Toilet      04/17/2019

Requirements for the installation of gas equipment in the house. Installation of gas boilers: requirements and necessary documents

Any a private house needs a heating boiler. most successful and economical option is the installation of a boiler in it gas type. Such a device has more advantages compared to an electrical counterpart. With the help of the device, it is always possible to provide space heating and water heating. Despite the complexity of installation and significant cost, the use of the device quickly pays for the costs associated with it.

When installing a gas boiler, a number of rules must be observed:

  • location in a specially designated room (boiler room, furnace room);
  • requirements for a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room, taking into account the power of the used gas equipment;
  • requirements for the location of doors and windows in the boiler room, ceiling height;
  • compliance with the requirements for the organization of ventilation inside the premises;
  • installation of a certain type gas pipes in the boiler room;
  • requirements for grounding in the furnace and installation of gas analyzers;
  • rules for the arrangement of gas outlets, their required diameter;
  • conditions for obtaining a permit for the installation of gas equipment;
  • requirements for the boiler project and its approval, production of a technical passport for equipment;
  • compliance with certain requirements and schemes for installing gas equipment, taking into account prohibitions.

With the development of technology, units began to appear on the market with closed camera combustion. In such devices, coaxial chimneys are installed. The equipment uses air for combustion not from the room, but from the street. This innovation somewhat simplified the requirements for installing boilers in buildings. Units with a closed chamber can be installed in any room, regardless of their size.

General installation rules are constantly supplemented. Much depends on the specific features of the house in which the boiler is equipped. What matters is the material from which the dwelling is made, and the types of floors in it. The rules for installing the unit will differ depending on the type of gas supply (balloon or central) used in a single house.

Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to carefully read the documentation provided for this. It is based on 5 Building Codes and Rules:

  • SNiP 2.04.08-87, containing requirements for the installation of a boiler room in private homes;
  • 21-01-97 regarding compliance with the rules fire safety during the installation of such devices;
  • 31-02-2001, regulating the organization of gas supply in country houses;
  • 04.01-85, which provides for the rules for supplying internal water supply and sewerage to structures;
  • 41-01-2003, containing the rules for organizing ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems in buildings.

The documentation for installing a gas boiler is not limited to familiarizing yourself with the requirements contained in the SNiP. A number of additional conditions must be met:

  • apply to the gas supply organization with a request to obtain permission to install the apparatus and technical conditions for it;
  • a response with permission or refusal to install equipment is sent within a month;
  • in case of a positive decision, technical conditions are issued, on the basis of which the entire installation process of the device is implemented;
  • a project is ordered from an engineer with the appropriate license;
  • the project is coordinated with the gas supply company that issued the technical specifications (approval takes 7-90 days);
  • after receiving the project, installation of the device is possible.

Documents for the purchased unit are attached to the project sent for approval:

  • instructions for the installation of boiler equipment;
  • a copy of the examination confirming the safety of the device;
  • technical passport of the unit;
  • certificates for compliance with sanitary and technical requirements.

Requirements for the premises

A separate room is required for the equipment of the gas unit. It must meet the basic requirements for it:

  • a boiler room or furnace is used as a room;
  • the boiler room is equipped on any floor, but preferably in the basement or in the attic;
  • boiler rooms are not equipped in residential, bathrooms and toilets;
  • the volume of the room under the boiler room must correspond to the power of the unit used;
  • with a device power of up to 30 kW, a room volume of 4 m 3 is allowed;
  • the door to the boiler room has a width of 80 cm;
  • a gap of 2.5 cm or more is provided between the upper door edge and its opening;
  • any boiler room is equipped with an opening window (30 cm windows per 10 m 2 of the boiler room);
  • it is forbidden to equip boiler rooms with raised floors and false ceilings;
  • the ceiling has a height of 2.5 m;
  • the boiler room is provided with natural air (each 1 kW of the power of the device corresponds to 8 cm 2 of the inlet);
  • boiler rooms are equipped in buildings with low humidity;
  • the room itself is not finished with highly flammable materials;
  • water is supplied to the boiler rooms;
  • ventilation of the specified heating system is installed in the upper part of the boiler room.

Unit installation requirements

The unit is installed so that it has access from all sides. Pipes for the boiler are selected exclusively from metal. The device must be equipped with: a gas meter, a gas analyzer with an automatic valve. The unit must be grounded.

Requirements for gas outlets:

  • horizontal length - up to 3 m;
  • the presence of up to three knees;
  • the presence of a correspondence between the diameter of the gas outlet and the power of the apparatus (for example, a power of 30 kW corresponds to a diameter of 130 mm);
  • the end of the outlet on the outside is 50 cm higher than the roof ridge;
  • the diameter of the outlet must correspond to the diameter of the hole where the gas duct is mounted.

The power of the apparatus must correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room in which it is located:

  • a device with a power of 31-59 kW is installed in a room with a volume of 13.5 m 3;
  • at a power of more than 60 kW in a room with a volume of 15 m 3.

The requirements for installing a gas boiler of floor and wall types differ. In the first case, it is recommended to place the equipment in a separate boiler room. It's connected with large sizes boiler and its power, requiring a large space. A floor-standing device with a power of 150 kW must be installed in a specially designated building.

Devices with lower power can be installed in kitchens, but on condition that its volume is 27 m 3. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the operation of the outdoor unit. During operation, the device emits a strong noise, which affects the comfort of the inhabitants of a residential apartment.

The ideal option is to install a wall-mounted boiler in the kitchen. This type of premises meets the basic requirements for the installation of gas equipment:

  • suitable area;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • supplied gas;
  • water pipes.

Mounting diagram

There are differences between the installation of a gas boiler floor and wall types. The installation scheme of the outdoor unit includes a sequence of actions:

  1. the floor of the room is poured with a concrete screed or a galvanized sheet is placed on it as a base for the unit;
  2. the device is installed on the base in a level position;
  3. the unit is connected to the chimney, after which the draft is checked;
  4. pipes of the heating system are connected to the boiler;
  5. a hard filter for water is installed;
  6. ball valves are mounted on both sides of the filter;
  7. valves are attached to all nozzles;
  8. if a double-circuit boiler is installed, then a water pipe is connected to it (it is advisable to make a tie-in to the place where the pipes begin to branch);
  9. the unit is connected to the gas pipeline (it is recommended to entrust the tie-in only to a professional master gasman);
  10. the device is connected to a power source.

Wall units are mounted according to the following rules:

  1. the wall is treated with refractory material and additionally strengthened if necessary;
  2. the boiler is mounted parallel to the floor at a height of 80 cm from the floor and 50 cm from the ceiling and walls;
  3. with the help of water, the inlet walls of the pipes of the device are cleaned;
  4. a filter is mounted on the pipe of the unit, shutoff valves are fixed before and after it;
  5. a chimney pipe is mounted, followed by a draft check;
  6. the unit is connected to the gas pipeline;
  7. the boiler is connected to the power supply.

Before starting work, the device must be filled with water. To do this, turn it off. In order to avoid the occurrence of air bubbles in the structure, it is necessary to fill the boiler with water gradually without strong pressure.

Installation of a gas boiler is carried out only at positive temperatures (5-34 0 C).

Now gas is one of the most common types for space heating. Therefore, many are interested in what is needed in order to install gas equipment in their house or apartment. What are the requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler? Requirements for equipment and places for its installation are clearly regulated by SanPin standards. Controlling organizations monitor their implementation, because the place equipped for the boiler room is explosive. Therefore, you should strictly follow the regulations.

Gas boiler in a private house - the main varieties

  • Floor. They are very common. Installation of such equipment should be carried out in specially equipped places with good ventilation. Suitable for heating large areas.
  • Wall. Such units take up very little space and are used to heat small places.

Installation Requirements

First you need permission to install gas equipment. To do this, you need to contact GorGaz, write an application and provide the following documents:

  • a project that includes a scheme for connecting to the central city highway;
  • technical passport of the selected unit;
  • instructions for use;
  • conclusion of the expert commission on the suitability of the equipment.

NOTE! For installations with a power of less than 30 kW, the area of ​​​​the boiler room is at least 7 m2 . If the power is up to 60 kW, it is equal to 13 m2. Over 60 kW - 15 m2 and more.

Requirements for a gas boiler room in the basement

Previously, it was forbidden to equip boiler rooms in basements. However, in Lately this became possible due to the transition to propane, which is in a gaseous state. Now it is allowed to install a gas boiler in the basement. Only the power of the equipment is limited, it should not exceed 200 kW. It is only necessary to comply with all the requirements assigned by Sanpin.

As a rule, the equipment of a boiler room in a private house does not cause difficulties. All necessary requirements pretty easy to do. It will only be necessary to build a boiler room that meets all prescribed standards.

Installation in an apartment causes a number of difficulties. The most suitable place for this is the kitchen. To install a gas boiler in it, you need to meet certain requirements. This:

Important! Strictly prohibited independent connection, especially to the central highways. The first adjustment should be carried out by a specialist.

Before proceeding with the construction and equipment of the boiler room, you first need to purchase the right boiler. Then, based on its power, select the size of the room, while observing all the necessary requirements. To save money and time, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with all the rules and only then proceed to the arrangement of the premises, which will serve as a boiler room.

The problem of the lack of hot water supply or central heating, as well as the poor quality of these services, is successfully solved by the installation of gas boilers. There are two types of boilers for this: single-circuit and double-circuit. A single-circuit gas boiler can provide only one process, for example, heating. Double-circuit - both processes: both space heating and domestic water heating.

Not only is the installation of a gas boiler in itself a very time-consuming and troublesome business, in order to produce it, it is necessary to comply with certain standards for the installation of gas boilers. The operation of any gas appliances is always associated with risks, which is why there are fire safety rules.

Before the boiler is installed in a private house, it is necessary to prepare some documents and perform certain actions. What will be required:

  • Contract for the supply of natural gas for an individual developer;
  • Specifications and the project for the installation of gas equipment must be coordinated with the local representative of the gas service. Project documentation is most often developed by specialized institutions with an appropriate license for this type of activity: gorgaz, raigaz, oblgaz, mingas, etc.;
  • Installation of gas equipment must be carried out installation organization;
  • The engineer of the district or regional gas organization must come to the site and check the correctness of the gas connection in the furnace and kitchen, their compliance with the requirements. If all the rules are met, he must issue an opinion on the basis of which it is possible to open the gas "valve" leading to the boiler;
  • The heating system must be pressurized to P = 1.8 atm (see on the boiler pressure gauge);
  • De-air the heating system;
  • Check all connections for tightness;
  • Be sure to install a voltage stabilizer for the boiler and preferably a source uninterruptible power supply;
  • Do not add antifreeze to hot water. This can damage the seals and lead to leaks in the heating system.

Gas boilers must be installed according to a special technology that ensures the safe operation of explosive units that release toxins in case of leakage

The room in which the boiler will be located must meet certain requirements. When installing a heating boiler in a private single-family house, a furnace or, as it is also called, a boiler room, can be equipped on any floor, including in the basement, basement and even attic or roof. Restrictions apply to residential premises, a bathroom and a bathroom, it is forbidden to place a boiler in them.

To calculate the volume of the boiler room, the total thermal power heating equipment, instantaneous or capacitive water heaters.

Important! Please note that in the technical passport for gas equipment, the room with the boiler should be called that - a furnace or boiler room.

The table of the required volume of the boiler room is given below:

There are exceptions: if the heating boiler is with a closed combustion chamber, then the volume of the boiler room is not standardized, and the presence of a window with access to the outside is not necessary.

For air supply and exhaust, it is imperative to ensure the inflow of the required volume. To provide 23.3 kW of boiler power, 2.5 m 3 / hour of gas must be burned. For complete combustion of this volume, 30 m 3 / hour of air is needed. If not enough air is supplied, the gas does not burn completely, resulting in extremely harmful substance whose inhalation adversely affects human health. If you inhale it for 15 minutes, death occurs. Air should not only come in from the outside, but also flow from other rooms in the house. This is ensured by the presence of a gap between the door and the floor and a hole with a grate in the doors.

The heating boiler is installed on the floor at a distance of 10 cm from the wall, which must be made of non-combustible material. If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials, then protection from refractory material can be installed.

Requirements for the installation of gas units

Without compliance with certain requirements, the gas service will not give permission to connect the boiler to the main. But compliance with these requirements and norms is dictated not so much by bureaucracy as by bitter experience and fire safety. Restrictions are imposed not only on gas equipment and its installation, but also on the room in which the boiler will be located.

Regulatory requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler

  1. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the boiler will be located must be at least 4 m 2, the ceilings must be higher than 2.5 m;
  2. The width of the door leading to the room must be at least 80 cm;
  3. The boiler should be illuminated naturally through the window opening. For every 10 m 2 of the room there should be at least 0.3 m 2 of the window;
  4. Mandatory good ventilation premises, since the combustion of gas in the boiler is ensured by the influx of oxygen. The area of ​​the opening to ensure the inflow of outside air should be 8 cm 2 for every 1 kW of boiler power;
  5. Gas pipelines must be made of metal only. Flexible hoses can only be used to connect consumers;
  6. The cross section of the chimney must correspond to the capacity of the boiler. If the boiler output is 30 kW, the chimney diameter must be 130 mm. If the boiler power is 40 kW, the chimney diameter is 170 mm;
  7. Do not allow the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney to be less area section of the hole for connecting the chimney;
  8. The upper end of the chimney must be raised above the roof ridge by at least 0.5 m;
  9. In the power supply system of the boiler, there must be a special machine with configured current and thermal protection;
  10. In the room where the boiler will be, there should be a gas analyzer that will warn of a gas leak, and an electric valve that shuts off the gas supply;
  11. Gas equipment can be located in basement only one-family private house. In high-rise apartment buildings installation of gas heating boilers in the basement is prohibited.
  12. Each device must be equipped with a gas meter;
  13. Ventilation should be arranged in the upper part of the room.

You can get acquainted with all the requirements and norms in more detail in the documents: SniPe II-35-76 "Boiler plants", Code of rules for the design of autonomous heat supply systems SP-41-104-2000.

The installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler is carried out if the power requirements are not too high and there is not much free space. Most often, such boilers are used for heating and heating water in multi-storey buildings. The forerunner of the gas wall-mounted boiler is geyser, which provided water heating for domestic needs in the "Khrushchev".

Installation of wall-mounted gas boilers allows you to equip autonomous system additional heating even a house with central heating. It is necessary to have a gas supply, and the room must comply with the requirements and standards.

Gas units are installed in special rooms - furnace rooms with ventilation holes for the influx of air mass and the removal of combustion products. The boilers are not demanding on free space and can be installed above another appliance on the floor. Can install wall boilers cascade. This is very convenient if you need more power, several boilers turn on at once.

Several boilers in one furnace - convenient option

Installation of a gas boiler is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from other gas appliances and flammable materials. Depending on the power and model of the boiler, the distance between it and the wall can be from 30 to 50 cm. It is undesirable to place the boiler in the opening between the walls or in close proximity to the window. The power supply must be close enough.

After the place for the boiler is selected and approved, it is necessary to check the purchased boiler for completeness. The box should contain instructions, wall brackets, mounting template and mounting hardware. It is desirable to compare specifications indicated on the packaging with those indicated on the identification plate located on the inside front cover.

Before installing the boiler in place, it is necessary to flush all the pipes of the boiler and the entire system with water. This is necessary to remove foreign particles that may have entered the unit during assembly at the factory.

The planks on which the boiler will be mounted are nailed at a distance of 0.8-1.6 m from the floor.

Important! The wall must be vertically level and strong enough to support the weight of not only the boiler, but also the associated appliances. If the wall is made of combustible material, you can attach a non-combustible material gasket to it, the thickness of which must be at least 3 mm. In this case, the boiler must be fixed at a distance of 4.5 cm from the wall.

The boiler is fixed on the slats. Before connecting the boiler to water pipes it is necessary to remove the plugs installed on the corresponding nozzles.

To prevent clogging of the boiler heat exchanger, it is advisable to install a mesh angle filter at the water inlet. On both sides of the filter are installed Ball Valves This will make maintenance and repairs easier in the future.

Then you need to check if the boiler hangs evenly. Twisting in either direction can lead to backfire.

The connection of gas pipes to the boiler must be made only with a metal pipe, a rigid connection, through an "American" or a special drive. It is mandatory to use a paronite gasket.

This completes the installation of the boiler with your own hands. The direct connection of the gas boiler is carried out only by authorized persons after checking compliance with all requirements and standards.

Chimney standards

The material for the chimney is selected depending on the combustible fuel and the type of boiler. For a gas boiler, pipes must be cylindrical shape and made of metal, better - of stainless steel. Such chimneys are the safest, most durable and reliable.

The chimney is brought out above the ridge of the house. A hatch for cleaning the chimney must be installed. In order to ensure the convenience of collecting soot during cleaning, collecting and draining condensate, an empty space is required under the chimney inlet.

When installing the chimney, there should be no more than three bends and turns. The pipe connecting the boiler and the chimney must be as short as possible, no more than 25 cm.

The vertical section at the outlet of the boiler must be equal to at least two diameters. Behind this vertical section, the pipe of the connecting section must necessarily rise upwards with a slope towards the boiler.

Smoke removal in this case is carried out due to natural draft through the chimney.

Following all the requirements and rules for the installation of gas boilers will ensure them efficient work, durability and fire safety.

Everything is good in gas boilers, but they only require a careful approach to installation. Important are the requirements for the room where it will stand gas installation. After all, gas is always a potential danger. And in case of any incidents, it is desirable to do with as little bloodshed as possible. Therefore, in this article we will discuss the main recommendations for installing gas heating equipment in your home.

Man is inherently a very warm-blooded creature and living in the cold is contraindicated for him. Therefore, the dwelling must always be equipped with a heating device. Nowadays, private houses are gaining more and more popularity, no neighbors from above or below, you can buy the house that the whole family has long dreamed of or design and build something of your own. But a private house obliges the owner to think through many nuances so that life is cozy and comfortable. Prepare the sleigh in the summer, as folk wisdom says, so you need to think about how the house will be heated in advance.

Furnace, electric, gas. Everything rests on the family budget, since installation and tariffs for consumption are very expensive. As practice shows, in most cases, they install in a private house gas boilers. Coefficient useful action this unit is very high, and the ability to regulate the temperature of heat in a residential building without additional devices makes it very economical among the heaters of this line. Of course, buying and installing a gas boiler is not a cheap pleasure. But given that the price of gas is much lower than other energy sources, all initial investments will pay off very quickly.

Just take and put it in the house will not work. You should familiarize yourself with the requirements for this type of heating in the cold season. The choice of premises for a gas boiler is described in detail in the documents in SNiP 31-02-2001, DBN V.2.5-20-2001, SNiP II-35-76, SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 41-104-2000. The main requirements for this installation is that when building a house, you need to allocate a room that fully complies with fire and explosion classifications.

General standards for the room where the heating boiler will be installed

Gas boiler in the house. As a rule, this room is located on ground floor or in the basement, but this is only suitable for a one-story mansion. If the house has more floors, it is better to build a separate extension, especially since the boiler itself will heat it. Requirements for the installation of gas boilers are as follows:

  1. In one room no more than 4 square meters, only one gas boiler can be installed.
  2. The ceiling height must be at least 2200 millimeters.
  3. The room should be very well lit, with a natural glow. There should be at least 0.03 m2 of area per 1 m3 window structures and a hood installed.
  4. Doorways should be at least 80 centimeters for ease of entry and exit.
  5. Distance from the boiler to front door, calculated from 1 meter to 1.5 meters.
  6. During operation, any repair and maintenance work is possible, so that they take place in accordance with the requirements, you must leave a free space of at least 1.5 meters in advance.
  7. To avoid vibrations during heating, the gas boiler is installed strictly horizontally, ensuring maximum stability.
  8. Walls and floors must be level and free of combustible mixtures. They are usually additionally covered with a heat-resistant material.
  9. The ignition and the pump on the heating boiler are connected using the power supply, so the presence of a socket with grounding in the room where the device will work is strictly necessary.
  10. Like anyone furnace heating there is a chimney here, so access for cleaning and prevention should be as convenient and spacious as possible

Requirements for installing a boiler in the kitchen

Very often, finding a place to install and build a separate room cannot be done. Then you can place a gas boiler in the kitchen. However, if it does not meet all the indicators of SNiP, then its installation and further use must be under the control of the gas service. To install a gas boiler in the kitchen, it is imperative to take into account the following requirements:

  1. The kitchen should have a door of the required size with the desired insulation from other rooms in the house or apartment.
  2. The presence of a window.
  3. Be sure to install a hood.
  4. Separate socket with grounding.
  5. A smoke exhaust system must be in the kitchen without fail.

It must be remembered that the air around the heater must constantly circulate, respectively, and there must be enough space for installing a gas boiler. The heating installation can be perfectly made in the same style with kitchen set. After all, closing the boiler with a door is not only possible, but even necessary. And entering the kitchen, it will not immediately be clear where and what is located. When installing the boiler in the kitchen, you need to remember that compliance with all norms and requirements will protect you and your family, and the gas boiler will last a long time and save a lot of money.

Requirements for the installation of a wall-mounted boiler with a closed combustion chamber

There are several types of wall-mounted heating boilers. Before giving preference to one of them, you need to scrupulously work out the characteristics. The power of these installations, as a rule, does not exceed 42 kW. Their device includes gas-burner(gas enters the chamber and burns), a heat exchanger or coolant, expansion tank(the excess water obtained during heating flows into it), a circulation pump, a fan and a security system (it works in case of failures in the system, and also notifies about malfunctions). Requirements for the installation of gas heating boilers are also regulated by SNiP, but there are a number of distinctive rules that must be taken into account.

  1. The wall or load-bearing structure on which the appliance will be attached must be suitable for the weight of the boiler and support it.
  2. If the wall is covered decorative trim, then a 3 mm thick gasket made of refractory material is installed between it and the boiler.
  3. The distance to the ceiling should be at least half a meter, and to the floor at least a meter.

Whatever choice of installation of gas equipment for heating you choose, you need to obtain all the necessary documentation that allows installation. Obtain an agreement for the right to connect to the gas pipeline of the city. The installation must be provided to the gas organization and its specialists. Of course, this will require financial costs, but peace of mind is not measured by money. The safety of the residents of the house is paramount. However, if you still decide to take a chance and install the boiler yourself, then first you need to obtain the appropriate permission from the gas service. Installation is not an easy task and requires maximum skill.

  • Make sure you have all the accessories to get started.
  • Make sure the requirements are floor coverings, doorways and window structures are observed in accordance with SNiP.
  • Produce stable and horizontal installation device.
  • gas apparatus should be placed away from electrical appliances, and access provided comprehensively.

Compliance with all of the above requirements is mandatory, and if you miss at least one of them, an irreparable disaster can happen. When installing, everything needs to be weighed and assessed. After all, the question of installing a heating system gas method should be carried out by experts. The risk is great.

Rules for installing gas boilers in Russian Federation strictly regulated. As, however, in other countries. No wonder, because negligence is unacceptable, gas equipment is potentially explosive and fire hazardous. Installation of gas boilers must be carried out with the participation of specialists.

Norms and rules

Installation of a boiler in a private house must be carried out in strict accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP "Residential buildings".
  • SNiP "Gas supply" 2.04.08-87.
  • SNiP "Heating, ventilation, air conditioning" 2.04.05-91.

Modern gas boiler room - clean and tidy room

Dimensions and layout of the room

Installation of a gas boiler is possible in a separate furnace of the basement or first floor, in the kitchen. It is not allowed to enter the furnace from living rooms. The premises must meet the following conditions:

  • The volume of the furnace must be at least 7.5 m 3 in existing houses and over 15 m 3 in new ones. Recently, cascade systems with two or more boilers have been increasingly used in private homes. For each subsequent heating unit, the volume is prescribed to be increased by 6 m 3.
  • The floor area for one boiler is at least 4 m2.
  • Ceiling height from 2 meters and above.
  • Minimum Width doors to the furnace or kitchen - 80 cm. Accordingly, the construction opening is not narrower than 90 cm. There should be a gap of at least 2.5 cm between the floor and the door ceiling.
  • In the room where it is planned to install a heating boiler, an opening window facing the street should be located. Glazing area excluding frame - 0.3 m 2 per square meter floor area, at least 0.8 m 2.

The furnace of a private house can be located in a non-residential premises of the basement or first floor, in the kitchen

Required engineering communications

Proper installation of gas boilers is possible if the boiler room has the necessary communications. This is not counting the gas supply pipe with a tap and a meter:

  • Power supply for boiler and pump automation(if the heating unit is not non-volatile). For these purposes, a separate cable with a cross section of at least 3 x 1.5 mm should be run from the meter, protecting the line circuit breaker. Processor blocks of imported boilers are not designed for unstable characteristics of domestic power networks. Therefore, you need to connect the boiler through a stabilizer. Many equipment suppliers make the presence of a stabilizer a prerequisite for providing a guarantee. The equipment must be grounded, the ground loop must comply with regulatory requirements. Electric outlet should not be located closer than 10 cm from gas equipment. Cover lamps are closed.
  • Cold water to recharge and fill the system.
  • Sewerage. Often forgotten about it, this is wrong. Condensing boilers during operation precipitate water vapor, condensate is formed in a fairly large amount: in the season up to a liter of water per kilowatt of boiler power per day. It is diverted to the general sewer or a separate receiver. There are allegations that this liquid is an acidic solution and should not be lowered into plastic sewer pipes and bioseptics. This statement is true only for liquid fuel heating boilers, the acid content in the condensate during gas combustion is negligible. It is recommended to install a ladder in the floor of the boiler room: when the safety group is triggered, quite a large number of coolant.

Air supply and ventilation

Furnace and kitchen must have a working natural ventilation. The hole is located 25 cm from the ceiling, the diameter of the ventilation shaft is 10 cm or more.

During the operation of the boiler, a large amount of oxygen is required for the combustion of fuel. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure air flow in the room, otherwise the boiler will not develop the required power, or the flame may go out altogether. Air can be taken directly from the street, or from the corridor or non-residential adjacent premises. To ensure flow from the street to outer wall make a hole, it can be closed with a grate, the most convenient is the standard adjustable VTK valve.

If the air comes from the house, the inflow is done in the door or partition. Its area is from 20 cm 2. If gas heating boilers are installed in a turbocharged version (air is supplied and gases are removed using a fan), you can use a coaxial (double) pipe instead of the usual chimney with its output to the street through the wall. It simultaneously carries out inflow and outflow. In this case, air inlets are not needed, in the furnace it is enough to provide only natural ventilation.

In the case of a cascade installation, each of the boilers must have its own chimney


The design of the chimney directly depends on the type of boiler. As we have already noted, turbocharged boilers do not need chimneys at all, one coaxial or two separate pipes of small diameter are enough. Fire requirements for heating units of this type (especially condensing units) are low, the temperature of the exhaust gases in them is not much higher than room temperature. For some types of boilers, pipes may generally be plastic.

The flue gas temperature of boilers with a conventional atmospheric burner is quite high, and fire protection requirements must be taken into account here. Habitual devices brick chimney from ceramic bricks according to current standards is not enough. At a minimum, a fire-resistant and chemical-resistant liner pipe should be located inside it. High-alloy steel, ceramic or asbestos-cement pipe is used.

Rational option- installation of a chimney of a gas boiler of an insulated design. It can be a stainless steel sandwich pipe, thermally insulated double ceramic, ceramic-concrete or ceramic-steel pipe. Enamelled steel is also used. Insulated chimneys are not cheap, however, taking into account the fact that there is no need to build a brick pipe and a foundation for it, they justify themselves economically.

The height of the chimney head above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge and should not be less than that indicated on the diagram

The diameter of the chimney must not be less than that indicated in the equipment passport. Approximately a boiler with a power of 25 kW will require a chimney with an internal diameter of 125 mm; 30 kW - 150 mm; 40 kW - 170 mm. The height of the chimney from the entry point to the exit is at least 5 meters. The head should be half a meter or more higher than the ridge. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge is more than one and a half meters, this value is calculated. The appropriateness of the chimney diameter must not be neglected. If it is less than the prescribed value, the fuel will not burn completely. As a result, it will form carbon monoxide, the boiler power will drop, gas consumption will increase.

Installation standards for gas boilers require cleaning in the lower section of the chimney. For metal pipes below the cleaning, a tube is also removed to drain the condensate. A glass of liquid can drip from the chimney of a boiler with an atmospheric burner in a day or two.

If two or more heating units are installed in the furnace, each boiler must have a separate chimney.

Video on installing a gas boiler in a private house

The boiler should be located as close to the chimney as possible. It is allowed to install a horizontal (slope of 2 ° or more) pipe from the boiler to the entrance to the chimney up to 2 meters long, but the smaller this segment, the better the draft. With regard to the distance from the walls, the requirements for the installation of gas boilers depend on their type of finish (degree of flammability).

Mounting a wall-mounted gas boiler on a partition or wall made of combustible materials is prohibited. Accordingly, the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler as heating equipment on a wooden wall is impossible without additional measures. On a fireproof wall or partition, the boiler is hung not close, not closer than 2 cm. From the side wall, you also need to retreat at least 2 cm, but more is better. As a rule, this distance is provided by the fixing system of the boiler itself. It is allowed to install equipment on structures made of combustible materials, protected by plaster, cladding ceramic tiles, sheet metal combined with asbestos. Protection should protrude to the sides and down beyond the dimensions heating installation 10 cm or more and 70 cm up.

wooden walls must be protected without fail. Behind the sheet of metal there must be asbestos with a thickness of at least 3 mm

Installation of a floor-type gas boiler is carried out in compliance with the same distances from the walls, the floor must be made of non-combustible materials. Wooden floors should be protected with steel on asbestos sheet with a thickness of 3 mm or more. The distance from the front panel of the heater to the wall opposite is at least a meter. The values ​​prescribed by the regulations must be supplemented by the parameters specified in the instructions for the boiler. So, for example, the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers is often regulated by manufacturers at 30-50, which is much higher minimum requirements.

Connecting the gas supply, test run and setting up complex automation must be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate permit

Installation of heating equipment requires special care, accuracy, compliance with regulations. Do-it-yourself installation is possible, but only in the part that does not touch the gas. The connection and verification of the gas supply must be carried out by a licensed specialist who will put his signature on one of the many documents required to approve the gasification of the house.