Mixer      04/19/2019

How to feed indoor flowers at home? The best fertilizers for indoor flowers

Hello dear readers. Many of us have indoor plants at home or in the office, they not only add charm to the room, but also benefit the person, create an aura of coziness and comfort, delight the soul and the eye, especially when there are snowdrifts outside the window. Most of us are limited to the primitive care of houseplants - regular watering, well, transplanting into a less cramped pot. Indoor plants still need to be regularly fertilized, saturate the soil with useful minerals and substances. And there are no difficulties in this, since you can fertilize indoor plants with simple natural fertilizers.

A small amount of land in a flower pot does not provide the plant with the right amount of nutrients and trace elements, hence the need for regular fertilization. indoor plants. Of course, if you just transplanted the plant into new ground, then for the first time there will be enough minerals and elements for the plant, but only for two to three months. After a while, the plant will need to be fed. The application of fertilizers to the soil contributes to more lush bloom, plant growth, as well as the health of the root system.

How to fertilize indoor plants

banana peel. Banana peel, like the banana itself, is a source of potassium, and for the growth and flowering of a houseplant, potassium is a very important element. For fertilizer, the banana peel is finely chopped and dried, and when transplanting, the plants are laid out either in a layer or mixed with the ground. Another way to fertilize with banana peels can be used without replanting the plant. Dry the banana peel and grind in a coffee grinder or blender, you should get a powder that is simply poured into a pot before watering or mixed with water for irrigation.

Or you can make a liquid top dressing from a banana peel. Take a liter jar, fill it with a third of chopped banana peel and pour boiling water, leave for about a day, strain the infusion, add clean water to a liter and feed your flowers. Banana fertilizer is loved by flowering houseplants, especially indoor roses, fertilizer promotes abundant flowering.

How to fertilize indoor plants with the peel of tangerines or oranges

You can fertilize indoor flowers tangerines or oranges. To do this, you need to chop the peel of tangerines or oranges, place in a liter jar, pour boiling water and leave for a day, after which the peel is removed and add water to a full jar and you can water your potted pets.

How to fertilize houseplants with sugar

For fertilizing indoor plants often use the usual sugar. We know from school that sugar is broken down into fructose and glucose. It is glucose that will work as a source of energy and nourishment for domestic plants. Glucose is involved in the life processes of the plant, is the basis and building material for complex organic molecules.

To fertilize a houseplant with sugar, gently sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar on the surface of the earth and simply water the flower, or stir two teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water and water the plant with such sweet water. Top dressing with sugar is allowed no more than once a month. Sugar is a breeding ground for rot, bacteria, and mold, so don't overdo it.

Sugar can be replaced with regular glucose, which is sold in a pharmacy, such a fertilizer will the best option, because glucose will already come in its pure form. To do this, grind one tablet of glucose and dissolve it in a liter of water and safely water your plants with this fertilizer, but not more than 1 time per month.

coffee as a fertilizer

Or rather coffee grounds as a fertilizer is often used to feed houseplants. We need coffee grounds from ground natural coffee, which remains at the bottom of the cup or in the coffee machine. Coffee contains a lot of nitrogen, even coffee grounds make the soil looser, increase its acidity, namely, it increases the amount of oxygen in the ground. Mix the coffee grounds with the earth in a pot - this will be our fertilizer. After fertilizing with coffee grounds, do not flood the plant heavily with water, allow nitrogen to be evenly distributed in the ground. Coffee is loved by all kinds of roses, gladioli, lilies, tomato seedlings.

How to fertilize houseplants with ashes

Ash is one of the most popular and simple houseplant fertilizers. The ash is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc, it disinfects the earth, prevents rotting of the root system. Of course, it will be difficult to get it in urban conditions, but you can take a walk in a forest or a park, for sure there will be a place after a picnic with the remains of ash, because we don’t need a lot of it. Mix the ashes with potting soil when repotting, or dilute one tablespoon of the ashes with a liter of water and water the plant with this top dressing, so you make the soil more nutritious.

What else can you fertilize indoor plants

You can fertilize indoor plants onionhusk, which almost every day we simply throw away after cooking. Onion peel is saturated with a variety of microelements that are so necessary for our flowers, onion peel helps plants grow, become healthier and more beautiful.

For fertilizer, take 50 grams of onion peel and fill it with two liters warm water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, then leave for about three hours, then cool and strain the broth, now you can spray our plants with it.

Some advise fertilizing indoor plants water in which cereals are washed: rice, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley and others. And why not, because such water contains a whole list of useful substances and trace elements, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon.

How to fertilize houseplants with potato broth

Houseplants require some amount of starch, potato broth is the water that we drain after boiling potatoes, it is an excellent source of starch for any plants. Just pour this water into any convenient container, cool and pour flowers with it. Starch accumulates in the roots of the plant, in tubers, in fruits (immature), seeds, bulbs, in order to become a source of energy for further flowering and reproduction of the plant in the future.

Yeast as fertilizer for indoor plants

Yeast is used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also for fertilizing indoor plants. Yeast contains many vitamins, especially group B, trace elements and nutrients. Scientists have proven that yeast has a beneficial effect on plant growth, promotes cell division. After the introduction of yeast into the soil, the activity of microorganisms increases, the release of carbon dioxide begins.

To prepare yeast top dressing, you need to dissolve 10 grams of yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar in a liter of warm water, leave for at least two hours. If you use dry yeast, then the concentration will be different, take 3 tablespoons of sugar and 10 grams of dry yeast for 10 liters of warm water, and the solution must also be infused for about two hours. Then dilute the solution with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and water the soil in a pot with it.

How to Fertilize Houseplants with Tooth Powder or Toothpaste

Tooth powder copes well with the problem of drooping leaves, which is often provoked by rot in the ground, problems with the root system of the plant, watering cold water or drafts. To correct the situation, we use tooth powder. Tooth powder is a source of calcium for plants, stops root rotting.

Prepare fertilizer from tooth powder: dissolve in half a glass of water room temperature 2 tbsp. spoons of tooth powder, 1 tbsp. spoon blue vitriol and 2 tbsp. spoons wood ash, mix well. The ash nourishes the roots of the plant with microelements. Gently water the soil at the roots with this solution. After that, do not water the plant for a week. After a week, water the houseplant as usual with water at room temperature, but do not flood it, and you will notice that the decay will stop, and the flower will come to life again.

Toothpaste fertilizer is prepared in this way: for 1 liter of water at room temperature, take a third of a tube of toothpaste, stir thoroughly until the paste is completely dissolved and pour the earth in a pot with this solution. Calcium will enrich the soil, nourish the roots and heal the plant.

When to Fertilize Houseplants

It makes no sense to fertilize indoor plants immediately after transplanting into fresh soil, since the concentration of essential nutrients and minerals will be normal for two months, and an excess of minerals and nutrients can harm the plant. After two months, additional feeding is already needed. Fertilizers are usually applied in spring and summer.

How often to fertilize houseplants

The optimal interval between feeding the plant is considered to be a month, it is not recommended to fertilize more often. Do not fertilize a houseplant when it is at rest, for example, the time interval between flowering, the plant also needs rest.

But if the plant shows signs of wilting, then this is a signal that something is missing, and the soil is depleted. The plant does not bloom for a long time, the foliage has faded, lost its brightness, the stems have become thin, or the leaves have turned yellow, dried up, began to fall off, the plant is unable to resist diseases, atypical spots have appeared on the foliage - all these are signs that it is time to fertilize the plant. Otherwise, when the plant has a healthy appearance, fertilizers are needed in spring and summer, when the growth of young foliage and shoots is enhanced. Now you know how to fertilize indoor plants and easily solve all problems with potted pets. Let your flowers delight you with their beauty and attractiveness all year round, and if you dream of indoor flowers that bloom all year round, then the following article is for you:. I wish you good luck in breeding indoor plants!

Indoor plants delight all households throughout the spring-summer period. However, like many other crops, with the onset of cold weather, they fall into a kind of hibernation and often throw off their foliage. This leads many novice flower growers to the question of whether indoor flowers need to be fed in winter. If yes, then what? This is a perfectly legitimate question.

In fact, first of all, it all depends on the particular plant. If it really falls into hibernation, then in this case it is better not to disturb it and not wake it up. However, there are many varieties of flowers that continue to function in the winter, just not as active as before. Such crops need additional trace elements.

However, before deciding what fertilizers to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth clarifying a few nuances. Firstly, in the cold season, you should not overdo it with additives. If the plant receives too many nutrients, then this can destroy it. Therefore, the amount of feeding should be correctly calculated based on the characteristics of a particular culture.

Secondly, you need to understand that in winter, the duration of daylight hours is reduced. In this regard, the processes of photosynthesis are much slower, so it is quite normal that the foliage of plants becomes more pale and lethargic. This does not mean that the flower is sorely lacking in nutritional supplements. At this time, it is enough to make nutritional supplements at intervals of 1 time in 30 days.

Whether it is necessary to feed indoor flowers in winter can be determined based on the condition of the plant. Consider the recommendations of experts.

When does a plant need fertilizer?

Indoor flowers usually themselves signal that they lack nutritional supplements. It is enough to pay attention to some symptoms. First of all, sharply yellowed or fallen leaves should alert. However, in this case, it is worth making sure that this is not a sign of hibernation. If this happens to a plant that blooms year-round, then this is a very alarming signal.

Also embarrassing should be the appearance dark spots on leaves and flower stems. If the plant has stopped blooming and stopped growing, then this is also a symptom that the culture needs top dressing. In addition, you need to consider that the flower stems must be strong. If the plant cannot stand on its own and has to be tied up, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a lack of nutritional supplements. Consider the nuances of their introduction.

Features of winter top dressing

During this period of time, plants most of all need:

  • Phosphorus. This component is recommended for those who are wondering how to feed indoor flowers in winter so that they bloom. Phosphorus in the composition of fertilizers will help to enjoy beautiful buds longer term.
  • Potassium. This substance will help restore bright colors to flowers and save plants from stress.
  • nitrogen. This component is necessary if the plant has too little deciduous mass.

You can buy dressings that already contain all these substances at any specialized store. However, in addition to the main components, synthetic additives are often also present in such formulations. In this case, it is much cheaper and more useful to do the feeding yourself.

Orange and lemon peels

The vitamins contained in these citrus fruits are useful not only to humans, but also to plants. Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, you should definitely pay attention to them. The fact is that the bark of these citrus fruits contains vitamins that increase the immunity of the culture. Therefore, after eating an orange, you should not throw out its bark, but pour it with 1 liter of warm water. This tincture is prepared very quickly - 1 day. After that, the resulting liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, so as not to burn the delicate root system. Next, citrus water is introduced into the soil.

Especially such top dressing like azaleas, hydrangeas and rapsis.


This plant is used not only for home treatment, but also by those who know how to feed indoor flowers in winter. To prepare a nutrient mixture, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 1 liter of warm water and apply the liquid to the soil. Thanks to the juice of this amazing plant flowers will grow stronger. In addition, aloe has excellent disinfecting properties, so pests will be less likely to disturb flowers.

This top dressing is universal. It will suit any type of plant.


Sugar dressings are especially to the taste of ficuses and cacti. This is due to the fact that during the breakdown of the sweet additive, glucose is formed. Any experienced gardener knows how these crops respond well to a given substance. However, other plants can be fertilized with this simple component. Glucose is involved in the formation of complex molecules necessary for the growth and production of more energy by plants. By and large, this component provokes and accelerates the growth of new cellular material, due to which the flowers become healthier and fresher.

Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth diluting one teaspoon of sugar in a liter of heated water. Plants can be fertilized with this liquid once a month. Or you can just sprinkle the ground in the pots with a little sugar.

However, don't get carried away. Too much sugar is harmful not only to humans, but also to any other living organism.


Is it possible to feed indoor flowers in winter with vitamin supplements? Yes, you can, but only after reading the instructions in detail. The fact is that most formulations contain aggressive chemicals that are used to get a quick effect. If such additives are used in the winter, the plant may not be able to cope with their processing. Therefore, vitamins must be used with caution. At the same time, it is worth giving 2 times less amount of the recommended supplement. The instructions usually indicate the period when the flowers are in the active stage. If we are talking about the cold season, then the plant needs much less vitamins.

When deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, preference should be given to natural compounds.

chicken manure

This top dressing contains everything necessary for the growth and health of flowers, including vitamins and useful trace elements. However, you should also be careful when using chicken manure. To prepare a nutritional supplement, it is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon of manure in a bucket of water. It is much more convenient to pre-prepare the concentrate by mixing the fertilizer with 1 liter of water, and only then pour it into a bowl with the rest of the liquid.

Also, do not forget about lighting for plants. After all, in winter, they desperately need sunlight. Therefore, at this time of the year it is better to move flower pots closer to the windows. Or you can take advantage of additional lighting by installing fluorescent lamps for your favorite colors.


In addition, it must be borne in mind that in the cold season, flowers need to be watered much less frequently. Since all processes in plants occur more slowly, they do not feed as actively when compared with the spring or summer period. It is best not to apply water directly to the ground, but to pour it into a bowl in which the pot stands. Then the flower will decide for itself how much moisture it needs to absorb.

In conditions closed ground home flowers require additional nourishment, which can be provided by adding special substances to the soil. You don't have to buy houseplant food from stores. It can be easily made at home using, for example, a regular banana peel.

This article will tell you how to properly make dressings for indoor flowers with your own hands. In addition, you will find helpful tips and rules for fertilizing and signs by which it can be determined that a flower needs fertilizer.

Taking care of cultures on your own suburban area, we do not forget to feed them, but when it comes to caring for house flowers, we often remember that they also need to be supplied with nutrients. And although indoor pets are much smaller and do not bear fruit as abundantly as, for example, garden pets, however, the feeding area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir roots is limited to a flower pot. Sooner or later, the soil in the flowerpot is depleted, and therefore it is necessary to periodically enrich it with useful substances.

Very often flowerpots have to endure heat and drafts, lack sunlight or its excess. Some flower lovers practice regular transplanting into new soil, however, you should be aware that the supply of nutrients in a fresh earthy coma is only enough for two months. And if the culture at this time begins to grow actively or enters a flowering period, additional feeding is indispensable. Only those specimens that are in a dormant period do not need to be fed.

So that indoor plants always have a beautiful and healthy appearance, you need to know some rules for the introduction of nutrients (Figure 1):

  • The optimal time for fertilizing is the period from early April to mid-October. Since most species are in a dormant period in winter, there are practically no top dressings at this time of the year.
  • All kinds of nutrients are applied to moist soil to prevent root burns.
  • You can not apply the same fertilizer at the same time for deciduous and flowering varieties because they have different nutrient requirements.
  • The drug must be strictly dosed. An excess of nutrients leads to a halt in the growth and development of the flower, provokes the death of the culture.

Figure 1. Types of pokkormok and methods of their introduction

As an additional procedure for root dressing, foliar application of the same fertilizers is carried out, but in smaller quantities. Foliar recharges also have their own characteristics. So, they are effective for young specimens with delicate foliage, but adult specimens absorb them much worse. It is impossible to foliarly feed plants with pubescent or glossy leaves that do not allow moisture to pass through (aloe, Kalanchoe, palm, saintpaulia, gloxinia, etc.). If the air humidity is insufficient, it is also necessary to spray clean water after each foliar feeding.

The video shows best fertilizers colors to use at home.

How to tell when plants need food

How to determine that indoor plants need to be fed? A number of signs will indicate this to you, among which are:

  • Slow growth and lack of flowering;
  • Weak elongated stems and pale small leaves;
  • The appearance of signs of disease: spots, yellowing and falling leaves.

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so let's get acquainted with natural fertilizers that will help keep your flowers healthy and strong.

Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants

The influence of bananas on the human body is well known due to high content they contain a whole complex of vitamins and microelements. At the same time, nutrients are found both in the pulp itself and in the peel of this fruit. Therefore, banana peel is actively used for the preparation of various fertilizers.

It is used fresh and dried, as well as for the manufacture of tinctures and spray solutions (Figure 2).

Dried banana peel fertilizer

A pre-washed banana peel can be dried on a radiator, in the oven, in the sun, then ground into powder in a coffee grinder or simply folded into a paper bag.

Figure 2. Making a nutrient preparation from a banana peel with your own hands

Banana powder is mixed with the substrate in a ratio of 1:10 at the time of transplantation or used as a mulching material, which is sprinkled on the soil in a flower pot once a month. Banana fertilizer in the form of a whole dried peel should only be placed in the lower layers of the soil as drainage, since the peel begins to mold on its surface.

Fertilizer from fresh banana skins

Fresh skin is crushed into pieces with scissors and buried in the ground as deep as possible. However, it is often quite difficult to determine the exact number of skins that can quickly decompose. As for houseplants, the processing of potted banana peels is very slow.

Banana peel infusion

Banana peel infusion is used to saturate the soil with useful substances. To prepare it, the skins are thoroughly washed, crushed, placed in a liter jar for half its volume, poured with water and insisted for a day. Then the resulting infusion is topped up with water to a volume of 1 liter.

Spray Banana Peel Complex Fertilizer

For cooking complex fertilizer you will need powder from the dried peel of 4 bananas, 2 tsp. eggshell powder and 20 g magnesium sulfate. All ingredients are mixed, pour 900 g of water and shake until magnesium is completely dissolved. The resulting preparation is stored in the refrigerator and used to spray the soil and leaves no more than once a week. It can be supplemented with other nutrients, then the procedure will become more effective.

Iodine for indoor plants: how to feed

Although iodine is not a vital element for plants, its presence in the soil has a positive effect on all their life processes. You can spray flowerpots with water with mineral fertilizers, which include iodine, or with special iodine-containing complexes. However, if the iodine content exceeds allowable norms, then such a fertilizer can be detrimental to flowers. Therefore, you should know that the iodine content in the solution should be 0.1 mg per kilogram.

Figure 3. Using iodine to nourish flowers

Plants after feeding with iodine develop faster, bloom more abundantly and practically do not get sick. Experienced flower growers it is advised to dissolve 2 drops of iodine in 2 liters of water and water the flowers with the resulting solution on wet soil no more than 1 time per month (Figure 3).

Fertilizing indoor flowers with yeast

It is known that yeast contains fungi containing a large number of protein and amino acids, as well as many micro and macro elements. Yeast is very useful for plants, especially indoor plants (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The use of yeast to feed flowers

To prepare fertilizer for indoor flowers, you will need 10 g of dry yeast per 10 liters of water. Sugar, potato tops, hops are added to the resulting solution for a better effect in order to increase the nitrogen content in the fertilizer itself. The resulting preparation is infused in a dark place for several hours until the fermentation process begins. A liter of the resulting fertilizer is dissolved in 5 liters of pure water and the flowers are watered. The result of yeast feeding will be visible after a few days.

From the video you will learn how to prepare a top dressing for homemade flowers from yeast.

egg shell fertilizer

Eggshell contains many nutrients. It decomposes quite quickly in the soil and is used as a fertilizer for both garden and house flowers (Figure 5).

Note: You should know that eggshells lower the acidity of the soil, so species such as azalea, camellia, gardenia, pelargonium, hydrangea, pansies, ferns top dressing with eggshells is contraindicated.

Before preparing top dressing, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the shell, clean it of protein residues, then dry and grind it in any way possible. The resulting powder is stored in a paper bag (box) or in a glass container with a lid. Eggshells can be applied directly to the soil (powder or tincture) or used as drainage.

Figure 5. Using eggshells to feed flowers at home

There are several ways to prepare eggshell tincture. For example, it is recommended to pour one cup of crushed eggshells into 4 cups of warm water and let it brew for 2 weeks, shaking the liquid occasionally. Ready infusion to water the flowers once a month. You can also dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of powder in 1 liter of boiling water. In this case, the solution should be infused for 5 days. Using pure egg powder, remove the top layer of soil in a flower pot, mix it in a separate container with 1 tbsp. eggshell and pour back into the pot.

Fertilizer Agricola for indoor plants

In addition to homemade dressings, you can use a long-term fertilizer for home flowers called "Agricola". This preparation is universal and suitable for feeding all kinds.

It contains a complex of all the necessary micro and macro elements, is economical, has an unlimited shelf life. For root dressing, a solution is prepared from 1 tsp. fertilizer and 2 liters of water. Top dressing is carried out 1 time in 7-10 days, and during the dormant period of the plant (from November to February), 1 such top dressing per month will be enough.

Indoor flowers are an indispensable household item that gives comfort and decorativeness to any exterior. Often at home, plants wither quickly, grow slowly, and flowering sometimes does not occur for several years.

To improve the health and development of the plant, various top dressings are used. Mineral and biological compounds are considered the most effective, but they can also be seen with home remedies. These are completely organic products, the effectiveness of which is based on natural biochemical processes. They will be discussed in this article.

In the conditions of an apartment, plants especially need top dressing. They receive a limited amount of sunlight, the roots are very limited by the space of the pot, it is difficult to regulate the air flow indoors. The problems are exacerbated in winter, when the central heating system worsens the humidity and, consequently, the microclimate.

All this leads to a delay in the development of flowers, a decrease in the abundance and quality of flowering. This can be partially solved by transplanting into fresh nutrient soil, but such a procedure adversely affects the state of the root system. That is why it is so important to apply fertilizers in a timely manner. You can understand that the plant needs to be fed by the following signs:

  • the plant grows slowly;
  • the stems become elongated and thin;
  • leaves wilt, their color fades;
  • for a long time there is no flowering;
  • diseases, infections and pests appear.

If effective measures are not taken in time, indoor flower begins to languish and eventually dies. As an emergency measure, only chemical compositions, but on early stages you can use the recipes of our grandmothers.

The best homemade dressing recipes

The use of folk methods of feeding is based on a biochemical reaction similar to that which occurs in the natural environment. When certain food products and ingredients familiar to us get into the soil, the active reproduction of beneficial bacteria starts. They normalize the microflora in the soil, and also accelerate the production of useful substances important for plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, macro- and microelements).

A similar process is used in biofertilizers. This principle has been used by man since ancient times, today there are dozens of methods of home dressing that are different in efficiency.


Fertilizing indoor flowers with yeast is one of the most famous methods. They contain beneficial bacteria that positively affect the microflora, as well as hormones and components that regulate turgor in plant cells.

Yeasts accelerate the mineralization of organic substances, actively produce nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Such top dressing is useful for all plants, but it is undesirable during the period of active flowering. Fertilizer Recipe:

  1. Place 10 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  2. Blend until smooth, let stand for 3 hours.
  3. Before feeding, mix with cold water in a ratio of 1:5, and then pour under the root.

To enhance the active action of yeast bacteria requires a lot of oxygen. Within 2-5 days after applying the composition, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, avoiding drafts. Yeast is recommended to be used three times a year - in autumn, spring and summer.

wood ash

It is used for feeding both indoor and outdoor ornamental plants. Wood ash contains a large amount of macro- and microelements (phosphorus, iron, sulfur, zinc and others), and it also reduces the risk of developing dangerous diseases in flowers.

The compounds in the ash are in an easily accessible form, they are quickly included in the composition of the soil, and then enter the plant tissues.

For top dressing, you need to dissolve 25 g of wood ash in 1 liter cold water, then infuse the solution for 5-7 days. The finished composition can be used for root application or spraying. Begonia, fuchsia, violet, cyclamen and geranium respond best to ash.

It is highly not recommended to use cigarette ash, as it contains a large amount of carcinogens and other harmful substances. Ash from hardwood trees is considered more useful because it has fewer resin compounds.

succinic acid

It can be purchased at any pharmacy; it is a biologically active food supplement obtained by chemical-thermal processing of amber. It is used as a prophylactic to enhance the growth of seedlings, improve seed germination and root cuttings before planting.

The solution is prepared by hand at the rate of 1 tablet succinic acid(1 g when used in powder form) per 1 liter of water. The composition can be sprayed on the stem, shoots or applied under the root. Exotic indoor plants react best to this remedy - citrus fruits, chlorophytum, haworthia and arrowroot. You can use the composition to work with cacti.


The shell is actively used as a natural fertilizer for plants, but this method has pros and cons. The shell contains a large amount of calcium and sulfur, but the compounds do not dissolve well in the soil. In addition, a large concentration of fertilizer can lead to a decrease in the acidity level of the substrate, the development of some fungal diseases. It is not recommended to use as a regular top dressing.

It is advisable to add crushed eggshells to the soil during transplantation. Second folk way- preparation of infusion. To do this, pour the crushed shell with water and let it brew for 4 days. The resulting composition of the plant is watered once a month. The specific smell of the product appears due to the sulfur compounds in the composition.

aquarium water

In the water where they live aquarium fish, over time, a harmonious biological balance is established, thanks to which the life of aquatic inhabitants is also supported. It is largely due to the presence of beneficial bacteria.

When using it for watering plants, the quality of the soil improves, and the process of processing complex compounds is accelerated in it. Such top dressing should be used only in the vegetative phase no more than 1 time per month, so that the plants grow well and quickly.

Citrus fruit

The peels of citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges or lemons) are high in nitrogen, as well as nutrients to promote resilience, plant health and rapid growth. Due to its disinfectant properties citric acid the risk of infection with viral and bacterial diseases, some harmful insects is reduced.

For top dressing, you need to take only fresh zest, which is filled with a container up to 1 liter and filled with water. It is necessary to defend the composition for no more than 24 hours, and then dilute it with clean water for irrigation in a ratio of 1: 3. The composition should be applied only under the root, avoiding falling on the foliage. In the summer top dressing is applied twice, once in the winter. It is undesirable to use citrus peel for succulents, cacti and orchids.

Affordable folk methods of top dressing for abundant flowering

As an effective top dressing for indoor plants, you can use completely simple ingredients available in every home. Below is a list simple recipes, useful plants for abundant and long flowering.


The most affordable top dressing for indoor plants. It is known that in the process of decomposition, sugar breaks down into glucose and fructose. It is glucose that is important for flowers, it is involved in metabolic processes, and also contributes to the rapid development of tissues, which is important during flowering.

To create top dressing, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 500 ml of water, and then pour the soil over these compounds. It is not recommended to use this method in winter, because the reaction requires carbon dioxide, which is very small in the apartment during heating season. You can resort to such top dressing no more than 1 time per month; it is not recommended to fertilize cacti and succulents with sweet water.

onion peel

Onion peel contains a huge amount of useful elements, as well as natural phytoncides, which have a preventive effect against many diseases. infectious diseases. Onion tincture is suitable for most plants as a regular spray. Tool creation scheme:

  1. A handful of fresh onion peel is poured into 1 liter of cold water and boiled over low heat for 7-8 minutes.
  2. The broth must be insisted for 3 hours, and then filtered.
  3. Top dressing with this tool can be carried out quite often - 1-2 times a month.

Be sure to check the freshness of the onion before preparing the decoction. The husk of this plant may contain bacteria that are dangerous for some plants, as well as insect larvae. The procedure is undesirable for violets, geraniums and cyclamen.

Aloe juice

It is a strong growth stimulant and also improves the flowering quality of most ornamental plants. In addition, aloe juice enhances the immunity of flowers, reduces the risk of infection with fungus and bacterial infections.

To prepare a solution for top dressing, you need to add 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice to 1 liter of water and add it under the root of the plant, or spray the leaves and stem. This method is not recommended for any type of orchid.

tea leaves

simple and affordable way top dressing, known since ancient times. Indoor ferns respond especially well to tea brewing. Tea can be used as mulch, drainage, or watered with a weak tea leaves of the plant under the root. To enhance the effect, you can add sugar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of tea leaves.

banana peel

The banana peel contains a huge amount of nutrients, as well as potassium, necessary for plants in large numbers during the flowering period. To prepare top dressing, you need to wash fresh banana peels, and then dry and grind to a powder state.

The agent is mixed with the soil during a planned transplant, or diluted in water and the plants are fed with this composition once every 14 days. Such top dressing is suitable even for whimsical decorative flowers, cacti and succulents.


It is used as an emergency measure to save a weakened plant, but it is useful to use acetylsalicylic acid during the flowering period. Aspirin is diluted in clean cold water at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter. The resulting composition is watered with flowers under the root, or sprayed with leaves. To enhance the effect, you can add 2-3 drops of castor oil to the top dressing.


An alcohol solution of iodine is available in every home first aid kit. In moderation, it has a positive effect on the flowering process, and also contributes to the activation of potassium and nitrogen compounds in the soil. However, it is rarely found in its pure form in the natural environment.

Geranium responds especially well to iodine, but this method is not recommended for succulents. For top dressing, mix 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water. The composition should be poured over the soil along the edge of the pot, avoiding getting the product on the leaves and shoots.

  1. When plants are infected, not only onion peel is used, but also garlic, which also contains a large amount of phytoncides.
  2. Coffee grounds can be used as drainage, but they increase the acidity of the soil, which can be detrimental to some plants.
  3. It is not recommended to water indoor flowers with water after defrosting fish or meat. It may contain pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. During the growing season, to enhance flowering, it is advisable to add 1-2 drops of castor oil to the soil. It has a positive effect on the budding process.
  5. Many flower growers water the plants with water after cooking vegetables, but this is not recommended. Such a tool does not affect the health of flowers in any way, on the contrary, it can lead to acidification of the soil.

Despite the huge amount of purchased products for plant nutrition and fertilizers, many gardeners prefer to use old and proven folk methods. They have little effect, and if applied different ways, you can achieve a visible result by saving the budget. To choose a top dressing, you need to take into account the vegetation stage of the plant, as well as the species of the flower.

Houseplants need to be fed at least once a month. Fertilizers for flowers at home with their own hands can be done even by a novice florist. To prepare the nutrient solution, improvised means are used that every housewife has in the house. For feeding, sugar, coffee and tea, fruit peel, yeast, egg shells, onion peels and other substances are used. They work just as well as store-bought ones and cost almost nothing.

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    flower food

    Indoor plants should develop in conditions close to their natural habitat. In it, they receive food from the upper fertile layer of the earth, groundwater and rainwater. And the area of ​​\u200b\u200bplant nutrition limited by the pot does not allow them to fully develop without additional feeding. Fertilize plants on average once every two weeks. The amount of feeding does not depend on the size of the pot. In a large container, the plant also depletes the earth as in a small one. Therefore, a flower can receive the mineral components necessary for life only from the outside when watering or transplanting into a new nutrient substrate.

    Fresh earth will provide food for the flower for 2-3 months, then it should be fed. You do not need to do this only during the winter dormancy period of some plants, for example, gloxinia or sour. late autumn they shed their leaves and do not require feeding until a new shoot appears in the spring. A sign that the flowers urgently need to be fed are:

    • pale elongated stems;
    • cessation of growth;
    • flabby, faded leaves;
    • yellowing and spots on the leaves;
    • low resistance to diseases;
    • lack of flower stalks.

    The stores offer a huge amount of fertilizers for various kinds colors. Or you can use home remedies.


    Top dressing with sugar is especially necessary for flowers in winter time. At this time, there is little sunlight, the plants do not have enough ultraviolet light, which is involved in the process of photosynthesis. Leaves and branches of flowers turn yellow and thin. To avoid death, plants begin to spend their hidden reserves. Glucose comes first. It serves as a source of energy for many plant life processes: growth, respiration, absorption of nutrients. Therefore, those crops that do not receive enough sunlight in winter or are shaded all year round need to be additionally fed with glucose. Biologists have proven that plants that receive sugar supplements in winter become strong and healthy, and bloom and multiply more readily in spring.

    Sugar can be poured into the ground in an undissolved form of 0.5 tsp. on a 5-liter pot of earth or make a mortar. In 1 liter of warm water, 1 tsp is diluted. granulated sugar, stir until completely dissolved and water the plants once a month. Glucose is absorbed by plants when interacting with carbon dioxide, so it is good to combine watering with sugar syrup with fertilizers that saturate the earth with it, for example, Baikal-M1.

    When watering with sugar syrup, you should observe the plant for the next week, inspect the ground for mold or rot, because if glucose is not absorbed, it will become a breeding ground for the development of fungi and bacteria. That is why you should not feed the flower with sugar.

    Instead of granulated sugar, you can use ordinary glucose sold in a pharmacy. The tablet is diluted in one liter of water. Plants can be not only watered with glucose, but also sprayed with foliage from a spray bottle.

    Like sugar, it is used as a fertilizer no more than once a month.

    Coffee grounds and tea leaves

    Residues at the bottom of a turk or in a coffee maker filter from coffee beans are excellent fertilizer for flowers. Cake is simply poured into a flower pot and mixed with top layer earth. Thanks to the coffee grounds, the earth becomes lighter and looser, saturated with oxygen. At the same time, its acidity increases, which not all colors like. You can feed all crops growing in soils, the pH value of which is in the range from 3.5 to 6. Coffee top dressing is suitable for azaleas, asparagus, hydrangeas, cyclamen, gardenias, tradescantia, ficus, nightshade.

    For dressing indoor plants, you can use not only coffee residues, but also tea leaves. It has the same effect as coffee residue, but sciarids (black flies) love to breed in it. Therefore, it is better to use tea leaves as a fertilizer in the summer, when the plant can be taken out into fresh air and dry the ground, which the fly cannot stand. Otherwise you have to use chemicals.

    Peel and fruit remains

    The peel of fruits such as tangerines, oranges or bananas can be turned into an excellent plant fertilizer. But first, fertilizer from them must be prepared. In order to make citrus zest useful for flowers, you need to chop their peel, fill the container by a third, pour boiling water to the very top and close the lid tightly. This fertilizer is insisted for a day in a dark place. After 24 hours, the jar is taken out, filtered, the peel is thrown out, the solution is diluted with clean water 1: 1 and the plants are watered.

    In the same way, you can prepare an infusion from a banana peel. You can also prepare a nutritious mix from the peel of oranges, tangerines and bananas. The whole peel is crushed, a third of a three-liter jar is filled and poured with boiling water, two teaspoons of granulated sugar are added. Leave in a warm, dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Then the infusion is drained, diluted 1:5 with water and the plants are fed. This should be done no more than once a month. The mixture in a tightly closed container keeps well in the refrigerator.

    Unlike citrus fruits, banana peel is also used as a substrate. Banana peel is crushed with a knife to a size of no more than a one-kopeck coin, and dried. If the farm has a coffee grinder, they grind dried raw materials in it. If not, you can just grind it smaller in a mortar. Contribute to flower pots 1 tablespoon each and mixed with the top layer of the earth. Fertilizer makes the soil loose and light, improves the supply of oxygen to the roots. Unground dry banana peel can be applied to the bottom of pots when transplanting plants. Over time, the peel will rot and saturate the earth with microelements, which will accelerate the growth of green mass.


    Wood ash contains about 30 trace elements necessary for the full growth and development of plants. The main ones are:

    • Phosphorus. Participates in the formation of the root system, activates flowering, bud set and fruiting.
    • Magnesium. Participates in a vital process for plants - photosynthesis.
    • Calcium. Increases resistance to diseases, reduces soil acidity.
    • Potassium. Reduces the risk of leaf burns in the sun, the development of root rot, participates in the process of bud set and flowering.

    Ash improves soil composition, increases moisture and air permeability, and reduces acidity. It is mainly used for transplanting plants, mixing with soil. 90 g of ash is put on 5 liters of earth. And also from it you can prepare liquid fertilizer for plant nutrition. 60 g of ash is added to 1 liter of water, mixed and watered.


    If you use eggshells as a fertilizer for indoor plants, the following components enter the ground:

    • calcium carbonate increases the green mass of the plant;
    • phosphorus activates and prolongs flowering;
    • potassium supports immunity and retains moisture;
    • magnesium, sulfur and iron are active participants in photosynthesis;
    • nitrogen for leaf and stem growth;
    • molybdenum increases the number of ovaries.

    All these micro and macro elements are needed by plants for active growth and long flowering. Eggshell will not provide the plant with all the elements necessary for growth and development, but as one of the types of additional nutrition it is very useful. It also decomposes well and retains moisture, so it can be poured into the bottom of the pot when transplanting a flower, it will serve as drainage until it completely decomposes.

    The infusion is prepared from 1 cup of crushed shells, which is poured with 5 cups of water and left to infuse for 14 days in a dark place. Periodically, the solution is shaken and shaken. After the specified time liquid fertilizer watering the flowers. If the shell is ground in a coffee grinder into powder and poured with boiling water, then it will infuse faster and can be used after 5 days.


    The fungi that make up the yeast are a source of proteins, carbohydrates, iron and various trace elements. Therefore, flower growers often use them as a growth stimulant. They stimulate the formation of ovaries and increase the duration of flowering. Yeast supplements studied by scientists and it was proved that thanks to them, the activity of microorganisms in the soil increases, organic components mineralize faster, and the release of carbon dioxide involved in the process of photosynthesis increases. Therefore, fertilizing with yeast is equivalent to introducing a complex mineral fertilizer. To prepare fertilizer, 10 g of dry or ordinary yeast is dissolved in 5 liters of water and 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar are added, put in a warm place. After 2 hours, the same amount of pure water is added to the liquid and the flowers are watered.

    Using yeast as a fertilizer, we must not forget that during fermentation they will absorb all calcium and potassium from the soil. Therefore, simultaneously with yeast, plants are fed with wood ash to replenish these microelements in the substrate.

    onion peel

    Onion peel contains a complete set of vitamins, the influence of which favorably affects the growth of green mass of plants. Carotene increases endurance and resistance to diseases. Phytoncides have a detrimental effect on fungi and bacteria that multiply in the ground. B vitamins help transplanted plants and young shoots to take root and take root. Vitamins of the PP group contribute to the growth of the root system of flowers.

    Onion infusion is prepared at the rate of 50 g of husk per 1 liter hot water, boil for 15 minutes. Then let it brew. After complete cooling, filter through a sieve or gauze. The solution is poured over the ground or the leaves are sprayed from the sprayer. This fertilizer cannot be stored for a long time. Its shelf life is 48 hours. For the next top dressing, the infusion is prepared again.


    Humus is a universal fertilizer for indoor plants, which is used both by gardeners to feed plants in the garden, and flower growers to feed indoor crops. However, different components are included in the humus, and it depends on them which plant to feed them.

    There are several varieties of manure based on the main component. Large plants such as palms, ficuses, dieffenbachia, monstera and all kinds of citrus fruits love bird droppings. In it, the concentration of active nutrients is much higher than in mullein. It is because of the high concentration of nutrients in it that it must be used with caution for many plants. It is used only for fast growing large species. Infusion is made at the rate of 10 grams bird droppings for 3 liters of water. Mix and add 50 g of infusion to the ground 5 minutes after watering the plant with clean water.

    Mullein can feed any indoor flowers. Take a tablespoon of manure and pour one liter of cold water. Insist for a day, shake before use. Fertilizer is applied to moist soil. They do the same with humus based on pig or horse manure. When watering with such fertilizers, you need to be prepared for bad smell, which safely disappears on the second or third day after watering. The smell will not appear only if you use 3-year-old humus and mix it directly with the soil in which the plant will be planted, in a ratio of 1:10.

    Humus is made not only from livestock manure, but also from leaves, grass, and branches. In any case, the substrate contains a high concentration of nutrients and must be diluted for use. Either mixed with planting soil in a ratio of 1:10 or diluted with water 1:10, shaken and watered with the resulting liquid.

    aquarium water

    A substitute for fertilizer from the store is water from an aquarium with fish. It contains substances that stimulate the rapid growth of plants. Due to the waste products of the inhabitants of the aquarium, it acquires a neutral acidity and many trace elements are dissolved in it. Therefore, it should be used during the period of active development of flowers - in spring and early summer, during the beginning of active growth of greenery.

    Starting from mid-summer, due to the reduction of daylight hours, growth processes begin to slow down in crops. During this time, aquarium water should not be used. You also need to observe the dosage of top dressing. It is necessary to water the plants with water from the aquarium once a month in an amount of not more than 50 ml, otherwise the microorganisms will begin to multiply in the pot and the earth will turn green and sour.

    succinic acid

    Succinic acid is a product of natural amber processing. Outwardly, it looks like a crystalline white powder with a taste of citric acid. Acid activates the growth of the root system and improves the quality of nutrient absorption by the plant. Flower growers widely use succinic acid when growing indoor crops. Sold in the form of tablets and powder in pharmacies.

    To prepare a solution, 1 g of succinic acid is dissolved in 5 liters of water. Fertilizer not only water the plants, but also spray the leaves and trunk. Such top dressing is especially loved by flowers with dense greenery: begonias, chlorophytums, ficuses, prickly pear and all types of fat women. Plants are fed 2 times a month in the spring.

    Succinic acid for fertilizing home flowersYou can use no more than once a year, otherwise the plants may die.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2 is beneficial for plant growth. It serves as a natural fertilizer, top dressing, saturates the soil with oxygen and strengthens the roots. It has pesticide and fungicide properties. It helps to get rid of pests. A solution of H2O2 can save waterlogged plants, to be more precise, their roots from decay. Hydrogen peroxide, saturating the soil with oxygen, helps save wilted flowers, the earth in which has long been compressed due to the fact that it has not been changed. The solution is prepared at the rate of 20 drops of peroxide per 1 liter of water. Water the plants once a week.

    Regular spraying and watering with hydrogen peroxide will help young plants and adult flowers to be healthy, beautiful and attractive for a long time. After several sprays, the leaves become bright green color and hard gloss. Weak plants begin to succulent and soon begin to produce new leaves and shoots.

    In addition to these most popular fertilizers for houseplants, there are many more recipes for dressings that are used less often by flower growers, but are also considered effective:

    • Expressed water after washing fish or meat. It saturates the earth with nitrogen, necessary for the full growth and development of plants. With its shortage, wilting and loss of turgor of the leaves and flower stem are observed.
    • Water drained after washing the cereal. It contains iron, silicon, phosphorus and magnesium. It is used when the yellowing of the leaves has begun to return them to their original green appearance.
    • Toothpaste or tooth powder. Tooth powder is applied in combination with ash and blue vitriol. To do this, 3 tablespoons of powder, 3 tablespoons of wood ash and 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate are diluted in one liter of water. Fertilizer does not require time for infusion, but is used immediately after preparation. toothpaste can be used separately. It is diluted in water, 3 cm of paste per 0.5 liter of water. Mix thoroughly and water the plants. Such top dressing affects the root system, forcing it to actively develop, as a result of which the plants will acquire a healthy appearance.

    When feeding home crops, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

    • Plants transplanted into fresh soil do not need to be fed. This should be done no earlier than after 2 months, because fresh soil, if it is of high quality, already contains nutrients. An excess of vitamins and microelements, as well as a deficiency, can lead to the death of a flower.
    • Before fertilizing, the soil must be shed with clean water without additives. This will prevent root burns in case of excessive concentration or exceeding the dose of applied fertilizer.
    • If the plant is weak or sick, it is necessary to feed it very carefully. For this purpose, the concentration of fertilizer is reduced by a factor of three. It is gradually increased, focusing on the state of the flower and the appearance of strong shoots and leaves on it.
    • Top dressing is applied only in spring and summer. You do not need to make them constantly throughout the year. During the dormant period, an increase in nutrition will do more harm to the plant than good.

    Feeding plants with fertilizers made at home, you need to follow the dosage. Do not water with solutions more than once a month.