Shower      06/17/2019

Half-timbered frame drawings. Modern fachwerk: traditions and innovations. Half-timbered houses in the German style

In our country, half-timbered houses are a relatively new trend, which is gaining more and more popularity every day. This structure has already gained its stunning popularity, and this is quite obvious. For its construction, exclusively clean building materials are used, and the structure is easy to use.

What is so special about half-timbered buildings?

We are building half-timbered house

Half-timbered houses began to build several centuries ago, starting from the distant 12th century.

Such structures belong to low-rise buildings and can include a maximum of four floors. And today it is very popular to build such a structure from one floor, using the maximum modern technologies.

A half-timbered structure is a cellular structure. The technique of building half-timbered houses has nothing in common with conventional brick or concrete buildings. This structure is based on a wood frame made of load-bearing vertical posts, horizontally installed beams and diagonal braces. The basis of the house is wooden beams made of durable species, which are treated with special glue.

The technical features that should distinguish a wooden beam are given in the table.

During the construction of buildings, slabs of shavings and cement are very often used, which are produced by pressing Portland cement, wood shavings and various stabilizers. This canvas has:

  • high density;
  • good heat and sound insulation features;
  • is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather;
  • has an affordable price;
  • easy to install.

Today, thanks to technological progress, it has become possible to build half-timbered buildings from heat-saving glass panels. In this way, you can glaze up to 95% of the surfaces in the house.

As a rule, half-timbered buildings are complemented by a two- or four-slope roof, which is installed quite low. Thanks to this location, on hot days you can hide under its shade from the scorching rays of the sun.

The main distinguishing feature, which is unique to half-timbered houses, is the wood frame, which is not hidden under a layer of finishing material.

Advantages and disadvantages of buildings

How to build a half-timbered house with your own hands?

The construction in the half-timbered style cannot but amaze with its neatness and elegance. Another plus in their favor is that they can be built very quickly by collecting all necessary details together, like a designer. Despite the ease of installation, such buildings have high level strength and differ long term exploitation, which can be seen if you look at houses that were built about 3 centuries ago, but have retained their pristine beauty.

It is also worth highlighting the following advantages:

  1. due to the fact that the buildings are built with an axial structure, there is no need to build load-bearing walls inside the building;
  2. in half-timbered buildings, the main load falls on vertical racks and wood frames, which reduces the amount of pressure on the foundation;
  3. such buildings do not shrink, so they can be erected on any foundation, which, in turn, reduces the cost of construction;
  4. due to the fact that the house is built from individual parts (according to the principle of a designer), it can be rebuilt in the shortest possible time, which brick or stone buildings cannot boast of.

There is nothing ideal in our life and a half-timbered house is no exception. But, thanks to modern technologies, many problems were still overcome.

For example, previously half-timbered buildings were very inferior brick houses by the “ability” to retain heat. But today, thanks to modern building materials with increased heat efficiency, this has ceased to be a problem.

How to decorate a half-timbered house?

Do-it-yourself half-timbered houses, really?

The basis of a half-timbered building is a special load-bearing frame, for which glued laminated timber made of steel or reinforced concrete is used.

Previously, it was customary to fill the spaces between load-bearing parts with adobe, but today for these purposes they use:

Various insulation agents are usually added to such materials.

But this is not the entire list of materials from which you can see the design of a half-timbered building. Also widely used:

  1. Plate material

To work, such slabs can be cut using a grinder or jigsaw, then pigmented to the desired shade with water-based or oil paint.

The slabs are fastened with screws, which are screwed between the frame parts.

Also as slab material Gypsum fiber sheets with a high level of moisture resistance or lining can be used.

  1. Plaster

This type of finishing is most suitable for decorating buildings made of brick or blocks.

As a mixture, it is better to choose waterproof compounds that can cover walls several centimeters thick.

If you live in a region with harsh climatic conditions, building a house with glass walls is not very cost-effective. For this purpose, other options have been developed that make it possible to make the house more favorable for living, thereby not violating its stylistic features.

As you can see, such an imitation of a half-timbered house will be cheap, but this makes its appearance and specifications will not be harmed one bit.

We build buildings in the half-timbered style with our own hands

half-timbered house

If half-timbered buildings made an indelible impression on you, and you decided to build such a house for yourself with your own hands, get ready that it is absolutely not easy. Although experienced builders They assure the speed of construction of such a building; they mean the assembly of the structure from prepared parts, for which all elements were previously carefully designed by computer programs.

Such parts are connected using tongue-and-groove systems, which provide the structure with strength. But, to do the work with your own hands with high quality, you must have at least some skills in carpentry.

Before you build a half-timbered building with your own hands, you need to consider the following points:

  • in order to properly erect a building with your own hands, you need to build a lightweight foundation, because a half-timbered structure does not create a large load on the base, but distributes it between the wooden beams of the frame;
  • you will need to lay waterproofing on the foundation, then install a timber frame and secure it with metal anchors;
  • then a frame of glued beams is installed;
  • Both basalt wool and cellulose mats can be used as insulation;
  • If there are many walls in the house made of glass, you can install a “warm floor” or additional system heating;
  • To cover the roof, you can use ceramic or metal tiles, as well as sheet iron;
  • When all the work is completed, you can move on to the external design.

To give the building completeness, color and half-timbered style, it needs to be plastered and painted with light colors, preferably in pastel colors.

Construction technology half-timbered houses came to us from the Middle Ages. Although the first buildings of this type appeared in the 12th century AD, they became most widespread in Germany in the 15th century, and then became popular throughout Northern Europe. This technology is still used in the construction of buildings in many countries. It has stood the test of time for several centuries. If you decide to build a half-timbered house with your own hands, then in this article we will describe many of the nuances that you need to know before making a final decision.


The German word Fachwerk is translated as “frame, lattice structure,” which already gives an idea of ​​the design features of this structure. The technology for building such a house is the construction of a frame from wooden beams, which is the supporting structure. Vertical and horizontal racks are combined by beams under different angles, which gives the structure rigidity and strength. Monolithic walls are not erected, since this is how they are obtained when filling the space between the beams various materials. During the Middle Ages, adobe, clay were used for this, and later stone and brick.

The load-bearing beams of such buildings are not hidden, they go out onto the facade and look like decorative element, which gives half-timbered houses their unique and recognizable personality. The frame elements, deliberately highlighted in color, create a whimsical ornament on the building's façade.

Modern reading

Reliability and durability are confirmed by the fact that buildings that are about five hundred years old have been preserved. Interest in this style began to revive at the end of the last century, especially since modern technologies have helped to reinterpret classic examples of such buildings in a new way.

Using laminated veneer lumber instead of conventional wood to make a frame provides many advantages. Its superior strength to wood, greater water resistance, more heat fire resistance, resistance to mold and fungi allow you to get rid of the disadvantages inherent in wooden houses.

Modern technologies have made it possible to create, while observing all the advantages of a half-timbered structure, a “glass house”, when the planes between the frame elements are filled with especially strong double-glazed windows.

Benefits of technology

  • The aesthetic appeal of such houses is undeniable - they are original, unlike the buildings we are used to.
  • Such buildings do not require a strong foundation, which leads to a reduction in construction time and cost.
  • The buildings have very little shrinkage, which is due to the low weight of the frame. This allows you to begin external and interior decoration immediately after completion of its installation.
  • Since the main vertical load is borne by the building frame, the layout interior spaces not constrained by the need to construct load-bearing walls.
  • Construction time is several times higher compared to buildings constructed using traditional methods.

Nuances of building a house

It may seem that building a half-timbered house can be easy and quick, but this is not so. You can often hear advertisements that such construction is carried out by one person in a short time, but do not be deluded by this half-truth, since the rapid construction of such a house is only possible if a team of specialists gets down to business. Moreover, they assemble the frame from parts prepared in advance at the factory. In this case, indeed, your house can be built in just 2 weeks.

If you take up independent execution this work, it is important to realize the limits of your capabilities in order to complete the work you have begun. To do the job correctly, you not only need to know how to use a tool, you need to have one. In addition, you will need to competently perform numerous calculations. Such qualities as accuracy and scrupulousness are necessary, because later it will not be possible to redo it, and there will be no way to cover the flaws with panels. The mood has not changed, and are you ready to continue building on your own? Then study the list of work performed.

Sequence of work

  • Depending on the climatic and landscape conditions of the area in which the house will be built, an appropriate project is developed.
  • As with any other building, a half-timbered house needs a foundation. Considering the small mass of the house, we will focus on a shallowly buried strip foundation 50 cm wide by performing calculations on our online calculator. You can also make a different type of foundation, as for an ordinary frame house.
  • For the manufacture of load-bearing structures, we will use glued beams, the size of which should be specified in the project. Nowadays, purchasing such building material will not be a problem. You can also use a regular, only guaranteed dry timber, of the same dimensions.
  • If you don’t have the skills for such work, but want to do everything yourself, then it’s better to find or order a project in accordance with your needs, order blanks from a company specializing in the manufacture of half-timbered houses, and then, using the drawings, begin assembly.

  • A layer of waterproofing is laid on the foundation, and the beams of the lower frame are laid on top of it.
  • Metal anchors are used to attach the beams to the foundation.

  • When assembling the frame, it is important to ensure that the parts are completely inserted into the grooves. The joints of the frame parts, which will bear a large load, must be additionally strengthened, for which metal plates, corners or brackets can be used.
  • In that part of the building where the walls will be blank, it is necessary to ensure that the depth of the frame frames is sufficient for insulation from cellulose fibers.

  • Interior partitions are assembled from smaller timber, about 50×50 mm. Frame dowels are used to secure them to the floor.
  • On top vertical bars The longitudinal girders are being installed, to which the floor boards will need to be attached.
  • If provided for by the project, crossbars are installed above the interfloor piping.
  • The frame of the house is strengthened at the corners with braces, which can be either closed or open.
  • Now you can start making the roof.

We briefly described the stages of work on assembling the frame so that you can imagine what you will have to do. Why is a list of work being performed provided, and not step-by-step instruction? Because each house will be structurally different, and there are several assembly technologies. To get acquainted with the construction in more detail, we suggest watching the video.

Video: building a half-timbered house

As you can see, the process of assembling a house cannot be called simple, and it will not be possible to build such a structure alone.

Another distinctive feature is the extensive glazing, so the structure differs in its appearance from its predecessors, built centuries ago. Often, when talking about buildings built using half-timbered technology, people call them glass houses.

Video: more details about glass houses

Glazing a house is a separate topic, but due to the design features, a special technology has been developed, which is described in the following story.

Video: glazing of half-timbered frames

So, we can conclude that the construction of a modern glass house Only a team of specialists can perform it efficiently.

If it is a small village house with small windows, then the rigidity of the structure will be ensured by numerous struts, and the openings are sealed with improvised materials - exactly as our great-grandfathers did.

In an era of maximum development of design and construction, many dream of their own ideal home, and in order to make this dream come true, it is necessary to take care not only of the interior, but also of the external appearance of the building. At the same time, the choice of stylistic direction depends on many factors, including the surrounding small architectural forms, the landscape, as well as financial and technical capabilities. However, the fundamental criterion when choosing the direction of styling is the taste preferences of the future homeowner. Despite the fact that in this case everything seems obvious, the situation is somewhat complicated by the increased requirements for private real estate. In Russia, more and more often you can find elite suburban villages, cottages in which are made in uniform style. An unusual solution, gaining more and more popularity are groups of cottages, the facade of which is made in the half-timbered style, which came to us from Western Europe. The historical quarters of the old towns of Germany, Switzerland and Holland are built up with similar buildings, reminiscent of gingerbread houses from a fairy tale, which fascinate tourists and are attractions in themselves. These buildings are wrapped in the charm of Europe and the spirit of antiquity, which hovers even over modern half-timbered buildings. Thanks to the development of innovative technologies in construction, complemented by the high professionalism of the craftsmen, each developer gets the opportunity to recreate half-timbered houses with their own hands. To make sure that you want to have such a house in private ownership, check out the materials in this article, which discusses the features of building a half-timbered house.

Half-timbered houses: a brief historical background

The name of the half-timbered style, which comes from the German fach - panel, werk - structure, and in general translates as "frame construction", came to us from Germany, where this architectural solution has been popular since the ΧV century. First of all, you need to understand that fachwerk is building construction a special type, the basis of which is a rigid frame made of timber and formed by the system elements of vertical, horizontal and diagonal elements such as posts, beams and braces. In this case, the gaps between the supporting elements are filled with various materials. If earlier it was stone, clay or adobe, then the development of today's construction industry allows us to diversify this list with modern insulation and sandwich panels. Despite the fact that such wooden frame structures are common throughout the European state, they are consistently associated with gingerbread houses from German fairy tales. Historically, the half-timbered style was used in the construction of not only residential areas, but also warehouses, industrial buildings, warehouses and even small churches. It is important that frame structures in the half-timbered style play not only a functional, but also a decorative role, which is due to their distinctive feature - the visible frame of the building, which emphasizes the shape of one-story and two-story buildings with its cellular structure.

Currently the methods frame construction used in the construction of luxury houses. A characteristic feature of the style is the absence of any restrictions on the designer's imagination, and a large glass area creates a unique feeling of unity with nature. The modern manifestation of half-timbered woodwork has become a stylistic trend that originated in the 70s of the 19th century. The main trend of that time was a radical restructuring of old forms into something new, previously unknown and not always successful. It was at this time that half-timbered wood experienced its rebirth with subsequent interesting development. Today, a distinction is made between building houses in the half-timbered style and finishing houses in this style.

Half-timbered houses photo

German half-timbered building: design features of the building

German half-timbered construction is considered the most ancient building style, the main architectural and stylistic concept of which is borrowed from modern half-timbered buildings. But, despite the unity of the stylistic concept, modern half-timbered houses show only an external resemblance to their ancestor - the German half-timbered house and a vague similarity in architectural forms. Modern house V German style The half-timbered structure is a reliable frame structure of high strength, which is in keeping with the spirit of past years and demonstrates respectability, nobility, as well as clarity of lines and perfection of forms. The basis of a house in the German half-timbered style is the frame, which is made of solid or laminated timber coniferous species wood The know-how of modern construction is the construction of a house frame in which polypropylene or mineral wool slabs, equipped with two membrane layers: windproof, which prevents the blowing out of fibers of the heat-insulating material, and moisture-proof, which protects the material from moisture penetration.

For the manufacture of the building, pre-prepared sandwich panels can be used, pressed on both sides with cement-bonded, mineral wool or polypropylene boards, attached to the wooden frame of the building. For the manufacture of the frame of the building is used only modern equipment allowing high precision work. Also at the production stage, it is treated with antiseptic compounds that prevent the development of mold and mildew. In addition, the building frame can be glazed, filled with slabs or sandwich panels, without deviating from architectural project. At the final stage of construction and during the execution exterior finishing wooden structures needs to be processed protective compounds, produced on natural oil based protecting the frame structure from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, fire and biological damaging objects.

Reasons for the popularity of half-timbered houses

  • The sophistication of appearance is not the only advantage of half-timbered houses. Modern houses, made in this style, are distinguished by a large glass area, which creates the impression that the boundaries of the house are dissolved, ensuring the unity of man and the surrounding nature. However, this is also the reason for the popular misconception that such structures cannot be used as residential buildings in regions with a harsh climate, and even more so in harsh Russian winters. To dissuade you from this, we note that half-timbered houses are one of the most economical structures in terms of energy saving and can compete directly with buildings made of brick, concrete, stone and logs.

Important! The large savings in heat energy, characteristic of half-timbered houses, are due to the use of special energy-saving glazing. Unlike conventional glass, it reduces heat loss through openings. In addition, in the manufacture of modern half-timbered structures, sandwich panels are used, the structure of which includes thermal insulation materials, reducing heat loss. And, finally, such buildings are equipped with a "warm floor" system that regulates heat transfer in the building.

  • The optimal rigidity of the frame guarantees the absence of shrinkage and deformation, which is another indisputable advantage of half-timbered structures.
  • In progress individual construction houses to difficult conditions often use such frame structures, due to their lightness and, unlike brick houses, less pressure on the soil. Due to the fact that frame structures of this type do not need to install a reinforced foundation, being limited to a shallow system, you get the opportunity to save on construction.

Half-timbered house projects

Design is the main stage of any construction. High-quality projects of half-timbered houses, developed by competent specialists, are the key to successful construction. In the case of a competent approach to the construction of half-timbered houses, the building will last for decades, while retaining its original characteristics. To be sure that the house will be characterized by a comfortable layout, you need to think about the development individual project. If you are planning to build a house characterized by a complex, unconventional design, in any case you cannot do without an individual project.

Even an inexperienced craftsman understands that the construction of half-timbered houses is not the easiest option for building houses in our climate. Due to the fact that houses in the half-timbered style are not similar to one another, and may differ not only in the finishing method and size, but also in layout, experts do not recommend neglecting the preparation of projects, during the development of which you can decide on the number of storeys of buildings, the number of entrances , glazing options and nuances of the internal layout.

Distinctive feature frame structure in the half-timbered style there are floor projections, the presence or absence of which is decided at the stage of developing the house project. Initially, they were intended to protect the front wall from precipitation. Currently, the arrangement of a house in the half-timbered style “according to all the rules” presupposes the presence of floor projections, which contribute to a slight increase in usable area. Also at the design stage one-story house in the half-timbered style, the issue of the presence and location of balconies and terraces, which are an integral part of modern half-timbered houses, is resolved. The design stage allows you to play with glazing variations, frame colors and structural elements, you get the opportunity to recreate a unique house in the half-timbered style, which will be associated with ancient gingerbread houses from German fairy tales or with modern Art Nouveau villas.

Building a half-timbered house: fundamental points

The simplest option for creating a house in the half-timbered style is its initial construction using the fundamental aspects of this technology. In order to understand the construction technology in the future, we will outline the main stages of constructing a half-timbered house:

  • Treatment wooden materials specialized antiseptic compounds that prevent the development of mold, mildew, and also reduce the absorbency of wood;
  • Installation of a half-timbered house frame;
  • Filling the frame with sound and heat insulating materials;
  • Roof installation;
  • Implementation of internal and exterior finish walls;

Important! Since the beginning of the construction of half-timbered houses, it was believed that they were intended only for regions with a mild climate, however, technology does not stand still, and today in the process of constructing half-timbered structures it is expected to use:

  • Sandwich insulation;
  • Warm floor systems;
  • Energy saving glazing.

Preparing the area for construction

  • Before starting construction, it is necessary to prepare the site on which the building will be erected and examine the soil. Any foundation suitable for construction can be used as the basis of a half-timbered house wooden houses. This is due to the lightness inherent in any wooden frame building, thanks to which. Load-bearing structures will not create pressure on the foundation.
  • If the site chosen for construction is characterized by the presence of heaving soils, it is necessary to build a more reliable foundation that will prevent it from being squeezed into winter time by using groundwater. The choice of foundation type must be made based on the characteristics of the soil, which will allow you to determine the type of foundation - it will be strip, columnar or pile.

How to install the frame?

  • To ensure the insulation of the structure from moisture, a layer of waterproofing materials is laid on top of the foundation, after which a strapping crown is mounted from a bar with a cross section of 50x200 mm. Before mounting the frame, the timber is treated with antiseptic compounds. After the binding crown is ready, the lower part of the frame is attached to it. To ensure the reliability and rigidity of the frame structure, use the connection parts various types, such as dovetail, hidden tenon, and also the use wooden dowels during the process of fastening parts.
  • Half-timbered houses are characterized by the presence of a rigid frame consisting of vertical and horizontal beams, as well as diagonal elements - braces, which are a distinctive feature of the half-timbered structure and give it stability. To make fastenings invisible, as well as to hide visible trim parts, use a groove and tenon connection.

Important! The most popular material for the construction of half-timbered houses is planed sanded laminated veneer lumber made of softwood, pre-treated with specialized protective compounds. Often used for mounting the frame metal beams, the use of which makes the structure even more durable.

  • Installation of load-bearing racks is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the project, which takes into account the width of window and door openings. The distance between the support posts depends on the width of the window and door openings, but it should not exceed 3-4 meters.
  • As a material for installing floor beams, an edged board with a cross-section of 50x200 mm, treated with fire-bioprotective compounds, is used. Installation of frame elements hidden by the cladding and not visible parts of the structure in the half-timbered style is carried out from edged boards with a cross-section of 45x145 mm, also treated with fire-bioprotective compounds. After the installation of the walls is completed, a rafter system is made hipped roof. At the same time, installation of a half-timbered house structure on at this stage not much different from installing a traditional frame structure.

Features of installation of wall cladding elements: popular materials

The development of modern technologies makes it possible to replace traditional clay, adobe and reeds, previously used to fill the space between the supporting beams, with more modern heat-insulating materials. Currently, they are increasingly used for these purposes. modern materials, for example, basalt wool, polyurethane panels or cement bonded particle board. The same materials are used to decorate a house in the half-timbered style.

Important! Distinctive feature half-timbered construction is that horizontal and vertical beams and braces located in the outer plane always remain open.

The final stage of construction is filling the empty space of the frame with the subsequent installation of windows and doors. IN Lately Large glasses are increasingly used for these purposes, which ultimately led to the development and popularization of glass half-timbering. In appearance half-timbered construction are combined classic styles: European and Japanese.

Important! To ensure heat retention in a house where the voids in the frame are filled with glass, experts recommend using specially designed energy-saving double-glazed windows, made of low-emissivity glass, characterized by argon filling. Despite the fact that such a house is filled with natural light, its external fragility is very deceptive.

Another material used for these purposes is cement bonded particle board (CSB) , which is a rectangular sheet made from Portland cement and wood chips. In addition to the indicated components, the composition of the DSP includes special chemical components that provide the antiseptic properties of the material. DSP belongs to the materials of the low price category, and, despite the fact that it is characterized by low bending strength, it can withstand longitudinal loads very well.

How to decorate a house in half-timbered style?

Finishing the facade of a house in a half-timbered style is an easier way to create a half-timbered house. To decorate a house in the half-timbered style with your own hands, take as a basis a building made of any material and characterized by any design and stylistic variations. The main material for finishing facades in the half-timbered style is polyurethane, from which beams and beams are made that are visually indistinguishable from wooden beams even at close range. However, unlike wood, they are resistant to high humidity, temperature changes and the destructive effects of insects. In addition, by using polyurethane to make beams, you do not have to worry about the appearance of deformations and cracks. To install polyurethane beams, you will need “liquid nails” glue.

Important! When purchasing adhesive for installing polyurethane beams, read the instructions to make sure that it is suitable for outdoor work and is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

An important stage in the installation of polyurethane beams is cutting parts and fitting joints, which will require a miter saw and a circular saw.

A few words about the design of a half-timbered house

The apparent simplicity of a half-timbered house at first glance becomes deceptive upon closer examination, since, attracting the views of others, half-timbered houses create unique luxury and recreate ancient German motifs in reality. Despite the fact that in the process of building and finishing a house in the half-timbered style, experts adhere to the same principles, the variety of external appearance of half-timbered houses is so great that it is difficult to find two identical buildings. Thanks to the variety of textures and colors, half-timbered houses are considered one of the most unique buildings.

Fundamental principles of half-timbered house design:

  • The facade of a half-timbered house can be complemented by any style: it can be classic minimalism, an American ranch, a German version of country style, or even a combination of several national styles;

  • The color scheme of the half-timbered house is also characterized by diversity. The main principle of the color scheme is the contrasting selection of wooden beams that stand out against the main background of the wall. The most popular is the combination of light pastel shades and dark brown beams;
  • Despite the fact that the combination of light walls and contrastingly dark beams is most often used, the reverse combination is also acceptable and often more advantageous;

  • The interior of a half-timbered house must match its exterior. Interior decoration buildings can be decorated in German country style, which will create a complete picture;
  • The German version of country style involves the use large quantity tree. Textiles within the framework of this stylistic decision require a careful approach: it is best to lay a rough carpet on the floor, decorate the windows with thick curtains, and cover the furniture with thick bedspreads that match the color and texture of the curtains. The highlight of the style will be pre-aged wooden beams.

The space between the beams and cross members, which are usually left visible from the outside, is filled with various materials, this is frame houses, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a board or a board, they use it in half-timbered buildings.

In ancient times in Germany, the Germans used clay mixed with. There is even a house dating back to the 13th century, which was built by a German builder in 1347.

During this time, the timber beams did not rot, and the wood became as strong as stone. This house will stand for many more centuries. Europeans have long realized the reliability of these houses, and gradually they are beginning to appear in Russia. And all this was done by hand, without the use of power tools.

It is amazing that a half-timbered house can stand for more than 500 years, this proves the reliability of this type of construction.

Today, technological solutions can be very diverse, including half-timbered construction Panoramic double-glazed windows, brick, wood, natural stone, etc. are used instead of walls.

Features of German frame houses in Germany

A characteristic feature of a half-timbered house is the protrusion of each upper floor above the previous one. This historically established feature is not at all connected with the desire to increase the area of ​​the upper floor. This was done in order to protect the facade of the house, which is also the supporting frame of the entire building, from precipitation and excess moisture. Thanks to such indentations, water flowing down the walls of the upper floors flows directly to the ground, and the facade of the lower floor remains dry.

Half-timbered houses

Despite the fact that the widespread use of half-timbered houses was associated to some extent with the desire to save wood, this technology has shown itself to be excellent and has whole line benefits.

This is a fairly inexpensive and environmentally friendly type of construction that you can afford to build with your own hands. Half-timbered houses are unusual and beautiful.

At modern construction More often, glued laminated timber from softwood is used, which provides buildings with strength and durability, but you can also use regular timber, the main thing is to choose dry timber of good quality.

Modern houses using half-timbered technology

Thanks to the use of modern materials, a modern house in the half-timbered style will not only be aesthetically attractive, but also warm and cozy.

When choosing a material to fill the space between the beams, you can show your imagination and use it, along with traditional building materials, glass, carved wood, clay mixtures, etc. Painting beams or fillers with modern paints and varnishes will be beneficial and protect against moisture.

Having all these advantages, half-timbered houses are still being built today; many are ready to build such structures with their own hands. In addition, being quite lightweight in nature, half-timbered houses do not require construction. Perfect for them, which will allow you to build such a house even on a slope and on the purchase of land.

Video about modern glass frame half-timbered houses

Half-timbered houses are firmly associated in the mind with something fabulous and European. Surprisingly, the creation of these buildings, in principle, does not require significant effort, and putting them on suburban area- a completely doable thing. To do this, you certainly need to know construction technologies and use high-quality materials. When you look at houses in the half-timbered style, you want to touch them with your hands and, if not live in them, then live in them for a while in order to appreciate this building as it deserves.

History of appearance

Translated from German, “fachwerk” means “working panel”. This construction technology appeared back in the Middle Ages, when wealthy residents, for whom ancient Roman building construction techniques were completely inaccessible, were forced to rework them to suit their capabilities. The Romans, as you know, made many military campaigns, during which they built frame houses in the conquered territories. For this we used wooden log houses, which were filled with cement and gravel and thus received a frame. Later it was filled with brick and stone. Characteristic feature of these buildings, the vertical posts of the frame, struts and horizontal beams were brought to the surface. After the base and walls of the house were whitewashed with lime, the wooden components of the house stood out more and more against their background, creating a unique identity of the home.

In the period from the 14th to the 16th centuries, German, English and other European half-timbered houses were improved, and the technologies for their creation were perfected. As a result, each part of Europe developed its own decorative patterns and the motives behind these buildings. They were often very complex.

Modern half-timbered houses (video)

Construction of the foundation and installation of the frame

The construction of a half-timbered house begins with preparing the site. It is very important to test the soil for strength. Half-timbered houses can be built on the basis of any foundation designed to create wooden house, but in terms of their weight they are quite light, having minimal impact on the soil. Accordingly, if the soil is prone to heaving and there is a lot of water inside it, then the building will be extremely unstable. To do this, the choice of foundation should be approached with all responsibility. In some cases, you can be content with columnar, slab or pile foundation, but sometimes you will need to create a tape version.

Half-timbered houses, because they have wooden frame, largely depend on high-quality waterproofing. To do this, a layer is laid on the surface of the foundation waterproofing material and only then the strapping crown is mounted. Its cross-section must be at least 50x200 mm. All beams must be treated with antiseptics before installation to protect the wood from pests. Besides, everything wooden elements coated with fireproof liquid. The binding crown subsequently becomes the basis of the frame, because all its lower parts are attached to it.

Invisible wooden wall elements, which will be hidden under the cladding, are created from edged boards (45x145 mm). They are also treated with materials to prevent fire and protect against pests.

The rigidity and strength of the frame of a half-timbered house is achieved by creating hidden tenons and dovetails at the joints of its elements. Outwardly, they may look somewhat dubious, but houses built using this technology have been standing in Europe for more than 300 years, which is the best proof of the strength of such fastenings.

After installing the frame, the house requires the creation of a hipped roof, which is carried out using the standard method for this method. rafter system. Metal tiles are most often chosen for roofing. In general terms, a half-timbered house is created like any frame house, with the only difference being that the walls are covered.

Dovetail connection

This is an old method of fastening wooden beams between themselves. However, it is still considered the most complex and time-consuming to create. It is best used at a distance between joints of 3 to 4 m. This is enough for half-timbered houses to get good rigidity. As a rule, even in the most critical places of the supporting structure, the use of a dovetail fully justifies itself and does not lead to premature repairs.

Distinctive features of the style

Half-timbered houses are always wooden structures. They are based on vertical posts, horizontal beams and braces (the so-called beams that fix the walls of houses diagonally). The pitch between the racks is traditionally kept at a distance of 3 to 4 m. Fastenings between beams and beams can be visible and invisible. In the first case, a dovetail is used, and in the second, a hidden tenon. To do this, a groove is created on one beam, and a tenon on the adjacent one.

Half-timbered houses (video)

Wall cladding

In the old days, clay and reeds were actively used for insulation and wall cladding, but now the need for this has completely disappeared. Basalt wool is most often used to insulate a house, and cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) are used for wall cladding, which connect the load-bearing parts of the structure. In addition, you will need a special windproof and vapor barrier material.

Inside, the house is sheathed with the usual gypsum boards or glass-magnesium sheets (LGM). The latter type of cladding is rather unfamiliar in the post-Soviet expanses, but at the same time it allows you to qualitatively replace drywall, asbestos-cement boards, gypsum fiber sheets and other similar materials. Its advantages are that it does not burn at all, does not absorb moisture, and withstands shock well. That is, it is very difficult to break a glass-magnesium sheet.

Exterior wall finishing

Finishing the house outside is carried out using ordinary putty and white paint. All floor beams must be left untreated. The half-timbered style also requires that all roof overhangs are not hemmed, and that the braces, posts and beams remain visible. The only thing that can be done is to treat them with a special tinting wood impregnation to emphasize them against the background of a white wall.

Finishing the façade of the half-timbered structure will require careful selection plastic windows that should have Brown color under the tree. To date, there are many color projects of half-timbered houses with different dimensions and plans. Designers offer their customers a variety of color options for bars from light brown to black. Accordingly, it is quite possible to create a half-timbered house with your own hands using one of them.