment. It is easy to find by external traces of abrasion.
  • The inner part of the hinges needs a more generous oil treatment, since it is the working part of the mechanism that is subject to wear.

To process universal hinges without removing the door, you need to choose the right lubricant and a bottle with a thin nose. If the product is already packaged in this way, you can immediately get down to business. In another case, it is worth carefully pouring the oil composition into a convenient container. The lubricant should easily penetrate dust and cover protective film all working parts of the hinge mechanism.

It is convenient to use the product in the form of a spray. Silicone and lithium greases are no less convenient. The last one is sold in all auto shops and is great for processing anything squeaky and metallic. This method is very convenient for someone who is unable to lift a heavy door leaf. Grease is applied between the hinges, carefully filling the gaps with it.

The second way to lubricate the hinges on the door is more troublesome. Suitable for detachable hinges. You will have to remove the canvas by lifting it with a crowbar. Place it on top of two stable chairs and process as directed. In this position, it is much more convenient to inspect the hinges, especially if you have to disassemble or repair them.

Prepare unnecessary old rags in advance. Be sure to dry and clean to wipe off excess oil and clean dirty areas. They must be cleaned before being treated with a lubricant. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Abrasive particles with a new portion of lubricant will harm the hinges even more actively. After lubrication, the door leaf must be hung in place.

It should be noted that the processing of hinges is the same for any doors, regardless of whether they are interior, metal, street or balcony. The processing plan may differ depending on the type of loops.

  • For a while, any edible oil will help to “stir up” tight loops: olive, coconut, etc.
  • The design of the loop consists of two cards connected by a rod. It would be correct to pull the rod out of the mechanism in order to lubricate it more effectively.
  • Open the doors and pull the rod out to either side. You can do this simply with your fingers, but it is more convenient to use pliers by turning the rod counterclockwise. Try not to rub the skin of your fingers on the door jamb or canvas.

  • If the metal rod is rusted and it is difficult to pull it out, there are two options for help: a screwdriver or a special corrosion converter. The tool is usually easier for the simple reason that it is always available.
  • After removing the rod, apply a thin layer of lubricant to it, and then process the loops. It is convenient to do this with a sprayer or from a bottle with a long thin spout.
  • Check door movement. If the creaking continues, remove the rod from the mechanism and apply an additional portion of lubricant. Continue until the squeak stops. When the desired result is obtained, install the rod back.

Sections of the article:

The creak of the door when opening or closing is a rather annoying factor, which is the result of such reasons as the appearance of rust on the surface of the hinges or their wear during operation. Usually lubrication allows you to get rid of the squeak. How to lubricate door hinges without removing the door - we will tell in our material.

Causes of door creaking

The entrance or interior door may start to creak depending on a variety of reasons, the most common are:

  • Lack of lubricant inside the canopy, which appears during long-term operation, as it evaporates and thickens;
  • Poor installation of the door structure or an insufficient number of hinges that are unable to withstand a heavy canvas. If a creak and skew is found immediately after installation, it is enough to adjust the door. In case of ignoring the problem, applying efforts when opening / closing a skewed door, not only the canopies are damaged, but also the stability of the frame is reduced;
  • Regular ingress of moisture on entrance doors that are not protected by a visor provokes the appearance of corrosive processes, the result of which is a creak, crunch, reduced friction of the mechanism and difficult movement of the sash;
  • The use of low-quality or unsuitable lubricants that stick to small particles dirt, dust that clog the mechanism. Subsequently, the solid particles inside the lubricant become abrasive, destroying the metal of the canopy with each movement of the blade;
  • Contact finishing coating doors and awnings;
  • Long service life and low-quality metal of the hinges lead to wear of the components of the mechanism, which will need to be replaced with a new one.

What can be used as hinge lubricant

There are many tools for lubricating door hinges, as well as tips for their use. Some lubricants have a short-term effect, some can disrupt the operation of canopies, so how not to miscalculate when choosing? To begin with, let's look at how you can lubricate the hinges.

This universal type lubricants can be found in the garage or trunk of a car for every second driver. Preference should be given to viscous oils, for example, for an engine or diesel.

Household sewing machine oil

The undeniable advantages of such a tool are availability (sold in any economic department) and form - small bottles of 30 or 50 ml with a thin nose, which makes it easy to apply oil deep into door fittings.

It is not necessary to replace machine oil with an analogue of organic origin (olive, vegetable, butter or petroleum jelly), since organics quickly evaporate in air, respectively, the loops will creak again in the near future. As the organic lubricant dries, it becomes sticky, which gets small particles of dirt and dust that impede the operation of the mechanism. In addition, organic matter provokes the appearance of rust on the loop, which, in combination with the indelible sticky layer increases the likelihood of replacement with new fittings.


Such a lubricant eliminates the creaking of canopies in a few minutes. A convenient form in liquid or aerosol form allows you to apply the product without additional equipment at hand. WD-40 not only lubricates the canopy, but also cleans it of dirt and dissolves rust. But it is worth noting that WD-40 dries quickly, without constant renewal, forming a coating that does not allow parts of the mechanism to slide easily. As a result, in the future you will have to remove the canvas, disassemble, clean the hinges and select a more suitable lubricant.

Considered to be the most effective lubricant long term actions, but, unfortunately, you will have to diligently look for such a lubricant in stores.

Available analogue graphite lubricant, characterized by long-term action for several years. Suitable for outdoor entrance doors, as the lubricant is resistant to frost and temperature extremes.

A thick lubricant that is usually used to improve the operation of the canopies of the doors of private houses. Fittings lubricated with lithol will not creak at temperatures from -40 to +120 ° C, which allows the product to be used in severe weather conditions and boiler rooms. Litol can be replaced with budget grease, which retains its viscosity at air temperatures from -35 to + 65 ° С.

Due to the high viscosity of such products, it is recommended to disassemble the hinges and lubricate from the inside, in which case the door will not be disturbed by a creak for many years. If you are unwilling or unable to remove the canvas, you can carefully coat the surface and the joint of the loop with lithol with a cotton swab or swab, but it should be borne in mind that the period of silent operation will be significantly reduced.


The core of a simple soft pencil is considered effective and affordable option eliminate the squeak. It is not necessary to grind the rod into powder in order to rub the joint of the canopy later, it is enough to slightly lift door leaf so that the hinge pin protrudes slightly from the second part and put a piece of graphite there. Several movements of the door and the rod in the hinge is crushed into crumbs under the weight of the canvas.

Before lubricating the hinges on the door, check their surface for dirt, which can be removed with a dry cloth slightly dampened with solvent. If the hinges are rusty, you will need to first remove the rust suitable remedy. Anti-corrosion agent in the form of a spray allows you to clean the hinges without removing the canvas from them. If the rust remover is in liquid or oil form, soak a viscose cloth and apply to the canopy like a compress. Rust usually dissolves within 2-6 hours, depending on the thickness of the plaque and the characteristics of the agent, after which it is removed with a dry cloth.

Please note that it is impossible to knock down rusted hinges with a hammer or crowbar, since after such handling the mechanism will be damaged and will not be suitable for normal operation.

For convenience, you will need a small container and a medical syringe without a needle. A small amount of lubricant will be poured into the first, and the second allows the agent to be dosed into the gap between the components of the loop.

It is recommended to apply a lubricant with a high viscosity with a cotton swab, stick or brush, while slightly lifting the canvas with a lever to form a slightly larger gap between the halves of the loop. The same tools will be needed if there are universal non-separable loops.

The loop is subjected to more thorough processing in that part of the sash where the creak is more pronounced. Usually this part of the canvas or loop has abrasions. Also thoroughly lubricated inner side canopy, since it is here that all the rubbing components of the loop are located.

Excess grease is removed with a dry, clean cloth or napkin.

How often to oil awnings

In order for the door to open / close easily and not creak, lubricate the hinges every 5-6 months. But since in practice this is not always done, it is possible to understand that it is time to lubricate the hinges of interior doors, without removing the canvas, by the following signs:

  • The door leaf opens with difficulty, resisting at the point of attachment to the frame;
  • The movement of the door is accompanied by unpleasant sounds, a crunch or a creak;
  • The canvas is sagging, hanging unevenly, closing with force, or stuck in the door frame.

If you find one of the signs, it is strongly recommended to clean the surface of the hinges from dirt, and in some cases rust, and then lubricate with a suitable agent.

At first, the creaking of doors is not disturbing, but soon becomes very loud and starts to get on your nerves. The reason may be wear or clogging of the loops. It is necessary to lubricate the hinges so that the door stops creaking. Doing it yourself is quite easy. However, not all products can be used to lubricate the door.

A creaking door in an apartment can be a real nuisance. First you need to identify the cause of the creak:

  1. Rusty hinges. This problem is especially relevant street doors. metal input structures susceptible to corrosion due to high humidity.
  2. Lack of lubrication. Over time, the lubricant thickens, spreads or dries out. As a result, friction appears during the movement of the door, which causes a creak. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the hinges, otherwise they may block the door or break.
  3. Wrong lubrication. If the hinges are lubricated with a material that cannot be used for this purpose, the door will not be able to open and close easily. As a result, friction of parts and creaking will occur.
  4. Wear. Usually hinges serve the owner for many years. But even this reliable mechanism can wear out and fail over time. Then you have to replace the loops with new ones.
  5. Clogged door mechanism. Squeaking can be caused by accumulated dust, rust, and clogged small debris. In this case, you should simply clean the mechanism.
  6. No special ball. For mounting metal gate ordinary loops are used, inside which a ball is inserted. If this part is missing for some reason, it must be purchased and placed inside the loops.
  7. Manufacturing defects. The consequences of marriage or improper installation of the door usually appear immediately. These include: structural skew (if the door is too heavy for the installed door frame), weak hinges, friction of the door leaf with trim or door frame with trim.

Usually at home, it is enough to lubricate the door so that it does not creak. But if a factory defect was made or there was an incorrect installation of the door, it is recommended to contact a professional.

Prohibited funds

Not all products can be used to lubricate door hinges. This can only exacerbate the problem.

  • butter;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dietary fats;
  • petrolatum.

These tools can get rid of the squeak, but not for long. Soon after lubrication, the door will begin to creak with renewed vigor, as the listed materials dry out and weather quickly.

In addition, after this, the hinges can begin to rust and collapse.

What to grease?

First you need to understand that it is not the door leaf itself that creaks, but the hinges. Moreover, an unpleasant sound is emitted by those parts that come into contact with each other when the door moves. For example, metal creaks when the top of the hinge is rubbed against the bottom.

The means by which you can lubricate the door mechanism are the same for interior plastic and wooden doors, and for metal entrance structures.

Machine oil

If the door of the house began to creak, then it will be enough to lubricate the hinges with machine oil. It is important that the product is liquid, free of seals, mold and rancid odor.

Action algorithm:

  • open the door;
  • substitute an ax blade, a thick file or another wedge under its end;
  • slightly raise the door on the hinges with the help of a substituted object;
  • lubricate the internal parts of the hinges with machine oil using an oiler or syringe;
  • lower the door leaf back onto the hinge pins;
  • intensively pull the door up and down several times;
  • wipe off excess engine oil with a rag.

Sometimes the door leaf is installed on one-piece hinges. In this case, you can lubricate the mechanism without removing the door. To do this, lubricant must be applied between the hinge joints. Spray lube works well.

If it is found that the hinges are rusted, it is advisable to replace them with new ones, since over time the problem will only get worse.

Other means

If there is no engine oil on hand, you can use other means:

  1. Solidol or Litol. These funds have a high density. Therefore, they must be applied to the mechanism with a wooden or cotton swab. You can also grease the hinges with your fingers, but in this case, be careful not to pinch your hand.
  2. Graphite from simple pencil. It is recommended to take a soft rod. The door will need to be lifted with a wedge as described above. The neck will need to be crushed and put the pieces between the half loops. Then lower the door leaf back onto the hinges. As a result, pieces of graphite are crushed and a graphite lubricant is formed. This tool handles friction well.
  3. WD-40 is an all-purpose product available in oil or spray format. It is able to clean the door mechanism from small debris, prevent rust and ensure ease of movement of the door.
  4. Ciatim is a multidisciplinary tool that will help get rid of creaking.

These compounds are no less effective than engine oil.

car doors

Car doors require special attention because they are constantly exposed to the adverse effects of the environment.

Previously, they tried to get rid of the squeak with the help of vinegar, iodine and even kerosene. But these funds do not always give a guaranteed result and can even aggravate the situation. Now there are many tools that allow you to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to several aspects:

  1. Ease of application. It is advisable to purchase funds with a thin spout.
  2. Formation after applying a protective film.
  3. Resistance to high humidity and frost resistance.
  4. anti-corrosion properties.

Especially popular are special silicone lubricants that allow you to process not only hinges, but also door locks.

Before applying the product, the loops should be washed from dirt and dust and degreased with gasoline. Then apply the compound.

This procedure should be carried out in early autumn and late spring. Then the protective effect will extend to the most unfavorable months.

It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the hinges and lubricate them with suitable products.

The constant squeaks of door hinges annoy everyone living in the apartment. An unpleasant sound appears every time the doors are opened and closed, or even during a small draft. If the hinges are completely rusty, then this is not surprising. But with improper operation or installation, even new mechanisms can begin to creak. Most simple option to get rid of the unpleasant sound is to lubricate the loops.

Causes of creaking at door hinges

There are several reasons why door hinges may creak:

  1. Errors in the production process. When the design of the hinges was violated during manufacture, for example, they were welded incorrectly, over time a creak will surely appear (we are talking about a metal door).

    To eliminate the squeak in an incorrectly welded loop, you will need to digest it

  2. No or insufficient lubrication. If there is excessive friction between the hinge elements, they will creak.

    If the hinges were sold unlubricated, you will have to apply the lubricant yourself so that the door does not creak.

  3. An unsuitable lubricant composition can also lead to annoying sounds. This problem often appears when grease is used. This grease may thicken over time. In this case, the grease will need to be removed and the loops lubricated with another agent.
  4. There are no balls in the design (in garage hinges). The door will need to be removed and the balls placed in the canopies. Then, the door leaf is installed in place.

    Without a ball, friction will increase, and the canopy will not be able to fully function.

  5. Wear of canopies. In this situation, there is only one solution - replacement.

    Worn hinges are the main cause of creaking in old private houses.

  6. Incorrect installation. If the hinges are not sufficiently fixed on the door or on the box, then this will most often lead to a creak. To eliminate unpleasant sounds, it will be necessary to change the screws or the place where the hinges are fixed.

    An improperly installed door hinge can not only creak, but also prevent the door from closing tightly.

How to lubricate creaking door hinges

There are many options for lubricating door hinges. It is best to use engine oil.

You can go to a hardware store that sells motor oil in small jars or plastic tubes. It is intended for household needs, such as lubricating locks, bicycles and other mechanisms. This material is perfect for door hinges. One tube should last for several years.

The cost of one tube of engine oil usually does not exceed 100 rubles

If there is no engine oil on hand, other options can be used. You can solve the creaking problem in the following ways:

  1. WD-40. This tool is great for lubricating hinges. With it, you can get rid of the squeak on long time. If this is not available, then it is better to purchase it, since WD-40 is suitable for many situations in life, and not just for lubricating door mechanisms. For example, the tool is able to quickly clean rust, glue, paint, etc. It is convenient to use it, since WD-40 is produced in cans, in the form of a spray.

    Usually, WD-40 comes with an extension cord, with which you can lubricate hard-to-reach places.

  2. graphite lubricant. This is probably the best hinge lube as it will get rid of unpleasant sounds for years to come. Graphite grease practically does not lose its properties over time.

    Even a small jar of graphite grease lasts for many years

  3. Silicone grease is also a fairly durable solution. It can be used as an alternative to graphite material. It is excellent for processing exterior doors because silicone is not exposed to high and low temperatures.

    Silicone grease was originally designed for motorists, but is also great for lubricating door hinges.

  4. Solid oil or lithol. These are popular tools, but they are not so convenient to use. It is necessary to remove the doors in order to properly process the hinges. If this is not done, then lubrication will help for a while.

    Grease, when contaminated, can acquire the properties of an abrasive

  5. Graphite pencil. It can only be used when there are no other lubricants at all. Graphite shavings have high sliding properties, but graphite spills out pretty quickly.

    A graphite pencil has the properties of a graphite lubricant, but this is only a temporary solution to the problem.

It is important to remember that you cannot use any vegetable or animal oils to lubricate door mechanisms. This is especially true for sunflower. Temporarily, this tool will help solve the problem. But then the hinges will quickly begin to rust. This will only make the problem much worse.

Sunflower oil greatly harms rubbing mechanisms

Once my uncle smeared the hinges on the front door with sunflower oil. At the same time, I decided to pour it into the castle for prevention. About a week later, the lock began to act up, constantly sticking, and then completely broke. The key was so stuck that the lock had to be changed. The hinges also began to creak over time. had to do complete dismantling. Rust for 3 months has accumulated as much as for several years. We ended up cleaning it with WD-40.

Video: WD-40 All-Purpose

How to properly lubricate creaking hinges

For different types of doors, different types of hinges are used. Lubrication in each case has its own nuances.

How to oil wooden door hinges

The most popular type for wooden doors are universal hinges. They can be collapsible and non-collapsible. In order to perfectly lubricate the door hinges and solve the creaking problem for a long time, it is necessary to remove the door leaf and thoroughly clean all elements of rust. The doors are then put in place. The order of work for a collapsible type of loops:

  1. First you need to purchase the right lubricant. It is desirable that the package has a "spout". This will make it much easier to work.

    Liquid lubricant is the easiest way to get the job done

  2. You should find the hinge rod. It is made of two elements and a rod that connects them. To lubricate effectively, it must be removed.

    Door hinge rod connects the elements together

  3. It is necessary to open the door as much as possible and get it. In some cases, this can be done with your fingers, but often you will have to use pliers.

    Sometimes the rod sits very firmly, so you have to carefully knock it out

  4. Apply lubricant. It is necessary to lubricate the rod itself and internal surfaces loop elements.

    If the rod is dirty or rusty, it must be cleaned

  5. Return the rod to its place.
  6. Check the door. If unpleasant sounds remain, it is necessary to redo the entire procedure, only add more lubricant. This must be done until the creak is completely gone.
  7. Wipe the loop with a paper towel or cotton cloth. All oil and dust must be wiped off.

    Pollution can cause squeaks to return

If you try to perform the operation without removal, you can bend the metal elements. For example, when the rod is pulled out of the upper structure, the force on the lower one will increase, and the entire door can be moved to the side.

Non-separable canopies can only be lubricated with liquid material. There is no need to remove the door.

There are also ordinary (detachable) canopies, which are slightly different from hinges with a rod (universal). They are being used less and less. This design is made on the principle of "thorn-groove". The rod is welded directly to one hinge element and inserted into another.

Doors with split door hinges can be removed by simply lifting them up

To lubricate such a canopy, it is not necessary to completely remove the doors. There is a simpler way, but it requires a liquid lubricant. Lubrication is carried out in several steps:

  1. Open the door as much as possible.
  2. Use a lever to lift it up. For this, for example, a file is suitable. It is necessary to insert it under the end of the canvas and pull it up.

    The lever significantly reduces the amount of effort required

  3. Lubricate all elements that rub with a tube with a spout or a conventional syringe.

    It is desirable that the section of the “nose” be minimal in order to crawl through even the narrowest gaps.

  4. Lower the lever until the blade returns to its original position.
  5. Several times it is necessary to open and close the door. This is necessary so that the lubricant completely covers all the elements.

This method is great for lubricating the hinges of ordinary wooden interior doors. They always use detachable or universal canopies.

There are also hidden hinges, which are often used for entrance doors. All rubbing elements should be found and carefully treated with a liquid lubricant. Now most models have holes where lubricants must be poured. On different types designs they are in different places, so you just need to carefully inspect the fastener.

Hidden hinge is not visible when the door is closed

Video: lubrication of different types of hinges

How to lubricate the hinges of a plastic door

Plastic doors have their own distinctive features. PVC material practically does not conduct heat. Also plastic doors very tight to the frame thanks to the seals.

A creak can appear not only because of the hinges, but also because of other fittings (handles, closers, clamping elements).

Most people start lubricating the hinges right away. Other elements of the product are simply ignored. You can’t do this, because the creak may not disappear. It is necessary to pay attention to the accessories.

It should also be lubricated. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The linings from the hinges are removed and cleaned from all kinds of contaminants.

    Cover removed with door closed

  2. Silicone lubricant is then sprayed on.
  3. After applying the product, it is necessary that the lubricant gets inside the loops. To do this, the door must be opened several times as much as possible.
  4. Next, you need to open the closer housing (it is fixed on the screws) and lubricate all rubbing elements.

    All visible dirt must be removed before lubricating the clamping elements.

If the door still creaks, then the problem may lie in something else, and not in the hinges. In this case, it will have to be reinstalled or replaced completely.

How to grease glass door hinges

Loops for glass doors have a more accurate and delicate design. Often they are non-separable or difficult to disassemble, so liquid products should be used for lubrication.

Lubrication of the hinge for glass doors usually occurs without dismantling

It is best to use WD-40. It is necessary to pour lubricant into each gap found from a can. Then, check for the presence of a squeak. If it remains, add lubricant and more.

How to grease metal door hinges

Before installation, metal doors are thoroughly lubricated. But over time, the lubricant is produced. When it becomes small, a creak appears.

IN winter time solidol can be used. He will not let the loops freeze. But it is better to use a specialized tool - graphite grease.

There are hinges inside which are not a ball, but bearings

Metal door hinges can be treated with lubricant without removal. But this is only if they are not hidden under the overlays. If the overlays are present, you will have to remove the entire structure. They are welded to the door frame and block access to the hinges. Lubrication work is carried out according to the standard principle:

If the hinges of a metal door are heavily rusted, they must first be treated with WD-40. Only after complete cleaning can you start lubricating. In the summer, WD-40 can also be used as a lubricant.

How to oil a folding door

Such a door does not have hinges, but a creak may appear in the wheels or due to a dirty guide. With the guide, everything is simple - you just need to carefully clean it.

It is necessary to lubricate the rollers in a timely manner so that the bearings do not rust.

Wheels will need to be lubricated. For this you need:

The guides should not be lubricated, as the dirt will begin to stick even more.

How to grease the hinges of a double-sided door

There are also double doors. They can open in any direction.

Double-sided doors are very comfortable, but with a strong draft they can start to twitch

Such hinges must be lubricated with machine oil. For this you need:

Often doors with such hinges are installed in in public places. Therefore, lubrication must be carried out every 6 months. If a lot of people pass through the door, then preventive lubrication should be done every 3 months.

What exactly is better to lubricate the door hinges so that they no longer creak? As a rule, this question arises in any person at least once in a lifetime.

Unfortunately, not all of us are responsible for preventive work around the house and prefer to fix various problems as they arise. How to get rid of the squeak, we will tell in this article.

If the sound of the hinges appeared immediately after installation new door, this indicates incorrect installation. In this situation, the most correct would be to eliminate the existing defect.

Often the problem arises due to the fact that the loop on one side touches the cashing. Thus, when the doors are opened, the surfaces simply rub against each other. As it is not difficult to guess, oil cannot help here, in principle.

It should also be noted that in modern hinges a steel ball is often installed inside. If it is not there, then the creak occurs quite quickly. The thing is that in this situation, the severity of the web enhances the fit of the detachable elements, and because of this, an unpleasant sound occurs.

And finally, old doors usually creak due to the drying of previously poured oil.

What is suitable for lubrication

If there is no oil, then at home it is easy to use alternatives. So, for example, to eliminate an unpleasant sound will allow:

  • ordinary refined sunflower;
  • powdered lead of a simple pencil;
  • melted wax, stearin or paraffin.

However, the use of these substances should be resorted to with a certain degree of caution. They all have fairly obvious drawbacks. First of all, sunflower oil or wax helps for a very short time. In just a couple of weeks, the unpleasant sound from the loops will again begin to piss you off.

All improvised means dry out rather quickly and lose their lubricating properties. And some of them contribute to the formation of rust. These include, in particular:

  • petrolatum;
  • butter;
  • lard, etc.

Therefore, using one of the options described above, you should acquire a suitable lubricant as soon as possible and replace the impromptu one. Moreover, before dropping it into the loops, the latter will need to be thoroughly cleaned. This is not so difficult to do - just pour the solvent inside:

  • petrol;
  • White Spirit.

The most versatile lubricating compound today is WD-40. Get a small can - and it will last for many years. This tool is, in fact, complex. It allows:

  • eliminate the creak;
  • rinse metal elements;
  • remove corrosion.

Any oil used in a car, including already used ones, is also suitable. If you don't have vehicle, then ask your neighbors who have it - they are unlikely to refuse.

Finally, the oil that is used for sewing machines will do.

Specialized lubricants include:

  • Litol;
  • Solidol;
  • Ciatim;
  • Technical vaseline.

How to grease hinges

Since the correct procedure will allow you to do without updating the grease in the door for many years, it is better to do everything once, but correctly.

First of all, remove the canvas from the hinges. To do this, lift it by the handles, while moving back and forth, or press it up with a nail puller or, for example, an ax.

The pin and the inside of the cup are washed with gasoline drawn into the syringe. After drying, they are treated with grease, and the door is again returned to its intended place. Then it needs to be closed and opened several times - this will evenly distribute the oil inside. Wipe off any excess with a dry cloth.

If the creak is eliminated at the new door for the first time, then it is not necessary to remove it from the hinge. It is enough just to slightly raise the canvas and drop the agent into the gap that has appeared.

In some old doors, the hinges are one-piece. This is where the previously mentioned WD-40 comes in handy. It is simply sprinkled on the crack. The specificity of this tool is such that it very easily penetrates into the smallest holes.

It makes no sense to lubricate rusty hinges - this will not give an effect. They should be replaced with new ones.

Lubrication of the castle

Those who reduce door maintenance only to the care of hinges do not act very correctly. It is also not uncommon for the locking device to make an unpleasant grinding sound if the oil inside it has dried up or is completely absent. In addition, such a lock very often jams or jams. Certainly, big problem this does not create if it is rarely used, but the constipation installed on the front door must be treated with the utmost attention.

Most old locks (cylinder) are treated with the same substances as hinges. If Entrance door goes directly to the street - it makes sense to take silicone grease not afraid of high humidity or low temperatures.

More complex modern (lever) require other compositions. Graphite is the best. Its powder is poured directly into the mechanism.

It is impractical to pour lubricant directly into the well, because the key will get dirty in it, which means that oil stains will appear on clothes, it is almost impossible to remove them from the latter. Therefore, spend a little more time - pull out the lock, disassemble and lubricate. In this case, it will serve for many decades.