Well      06/20/2020

What can be made from a plastic panel. From scraps of PVC panels. DIY shoe shelf

If you have just finished renovating, this means that a bunch of seemingly unnecessary things have accumulated in your apartment. But don’t rush to take everything to the nearest landfill. From the remains of pipes, linoleum, tiles and other things, you can create both cute trinkets and very useful things.

Unexpected uses of linoleum

Let's start with the useful things. For example, linoleum is very versatile as a recyclable material. If you cut the insulation from it into small pieces, place them tightly in a jar, fill them with acetone, and close the lid, then in a day you will have glue that can be used to glue any materials. Experts say that even tiles will stick to it. And if you add chalk there, in proportions 1:2, you will get a very high-quality putty. Without departing from the topic of practical application, let's name a few more options:

  • Upholstery of furniture, especially outdoor furniture
  • All kinds of rugs (mouse, bath, car)
  • Paths between the beds in the country
  • Baskets, and even shoes

You can also make a beautiful three-dimensional mosaic from it. And especially when the linoleum is of different colors, the pattern turns out very beautiful. But from thin linoleum you can cut and sew various flat toys.

And for those who are not at all afraid of originality, you can also lay out an ornament on the wall with linoleum. Then your room will be all in the same style.

Create a unique creation with tiles.

But with tiles everything is simpler, but it gives greater freedom of imagination. If you break it into small pieces, you get an original mosaic. Where to put it is your own business. Create an outline for the bathroom mirror, or lay out an ornament on the coffee table, or maybe decorate the wall near the window. And if you have a dacha, then lay out a path to the house, and the yard will take on a new look.

Shelves and much more made of plasterboard

Drywall is a very light material, and this is not only about weight, but also about its processing. You can make a lot of interesting and useful things from it, for example:

  • Housing for communications in the bathroom and toilet
  • Caskets
  • Watch face
  • Decorative fireplace

You can decorate an entire room with it, adding three-dimensional elements to the wall and ceiling and decorating them with different colors.

PVC pipes for any purpose

But at PVC pipes There are just so many uses. The most popular among garden owners is hydroponics. This system is based on the fact that the roots of plants must be constantly washed with water. Holes are cut in the pipe that match the diameter of the plant pots. This system ensures constant circulation of water, from which plants take all the necessary substances.

Another way to use pipes is as an animal feeder. Moreover, it can be either poultry or cats and dogs in the apartment. This makes a very convenient feeder. You don't have to bend down to pour the food, and the animals don't scatter dry particles, as happens when feeding from a saucer.

There will also be a use for the leftovers in the apartment. You can use them to build a functional or decorative wall. Just cut the pipes large diameter in small circles and seal. And if you decorate them on top, then no one will ever guess that it was construction waste. Such walls can be used to store shoes or various small items in the hallway or room. And products with a smaller diameter can be used for stationery.

You can make a decorative book rack from small diameter pipes. It will add special style and charm to your room, and everyone you know will think that it design solution, and this is just your housekeeping.

Pipes can rightfully be called the most multifunctional, and continuing their theme, we will touch on copper (or other metal) thin products. Don't know where to use them? Quite unexpected, but practical and nice option- candlestick (candelabrum). You can put it on the table and have a romantic dinner.

Or invite friends and sit in an informal and cozy atmosphere. A unusual look A candlestick will add originality to your feast. It will also fit perfectly with the bookcase described in the last paragraph. You can use these candlesticks anywhere:

  • In the apartment
  • In the country
  • In open gazebos
  • Themed cafes, etc.

We hope that this article helped you take a different look at the garbage that has accumulated after renovation, and you will find a worthy use for it. But when arranging your apartment, do not forget that some building materials contain harmful substances who are better off not being in close proximity to food or in the bedroom. For the rest, don't limit yourself.

Most often, the remnants of wallpaper after renovation are left just in case, in case something needs to be glued over time. But usually these leftovers lie idle. But you can use wallpaper with your own hands to decorate and make our interior original and new. To implement the idea, you can also look at the leftovers designer wallpaper on sale at a discount. This wallpaper decor will be especially relevant in the country.

1. We update the furniture.

Every home craftsman can update furniture in this way. The main thing is patience and accuracy. We decorate any surface of the cabinet - walls, doors, shelves, drawers.

If you paste over the side and back walls cabinet, rack or shelf - the furniture will sparkle in a completely new way.

For more long term To perform such decoration, you must first clean off the old coating: peeling paint or varnish. This can be done using sandpaper. Irregularities or deep scratches, chips must be repaired with wood putty, then sanded well sandpaper so that the glue adheres better. In conclusion preparatory work Apply a primer and dry the surface thoroughly.

If any part of the furniture needs painting, then do it before working with the wallpaper.

We measure the surface and cut out pieces from the wallpaper the right size. Glue them to the surface of the cabinet with PVA glue or wallpaper glue, carefully smoothing and expelling air. It is better to use wallpaper glue, because... it allows more time for corrections and processing of bends.

Paper wallpaper must be varnished to protect it from dirt and damage. You must first apply a protective film to the pasted wallpaper, otherwise the varnish may corrode the paper. For protection, use a regular PVA-based primer or remaining wallpaper glue.

The protection is applied to the dried wallpaper in a thin layer. When protective film Once dry, you can coat the surface of the wallpaper with water-based varnish. To make sure that nothing will happen to the wallpaper after varnishing, first try the process on a small piece, and then, after making sure that everything is fine, proceed to the rest of the wallpaper. When choosing wallpaper for decoration, it is worth considering that varnishing makes the wallpaper several tones darker.

If you work with vinyl wallpaper on a dense base, you don’t have to worry about contamination: such wallpaper can be easily wet cleaned. Alternatively, you can use self-adhesive wallpaper. You can decorate not only the exterior, but also internal surfaces. This technique enlivens the space, and gives you the joy of a new thing made with your own hands.

Such furniture will look advantageous if the color of the wallpaper matches the shade of the curtains or decor in the room. Or, on the contrary, among objects of restrained colors there will be bright accent. If you want to add brightness, you should cover sections of a cabinet or shelving unit with pieces of different wallpaper.

Modern fittings and other details will emphasize the stylishness of the updated furniture. This decor from leftover wallpaper is an opportunity to include an additional pattern, color, or ornament into the design of the room.

Furniture covered with the remains of wallpaper will take on a new style - Provence, country, vintage or any other. If the top is scratched and worn, losing its former luster, you can stick suitable wallpaper on it. This method is used to update various pieces of furniture: chest of drawers, cabinets, dressing table. And to decorate the tabletop coffee table Just cover the top of the wallpaper with thick glass. This way you can remove or change the wallpaper at any time. Remnants of wallpaper can also be used to cover any furniture, such as cupboards, drawers, screens, stairs, racks and shelves.

The interior staircase looks stylish with the risers covered with the remains of wallpaper. Remnants of moisture-resistant wallpaper, harmonizing in color with the surrounding interior, are ideal here. A contrasting geometric pattern or traditional ornament will look great.

2. We make blinds for windows.

Paper blinds – creative idea for decorating the windows of the veranda, cottage, as well as any window on hot days for protection from the sun. And they look more stylish than foil protection. Paper blinds are the lightest, do not require cleaning, and are perfect for the kitchen, which cannot be said about a fabric product.

You can make these blinds in just a couple of hours. It is better to choose wallpaper that is quite dense. Non-woven ones are best, light colors, reflecting light, without large patterns and not too colorful. We cut the canvas to a size equal in width to the width of the glass, and in length - 25% greater than the length of the glass. We fold the wallpaper canvas like an accordion; folds should be 2.5 - 5 centimeters in size.

In this case, the end of the lower one should be directed downwards, being a complete “step”, and the upper one should look up, opening outwards. Using a hole punch, an awl or a thin drill, we make a hole in the middle part of the folded fabric into which we insert the cord. We straighten the blinds and secure the cord at the top with a knot. On the top fold of the blinds we glue double-sided tape, which we use to secure it to the window. We glue the bottom five folds in the middle and secure them with tape. The result is a semicircle "peacock tail".

We put a clamp on the cord, with the help of which the blinds are raised up and lowered. The end of the cord or rope can be decorated with a decorative large bead. You can also make them on two parallel cords, just like real blinds. The procedure for their manufacture is similar. Only in this case will you need a clamp for two holes, which are made at a distance of 10-14 cm from the edge on each side.

3. We decorate objects.

LAMPS. In this way, you will not only update the lamp, but it will also fit perfectly into your interior.

We take the frame from the lampshade. We cut out the paper so that there is a margin of about 2 cm at the top and bottom. We grease the paper with wallpaper glue and stick it on the lampshade. We cut the “reserve” in several places (so that there are no crumpled areas) and carefully glue it inside the floor lamp. The result is an almost new floor lamp. Now, based on our taste and interior, we decorate the lampshade with ribbons, braid and whatever else we want. The leg of the floor lamp can also be wrapped with some kind of ribbons or a beautiful cord.

BOXES. Many people use all sorts of boxes to store seasonal shoes and clothes. These boxes can also be covered with wallpaper. In order for them to fit well into the shape of the box, the wallpaper must be heavily moistened with glue, this makes it easier to bend, drape, and give it the desired shape.

It is very convenient to store all sorts of necessary and unnecessary little things in such boxes. From leftover wallpaper you can make cards, gift wrappings and bags, and much more.

FLOWER POTS, VASES, TIN CANS. Typically flower pots are made of plastic or clay and are painted a dull brown or white colors. A beautiful products cost a lot of money. Bright and colorful flower pot you can make it yourself, besides it can be a good gift with unique design colleague, friend or neighbors.

For decoration flower pots It’s better to take small pieces of thin wallpaper, then they will lie more easily on the surface and not create wrinkles. For better fixation, apply glue on top again. When the glue dries, apply a layer of varnish. The top side of the pot doesn’t need to be covered with wallpaper, I’ll paint it acrylic paint. Textured wallpaper is suitable for flower pots or vases of simple shape. AND vinyl wallpapers on a dense base there is no need to open it with varnish.

Use the same method to decorate smooth cans, in which various little things are stored. Remnants of wallpaper can also be used for decoration various parts: doors, book covers, wall clocks, and that's not all.

FRAMEWORK. When decorating walls with wallpaper, you can move away from conventions and hang them instead of pasting them. For example, in photo frames - it can make a good collage and an excellent alternative accent wall. Buy several photo frames of different sizes, but identical in design, and insert into them fragments of wallpaper left after the renovation. Stylish decor ready for the interior.

You can use a hoop as a frame. This unusual approach will add zest to the interior, and round shapes will add softness. A plain wall surface can be decorated with entire wallpaper paintings. Pieces of wallpaper are glued onto cardboard and inserted into the frame. Or, on the contrary, you can cut out frames from cardboard and cover them with wallpaper.

Create a composition from frames different sizes, also experiment with colors or wallpaper patterns. The same wallpaper in the same frames, located at a short distance from each other, will look stylish.

PANNO. You can make a panel from leftover wallpaper. For a volumetric panel, it is necessary to have some kind of panel or slab made of chipboard, thin plywood or cardboard. The panel needs to be primed and covered with wallpaper with front side, turning the edges of the paper over reverse side. Install the suspension from the inside out.

Paintings with large patterns on wallpaper look especially beautiful. You can hang one panel on the wall, or several, or make a modular panel. Simply sheets of wallpaper were used as panels. In the upper and lower parts, the sheet of wallpaper is fixed to the crossbar. Monochrome wallpaper designs look impressive.

4. Wall decor.

PATCHWORK. If you have a lot of small pieces different types wallpaper, then they can be used to cover one wall or opening. This technique will focus on a certain part of the room or allow you to divide the space into zones. This design will be a cute decoration for a child's room. A patchwork wall will support the vintage idea of ​​any room decorated in a country or retro style. But don't forget about color combinations, choose no more than three basic shades.

FIGURES FROM WALLPAPER. You can move away from clear geometric shapes and decorate a plain wall with figures from wallpaper. This idea is especially relevant for children. Patterned patterns may appear in it Balloons, cars, planes, letters, numbers; from the bright remnants of wallpaper - animals and plants of all varieties - everything will look organic in the nursery. By the way, such an application can be an excellent way out of a situation with unexpectedly painted walls. The figures on the walls will allow the child to touch the fairy tale, and the images of fairy-tale characters will lift the mood.

FALSE PANELS. With the help of false panels you can quickly and inexpensively update the design of the walls if you want to change something in old decoration. Framing walls in this way allows you to make the room look more elegant in a matter of hours. False panels can be glued on top of plain, smooth wallpaper or on a wall painted with water-dispersion paint. Fragments of wallpaper of the required size and shape are glued on top of the main finish.

It is preferable to choose thick, textured wallpaper that will imitate panels. Wallpaper with silk-screen printing looks elegant. After drying, the “panel” is framed. For this purpose moldings are used, wooden slats, plastic strips. The frames can be painted to match the wallpaper inserts or left contrasting. Mirrors, sconce lamps, small framed paintings are hung inside the wallpaper panels, Wall Clock and another wall decor. This design of walls with panel filling is typical for interiors in classic style. For interior in modern style You can choose a different frame material: use metal or plastic strips.

HEADBOARD. A bed with a high headboard is an integral element of a bedroom in classic and english style. If your bed does not have a headboard, you can simply cover part of the wall with wallpaper of a different color and texture, thereby imitating a headboard and creating a particularly cozy atmosphere. Patterned wallpaper against a plain wall is a simple and inexpensive accent that looks very stylish, especially when paired with a similar pattern on bedding or a bedspread.

You can paste over an existing headboard, or you can create an intricate design from a sheet of plywood and wallpaper. Give your headboard an interesting shape and your sleeping area will become a unique accent in the bedroom.

Turn on your imagination, and then with the help of the leftover wallpaper, minimum costs you can transform your interior and make it more comfortable and original! Don't be afraid to take the initiative, be unconventional and free!

Country construction, repairs and decoration are processes that take up a lot of free time and finances, and when, after completing useful tasks, you notice a lot of remnants of various materials, it becomes a little disappointing for the money spent. But we won’t be upset, because all the leftovers can be put to good use and there is no need to throw them away..

Never rush to throw away construction waste and leftover building materials. Everything that was not included in the main work can still become useful for the dacha.

Crafts from plasterboard

A truly versatile material, you can also use it in the form of scraps and broken pieces.

You can make the following from drywall:

If you can no longer use drywall, give it to the kids, because with any piece of damaged material you can simply draw on asphalt or slabs, using the material like chalk.

What can be made from pieces of tin

This material it is very practical, because, like pieces of stainless steel, it can be bent into any shape. This makes it possible to create the most unusual crafts for the dacha.

  • First of all, this original lamps, which, with the help of metal scissors or a grinder, take on bizarre shapes;
  • Also, from similar material, thin steel or scraps of tin, you can make small country bins and ashtrays;
  • If the pieces are large, they can make good containers for flowers, even hanging ones;
  • You can also use stainless steel and thin steel for more useful things, for example, putting patches on cracked linoleum, using strips of tin to connect the joints of flooring in country house, make clamps for bolts and nuts, cut washers, tighten with pieces of material wooden buildings and fences, install them as a lining when tying up large tree branches so that their bark is not damaged by the rope.

Useful uses of leftover and off-cut boards

Almost anything can be made from wood, within reasonable limits, of course. Naturally, we are talking about garbage residues, because we already create many useful things in the country from solid lumber.

  • So, if there is a thin strip left, it can be used for boxes, just like, in principle, a small board with timber;
  • Trimmings furniture panels, for example, from a press, will become excellent containers for vertical gardening;
  • Larger boards can be sanded and cut into kitchen utensils - chopping and chopping boards, hot mats;
  • Naturally, if there are materials good quality, they are always suitable for country furniture– shelves and racks, small stools and chairs, shoe stands, etc.;
  • It is worth noting that sawdust also brings benefits in the country, but all our readers know this very well.

You can make a lot of interesting things out of wood, and therefore you shouldn’t throw away any of its remains.

If among the readers there are masters of wood carving, they will find another original application!

Useful scraps of OSB and plywood

Construction waste obtained from these materials will be a godsend for people with imagination.

But whatever you come up with, we have ideas too:

  • A birdhouse and a house for a squirrel are the first things that come to mind!
  • Next, feeders for birds and even animals, where the material will serve as the base of the roof;
  • OSB and plywood scraps can be turned into quite good boxes for storing food and non-food products, a variety of bulk products;
  • An interesting idea is to use pieces of plywood and slabs to create formwork for the construction of small architectural forms;
  • Such garbage can also participate in the production of country furniture, along with lumber, which was discussed above;
  • If you have a jigsaw, you can always cut original ones from leftover materials garden figures or their fragments.

Using old polyethylene

Besides, old film you can cover anything... the same piles of sand for construction, stacks of bricks or decorative tiles for arranging a summer house, bulk materials, feed. One has only to fold it several times, and even old and shabby polyethylene film will be a good protection against moisture.

Excellent will find application It is also under major construction. The film can be used to cover foundations and only poured areas so that the concrete does not dry out and crack in the sun.

In the issue of film, we moved a little away from the main topic of crafts and leftover building materials, but now we are returning to it.

Foam insulation: using scraps in the country

Most often, such materials are used before the New Year holidays, since snowflakes and stars of a wide variety of shapes can be cut from them without any problems. But they can often be used for standard room decoration.

One side of this material is foil-coated or coated with reflective material. That is, it shines. This makes it possible to create bright shapes that will transfer sunlight to the walls, floor and ceiling. Such crafts look especially interesting when suspended, on a fishing line or thread.

Most often, all thermal insulation work where such materials are used occurs with insulation that is foil-coated on one side. But if you need a double-sided object, you can cut out two mirrored shapes and glue them together on the back side. Then the star, snowflake or figurine will shine on both sides.

Savvy summer residents find many other uses for penofol, for example, they additionally insulate the sides of greenhouses, make small portable refrigerators with their own hands, simply by sewing the material inside onto the walls of a small box. But the most fun use is sewing children's costumes and their various elements from the material.

DIY garden crafts (video)

Remains of plastic, polycarbonate, acrylic

  • First of all, various flashlights come to mind. We have studied with you many lighting options for the garden and dacha area, and therefore it will be easy for you to come up with lanterns and lamps made of plastic and polycarbonate, especially if the scraps of materials are colored;
  • Colored plastic and polycarbonate with shades in the decor of the fence look very good. Once we already raised a similar topic and even showed you photos of similar fence decorations;
  • From small scraps of acrylic you can make boxes and chests, which can perform both decorative and household functions;
  • In addition, these materials can fully participate in the production of garden figures. By combining wood, steel, plastic and other materials, you can make garden gnomes, fairytale castles, and various animals with your own hands.

Remains and broken bricks

We use this type of construction waste perfectly as backfill and materials for leveling holes. But today we propose to think about more useful structures.

  • These can be the same fairy-tale castles of a decorative nature, located in the garden, in which the brick will act as the base;
  • In addition, small lamp columns can be built from brick;
  • Application construction material It will also be found in the production of heavier and more permanent furniture, for example, as a base for benches or even under a table in a new gazebo.

What to make from PVC plastic panels

Covering walls and ceilings and various buildings outside and inside with plastic is a fairly popular process for renovating a dacha. But, due to the low cost of the material, or due to incorrect calculations, we often buy PVC panels with a reserve. Then, when the material remains, we think for a long time about where else it might be useful.

We have already mentioned certain options, but there are more interesting ideas:

  • A miniature fence made of PVC panels will last for several years until the material deteriorates due to the influence of atmospheric phenomena;
  • The material is also excellent for delineation vegetable beds, flower beds. The result is a multi-colored and very colorful decor;
  • If we return to country crafts, then plastic can become the roof of small garden buildings, be used as gutters for collecting rainwater, or even provide simple but quite attractive shutters for the windows of a country house, if you combine the panels with wooden beam.

Bulk mixtures and use of their residues

This can be either several scoops in a bag or a whole bag of material. Naturally, such material will not go to waste at the dacha - grease, seal cracks, repair garden paths And so on.

But mixtures can also be used in decorative purposes, for a wide variety of crafts.

  • We have already talked about how to produce decorative blocks for walls using the simplest, even homemade forms;
  • Also, they told you how to make a drinking bowl from cement, quickly and quite simply;
  • But you can use your imagination, select special molds and pour out whole figures for the garden, which will easily last up to ten years even under the worst outdoor conditions. You just need to treat the finished crafts with protective paints, which will give them a brighter look.

Remains of ceramic tiles and mosaics

They say that materials of this kind are irreplaceable in the country, but mainly in economic terms.

  • The remains of the tiles can be used to decorate the base of the house to protect it from external influences;
  • The same material can be used to cover a new blind area;
  • If there are very few tiles, and they represent a battle, then, like the mosaic, it is worth moving it to the garden. Here you can decorate garden figures with pieces of multi-colored, glossy material with various patterns. For example, you are making a garden gnome... so now you don’t have to paint it, you can decorate it with pieces of tiles. A turtle from the remains of cement in the garden will receive an exclusive shell in the same way. Tiles or mosaics will serve as an unsurpassed finish and a small decorative pond in the country.

We have hundreds more tips in our arsenal, but we simply cannot fit them all into one article. We have mentioned almost all the popular materials used in the garden, and now you just have to focus on the fact that not everything should be immediately thrown into the trash, because any piece or scrap can be useful.

Crafts from building materials and beneficial use construction waste – interesting and popular topics. Thousands of summer residents across the country every day come up with incredible decor from metal and wood, leftover foam and paint, scraps of polyethylene and dry mixtures. So why don't we try it? We are sure that with our experience the crafts will turn out just as good!

Construction is impossible without waste. What can you do with them? Many people throw it away. Do you know how many unique things will come out of them? Read on for details.


The naturalness of wood is appreciated everywhere. Based on the parameters of the leftovers, a lot of things can be done. Thin slats and small boards are useful for knocking down boxes for apples, pears and vegetables, for baguettes or photo frames. Fragments of furniture panels will be used for vertical gardening, containers for potted plants.

Sanded flooring and other boards - for cutting hot trays and cutting utensils. Larger remnants are useful for creating stools, shoe shelves, hanger panels, and country furniture. You may need to decorate front door, a gate to the area, dresser or cabinet doors - small trimmings are perfect for small openings. Any scrap of board will be the basis for a drawing, a panel, or a starting plane for use. burning apparatus or wood cutters.

Plywood, OSB boards

A favorable material for working with a jigsaw. Painted flat figures will perfectly complement your home and site. The remaining pieces are used to make original birdhouses, bird feeders, and garden figures. Many people make food boxes, pieces of furniture, and use them for formwork. With imagination you can do a lot.

Foam insulation with foil

Ecofol, adgilin, penofol and other types of foil insulation can decorate the room and country cottage area. Indispensable as New Year's street decorations (snowflakes, stars, figurines).

The reflective effect scares away birds. To do this, three-dimensional forms are made from insulation, attached to a fishing line and hung on trees in the summer. If you want to have a double-sided reflector, you can glue two blanks.

Economic summer residents make portable refrigerators. It's not difficult: you just need to glue the lid and the inside of the box/box. These containers are suitable for winter storage vegetables on the balcony, as they will retain heat.

Siding, PVC panels

After covering a house or renovating interior spaces There remains a lot of scrap and scraps of plastic. Make a mini fence for your flower garden. This material can be used to delimit plantings in beds.

The moisture resistance of such waste is used to cover small outdoor buildings, including wood sheds, rabbit hutches, showers, and wells. With skillful placement, you can make a gutter for water drainage. Together with a wooden beam, you will get shutters for windows, a canopy over the gate, and a parapet for the gazebo.


Anything will be used: broken pieces, scraps, crumbs. Complex designs are mounted on a frame, which is created using a mounting/ceiling profile. Small parts glued onto a plaster mixture (milk + plaster). The creator's thoughts are limitless. Here are some examples:

Decorative elements for patios, gazebos, living rooms(geometric shapes, plant options);
photo stands, stationery, vases for dried flowers;
miniature furniture for children's houses;
shelf for the bathtub, casing for communications;
niches for heating radiators, slopes for doors and windows;
decorations for hangers, shelves, racks;
decorative false fireplace.

Pieces of tin

The practicality and convenience of the material are noted. You can really bend, cut, saw, resulting in any configuration. Material suitable for street crafts. For example: lamps of fancy and primitive shapes (pendant, lawn). Some people use the trimmings for garden urns, ashtrays, and flower containers, including hanging ones.

The home craftsman makes stainless steel patches on linoleum, interior thresholds, and floor protection against sparks near the stove and fireplace. The thrifty owner uses small cuts in the form of clamps and gaskets for nuts/bolts. They tie together building elements with strips and use them as a garter pad. big tree. In large segments limit creeping roots in flower beds.

Ceramic tile

Decorate with the remains of floor and wall tiles country pond, garden figurines. They finish the basement of the house and add fragments to the blind area. Small pieces are used for decoration kitchen furniture, in wall cladding. They are turned into a mosaic, they are used to lay out the surface of the tabletop, and embedded in cement paths.

There are still many ideas for using construction waste. It is important, before parting with such “garbage”, to think about its possible use. There are plenty of topics for fantasy.

Making pictures turned out to be very convenient and simple. I make small paintings from 2-3 scraps of panels, connecting them together. I cover the top with the remnants of non-woven wallpaper, then I paint something with acrylic paints and cover it acrylic varnish.

I also make the frame from panels: I cut them with a knife if there are no narrow ones. Then I paste it in two layers toilet paper. When everything is dry (usually the next day), I paint with acrylic brown paint or acrylic
wood varnish. I covered everything with ebony acrylic varnish in two layers, then several layers with clear acrylic varnish. The frames became hard, and no one who saw them had any idea what they were made of.

For a large painting I only made a frame, and painted the picture itself directly on the wallpaper. The frame turned out to be light, although large. And if it ever falls, certainly no one will get hurt!

Tree night light I wrapped it with regular brown tape and made the branches from wire. I glued it to the wall using liquid nails.

In one of the photos from panel trims The painting features a tree and the bottom of a fence hidden between the frame and the painting. After all, there are panels 1 cm thick, then it is very easy to make a pencil holder from them.