Mixer      06/16/2019

Clematis Miss Bateman color care. The most popular large-flowered clematis is Miss Bateman. Description and landing requirements

Wanting to somehow decorate and green the area around country house, many people plant clematis. These vines with beautiful large flowers capable of climbing walls and fences, transforming the area. Today there are many varieties of clematis known. One popular species is Miss Bateman. This variety can often be found among cottage owners. Detailed description varieties of clematis Miss Bateman, features of its planting, cultivation and care - all this will be discussed in the article.

Clematis Miss Bateman belongs to the spreading, climbing, large-flowered plants. This shrub is often used in landscape design. Clematis are grown almost everywhere. After all, the culture is easy to care for; even a novice gardener can plant it.

The following types of clematis grandiflora are distinguished:

  • Patens. Miss Bateman belongs to this group. Liana patens is distinguished by flowers with a diameter of 15 centimeters, which can have different colors. The plant does not need shelter. The buds bloom in May-June. True, there is also re-blooming, which lasts from mid-summer until autumn.
  • Vicitella. The flowers are characterized by a red-purple color. The diameter of the blossomed bud reaches 12 centimeters. The flowering period continues until autumn frosts. Vicitella has good frost resistance.
  • Florida. Characterized by terry-type buds and a pleasant aroma. The flower size is 12 centimeters.
  • Jacqueman. Lush flowering is a characteristic feature of this group of vines. The shrub has a powerful root system. The height of the plant often reaches 4 meters. Before sheltering for the winter, shoots are pruned down to the base.
  • Integrifolia. This is a semi-shrub. The length of the shoots does not exceed 1.5 meters. Flowering occurs in June-September. The color of the buds varies.
  • Lanuginosis. Differs in thin shoots. The height of the bush is more than 2.5 meters. The average diameter of flowers is 17 centimeters. Flowers are blue or white.

The group of patens lianas is the most popular among summer residents. A detailed description of Miss Bateman's clematis is given below:

  1. The plant reaches a height of 2.5 meters.
  2. The leaves are medium in size, compound, trifoliate.
  3. The diameter of the flowers is about 15 centimeters. The inflorescence consists of 8 white sepals with a green stripe. Anthers purple.

Having considered various varieties Miss Bateman's clematis is the plant of choice for most gardeners. And all because the plant has a number of advantages:

  • Inconsistency in cultivation.
  • Frost resistance is high. In central Russia, under light shelter, the vine tolerates winter well.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • The culture is capable of blooming twice per season.

How to plant Miss Bateman vine?

To obtain luxury clematis Miss Bateman: Planting and care should be appropriate. Therefore, before starting to cultivate this variety, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the nuances of planting, growing and care. In principle, decorating a site with clematis of the Miss Bateman variety is not difficult. Even a beginner in the field of floriculture can handle it.

Clematis are beautiful inhabitants of the garden, which not only transform it beyond recognition, but also create a special tropical charm on the site. These vines quickly climb fences, grow willingly if they have enough sun, and actively bloom, striking the eye with their beauty. A worthy representative of this group of plants is the Miss Bateman clematis.

There are more than three hundred varieties of clematis. There are many wild and hybrid forms that have small and large inflorescences different shades. Only a few dozen clematis are popular in cultivation, and among them Miss Bateman stands out for the exquisite beauty of its large inflorescences.

This variety of vine is considered woody. This means that in adulthood (over 3 years), clematis stems become dense, fibrous and acquire a rigid structure over time.

Varietal features of Miss Bateman include:

  • The Miss Bateman flower is a gorgeous hybrid that was named after the daughter of the famous florist James Bateman.
  • Clematis shoots Miss Bateman ( Miss Bateman) with proper support reach 2-3 m.
  • The clematis foliage of this variety is open, large, trifoliate, maximum size in diameter 12 cm.
  • Miss Bateman is a large-flowered hybrid. The color of the petals is dominated by a milky tint, which is diluted by a pale lilac tint.
  • The dull color of the petals of the Miss Bateman vine strongly attracts bees, which is why it is an excellent honey plant.
  • The variety is distinguished by its ability to change the intensity of the color of the petals. The less light it gets, the paler the color of the inflorescences becomes.
  • At correct pruning Clematis blooms twice during the summer season.
  • Liana Miss Bateman exhibits fairly high winter hardiness and is rarely susceptible to disease.
  • This type of vine is unpretentious to growing conditions and adapts to the environment without any special whims.
  • Miss Bateman forms quickly and blooms 2-3 years after planting.

Clematis Miss Bateman, propagation

Large-flowered vines reproduce quite easily. The most acceptable and simplest method is cuttings. However, Miss Bateman's clematis, according to reviews from gardeners, can also be grown from seeds, although this activity is more troublesome and often ends in failure.

In summer, the Miss Bateman vine is taken from cuttings using green shoots.

  • During the budding process, when the shoots are most saturated with nutrients, cuttings are cut. At this moment there is the highest chance of rooting them, so you shouldn’t skip it. It is also important to ensure that the buds do not have time to open.
  • It is advisable to cut side shoots, which appeared after last year's pruning. You should not cut more than three cuttings from one vine.
  • After this, the resulting shoots are cut into cuttings, each of which should have a knot.
  • The cut is left straight, the cutting should be no more than 3 cm above the node, and up to 10 cm below it. The leaves are shortened by half.
  • Prepared cuttings are rooted in any nutrient soil in the garden bed. A greenhouse is built on top from plastic bottle and water the cuttings regularly.

Important! You can prepare cuttings in the fall. To do this, lignified shoots are cut, immersed in a box with peat-sand soil, moistened and covered. In the spring, the box is placed in greenhouse conditions and watering begins.

Clematis Miss Bateman, planting features

Liana Miss Bateman is a plant, although not capricious, but it requires the creation of certain growing conditions. When choosing a location, the main thing you pay attention to is lighting. The site should be spacious, sunny, but without direct scorching sun.

The soil for the vine is loose, breathable, and loamy. It should readily allow water to pass through, but not create stagnation. It is also important to note that all vines do not grow in acidic substrates.

Given these features of Miss Bateman's clematis, it is important to follow the planting rules:

  1. Select a sufficiently lit part of the garden for the vine.
  2. Create alkaline soil for it, without excessive salt concentration.
  3. In order for the rooting of the vine to proceed without complications, planting work begins with the arrival of spring, or no later than September.
  4. Since the Miss Bateman vine is actively creeping up, a support is built for its normal growing season. It must be at least 2 meters. Access to the vine from all sides is also important, which will be required during the pruning period.
  5. When planting a dormant vine, it is necessary to slightly soak its woody root system. To do this, just soak the roots for 2-3 hours in plain water.
  6. At this stage we begin to prepare landing pit. The depth of the hole is made in accordance with the size of the plant: the older the vine, the deeper the hole will be needed.
  7. Prepare a mixture of humus and peat, and also add a little sand and ash.
  8. Then the prepared soil is brought into the dug hole, the rhizome of the vine is immersed and covered with the remaining soil to the level of the root collar.
  9. After planting, the vine is watered and mulched with peat.

How to care for Miss Bateman vine

In order for the vine to grow quickly and bloom annually, it needs to be looked after. Care is quite easy and includes watering, pruning and regular feeding.

Clematis Miss Bateman, watering and fertilizing

  • Irrigate the soil in tree trunk circle needed often. The level of moisture penetration should be at least 50 cm. After watering, the soil is slightly loosened so that a crust does not form. Mulching with sawdust or peat is encouraged.
  • The first feeding after planting is carried out the next year before wintering. The root area is dug up along with organic fertilizers or mineral salts.
  • In the spring, during the growing season, nitrogen supplements or lime milk (a mixture of water, slaked lime and chalk) are added.
  • Complex mineral supplements for flowering crops are applied three times: at the time of budding, after the first spring flowering, after pruning.

Clematis Miss Bateman, pruning and wintering

Clematis Miss Bateman pruned to shape beautiful view and stimulation abundant flowering. Pruning is carried out superficially without radically shortening the shoots. If you prune the plant too much, there is a risk of its death.

Pruning begins in the summer as the shoots fade. Some Miss Bateman vines bloom twice, so they need to be pruned late autumn in front of the shelter. During the pruning process, the shoots are shortened to 1.5 m above the ground. Annual shoots are shortened by a quarter, and all spoiled shoots are completely removed. After pruning, the vine is removed from the support, laid and covered with covering material.

Clematis Miss Bateman, diseases and pests

Liana Miss Bateman gets sick relatively rarely. But if care rules are not followed, the plant can be susceptible to viral and fungal diseases.

  • The most dangerous is viral mosaic. It is impossible to get rid of it, so for prevention, clematis is treated with Karbofos.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, it is necessary to ensure normal humidity regulation. For preventive purposes, you can use Fundazol.
  • Among the pests on clematis, aphids can be seen. Its colonies massively devour leaves, worsening the decorative appearance of the plant. Fitoverm or celandine infusion will help get rid of pests.
  • Invasion is also possible spider mite. It develops in conditions where the air is too dry. To prevent infection, clematis needs to be sprayed. Actellik is used to kill ticks.

Liana Miss Bateman, with sufficient care, does not create any trouble and beautifully decorates the garden. Therefore, this type of clematis remains one of the most popular.

• What are large-flowered clematis, varieties and characteristics

What are large-flowered clematis, varieties and characteristics

Large-flowered clematis can be grown wherever paniculate phlox grows. In the middle zone they develop even more intensively than in the south.

Let us introduce you to the groups of varieties that bloom in our gardens.

1. Clematis Jacquemand

Varieties of this group are distinguished by lush and repeated flowering after pruning, which can last until the onset of cold weather. Plants have a powerful root system. The liana reaches a length of 4 m. Flowers with a diameter of 12-16 cm are of various colors with a predominance of blue-violet-purple tones. Flowering on the current year's growth. Biryuzinka is a domestic variety. The flowers are blue-blue, 12-16 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 3.5 m long. Blooms profusely from July to the end of September. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground.

Gypsy Queen. The flowers are cross-shaped, 10-15 cm in diameter. The color of the outer side of the flower is purple, the middle stripe is dark purple-violet, the inner side is the same color. Shoots up to 3 m long. Blooms profusely in August and September. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground.

Jacquemani. The flowers are cross-shaped, 10-15 cm in diameter. The color of the inner side of the flower is dark purple, the veins and middle stripe are purple, the outer side is smoky purple. Shoots up to 3.5 m long. Blooms profusely from the second half of July to the end of September. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Winter-hardy, not affected by fungal diseases.

Space melody- domestic variety. The flowers are dark red-purple, cross-shaped, 8-12 cm in diameter. Shoots are 2-3 m long. Blooms profusely from July to the end of September. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Not affected by fungal diseases.

Luther Burbank- domestic variety. The flowers are violet-blue, disc-shaped, 14-20 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 2.5 m long. Blooms profusely from July to October. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Nikolay Rubtsov - domestic variety. The flowers are light purple-violet with a lighter stripe, cross-shaped, 10-14 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 3 m long. Blooms profusely from July to October. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground.

Rouge Cardinal. The flowers are cross-shaped, 10-15 cm in diameter. The color of the inner side of the flower is dark red-purple, the middle stripe is slightly lighter, the outer side is smoky red-purple. Shoots up to 2.5 m long. Flowers appear in the first half of July, blooming profusely until mid-September. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Winter-hardy, little affected by fungal diseases.

Hagley Hybrid. The flowers are disc-shaped, 12-18 cm in diameter. The color of the inner side of the flower is light purple with darker dots, the veins of the middle stripe are purple-violet, the outer side is lighter. Shoots up to 2.5 m long. Blooms profusely in July and the first half of August. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Winter-hardy, very beautiful and widespread.

Ernest Markham. The flowers are disc-shaped, 12-15 cm in diameter. The color of the inner side of the flower is red-purple, the middle stripe is lighter, the outer side is smoky purple. Shoots up to 3.5 m long. Flowers appear in the second half of July, but bloom profusely in August - September, and if the autumn is warm, then in October. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. When planted near the walls of buildings, it overwinters better and begins to bloom earlier.

2. Clematis violet (Viticella)

The varieties of this group have vines about 3 m long. Flowers are up to 12 cm in diameter. The color is dominated by pink-red-purple velvety tones. Flowers adorn the vine from June until frost. Plants are characterized by increased winter hardiness. Flowering on the current year's growth.

Alexandrite- domestic variety. The flowers are disc-shaped, red-purple, 11-14 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 3 m long. Blooms profusely from mid-July to October. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground.

Ville de Lyon. The flowers are disc-shaped, 10-15 cm in diameter. The color of the inner side of the flower is red-purple, the middle stripe is lighter, the outer side is smoky purple with dark middle lane. Shoots up to 3.5 m long. Blooms profusely in July and August. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Winter-hardy, not affected by fungal diseases.

Hulden. The flowers are disc-shaped, 8-10 cm in diameter. The color of the inner side of the flower is pale purple, the middle stripe is lighter, the outer side is purple with a purple-violet middle stripe. Shoots up to 3.5 m long. Blooms profusely in August and September. Before sheltering for the winter, all shoots are cut to the ground. Winter-hardy, not affected by fungal diseases.

3. Clematis woolly (Lanuginosa)

In varieties of this group, thin shoots reach a length of 2.5 m. Flowers with a diameter of 16-18 cm or more. The color is predominantly white and blue, with a bright stripe often running down the center. The main flowering occurs on last year's shoots from the beginning of June. The second time it blooms somewhat weaker on the current year's growth.

Anna German- domestic variety. The flowers are star-shaped, 14-20 cm in diameter. Inner side the flower is violet-blue, the middle stripe is lighter, the outer side is even lighter. Shoots up to 2 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in June, on current year's shoots - in July, bloom until September. Combined pruning.

Ballerina- domestic variety. The flowers are cross-shaped, 10-14 cm in diameter, white with a pale yellow-green tint, especially in the middle stripe. Shoots up to 3 m long. Flowers on last year's shoots appear in June, on current year's shoots - from August to mid-September. Combined pruning.

Madame Le Cult. The flowers are disc-shaped, white, 14-18 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 3 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in June, on current year's shoots in July, single flowering continues until frost. Combined pruning.

Dawn- domestic variety. The flowers are cross-shaped, pale purple with a gray-purple base, 14-16 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 3 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in June, on current year's shoots - in August and September. Combined pruning.

4. Clematis spreading (Patens)

Varieties of this group have vines up to 4 m long. Flowers are up to 15 cm in diameter, often double, of different colors with a predominance of velvety blue-violet tones. Most varieties need shelter for the winter. Flowering on last year's shoots in May-June, repeated flowering (less abundant) from July to autumn on the current year's shoots.

Vadas Primrose. The flowers are disc-shaped, 10-18 cm in diameter. Pale yellow inside, darker outside. The middle stripe is green-yellow, sometimes with a gray-purple tint at the top. Shoots up to 3 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots at the end of May - June, on current year's growths - in August and September. Before sheltering for the winter, shoots are not pruned. The variety is quite winter-hardy.

Miss Bateman. The flowers are disc-shaped, white and silky, 11-15 cm in diameter. Shoots are up to 2.5 m long. Flowering on last year's shoots in June; on current year's growths, individual flowers appear before frost. Before sheltering for the winter, shoots are not pruned.

Nellie Moser. The flowers are star-shaped, 14-18 cm in diameter. Pale purple inside, lighter outside. The middle stripe is red-purple. Shoots up to 3.5 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in June, on current year's growths - in early July, single flowering lasts until frost. Before sheltering for the winter, shoots are not pruned.

The president. The flowers are star-shaped, up to 17 cm in diameter. The inside is purple with a lighter stripe, the outside is lighter, and the stripe is purple-violet. Shoots up to 2.5 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in June, on current year's growths in July and August, individual flowers appear before frost. Before sheltering for the winter, shoots are not pruned.

5. Clematis florida (Florida)

The varieties of this group have vines up to 4 m long. The flowers are 8-12 cm in diameter, fragrant, often double. The color is dominated by bright hues. Flowering on last year's shoots in May-June and less abundant from July to autumn on the current year's shoots.

Mrs Chelmondeley. The flowers are disc-shaped, semi-double, 14-18 cm in diameter. The inner side of the flower is light violet-blue, the middle stripe is lighter. Shoots up to 2.5 m long. Flowers appear on last year's shoots at the end of June, on current year's growths - in July, single flowering continues until the end of September. Before sheltering for the winter, shoots are not pruned.

6. Clematis wholeleaf (Integrifolia)

Varieties of this group are subshrubs or shrubs with shoots up to 1.5 m. Flowering from June to September. Flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. The coloring is varied. The main flowering occurs on the shoots of the current year.

Vyarava. The flowers are star-shaped, 12-16 cm in diameter. The inner side of the flower is light purple, the middle stripe is red-purple, the outer side is pale purple with a lighter middle stripe. Shoots up to 2.5 m long. A few flowers on last year's shoots appear in June, from July new shoots are formed, buds and flowering continues until frost. Prune in autumn at a height of 40-60 cm.

Memory of the Heart- domestic variety. Subshrub, shoots straight or sinuous, non-clinging, 1-2 m long. Flowers drooping, bell-shaped, 4-9 cm in diameter. Blooms very profusely from July to October on the shoots of the current year. Prune in autumn at a height of 40-60 cm.

Clematis planted near the walls of buildings, you need to water frequently and abundantly, because the soil there evaporates a lot of moisture.

If the clematis bush is tall and does not fit on a support, you can lower some of the vines to the ground, and they will cover the shoots exposed at the base - thus creating a continuous flowering wall.

Clematis Miss Bateman is a large-flowered, spreading, climbing flower. This plant is quite often used in landscape design. Indeed, thanks to their diversity and beauty, it is possible to decorate modern flower beds and create a fabulous atmosphere near the house.

Beautiful climbing flower has similarities with wild plants, called garden anemone, buttercup and hellebore.

Currently, there are at least 300 varieties of clematis, and the plant is so common that it can be found on almost every continent.

Miss Bateman, like her brethren, is a woody plant. After 2-3 years, the flower stem becomes fibrous and becomes rigid.

All varieties of clematis attract bees during the flowering period. Moreover, it is interesting that insects bypass bright flowers, giving preference to nondescript, but more juicy.

The optimal soil temperature for the growth of a spreading plant is not lower than +6 ᵒС. That is, a sufficiently mature flower begins to grow in April, so its flowering should be expected at the end of May. And the flowering time of young clematis will be the end of summer.

There are several varieties of this plant. Simple varieties bloom for no more than one week, while the bloom of their counterparts with double flowers lasts more than 20 days. Not many people know that the brightness of clematis petals depends on the illumination of the place in which it is planted. It is important that enough light reaches the area, otherwise the flowers will be pale and lose their brightness.

Clematis often has many flowers on a bush. They literally cover the entire plant and look great when in bloom. At proper care One plant can have about 200 flowers.

Large-flowered plant brethren

Miss Bateman and other large-flowered clematis can be grown almost anywhere.

There are several groups of large-flowered clematis:

  1. 1 Patens (spreading clematis). Miss Bateman belongs to this group. Often such plant flowers reach 15 cm and have a variety of colors. These clematis need shelter for the winter. Their flowering period falls in May-June, but re-blooming is possible from mid-summer to autumn.
  2. 2 Jacquemin. Characterized by lush flowering. The shrub has a very powerful root system, and the size of the vine can be up to 4 m. When covering the plant for the winter, it is recommended to cut off all shoots to the base. The group includes Gypsy Queen, Jacquemani, Luther Burbank and others.
  3. 3 Vicitella. These clematis are characterized by red-purple tones. The size of the flowers is approximately 12 cm. The plant blooms until the first frost, because it has good frost resistance.
  4. 4 Lanuginosis. Here the shoots are thin, and their length is no more than 2.5 m. As for the flowers, they are more than 17 cm in diameter. There is a bright stripe in the center of the flower, and the color itself is white or blue.
  5. 5 Florida. This clematis is characterized by a wonderful aroma and double flowers, the size of which does not exceed 12 cm.
  6. 6 Integrifolia. Such varieties have the appearance of subshrubs, whose shoots are approximately 1.5 m in length, they bloom in June-September and have a variety of colors.

The middle climatic zone is considered the most favorable for the development of clematis.

Description and landing requirements

Clematis Miss Bateman is a hybrid and is named after the daughter of James Bateman, who became famous for his cultivation of orchids.

The size of the plant's vine is from 2 to 2.5 m. As for the leaves, they are complex and trifoliate. During the flowering period, you can notice that the petals are well open and disc-shaped with a diameter not exceeding 12 cm. They have 8 sepals that overlap one another.

This variety is considered very interesting, because clematis flowers are two-colored. The dominant shade is the usual one, but there are also unusual stripes of dark color.

Miss Bateman blooms twice. But it should be borne in mind that to ensure abundant color, the shrub must be pruned.

This variety is popular due to its unpretentiousness, ability to easily adapt to environmental conditions and good frost resistance. The plant is resistant to pests and various diseases. However, it should be remembered that the shrub loves sunny or semi-shaded places.

When choosing soil for planting a young plant, you should give preference to loamy and loose soils that drain water well. Acidic or saline soils should be avoided.

Planting clematis

Planting of seedlings must be carried out in spring period or in early September. If this condition is met, the rooting of the shrub occurs easily.

It is worth taking care in advance about installing supports (at least 2 m). This design will provide support for the vine. It is important that the supports are not located too close to the house.

Before you start planting Miss Bateman, it is recommended to check the condition of the plant's roots. Dried roots should be soaked in water (2-3 hours is enough).

Next you need to prepare the soil mixture. In equal parts, earth and humus are mixed with peat and sand. It is recommended to add to the resulting soil wood ash(1 kg) and complex fertilizer(about 100 g).

Half of the prepared hole needs to be filled with prepared soil and the seedling can be planted. The remaining soil should be filled with the roots of the plant up to the root collar. It should be remembered that the larger the clematis, the deeper it should be placed. This will protect the plant from frost. After planting the clematis, all that remains is to water it well and then mulch it with peat.

Care and reproduction

Like others ornamental plants, large-flowered clematis needs proper care. In addition to regularly loosening the soil and getting rid of weeds, high-quality and abundant watering is important.

In the first year after planting the shrub, you should not add fertilizers to the soil. In addition, you need to get rid of the first buds. If only one shoot appears, you need to pinch the top. Thanks to this, the lateral branches will begin to grow intensively on the vine.

The most important part of caring for Miss Bateman is pruning the branches. The procedure is carried out by removing dry or damaged areas. Special attention need to pay attention to pruning branches in autumn period, because the future appearance of the bush will depend on this.

Miss Bateman is characterized by good winter hardiness, so you can do without covering it for the winter. However, in certain regions (with harsh winters) better take care of safe shelter from frost. First of all, clematis is hilled.

When choosing a covering material, it is better to give preference to those that have good air permeability, thanks to this you can protect the flower from rotting. To further protect the plant from too low temperatures, it is recommended to add an additional layer on top of the shelter in the form of peat, dry leaves and sawdust.

If Miss Bateman is frozen out after a cold winter, there is no need to uproot it immediately. After some time, young shoots begin to grow from the old root system.

To propagate large-flowered clematis, it is recommended to use the vegetative method. Moreover, dividing the bush is considered the simplest and most effective. It is necessary to separate part of the plant along with the root system from the main shrub, and then plant it. Such seedlings develop well and grow quickly.

No less effective way Reproduction is considered to be by layering. In the spring, you need to separate the side branches, secure them with staples and cover them with soil. After a year, the resulting rooted branch can be cut off from the main mother bush.

Landing: In order for Clematis Miss Bateman to grow well, we recommend clearing the soil of weeds before planting. It is better to buy seedlings in a plastic container with fertilizers, so the plant is not dug up with inevitable damage to the root system and is guaranteed to take root after planting. Before planting, we recommend preparing a hole, optimal size which is 60x60x60cm or a little more. It is imperative to lay a 10-15 cm layer of drainage made of crushed bricks or stones. It is advisable to place rotted manure or leaf humus on top of the drainage. Next, the hole is filled with prepared fertile soil. Perfect option- prepare the hole a month before planting the plant. In this case, the earth will settle, creating ideal conditions for rooting. Clematis can be planted in spring, autumn or summer, but most good time- first half of autumn. Before planting clematis, install supports for vines 2-2.5 m high, which will provide support for the shoots in strong winds. Do not plant clematis close to a wall or fence; there should always be a space of 10–20 cm between them. The soil near the wall itself is usually very dry, and this usually leads to poor growth, rare flowering and possible death of the plant. When planting clematis near the house, install supports for them no closer than 30cm from the wall. Water flowing from the roof should not fall on the vines. After preparing fertile soil, planting holes and installing supports, clematis are planted. If the roots of the seedling have dried out, before planting you should soak the plant in water for several hours. cold water. Place a tubercle of earth at the bottom of the planting hole, place a clematis seedling on it and straighten it, evenly distributing its roots over the tubercle. Cover all the roots, the root collar of the seedling and the stem up to 5–10 cm with soil, making a depression to prevent water from spreading during watering. If you plant clematis in the spring, then cover it with soil up to the first internode. Water generously with a bucket of water. Until autumn, gradually add fertile soil so that the hole is filled. At autumn planting clematis, in the spring you can remove some of the soil from the plants themselves, and add more soil until the fall. This needs to be done to facilitate the emergence of shoots weakened after transplanting plants to the soil surface. If you plant several plants, then the distance between them should be maintained about 1.5 m. Please note that fresh manure and acidic peat are harmful to clematis. Clematis do not tolerate standing close groundwater. In this case, plant the plants on a mound (on additionally poured soil), otherwise the clematis roots, which reach a length of 1 m or more, will rot. If the soil in the garden is clayey, make a drainage ditch from the place where the clematis is planted to drain excess water and fill it with sand.

Care: Needs watering, weed removal, sanitary cutting, crown spraying, shelter for the winter.

Wintering: You can cover the base of the bush with dry leaves, peat or sawdust. Clematis should be covered only after the weather has settled. negative temperature- before this time the plants will undergo hardening. The cover should be removed gradually after the threat of frost has passed.

Trimming: The first thing to do is a strong and beautiful support. It can be metal, wood, you can use cords stretched vertically or in any desired direction. To get long-term flowering of these clematis, they are pruned in two stages. First, in the summer, the generative (flowering) part of the shoots of the previous year is cut off after they have flowered; if the bush is very dense, cut out the entire shoot. The current year's shoots are pruned before covering the clematis for the winter. Depending on the density of the bush or to obtain early flowering next year, varying degrees of pruning are used. Only the generative part of the current year's shoot is removed if they want to achieve early flowering. A medium degree of pruning (to the first true leaf) and a strong degree (removing the entire shoot) are used when adjusting the number of shoots and to ensure uniform flowering of group 2 clematis next year.

Diseases and pests: Untreated plants may be affected by anthracnose (leaf spot), powdery mildew, rot, rust. One of the most dangerous is wilt (wilt), in which the affected plant quickly withers and dries out, it should be dug up and burned to prevent spread to healthy plants. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). In hot, dry weather, clematis can be attacked by aphids and spider mites. In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying is carried out with insecticides (Aktara, Enzhio, Aktellik, Match).

Soil pests: Today, Khrushchev (chafer beetle) and armyworm are the most dangerous soil pests. When planting, soak the roots or treat the entire plant with a sprayer. When spilling into the ground, be sure to ensure contact of the insecticide with the root, according to the instructions for the purchased product. We recommend Aktara (active ingredient - thiamethoxam) diluted 1g/l, and the Ukrainian drug Antikhrushch Lux (active ingredients - imidacloprid + bifenthrin + acetamiprid) 10 ml per 5 liters of water. The amount of solution used depends on the drug, dose and, of course, the size of the plant.

We begin treatment along the crown, topping up the root collar and application into the soil from the end of April and repeat it once every 40 days until the end of September. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats” the plant. An example is the war of Ukrainian gardeners with Colorado beetles, which, like their human “cotton” namesakes - the Kremlin occupiers of “Colorado”, are gluttonous and climb into other people’s gardens. Both the first and second must be destroyed before they spread over large areas.

Weed protection: To destroy annual and perennial weeds, the general herbicide Hurricane Forte and Roundup are used. The drug is applied subject to the protection of the culture. The best period of administration for broad-leaved weeds is from the phase of 2 true leaves to the flowering phase, annual cereals - the phase of 2-3 leaves, perennial cereals - at a height of 10-12 cm. All of these preparations are mixed without restrictions and without the risk of reduced effectiveness. Consumption rate of working solution: young tree- 1 l, middle-aged tree - 2-3 l, tree with a large crown - more than 3 l.

We thank Syngenta for information assistance.