Well      06/15/2019

What windows are installed in Europe from. What do they have? About windows in Europe. Which profile do you think is better? What is better Rehau or Brusbox? Veka or Proplex? KBE or LG? etc

Plastic windows have spread all over the world. The combination of price, functionality and reliability has made them very popular. However, each country has retained its own "window traditions", in accordance with which PVC windows are produced and installed.

british plastic windows

In Britain, narrow and high window openings are traditionally made, under which PVC windows are created. If you are building your house in English style, then take care of finding just such windows, since for our realities this is a rather non-standard form. English window structures are made up of small square sections that do not have hinges and move on special wheels. Even the British, as a rule, do not install double-glazed windows, despite the fact that the average annual temperature in the country is quite low.

PVC windows in France

The French put windows that open into the room. The number of gates must be even. The French love it when the room is well lit. sunlight and when the room can be quickly ventilated. Popularity in France panoramic windows, floor-to-ceiling and attic structures.

scandinavian windows

Scandinavians are not used to PVC windows. They most often use wooden windows, which by design are very reminiscent of Soviet ones. In connection with the cold climate, windows with double frames and a single locking mechanism are installed. The outer frame has single glass, while the inner frame contains double glazing.

Plastic windows in Germany

The Germans are famous for their practicality in everything, including the approach to glazing their own homes. In Germany, it is customary to install windows made of metal-plastic profiles, absolutely airtight, which will last at least 50 years. As a rule, these are single-frame structures with the possibility of opening the sash vertically and horizontally. Such windows are widely used in our country.

Italian plastic windows

In Italy, very often window openings are in the shape of an arch, so arched windows are often called Italian. An Italian window is a wide arched structure, sometimes with aluminum profile. In order to keep the room cool, the windows are placed deeper in the wall than, for example, it is customary with us.

American tradition

Inhabitants North America are accustomed to using window structures without hinges with a vertically sliding opening mechanism. We often see such windows in American films.

Where to order PVC windows?

Glaze your home in an original and high-quality way. When ordering windows from us, you get high quality products. Decide on the style, and if you need any advice, call us!

Windows are absolutely natural and familiar elements of the building. Windows primarily serve as a source of daylight and provide visibility. But also the window, as an architectural element, expresses the individuality of the building. At all times, architects and architects have paid Special attention combination of shapes and configuration of windows in the external appearance of the building.

The oldest windows were unglazed openings in the walls that allowed fresh air and daylight into the room. First window panes appeared in Rome and glazing became widespread in the 13th century. in church building, and in the XVI century. in residential construction. The resulting diversity of window styles testifies to their importance in architectural aesthetics.

Shape, material, equipment and other features window structures in different countries dictated by the climatic conditions of the area, the level of development of technology and building traditions.

American windows

For example, Americans are distinguished by their practicality, optimal use of space and comfort. So for America Windows with a sliding opening system are characteristic. Most windows are occupied by systems with a vertical direction of the sash shift. Such windows have been popular for a long time and we have all seen them in American films.

Vertical sliding design the window has no hinges, the sash rises up and is fixed in this position with special clamps. In the southern regions of America, blind windows using a narrow profile are common.

German windows - practicality and durability

The main criterion for choosing windows in Germany is the durability and operational strength of structures. Exactly Germany is the birthplace of plastic windows, which have high thermal insulation, reliability, practicality and ease of maintenance and operation. German windows in most cases are equipped with tilt-and-turn fittings.

German REHAU profile systems are known and popular all over the world. The company has been a leader in production for many years. profile systems due to high quality, which is controlled at all stages of production; a large selection of systems for consumers with different incomes, as well as through the introduction advanced technologies to achieve maximum protection and durability of structures.

English windows

Traditional English windows are distinguished by their height and narrowness, they are usually divided into square sections, which can be blind, open outwards or vertically. This method of opening allows you to save a maximum of internal space, which is typical for the prudent British. Interestingly, the British do not install double-glazed windows, but mostly single-glazed windows, although the average annual temperature is quite low.

Double frames Scandinavia

Windows in Scandinavian countries differ significantly from European windows. Modern and so popular plastic windows never took root in the Scandinavian countries, instead the Scandinavians use wooden windows similar to Soviet ones.

The cold climate of the countries has led to the use of double-glazed windows. The inner frame is equipped with double glazing, and the outer one with single glazing. The entire window structure is equipped with a single locking mechanism.

Windows in Italy

The peculiarity of windows in Italy is determined by the warm climate of the country. The windows are wide external slopes, which allows you to protect the interior from sunlight and keep the house cool. Windows usually have small size , which is also explained by the predominance of sunny weather. Italy is also characterized by arched windows.

french charm

The French really appreciate the good natural lighting of the premises. Therefore, the windows in France are large, floor-to-ceiling glazing is often used, so-called " french balcony». Big windows allow sunlight to fill the space, make it more spacious, warmer, visually erase the boundary between nature and the room. Interesting feature French windows are an even number of folds. The shutters open to the inside of the room.

French windows are usually made of plastic. wooden structures not popular, as the French take care of environment. Popular in France skylights located in the roof of the house.

Windows in Ukraine

In winter, quite low temperatures are typical for Ukraine, so high thermal insulation is one of the key factors when choosing glazing. Therefore, on the territory of our country, plastic windows using multi-chamber profile systems and double-glazed windows with an energy-saving coating are popular.

Traditionally, windows consist of two or three sections, they open into the interior of the room with the help of tilt-and-turn fittings. But in new buildings more and more often use panoramic glazing.

Myths - out the window! Experts on the choice of double-glazed windows, "windowers" and inventions of marketers

In the era of SpaceX and electric vehicles, an ordinary double-glazed window is perceived as a terribly simple thing that does not cause any additional questions. However, choose desired window and at the same time, it can be difficult not to overpay: marketers now and then trumpet new super-technologies, improved systems and brands of German quality. But which of these is true, and which is another ploy to get more money? We're trying to figure it out.

IN last years the range of Belarusian windows has grown considerably. They are offered for every taste and budget: energy-efficient, multifunctional, armored, tinted, with a different number of cameras in a profile or a double-glazed window ... Some are well suited for private houses in a quiet village, others - for apartments in cozy sleeping bags, others help to find balance in a bedroom with a view on the Moscow Ring Road or a noisy avenue.

- By and large, now double-glazed windows are made in the same way as five or ten years ago. There was no revolution in this area, but the choice in Lately has become much wider: many positions have only recently begun to come to Belarus, there is competition among manufacturers,- Vasily Gerlovsky, a representative of the Window Industry Plus company, is sure.

Is it worth it to pay extra for brands?

- There are five or six most demanded manufacturers in Minsk. Some of the popular profiles are produced here - in Slonim and Brest, something is brought from Germany, Russia and Ukraine. Due to the absence of customs clearance and travel expenses, Belarusian windows are cheaper: you can save 15-25% on the finished product.

People often opt for German production and are willing to pay more. Someone thinks that they know how to do better there, others simply don’t want to experiment: why take the risk and buy something new if the German Rehau has been behaving perfectly at the neighbor’s for 15 years?

Sellers often play on the combination of "German quality" and do not explain to customers that, for example, Salamander is also made in Brest, although the brand itself is German. Personally, I think that there is no fundamental difference between them, and this is exactly what you can save on without sacrificing quality: most often the same models are made from the same materials and using the same technology at all factories.

Some models are produced exclusively abroad: a class A profile (made only from primary raw materials) comes from Germany, and a class B profile (using secondary raw materials) is made in Belarus.

As explained in the press service of Profine RUS, which represents the KBE brand, the products of many German companies are manufactured under the control of the organization's headquarters, whether it be a plant in Berlin or Russian Voskresensk. In addition, all the factories of the concern have been assigned numbers included in the profile marking applied to the visible surface of the fold. From it you can always determine the place of production of PVC profiles.

Conventional, energy efficient or multifunctional?

Recently, new types of double-glazed windows have appeared on the Belarusian market: energy-saving and multifunctional. Due to the special spraying and composition, such structures are able to reflect thermal radiation, so that they perform their functions better than usual.

- People buy ordinary double-glazed windows less and less, as energy-saving ones become cheaper every day and no longer cost crazy money. Multifunctional double-glazed windows work in both directions: they not only do not release heat, but also do not let in cold. Therefore, with such windows it is cooler in summer, but warmer in winter,- the expert is convinced. - We have not yet learned how to make such things - we have to bring them, which is reflected in the price.

Wood or plastic?

Today, the whole world is striving for the naturalness of materials and is trying to get rid of plastic. However, sellers notice that not everyone can afford wooden windows in Belarus: it is better to buy expensive plastic than cheap wood.

- Experience shows that budgetary wooden windows, which are installed in new buildings, have to be changed in a year or two. In these, not the highest quality types of wood are used, which eventually begins to deform, from which the window performs its functions worse every day. If there are no restrictions in the budget, you can invest in a good wooden euro-window, otherwise it is better to stop at more durable and practical plastic.

The more cameras, the better?

One of the characteristics of PVC windows is the number of chambers (air gaps) in the profile. It is believed that the more cameras in the profile, the better it is. Their number can vary from two to six.

- Chambers prevent the formation of condensate, and also affect heat and sound insulation. Previously, manufacturers mainly made three-chamber profiles, but competition grew, the market expanded, and companies began to improve the system, add all kinds of jumpers, increase the installation width, and so on.

This can definitely be considered one of the main indicators, but I assure you that the average person will not notice a global difference between windows with three-chamber and five-chamber profile. The effectiveness of heat and sound insulation depends on the double-glazed window, fittings, assembly, and so on, and not only on the profile.

Companies are trying to slowly move away from single-chamber double-glazed windows - almost everyone today installs two-chamber structures with three glasses in living quarters.

Now some stores also sell triple-glazed windows, but this increases the price quite a bit, in addition, the window transmits light worse and becomes heavier. Due to a number of shortcomings, they are not widely used either in our country or abroad.

Solidarity with Vasily and specialists from the store "Comfort Industry".

- Designs with four panes are practically not produced, since there is not much sense in this: the thickness of the profile makes it necessary to reduce either the number of panes or the distance between them. For example, Salamander Streamline allows you to use a distance of 40 mm. Put at least three glasses here, at least four - practically nothing will change from this, only the price will increase,- explain in the company. - Some models with wide profiles allow you to install thick glass, but they are more expensive and not for everyone.

Since modern developments allow achieving good results, the requirements are gradually increasing. Today, even in new buildings according to the TCH, the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer should be equal to one. Five or six years ago optimum thickness double-glazed window, which meets all standards, was 32 mm, today it has grown to 40-42. To achieve such indicators, the developer must install a 70 mm profile with three panes, one of which should preferably be energy efficient, and in addition, fill the distance between the panes with argon to increase heat and sound insulation.

As the experts explained, the distance between the panes can vary from 10 to 20 mm, but more than 16 mm ceases to matter for heat containment, although it slightly increases sound insulation. Therefore, if your windows overlook the Moscow Ring Road or motorcyclists haunt you at night, pay attention to this indicator.

Problem: The housing society I belong to is forcing me to install plastic windows in my apartment. As an asthmatic, the quality of the air I breathe is very important to me and I am very concerned about the harm of PVC.

PVC - polyvinylchloryl or "vinyl" as it is also called in short - one of the most popular types of plastics used in the modern world, it can be found everywhere, from toys to computers. But, it is also considered a potentially hazardous material. And here's why: the main problems of PVC are the initial stage of production and the expiration of its shelf life. During the production process, the main components, such as ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride, are emitted into the atmosphere as gases. These are carcinogens and cause damage to the liver, kidneys, and nerves.

But that's not all, when PVC is disposed of, say by burning it, dioxin, one of the most toxic substances in the world, is released.

And this is where your health concerns come in, and this is not surprising, because there are a lot of reasons for concern.

The main commercial move in sales window frames PVC is that they cost virtually nothing to maintain. But ultraviolet radiation eventually makes the material brittle and friable. And as it degrades, PVC releases toxic fumes like vinyl chloride that inevitably enter the home.

But beyond that, PVC contains a wide range of toxic additives, such as heavy metal stabilizers, fungicides, and "plasticizers." Plasticizers are phthalates and are believed to contribute to gas emissions and impart the characteristic odor to vinyl. Most phthalates are used to soften PVC, but they are sometimes added as hardeners to prevent brittleness of PVC such as window frames.

More toxic than PVC itself, animal studies have shown to cause thyroid and kidney cancer, possibly due to their effects on the endocrine system. Being fat-soluble, they have the ability to accumulate in the body. And steps have already been taken to ban phthalates from plastic nipples on baby bottles, children's toys and plastic pipes in hospitals. However, a broader ban is yet to come.

Recently, a Danish-Swedish team conducted a study of more than 10,000 children and found that phthalates may be one of the key factors in the dramatic increase in asthma and allergies in childhood. They found that asthmatic children lived in homes with high concentrations of phthalates in house dust.

In 1995, Sweden introduced a ban on all PVC products, and Denmark introduced a tax on PVC products and phthalates. More than 150 communities in Europe have already banned PVC or are pursuing a policy to phase it out in public buildings.

Is there an alternative to PVC windows? Yes, traditional wooden windows. Modern, high performance timber windows require minimal Maintenance and will last more than 50 years, while PVC windows are only 20-25 years old. (Once positioned as a "lifetime warranty" product, PVC deteriorates faster than expected, meaning that the release of toxic gases is much greater than originally thought.)

In addition, wooden windows can be restored after 50 years, while plastic windows must be completely replaced in every generation.

Wooden windows are much cheaper than uPVC and do not need to be replaced as often as uPVC. Show this article to your local housing cooperative, and if things don't move, then it's time to move this topic yourself.


In most cases, our attention is drawn to German manufacturers of window profiles. After all, Germany has always been famous for the high quality of its products. And then you involuntarily wonder what kind of windows the inhabitants of Germany themselves prefer to put in their homes? Is it true that Europeans in general, and Germans in particular, have been preferring wooden windows to metal-plastic ones in recent years? It turned out that this is not entirely true.

In Germany, indeed, there is a large number of residential buildings with wooden windows. But this type of glazing at home can often be found either in the provinces or on houses that are the cultural heritage of Germany.

The Germans, known for their pedantry, are very scrupulous about financial side any question. And buying windows for your home is no exception. Wooden windows are much more expensive than metal-plastic profile windows. In addition, the tree requires careful care, protection from moisture, sun rays, insects. And all these activities will bring financial and time costs to the measured life of the German family.

However, some wealthy Germans install wooden windows with sealed double-glazed windows in their homes. In their choice, they are guided by the fact that wood is an environmentally friendly material, and wooden frame windows promotes natural ventilation premises. Here plastic windows lose, as they are completely airtight. And, nevertheless, the issue of high-quality ventilation without drafts is solved by installing a climate control valve on such windows.

Windows from the PVC profile are not at all capricious in operation, and are much cheaper than wooden ones. There is also no doubt about their environmental friendliness. polyvinyl chloride, from which window profile, completely non-toxic, withstands large temperature fluctuations, resistant to water and insects. As for the aesthetic component of the interior, the choice of colors and textures for PVC profile windows is so diverse that the question will not arise here either. Many residents of Germany install metal-plastic windows, which are visually impossible to distinguish from wooden ones.

A hallmark in use plastic windows in Germany is that the Germans have not used a 60 mm wide window profile for a long time. Almost all windows are made from a profile with a width of 70 mm. This is due to the fact that such a window has great heat and sound insulation qualities, and thus saves energy.

What kind of windows are installed in Germany? First of all, reliable, inexpensive, low maintenance, meeting high German requirements, both in terms of quality window construction and issues of energy saving indicators. Those that will make the house beautiful, cozy, warm and save the wallets of their owners. These windows are produced by our company. In our production, we use only high-quality German window Rehau Profile, excellent German window fittings and the professionalism of our qualified specialists. Our windows will be envied even in Germany.