Shower      03.03.2020

How the toilet works. Flushing tank for the toilet: device, installation, adjustment, repair. Why is the drain leaking

For a comfortable stay of a person, water supply and lighting of the room are necessary, as well as properly working plumbing devices connected to the sewer system. One of the most popular plumbing fixtures are the toilet and cistern. Currently, cisterns are most often equipped with buttons that are responsible for the smooth descent of water into the toilet. The toilet bowl button becomes unusable over time or requires repair. How to do this, read on.

Tank device with a button

The drain tank is a container that stores water for draining. For operation, the tank is equipped with elements. Toilet cistern device with button:

  1. drain mechanism. The device connected to the button is responsible for draining the water. In the lower part, the drain mechanism is equipped with a sealed membrane that protects against the formation of water leakage into the toilet bowl;

The drain mechanism can be equipped with:

  • single button. Descent of water occurs at the touch of a button. In this case, all the liquid from the tank enters the toilet;

  • dual mode button. The button with several modes of operation is divided into two parts: small and large. When using a smaller part, half of the liquid in the tank gets into the toilet. When lowering the water for the most part button water is drained completely.

Using a button with two operating modes allows you to save cold water.

  1. filling valve responsible for the collection of water in the tank. The filling mechanism is equipped with a float that regulates the level of water in the tank. The mechanism may have:

  • bottom water supply. When installing a valve with a bottom connection, it is important to achieve complete tightness of the connection.

All fittings installed in are interconnected. After pressing the button, the water is drained. In this case, the float of the filling valve sinks to the bottom of the tank and opens the inlet valve. Water begins to flow from the water supply and raise the float to the set level. When the container is full, the inlet valve will be automatically closed.

Button repair

The fittings of the tank may become unusable for the following reasons:

  • use of low-quality mechanisms. Professional plumbers recommend installing cistern fittings made by companies such as Cersanit, Vidima, Jika;
  • natural wear. Any device is designed for a certain number of years of use or number of flush cycles;
  • mechanical damage. Careless use may cause damage.

Button malfunctions and solutions

The most common button failures are:

  • "sticking" of the button, that is, the flushing of water occurs only after repeatedly pressing the descender;
  • failure of the button, that is, the button mechanism descends into the capacity of the drain tank.

Elimination of sticking

If the water is flushed after repeatedly pressing the button, then the malfunction is related to the rod connecting the drain device and the drain mechanism.

To fix the problem, you need:

  1. block the flow of water into the tank;
  2. remove the tank cover. To do this, first take out inner part buttons, and then the retaining ring located on the button is unscrewed counterclockwise and removed;

  1. the button is removed;

  1. stock is being repaired;
  2. the system is assembled in reverse order.

The stem is made of plastic. Therefore, repairs most often come down to a complete replacement of the product. For temporary troubleshooting, the stem can be replaced with wire.

Elimination of failure

If the toilet cistern button fails, then the causes of the breakdown may be:

  • incorrect setting of the drain device (insufficient button height selected);
  • failure of the spring that returns the button to its original position. The problem is solved by replacing the spring.

To set up the drain mechanism, you must:

  1. turn off the water supply to the container and completely drain the remaining liquid;
  2. remove the drain mechanism (the whole turns to the left until it clicks);
  3. press the clamps securing the glass;
  4. increase height;

  1. install the valve and cover;
  2. check if the problem is resolved and repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to adjust the drain mechanism is shown in the video.

Button Replacement

If the listed actions do not help to eliminate the malfunction of the tank trigger, then the drain button needs to be replaced. You can work in the following way:

  1. remove the button, according to the scheme described in detail above;
  2. disconnect the button from the exhaust valve;
  3. install a new device.

The new toilet button must fully match the broken device. Otherwise, the drain valve will need to be replaced.

All troubleshooting work on the button must be done very carefully so as not to damage the rest of the fittings. If it is not possible to eliminate the breakdown on your own, then it is more expedient to seek help from specialists.

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How to remove the plug from the sewer.

Toilet design

The most important parts in the design of the toilet bowl are a seat with a lid, a tank, a bowl and fittings, a water flushing device. There are options for toilets without a cistern, where instead of a cistern, drain tap. There are varieties of toilet bowls with a tank, which is located separately; with a tank that is installed on the floor (it is called a compact). Tanks located separately require additional installation connecting pipe between the bowl and, respectively, the tank. The early design of the toilet included mounting the tank at a height of at least 2 meters so that the water would draw enough great speed. This design was later replaced by compact toilets that are easier to install, repair and maintain. There are types of toilets in which the tank is installed hidden. In this case, the flush device is invisible.

During production, toilet bowls are cast in such a way that the open part of the bowl gradually passes into the siphon located in the depths.

A siphon is needed to provide a water or hydraulic seal for gases that form and accumulate in the sewer system. The tank is designed to accumulate a certain amount of water.

Toilet cisterns are usually made of ceramic, while free-standing cisterns can be made of cast iron, plastic, steel, or any other waterproof material. A water supply mechanism and a flush device are mounted in the tank. To fill the tank, a float valve was invented, with the help of which the inflow of water is blocked when the required level is reached.

Flush varieties

The advantage of a horizontal drain is that the back wall of the toilet is under with great pressure water is better cleaned.

Toilet bowls are available with various flushing devices. For example, a siphon descent is used in tanks with high setting. In it, when the water is lowered, after releasing the lever, the water continues to flow. This device is very noisy. Now the mechanisms for draining water are very common, in which it is possible to drain both the entire volume of water and part of this volume. Usually the toilet bowl holds 6-8 liters of water. There are types of cisterns with double flush - 3 liters and 6 liters. There is an option of a tank with an interrupted flush, when the user himself can stop the descent of water at any time convenient for him. Push-button and electronic water flushing systems have been designed.

The most common form with a slope rear wall, it is easier to clean.

There are additional requirements for the device regarding flush quality. For example, the effectiveness of flushing is determined toilet paper and even the degree of flush quality on inner surface bowls. The water supply device is important: the bottom water supply system is quieter and safer. Let's take a closer look at all the models of toilet bowls on the market. Now toilets are produced in hanging, wall or floor options. Floor-mounted toilets are divided into toilets with a cistern, free-standing toilets, side-mounted toilets and wall-mounted toilets.

Wall-mounted toilets mean that there is a hidden cistern in the wall or a flushing system without a cistern. If a flush system without a tank is used, the water is flushed directly from the water supply.

Horizontal flush

Scheme of the drain barrel “Bell”.

Toilet bowls are produced with a horizontal flush, vertical or inclined. Horizontal flush toilets are the most common type of toilet in Europe. The outlet of this type of toilet is located at the back of the bowl. These toilets are popular mainly in Europe, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This is due to the fact that the laying of sewer pipes in these countries was carried out, as a rule, along ceilings, along walls and partitions. Therefore, toilets with a horizontal flush and outlet are installed against the wall at an angle of 90 degrees to it. Connects the toilet drain pipe to sewer pipe special clutch. To the floor, these models of toilet bowls are mounted through the holes in the lower part of the pedestal of the bowl by means of screws or screws with dowels. Horizontal flush toilets are very often used in cases where the sewer is provided in the wall.

The essential attributes of comfortable living are the benefits of civilization familiar to humans, such as ergonomic furniture, stable water supply, properly planned lighting and plumbing that works without interruption. The correct operation of all the listed equipment is taken for granted, and a breakdown almost always comes as a surprise, bringing a lot of trouble. Most often, plumbing becomes the object of increased attention of homeowners, and in order to ensure its smooth functioning, it is necessary to take care of it in advance. correct installation, implying strong connection pipes and hoses, the serviceability of fasteners and gaskets. If the plumbing is used for a long period of time, necessary condition its uninterrupted operation are preventive inspections, which will allow timely detection of fitting wear due to inadequate water quality. Timely maintenance of plumbing equipment will prevent flooding of your home and the homes of your neighbors. In the event of a breakdown of plumbing equipment, the best way out is to call a plumber who will eliminate the breakdown as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you do not have the opportunity to call the wizard, you can carry out self repair toilet cistern, the technology of which is not difficult.

The principle of the toilet bowl: basic provisions

To understand the breakdown and find the best way to fix it, you need to study theoretical basis devices of plumbing equipment and understand how water is drained in the toilet. Regardless of the design features of the toilet, any model is characterized by the presence of two main parts - a bowl located on the floor or fixed to the wall, and a water tank located on top. It is this container that is the drain tank. The operation of the water drain is based on the principle of a "hydraulic lock", which implies the flushing of water into the drain under the action of gravity when a button (lever) is pressed to open the plug.

Differences of cisterns for toilet bowls: classification of cisterns

The modern market of sanitary equipment offers the consumer wide choose various drain devices related to different types and see. Exists a large number of types of cistern, which can be classified according to a variety of characteristics, presented below.

The location of the tank in relation to the toilet

The traditional way of installing toilet bowls, which does not lose its relevance even today, involves the creation of a fused structure that combines the tank and the toilet bowl into a single whole. The advantage of this installation method is that there is no need to install an outlet pipe that combines the toilet bowl and the cistern.

Despite the advantages and reliability of the traditional installation method, hidden structures and hanging toilets are gaining popularity. The first option is ideal for apartments with European-quality renovation. It involves installing a drain tank inside the wall in such a way that it becomes completely invisible. The system is started by pressing a special button located on the panel.

Suspended structures - another newfangled way to install toilets, which involves hanging the cistern at a certain height from the toilet bowl. A feature of this design is a strong water pressure, which guarantees efficient draining. However, it also has disadvantages, one of which is the excessive noise that is created in the process of draining water. Despite the presence of disadvantages, in general, such designs are considered one of the most practical and convenient, and their appearance will be an excellent addition to the interior, made in retro style.

The main types of triggers

The most common types of triggers are push-button and stem drain devices, which have proven to be one of the most reliable and durable systems. Push-button flush mechanisms are most relevant for flush cisterns closed type. Their main element- button, can be located on the side of the drain bowl or in the center. There are single- and dual-mode push-button mechanisms. The latter implies the presence of two buttons: one of them drains the water completely, and the second half. A similar principle of the device will save water if such a need arises. A similar principle of operation of the drain device can also be implemented using one button, if the amount of drained water is determined by the degree of pressing the button.

Drainage devices based on levers or chains are also gaining popularity. The manufacturer prefers to place such mechanisms in the side of the drain structure. To drain the water, just pull the lever or chain. This type of drain system will be most relevant for hanging toilets. In view of these features, the repair of a wall-hung toilet cistern will be somewhat different. Regardless of the type of installation of the drain tank chosen, a manual trigger mechanism is distinguished, which involves manual installation volume of drained water, and automatic.

Features of the water collection system

There are several types of valves that regulate the flow of water:

  • Lateral water supply, assuming the location of the fittings on top, is typical for plumbing equipment Russian manufacturers. Despite the fact that plumbing equipment equipped with this mechanism is characterized by low cost, it is not in high demand, due to the rather noisy set of water. For models that are more expensive, it is typical to use a special pipe that reduces noise, which contributes to the supply of water directly to the bottom.
  • The lower water supply is typical for models of both domestic and foreign manufacturers, belonging to a fairly high price category. Features of the mechanism of the lower water supply reduce the noise from the water to a minimum.

Drain tank device: basic elements

In order to correctly determine the causes of the malfunctions that have arisen and eliminate them in a timely manner, it is necessary, at least in general terms, to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal structure of the drain tank. Despite the differences in the reinforcing structures of the drain tank, it is characterized by a single device scheme. Internal organization drain tank implies the presence of the following elements:

  • Shut-off or drain valves regulate the flow of water from the cistern into the toilet and prevent it from leaking unnecessarily. In the process of filling the tank, the water in it helps to firmly press the surface of the valve to the drain into the toilet, which stops the leakage of water. Thus, if the drain tank passes water, this is due to a malfunction of the valves;
  • A filling valve, which is combined with a water supply device and designed to adjust the water level in the drain tank. When the water reaches a certain level, its supply to the tank stops. The water level indicator is a float connected to the filling valve by means of a brass rod. If the first models of drain devices assumed a lateral location of the filling valve and a horizontal placement of the float, then modern models plumbers, while maintaining the traditional principle of operation, provide for the location of the filling valve at the bottom of the drain bowl, while the float is characterized by vertical placement;

Important! Problems leading to the need to repair the toilet cistern are most often associated with a malfunction of this particular mechanism and in most cases come down to its adjustment.

  • The mechanism for draining and overflowing water, the design of which is presented plastic fittings equipped with start buttons. Its function is to prevent water from entering the room from the tank in the event of a malfunction of the float valve. The water overflow system, connected to the drain, comes into action after pressing the start button. Excess water is not poured out due to the connection of the drain mechanism with overflow devices, which contributes to the release of excess water into sewer system. An important element of the system is a float valve connected to a float that regulates the water level in the tank. Malfunctions associated with the functioning of the float valve lead to water leaks from the tank.

Important! Each of these elements can become unusable, which will lead to the need for its repair. In this regard, there is no need to consider the problems associated with damage to the tank body, since in practice the elimination of cracks and chips in the body is practically impossible. This is due to the inefficiency of even the most modern adhesive compositions, which is becoming the most common reason for replacing the toilet cistern.

The most common malfunctions of the drain tank: methods for their elimination

Water leakage into the room: causes and methods for eliminating the breakdown

If you notice the appearance of water in the room, most likely the reason for this is a mounting problem. In this case, inexperienced homeowners are likely to panic and, thinking about replacing plumbing, will start looking for an answer to the question: “How to install a toilet bowl and avoid its breakdown during operation?”. But don't rush this problem easily eliminated. Consider the most common causes occurrence of the indicated error:

  • Deterioration of the sealing ring installed between the tank and the toilet bowl;
  • Violation of the integrity of the gaskets of the mounting bolts.

All these malfunctions do not require complex diagnostics and can be detected even with a simple visual inspection. If you find these malfunctions, try to tighten the fasteners without applying excessive force, which can cause the tank to break or even violate its integrity.

If you performed these manipulations, and they were unsuccessful, experts recommend removing the drain tank and replacing the rubber seal on the drain channel. They also recommend replacing the gaskets and washers on the mounting bolts.

Important! To increase the density of the joints, making them more reliable, experts recommend that they be additionally sealed with silicone.

What to do if water does not enter the tank?

This failure is also not uncommon, and its most common cause lies in the clogging of the narrowest part of the valve. Eliminating this problem will not cause difficulties - for this it is enough to release all the water from the tank and unscrew the valve along with the lever and float. After that, you will notice a fairly narrow hole designed for water to enter the tank. To eliminate its blockage, clean it with a needle or thin wire. Next, you need to slightly unscrew the valve on the inlet pipe and flush out the remnants of the blockage that has arisen. After making sure that water flows freely through the hole into the tank, tighten the valve and set the valve with lever and float to their original position.

Constant leakage of water from the tank into the toilet: causes and remedies for the breakdown

The causes of this malfunction may be:

  • Distortion of the float lever;

How to eliminate? If you encounter this problem, it is enough to give the lever the optimal position for it.

float damage, leading to the fact that he begins to pass water inside himself. This inevitably leads to its aspiration to the bottom of the tank tank, that is, the water that has got inside the float prevents it from returning to its original position, at which the flow is blocked tap water. If this does not happen, excess water is discharged into the toilet through the overflow system.

How to eliminate? Only possible option effective repair, in this case, is the replacement of the part.

To do this, the water is blocked along the riser, the device is dismantled, and a new, pre-purchased similar part is put in its place.

Important! In order to repair the fittings of the toilet cistern as efficiently as possible, in the process of choosing it, experts recommend paying attention to the dimensions and design features parts, as some of them are not always interchangeable.

Important! In most cases, modern floats are made of plastic or stainless steel. Floats made from these materials are practically not subject to leakage.

Wear sealing elements drain fittings. It is quite simple to find out whether the cause of the malfunction lies in the wear of the sealing elements. To do this, it is enough to slightly press the valve with your hand: if the water begins to flow, then you are not mistaken, the problem really lies in the wear of the shut-off valve, rubber gaskets or seal. You can fix this breakdown by replacing consumables.

Float wear can also cause permanent leaks. In this case, a hole is formed in the float, through which the outflow of water occurs.

Important! If at the time of the problem you do not have on hand necessary details, carry out a "temporary" repair. To do this, the hole formed in the float is sealed with heated plastic or the float that has failed is wrapped around, plastic bag thereby sealing it. In this case, it is important not to forget to fix it around the float lever.

Repair of a toilet cistern with a button: procedure

How to remove the cover with one button?

  • Loosen the retaining ring around the button. In this case, it is important to avoid strong pressure on it, since plastic is used in most cases for the manufacture of rings;
  • Remove the cover and proceed with the repair.

As mentioned above, there can be several reasons for the constant leakage of water from the tank into the toilet:

  • Incorrect position of the float - in this case, simply remove the toilet lid and adjust the float.
  • Wear of the rubber bulb on the float valve, as a result of which it does not provide tightness.

In this case, it is necessary to replace it. To do this, fix the float in the upper position and, by unscrewing the nut connecting the tank and the drain pipe, remove the entire mechanism;

  • Remove the old pear, replacing it with a similar model with similar characteristics.
  • If the bolts holding the pear are worn, they must be replaced.
  • To do this, drain the water from the tank, removing its remnants;
  • Unscrew the union nut located between the flexible hose and the float valve, as well as the bolts. With a little effort, tilt the tank with a shelf back, releasing the rubber cuff located between the tank and the toilet;
  • Unscrew the damaged bolt, as well as its pair, and remove them. It is important to replace both bolts, even if the integrity of the second one is not yet broken. For replacement, select bolts of similar sizes made of brass or stainless steel;
  • Remove the faience under the pear saddle and thoroughly clean it by doing the same with the shelf and tank. Smear the pear silicone sealant, which will subsequently solve problems with its wear and prevent the need to replace it;
  • After assembling the tank, tighten the structure with new bolts, while avoiding distortions. To prevent damage to fragile faience, do not apply excessive force during the assembly process;
  • Turn on the water and fill the tank, carefully watching for leaks.

Failure of the descent lever: how to fix it?

How to determine that in your case we are talking about this particular malfunction? It's quite simple: if you pressed the drain button, but the drain did not start, this chapter will be useful to you.

The reason for such a malfunction lies in the violation of traction, and the only correct way out is to replace it.

Important! In this case, you can also make a "temporary repair" by making a thick wire rod and twisting it in several layers. However, improvised traction does not have a long service life - over time, the wire will begin to bend, which will also lead to its failure.

Before you start repairing the old toilet cistern in this case, loosen the button on the cistern lid. To do this, turn the decorative nut a few turns - in most cases this is enough to lift the cover, gaining access to the mechanism.

Noisy filling of the tank with water: how to eliminate?

Often, craftsmen have to face this problem, and this is especially true for owners of sanitary equipment, characterized by the presence of tanks with a side water supply. After a certain period of time, the capacity of the tank begins to fill with noise, which was not "at the dawn" of operation.

Most often, the cause of this malfunction is the disconnection of the water silencer, which is a special tube through which water is supplied to the lower part of the tank without any noise effects.

To eliminate this malfunction, put the muffler on a specially designed fitting.

Toilet cistern repair with button video

Often, when deciding to make repairs in the bathroom, the owners also want to replace plumbing that is outdated or out of order. And in order to properly replace and not make mistakes, you need to know the principle of the toilet. Let's take a closer look at how a regular home toilet works.


At the heart of the mechanism of all toilet bowls is the principle of a water seal. The device has its own system of levers, a float and a seal, which serve to redistribute water inside the structure. In other words, the device supplies water, the mechanism contributes to its accumulation, and then flushing occurs at the right time. The water supply is made using a hose, the shut-off valve reliably keeps water from flowing, and shuts off the flow when the tank is full. The float controls the water level. All this is called. It is she who is responsible for its reliable operation.

Consists of two containers. The first is a drain tank, it is located at the top and serves to accumulate and then splash water into the second container - the bowl. It sits on the floor and is attached to it. However, there are models that have a side, wall mount.

When you press the lever, a drain occurs. The principle of gravity directs the flow down, the water enters the bowl and washes waste from it, taking it into the sewer.

Drain device

Drain cisterns are widely represented in the plumbing market. They may have different modifications and designs, but remain the same. The mechanism drives the lever. However, different models of tanks can work:

  • From one key;
  • From two keys;
  • In two modes.

The two buttons on the tank are a relatively recent development that saves water. Depending on the need, you can make a complete or partial drain of water. If you press the big button, then the water will pour out of the tank completely, the small one - only half.

In addition, water can be washed off in different ways:

  1. Direct flush method;
  2. backwash method.

The first method involves the direct exit of water from the tank into the bowl, the second - the water can change its direction. This flush is somewhat more efficient, but noisier.

The visible part of the drain tank device consists of the following parts:

  • Lid;
  • Button (or buttons).

The invisible part suggests the presence of:

  • Float valve that regulates water;
  • Plugs, which are used for side mounting of the tank;
  • Drain fittings.

When the button is pressed, the water passes through the opening valve and flows from the tank into the bowl. The principle of operation is the same as that of a water lock. If the water level in the tank becomes below normal, then the float starts to work, which, lowering, opens the tap, and water fills the empty tank.

In order for the operation of this system not to be disturbed, care must be taken to adjust and fix the float in a certain position. When the amount of water becomes too large, the float should be lowered, if vice versa, then raised.

The operation of the drain mechanism

In order to understand how the drain mechanism works, it is necessary to consider it in more detail. It is based on the action of reinforcement in several stages. Water enters the tank through a hose from the pipes. The tank itself has two mechanisms - filling and draining. In order for water to accumulate in the tank, a filling mechanism is used. Reaching right level, the flow stops due to the valve that closes it.

By pressing the key, we activate the second mechanism - the drain. Water is supplied in portions and poured into the bowl at high speed. Thus, the waste is effectively flushed into the drain.

Few people pay attention to the structure inside the tank, it is hidden from view. But the operation of the entire system depends on it. Water supply is carried out in several ways.

The top feed mechanism operates as follows. At the top of the tank there is an armature, and water enters there through a side channel. There is a float at the end of the lever. When it reaches a certain level, the second lever begins to exert pressure on the rod. The stem has a membrane that is designed to block the flow of water. This is the most common toilet flush mechanism. Almost all plumbing fixtures that are now commercially available are equipped with it.

The bottom feed mechanism involves finding drain fittings at the bottom of the tank. The principle of operation of the toilet bowl float in this case is to move along a vertically located rod. The locking membrane will be subjected to pressure that occurs when the float moves. And it moves thanks to traction. It is she who limits and regulates the level of water inside the tank. With this method of draining water, the device produces minimal noise, especially compared to the previous version.

There is nothing unusual about these processes, they are all based on the laws of physics. But even such seemingly elementary systems can fail, which require adjustment from their user.

What is a vacuum toilet and how does it work

If you want to achieve maximum comfort and at the same time save water, then you should pay attention to such interesting model toilet bowl, like a vacuum. Outwardly, it is almost indistinguishable from the usual standard device, but its mechanism works a little differently and allows you to drain less water at a time than a typical toilet. The fact is that in the drain operation, not only water is used here, but also air.

Today, vacuum toilets are used more and more often. They have gained popularity due to the fact that they are convenient to use in many establishments, such as:

  • Shopping centers;
  • Hotels;
  • Educational establishments;
  • Transport;
  • Airport or railway station;
  • Stadiums;
  • Treatment centers;
  • Multi-storey buildings and structures;
  • Museums.

As already mentioned, the principle of operation of a vacuum toilet is similar to the mechanism of a conventional plumbing device. It has a bypass valve and a water controller responsible for the release of water. Its essential difference is that when draining, only about 1 liter of liquid is used, as well as air. For comparison, a traditional toilet model can use up to 8 liters of water at a time. Thus, there are significant savings.

An additional advantage of vacuum toilets is their ability to absorb odors, as well as the fact that they do not require too many pipes to install. large diameter. This makes them more versatile, with the ability to install anywhere. For the installation of conventional toilets, pipes with different cross sections are often required, which makes it difficult to install them in some places.

Vacuum models are preferred in vehicles for a reason. This is due to the way they work. The air supply in them is regulated by special pumps that create a vacuum. When someone presses the drain key, the valve is activated, it opens, and then the air is simply sucked in. It not only promotes better removal the contents of the bowl, but also removes unwanted odors.

In order to control the cleanliness of the flush, water is additionally supplied to the bowl in the amount of one liter. This is usually sufficient for the final cleaning of the toilet bowl. The water drains quickly and the valve immediately returns to its place.

Plumbing Tricks for Convenience and Comfort

Desiring to achieve greater comfort, people invent new devices that can improve their lives by eliminating the slightest moments that can cause irritation. For example, many are annoyed by a falling toilet lid. That is, not even the fact of falling, but the sound that is emitted at the same time.

In this regard, not so long ago, a toilet lid microlift was invented. This mechanism in Lately is gaining more and more popularity and gaining new fans. It eliminates the problem described above - the sound of a falling toilet lid. The microlift is not only silent, but also allows the lid to lower smoothly, without sudden movements. You do not need to control this process, which is also very convenient.

Thus, we examined the mechanism of operation of such an important unit of plumbing as a toilet bowl. We learned how water is drained, and plunged a little into the world of modern plumbing with its new products.

The toilet cistern breaks down quite often, but not everyone wants to repair it and call a plumber. Meanwhile, the device of the tank is very simple, and it will not be difficult to repair it, having the simplest set of tools in the house.

Toilet flush tank - how it works

The device of the toilet cistern is not too different in different designs. They operate on the same principle, they consist of two main elements: a mechanism that provides water supply, and a flush device. Tanks at the installation site are available in three types:

  • compact, mounted on the bowl itself (Fig. 1);
  • built into the wall - used mainly with suspended structures(fig.2);
  • suspended, fixed at a certain height and connected to the bowl by a drain pipe (Fig. 3).

The compact cistern is located on the rear shelf of the toilet and is activated by pressing a lever or button. The self-contained tank is hung on the wall and connected to the bowl with a pipe. The drain has a chain that you need to pull. Wall hung toilet attached to the wall, and the tank is hidden behind it. It differs from the usual appearance and design. It is carried out as a high-strength polymer container of a flat shape. There is a button on the wall that is pressed to flush.

Supply and drain system - device and operation

Water is supplied to the tank according to one of the schemes: side supply or bottom. For tanks with lateral water supply, a simple mechanism of two units is used: a membrane in the housing, the purpose of which is to let water into the tank and block its flow, and a float connected by means of a lever to the housing. It lowers and rises along with the level, the lever drives the membrane rod, which regulates the flow of water.

The device is simple and reliable, mostly of domestic production, but the water makes a lot of noise when dialing. In more expensive models, operating on the same principle, in order to reduce noise, a pipe is used through which water is supplied to the bottom.

In tanks with a lower intake, the system is somewhat more complicated, but less noisy. The movement of the float does not occur freely in the tank, but along the rod, but the principle of operation is the same. In an empty tank, it descends, and water begins to flow. When a certain level is reached, the valve closes the hole, and the flow stops. The fittings are adjusted to a volume of 5-7 liters.

The drain mechanism is implemented in different options. It is triggered after a person touches the handle, presses a button or jerks the chain. Expensive toilet models are equipped with two buttons. One can drain some of the water, saving it in this way. In the event of a malfunction of the float mechanism, the tank has an overflow. Drainage device consists of a siphon manual drive. When a person activates the drain, the locking device opens. The toilet is flushed with incoming water and drained into the sewer.

IN modern toilets predominantly top drain is used. The most common option is with a rubber pear. It works very simply: we press the button on the tank, under its influence the pear rises with the lever, the water drains. Instead of a button, a handle or chain can be installed. The system is even simpler: just pull, and the pear will open the drain.

Common breakdowns - solutions

Malfunctions are externally manifested by continuous filling or leakage of water. The reasons lie in the misalignment of the float, the failure of its mechanism, the shut-off valve, in which the seal has become unusable, or it does not fit snugly against the nest. A skewed float is enough to correct. Do the same with the valve when it does not fall into place.

Possible problem with constant overflow when shut-off valve water does not overlap, often due to the fault of the float. To check the mechanism, we raise it to the very top. If the flow has not stopped, you will have to change the float assembly. The reason may lie in the valve seal. Over time, the rubber ages, cracks and no longer blocks the entrance. To check, we press it with our hand, if the water stops flowing, we change the seal.

Over time, the float wears out, the tightness is broken, and it can no longer stay afloat. Then there is not enough water in the tank. In this case, you can replace the fittings or use another method. Places of leaks in the float are sealed with any available material. You can heat the plastic, apply a sealant, or seal the leak with a suitable adhesive.

There are times when water does not enter the tank. Most likely, the narrowest part of the valve is clogged. We act as follows. We release the water and remove all the insides. A narrow passage for water to enter becomes available. We clean it with a wire or a needle. At the inlet, open the valve and rinse from the remnants of clogging. After the start of the normal flow of water, we block it and put the mechanism back.

Constant leakage of water is caused by a loose fit of the pear to the saddle, repair is required. To check, press it with your hand. If the leak has stopped, the cause is identified correctly. To eliminate the malfunction, we attach a small load on top of the pear so that it provides a snug fit. But if the pear is worn out, even pressing with your hand does not block the leak, you need to replace it. After fixing the float at the top, unscrew the nut connecting the tank and drain pipe, remove the mechanism. We remove the pear and install a new one.

Changing parts - how to install and adjust

Sometimes there is no other choice but to replace the cistern parts. First, turn off the water, remove the cover and inspect the mechanism to detect defects. In expensive tanks we see several (possibly one) holes of small diameter through which water flows. The valve diaphragm is installed in one hole. Its condition is very dependent on the quality of the water. To prolong its life, a filter is installed: the better, the longer it will last. If the water supply does not have a filter, we change the expensive mechanism to a simple domestic one.

The drain tank is easy to repair by replacing parts. To repair expensive models, it is enough to buy a repair kit consisting of a bushing and a membrane. These are the parts that fail, the rest serve for many years. To change the drain mechanism in the tank of cheap models, it is better to replace all the parts at the same time, they are not very expensive. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the diameter of the pipe, to know which one is suitable for a particular tank. Pipes are available in metric or inch sizes.

After replacing parts, we check the supply and discharge of water, its quantity. If necessary, adjust the mechanism. The tank of the old system with a side entrance is simple: it is equipped with a float, the lever of which is an ordinary wire. We change the water level by simply bending the lever. We bend upwards - the amount of incoming fluid increases, downwards - decreases.

IN modern systems with a lateral supply, plastic is used instead of wire for the lever. It will not work to bend it, so we carry out level control by moving the float along the lever. It is fastened with a thread or a latch, which we press out before adjusting. To increase the volume, move closer to the valve.

Bottom-feed designs are easier to adjust. There is a limiter in the tank - a plastic rod that goes from the float to the lever. We lengthen it or shorten it by unscrewing the plastic nut on the limiter.

Bottom supply - some features of the models

Tanks with a side supply are more common, but in some cases it is more expedient to use a bottom supply. It looks more aesthetically pleasing less space. Breakdowns are common, like all tanks, but the methods of elimination are somewhat different. Water can continuously flow into the tank due to low pressure in the plumbing. The diaphragm valve does not work, and the solution is to replace it with a stem valve, which is independent of pressure.

Incorrectly working drain, insufficient or excessive filling of the tank are more often due to the incorrect position of the fittings when it touches the walls. We adjust the position so that the reinforcement moves without touching the walls. If the water is drained through the overflow, the float must be adjusted by tightening the screw.

The most common problem with bottom lined cisterns is leakage at the connections. When the tightness is broken, we restore it by applying plumbing sealant or changing the gasket.

We pull up threaded connections very carefully so that some part does not crack from excessive zeal.

Pushbutton drive - the most common problems

To remove the top of the tank with one button, unscrew the retaining ring around it. Do not press hard, they are often plastic and can break. In addition to the problems with the membrane and the pear, which we have already talked about, the destruction of the bolts holding the pear seat is possible. We unscrew the nut between the valve and the liner, the bolts that attract the shelf to the toilet. Slightly tilt the tank forward and take out the cuff. We change the bolts in pairs, even if one is in good condition. The material for them is brass or stainless steel.

We remove faience from under the saddle of the pear, carefully clean it, and also clean the surfaces of the shelf and tank. If we do not change the pear, we lubricate with sealant so that it sticks to the saddle. We assemble the tank and tighten it with new bolts without distortions. Checking the work Special attention places of possible leakage.

If the buttons do not work, they either sink or the lever mechanism is disconnected. In this case, the cover is removed, and the mechanism is installed in the desired position.