Shower      04/09/2019

Canadian house for a million rubles. Turnkey house for a million: “black” and “white” savings, at what stages of construction you can save

Construction of any house is a rather complex process. It consists of several stages of work. One of them includes the choice of materials. If the budget is unlimited, then you don’t have to stop yourself in your preferences. What if you need to build a house for a million? What then? And is this real?

Options for building materials for the construction of a residential building

Today the market is so rich that it is possible to choose the right ones. For example, the most common option for building a house from:

  • bricks;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • shell rock;
  • wood

But they are all quite expensive, and they are definitely not suitable for those who want to build a house for a million. There are other methods of constructing a residential building that are no less popular.

What does it cost us to build a house?

This expression is probably familiar to everyone. Only if everything were as simple as they say, then new buildings would appear in a fairly short time. Any construction of a house requires a certain period. And, as a rule, the work requires careful preparation. It includes several stages:

  • planning construction on the site;
  • creating a project for a future building;
  • construction;
  • selection of building materials;
  • choice of finishing materials;
  • construction work.

Many people doubt that it is possible to build a house for a million. With modern technologies and materials there is nothing complicated about this.

The first step is choosing a location on the site for building a house. It can be anything. The most important thing is to ensure normal supply of all communications to the building. The second stage is to draw up a project for a residential building. This includes the selection of materials and clarification of dimensions.

At the next stage, a construction estimate is drawn up, and only then everything is purchased necessary materials, which will be used during the construction process.

What is included in the construction estimate?

Once a house plan is drawn up, it is necessary to accurately calculate not only the amount of materials, but also their cost. Also, in some cases, the estimate indicates labor costs or rental of necessary equipment.

The estimate includes:

  • costs of building the box;
  • costs for materials and communications.

Accordingly, it is necessary to prepare two separate calculations for ease of use. Especially if you need to build a house for a million rubles.

General estimate for building a house

Percentage, %

What is included

Building a box house

All construction work

Water supply, sewerage

Laying pipes, connecting equipment


Connecting equipment and wiring the system


Connecting the house to power supply

Finishing work

Interior and exterior finishing

There is an additional estimate that makes it impossible to make mistakes in construction.

Estimate for building a box

Percentage, %



Costs of constructing a foundation including materials

Construction of building walls taking into account the material

Construction of a roof structure taking into account the necessary materials

Floors, stairs

Creation of concrete or wooden floors, stairs

Facades, openings

Design of facades and openings taking into account materials

Looking at all the percentages, it seems quite easy and simple to build a house. The estimate helps a lot with this. If there is a certain amount, then judging by it, you can properly plan your finances and initially see what exactly it will be enough for.

Ways to economically build a house

How can you build a house for a million? For this, there are modern technologies that came to us from the West and became popular. The entire process of constructing a structure is based on the use of a frame.

It is worth considering that frame houses There are different types, and any materials can be used in their construction.

Important. It will not be possible to build a house from any building stone for just a million rubles. Such materials are quite expensive.

Characteristics of frame construction

It's safe to say that building a house for a million is quite simple using a new Canadian technology - frame buildings. It is based on the use of durable building materials, which in some cases do not require additional finishing. It is also worth considering that such houses are full-fledged, since any communications can be freely connected to them and any number of rooms can be built in them.

So, the construction process begins with the construction of the foundation for the house. Frame structures are quite lightweight, and there is an opportunity to save a little. It is for this reason that strip-pile or columnar foundations are most often used. Monolithic base is more expensive.

Important. The choice of foundation is based on an analysis of the soil on the site.

  • wooden;
  • metal.

Wooden ones are considered more practical, reliable and durable; they have similar properties, only the structure of the material itself is quite soft and is capable of responding to deformation when exposed to moisture.

Next, the base material is mounted on the frame. As a rule, plywood or OSB is used in this capacity. Then polystyrene foam or any other material is inserted into the cells of the frame insulating material, which is covered with sheets of the same OSB or plywood.

Interior and exterior decoration can be anything. Modern materials are used in the construction of the roof.

Other ways to build economically

More modern version construction of the house are sip panels. The house can be assembled like a construction set. The panels immediately have an external finish. The internal one is done at your own discretion. The material is also insulated and has little weight. Despite this, it is still necessary to make a foundation for such a house. With this technology it became possible to build a house for a million. Photos of similar structures are varied. You can draw up a building project yourself or use the services of professionals in this field.

Today, with only one million rubles, you can build a cozy and spacious house. Taking advantage of this offer, the owners receive a warm, comfortable and economical home with all living conditions.


The Canadian house for a million rubles is a spacious dwelling built using sip panels. The process of such house construction is known in many countries of the world due to a number of advantages:

  • high heat retention rates;
  • low weight of the structure;
  • prompt construction within a few months;
  • the ability to implement any design and design solutions;
  • construction is possible on almost any soil.

Building a Canadian home is a good investment. The home is ideal for full-fledged living and has enough premises for the whole family, the house is equipped with all communications, from external and exterior decoration. The layout of the building is laconic and rational.


To build a Canadian house for a million you will need certain parts and materials. The house set consists of:

  • design documentation;
  • assembly kit;
  • pile-screw foundation;
  • beam;
  • building elements internal partitions, interfloor ceilings, walls and roofs;
  • installation of window blocks;
  • drainage equipment;
  • roofing arrangement;
  • external finishing;
  • installation of an entrance door.

A million-dollar house is comparable to a good three-room city apartment, which has a large bathroom, a corridor and a hall, as well as a functional kitchen that opens into a living room. The high-strength structure is reliable and environmentally friendly.


Today the cost of an apartment or house is unrealistically high. Often young families are forced to live with relatives or rent housing. Canadian houses best way to solve this problem. The pricing policy compares favorably with the construction of houses using Canadian technology. They are much cheaper than brick buildings of similar size.

The price of houses is real. The accessibility of premises is characterized by the characteristics of prefabricated methods. The optimal prices for the construction of Canadian houses are determined by a number of reasons:

  • inexpensive Construction Materials;
  • components with low specific gravity;
  • there is no need to attract expensive heavy equipment.

In most cases, the price of Canadian houses includes measures for the arrangement of utilities: sewerage, water supply, electricity and main gas pipeline.

Buy or build own house- the dream of most of our fellow citizens. Some people can, without much effort, buy a luxurious cottage, while others are content with a small but cozy building. There are many families with average incomes in our country, and therefore a large number of people are interested in the possibility of the most economical option building your own home. Is it really possible to build a house for a million? Let's try to figure it out.

If the cost of the land plot is excluded from this amount, and construction is carried out on our own, then it will turn out to be quite real. If you approach this issue prudently and wisely, then it is quite possible to meet the specified amount. This problem is very relevant for those who are going to make their cherished dream come true. If you rationally approach the selection of a suitable project and the purchase of building materials, then you can become an owner for 10,000,000 rubles.

Million! What kind of house can you build for this money?

First you need to decide on the upcoming expenses, figure out what you can pay for. Getting a home for the specified amount is quite acceptable if you own land plot, and if you plan to perform all the upcoming work on your own.

Putting up a box is actually not that difficult or expensive, but it’s not enough. You will have to connect and connect all the important things to it, build a fence, and landscape the area. All this also turns out to be very expensive. You should evaluate your capabilities realistically, and you can take on construction yourself only if you are confident in your abilities.

This is not as simple as it might seem from the outside. Here you will need certain skills, the ability to work with a tool, a kind of dexterity.

Before starting work, you need to think through and carefully plan upcoming events. For example, it is not enough to buy the selected building materials; they still need to be delivered and unloaded.

House for a million: what could it be like?

Insulating a million-dollar house with basalt wool

Quite pleasant and affordable price have enjoyed constant success. This is a dense and lightweight material that holds heat well and is not afraid of fire.

It is often used as insulation during construction: it is used for insulation. A box of such a structure, one floor high, can be assembled in one week, after which the room can begin to be decorated.

We build for a million from aerated concrete

Not so long ago, they began to use But for the construction of buildings, and in such a short time it managed to gain well-deserved popularity. Despite its amazing lightness, it has undoubted strength. A house built from such material will last at least 80 years, and the funds for its construction will require almost three times less than for a brick building of the same size.

tall house made of timber for a million

It will be possible to form a future structure from it quite quickly, but then you will have to wait about 60 days for the structure to subsidence.

Use alone wooden elements not enough to keep the home warm. A house made of timber needs high-quality insulation, for which you can use, stone wool, And so on.

What else can be used for budget construction? What can you build a million-dollar house from?

Popular material in modern construction is also . Walls from it are erected using. Such a structure does not need exterior decoration, A interior walls buildings are actually immediately ready for interior decoration. It will be possible to build such a cottage in an extremely short period of time, and the costs may be minimal.

How to choose the right material for?
It depends on what type of building it will be and what materials you are going to use. When making an estimate of all possible expenses, individual items should always be rounded up. Often, various unforeseen situations arise at a construction site, accompanied by additional costs. Accordingly, the total cost of the house increases.

Canadian house for a million

If you have your hands you can build yourself such a house

Many people want to know what it is

It is worth saying that we set ourselves the goal of building a budget option houses with a total area of ​​one hundred square meters. We do not have large finances, therefore, our funds are limited and should not exceed the intended amount, in our case 1,000,000 rubles.

Step-by-step calculations on how to build a turnkey house for 1,000,000 rubles

Based on our calculations, we created a separate characteristic of the future home. It will be a one-story building with an area of ​​100 square meters. For example, the average apartment has an area of ​​60 square meters, then 100 square meters for a house will be quite enough. We will include all materials in the calculations.

Step 1.

First, the building design. In fact, you can easily move several rooms to the second floor, thus creating a two-story building. You can find hundreds of house designs on the Internet. Try to ensure that the project itself is adapted to the conditions in which you plan to build. Some people try to hire an architect for such purposes, which is quite reasonable. He will calculate the area for each room and draw up a detailed full-scale project.

Second step.

For each house you need to choose a foundation separately. This is due to the fact that each type of soil has its own type of foundation. This item will require geodetic expertise from you. So, for example, if your soil is not completely level and has differences in height, then it would be appropriate to install piles in this case. You should choose screw piles, you can adjust each of them to the foundation. The piles are long enough, so they will pass through soft soil (if any) and penetrate into hard soil. Thus, they will become a reliable basis for any home.

If there are underground communications on the site, then using your own would be an excellent option.

For your information, installation of piles takes only one day. Let's take this fact into account, because the longer the construction takes, the more we will pay for construction. Installation of piles can be done at any time of the year; they preserve the ecosystem and do not damage the top layers of soil at all without disturbing our landscape. By choosing piles, you will save about half the amount that you could pay for other types of foundation. For our project, we will spend approximately 80 thousand rubles, this is the calculation for 100 square meters of a house, including the piles themselves and installation. In order for the piles to serve you for more than 50 years, carefully look at the quality of the products, the most optimal and the right choice There will be piles made by burning forging; they are protected from metal corrosion thanks to a zinc coating. After installing the piles, we can move on to the next step.

Step 3.

So, first, decide what you would like to make the walls from. If you use one and a half when finishing yellow brick, then our walls will cost about 600 thousand rubles, which will greatly undermine our budget.

This is a fairly expensive option, but we can save a little by using ceramic bricks instead. We will save about 150 thousand rubles, which is quite a lot. Also, we can significantly reduce our waste when installing walls. There is a little secret: the tongue-and-groove block should be laid not on the mortar, but on the adhesive mixture. There are several advantages to using this material. Firstly, your masonry joint will look neater than when using cement. Secondly, we will improve the thermal insulation of the building. Thirdly, we will get rid of such costs as: ordering a concrete mixer, delivery of building materials (sand, cement) and there will be no need to hire additional labor. If the construction process is delayed into the winter, then you can use an adhesive mixture with winter additives; it will be possible to build even at -15 degrees Celsius.

Step 4.

It's time to think about the roof. When choosing, do not focus only on appearance and the decorative part of the product, the most important thing here is the performance characteristics. Do not plan to install a roof that has several slopes; it will be extremely expensive for one-story house. You should also not opt ​​for flat roof. The materials from which such a roof is made, which is mainly roofing material, will need to be replaced after five years. This is of no use to us. Therefore, the most the best option will serve us gable roof. Costs for lifting mechanisms will not be. For your information, this roof will last much longer than the previous option. We need to choose the roof that could easily fit into our budget and would not undermine it. According to calculations, it came out to about two hundred thousand rubles. Some people choose a tile roof. In principle, this option can also be considered. It will cost less than our corrugated sheets. However, they have some negative sides. The installation of such material must be carried out by specialists, otherwise, if done incorrectly, cracks may form and your roof is unlikely to withstand bad weather. Such things happen often, so you shouldn’t take risks and save on such a component of the house.

Step 5. Windows and doors.

According to our calculations, seven windows will be enough for the house. Where to place which ones is your choice. It all depends on the room, for example, they prefer to have windows in the kitchen standard sizes, in turn, they try to choose frames as wide as possible for the hall. The choice is very large. As for doors, choose high-quality ones, because there are many on the market various options, but the quality, unfortunately, leaves the best. The total amount will be approximately 150 thousand rubles.

Thus, we have a full-fledged “box” of the house. But this is far from the end of the entire construction. There are still a few stages left, which we will now learn about.

Step 6. Communications.

Electricity is an important part of construction. Invite experienced electricians and engineers to draw up a network plan. Discuss in advance with specialists where you would like to have outlets to the electrical network (sockets). To do this, we would recommend marking on the plan which rooms will be used for what and at least partially arranging the furniture on the layout. Based on such a scheme, it will be quite easy to solve the issue with electricity.

This also requires inviting a specialist. They will promptly install all the meters, pipes, heaters, etc. for you.

Decide whether you want to have gas in your home. Many people prefer to have in their home electric stoves than gas ones. This has to do with home safety. It will cost 70 thousand rubles.

Step 7

Finishing and purchase of equipment and materials. It will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Construction has been completed and we have received a wonderful house with a total area of ​​100 sq. m. meters. So, how long did it take for such a building to be built and did we manage to answer the question “how to build a turnkey house for 1,000,000 rubles”?

And so, the amount spent on the construction of this type of facility is 1,050,000 rubles. So what do we end up with?

Firstly, a good budget home option. Not bad is an understatement. Not everyone can boast of a house of 100 square meters, which would cost 1,050,000 rubles.

Secondly, the area. Let's pay attention to this point.

1)And so, if we take it by standards, the average kitchen area is about 10 square meters, this is quite enough to install the entire kitchen unit (stove, cabinets, dishwasher) and a dining area. There are about 90 squares left.

2) You can safely allocate space in the house for two bedrooms with a total area of ​​30 square meters. Total: 60 squares.

3) Bathroom. Let's give this room 10 square meters. A total of 50 square meters remains.

4) Living room. A room of 20 square meters would be quite a good area. And besides, we have 30 more squares left.

5) You can distribute the remaining meters at your own discretion.

Everyone will envy such a house. He is strong and resilient. Made from good materials that will serve you for about 60 years, which is a long time for a building.

Please note, on this moment There are many construction companies in the real estate market that are engaged in the construction of this type of houses. The cost of such objects will vary between 800-000-1500000 rubles. It all depends on the area of ​​the proposed building, materials, etc.

The house is completely suitable for normal family living. It has a good area and is equipped with all communications. Also, the house is fully finished both outside and inside.

We answered the question of how to build a house for 1,000,000 rubles, which has a warm house box, a strong corrugated roof, plastic windows and doors.

Do-it-yourself construction of a turnkey house for 1,000,000 rubles

You can also build a turnkey house for 1,000,000 rubles with your own hands. This will save you much more money than hiring a construction company. But, this method is suitable for those who know the basics of architecture and construction, and also know how to handle tools. The result in this case will depend entirely on you.

This type of construction has its own nuances, including:

Firstly, the materials. If construction companies take full responsibility for purchases, then in our case all this falls on your shoulders.

Secondly, the time of construction. Construction can take years if you don't have good help. You will have to do all the work yourself and professionally.

For example, many people were able to build a house by spending about 600 thousand rubles. This is even significantly lower than what we set in the task “how to build a house for 1,000,000 rubles.” In this case, people built houses from aerated concrete blocks. This material is quite cheap and at the same time durable, and will last for several decades.

Another way to build a house with your own hands is application frame structure . This option is also quite cheap and much faster.

In any case, the choice will be yours.

A turnkey frame house for 1,000,000 rubles is built according to several standard options, well thought out by the company’s employees. We also offer individual design, which takes into account any customer wishes. Our houses are warm in winter and comfortable in summer, and the advantages of the buildings include:

  • ease and speed of construction due to the use modern technologies;
  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • sufficient internal space and the ability to choose a layout;
  • the use of various architectural forms during construction;
  • good thermal insulation allowing you to save on heating.

Houses costing a million rubles have a large area, regardless of the specifics of the project. The material for construction is treated with antiseptics, is not exposed to dampness, fungus, and is resistant to fire. Each project has a long warranty and is characterized by high performance characteristics.

Construction stages

Some available options cottages have their own characteristics. If necessary, it is possible to change the design or individual design. When performing work, the following sequence is observed:

  • poured into the prepared trench concrete mixture for arranging the foundation;
  • a frame is assembled from a board natural humidity;
  • is being built attic floor, and in its absence in the project - roofing;
  • wall cladding is formed like a multi-layer cake, using heat-, moisture- and sound-proof materials;
  • floors are laid and ceilings are installed;
  • The building is finally being finished.

The finished cottage can be received within 30 days after the start of work. Short installation times are one of the advantages of such housing.

Our advantages

If there is an amount of 1 million rubles, the customer has the opportunity to build a spacious and comfortable cottage. To do this, you need to contact us and choose one of the projects. We have been building similar housing for almost 20 years and guarantee excellent quality. The advantages of cooperation with the Gradodel company include:

  • no requirements for the client other than the provision of a construction site;
  • high ceilings;
  • daily photo reports on the progress of work;
  • free delivery of components up to 100 km;
  • construction by qualified craftsmen.

Our company will quickly and efficiently build a cottage on the client’s site and within the amount of 1 million rubles. For this money, the customer receives a spacious and comfortable building, in which each family member has his own room. Contact us and your dream will become a reality within a month. We will be happy to complete any project, including according to the client’s drawings.