In a private house      06/20/2020

How to make a river water intake. Water supply at home. Overview of water supply systems at home. Scheme for connecting water from a centralized system

Water supply at home is an objective condition for the normal living of its inhabitants. SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Consumer water consumption rate" regulates water consumption in the range from 80 to 230 liters. per day per person. Consumption depends on the availability of centralized water supply, sewerage, a bath or shower, the presence of a column for heating water and other factors.

In multi-storey and communal buildings, this issue is resolved by connecting to the system central water supply. For private country house or cottages, you have to provide water supply yourself.

Of course, once you can bring water from an external source in the amount of needs, it will not be difficult. But how to provide a family with water for a long time?

This article will help to solve this problem, in which the types of water supply, schemes, systems and methods for their construction are structured in detail. It also indicates the nuances of doing the main types of work with your own hands.

Types and methods of water supply of a private house

From the standpoint of the dependence of the source of water supply on external factors, two fundamentally different types of water delivery to the user can be distinguished:

Centralized water supply at home

In fact, the same autonomous, but within the region. In this case, the user does not need to take care of arranging the source of water supply. It is enough to connect (crash) to the central water main.

Connecting the house to the central water supply

All actions come down to phased implementation a number of requirements, including:

  • appeal to the regional municipal organization MPUVKH KP "Vodokanal" (Municipal enterprise "Department of water supply and sewerage"), which controls the central highway;
  • receiving specifications tie-ins. The document contains data on the place where the user's pipe system is connected to the main and its depth. In addition, the diameter of the main pipes is indicated there and, accordingly, instructions for choosing home piping. It also indicates the water pressure indicator (guaranteed water pressure);
  • get an estimate for connection, which is developed by a utility or contractor;
  • control the execution of work. Which are also commonly performed by UPKH;
  • perform a system test.

Advantages of central water supply: convenience, simplicity.

Disadvantages: fluctuations in water pressure, questionable quality of incoming water, dependence on central supplies, high cost of water.

Autonomous water supply at home

You can independently provide water supply to a summer house, private or country house using autonomous water supply. In fact, this is an integrated approach that includes activities for the installation of a water supply system, starting with providing a source of water supply, ending with its discharge into the sewer.

An autonomous water supply system can be represented as two component subsystems:

  • water delivery: imported, groundwater, from an open source;
  • supply to consumption points: gravity, with the help of a pump, with arrangement pumping station.

Therefore, in a generalized form, two water supply schemes can be distinguished: gravity (storage tank with water) and automatic water supply.

Using the container (water tank)

The essence of the autonomous water supply scheme at home is that water is supplied to the tank using a pump or filled manually.

Water flows to the user by gravity. After all the water from the tank has been used, it is refilled to the maximum possible level.

Its simplicity speaks in favor of this method, it is suitable if water is required from time to time. For example, in a dacha that is not often visited or in a utility room.

Such a water supply scheme, despite its simplicity and cheapness, is too primitive, inconvenient and, moreover, creates significant weight on the interfloor (attic) floor. As a result, the system has not found wide distribution, it is more suitable as a temporary option.

Using the automatic water supply system

This diagram demonstrates the operation of a completely autonomous water supply system for a private house. Water is supplied to the system and to the user using a system of components.

It is about her that we will talk in more detail.

You can implement a completely autonomous water supply of a private house on your own by implementing one of the schemes. There are several device options to choose from:

1. Water from open sources

These can be surface sources: ponds, rivers, lakes. In some cases, such sources may be water purification systems. But, in our country they are not yet common.

Important! Water from most open sources is not suitable for drinking. It can only be used for irrigation or other technical needs.

Obtaining water from an open source requires the creation of sanitary protection of water intake points and is regulated by the provisions of SanPiN "Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water supply systems for household and drinking purposes."

2. Water from underground sources: basins and aquifers

This water is, in most cases, suitable for consumption.

How to conduct water in a private house with your own hands

A step-by-step guide to choosing and installing water supply in a country cottage or in a country house from A to Z

The house water supply scheme consists of the following elements:

  1. water source;
  2. pipe system;
  3. pump, hydraulic accumulator, automation relay;
  4. filters;
  5. fittings, valves, non-return valves and plumbing fixtures;
  6. water heating equipment (for hot water supply);
  7. sewerage.

Element 1. Water source

Starting to provide autonomous water supply, it is necessary to determine the source of water supply and equip it.

Among the subspecies of autonomous water supply with an underground source of water supply, there are:

1.1 ordinary well;

1.2 Abyssinian well;

1.3 well "on sand";

1.4 artesian well.

The final choice will depend on the type and characteristics of the soil, the depth of the water, and the productivity of the water vein.

1.1 Ordinary well

A traditional well is preferred when the water vein is at a depth of 4-15 m. These are the so-called interlayer water sources. In addition to the depth of occurrence, it is important to determine the performance of the core. The incoming water should be sufficient to meet the needs of the family and/or household. Through the well, it is possible to ensure the flow of water at the level of 500 liters / day.

The undoubted advantages of the well are:

  • independence from electricity supplies. So in the event of a power outage, water can be taken with a bucket;
  • long service life (up to 50 years), which is proven in practice;
  • low cost of work;
  • the simplicity of the device.

It should be noted that in view of the shallow depth of water intake, it may be of low quality. This is due to the likelihood of groundwater entering the well. Also, the well is characterized by drops in water level.

Important! When equipping a well, you need to properly position it in terms of distance from ground buildings. It should not be located close to buildings, the optimal distance is 5 m (it will prevent erosion of the foundation of the building). At the same time, the distance to direct sources of pollution (gutter, toilet, other sources) should be at least 50 m.

To dig a well, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • take a water sample;

Important! Before you arrange a well on your site, try the water from your neighbors, or even better, hand it over for analysis. It may happen that the water will be unusable and all efforts will be in vain.

  • obtain a conclusion on the quality of the soil and the depth of the aquifer. In practice, wells are often dug "by eye";
  • determine where to dig the well. To do this, you can attract specialists, use special devices - indicator frames. And you can watch the dew for several months. The largest accumulation of dew in a certain place indicates the proximity of water;
  • choose building material for finishing the walls of the well (mine). The most commonly used materials for this purpose are:

Reinforced concrete rings, which are made in factories or cast independently. Their diameter is 1-1.5 m.p., and the estimated service life is up to 50 years. The obvious advantage of using rings is the possibility of deepening up to 20 m, high speed and greater safety of work. In addition, rings are installed as work progresses;

Small-piece materials: brick, rubble stone. This material is suitable only for wells with a depth of no more than 3-4 m. Its use significantly increases the complexity of the work;

Processed logs. To finish the shaft, wells are suitable for logs made of wood that is resistant to staying in conditions high humidity. These include oak, larch, pine. The diameter of the logs must be at least 120 mm.

  • dig a well shaft. To reduce the cost of work, this is usually done manually. You can determine the size of the mine in this way: measure the diameter of the concrete circles, measure their thickness and add 10-15 cm to the backfill. Then, with a circle diameter of 1 m and a thickness of 10 cm, the shaft diameter will be 1.4 m. If you plan to use another material, for example, brick, then it is enough to indicate the desired well diameter and add two material thicknesses to it;
  • finish the well - internal and external.

1.2 Abyssinian well

Water supply of a country house from an Abyssinian well or well-needle is the easiest way to get water from minimal cost. To do this, just follow a series of actions:

  • check the water
  • choose a place under the well;
  • hammer a well-needle;
  • install a check valve and a pump (manual or automatic).

The reason for the increased popularity of wells is the purity of the incoming water, tightness, ease of drilling, the ability to connect a pump, and long term operation (up to 30 years), a significant amount of incoming water - more than 1000 l / day. Among the disadvantages are the shallow depth of clogging and dependence on the composition of the soil.

1.3 Well "on the sand"

In this case, water also comes from interstratal sources. sand well makes it possible to obtain cleaner water, since the aquifers are located after the loam that filters the water.

Thus, a well is used if the depth of the aquifer reaches 40 m.

The well has a shorter service life (up to 10 years) and allows you to get up to 50 cubic meters. water per day. The well is distinguished by ease of drilling, less excavation.

A detailed description of how to make a well with graphic visualization is presented in the video

1.4 Artesian well

Allows you to use water from considerable depths. The depth of the well reaches 150 m, which makes it possible to obtain high quality water. The unlimited supply of water is also an argument in favor of an artesian well. At the same time, the service life of the well increases compared to the previous option up to 50 years.

The method of drilling an artesian well is identical to the previous one. The only difference is that the mechanical drilling method is used: auger, rotary, core or shock-rope. The design of the well is shown in the diagram.

Important! In law, artesian water is a strategic reserve of the state. Therefore, there is a need to register an artesian well.

Element 2. Pipes for water supply

Water supply cannot be organized without the installation of an extensive pipe system, both external and internal, and a water tank.

For wiring, galvanized, polyethylene, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes are used.

Important! Usage plastic pipes prevent rust and leakage. They are also more convenient to give the desired shape. Estimated service life of a polypropylene pipe is 50 years.

External pipes are laid in the ground.

Important! The depth of pipe laying depends on the level of soil freezing (indicated in SNiPs, for middle lane Russian depth is about 1.5 m.). Pipes are located below this value. In this case, the system is not threatened by freezing and, as a result, deformation.

Advice. To prevent stagnation of water in the pipe, it must be laid at an angle to the house.

Next, one end of the pipe is inserted into the house (for this, a hole is left in the foundation into which a steel pipe is placed. It will prevent the water supply pipe from deforming if the house shrinks). The second one is lowered into the well.

Element 3. Pump or pumping station for water supply

The pump can be installed in the house (basement or utility room)

And it can be installed in a caisson or pit (directly above the well). The diagram shows the installation of a submersible pump and a surface pump in the caisson.

To get a caisson, you need to dig a hole 2-3 m deep. Lay a sand-gravel cushion on the bottom and fill it with concrete. It is convenient to lay out the walls with bricks. A pump is installed in the caisson, and the contour of the caisson is poured with concrete (a layer of about 0.4 m).

There are two types of pumps:

Submersible pumps. They are immersed in water (a well, a well) and raise water. For convenience, these pumps are equipped with automation, which allows you to pump water from home.

surface pumps. They are pumping stations equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and a relay.

The hydraulic accumulator performs the functions of a water tower.

Relay - regulates the pressure of the pumping station.

The principle of operation of the surface pump

The principle of operation is as follows: the pump supplies water to the accumulator, which accumulates it. After the water is turned on in the house, the pressure in the system decreases. After reaching a critical level of 2.2 bar, the relay turns on, which in turn turns on the pump. The pump supplies water to the accumulator until the pressure is restored at around 3 bar. After that, the relay turns off the pump.

You can choose a pump based on the following data:

  • depth of water (bottom of a well or well);
  • the height of the water in the source shaft;
  • height of the draw point;
  • the volume of water consumed (m.cube).

The water intake pipe of the pump is lowered into the source. To avoid clogging of the pipe, filters are installed on its edge.

Important! The pipe is installed at a distance of 20-40 cm from the bottom (gravel pad). The distance is determined by the height of the water at the source.

Advice. So that the pipe in a traditional well does not move, it must be fixed to a special pin located at the bottom.

Element 4. Filters for the water supply system

Cleaning the water entering the pipe system is an important aspect of the water supply at home. Two types of filters are used for cleaning:

The first is installed on the edge of the pipe placed in the well. It purifies water from mechanical impurities;

The second is directly in the house and can be a complex multi-stage filter system. The scheme of water purification in the figure.

Element 5. Fittings, valves and plumbing

These are the elements that are necessary for hermetic connection pipes between themselves and with other devices.

Important! To prevent rupture of the system and water leakage, try to use only high-quality shut-off valves.

Plumbing fixtures include faucets, drain cisterns, water locks (siphons). Don't skimp on their quality either.

Element 6. Water heating equipment

They will be needed if there is a need for hot water supply, i.e. almost always.

Important! To equip hot water supply, it is necessary to provide for a separate outlet to the heater.

In this case, there are several options for choosing heating equipment:

  • double boiler. It will simultaneously heat water for heating and domestic needs;
  • single boiler. Designed exclusively for heating water for the needs of users. A boiler is required for such a boiler. In this case, the boiler can be accumulative or flowing. In the first case, it becomes possible to heat a large volume of water;
  • electric storage water heater, which allows to satisfy the need for hot water of a significant number of users;
  • several instantaneous water heaters. They will heat water for each consumer separately. Such a system allows more rational use of electricity for heating water.

Element 7. Sewerage

After the place for draining the used water is determined, the process of arranging the water supply can be considered complete.

Water drainage is a mandatory component and the more water is consumed, the more it needs to be diverted. So you need to approach this stage responsibly. There are also two options here:

  • crash into the central sewer;
  • arrange your own autonomous sewerage. A septic tank or septic tank is designed to collect water. Concrete and plastic septic tanks are shown in the photo. And their volume and quantity (total volume) depends on the amount of water consumed.

The video substantiates the rules for the construction of a septic tank for a country house.

The process of water supply from design to construction is shown in the video


As we see, there are different schemes water supply of a private house, from simple to complex, respectively, some will cost less, while others will cost more. Also, the cost of water supply is affected by the structural solidity, i.e. you will need a water supply device that works periodically (temporarily) or year-round - in winter and summer. In any case, the implementation of each system is possible with your own hands, but requires knowledge and skills.

In order for the water supply system to be able to provide maximum comfort to residents, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, correctly calculate all operating parameters and engineering units. It is highly desirable to start development at the stage of an architectural project.

Bringing ideas to life and equipping the water supply of a private house with your own hands should, if not a professional, then a person who has delved into all the subtleties.

We will help you understand the principles of operation of an autonomous system, designate the device of various sources of water intake and provide recommendations on the choice of equipment. Step by step instructions on the arrangement of water supply is supplemented with visual images and video clips.

The water supply system is one of the most important elements in home improvement. The essence of its work lies in the automated supply of the required volume of water, for which the user now only needs to start the equipment, and then simply control it periodically.

An autonomous network independent of the central water supply must be correctly designed and calculated in order for the house to be fully supplied with water according to the needs of the owners. It is necessary to organize the system so that water flows freely to all water intake points.

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Arrangement of capturing chambers when using a spring

The device of a protective structure above the spring differs little from the design of the well. In them, water can also flow through the bottom or walls, which are equipped with filters. In rocks, filtration is not required.

If suspended particles are present in the water, then the chamber is divided in half by a partition, one compartment is used for settling and cleaning from sediment, the other for water intake.

To exit excess water at the highest debit of the source, an overflow pipe is provided in the chamber wall. At its end, a valve is installed that allows water to pass through, but prevents debris and rodents from entering the spring.

Equipment for automatic water supply

The choice of a method for arranging and installing a water supply system for a country house begins with an assessment of the type of water intake structure, its depth and other characteristics.

The automated system includes:

  • pump or finished pumping station;
  • filtration system for water purification;
  • storage and control capacity;
  • external and internal pipeline;
  • devices for automatic control.

When installing tanks and pumps, the requirements of the equipment manufacturers must be strictly observed.

Regulating and storage tanks for water

Water storage tanks are distinguished according to the principle of operation:

  • Non-pressure leaky tank. It is made mainly from polymeric materials. Helps create pressure by placing it at the highest point of the system. The higher set storage tank, the greater the pressure of water will be in the system. Raising the container for each meter increases the pressure by 0.1 atmosphere.
  • hydropneumatic tank. Inside it is divided into two compartments by a membrane. It creates pressure thanks to compressed air in one compartment, which through a rubber membrane exerts pressure on water in an adjacent compartment.

A non-pressure tank is installed in a lighted ventilated room, the temperature of which does not drop to negative values. Trays are installed under the tank to protect against small leaks. The tank is provided with a removable lid and equipped with shutoff valves.

One of the characteristics of the operation of pumping equipment is the frequency of switching on the system per unit of time. This indicator is fundamental in choosing a hydraulic accumulator. For submersible pumps, the allowable interval between switching on is longer than for surface pumps. They are supposed to turn on less often, which means that the hydraulic tank should be larger.

To work in tandem with surface pumps, they most often buy membrane tanks capacity from 12 to 24 liters. If there are power outages in the settlement, it is recommended to install a hydraulic accumulator of 250 liters or more so that you can pump in and store a reserve supply of water for some time.

Hydraulic accumulators are placed in chambers underground, in basements, utility rooms, in which the temperature does not drop below zero.

In a system with a non-pressure storage tank, the water supply process is automated using a float valve and an on and off sensor

Purification of tap water from impurities

When choosing water-lifting equipment, consider:

  • Source flow rate. It should exceed the water consumption in the house.
  • Type of intake structure and depth of the aquifer. For pumping out from sources up to 8 m deep, surface pumps are used. centrifugal pumps. They are placed in the basement or separate rooms of private houses, in underground chambers or mine wells. Pumping water from great depths is carried out by means of powerful submersible pumps.
  • Required pressure in the system. pressure pumping unit determine by summing up the values ​​​​(in meters): the height of the rise from the level of (dynamic) water in the well to the highest located plumbing fixture, the pressure loss when reaching the highest point, the required pressure at this point.
  • Estimated water consumption. Calculated based on the number of plumbing points and the number of residents. This indicator influences the choice of equipment performance.

Dear reader, this article will describe in sufficient detail the procedure and conditions for water use, carried out by taking water for drinking, household needs, and the needs of an enterprise. An example of such needs is the withdrawal of water from the river for irrigation.

To begin with, we note that water withdrawal on legal grounds should be carried out in the presence of a concluded water use agreement. It should be noted that the contract for water intake, in contrast to the contract for the right to use the water area of ​​a water body, is concluded without an auction.

Services for the preparation of water intake documents

It can be very difficult to agree on a package of documents for concluding such an agreement, which is why it is recommended to order a service in specialized organizations to support the receipt of a water use agreement.

Firstly, in order to conclude a water use agreement (for example, for water abstraction from a reservoir for irrigation), a program of regular observations will be required, which is developed taking into account the volume of withdrawn resources and the water area of ​​​​resources, as well as other anthropogenic factors affecting the state of water within the radius of the intake point . The program is developed by a specialist in the field of water relations and approved by the basin authorities.
At the stage of coordination of the observation program, detailed characteristics of the water body (information) should also be requested. The specified information will include information on the size of the water protection zone and the coastal strip, the depth at the place of water use, and other morphometric and hydrological characteristics.
Next, we will additionally consider what documents are needed for water intake, in addition to the water body observation program.

In addition to the program and information on the water body, you will also need an environmental action plan, which is approved for the entire period of the contract under the Water intake from the reservoir.

The environmental action plan should contain specific effective actions to improve the environmental performance of water and not exceed the MPC at the point of water intake, as well as measures to prevent the deterioration of the current environmental situation.

The plan to the water use agreement for water intake must necessarily indicate the timing and implementation of activities, as well as the source Money on which it will be implemented.
The package must necessarily include constituent documents (charter, extracts from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, etc.).
As part of the package of documents, there must be graphic material that justifies the entire mechanism of water intake from the water area, the diagram should indicate the pumping station, water intake facilities, linear pipe objects, and so on, and explanatory material must be attached to the indicated graphic materials. The absence of such documents from the customer may affect the cost of preparing documents for water intake from a water body

The following is an example of a technical description for a 2-level lift water station that may be suitable for Water abstraction from a lake, river, pond or sea:

“From socket heads of a flooded type and two gravity lines with a diameter of 200 mm, a length of 1150 m, water enters a receiving well with a diameter of 2 m and a depth of 4.5 m. The pump of the first lift station pumps water from the receiving well through a pressure conduit with a diameter of 100 mm to a water treatment plant or straight to the RCV.
When the maximum level in the clean water tank is reached or for the duration of the rinsing process of the water treatment plant, the pump is switched off. At the end of the flushing process or when the water level drops below the maximum mark, the pump starts up. Before the pumps are put into operation, they are automatically filled from a tank equipped with solenoid valves.
To collect spills, a drainage pit is provided, from which water is discharged by gravity into a storage well. From the storage well, drainage water is periodically pumped out by special machines for export (Water intake for household purposes)
The further part of the explanatory materials concerns, first of all, the water use agreement for the intake of water for drinking.

“Water is withdrawn from the clean water reservoir by pumps of the second lift, carried out with the obligatory preservation of the required flushing volume. The pumps are controlled by level sensors in the RFV and by magnetic pressure gauges, depending on the pressure in the network. For priming the pumps, an installation with a vacuum pump is provided.
A drainage pit is provided in the engine room of the pumping station to collect spills. From the drainage pit, the straits flow by gravity into the household sewage well. ”As we see, the technological process of water intake should be described in the smallest details.

To agree on a package of documents for a water use agreement, you will also need a diving inspection certificate, which will confirm the presence of a fish protection net on the head of the suction pipe. In addition, the mandatory package of documents includes a balance sheet.
The cost of preparing documents for water intake ranges from 100 to 500 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the package of documents being collected.

Where to conclude a water use agreement?

The water use agreement is concluded in the basin authorities or in the executive authority of the subject, depending on the powers divided by water bodies in the region. It should be noted that if the agreement is concluded in the Basin Authorities, then it is not necessary to obtain information on the water body. As an example of such government agencies one can cite the Moscow-Oka BVU as a federal executive body authorized to conclude water use agreements in the Moscow Region and the Ministry of Ecology of the Moscow Region as a regional executive body authorized to conclude a water use agreement within the framework of the delimitation of powers between them.
The water use agreement for water intake, whether it be St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Moscow and the Moscow Region or other regions of Russia, is concluded in the same way according to the procedure, both with federal and regional authorities within the existing distinctions for the disposal of water bodies.

Why enter into a water use agreement?

The water use agreement primarily confirms the legality of actions for water abstraction. As well as the use of land resources, water use is paid, such payment for the use of water resources is made on the basis of an agreement in favor of the state. The absence of a water use agreement may lead to administrative liability and, moreover, an administrative suspension of activities until the conclusion of a water use agreement. Illegal water intake can also lead to more serious consequences, since if it has not been agreed upon, then in the event of an accident at the facility, the operating organization can be applied additional measures responsibility.
Therefore, if you are actually using water, we recommend that you order services for the preparation of documents for water intake from a water body as soon as possible.

Choosing a wiring diagram

There are two ways to supply water to consumption points, and the choice of a do-it-yourself water distribution scheme in a private house depends on the parameters of the system, as well as on the intensity of water consumption (permanent or periodic residence, number of residents, etc.).

serial connection

This connection is also called tee. Faucet, shower and other points are connected in series. This method requires the use of fewer materials (pipes, fittings, etc.), therefore it is cheaper.

The disadvantage of a serial connection when distributing a water supply system is the likelihood of a decrease in pressure at the most remote points with the simultaneous use of several water intake points.

collector connection

Collector (or parallel) the connection is the organization of the collector (or two collectors - hot and cold water supply), to which the lines leading to each water intake point are connected. To implement such a scheme, more pipes will be required, but its principle of operation allows for stable pressure.

Tee and collector water distribution schemes in the house

There are additional nuances when choosing the principle of water supply. Do-it-yourself installation of a water supply system in a private house can be done in two ways:

  • "Deaf" lines ending in a dead end (stub). Such a scheme for distributing water supply in the house is more economical, however, when applying hot water it can create some inconvenience - when opening the tap, you must wait a certain time until the liquid reaches the plug, and only after that hot water will appear in the tap.
  • Circulating closed lines more practical and more convenient, however, the implementation of such a project will require not only more pipes, but also a special circulation pump.

Experts recognize the most rational combined option, in which the "blind" wiring cold water combined with a hot water circulation line.

The main nodes of the scheme

The water distribution scheme in a private house, or rather, that part of it that is responsible for supplying water to the house, consists of the following main components:

  • pumping unit for a well or well,
  • nipple (adapter),
  • anti-backflow check valve,
  • pipeline,
  • filtration equipment (one or more different filters depending on water quality),
  • stop valve,
  • accumulator,
  • pyaternik (fitting) for connecting the main elements and devices (pressure gauge, pressure switch, pipes).

Elements of the water supply system of a country house with a well

The sequence of the water supply scheme

In order to visualize how water is distributed in a private house with your own hands, you can consider the course of communications from the source to the end point.

1. An individual water unit (well or well) is equipped with pumping equipment, the choice of which is carried out according to the following principles:

  • for deep artesian wells, only submersible pumps can be used,
  • for narrow channels and casing pipes - only surface units, including pumping stations,
  • in other cases, the choice between submersible and outdoor equipment is made depending on the technical characteristics of specific models and operating conditions.

2. The pipeline that brings water to the house is usually laid underground. The depth of the trench is usually chosen taking into account the depth of soil freezing in a given region. As an additional protection against freezing, communications are supplied with a heat-insulating layer.

Conducting water supply to the house from a well with a caisson

3. The entry point of the pipeline into the house deserves special attention.

  • Firstly, the hole for the pipe is made with a large margin - a gap of at least 150 mm on all sides. This avoids deformation and destruction of communications if, over time, the wall begins to sag or deform.
  • Secondly, a small section of the pipe, located between underground and protected ground communications and internal wiring in a warm room, is in the open air. In this place, the risk of freezing of the pipeline is highest, so good thermal insulation is required.

4. The hydraulic accumulator and control devices are usually installed in the basement, basement or on the first floor near the entry point of the pipeline into the house. Purely technically, it would be more correct to place such equipment at the highest point, however, from the point of view of practicality and ease of use, the lower levels are more suitable. You should only take into account the need to raise water to the upper floors when setting the pressure switch.

The hydraulic accumulator is designed to stabilize the pressure in communications and prevent frequent switching on (and, accordingly, rapid wear) of pumping equipment.

The control and monitoring unit includes a pressure gauge, a pressure switch and a dry-running switch, which prevents the capture of air and the formation of air locks in the system when the water level in the well or well decreases.

5. Filter systems are completed, depending on the need, with devices for:

  • preliminary rough removal of large particles of impurities (more about main filters for water in a private house),
  • fine cleaning,
  • decrease in iron content,
  • water softening.

After that, the plumbing is done in a private house with your own hands according to the chosen scheme. For a collector circuit, it might look like this:

  • Immediately after the accumulator is a tee along with a stopcock. The tee divides the flow of water into two directions - to the house and for other needs (watering, washing the car, etc.);
  • A deep filter is connected;
  • Next comes the tee, from which the distribution of water pipes in a private house is divided into a pipe for cold water, which immediately goes to the cold water collector, and a pipe through which water will go to a boiler or other water heater for heating. After heating, the water is sent to the hot water collector.

In the photo, the water distribution scheme in a private house

Important: When installing water supply in a private house with your own hands according to the collector scheme, it is necessary to install shut-off valves at each point of water consumption.

Pipe selection

Communications diameter

When conducting a water supply system to a private house with your own hands, a correctly selected pipe diameter will ensure cost-effectiveness at the installation stage of the system, as well as avoid unpleasant noise when water moves through communications.

To calculate the parameters of lines supplying water to consumption points, the starting point is total length of each line:

  • for a branch with a length of less than 10 meters, pipes with a diameter of 16-20 mm can be used,
  • for branches about 30 meters - with a diameter of 25 mm,
  • for the longest lines over 30 meters, pipes with a maximum diameter of 32 mm are required.

Important: Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the diameter of the collector pipe. Insufficient value can cause malfunctions in the system.

The distribution of water in a private house from the collector is calculated based on the fact that each tap has a throughput of about 5 liters per minute. After that, it is roughly calculated how much water is taken simultaneously from all points at peak moments and the diameter of the collector is selected:

  • 25 mm for a flow rate of 30 l/min,
  • 32 mm for 50 l,
  • 38 mm for 75 l.

Pipe material

Laying a water pipe in a private house allows the use of pipes made of various materials, each of which has its own advantages, disadvantages and operating features.

If you decide to stop at polypropylene, it will be useful for you to know how to weld polypropylene pipes.

Read more about the difference between collector and tee plumbing schemes here.

Since you will need coarse water filters, we advise you to familiarize yourself with their types.

In order for the system to work flawlessly, it is important to know how to properly install plumbing in a private house with your own hands. This concept can include both the basic principles regulated by building codes and regulations, as well as some of the nuances and subtleties known to experienced craftsmen.

  • Ideally, the pipeline should not pass through building structures, however, in practice, the creation of such a scheme is often impossible or impractical. If it is necessary to conduct communications through the wall, the pipe must be placed in a protective glass.
  • Despite the fact that the owner of the house almost always wants to get the maximum free space and for this “press” the pipeline from the wall, there should be a gap of at least 25 mm between the building structures and the communications running parallel to them for easy installation. repair work. bypass inner corner requires a distance of 40 mm, and the outer 15 mm.
  • If there are drain valves on the pipelines or the hydraulic accumulator, a slight slope is made in their direction.
  • The most convenient way to fix the pipeline to the walls is with special clips. You can choose single or double devices, the distance between them in any case should be about 2 meters.

When deciding how to make water distribution in a private house, remember that a well-executed internal water supply system has characteristic differences:

  • Minimum joints and adapters. This improves the reliability and efficiency of the system.
  • All connections are made in strict accordance with the installation technology of this particular type of pipe.
  • The presence of valves or shut-off valves in critical areas of the system and at connection points.
  • The minimum number of not too reliable flexible sections for connection (hose connections), which are most vulnerable to pressure drops.


Features of the distribution of water pipes for a private house

Water supply and sewerage - engineering systems, the installation of which is mandatory in any private house, since their presence ensures the creation of a minimum level of comfort: the ability to take a shower, wash dishes or food, cook dinner.

At the design stage, it is important not only to correctly calculate and select pumping equipment, but also to correctly plan the connection of the source and the distribution of water supply around the house. Plumbing of water pipes and installation of everything necessary equipment should be carried out immediately after the construction of the house. Otherwise, installation will take a significant amount of time and money.

Approximate schemes of water supply of a cottage.

Water connection

First of all, when designing a system, it is necessary to determine the source of water supply. There are three options:

If on your personal plot there is a well, you can do the plumbing with your own hands. However, this method of water intake has several disadvantages:

  1. Water intake must be continuous, otherwise the well will be flooded.
  2. It is necessary to install a multi-level purification system, since usually the water quality does not meet the standards.
  3. The resource of this source is limited, so this method is only suitable for small house.
  4. Regular cleaning and disinfection of the well is necessary.

In this case, a surface pump (if the well is a few meters from the house) or a submersible pump can be used to supply water. Usually a well is used only in case of low water consumption, in most cases other sources are preferred.

The most popular way to supply water to a private house is to draw water from an artesian well. The cost of installation is relatively high, but the reliability of the system and the high quality of the water compensate for this disadvantage.

A shallow well for a small area house can be drilled manually.

Connecting to the main network is the easiest way to supply water, but it is rare. To introduce water to the site, it is enough only to obtain a permit (with recommendations for laying a pipeline) and connect the pipes.

Piping layout: manifold or serial

Regardless of which source of water supply has been chosen, the optimal piping scheme for the facility is selected: serial or collector piping of the water supply system. When designing a network, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • the frequency of being in the house;
  • intensity of water use.

Tee (or serial) piping from a heater, main or riser passes by connecting plumbing equipment one after another. Thus, the installation of the system takes minimal amount materials and time, however, this connection method has two significant drawbacks:

  1. Uneven pressure in the system when used by several users at the same time. That is, for example, when you turn on the water in the bathroom or in the kitchen, the normal water pressure will be only in the tap located closer to the source.
  2. To repair a separate element of the system, it is necessary to completely turn off the water supply of the building.

An example of a series connection of pipes.

With a collector (or parallel) connection, the pipes to the intake points are brought directly from the distribution manifold (individual distributors are provided for hot and cold water). Collector wiring allows all users to constantly receive a stable water pressure, regardless of the number of plumbing fixtures turned on at the same time. The main disadvantage of this method is a large number of pipes that are difficult and expensive to hide.

Collector wiring of pipelines on the floor.

In recent years, combined distribution of water pipes has become increasingly popular, in which short lines are mounted in series, and later assembled into a collector. This method is a budget alternative to parallel pipe connection. Indeed, with it, the material for installation takes much less, and in the event of a breakdown, it is enough to turn off the water supply of only one short branch.

Hidden and open water supply system

Plumbing can be carried out in an open or closed way. At first glance, the second option is more preferable for the following reasons:

  • saving usable space;
  • a neat look, since all communications are sewn up with drywall or hidden in the wall.

The main thing when distributing a water supply system in this way is to seal all joints as carefully as possible (or it is better to completely hide only whole sections of the pipeline) and leave space between the wall and the pipe to facilitate repair work.

Hidden installation of water supply and sewerage.

Main disadvantages concealed wiring: the inability to instantly detect a leak and a more complex and expensive repair, as it becomes necessary to open (and later re-install) facing material. The best way to avoid this - the installation of special doors in the locations of the valves.

Unlike hidden wiring, mounted up to finishing works, installation open way passes after the completion of laying tiles or painting walls. It will look less attractive, however, in the event of repair or rearrangement of plumbing equipment, all work can be done as quickly and simply as possible.

Open piping.
Combined laying method.

The choice of pipes for the water supply system

The water supply system in a private house or country house can be carried out using pipes made of various materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Copper. The best material for pipes of the water supply system in all respects: it is not subject to corrosion, it is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, it cannot be damaged by microorganisms, it does not expand and does not narrow due to temperature and pressure changes. The only drawback is the high price, so the wiring of copper water pipes is used extremely rarely.

Copper pipes.

  1. metal-plastic. Aluminum pipes, protected on both sides with plastic, are an excellent alternative to copper pipes. They are not subject to corrosion and ultraviolet radiation, they bend perfectly. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the fear high temperatures(more than 95 degrees). Therefore, if you are planning a wiring with metal-plastic pipes, find out in advance about the temperature of the supplied water (if you connect to the main water supply) and monitor the correct operation of the boiler. Wiring metal-plastic pipes possible by hand. The main thing is to connect all the joints as tightly as possible. During operation, it is important to regularly check the quality of threaded connections and, if necessary, tighten them.
  1. Steel. Classic variant used since the days of the USSR. Advantages of the material: strength and durability, disadvantages: the rapid appearance of rust and the complexity of installation due to the need to cut threads at all points of connection of elements or welding.
  1. Polyethylene. Polyethylene pipes are excellent for distributing hot and cold water, as they are resistant to temperature changes and have good plasticity, which greatly facilitates installation. Branches are assembled from this material by welding elements, however, if you choose cross-linked polyethylene, installation is carried out using connecting fittings.
  1. PVC. This material able to enter chemical reaction therefore not recommended for home plumbing.
  1. Polypropylene. Polypropylene wiring is a budget option for laying water supply in the house. Systems from polypropylene pipes durable, not afraid of corrosion and easy to install using welding machine which is why they are so common these days.

When selecting pipes, do not forget which method of laying (serial or manifold) you have chosen, since the cost of the system largely depends on this. Pipes with the best price / quality ratio are polypropylene, when buying them, please note that reinforced elements must be selected for laying hot water.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings.

Selection of the section of pipelines

Before purchasing material, select the diameter of the pipeline in all sections of the system. If it is too small, the flow rate will be high, which will lead to loud noise, if it is large, you will spend more money on the purchase, and it will be more difficult to hide the pipes. The optimal speed of water movement in the system is 2 m/s.

With the tee method of laying, the diameter depends on the number of plumbing fixtures connected in series and is calculated individually for each branch. At parallel connection it is enough to know the length of the section:

  • if the section has a length of less than 10 meters, the internal diameter of the pipeline should be from 16 mm to 20 mm.
  • up to 30 meters - 25 mm.
  • more than 30 meters - 32 mm.

When connected in series, the main parameter for calculation is the throughput of the pipe. For example, one tap on average passes 5-6 liters of water per minute. When calculating, sum up the throughput of plumbing equipment that can be turned on at the same time, and depending on this, select the diameter. A pipeline with a cross section of 25 mm is capable of passing 30 liters per minute, 32 mm - 50 l / min, 38 mm - 75 l / min.

Features of the water supply system

Any wiring diagram for a water supply system includes the following elements:

  1. Water source (well, well or main).
  2. A pump or pumping station that supplies water to a system (electrical or mechanical).
  3. A hydraulic accumulator that provides the accumulation of water and creates the necessary pressure.
  4. External and internal pipes through which water moves through the site and inside the house.
  5. Shut-off valves and plumbing equipment for regulating and supplying fluid flow.

For hot water supply, it is also necessary to include a heating element in the system - a boiler. Most economical option- a gas double-circuit boiler, which also provides heat supply to the building in winter. if the gas supply is not possible, for a bathhouse, a summer residence or a small private house, it will be enough to install a storage electric boiler.

Connection diagram for a double-circuit boiler.

Often, to save money at the stage of installing a bathhouse or a summer house for use only in the warm season, they arrange summer water supply, in which pipes along the street are located on the surface of the earth. The main disadvantage of this method is the need to drain water and remove pipes before the onset of cold weather. This option is good only as a temporary solution, for example, when it is possible to connect to the highway, but it takes time to agree on permits.

For summer water supply, rubber hoses can be used.

Do-it-yourself plumbing installation

Before self-assembly water supply systems, read the following rules and tips:

  1. Minimize the number of pipe passes through the building envelope.
  2. Leave free space (at least 2 centimeters) between walls and pipes to facilitate repair work.
  3. Attach the horizontal sections of the pipeline to the wall every 1-1.5 meters.
  4. In front of the connection points for the washing machine and dishwasher be sure to install coarse filters, otherwise the devices will quickly fail.
  5. The pipeline leading to the shower cabin must be equipped with a ball valve.
  6. If you are planning a water supply for a small house, it is advisable to connect the kitchen and bathroom in parallel. Otherwise, if someone started washing the dishes cold water showering will get burnt from excessively hot water.
  7. An interesting option is the horizontal distribution of water pipes in the basement, followed by a rise to the connection points for plumbing equipment. In this case most of communications will be hidden without additional work. This option only suitable for single storey houses. In higher buildings, it is possible to lay part of the pipes along the ceiling.

The installation procedure depends on the type of material used. Consider the now popular Rehau cross-linked polyethylene pipes, which can be installed not only by the master, but also by any owner of the dwelling who does not have special skills.

Rehau pipes.

The layout of pipes of the German brand Rehau begins with the preparation of the necessary materials and tools: pipes and fittings, an expander with nozzles for different diameters, a press clamp, a cutting tool, a tape measure and a marker.

The assembly of the system proceeds as follows:

  1. Pipe cutting.
  2. Layout of the system with fittings on the floor.
  3. Connection with special sleeves.

Fixation occurs by expanding the ends of the connected elements and inserting a sleeve from them. The main thing is to strictly observe the horizontality of all elements, the slightest misalignment will lead to a non-tight joint.


How to make plumbing in a country house?

It is difficult to call a cottage in which there is no water supply modern and comfortable for living. Walking with a bucket to a well or a column is something from fairy tales or old grandmother's stories today. Plumbing in a private house must be mandatory. And it is quite possible to make it with your own hands by organizing the supply of water from the same well. The situation is even simpler when it is possible to connect to the village centralized network. In this case, it is enough to mount only the intra-house part of the plumbing system.

Water supply systems

Water supply country houses It happens:

In the first option, the source of water is the common water for the entire village. water supply network. To connect a private house to it, you must contact the resource supplying organization and obtain a technical specification for connection. The subsequent tie-in into the centralized pipeline will be carried out by the installers of this company, and the distribution of the water supply system in the residential building can be done independently.

Home water supply options

In the second option, water enters the house from a well, well or river. If such water intake is done on your own house plot for yourself, then you will not need to obtain permits and coordinate anything with government agencies. However, all issues of quality and compliance of the life-giving moisture entering the cottage here fall on the shoulders of the owner of the dwelling.

Plumbing system in a private house

The plumbing system of a private house consists of an external and an internal part. The first includes a street water supply from a water intake or a village network and directly a well or a well with a pump (if it is a decentralized autonomous option). The second includes cold water and hot water pipelines located in the house, as well as filters, pumps, fittings and taps.

External part of the water supply of a private house

How to design a plumbing scheme

In order for everything to work out correctly in the end, before installing the water supply system, it is necessary to carefully work out the scheme for laying it on the street and wiring in the cottage. If this project is done correctly, this will avoid many problems during installation work and subsequent operation of the assembled water supply system.

Private house water supply scheme

When developing such a water supply scheme, it is calculated:

  • the number of water points in the house;
  • the need and number of collectors;
  • pump power and water heater capacity;
  • pipe dimensions;
  • valve characteristics.

Plus, the option of piping (collector or serial) and the location of all elements of the water supply system in a private house are selected. The same electrical wiring in an apartment or a ventilation system is easier to install at first glance. However, there are nuances here and there. And with the slightest mistake, in all cases there will be a lot of problems.

Features of pipe selection

Pipes for home plumbing can be taken plastic, steel, copper or metal-plastic. Copper is the most expensive. But pipelines from it are not subject to corrosion and deformation during heating (cooling), and they are also not afraid of impurities in water and water hammer.

Easiest to install plastic options, however, high and low temperatures are categorically contraindicated for them. It is recommended to choose plastic for laying inside the house, and steel for the street. Steel pipes are more difficult to connect (welding is needed). But they are more reliable, although they are prone to rust.

The inner diameter of the pipes is selected based on the estimated volume of water consumption by plumbing fixtures connected to a specific section of the water supply. At the same time, a tubular product with a cross section inside 25 mm is capable of passing about 30 l / min, and with 32 mm - about 50 l / min. Usually these two sizes are most often chosen for the installation of an in-house plumbing system. If you take pipes of a smaller diameter, then they will make noise, since in order to increase their throughput, you will have to increase the water pressure.

Types of pipes for water supply

To hold with your hands outdoor area water pipes are usually taken from a pipe with thermal insulation with a cross section of 32 mm. This pipeline will lie in the ground, so special attention should be paid to its insulation. He should not freeze in the winter.

Water supply is installed in the cottage in seven steps:

  1. Marking the distribution of pipes, as well as installation sites for equipment and plumbing.
  2. Making holes in the walls for pipelines to be laid.
  3. Connecting pipes with fittings or welding.
  4. Connecting shutoff valves.
  5. Installation of a water heater (boiler) and pumps with their connection to the assembled water supply.
  6. Plumbing installation.
  7. Start water and check for leaks.

Between the wall and the pipe, it is recommended to leave about 15–20 mm of empty space. This will make it easier to repair the plumbing later if necessary. Also, on each branch from the riser to the plumbing, you should put your own stopcock. So in case of an emergency, you will not have to turn off all the water in a private house, leaving the household without it for several hours or even a couple of days.

Connection of a pumping station

The pump or pumping station is installed in a caisson above the well, basement or outbuilding next to the well. This equipment is sensitive to severe frosts, so it must be insulated, and even better in a heated place.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the water inside it and nearby pipes will simply freeze.
It is also possible to install a submersible pump directly into the well.

However, pressure switches and other automation will still need some kind of insulated space in the borehole head or room in the house in order for them to work in the right way.

Schematic diagram of the connection of the pumping station

Hydraulic accumulator

To ensure that the pressure in the autonomous water supply system of the cottage is always constant, a hydraulic accumulator is supplied with the pump. It not only allows you to control the pressure in the taps, but also reduces wear on pumping equipment. The latter is rarely included. This only happens to fill the hydro-accumulator tank and not every time you open the tap valve in the kitchen.

If you don’t want to install a hydraulic accumulator, then you can get by with a conventional accumulator of 0.5–1 cubic meters installed in the attic. This scheme allows you to do without complex and expensive equipment. At the same time, the pressure in the taps remains quite stable and constant.

Hydraulic accumulator connection diagram

Water purification

If the quality of the water leaves much to be desired, then the water supply system will have to be supplemented with a water treatment system. At a minimum, a coarse filter is needed. It will remove grains of sand and other large suspended particles from the water stream.

Additional filters are installed after the analysis of water for the chemical composition of impurities present in it. At high content iron or calcium, some cleaning devices will be needed, and with increased rigidity, others.

Water purification scheme in a private house

How not to break the law

To connect to a centralized water supply, you will have to prepare a whole bunch of documents and get technical conditions for connection. Without these papers, it is impossible to arbitrarily crash into a pipe. This will be revealed sooner or later and considerable fines for arbitrariness and consumed water will follow. Here, all connection issues should be resolved exclusively through the organization that controls this water utility.

Types of water sources for a private house

With a well and a well, the situation is radically different. It is not required to collect papers with permissions here. Such water intake can be organized at your site at any time. Moreover, for digging a well, it is not even necessary to invite specialists. If you know exactly at what depth the water lies, then it will not be difficult to get to the bottom of it with your own hands if you have the skills to handle a shovel and follow simple rules.

Scheme for connecting the water supply of a private house with artesian water

The only restriction on the well is if it is made deep artesian. In this case, no permission is required. Such water intake requires coordination with government agencies. This sewer wiring in a private house can be done as you like without the control of the authorities. This will not work with an artesian well.


With the installation of water supply in his house, almost any owner is able to cope. Problems can only arise with the connection to the water mains of the village, located on the street. Permits are required here, you will have to walk around the authorities. Otherwise, with the distribution of pipes in the cottage and drilling of a well, there should not be any particular difficulties.

See also the video on how to avoid mistakes when wiring plumbing in the house:


How to lay water pipes in the country and in a private house correctly: Step by step instructions + Video

Plumbing in any home, including water is needed for almost everything: for drinking and home maintenance, for kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, for watering plants and much more.

Even in the deep backwoods, the level of comfort of the most unpretentious village hut will increase tremendously if a water pipe is laid in it.

We will not say that this is a trifling matter, especially if the house has long been inhabited, and is not at the planning stage. However, many works can be done by yourself, without the help of specialists and employees. Water for supply to a private house can be taken from a well, from a well, from the nearest reservoir or by connecting to a centralized system.

Plumbing scheme

Don't neglect this important thing, as a scheme of the future plumbing. No need to look for excuses: just run a pipe into the house, into the bathroom and into the kitchen. As soon as you have definitely decided for yourself that water in the house is absolutely necessary, depict detailed diagram his pads.

It should be understandable, taking into account all additional components: boiler, sediment, filters, collectors, points of consumption.

All this must be noted on your plan, and, of course, the path of the pipe through the structure. The distances printed on the drawing will help to calculate in advance the number of pipes required for work.

Laying plumbing in the house can be done in various ways:

  • With a collector connection;
  • Serial connection of each consumption point.


This type of connection is suitable for a very small house with low water consumption and a small number of residents (1-2 people). For large cottages, with a large number permanent residents, using this method is unlikely to be a good idea.

Its essence lies in the fact that near each point of consumption in the dwelling, a tee with a branch is installed, which is connected to the main pipeline that runs through the entire house. If you use water at different points at the same time, the pressure at the most remote will drop significantly, making it difficult to use.


This type of connection is as follows: a separate pipe is drawn from a common collector to each consumption point. Thanks to this, at each point of water consumption, its pressure will be constant and sufficient. Some pressure losses inside the system will take place, but they are not fundamental, as they are associated with the remoteness of the consumer from the pumping station.

But convenience and comfort are worth it, right? Below we will talk about the collection method.

The water supply scheme of a country house necessarily contains the following components:

  • Water intake point.
  • Pumping station. A pipe located in the ground connects the water intake to the pump. It is equipped with a non-return valve that prevents water from returning back.
  • Hydraulic accumulator.
  • It is advisable to install a tee with a tap after the accumulator: one of its pipes will be allocated for domestic needs, the second will go for technical (horticultural work, garage).
  • The domestic pipe (household) must be connected to a special system where the water will be purified and disinfected.
  • Next, a tee is equipped, with the help of which the water will be divided into hot and cold.
  • The hot pipe is connected to a powerful water heater (do not forget about pipe insulation).
  • The cold pipe is connected to a similar manifold. Shut-off valves are mounted on each line going to the point of consumption.
  • From the boiler, the “hot” pipe with water is connected to the corresponding collector, and from it the pipes go throughout the dwelling.

The plumbing system may include some other additional components, but the connection sequence and its scheme itself are not subject to change.

Water pipes in a private house

If we talk about the nature of the work necessary for laying a water pipe in the house, then the most “dirty” and difficult of them will be making the necessary holes on the floor and in the walls of the building.

The rest of the activities, including cutting pipes and their reliable connection, connection to the collector and consumers, arrangement of the pump and filter systems, despite the volume and significant time costs, will not require an enormous application of physical strength.

Water pipes for the home: the choice of material

First of all, at the very beginning, you will have to decide on the pipes: what, from what material are suitable in a particular case?


They are the most expensive and are considered the best.

They are not afraid of UVI (ultraviolet), corrosion, are not susceptible to microorganisms, withstand pressure increases, do not react to sudden changes in the environment, quickly give off heat, and do not deteriorate from harmful impurities contained in water.

We can say that they embodied all the best that is required from this type of material.

That's just the price...

She is really tall.


They are made of aluminium, inside and out, on both sides, protected by dense polyethylene.

Exclusively smooth surface plastic prevents the accumulation of deposits and does not allow rust to appear.

The plastic layer on the outside protects against condensation and ultraviolet radiation. Such pipes have disadvantages. They can be deformed at t above 95 °, they can burst from freezing water in them, products with fittings must not be bent.


Reliable, time-tested option.

Steel pipes are known for their strength, reliability, durability, but…

They are unfortunately prone to rust if left untreated.

They have more work to do.

For the installation of a water supply system in a frame house, pipes will have to be welded, or on each separate element will have to be threaded for subsequent connection.


Perhaps, it is they who have recently been very actively used for arranging water supply in the house.

Such popularity is due to their remarkable performance characteristics.

They are able to serve up to 50 years, are quite easy to install, their joints do not need frequent revision, so you can remove them under a layer of plaster.

Do not forget about the minus, if you can call it that: for welding pipes, you will need a special electric welding unit.

Plumbing in the house: the choice of pipe diameter

For the quality functioning of the water supply system, not only the material of the pipes is important, but also their diameter. The fact is that too small can cause turbulence in the flow, due to which the contents will move through the pipes with a lot of noise. Simply put, the water pipe is buzzing.

Lime deposits will accumulate on its inner walls. The maximum speed of water flow in the pipe should be no more than 2 m/s. In accordance with this, the diameter of the pipes is determined.

To determine its value, simple calculations are made according to the given parameters. If there are many tenants in the house, and there are few places for water intake, situations may arise when all of them will be involved at the same time. The consumption of all points must be added up, and the size of the collector will depend on this indicator.

Distribution of water pipes

After completing the connection of pipes, you can begin laying them in the house. It is more convenient to start from the consumer. The pipe is connected to it by means of an adapter. A ball valve is mounted between it and the faucet hose (it is useful for shutting off water if necessary). Further the pipe goes in the direction of the collector.

It is important to observe the following simple rules:

  • If possible, it is better to prevent pipes from passing through walls and partitions. If this is not possible, then the pipe passing through the wall should be placed in a glass.
  • To facilitate potential repair work, the pipes should not be located close to the walls, but at a distance of 2-2.5 cm.
  • The installation of the crane is carried out in such a way that a slight slope is observed towards the crane.
  • Pipes are attached to the walls with special clips, the distance between them is 1.5-2 meters. Particular attention is paid to corner joints.
  • To bypass the inner corner, the pipe is mounted at a distance of 3-4 cm, the outer 1.5 cm.
  • If you need to connect polypropylene pipes at a right angle, use tees of the required diameters - fittings.

When connecting the pipe to the main collector, an indispensable shut-off valve is installed. It will allow, if necessary, to disconnect the system from the consumer. This may be required, for example, for repairs.

Connection of a pumping station

Providing a private house with water is carried out using a pumping station.
It pumps water from a well, well or other source. It is convenient to locate the pumping station in the basement of the house, in a warm technical room or in the basement. Such placement will allow you to use home in the house even in severe frost, because the pumping station is protected from freezing. The street part of the water supply in the frame house must be insulated.

From water intake to pumping system a pipe is supplied, the tip of which is a brass fitting with a 32 mm adapter. A tee with a tap is connected to it, which allows you to turn off the water supply. Next, the check valve is mounted. A special 90° angle is used to rotate the pipe. Further, all elements will be connected by means of an "American" - a quick connection.

Hydraulic accumulator

This device is a sealed tank consisting of two sections. In one part there is air under pressure, in the other water.

This unit is needed to ensure constant pressure in the water supply, as well as to turn the pump on and off if necessary.

The tank can have a different volume, from a minimum of 25 liters to half a ton, and is selected based on the needs of the residents.

The device of a water supply system by a private trader does not imply the indispensable installation of a hydraulic accumulator. It will be completely replaced by a sufficiently capacious tank for accumulating water.

Collector and boiler: device

After filtering, the water is separated into different streams. One goes to the cold water collector, the other to the water heater. Shut-off valves with a tap are an indispensable attribute installed in front of the collector, as well as on each pipe in it. The number and diameter of pipes depend on the number of water consumption points in the dwelling.

Boiler connection diagram

But without hot water, the supply system would be incomplete. On the pipe leading to the heater, a safety valve, a drain cock and expansion tank. At the outlet of the heater, the pipe is also equipped with a drain cock. Then it is connected to the "hot" collector, and from it the wiring is carried out to the required points.

On this, the arrangement of the water supply in a private house can be considered complete. Before starting work, you should check the system: its tightness and performance. If everything is in order, then you can start operation.



Friends! The article brought to your attention is rather theoretical and rather dry, but it makes it possible to get a complete picture of the complex of tasks and problems of autonomous water supply of a country house.

The first question that will determine the entire scheme for organizing autonomous water supply is the mode of living in a country house.

With a permanent residence mode, the entire water supply system is designed for year-round operation, which removes questions about frost protection of the internal part of the system, but creates problems with non-freezing water intake. During seasonal operation, the choice of source is simplified, but all elements of the water supply system (external and internal) must be prepared for the winter period.

All the nuances are reflected in the design of the autonomous water supply system.

General principles and basic equipment

Pressure at the top water analysis of the water supply system is equal to the performance of the pump when lifting to a certain height, minus the hydraulic resistance of the system and the volume of losses (flow rate on the way to the top point).

Pressure range water, depending on the purpose:

    Cold water - 0.3 ... 6.0 atm (0.03 ... 0.6 MPa), for household appliances - 2.0 ... 6.0 atm.

    Hot water - 0.3 ... 4.5 atm.

    Heating - the operating pressure is indicated in the passport for the circulation pump and is calculated from the conditions of hydraulic resistance (length of the heating route, height difference and number of branches).

Internal plumbing system should have a division into contours:

    cold water circuit with division into a circuit with industrial water and a drinking line with a fine filter and a disinfection device;

    DHW circuit for technical needs;

    circuit of the heating system with water treatment devices.

1 - well with submersible pump; 2 - storage tank with level sensor; 3 - suction pump; 4 - block of filters; 5 - hot water boiler with a DHW collector (heating circuit is not specified): 6 - cold water collector; 7 - drinking water purification filters.

The indicated number of circuits is not a dogma. You can combine heating with hot water or clean and disinfect all water entering the system. But the division into circuits will facilitate the choice of a way to maintain optimal pressure in the elements of the system. Experts will offer several options for the same initial conditions. The whole question will be in the price of water supply, and the choice is up to the customer.

Control and management devices must guarantee the safety and trouble-free operation of the entire system.

Monitoring and control equipment:

    Pressure gauges, flow meters and temperature sensors. Limit electrical and electronic measuring instruments with feedback embedded in automated system management.

    Hydraulic accumulator (hydropneumatic tank) with a pressure sensor at the inlet to the inside of the water supply or storage tank, which is located above the upper point of consumption, with a float valve. In addition, the tanks make it possible to exclude water hammer on the elements of the water supply system when starting the pump and install optimal mode pump operation (start-pause).

    Expansion tank for heating circuit with pressure valve.

    Shut-off and control valves.

The automated control system has protection against voltage surges (voltage stabilizer) and switches to blocking mode (electrovalve at the system inlet) in case of a complete power outage or a sharp drop in pressure (gust).

Performance and type of main pump selected depending on:

    source type (suction or submersible);

    the required lifting height and distance from the source (indicated in the passport);

    volume and type of accumulator or storage tank.

The pump must be protected against running dry (with a dry suction port), as pumped water is used to cool it.

Water supply system design

There are two sections in the autonomous water supply project: water intake and house wiring. The division is due to the fact that specialists of different profiles take part in the design.

Water intake project

The project is based on two interdependent factors - the mode of residence and the type of water source, each of which can be decisive for choosing a water intake project. The water intake point must be located in the sanitary protection zone (SanPiN p. 1.11).

Water supply from an open source (river or lake)

Water from an open source has seasonal indicators for the content of mechanical and / or chemical impurities, a variable bacterial composition and belongs to the technical category. Water can only be used after filtration and antibacterial treatment.

The water intake of the pumping station (node) should be located at a distance from the coast, which provides water supply at any water level in the source.

Water intake for seasonal residence may have a "stationary" or mobile layout. Stationarity is reduced to laying a pipe or hose and equipping a platform for a removable pump with a casing. The suction pipeline for the intake from the river is made submersible along the bottom, and for the lake it can also be a float.

With year-round water intake, the outer contour of the system becomes a serious technical structure, which includes:

    suction pipe with recirculation circuit to prevent ice build-up on the inner surface;

    a warm technical room for the pump, where a hydraulic accumulator can be placed;

    a pipeline to an object that is protected from freezing (burrowing the pipe below the freezing point of the soil or its adjustable heating with thermal insulation).

This water conduit organization scheme is preferable for a group (bush) of houses, because reduces the given costs for construction and operation.

In the water of open reservoirs there are inhabitants or large debris. Therefore, protection of the water intake and / or coarse filtration should be provided, regardless of the seasonality of residence.

underground water lifting system

The number of ways to extract water from underground allows you to choose the most optimal one for the accepted mode of residence. The main advantage of groundwater is the filtration of water through natural filters.

The device of wells, wells or capturing chambers have their differences, but there are general rules:

    The depth of the water-bearing layer is below the level of penetration of surface water to exclude the infiltration of chemical and biological contaminants.

    The place of water intake must be equipped (well rings, blind area, clay shutter, caisson, overflow drain, etc.) and be at a certain distance from the place of possible infiltration of harmful substances.

    The constructive solution of the underground water intake should provide the possibility of cleaning and restoring the filter layer.

house wiring project

The design of the placement of water points is determined at the stage of developing a house project. The calculation of hydraulic resistance is carried out according to the dimensions on the plan for each circuit separately.

This is due to the fact that:

    The hydraulic resistance of a pipe with a plastic inner surface is 25…50% lower than that of steel pipes the same nominal diameter.

    In the DHW circuit, the boiler creates additional resistance.

    The resistance of the heating circuit depends on the type and number of heat exchangers in the rooms.

It is possible to assemble wiring around the house empirically, based on experience and recommendations, but it is recommended that the calculations for water and heat supply and the development of the control system be entrusted to specialists.

Installation of the water supply system

Installation of the linear part of the internal water supply system is not very difficult and depends on the number of parsing points, their position and pipe material. When assembling the heating system, the slopes of the return pipes must be maintained. Assembly from steel pipes is more labor-intensive (bending, threading, sealing joints). The assembly of plastic or metal-plastic pipes will require special equipment for cutting pipes to size (cutting metal-plastic pipes) and welding pipes with fittings or tees.

The most critical section is the inlet and distribution units of CVG, hot water supply and heating, because in most systems, the performance of the main pump should be synchronized with the electrical part of the DHW and / or heating systems (boiler heating elements, booster or circulation pumps) and connected electrical circuits control and management.


The organization of autonomous water supply of a country house requires a large and thorough preparatory work, which minimizes errors at the design stage. The choice of source should be based on the data of geologists or hydrologists to obtain reliable information about the power (debit) of the source.

The best option is to entrust the development and implementation of a water supply and heating project to specialized organizations on a contractual basis, which allows you to get a legal basis for correcting imperfections and maintaining system elements in a complex or separately.