Shower      03.03.2020

Do-it-yourself wall insulation with liquid foam. Liquid foam - the impossible is possible! How to use penoizol abroad

It is difficult to live in the age of innovation, every decade carrying a doubling of information - there is no stability! Things familiar yesterday, today or tomorrow, may well become an anachronism. Innovations in everything and everywhere, including in such a conservative industry as construction. New technologies, dozens of new finishing materials, fasteners and accessories, materials for walls and heaters. Fundamentally new window systems, which changed the idea that the window is a constant source of cold, can now partially perform the function of a heat insulator. New building materials, technologies or tools appear almost daily. Unfortunately, not everything worthy of use in construction is widely known. And the purpose of this article is to introduce you to a rather little-known liquid insulation- penoizol (may also be called Mipora, Unipor or Mettemplast).

So, penoizol

Penoizol (aka carbamide foam) is obtained by foaming and subsequent polymerization of carbamide resin. The uniqueness of this technology is that the production process takes place directly at the object of insulation, where the product in liquid form and under pressure is fed into the insulated cavities, allowing them to be completely filled with insulation. Save energy, time, money, transport, loading and unloading. There is no need to take up space for warehousing and storage of large volumes of insulation. No need to fasten the insulation to the wall and related work.

The whole difference in the use of penoizol from the usual heaters, in the order of the work. If soft roll and hard sheet heaters they are attached to the wall and only then they are covered (protected) with a steam-conducting membrane with a hinged facade or plaster, then for insulation with liquid foam insulation, they pre-build hinged facade and only then liquid insulation is poured into the cavity, under the vapor-conducting membrane.

Characteristics of carbamide foam

As a heater, penoizol can have a density of 10 - 30 kg / m 3 and has excellent thermal insulation properties with thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.038 W / m² C. Compare, the thermal conductivity of classic foam, depending on the density, varies in the range - 0.038 - 0.043 W / m °C. Mineral wool boards with a density of 125 kg / m 3 - 0.07 W / m² C (to prevent shrinkage of mineral wool during operation, a density of 120 kg / m 3 and above is recommended by manufacturers of mineral wool insulation for thermal insulation of vertical walls), and a density of 200 kg / m 3 - 0, 08 W / m²C, i.e. penoizol as a heater retains heat better than polystyrene and is twice as good as mineral wool in this parameter.

Carbamide foam, at one time, withstood whole line tests and repeatedly studied in various laboratories in our country and abroad. The State Certification and Licensing Services Gosstandart, State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control, Gosstroy, after detailed studies for compliance with medical standards, certified carbamide foam. In addition, penoizol was tested for fire resistance at the State Enterprise TsNIISK named after. Kucherenko.

The conducted studies confirmed the thermal conductivity coefficient in the range from 0.028 to 0.038 W / m² C.

The fire safety of penoizol is also quite high, the material corresponds to a flammability group of at least G-2. Penoizol does not support combustion, which in itself is unique, given the organic basis of the material. When exposed to an open flame, penoizol gradually loses mass by charring and evaporating without the formation of melt drops, without emitting either harmful gases or soot.

It tolerates significant cyclic changes in temperature and humidity well and without changes in its structure. At the same time, it has an enviable durability. Laboratory studies gave an estimated service life of 60 - 80 years. At the same time, the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, after studying penoizol for durability, wrote in conclusion that "the operating time of penoizol is not limited." This is confirmed by the study of samples of penoizol taken from walls insulated 60-70 years ago (the first experiments in the use of insulation). Also not found there obvious signs degradation.

The internal fine-mesh structure of the insulation effectively passes water vapor towards the lowest partial pressures. According to this indicator, penoizol corresponds to the best samples of heaters on the market. This characteristic refers it to the category of "vapor-permeable" heaters, which is a prerequisite for insulating the walls and ceilings of the house.


The microcapillary, well-permeable water vapor internal structure of penoizol actively pumps moisture through its volume from the walls to the outside, constantly drying them and preventing condensation from accumulating and the appearance of mold accompanying it. Which is very valuable for any walls, especially wooden ones. A well-built and high-quality hinged facade with foam insulation, as a heater, guarantees long life wooden house.

Like most heaters, penoizol is an excellent sound insulator. Its five-seven centimeter layer reduces medium-frequency airborne noise by three times, structural (transmitted through structural elements) by two.

Penoizol can be effectively used for insulation and sound insulation of walls, ceilings, floors and internal bulkheads of houses built from almost any modern structural materials. The efficiency, low cost and fire safety of penoizol made it attractive for insulating houses, as well as utility and industrial buildings.

Penoizol is an effective, if not the only, material for the repair of a heat-insulating layer of a building that has been damaged during operation. The material can be used, for example, for filling cavities formed as a result of poor-quality installation or shrinkage of mineral wool, filling cavities formed from expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) destroyed by rodents, voids formed as a result of shrinkage bulk heaters- expanded clay, ecowool, etc.

Testing various heaters for blowing

Pouring penoizol into walls with settled mineral wool

Disadvantages of penoizol.

Like any other material, penoizol has advantages and disadvantages. In this article, I will give the main ones:

Penoizol has a rather low mechanical tensile strength compared to extruded polystyrene foam and it needs to be protected from mechanical stress.

With open water ingress for a long time, it can gain a certain amount of moisture, which leads to a decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the insulation. But I note that again, thanks to the capillary structure, it evaporates the accumulated moisture very quickly.

During the period of polymerization and drying, together with water, it emits a small amount of gaseous formaldehyde, but after 2-3 weeks, when the material gets rid of moisture, this indicator does not exceed the MPC.

Due to its hygroscopicity, penoizol cannot be used to insulate the underground part of foundations, and it cannot also be used as a heater under a reinforced concrete screed.

In the case of pouring the material not into the main walls (brick, concrete), but, for example, into a frame wall between two films, due to the impossibility of creating high pressure in a frame wall, penoizol has an unpleasant feature - shrinkage of the material during the drying process, which can reach 1%;

To solve the problem of penoizol shrinkage in the lungs frame buildings, Armoplast specialists developed a set of measures:

The technology of micro and macro-reinforcement of penoizol with the help of mineral additives and additional preparatory special measures, which allows you to completely get rid of the negative phenomena associated with shrinkage of the material in frame walls, ceilings, attics and guarantee the reliable operation of the insulation throughout its entire service life

Rapid drying of the material is unacceptable, because. penoizol during quick drying does not have time to polymerize sufficiently and gain sufficient strength, which leads to a high percentage of shrinkage of the material (penoizol should be between the vapor barrier and windproof vapor-transparent membranes and dry within 2-4 weeks)

Mandatory use of the "correct" components, the so-called "foam" EPSG resin and Mettemplast technology.

Below are pictures taken with an electron microscope (magnification 500x - 600x), which show the structure of conventional and micro-reinforced foam insulation.

Photo 1 Photo 2

Photo 1 shows an opened empty capillary of a unit cell ("bubble") of a conventional non-reinforced foam insulation, photo 2 shows reinforced foam insulation capillaries filled with mineral fillers, which helps to combat shrinkage during drying of the material, and also gives additional strength and fire resistance to foam insulation .

Thus, we see that penoizol has its own fairly wide scope, and many of the above disadvantages of the material can be eliminated technologically. Aenoizol must be protected from external mechanical and climatic influences (this requirement is the same for almost all modern heaters). Penoizol in frame housing construction and open castings must be reinforced, which will eliminate the shrinkage of the material and obtain an excellent monolithic seamless heat-insulating layer bound throughout the volume with reinforcing mineral fibers.

The effect of using penoizol to restore thermal insulation brick house, perfectly demonstrates the thermogram taken before (photo on the left) and after additional pouring of insulation into the walls (photo on the right).

So, choosing penoizol as the main insulation of walls and ceilings at home, you will get an economical, reliable and durable material. A material that does not burn "breathes" and mice do not start in it (a drawback of most modern heaters).

Penoizol is cheap, using it, you save at the construction stage, but you will get even more savings during the operation of the house on heating, since this insulation has one of the best performance in terms of heat resistance. Penoizol is a combination of low price, good quality and high performance.

Since penoizol in its original form is a liquid foam poured under pressure, the free volumes in the walls of any configuration are completely filled. This eliminates their subsequent purging and the associated heat loss.

The material has a low price, therefore, using it, you will get the opportunity to increase the insulation layer in the house without additional financial costs, thereby automatically laying the foundation for its future energy efficiency.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: penoizol has both positive and negative properties. But for a specific, narrow use of the material - wall insulation, floors and ceilings of the house, the pros outweigh its cons. Good heat resistance coefficient, durable, affordable price and beautiful operational properties make it one of the best heaters On the market. Subject to the material production technology, it can be recommended as a heater and sound insulator for walls, ceilings and partitions of almost any houses and structures.

To insulate the building from the inside and outside, repairmen use liquid foam (also known as penoizol). This is a relatively recent technology that has become widespread due to the high thermal conductivity and durability of the material. How to apply a liquid substance and what do you need for home insulation?

Three types of liquid foam

Varieties of liquid foam differ from each other not chemical composition, but by the production container in which they are produced. The scope and complexity of the application will depend on the packaging.

Professionals use industrial liquid foam. To mix it, you will need a special installation, which costs over 20,000 rubles. Such a machine allows you to simultaneously mix the composition to a homogeneous consistency and ensure its supply under pressure. It is not worth buying a special unit for one-time insulation. It is better to rent it or use other modifications of the insulation.

The second industrial option is liquid foam in cylinders. The kit includes two components: a container with a paste-like mass and a catalyst. When mixed, they form an insulating mixture that is distributed under pressure. Cylinders are reusable and easy to recharge.

The simplest option, which is convenient to use at home to perform medium and small jobs, - household penoizol in cylinders. For distribution porous material the dispenser included in the kit or a construction gun is used.

Advantages and disadvantages of penoizol

Liquid foam has several main advantages, because of which modern installers choose it for the insulation of private and industrial buildings.

Fine mesh structure. Penoizol refers to breathable materials. It does not create condensation on the surface of the walls, it allows moisture to pass through the porous layer and brings it out. This property of the material allows you to avoid the formation of fungus and with any coating.

Fire safety. Liquid foam belongs to the moderately combustible class G2. In the solid state, the material does not burn, but chars, while molten and toxic substances does not release during combustion. This unique property gives Liquid Styrofoam another point in comparison to other insulations.

Resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. After complete polymerization (hardening), penoizol does not change its structure, regardless of weather conditions and indoor microclimate. Due to this, the life of the insulation is from 50 to 80 years.

Noise isolation. The middle layer of penoizol with a thickness of 5-7 cm reduces the noise level, which transmits to the external environment by 3 times, and inside the building - by 2 times.

Availability of material at a price. The average cost of one domestic cylinder with dispenser 500 rubles. One cylinder is enough for 6–10 m 2 of fixing insulation boards.

Lack of surface preparation. It is not necessary to grind and clean the walls, which significantly saves time and financial costs for the purchase of special equipment for preparatory work.

Laying 10 cm layer of liquid foam in terms of thermal insulation properties corresponds to 0.2 m of mineral wool; 0.3 m of ordinary foam; 0.35 m of wood4 0.9 m of brick and 2 m of concrete.

However, this material has back side medals to consider:

  • reduced mechanical strength;
  • deterioration of the quality of the material when moisture enters;
  • emitting a small amount of formaldehyde, preserving bad smell within a few weeks;
  • shrinkage of the insulating layer by 1% after hardening in frame walls.

Filling industrial foam in cylinders

Liquid thermal insulation foam consists of carbamide resin, a hardening catalyst, a foaming agent and water. Additionally, modifiers and additives are introduced that improve the plasticity and other characteristics of the material. The process of mixing and transformation into a homogeneous mass takes place under the action of compressed air in a special apparatus for foamed insulation. The purchase of this unit for home use is only advisable for large-scale or regular work. Alternatively, the device can be rented.

Usually craftsmen purchase reusable cylinders with liquid foam. The contents are thoroughly mixed to get rid of air gaps and allow the active composition to spread as much as possible over the surface in a dense layer. Quite a few important point when using liquid foam in cylinders - the temperature of the working mixture. 20 ° C is considered optimal for application, at lower temperatures it must be heated in warm water. Attention, the heating temperature should not exceed 50°C, and in the summer the cylinder is cooled to the minimum mark regulated by the manufacturer.

There are three fill options:

  1. 1. If the free space between the walls is up to 5 cm, the insulation is poured in drilled holes 32 mm in diameter. Perforation of the wall is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1 m from each other. A hose is inserted into the hole (d = 30 mm). The foam composition is supplied under pressure, filling the cavities until it begins to seep through an adjacent hole.
  2. 2. Filling the walls with insulation in new buildings is carried out by filling the cavity with penoizol in several layers.
  3. 3. For frame houses, as well as cavities between the wall and drywall partition insulation is distributed from the bottom up.

After completion of work, the liquid foam does not leave voids, completely fills the recesses and small cracks. The initial degree of hardening of the insulation occurs after 20 minutes. For example, after 3–4 hours it becomes stronger, finally polymerizes after 2–5 days, and after a month it completely gains and stabilizes its solid form.

Household composition with a dispenser - a heat insulator and glue in one bottle

The most popular among amateur craftsmen is liquid foam with a dispenser, which is easy to apply with your own hands according to the principle of polyurethane foam. The first thing to start with is surface preparation. Complex manipulations are not required, however, it is worth performing several procedures for better adhesion of the material to the surface. We remove dust and dirt, a hose with good water pressure will be enough. Degreasing the surface also does not hurt. After removing the dust, you do not need to dry the walls, they should remain damp. In this case, close contact of the liquid foam with the base will be ensured, the material hardens faster.

Amateur masters more often purchase bottles with a dispenser

The next important point is the preparation of the balloon. It must be shaken several times and heated to the desired temperature indicated by the manufacturer. So you will achieve a complete connection of active substances, a uniform and dense distribution of the composition over the surface.

The further process of work is not much different from the technology of applying polyurethane foam. The composition is distributed through the dispenser included in the kit, or using construction pistol. If voids appear, the balloon should be shaken periodically to get rid of air gaps. Excess liquid foam after polymerization is easily cut off with a sharp knife, as is the case with polyurethane foam.

Penoizol is used not only for thermal insulation, but also as an adhesive for tile insulation (but not for mineral wool). The sequence of work in this case is as follows. We check the plates for rust and defects, if errors are detected, we eliminate them, clean the surface of dust. We thoroughly moisten the places of contact of the liquid foam with the base with water, for convenience we use a sprayer. The adhesive can be applied in two ways. The first option is the distribution of the foamy mass over the entire surface. The second - along the perimeter of the plate and diagonally. In practice, both options are used, however, in the second case, the adhesion will be lower, but the material consumption is more economical.

At the end, without waiting for drying, the plate is pressed tightly against the insulated wall. During further laying, the composition is applied not only to the base, but also to the tile joints to ensure maximum fixation. The best time to work with penoizol is the period from May to November.

The use of liquid foam as a heater has a lot of advantages, among which, first of all, its ability to fill the smallest gaps should be noted. In addition, the cost of this heater is quite affordable, compared to alternative options. We will talk about the features and scope of liquid foam later.

Liquid foam: features and characteristics

The basis for the manufacture of foam is the use of resin polymer composition. Exists a large number of varieties this material that distinguish:

  • by appointment - technical type foam is more harmful to environment, toxic substances are present in its composition, the foam installed in residential premises has a different composition, which is distinguished by absolute harmlessness and a good degree of purification;
  • according to manufacturing technology - materials based on already frozen foam are safer; in the process of working with liquid foam, there is a risk of release harmful substances, in the course of its solidification.

Most best option liquid foam is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins.

Each of the heaters, which has a foamed purpose, is formed by solidification of the material from which it is made. If the foam is applied directly to the surface that needs to be insulated, then its adhesion to it increases several times than if a foam plate is installed on the same surface.

To prepare liquid foam, you will need the presence of resin and a hardener. A special machine is engaged in mixing and whipping all the ingredients into a homogeneous foamy structure. Next, it is fed using a pump and a hose directly to the subject of insulation.

There are special units that are engaged in this process. Although it is possible to manufacture your own device, which is responsible for the preparation of liquid foam. The cost of purchased devices is quite high and reaches more than $ 3,000. For self assembly such a device will require much less funds.

Purchased liquid foam is produced in the form of a balloon. After the foam hits the wall surface, it instantly hardens and becomes an excellent insulation.

Among the advantages of liquid foam should be highlighted:

1. Excellent level of adhesion with almost any materials.

2. No need for surface preparation before laying foam.

3. The formation of a seamless perfect seam that does not let heat through.

4. Excellent vapor permeability, which allows you to maintain a healthy indoor climate.

5. Used for surface insulation different composition: concrete, brick, wooden, etc.

6. Liquid foam is able to fill all the space that requires insulation.

7. No or easy removal of excess and smudges.

8. Environmental friendliness and harmlessness to human health is ensured if a high-quality type of foam is selected.

9. Affordable cost, which is several times lower than alternative heaters in the form of mineral wool.

10. Good resistance to mold, fungus and microorganisms.

11. Ability to function in various temperature regime. Resistance to temperature changes.

Despite this, liquid foam has certain disadvantages, namely:

  • the possibility of linear shrinkage, which appears if the foam was poured without the necessary pressure;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor that disappears over time;
  • the ability to absorb moisture, so the material should be protected from external influences on both sides;
  • due to the presence of formaldehyde, it is recommended for use as an outer layer of insulation or as an intermediate layer.

Liquid foam insulation - scope of use

Liquid foam has limited indoor use, but is still widely used in the process of insulating horizontal planes, such as attic floors panel house. In addition, it does an excellent job of warming the inter-rafter space and inclined sections.

Due to the presence of a liquid consistency, the foam perfectly insulates the space between two sections of walls that are tightly adjacent to each other. It is used to insulate formwork, false walls or floors made of wood.

Liquid foam is able to penetrate into the most remote sections of the walls. With its help, they are filled evenly and efficiently.

The use of liquid foam is associated with the insulation of containers. In addition, the unit with which insulation is produced is also used for the manufacture of any kind of foam products, such as skirting boards, baguettes, slabs, relief elements, etc.

Please note that all materials used in the liquid foam manufacturing process should be carefully checked. Since there are many scammers or pseudo-factories that make liquid foam at a low cost. In this case, a low quality hardener is used, which is not only harmful, but also dangerous to human health.

Liquid foam in cylinders is used as an adhesive. In relation to the form and application, it has similar properties to mounting foam, although in comparison with it it has a higher thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

It is suitable for fixing different kind insulation boards on the surface. To do this, you must follow the instructions:

1. Make sure there are no defects on the surface. It should be smooth, without rust spots, cracks and chips.

2. Clean and dedust the surface.

3. In places where the adhesive is in contact with the board, water should be applied to improve their adhesion.

4. The option of applying foam to the full surface is possible. If it is planned to save, then it is applied only in horizontal and diagonal directions.

5. Once the liquid foam is applied to the surface of the plate, it should be pressed firmly against the wall.

6. Further slabs are laid in the same way.

Please note that thermal insulation with foam, in the absence of a properly organized ventilation system, leads to the formation of condensate masses.

Application of liquid foam does not require extensive surface preparation. This explains its wide popularity. Using special installation, which is engaged in the production of foam, insulation requires only water and electricity. The foam is applied using a hose, the size of which is limited by the distance from the foam producing unit to the place of insulation.

Liquid carbamide foam is used in such cases:

  • internal gluing work of various kinds structural elements, for thermal insulation of bathrooms, in order to provide sound insulation;
  • when carrying out outdoor work - facade insulation, waterproofing, installation of blocks made of concrete, etc.

The use of liquid foam is quite simple. Before applying it, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust, water should be applied to it to improve the adhesion of the foam. Work is best done at a temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius. If the air temperature is lower, then the finished mixture is heated with warm water. If the weather is too hot, then the mixture is cooled in the same way.

Before using a purchased liquid foam, you should first shake the container in which it is located about 10-15 times. Thus, there will be a uniform distribution of material inside the cylinder.

Advantages of wall insulation with liquid foam

If the foam is made directly at the facility where construction works, then its quality is much lower than that of balloon liquid foam. The use of purchased foam, which is sold in a balloon form, has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness and harmlessness to health, provided that the foam is made of quality materials;
  • fire safety and fire resistance;
  • resistance to biological influences;
  • resistance to insects and rodents.

Insulation with liquid foam has an excellent value for money thermal insulation material. It is able to insulate both already erected walls and structures that are under construction. In addition, liquid foam is different:

  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • high manufacturability of use;
  • service life of 45 years;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • affordable cost;
  • fire safety;
  • high density;
  • good soundproofing characteristics.

Insulation of houses with liquid foam - technology and properties

Filling with liquid foam is carried out directly at the construction site, so the work on insulation is done quickly and easily. Penoizol is not prone to increase, but still differs in the presence of slight shrinkage, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks that form as a result of shrinkage, the technology of filling with penoizol should be strictly followed.

The material must be tested and of high quality. Minimum temperature for work is six degrees. If a purchased type of foam is used, then you should first study the instructions for working with it.

Sometimes slab or tiny materials are used. Since the foam in the dry state is great for any surface. After pouring, a seamless layer is formed, which has excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. This design practically does not allow moisture to pass through, despite the presence of small cracks in it.

The use of liquid foam is associated with insulation:

  • fences for external purposes;
  • wall insulation of a simple or combined composition;

  • thermal insulation construction made of bricks, consisting of three layers;
  • filling panels made of reinforced concrete;
  • providing sound insulation and sound absorption;
  • as a heater in layered panels;
  • interfloor insulation;
  • insulation of roofs, attics, attics and balcony structures;
  • insulation of garages, boxes, outbuildings, hangars, sites open type etc.;
  • cottage insulation, basements, vegetable stores;
  • thermal insulation and sound insulation of wall panels, which are installed on a frame made of both metal and wood;
  • soil insulation.

Manufacturing technology of liquid foam

To buy liquid foam, you should contact the manufacturers directly. They must be checked in advance with all the documents necessary for work. In addition, you should take care of the availability of certificates confirming the quality of products.

For purchased liquid foam, the price is higher, so its process self-manufacturing is much cheaper.

With the help of a properly made liquid foam, it will be possible to complete all the work efficiently, quickly and efficiently.

The procedure for making liquid foam involves mixing water foam with carbamide resin and a hardener. This is followed by polymerization, that is, the solidification of the finished substance.

After drying is completed, the material takes the form of the foam that is familiar to us. The foam is applied to the surface in the form of a thick foam, which has a thick consistency. It insulates very well building construction. In order to fill all the air gaps, it is necessary to provide a certain pressure, under which the foam is supplied.

Work should begin with the direct pouring of the material onto the surface. To obtain quality material, you should adhere to a certain technology for installing liquid foam.

For thermal insulation in houses with a total area of ​​70 square meters, it will take about six hours of work. If you hire specialists who are engaged in insulation using liquid foam, then the cost of work will be about $ 25 per square meter. Self-insulation will reduce costs by two or even three times.

Insulation with liquid foam involves pouring liquid foam into all empty sections of the walls. This procedure is performed by pre-drilling holes into which the hose is inserted. It is the pressure that ensures the tight fit of the material to the wall, the filling of all cavities and the absence of cracks.

Subject to the correct manufacture of liquid foam and its application, the use of this material as a heater allows you to get high-quality, inexpensive and effective insulation.

Liquid foam video:

One of great options maybe insulation with penoizol, which we will talk about in more detail in this article.

Modern technologies in the field of construction allow performing thermal insulation works in 2 ways:

Wall insulation from the outside


  • All work is carried out outside the premises, thereby without reducing its usable area.
  • Additional layers of vapor and waterproofing completely limit the access of moisture to wall structures, preventing the development of fungal infections.
  • Wall insulated from the outside loses heat 6 times slower than insulated inside.
  • Thanks to the external heat-insulating layer, the load-bearing wall element warms up and remains warm on both sides. The zero temperature point is outside the wall.
  • Thermal insulation also plays the role of a soundproof cushion.


  • Difficulty of installation. In addition, if the building is multi-storey, then the help of industrial climbers will be required.
  • During the warming will change appearance building facade.
  • Installation work can only be carried out under certain weather conditions (lack of precipitation, air temperature above +5 degrees)

Comparison of insulation methods

Internal insulation of wall structures


  • Works on internal insulation may be carried out in any season.
  • This option of warming the room will be more economical, since all the work can be done independently.
  • It is possible to insulate a separate room and not the entire building.


  • Decreased interior space.
  • Wall elements do not warm up completely, which does not allow them to accumulate heat in themselves.
  • During operation condensation may form between the wall and the thermal insulation layer. Dampness is an excellent environment for the development of mold and mildew.
  • A layer of insulation will make it problematic to attach shelves and other hanging elements to the wall.
  • Heat loss through wall structures remains at the level of 10-15%.

Advantages and disadvantages of penoizol

Penoizol - lightweight urea-formaldehyde foam, belonging to the genus of organic materials.

It is used both for heat and sound insulation of rooms, and for warming the soil base.

On the market building materials is present not so long ago, and therefore is not as widely known as its counterparts.

Let's look at its positive and negative qualities.

Advantages of penoizol:

  • As mentioned earlier, it is not only a heat-insulating, but also a noise-absorbing material;
  • Penoizol, unlike many heaters, rodents don't eat;
  • The material is resistant to decay;
  • When exposed high temperatures He does not ignite, does not melt or smoke;
  • It is a breathable thermal insulation material;
  • Penoizol has a fluid structure, and freezes only on the insulated surface when interacting with air. This allows you to achieve high-quality insulation of complex wall structures, as it fills even the smallest gaps and cracks;
  • There is no limitation on the terms of operation;
  • Foam insulation can be reinforced. This can be achieved by introducing mineral additives into the base material;
  • The price of the material is relatively low.

Interwall thermal insulation


  • Gives high shrinkage;
  • The complexity of the installation work. The use of foam insulation requires certain knowledge and experience with the material, since the application requires strict adherence to technology.
  • When warming frame structures It is difficult to predict how such thermal insulation will behave. When solidified, penoizol shrinks, as a result possible large voids, which will be problematic to fill.
  • The material is brittle, so it must be sheathed with other materials that have high mechanical strength.

Some sources say that penoizol is a toxic material that emits toxic gaseous substances. However, there are opinions that this process occurs only at the stage of hardening of the insulation.


To obtain a qualitative assessment of the properties of this material, it is necessary to evaluate its technical indicators. These include:

  • Operating temperature range - from -50 to +120 degrees;
  • Material density - 5-75 kg / m3;
  • Daily water absorption by weight - 10.5-20%;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.028 -0.047 (W / m) * ° С;
  • Humidity (mass fraction) - 5-20%;
  • The standard service life is 50 years. According to recent studies - not limited.

Tensile strength:

  1. With bending deformations - 0.1-0.25 kg / cm. sq.;
  2. For compression (at 10% linear deformation) - 0.07-0.5 kg / cm. sq.;
  3. For tension - 0.05-0.08 kg / cm2;

Slab penoizol

Equipment needed for self-insulation

For the production of installation work on the insulation of the room need the following mechanisms and equipment:

  • Compressor;
  • foam generator;
  • Pumps (for supplying solution and for supplying foam);
  • Source of electricity;
  • Additional fixing and formwork elements;
  • Special protection (gloves, goggles, respirator).

Thermal insulation equipment

Lathing for foam insulation

To ensure the normal bonding of penoizol with the wall structure, it is necessary to build a metal or wooden crate . In case you choose wooden version, you will need additional processing of frame elements with special antiseptics.


The cross section of the bars is selected strictly in accordance with the calculated width of the insulation layer.

The sequence of installation of the crate structure:

  1. Mark the sections on the facade where the main elements of the crate will be fixed to the wall;
  2. Drill holes for fasteners in the marked places;
  3. Fill the holes with cement or gypsum mortar, and then, using a hammer, drive wooden plugs into them;
  4. Install the vertical elements of the crate and secure them with self-tapping screws (on clogged wooden plugs). The pitch of the guide bars is up to 1 m.

When using penoizol no need to lay film vapor or waterproofing. It will not allow the insulation to dry, and the wall will not be able to breathe.

Horizontal elements are installed on vertical bars with a step of about 0.5 m.

Lathing installation

You can start applying penoizol. Since it liquid material, then it will be required additional element crate construction - restrictive mesh. It is attached to a frame with insulation to ensure the necessary fixation of penoizol until it dries completely.

The last step on the already insulated surface is mounted finishing. In the same way, one can also internal thermal insulation premises. In that case, as finishing material drywall is exposed.

A little higher, we examined the method of external insulation with penoizol using the construction of the crate. Consider other options for insulating structures.

Interwall thermal insulation

It can be used both for a building under construction and for an already operated building, having voids between the outer and inner wall. In the first case, injection is carried out directly into the open cavity of the wall.

For an existing building, the process of insulation is carried out as follows:

  • at the seams outer wall need to drill holes(in a checkerboard pattern), equal in size to the hose of the pressure equipment being installed;
  • In the holes located at the very bottom, hoses of pumping equipment are mounted;
  • Next, the foam insulation mixture is fed under pressure into the inter-wall space;
  • After penoizol appears in the holes of the next tier (in height), the supply of the mixture is stopped, and they move to the next row.
  • The bottom holes are plugged to prevent leakage of insulation;
  • The sequence of work is repeated until complete thermal insulation of the wall structure is ensured.

Insulation injection

Thermal insulation with foam insulation

Thermal insulation of the façade with facing boards

Work is carried out as follows:

  • The required number of plate and profile elements for the entire facade surface is calculated;
  • To the facade of the building, using dowels (wooden plugs) and self-tapping screws, galvanized steel profiles are attached;
  • Installation and fixing of magnesite plates on a steel frame;
  • In the constructed skin, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern;
  • With the help of specialized pumping equipment, liquid penoizol is pumped into the holes. The order of filling voids - from bottom to top;
  • Upon completion thermal insulation works holes are closed;
  • On finishing stage proceed to decorative trim facade, which can be performed using plastering and painting compositions.

Application of insulation

Thermal insulation under siding

If desired, magnesite slabs can be replaced with another sheet material finishes.

Insulation with penoizol is a rather laborious process. However, given its excellent thermal insulation performance, as well as its low price, it can and should be used for home insulation with your own hands.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of walls with foam insulation:

In contact with

Liquid foam in cylinders or penoizol, in Lately gained immense popularity as a heater. And this is understandable, because with the help of such foam you can fill even the smallest gaps and insulate your house as reliably as possible.

Positive feedback from those who insulated the house with penoizol, its affordable cost compared to analogues and much more - these are not all the advantages of this insulation.

Today we will tell you what liquid foam is, what are its key features and benefits for home insulation. In addition, you will read the reviews of those who have had a positive experience with penoizol.

Features and Key Specifications

Liquid penoizol made from resin polymer composition. This foam comes in several varieties. For example, if we talk about the classification of penoizol for its intended purpose, then technical type foam will be more harmful and toxic. And the foam that is used to insulate residential buildings and apartments differs from it in composition, it is harmless and well cleaned.

As for manufacturing technology, the safest insulation is based on frozen foam. Sometimes liquid foam can release harmful substances when solidified.

The safest penoizol in liquid form is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resin.

Each foam insulation is produced by curing the material. If the foam needs to be applied directly to the surface that you are insulating, then adhesion increases many times over compared to installing a foam board.

The best option for liquid foam is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins.

Each of the heaters, which has a foamed purpose, is formed by solidification of the material from which it is made. If the foam is applied directly to the surface that needs to be insulated, then its adhesion to it increases several times than if a foam plate is installed on the same surface.

For the preparation of liquid foam resin and hardener required. Stirs the ingredients special machine, she beats them to a state of foam. Then the foam is pumped through a hose to the place of insulation. Finished products are sold in the form of a foam can.

Penoizol, after hitting the insulated surface, instantly hardens and provides heat in the house.

Main benefits of penoizol as a heater for the house are:

Despite the large number of advantages and positive reviews about this heater, it also has its drawbacks. Among them:

  • linear shrinkage of the material, which is necessary if it is poured without the necessary pressure;
  • temporary unpleasant odor coming from the heater;
  • the ability to absorb moisture, so penoizol must be protected from all sides;
  • due to the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, it is better to use penoizol for external insulation of the house or as an intermediate layer of thermal protection inside.

Areas of application for liquid foam

Inside houses, liquid foam is used less frequently than for external insulation. Most often, with inside the premises are equipped with:

Also with the help of penoizol containers can be insulated and use it to make all kinds of foam products:

  • baguettes;
  • skirting boards;
  • plates;
  • relief elements and much more.

When making by hand similar products all materials should be checked carefully. Do not use liquid foam from unknown manufacturers at a suspiciously low price. As a rule, this is a low quality product that can adversely affect your health. It is advisable to monitor reviews on the Internet about this or that before buying. trademark penoizol, and only then make your choice.

Liquid foam, which is sold in cylinders, can be used as an adhesive. In form and scope, it resembles mounting foam, although it has a higher level of thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

With the help of liquid foam, you can fix the insulation boards on walls and other surfaces. When working, you need comply with the following rules:

  • check the surface for defects. It should not have rust, chips and cracks, and it should also be smooth;
  • the surface is cleaned and all dust is removed;
  • in the places of contact of the foam with the plate, water must be applied to improve adhesion;
  • penoizol can be applied both on the full surface, and horizontally and diagonally in order to save money;
  • after applying the foam to the surface of the plate, it must be immediately pressed against the wall.

Also remember that if you do not take care of ventilation in advance when equipping the surface with liquid foam, this will subsequently lead to the formation of condensates.

Feedback from buyers of liquid foam indicates that one of the reasons for choosing this insulation is the absence of the need to carefully prepare the surface before work and the versatility of using penoizol.

So, with it you can:

Preparatory work

However, some things still need to be considered before using penoizol. So, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt and sprinkled with water a little. It is also necessary to carry out work at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If it is lower, but the mixture needs to be heated in hot water if more, then it should be cooled.

Before use, the foam can is shaken up to 15 times so that the material from the inside is evenly distributed over its entire area.

Home insulation technology using penoizol

Filling the surface with liquid foam should be done right at the construction site, so everything happens quickly and easily. Penoizol does not increase, but may have a slight shrinkage. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks during the shrinkage process, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules for warming houses using this material.

As we said earlier, carefully approach the choice of purchased penoizol or material for it. self cooking. Read the instructions carefully.

In a dry state, the foam is suitable for warming any surface. After pouring it, a seamless layer appears, which has excellent characteristics in terms of sound and heat insulation. Despite minor cracks, this protective layer practically does not let moisture into the house.

How to make penoizol yourself

liquid foam in ready-made very expensive, if you do it yourself, it will cost you much less. But even if you prefer finished products, ask the seller about the availability of quality certificates and information about the composition of the product.

If you follow all stages of creating penoizol independently, the process of warming with its help will be of high quality and efficient.

In order to make penoizol with your own hands, you need to mix water foam with a hardener and urea resin. Then you need to let the finished substance harden.

After hardening, the material takes the form of foam. It should be applied to the surface in the form of a thick mixture. Thanks to this consistency, you can insulate even the most hard-to-reach places, take care of the method of applying pressure so that the foam can completely cover the surfaces.

After hardening, the material serves as a heater. Insulated in this way, the house does not need excessive heating, therefore, you can save on this.

First follows pour the material onto the surface to be insulated, adhering to all recommendations regarding the installation of the gap.

As a rule, to insulate a house with an area of ​​​​about 70 square meters, you need to allocate about 6 hours to carry out repair work. If you invite a team of specialists for this, they may perform them better and faster, but on your own you will significantly reduce costs.

To insulate the surface with liquid foam, you need to fill all the empty sections of the walls with foam. To do this, you first need to drill holes and insert a hose into them. And the pressure will ensure that the foam adheres to the wall as tightly as possible and will ensure that all penoizol and cavities are closed.

Is Liquid Styrofoam Safe?

Many are interested in the safety of liquid foam and its impact on human health. After all, as you know, formaldehyde, which is part of it, can harm the body. For example, in some US states it was forbidden to be completely insulated.

However, detailed studies were carried out, and it turned out that if liquid foam is used as a heater, then it does not in any way affect the health of people living in cheap house. Unless, of course, you use a product from a trusted manufacturer, and do not buy penoizol goods of dubious origin.

The current production technology of this, used by the largest manufacturers of insulation foam insulation, completely eliminates the negative impact on the body. Formaldehyde is still present in its composition, but it is neutralized through special additives. And this, in turn, ensures the absolute safety of this for a person.