In a private house      06/12/2019

We build a house from clay with our hands. Houses made of clay, earthen, soil blocks, adobe

Clay house: construction features

Ancient construction technology has received a new lease of life among dacha developers. Natural material has a lot of positive characteristics. Clay perfectly accumulates heat, so such houses are warm in winter and cool in summer. The article will discuss the technology of building a house from clay and straw.

General characteristics of clay for building a house

This rock is rarely found in its pure form (kaolin). Depending on the amount of impurities contained (sand, limestone, etc.), clay is divided into fatty, medium and lean. Main properties of this material is:

  • plastic;
  • waterproof;
  • soundproofing;
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • possibility of processing by firing.

Clay houses photo

Clay houses maintain an optimal microclimate. Indoor air humidity is about 50%. Such walls do not accumulate charges of static electricity.

It is worth noting another advantage of the material – the transfer of thermal energy. Coefficient this parameter is equal to 0.5, this indicator is equal to the thermal conductivity of mineral wool.

Benefits of building with clay

The main advantages of building a house from clay include:

  • availability of material. Deposits are present throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the former USSR countries. From this fact Another undeniable advantage follows - low cost;
  • Due to its natural origin and the absence of harmful impurities, clay is classified as an environmentally friendly material. In comparison, we can bring the same brick, gas, foam concrete blocks, which under certain conditions can release harmful substances;

  • a clay house “breathes” and is able to absorb odors, dust and even stains. Thanks to this quality, clay buildings are suitable for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • clay and wooden elements interact well with each other. The tree seems to be preserved in kaolin. Due to this property, lumber does not need to be treated with protective agents, which contain almost nothing but chemicals;
  • the durability of the material is beyond praise. As proof of this statement, one can cite buildings that scientists date back more than 1000 years;
  • the finished blocks can be soaked and the resulting mass can be reused. Thus, the material does not generate construction waste;
  • in a sense, clay carries a divine component. In several religions, this material was used to create man, in particular Adam.
  • Such surfaces can only be whitewashed; unfortunately, wallpaper and paint will not “stick” to clay. Although the premises can be sheathed plasterboard sheets, then the interior can be decorated with any materials.

  • But this only applies to residential buildings; for outbuildings, issues related to the interior or exterior are not relevant.

Clay in construction

Clay is used as the main material for making bricks, adobe, tiles and other ceramic products. It is also used in its raw form for stuffing walls, lubricating (insulating) ceilings, when arranging roofs and plastering wooden walls.

Mostly one-story buildings are built from unbaked bricks. utility blocks, garages. Such construction material has several subspecies:

  • raw brick – mainly used for masonry interior walls and partitions, because it has poor resistance to dampness and moisture;
  • adobe, in turn, is divided into light and heavy. It depends on how many parts of straw are contained in the mass. As a rule, light blocks are used as insulation, and heavy ones are used for laying walls.

Making adobe bricks

  • The standard dimensions of self-made adobe bricks are 40x20x20 cm, the dimensions of factory-made bricks are 33x16x12 or 33x17x13 cm. It is better to prepare the main raw materials in the fall; repeated freezing/thawing of the clay only improves its characteristics.
  • Chopped straw (15-20 cm) serves as reinforcement, since long stems make work difficult. Straw and clay must be soaked in advance.
  • The clay is taken with medium fat content, this will avoid large cracks during drying. Before mixing, the clay is freed from large impurities: branches, stones, etc. All components are thoroughly mixed using a concrete mixer or using the old method - with feet.
  • The bricks are formed by hand by placing the clay mass into prepared molds without a bottom. Taking into account shrinkage, the dimensions of the matrix should be 1 cm larger finished block. Forms are made from lumber, moisture-resistant plywood or metal sheets.
  • The matrices are laid out in advance on flat surface. When laying the mixture Special attention is given corner places. It is important to ensure that the mold is filled tightly with the mixture around the edges and corners.

  • The site must have good drainage, then light rain will not be a problem for the blocks. Otherwise, it is better to hide the workpieces under a canopy, cover them with boards or film.
  • In this form, the bricks will dry for 3 days, then they are taken out and placed on an edge, after 2-3 days the blocks are placed on another edge or on the end. The quality of finished blocks can be determined as follows:
    • throw a brick from a 2-meter height, if it remains unharmed, it means that the production was carried out correctly;
    • the product should not get wet or lose shape during prolonged (1-2 days) contact with water;
    • should not appear on a block break dark spots moisture.
  • If you take about 13 thousand kg of clay, 70-75 kg of straw and 4 thousand liters of water, then from the resulting mass you can get about 1,000 bricks. In terms of thermal insulation, an adobe block 30 cm thick corresponds to brickwork 50-60 cm.

How to build a house from clay

The construction of walls can be done in four ways.

  • First way. Construction of buildings using ready-made blocks. The clay-sand mixture acts as a binding solution. Construction technology is no different from laying walls using gas, foam concrete blocks and similar materials.
  • Second way. This technology requires certain skills. First installed vertical racks from timber or logs. Rods (shingles) are intertwined between them. Thin layers of adobe mixture are thrown onto the frame on one side, and after it dries, on the other. Then the surface is leveled using the same solution.

  • Third way. It assumes the presence of a large amount of lumber. The formwork is constructed, the free space is filled with adobe mass and carefully compacted (rammed). During the process, the formwork is built up until the walls reach the required height.
  • Fourth way. This is a house made of wood and clay, in which the wood acts as blocks and the clay is the binding solution.

DIY clay house

  • Adobe buildings do not like moisture, so the foundation and plinth are made of moisture-resistant materials. For this purpose, brick, rubble stone, and concrete blocks are used. The optimal foundation for a house will be a strip or pile-rammed foundation.
  • The height of the lower part of the wall must be at least 50 cm. It is mandatory to lay waterproofing materials(roofing felt, roofing felt). The thickness of the base should exceed the thickness of the walls, both on the inside and outside, by approximately 30 cm.
  • Cornice overhangs, which should protrude by 50 cm, will help protect the walls from rainwater. It is also necessary to arrange blind areas to prevent snow and rain from falling on the wall surfaces.
  • When constructing walls in summer, a clay-sand mixture with the addition of sawdust or finely chopped straw (wheat, rye, etc.) is used as a binding solution. If construction takes place in spring or autumn, then it is better to use lime-cement mortar.

House made of clay

  • A thin layer of binder mixture in horizontal joints (up to 1 cm) will help to minimize shrinkage of a house made of clay blocks.
  • Window and door openings are reinforced with thick reed stalks or thin boards. The same material is also placed in corner joints. Openings should not be located too close to the corners of the house, the minimum distance is 1.5 m.
  • For adobe walls use only wooden floors. The roof must be simple shapes, A roofing materials– light. For these purposes, profile sheets, slate, and ondulin are suitable. To make the exterior of the building look modern, external walls can be sheathed with siding or faced with brick.
  • Plastering is carried out a year after construction. During this period, the house will completely settle down.

Plastering clay walls

  • Plastering is carried out in 2 layers - rough and finishing. For the 1st layer you will need:
    • clay;
    • clean sand of medium fraction;
    • sawdust, which must be dried and free of fungal diseases.
  • First, sawdust and sand are mixed, then clay and water are added. The presence of sawdust in the solution allows you to apply the mixture without the use of a special plaster mesh.
  • The proportion of components is made experimentally. In a small container, mix 3 parts of sand and 1 part of clay and sawdust, and gradually add water. Since clay comes in different fat contents, the elasticity of the mass depends on this component.
  • From the finished mixture you need to twist a flagellum with a diameter of approximately 20 mm. The presence of cracks when bending the rope indicates poor quality of the resulting mass. If there are no cracks, then large volumes of solution are mixed in these proportions.
  • The adobe mass is thrown onto the walls in small portions and smoothed with a spatula. If the mixture is slightly dry, add water. The thickness of the plaster layer, depending on the unevenness, can be up to 2-3 cm.
  • For finishing A solution of sand, cement, clay and water is mixed (3:1:1). The mixture should be slightly liquid, which will make leveling the surfaces much easier.

  • It is worth noting that the layers must dry under natural conditions, and this process can take up to 2-3 weeks. It is strictly forbidden to use hair dryers to speed up drying. Such manipulations will lead to cracking of the layers, then it will be necessary to seal all the cracks and re-do the final leveling.

In conclusion

The environmental and economic component of a clay residential building is obvious. If all the rules for making blocks and erecting walls are followed, the structure will last for many decades.

As an option you can consider quite interesting idea, which was proposed by Italian developers - to make houses from clay on a 3D printer for low-income citizens. You can get the equipment into working condition in just a couple of hours. Only 2 people are required to operate the printer.

Of course, the lifespan of such housing is quite short - about 5 years, but as the “builders” claim, by this time a new house can be printed.

Articles on the topic

Where you live. And it’s not just about what household chemicals you use, what products you buy or whether you sort your waste. And actually about the construction of your house. If you are the happy owner of a plot of land and a small start-up capital, you can build truly ecological housing, using ancient and traditional technologies for Ukraine, which will be in no way inferior modern projects. We are talking about an adobe house.

First of all, let us explain what adobe is - it is a building material. wall material in the form of unfired bricks made from a mixture of clay, sand and straw (sometimes other ingredients). If we talk about construction characteristics, the compression limit of adobe brick (in dried form) ranges from 10 to 50 kgf/cm2 and is close in strength to aerated and foam concrete grade 600 (tensile strength 25-40 kgf/cm2).

Although this technology is considered more characteristic of the countries of Asia, South America and the Caucasus, it is also quite common in Central, Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Ukrainian traditional mud huts were built from adobe. Houses and auxiliary structures are still being built from adobe. Some of them have been preserved in in excellent shape not only in museums, but are also still used in villages. And the grandchildren of those who built them live in them.

The advantages of building with adobe include:

  • The cost is significantly lower than buildings made of ordinary brick. Adobe brick can be easily made with my own hands.
  • In terms of durability and strength, adobe structures are equal to traditional buildings.
  • Adobe has low thermal conductivity, so it is easier to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house both in summer and winter.
  • Due to its porosity, adobe provides a normal level of humidity.
  • Saman - fire resistant material. Even after a fire, the walls, as a rule, remain almost undamaged.

The disadvantages include the fact that adobe absorbs moisture very well, so during construction, great attention must be paid to waterproofing both the foundation and walls.

Another benefit of building this way is that you are less constrained by shape than with traditional construction. Your home can have both classic outlines and unusual shapes- round walls, a domed roof, a recess into a hill - with clay you can practically limit your imagination.

It is clear that it is impossible to outline all the nuances of building a house from adobe in this article. In the end, when building any house, you will still need expert advice, so we will focus on how to make adobe bricks with your own hands and note only some of the main stages of this type of “green” construction.

In order to make a brick from adobe, first of all, we need clay (oily or medium fat content), sand (coarse-grained, not sea), water, plant residues (the most common option is chopped straw 6-10 cm long) . You can also add expanded clay, cement and sawdust to the clay. If desired, you can add various aseptic additives to the mixture. For fire safety can be added flame retardant additives.

If you use clay that is too oily for the production of adobe blocks, they will crack, and if it is not oily enough, the mixture will not adhere well, crumble, and the strength of the block will suffer. To determine the fat content of clay, it is worth consulting with specialists. But there are also traditional methods its definitions. Here are examples of the two simplest ones:

How to test clay for fat content

Method 1

From the selected clay we form a ball the size of egg. We place it between two planed boards (plywood) and squeeze the ball, pressing it with the top board:

a ball of low-fat clay will immediately fall apart;

a ball of medium-fat clay will fall apart when the distance between the boards is reduced by about a third;

a ball of oily clay cracks when the distance between the boards reaches halfway.

Method 2

Not a large number of dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream. Take dry and smooth wooden stick. Stir the clay solution with a stick. Based on the amount of clay that sticks to the stick, its fat content is determined:

Oily clay - 3 mm or more;

Average clay - 1-3 mm;

Let's get to work. We dig out the pit and cover its bottom with film. We lay a layer of clay 10-30 cm thick on this bedding, fill it with water and leave it overnight. The next day, add sand, knead, and then add pre-moistened filler. Leave the mixture for 2 days, add more liquid if necessary. You can mix the ingredients with a shovel or stick, and knead comfortably with your feet.

We make a mold and make a brick. The mold can hold any number of brick slots at once, but keep in mind that you will need to lift it and turn it over along with the folded brick. Therefore, usually for one person they make a form with 2 cells, for two - with 4-6.

Pre-moisten the mold with water and sprinkle with chopped straw or sawdust. Bricks can be made in almost any desired size and shape, but a typical parallelepiped shape is the size shown below. The mold for making bricks must allow for drying shrinkage of approximately 8%.

Brick dimensions, cm Mold dimensions taking into account shrinkage

40x19x13 43x20, 5x14

36x17x13 39x18, 5x14

30x14x10 32.5 x15x11

The bricks are dried in the open air for 2-3 days, then the brick is placed on the edge and dried for about another week. Then the adobe blocks are stored, for example, in a barn (it is important to protect them from moisture) and kept for about another week or until construction begins.

Work should begin in the spring, then you have a chance to not only make a brick, but also build a house during the season. In 1 day of work, 3-4 people will be able to make 150-200 bricks.

How to check the quality of adobe bricks

If the adobe brick was made correctly, then:

  • a nail that is driven tightly into the brick, but holds tightly;
  • brick does not soak in water for 1-2 days;
  • the brick remains intact when dropped from a height of up to 2 meters.

Now that you have required amount bricks for your house, you can begin its construction. As we noted, a house made of adobe can be built according to the most various projects, and therefore we will not dwell in detail on the construction process itself, we will only note some of the nuances of constructing structures from adobe brick:

The foundation of an adobe building must be very well waterproofed.

It is worth placing visors over the windows to prevent drooling. rainwater. Window sills are also waterproofed and protected by tides. Entrance thresholds houses are also carefully waterproofed.

The corners and joints of the walls are reinforced with reinforcing mesh.

Beams and floors are arranged with load redistribution over the entire wall to avoid point loads.

External walls can be plastered and whitewashed (traditional option) or lined with red or sand-lime brick, ceramic or cement tiles. Taxation should begin after the house shrinks. Preferably six months to a year after the construction of the house.

A house made of mud and straw? What kind of nonsense is this! Most likely, every second person who reads this article will say so. However, don't rush to conclusions. Houses made of clay and straw, or otherwise adobe houses, as well as houses made of adobe, are the same environmentally friendly housing, implicated in ancient traditions. The construction of adobe houses was the easiest and fastest construction, not requiring any complex mechanisms, a large number of people or any processing of the material.

Everything necessary for the construction of housing was taken directly from the ground: clay was mixed with straw, special molds were filled with this mixture, and then dried in the sun. Clay was responsible for the shape, straw served as a reinforced frame, giving the blocks additional strength and strengthening them thermal insulation properties. In houses built this way, comfortable temperature was maintained around the clock - during the day, under the scorching sun, it was not hot, and at night, it was not cold.

Houses made of clay and straw cannot be denied durability. The hardened clay did not get wet in the rain, did not crumble, or crack. Thanks to all these wonderful qualities, clay-straw houses have not sunk into the abyss of history, but are quite often found in the modern world, even in such a climatically difficult country as Russia.

Old adobe buildings are found in the south - in the Krasnodar region, Rostov region and in the North Caucasus republics. They still build from adobe. If you want a home like this, we'll be happy to share the "secret" ingredients.

To build a clay house you will need:

  1. Rye straw
  2. Clay without soil impurities
  3. Wooden panels 400-500 mm high for formwork

Tools - hands and two tanks, optionally - a construction mixer and a shovel. In one you will knead the clay. In another, soak the straw.

The clay is first soaked in a regular pit with an area of ​​about 2.5 square meters. m and a depth of 30 cm. Leave to stand for a day and then knead with feet, shovels or powerful construction mixer. Mix clay and straw in a tank. The degree of concentration of the slurry is determined as follows: put your hand in it and immediately pull it out; If the liquid lies evenly on your hand and does not immediately drain, then the concentration is sufficient. Soak the straw for just a few minutes. Then we throw the straw onto the tray and let the liquid drain. Thus, the straw is covered with a thin layer of clay. We bring the straw to the formwork and hammer the wall with beaters, feet, etc. Attach the formwork to the frame not with nails, but with self-tapping screws.

Photos of houses made of clay and straw


Most of the buildings we live and work in have no soul, they are ugly and environmentally deficient. When we are inside such buildings, our senses are closed. But there is another type of architecture that warms a person’s soul and nourishes his spirit, helps us feel comfortable, and ennobles our everyday life. The times when the dominant slogan was “Victory over nature!” are a thing of the past. Nowadays people need environmentally friendly architecture. Thanks to her, we will be able to find our rightful place in nature, which constantly reminds us of the greatness of the space around us. During the construction of houses from natural materials, you create a joyful space, a place where your spirit rushes to heights.

Clay is perhaps one of the most common and accessible materials.

The scope of its use is very wide:

  1. Cosmetics industry;
  2. Construction;
  3. Concrete production;
  4. Production of ceramic products;
  5. Brick production;
  6. Pottery;
  7. Medicine;
  8. As a dietary supplement for livestock.

What can be made from clay - from bricks to medicines:

10 reasons to build a house from clay

1. Clay - simple and natural material, which can be found every day right in the ground under your feet. Accordingly, buildings of this type are quite inexpensive.

2. If brick and polystyrene foam blocks contain harmful substances released in the form of gases, then clay, on the contrary, absorbs harmful fumes. It is beneficial to use it to decorate kitchens, even if the walls are made of brick.

3. Clay interacts well with wooden materials, significantly extending their shelf life.

4. Clay is a durable material. Houses made of clay are built to last for hundreds of years.

5. Clay can be reused and therefore does not generate construction waste. But traditional construction is the cause of more than 30% of the waste on the planet.

6. A house made of clay breathes on its own, because clay walls are capable of transmitting 40-60% of air. Thanks to this, clay buildings always have a favorable microclimate. They maintain the optimal humidity for humans - 50-55%. Such buildings breathe, so they do not need expensive ventilation and air conditioning systems. The energy savings are quite significant. Thick walls retain heat well and provide pleasant coolness in hot weather.

7. A clay house can retain heat inside when minimum costs fuel.

8. Clay does not allow mold and bacteria to develop and prevents the occurrence of micropollution.

9. Clay houses are easy to build. Construction does not take much time. Average duration process - 2-4 months. In this case, you do not need the services of qualified specialists. If desired, you can build an adobe house yourself.

10. Good sound insulation completes the list positive qualities such buildings.

The video will tell you about the features of building such a house:

Clay in construction

Clay is used as the main material for making bricks, adobe, tiles and other ceramic products. It is also used in its raw form for stuffing walls, lubricating (insulating) ceilings, when arranging roofs and plastering wooden walls.

Mostly one-story buildings, utility blocks, and garages are erected from unbaked bricks. This building material has several subtypes:

  • raw brick- mainly used for laying internal walls and partitions, because it has poor resistance to dampness and moisture;
  • adobe, in turn, is divided into light and heavy. It depends on how many parts of straw are contained in the mass. As a rule, light blocks are used as insulation, and heavy blocks are used for laying walls.

Making adobe bricks

  • The standard dimensions of self-made adobe bricks are 40x20x20 cm, the dimensions of factory-made bricks are 33x16x12 or 33x17x13 cm. It is better to prepare the main raw materials in the fall; repeated freezing/thawing of the clay only improves its characteristics.
  • Chopped straw (15-20 cm) serves as reinforcement, since long stems make work difficult. Straw and clay must be soaked in advance.
  • The clay is taken with medium fat content, this will avoid large cracks during drying. Before mixing, the clay is freed from large impurities: branches, stones, etc. All components are thoroughly mixed using a concrete mixer or using the old method - with feet.
  • The bricks are formed by hand by placing the clay mass into prepared molds without a bottom. Taking into account shrinkage, the dimensions of the matrix should be 1 cm larger than the finished block. Forms are made from lumber, moisture-resistant plywood or metal sheets.
  • The matrices are laid out in advance on a flat surface. When laying the mixture, special attention is paid to corner places. It is important to ensure that the mold is filled tightly with the mixture around the edges and corners.

  • The site must have good drainage, then light rain will not be a problem for the blocks. Otherwise, it is better to hide the workpieces under a canopy, cover them with boards or film.
  • In this form, the bricks will dry for 3 days, then they are taken out and placed on an edge, after 2-3 days the blocks are placed on another edge or on the end. The quality of finished blocks can be determined as follows:
    - throw a brick from a 2-meter height, if it remains unharmed, it means that the production was carried out correctly;
    - the product should not get wet or lose shape during prolonged (1-2 days) contact with water;
    - dark spots of moisture should not appear on the block break.
  • If you take about 13 thousand kg of clay, 70-75 kg of straw and 4 thousand liters of water, then from the resulting mass you can get about 1,000 bricks. In terms of thermal insulation, an adobe block 30 cm thick corresponds to brickwork 50-60 cm thick.

How clay bricks are made on a production scale can be seen in the video:

How to build a house from clay

The construction of walls can be done in four ways.

  • First way. Construction of buildings using ready-made blocks. The clay-sand mixture acts as a binding solution. Construction technology is no different from laying walls using gas, foam concrete blocks and similar materials.
  • Second way. This technology requires certain skills. First, vertical racks made of timber or logs are installed. Rods (shingles) are intertwined between them. Thin layers of adobe mixture are thrown onto the frame on one side, and after it dries, on the other. Then the surface is leveled using the same solution.

  • Third way. It assumes the presence of a large amount of lumber. The formwork is constructed, the free space is filled with adobe mass and carefully compacted (rammed). During the process, the formwork is built up until the walls reach the required height.
  • Fourth way. This is a house made of wood and clay, in which the wood acts as blocks and the clay is the binding solution.

DIY clay house

  • Adobe buildings do not like moisture, so the foundation and plinth are made of moisture-resistant materials. For this purpose, brick, rubble stone, and concrete blocks are used. The optimal foundation for a house will be a strip or pile-rammed foundation.
  • The height of the lower part of the wall must be at least 50 cm. Waterproofing materials (roof felt, roofing felt) must be laid. The thickness of the base should exceed the thickness of the walls, both on the inside and outside, by approximately 30 cm.
  • Cornice overhangs, which should protrude by 50 cm, will help protect the walls from rainwater. It is also necessary to arrange blind areas to prevent snow and rain from falling on the wall surfaces.
  • When constructing walls in summer, a clay-sand mixture with the addition of sawdust or finely chopped straw (wheat, rye, etc.) is used as a binding solution. If construction takes place in spring or autumn, then it is better to use lime-cement mortar.
  • A thin layer of binder mixture in horizontal joints (up to 1 cm) will help to minimize shrinkage of a house made of clay blocks.
  • Window and door openings are reinforced with thick reed stalks or thin boards. The same material is also placed in corner joints. Openings should not be located too close to the corners of the house, the minimum distance is 1.5 m.
  • For adobe walls, only wooden floors are used. The roof should be of simple shapes and roofing materials should be light. For these purposes, profile sheets, slate, and ondulin are suitable. To make the exterior of the building look modern, the external walls can be sheathed with siding or faced with brick.
  • Plastering is carried out a year after construction. During this period, the house will completely settle down.

Plastering clay walls

  • Plastering is carried out in 2 layers - rough and finishing. For the 1st layer you will need:
  • First, sawdust and sand are mixed, then clay and water are added. The presence of sawdust in the solution allows you to apply the mixture without the use of a special plaster mesh.
  • The proportion of components is made experimentally. In a small container, mix 3 parts of sand and 1 part of clay and sawdust, and gradually add water. Since clay comes in different fat contents, the elasticity of the mass depends on this component.
  • From the finished mixture you need to twist a flagellum with a diameter of approximately 20 mm. The presence of cracks when bending the rope indicates poor quality of the resulting mass. If there are no cracks, then large volumes of solution are mixed in these proportions.
  • The adobe mass is thrown onto the walls in small portions and smoothed with a spatula. If the mixture is slightly dry, add water. The thickness of the plaster layer, depending on the unevenness, can be up to 2-3 cm.
    • clay;
    • clean sand of medium fraction;
    • sawdust, which must be dried and free of fungal diseases.

  • For finishing, a solution of sand, cement, clay and water (3:1:1) is mixed. The mixture should be slightly liquid, which will make leveling the surfaces much easier.
  • It is worth noting that the layers must dry under natural conditions, and this process can take up to 2-3 weeks. It is strictly forbidden to use hair dryers to speed up drying. Such manipulations will lead to cracking of the layers, then it will be necessary to seal all the cracks and re-do the final leveling.

Clay floor

Before forming a clay floor, you will definitely need to lay a layer of gravel, since the vapor barrier layer in this case will not help to avoid the formation of condensation. The floor can be made cast or compacted.

To form a cast floor, you will need to make the same mixture as for making adobe bricks, but with the addition of gravel. It is important to choose all the proportions correctly, since an excessively large amount of clay will allow the material to crack, and a small amount will lead to looseness.

The mortar is laid in layers, and each of them must be even to prevent cracking. The first layer is the stickiest, while the second should be smooth. To obtain smaller particles, you can use chopped straw or, for example, horse manure.

Compacted flooring does not count in a simple way forming the floor, but can dry much faster than cast. The first two clay layers will need to be compacted with a special hand roller, while the third is poured and impregnated with a special solution. It is important that the clay mass required to form a compacted floor contains slightly less water and straw, but more crushed stones.

Technology for making a clay floor in a private house:

In conclusion

The environmental and economic component of a clay residential building is obvious. If all the rules for making blocks and erecting walls are followed, the structure will last for many decades.

As an option, you can consider a rather interesting idea proposed by Italian developers - to make houses out of clay on a 3D printer for low-income citizens. You can get the equipment into working condition in just a couple of hours. Only 2 people are required to operate the printer.

Of course, the lifespan of such housing is quite short - about 5 years, but as the “builders” claim, by this time a new house can be printed.

Creative clay houses in different countries

Nowadays, houses and various buildings made of clay are built in various parts of the world. In Africa and South America, entire villages are built from clay. In Australia, there is an underground city, where many kilometers of tunnels are dug in the layers of clay rock, which are streets, as well as niches, which are homes, shops, etc. Clay houses are built not only in the above countries, but also in China, India, Ukraine, southern regions of Russia and even in Europe.

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Meets all these requirements house, built from clay. The main building material is literally under your feet. When digging a trench for the foundation of the future house and, when installing cesspool there is no need to transport the excavated clay outside the construction site. All of it will be used to make walls. house A.

There are several ways to use clay for the construction of a home. But the simplest and most accessible are two:
1. Construction at the beginning of construction wooden frame and filling the space between the frame posts with straw and clay.
2. Making bricks from chopped straw mixed with clay and water, which are then used to build walls house A.

Foundation for walls house and in both cases it must be taken seriously, because the load on it will be considerable. Since clay is highly hygroscopic, it is better to do double waterproofing: between the foundation and the plinth (which is made of ordinary baked red brick) and the plinth and walls.

When constructing walls from “light” adobe, the first method is more attractive because it involves minimal amount working, i.e. the involvement of outside labor is not necessary. From wooden beam make the frame of the future with a section of 100x100mm house and prepare building material for the walls. To do this, place the straw in a container in a pre-prepared solution. clay. Stir. After some time, throw the resulting mass onto a mesh and let the solution drain a little. It is better to make a drain under the mesh to collect excess flowing water with clay and connect it to a container for soaking the straw.

Place the dried mass between the panels of removable formwork, which is secured to the frame bars with nails. To remove voids, compact the mixture using a hand tamper. After the wall has dried and hardened, remove the formwork and secure it to the frame of the adjacent area. Refill with straw and clay. And so on until you have completed all the walls.

Wall construction technology house and made from adobe brick is completely different. The resulting walls contain more clay and less straw compared to walls made of “light” adobe. Pour clay onto the prepared area and begin kneading, gradually adding water and chopped straw 5-10 cm long into the clay.

After obtaining a homogeneous mass, fill the pre-laid out molds with it and leave for several hours so that the formed adobe brick dries a little and does not deform. For more efficient drying, bricks should be shifted, i.e. swap the sides on which they are laid on the flooring.

After the bricks have dried, you can begin laying the walls. When finishing the walls from the outside, you must remember that there is residual moisture inside the brick, so the finishing material must allow air to pass through.
Carry out the construction of the attic and roof as usual, without any differences.


Building houses from clay is the least industrial, safest and simplest of all natural construction methods. Clay has been used as a building material since ancient times. Back in Babylon and Ancient Rus' many thousands of years before the birth of Christ, outbuildings and houses were erected from unfired clay.

Helpful advice

Clay has been used in construction for centuries. In Europe, clay structures that are thousands of years old have been preserved. Here in Estonia you can see houses made of clay built in the 19th century. A house made of clay “breathes” and preserves the health of its residents. Clay has a lot good properties that help create healthy and comfortable conditions for human life.


  • We build a house from adobe

By mixing clay and straw with water, you will get an ancient building material - adobe. It has excellent thermal insulation and mechanical properties. Build a small house from straw And clay very simple.

You will need

  • - shovel;
  • - tarpaulin;
  • - clay;
  • - water;
  • - sand;
  • - straw.


To prepare a mixture of straw And clay, dig a hole in the ground. Its size depends on your capabilities, as well as on the number of people who will be involved in this work. The hole should not be deep - 30 cm. With a greater depth it will be difficult to mix the components.

Place at the bottom of the hole plastic film or a tarp to keep the mixture off the ground. Pour water into the prepared hole. Soak the clay in it. The main thing in this process is maintaining proportions. clay, sand and water.

Determine the correct proportion experimentally. Roll a clay ball. Throw from a height of 1 m onto the grass. If it has retained its shape, the mixture has the correct proportions. If there is not enough water, the ball will break. Flat view says that there is a lot clay and water.

From the selected proportion, prepare the required amount of batch. Grasp the edges of the tarp to bring the mixture to the center. Mix thoroughly with your feet. Add straw and stir. Make a test ball. If it does not break when it hits the ground, the mixture is ready.

Form blocks from the resulting solution the right size and start laying. The thickness of the walls is selected depending on the building. The main thing is to follow the basic rule - the adobe blocks should be wide at the base. During construction house a - at least 25 cm. Make the blocks high so that it does not crawl. Length is at your discretion.

The masonry is carried out without adding any binding material (cement). Just stack the blocks on top of each other. The bottom row must dry completely to prevent the walls from creeping. If any bulges appear, cut them off with a knife.

Another way to build house and from straw And clay. The solution is placed in removable formwork, which is mounted on a frame base. When the walls are ready, remove the formwork. Let the structure dry.

Roof for such house They are usually made of straw. Make the foundation and ceilings in the usual way.

Clay house- This is an environmentally friendly structure that does not require large material investments. In addition, properly built adobe houses have increased earthquake resistance and fire resistance, and are much more durable than stone buildings. The design is quite lightweight, which allows you to save on installing the foundation. Fresh air in an adobe building strengthens physical health.