In a private house      04/16/2019

Finishing a frame house: interior decoration. Possible options, their pros and cons. Exterior cladding of the walls of a frame house: vinyl, fiber cement and plastic siding, clinker bricks, plaster, thermal panels

Exterior wall cladding is one of the final stages of construction frame house. And here the choice of material is of great importance: the microclimate in the premises, the mechanical strength of the walls, the reliability of protection against moisture and cold depend on this. In addition, sheathing serves as the basis for finishing materials, and in some cases acts as finish coat and is responsible for the aesthetic appearance of the building.

Sheathing gives the frame of the structure a certain rigidity and takes on part of the load. This means that one of the main criteria is the mechanical strength of the material in bending and compression, the absence of shrinkage during operation. The walls must retain their original shape for years, regardless of the surrounding conditions. In addition, the sheathing must be resistant to moisture, sudden changes in temperature, and the effects of microorganisms.

Next, you need to pay attention to the ease of installation of the material and its ductility during processing. If you plan to sheathe with your own hands, this aspect is of great importance, because it depends on how much effort and time it will take to work. The material should be easy to cut and drill, but at the same time keep the density on the cuts, not crumble, not crack. And, of course, it must be durable so that you do not have to change the skin every 10-15 years.

Material selection

There are several types of materials that more or less meet the specified requirements: moisture resistant plywood, DSP, OSB, edged board, fiberboard. They have similar characteristics and are widely used in frame construction. To make a choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main properties and features of each of them.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB)

OSB panels rightfully belong to the most popular materials in the arrangement of frame structures. They consist of layers of glued wood chips and chips, and in the outer layers the fibers are arranged longitudinally, inside - transversely. Synthetic resins and wax are used to bind the chips, giving the finished boards water-repellent properties.

Standard production provides for the production of these plates in several categories:

  • OSB-1 is intended exclusively for interior decoration of dry rooms with reduced mechanical stress;
  • OSB-2 is used in the installation of load-bearing structures in rooms with low humidity;
  • OSB-3 is a moisture-resistant board of increased rigidity, used in the installation of load-bearing structures indoors and outdoors.

In terms of quality-functionality-price, OSB-3 is the most optimal, and this material is widely used in private construction for wall cladding, the manufacture of load-bearing partitions, and reusable formwork when pouring concrete structures. The plates lend themselves perfectly to grinding, cutting, drilling, tightly hold nails even at a distance of 6 mm from the edge. Such a lining can simultaneously serve decorative coating for walls, it is enough just to treat it with waterproof varnish or paint it.

OSB Advantages:

  • dense structure prevents delamination and splitting of the material during processing and during operation;
  • plates have elasticity and high strength, perfectly resist vibrations, compressive loads, various deformations;
  • the material is resistant to weathering and temperature extremes;
  • OSB is resistant to microorganisms, insects and rodents do not like it.


  • very low vapor permeability;
  • combustibility;
  • the content of toxic compounds (phenol and formaldehyde).

Main characteristics

Cement particle boards (DSP)

This material is a compressed mass of M500 cement and chips (usually conifers). A standard plate has three layers: the outer ones are made of small chips, the inner one is made of large chips. In addition to the main components, the composition contains hydration additives, the mass fraction of which does not exceed 3%. DSP is characterized by moisture resistance, high strength, long term services. Plates are widely used in private construction, industrial, for work inside and outside the premises.

When sheathing the frame, such plates serve as an excellent basis for cladding, decorative plaster, painting, because they form a perfectly smooth and smooth surface. The material endures 50 cycles of complete freezing and thawing without loss of its characteristics; in the future, the strength of the plates decreases by about 10%. Among wood-based materials, DSP is the leader in terms of environmental and technical indicators.


  • very low hygroscopicity;
  • resistance to mold and other microorganisms;
  • DSPs are not damaged by insects and rodents;
  • the material does not emit toxic substances;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • Fire safety.


  • mechanical processing of plates requires considerable effort;
  • DSP has a large weight compared to other materials;
  • when cutting and drilling plates, a lot of fine dust is formed, so you need to work in a respirator;
  • high price.


Fibreboard (Fibreboard)

The material is sheets of pressed shavings, usually softwood. During the pressing process, the raw material is strongly heated, which makes it possible to achieve maximum density without the use of adhesive compositions. Due to this, fiberboard belongs to environmentally friendly materials, and therefore is suitable for outdoor use and for finishing residential premises. The shavings contain natural resin, which acts as an antiseptic and protects the plates from mold.

In terms of strength, fiberboard is noticeably inferior to natural lining and OSB, but it surpasses them in terms of heat and sound insulation properties.

Windproof plate "Beltermo"

Now in the construction market fiberboards are represented by insulating boards of several famous brands, the most popular of which are "Beltermo" and "Isoplat". For sheathing a frame house, plates with a thickness of at least 25 mm are used, thinner sheets are used indoors.


  • light weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of installation;
  • the material does not exfoliate and does not crumble;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to moisture and microbial attack;
  • absence harmful substances in composition.


  • high price;
  • a long stay without a decorative finish causes slight deformation of the sheets;
  • the outer skin of fiberboard requires the presence of spacer braces in the frame or a rigid inner skin.


Gypsum fiber sheets (GVL)

GVL consists of pressed gypsum reinforced with cellulose fibers. Due to its high strength, the material is suitable for creating load-bearing surfaces, therefore it is widely used in frame construction. It differs from drywall in greater density, uniformity, and the absence of a cardboard shell. In terms of frost resistance, soundproofing properties, as well as resistance to moisture and combustion, GVL also exceeds gypsum boards by several times.

Installation of GVL is carried out by frame and frameless way. For external wall cladding, the first option is used, where the sheets are fastened to the bearing racks with self-tapping screws. The material is easy to cut and drill, and, despite its heavy weight, is quite easy to install. Such a sheathing serves as an excellent basis for finishing with tiles and decorative plaster.


  • low hygroscopicity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • the absence of toxic compounds in the composition;
  • fire safety;
  • high heat and sound insulation properties.


  • lack of plasticity and brittleness when bending the sheet;
  • great weight.



Plywood is made by gluing thin sheets veneer of various types of wood (most often coniferous and birch). Sheets are stacked perpendicular to each other relative to the location of the fibers, which increases the mechanical strength of the material and increases resistance to deformation. For outer skin frame walls, plywood of increased moisture resistance is used, which has the FSF marking. The thickness of the sheets should be from 9-10 mm, thinner material will not provide the necessary rigidity to the frame.

The grade of plywood does not really matter for sheathing, and the cheapest unsanded 4/4 grade boards can be used.

From the outside, all defects will be hidden under hinged facade so there is no point in paying more. Subject to the technology of sheathing, plywood cover will serve for years without losing its qualities.


  • high flexural and compressive strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • frost resistance.


  • combustibility;
  • content of formaldehyde resins;
  • tendency to chipping.


Edged board

Application edged board for sheathing is the most economical option. Wood is an environmentally friendly material, affordable, easy to install. Boards can be filled not only horizontally, but also at an angle of 45-60 degrees. To save material, boards can be fastened in increments of up to 30 cm, although most often the sheathing is made solid. This design perfectly strengthens the frame and is a ready-made base for a ventilated facade.

In order for the sheathing to be reliable, the boards are chosen with a thickness of at least 25 mm, they can be tongue-and-groove, for greater docking density. Do not use raw lumber: in the process of drying, the wood will begin to warp, deformations of the finish coating may appear.


  • wood does not emit harmful substances and has excellent vapor permeability;
  • boards are easy to process;
  • work does not require large financial costs.


  • combustibility of the material;
  • wood is susceptible to damage by insects and microorganisms;
  • fitting and fixing elements takes a lot of time.

Cladding technology

Installation of plates on the finished frame is carried out according to the same technology, regardless of the type of material. Simultaneously with the cladding, vapor barrier and wall insulation are carried out, and finishing can be carried out immediately upon completion of construction or after some time. Consider the installation technology using the example of frame sheathing with OSB boards.

Sheathing can be done in two ways - with and without crate. In the first case, the vapor barrier layer is located between the frame and the OSB, in the second - on top of the skin. The batten option is used in cases where the OSB serves as the basis for plastering, painting or tiling, the second method is used, as a rule, when installing a ventilated facade. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.

Step 1. Start trimming from the very corner. The first sheet of OSB is applied to the frame posts so that the bottom edge completely overlaps bottom harness Houses. Be sure to control the horizontal level. The plate itself is also recommended to be placed horizontally, and not vertically - this provides the structure with greater rigidity. For fixing the material, galvanized self-tapping screws with a length of at least 50 mm are used. About 10 mm must be retreated from the edge of the OSB, the fastening step along the perimeter of the sheet is 15 cm, in the center - 30 cm.

Advice. For strong fixation of the plates, the length of the hardware must exceed the thickness of the OSB by at least 2.5 times. If the self-tapping screw enters the frame beam by less than 30 mm, under the influence of loads, the sheathing will begin to break away from the supporting base.

Step 2 The next plate is installed next to the first, leaving a gap of 2-3 mm for thermal expansion. In the same way, they set the horizontal level, screw the sheathing to the frame guides. The joints of the plates must necessarily fall in the middle of the rack, only in this case the fastening will be as reliable as possible. Perform the fixation of the remaining plates in a circle, leaving open areas for doorways.

Step 3 The second row of sheathing must be mounted with dressing of vertical seams. Between the lower and upper plates, the same gap of 2-3 mm is observed. When sheathing openings, whole sheets should be used, and not trimmings - the fewer joints, the tighter the sheathing. Cutouts in the sheets are made with a jigsaw or circular saw, having made pre-marking with an accuracy of a millimeter. The edges of the cuts after the installation of the slab must ideally coincide with the lines of the openings.

Step 4 The top plates are installed so as to completely cover the top trim. If the house has two floors, the interfloor piping should be closed by the middle of the slab - in no case can the OSB be joined on this line.

Gallery 1. An example of the construction of a one-story frame house with OSB trim

If you have completed the construction of a frame house, then you still have to think about its interior decoration. Only in this way you will be able to achieve coziness and comfort in the premises.


Such work takes place in two stages, the first of which provides for rough manipulations, while the second is for finishing. Initially, the surface of the walls, ceiling and floor should be prepared, such measures mean the removal of the old coating, as well as the preparation and leveling of surfaces. represents finishing stage when surfaces are wallpapered, installed facing materials or coloring.

The choice of material for rough finishing

May take several months exterior finish frame house. carried out during the same period. Having visited hardware store, you will be able to choose a material that will meet the allocated budget and certain characteristics. For rough finishing, OSB or drywall is most often used. The advantage in these cases is the ability to hide the imperfections of the walls with the help of even sheets. You can install such canvases on raw or curved surfaces. With the help of GCR, you can create complex design compositions. In a short time, you will be able to cover the walls, preparing them for further work.

Cons of using GKL and OSB for rough work

If you purchased a newly built frame house, interior decoration drywall you can be produced by yourself. However, this material has some disadvantages, which will be expressed in a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room when installing sheets on uneven walls. If there are any, then first you have to mount frame system, which will be somewhat removed from the base. This also applies to OSB, which has a more impressive thickness. If you use this material for, then it will be very difficult to do without additional devices for lifting canvases.

However, sometimes the solutions described are the only correct ones.

Pros and cons of using wallpaper

Considering the options for interior decoration of a frame house, you can pay attention to traditional wallpapers, which are presented on the modern market in a wide variety, they can be paper, acrylic, vinyl, fiberglass and non-woven. Each of these finishes has its pros and cons. For example, paper wallpaper although they have a low cost, they are extremely unstable to low temperatures and moisture, and even without this they are very short-lived. You can use them as a temporary solution.

The interior decoration of the frame house, the photo of which is presented in the article, can be done using vinyl or acrylic wallpaper, which is resistant to mechanical damage and is durable. The latter are characterized by durability and moisture resistance. Owners of private houses who want to diversify the interior choose a non-woven type of coating, which is made from foamed vinyl, which can be used as a basis for further decorative painting.

Worst enemy of wireframes wooden houses- fire. If you want to make your home more fireproof, it is worth buying fiberglass wallpapers, which, along with mechanical strength, are resistant to flames. However, they can be successfully used for staining.

Positive and negative features of lining

Quite often, recently, the interior decoration of a frame house with clapboard has been made. This is no coincidence, since this material is able to bring home comfort And natural look. Wood will give the walls a higher sound and heat insulation. Depending on the available funds allocated for repairs, you can choose a lining that will belong to a particular grade.

There will be no defects on the surface of the elements if you prefer extra-class lining. Consumers who are not afraid of chips and stains choose grade A finish. The material is designated grade B if there are several cracks and knots on one of the lamellas.

Considering the materials for the interior decoration of a frame house, you can choose plastic lining, which can be installed independently, since it is quite easy to install. This finish is low cost and unaffected by harmful bacteria. With the help of plastic slats, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve comfort in the room, and the artificiality of the material will be immediately visible. By sound and thermal insulation characteristics PVC is inferior to natural wood models, but it can be installed in rooms with high level humidity.

Finishing the walls with drywall

The technology must be observed when finishing the frame house. Interior decoration, as mentioned above, may include the use of drywall. With it, you can hide any irregularities, which will eliminate the laborious leveling of the base. Fixation of cloths is made on metal carcass which speeds up manipulation. The resulting free space between the main wall and the sheet can be filled insulation material, and also put there electrical wiring and other communications.

The low weight of drywall will not create an additional load on the floor, so you can build arbitrarily complex geometric structures, which sometimes represent

Initially, the master will have to carry out the markup, strengthening the starting UD profiles with screws, then the wiring is laid in special plastic boxes or corrugated pipes from polyvinyl chloride. Drywall sheets must be laid on the profile and fixed with metal screws. The head of the fastener should be recessed by 1 millimeter. Even an inexperienced craftsman can finish a frame house. Interior decoration with drywall will be completed in a matter of days. Carrying out these manipulations does not imply that the master has special skills.

The seams formed between the sheets must be filled with putty, the tool will need to get rid of excess material, leveling the seams. After that, fine-grained sandpaper comes into play, which will allow you to align the joints in order to prepare the sheets for finishing.

The use of OSB boards

The installation technology of such canvases is almost the same as that used with the only difference is the impressive weight of the OSB. For this reason, you will need to use more reliable and durable fasteners. To fix the sheets to the wooden frame, use 50 mm spiral nails. At the joints, fasteners are installed in increments of 15 centimeters. Centimeter gaps must be left along the edges of the edges of the walls, but the distance between the plates that do not have a connection should be two millimeters. If you plan to use OSB to form floor covering, then it is necessary to lay the sheets, placing them perpendicular to the lags.

The installation of sheets does not include the entire decoration of the frame house. Interior finishing provides for surface treatment with sandpaper. After that, the plates are varnished in 3 layers, each of which must be dried well. Such a coating acts as a protection of the structure of the material from moisture penetration. If you decide to cover the surface of such a rough base with plaster or paint, then you must first apply a primer.

Advantages of using imitation timber in interior decoration

Over time, it becomes more and more popular, especially when compared with lining. The premises after the finishing work are warm and aesthetically attractive. All the advantages of this material are associated with quality characteristics, which are expressed in the absence of shrinkage. Over time, the lamellas do not crack, as they are provided with grooves to relieve stress inside the products. During installation, time and labor costs will be minimal. The pluses include the fact that such a finish is not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If you choose certain types of wood, then they will not be adversely affected by moisture. The cost of such material is much lower compared to a full-fledged profiled or glued beam. And if you carry out a quality installation, then appearance such walls will almost not differ from a natural log house. The interior decoration of a frame house with imitation of timber is not afraid of exposure to high and low temperatures.

The main disadvantages of timber imitation

Despite the fact that products in the manufacturing process are treated with various anti-combustible compounds and antiseptics, they do not cease to be fireproof. During operation, you have to process the wood once a year, otherwise it will become covered with cracks, change its color, and catch fire when exposed to fire. If the interior decoration of the frame house is carried out with your own hands by imitation of a bar, then you will have to take care of the wood during the entire period of operation, covering the surface of the walls with protective agents and paints and varnishes.

It should be noted one more minus, which is expressed in expensive components by type internal corners, decorated elements and external Supplies. If you do not want the walls to resemble, then you need to use panels whose width starts at 90 millimeters.

Cons of imitation pine timber

If finishing internal walls frame house will be made by imitation of timber, it is important to choose the right type of wood. For example, pine has some drawbacks, among them resinousness, which indicates an increased fire hazard. Before installation work, despite the fact that in the factory the material was treated with fire retardants, a fire-fighting composition has to be applied. It is worth remembering that the smell of pine is retained for a very long time, after a certain time it can begin to irritate. That is why this feature must be taken into account when decorating living rooms.


Interior decoration of a frame house OSB boards produced most frequently when there is no shortage of free space. Otherwise, it is best to choose drywall sheets.

The correct exterior finish of the frame house, the photo of which you will find in this material, allows you to make the facade of your house not only attractive, but also significantly extends its service life.

Firstly, fiber cement panels do not burn at all and almost do not melt. This makes their use on a wooden frame especially relevant.

Secondly, fiber cement panels are much more durable. That allows you to operate them on the walls, along which there is an active movement of people or equipment. This characteristic is relevant for urban frame buildings, which often go directly to the street with their walls, without being enclosed by fences or fences.

The disadvantage of this material is its slightly higher weight compared to vinyl. However, subject to the fastening technology, there are no problems during the further operation of such facades.

DSP and LSU on the facade of a frame house

Such board materials both cement particle board and magnesium sheet can also be used on wood and metal frame. up to 16 mm are relatively light and can be mounted on external walls. LSU of comparable thickness can also be used for exterior finishing of the frame.

The biggest questions are the gaps between the plates, which cannot be covered over or painted over. A wooden or metal frame has a different degree of thermal expansion and contraction than DSP and LSU. For this reason, any putty or putty in the seams will sooner or later collapse and fall out.

The most common option for such cladding is the use of a half-timbered design, when the seams between the slabs are closed with decorative wooden overlays that imitate the outer frame of the building.

Metal on the facade of a frame house

  1. Metal facade cassettes.
  2. Decking and other sheet materials.
  3. Metal siding.

Every year, the textures for metal facade materials look more and more natural. If, for example, metal siding copies a log or timber, then from afar it is already difficult to distinguish the facade of a house from metal siding from natural.

It should, however, be remembered when using metal facade materials on a wooden frame that the tree needs protection. On inner surface metal, condensation will form. For this reason, a ventilation gap of at least 20 mm is organized between the wooden frame and the metal facade. Myself wooden frame and the insulation in it are protected by a waterproofing membrane that allows steam to pass out, but does not let moisture in.

Wood frame finish

The oldest and most interesting facade in terms of design. Sheathing the frame with wood - a board, dice or shingles - allows you to get interesting options country style houses.

The advantage of such a facade is its natural appearance. The downside of this kind facade decoration there will be laboriousness of installation, and the need in the future to constantly process wooden parts protective compounds containing antiseptics and flame retardants.

Brick decorative facade of a frame house

Option brick finish frame house can be implemented in two ways:

  1. Laying out a wall of decorative face brick in half a brick with connections to the main frame.
  2. Installation of decorative brick-like facade tiles on a base mounted on a frame.

It is worth remembering that for the first option you will need free space on the foundation outside at least 12 cm.

And for the second option, you will need load calculations, since the facade tile is a rather heavy material.

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The exterior finish of the frame house can be made of various materials, therefore, when choosing a certain type of product, it is worth learning about their features. Some materials can be fixed on your own, while others will have to hire professional builders to install. In order for the exterior decoration of a frame house to be admired, it is necessary to choose the right finishing materials that are suitable for the design style you have chosen.


It is impossible to leave a frame house without finishing, so you will have to choose the material in any case. The most common include:

  1. Hanging structures. Thanks to such products, it is possible to additionally insulate the building from the outside if it is located in a region with a continental climate. When choosing this method of finishing, you can use metal, brick, stone and other materials.
  2. Plaster. Such compositions can have different shades, so if you wish, you can decorate the house in any style.
  3. Front brick. When choosing this material, it should be borne in mind that the weight of the house increases significantly. That is why it is worth choosing the material for the external design of the building at the design stage.
  4. Siding. This material low cost and long service life.
  5. PVC panels. Such products can imitate bricks, boards and other materials. If the exterior finish of the frame house is made with my own hands, it is necessary to constantly check the location of each element of the skin.
  6. Panels based on polyurethane. This material allows not only to change the appearance of the building, but also to insulate the facade.
  7. Facade tiles. This material is fixed with glue or with the help of special fasteners for tiles.
  8. Block house. The specified sheathing material is created on the basis of wood and gives the houses a natural look.

When choosing any material, it is important to purchase only reliable products. Sheathing of the house must be done correctly without cracks and gaps. It is best to entrust the work to professional builders. In this case, the finishing of the frame house from the outside will be done with high quality and in a shorter time than when creating the cladding with your own hands.

Mounted structures

Hinged finishing structures have many advantages over other types of similar materials. If desired, you can completely change the appearance of the house by fixing the appropriate panels. The frame for fixing finishing materials is most often created from metal. At the same time, a space is set aside between the finish and the wall in which insulation can be placed. Commonly used mineral wool.

It should be noted that the use of suspended structures can improve the sound insulation of the structure, making the house more comfortable. The described structures can be divided into ventilated and non-ventilated. Products of the second type are fixed easier, so many owners of country houses choose them. It is also important to consider that the interior decoration of the frame house should be combined with the chosen material.

Wet cladding

Most often wet lining wooden house produce with additional insulation. For this, foam boards are used. At the time of purchase, you only need to choose plates for exterior decoration. Such foam is called facade and has the letter f in the marking.

Extruded polystyrene foam should only be used to insulate the basement of the building. This is due to the fact that such material is more rigid and does not absorb moisture. Styrofoam gluing occurs joint to joint. In order for the primer to fix on the surface more reliably, it is necessary to process the plates with sandpaper.

After fixing the foam, a special glue is applied to its surface, into which a fiberglass mesh is embedded. After that, the surface is covered with a quartz primer. This composition contains sand filler. Only after carrying out the described work can the plaster be applied.

Compositions for fine finish frame house facades are divided into acrylic, silicone, mineral and silicate.

facade brick

The described material can be divided by composition and shade. For exterior decoration, such types of this material are most often used, such as:

  • silicate brick;
  • ceramic;
  • hyperpressed.

Silicate brick has a low cost, and ceramic is more beautiful material. Bricks are divided into solid and hollow. Products of the second type retain heat better. That is why they are chosen by many owners of frame buildings.

It is not worth laying this material in winter time, because at sub-zero temperature the solution freezes and the masonry becomes more fragile. Before finishing works it is necessary to accurately calculate the required amount of material. Lots of bricks may have different shade, which will adversely affect the appearance of the structure. To make the color of the masonry more uniform, you can treat the walls with 10% sulfuric acid.

If the exterior finishes are done correctly, the house will look like a building built entirely of bricks. It is also important to choose a shade roofing material to match the color of the brick.

Siding and PVC panels

One of the cheapest ways to finish is to use siding and PVC panels. The siding is not damaged by precipitation and can be used long time. The material is not susceptible to fungus. Siding is not required. special care. To clean the surface from contamination, you can use garden hose. By choosing the right shade, you can beautifully decorate your own home.

The siding is light in weight, therefore it does not create additional load on the walls. Often frame houses get off PVC panels under the stone. The material washes well and can be used to protect the basement of the building.

Siding is usually fixed to a frame, thanks to which it is possible to fix insulation on the wall and create a ventilation gap. This helps to remove excess moisture.

Thermal panels with clinker tiles

For sheathing a frame house, many use thermal panels. They not only decorate the wall, but also contribute to the preservation of heat in the house. Panels are fixed seamlessly. Many owners of suburban areas choose clinker tiles to decorate a frame house, as it is not subject to abrasion and mold deformation.

Fixing the material on the walls is as follows:

  1. First, the geometry of the structure is reconciled. All walls of the house should be perfectly flat, and the corners should be 90 degrees. If there is even a slight deviation, it is necessary to create a crate for the entire structure.
  2. Installation of the base profile. On this stage there is a consolidation aluminum profile in the horizontal direction. During the work it is necessary to use the building level.
  3. After that, the corner thermal panels are fixed.
  4. At the next stage, the panels are installed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade. For this, dowels or self-tapping screws are used.
  5. Then you need to seal the panels, filling the gaps between the panels. Seams are treated with grout, which is resistant to low temperatures.

By choosing this method of finishing, you need to be prepared to spend a large number money, as the material is expensive. You will also have to spend money on the services of builders.

Using tiles for brick, stone and other materials

When using tiles, you can not only modify the structure, but also protect it from external factors. Fastening should be carried out on the crate in such a way that between finishing material and the wall was a gap. It is important to press the tiles tightly against each other, because if there is even a small gap through the tiles on wooden walls moisture can get in. The tiles are fixed with glue.

The described material has the following advantages:

  1. A wide variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to this, if desired, you can decorate your own frame house in an original way.
  2. Ease of installation. Even if you hire professional builders, the cost of the work will not be high, since the fixing of the tiles occurs quickly enough.
  3. The lightness of the tiles. Since the material is light in weight, strengthening the foundation of the house is not required.
  4. Protection of the walls of the frame house from moisture and condensation.
  5. Environmental friendliness.
  6. Attractive appearance. Tiles allow you to create a design that is difficult to distinguish from finishing with expensive varieties of stone.

When deformations appear, the tiles are easy to replace. To do this, you just need to remove the damaged products, fixing new ones in their place.

Using a block house

If you want to decorate the building as a house made of timber, you should use a block house. This material is part of a rounded log, with flat surface. It is with this side that the material is fixed on the wall, so that after finishing work it seems that the house is built of logs.

In addition, the block house has other advantages:

  1. Impact Protection environment. The material is coated with special compounds that allow you to extend the life of the wood.
  2. The ability to insulate and fix soundproofing material. Mineral wool is often placed under the finish.
  3. Fixing the described products can be done by hand. It is not necessary to hire professional builders to carry out the work. But it should be remembered that in order to eliminate errors, it is important to work with an assistant.
  4. The possibility of replacing each element of the frame house decoration.

By purchasing a block house, you can greatly modify the structure, making it look like luxury cottages. When choosing a material, it is important to remember that the interior decoration of a frame house must match its external design.

Frame construction allows you to build the walls of the house from almost any material. External walls can be sheathed in plastic or wood, metal or OSB. What is the best way to sheathe a frame house? How to choose the right wall material and equip a ventilated wall facade?

Cladding material requirements

The outer skin of the frame house must be made of materials that are resistant to moisture and blowing. In addition, she must protect the owners from the encroachments of robbers. And also be technological, suitable for wall mounting.

Sheathing frame construction OSB.

When deciding how to sheathe a frame house, and what material to choose, it is necessary to take into account all the tasks. Sheathing of the outer wall of the house works in conditions of seasonal temperature differences and periodic precipitation. It should protect the inner insulation from moisture and wind. Be decor, create style and design.

On a note

To ensure the aesthetics and comfort of living, as well as to ensure the safety of housing, various panel materials are used for wall cladding. From natural - block house and metal profile. From synthetic - plastic siding. Of the combined - OSB panels.

Each of the proposed types of sheathing has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as installation features. Wood paneling - has a prestigious look and is expensive. Metal profile - provides perfect protection from water, wind, and reduced heat capacity. Plastic siding - characterized by high water resistance, affordability and low strength. OSB panels - have the most affordable price and reduced durability.

Consider the cheaper it is to sheathe a frame house from the outside, and whether the desire to save money is always justified.

How to sheathe the outside

Outside performed wall panels. They can be made from various materials - natural and synthetic. The material and technology of their manufacture determine the properties and characteristics of the finished panels. How to sheathe a frame house outside? We list what wall cladding can be made of.

Block-house wall cladding.

  • Wooden panels- lining board, block house. This is one of the most prestigious types of frame walls - “under the tree”. It is assembled from natural wood panels, the edges of which are easily adjusted to each other and connected to a common skin. The manufacturability of connecting adjacent panels is provided by grooves and protrusions along the edges of the lining boards or a convex block house. In addition, the relief of the block house creates an imitation of real log masonry.
  • Wood substitute panels - OSB. This material is a conglomerate of shavings and sawdust, pressed and glued into a flat panel. Synthetic glue is used for gluing wood waste. The panels themselves require waterproofing. To work as outer surface the walls require OSB painting or the application of a cement “fur coat”. In this case, the walls of the house will look like stone, brick or concrete.

Finishing vinyl siding.
  • Plastic wall cladding of a frame house or polyvinyl (PVC) siding. A frequently used option for cladding the walls of a frame house and walls after insulation. Among the various ones, most are sheathed in plastic. This material guarantees protection against water, moisture, and also makes it possible to imitate various wall materials. Siding panels can be embossed brickwork, wood paneling, wild stone. They can also be dyed any color. What is important to consider: plastic surfaces requires careful handling in winter, at low temperatures they become especially fragile.
  • Sheets metal profile under double coating - colored polymer and galvanized. This - perfect option For frame construction, which has several minor drawbacks - they create noise during rain and can corrode if the outer coating is damaged, if there are scratches, chips.

In addition, you can sheathe a frame house decorative panels from artificial stone. This type of decorative cladding is more expensive than plastic or, but it looks as prestigious as the walls from a block house.

How to sheathe a frame house from the outside, a photo of the finished wall sheathing.

Covered with vinyl siding.

Material characteristics

And now let's bring specifications popular wall materials. With their help, you can choose the most suitable option outer wall cladding.

wood panels

When choosing wood sheathing, you need to pay attention to the following material characteristics:

  1. Humidity - measured in%, it should be no more than 15%. The moisture content of wood determines its warping during operation.
  2. Type of wood - determines the price and characteristics of water resistance, durability. The most expensive wood options are oak and larch. They are little susceptible to decay, while oak is very strong and durable. The most popular types of construction wood are pine and spruce, which combine the natural resinous nature of wood with an affordable price. Also there is a lining and a block house made of linden, alder, they are more suitable for cladding internal walls.
  3. The shape or relief of the lining - can be flat, convex, concave, wavy. This characteristic is important for the decorativeness of the walls of buildings.
  4. The type of lining is 1, 2 or 3 in the post-Soviet classification or A, B, and C in the European one. The grade determines the quality of wood - the presence of stains from knots, chips, hidden cracks.
  5. Availability outdoor processing- moisture resistant, antifungal or anti-fire impregnation.

Vinyl siding

Sheathing a frame house with siding often uses plastic panels from polyvinyl chloride. This material has proven to be an affordable wall cladding with high decorative properties. When choosing siding panels, the following characteristics should be considered:

The frame is sheathed with siding.
  • The amount of recycled materials in plastic determines the quality, durability and price of PVC panels. Cheap panels contain up to 80% recycled plastic and are not suitable for exterior finish. For outer cladding, it is allowed to use panels, in the lower layer of which there is no more than 5% of raw materials.
  • The content of modifiers - determines the strength of the panel and its price.
  • The content of other chemical compounds: butadion - no more than 1%, titanium dioxide - no more than 10%, calcium carbonate - no more than 15%.
  • Panel relief - determines what kind of walls the vinyl siding will imitate.

What is cheap to sheathe

The cladding of the OSB frame house from the outside has gained popularity in the first place, thanks to the very affordable price. At the same time, they try to compensate for the shortcomings of OSB, their low moisture resistance and insufficient strength, with additional protection of their surface, plaster or painting.

The choice of panels for sheathing an OSB frame house should take into account the category building material. The category of plates is indicated by numbers - 1, 2, 3 or 4. It determines the purpose and technical characteristics - strength, moisture resistance, the possibility of using it in outdoor construction. for sheathing frame wall plates of category 3 or 4 are required.

And now let's talk about how to properly sheathe a frame house.

OSB for sheathing the frame.

Ventilated facade

Often equipped as a ventilated facade. Especially if a cotton insulator was used to insulate the walls - mineral wool or glass wool. This insulating material requires a ventilation gap between its surface and the wall sheathing. How to sheathe a frame house with OSB, board or siding?

During the construction of a frame house for siding, a so-called crate is constructed to equip the gap between the insulation and the wall sheathing. It is a wooden or metal plank that is attached to the frame supports. Wall cladding is mounted on top of the planks. Thus, the outer panels are located not close to the heat insulator, but at some distance from it.

In order to increase the strength of the installation of wall sheathing, the low-strength crate is replaced with wide frame racks. Their thickness should be greater than the thickness of the insulation, then between the surface of the heat insulator and the outer edge of the frame support, after hanging the panels of the outer wall, the necessary gap will be formed. This is done to sheathe a frame house outside the OSB.

Existence provides protection of external panels from moisture. Therefore, such a gap is absolutely necessary in the construction of a frame house with imitation of timber, “under the tree”. Or when using wood chip boards. In the absence of air space, vapor particles will collect in outer wall, cause dampness, rotting, fungus.