Shower      06/17/2019

Cleaning the pit from sludge. Silting of the cesspool - signs and solution to the problem. What drugs can be used

Summer residents quite often have to deal with old cesspool– a problem that is unpleasant. Everyone knows the inconvenience that downtime causes. country sewerage. There are several common cleaning methods:

Using a pump or other available tool; Use of chemical or biological products; Ordering a sewer truck.

Cleaning the cesspool yourself

One of the most popular local sewage systems today is a cesspool, which is actively used in summer cottages, private houses and cottages. Unlike other similar systems, it does not require large operating costs. The main problem after putting a cesspool into operation is choosing the most appropriate option for cleaning it.

Cleaning with a conventional pump or other available means has several features:

The appearance of an unpleasant odor; The need to purchase a special fecal pump or filters for a regular pump so that it does not become clogged; The process takes a lot of time and effort; The need to remove waste from the site.

Using a regular bucket and shovel will make the cleanup process even more difficult and unpleasant. In addition, you will need a large, sealed container to accommodate subsequent wastewater disposal. Therefore, if you actively use a cesspool, it is best to purchase a special automatic pump, which will pump out wastewater as the pit fills.

Cleaning a cesspool using a suction pump

One way or another, you have to pump it out periodically, but, as we already understood, if you do it yourself, it will be quite unpleasant and difficult.

Contacting a specialized company is the best way out of the situation. You can always order cesspool maintenance, high-quality cleaning and sewage pumping services. Modern methods, devices and equipment have become much more convenient and simpler, so it won’t be a problem a lot of work choose a cesspool cleaner. “Dirty” work is now being done using special devices, working complexes and instruments, so manual labor is almost excluded here. Available a large number of preparations that speed up the process of waste decomposition, eliminating possible odors, because microbes are processed. In their work, specialists use only proven materials, new world technologies and high-quality modern equipment, so those who order services will be satisfied with such cooperation.

Note! When you seek help from experienced specialists, you can be sure of the high quality of work. This will require minimal effort on your part. A sewer truck will not only quickly pump out sewage, but will also solve the problems of removing waste from the site and its further disposal.

Features of cleaning a pit using a sewer machine:

Use a directory or the Internet to find an organization that disposes of household liquid waste. Order a suction pump - this is special machine, which pumps out liquid waste. Sludge sucking machines are needed for vacuum cleaning of wells, cesspools, sewer and storm water networks from sludge and its transportation to the unloading site. The sludge sucking machines include a vacuum pump with a drive, a tank, hydraulic, electric, pneumatic systems, suction boom and additional equipment. Control is carried out from a remote control panel for the suction boom. Unloading of sludge occurs when tanks are tipped over. The only drawback of this method is pumping out the pit for the first time in all existing time; after such pumping, the soil’s ability to absorb water deteriorates, and it will have to be pumped out annually.

Note! To carry out cleaning using a sewer truck, it is necessary to ensure that the suction pump can reach a distance of no more than 4 meters. In addition, the depth of the pit should not exceed 3 meters.

If you use a cesspool only in the summer and the water consumption is small, then you will have to call the cesspool about once a month. However, when permanent residence in the house and active use shower, washing, dishwasher and other water-consuming devices, you will have to order a suction pump three to four times a month.

Of course, this service is not very cheap, but this method of cleaning cesspools is very effective and allows you to solve many problems, including the problem of waste disposal.

Use of biological products

Great solution To clean the pit is the use of chemical and biological products. If necessary, you can consult a specialist to determine the required amount of funds for your cesspool. To disinfect the contents, there is also an antiseptic for cesspools.

Note! The result of the use of modern chemical and biological products is that instead of fecal matter and waste, a liquid is formed in the cesspool, which is odorless and safe. The sediment can be pumped out with a conventional pump, so calling a sewer truck will be required much less often.

Features of the use of biological products:

Biological products process accumulated fats, feces, paper, vegetable peelings and other contents. At the same time, the volume of waste is significantly reduced and cesspools are disinfected. For materials that were used in the construction process, biological products, unlike chemicals, are completely safe. They don't provide negative influence on metal, cinder block, brick, concrete and plastic. However, bacteria do not process materials of inorganic origin, household or construction waste, or plastic container, For example, plastic bags and bottles. Many are harmful to bacteria chemical substances Therefore, wastewater containing washing powders and detergents should not be poured into the cesspool. In an aggressive environment, bacteria will die, so cleaning will be ineffective. Biological products begin to work two hours after entering a liquid medium. In four hours they effectively cope with unpleasant odors. Bacteria can work effectively only at temperatures from +4 to +30 degrees. Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions. Some drugs are sold immediately in ready-made liquid form, while others are sold in the form of granules, which must first be diluted in water. With the help of biological products, it is possible to restore the drainage properties of the pit, that is, its ability to absorb water. This is especially true after pumping with sewage trucks, when the drainage of the cesspool is disrupted.

Also, the drainage properties may deteriorate during the use of the pit, as a result of the bottom being filled with organic waste, the build-up of waste on the walls or the base of a fatty impenetrable plug. When using a bioactivator, drainage will be restored, the bottom and walls of the sewer pit or septic tank will return to their original state, and the incoming water will be absorbed into the soil again.

Note! Sometimes an unpleasant and specific odor appears after cleaning with a suction pump has been carried out. And this smell does not disappear immediately, but sometimes persists for about two weeks. Biological products that effectively combat unpleasant odors will also help you solve this problem.

Using biological products for cesspools and local treatment facilities, the consumer must be confident in their effectiveness not only in terms of cleaning and combating unpleasant odors, but also in environmental safety drugs used.

Biological products used for cleaning are the result of long-term scientific research in the field of biotechnology. They consist of microorganisms and bacteria, which through their vital activity do not cause any harm to the environment.

Today it is possible to order biological products for cleaning cesspools from specialized companies that will help you choose a drug for each specific situation, and also help you determine the optimal amount of the drug that is needed for a cesspool of a certain size.

Use of chemicals

However, biological products have one important drawback: they cannot work in winter. Of course for summer cottage this will not be a problem, but if you decide to arrange a cesspool in country house, where you like to relax in winter, then in the cold season you will have the problem of wastewater treatment. In this case, it is best to use chemicals:

Chemical preparations are not afraid of low temperatures, sudden temperature changes, and are also resistant to household products and aggressive environments. Chemicals effectively decompose different kinds waste and combat the appearance of unpleasant odors. But not all wastewater treatment chemicals are considered safe for environment.

Note! Formaldehyde, which has remained the most popular cleaning agent over the past decades, is very toxic and harmful, and the effects of ammonium compounds are still not fully understood and should be used very carefully. Experts recommend using nitrate oxidizers for cesspools, which are the safest. In their composition, nitrate oxidizers are close to fertilizers, so they do not harm either people or plants.

Due to the fact that wastewater contains not only organic matter, but also inorganic inclusions, aerobic bacteria located in the sections of the station cannot completely process everything. Then the question arises of how to clean a septic tank without pumping and what should be done for this. Microorganisms that have already served their purpose die, settling to the bottom in the form of sludge. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically remove sediment from the system. Let's consider the features of the operation of treatment facilities, as well as methods for pumping out sludge.

Not so long ago, simple sealed tanks of large volumes were used as autonomous sewers, from which water had to be constantly pumped out, but now everything is much simpler. Modern systems are real wastewater treatment stations, so there is no need to call sewage trucks, because the liquid is purified biologically and flows into the soil or reservoir. All that remains is to manually remove the sediment using a special pump.

The process of self-cleaning a septic tank

The operating principle of the station, which does not require pumping, is as follows. The first chamber of this device is the largest and is called the receiving chamber. This is where sewage from the house comes from the sewer pipes. Here the liquid collects and settles until it reaches a certain level. Substances that are lighter than water collect at the top, and large and heavy inclusions settle to the bottom. Fats and insoluble substances that float on the surface in this chamber are hydrolyzed over time by the yeast and can further dissolve.

After a certain level of liquid in the first chamber is reached, it is poured into the next compartment, where its clarification continues with the help of aerobic organisms. This compartment is called the aeration tank. Here the wastewater is saturated with oxygen using a special compressor and actively mixed. This method of stirring is called aeration, which helps to more effectively decompose the organic components contained in the water. This is the next stage of cleaning and is the most effective.

The next section is called the bioreactor. Thanks to special lime-type backfills that can be added here, harmful phosphorus-nitrogen inclusions are eliminated from the wastewater. In the next chamber, the purified water is finally settled and can even be disinfected using chlorine-containing reagents. But such reagents are not provided in the standard configuration of a septic tank.

How to properly maintain the station

The sludge accumulated in the sections will have to be pumped out periodically (several times a year). The frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the tank and the intensity of use of the station. A sewer truck is not needed for pumping; sludge can be removed manually using a special pump. This sediment can then be dried and subsequently used as a very good fertilizer for lawns, flower beds or shrubs that do not bear fruit.

structure and principles of septic tank maintenance

Important: Do not completely remove all sediment from the system. It is necessary to leave some of the sludge to continue the treatment steps. Approximately a fifth of the sediment should be left. This will enable the station to operate effectively in the future.

Some people prefer to completely clean out the system and purchase microorganisms for it again, but why do this if the chambers already have ready-made microflora, they should simply be left partially intact.

Methods for cleaning the station:

  • In the presence of special pipes for sludge you can use them. Having installed such pipes, you will see that the sludge will flow out of the system by gravity if the necessary pressure is created in it;
  • For those who have not purchased pipes, there is also an option - pumping out sediment using a sewer truck, which will also help in case of a heavy blockage;
  • The third option for removing sludge is to manually pump out the sewer sludge using a special sludge sucker. Modern septic tanks with biological treatment are equipped automatic system distribution of solid and heavy inorganic inclusions in storage tanks, from where they can be easily removed.
  • Sludge removal using special bacteria. Special microorganisms, which can be purchased at a specialized store, do an excellent job with all the contents of the chambers. But they decompose organic matter, fecal matter and fats. As a result, there is not even any sediment left.

In order for the beneficial bacteria in the compartments to live for a long time and cope with their work effectively, it is necessary to purchase detergents without chlorine for septic tanks and eliminate the use of aggressive household chemicals, such as washing powders, shampoos, cleaning agents and detergents, bleaches. If, nevertheless, you did not keep track, and chemical substances still got into the biological treatment station, then you should populate it with new microorganisms and create for them favorable conditions. Also don't forget about the extra amount of water.

If there is a massive release of wastewater, then some organic matter will not have time to decompose, which may cause the formation of certain fatty acids that did not have enough time to convert into carbon dioxide or methane. This, in turn, will affect the fact that the process of decomposition of organic matter will be slowed down. At the same time, bubbles with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide will begin to rise to the surface. They will catch particles of silt along the way, picked up from the bottom, and together with a fatty film on the surface of the water, they will form a dense crust that can reach great thickness.

The crust formed in this case should not come out of the septic tank, otherwise it may clog the pipes. Therefore, a special tee is installed at the exit from the last chamber. The lower end of the tee is heated in water, and the upper end is brought up. Thanks to this device, the pipes will not become clogged and the crust will not float out of the septic tank.

special devices for cleaning a septic tank

If the tee is clogged, it can be cleaned through the pipe that is included in the structure. Therefore, periodic cleaning must be carried out. This is a necessary measure that will help avoid emergency situations and will be able to maintain the station in working order. The frequency of removing sediment from the chambers will depend on how often you use the sewer and how big the chambers are.

Sludge removers

Before the advent of deep biological treatment stations, the purification task was handled by chemicals that eliminated odor and accelerated the process of wastewater decomposition. But, even despite their high efficiency, such substances had a negative impact on the environment. Formaldehyde, which has an extremely high degree of toxicity, was popular. Oxidizing nitrates and sometimes ammonium were also used. But today in these hazardous substances no need.

Sludge removal products offered on the modern market can be divided into several categories:

  • Biological (bacterial strains, biological products that decompose organic matter);
  • Chemical (substances that contain a coagulant that promotes the sticking of small particles into large elements with further settling to the bottom).

Biological drugs have many advantages over their chemical counterparts. They are absolutely safe for the environment, as they are a product of nature. They will not destroy the tank body, which cannot be said about some types of chemicals. Just like chemicals, bacteria are eliminated bad smell from the system, preventing the process of rotting in water (organic matter breaks down and does not rot). Liquid purified with the help of microorganisms can be safely poured onto the soil (or used on your farm, for example, for irrigation). You won’t have to look for long for where to drain the water from the septic tank, since you can pour it anywhere: into a pond, onto sand, into the ground.

Approved detergents

Since aerobic microorganisms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, chlorine-containing cleaners and detergents, alkalis, preparations with phenols and aldehydes, and so on should be excluded from everyday use. Do not use laundry detergent with a special antibacterial additive, as this will simply kill the beneficial bacteria in the chambers.

It’s better to purchase environmentally friendly products that are designed to safely wash dishes, for example, Shpul-S. This product will do a great job of removing grease from your dishes, but will not harm bacteria or the environment. To keep your home clean, you can use All-Clean, which has a mild formula and is also safe for septic tanks. In addition, such a substance will not only effectively cope with dirt in the house, but also will not cause allergies or irritation to the skin.

septic tank maintenance and cleaning winter time of the year

You can clean your plumbing using universal remedy San Luce Fresh, which can be used to clean toilets, sinks, bathtubs and cisterns. It can also be used to clean and add shine to chrome parts. All these products can be used at least every day, since if you get into waste water they will not harm the bacteria living there. When purchasing washing powders and detergents, read the ingredients, and if you see the presence of chlorine or alkaline compounds, it is better to choose another, more gentle product.

Today there are even bleaches in stores that do not contain dangerous chemicals, but effectively remove stains thanks to the active oxygen it contains. This bleach will not be harmful to you or the bacteria in the septic tank. By using such preparations, you will not only maintain the functionality of your wastewater treatment plant, but also preserve the ecology of your site.

Sanitary standards for the construction of a septic tank

Before choosing a place for future sewerage, you need to familiarize yourself with the sanitary standards for a septic tank. This is a list of some documents in accordance with which construction must be carried out. The main document that should be used to guide the construction of such structures is SNiP 2.04.03-85. This regulatory document regulates the construction of sewers. If water will be supplied to the house from a well or borehole, then compliance with SNiP 2.04.01-85 and 2.04.04-84 will also be required.

IN sanitary standards(SanPiN regulated sanitary requirements, whose main task is to maintain the purity of water located on the surface. Since the septic tank is considered a potentially dangerous area, it is also subject to regulation by SanPiN 2.2.1/

Distance to well

You should choose a location for a treatment facility not only based on your own preferences, but also in compliance with standards. The point is that in case emergency situation Effluent can get into drinking water if there is a well or borehole nearby. Water pollution can cause illness or even death. Even though modern treatment plants have durable, sealed casings, pipe rupture or depressurization cannot be ruled out. Therefore, you should choose the greatest possible distance to the nearest body of water.

The standards state that the choice of distance from a well or borehole to a treatment plant will primarily be influenced by the type of soil on the site. If there are filter layers that can filter wastewater in the event of force majeure, then the distance can be reduced.

Getting permission

Cesspools and septic tanks can cause harm to the environment, so they should not be built uncontrolled. Before preparing the project, be sure to contact the SES and obtain the necessary permission. Only after it is given to you and the project is approved, you can begin construction of the structure. A permit will not be issued if the construction does not comply with the sanitary rules and building codes that are in force at the time of the creation of the project.

maintenance and cleaning of a homemade septic tank

Distance between treatment plant and the water intake point must be at least 20 meters. Using hydrogeological studies, filter areas are searched. With their help, you can analyze the quality of the soil and its composition. If the soil quickly passes water, for example, sandy loam or sandy soil, then the septic tank from the water intake point should be at least 50 meters, and sometimes even 80 meters are required.

Also, when constructing such systems, the rules for the location of drinking water pipes should be observed. The drinking water pipe should not be less than 10 meters away. This necessary condition in case the water supply becomes depressurized and wastewater can leak into drinking water. The slope of the terrain should also be taken into account. The water intake point must be located above the cesspool or.

In relation to residential buildings, the treatment structure must be located at a certain distance. First of all, the footage to the foundation of the house is taken into account (must be at least 5 meters). But you should not locate the storage tank too far from the house, since it will be difficult to ensure uninterrupted operation with a very long pipeline length. To avoid the cost of many inspection wells, place the system at the optimal distance from the house. You should also take into account the location to the neighbors' buildings.

According to standards, a cesspool cannot be located closer than 5 meters from the road, and can only be located at a distance of 30 meters from open reservoirs. It matters what the distance to the fence is. It can be chosen arbitrarily, but no closer than 2 meters to the neighbor’s fence. Indeed, when servicing the system, for example, when pumping out sludge, unpleasant odors may spread throughout the area. If the structure is located directly under the neighbor’s fence, this may cause conflicts.

When locating treatment structures, their type, soil properties, distance to water intake points, residential and outbuildings, open reservoirs and to a neighbor’s house are taken into account. You must always be prepared for the fact that if installed incorrectly or as a result of strong soil mobility, the tank may crack and human waste will fall into the ground. If there is a well nearby, it may be contaminated with fecal matter. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and locate the structure as far as possible from water intake points or reservoirs.

Typically, a cesspool requires very careful maintenance. It must be pumped out frequently, and products must be used to prevent unpleasant odors and rapid filling. Therefore, a cesspool is not the best option containers for autonomous sewerage. In this capacity, it is often recommended to use septic tanks, because they are more practical. Cesspools are more suitable for country toilets. In such cases, so-called open cesspools. They usually have no bottom, or have several holes in the body. Thanks to these features, the liquid part of the waste is absorbed into the soil. The pit gradually cleanses itself, and resort to various methods pumping is required less often. However, in this situation another problem arises - how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool?

Silt is sediment at the bottom of reservoirs and cesspools, consisting of organic debris and minerals.

It is formed as a result of the action of bacteria that feed on various organic compounds. As a result of their work, all waste is processed and divided into two layers. Water remains on top of the container, which is absorbed into the ground, and silty sediment remains below.

Getting rid of it is the main problem of using cesspools even for toilets. The sediment does not go anywhere, but gradually accumulates at the bottom. Sooner or later you have to get rid of it.

The simplest method available is pumping out sludge using special equipment.

Most often, they resort to the services of a sewer truck for this. It consists of a waste collection container, pumping equipment and a durable hose. The latter is placed in a pit and transfers all waste from the pit to a container that is mounted on the chassis of a large vehicle. You don't need to participate in the pumping at all. An experienced specialist will do all the work for you.

When cleaning cesspools outdoor toilets often occur Problems associated with the viscosity of the silt sediment. In this case, it simply won’t be possible to pump out the pit completely, and you will lose time and money, because you will still have to pay for the machine’s services.

Biological drugs are used for this purpose. They contain live bacteria that accelerate natural processes waste decomposition. As a result, the sediment becomes more liquid, and pumping out the pit is very simple.

You can purchase bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools at any hardware store. It is best to purchase the product in the form granules Before use, just dissolve it in water and leave for 15–20 minutes. The bacteria are activated and will be ready to perform their functions.

It is also worth noting that in addition to facilitating pumping, you will also receive additional beneficial features:

  • The unpleasant smell will go away.
  • The population of harmful bacteria will be reduced.
  • The time until the next cleaning will be reduced.
  • The amount of waste in the pit will be reduced.

Here you go simple instructions how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool. It is enough to first prepare it using biological preparations, and then pump out the waste mechanically.

The design of the drainage pit and the principles of its functioning. Reasons for rapid tank filling. Methods for emptying a container from its contents.

The content of the article:

A drainage pit is a reservoir that is designed to accumulate sewage. Once it is full, the contents must be removed. technical means. In the absence of quality maintenance, the storage tank malfunctions; sewage fills the tank faster than at the beginning of its operation. Let's consider what to do if the drainage pit fills up quickly.

Features of the functioning of the sewage pit

A drainage hole is a bottomless tank dug into the ground. The walls of the container in loose soil are reinforced with brick or concrete partitions; in clay soil you can do without them. Coarse gravel and cobblestones are poured onto the bottom to prevent silting. A sewer pipe is connected to the pit, through which wastewater flows from the room to the storage tank.

The functioning scheme of the sewage pit consists in the settling of insoluble solid inclusions at the bottom of the pit ( toilet paper, feces, etc.) and drainage of purified water through the walls and bottom. The structure is being built in areas with low level groundwater, otherwise it will quickly fill with external liquid. The depth of the pit should not exceed 3 m. With such dimensions, the pump hose for pumping out sewage easily reaches the bottom of the pit.

Once a large amount of sediment has accumulated, it must be removed mechanically. Depending on the intensity of sewer use, the procedure is performed once every 2-3 months. Land owners know from experience how often the pit is filled, and if it has changed, there is cause for concern. Rapid filling of the tank paralyzes life in the house; basic amenities become inaccessible to residents. An unpleasant putrid smell appears in the house.

To ensure that the intervals between cleaning procedures do not decrease, perform regular and periodic maintenance of the drive. In the first case, the drainage pit is cleaned once a year, in spring or autumn, using a sewer machine. In this way, clogging of the storage tank is prevented, and if this is followed, there will be no problems with filling the pit. Periodic maintenance of the tank is carried out to protect the storage tank from flood waters and winter freezing.

When a pit fills with waste faster than desired, you need to find the cause of the problem. There may be several of them:
  • Liquid does not escape through the walls due to silting of the surfaces. A similar problem occurs if the pit is not cleaned for a long time. Feces, household waste, and solid inclusions settle to the bottom and over time create a dense crust that makes it difficult for water to drain into the ground. Fatty inclusions present in drains clog the pores in the soil and make it waterproof. Siltation of the filter layer is an inevitable process that cannot be avoided. But if you control the contents of the drains, the frequency of cleaning can be increased.
  • cesspool is exploited more intensively than after its arrangement, so the amount of wastewater increases, and they do not have time to seep into the ground on their own.
  • There was an error in calculating the volume of wastewater from the house, which is why the pit was dug smaller. To rectify the situation, another hole is being dug nearby. Both storage tanks are connected by overflow pipes. In this case, they form a system reminiscent of a traditional septic tank. Solid inclusions settle in one tank, liquid flows into the second, which then seeps through the walls.
  • Effluent does not flow due to soil freezing. The problem is solved by heating frozen sewage.
  • The drainage pit fills quickly due to rising groundwater levels. Most often, water enters the reservoir after intense precipitation. There are other reasons: bad organized challenge water on the surface; reduction in soil filtration properties; deterioration of moisture evaporation from the soil after asphalting the site. Consequence of hit groundwater the reservoir becomes silted, fecal waste accumulates, and an unpleasant odor appears.

How to restore the operation of the drain pit?

It is mandatory to clean the drive, but this process is complex and unpleasant. At the first stage of solving the problem, it is necessary to find out why the drainage pit is filling up quickly, then clean it. The work can be done manually using available tools, but it is better to use modern methods waste disposal. Today the procedure is performed using special instruments, devices and complexes, so the role manual labor minimal.

Cleaning the pit using a technical method

To free the drive from dirt, a special technique is used, with the help of which the process occurs quickly, remotely, with minimal odor spread.

Most quick way cleaning the drainage pit - calling a sewer truck. It is equipped vacuum pump, tank and hoses, so the liquid is not only pumped out, but also transported to the disposal site. The customer will only need to organize access to the storage facility. Before pumping, thoroughly mix the contents of the pit with a pole with a paddle-shaped hat. After removing the liquid fraction, it is necessary to inspect the drive from the inside. If you find solid sediment at the bottom and a greasy layer on the walls, wash them with a stream of warm water, while treating the surfaces with a stiff brush. If this is not done, then after pumping the drainage hole in a private house will quickly fill up. To remove the hardened layer, fill the sediment with water and leave for several days to soften, and then remove the mass with a pump. To eliminate hard crust, add microbes to the storage tank that decompose dense fragments. Preparations labeled “Intensive” have proven themselves well. They contain colonies of organisms that can process solid elements in the shortest possible time.

If the walls are loose, there is a danger of them being washed away by strong jets of water. In this case, work is carried out with a bucket, shovel and other available means.

Also suitable for cleaning sludge sucker. This device high power, which easily copes with solid sediment. Many models have special attachments that create high pressure water to break up large inclusions.

You can pump out sewage fecal pump, without calling a sewer truck. The device easily sucks up liquid with impurities and is designed for such work. The contents of the tank are pumped out to a previously prepared place. If the container is filled frequently, you can install a pump that automatically turns on as needed. Among the inexpensive models, we can note the Aquatica 773411 unit, which lifts sewage from a depth of 5 m to a height of 12 m. It has long term operation, capable of operating in automatic mode. For gardeners, we recommend the Chinese pump Spirut V180F, which not only pumps out feces, but is also used for watering the area.

Can also be used to clean the tank goldsmith method. Unlike the previous method, an ordinary household pump, in which a funnel with a mesh with cells of 1-2 mm is put on the receiving pipe. The liquid is pumped into a hole dug nearby. Due to the absence of large fragments, it will quickly absorb into the soil. Whatever remains is removed by hand with a bucket and shovel. After cleaning, inspect the condition of the bottom and walls of the tank. If necessary, fill the base with crushed stone or cobblestones to cover the clay layer.

Cleaning the drive with biological products

Microorganisms that feed on organic matter are often used to clean storage tanks. Bacteria help solve the problem of quickly filling the waste pit at a whole new level. It is enough to add them to the water according to the attached instructions and pour them into a container with feces.

Bacteria very quickly process paper, fats, particles of vegetables and fruits, etc., decomposing them into gas, water and light inclusions, while the volume of waste is reduced. They restore soil porosity, dissolve fats and eliminate silt on surfaces. A harmless liquid substance with a neutral odor remains in the pit, which can be removed with a pump.

Note! Plastic, films and others artificial materials it will not be possible to decompose.

The biological product is a complex of enzymes and living bacteria. They are sold in liquid or powder form, or in concentrated form, so very little of the drug is needed for the procedure.

For similar purposes they use anaerobic microbes, capable of living and reproducing without oxygen. Before use, dilute the drug in water, after which the dried cultures of microorganisms “wake up”. Study the instructions for activating the biomaterial: some drugs must be infused, others can be poured into the pit immediately.

Also suitable for processing feces facultative saprophytic bacteria, which naturally live in the soil. They are able to reproduce in the presence of oxygen and without it. In the packaging they are in a state of suspended animation. After activation, they begin to look for dead organic matter, which they use as food.

Important! When choosing microorganisms, consider the purposes for which they will be intended. There are funds for dry closets, cesspools, and sewer systems.

The biological product "Microbec" is intended for the decomposition of fecal waste in a pit. It allows you to maintain high permeability of the storage tank walls. The “Vodograi” product decomposes feces and garbage of organic origin - potato peelings, fat, etc. After processing, a disinfected liquid without odor or harmful impurities is formed, which can be used to water the garden.

In order for microorganisms to work as efficiently as possible, create the following conditions for them:

  • In the waste pit, the liquid should cover the solid sediment by several centimeters. If necessary, pour several buckets of water into the container.
  • Bacteria are active at temperatures of +4+30 degrees, so create appropriate temperature conditions.
  • Protect the pit from cleaning agents based on chlorine, manganese and other antibacterial agents that destroy bacteria.
  • Use the drug in accordance with the instructions developed by the manufacturer. For example, some substances cannot be sprayed; they only need to be poured into one place.
Biological products can be used for a long time, they will not cause harm to the area. The bacteria present in them are already present in the environment.

Remember that solid inclusions will not be completely dissolved by microorganisms to the level of carbon dioxide; the liquid will have to be pumped out with a pump or a sewer truck.

Remember! If microbes constantly live in the sewer pit, leave 30% sediment during cleaning so that they quickly restore their numbers.

Cleaning the sewage pit with chemicals

To restore the porosity of the walls, chemical reagents can be used. Before biological drugs they have one big advantage- they are able to function all year round, in cold and hot weather.

The most commonly used substances are formaldehyde-based, nitrate oxidizing agents and ammonium compounds. Their features are shown in the table:

FormaldehydeCan be used all year roundThey are very toxic, they destroy the vegetation around the pit, the water after them must be removed from the site
Nitrate oxidizersSafety of the drug for the siteQuite expensive
Ammonium compoundsDissolves all fat deposits on the walls and processes sludgeThey work only in the warm season

The most popular among users are nitrate oxidizers based on nitrogen. They contain surfactants, which are present in preparations for cleaning dishes, so they can easily cope with dirt of organic origin. However, they are not able to decompose other household waste.

Note! Liquid water purified by nitrate oxidizers can be used for irrigation.

Cleaning the sewage pit by defrosting sewage

If the drainage pit fills up quickly due to freezing of the drains, it is necessary to take measures to defrost them. You can melt ice in large quantities hot water. But there are other ways.

You will need a copper wire capable of passing 2 kW, a medium hook and a metal pin 25 cm long. Hammer the pin into the center of the frozen opening, and attach the copper wire to it. Use a hook to connect the other end of the wire to electrical network. The result can be seen after 48 hours. After defrosting, remove the pin. In severe frost, heating will be required sewer pipe, especially near the pit.

To drain groundwater from the drainage pit, create a drainage system. Dig a trench with the bottom below the bottom of the storage tank. The width of the ditch is 15 cm. Pour crushed stone onto the bottom and place a perforated pipe wrapped in geotextile on it. It should be tilted away from the pit and drain the water into a ravine or temporary collection area. Place coarse crushed stone on top again and cover with soil. Drainage can be organized without corrugated pipes. To do this, dig an inclined trench and fill it with sand, brushwood, and large stones. To drain precipitation from above the structure, along the perimeter, also build a drainage ditch.

What to do if the drainage pit fills up quickly - watch the video:

A cesspool is considered convenient and in an economical way solving the problem of household waste disposal. But even such a simple structure requires maintenance, which consists of regular cleaning. Ignoring the rules for operating the drive leads to quick filling reservoir and additional costs to restore its functioning.


When a cesspool silts up, this is always a problem for its owner. Of course, the process of silting is inevitable, and any hole gets clogged sooner or later, but it is impossible to experience joy because of this. However, there are ways to solve this problem, and from this article you can learn how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool.

If the cesspool has silted up, what to do is a fairly obvious question. There are several types of cesspools, and each of them requires Special attention. In order to clean the pit from sludge without harming the structure, the environment and your health, you need to know exactly what type of structure is being serviced.

There are the following types of cesspools:

The most popular cleaning methods include:

  • manual cleaning using a bucket tied to a rope;
  • pumping out using a pump;
  • pumping out the pit using a sewer truck;
  • biological treatment;
  • chemical cleaning.

How to clean a cesspool without a bottom from sludge

The cleaning process in such pits is carried out by microorganisms that are found in the soil. The problem is that they are unable to digest the sludge, so it gradually builds up, forming a blockage and blocking the operation of the pit. To eliminate siltation, you must first scoop out all the drainage from the hole with a bucket and rope, clear the silt, and then fill the bottom with a layer of gravel, thereby simplifying subsequent cleaning. It is advisable to use this method only when cleaning a small hole: it is difficult to scoop out too large volumes, so it is easier to fill up a large cesspool and dig a new one in another place.

What to do if a sealed pit with a bottom silts up

To decide how to clean a cesspool of sludge, you need to know exactly what type of pit the one on the site is, and what options can be used to clean it.

Cleaning a cesspool with a pump

To clear a silted pit, you can use a fecal or water pump connected to a reservoir for pumped out waste. The pump can be automatic (such devices are installed in a pit and work independently, pumping out wastewater as it appears) or semi-automatic (the operation of these devices must be monitored).

Before pumping begins, the siltation should be brought into a liquid state, and after pumping out the waste, it must be disposed of. When the pit is empty, it should be partially filled with water to further flush the structure. Pipelines also require cleaning, so they need to be given attention. When using a water pump, it is advisable to install a special filter to prevent clogging of the mechanisms. The fecal pump does not have this drawback and is able to work with waste immediately after installation.

Pumping out the pit with a suction pump

This method does not require any intervention from the owner of the pit. It is enough to call professional vacuum cleaners and a sludge removal machine, and the cesspool will be cleared of sludge very quickly. In addition, ordering such a service also implies that the waste will not only be pumped out, but also disposed of, so you won’t have to worry about how to remove the sludge from the cesspool and take it away from the house. When calling sewer cleaners, it is worth paying some attention to the permitting documents confirming their authority. Read also: "".

Cleaning the pit with biological products

To clean the pit yourself, without resorting to the services of a vacuum cleaner, you can use biological products. There is a fairly wide range of biological substances on the market, which can be produced in the form of powder, liquid or tablets. Biological products have a fairly large number positive qualities: high efficiency coefficient (the amount of waste is reduced to 20-30%), elimination of the characteristic odor, cleaning of the sewer system and pipeline (more details: " "). In addition, bioactivators are completely safe for humans, do not harm the environment and are environmentally friendly, and their use does not cause any difficulties.
The principle of operation of biological products is that all these substances contain a certain amount of bacteria that use human waste for nutrition. As a result, the unpleasant odor is eliminated, the wastewater decomposes much faster and decreases in volume.

When choosing bioactivators, you need to pay attention to the instructions, which always describe how the substance works. The only disadvantage of biological products is the impossibility of working in winter, so it will not be possible to eliminate silting of a cesspool in cold weather.

Cleaning the cesspool with chemicals

As a rule, chemicals for a septic tank are used in winter, since biological products cannot work in such conditions. However, chemicals are also not powerless: if the silted part of the waste is frozen, then there will be no result from their use.

Previously, formaldehyde and ammonium salts were used to clean pits, which are extremely dangerous for the environment and humans due to their toxicity. Today, it is best to clean pits with nitrate oxidizers, the negative impact of which on the soil is at a fairly low level. The principle of operation of nitrate oxidizers is in many ways similar to the work of nitrate fertilizers, therefore, after their use, the waste can be used for fertilizer.

A nitrate oxidizer acts on sludge, liquefying it, removing sewer odor and reducing the volume of solid waste. In addition, chemicals for cesspools and toilets work well in aggressive environments. The disadvantage of chemical cleaners is their high price.

Cleaning a silted septic tank

Cleaning the septic tank from sludge is not always required: many manufacturers supply their products with sludge pipes that prevent siltation of the system (read: ""). In the absence of such pipes, the likelihood of a blockage is quite high, and it may be necessary to fix the problem. drainage pump or a sewer truck.

The best remedy To clean a septic tank, use the biological products described above, which break down almost all substances that enter tanks for storing and processing sewage. The only thing that bacteria contained in bioactivators cannot tolerate at all is aggressive environments. A toxic substance that gets into a septic tank will stop the life of all microorganisms inside.


This article discussed methods for cleaning various cesspools from sludge. Now that the answer to the question of how to clear a cesspool of sludge is known, you can safely use the sewer without fear of silting or overflowing.