Well      06/12/2019

How to fill a petrol lighter. How to properly refuel a gas lighter

It would seem that such a simple item - a plastic lighter, but how it makes life easier for a person. Since they appeared on store shelves, the popularity of wooden matches began to plummet. And no wonder, they are inexpensive, filled with fuel lasts for a long time, plus they do not deteriorate in high humidity.

However, sometimes the fuel in the lighter runs out. If this is a simple trinket bought for 10 rubles at the nearest kiosk, you can throw it away and not bother with the question of how to fill the lighter. But if this is a collectible model or it is just expensive as a memory, you will have to work a little. Before you fill the lighter, you need to determine what fuel it runs on. There are only two options here - either it is gas or gasoline.

Determining that a lighter needs refueling is quite simple: the transparent body of most models allows you to see how much gas is left. In addition, when the fuel is running out, you have to strike “idle” several times, each time it ignites worse, and the flame, even set to the maximum, becomes barely noticeable.

Before you fill the lighter, you need to buy a special gas in a cylinder. Most often it is sold in kiosks, hardware stores or departments. household chemicals. Anyone who is going to fill it for the first time should make sure that several nozzles for holes of different diameters are included in the kit. It is better not to save on gas and take expensive and high-quality ones.

For safety reasons, the procedure is best performed near an open window and away from any sources of fire. A suitable nozzle is put on the pin of the can. Excess air is released from the lighter by lightly pressing the filling valve with a pen, match, or any suitable object. Excess air should come out with a hiss. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to refueling. A can with a nozzle is inserted into the hole with a valve on the lighter and pressed with force. In the case when there is not enough strength, you can put the can on the table and press on it with a lighter from above. When everything is done correctly, the gas begins to flow into the internal tank. After 7 seconds, the can is sharply pulled back and removed until next gas station. Depending on the volume, one may be enough for 25-30 operations.

Sarome or Zippo type is most often found in wealthy people. Due to their high price, they have become not only a lighting device, but also a symbol of prestige and success.

With petrol models, in principle, everything is also quite simple. Before you fill the lighter, you need to stock up on special fuel. In order to avoid excesses, it is better not to be smart and not to drain gasoline from the car, but to use the branded one. Of course, gasoline is gasoline, and in any case, a lighter will work at least at 72, at least at 95. Another thing is that it will smoke mercilessly, besides, it will give cigarettes a specific flavor. Refueling lighters on gasoline is a simple matter - you first need to remove it from decorative body, then hook the valve from the corner, lift it, insert the can and gently soak the cotton wool with gasoline. When the container is full, the valve is returned to its place, and the lighter is installed in the reverse order in the body. If desired, silicon can be immediately replaced. Before filling the lighter, you need to make sure that there are no sources of ignition. And after refueling, before checking the performance, it is necessary to remove the gasoline, wash your hands with soap and water, wipe the lighter itself and the place of work as thoroughly as possible (to eliminate the possibility of ignition of accidentally dropped drops). When everything is removed, you can check the result of your work.

Few people know that lighters were born much earlier than safety matches. Leonardo da Vinci experimented with the first uncomfortable and bulky models, but his invention remained unappreciated by his contemporaries.

Then, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Dobereiner lighter (named for the creator) was designed - a hydrogen-fueled device that explodes from careless handling. And only by the middle of the 19th century, a gasoline lighter was invented. It has undergone minor structural changes over time, but the principle of operation has remained the same.

Today, lighters are in every home. These useful things needed not only by smokers: they are used on hikes, on summer holiday and used for various household needs.

Types of lighters

According to the type of fuel, devices can be divided into:

  • gasoline;
  • gas;
  • USB lighters (spiral) - like a car cigarette lighter, where electricity is used as a heating source for the coil.

According to the ignition device:

  • silicon;
  • piezo lighters;
  • with an electrical circuit that provides ignition.

Petrol lighters are made only with a silicon mechanism. Gas is produced with a different ignition mechanism, there are also turbocharged models.

In order to better understand all the pros and cons of gasoline lighters, let's compare them with gas ones.

Pros and cons of gas models

For the purity of the experiment, we will compare silicon devices on gasoline and on a mixture of propane and butane:

  1. Price. It varies greatly depending on the manufacturer, appearance, brand awareness and quality. It can cost 10 rubles, and 50, and 1000. A gas lighter from Dunhill can cost several thousand dollars.
  2. Reliability. Speaking of silicon gas devices they are not very reliable. The flame goes out in the wind, ignites poorly and burns in minus temperature. cheap plastic models often fall apart in the hands.
  3. Durability. Expensive products are durable, can survive many refueling and save a working resource. Life span budget options very short.
  4. Ease of refueling. Refilling the device with a new portion of isopropane or a mixture of butane and propane is very simple. Insert the gas cylinder into the hole, press lightly and that's it: the device is ready for use.
  5. Service cost. There is enough fuel for a week even for a very active smoker, while the price of one refueling will be small. One bottle is enough for several refills.

Pros and cons of petrol lighters

  1. Price. There are no cheap models on the market. There are relatively cheap copies famous world brands, usually made in China. Petrol lighters today are not just useful thing, A stylish accessory recognizable brand. Therefore, the price is appropriate.
  2. Reliability. The mechanism is super reliable, since there is simply nothing to break. Fuel tank, wick, flint - everything works for years and without failures, and in any weather.
  3. Durability. They can outlive you. Expensive items can be inherited as valuable property.
  4. Ease of refueling. Despite the fact that the device of a gas and gasoline lighter is almost the same, refueling the latter requires more care.
  5. Service cost. Good branded gasoline for lighters is more expensive than gas bottle chik.

It is also worth mentioning that gasoline tends to evaporate, and the lighter may suddenly be empty after it has not been used for some time.

Which one to choose - gas or gasoline? If you need a simple functional inexpensive thing, then you should take a gas one. And if you need a status stylish accessory or a trinket for throwing dust in your eyes, then you should buy a good lighter on gasoline of one of the world famous brands.

Best in the world

In a world where a lot of things have become disposable, including lighters because of the disgusting quality, I want to be a little nostalgic and return to the Soviet past, where everything was made with a threefold margin of safety. Gasoline lighters in the USSR were made like small pistols with the inscriptions "Baku", "Tbilisi", "Rovno". There were other models, gift - in the form of cameras and desktop knick-knacks. But the best were "military", army lighters. They were also called commanders. Later, products imitating the original Zippo appeared.

They also made gasoline lighters with their own hands - from brass and steel pipes, coins and other scrap metal. There were more craftsmen in those days, almost everyone knew how to make something from improvised materials. Today there are also people who love to do everything with their own hands, including gasoline lighters. But this must be done carefully, with the full understanding that in case of incorrect soldering of the elements, the lighter may flare up in the hands.

Today, the best gasoline lighters in the world are produced under the brands Cartier, Givenchy, BIC, Dunhill. But the market leader is the Zippo brand.

Zippo brand

Petrol Zippo lighters were born when the enterprising American George Blaisdell brought home a trial batch of Austrian IMCO lighters. But he could not sell a single device, and began to improve them. So the legendary Zippo was born, working in any weather.

By drawings on the case of these products, one can trace the entire history of America - all achievements in the military, scientific or sports fields were reflected in the engravings on the case.

Zippo has always produced, and still produces, only gasoline lighters. 45,000 products are made daily. Most of them are relatively inexpensive mass-produced items. But there are also exclusive models, with cases made of gold, silver and titanium.

How to refuel

How to refuel a petrol lighter? To do this, do the following:

  1. Buy the "right" gasoline - for lighters, best of all the original Zippo.
  2. Ventilate the room - the room should not be very hot.
  3. Remove all flammable items.
  4. Check that the lighter has used up all the fuel.
  5. Remove the lighter from the case.
  6. Find the valve and turn it up.
  7. Pour in the fuel: carefully so that the gasoline does not get on the edges and so that the container does not overflow.
  8. Close the valve, if necessary, wipe the lighter from gasoline with a damp cloth.
  9. Collect.
  10. Before use, check for leaks to avoid ignition.

Gone are the days when lighters could be thrown away after they ran out. They were replaced by those that can be refueled. Their prestigious models cost more than ten dollars, it is a pity to throw away such a thing, but constantly buying will hit the budget. They require a reverent attitude towards themselves and it is necessary not to wet them and fill them with high-quality gas

How to properly refuel a lighter?

We take butane gas and a lighter and start refueling. Remember that first of all it is necessary to rid it of oxygen by releasing it, otherwise it will be worse at supporting the flame. The second point before refueling the lighter should be completely used up. To do this, it closes, the valve is adjusted, and then set to a minimum. Then move the valve with something sharp, so you understand that there is no more gas in it. Gently try to set it on fire, so excess air will come out.
It is refueled only with the help of triple purification gas. Why exactly? At least in this way you can ensure that the lighter does not get clogged and will work like a clock.

The next step is to insert the cylinder with the attached nozzle into the filling valve. It will be like the sound of a hissing balloon being deflated. As soon as it is filled with blue hot, you can immediately disconnect them. You yourself will intuitively feel that the gas is no longer going, because there is nowhere to go. There are types of cylinders that work on the principle of metered filling, that is, it is necessary to connect and inject liquefied gas several times.

  • Initially, it is necessary to release from it all the remnants of the hot.
  • We relieve pressure with a match, knife or other thin object by pressing the valve.
  • We compare the temperature of the lighter with the temperature of the room.
  • If it has a flame height regulator, then you need to set it to the minimum level.
  • We are looking for an adapter to the valve for refueling.
  • Before starting the refueling process, the cylinder itself is turned over
  • The filling valve must be turned so that it "looks" up
  • The cylinder stem and the lighter valve are connected during the refueling process
  • The cylinder is filled on average in five to seven seconds, while the connection of the rod with the cylinder must be held for high-quality filling.
  • Before refueling, if you came in from the street or lay in the sun, wait until it adapts to room temperature. This is necessary to impregnate the reducer with gas.
  • According to experts, the lighter should lie in the freezer a little before the refueling procedure, then it will be much easier to fill it, internal cavities, because such filling is much denser.

Safety rules for refilling a lighter

If a refueling procedure is to be carried out, it is best to open windows and doors well to ventilate the room. If you fill it out in the street, then you need to temperature regime environment was not less than 18 degrees. Open sources of fire should be excluded: flames, faulty wiring and similar phenomena.
For refueling, it is better to wear gloves on your hands and protect your eyes from gas. You can not exhale it, you can get an allergic reaction or gas poisoning.

If the lighter is gasoline, then the same conditions for the refueling procedure should be followed. That is, fuel should not get on your hands, in order to avoid irritation skin. In case of such contact, they must be immediately washed clean with soap and water. warm water. Before you light it, you should check it again so that there are no leaks anywhere. Otherwise, gasoline may ignite on clothes or hands.

Many are concerned about the question Why can't you fill the lighter completely? gas? If the lighter is filled with gas to the end, then there is a high probability of explosion and burns, because the gas used as fuel is under pressure.

Time has passed disposable lighters for a couple of rubles. Now gas lighters with the possibility of secondary refueling have become in demand. Prices for excellent models of lighters range from several tens of bucks, so it has become unprofitable to continuously purchase such luxury items.

You will need

  • Triple purge butane gas and lighter.


1. Like any luxury item, lighters require special attention to themselves. They need to be kept in excellent conditions. The main factor in buying a lighter is to maintain the fire, the likelihood of setting fire desired subject. Cigarettes, cigarettes and cigarillos are the main purpose of using gas lighters. The core snag is gas filling. Because when refueling, you need to learn a few main nuances: a gas lighter will not work well if oxygen is not released before refueling, the one that accumulates inside the lighter.

2. It is necessary to use the lighter to the end, i.e. wait for the gas in the lighter to finally run out. After that, you should close the lighter and adjust the gas supply valve, the one that needs to be set to the minimum. Then use a pen or other sharp object to push or move the gas filling valve. This will ensure that there is no excess gas in the lighter. Now try to carefully remove the fire from the lighter. This will get rid of excess air in the lighter. Start filling up.

3. Refuel your lighter with triple-purified butane gas. Why triple cleansing? Everything is very easy. Three degrees of cleaning are a guarantee of the slightest contamination of the lighter during operation with this gas. Insert a gas bottle with a nozzle into the valve to refuel the lighter. You will hear a classic hissing sound. As soon as the lighter is filled with compressed gas, the cylinder should be disconnected from the lighter valve. If you have never done this, then you will still feel that the gas does not go much larger. Some models of cylinders work according to the thesis of metered filling, i.e. you will make several refueling sessions. This is an economical indicator of the cylinder in price.

In order to correctly charge the lighter with gas, several general recommendations should be followed.

  • First, each gas in the lighter is applied.
  • In order to relieve the remaining pressure inside the lighter, press the filling valve with a match.
  • The lighter cools down to room temperature.
  • If there is a flame height regulator, it is necessary to transfer it to the minimum position.
  • A suitable adapter should be found for the filling valve.
  • The aerosol can with gas is turned upside down before filling.
  • The filling valve of the lighter turns up.
  • Stock aerosol can with gas is connected to the filling valve of the lighter.
  • Pressing the aerosol can is held for five seconds. The connection of the valve and the stem must be meticulously kept. When the lighter is fully refueled, the gas pressure in it should be equal to the pressure in the aerosol can.
  • Before using the lighter after the refueling procedure, it should be taken out for at least five minutes at room temperature. This requirement is necessary to normalize the gas temperature and completely impregnate the reducer (porous rod in the lighter) with gas.
  • To fill the lighter, you must first ventilate the room well. If refueling is done outdoors, then the temperature must be at least 18 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to exclude any presence near permissible sources of ignition - an open flame, sparkling wiring of electrical equipment, etc. Refuel the lighter, observing all safety measures: keep your eyes from accidental contact with gas, do not inhale gas - irritation or poisoning is acceptable.

    In order to fill the lighter with gasoline correctly, you must follow these recommendations:

  • The lighter is removed from the case.
  • Valve angle turns up. After that, the lighter is filled with gasoline. The procedure should be performed carefully so as not to overfill.
  • Gasoline should not get on the hands, so as not to cause irritation in case of emotional skin. If gasoline gets on your hands, wash them immediately with warm water and soap.
  • The lighter is inserted back into the body. Before using a gasoline lighter, it must be checked for leakage so that accidental ignition does not occur.
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    If the flame of your favorite gas lighter has ceased to shine joyfully in the night and you have nothing to light a cigarette with, it means that it has run out of fuel, that is, gas.

    You will need

    • A lighter, a can of gas for lighters, a little ingenuity


    1. If the design of your gas lighter provides for its refueling, then you should look into a specialized store or kiosk, taking a lighter with you. When choosing a cartridge, it’s cooler to pay attention to special cartridges equipped with a cap, under which there should be a set of nozzles, for various types lighter valves. Up to 10 nozzles can be placed under the cap, which guarantees you a good refill. After looking at the nozzles and comparing them with the design of the lighter valve, you will realize which one is right for you.

    2. It turns out, preferring a suitable nozzle, it must be broken off from the bottom of the cap, then put on the valve of the can. Clear the lighter's transfer valve of any obstructions (the easiest way to do this is with a clean ear stick). After that, inserting the nozzle into the lighter transition valve, press the can with force. If a gas leak occurs, check that the nozzle and the lighter valve match. If so, replace the nozzle. If it matches, try again.

    3. How to determine if the lighter is charging? It should become cold, icy, because. liquefied gas under pressure reacts with environment and cools objects. If the lighter is transparent, you will be able to visually verify that it is full. If not, then 20-30 seconds of downloading is enough for a full charge.

    When refueling a lighter, only a special can of gas should be used.

    Helpful advice
    Starting to refuel the lighter, follow the rules fire safety! In no case do not smoke, do not be near open flames, remove children and animals! Remember: gas is a flammable substance, and a careless attitude to it can lead to tragic results.

    There are several methods for making lighters from cartridge cases which we will share with you today. It would seem, why, if different lighters are sold around? The fact is that it may not always be at hand. But the skills of making a homemade lighter never hurt. Following our instructions, you will be able to boast of an independently manufactured lighter.


    1. Method 1st. Prepare a sleeve, a new zippa (or find an old one), a torch and copper-silver solder. Gut the flint out of the zippa and take out the disk from there, the one that strikes at it. Next, take out the entire contents of the zippa: disk fasteners, filter and packing. Assemble and solder all contents. Remove all roughness with a file, giving the correct shape. Hammer the soldered contents of the zippa into the sleeve, insert the wick and pour gasoline on top. The lighter is ready.

    2. Method 2. Prepare a tight metal tube. Make a hole in it for the wheel. Place a special flint for a lighter with a spring in the hole for the wheel. The flint should be with a small rubber band. Make a cap with a wick out of strong metal or alloy. Assemble the entire structure. Take an empty case. Solder the prepared metal tube to the sleeve. Fill with gasoline. The lighter is ready.

    3. Method 3. Prepare the sleeve and cotton cord. Cut off a small piece of cotton cord and lower it into the sleeve, moistening it in gasoline in advance in order to protect it from moisture. Leave the outer end of the wick peeking out to ensure interaction with the flint. Make flint from a file. To do this, solder a small piece of a file, about 5 cm in size, to the sleeve. Pour gasoline into the sleeve. The lighter is ready.

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    Quite often there is a need to have on hand lighter. For such purposes, it is comfortable to hold lighter that runs on gasoline: they give a good flame, are comfortable to use and store, and do not go out in the wind. However, over time, the question arises of how to fill such lighter. A few useful recommendations will help to understand this matter and fill it correctly lighter gasoline .


    1. Gasoline-powered lighters consist of a container of gasoline containing a wick impregnated with gasoline. The flame is produced by the friction of the cogwheel against the flint. Petrol lighters are durable and true. In expensive models, the volatility of gasoline is minimized, as evidenced by the absence of the smell of gasoline during application. However, let's move on to the issue of refueling.

    2. Before each one, it is necessary to work out each gasoline, the one that is already in the lighter. Next, remove the insert from the body of the lighter, lift the felt pad on the bottom of the insert. It is desirable to carry out all work in rubber gloves, only if you refuel lighter gasoline for the 1st time. This method allows you to protect your hands from accidental spilling of gasoline.

    3. Now slowly impregnate the insert material gasoline without overflow. Insert the fuel chamber back into the lighter body.

    4. Make sure not a drop of gasoline has been spilled. Thoroughly dry the body of the lighter and hands before use. Fuel is explosive!

    5. Later the first refueling wear lighter lid up in vertical arrangement. Fill your lighter with an extraordinarily special gasoline for lighters. Remember that inhaling motor gasoline vapors can be unsafe for health.

    Refuel in a well-ventilated area away from sources of ignition and avoid spilling gasoline.

    The first gas lighter originated in Paris in 1947. An ordinary wick was replaced with a non-standard valve, gasoline - with gas. Cigar lovers rejoiced at this innovation, ceasing to feel the pungent smell of gasoline. Reusable gas lighters are excellent as a gift option, and are also comfortable to use, but they have some refueling features.

    You will need


    1. In order to fill a reusable lighter with gas, you should first take care of the safety of this event. Make sure there are no open flames nearby, say on gas stove; no incandescent objects such as heaters with incandescent filament, switched on electric hob. Do not smoke at this time and do not refill the lighter near other smokers in this moment people.

    2. good method refueling is further: when the lighter has completely ceased to produce a flame, open the outlet valve to the maximum, hold it pressed for 3-5 minutes, simultaneously pressing the inlet valve with the writing end ballpoint pen. The rest of the gas would have come out before, but not completely - heating the lighter in the hand gives the best result. Close the inlet valve again as far as possible and leave the lighter to cool for 10-15 minutes.

    3. While the lighter cools down to room temperature, hold the gas cartridge in your hands for the same purpose. Usually, a set of six adapters is sold complete with a cylinder, one of which is selected experimentally for the lighter valve: it fits tightly into the valve receiver and does not let gas out. Attach a suitable adapter to the can nozzle and shake vigorously several times.

    4. Take the lighter up with the inlet valve; check if the gas supply button is pressed; if there is no cap, insert the can adapter from above into the refill slot. In 10-15 seconds, press with your upper hand two or three times without pulling the adapter out of the valve to the end. Repeat this operation a few more times.

    5. After that, leave the lighter for a few minutes until the gas in it heats up. Later, open the gas supply stronger, light the fire for a few seconds (be careful - the flame will turn out to be high) - this action will blow the nozzle from soot. Reduce the gas supply to no longer harmful. Now the lighter is allowed to use.

    Pen Parker - a unique thing. When George Parker conceived his creation, he decided: "Make it cooler than others." And he managed to realize his plan: he made a thing that became a sign of a special culture, high genre and luxurious taste. Pen holders Parker- people who have achieved a life furor. Intentionally for such a unique pen, unique ink was made, with which it is allowed to refill the pen in order to use it again and again.


    1. fountain pens Parker have a reversible refill system with bubble ink or capsule Parker. PARKER QUINK capsules have an additional ink reserve or are equipped with a reserve tank. After approximately complete emptying of the capsule, click on the end of the capsule. This will release the spare ink.

    2. The number contained in the reserve capacity will be enough for a page of an ordinary letter. This indicator, of course, varies depending on the scope of the handwriting and the width of the pen. The number of ink in one capsule is enough to draw a line of 800 m. In fountain pens Parker use only PARKER capsules, because the worst quality ink can ruin the pen.

    3. To refill the pen with a capsule, remove the cap. Unscrew the sleeve from the top of the housing. Remove the filler with an empty capsule. Insert a new capsule wide end first. Gently but fairly firmly push the capsule in with your hand. When you feel that it is pierced and, let's say, you hear a classic sound, stop pushing. Now screw the sleeve back.

    4. For refilling a pen from a bubble, two filler options are used: a typical piston and rotary in an exclusive design. In order to fill the handle with the help of a rotary filler, you need to unscrew the sleeve. To create a vacuum, squeeze the air out of the ink tank by turning the piston downwards.

    5. Dip the pen into the bubble. Make sure that it is completely immersed in ink and that air does not get there. In no case do not lower the filler into the ink, only the pen. Screw the piston back up to the limit. Remove the pen from the vial, and turning the plunger, drip three drops of ink. Re-wrap the piston to the limit. This is required so that a little air is drawn into the tank, which will prevent leakage. Clean the pen.

    6. To fill the handle with the support of a piston slide filler, push the lever located on the side. This is how you move the piston. Immerse the pen completely into the vial. In order to make a vacuum, press the lever downwards, and to suck ink - upwards. After that, remove the pen from the ink. After releasing three drops, raise the lever all the way. Clean the pen.

    In most cases, when a gas bottle runs out of gas, it is easier to purchase a gas bottle than to try to refill it. However, as usual, people want to save cash and discover a method on how to fill a gas cylinder in order to avoid buying. In fact, it is not so difficult to do this. Easily follow certain instructions and observe safety measures.


    1. It turns out, take an ordinary household gas cylinder with a valve (from 5 to 300 liters). Install it upside down in order to ensure that liquid gas flows out. To do this, you can make a special stand or hang it on a rope. You can also primitively put it in a huge dilapidated chair. There are a lot of options, the main thing is that the position of the balloon is stable and correct.

    2. Next, assemble the filling system, which consists of 2 hoses, an adapter, a tap and a threaded head. Faucet, hoses, adapter and cuffs are better to take from gas equipment, desirable for liquid nitrogen. This will ensure the longevity of the system. If you take ordinary water taps and tubes, the system will quickly break down. Assemble everything and fasten tightly with couplings. Do not use a reducer, it will only slow down the refueling process.

    3. Screw the adapter onto the thread of the gas bottle. You will need a tap to regulate the gas supply. Be careful not to use the cylinder valve, because it will quickly fail. Take a head for a gas thread from a dilapidated cutter or burner. In the case of the cutter, everything is more closely ready for attachment to the hose, and with the burner, it will take longer to tinker with the fact that its diameter is unsatisfactorily huge for the hose. Make the collet cooler metal, do not use plastic. If you do it tightly and understand all the details, creating a gas filling system will not take you more than one day.

    4. Now proceed at ease to refueling. The gas flows relatively slowly, so it will take from 3 to fifteen minutes to fill one cylinder, depending on the assembled system and the volume of the cylinder. On any cylinder, the weight of the gas is indicated; therefore, it is possible to control the filling with the help of scales. Or by eye: after filling half of the balloon, bleed off the gas and fill the balloon to the top.

    5. If refueling is carried out neatly and in accordance with each rule, then it is allowed to refuel the cylinder from 3 to 10 times. The main thing to remember is that if there is any external damage on the cylinder, it's better not to risk it and get a new one.

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    Gas for lighters. Cylinders liquefied gas with a volume of 300 ml are intended for filling portable gas appliances, say, heaters, blowtorches, lamps, gas stoves. Six adapters allow you to use gas for lighters with different equipment.

    Helpful advice
    What kind of gas to fill dupont lighters To fill a dupont lighter, you must use genuine dupont gas in order to avoid drying out of the rubber gaskets inside the dupont lighter, which can cause the lighter to start leaking gas. Gas for dupont lighters has as many as 4 varieties.

    PROTECTOR 23-10-2015 20:07

    Other than the original fuel? and then sho is not budgetary ....

    Schnapps 23-10-2015 20:30

    besides the original one, you can fill up with Newport (England), it’s cheaper. Once it pressed in Norilsk 92, it refuels and smokes, but it lights up as it should, there was no taste when lighting up. You can use alcohol, but it evaporates faster. this cotton wool is inside. They say you can still use kerosene but have not tried it.

    User Drone 23-10-2015 20:37

    Gasoline nefras or its analogue galosh is sold in household stores.

    iluhaM 23-10-2015 20:37

    PROTECTOR 23-10-2015 21:25

    me for household purposes, so how it smokes and with what flavor it burns on the side, I have plenty of alcohol, so I’m thinking of switching to it, just because of the lack of knowledge in this area I don’t want to damage the chik-fire.

    Bonifatich 23-10-2015 23:49

    Are you frying an egg on it, that buying native gasoline can really hit your pocket?
    Newport really can. Alcohol is too volatile.
    All sorts of ersatz mixtures smoke and stink.

    carrier 24-10-2015 12:00

    me for household purposes

    For household purposes, they rule.

    A zippo for drochev and always dirty thumb. Alcohol is not good for her.

    PROTECTOR 24-10-2015 09:11

    no, Zippo is a fetish, and besides, it already exists, + it’s comfortable to wear, and wind resistance is relevant to me, but in principle, can you kill it with low-quality fuel, or does it give a fuck?

    iluhaM 24-10-2015 11:12

    There is cotton wool and a wick of cloth with copper wire what can be killed there? Primitive everything

    I-War 24-10-2015 12:42

    quote: Originally posted by iluhaM:

    Ordinary nefras, he is gasoline "Kalosha"

    A lot of poor-quality comes across, smelly and smoky. Lottery.

    PROTECTOR 24-10-2015 19:09

    I’ll probably try alcohol anyway, alcohol should have less volatility

    I-War 24-10-2015 20:40

    Burns worse than gasoline, exhales faster. Checked on zip personally.

    PROTECTOR 24-10-2015 20:59

    damn, that's unfortunate.

    Endyukh 25-10-2015 10:29

    PROTECTOR 25-10-2015 11:29

    I-War 25-10-2015 11:44

    quote: Originally posted by Andyukh:

    But what is the best way to refuel gasoline lighters - wait until the gasoline runs out and then fill in or regularly add a small portion?

    I top up once a week, it's not a memory battery.
    quote: Originally posted by PROTECTOR:

    By the way, I still don’t understand how it should be poured if it’s over.

    To the brim.

    PROTECTOR 25-10-2015 11:58

    pours out

    I-War 25-10-2015 13:16

    quote: Originally posted by PROTECTOR:

    pours out

    Where? We moisten the cotton wool to the state of "swamp", so that the cotton wool is wet.

    IS90 25-10-2015 19:01

    on gasoline 80 and 92 does not burn ...

    Rusich 26-10-2015 11:10

    Hexane or heptane.
    In chemical stores.
    Or I can pour

    Ursvamp 26-10-2015 17:24

    Refined naphtha is needed. In a country that blows oil into the oceans and synthesizes pools of gasoline and kerosene, one has to buy English Newport - pichalco. However, even Russian gas for lighters cannot be used so as not to spoil the device.
    The galosh burns well but evaporates rather quickly. Therefore, we are looking for naphtha, or, as correctly noted above, one of its constituents is hexane or heptane.

    ZEE 28-10-2015 12:27

    No special options.
    What would burn normally and not refuel for a long time, only native benz. And then the lottery ((One holds a couple of three days, the other a week and a half. It is clear which of them is more original))
    It burns on any benzo (including 80 and 92), it only smokes "on black" and you need to "pull" it sharply and often to extract the fire)) and quickly disappears.
    A non-original lighter may not ignite at all from gasoline 92 and below, this is true.
    With what it is connected, it is difficult to say. Everything is as simple as bayonet shovel. But, nevertheless, a fact. Relatives eat everything, fakes can sneeze from good benz.
    Experience of personal possession and use different models and modifications for about 24-25 years.

    avkie 28-10-2015 08:48

    quote: Originally written by carrier:

    For household purposes, they rule.

    A zippo for drochev and an eternally dirty thumb. Alcohol is not good for her.

    I have a friend who just fills with alcohol. Yes, it is very volatile, but it does not smell like gasoline.

    PROTECTOR 28-10-2015 11:02

    Damn, current I think that gasoline is more volatile than alcohol?

    vovast 28-10-2015 13:19

    quote: Originally posted by PROTECTOR: Damn, do I think gasoline is more volatile than alcohol?
    I don’t know how it is now, but in my youth, I remember, alcohol evaporated very quickly!

    PROTECTOR 30-10-2015 13:27

    in short, you have to try it will be like the benzak will end

    Alexander NN 31-10-2015 21:55

    I will support the previous posts, if you want to use the lighter without problems - original gasoline. I used nefras for one or two gas stations, then I waited for a long time until the lighter "sneezes" on normal gasoline. My advice is not to save, or switch to matches.

    drsk 01-11-2015 06:38

    what the hell are you doing
    gas inserts foreva

    drsk 01-11-2015 06:39

    there are turbo and simple.
    I use it, and the original insides are generally lying around idle.

    B8F761 01-11-2015 08:28

    For a long time, it was, before I switched to a pipe (then only matches) - I had a set of branded and not very Zipps. So, the best in this set was the gasoline Ronson. It ignited 18 times in a row, and the STD was only 8-10.
    Sorry for the OFF
    Only branded fuel. I grabbed gasoline once, then changed the cotton wool and the wick.
    And what is the percentage of the cost of fuel compared to the cost of tobacco? 0.5%?

    pf 01-11-2015 08:39

    quote: Damn, current I think that gasoline is more volatile than alcohol?

    alcohol flies out with a whistle.
    as far as jewelers know regular gasoline burners are cleaned with activated carbon. so that there is no soot and dust. dig in that direction.

    Monolit-kbf 01-11-2015 10:58

    quote: Originally posted by Ursvamp:

    However, even Russian gas for lighters cannot be used so as not to spoil the device.

    Well, you can’t spoil it, but the fact that it burns worse is a fact. I bought a gas cylinder, Omsk production. The seller praised, good gas, ours, Russian. After refueling lighters, you have to unscrew the flame regulator, because it barely burns. There was no such garbage with the previous Chinese balloon.
    Sorry TS for offtopic.

    Schnapps 01-11-2015 20:35

    quote: Originally posted by drsk:

    gas inserts foreva

    Wow, especially in winter.
    I had one like this. Didn't like it.

    Now I use JOBON.

    Ursvamp 02-11-2015 15:24

    quote: Originally posted by Monolit-kbf:

    Well, you can't spoil it

    so everything after that. the lighter is clogged - spits, the flame is uneven.

    Ursvamp 02-11-2015 15:25

    Imko gasoline holds even worse than Zippa.

    drsk 06-11-2015 07:33

    but the zipo cost $ 2 ... consider a consumable

    RomanSteff 17-12-2015 12:44

    newport is just as good as zip gas, but much cheaper.
    In general, the Chinese are now making zippo clones under the ZORRO brand, which are even better than the originals in some ways, and their gasoline is just as good.

    Ursvamp 17-12-2015 12:21

    You can try to buy in chem. store and fill up with heavy petroleum ether, as well as instrument naphtha. White spirit smells and smokes a little, especially at the end of burnout. Kerosene is really bad. Fuel gasoline due to additives is also not good. Yes, he is flying almost like a galosh.