Mixer      04/02/2019

Advanced Finnish technology for building frame houses. Why Finnish frame houses are attractive

IN Lately frame construction has become popular for the construction of country houses. Common projects are Finnish houses. Finnish frame houses have fast construction technology and do not bear a large financial burden on the budget. In this article we will talk about the construction, pricing policy of a turnkey house, and the choice of a project for Finnish frame houses.

The main advantages of Finnish houses

Frame houses By Finnish technology have a number of advantages:

  • Aesthetic and attractive appearance. The main material used is wood. The wood is not difficult to process and lay, allowing you to build a house of any project complexity.
  • Material safety. Wood is a safe material for human health and creates a favorable atmosphere inside the house.
  • Design reliability frame house perfectly tolerates temperature changes and climatic conditions.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. Wood is a breathable material that does not cause allergic reactions or irritation.
  • Ease of construction. You can build a house on your own without the use of heavy and special equipment. The construction process takes one season.
  • Economical. A frame house using Finnish technology has high heat-saving qualities. A wooden house retains heat well, and the absence of cracks keeps the temperature warm and comfortable.

Thanks to such positive properties, frame houses are quite popular and in demand.

The construction process is divided into three key stages:

  • design and calculation of material;
  • construction of a house;
  • external and internal finishing.

Calculations and house design

At the stage of preparing a house project, it is important to take into account all wishes, make a layout of all rooms and carry out the correct calculations. An important point in the design are the location of the site, the type of soil, topography and its climatic features. When all the data is collected, you can easily select required material, choose the type of foundation and build a house without errors.

You can also purchase ready-made house designs; development companies offer project documentation prices vary from 300 to 1200 dollars. Ready plan The design must necessarily contain an architectural, construction and engineering part.

For information! Square is the ideal building shape, which contains the optimal solution for residential and utility usable space.

When the house plan is ready, it should be transferred to the site. Try to place window openings to the south, this will significantly save money on the heating system.

Finnish technology house projects

A Finnish frame house consists of a simple technology, which consists in the fact that all walls and partitions are raised and connected to each other at the construction site. To build a house, it is necessary to make a project with a mandatory indication of the footage of all rooms, the material used, the thickness of the walls and the type of foundation. In addition, the number of windows, doors and balconies is taken into account. Finnish frame house- This is a ready-made house kit. Such house kits have different names: Finnish, Scandinavian, Canadian houses. The difference in names lies in geography. The designs of the kits are divided into 4 groups:

  • Prefabricated parts are delivered to the construction site, assembled, insulated and finished.
  • Modules with minimal readiness. The building is assembled from blocks that have already been pre-sheathed on the outside, and the finishing, internal partitions, communications and ceilings are made directly on site.
  • Partially sheathed modules. Ready blocks with cladding, windows and doors. They are installed on the foundation, finished inside and a roof is erected.
  • Ready blocks. Their use is less common than the parts described above due to difficult delivery and high cost.

In practice, modules with minimal components are used; they are brought to the site and assembled according to the design. The price of such a house is $500 per square meter, which is why Finnish houses are popular. Projects Finnish houses are divided into:

  • one-story with a total area of ​​up to 100 square meters and costing from 70 thousand dollars;
  • two-story with a total area of ​​up to 100 square meters and costing from 110 thousand dollars;
  • houses with a total area of ​​more than 100 square meters will cost from 150 thousand dollars.

The budget option is classified as inexpensive buildings. This is a house with an ordinary roof and without any frills. They erect it quite quickly and without any particular difficulties. The budget option is perfect for country house. The photo shows a turnkey project budget option costing from 30 thousand dollars

Typically, turnkey homes include:

  • kitchen;
  • two bedrooms;
  • Possibility of a sauna;
  • construction and insulation of the frame;
  • carrying out all installation work(attic floors, rafter system, vapor barrier);
  • installation of windows and doors;
  • installation of a terrace;
  • external finishing of the façade;

Individual projects are carried out by architects. A house built according to a special drawing will allow you to get:

  • maximum comfort;
  • functionality;
  • savings in construction.
  • choice of building style.

Important! Minor project change Finnish house may reduce its functionality, effectiveness and convenience.

Features of Finnish construction technology

House designs using Finnish technology have distinctive features in structural elements. At the core Finnish design are the following principles:

Fit the house into a rectangle. In the project, the house looks like a rectangle with load-bearing walls located along the outer perimeter of the building. Consequently:

  • no need to build heavy load-bearing walls, because ceilings give emphasis to outer wall, performing the function of a building envelope;
  • reducing heat loss in corners and at joints;
  • reducing construction costs;
  • strip foundation allows you to save up to 30% of the entire budget.

A one-story house is the optimal solution. One-story frame houses using Finnish technology allow you to:

  • simplify the technology for installing the first floor, saving cost and construction time;
  • increase usable area due to the absence of stairs;
  • make the building safe (the presence of steep stairs can lead to injuries in children or the elderly);
  • rational use of space at home;
  • The attic space serves as a storage room.

Simple roof. The roof has one or two slopes, without canopies or projections. This allows:

  • eliminate the possibility of leaks;
  • reduce the cost by roofing materials and work;
  • makes it possible to cover large spans of the building.

Comfortable height. The entrance to the house is located at the level of one or two steps, this allows:

  • save materials during construction;
  • secure entrance and exit to the building;
  • simplify the design of the porch.

If you decide to expand your usable space and improve your living conditions, a Finnish frame house is an ideal and inexpensive option.

Many features of the “bathhouse” design are due to the desire to make the house squat. Since it is located on the eastern side of the site, you don’t want its shadow to obscure the house. There was a struggle for every 10cm of height.


That is why a specific design of the lower floor was chosen

  • The strapping is made from prefabricated beams "board - plywood - board"
  • The joists are located between the frame beams, and not on top. Attached to beam supports. Logs 40x150x2800
  • The walls are placed on the frame.
  • Counter logs 40x100 are placed inside the contour of the walls in increments of 400
  • On top of OSB 18mm
  • Ecowool insulation
  • Subfloor filing - 12mm isoplaat
What does this design provide?
  • Insulation layer 250mm
  • Reducing the height of the “base” due to the location of the joists between the frame beams
  • Elimination of the “cold bridge” at the floor-wall junction, since the insulated wall extends below the insulated floor level.
  • More durable flooring due to redistribution of loads on adjacent joists
  • Possibility after installation external walls and roofs, remove the OSB, calmly insulate the ceiling, and then install interior walls
Exterior walls

The pie is supposed to look like this. From outside to inside
  • Imitation of timber, painted with covering paint. Most likely Teknos Nordica Eco
  • Gap 25x50
  • Windproof board Izoplaat 12mm vertical
  • A frame with a “top crossbar” without double strapping on top, without double racks. Post pitch 600mm
  • Kraft paper (possibly VCL)
  • Osp3 9mm horizontal
  • Horizontal lathing, 40-50mm pitch 400
  • GKL 12mm
All wood is technically dried, but not planed.
Ecowool insulation using wet glue method.
Let me explain a little what OSB does in this “Finnish” pie.

Firstly, this is additional rigidity to the rather flimsy 12mm isoplaate plate. Although, looking ahead, I can say that I “overdid it”

Secondly, insulation with ecowool is planned in 2 stages. Insulation of the gap with inside, is planned later, after wiring of communications, along with internal partitions.
And the peculiarity of wet adhesive application is that it must be done on a hard surface, which will be OSB3

Internal walls.

There is no exoticism here. Frame made of boards 40x100. GKL.

Rafters and roofing
The rafter system is implemented on homemade trusses. But not on MZP, but with plywood overlays.

The lining on the diagonal belts is “lost” in the picture, but they are there.

The roof covering was originally planned - soft tiles. But after the calculations, the toad strangled him. And settled on a self-locking fold.

Why were the farms chosen?
Due to the chosen construction sequence.
Farms do not need intermediate supports - internal walls.

That is, the order of work has been chosen as follows
1) make the bottom overlap. In addition to counter lag and OSB - they are attached temporarily
2) install external walls
3) We install trusses and make a roof
4) We sheathe the house with isoplaat.

After this, I get a “hangar” covered with a roof and closed from the wind and begin the second stage of work
1) Counter logs and OSB are removed. The ceiling is insulated and sewn up forever
2) Internal walls and attic are insulated
3) We sheathe OSB from the inside, make a gap, install internal partitions
4) conduct communications
5) We insulate the internal gap, partitions
6) Sew up the plasterboard

Of course, somewhere else there will be installation of windows, doors and facade

The structure of the walls of houses built using this technology includes quite a few layers different materials.

The first step in construction using Finnish construction technology wooden houses- this, of course, is the installation of the frame, which is carried out according to a pre-developed plan or project.

The frame structure is assembled from boards. From the outside, the finished frame structure is covered with plywood with an antiseptic and anti-rot coating, or with OSB boards.

Next, a film (membrane) is stretched over the frame structure - it prevents vaporization. This material prevents passage into wooden house water and protects against blowing. The membrane can also allow vapors emanating from interior space, into the surrounding atmosphere.

For the frame, the most technologically advanced would be to use a thermal profile.

After the frame has been covered with film in accordance with Finnish house building technology, finishing with material for further decoration of the house takes place. In this case, you can choose any Decoration Materials- fortunately, they are presented in a wide range on the market.

So, usually for buildings built according to Finnish technology, the finishing is made of brick, siding, or special plaster is used. It is worth noting that as the main material for finishing wooden house Inside you can use glass-magnesium sheets - sml.

Naturally, the frame inside a wooden house is empty - so, it needs to be filled with insulation. In this case, basalt wool or expanded polystyrene are used. Or it could be mineral wool.

Next, a film is stretched over the frame structure, which serves as a vapor barrier. Then drywall is nailed to the frame from the inside - and plaster is applied to it.

Both ecowool and foam glass can be used as insulation materials.

So, if we turn to foreign experience, Finnish house construction technology is used to build houses up to 5 floors high. IN Russian Federation based fire safety, the construction of relatively high-rise buildings is prohibited.

Therefore, wooden houses, cottages, as well as buildings built in Russia using Finnish technology, have a maximum height of 2 floors.

The main pros and cons of Finnish houses

Step-by-step construction of a Finnish house.

The Finnish house is a one-story building that has a symmetrical gable roof. Currently, a Finnish house is a fairly widespread type of cottage.


1 A Finnish house is most often built from laminated veneer lumber. This building material is made from selected wood. High-quality timber will retain all the properties of solid wood for a long time. It is highly resistant to changes in humidity and biological damage.

It is worth noting his wonderful thermal insulation properties. Walls made of such material will retain heat well even in severe frosts. In summer, the house will be cool.

2 Almost all materials for the construction of a Finnish wooden house can be purchased on the construction market. On this moment All of them are manufactured using proven technologies.

The necessary sets of parts are produced in the factory. Glued laminated timber parts have a special profile both in the connecting cups and on the surfaces.

3 When assembling parts, it is best to use a synthetic sealant. As a result, the timber can be laid perfectly straight. The wall will be practically windproof. This design reduces the possibility of rain moisture getting inside.

It should be noted that adjustment of parts when assembling the log house is not required. A structure made of laminated veneer lumber is practically resistant to natural shrinkage. The walls of such a house are not subject to cracking or deformation.

4 It is best to use as a foundation for construction concrete slab, which has a minimum level difference. You can build a house on a finished foundation in about 3-4 weeks. Materials for building a Finnish house are relatively inexpensive.

To create a home design, it is best to contact architects. They will be the ones who can make a special project. Reliable and warm, a Finnish house will delight its residents for several decades, and besides, it looks very beautiful.

Finnish double tongue technology

We bring to your attention a unique Finnish technology - “Double tongue and groove”. The uniqueness lies in the fact that “Double tongue and groove” has absorbed only the best of the two most common technologies for constructing wooden houses in Russia. This is the original Russian construction of a house from timber, with its clarity, environmental friendliness, and Canadian frame house construction with its unique thermal and non-shrink properties.

These properties are achieved thanks to the so-called two-row laying of tongue-and-groove dry planed boards in a cut, the thickness of the board is 43 mm and its width is 130 mm. This design is very strong, since all connections are made with high precision at the factory.

The board fits into the board very tightly lock connection and in a longitudinal profile (tenon in groove) and does not require nailing or inter-crown seals. In this way, overall spatial rigidity is formed and we get a rigid hollow structure with fairly thick and massive wooden side walls, which no longer require finishing, do not crack, and the minimum shrinkage is 0.5-1%.

Now all that remains is to lay effective insulation in the inner cavity of the wall, but with the condition that no film is used. Such insulation, in addition to low thermal conductivity, must have vapor permeability and is not afraid of moisture. Only in this case will we end up with a warm and breathable wall. Unfortunately, all these requirements can be met by a small range of insulation materials, one of which is Ecowool insulation.

Ecowool, this is cellulose impregnated with borax, is an absolutely harmless insulation similar to wood, but in turn is not flammable, does not have a subsidence effect, in which various living creatures do not grow as it is good antiseptic. This is the material we use in our walls. Using a blowing machine, high-quality blowing into the walls is carried out, which guarantees non-shrinking properties. Fig 5, Fig 6.

It is also possible to use slab insulation which is manually laid into the walls is Shetrok insulation. Shetrok is a synthetic insulation like padding polyester, its properties are more modest, but it also does not support combustion, does not generate dust, and does not emit harmful substances, is not afraid of moisture, does not sag, all this also provides warmth and a high degree of environmental friendliness to the wall of our home.

And of course, it is important to say that this house is being built quite quickly; if we are talking about a turnkey house, as a rule, this is no more than 2 months. The cost is also lower in comparison with other high-quality technologies, which will allow you to compare the cost of a finished house, finished to all standards, since this is where the catch in prices is hidden.

Of course, I would like to talk about the disadvantages of this technology. This is specific to projects where you basically need to follow the wall-over-wall principle. Long walls over 3.5 m, it must be tied by cutting. All this, of course, affects the appearance; you must agree, it is specific, and it is economically unreasonable to decorate it differently, unlike frame houses, which can be decorated in any way you like.

The domestic market for frame housing construction is overflowing with offers from manufacturers, sellers and developers. The consumer is faced with products allegedly created according to American, Canadian, German, Finnish, etc. methods. Naturally, he has many questions. For example, how do Canadian and Finnish frame house technologies differ? What will be better (more convenient, more profitable, more practical) for him? Let's figure out what products the construction market actually offers, whether there are differences in them and whether they are so important.

Differences in European and American frame house construction

Looking ahead, you can immediately notice that often, all these big names are practically just part of the marketing treatment of clients. Indeed, frame house construction has been known in the West for more than a hundred years. And earlier in different countries There were a number of differences in technology. They were caused by regional binding to available materials, independent development, national traditions, climatic factors etc. For example, here are some of the features that characterized the specifics of classic American, Canadian and German, Scandinavian, Finnish technologies for constructing frame houses:

Are there national differences today?

There are, but they are not so pronounced due to globalization in all spheres of our lives. Speaking of any Canadian or Finnish frame technology construction, in general case This means the creation of objects in which enclosing structures are assembled on a base of load-bearing insulated lumber frames with double-sided protective and decorative cladding.

To a greater extent, the differences manifest themselves not in regional technologies, but in individual approach individual construction organizations to a number of issues: design, key know-how, materials used, assembly chains, etc. In other words, in modern frames, each manufacturer tries to combine their own and universal developments. Sometimes something is simplified (within acceptable limits) for the sake of profitability, or, conversely, it becomes more complicated or constantly improved to infinity.

However, Western construction companies adhere quite strictly to international building regulations and their editions adapted to local conditions. For example, today, neither in America nor in Europe, would it occur to anyone to use primary edged board, and not planed, chamber-dried.

For our builders, a domestic standard SP 31-105-2002 was also developed, based on the Canadian profile Code. Any self-respecting organization must use these civilized norms in its activities.

Frame house construction in the Russian Federation

In our country, with its traditional log houses, there was no centuries-long history of the development of frame frames. Therefore, we had a gradual adaptation of Western technologies to domestic realities. The first attempt to massively solve the housing problem in this way was made in the middle of the last century. Using frame-panel (slotted) and timber-frame technologies, a lot of housing was built. However, for a number of reasons, its popularity gradually declined.

Today, Canadian or Finnish frames, built taking into account the mistakes of the past and using modern materials, is again conquering our construction market. Indeed, with its relatively low cost, it optimally combines advantages and disadvantages, which suits a wide range of developers.

What do builders offer?

Companies and private teams, regardless of which country they attribute the origin of the technology used to, offer the following methods for organizing the construction of frame houses:


The buildings are assembled on the site from fully finished, factory-assembled frame block containers.


Construction of objects from panels of varying degrees of completion. They can be delivered to the construction site either in a condition for rough or fine finishing (insulated, sheathed with internal communications, with window and door fillings installed), or in the form of bare frames or frames sheathed on one side. This also includes the assembly of houses from SIP panels. This technology is modern variety classic frame American-European.


The most labor-intensive method, but it is a classic of frame house construction all over the world. Its implementation requires the participation of highly qualified carpenters and installers. Elements of walls, ceilings, and roof structures are completely manufactured on the construction site from locally cut lumber, insulation and sheathing.

Types of frames and technological chains for their assembly


Installation using this system allows you to apply the best practices in the construction industry of Scandinavian or Canadian frame houses. Its essence is that wall fragments (frames, panels or panels) are assembled on a construction site in a horizontal position or in a factory. Before installing them in place on the foundation, a platform must already be prepared, which is an insulated ceiling (floor) of the first floor. The next interfloor or attic floor mounted on vertically fixed external and internal walls. The surface of its subfloor, in turn, becomes a working platform for installation truss structures or floor (attic) panels.


It is gradually losing its former popularity, being increasingly replaced by the technology of building frame houses using the Platform type. Balloon is manufactured using a characteristic frame-frame technique. Its distinctive feature is the pillars of the wall skeleton without interfloor gaps. Therefore, floor joists are attached to the side or cut into vertical frame elements, rather than being placed on top of them.

When full manual assembly This scheme allows you to go under the roof as quickly as possible in order to calmly continue further installation, regardless of the rain. To do this, first, external load-bearing structures are placed on 1-2 floors, covered with a roof, and then internal partitions and ceilings are installed, communications are laid, and the frame of the entire building is insulated and sheathed.

Timber Framing (timber frame)

Timber frames are known to us from characteristic buildings in the style that became widespread in medieval Europe. They were built using the so-called German technology for constructing frame houses, although architects in many other countries – Finland, Austria, Italy, etc. – were guided by a similar approach. Technically, the structure is considered half-timbered, where the load falls on posts, beams and inclined struts made of timber. Load-bearing elements made of wood is pointedly left on the outer sides of the walls (outside or inside the premises). Thus, they also perform aesthetic functions, being components of the design of facades or interiors. An oak frame with dark tinting against a light background of cells looks especially impressive.

Timber Framing infills have historically been used in many Construction Materials, for example, adobe, stone, brick, timber. Contemporaries supplemented this list with panel structures with insulation inside.

Real half-timbered house belongs to the most expensive segment of frame house construction. Firstly, it requires high quality solid wood. The price of the material increases progressively, especially if long, even beams from valuable timber are used for the project. Of course, now they are widely replaced with laminated veneer lumber, but they are also not cheap. Secondly, the manufacture of Timber Framing units is the domain of fairly highly qualified carpenters. They have to interface multimeter-long wood elements through tenons and grooves with millimeter precision. This level of skill comes after many years of work under the guidance of true professionals.

Important! The domestic simplification of the European technology for constructing frame houses from raw timber, connected by plates, angles and screws, subsequently causes their users a lot of trouble. The aesthetics of buildings suffer, as a result of deformations of beams and posts, corners freeze, and ventilated cracks appear.

Pole Framing (frame made of poles)

Another scheme for creating wooden-frame structures. Its widespread implementation began in the 30s of the last century in the USA. The supporting structure of the building was formed from log or timber pillars directly buried in the ground or built into the foundation. Pole Framing was distinguished by its high profitability, speed of construction and made it possible to erect spacious structures for utility purposes (warehouses, hangars for storing equipment or agricultural products, etc.).

Today, post-frame buildings are also primarily constructed for industrial, domestic, or commercial purposes. However, they can also be adapted to residential needs, which largely depends on the type of body kit (shirt, trim) of the frame. For example, if you put corrugated sheeting, siding, or boards (edged or unedged) on the pillars under the roof, you will get a room protected from rain and wind. It can be used as a warehouse or hangar. If we sew up the pillars on both sides with clapboard, laying insulation between them, arrange the floors, ceilings and provide communications, then we will get a structure quite suitable for habitation.

Canadian and Finnish frame house technologies: the pie of enclosing structures

The wall (floor) pie of a frame house is often the main place for marketing manipulations with names and sales of true or pseudo know-how of manufacturers. But many people depend on him key characteristics structures. First of all, these include: thermal efficiency, durability, environmental friendliness and aesthetics of the frame. Regardless of the materials used, wall and ceiling sets from different companies are developed taking these parameters into account. Enclosing structures must:

  • provide thermal comfort;
  • be protected as much as possible from moisture penetration from the inside and outside;
  • do not prevent residual steam from escaping from the insulation;
  • have a wind barrier;
  • be lined with protective and decorative finishing that meets the operating conditions.

In practice, Finnish technology used by domestic builders

(American, German, etc.), was expressed in numerous layout solutions. Below are some of their options with explanations.

A few words about the structure of the floors

It is compiled according to the same principles that apply to wall panels during the construction of frame houses, with the exception of minor differences:

Features of roofs

In modern frame house construction, roofing structures, as well as parts of walls and ceilings, are increasingly gravitating towards installation from factory blanks - house kits. Whole or fragmented parts are delivered to the construction site. roof trusses or even insulated roofing slabs. Although this approach can no longer do without lifting equipment, it helps to reduce construction time and makes it possible to create self-supporting roofing systems with wide (more than 20 m) free spans.

The structure of the roofing pie is similar to the wall structure with a ventilation gap on the facade surface.


It is not so important which frame house technologies – Canadian, Finnish or others with spectacular names – will be used to build your property. When choosing from companies' offers, first of all, you should pay attention to their image, history, portfolio and reviews from former customers. A responsible contractor places emphasis not so much on someone's regional traditions, but on compliance with industry standards and taking into account local characteristics. Then, no matter what the technology for building your frame house is called, it will be warm and cozy and will certainly serve your children and grandchildren.

Finnish house-building technologies have gained considerable popularity in Russia, and this is not difficult to explain. In Europe, increased attention has always been paid to the quality of assembly, reliability and energy efficiency of the house; in addition, the cold climate of Finland forced builders to look for optimal options insulation. Finnish prefabricated panel houses are in demand both as country houses for summer living, and as full-fledged housing in the suburban area. What are their features and advantages?

Finnish frame-panel construction technology

The Finnish panel house is a structure based on a frame made of durable timber, sheathed wooden shields with insulation. The external cladding can be made from a variety of materials; such a building will look very beautiful.

Many people are prejudiced against frame structures, considering them unsuitable for Russian realities. Unscrupulous builders are partly to blame for this, ruining the reputation of such buildings at the very beginning of their appearance in Russia. What are the real pros and cons of such houses?

External cladding can be represented by a block house, modern siding, any other materials. Since the house has very smooth walls, you can go straight to finishing using any options.

The Finnish prefabricated panel house, like any other structure, has its drawbacks. Its durability and reliability directly depend on the quality of the frame and wall panels, so in no case should you skimp on materials. Moreover, the tree flammable material, which means it will be necessary to thoroughly comply with all fire safety measures

The frame-panel structure itself has low noise insulation qualities, so additional exterior decoration. This increases the cost of the house, but it will still be cheaper than a brick or concrete building.

How to build a prefabricated panel house using Finnish technology

Creation work own home starts with design. Many construction companies offer standard solutions for already ready-made projects, all that remains is to finalize the layout and location of the internal partitions.

A wooden frame for a large house has a complex structure, so the project must be ordered from professionals. The material for the frame is a beam with a cross-section of 245x100 mm; if the area is seismically active, it should be thicker.

The walls are made of multi-layer panel panels: the inner layer is made of OSB - oriented strand boards with a flat surface. The outer layer of the panel is most often made from waterproof fiberboard: the fiberboard is treated with wax to provide protection from external moisture. A layer of insulation is laid between them: usually it is mineral wool, sometimes extruded polystyrene foam or other modern materials are used.

Main stages of construction:

  • Construction of the foundation. The depth of the trench for the foundation of the house is about 50 cm; formwork is installed along the edges. Place at the bottom of the trench reinforcing mesh, after which the foundation is poured concrete mortar grade M300 and higher.
Often, instead of a tape base for frame buildings a foundation is installed on the basis of bored piles. It is cheaper and much faster, since after driving the piles, construction can continue immediately.
  • Frame construction. First, a vertical corner beam is installed, and the diagonals of the house must be absolutely identical. Installed parallel to the corners vertical racks, which are the basis for the cross beams.

Horizontal lintels are installed to outline the contour of the window and doorways. To prevent the wall elements from becoming skewed, additional diagonal jumpers are required.

When the house is made of ready-made elements, you can move on to interior decoration and external cladding. The house can be left without additional insulation, but more often it is supplied with a layer mineral wool and cladding like a ventilated facade. Interior decoration can be completed in the shortest possible time: the walls are covered with wallpaper or covered with panels, tiles, laminate, linoleum or other materials can be laid on the floor.

A properly assembled Finnish house will last a long time, it will be cozy, warm and very reliable. This technology has been used for centuries, and it has managed to prove its effectiveness.