Well      06/12/2019

Hyacinth in a pot - how to care for a plant. Is it worth transplanting from a store pot. How to prune hyacinth after flowering

You can grow luxuriantly flowering hyacinths not only in the garden, but also in a city apartment. Despite their grace and beauty, these flowers are absolutely unpretentious. Even an inexperienced florist can drive out hyacinths at home if he observes simple rules and recommendations for growing these flowers. When the plants have finished blooming, they can be transplanted into the garden to enjoy the colorful blooms again next year. Best way reproduction of hyacinths - division of bulbs.

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    Hyacinths belong to the large Asparagus family. Their peduncles sometimes reach 30 cm in length, and the flowers can be painted in blue, white, purple, pink and even black.

    Almost any garden variety plants can be driven out at home if you follow simple growing rules. Blooming hyacinth in the room in early spring and even in winter it looks quite impressive, and besides, it exudes a fragrant smell.

    Varieties and preparation for cultivation

    Breeders have bred quite a few varieties of hyacinths suitable for growing in room conditions in a pot. The most popular of them:

    • Carnegie (Carnegie) is a white hybrid.
    • Lady Derby - pink crimson flowers.
    • Pink Pearl is a bright pink variety.
    • Delft Blue - blue-blue hyacinth.
    • China Pink is a pink variety.
    • Delight - with large pink flowers.

    Planting and caring for hyacinths of the above varieties will not be difficult.

    bulb selection

    For a florist, it is extremely important to achieve lush flowering hyacinths, so all bulbs must undergo a rigorous selection.

    For planting in a pot, specimens reaching a diameter of 5 cm or more are suitable. Only large bulbs can give a lush inflorescence. They should be tight, healthy, without damage.

    Before planting, hyacinth bulbs are kept for 30 minutes in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate to exclude the possible occurrence of diseases.

    Pot selection

    Hyacinth at room conditions should be planted in a suitable flowerpot so that the flower feels comfortable and will definitely bloom.

    This plant loves wide and shallow containers.

    Drainage holes must be made in the bottom of the pot to drain excess water, since hyacinth does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

    Soil preparation

    Soil for growing hyacinths can be bought at a specialized store. For self cooking soil mixtures should be taken in equal proportions:

    • sod land;
    • compost;
    • leaf ground;
    • humus.

    In order for the substrate to have sufficient water and air permeability, 100 g of river sand or peat are added for each kilogram of soil mixture.

    Planting bulbs

    When the bulbs, pots and soil are prepared, you can start planting.

    This process takes place in several stages:

    1. 1. A drainage layer of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the flowerpot.
    2. 2. A thick layer of soil is poured on top.
    3. 3. A thin layer of fine sand is laid on top of the soil.
    4. 4. Bulbs are laid out on the sand, the distance between which should be at least 3 cm.
    5. 5. They are slightly pressed into the ground, and then sprinkled with earth on top.
    6. 6. Planted bulbs are watered abundantly.

    When planting hyacinths in pots, it should be borne in mind that the tops must necessarily look out from under the soil. You can not bury the bulbs in the ground completely.

    After planting, the tubers begin a dormant period. Pots should be kept in a dark and cool room, the air temperature in which must be maintained at + 5 + 10 degrees. As a rule, the rest period lasts about 2 months. All this time, the plants need to be watered, preventing the soil from drying out. It is extremely important to provide the plants with this "artificial winter", otherwise they will bloom weakly in the future.

    After 2 months, the pots are transferred to a warm and bright room, the air temperature in which should be about +15 degrees. This period lasts until the hyacinth begins to bloom. Once this happens, the containers are transferred to the desired room.

    An important condition for the lush and long flowering of hyacinths is that the air temperature in the room should not be higher than +20 degrees.

    Home care

    To indoor hyacinth really bloomed, and not just gave leaves, it must be carefully looked after throughout the growing season.


    The basis for caring for home hyacinths is proper watering. A sufficient amount of moisture is necessary for the flower to form buds and lush flowering.

    Watering hyacinth is necessary both during the growth period and during wintering, but this should be done in different ways:

    • In winter, only slightly moisten the soil in the flowerpot.
    • During the growth period, the flower needs more moisture.

    In no case should the clod of earth in the pot be allowed to dry out.

    Water for irrigation is used only settled - for at least 24 hours. She must be room temperature or slightly warm. Do not water hyacinths tap water because it is too rigid.

    During watering, you need to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves and buds. It is recommended to pour water directly into the tray or pour gently along the edge of the flowerpot.

    Light requirements

    Hyacinths are very fond of light, so when planting in winter or on a cloudy day, they need to be illuminated with lamps. Due to the lack of sun, the flower may even die.

How to grow hyacinth at home? Finding fault with words - no way. This flower, like most bulbs, has a pronounced dependence on the change of seasons. That is, it will not constantly grow on the windowsill in a pot.

But it is worth a try to do it forcing. Hyacinth will look especially impressive and original as a gift for any holiday. Moreover, he does not need extraordinary care. Now let's look at all the steps.

Bulb selection and preparation

For growing at home, choose a large bulb with a diameter of more than 4 cm. The smaller one will give foliage, but you will not wait for flowering. Planting material must meet the following conditions:

  • To the touch firm, pleasantly elastic. Softness speaks of spoilage.
  • No visible damage, cuts, dark weeping spots.
  • No mold or odor.
  • The scales are whole, dry. Characteristic color for the variety.
  • The bottom is clean, smooth, dense, without damage and dents.

You can choose a bulb in your flower bed or buy it in a store, on the market. Some even manage to order online. Risky business. Who knows what will come in the mail?

After the hyacinth has been selected, you need to properly prepare it. To do this, the onion is soaked for 17-19 minutes in a strong hot solution of potassium permanganate. Approximately +40°С. Further, without washing, they are dipped into a solution of phytosporin. Cooking instructions can always be found on the packaging.

Dry. And put away for storage in a dark warm place of medium humidity. This treatment will kill fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria.

When to plant hyacinth

To guess the beginning of flowering by a certain date, you have to remember the math. We take the right number. We take 24 days. This is the time to build green mass and ripen buds. And we also take 10 weeks for the cold period of rooting.

For example, we need a blooming hyacinth by January 7th. We do the necessary calculations. It turns out that the bulb should be planted in the ground around October 3-5.

Choice of soil and pot

It does not matter what material the pot is made of. Take any that fits in size. And how to recognize it, this notorious size? Everything is simple. At least 1.5-1.8 cm should remain from the edge of the container to the bulb. Accordingly, between the bulbs too. It is advisable to leave a little more space so that the flowers are spacious. Otherwise, they will begin to stretch in the struggle for sunlight. What is fraught with loose ugly inflorescences.

The soil. The soil should be nutritious, rich in rotted organic matter. It is recommended to make the mixture yourself. For this you will need:

  • good humus, 1
  • peat, 1
  • coarse clean sand, 2
  • turf, 1
  • matured compost, 0.5

The numbers indicate the number of parts in the soil mixture. All this is well mixed. Then they are heated in the oven at a temperature of + 105-110 ° C. This will disinfect the soil. Cool down, done.

We plant hyacinth

In order to grow hyacinth at home, you need to plant it correctly. How many plants to plant in one pot? See what size it is. Maybe your planter is enough for 7 or 9 bulbs. But single plantings look most spectacular, or three hyacinths of different colors in one container. To do this, there must be holes at the bottom of the vessel to drain excess liquid. They are sprinkled with a thick layer of drainage. For example, expanded clay or fine gravel. Then add a little clean sand on top.

After that, the soil is poured, the bulb is installed. And covered with earth up to the shoulders. Not with your head! The crown of the bulb should remain above the surface. At least 2.5-2.7 cm. Next, the hyacinth should be watered until the soil is completely moistened.

Now comes the most crucial period.

Bulb rooting

Under natural conditions, hyacinths fully develop a healthy root system in about 9-10 weeks. It takes place in autumn. In winter, the bulbs leave completely ready for flowering. We will also arrange autumn for them.

To do this, pots with hyacinths are placed in a cool room with high humidity. The temperature should be around +4-6°C. It can be a cellar, underground, unheated loggia. But complete darkness is strictly required! That is, the pots must be covered. thick fabric, cardboard box, wooden box.

Advice. Before shelter, look at the gap, suddenly a ray penetrates somewhere?

Some recommend storing plantings in the refrigerator. It's dark, cold, but dry. Therefore, the container must certainly be covered with a film. It is advisable to leave a few small holes for ventilation and evaporation of condensate.

And further. During all 10 weeks of the cold period, be sure to periodically check the containers. If necessary, water with cool settled water. Or boiled. It is important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out. But you can't fill it either. A little moisture is perfect. Naturally, ventilation is also necessary.

Distillation stage

23-24 days before the expected flowering, the containers must be pulled out into the light. But not immediately under direct rays. The temperature is also raised gradually. Otherwise, the bulbs are threatened with thermal shock. Remember, in the spring, too, not everything comes at once. And we skip winter and just arrange artificial spring days for hyacinths.

Approximate course of action:

  1. 1 day. Pulled out of a cool place, put on the floor at the entrance or balcony door. Watered if necessary.
  2. Day 2 They fed with a complex mineral fertilizer with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. It is desirable to exclude nitrogen altogether, it is enough in good organic soil.
  3. Day 5 We moved the container with hyacinth to the back of the room. They put it on a chair, table, bedside table. That is, they added a little lighting and temperature.
  4. Day 10 Fed again. And you can bet on permanent place dislocations.

This must be done away from heaters and direct sunlight. There are only three options here:

  1. On the table next to the window, the radiators are covered with a thick towel or blanket.
  2. On the windowsill. The batteries are closed, the hyacinth is shaded from the sun with white paper or a curtain.
  3. In the back of the room on a stand. Additional illumination with phytolamps.

If all conditions are met, then in about 21-24 days the hyacinth will please with a thick peduncle with a brush of beautiful flowers.

Care during flowering

Hyacinth is not a Decembrist. It can be safely rearranged during flowering or transported to give. At home, the plant blooms for about 19-21 days. To enjoy the magical aroma of this harbinger of spring longer, you need to properly care for it.

Water only with boiled or melted water, at room temperature. Excess fluid from the pan must be drained. Lighting should be at least 12 hours a day. Once every 13 days, fertilizing with mineral water is recommended. organic fertilizer shortens the flowering period.

The soil is not loosened, but you can put pieces of moss or peat on top to avoid the appearance of an upper crust. Or sprinkle with coarse clean sand. This will be a kind of prevention of mold. Ventilate regularly, but without drafts.

Let's say that you grew a hyacinth at home not for a gift, but for your own joy. Everything turned out, the plant has safely faded the allotted time. What to do with the bulb now? Throw away? Come on! Of course, it is no longer suitable for a new distillation, it simply does not have enough strength. But for planting in a garden or in a flower bed, it’s quite good. In a year, she will rest, gain strength, and enter her usual growing cycle. And then for another 5 years it will give you its bouquet every spring.

At the same time, she also gives birth to children. They can be grown up and also driven out in the winter or seated outside. But, all this is possible only with proper care after flowering.

The first thing to do is to cut off the peduncle. It will draw juices from the bulb for a long time until it dries. What we need is for it to grow stronger and more vibrant. Also, for help, we do not change the mode. That is, the temperature and lighting remain the same.

Until the last leaf has dried up, we continue to water the hyacinth regularly as needed. Naturally, fertilization should not be forgotten either. All this will allow the bulb to gain enough nutrients and endure the recovery period without loss.

Growing hyacinth without land

Agrotechnics practically does not differ from soil planting. Only the bulb should barely touch the mirror of water, and not float in it. Everything else as described above: cold 10 weeks for rooting, then germination and flowering.

The only difference is the nutritional requirement of the hyacinth. Mineral fertilizers will have to be added to the water. Regularly, but without fanaticism. Otherwise, on one clean water, it will be difficult for the bulb to gain strength and show lush flowering.

Advice. If you have already decided on such an experiment, then use a transparent vessel. This will make it easier to control the level of liquid and the condition of the roots. In addition, this design looks very original.

  1. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the plant at all. In any period. It is best to water from a watering can with a thin spout or a large syringe. And strictly along the edge of the pot. Naturally, any spraying is excluded.
  2. Do not use for watering rain water. Where is the guarantee that this is an environmentally friendly liquid without half of the periodic table?
  3. During artificial spring, turn the pot about 40-43° around its axis every three days. This will cause the plant to release leaves evenly. And the peduncle will be full. If this is neglected, then the brush will turn out to be one-sided.
  4. Missed and the flower grew in one direction? Worse, began to bend over? No problem. Nobody canceled props from improvised materials. Bend a thick wire with the letter "p" and put it in a pot. Just do not tie up the peduncle, this can damage it even more, blocking the access of nutrients. Instead of wire, you can take a small knot of a suitable shape.
  5. Look carefully so that there are no unrotted parts of plants or manure left in the soil for planting. During rooting, they will give heat to the bulb. And we need a low temperature. Hyacinth will simply confuse autumn with spring. And it can release leaves ahead of time. With an underdeveloped root system, this is fraught with deformed peduncles or the absence of flowers at all.

How to grow hyacinth at home? Usually. Such an activity is within the power of even those who are not engaged in breeding indoor flowers. A little bit of cunning, a bit of attention, care and love - that's all you need to admire flowers in the middle of winter. And what a flavor! He just floats through the rooms! This result is worth the little work and your time spent.

Video: how to grow hyacinth at home

Hyacinth: home care. Read in today's article how to water a hyacinth in a pot at home? Interesting Facts about hyacinth.

How to water a hyacinth in a pot at home?

Hyacinth is the flower of kings! The plant was brought to Russia by Peter the Great, but south of Asia is considered its homeland. The flowering bulb has become widespread along the entire Mediterranean coast. Translated from Greek, "hyacinth" means "branches of rain", which indicates not only the peculiarities of care, but also a subtle organization, even an elusive, alluring aroma. For more than 20 years, well-known perfume brandsNinaRicci,Guerlain place notes of hyacinth at the heart of exclusive compositions.

Hyacinth care at home:

  • Care for a short growing season;
  • Pronounced period of rest;
  • Thoughtful top dressing for flowering;
  • Abundant and long-lasting lighting;
  • Standard air temperature;

Hyacinth refers to plants with a short but bright growing season - blooms for a short time but builds up a lush flower arrow. After the end of flowering - in winter - it hibernates, dropping the surface part, leaving only a bare bulb. This manifestation of dormancy is familiar to the owners of bulbous plants. To maintain flowering, regular and thoughtful top dressing is carried out, which will be discussed later. Also, the flower needs lighting for at least 12 hours a day and, preferably, an abundance of sunlight. Temperature +22° With easy to create at home.

Note to flower growers : do not put the flower next to heaters or batteries - the leaves dry out quickly.

How to water hyacinth in a pot at home:

  • Only water, but do not spray;
  • Water at room temperature;
  • Settled or thawed;
  • Pour over the rim of the pot;

Filling hyacinth is strictly prohibited! You need to add less water if you cannot calculate the volumes by eye. By combining watering and fertilizer, we prolong the flowering of hyacinth. Thoughtful top dressing just includes the addition of calcium during flowering.

What to feed to bloom longer: calcium, as a separate ingredient, crushed eggshell infused in water.

After flowering, the peduncle and leaves of the hyacinth die off - the bulb remains above the surface, which can be left in a pot, or dug up and planted again in the spring. Hyacinths in the garden are exactly dug up, inspected and processed.

Hyacinths should be replanted at the end of February. Prepare a light potting mix 1 part sand and a third peat, deepen the hyacinth bulb itself by 2/3, leaving a part above the surface. As for the volume of the pot, from the walls to planting material 3 cm remains. The bulb is buried without turning. They give it a few days to take root, then, as soon as a young flower arrow is noticed, they begin to water it along the rim of the pot. Prior to this, hyacinth control Moisturize once a month, and then, if the soil is definitely dry.

Note to florist : if a short peduncle has grown in a hyacinth - the soil is not moistened enough or watered cold water. Other reasons for temperature fluctuations are also possible.

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How to store hyacinth bulbs after flowering?

Caring for hyacinths after flowering in the garden

What to do with hyacinth after flowering?

How to care for hyacinth after flowering?

How to transplant hyacinth after flowering?

What to do with hyacinth bulbs after flowering?

Most often, primroses fall on our windowsills on the eve of the Women's Day or Easter. An extraordinary bouquet pleases with fragrant flowering for one to three weeks. Then they throw it away or try to save it.

Outdoor plants have successfully adapted to growing indoors and delight with bright flowering with the advent of spring. The agrotechnics of garden primroses differs significantly from the rules for growing homemade bulbs.

If everything is clear with horticultural crops, then in the situation with forcing for flowering, the situation is different. The plant is subjected to increased exposure to growth and flowering stimulants, which disrupt the natural course of vegetation. This depletes it and reduces the supply of nutrients. All attempts to save the bulb until the autumn planting in the garden according to generally accepted agricultural practices end in failure.

According to experienced gardeners, after forcing the bulb is not able to withstand dry storage and requires a special approach.

How to save a hyacinth bulb after forcing

Growing hyacinths at home gives excellent results. In a room, they can bloom from January to May, as they are contained in more favorable conditions than garden counterparts. Knowing how to transplant a hyacinth, you can get an excellent specimen for your home collection.

This species is characterized by a pronounced dormant period, which occurs after flowering. At this time, the above-ground part of the plants dies off. The same process is observed in the "gift" copies. Experts recommend switching them to outdoor cultivation after growing at home.

The next flowering of forcing hyacinths will not occur earlier than in two years, even under the most favorable conditions.

Garden hyacinths are removed from the ground for dry storage until autumn. With indoor copies, they do it differently. Their bulbs are not able to safely endure two months out of the ground. The most painless option: transplant the bulbs. In this case, they will be safely preserved until autumn, when the time comes for landing in open ground. Transplanting indoor bulbs has a number of nuances that you need to know and follow.

How to transplant indoor hyacinth

At home, hyacinths are planted in small pots with frequent drainage holes. The optimal diameter of the landing tank is about ten centimeters. In wider flowerpots, you can plant several bulbs at once, so that during flowering you get beautiful bouquet on the windowsill. Often florists use decorative flowerpots in the form of garden watering cans, porcelain and ceramic dishes.

It is better to use a purchased substrate for flowering indoor plants. You can prepare the earthen mixture yourself by mixing soddy soil, river sand and peat in equal proportions. High-quality drainage will definitely be required, since the bulbs are often affected by rot when the substrate is waterlogged or water stagnates.

Transplantation of hyacinths should only be carried out with protective gloves, because the sap of the plant contains toxic substances extremely hazardous to health.

Transplantation is carried out after the death of the aerial part of the plant. The peduncle is separated immediately after flowering, and the leaves - after they lodging. It is recommended to use the transshipment method. This will help preserve the fragile roots of the plant.

The complete hyacinth transplant sequence is as follows:

A low flowerpot is one-third filled with drainage material;

A thin layer of river sand and substrate is poured over the drainage;

They take out an earthen lump with an onion from the planting container;

Remove the upper part of the coma, which is not mastered by the roots;

The remaining earthen ball, together with the bulb, is placed in a new flowerpot;

Carefully fill the voids around the perimeter of the flowerpot with the substrate;

The upper part of the bulb should be flush with the edge of the pot, while the bulb itself is one third not covered with soil;

There should be no more than three centimeters between the bulb and the wall of the flowerpot;

At the end, a thin layer of river sand is poured for better conservation moisture.

The substrate should be compacted by hand to avoid voids.

Hyacinth care after transplant

After transplanting hyacinths is completed, the bulbs are covered with plastic cups, paper caps or plastic bags and transferred to a cool place. Optimum temperature air is within +6+12℃. In such conditions, the plant is about ten weeks.

During the entire period of time, moderate watering is continued, preventing the earthen clod from drying out.

Over time, the bulbs will release the first shoots of leaves. This serves as a signal for the end of the dormant period. Do not immediately expose flowers to the rays of the bright sun. A sharp change in the microclimate can lead to stress, which will negatively affect the hyacinth vegetation.

You should gradually change the conditions of the flower:

  • The flowerpot is transferred to a warm and well-lit room.
  • Heat at +23℃ contributes to active growth primrose at room conditions.
  • From this moment, the hyacinth begins to be watered more intensively and periodically fed.

How to water and how to feed indoor hyacinth

Watering the primrose after transplantation is aimed at preserving the bulb. The appearance of the first sprouts indicates the need to change the irrigation regime to a more intensive one. It is best to water hyacinths from a watering can with a narrow spout to prevent the bulb from getting wet.

Growing bulbs need to be fed twice a month with a complex mineral fertilizers for flowering houseplants. The solution is made half less concentrated than recommended on the package. This will protect the root system from chemical burns. In general, caring for hyacinth at home is not much different from the generally accepted agricultural practices for indoor plants.

A few secrets to successfully growing hyacinths

Indoor cultivation of hyacinths has its own secrets.

Knowing these simple tricks, you can get beautiful specimens with long flowering:

If the arrow of the peduncle is too short, you need to set the flowerpot a couple of days away from the light source. The plant will quickly grow additional length of the peduncle. After that, the flowerpot is returned to its original place.

An average daily temperature difference of five or more degrees significantly prolongs the flowering of hyacinths. It is enough to move the flowerpot to a cooler place, for example, to the balcony door, to create these conditions.

Landing in an open flower garden is carried out no earlier than the second year indoor cultivation. During this time, the bulb will have time to recover from stimulants and safely endure the first winter along with garden hyacinths.

Many flower growers recommend planting indoor hyacinth in open ground in June or August. You should carefully consider the choice of transplant time so that the bulb has time to take root before the first frost. The optimal time for planting garden hyacinths is in September.

Many garden flowers have long become "traditional", so every year summer residents plant them on their own. personal plot. Surely you have a list of such favorites, right? The most amazing thing is that some of the garden flowers can be perfectly grown at home. Such wonderful representatives of the flora include hyacinth.

Hyacinth (from lat. Hyacinthus) is a bulbous plant belonging to the Asparagus family. The plant is miniature, reaching no more than thirty centimeters in height. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Each has 18 to 25 flowers. They are bell-shaped, the edges are pointed. The pedicel itself is very thick for such a miniature plant. Once bred by the Dutch, hyacinth is today one of the most popular flowers for making floral arrangements.

Another fact that is decisive in favor of growing hyacinth at home is the variety of flowers of the plant. They can be white, and red, and purple, and blue. The most amazing thing is that hyacinth easily takes root in any home environment. The main thing is to perform the forcing correctly.

Bulb selection

An annual flower easily and naturally takes root in any conditions, in the garden and at home. The main thing is to follow some rules.

On a note! If you do not want plants to please you with their flowering, start with right choice seed material - the bulbs themselves.

Rules for choosing a great bulb

  • On seed there should be no damage, neither mechanical, nor discoloration. In other words, the bulb should be exactly the same as we see it in the pictures in plant guides or the Internet.
  • In no case should the bulb be hollow, with damaged or soft sides. The seed must be dense and strong.
  • Be sure to check for rot on the bulb, whether it is infected with a fungus.
  • The weight of each bulb selected for sowing must be at least 80 grams.
  • The diameter of each bulb must be at least 5 centimeters. Many experienced growers will confidently tell beginners that it is much easier to grow healthy, strong and surprisingly beautiful flowers from large bulbs than from small bulbs.
  • Check each bulb carefully. If the infected seed lies in close proximity to healthy bulbs, then subsequently you will not be able to grow a single healthy plant.

Preparing the bulb for planting

Desired result! If you want to achieve the flowering of beautiful hyacinths, be sure to run a row preparatory work before planting the bulbs in open ground.

It is necessary to withstand the hyacinth bulb for two weeks in conditions artificially created for it. The temperature in the room where the seed is located should be at least +25 degrees. Humidity should be kept above 60. Such conditions should be maintained for at least 14 days, and then the temperature should be lowered to 20-22 degrees. Two weeks before disembarkation, the temperature is lowered to +17 degrees and stored in such conditions for another two weeks.

General scheme for preparing the bulb for planting

  • 14 days: t= +25-27 degrees and humidity 70-80%;
  • next 14 days: t= +20 degrees and humidity 65-70%;
  • the remaining 14 days: t = +17 degrees and humidity 60%.

In total, the course of preparing bulbs for subsequent planting lasts 42 days.

Basic rules for forcing hyacinth at home

  • Distillation of hyacinth at home begins with the choice of a container for growing. It can be a large pot, a plastic container, such as a basin, or something else. At the bottom of the container, carefully lay out the drainage, and then the nutrient substrate.
  • Each bulb should be buried in the ground so that two or even three centimeters of the plant remain above the surface.
  • Of particular importance is the location of the bulbs in the sowing container. It is very important that none of them come into contact with the walls of the pot. This will prevent young plantings from growing and developing normally.
  • The distance between the bulbs should be at least three centimeters.
  • One of the most dangerous phenomena that can happen to hyacinth bulbs is plant rotting. Therefore, special care should be taken with plantings, do not flood them. On top of the landing should be lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of sand.

Growing hyacinths

So, you have prepared everything for forcing, and now, the most important thing is to properly care for the landings. The first thing to do is to lower the temperature in the room where the bulb container will be kept. Some gardeners do the following: put planted hyacinths on a closed balcony or in a cellar.

Important! The temperature in the room where the distillation of hyacinths will be carried out should not rise above + 5 + 7 degrees.

What else is worth remembering?

  • A container with planted bulbs is best wrapped in plastic bag. In the package itself, it is necessary to make holes for normal air circulation.
  • Lighting when forcing bulbs is not required. The pot with plantings should be in a dark room.
  • Plantings require regular watering. The earth must not dry out completely. The frequency of watering directly depends on the level of humidity in the room. If the moisture level is excessively high (more than 90%), then you can moisten the soil only 1 time during the forcing.

The whole stage lasts from 2 to 2.5 months.

In two months, the sprouts should reach a mark of three to five centimeters. If this happens in accordance with the timing of the forcing of the bulbs, it will be just wonderful. From this point on, you can gradually (!) Raise the temperature in the room where the hyacinth plantings are located. You can also just move the pot to a room with more comfortable temperature. However, sprouts still do not need lighting. If it is no longer possible to create such conditions (for example, you moved the pot from the cellar to the room), the plantings should be covered from above with an opaque cloth. Also, be sure to leave room for air circulation.

Advice! Be sure to remove the opaque cape from the landings when the sprouts reach a size of ten centimeters.

Hyacinth planting care

We congratulate you! If you have properly cared for hyacinths during forcing, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve their beautiful flowering. As soon as the first buds appear, immediately move the pot to a warm, well-lit room.


If the plants did not need lighting during the forcing of the bulbs, then subsequently it is necessary condition their normal development. Like its garden counterpart, home hyacinth needs sunshine. But don't be too zealous.

Be careful! Direct Sun rays destructive for domestic, however, as well as for garden, hyacinths. The duration of daylight hours for plants should be at least 12 hours.

If the climatic conditions of your region do not allow you to create such a long-term lighting for a flower, then fitolamps can also be used.


We will not tell you in what mode the plant should be watered. After all, everything is 100% dependent on the conditions in which it grows. Excess water should be removed from the pan. You need to focus on the drying of the earthen coma.

It is important! Hyacinth is watered with extreme caution, without touching the bulb itself and without getting into the axils of the leaves and flower buds. It is best to water the soil from the edge of the pot. Do not worry, the water will reach the roots of the plant in full.

Hyacinth food

Filling the soil with nutrients is very important for the normal development of bulbous plants. In total, during the growth and development of the plant, it should be fed several times. After each top dressing, it is imperative to loosen the soil around the bulbs. The main thing is not to injure the root system of plants.

The first time - after the grower transfers the hyacinth from a dark room to a light one. In this case, phosphorus-containing fertilizers are best suited.

The second time - after the buds form on the flowers. Potassium-phosphorus supplements will be very useful here.

The third time - after flowering. At this point, a mixture of potassium and superphosphate, taken in equal proportions, will come in handy.

Diseases and pests

One of the main reasons for the development of diseases in hyacinth is improper care for bulbous plants at home. If the hyacinth is in a room with excessive humidity (already during the period of budding and flowering), then the young inflorescence may fall out of the common flower.

Very often hyacinth suffers from yellow bacterial rot. The bulbs themselves become very soft and exude an uncharacteristic (and very unpleasant!) Smell. Such a flower cannot be saved, feel free to get rid of it.

Hyacinth is a delightful bulbous plant that can be easily grown at home. However, the bulb will not survive if the grower wants to fork it for two years in a row, and will quickly deplete. So it's better after home growing plant a bulbous plant for a year in the garden.