Shower      04.03.2020

Supply valve for plastic windows principle of operation. Ventilation valve for plastic windows to ensure a constant flow of air into the room. Ventilation valves and their advantages

Mold on the slopes, stuffiness and “weeping” windows are consequences of the tightness of modern plastic windows. Problems are solved by installing a valve supply ventilation for plastic windows.

Ventilation inlets for PVC windows are mounted on the top of the window sash, creating air supply to the room. special design ventilated windows keep street noise out, providing peace and quiet without creating drafts. Existing structures ventilation valves suitable for aluminum windows, plastic and wood.

With some skills and using our instructions, you can organize the supply ventilation of plastic windows with your own hands.

How the inlet valve works

It is possible to properly equip window ventilation only by understanding the mechanism of its operation. This is especially important, since in order to install a valve of the most common design, it will be necessary to cut a hole in the window 1 cm wide and about 30 cm long. At the end of the work, it is closed by the valve body. It will not be possible to remove the valve so as not to open the ventilation slot on the window profile.

The inlet valve for PVC windows is part of passive ventilation. Cold air is sucked into the room and pushes out more warm air into exhaust ducts. The movement is provided due to the pressure difference, so natural ventilation operates when the air temperature outside is less than +5 degrees. In summer, passive ventilation will only work with forced exhaust.

Thus, for the operation of the supply valve, the following conditions are necessary:

  • The apartment must be properly ventilated. To check its operation, you should close the door to the apartment, open the window in the room as far as possible from the ventilation duct and attach a piece of paper to the grate. If it holds, the hood is fine. Even when the hood draws poorly, the valve will slightly improve the condition of the air in the apartment, but its efficiency will be low;
  • The air temperature outside is less than +5 degrees;
  • There must be free air exchange between rooms in the apartment. That is, the doors are open or there are gaps 2 cm wide under them. Ventilation holes with a total area of ​​​​130 square meters can be made in the lower part of the doors. see for bathroom doors and 200 sq. see for the kitchen;
  • To prevent air leakage from the entrance, the front door should be sealed as much as possible.
  • Many owners are afraid of freezing of the ventilation inlet valve for PVC windows. Indeed, if the supply ventilation valve is not adjusted correctly, the phenomenon is possible. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of the owners of plastic windows. In severe frosts, the valve cannot be closed completely.

    Then it will warm up with warm air from the room and icing of the plastic window with ventilation is excluded.

    If the ventilation valve needs to be closed completely, the air supply slot is glued on the outside. The gap is closed very carefully, providing complete impermeability.

    But the increase in noise in the apartment after installing the supply ventilation valve on the plastic window should not be frightened. The air supply slot is very small, so the sound insulation will decrease slightly, as evidenced by the reviews on the supply ventilation valves for plastic windows.

    Air inlet efficiency

    This question certainly arises for every owner of an apartment with metal-plastic windows without ventilation. In order not to waste money, check the expected effect of the work before buying a valve.

    Remove the seal from the top of the window sash. No need to trim it, just leave it hanging. To reduce airflow, insert a piece of elastic back into place. Leave the window like this for a few days. Pay attention to the following options:

    • room temperature;
    • the presence of condensation on the glass;
    • whether there was street noise;
    • is there a draft?

    After the experiment, the seal is inserted into place.

    By the way, the air temperature in the room after installing the supply ventilation valve for plastic windows will become lower. After all, cold outside air enters the room. If the apartment has excellent heating, the owners will not even notice a difference of 2-3 degrees. Otherwise, you will have to abandon the installation of a ventilation valve for a plastic window and think about purchasing a supply air device with air heating.

    The need for supply valves on plastic windows

    There are owners who prefer warmth to fresh air. And they are wrong. In America and Europe, which have been using plastic windows for 30 years, there is a term “unhealthy building syndrome”. It applies specifically to sealed buildings with poor air exchange. Staying in such rooms is harmful to humans. According to WHO, diseases caused by poor indoor air quality kill 5,000 people every day. It is the internal air, and not the gassed street! In America, up to 30 thousand people a year die from diseases caused by an increase in the concentration of radon in apartments. Gas is released from the ground, building materials and accumulates in houses that are not equipped with plastic windows with ventilation. Radon is completely invisible without special devices.

    Air conditioning does not replace the ventilation of plastic windows!

    Supply window valve-handle

    The ventilation valve for plastic windows is installed instead of the standard handle. Many PVC window owners do not want to install ventilation inlet valves that protrude beyond the sash. For them, a convenient solution has been created that allows you to ventilate the room without disturbing appearance.

    Benefits of window ventilation in the form of a handle valve:

    • The ventilation valve is located in the place where condensation normally appears on the plastic window. The valve creates a natural movement of air, especially important in the cold season;
    • The combination of a handle valve and an exhaust ventilation system creates a healthy microclimate in the premises, removes excess moisture;
    • The supply ventilation valve in the form of a handle for plastic windows is a straight-through design. According to the laws of physics, penetrating into warm room, cold air does not create condensation. That is, the valve will not freeze in winter;
    • The valve is equipped with an air filter that does not let dust into the room. The filter is changed once every six months.

    There are still few reviews on the supply ventilation valve in the form of a handle, because this is a novelty. But the principle of its operation is similar to well-proven ventilation devices. plastic windows. This design is also suitable as a ventilation valve for aluminum windows.

    Installing a valve for ventilating a plastic window with your own hands is not difficult. The kit includes detailed instructions and a diagram of the location of the holes in the air chambers of the sash. All fasteners are included.

    Do-it-yourself installation of a supply valve on a window

    The supply air valve on the plastic window can be installed independently. Home master with experience will spend no more than an hour on this.

    You will need the following tools:

    • ruler;
    • screwdriver or screwdriver;
    • sharp knife;
    • valve.

    Do-it-yourself supply valve for plastic windows is installed on the window flap. First you need to make a markup in the middle of the upper part of the sash using a ruler. The order of work depends on the design of the valve. So in some cases, to equip a window with ventilation, you only need to replace the sealant section with the one included in the kit. For other models, you will have to make a gap in the profile. When choosing a ventilation valve for aluminum windows, it is preferable to stop at the first option, since it is difficult to cut the supply slot accurately at home.

    Manufacturers usually supply their devices detailed instructions, allowing you to equip the ventilation of a plastic window with your own hands.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to install a supply valve for window ventilation in the video:

Reading 9 min.

The building codes of the past did not imply such tightness of the premises, which can be observed now. Air circulation was largely provided by door and window openings, the density of the vestibule in which left much to be desired.

A fundamentally different approach to glazing minimizes heat loss and provides excellent sound insulation of rooms. But at the same time, if you do not pay due attention to ventilation, comfortable living in such rooms is difficult to imagine.

Ways to ventilate plastic windows

Most in demand for this moment, and the problem of controlled ventilation was faced by many of their owners. Consider the common ventilation options for rooms glazed with PVC structures.


Another name for this ventilation method is slot ventilation. In essence, this is opening a window in such a way that between sealing elements sash and frame, a gap of several millimeters is formed. Externally, both from the outside of the room and from its inside, the window looks completely closed, which minimizes attempts of unauthorized entry through it.

Turn the handle at an angle of 45 degrees and pull towards you

The micro-ventilation function will only work in units equipped with the appropriate fittings. Its principle of operation is quite simple: to open the sash in this mode, you need to put the handle at an angle of 45˚ between tilt and turn position.

Roto fittings for micro-ventilation

This method of ventilation is more in demand during the cold season, when the use of conventional options will lead to excessive cooling of the room. This is especially true in children's rooms and rooms with a high likelihood of drafts.

Stepped opening

Unlike the previous method, in which the adjustment options are limited to one position, stepped ventilation provides more wide opportunities room ventilation. The ventilation gap is adjusted in accordance with external and internal climatic conditions in several positions (from 3 to 5).

As in the case of micro-ventilation, the stepped mode is available if there are special fittings in the unit.

There are two options for it:

All the methods described above require the direct participation of people in the room, which is not always convenient. You can partially automate the ventilation process with the help of special window modules and built-in devices.

Installation of fittings for three-stage micro-ventilation on a plastic window:


Self-ventilation of plastic windows can be implemented both directly in the window unit and with the help of supply valves mounted in the wall.

Supply wall valves

One of the most effective and relatively easy to install options is to install a vent valve in outer wall buildings. When choosing similar way air access to the room occurs either through its mechanical supply, or without it, due to the difference in pressure outside and inside the room.

Supply valve KIV-125

Structurally, this is a plastic pipe of the appropriate length (slightly larger than the thickness of the wall), the inner cavity of which is covered with noise isolation material. From the outside, the pipe is closed with a two-layer grate to prevent insects, dust and debris from getting inside.

Supply valve Helios ZLA 100

From the side of the room, an adjustable damper is mounted with the possibility of completely blocking the air flow, for example, in case of strong wind. Also, the device is equipped with air filters.

Wall inlet valve device

Some more sophisticated models can be equipped with a fan, a heating element, temperature and humidity sensors, and a remote control.

Supply and exhaust ventilation "ThermoBarrier" P-230

Note! When choosing a supply valve, you should pay attention to the throughput of the device, the presence of a sufficient amount temperature conditions and adjustment options.

Most elements of wall inlet valves are sold separately, which makes it possible simple designs assemble by yourself.

Supply window valves

Unlike wall analogues, these ventilation elements are mounted directly in window block. Depending on the design features and the method of ventilation, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • With manual adjustment. The valve is installed either on the leaf or on the block frame. In fact, this is an opening closed with decorative grilles on both sides, equipped with a valve, a filter element and a damper for adjusting the air flow.
    Aereco inlet valve is mounted on the window sash

    Another modification of the Aereco supply valve

  • Automatic valve. The throughput of such devices is electronically controlled, with the help of special sensors that monitor the state of the microclimate in the room and, accordingly, open the damper. This is much more convenient than constantly adjusting manually, but the cost of automatic models is quite high.
  • Seam valve. The easiest to install and affordable way to ventilate window blocks. Mounted in the sash rebate and outwardly hardly noticeable. Does not require milling grooves or drilling holes - just trim the seal.
  • slotted valve. Structurally very similar to the version with adjustment. The only difference is that in most models there is no way to control the incoming air flow.

    Air-Box Standard valve

  • Handle with ventilation. The lower part of the opening handle is made with ventilation holes and several large sizes, than usual.

    Handle with ventilation SK - 201

  • Overhead ventilation modules. Most often they are attached to the sash, they have a bulky appearance, but they are quite effective (compared to the above options for window valves).

Pros and cons of supply valves


  • Ventilation occurs without drafts and foreign pollution from the street;
  • Continuous operation provides a continuous supply of fresh air into the room.
  • Most devices are easy to use and install.
  • Even the most budget models significantly reduce the amount of condensate by window panes and frames.


  • At particularly low temperatures, frost may form on the valve;
  • Manual modifications require the constant participation of the user, otherwise it will either be cold or (with in large numbers people) the freshness of the air will be far from desired;
  • Most window shutters partially violate the sound insulation, which causes an increase in noise in the room;
  • If there is no general ventilation in the apartment, the effectiveness of the valve is reduced to nothing.

Compact ventilation devices (breathers, ventilators)

Breezers (ventilators) are compact systems for supplying fresh, clean air to the premises.

Breezer Tion 3s

The supply is carried out either naturally or with the help of a fan. In the first case, quiet, energy-saving operation of the device is guaranteed, but problems with ventilation are possible if there is no difference in external and internal pressure.

Review and feedback on Breezer Tion 3S:

Ventilator with fan will provide proper ventilation, regardless of external climatic conditions, you only need to select the desired mode. In some models, the performance depends on the fan speed, the noise level produced by the device and its power consumption also depend on them.

The devices are equipped with filters of various degrees of purification. The number of elements and the filtering level depends on specific model, the most advanced of which are able to purify the air from the smallest dust particles. In addition, filtration at the molecular level is possible (for example, aftertreatment of exhaust gases).

Blauberg VENTO Expert A50-1 Pro ventilator

Breezers, unlike many ventilators, are more autonomous. It is enough to set it up once (specify the schedule, set the appropriate operating mode) and it will automatically maintain the desired microclimate in the room.

Breather Tion o2


Budget Breezer, calculated for 32 m2, costs - 21000 r. Model with performance up to 140 m3/hour43000 r.

Supply wall valve will be much cheaper - the cost fluctuates from 1000 r. For simple device, up to 8500 r. for a model with a turbine and a high-quality filtration system.

The cost of a valve mounted on a window without milling - from 350r. Overhead modifications requiring complex installation - up to 4500 r.

Valve mounting options

Mounting the patch valve on a metal-plastic window block is performed as follows:

More details can be seen in the video:

Installing a wall inlet valve in some situations requires special equipment. This primarily concerns the installation of valves large diameter into thick walls. To make a hole, you will need a powerful puncher and a drill of the appropriate diameter and length.

Such a tool is rare in household. In addition, difficulties may arise when working on the upper floors. Otherwise, the installation of the wall valve does not require any professional skills and is carried out according to the attached manual.

The process of installing such valves in an apartment, see our video:

Helpful information

The installation of plastic windows can lead to a violation of the microclimate in the house or office: an increase in the humidity of the environment, a lack of oxygen and stale air. It is easy to eliminate such problems with the help of supply valves for window openings.

TBM-Market has a wide range of window ventilators from leading Russian and international manufacturers. They normalize natural ventilation and stabilize air exchange in residential or non-residential premises.

Benefits of inlet valves

The valve consists of an internal controllable grate with adjustment and an external visor. The last element blocks the ingress of precipitation into the house, it is equipped with a protective mesh from small insects. The internal controlled part allows you to set the amount and direction of fresh air movement.

The features of window ventilators include the following:

  • the light zone of the double-glazed window remains free;
  • lack of drafts, as from an open window;
  • the flow of street air passes organically, in full;
  • there will be no heat loss;
  • maintaining sound insulation;
  • you can set the operating parameters, especially if it is automatic systems;
  • simple installation and use.

The ventilation valve looks like a narrow box, which is attached to the crossbar of the window opening. Internal parts, called feathers, are responsible for the flow of air from the outside. In good weather, the device allows air flows into the apartment, and in strong winds, the feathers block the entry of cold into the room. Due to the fact that the ventilation is regulated automatically, it is not necessary to open the windows for airing in the morning and in the evening.


When choosing a supply valve, you can rely on the following criteria:

  1. Release material:

  • metal;
  • plastic.
  • By type of management:
    • mechanical adjustment, where manually set desired level ventilation;
    • automatic option, when the element itself determines the opening / closing period of the supply channel, depending on humidity, pressure surges in the room, the number of people in the house, etc.
  • According to the type of air flow into the room:
    • Rebate mechanism, when air flows through small holes in the shutter. It is not necessary to dismantle the window, but the throughput of the valve is low, soundproofing qualities may suffer.
    • Slotted systems, where air enters the premises through a hole up to 16mm high. Outside, the system is covered with a protective block from small insects and moisture. The inner part is represented by a regulating flap. Installation is carried out on the upper vertical or horizontal crossbar.
    • Overhead elements. Installation is not performed on an existing double-glazed window.
    • wall mechanism where air exchange passes through a hole in the wall and plastic pipe. This expensive, but also effective device goes on sale already with forced heating or filters for air purification.
  • According to the installation method:
    • With built-in valves that come with PVC windows.
    • With milling, when the element can be purchased after the installation of a double-glazed window.
    • Without installation.
  • Depending on the manufacturer:
    • Russia;
    • France;
    • Germany.

    TBK-Market consultants will help you choose window ventilation to create the ideal microclimate in your home, office or industrial premises.

    The ventilation valve for plastic windows allows you to solve many problems: drafts, stuffiness in the room, condensation on the glass, which leads to mold. The main advantage of modern window blocks from PVC profile- tightness, turns into a disadvantage under certain conditions: when you need to ventilate the room, and open the windows according to different reasons it is forbidden ( winter time year, a sick child, etc.).

    Ventilation modes are not always suitable: either drafts occur, or the gap between the frame and sash profiles is too thin, which prevents the necessary volumes of fresh air from entering the room.

    • folded;
    • slotted;
    • overhead.
    Seam valve

    The first two options are installed on windows that are already in operation. Installation in this case is really done by hand. The slotted valve is equipped with inlet and control blocks, in some models a universal ventilation unit is provided - a combined version.

    Outside, protection is installed on the slot ( mosquito net) from litter and insects. For ventilation, a slot is provided with a length of 170 to 400 mm and a width of not more than 16 mm.

    The seam valve creates small gaps in the window porch. This principle of operation does not provide high efficiency, but the sound insulation of the window is not disturbed. There is also a more effective design - invoice. However this option difficult to install by hand.

    In addition, its efficiency is quite high, which can interfere with the creation of a normal microclimate for small housing. Therefore, such designs are more often used in production.

    Ventilation wall view

    Ventilation valves operate on the principle of differential pressure. In this case, colder air is drawn into the room, and warm air enters from the valve. This is how passive ventilation works, so its efficiency drops when the temperature outside rises above +5 degrees. In order to increase the draft in warm season, it is recommended to use a forced ventilation system.

    Design choice

    In the case when condensation forms on the windows, the room is stuffy and you often have to ventilate, you should adjust the fittings and check the seal. If no structural violations have been identified, you can consider installing a do-it-yourself inlet valve on the window.

    Main selection criteria:

    • work efficiency, which is determined by the parameters of the device and the number of people living in the apartment, for example, sufficient air exchange in a room for one person can provide an influx of 30 cubic meters. m/h;
    • the noise level during valve operation should not exceed 35 dB;
    • so that the valve does not freeze during the cold season, the design must provide for a “thermal break” made of plastic, it is installed between the inner and outer surface valve body;
    • type of construction: slotted, folded - these are the main options that can be easily installed on the window with your own hands;
    • control method: automatic, manual or combined control.

    The most popular designs: Aereco, Air-Box (Comfort, Comfort-S), Regel-Air. Each of the options has its own advantages, but almost all of them are easy to install with your own hands, except for the Comfort-S version, which is designed for a blind window and is mounted by milling in the upper part of the profile. The Comfort model represents a group of folded products.

    Aereco products presented different options: Jet flow in oblique and forward direction. In addition, these valves are characterized by wide functionality, since in addition to the main task, they provide a normal level of humidity in the room due to the function of hygro management. Regel-Air valves represent a group of rebate designs. Their feature is a movable plastic pen responsible for adjusting the air flow.


    To avoid problems during installation, it is recommended to select certain designs: folded, slotted. The window should be freed from foreign objects, remove the curtain. For installation in the window porch, it is necessary to cut off part of the sealing cord on the frame and sash.

    This is easy to do with your own hands using a clerical knife. The valve itself is attached by means of dowels to the window sash.

    Steps for installing an inlet valve

    To install the folded structure, 3 self-tapping screws are required, a sealant is laid between them, which is included in the kit. Usually a sufficient amount of material is laid by the manufacturer. By means of self-tapping screws, the valve is attached to the window profile.

    Care and maintenance

    Given that dust enters the room with the air flow, it is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation device. It is enough to do this once a year. Wipe with a soft cloth plastic surface and sealant. Mechanism adjustment is preferred because a design with fixed airflow parameters does not provide optimal conditions in room.

    The best option is a device with automation, such models are equipped with hygroregulation sensors. The principle of their operation is based on monitoring the indicators of air humidity in the room, in accordance with this, the flow channel narrows or expands.

    Manual adjustment is carried out by changing the position of the damper. This method has a significant drawback, which is the difficulty in determining the desired position of the damper under various weather conditions.

    Thus, the installation of a supply valve can significantly improve the microclimate in the room. If installation is planned on your own, it is recommended to choose a slotted or rebate type model. Moreover, the second option is easier to implement, since for a slotted view it is required to make an even slot in the profile. Given that correct installation a number of problems can be avoided: condensation on windows, drafts, inefficient air exchange in the room.

    They have enough advantages over wooden predecessors. But they also have some disadvantages. For example, perfect tightness saved the home from drafts, but at the same time, the microclimate changed for the worse.

    A vent valve for a plastic window will help get rid of this and other problems.

    Is it really necessary?

    The loose fit of the parts of the wooden window gave rise to constant drafts. And if in the summer it pleased, then in the winter it caused inconvenience. The older generation remembers how they had to caulk cracks in the fall. But at the same time, the dwelling had an ideal microclimate, there was no stale air. For the same reason, common wooden windows do not sweat, and plastic ones often “cry”, which leads to the rapid formation of mold.

    Do not forget about the factors of normal life:

    Drying in the apartment of washed linen;

    Human breath that releases carbon dioxide


    Steam generation, heating oils during cooking, etc.

    These factors can significantly harm the plastic double-glazed window. Experts recommend airing a room with such windows 1.5-2 hours a day at any time of the year.

    solid virtues

    According to manufacturers, the ventilation valve for a plastic window is an ideal device. It does not reduce the amount of incoming light, does not cause drafts, maintains air exchange, creates a constant supply of fresh air, while not cooling the temperature in the room and without degrading one of the highly valued properties. plastic double-glazed windows- soundproofing.

    In addition, a constant flow of air keeps the indoor climate at a comfortable level, while ventilation causes the temperature to constantly jump.

    Design features

    narrow oblong plastic part is a ventilation valve for a plastic window. The openings from which the air taken from the street comes out are directed upwards. Thanks to this, there are no drafts and the air temperature in the room remains constant.

    Valves from almost all manufacturers have several options for operation. Adjustment is necessary to set a certain mode of air exchange. There are usually two reasons: the difference in humidity and temperature in the home and on the street.

    Airflow control methods

    Setting air vent occurs in two types:

    Manual. To do this, some models have a cord (like blinds), since usually the valve is located quite high. For other devices, the adjustment takes place through the engine. As a rule, its extreme left position completely opens the valve shutter, while the right one blocks the air flow. Therefore, how to close the ventilation valve on a plastic window with manual adjustment usually does not raise questions. The only inconvenience is that you yourself choose correct mode pretty hard.

    Automatic. This option is ideal, but you will have to pay extra for it. However, the expense is justified. For example, saving heat in winter. In the absence of residents, the humidity in the room decreases, and the device reduces the flow of fresh air. Job automatic adjustment based on sensors that measure either indoor and outdoor humidity or pressure.

    If the automatic version is based on pressure measurement, then the system works as follows. A curtain with a top suspension rises or falls depending on the air flow (wind) pressing on it. If the ventilation valve for a plastic window is equipped with a pressure sensor, which is made of nylon tapes, then the adjustment will be carried out by increasing or decreasing the cross section of the through hole. The system is simple: the more humid the air in the room, the wider the valve is open.

    Valve types

    There are only three types of ventilation valves on the market:

    1. Slotted valves. Ensure sufficient air flow. It enters through a hole, the width of which ranges from 170 to 400 mm, and the height - from 12 to 16 mm. From the side of the street, the hole is closed by an inlet block. It reliably protects the gap from insects, large particles of dust brought by the wind, and from rain. From the side of the room, the hole is closed by a regulating block. This supply valve for plastic windows is placed in the upper part of the sash or in a horizontal dividing profile. The advantages of this type of device are a large throughput and ease of attachment that does not require dismantling.
    2. Folded valves. A cheap and simple ventilation valve for installed plastic windows. Seam valves supply air to the room through small narrow cutouts in the porch. The undoubted advantages are the installation, which takes place without much effort, and the preservation of sound insulation. A small minus is the low throughput, which is why for large rooms seam valves are not suitable.
    3. Overhead valves. A similar ventilation valve for plastic windows (reviews from numerous customers confirm this) has the highest throughput. But the overhead option cannot be used on already installed double-glazed windows. For him, you need to prepare a place in advance.

    In shops and markets there is a fairly large the lineup products of this type. They differ in installation methods, air volume and other characteristics. The main disadvantage in using overhead valves is significant loss of sound and thermal insulation characteristics double-glazed windows. Therefore, at home, experts do not recommend their use.

    For those who do not want to spoil the design of the window, the designers suggested perfect solution. This is a vent valve handle for plastic windows. Significant advantages:

    The device is designed to provide natural airflow, which is especially important in the off-season and the cold season;

    The valve in combination with the exhaust system restores the microclimate of the room, eliminating excess moisture;

    The handle valve for double-glazed windows is a straight-through design, so the flow of cold air entering the room does not create condensate, which allows the window not to freeze at low temperatures;

    Built into the valve air filter, which prevents the penetration of dust into the living room. It needs to be replaced every six months.

    How to choose

    The ventilation valve for plastic windows (the price starts from 200 rubles) is chosen according to several criteria. Start with material. It can be metal, wood or plastic. Another important aspect- adjusting the air inlet. The line of inexpensive models does not have this function. They only provide for limiting the flow of air in strong winds.

    Also, attention should be paid to the efficiency of the device. As noted in user reviews, it is necessary to build on the number of people living in the room. It is believed that one adult family member needs an air flow of 30 m 3 / h.

    The sound-absorbing characteristics of the selected damper should be close to those of the installed double-glazed windows.

    If you have to install it yourself, then it is better to choose a rebate or slotted valves.

    There are no other special nuances. It remains only to compare prices, find out brands and study the quality of the goods offered.


    The most popular devices are Aereco, Air-Box (Comfort, Comfort-S) and Regel-Air.

    Aereco models have different air jets. Both oblique and straight direction can be adjusted. They differ in great functionality. In addition to their main duties, Aereco, for example, normalizes the level of humidity in a residential area. The function of the hygrocontrol is responsible for this.

    Air-Box is the leading manufacturer of ventilation valves. The devices of this manufacturer have the best efficiency parameters and are easy to install. They are also compact and relatively cheap.

    Ventilation valves of a domestic manufacturer also appear on sale. For example, a line of these devices was released by Mabitek.

    Installation of a ventilation valve on plastic windows

    There are only two options. The first one is global. Complete glass replacement. Moreover, the new one should be slightly smaller, because a valve will appear at the junction of the frame and slopes. In addition to high costs, there is another disadvantage - the luminous flux is significantly reduced.

    The second option is installation in a window frame. Work lasts no more than 30 minutes.

    Step-by-step instruction

    The device can be attached in the following ways:

    On any sash from above;

    on the frame;

    At the junction of a window and a wall (only possible when installing a double-glazed window).

    The easiest installation option is the following:

    1. Decide where to install the valve.
    2. Attach the device, then open and close the sash. The valve must not rest against the slope.
    3. Having outlined the attachment points of the device, we make side cuts with a clerical knife.
    4. We remove the insulation laid during the installation of the double-glazed window, and insert the mounting seal.
    5. Remove from the body of the device protective film and fasten with screws to the prepared place.
    6. Between the fasteners we insert the additional seals that come with the kit.
    7. Opposite the installed product, we cut out the old seal and insert the one attached to the valve.

    Installing ventilation valves on plastic windows is not particularly difficult.


    The supply valve for plastic windows has some features in operation. It is strictly forbidden to wet and wash. Disassembly is also not recommended. You can use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. When general cleaning, building or finishing works the device must be sealed (for example, with special adhesive tape).

    Clean the valve at least twice a year.

    Before the winter cold, it is necessary to insulate the valve with high quality. Special attention focus on the inside. If the body of the device is metal, then between the outer and internal parts it is necessary to equip a plastic thermal break.