Shower      08.03.2020

The design of a small hallway in the house. Design of a small hallway: design nuances and interesting solutions. Layout: ideas for the perfect room

How to create a cozy ergonomic space in a small hallway and move away from patterns? Where to put shoes, put an umbrella, pouffe, put away keys and hats? It is not easy to organize a space with the smallest set of furniture. But there are many interesting options, thanks to which it is easy to equip a small hallway and make it stylish.

Fancy hangers

Like the theater, the hallway begins with a hanger. Even this small interior element can make the space original and stylish. All thanks to the efforts of modern designers who are constantly in search of unusual solutions. One of these is the wall hanger "Mountain" from the studio BraveSpaceDesign.

The inspiration for creating such a simple but creative interior detail was the snow-capped mountain top. The hanger is equipped with spikes-hooks on which you can hang things. different sizes, and it looks quite unusual.

Other no less original way storage of keys, gloves and outerwear offered David Cathro, designer from Sweden. So colored wall hangers Blomp is easy to adapt to modern interior. They have a textured ribbed surface, which makes it easy to hang clothes and store keys and other small items inside.

A great solution for a tiny hallway is an open hanger combined with shelves for hats and shoes. Such options are appropriate in the interior, decorated in Scandinavian style.

Fans of eco-style will like a hanger-rack in the form of a tree. Such a piece of furniture can become a functional decoration of even the smallest hallway.

When decorating the interior, it is worth considering the interests of all family members, especially if there are children in the house. In such cases, it is worth choosing furniture that the child can easily reach. It can be special hooks or a low hanger.

Spacious shoe storage systems

If outerwear can be hidden in another room in a closet, then placing shoes is not so simple. For small spaces, choose closed narrow shoe racks. This allows you to hide shoes from prying eyes, save space and create a cozy atmosphere.


An original decor element even for a very modest hallway is an umbrella stand. It does not take up much space, but it solves the problem of storing and drying such a necessary accessory as an umbrella.

Compact mini hallways

For a medium-sized hallway, an ideal option would be a compact and ergonomic set that combines several pieces of furniture at once. It significantly saves space, while the interior looks neat and attractive. Today, there are many such options on the furniture market, for example, a revolving niche wardrobe is equipped with a mirror, hooks for clothes, and storage shelves. Or a set that contains five functional items at once - a chest of drawers, a cabinet for storage, a bench and a hanger.

When decorating a small hallway, you should pay attention to the corners and use them. In this case, you can choose the corner version with a swivel section.


Mirrors are real helpers for small spaces. They multiply the lighting, visually make the room larger and more spacious. But in a small room, sometimes this is not enough, it is necessary that the mirror not only decorate the wall, but also perform other functions. For example, it acted as a clothes hanger.

Another, no less spectacular example is the mirror cabinet of the factory. Longhi, made in a minimalist style, which is specially designed for compact hallways. This solves the issue of storing things and visual expansion of space. And, of course, a mirror in the hallway allows you to always fix your hair, tie or makeup when you leave, which is very convenient.

A floor mirror with an adjustable angle looks very unusual. It contains a key holder, a place to store bags and things. Such a mirror is appropriate not only in the bedroom, but the perfect solution for the hallway.

True, when decorating the hallway with a mirror, you need to know a few simple rules: do not install mirrors opposite front door or against each other to avoid discomfort and anxiety in the environment.

The entrance hall forms the impression of guests about the interior of the entire apartment. To make it pleasant, it is necessary to make the space of the front room stylish and original, and they will help with this.

In any home, design determines the overall atmosphere, mood and style of the interior. The entrance hall is the first thing a guest sees when he enters the apartment. It is often difficult for owners to equip a small hallway due to lack of space and fear of piling up unnecessary items. The design of a small hallway in an apartment is not an easy task, but very exciting, requiring a creative approach, as well as compliance with certain rules.
The problem of small rooms is the lack of useful space in the house, when the purpose of the room requires the placement of a certain set of things, but there is no place for all this.

The minimum set of furniture in the hallway

Of course, there is no question of any bulky chests of drawers, chic sofas, giant chandeliers, high racks, cabinets, walls and shelves. In a small hallway, everything should be as compact, rational and ergonomic as possible. Modern cramped one-room apartments, such as Khrushchev, force residents to decorate the interior in such a way that each thing is useful and does not just take up space.

Based on the experience of many hosts small apartments, there is a certain minimum set of pieces of furniture that must be in the hallway. These include:

  1. Closet. The most aesthetic and ergonomic option for the hallway will be a full-fledged closet, the interior of any room without it looks unfinished, somehow “non-residential”. The cabinet wardrobe will significantly steal the place of the hallway, but there will immediately be a useful space for placing outerwear, hats, accessories, umbrellas, scarves, gloves and other things. good decision in the design of the hallway, it will be the transformation of a niche into a dressing room by embedding it there. Doors must be equipped with mirrors to visually expand or lengthen the room. The hallway will become even larger if over the sliding mirrored doors install some lights. Additional usable space will appear due to the installation of side shelves-racks along the cabinet.
  2. Hanger. This option is most suitable for the hallway, where there is absolutely little space. In fact, the simplest hanger is a set of hooks with a shelf for hats, sometimes there is a horizontal bar on the factory sets to hang coat hangers. In general, the factory version of the hanger-rack for the hallway is the best suited for arranging small area. Here, you can choose the appropriate design, colors, and configuration so that in any particular case a solution will be found.
  3. Cabinet. You always need a place to sit down, put on your shoes or just wait for someone. An armchair, a chair or an ordinary stool is suitable here, but a cabinet will be an excellent multifunctional option. There is a place to sit and space for various little things like gloves, a shoe brush, a spatula, keys, papers and other things. In addition, for a small hallway, you can choose the most compact cabinet.
  4. Shoe rack. The widespread saving of space in the apartment forces the use of such pieces of furniture. After all, if the family is large, then you can’t arrange all the shoes on the floor of the hallway. Here, one above the other on the shelves, several pairs will fit quite well without much piling up.
  5. Mirror. The design of a small hallway without this the most important detail impossible. Firstly, it is the control of one's own appearance before exiting. Secondly, this is a lifesaver for many hallways, because mirrors have the effect of visually expanding the space.

Basic hallway design rules

The small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway does not mean at all that it will have to be deprived of something. There are certain tricks, resorting to which, you can solve the design problem in a small apartment.

  1. Color - for a not very large hallway, the interior must be exceptionally light. Pastel colors should prevail in the overall color scheme. Dark details, of course, may be present, for example, a brown wardrobe or a black pouffe, a dark blue door, and so on. However, there should be few of them, because the hallway, lined with black furniture and pasted over, will definitely seem smaller than it is. In addition, if we talk about the ornament on the floor or walls, then there are no large prints here, only small patterns: flowers, polka dots, stripes. It is preferable to choose a monochromatic coating.
  2. Light - a small walk-through hallway should be fully lit, as brightly as possible. There should be several light sources, then the interior of the house will play bright colors. It is better to avoid shadows, because the cramped hallway in the twilight will become very small. Lamps next to or around the mirror will enhance the effect of lighting, and it will be much more convenient to correct makeup if there is a lot of light.
  3. Mirrors - erase the boundaries of the room. If it is possible to make the entire wall mirrored in a private house or apartment, you should definitely use it. The side mirror border will visually make the small hallway much wider, and, located on the entire wall opposite the door, will create the illusion of an endless corridor. The original idea is a mirrored front door. Such a solution will save money on the purchase of a separate mirror, as well as a place for its location on any of the hallway walls.
  4. Furniture - a tiny square hallway should not be cluttered. A small apartment is initially better to furnish to a minimum. The optimal set of furniture has already been presented above, now we can talk about the tones of the headset. The color of the furniture is not particularly important, the main thing is that the style is consistent, and all the elements are in harmony with each other. This rule must be followed for the design of the whole house. For the interior of a small hallway, a small cabinet or pouffe is suitable. On this, you can probably limit yourself. A large set of furniture is not for this occasion. If many people live in private ownership, then shoes in the hallway cost a lot. For a small apartment with three or four tenants, it’s impossible better fit shoe rack. Wooden, plastic or metal - it will literally save your space from the eternal pile of boots, as well as scattered slippers and sneakers. Agree, shoes arranged on the shelves look much better and more aesthetically pleasing than standing in rows on the floor. Moreover, this way it will take up much more precious space, and a compact shoe shelf will help put everything in its place.

Before starting repairs, you should draw up a project in advance and calculate everything to the smallest detail, since the task of combining all the necessary items in one cramped hallway space is not an easy one.

Profitable floor solutions

You should not forget about this plane either, because carpets are usually not laid in the hallway, especially if the owners adhere to modern design. A small hallway can be decorated in the same style as the rooms in the house, so the floors cannot be neglected. In apartments, several types of flooring are now used for design:

  • linoleum;
  • laminate;
  • wooden floors;
  • carpet;
  • ceramic tile.

The easiest to maintain, popular because of its cheapness and versatility, is linoleum. It is easy to wash, and you can not be afraid that it will fade or spread from water or detergent. It is advisable to lay commercial linoleum in the hallway in a private house, which usually spreads in rooms with high traffic. So there is less risk of material damage due to sand, heels and other negative factors. For the hallway, you can almost any color and texture, because it is not always exceptionally smooth. The variety of patterns will allow you to choose the right floor covering for any interior.

Laminate is now the most popular due to its high strength and resistance to various loads. The presentation of high-quality products can last for a whole decade. Laminate is not afraid of any kind of cleaning, neither moisture nor dust are afraid of it either.

As for the wooden floors, it can be definitely noted: they are outdated. Parquet as a kind of wooden flooring can harmoniously complement only a classic hallway, designed in an old and even chic style. And the usual plank floor from our Soviet past looks, to put it mildly, unsightly. Therefore, it makes no sense to even consider it, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to leave such flooring in the hall. And in general, the wooden floor is impractical: it constantly needs to be looked after, especially carefully in the hallway. Parquet has a high level of moisture absorption, it is easy to scratch, and it quickly loses its proper appearance. Therefore, for ordinary average houses, wooden coating is not suitable.

A small hallway will look very cozy if you lay carpet in it. However, it is worth remembering that in this case the floor will be made in dark colors, because the light one will be very difficult to clean, and it will get dirty for sure. By the way, that is why the pile in the hallway should be short, otherwise street dirt and small debris will linger in it.

For an apartment of compact size, ceramic tiles on the floor are ideal. Stress resistance and easy cleaning are the two main weighty arguments in its favor. In a private house, tiles imitating wood or natural stone will look good. Slippery surfaces are best avoided.

In addition to the aesthetic load, it is necessary to be guided by practical arguments, since in the hallway the load on the floor is maximum due to high traffic, and often in shoes. Laying the laminate in length will visually lengthen the hallway, and the diagonal pattern of linoleum will help to expand the narrow room. It is also better to lay tiles with rhombuses, so the design will become much more interesting.

Ceiling in the hallway

With the ceiling, everything is much simpler: the lighter, the better. A one-color solution in this case is the most optimal and traditional. It’s not worth being smart here, so as not to overload the hallway of the house with details. A light plain ceiling is the ideal solution for almost any occasion, in particular, for a compact hallway. So the room will add lightness and additional volume. If the plane of the ceiling is perfectly flat, without flaws, cracks and bumps, then you can cover it with ordinary water-based paint- the cheapest option without the wisdom and extra work.

When the ceiling surface is in a deplorable state, and it is quite difficult to fix it, then you can resort to several ways to finish the ceiling in the hallway:

  1. Plastic panels - a smooth glossy material will slightly raise the space of a small hallway, and it will also be possible to build in local light sources in the right places. The variety of colors of such panels will help to improve the design of the house, if the choice falls, for example, on a pale pink or light blue ceiling.
  2. Stretch ceilings are a very effective glossy material that hides absolutely all the flaws and does not require careful maintenance. The design provides for the installation of any fixtures, regardless of shape, quantity and complexity. mirror effect stretch ceilings deepen the space of the hallway and make the design of the room incredibly sophisticated.
  3. Drywall - with it you can mount a false ceiling. The surface will be perfectly flat, in addition, the material allows you to make a multi-level design, thus highlighting certain areas. In addition to zoning, small lamps can be easily installed in plasterboard ceilings at home.

wall material

For the walls of the hallway, you can use completely different materials. Plastic panels are unlikely to fit into the hall or bedroom, but the entrance hall small house it will look quite decent with such a finish. But again, do not forget about the color of the coating. Dark or too colorful walls will narrow the room and push from all sides. Large drawings in such a hallway are also not needed. Stylish and concise design create plain walls of beige, light green, gray or pale lilac. Longitudinal waves, thin stripes, small flowers, fancy patterns of medium-sized caliber - all this can be present on the walls of the hallway, if classic version the owner doesn't like it.

So, let's look at the variety of materials for decorating the walls of the hallway:

  1. Paper wallpaper - not the most good option, although the most economical. The entrance hall of any house is the place where street dirt and moisture from clothes live, so the paper may not last long on the walls, the wallpaper will soon deform and lose its appearance, since they cannot be cleaned.
  2. – durable washable coating, resistant to scratches and damage. The unchanged look of the wallpaper lasts 5-8 years, besides, it can be washed, vacuumed and wiped chemicals. The design of the hallway, finished with this type wall covering, can be anything: texture, color, combination different shades- whatever the owner wants. After all, the space can be divided into several zones, depending on the color.
  3. Vinyl wallpaper is a practical modern material, convenient in everything: it is easy to glue it on the walls, easy to wash, clean heavy dirt.
  4. Wooden wall decoration is an option, although not very common, but very original. It will look especially impressive and cozy in a private house. Not very practical, of course. It will be necessary to periodically clean the wood, cover it with fresh varnish, monitor for chips and other damage.
  5. - Save the view of the room uneven walls, but significantly reduce the space after installation. They serve for a very long time, do not fade, wash well, are easy to install, and isolate from noise.
  6. Decorative plaster - stylish solution for the hallway. You can put plaster textured and with patterns, but the shade must be light.
  7. Imitation stone - in narrow hallway it is better not to resort to this decor option. The dark stone on the walls will turn this part of the house into a cave. If you still have a desire, it is better to stay on a white brick. Light walls with will look very original.

Zoning the hallway - will favorably highlight some areas. The stone can be put on the bottom, cover the wall around the mirror with colored decorative plaster, and cover the rest of the place with wallpaper.

The entrance hall is the first room that sets the tone for the rest of the apartment, serves as a kind of calling card for the owners, so its design deserves special attention. A small hallway is not a sentence, even a few square meters of the entrance hall, with the right approach, can turn into a comfortable stylish environment that surprises with its functionality and spaciousness.

Starting repairs in a small hallway, you first need to evaluate the possibility of expanding the space. In this case, combining the entrance hall with the living room can help out by dismantling the doorway and a fragment of the wall. To street dirt and cold air did not go directly to living room, install decorative plasterboard partitions. good decision will be the construction of arched vaults instead of interior doors, as a result of which the space small corridor become more open and bright.

Often, the layout of the hallways provide for the presence of niches, this is especially true for apartments in Khrushchev. Recesses in the wall can be used for arranging built-in wardrobes where clothes, shoes or appliances will be stored (sometimes even a washing machine is found here).

It is worth starting repair work with complete dismantling old finishing materials, leveling and cleaning surfaces. Think over the future lighting system in advance, since even before the start finishing works it is necessary to equip the locations of lamps and sockets in order to disguise the electrical cable.

Before starting repairs, you should think through everything to the smallest detail, from the choice of style, color of a small hallway to the installation of furniture, lamps and decor. It is better to draw a draft sketch on a piece of paper, following which you can carry out repairs step by step without unforeseen problems.

For the design of small rooms, designers quite rightly prefer a light palette that can visually expand the boundaries of the room. In the hallway, where there are no windows and practically no natural light gets in, light finishes are most relevant. As a rule, they choose the main color, to which one or two additional ones are added to create contrasts and small accents.

Today, many people prefer the white palette, which is characteristic of many modern styles (minimalism, Scandinavian, classic). The design of the walls and ceiling in one snow-white palette will “blur” the boundaries between the planes, due to which the room will seem much wider. There is no need to be afraid that the hallway will turn into sterile hospital rooms, because you will fill it with peculiar contrasts, the role of which will be assigned to the original flooring, rugs, wooden furniture, wall decor in the form of paintings, photos or a beautiful mirror.

To get a light, but more comfortable environment, you can take the beige color scheme as the basis for the design, which looks great in any style. the best company brown color will create it, but white and pastel colors can be connected to the design.

Gray is at the peak of popularity - it is neutral and concise, so it often appears best solution for decorating rooms in modern restrained styles. To enliven a monochrome environment, install multi-level lighting, mirror surfaces, use interspersed with white, black colors and other contrasts.

Pastel colors, such as light green, blue, pink, lemon, etc., will help to create a soft unobtrusive atmosphere in a small hallway. To avoid confusion, it is better not to mix diverse tones, but choose one main one and add shades from its own spectrum to it, alternate light and dark stripes of the same tone or make it more saturated accent wall against the backdrop of a general light finish.

When choosing materials for finishing a small hallway, pay attention to the fact that pollution from the street, cool air currents and humidity can penetrate into this room, so you should give preference to coatings that are resistant to these conditions.


The entrance hall is a passage room where the floor surface is constantly under mechanical stress and quickly gets dirty. Therefore, you need to choose the most stable coating that is easy to clean.

The best option might be floor tiles or porcelain stoneware - the materials meet all the necessary requirements for operation and have a huge range of designs.

More economical option- linoleum, which, although considered somewhat outdated, today also has many interpretations, is made from artificial and natural materials. Parquet and laminate tolerate moisture, sand much worse and can deform over time.


For the walls of the hallway, the choice of finishing materials is quite large and often they are combined, creating a unique interior. Having previously leveled the surfaces, the walls can be painted with acrylic or water-based composition, finish with decorative plaster, paste over with washable wallpaper.

An interesting option would be pasting one of the walls with photo wallpapers, where the images are selected according to the style of the room. Separate sections can be decorated with decorative stone, highlight, for example, doorways, corners or niches. No less relevant are PVC panels with a wide range of colors.

With the help of finishing materials, you can visually enlarge the space of a small hallway. Vertical patterns on the wallpaper will “raise” the height of the ceiling surface, and horizontal ones will expand the room. Do not get carried away with large patterns that can bring the surface closer - if you don’t like a monochromatic design, choose a wallpaper with a small pattern that gives dynamics to the design.


In a small hallway, a light ceiling looks best. flat surface can be bleached or dyed. A popular trend has become the finishing of the ceiling with drywall and stretch glossy or matte canvas. Such designs make it possible to do without preliminary leveling of the surface, to equip curly structures and a spot lighting system, hiding electrical wires.

The choice of furniture often becomes the main problem of a small corridor. There is no place for bulky cabinets, so you need to choose the most compact storage systems. You need to try to maximize the use of corner areas, for example, install a radius wardrobe or hanger. You can choose a modular set for the hallway by placing individual elements in less accessible areas.

It is worth making the most of the space around the front door - equip a mezzanine in the upper part, and install compact storage systems on the sides. If there is a niche in the corridor, use it to equip the built-in wardrobe - for this you only need to install shelves and sliding doors. You can purchase a narrow shoe rack, where folding shelves allow you to store shoes compactly.

In a small hallway, you can get by with a minimal set of furniture, for example, install a shoe cabinet-bench on which you can sit or put a bag, and attach a shelf with hooks for outerwear on top. It remains only to add a wall mirror and a couple of decorative elements.

In most cases, there are no windows in the hallway and the room can seem rather gloomy if it is not equipped with high-quality lighting. It may be small ceiling chandelier, spotlights, spots.

The area near the mirror should be additionally equipped with lighting in the form of one or two lamps (sometimes make-up mirrors equipped with many lamps are installed). The surfaces of the ceiling and floor look original with hidden backlight in the form of neon ribbons, luminescent elements.

In a small hallway, you should not get carried away with overall decor, which will clutter up an already small space. Its role can be played by finishing features, colored inserts, a couple of photographs or paintings, a mirror in a beautiful frame, a bright floor rug or pouffe.

To make the hallway decor look beautiful and orderly, it should be decorated in one of the interior styles, which should be combined with other rooms in the apartment. We offer to consider some good ideas for a small hallway.

Small hallway in a classic style

For the hallway classical style cream, milky, light gray tones are acceptable, so the design is perfect for small room. Here, preference is given to white furniture made of wood, massive mirrors in luxurious frames, moldings and carved elements that decorate the environment.

Marble tiles or porcelain tiles are laid on the floor, and the walls are decorated with decorative plaster, stone or fabric wallpaper with a small discreet ornament. The classic does not age and this is its main advantage - a luxurious interior can be complemented by more modern details, such as wardrobes, spotlights, etc., but stucco elements, luxurious chandeliers, expensive finishing materials will always emphasize the presentability of the design and the good taste of the owners.

Small hallway in the style of minimalism

The design of a small hallway in the style of minimalism involves a concise design, practically devoid of decorations and useless elements. The interior has strict geometric shapes, clear lines and angles. Preference is given light colors finishes, built-in storage systems, bright multi-level lighting.

Wall decoration is characterized by simple, but high-quality materials without patterns - it can be wallpaper for painting, plaster or PVC panels. An integral element of the design are large mirrors of any shape, visually increasing the space.

Small hallway in Scandinavian style

The style, which originated in Sweden in the 18th century, has renewed its relevance in our time thanks to the design features, where the desire for minimalism is perfectly combined with homely comfort.

A small Scandinavian-style hallway is most often decorated in a white palette, but this is not a dogma - gray, beige, olive shades may well be present. Preference is given to wooden furnishings, which should be few: open hangers, a small sofa or pouffe, a mirror in a massive wooden frame and a small bedside table - this is quite enough to accommodate the necessary things.

As a finish, plaster, painting, plain Wall panels or design under brickwork. Vintage gizmos often act as decorative elements ( old chest of drawers, shabby rug), living flowerpots, photographs, bright elements of furniture and clothing.

Closer to the door, it is better to place a place for changing shoes, a shoe dryer and a hanger for outerwear. A little further you can put a wardrobe.

Idea number 2: install a narrow wardrobe

You can buy a multifunctional modular wardrobe that combines a place for clothes, a cabinet for shoes, a chest of drawers with drawers and even a seat to put on shoes.

Idea #3: Attach Wall Hangers

You can completely abandon the closet and choose wall hangers. Designer options look no worse, and clothes dry faster after rain. And we do offer.

Idea #4: Decorate the ceiling with lights

The design of the hallway should be minimalistic so that it does not seem cramped and cluttered. But you shouldn't give up decor completely. The more lamps, sconces and small flashlights, the better. After all, it always seems more comfortable and spacious!

Idea number 5: install a mirror

In the hallway you can not do without a mirror. You can choose one large or several small ones. In addition to direct functionality, all mirror surfaces have another superpower - to increase space. There are a few rules

Idea number 6: glue light wallpaper

Designers - white, beige, light gray, pastel green. They visually make the room more spacious. Dark shades add crampedness and gloom to the hallway, which is most often devoid of windows anyway.

It is important to choose materials that are easy to clean. For example, or paste washable wallpaper. Another modern material that is ideal for the hallway is wall panels. They are very durable and easy to clean with household cleaners.

Idea number 7: buy striped finishing materials

If the corridor is long and narrow, we choose finishing materials and interior elements with transverse stripes. Verified: ! At the same time, vertical stripes visually add height to low ceilings.

Idea number 8: Lay a light-colored floor covering

According to the designers, floor tiles are ideal for the corridor - it's beautiful and practical. Released today different types tiles - of ceramics, marble and other natural and artificial materials. Budget options- linoleum and laminate. They are well cleaned of dirt.

Idea #9: Don't Forget the Carpet

You can not do in the hallway without a door mat. Tiny will further emphasize the tightness of the room. It is better to add coziness and comfort in the hallway with underfloor heating - this way you can save space for drying shoes.

Residential apartments of houses of old buildings often have a small square, so it is important to think in advance about the proper arrangement of space. The question of how to decorate the design of a small hallway is one of the main ones, since this room is the first to fall into the field of view of any person entering the apartment. Here everything should be harmonious, stylish, functional. In our review, we have collected some recommendations from experts, photo examples that will help you stylishly decorate modern design hallway, to solve the problems of visual expansion of space and convenient arrangement of furniture.

Design of a small hallway: basic design rules

To make a small room more spacious as well as functional, try to design a small hallway in one of the modern trends. It can be minimalism, neo-classic, loft, provence (we will talk about them in more detail later).

Stick to light-colored finishes that will help visually enlarge square meters. In this case, use no more than 3 colors, one of which is dominant. Ceramic tiles, linoleum (the most wear-resistant materials) are suitable for the floor. The design of a small hallway involves a monochromatic wall design without sticky bright patterns, eye-catching stripes. The final step will be the purchase of furniture that matches the layout and style.

Zoning in the design of a narrow hallway

Long narrow corridors often create the feeling of an endless tunnel. To avoid this, experts advise to divide the design of a long hallway into zones. For example, closer to the front door, they decorate the entrance area, where the most necessary furniture is located: shoe shelves, hanger, mirror. Next, you can install a narrow storage system (sometimes the end, which ends the hallway, becomes the best place for it).

The room can be visually divided using arches, columns that differ in color or texture of finishing materials, shapes suspended ceilings. Near the entrance, the floor is made more durable ceramic tiles, and then - laminate, parquet. To expand the space somewhat, bright accent areas are included in the design of a narrow hallway - small gaps in the walls or interior doors contrasting colors. Placing large mirrors or even decorating an entire mirror wall also contribute to the visual increase in area. To avoid "desert" will help the design of the corridor-gallery with large photographs or paintings.

Hallway design in Khrushchev

Small uncomfortable hallways are often found in houses of old buildings, where for some reason there was not enough space for the passage room itself. For example, the design of the hallway in the "Khrushchev".

Often, the entrance hall in Khrushchev has the shape of a small square or rectangle with doors leading to the bathroom, kitchen, and other rooms. To visually expand the space, doorways can be decorated with arches. This will increase the area, but violate the "privacy" of the rooms.

When designing a hallway in Khrushchev, it is worth stopping at a plain wall decoration, possibly with a small print, since large drawings will only “clutter up” the space. There is one little trick that allows you to visually expand the area - the color palette of the walls should be lighter than the floor, but darker than the ceiling.

Rectangular hallway design

If the corridor area is rectangular, then there is enough space along the walls for furniture. When designing a rectangular hallway, use modular systems, individual elements of which can be placed along empty areas, as well as "light" structures: open hangers, shelves. low ceilings in a rectangular hallway it is worth "raising". To do this, use the technique of decorating the ceiling surface with suspended, tension structures with internal illumination around the perimeter. Bright lighting in the hallway will create spotlights.

Square hallway design

In a square room, as a rule, there are empty corners. Corner wardrobe great design solution square hallway. It will not take up much space, but it will be deep enough, roomy. A good addition would be the mirrored cabinet doors, which will contribute to the visual expansion of the area. Another corner will be occupied by an armchair, pouffe, chest of drawers or shoe cabinet. When designing a square hallway, do not get carried away with lush decoration. You can use gluing one of the walls with photo wallpaper with a perspective, which will also enlarge the room. For a square room, both spotlights and a chandelier are equally appropriate, depending on the height of the ceilings.

Hallway design ideas in a small private house

Small hallways are found not only in apartments, but also in private houses. Often they have some features - there may be a staircase leading to the second floor or window openings. Such architectural forms, with a competent approach, will be more of a plus than a disadvantage of planning.

Hallway design with stairs: beneficial use of space

The overall style of the interior often depends on the material and design of the stairs leading to the second floor. For example, a modern high-tech staircase with glass steps on modules attached to the wall will emphasize, and the classics will be topped with carved wooden elements. The design of a hallway with a staircase of small dimensions often involves the use of the area under the stairs to accommodate functional areas. Any storage system, shelves with accessories, armchairs, pouffes or even a small room will be well located here. In addition to the general lighting of the hallway, you need to take care of lighting the stairs by installing, for example, diode lamps, sconces. In the photo below, see examples of the design of a hallway with a staircase.

How to design a hallway with a window

In private homes, the hallway design project may include windows. They help to significantly increase the space without creating a kind of isolation. Their shapes, as well as their sizes, are varied: these can be small openings of non-standard shapes, decorated with stained-glass windows, large double-glazed windows from floor to ceiling, creating the effect of a glass gallery, or ordinary medium-sized windows. The design of the entrance hall with a window is designed according to the general style of the house: stained-glass windows emphasize modern, vintage, loft styles, transparent double-glazed windows - minimalism, high-tech.

It is worth decorating windows with short curtains - Roman or roller blinds, which are perfect for any stylistic direction without taking up space. The design options for a hallway with a window, presented in the photo, demonstrate the possibilities of arranging furniture. For example, chairs or a sofa can be installed near the window opening, a mirror and other pieces of furniture can be placed opposite the window. Sometimes the opening is played as a niche: a furniture set is installed around it, and inside there is a window with a sofa.

Design of a small hallway: modern wall decoration

There are many materials with which you can decorate the walls of the hallway, the main thing is that they match the room, are durable, easy to clean. The most famous are wallpapers (avoid simple paper ones, as well as expensive ones), MDF panels, paint, plaster. But, if you want to design a small hallway in the spirit of modernity, pay attention to the following finishing methods.

Hallway design with decorative stone

This type of finish has many advantages. In addition to the fact that the design of the hallway with decorative stone looks amazingly presentable, this material washes very well, is resistant to different kind influences (mechanical, chemical, natural). It can easily be combined with any other finishing materials. The main rule is decorative stone should not be much, they are decorated with walls occasionally around doorways, niches, decorative elements, areas of visible corners.

Design of a small hallway with photo wallpaper

Another interesting way decoration of accent elements of hallways - the use of photo wallpaper. Moreover, you should not completely paste over the walls of a small room with them - they should decorate certain areas, for example, part of the wall near the sofa. Often used modern 3d wallpaper, creating the appearance of volume. The design of a small hallway with photo wallpaper can be truly exclusive if you choose an individual picture to order.

White Brick Hallway Design Ideas

One of the most fashionable ways to decorate walls today can be called white brick. The best option- the design of such walls of the hallway in a private brick house. Here it will be enough just to paint the walls. For apartments, especially small ones, it is not advisable to make brickwork that will “steal” a decent piece of space. The entrance hall in the apartment, the interior design of which provides for white brick, can be decorated with imitating materials: textured plaster, tiles or gypsum imitating masonry, voluminous plastic panels, wallpaper. So that the decor of the hallway is not heavy, you should not decorate all the walls in this way, one or two are enough.

Hallway design in a modern style: photo examples of the features of stylistic trends

The modern design of the hallway, even the smallest one, can have its own style, which will correspond to the general concept of the apartment or house. For example, minimalism and high-tech will differ significantly in the severity of the interior, in practice, the complete absence of decoration, the brilliant gloss of furniture, finishing materials.

The loft direction will offer the most unexpected interior with the presence of bare brick or concrete, open metal structures that act as furniture, and industrial lighting fixtures.

The design of a small hallway in eco style will not do without the presence of natural materials, wooden furniture, living indoor plants in pots. Classic prefers white, brown colors and their shades for furniture, decoration. There are graceful elements of stucco, gilding, elegant mirrors.

Design options for the hallway with rustic motifs are displayed in Provence and country styles. Wall decoration, as a rule, is made in pastel colors. It can be wallpaper with a small floral (floral) print, painted plain walls, ceilings. Aged wooden furniture, as well as forged elements, will best complement the stylistic direction.

With our material, we touched on various aspects of what a hallway design can be. Modern Ideas limitless, as well as the variety of materials and ways to combine them. We recommend that you make this room so that it is in harmony with overall design home and the preferences of its inhabitants.

Design of a small hallway - 45 photos in a modern design updated: March 1, 2018 by: Kyiv Irina