Mixer      06/20/2020

Flower beds in the form of a ball. How to make a beautiful flower bed with your own hands. Where and how to plant flowers so that they grow vertically and do not fall

Decorative cement balls for the garden. Ideas and master class

Do not want to decorate your flower bed, garden or summer cottage garden sculpture- a decorative ball of cement? I really like this idea, I will definitely do it. Moreover, the work is quite simple, a woman can easily cope with it without help. male hands) The main thing is that someone drag a bag of cement, and drag it where necessary) Having made a decorative ball, you can decorate it to your taste, for example, level it with putty, paint it with facade paint in the desired color, decorate it with a mosaic of tiles, broken glass or mirror, mosaic of broken dishes, decorate with moss, decorative glass balls, decorate with bottoms plastic bottles and so on, there are a lot of ideas and ways.

And these balls are covered mirror paint look how beautiful)

In order to prevent the decorative ball from crumbling and cracking from bad weather, it is best to make it from concrete. The usual ratio for concrete is 1-2-3, one shovel of cement, two shovels of sand, three shovels of rubble, water by eye. All the work on creating a decorative round sculpture will take only two days, but the decoration will delight you for many years. Just imagine how nice it will be to sit in the garden next to the ball and admire your creation) It’s warm now, and I can’t sit at home anymore, I want to spend all my free time outdoors, needlework, reading, playing ... By the way, I have helpful information for everyone who likes to spend time with game consoles. You can repair any electrical equipment by contacting XboxFlash.Ru repair professionals. One of the company's most popular services is the modification and flashing of game consoles and flashing the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim. To learn about the advantages of such firmware and whether it is possible to do it yourself, you can find out on the company's website.

So, we need:

Cement, sand, water, rubber ball and shovel.

We knead the solution: cement + sand + water, 1 to 3. We cut a hole in the ball, allowing the passage for a small spatula. Filling the ball with solution

We are waiting for hardening 24-48 hours

Removing the "skin" of the ball

If necessary, trim the roughness

You can leave the ball as it is. Can be beautifully painted with acrylic

And one more way if you want to make big balls. For work you need a construction grid

Recently, flower beds are becoming more and more popular. unusual shape, including hanging ones. Such flower beds will help solve the problem of placing flowers in small areas. Original hanging flower beds can be made with your own hands, using the most different materials, starting from plastic bottles and ending with the remnants of the ebb after summer repairs. At the same time, in such plants you can grow not only flowers, but also strawberries and spicy greens.

You can make a hanging flower bed with your own hands:

  • from a plastic bottle;
  • out of the tide;
  • from a bag;
  • from wire.

Hanging flower bed from plastic bottles

The bottle itself is a ready-made small flower bed. It remains only to decide in what position it will hang. Based on this, make the necessary holes:

  1. Horizontal suspension. For this position, the bottle needs to cut one side for planting a flower. On the opposite side, pierce holes for drainage. The rope for hanging is fixed from the side of the neck and to the bottom of the bottle.
  2. Vertical suspension. For such a flower bed at the bottle, you can cut off the upper or lower part (about half the height), or carefully cut through holes for the possibility of planting inside plants.

Suspended flowerbed from the tide

To create such a flower bed, an unnecessary piece of ebb is suitable. Plugs are installed on the sides. At low tide, pour nutrient soil and plant plants.

Such a flower bed is suspended with a strong wire or rope. In this case, you can hang both one flower bed and make a multi-tiered composition.

Hanging flower bed from a bag

As a flower bed, you can use an old (but whole and dense) burlap bag, or make it from polyethylene. The further principle is very simple - pour soil into the bag, make drainage holes from the bottom, and holes for planting on the sides. On top of the bag you need to attach a loop for hanging.

Round hanging flower bed

A flowerbed-ball with petunias growing in it looks very chic, and you can make it yourself on the basis of wire with large cells. To do this, you need to form a ball-frame of the desired volume from the wire (if desired, the base of the flower bed can be twisted into a cylinder shape). Line the ball inside with a film and cover it with nutrient soil on top. To be able to irrigate in the center of the flower bed, insert a small tube so that it is flush with the frame.

Make a few drainage holes at the bottom of the hanging flower bed-ball so that excess water drains.

The flower bed is ready, it remains to plant petunias: cut a film in each cell in the center, deepen the ground and plant seedlings in the hole. You can hang such a flower bed with a chain.

Variants of hanging flower beds, video

Every garden plot should have a flower bed. Even a small bright spot will dilute the color monotony of garden greenery and become a source of positive emotions. In landscape design, flower beds play important role. In one case, they can be a link between the house and green spaces. In the other, to become the central element around which the rest of the components will be grouped. landscape design garden plot.

Often the choice falls on round flower beds, their design can be very diverse and depends on both the decision landscape style garden, and from the place that is assigned to them.

Round flower bed - a classic garden design. Along with flower beds of other forms, it has been present in the design of the garden for more than one century. For so long term of existence, it has undergone some changes, and new plants introduced into garden culture, their various varieties and forms make it possible to make the color content of a round flower bed unique.

The choice of a place for a flower garden depends on the existing buildings and plantings. It should not destroy the existing composition, but serve as its continuation, perhaps the final touch, giving the whole look of the garden a finished look.

The traditional purpose of a round flower bed is front door. Often it serves as a decoration for the recreation area in front of the house. Such a flower garden especially benefits from the proximity to the lawn. Against the background of greenery, a contrasting color spot catches the eye.

The photo shows how much more attractive the front area near the house has become from the presence of a bright flower garden.

If there is not enough free space, and you really want to make round flower beds with your own hands, you can break several small ones by placing them in a row or in any other order.

Scheme for creating several small round flower beds

An unusual and interesting option is to enclose a round flower bed inside a square flower garden, separating it with a gravel path. Feng Shui uses this form to increase energy. And the circle in this Eastern practice is a symbol of perfection. Such a flower garden at the intersection of paths looks very good.

Options for different layouts of round flower beds enclosed in a square

An important point is the size of the future garden design element. It must be correlated with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site on which it will be located. In a large space, a small flower garden will be lost, and in a small one, a huge flower bed will look ridiculous. It is necessary to take into account the convenience of caring for plants. Nobody canceled regular weeding and top dressing, and it will be problematic to reach the center of a large flower garden.

When choosing a place for round flower beds, you should be guided by time-tested recommendations.

Without flowers, the site looks boring and uninteresting. Properly designed flower beds cheer up, because…

Patterns of landscape design

In order to successfully make a round flower bed in the garden of a private house or in the country with your own hands, you need to consider following rules landscape design.

  • The integrity of the composition.

The decorative design of any garden plot should be carried out according to a well-thought-out plan. It is best to draw it on paper, noting on a scale all available plantations and buildings, not forgetting about uniform style site design and color harmony both existing plants and those that are going to be planted. Only in this case, the created round flower garden will organically fit into the surrounding landscape.

  • Place plants according to their growth.

The highest ones are placed in the background. Medium-sized in front of them - they attract the most attention, so their selection must be taken responsibly. Emphasize the beauty of the flower garden and give it a finished look curb undersized plants that border it along the edge. The placement of flowers in a round flower garden is determined by its shape. The tallest plant is planted in the center, and each next tier will be lower than the previous one.

  • Consider the architecture of the flower garden.

It can be both flat and domed, have decorative fencing or do without it. Inside the flower garden there is its own geometry. It has to do with the location of the plants. The easiest option is concentric circles, for which flowers are selected according to height and color. At correct selection such a flower bed looks quite impressive. A more complex geometric solution is also possible, for example, a Viennese flower or a repeating geometric pattern. You can divide the flower bed into sectors. The color solution of this layout option can be both contrasting and sustained in one color, but different shades. A variant of an asymmetric arrangement of flowers is possible. How to make such a flower bed beautiful? Color spots from several flowers of the same species should be adjacent to decorative greenery, while none of the plants should obscure the others.

Scheme of a flower bed Viennese flower

An approximate version of a set of annual flowers for its contrasting design

  1. Marigolds erect orange color, varieties "Beach season". Height 80 cm.
  2. Ageratum high grade "Blue Bouquet". Height 60 cm.
  3. Snapdragon variety "Eldorado" with yellow flowers. Height 45 cm.
  4. Drummond's phlox is white. Height 25 cm.
  5. Marigold thin-leaved "Ursula" with yellow-brown flowers. Height 25 cm. It is enough to plant one bush, which has the shape of a ball, completely covered with small flowers.
  6. Alyssum purple varieties "Purple Queen". Height 15 cm.
  7. Ageratum varieties "Blue mink". Height 25 cm.
  8. Alyssum is white. Height 15 cm.

All these annuals love similar growing conditions: they are not afraid of the sun, do not require daily watering and grow well on soils of medium fertility, take root well after transplantation. Their seeds are easy to find on sale, but seedlings will have to be pre-grown, otherwise flowering will only be in the second half of summer.

With the help of planted flowers, you can "draw" various pictures or ornaments - everything that the flower grower's fantasy tells you.

When creating round flower beds in a country house or in the garden of a private house, you cannot skip the planning stage so as not to replant plants later. Most of them do not like transplants, and some may simply not take root.

Flower garden planning

First, the plan is drawn on paper. The scale must be maintained. Therefore, it is necessary to know the exact dimensions of the future masterpiece. When creating a plan, it is good to use colored pencils. This way you can achieve optimal color solution. Each plant must be marked on the plan. Planting too rarely is not worth it - the effect of a carpet of plants will not work. When planting perennials, one must not forget that over time the bushes grow.

Plant selection

It is important to immediately determine the range of future landings. There may be many options. In order not to get confused in them, they decide whether the set of plants will be perennial or will have to be updated annually. What flowers to plant, each owner suburban area decides independently based on their preferences and capabilities. But it can be difficult for a novice florist to make a choice, since the name of the flowers may not tell them anything. In this case, it is better to opt for annuals, as most of them are unpretentious and easy to grow. They have another indisputable advantage: grown from seedlings, they start flowering early, which usually continues throughout the season. With perennials, continuous flowering is much more difficult to achieve.

How to do it right? It is necessary to draw up a schedule for the flowering of future inhabitants of the flower garden.

  • Early flowering: bulbous and other primroses are the first to meet the season. They will be replaced by styloid phlox, daisies, pansies, dicentra.
  • In late spring - early summer, milky-flowered peonies, bearded irises, Matrona's evening, oriental poppy, doronicum, brunner, aquilegia, astilbe, bathing suit will bloom.
  • Most of the summer pleasing to the eye different kinds bluebells, lilies, daisies, daylilies, delphiniums, aconites, perennial carnations, centranthus, yarrows.
  • In the second half of summer, phloxes, dahlias, gladioli, catnip, monarda, some types of anemones, eustoma, which you can learn more about growing, join the floral ensemble.
  • At the end of summer and autumn, stonecrops, perennial asters, rudbeckia, chrysanthemums will delight with their flowering.

It is good if various cereals are present in the flower garden, decorative throughout the season.

A huge selection of plants will make a round flower bed always blooming. The main criterion in the selection of plants is similar requirements for illumination, water regime, acidity and soil fertility. And the place where the plants will be planted must meet these requirements.

Work on creating a round flower garden

When the plants are selected, and the plan is ready, they begin to implement it on the ground. To make a round flower bed, you need to put a peg in its center and tie a rope to it, the length of which is equal to the radius of the future flower garden. A full turn of the rope around the axis will indicate its perimeter.

Before planting plants, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil.

Soil preparation

After garbage collection, the turf layer is removed, the earth is dug up, completely removing all, even the smallest, roots of weeds. This operation is especially important if the flower garden is planned to be planted with perennials. Even a small root of wheatgrass can sprout very quickly and drown cultivated plants. It is very difficult to clean an already planted flower garden from it without damaging the roots of the flowers. If the level ground water high, requires a layer of drainage of small pebbles.

It is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil. Most garden dwellers like neutral or slightly acidic soil. Exceptions soil loving more acidic are conifers, hydrangeas, azaleas and rhododendrons, but they are infrequent guests in the flower beds.

The easiest way is to analyze it in an agrochemical laboratory. But this is not available to everyone. There is an easier way: you need to carefully look at the composition of the weed. If most of- this is couch grass, which means the soil is neutral, the predominance of woodlice, horsetail, small sorrel, plantain, field violet indicates its increased acidity. When digging the earth, you will have to add ash, which serves not only as a deoxidizer, but also is good fertilizer containing potassium and many trace elements.

Requires a complete mineral fertilizer. But it is better not to bring in fresh manure - most of the inhabitants of the flower garden cannot tolerate it. The best organic matter is humus and garden compost. Sometimes it is necessary to improve the structure of the soil. Sand is added to clay clay, and sand clay is added to sandy clay. Sprinkling the earth, give the flower bed a convex shape.

Filling the flower garden

You can plant plants when the ground settles, after about two weeks. It is better to do this starting from the center. There are landing standards for one square meter for plants of different heights, which are convenient to guide.

  • Tall plants - 4 pcs.
  • Medium height - 6 pcs.
  • Low - 8 pcs.
  • Ground covers - 9 pcs.

Plants of the same species are planted in groups of at least five (for large ones, at least three) to create a color spot and eliminate excessive variegation.

A special case is conifers and small shrubs: most often, one copy is enough. But there is an exception. It is very interesting that you can either begonias, combining with or without conifers. In the first case, you can choose, for example, bright begonias of the same color, but in different shades, as in the photo. If coniferous plants not provided, roses or begonias of calmer colors are appropriate, pastel shades are better.

Finishing touch - fencing

It will give the flower beds a finished look, will allow the beauty of the planted plants to manifest even more. The fence has another important function - it will not allow weeds to penetrate from the lawn into the territory of the flower garden. There are many different types of plastic fences on the market. But a stone border looks much more organic and beautiful. He may be from natural stone, and consist of bricks, stone blocks small size or paving slabs. This fence is also the most durable.

Creating a border of stones with your own hands is a rather laborious, but quite doable task. It is possible to lay stones and bricks both with the use of cement mortar and without it. In the latter case, the support will be held by its own gravity. The main disadvantage of such a fence is the possibility of overgrowing with weeds due to falling into the cracks between the stones of the earth. But you can easily change the geometry of the curb.

How to make a stone border with your own hands

  1. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the flower bed with a width equal to the size of the largest stone, and 20 cm deep.
  2. Geotextiles are laid and sand is poured in a layer of 5 cm. The sand is wetted and compacted.
  3. If the curb is made of concrete, then formwork is required, where the solution is poured. The stones are just beautiful. Fasten them if necessary. cement mortar. A fence is also made of bricks or small concrete blocks.

In order to create a round flower bed with your own hands, you need to make a lot of effort. But the result obtained will warm the heart of the author for a long time with its beauty and originality.

Vertical flower beds are considered one of the most beautiful decorative elements personal plot. Often they are used to save space. They amaze with their unusualness and diversity. There are several types of such flower beds. The choice is determined by preferences, opportunities and availability necessary materials. It is important to remember that the vertical flower bed must support the chosen style of the site.

Types and design of vertical flower beds

For those who like to combine flowering plants with non-blooming ones, we can recommend an alpine hill. To build it, you will need a small hill of earth and stones. Stones do not need to be placed in size, it is important to maintain the shape of the pyramid when installing them. Plants are arranged randomly. Low-growing flowers can easily coexist with tall ones. Of the undersized flowering, the most common are viola, primrose, forget-me-not. look interesting options.

Varieties Alpine slide count the cascade and the pyramid. They consist of an odd number of tiers. Their difference is that upper layer must be completed with stones: at the cascade - flat, at the pyramid - sharp. Stones can be replaced with bricks (even incomplete ones) and tree cuts.

One of the most common options is a flower bed in the form of a screen. It is made with the help of climbing plants and decorates the fence, porch, gazebo.

A three-dimensional figure is a kind of flower bed-screen. With the help of metal or wooden rods, any desired figure is created. Planted at the base of the flower garden climbing plants, which then wrap around the entire figure.

Raised flower beds leave a lot of room for the gardener's creativity. They can be made from any improvised material. They consist of individual flower beds, each one rising above the other, creating a multi-level space.

As a material, you can use tires, buckets, flowerpots, baskets, chairs. Flowering plants of different heights look very impressive in them. The shape and size of the raised flower bed can be anything.

Hanging flowerpots are considered the easiest to perform. They are attached to the fence, walls. Only flowers intended specifically for flowerpots can grow in them (only they can bloom in a limited amount of land).

The main advantage of vertical flower beds is that they do not need to select plants by color and height. It is not necessary to follow the rules for their placement. So, all your favorite types of flowers will decorate them, delighting the owner of the site.

How to make a petunia flower bed

The owners certainly ennoble the private courtyard with flowering crops. According to aesthetic rules, the decoration of the courtyard is not flat beds, but decorative ones. garden plants. So that they do not spread all over the site and do not take up too much space (it’s a pity to uproot the cherished beauty!), They are limited to flower beds. It turns out such bouquets, blooming from early spring until late autumn. It depends on what crops to plant them.

To make the flower beds in front of the house look bright, it is worth using flowers in their creation - people from hot countries. That's where the real feast of colors! And it’s not for nothing that petunia, a native of South America (more precisely, Brazil), is so fond of growing as a flower ornamental crop. Its flowers are painted in rich shades of red, pink, orange, lilac and mottled white ... The size of the cup of petals is small, but there are also large ones. Why not suitable planting material?

So, having decided on the type of flower, select the floral range. A flower bed can be one-color, or maybe with a gradient of transition from a dark color to a lighter one. What form of drawing to choose? Concentric circles, contrasting stripes, "petals" of a large flower, geometric figures and in general fantasy patterns invented by you personally. The main thing is that the pattern is clearly visible from the side.

Although petunia is found in nature and perennial, an annual form of culture is common in floriculture. So even better. Every year you can create different patterns. In different color schemes.

Along with erect stems, some varieties of petunia have curly stems. Such mini-vines are also beneficial to use in flower beds. For a multi-stage design in combination with even stems, creepers will come in handy as well as possible.

The root system of petunias is such that it does not need large spaces or containers. It will take root perfectly in small flower bed forms. Even in the hollow of an old tree or in a hollowed out stump. Recommended by landscape designers unusual solutions! The petunia also feels great as a flowerpot.

Petunia goes well with other plants. Compositions in combination with levkoy, snapdragon, marigolds, begonias will look spectacular.

Petunias are not afraid of heat. They have immunity. But, as plants of a subtropical climate, they prefer abundant watering (by no means a swamp). plant these flowers better seedlings and in sunny areas, but they will accept partial shade.

Petunia is one of the most suitable and not whimsical plants for vertical beds.

A small plot often does not allow gardeners to deploy chic flower beds. But after all, everyone wants to decorate their site so that it becomes the pride and decoration of the yard. In this case, it is advised to build vertical flower beds.

Of course, if you contact a landscape designer, they will create chic multi-level compositions of often bizarre shapes with the perfect combination of colors for you.

But you can create it yourself with very little effort.

1. The easiest way to create such a flower bed is as follows. Take two or three plastic or wooden pole different height. In the second case, the wood must be pre-treated with an anti-rotting agent.

You will also need old plastic buckets, from which the handles are removed and mounted on posts in different places. Make sure they are securely fastened. The next step is extremely simple. Fill buckets with earth and plant flowers. As a rule, it is worth choosing climbing plants that grow to cover the entire composition, creating a waterfall of color.

2. One more interesting way creating a flower bed involves the use flower pots. If there is an old tree in your garden that does not bear fruit, do not rush to get rid of it. Treat its trunk by removing dry branches and bark. You should not touch the still living branches of the tree, they will also be useful in creating the composition.

To fix the pots, we need self-tapping screws or special strips. Pots need to be purchased light, plastic. They are placed in random order along the entire tree trunk and on its branches. After that, they are filled with earth or substrate and the most various plants. The closer to each other the pots are located and the brighter the flowers are in them, the more spectacular the composition itself will look.

3. An ordinary pipe, which is used for sewerage, can also become your assistant in creating an original flower bed. There are several options for its use. The first simple one involves cutting the pipe lengthwise, resulting in two equal parts with a gutter.

Restrictive elements are installed on the edges that will not allow the earth to spill out of the structure, and our “bed” is suspended with the help of ropes in any convenient location. For example, on the visor of the threshold, on a horizontally located tree branch, at the entrance to the gazebo. In such a flower bed you can plant both curly flowers and small bright ones. It is possible to create several tiers by placing such flower beds on hangers of different lengths.

4. The second way to use plastic pipes even easier. You need to bury the pipe in the ground for one third of its length in a place convenient for you. Further, small holes are made in the pipe, and its cavity is filled with a substrate, into which plant seeds are preliminarily mixed. After a short period of time, the plants will sprout through the holes, and you will get unique colorful vertical flower beds.

Vertical flowerbed master class step by step

For this vertical flower bed we take plastic barrel and make holes. Then we plant ready seedlings petunias, as shown in the photo.

The result is such a multi-colored vertical flower bed.

Video tutorial - how to make a simple vertical flower bed from plastic bottles

Vertical flowerbed photo gallery