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Victoria planting and care in the open field in autumn new technologies. How to feed Victoria in spring, autumn and summer. Berry care

Victoria is a berry crop that is present in almost every area. Grow it for early dates ripening to start consuming tasty and sweet vitamins as early as possible. The result pleases and brings satisfaction if all the necessary preparatory work. One of necessary steps- processing Victoria in the fall.

Autumn care for Victoria helps the plant recover after active fruiting and prepare for winter. It consists of several activities: circumcision, fertilizing, pest control, preparation for winter.

Trimming procedure

The plant gives a lot of strength active growth in the spring, then fruiting, and after the end of this difficult period, he needs to rest, recuperate, and therefore pruning is carried out. Cutting off the mustache and leaves also helps to rejuvenate the bushes and prepares for abundant fruiting in the next season.

need autumn pruning Victoria is controversial. Her opponents argue their position by saying that cutting leaves disrupts the process of photosynthesis, thereby the plant does not receive sufficient nutrition.

Reasons for pruning:

  1. After pruning, carried out in the third decade of July or in the first half of August, new young foliage has time to grow, able to withstand low temperatures. You just need to help the plant by regularly watering and fertilizing.
  2. During the growing season, reddish spots appear on the leaves, the edges of the leaf “rust” due to diseases or exposure to direct sunlight, pests have time to create colonies, so pruning leaves deprives them of nutrition, eliminates the source of infection. Rehabilitation is needed to improve vitality victoria is a definite fact in favor of pruning.
  3. Removing the leaves allows the plant to rest after fruiting.

Pruning of old Victoria leaves is carried out after the full harvest of berries and in August (third decade) or early September, so that new leaves can grow before the onset of frost. It is easy to distinguish old leaves from young shoots - they are darker in color. At the same time, you need to cut off the antennae with rosettes, leaving the very first outlet for reproduction.

It is recommended to cut the leaves at a height of 10 cm, so that when pruning low, they do not damage the growth cup, where new leaves will begin to grow. Victorias help to process correctly the right tools: scissors, secateurs, knife.


Victoria must be fertilized after the last harvest and after pruning in the fall. Organic infusions will serve the plant perfectly during this period. They can only be used diluted to a certain proportion.

Preparation and use of organic infusions:

  1. Mullein infusion - pour manure (1 part) with water (5 parts) and soak for 7-10 days. The mixture should be stirred daily. Apply only in dilutions (1:10), watering the ground around the Victoria bush.
  2. Infusion of greens - a container, preferably a large volume, cover 1/2 with grass, weeds, add fertilizer with nitrogen, pour water and let it ferment for 10 days. Apply in a solution of 1:10, 1 liter per bush. Such an infusion, in addition to enriching the soil with nutrition, reduces its acidity.
  3. Infusion of chicken manure - mix equal parts of chicken manure and water, let it brew for 3 days. Apply for watering the soil in a solution of 1:10.
  4. Infusion of ash - pour ash (1/3 bucket) hot water(10l) and hold for 2 days. Apply for watering the soil and spraying.

Pest control

Very often on Victoria you can see twisted and deformed leaves - this is the work of a strawberry mite. After harvesting the berries, pest control should be carried out in case of damage or for prevention purposes. To do this, you can prepare a home remedy:

  • warm (30 °) water - 1 bucket;
  • liquid soap - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • burnt vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • wood ash and vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

The solution is suitable for tillage and spraying plants, not only in the fight against strawberry mites, but also other pests of Victoria.

During the autumn processing of Victoria, Actellik, Titovit, Jet, colloidal sulfur in solution, metaldehyde granules (5 g per 1 m²) give a good result. Metaldehyde is laid out in places where pests accumulate.

Shelter for the winter

After all the activities carried out, it remains only to cover Victoria for the winter. It is not worth covering early - the bushes will simply soak. This should be done when the soil freezes a few centimeters.

Shelter options:

  • cover plantings with cut branches of raspberries, grapes, and spread spruce branches on top or pour snow;
  • insulate the root neck, filling it with sawdust, peat, humus, needles;
  • it is possible to combine backfilling with sawdust, needles with shelter with coniferous branches;
  • use agrofiber by laying a ridge over the spread out branches of raspberries and grapes.

Important! When choosing a shelter option, you need to focus on climatic conditions.

correct autumn processing Victoria guarantees a harvest of delicious healthy berries next season. A reasonable approach to any business always pleases with a good result.

Autumn processing of strawberries is a guarantee of a rich and high-quality harvest in the coming season. Cut and clean old leaves, loosen and feed the soil, cover plants for the winter - this is the basic care for strawberries after harvest. Autumn work with this culture, they begin after the fruiting phase.

Weeding and loosening

Rule of thumb for pruning: don't overdo it. For each bush, you need to cut off the leaf blade itself, keeping the protruding stems. Thus, the growing point remains intact, and the bushes soon begin to let out new leaves. All tendrils from berry bushes also need to be removed.

top dressing

Fertilization is another milestone on the question of how to care for strawberries in the fall. The plant responds well to organic nutrients: bird (chicken) droppings, horse manure, mullein or humus. Also, gardeners often make wood ash (it is a good substitute for mineral supplements).

As for mineral fertilizers, you can use superphosphate or potassium salt.

Important!It is highly undesirable to apply chlorine-containing substances as a fertilizer, since the strawberry plant reacts poorly to chlorine.

First, humus, mullein or horse manure are laid out in small pieces in all the beds. Rains and planned waterings will gradually dilute fertilizers, evaporating from them useful material and delivering them deep into the soil, to the strawberry root system.

However, the method of feeding the beds with chicken manure works much faster. For this purpose, fresh litter is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:20 and thoroughly mixed. Then the resulting liquid is poured under the berry bushes. Consumption for 7-10 bushes is approximately 1 bucket of composition. In the case of using mineral dressings, they are scattered over the site, embedding them into the ground with a chopper. Immediately it is necessary to water the beds. So that after moistening the soil a crust does not form on its surface, the site is mulched with peat or needles. In the future, it will be possible to loosen the soil and water the plants through a layer of mulch.

Soil renewal

If you have a small land plot and from year to year you have to grow the same plant crop in one place, it is natural that the soil needs renewal (health). IN old earth causative agents of fungal diseases accumulate, and the number of nutrients decreases.

The whole secret of the renewal of the earth lies in the enhanced cultivation techniques. For example, you can form deep or raised beds by filling them with manure or compost. In such conditions, there is a partial replacement of the soil, microorganisms are intensively functioning, processing organic matter into new soil. In addition, berries are abundantly supplied with nutrients.
Plants can be protected from pests and diseases thanks to the wellness treatment of the soil under strawberries in the fall. Do not forget also that the beds need to be mulched from time to time. The mulch will serve as a barrier to the penetration of infections on the aerial parts of strawberry plants.

Autumn transplant

For transplanting, take one- or two-year-old bushes, previously divided into parts. You can also use the shoots formed on the antennae. Transplantation is carried out, first of all, with the aim of rejuvenating the landing. For 3–4 years, berry bushes grow old, the number of flower stalks decreases, and the berries themselves become smaller.

It is carried out in the fall, since during this period the soil is more humid and warm, and the weather is cool. Start transplanting bushes in mid-August and finish in the first weeks of September. So you give the plant time to take root, take root and grow a good green mass.
Before winter, strawberries will leave strengthened and dressed in lush foliage. Most of seedlings transplanted during this period easily endure winter, and

How to care for Victoria in the spring, caring for strawberries. Everyone in the country has a Victoria, in the spring when everything starts to grow, many have questions care for victoria what to do? Victoria leaves live 50-60 days a year. Upper layer soils up to 3 cm can be removed, so you protect plantings from pests that overwintered in the litter. In the spring, when the weather allows, you can start cleaning Victoria from last year's foliage and debris. You can cut off all the foliage, leaving only a growth point. The entire Victoria plantation can be sprinkled with wood ash, (read all about wood ash fertilizer at the link). Care for Victoria (strawberries) in the spring includes fertilizer and mulching. Sprinkling with ashes, also sprinkling with sawdust or ordinary humus. But on this spring care for victoria (strawberries) does not end. At the beginning of May, Victoria needs to be fed with complex mineral fertilizer.Before bud break, spray the bushes with a solution blue vitriol, so you prevent diseases of young foliage. When green leaves appear on Victoria bushes, then you need a solution of mullein with ammonium sulfate under each bush. If you trust only natural fertilizers, you can except wood ash, fertilize with potassium (sodium) humate. Water strawberries once a week with warm, settled water. You can water before flowering by sprinkling, but as soon as the flowers appear, you need to water under the bush, excluding the leaves themselves.

Growing and caring for Victoria

Have you decided to plant this wonderful berry on your site? For this you need:

We choose a sunny place for planting this wonderful berry. Then we prepare the soil for planting. Victoria prefers fertile land and for this we introduce humus of their calculation two buckets per square meter, and as a mineral fertilizer - ash at the rate of two liters per square meter. They plant a berry in spring, summer and autumn. good time planting is the month of April.

At this time, the seedlings are well accepted, they get sick less, and in June it is already possible to harvest. For planting, you need to take rosettes with a well-developed root system. Planted on a flat area, making small indentations and spilling them with water.

The distance between the rows is 50-60 centimeters, between the sockets - 30. In order for the socket to take well, we dip its roots into a mixture of mullein and clay.

The mixture is made at the rate of 1 bucket of clay per 0.5 buckets of mullein, diluted with water to a creamy consistency. After planting, water abundantly. Then water as it dries.

Before flowering, watering can be done with a sprinkler, and then with a hose along the grooves. Victoria loves organic fertilizers and, for top dressing, I use mullein. I dilute it 1:10. I feed the plants twice a season.

The first time in early spring and then during the beginning of flowering. I feed after watering on moist soil. After that, I loosen the soil and then mulch with straw or small grass cut on a grass cutter. Thanks to mulching, moisture is retained longer, the soil is not covered with a crust, the berry remains clean and this protects the berries from raw rot and weeds. In order to get a larger and larger berry crop, during flowering and fruiting, we remove the mustache. And if you want to propagate the berry, then after harvesting, leave 1-2 mustaches closer to the mother plant. Further care for Victoria comes down to watering, preventing the plants from drying out, weeding and removing dried leaves. For in order for the berry to overwinter well, it needs late autumn spill well. And before frost, cover with foliage, straw or other material.

I, Galina Nikolaevna Sukhova, have vast experience in farming, with which I generously share on the pages of my website

Proper care for Victoria - a rich harvest

It will allow you to get a rich harvest, starting with its planting and watering, and ending with the harvest. It's no secret that Victoria has many useful properties not to mention its great taste.

A rich harvest is the result of proper care for Victoria. Garden strawberries, which are usually called "Victoria", are a very tasty and fragrant berry. In fact, Victoria is only a variety of strawberries. Care for strawberries and Victoria have some features and differences.

victoria landing

Victoria should be planted on a flat, with a slight slope to the west, plot. It is necessary that the landing site be well protected from the wind, which in winter time, blowing snow from plants, can cause their death from frost. Victoria grows best on sandy loamy soils containing a large number of humus. Victoria reproduces with a mustache that grows by mid-summer. From the nodes on the mustache, new shoots grow - rosettes of leaves and roots.

The first 2-3 rosettes from the main plant are considered the most suitable for propagation. Mustaches from two-year-old bushes are the most suitable. When 4-6 leaves are formed on the outlet, it should be cut off from the mustache and, together with a clod of earth, planted in a prepared hole on permanent place.Victoria is usually planted in spring or autumn, with preliminary preparation soil.

If spring planting is supposed, then the soil should be prepared in the fall, if it is autumn, then the site is prepared in June. 6 kg of humus and mineral fertilizers are added to the dug up earth per square meter: potassium salt and ammonium nitrate, 20 g each, plus 25 g of superphosphate. In order to make it convenient to take care of the plants, they are planted in rows like ridges, up to 10 cm high. Leave 20-30 cm between the bushes, with a row spacing of 60-70 cm.

Victoria care and watering

Victoria is very whimsical to care and watering. With regular work to save moisture by loosening the soil, mulching, snow retention, weed removal, you can do without watering.

But when it is watered up to 10 times per season, it is possible to obtain a more generous harvest. After flowering is over, the ground in the garden is mulched with wood shavings, straw or dry moss. This protects the berries from damp rot. In the middle of autumn, you need to do a second mulching with peat or grain waste.

The thickness of the mulch should be 5 - 8 cm. After harvesting, loosen the ground around the bushes. With exposed roots, the plant must be spudded.

Weeding also plays an important role in obtaining a good harvest of strawberries. Good and timely victoria care will please with the harvest of berries, indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and liver, diabetes. Victoria berries favor blood formation, increase working capacity, strengthen immunity. Read also about Victoria remontant varieties, as we often call it, or simply strawberries.

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How to care for Victoria?

Victoria is one of the famous garden strawberry varieties. Due to the large distribution of this variety, the name was firmly fixed in everyday life for garden strawberries as a whole. In order for the harvest of this berry to please you with quantity and quality, you need to know how to care for Victoria correctly.

How to care for Victoria

watering victoria

Victoria is very demanding on care and watering. If it is not always possible to water it, then it is necessary to carry out work to preserve moisture in the soil. Loosening the soil, covering the ground with snow, timely removal of weeds, and mulching can help you with this.

As a rule, watering strawberries 9-10 times per season allows you to get a rich harvest. Can be used for irrigation garden watering can without a nozzle and carefully water directly under the root of the plant.

How to care for Victoria in the fall

After the flowering season, the soil must be mulched with dry moss, straw or wood shavings. This simple procedure will protect the berries from infection with gray rot.

Closer to mid-autumn, it is required to re-mulch using grain production waste or peat. The thickness of the mulch layer should be about 5 - 8 cm. When mulching, remember that Victoria leaves should not be covered.

After harvesting, it is necessary to loosen the compacted soil around the plants. In case of exposure of the roots of the plant, it must be spudded. To maintain good yields, beds with Victoria should be regularly weeded.

When weeding, you can use mini-hoes and garden rippers.

How to care for Victoria in the spring

In order to ensure the flowering of bushes and the active ovary of berries, Victoria bushes can be treated with boric acid in spring. And before flowering and during the ovary, it is useful to treat Victoria with zinc sulfate. Also in the spring after harvesting the leaves, you can fertilize the soil.

victoria landing

Reproduction of Victoria strawberries occurs with the help of mustaches that grow from the plant by mid-summer. On these mustaches there are nodes from which leaves and roots actually grow.

Two or three sockets located at mother plant, are considered the highest quality for reproduction. Mustaches are best taken from plants of the 2nd year.

After 4-6 leaves appear on the outlet, it must be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a prepared place. In order not to damage the roots, sockets must be dug out along with a clod of earth and planted in prepared and spilled holes. Victoria is planted in spring or autumn.

For a more comfortable planting in spring, the soil must be prepared in the fall (dig, harrow). If you decide to plant Victoria in the fall, then you can prepare the site in June. Also, when preparing the site, it will not be superfluous to apply fertilizer. For good growth and development of Victoria must be applied per 1 m2:

  • 20 g ammonium nitrate 25 g superphosphate 6 kg humus

To ensure comfortable access to plants during watering or weeding, it is better to plant Victoria in even rows of small ridges of earth 7–10 cm high. The distance between rows should be about 60–70 cm, and between two planted plants, 20–30 cm. For more detailed ideas about planting victoria, you can watch a video for beginner gardeners.

Landing site selection

It is best to plant garden strawberries on a flat area, which has a slight slope to the west. This feature the surface of the site will enable strawberry leaves to receive more sunlight after noon.

It is also desirable that the site be protected from the wind. Victoria feels most comfortable on sandy loamy soils with a high content of humus.

Victoria - delicious victory with little secrets

Greetings, dear readers! One of the first varieties of the well-known garden strawberries- Victoria berry. Victoria fruits have an unusual aroma, look beautiful and appetizing on a dish.

Victoria is a berry that has many valuable properties and contains nutrients. It contains vitamin C. The name Victoria is very suitable for this berry. To feel victoria - victory - you need to see a well-groomed garden of beautiful berries.

And for this you need to properly care for the plant. Let's talk about that, in the garden plot. Victoria breeds with a mustache. They usually appear in the middle of summer. For further cultivation plants use sockets located next to the mother bush.

Mustaches from biennial plants are best suited. You need to plant a rosette with four leaves on the ridge, separating it from the common plant. Victoria bushes are planted in spring or autumn. But at the same time, the site for landing is prepared in advance.

For spring planting the beds are prepared in the fall, and for the autumn - in the month of June, not forgetting to fertilize the land. It is desirable to plant Victoria on level ground with a slope to the west.

In winter, snow should accumulate on the site so that the Victoria bushes do not die. In this regard, the bed should be positioned so that it is not strongly blown by the wind. In order to plant bushes, it is necessary to make holes in the prepared bed, into which the mustache, dug together with a clod of soil, is placed.

This must be done immediately, without leaving the outlet for the next days. The Victoria berry is susceptible to infection with gray rot, in order to prevent this disease, the soil on the ridge is mulched with wood shavings or straws, 10 cm thick. At the same time, the leaves of the plant do not fall asleep.

When the crop is harvested, the ground around the berry bushes must be loosened. When the roots are exposed, the berry is spudded, regular weeding of Victoria is the key to obtaining a good harvest. Before flowering, in order to prevent gray rot disease, it is necessary to spray with an iodine solution. Special requirements are placed on watering the bushes.

Moderate watering of the plant will allow you to save a large amount of vitamin products. Without additional moisture, Victoria will grow if you cover it with snow in winter, carry out high-quality weeding, and do timely and regular loosening of the soil. Today, it's all about that on the site. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy Victoria berries.

Its taste is canceled, and the benefits are immeasurable. When using, carefully rinse the fruits under running water. running water. You can use garden strawberries for unloading days due to its low calorie content.

The use of a decoction of berries and leaves will help to lose extra pounds.

Are you here: Main page - Garden and vegetable garden - We grow Victoria: three kilograms from a bush

We grow Victoria: three kilograms from a bush

Irina Lebedeva, an accountant by profession and a gardener by vocation, has been growing Victoria for 40 years. But even with such experience, it is recognized that the results are different and depend on weather conditions, seedlings or seeds.

That is why he does not like to experiment and plants exclusively early varieties. She got a plot of 12 acres in the village of Krasnoe from her parents. There she and her husband Sergei Vladimirovich spend every summer.

During this time, up to 3 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. At the same time, the berries are large in size - from the fist of a child. “Victoria, or, scientifically speaking, large-fruited garden strawberries, is one of my favorite berries,” says Irina Aleksandrovna. - Despite the fact that there is not so much space on the site, I allocated 3 beds for her, so that there was enough not only to eat fresh, but also to make preparations for the winter.

When and where to plant I usually plant at the beginning of May. I believe that the earlier it is planted, the better it develops. I plant in the evening so that the strawberries can acclimatize overnight. - It is better to prepare the beds in the fall, and immediately start planting in the spring.

Strawberries love sunshine open space. The direction of the beds is desirable to do from south to north. It is in this arrangement that it maximizes the use of solar energy.

Try not to plant it under an apple or cherry tree. Soil moisture is another important factor. If ground water close, then the bed should be raised to 30-35 cm so that the roots do not rot.

In dry places, the beds are low - 8-10 cm. Seedlings grown using the Frigo technology should be planted better in spring(read more about it on our website). Grown by tendrils or seeds, if the roots of the plant are strong, it can be planted right now so that the plant is ready for a drop in temperature in September. Plants planted now need to be fed with trace elements for berry crops, such as Gumi-omi.

You can treat the beds with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, for example, Fufanon, Ordan, Abiga-Peak. How to plant- I make the distance between rows 60 cm, and between plants in a row - 20 cm. I make the depth of the hole for the entire length of the root.

I dip the root of the plant in a solution of mullein or humus with earth. In the hole I add 1 tbsp. l. "Agrovit-Kora" or a pinch of "Kemira-Universal". I plant so that the growing point is at the level of the soil.

Shallow or, conversely, deep planting leads to the death of plants or to their poor development. After planting, I water with water - 250 ml per plant as the soil dries. - First of all, we note that the pledge big harvest- high-quality, healthy planting material.

In our case, this means a developed root system of at least 15 cm and a small rosette of leaves. The distance between plants should be a little more than Irina does: between rows - 70 cm, and between plants in a row - 30 cm.

When it is planted less often, it is less often and sick, gives more harvest, and the distance contributes to ventilation and good lighting. In the garden, weeds are first removed, then they are leveled and holes are made depending on the size of the root, that is, for its entire length. Then compost (a couple of scoops), ash (half matchbox per hole) and some land.

All this mass is mixed, watered and only then strawberries are planted. Then they cover it with earth and water it again. Before landing on suburban area, it is necessary to make a plan and observe crop rotation. That is, to alternate certain crops in the beds.

Strawberries can be planted after any predecessors, except for nightshade (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, petunias, tobacco). But you can’t plant it next to raspberries, because they have the same pests.

Before the formation of flower stalks, it is necessary to water from a watering can, and after they appear, with a ladle under the root. The maximum yield of strawberries is the first two years, and then the yield declines, and the risk that pests will start up increases. It is possible to plant strawberries on the bed where it grew after 2 seasons.

And before that, you can plant garlic or mustard, which will improve the soil. You can also grow strawberries where legumes were planted the previous season. How to prepare for wintering?

- In the fall, when the temperature is set - 2-5C, I cover the bed with Agrotex (covering material). And in the spring, when the snow melts, I take it off. - Each summer resident has his own way of mulching (covering the soil with a protective layer) of strawberries - beveled lawn grass, sawdust of deciduous trees, hay.

But one of the means that will save the gardener from unnecessary trouble is Kostravit-M1 mulch. It protects the soil from overheating, retains moisture longer, saves from pests and suppresses the growth of weeds. Also, the mulch will save the strawberries from freezing in winter.

The recommended thickness of the mulching layer is 1.5-2 cm in spring, and 3 cm before winter. What varieties to choose? This year, Irina Alexandrovna did not have so many berries, but they were all very large, about 8 cm in length.

The hostess believes that this is the merit of the variety, which has not let her down for the 2nd season. Despite the size, the taste does not get worse.

The main varieties that Irina Aleksandrovna uses are Gigantella and Festivalnaya. All varieties are divided into 4 groups: early, medium, late ripening and remontant. It all depends on the preference of the summer resident, what kind of strawberries he wants to see on his site. Early varieties ripen at the end of June - these are Kimberly, Korona, Olvia.

The berries are sweet, large, bright red, winter-hardy. Medium ones ripen in early July - Rusich, Black Swong, Vima-Zanta, Zenga-Zengana. Berries from 20 g, taste sweet and sour, average winter hardiness. Late - in mid-July - "Vima Tarda", "Vikoda", "Charlotte".

The berries are medium in size, the taste is sweet and sour, winter hardiness is good. Repair strawberry garden. She gives berries a little bit, but all summer. Also, their peculiarity is that the berries are larger and sweeter than those of ordinary varieties.

Blooms from May to October: "Vima-Rina", "Geneva", "Moscow Delicatessen", "Brighton", "Queen Elizabeth II". How to propagate? Irina Aleksandrovna breeds strawberries with her mustache.

Just now I transplanted it to the bed where the onion grew. - This method has many drawbacks, although it is easy to use. After 3 generations, the berry begins to lose its properties.

They become smaller, taste deteriorates, yields decline, and susceptibility to disease increases. The next disadvantage is the transfer of diseases from garden to garden.

Strawberries, on which gardeners leave mustaches, spend their energy not on laying fruit buds, but on feeding their young shoots. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to update planting material, that is, take seedlings of the first reproduction. They give the maximum yield.

Seedlings of this class can be found today. Sellers must have varietal certificates confirming this. There is another modern waynew technology frigo (translated as "cold").

Throughout the summer, strawberries are grown in farmers' nurseries in open ground. During this time, she is not allowed to give the harvest, the mustache is removed. Then the strawberries are dug up, the leaves are cut, and the seedlings are stored in the refrigerator for storage.

And in this state, it is stored until the moment when it needs to be planted. To us, in Udmurtia, frozen roots are brought from a Dutch nursery in the spring. After planting it, after two months, gardeners receive a guaranteed harvest.

You can make an application for the purchase of seedlings of 1 reproduction using the freego technology by calling the Agricultural Academy 55-02-07, (the average price is 25-35 rubles per seedling). How to care? Twice a season, Irina Alexandrovna makes liquid top dressing for strawberries.

The first time - in May, before flowering, and the second time - in early July, after harvesting.- For liquid dressings strawberries I use fresh chicken manure. I water the beds well a few hours before feeding.

Then, in 10 liters of water, I carefully stir a portion of fresh chicken manure at the rate of 1:10 and water it evenly from a watering can. After harvesting, I remove all weeds, loosen the soil around all the bushes and cover with a small layer of cow dung to fertilize the ground.

I do not use any chemicals. - Experts advise feeding strawberries in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers in accordance with the instructions on the package (for example, AFK 16-16-16, 10 grams per square meter). But don't overdo it.

They also recommend regularly applying a complex of microelements for berry crops, for example, Gumi-omi. After harvesting, it can be treated with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, such as Fufanon, Ordan, Abiga Peak.

How to get rid of pests Irina Alexandrovna is sure that pests do not touch Victoria, because every three years she transplants it to a new place. The main pests of strawberries are May beetle larvae (Khrushchi). When digging the beds, you need to remove the larvae manually.

Another method of struggle is to cover the beds during the summer of beetles in May with covering material, film or roofing material. Another enemy of strawberries is nematodes - small worms. It is very difficult to fight them. main way- Compliance with crop rotation.

Eliminate the bed after 3-4 years of fruiting and burn the remains of plants. Can you get rid of them folk remedy- pour a decoction of marigolds or plant marigolds on the future garden for several months.

Before planting, when preparing a bed, you can plant it, for example, with mustard, it heals the soil. In a month, you can dig everything up and plant strawberry seedlings.

Collecting a lot of large berries, peeping through a carpet of juicy green foliage and exuding a wonderful aroma, is the dream of any summer resident. Its execution is within the power of every owner personal plot, one has only to take into account the features that the planting of Victoria has, and competently care for the plants. They will certainly thank the caring owner bountiful harvest. Under the proud name of "Victoria" lies the familiar strawberry. Initially, only one of its varieties was called that - the one that sailors brought to Russia from America. Over time, there were more varieties of strawberries, among them remontant ones appeared, capable of bearing fruit from 3 to 5 months a year. But in some areas, the name has taken root so much that it has become a household name.

Requirements for the site and soil quality

For growing Victoria in the garden, you should choose an open place that receives the most sunlight. Strawberries develop well on flat or inclined at a slight angle to the west areas. Essential for plant health reliable protection wind landings. In spring and summer, it is not terrible for Victoria, but in winter it can blow off the snow that protects it from freezing.

You can count on a rich harvest if the crop is grown on light, soft, porous soils with a significant admixture of sand. Victoria is moisture-loving, but she reacts badly to stagnant water, so she needs well-drained soil. Raw swampy lowlands are categorically not suitable for breeding strawberries. It is not recommended to plant it in areas prone to flooding and in places where water from melted snow stands for a long time in spring.

Remontant Victoria is demanding on soil fertility, it should contain a lot of humus. Perfect option for her - black soil or dark gray forest soil. But even in other conditions, strawberries can successfully develop if their bushes are properly cared for. Heavy clay soil that retains moisture will need to be diluted with manure or humus and sand. Carry out the procedure in the fall. Soil with an acidic reaction must be limed.

You should not plant Victoria in areas where any plants from the Asteraceae family were placed last season (sunflower, earthen pear, lettuce, asters, chrysanthemums). It is undesirable, but it is possible to breed it after all nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants), as well as cucumbers. But the areas freed up after harvesting cereals, legumes (beans, peas), cabbage crops (radish, radish,), garlic and parsley are very good for Victoria. Before planting, they must be dug up, enriching the earth with fertilizers. On 1 m² of surface it will be correct to apply:

  • 2 buckets of humus;
  • 2 liters of wood ash.

Strawberry seedlings and nutritional composition of the following components will provide the necessary organic and mineral substances:

  • ammonium nitrate (20 g);
  • superphosphate (25 g);
  • potassium salt (20 g);
  • humus (6 kg).

Preparation for disembarkation

With regard to planting dates, Victoria provides summer residents wide opportunities. It is propagated from spring to autumn. Professionals advise planting strawberries in late April or May, when warm weather has already set in. If you provide young bushes proper care, in the spring they will quickly take root in a new place, they will get sick less and in June they will bring the first berries.

For planting, the strongest rosettes with a powerful root system are selected.

It will be easier to care for Victoria if you prepare the site for her in advance. In the fall, they dig it up, choosing weeds, and fertilizing. Remontant strawberries can please with berries from May to October, but for stable fruiting it will need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, in the spring, the soil is re-enriched with rotted manure (10 liters of substance per 1 m²). Do this 17-20 days before planting.

It is correct to carry out autumn reproduction of Victoria from the second half of August to the first decade of September, when the probability of frost is minimal. While it is warm, the plants will have time to take root and steadfastly withstand the cold. Care for strawberries at this time will not be burdensome, it is enough just to plant sockets in the ground prepared in advance - from June. If a remontant variety of culture is chosen for breeding, its features must be taken into account. Constant fruiting greatly weakens the plants, so young bushes of such a Victoria often die in the first year of life. You will have to take better care of them.

Landing Rules

Most often, strawberries are bred with a mustache, which its bushes release by mid-summer. Young shoots of Victoria appear from the nodes located on them. Experienced summer residents it is advised to plant sockets that are closer to the mother bush - the first 2-3. Shoots obtained from 2-year-old plants have the highest survival rate.

When 4-6 leaves appear on the rosettes, they are separated from the mustache, carefully removing the roots along with the earthy clod, and placed in a hole previously spilled with water. The depth of the hole is usually 10-15 cm. It may vary depending on the degree of development of the underground part of the plant. For adult bushes with powerful and long roots, it is better to make deeper holes. In order for the remontant strawberry to take root more easily in a new place, before placing it on the garden bed, its roots must be dipped in a clay mash. It is prepared by mixing two components with water to a creamy state:

  • 1 bucket of clay;
  • ½ bucket of mullein.

It will be easier to take care of plantings if you place strawberry bushes in rows. Many summer residents prefer to pour peculiar ridges for them up to 10 cm in height. The distance between adjacent plants should be 30-40 cm, and the interval between rows should be 60-70 cm. Soil is poured into the hole, a Victoria bush is lowered on it and its roots are carefully spread in different directions. The hole is then filled with soil. It is correct that the root neck of the bush rises slightly above the ground or is flush with it. The soil is slightly compacted and the hole is watered abundantly.

When planting, you can add special preparations to the hole to promote rapid rooting.

Garden remontant strawberries respond well to soil mulching. A layer of dry grass, foliage, algae, hay, small straw, needles will help maintain the level of soil moisture required by the culture. After planting, they are recommended to cover the space under the plants and between the rows. Carried out in the spring, care in the form of mulching will have a positive effect on the yield of Victoria: strawberries will bring more berries, and they will ripen faster.

Features of agricultural technology

Growing Victoria will not require special skills, but you will have to pay attention to planting. Their care includes standard procedures:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • mulching;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening.

Both remontant and ordinary strawberries are sensitive to drying out of the soil, reacting to it with a decrease in yield, therefore they moisten it often. You can significantly increase the time interval between waterings if you regularly loosen the soil, mulch the beds, and in early spring carry out snow removal activities. Care in the form of moisturizing Victoria is required from 4 to 10 times per season, depending on weather conditions. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is an important period in the life of plants: flower buds are laid in them. If you do not water the planting at this time, hope for good harvest next year it is better not to lay.

During the Victoria season, at least three top dressings with complex mineral fertilizer are required. Suitable for her and organic compounds. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to use mullein diluted in a ratio of 1:10 for it. It is better to pour it on moist soil. Two top dressings are carried out in the spring: after harvesting the withered leaves and when the first flower stalks appear. At this time, plantings require intensive care, the quality and quantity of the crop depends on the correctness of which. To enhance flowering and increase the number of ovaries, strawberries are sprayed with an aqueous solution. boric acid. Do this while there are no buds on the bushes yet. When the flower stalks come forward and the berries begin to set, they are treated with zinc sulfate.

To get larger berries, Victoria's whiskers are cut off during the ripening period of the crop.

After the plantings fade, they do not stop caring for them. The distance between plants and under them is mulched with straw, sawdust or dry moss. This measure will not allow gray rot to damage the crop. Having collected the last berries from the bushes, they begin the third feeding. After it, the soil is well loosened. If the roots of plants peep out of the soil, it is necessary to spud the plantings. In anticipation of autumn frosts, another mulching is carried out using peat, humus or grain waste. They are laid in a thick layer, not less than 5-8 cm. To protect the strawberries from freezing, they throw dry leaves, straw on the beds or cover them with spruce branches.

Resist delicious and healthy berries Victoria is impossible, which is why its cultivation has become a tradition for most summer residents. They are good not only fresh, there are a lot of recipes for winter preparations from garden strawberries. Here and compotes, and jams, and jam, and preserves, and jelly, and marmalade. Victoria fruits can be dried, frozen, closed in their own juice, syrups, liqueurs, wine can be made from them. They are combined with other fruits and berries - red currants, gooseberries, apricots, peaches, raspberries.

Strawberries cannot be called a capricious culture, although you will have to spend time and effort on caring for it. But they will definitely pay off. Subject to simple recommendations, it will be possible to harvest from the bushes already in the first or second year of their life - depending on the variety chosen.

Garden strawberries, often called Victoria, are a very tasty and fragrant berry. This berry got its name, thanks to one of the first varieties, which was called Victoria. Planting this plant must be done on a flat area, a slight slope to the west is desirable. The site must be well protected from the winds, otherwise in winter the wind will blow the snow off the beds and the plants may die. Victoria feels best on sandy loamy soils rich in humus.
Reproduction of Victoria occurs with the help of mustaches that grow in the middle of summer. On the mustache are nodes from which leaves and roots grow. For reproduction, two to three rosettes located immediately at the mother plant are considered the highest quality. It is better to take mustaches from plants of the 2nd year. When 4-6 leaves appear on the outlet, it must be separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place. For good survival, the goats must be dug out with a clod of earth and immediately planted in prepared holes.

Gallery: garden strawberry Victoria (25 photos)

Landing is done in autumn or spring. For spring planting, the soil must be prepared in the fall. For those who are thinking of planting plants in the fall, the site should be prepared in June. The preparation of the beds is the application of fertilizers. For a good development of Victoria, you need to make 20 gr. KCl, 25 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and 6 kg of humus per 1m2. To facilitate the care of plants, they should be planted in even rows in the form of small ridges having a height of 7-10 cm. The distance between the ridges should be 60-70 cm, and the distance between planted plants 20-30 cm.
Victoria is very demanding on care and watering. If you carry out regular work to preserve moisture - loosen the soil, mulch, cover with snow in winter, remove weeds, Victoria can do without watering. But if you water it 8-10 times during the season, then the harvest will be much more significant.

This is the harvest you will get if all the requirements for care are met.

After the flowering season, the soil in the garden must be mulched with straw, dry moss or wood shavings. This simple agricultural technique will allow you to save the berries from infection with gray rot. Re-mulching is required in the middle of autumn. The second mulching must be done with peat or grain production waste. The layer of mulch should be 5-8 cm. Care should be taken that the Victoria leaves are not covered. After harvesting, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plants. If the roots are exposed, the plant is recommended to spud. For getting good result beds with planted Victoria should be regularly weeded. Berries contain many nutrients, which makes them indispensable in the treatment of diabetes, kidneys, liver and other organs. Berries contribute to the formation of blood, increase efficiency and endurance.
