Shower      04/05/2019

What a begonia looks like in a pot. Care and conditions for growing home begonia

Charming bushes with carved bright leaves and delicate buds decorate front gardens and balconies from late spring to mild autumn. These are mainly tuberous representatives of the species with voluminous, noticeable flowers. Indoor begonia can delight the heart of a plant lover all year round. A wide variety of species are planted in pots.

What are the varieties?

Among the plants there are also miniature bushes with a height of no more than 5 cm, and large specimens up to 3 m. They are classified in different ways.

The popular interpretation mentions 4 types, including:

  1. beautifully flowering - stand out with graceful flowers of various colors, fullness and shape;
  2. shrubs and semi-shrubs;
  3. decorative deciduous - have carved, characteristically colored leaves.

There are a lot of varieties of this flowering beauty, more than 1000. Having spread from the shores of Asia and Africa, as well as South America, it has become popular all over the world.

Rules for caring for begonia at home

Having visited a thematic exhibition in a botanical garden or greenhouse, you will undoubtedly want to place this miracle in your apartment. But how to care for begonia at home so that it does not disappear after a short flowering? Are your conditions suitable for it?

  1. First, choose a place where direct sunlight will not be directed at the plant. But at the same time there should be a lot of light, it depends on it appearance and growth rate. Deciduous species can be placed at some distance from windows; they can also tolerate partial shade. Experts recommend placing flowerpots on the windowsills of northern and eastern windows.
  2. Secondly, you should remember that the flower feels comfortable being in one place. Constant changes in lighting conditions and temperature can destroy it.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide rest periods between the active phases of growth, during which a reserve of energy and strength is accumulated for new flowering.
  4. Fourth, try to create optimal temperature conditions in the region of 18-22°C throughout the year, avoiding hypothermia in winter and drying out in summer.

Watering and humidity

The main care for begonia in the hot summer consists of abundant and frequent watering with soft, settled water. You will be able to understand that another moistening is necessary if the top soil layer has dried out by 1 cm. Since the native climate for the flower is tropical and subtropical, dry air is unacceptable for it. But you can’t spray the leaves, because unsightly brown spots may appear on them. What to do? Place the pot on a cushion of expanded clay, adding water as it dries. As it evaporates, it saturates the air well with moisture.

To provide quality care for begonias indoor winter, you need to reduce watering. You can also insulate the pot a little so that the root system is not exposed to cool temperatures. In the midst of cold weather, the plant freezes in growth. During this period, you should not fertilize, replant, rotate or flood it. It is important to provide him with the necessary peace.

How and when should begonia be replanted?

You shouldn’t replant something you just bought. flowering bush. Having experienced stress after changing growing conditions, the plant may be sick for a long time, and the flowering period will noticeably decrease. The time has come to change the shipping container to a more beautiful and original pot if there is not enough space for the roots to grow and they begin to peek out in the drainage holes. Choose a flowerpot a couple of centimeters larger than before.

Standard landing pattern:

  • a layer of small pebbles is placed on the bottom;
  • expanded clay is sprinkled suitable soil 1.5-2 cm;
  • Having crushed the pot on all sides, carefully remove the bush from it, trying not to damage the roots;
  • if necessary wooden stick unravel the root ball, straightening it;
  • Having placed the plant in a new pot, the roots are gradually sprinkled with new soil, lightly compacting it;
  • then water it with soft water.

It is better to purchase ready-made soil. After all, special requirements are placed on it: it must have a certain acidity, be light and fluffy, and have nutritional properties.

Feeding indoor begonia flowers

For colorful stems, a long flowering phase, and large buds, the plant requires fertilizers. Indoor begonia flowers, cared for without regular feeding, look weak and exhausted. It is recommended to apply complex mineral mixtures in the spring and summer, when active growth is observed and buds are being laid. There are specialized formulations designed specifically for flowering species begonia. They are used as prescribed - once or twice a week. Supplements should be used wisely; too much of them will not be beneficial. If you are the owner of decorative deciduous begonia, then in the fall you need to stop fertilizing. If your plant blooms for a long time even in winter, feed it until the end of flowering.

Don't be afraid to get a charming begonia. If you can provide it with a good environment, it will reward you with its beauty and long-lasting blooms.

Video: caring for indoor begonia

Do you have an ornamental begonia? Care at home must be thought out! This is amazing home plant, stunning with its beauty, patterns on the leaves, refreshing the air in the house is quite unpretentious, but still requires proper treatment. In this article we will tell you about all the little things you need to know for this.

To understand exactly how to care for begonia, it would be useful to find out in more detail what kind of flower it is. “Napoleon's Ear,” as it is popularly called, began to occupy window sills four centuries ago. The flower gained its popularity due to its unpretentiousness, ease of reproduction and, of course, beauty. Who would know, but the plant got its name in honor of M. Begon, who was the governor of Haiti in those distant times. Begonia hogweed also belongs to the decorative subspecies. Caring for her at home is no different from caring for her more famous sister.

The flower has gained its popularity due to its unpretentiousness, ease of propagation and, of course, beauty.

It is impossible to count how many other relatives of the heroine of our article exist by this time, and they are divided into decorative flowering and decorative deciduous. The latter received their name for their amazingly beautiful foliage. There is also a minus - the flowers of such begonias do not come out very well.

Video about decorative deciduous begonia, part 1

Some may think that flowers that come from hot tropical places need plenty of sunlight...and they would be wrong. After all, flowers are not trees, they grow below, and do not receive much sunlight, unlike water. Begonias are just like that - excess sunlight burns them, but they constantly need moisture. That’s why they feel good in the summer on a southwestern or southern windowsill. When the apartment is heated winter time, place wet towels on the radiators next to the begonias - this will make the air around them less dry. You can install tanks around plants with warm water, but you can also get an air humidifier or a decorative fountain, placing it nearby.

Begonia leaves love to be watered with lukewarm water.

Indoor plants in our region, including begonia hogweed, know what a dry, warm winter is like on the windowsill. Look at the color of your green pet's leaves. The less green it contains and the more bright colors, the more difficult it is to care for such a plant. For royal begonias, spraying with fresh water is quite enough; they especially like this in winter. However, many subspecies will feel better in a florarium, where all the conditions to which they are accustomed are met. A film draped over the soil to retain more moisture is also suitable.

Begonia leaves love to be watered with lukewarm water. However, do not leave them in a draft, otherwise they will rot. They also do not like open sunlight - in this case, burns are inevitable.

Any house plants require fertilizing. This did not bypass the heroes of our article. It is best to use filtered water when growing decorative deciduous begonias. It can be settled or boiled.

The most suitable fertilizers are those that contain nitrogen in excess, since this element promotes the most active growth of leaves. However, you should not overdose on fertilizers; this is detrimental to begonias.

It is best to use filtered water when growing decorative deciduous begonias.

From time to time, you should carefully cut off the top part with the leaves in order to maintain an attractive appearance for our begonias, since their shoots die off from top to bottom. By the way, here we come to the topic of propagation of decorative deciduous begonias.

This procedure is best done in the spring, during the period when plant juices flow most actively. Many people do it differently - they begin to propagate the flower in mid-winter. There is an advantage to this - by spring it will already have developed a root system. In this case, its growth will be especially rapid in the spring.

Video about decorative deciduous begonia, part 2

It is enough to follow the simplest rules for caring for decorative leaf begonia, and soon you will be enjoying a charming plant on your windowsill. But, in addition, it also filters the air, being a kind of home doctor.

Begonia is a plant that belongs to the Begonieceae family and decorates public gardens, parks and apartments. There are about 900 full-fledged species of this plant in the world. The homeland of begonias is Southeast Asia. The size of the plant can be from 5 cm to 3 m in length.

In this article you will learn some secrets of caring for beautiful flowering begonias at home.

Favorable conditions for growing home begonia

Begonias are easy to care for and disease resistant, but the question of how to grow begonias is a very common one. You need to remember three rules for caring for a plant: replanting, timely feeding and moderate watering. This will be discussed in the following sections.

Did you know?The plant was named after the governor of Haiti - M. Begon.


To make begonia happy abundant flowering, you need to provide the plant good lighting, best diffused. Make sure that the begonia leaves are not exposed to direct sunlight - this will cause burns on them. If you do not have the opportunity to grow begonia on a windowsill, you can use phytolamps. It is more effective to use two phytolamps.


At room temperature, begonia feels great. If the temperature drops below 16°C or exceeds 28°C, the leaves and flowers wither and fall off.

Air humidity

Begonia needs high air humidity - about 60%. In winter, additional air humidification is required. This can be achieved by spraying. Tuberous begonias thrive in dry, cool conditions. IN high humidity they don't need it. Shrub species are tolerant of dry air in winter, but it doesn’t hurt to spray them either.

Features of caring for begonia during the flowering period

Many people wonder what to feed begonias for abundant flowering.

During flowering, begonia needs to be fed at least once a week. To do this, use mineral fertilizers, but before that it is best to add a weak solution of potassium nitrate.

Important! If you want to prolong flowering, prune wilted flowers as often as possible.

After the begonia has finished flowering, prepare the plant for the resting phase. To do this, reduce the amount of watering until the above-ground part dries out. Trim off faded leaves, stems, shoots and flowers. The temperature should not be higher than 12°C. The dormant period lasts from November to March.

Proper pruning of begonias

In this section we will explain to you , how to properly prune begonia after flowering so that your plant grows and looks young and healthy. When the stem length is 6-8 cm, the first pruning is carried out. After this, watering is briefly reduced. When lateral processes reach 10-12 cm, pinching is carried out. After this, remove dry shoots and leaves. They can lead to various diseases.

Important! For speedy healing, the cut sites are treated with charcoal.

Pruning is done with a sharp knife, as scissors can injure the begonia. All these procedures are performed for several purposes. First of all, this is necessary for the formation of the crown of a young plant. Pinching improves the flowering of the plant. Trimming supports decorative look bush. Pruning and pinching should be done annually, as this also helps to rejuvenate the begonia.

Important! If you do not prune the plant in a timely manner, the begonia's leaves will decrease in size and the flowering time will be shortened.

Basics of proper transplantation

Repotting is an important process in growing begonias, and in this section we will learn when to repot begonias and how to do it.

The frequency of this operation depends on the type of begonia. Tuberous varieties should be replanted annually, changing the soil and pot as the roots grow.

Transplantation is carried out in early spring. The plant is pulled out of the pot and the roots are cleared of old soil. Then the plant is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If necessary, you can trim the roots. Place some sand and stones at the bottom of the pot. The plant is covered with new soil, leaving a little space on top (2-3 cm). After a few weeks, the soil is filled to the top. Begonia needs abundant watering throughout the month.

Features of caring for begonia in winter

In our climatic conditions, a reasonable question would be how to organize proper care for begonias in winter.

In winter, begonia needs sunlight. To do this, place the pot with the plant on the windowsill in the sun for several hours. Watering should be moderate, but the soil should be constantly moist.

Important! Do not overwater the plant, as this will cause the roots to rot.

In winter, the plant slows down in growth and requires rest. In this case, fertilizing and replanting should be postponed until spring.

Reproduction of begonias at home

Now it's time to talk about how to propagate begonia at home. The plant can be propagated using leaf cuttings, stems and dividing the bush.

Leaf cuttings

This method is used specifically in indoor floriculture. Cuttings are parts of a plant that are used in vegetative propagation. This reproduction can be done using root, stem and leaf cuttings.

Reproduction can be done in several ways:a whole leaf with a petiole, a whole leaf without a petiole, and part of a leaf blade.

Propagation by a whole leaf with a petiole is suitable for some types of begonia. The length of the petiole depends on the rooting environment of the cutting. If you root in water, the petiole should be 3-4 cm long, if in the ground - 1-1.5 cm.

Propagation by a whole leaf without a petiole is suitable for the Rex begonia species. To do this, cuts are made on the thick veins of the begonia leaf and placed horizontally on the ground with the underside. After this, the leaves are pinned down, and after some time new shoots form in the cut areas, which can be grown.

Did you know? IN decorative purposes Begonia began to be used in 1890.

Propagation by part of the leaf blade is suitable for royal begonia and Mason begonia. A part of the leaf at the base, 4-5 cm wide, is cut off from the plant. Plant vertically 1-1.5 cm deep and install small supports. In this case, the begonia leaf should not come into contact with the ground.

To obtain a full-fledged shoot from a leaf cutting, you need to maintain favorable conditions for rooting. The leaf must be plucked from a healthy plant. Old leaves are not suitable, as they are not capable of regeneration and quickly wither. Special requirements for caring for cuttings are humidity, lighting and temperature. While the cuttings do not have roots, they will not be able to absorb water, so it is necessary to reduce the evaporation process.

Lighting should be diffused, as direct rays cause overheating and burns. Optimal temperature– 20-25°С.

A soilless substrate is used as soil. To do this, sand and peat are mixed in equal parts. Peat prevents the development of pathogenic fungi. Pure Vermiculite may also be suitable. It not only absorbs excess moisture, but also gives it back to the plant as needed.

Did you know? The smell of begonia flowers helps cleanse the bronchi and is also an excellent natural filter for people with nicotine addiction.

Many florists are wondering how to fertilize begonia after propagation. Our answer is that the plant should not be fertilized at all at first.

This method of reproduction should not be used chemicals, since they do not give the expected effect in the form of rapid root formation, and this can also inhibit the emergence of new shoots.


Reproduction stem cuttings is the most in a simple way. You can use green cuttings for this.

Begonia- a very beautiful ornamental plant, distinguished not only by its large bright flowers, similar to roses, but also unusual leaves with a velvety surface, with intricate patterns, and variegated colors. These luxurious flowers have gained wide popularity among both our gardeners and amateurs. indoor species plants. You can often find in the description such terms as beautifully flowering and decorative foliage species of begonia, although these definitions are very conditional, since among the varieties there are luxurious plants with large beautiful flowers and gorgeous large leaves of bright colors with an unusual pattern. TO today Breeders have bred thousands of species, subspecies and varieties of begonias both for decorating gardens and for growing at home.

Some of the most popular species among inexperienced beginner gardeners include hybrids of royal begonia and tuberous begonia, which are not too demanding in home care and are unpretentious plants. Below you will find detailed information about how to properly organize the care of these indoor plants at home.

In addition to the popular types of royal (rex) and tuberous geraniums, experts distinguish the following groups in the classification of these domestic plants: decorative deciduous, ampelous, bush, ever-flowering, thick-stemmed.
If you consider yourself a beginner gardener and are planning to start growing begonia at home, then we advise you to pay attention to tuberous begonia, caring for which does not take much time and is quite simple. Planting a shoot of tuberous begonia or a small tuber with small sprouts in a substrate for growing an adult plant does not present any difficulties, so it is not at all necessary to buy an already rooted mature flower. We will tell you how to properly plant a begonia cutting or tuber, how to then care for the rooted plant, and how to fight diseases and pests.

During the flowering period of tuberous begonia, you will enjoy amazingly beautiful flowers with double petals. The color palette of flowers of this type of domestic begonia is very diverse and among the varieties of this indoor plant you will definitely find one suitable for decorating the interior of your room. By the way, flowering begonias look very advantageous against the background of such indoor plants with an unusual shape, such as Ficus Benjamin in the form of a tree (very similar to topiary) or Dracaena Marginata with elongated palm-shaped leaves, and also form an interesting composition with plants from the Crassulaceae family, such as Kalanchoe flowering or tree-like Crassula (Money Tree). Some indoor plant lovers grow unpretentious home begonias in hanging pots or in wicker flower pots, which is an interesting find for modern phytodesign. In addition to tuberous or royal begonia for the formation flower arrangement in phytodesign, we can recommend such domestic species as Begonia foliosa, Begonia luxurians Scheidw, Begonia conchaifolia, Begonia masoniana Irmsch. You can create a gorgeous composition using only begonias, distinguishing plants by the color and shape of the leaves, as well as the color scheme of the flowers.


Location and lighting.

It is advisable to place home begonia on a floor flower stand on the east side or on the southwest side - closer to the window. If possible, then in winter it is advisable to move the plant to windows on the south side. To prevent begonia leaves from getting burned by direct sunlight in hot summers, it is necessary to darken them a little. window glass film or parchment paper so that diffused light falls on the plant sunlight. It is worth noting that, unlike bush and hanging species, royal and tuberous varieties of begonia are less demanding of constant sunlight.

Temperature regime.

Begonia will feel comfortable at a temperature of 19-25°C in the summer (the best option is 20-23°C). In the autumn-winter season room temperature 17-23°C will allow the plant to remain healthy and hardy. However, do not allow the temperature to drop below 14°C for an extended period of time.

Air humidity.

Begonia loves high humidity (over 60%), but the plant tolerates moderate humidity levels (50-60%). The main problem is regulating humidity levels during the heating season. If there is dry air in the room where the begonia is placed, we recommend taking the following actions: pour expanded clay into a wide tray, place the pot there on a stand and regularly moisten the expanded clay; you can also place the pot in a flowerpot with gravel at the bottom (which also needs to be moistened); If possible, install a humidifier next to the plant. It is not advisable to spray begonia, as then unsightly spots appear on the leaves. Brown(but you can spray water from a spray bottle next to the plant without getting on it).


To water the plant, use soft water that has been standing for several days. In summer, water the begonia abundantly, and pour out all the water flowing through the drainage from the pan. The frequency of watering is simply regulated: periodically check the dryness of the soil - if the soil mixture has dried a couple of centimeters deep, then it’s time for the next watering. It should be noted that tuberous geranium does not need watering in winter, since at this time the period active growth ends and the plant goes dormant. In winter, it is recommended to place tuberous species in peat.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

You can prepare the substrate for growing home begonia yourself. To do this, pour a little coarse sand into the bottom of the flower pot, then fill it halfway with leaf soil, and then a mixture of chernozem and peat (1:1). A commercial soil mixture is also quite suitable for begonias.

If your begonia blooms in winter, then you can feed the plant during the entire flowering period with phosphorus fertilizers no more than once every two weeks. In spring and summer, you should feed your indoor plant with a weak solution. mineral fertilizers once every 8-10 days. Decorative deciduous species of domestic begonia are not fed at all from October to March.


Begonia is replanted only if the root system has grown greatly, filling almost the entire pot. The best time for transplantation is mid-spring. Very carefully you need to remove the flower from the pot, clean the roots and place the plant in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After this, use a sharp knife to cut off the rotten roots and treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal. Planting begonia in a pot bigger size with prepared soil mixture. Begonia takes root in a new pot in about 4-5 weeks (tuberous or royal begonia takes 2-3 weeks faster). During this period, the plant should be watered frequently and placed away from direct sunlight.


Pruning should be done with a sharp knife immediately above the shoot, directed towards the outer side or immediately above the bud. Until the beginning of the growth period, the frequency of watering after pruning begonias should be reduced. Bush types of begonias are pruned quite strongly, as they stretch well and grow actively. Pruning of thick-trunked species is performed in rare cases in order to give the plant the desired shape. You can shorten the top of ampelous species to stimulate branching of lateral shoots. Tuberous domestic begonias and royal (Rex) hybrids do not need pruning.


Many types of begonia are famous for their abundant flowering and delight the eye with beautiful flowers of the most different shades. For example, the luxurious tuberous begonia variety "Everest" is famous for its large flowers, reaching a diameter of 30 cm. Typically, the flowering period of begonia begins in summer and ends late autumn. Some species bloom in winter and even throughout the year!


Cuttings. Many types of domestic begonia reproduce well using cuttings. Usually a shoot 8-10 cm long with several leaves is cut off in early spring, treat the cut site with crushed charcoal and plant it in a container with an earth mixture (peat and river sand in a 1:1 ratio). You need to water the cuttings occasionally and very carefully, as the roots can rot from excess moisture.
Tubers. The best option for propagating tuberous begonias. Before planting, the begonia tuber is divided into parts with a sharp knife and the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal. The tuber must be cut so that each individual part has several buds for shoot growth. After this, parts of the tuber are planted in the prepared soil mixture and very occasionally watered with soft water.
Seeds. Growing begonias from seeds is quite painstaking work, requiring professional skills and experience. This is usually done by breeders who need to preserve and consolidate the varietal characteristics of a particular type of begonia.


Ring spot.
Signs: first, concentric lines of light green color appear on the leaves, which over time turn into necrosis - bronze formations. What to do: as a rule, indoor plants (tuberous, decorative deciduous, hybrid royal begonia species) are infected by juice-sucking pests (thrips, aphids and other carriers of tomato virus). Therefore, first of all, you need to get rid of pests on your plants. Begonias affected by ring spot should be destroyed.

Bacterial spotting.
Signs: Watery spots appear on the underside of the begonia leaf blade, which turn into glassy translucent formations.
What to do: destroy the affected plant, and the remaining specimens should be sprayed with a 5% suspension of copper oxychloride once every two weeks to prevent the disease.

Gray rot.
Signs: Watery spots with a grayish coating appear on the leaves, apical shoots and flowers of an ornamental plant, and then they turn into weeping formations caused by the botrytis fungus. Mucus may appear on the inflorescences, the leaves curl and noticeably darken, and the stems become brittle.
What to do: spray the entire plant with a solution laundry soap(20 g) s copper sulfate(2-3 g) in 1 liter of soft water. If the procedure does not help, then you need to spray the begonia with a 1% solution of foundationazole.


Signs: the tips of the shoots are deformed, the leaves curl, and honeydew (sticky discharge) appears.
What to do: treat the entire plant with a solution of laundry soap, covering the soil with a waterproof film.

Signs: pale or light brown, raised, oblong spots that can be easily scraped off the leaf blade with a fingernail. Can be found on the underside of the leaf along the veins.
What to do: treat the plant with an insecticide (Aktara or Aktellik).

Spider mite.
Signs: on the underside of the leaf you can find a thin web that entangles different areas leaf plate.
What to do: if the cobwebs are small enough, then you can simply treat the plant soap solution, and the next day wash it under warm shower. In case of severe damage, it is advisable to treat the begonia with an insecticide.


in hot summer time, watering home begonia during the day is dangerous, since the procedure can lead to burns on the leaves and weakening of the root system (when water gets into the soil heated by the sun). The best option for the summer period - water the plant with warm water (room temperature) in the early morning;

If the begonia is still very young, then for strengthening and normal development, you can spray the shoots with epin or zircon;

During heating season ventilate the room often and regularly humidify the air;

Try to water the blooming begonia very carefully so as not to get water on the buds and flowers. This can cause the plant's flowers to darken and fall off.


Question: Why did the leaves of the tuberous begonia begin to turn yellow and fall off?
Answer: The most common reasons are unbalanced watering (taking into account the current season), as well as constant dry air. Sometimes begonia leaves fall off due to the activity of insect pests sucking the juice from the leaves.

Question: Why does an adult indoor begonia (there are already more than 6 knees on the shoot) still not bloom?
Answer: Most likely, you add fertilizer too often or the fertilizer composition is not quite correct. During the flowering period, the N:P:K ratio should be 1:1:1. More possible reasons delays in the flowering period - constant drafts, too low (or very high) room temperature, constantly dry air.

Question: Why did non-double flowers of the usual shape begin to appear on my double begonia?
Answer: This is normal. The point is that in different time On double begonia, female pistillate flowers of a regular shape appear and male staminate flowers appear double. After some time, your begonia will bloom with double flowers. By the way, you can remove female pistillate flowers so that the “double flowering” is abundant.



Tuberous begonia - planting a tuber in prepared soil.

And considering that the popular plant can be grown not only in the garden, but also in an indoor pot, you can admire the beauty of the flower all year round. It would seem that such splendor requires special care and constant attention from the grower. Not at all, begonia is relatively unpretentious culture. Basic knowledge of planting and caring for a plant will ensure a 100% positive result. To learn how to properly plant and grow begonia at home, read the article.

Home begonia, plant description

Begonia - known and loved by many cultivated plant from the extensive Begoniev family. The plant is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular decorative deciduous and decorative flowering crops.

  • The genus of begonias is represented by various species and varieties, differing in both external and morphological characteristics. So, begonias are annual and perennial, herbaceous plants and shrubs, with creeping and tuberous rhizomes. External signs also striking.
  • The habitat of begonia is widespread throughout the world. In its natural environment, the plant is found in South America, India, Africa and Asia. Spectacular flowering begonia can most often be found in tropical rainforests, mountains and regions with a subtropical climate.
  • One of the main advantages of cultivated begonia is its bright and lush inflorescences. Same-sex culture, begonias have female and male flowers grow side by side on the same plant. The color of the inflorescences is varied: there are yellow, pink, red, white flowers.
  • An equally spectacular decoration of begonias is the asymmetrical, unusually colored foliage, various shapes and textures. Wherein characteristic feature of all begoniaceae is a leaf blade with outlines resembling a heart in shape.

  • The stem of the plant is thick and fleshy. The rhizome is massive, tuberous or creeping.
  • The begonia flower is a very heat-loving plant that prefers moderate diffused lighting and light, fertile soil. These factors are important to consider when planting begonias.

Use of begonia for home

  • Begonia grown at home is a fascinating sight, and the pleasant aroma only enhances the effect of the overall impression.
  • Begonia can be grown at home, both in open ground and protected (in pots). Tuberous begonias grow outdoors, on garden plots And flower beds. Home rhizomatous begonia is more suitable as indoor plants decorating window sills and balcony areas.

  • Indoor begonia blooms all year round, regardless of the time of year. Decorative deciduous species are distinguished by unusually beautiful foliage, various shapes and shades of green. At the same time, a certain pattern can be traced: the “richer” the begonia foliage, the smaller and more inconspicuous its flowers, and vice versa.
  • Garden forms of begonia have also become widespread. The highly decorative appearance allowed the plant to quickly win the love of flower growers and landscape designers around the world.

  • Landscaping premises, creating unusually bright garden compositions, planting in flower pots or hanging pots, using the plant as a ground cover or for decorating walls, gazebos, windows - this is not the whole list decorative use begonias.

Classification of indoor begonias

Given the huge number of species (about 1600) and varietal diversity begonias, there are several classification options for this plant.

  • Based on their external morphological characteristics, there are 2 types of begonias: deciduous - ornamental and beautifully flowering plants.
  • According to the structure of the root system, begonias are divided into 3 types: rhizomatous, tuberous and crops with a superficial root system.
  • Begonia is often classified depending on the characteristics of the shoot and the growth of the crop. In such a system, 4 groups are distinguished: bushy begonias with an erect stem, begonias with rhizomatous lodging shoots, begonias with creeping thin shoots, beautifully flowering begonias.
  • In indoor floriculture, begonias are divided into 3 groups: decorative flowering indoor begonias, decorative deciduous indoor begonias, decorative flowering potted begonias.

Currently, there are thousands of varieties and hybrid forms of begonia.

Types and varieties of indoor begonias

Let's consider the most famous and popular types and varieties of begonias grown at home.

Group of decorative deciduous begonias

Begonia royal- one of the most beautiful begonias, on the basis of which many decorative and deciduous hybrid varieties have been bred. It is distinguished by large, heart-shaped, asymmetrical foliage with jagged edges. The color of the leaf blade can be brown, crimson, purple shades with contrasting splashes or spots. Pink flowers are small and inconspicuous.

The best varieties of the species are considered:

  • Cartagena - has round leaves, wrapped as if “in a shell”. The color of the leaf blade is unusual: the dark green general background is dotted with pink-silver spots, and the middle of the leaf changes during growth from brown to purple.
  • Hallelujah - distinguished by lilac leaves twisted into a spiral, with a bluish tint. The edges and core of the leaf are cherry-colored, the rest is covered with silver inclusions and a bright wide green stripe.
  • Silver Greenheart is a variety with silvery, beveled, heart-shaped leaves. A green border frames the leaf blade along the entire edge.
  • Evening Glow is a variety with a predominance of bright crimson shades on the leaves.

  • Mikado is a tall variety with large leaves painted in contrasting tones: a dark purple patterned center gives way to light green tones. There is a clear border along the edge of the sheet.

Begonia tiger - a low plant with a creeping stem and green leaves mottled with dark spots. Small, soft pink flowers are collected in loose inflorescences.

The most beautiful varieties:

  • Tiger is a low-growing (up to 10 cm) variety, with velvety patterned leaves.
  • Cleopatra is a variety characterized by changes in leaf color depending on the lighting. The lower part of the leaf is painted in red or burgundy tones.

Begonia coral – subshrub reaching up to room conditions height up to 1 meter. Stems are bare and erect. The foliage is oblong, with jagged edges. The leaf blade is a rich dark green color on top, with silver inclusions, and light green underneath. The flowers are collected in a raceme inflorescence.

Popular varieties:

  • President Carnot has shield-shaped leaves, dissected at the base. The foliage color is green with light spots.
  • Alfalfa has large, toothed leaves that are red on the underside of the leaf.

Group of decorative flowering begonias

Begonia everblooming- a bush reaching a height of about 60 cm. The erect stem takes on an ampelous shape with age. The leaves are small, slightly pubescent, round in shape. Flowers can be simple or double, white, red or pink. The inflorescences quickly fade and are replaced by new flowers.

The best varieties:

  • Gustav Knaake is a beautiful spreading bush with green foliage and red edges. Small bright red flowers are collected in inflorescences.
  • Bikola is a low-growing (up to 20 cm) bush that blooms with white-pink inflorescences.
  • Carmen is a medium-growing variety with brown foliage and many bright crimson flowers.

  • Orania is a neat low bush with green foliage bordered by a red stripe and bright orange-carmine flowers.

Begonia elatior - a favorite of indoor begonias, characterized by bright and abundant flowering. The bushes are compact, no more than 40-45 cm high, with a thick, strong stem and small oblong (8-10 cm) leaves. The upper part of the sheet is glossy, the lower part is matte and light.

Known varieties:

  • Schwabenland is a tall variety with profusely blooming bright scarlet flowers.
  • Rose is a variety distinguished by double flowers of deep purple shades.
  • Renaissance is a tall variety with double, carmine-colored flowers. Is different lush flowers with corrugated wavy petals.

Begonia ampelous- mostly garden form begonia. The species is characterized by drooping shoots with many flowers different sizes, depending on the variety. Different flowers color range(red, yellow, white) and textures (double, simple, semi-double).

The most popular varieties:

  • Gale - forms a large spreading bush with small, soft pink flowers.
  • Christie - distinguished by double white flowers and hanging shoots.
  • Roxana is a compact bush with double orange flowers.

Begonia tuberous- a universal group of begonias grown in the garden, on the balcony or in indoor pots. The main feature of this plant species is the presence of a tuberous rhizome. The inflorescences of different shades resemble a small rose in shape, the flowering is lush and abundant.

Popular varieties:

  • Crispa white-red - has flowers of red-white tones with a yellow core.
  • Dark Red - distinguished by matte, dark cherry inflorescences.

Separately, it is worth noting modern decorative flowering hybrid varieties begonias, which have gained wide popularity among gardeners. These include the following varieties: “Harlequin”, “Gold Dress”, “Crispa Marginata”, “Camellia Flora”, “Marmorata”, “Diana Vinyard”, “Ami Jean Bard”.

Reproduction of begonia at home

Depending on the species, begonias reproduce by seed and vegetative methods (leaf, stem, rhizome cuttings or by dividing the bush).

Propagation of domestic begonia by seeds

This method of propagating begonias is considered not labor-intensive and quite simple.

  • Sowing of seeds is carried out at the end of winter - beginning of spring.
  • Begonia seeds are very small, so they are sown on the surface of a light soil substrate without being planted deep. The soil mixture, as a rule, consists of peat, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  • Place the container with the seeds in a warm, bright place, covering it with film or glass. After the first shoots appear, this coating is removed.
  • Moisten the soil with a spray bottle or by pouring water into a special bottom tray of the container.
  • In the phase of 3-4 leaves, the seedlings dive. Grown up 1.5-2 month old begonias are transplanted into separate pots.
  • Begonia from seeds blooms already in the first year of development. To do this, it is important to provide the plant with the most favorable conditions: watering, loosening, lighting.

Propagation of begonia by tubers at home

The tuberous form of begonia is easily propagated by part of its rhizome - a tuber.

  • In the fall, when the leaves are cut and the begonia tubers are dug out, the latter are cleared of soil and dried for storage.
  • In early spring, the tubers are cut into several parts so that each of them has roots and sprouts. You can stimulate the rapid formation of roots by placing the tubers on a constantly moistened cloth.

  • The cut is sprinkled with charcoal (or sand) and planted in peat (or loose soil substrate), not completely deepened, but so that a small part (1-2 cm) of the tuber still remains on the surface.
  • It is important to ensure a moderately warm room temperature and constant soil moisture.
  • In stable warm weather, sprouted tubers can be planted in open ground.
  • Propagating tuberous begonia at home is not difficult if you follow all the steps correctly. A whole intact begonia tuber can be stored for about 5 years.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings at home

Many gardeners practice breeding begonias using cuttings - shoots with several leaves.

  • First, cuttings are prepared required length, with 3-4 leaves on the shoot.
  • To prevent the cut areas from rotting, they are treated with charcoal.
  • The cuttings are planted in a light substrate and the container is placed in a warm, bright place without direct sunlight. Provide moderate watering.
  • You can root cuttings in water, but with this method there is a higher risk of shoots rotting.
  • After 3-4 weeks, young roots begin to form on the cuttings.

Propagation of begonia by leaves at home

This method is carried out in the spring and is used only for begonias with large, massive leaves.

  • For propagation, the whole leaf blade or part thereof is used. The leaf is cut at the very base of the shoot, 5 cm long and above.

  • Large veins are cut on the underside of the leaf blade and the leaf is placed (cuts down) on wet sand or soil mixture. Lightly press and fix the sheet (for example, with a pin) in one position. To create a greenhouse effect, you can cover the container with film.
  • Moisten the sand (soil mixture) from below, through the pan. After 1.5-2 months, the first roots appear at the incision sites.
  • Grown seedlings are separated and planted separately in a soil mixture of peat, sand and soil.

Planting begonias at home

Planting begonias at home does not require much effort or special knowledge. It is enough to choose the right soil for the flower and plant the seedling in a pot or in a flower garden, depending on the type and purpose of the begonia.

  • Begonias prefer light, fertile soil with good drainage. Soil acidity should be neutral or slightly acidic.
  • Soil mixture for planting can be purchased at the store (choose a peat-based substrate) or you can make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to mix leaf soil with peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

  • The pot for begonia is not very large, only 3-4 cm larger than the root system of the plant. Moreover, rhizomatous species of begonia need more spacious containers for planting than tuberous representatives of the genus.
  • Drainage (expanded clay, small crushed stone) is poured onto the bottom of the pot, and a small (2-3 cm) layer of charcoal is placed on top. This “technique” will allow you to avoid rot. A seedling with a lump of earth is placed in a pot and covered with prepared soil mixture, slightly compacting the soil to avoid the formation of voids.
  • A humid microclimate has a beneficial effect on flower development, the growth of green mass and the duration of flowering. The main thing is not to allow moisture to stagnate at the roots to prevent them from rotting.
  • Tuberous begonia Can be planted in open ground or container. For successful survival, the tubers are germinated in advance on a constantly moist substrate (you can take damp gauze or cloth) and planted with the rounded side down.

Transplanting indoor begonia

Begonia is replanted as needed: if the flower has grown too much and requires a new, more spacious pot; if begonia needs to be propagated; if the begonia loses its decorative effect (for example, the leaves turn yellow).

  • It is better to replant begonia in early spring, before the active growing season begins.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the pot and clean the roots from the soil. Then you should inspect all the roots and, if necessary, remove rotten or damaged areas. Treat the cut areas with charcoal powder.
  • A good way to prevent diseases is to treat the roots in a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, the entire root system is placed in a container with a solution for 20-30 minutes.
  • After replanting, the plant needs regular watering and careful care until the begonia is completely established. You should not immediately place the begonia pot in the open sun after transplanting. For the first few days it is better to place the plant in partial shade.
  • When replanting a plant that is more than 3 years old, it is better to rejuvenate it by dividing it into parts and planting it in separate pots.

Indoor begonia, features of plant care at home

Growing begonia requires knowledge of the peculiarities of its care. If all conditions are met to the maximum, begonia will delight others with lush, healthy foliage and abundant, long-lasting flowering.

Lighting, humidity, temperature of home begonia

Care indoor begonia starts with the right place for the flower.

  • It should be a well-lit, warm (about 18-20 0 C) place with a high level of humidity.
  • In summer, it is better to avoid direct sunlight to prevent the formation of burns on the begonia leaves. The best option– diffused light from the east or west side.
  • Originally from the tropics, begonia prefers high humidity. But it is not recommended to spray it, as after this brown spots appear on the foliage. It is better to place the pot with the plant on an inverted tray, which, in turn, is placed in another, slightly larger tray. Expanded clay is poured into it, which must always be wet.
  • Begonia “loves” space, so you can’t place flower pots too close to each other. Regular ventilation (without drafts) in the warm season will only improve the condition of the flower.

Watering home begonias

Caring for begonias at home requires mandatory and regular watering of the plant. The flowering process of begonia directly depends on soil moisture.

  • Water the begonia abundantly, at the root, as the soil dries 1-2 cm, with settled soft water. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pan.
  • After flowering, watering is reduced. In winter, even less water will be needed. Tuberous begonia that goes dormant in the fall stops watering altogether, and the tubers are placed in storage.

Feeding indoor begonia

The application of fertilizers ensures the active development of the plant, increasing the flowering phase, the size of flowers and leaves.

  • Begonia begins to be fed during the flowering period, once every 2 weeks.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to stimulate the growth of decorative deciduous begonia species. For flowering varieties, nitrogen is not desirable, as it will inhibit the flowering process.
  • For decorative flowering species, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used, which are applied from the moment the ovary forms and the formation of buds.
  • Before applying fertilizer, the plant is first watered. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form.
  • In addition to mineral complexes, it is also practiced to add organic matter to the soil, for example diluted (1:5) manure.

Pest and disease control at home

The appearance of pests or signs of disease is often associated with improper care behind the begonia.

  • Excessive watering can cause a fungal disease to appear on the plant - powdery mildew. To combat the problem ( white coating on the leaves), watering rates are reduced, damaged leaves are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide. The same control measures are also used when infected with gray rot, when characteristic light mold appears on the leaves.
  • When begonia is attacked by aphids, the leaves are wiped with alcohol or a special preparation (for example, “Homa”).
  • If the humidity is excessively low, begonia bushes may appear spider mite. In this case, the leaves are treated with a soap solution or insectoacaricidal preparations, such as Karbofos, Intavir, Decis.

Preparing home begonia for winter

Care measures related to preparation for the winter period are relevant for growing tuberous begonia species at home.

  • Tuberous begonia experiences a dormant period in winter. Therefore, in the fall, you should trim off any fallen leaves on the plant and put the pot in a cool, dark place.
  • You need to dig up tubers for storage 1.5-2 weeks after the ground part of the begonia has completely died off.
  • Store the tubers in a dark, dry and cool place (not lower than 10 0 C). You can use a box of sand for this.

Problems when growing begonias at home

  • Begonia does not bloom.

The reason may be insufficient lighting, low humidity, draft, unstable temperature regime, excess fertilizer.

  • The buds are falling.

Perhaps the watering or light regime is disrupted (either a lack or an excess), or there is a shortage of fertilizers.

  • The leaves are turning yellow.

The reason may be soil depletion, low humidity, or the appearance of pests in the root part of the plant.

  • The leaves turn black.

The problem arises due to spraying of begonias, water getting on the leaves during watering, and at elevated room temperatures.

  • The leaves are turning pale.

Insufficient lighting causes the plant to stretch and the foliage to turn pale.

  • Leaves curl.

Most likely too heat in room.

Thus, knowing the peculiarities of growing and preferences of begonia, anyone, even a novice gardener, can easily grow this beautiful, spectacular flower at home.

Begonia, photo

Begonia, video: “Basics of successfully growing begonia”