In a private house      04.04.2019

How to grow decorative almonds on your site. Almond ornamental shrub planting and care

Three-lobed almond (Prúnus tríloba)- This is a bushy plant with pinkish flowers. This plant also has the name three-lobed louiseania, but among the people it is called sakura near Moscow. It attracts the attention of passers-by, and is on the wish list of many summer residents and gardeners. Almond three-lobed Rosenmund is one of the most beautiful garden plants, which is grown solely for its ornamental appearance.

Initially, it was discovered in China, later brought to England, and only in the 20th century did it enter the territory of the USSR. In connection with its eastern beginning, the plant is called Chinese double plum or sakura, because of the pink flowers.

On the face of it small tree, which can grow up to 3.5 meters, with branches sticking out to the sides. Almond leaves grow in bunches and have a three-lobed shape.

In the first half of May, almonds bloom for 2 weeks. At this time, the bush acquires a soft pinkish color. After the flowering period, the leaves bloom, and the shrub stops blooming.

The fruit of this plant is not large, rounded and inedible. Most often, three-lobed almonds can be seen in botanical gardens or summer residents.

Here is another photo of this plant:

Species and varieties

The main differences between almond species and varieties are their shape, height and color.

Interesting! With proper care of the plant, it can live up to a hundred years!


Three-lobed almond loves sunlight and lack of wind. Regarding the soil, you should choose light, loose, fertile lime. Places in the shade, without access to light and damp places are categorically contraindicated. It should be planted at the end of autumn, at the end of leaf fall or with the onset of warm days of spring.

An excellent soil for him would be such a mixture: leafy ground + 1/2 of its amount of humus + 1/3 of sand. About 20 cm of crushed stone or broken brick, and 6 cm of sand should be used as drainage. The root neck of the seedling cannot be buried during planting, since it must be above ground level. Plants should be planted at a distance of a meter from each other.

Three-blade care

  • Watering.

As mentioned above, this plant is drought tolerant. However, during the flowering period, it requires copious amounts of water. If it is planted on loamy soil, then the amount of water should be normal. It is worth watering the three-blade only if the earth dries up, as stagnant water can lead to rotting.

  • Fertilizer.

Louisiana Rosenmund requires constant fertilization. In the spring season, it is fertilized with a solution of 1 kg of mullein, 20 g of ammonium nitrate and 10 g of urea. All this must be diluted in 10 liters of water. In autumn, mineral fertilizers should be applied, such as double superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 20 g per square meter of soil.

  • A haircut.

In order to give the crown a beautiful shape and for healing, almonds need pruning. At the end of the flowering period, flowering branches should be shortened by 2/3 of their length. This procedure stimulates the growth of new, healthy shoots. You also need to cut off all the branches that grow inside the crown.

It is important to know! The shrub is prone to thickening. If the plant has grown too large, then it must be thinned out. This will preserve its decorative appearance and protect it from diseases.

  • Preparing for frost.

Quite often, the branches of this plant are neatly tied in a bundle and wrapped around nonwoven fabric. You can also sprinkle the soil around the root with a layer of earth. But the root neck should be left open.

The nuances of growing in the suburbs

Although luiseania is a heat-loving plant, she calmly endures frosty, snowy winters. Some sources claim that when proper preparation by winter, she is not afraid of frosts down to -30. However, the problem may be sudden or frequent temperature changes, especially if frosts are replaced by wet thaws. In this case, the plant wakes up ahead of time, and can be damaged by frost. He freezes the ends of the shoots and buds. In such cases, almonds should be covered for the entire time of frost. Having followed the above recommendations, there should be no problems when growing almonds in the Moscow region.

Growing in the Urals and Siberia

Everyone counts almonds exotic plant, which loves the sun and heat and needs special care. However, this is nothing more than a delusion. Of the about 40 species of this plant, most do not need a special climate and other conditions.

Although almost all types of almonds are frost-resistant and not particularly demanding on the soil, not all are suitable for growing in Siberia and the Urals. There is one type of plant that is suitable for the northern regions, this is the steppe almond. It is also called bean, wild and low almond.

Like other types of almonds, its flowers are a rich pinkish hue, and it blooms for about 2 weeks in early May. After the flowering period, it is covered with leaves, and at the end of summer, chestnut-colored fruits appear on it. In height, the bean grows up to 1.5 meters. He needs enough light and shelter from the wind.

Care for the steppe almond does not differ from the care for the three-blade induced above.

Reproduction of almonds

Species almonds are often propagated by seeds, and vegetative methods are used for varietal propagation. The most common breeding method for trilobate is grafting on plum, almond or sloe. To do this, you need to take one straight shoot of almonds, on which eyes have already formed. Leaves should be cut with secateurs.

Grafting should be carried out during sap flow, namely in the spring or in August. The rootstock must be wiped from dust and dirt, make a T-shaped incision slightly above the root collar and unscrew the cut bark. Next, you need to cut a strip of bark from the handle so that it fits completely under the T-cut. The joint should be wrapped with a cloth or tape. The kidney must be left open.


For propagation of almonds by cuttings, it is required cut from the top of the cuttings up to 25 cm long and put them in a growth stimulator for 15 hours. Rooting of cuttings occurs in a cool greenhouse, after planting in a substrate that consists of sand and peat. A month later, rooting occurs. When the roots have formed, the cuttings should be transplanted to a test bed.


Regular pruning of almond shoots will help it maintain its beauty and splendor. Pruning is done at the end of flowering, in June. With the help of pruning, you can achieve the density of the crowns of the bush, which has a positive effect on its decorative appearance. Also, this procedure protects almonds from pests and fungi, affects the rapid growth of branches.

Where to buy seedlings?

Although the three-lobed almond has an exotic appearance, buying this plant is not a problem. It is worth looking for it in special markets where plant seedlings are sold, as well as in stores specializing in seedlings. In addition, you can search for online stores with delivery or the location closest to you.

What do gardeners say?

As you might guess, such a beautiful and ornamental plant will not leave anyone indifferent. The reviews of gardeners about the three-blade almonds were divided into two conditional camps: those who cannot get enough of the beautiful flowering, and those who want to buy it.

Here is a review of a summer resident from the Moscow region on a forum for gardeners: “It is impossible to describe the beauty of the garden when almonds bloom. All neighbors walk around with cameras and ask to be photographed next to the ‘sakura’. And what a smell… mmmm.”

Many people are also interested in the disease propensity of the bush, justifying this with cases from own experience. However, as the reviews show, almonds are not prone to disease. Some seasonal diseases are inherent in almost every tree.

Application in landscape design

In its homeland, almonds have long gained popularity in the arrangement of territories and different areas. It is used for landscaping, decoration or addition to parks, country houses or dachas, on city streets and boulevards. IN landscape design this plant can have many uses. It looks good both paired with other plants, such as conifers, and paired with similar ones. In addition, almonds can be planted on the lawn, on slopes, or near stones.

Three-lobed almond on trunk

Almonds on the trunk look as impressive and beautiful as in the form of a bush. If you have no experience in creating a form, you can buy a ready-made plant from specialists, or try to create this form yourself.

The easiest way to create a trunk is the method of shaping the trunk by cutting the crown. This method is quite easy and effective, but it takes a large number of time. The essence of this method is that you need to pick up an even seedling, without knots, and after planting it should be tied to a vertically driven wooden peg.

When the seedling began to grow, the top must be tied to a peg, and all the shoots on the sides should be cut off, giving the almond the shape of a cap.

Trimming on video

Pruning is that moment of plant care that is best perceived in visual form. The video below shows in detail how to properly cut a three-lobed almond.

Almond is a shrub or tree. Such a plant belongs to the subgenus almonds of the plum genus of the pink family. It is often mistaken for a nut when it is actually a stone fruit. Almonds grew on the territory Central Asia and in the Mediterranean a few centuries before our era. To date, it can be found in California, the Czech Republic, China, Slovakia, and South Moravia. This light-loving plant is highly resistant to drought. Under natural conditions, such a culture prefers to grow in small groups (several pieces of bushes or trees) at an altitude of 800–1600 meters above sea level. In Russia, common almonds are grown in the southern zone of the European part. In the middle latitudes, steppe almonds, or beaver, or low almonds, or tender plums are cultivated. This type of such a plant has not only valuable fruits, but also very beautiful leaves and flowers. At the same time, the most decorative look in such a culture, the three-lobed almond is considered, it is usually cultivated as an ornamental plant. Below will be described in detail how to plant and grow an ornamental almond shrub.

Features of decorative almond

Almond, which is an ornamental shrub, can reach a height of 250 to 300 centimeters. There is nothing complicated in growing such a shrub, even a novice gardener can handle it. It is one of the most valuable ornamental crops. There are varieties that grow on a stem, outwardly this shrub is similar to an almond tree, it has leathery lanceolate leaf plates of dark green color with a serrate edge, a compact crown has a spherical shape. Flowering of ornamental almonds can be seen only 4 or 5 years after it has been planted in the garden. Terry or simple, very showy flowers with many stamens and petals can be painted white or pink color. Flowering, as a rule, lasts about 20 days, while the bush is as if enveloped in flowers, like an air cloud. It is enough to see such a flowering shrub once in order to remember this wonderful sight for the rest of your life. Leaf blades tend to grow back after flowering ends. Ornamental almonds cannot be eaten, but they are just as incredibly beautiful. The fruit is a three-lobed suede pericarp, having a rounded shape, inside it has a bone, which is very easily separated.

This plant is very closely related to such fruit crops as cherry, bird cherry, cherry plum, nectarine, sakura, plum, sweet cherry, apricot, peach and blackthorn. And it is also related to the apple tree, dog rose, hawthorn, mountain ash, pear, quince, rose and chokeberry.

Ornamental almond is not demanding on growing conditions, is highly resistant to drought and is considered a very valuable honey plant. If the shrub is well cared for, then it can live 100 years or more. Ornamental almonds differ from ordinary almonds (cultivated in most cases only for the sake of fruits) in that they have a very high frost resistance and grow well in middle latitudes. That is why almonds are no longer rare in Siberia.

planting almonds

What time to plant almonds

It is recommended to plant decorative almonds in autumn after the leaf fall ends. It can also be carried out in early spring, after the night frosts have passed and warm weather is established. In doing so, it should be taken into account that autumn planting for such a plant is more preferable.

Saline or acidic soil is not suitable for the cultivation of this shrub, a suitable soil pH should be between 4.5 and 7.5. You should also choose a site where groundwater is not located close to the soil surface. For growing this shrub, it is recommended to choose a site with light sandy or loamy soil, saturated with nutrients. At the same time, in heavy clay soil, almonds will quickly die. This shrub needs a lot of sunlight and air, in this regard, it is recommended to plant it on the south side of the garden plot. The place where the plant will be planted can be lit by the sun all day or it will be covered by the shade from the trees located in the neighborhood for no more than three hours.

How to plant

Ornamental almonds need cross-pollination, so it is recommended to plant several bushes of this beautiful plant at once. Mostly bees participate in the pollination of almonds, in connection with this it will be simply excellent if a small apiary is located not very far from these shrubs.

From the site where the almonds will be planted, all plants capable of casting a relatively large shadow must be removed. At the same time, it is not necessary to remove stones, because in natural conditions this shrub prefers to grow on rocky slopes. The depth of the landing hole should be at least 30 centimeters. In this case, the distance between specimens should be from 3 to 5 meters, and the row spacing should be approximately 5 meters. At the bottom of the landing hole, make a drainage layer, for this it is recommended to use crushed stone or broken brick, and a layer of sand is laid on top of it. Then, in the middle of the bottom of the pit, you need to drive a long pole, which will support the seedling, while it must rise above the surface of the site by at least 50 centimeters.

Engage in direct planting of shrubs should be very early in the morning or after 16 hours of the day. Before planting annual seedlings, their root system must be immersed in a clay mash for a while. Then they are lowered into the planting holes and covered with a soil mixture consisting of the upper nutrient layer of soil, sand and humus, while the root neck of the plant must necessarily rise above the surface of the site by a couple of centimeters. In the event that the soil is acidic, it will need to be mixed with a small amount dolomite flour or notify. Upon completion of planting, the soil will need to be well tamped, and the plants should be watered (for 1 bush from 10 to 15 liters of water). After the liquid is completely absorbed, and the earth settles at the same time, it will be necessary to tie the bush to the previously installed support, and also cover the trunk circle with a layer of mulch (peat or dry earth). It is necessary to make sure that the root neck, which after watering should be flush with the surface of the site, is free of mulch.

Features of care

Planting and growing almonds is quite simple and it will not create any problems for the gardener. You need to take care of it in the same way as for other ornamental shrubs, namely: water, weed, cut, loosen the soil, feed, treat from diseases and harmful insects in time.

Water the almonds so that the surface trunk circle never dried up. However, it should be taken into account that stagnant water in the soil can cause the formation of rot on the root neck of the shrub. Watering is carried out approximately 1 time in 7 days, while the soil should dry out a couple of centimeters in depth. Under 1 bush pours 10 liters of water. Experienced gardeners recommend that after each watering, loosen the soil surface around adult bushes from 8 to 10 centimeters in depth, and around young ones - from 5 to 7 centimeters. Also, during loosening, weeding should be done.

In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, it needs top dressing. In spring, it is recommended to sprinkle the trunk circle with mulch, but instead of peat, take mullein or manure. A little time later, under each shrub, it will be necessary to pour a nutrient solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and 10 grams of urea. In autumn, 20 grams will have to be applied for each square meter of the plot. double superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate.

cutting almonds

Ornamental shrub almonds need timely pruning. spring pruning should be carried out before sap flow begins, while all injured, frostbitten, dried, thickening the crown and disease-damaged branches and shoots must be removed. It happens that one of the branches interferes with the normal growth of the other, they are called competing. In this case, the strongest and most well-located branch is chosen, and the second is cut off. After the almond blossoms, make a shaping pruning. A haircut does not harm this plant, on the contrary, if the faded stems are cut off in a timely manner, then next year the almonds will bloom even more magnificently.

After the bush is 7 years old, it will be necessary to remove those branches that have become very old. They can be replaced by root offspring, which grow after the bush is 3 years old.

How almond blossoms

There are sources that claim that the name almond comes from the word amygdalos, which is translated from ancient Greek as " beautiful tree". Many consider this version to be true, since the flowering almonds look simply bewitchingly beautiful. There are so many flowers that they stick around the whole plant. Their color can be red, pink, white or purple. Those who love painting have probably seen the painting “Blossoming Almond Branches” by Vincent van Gogh.

If the region has a fairly warm and mild climate, then almonds begin to bloom in the last days of January, and end in March. In the middle latitudes, flowering begins in the last days of April or the first - in May and lasts about half a month. At this time, the bush should receive required amount water, otherwise flowering will not be so long.

Diseases and pests

Almonds are susceptible to such diseases as: moniliosis, scab, clasterosporium, gray rot and rust. And of the pests, aphids, almond seed-eaters, spider mites and leafworms can settle on it. Fungal diseases can be dealt with with fungicides, for example: Skor, Kuproksat, Topaz, Fundazol. Pests are disposed of with the help of insecticides: Calypso, Zolon, Aktellik or Fufanon. And if a spider mite has settled on a bush, then it should be treated with Akarin, Kleschevit or Agravertin.

However, it should be remembered that if you take care of this ornamental shrub correctly, then you will very rarely have problems with it.


Preparing for winter

For wintering, this shrub should begin to prepare in the summer. So, for this, the tops of the stems are printed, due to which they become woody much faster, and almonds in winter time does not freeze. Young seedlings must be covered in autumn with dried leaves, straw or lutrasil, to a height of 15 centimeters from the ground surface. It is necessary to ensure that the root neck, which is under a layer of snow, does not start to rot. Adult specimens do not need shelter for the winter. If part of the stems freezes, then the shrub in the spring is restored in a short time.

Wintering in the Moscow region and Moscow

In Moscow and the Moscow region, it is recommended to grow such types of almonds as: low (steppe), Georgian, three-lobed and Ledebour's almonds. These shrubs may suffer a little during the winter from severe frost, but they recover very quickly, and bloom incredibly profusely. You need to plant and care for almonds in the same way as they do in middle lane(described above).

Reproduction of almonds

Varietal almonds can be propagated only by layering, grafting and shoots, and species almonds can also be propagated by seeds. Some gardeners grow rootstocks on their own, and then they are grafted with varietal cuttings.

Growing almonds from seed

Sowing seeds is carried out in open ground, and this can be done in spring or autumn. It should be noted that before you start sowing in the spring, the seeds should be prepared, for this they are placed in the refrigerator for four months on the shelf for vegetables. Make grooves in the soil, the depth of which should be from 8 to 10 centimeters, while maintaining a distance of 10 to 12 centimeters between the seeds. Between the grooves, the gap should be equal to 50 centimeters. Almond seedlings that have appeared require care, which consists in timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil surface. In the summer, when the seedling reaches half a meter in height, and the thickness of its stem is 10 mm, all its branches that grow up to 10 centimeters from the root collar must be cut into a ring. Then the plants are transplanted to a permanent place. As soon as they get sick, it will be possible to begin to plant varietal cuttings on them.

almond graft

For grafting, rootstocks of any of the species of this plant are suitable, but it is recommended to take those that are highly frost-resistant. Almond grows well on rootstocks of cherry plum, bird cherry, blackthorn or plum. A suitable scion for grafting should be straight, have developed stems with eyes that should be fully formed. All foliage should be removed from the handle with a pruner, only short petioles of a centimeter length should be left.

This shrub can be propagated by grafting only at a time when sap flow is observed, namely: in spring or in August. The rootstock, which should grow in open ground, should be gently wiped with a damp cloth, thereby removing dust and dirt from it. Then, a little above the root neck, a T-shaped incision should be made with a budding knife. And then carefully turn the incised bark to the sides. A scion should be cut off from the scion, which is a strip of bark with a kidney and a thin layer of wood. Note that the shield should fit entirely into the T-slit you made earlier, so don't make it too long. When the shield is inserted, you should press the edges of the bark that were previously turned away. To fix the shield, you can use budding tape, tape or plaster, while it is enough to make only a few turns around the stem. At the same time, remember that the kidney with the rest of the petiole should not be closed.

If the vaccination was carried out in the spring, then after half a month the petiole from the kidney, which should still be green, should fall off by itself, and the budding tape should be slightly loosened. In the event that the vaccination was carried out in August, then the tape should not be removed until the next autumn period, while late autumn you need to spud the grafted seedling with soil (the grafting site must be covered with earth). With the onset of the spring period, it is necessary to remove the soil so that the root collar is free, and the fixing tape is also removed.


Planting material for cuttings should be prepared from mid to late June. To do this, semi-lignified apical cuttings are cut off, on which there should be 2 knots, their length varies from 15 to 20 centimeters. Then the cuttings must be immersed for 16 hours in a growth stimulating agent. Their rooting should be done in a cold greenhouse. For planting, use a soil mixture consisting of peat and sand (2: 1). The cuttings will take root completely after 20-30 days. According to statistics, 85-100 percent of cuttings take root. When the roots appear, the cuttings will need to be transplanted to the training bed for growing.

How to propagate by shoots

To provoke active growth of shoots around the shrub, you should make a strong pruning. The separated offspring must have a fully formed root system, and this will happen only in the second year. The offspring transplanted to a permanent place must be looked after in the same way as for an annual seedling.

How to propagate by layering

It is necessary to bend flexible stems to the surface of the soil, fix them with metal studs, and then sprinkle with earth. During that time, while the root system will form at the cuttings, they should be provided with timely watering, weeding and loosening of the soil surface. It will be possible to separate the layering and plant it in a permanent place only after 12 months. During this time, his root system should be fully formed.

Types and varieties of almonds with a photo

Common almond

This species is grown as fruit plant. It is divided into the sweet almond, which is cultivated by many gardeners and does not contain any harmful substances, as well as wild almonds (bitter) - hydrocyanic acid is found in its nuclei. A large number of varieties of sweet almonds are very popular among gardeners, and they are also grown on an industrial scale. This type of almond is not decorative, but its fruit has a high healing and nutritional value.

Low almond, either steppe or bean

The height of this deciduous shrub can reach up to 150 centimeters. Its lush crown has a spherical shape, the bark on erect branches is gray-reddish. The length of the leathery narrow leaf plates of the lanceolate shape is about 6 centimeters. Their front surface is dark green, and the wrong side is pale green. Single flowers have a rich pink color. Blooms 1-1.5 weeks. The fruit of such a shrub can be eaten. This species is very popular with gardeners in the middle lane. This species has 2 forms, namely: white-flowered and Gessler. Gessler's almond has a smaller size compared to the original species, but its rich pink flowers are somewhat larger. In the middle lane, the following varieties are most popular:

  1. white sail. White flowers of centimeter diameter densely cover the branches of the plant.
  2. Anyuta. Intense pink flowers have a diameter of about 2.5 centimeters.
  3. Dream. The diameter of light pink flowers is about 2.5 centimeters.
  4. Pink flamingo. The diameter of double pink flowers reaches 1 centimeter.
  5. pink mist. Quite large rich pink flowers have a diameter of about 2.5 centimeters.
  6. Mediator. This variety was created by Michurin. In height, such a tree reaches, as a rule, 200 centimeters, its big flowers are light pink in color. The plant is highly frost resistant.

Georgian almond

This Caucasian endem prefers to grow on forest edges, elephants, and also in hollows. The bush reaches a height of about 100 centimeters, outwardly it is very similar to low almonds, however, its leaf plates are not so small and reach about 8 centimeters in length, and the bristly rich pink flowers have larger size. This species is especially often used by breeders in their work, and it can also be grown in the conditions of the Moscow region, as it is quite frost-resistant.

Almond Ledebourg

Under natural conditions, it can be found in the foothills of Altai, while this species can form dense thickets. Large leaf plates are dark green in color. Flowering begins earlier than in other species and lasts 15–20 days. The flowers are pink. The most famous variety is Fire Hill, its pink-red flowers in diameter can reach 30 mm.

Almond Petunnikova

This species is endemic to Central Asia. The height of this shrub reaches 100 centimeters, the branches are splayed or erect, covered with brown-gray bark. Shoots are pale yellow. Lancet or linear sheet plates have a pointed upper part and a blunt-serrated edge. Pink flowers solitary.

Three-lobed almond

This shrub has a spreading crown, and in height it can reach 300 centimeters. Three-lobed sheet plates with a coarse-toothed edge have a strongly fleecy wrong side during opening. In diameter, the flowers reach 1.5 centimeters, they are arranged in pairs on the stems, they can be painted in different colors. There are 2 decorative forms:

  1. captivity. The diameter of double pink flowers is from 3 to 4 centimeters. Flowering begins after the leaf plates appear, which reduces the decorative effect of the plant itself.
  2. Kyiv. In height, the bush can reach 350 centimeters, flowering is very lush. The diameter of double pink flowers varies from 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters. The leaves appear later than the opening of the flowers, so the plant has high decorative qualities.

This species has a large number of hybrids and varieties that differ not only in color and size of flowers, but also in flowering time, for example:

  1. Svitlana. This variety was created by breeders from Ukraine. The flowers are very light.
  2. Tanyusha. The diameter of densely double flowers is from 25 to 35 mm, the petals are twisted.
  3. Wimura snows. Terry rather large flowers have a light pink color, which, after the plant begins to fade, changes to cream.
  4. In memory of Mahmet. The color of terry flowers is flesh-pink.
  5. Chinese. The flowers are simple pale pink.
  6. Ruslana. This variety is hybrid. The color of simple flowers is flesh, and when the plant begins to fade, it changes to almost white.
  7. Hybrid #3. Large double light pink flowers are placed on long peduncles. The flowering of this plant is similar to sakura.

Almond is a tall tree or bush, which belongs to the genus Plum and the family Pink. Many people think that almonds are a nut, but in fact they are not, they are a stone fruit.

Description and flowering of ornamental shrubs

The almond tree reaches a height of 4-6 meters, and a shrub of 2-3 meters. The rhizome consists of 3-5 skeletal roots that are able to penetrate deep into the soil, thereby protecting themselves from drying out.

The plant is quite branched, while it consists of two types of shoots, which include shortened generative and elongated vegetative ones.

dark green leaves mounted on brown petioles and have a lanceolate shape with a pointed tip.

An interesting feature of almonds is that it begins to bloom in March or April, much earlier than the time of leaf bloom.

Flowers such a plant consists of 5 petals painted in white or light pink. On average, the diameter of one flower is 2.5 centimeters.

almond fruit is a dry and velvety to the touch drupe with a leathery and fleshy green pericarp.

After drying, the pulp is very easily separated from the edible pit, oval in shape and long, equal to 2.5 - 4 centimeters. It is characterized by the presence of a large number of furrows.

The first fruiting occurs at 4-5 years of tree life., but in full force it manifests itself only for 10-12 years. With good care, the shrub bears fruit for 30-50 years.

In addition to getting fruit almonds are also grown for ornamental purposes.. The pink or white foam of the flowers of such a tree not only decorates the garden in early spring, but also exudes a unique aroma.

Almond blossoms in March-April with white or light pink flowers.

Almond is a plant whose pollination must be taken care of in advance. There are two types of trees:

  • the former need cross-pollination, therefore, at least 3 pollinators are planted next to the fruiting almonds, the flowering time of which must coincide;
  • the latter are pollinated by bees, so it is desirable that 2-3 hives stand next to the plant.

Initially, it was believed that almonds could only be grown in the southern regions, but with the development of scientific technology, breeders have developed varieties that, with proper shelter, can survive even the harshest winter.


Sweet varieties of almonds are grown in the culture, the following types are especially popular:

  • Anniversary- the variety blooms quite late, has good drought resistance. The skin is of medium thickness, and the kernel is sweet, dense and dry;
  • Ayudag- this variety is late-ripening and early-growing, the first fruiting occurs already in the 3rd year of the tree's life. Fruits, covered with a soft shell, are a dense, slightly flattened oval core of light brown color;
  • Sevastopol- such almonds boast excellent resistance to heat and drought, in addition, they bring a huge amount of yield. The shell of the fruit is soft, and the kernels themselves are dense, sweet, painted white;
  • mangul- This late-ripening variety is not afraid of drought. Hard and dense kernels with increased oiliness are covered with a soft shell. Distinctive feature there will be good immunity to most diseases and pests;
  • Dessert- such a self-fertile almond is well suited for growing in central Russia, because it is not afraid of return frosts and frostbite of flower buds. The shell is soft and rough. The oval-shaped kernels are very sweet and oily. Primorsky or Spicy almonds are usually used as pollinators for this variety.

Rules for planting an almond tree in open ground

It is best to grow almonds from annual seedlings., which are placed in open ground at the beginning of March or at the end of November.

As a planting site choose a sunny area, protected from drafts and gusty winds, almonds can also grow well in partial shade.

It is believed that trees planted in autumn take root better than those that were transferred to the open ground in spring.

Before you plant a plant, you need to prepare a hole. In autumn, two weeks before planting, pits are dug, the diameter and depth of which will be 50-70 centimeters.

If almonds are planted in groups, then the distance between individual trees should be 3-4 meters, and between rows 5-6 meters.

It is best to grow almonds from annual seedlings, planted in March or November

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of each pit. consisting of crushed stone or gravel. Then fertile soil is placed in them, consisting of the following elements:

  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 3 parts of leaf land;
  • 5-6 kilograms of rotted manure or humus;
  • 500 grams of superphosphate;
  • in the presence of acidic soil, an additional 200-300 grams of dolomite flour or lime is added to it.

After the pit has sufficiently infused you can start planting a tree:

  • initially, a support 1-1.5 meters high is dug in in the center of the pit;
  • then a hill is built around it from the earth;
  • the seedling is placed on a mound so that the root neck is 3-5 centimeters above the ground;
  • at the next stage, the pit is covered with fertile soil, rammed and carefully watered;
  • as soon as the water is completely absorbed, the seedling is tied to a support and the soil is mulched with a 3-5 cm layer of peat or dry leaves.

When conducting spring planting the pit is also prepared in the autumn.

How to plant almonds:

Almond Care

Almond care consists of several standard procedures that must be followed when growing almost all fruit trees.

For best fruiting almonds need regular watering. Young plants are watered every 2 weeks, and adults once every 20-25 days.

Loosening the trunk circle beneficial effect on tree growth. The first time such work is carried out at the end of March to a depth of 10-12 centimeters.

Then, during the entire growing season, another 3-4 loosening is carried out, but already to a depth of 6-8 centimeters. It is also necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner.

Almonds are very responsive to fertilizing. Starting from the 2nd year of life in late April-early May, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate or urea diluted in water are added to the near-trunk circle of each tree.

In autumn, the following mixture is added to the near-stem circle for digging:

  • 1 kilogram of manure;
  • 20 grams of potassium sulfide;
  • 40 grams of superphosphate.

The first 5-7 years of the life of trees in the aisles, it is recommended to grow green manure.

In Siberia, without shelter, you can grow bean, steppe, low or Russian almonds. Three-lobed almond grows well in the central strip.

Caring for almonds consists in regular watering, loosening the near-stem circle, top dressing


Early spring, before bud break it is necessary to remove all frozen, broken, diseased or deforming branches.

After flowering is over, you can start forming pruning., during which 3 tiers of skeletal branches are displayed:

  • in the first year, three branches are selected, located 15-20 centimeters apart and shortened to a length of 15 centimeters;
  • the next 2-3 years on the central conductor form 3 tiers, located at a distance of 20-30 centimeters;
  • shoots that are insignificant for crown formation are pinched several times during the summer;
  • the rest are cut to 50-60 centimeters;
  • at the end of the work, the central conductor is shortened so that the distance between it and the upper tier is 55-60 centimeters.

In autumn, after the leaves have fallen, carry out sanitary and anti-aging pruning. That is, they remove all dry, diseased, broken branches growing in the wrong direction and thickening the crown.

It is worth remembering that when pruning thick branches, the cut point must be processed with garden pitch.

Almonds are pruned in the spring, after the end of flowering and in the fall, after the leaves fall.

Diseases and pests

The most common types of diseases on almonds are:

  1. cercosporosis- initially, brown spots with a diameter of 2-4 mm appear on the leaves, on which you can see a gray coating. Then the center of the leaf dries up and falls off.
  2. Scab- This fungal disease that affects the leaves, flowers and shoots of a tree.
  3. Rust- red spots appear on the upper side of the leaf, and brown pads on the inner side. Over time, the leaves dry and fall off.
  4. perforated spotting- the disease affects all parts of the tree. You can find it on the leaves, because characteristic spots of red shades with a dark border around the edges appear on them.
  5. Gray rot- brown spots and a gray fluffy coating appear on the shoots.

To get rid of diseases, it is necessary to remove and burn the damaged parts of the plants and carry out the treatment with fungicides according to the instructions. The most popular drugs are Horus, Topaz, Champion and Oksihom.

Of the pests on almonds, you can find insects such as seed-eater, aphid, leafworm or spider mite.

Aphids on almond tree leaves

As a pest control, trees must be treated with insecticides, which include Actellik, Fufanon, Tagore.

Against aphids use Biotlin or Antitlin. Get rid of spider mite you can use the preparations Apollo, Agravertin or Fitoverm.

As you know, it is much better to prevent the occurrence of any trouble than to treat it, therefore preventive measures will be extremely effective:

  • in early spring, before the formation of buds, the tree and the soil around it are treated with a 1% solution of Brodsky liquid;
  • after the end of leaf fall, the treatment should be repeated;
  • The best preventive measure would be the observance of cultivation agrotechnics. This includes proper watering, weed removal and sanitary pruning.

Remove the almonds only after the green outer shell darkens and begins to easily separate from the kernel.

The use of a flowering tree in landscape design

Almonds have a very beautiful and unusual flowering., for which he is very often planted in decorative purposes. Early flowers can only decorate a waking up garden and create a spring mood.

In addition, a well-formed crown shape will help to use such trees to create an alley or simply as a shading for recreation areas.

The almond tree is amazing flowering plant , which in modern conditions can be grown anywhere in the country. With the correct implementation of all the recommendations, you can get very tasty bone fruits.

When on the banks of the Neva and the Moscow River still lies

Blooms in Crimea

And inhaling its aroma, once again it seems that we live almost in paradise.

good not only for its delicious spring aroma, but also for tasty, healthy nut fruits with medicinal properties. However, if you want to plant this beautiful plant in your home, keep in mind that

quite warm. If there are varieties for your climate, great!

We planted our "almonds" when we were planning our first pregnancy, stocking up ahead of time with our "drugs" for the period of pregnancy and lactation. Almonds increase the level of lactation (in other words, the amount breast milk) in a breastfeeding mother.

Almond nuts are dried and eaten, added as a spice to various dishes. In addition to fruits, almonds are valued for their aesthetic appearance and very pleasant aroma during the flowering period.

planting almonds

There are two main methods of planting: either a stone or a seedling is planted in the ground. I will say right away that the second method is much simpler - I had a chance to watch the neighbors who really wanted to grow almonds from seeds.

If you still want to grow an almond tree from seed, plant them in the spring. Because if you lay the bones in the ground in the fall, as, by the way, our neighbors did, they run the risk of not surviving until spring - field

they will thank you very much and eat them with pleasure.

As for planting seedlings, it also has a number of its own characteristics. If you want to

fruitful, it is necessary to plant at least two, and preferably three plants. Pollination features are shown.

A girl is planting an almond tree We had no particular problems with planting - the seedlings were sold with a clod of earth near the roots (it seems that almost all of them are sold this way). We were advised to plant in the sunniest place, protected from the wind. Somewhere we did just that, dug small holes (25-30 cm deep) at a distance of about 3 m from each other, where the seedlings were lowered along with a clod of earth.

They tied it to a cane support (we sell such long sticks in supermarkets to support plants) and watered it every time the soil dried up.

Now, having talked with many lovers

I know that traditionally the bottom of the landing pit is covered with rubble and sand, and they add

But when we planted

(and it was almost 9 years ago), I didn’t know about it, respectively, and they planted it without any special wisdom directly into the ground, since we already have it in excess


Almond Care

The plant is unpredictable, in some (probably it depends more on

) grows well and, which is typical, bears fruit without


and special treatment

Others both fertilize and water, but abundant

do not receive.

  • Watering almonds

With mode

everything is relatively simple: when the soil under the plant has dried up, you need to pour a bucket of water under it. And it is important not to overdo it - it can harm the root system of the plant. If

not enough


The flowering period will be reduced, and as a result, the volume of the resulting

The abundance of fruiting directly depends on watering.

  • Almond fertilizer

In spring, almonds are fertilized with rotted manure, and in autumn with superphosphates and potassium sulfide.

  • cutting almonds

needed regularly


Removing dry and diseased branches. decorative

also does not harm the plant. It is usually carried out after flowering, cutting off annual shoots in order to form a tree crown.

  • Almond diseases

One of the most common

almond diseases

- gray rot. There are no specialized means of protection against it. (If suddenly someone knows, I will be grateful if you share in the comments.) Good help

infected branches. But it is important to cut it on time, before the appearance of spore-bearing pads. We saved one plant in this way, but two more did not have time.

There are others

Dangerous for

For example, moniliosis. To save the plant from it, it is necessary to carry out spraying

Bordeaux mixture

  • Almond pests

For our plant, the main


neighbor goats became 🙂 Fortunately, they didn’t eat all the leaves.

But in general, most often almonds suffer from aphids, leafworms and plum codling moth. Luckily, we didn't have to deal with the last two. And the aphids, it was the case, got there - they washed the leaves with laundry soap(with a solution, of course), we did the same with the leaves of the rose, and the voracious insects retreated.

Collection of almonds

in April, filling the neighborhood with the maddening scent of its flowers.

Then fruits are formed from these marvelous flowers, which, depending on the variety of almonds, ripen in June-July.

They are usually harvested when the outer shell of the fetus cracks. Then the nuts are separated from the inedible outer shell (we are not talking about the nut shell, but about the outer green skin) and dried for several days.

Choice of almond variety

The choice of one or another variety of almonds largely depends on climate zone(and, accordingly, the method of its landing). For the southern regions, where almonds are planted directly into the soil, large-sized varieties are well suited.

Residents of the northern regions who grow almonds in tubs prefer dwarf varieties. It is understandable - growing a three-meter plant in a tub is a dubious pleasure. For container growing, a species such as steppe almonds is a good fit. This is a low shrub with very beautiful flowers, but you should not count on fruits: steppe almonds are poisonous!

almond nuts
Such varieties of almonds as Foros, Yalta and others are grown in the soil. Most of the varieties are zoned for the appropriate type of climate. So, before choosing one or another variety, based on the size and taste of the fruit, the height and density of the crown, and other important factors, ask how it will live in your latitudes. Even in our relatively warm regions (Simferopol), only specially zoned varieties take root well, the seedlings of which are sold in nurseries.

You can paint for a long time the indescribable aroma of almond flowers and the pleasant taste of almond flowers.

But all this will not give the necessary idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe true beauty and usefulness of the plant. Many who once inhaled the fabulous spring aroma remember it all their lives. If the climate allows you to plant this wonderful plant - plant without hesitation, you will not regret it.

Amateur gardeners quite often tend to start some new items or plants brought from abroad on their site. But in most cases, all these novelties are inferior in dignity to many beautiful plants known for a long time, for example, decorative plums - almonds and blackthorn.

Types of almonds

Almonds are one of the most beautiful ornamental plants in the wild. It is found mainly in the southern zone of the European part of our country, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, in the republics of Central Asia. Here they grow mainly common almond. Fruits ripen on it, which are used in the confectionery industry. Second-rate almond oil or bitter healing mineral water is prepared from the nucleoli.

Suitable for growing in the middle zone steppe almond(bean) - a shrub up to 1.5 m high, which during the flowering period turns into a fabulous pink cloud. It is a drought-resistant, frost-resistant plant, undemanding to soils. It blooms in May with pink-red flowers. Its fruits are inedible.

The almond is an ornamental plum. It is also called tender plum, dwarf almond or beaver. Plum tender(Prunus tenella) is a shrub up to 1.2 m high, blooming in May with red flowers.

Three-lobed almond
(Prunus triloba) belongs to the Rosaceae family. This plant up to two meters high is one of the the most beautiful shrubs. Homeland - China. Its terry form is especially good with soft or bright pink flowers like small roses. Thousands of flowers cover the sprawling bush. Flowering lasts from 10 to 20 days. After the end of flowering, the bush begins to become covered with leaves.

In a decorative sense, this shrub is so beautiful that it is often kept in a standard form, grafted onto sloes, plums, and non-double almonds. The greatest effect will be obtained if the plant is grown in a place protected from cold northern winds. In this case, flowers will begin to bloom first on branches that are more protected from cold winds. Three-lobed almond is a winter-hardy plant.

Features of almond farming

Almost all plants in the genus Prunus grow well in moderately fertile soils, almost any, but the best are not too heavy with plenty of organic dressing and good drainage, in a sunny position. If necessary, transplant the plant after the leaves have fallen. The best time for planting is early autumn to mid-October. 2-3 buckets of manure should be added to the planting pits, about a glass full mineral fertilizer. It is not recommended to bury the seedling. Once planted, fasten it firmly to the stakes.

Almonds need to be fed once, in July, with superphosphate - 30 g under a bush. Such top dressing will ensure better maturation of the wood and help the formation of flower buds. Plant care is common - weeding, loosening the soil, pest and disease control.

Timely pruning causes abundant flowering. In the spring, cut out dry branches, immediately after flowering, cut out faded shoots. In this case, young shoots will have time to grow and mature, which will ensure lush bloom next year. First, remove the shrunken, damaged and growing branches inside the bushes and thin out the thickened crown, then give the plant the shape you need with a haircut.

Reproduction of almonds

Almonds are propagated by dividing bushes, root shoots, layering, green cuttings and budding. Root shoots are usually formed in large numbers after a strong pruning of the bush. It is better to separate it in the second year, when sufficiently strong roots form on the shoots. If the roots are weak, then expose the shoot of the shoot in the ground. Make an incision from the underside closer to the base of the shoot and leave it in the soil until next year.

For propagation by layering, flexible shoots are used that can be pinned to the ground. They are spudded and left in this position until roots form. It should be noted that the formation of roots on shoots and layering takes a very long time. Sometimes they are not visible even after a year. But even if they appear in a year, do not rush to dig up a seedling. Wait for a good root system to form. Therefore, leave them in the ground for growing for another year. Only in this case you can get a good bush.

When propagated by green cuttings, they need to be harvested in July, then they are rooted in seedlings like a mock orange. Cuttings should be with 2-3 nodes, and when planted above the soil surface, only one node is left. For rooting, use soil consisting of well-moistened peat - two parts and one part of sand. After rooting, the cuttings are recommended to be planted in a "school" for growing. In the first winter, the cuttings must be insulated. For example, I cover them with lutrasil in several layers - it's convenient and easy. Many cover them with straw, dry leaves with a layer of 15–20 cm.

Almonds are propagated by budding in the second half of July - the first half of August, that is, at the time of budding of fruit trees and shrubs. In this most reliable way, terry forms of almonds are propagated. Maximum decorative effect obtained by grafting into a trunk - 140–170 cm, into a half trunk - 70 cm, and for forcing plants - 40–50 cm from the base of the stock. Any plum at the age of 3-4 years can serve as a rootstock. Best Results obtained on yellow plums. For branching, cut off the occulants in the first year, and in the second year, leave about ten of the strongest shoots 40–50 cm long.

Cutting flowering shoots is usually carried out when the lower flowers are fully opened, and the buds in the upper part of the branch are colored. Branches are cut at the very base.

Decorative almonds are widely used in Belarus. But this southern culture safely winters in the conditions of the Leningrad region. For more than a quarter of a century of cultivation, on the Karelian Isthmus, almonds have never frozen without shelter even in the most harsh winters. There were no diseases or pests either.

There are other forms of steppe almonds - Gessler's almonds, white-flowered almonds, low almonds. Ornamental deciduous almonds are mainly planted in both high and low hedges.

Growing this wonderful shrub does not require you to great work but some patience is still required.

I wish you all good luck!

Tamara Barkhatova

Almond is a shrubby deciduous plant. Its fruits are often considered a nut, but this is an erroneous opinion, since almonds have stone fruits. In its natural habitat it grows in small groups. Tall almond trees reach 6 m in height and have a powerful crown. The shrub is considered a good honey plant, used as a hedge. Life expectancy is over 100 years.

Features of an ornamental plant

Ornamental shrub reaches a height of 3 m, has spectacular pink double flowers.

Flowering lasts almost 3 weeks.

After that, leaves immediately begin to grow. Ornamental almonds are very unpretentious for growing on personal plot. It tolerates drought well. It begins to bloom in the 4th year of cultivation, striking everyone around with its splendor and exquisite aroma. Bush almonds discard old branches, so it is very important to monitor this process and remove them in time. Decorative almonds differ from ordinary almonds in high frost resistance, so it grows well even in middle latitudes. As with any plant, there are rules for planting and caring for almond bushes.

decorative almond


It is best to plant almonds in November and choose annual seedlings for this. This ensures maximum survival. But you can make a landing in March. The main thing is to choose a place with best conditions: a well-lit area, no draft and strong wind, partial shade is allowed.

Almonds should be planted in groups of 2-3 bushes, this is necessary for pollination and good fruiting.

14 days before planting, you need to dig a hole with a depth and width of up to 70 cm, between the holes you need to retreat a distance of about 4 m. Put drainage on the bottom, pour soil on top, consisting of sand, humus and leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 2: 3, 5 kg of manure, 0.5 kg of superphosphate.

Landing steps:

  • Install a support in the middle, pour an earthen hill around the circumference;
  • Install the young plant on a hill so that the root neck is 5 m above ground level;
  • Fill the seat with earth and compact it tightly, water it abundantly;
  • Fix the seedling at the support, cover the soil with peat or leaves, the layer thickness is 5 cm.

To plant a shrub in the spring, the pit must also be prepared in the fall.


  • Watering every 2 weeks, adult trees need to be watered 2 times less often;
  • Soil loosening. In March, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm. In the spring and summer, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm 3 more times. All weeds must be removed at the same time;
  • Top dressing. After 2 years of cultivation in the first decade of May, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and urea should be applied under each tree. In autumn, you need to make top dressing from 1 kg of manure, 20 g of potassium sulfide and 40 g of superphosphate;
  • Circumcision is done throughout the year. In the spring, dry, frozen and diseased branches are cut. When the almonds have faded, formative pruning is carried out. In autumn, branches are cut for sanitary purposes: thinning the crown, removing diseased and dry branches.


reproductionalmonds in several ways:

  1. Layering. The soft stem must be carefully bent to the ground and strengthened with wire, hairpins or other available means then sprinkle with earth. Watering, weeding and loosening the earth contribute to the formation of the root system at the layer. After a year, you can separate the layering and plant it as a separate plant;
  2. Cuttings. In the second and third decade of June, 15-20 cm of the tops of the almond bush should be cut. These should be semi-cured cuttings, which must be placed for 16 hours in a growth stimulating agent, for example, Kornevin. In a cold greenhouse, you need to prepare a mixture of sand and peat 1: 2 and plant cuttings in it for rooting for 1 month. After that, you need to transplant the plant to the garden for growing;
  3. Growing almonds from seed. Autumn and spring - best time for sowing seeds. Before spring sowing, the seeds should be put in the refrigerator for 4 months. In the soil, you need to draw strips 10 cm deep at a distance of half a meter from each other. Sow seeds in these furrows one at a time every 15 cm. Provide necessary care: timely watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil. In summer, when the seedling reaches a size of 1 cm in width and 50 cm in height, its branches that are higher than 10 cm above the root system must be removed completely, leaving no stumps. After that, you can transplant them to a permanent place, wait until the plants get sick, and graft.

    An interesting fact - almonds can be grown from a seed even at home.

  4. Graft. For grafting, it is better to take varietal cuttings with high frost resistance. Reproduction by vaccination should be done in spring or August. The stalk in the ground must be well cleaned of dirt with a damp sponge. With a knife with a thin curved blade, make an incision, carefully separate the edges of the bark. Cut the grafted cutting so that it fits perfectly into the incision. Press the bent edges of the bark tightly back after connecting the cuttings and fix with tape or plaster. It is important that the kidney with the top of the petiole remains open. If the vaccination was carried out in the spring, then after 2 weeks the dressing should be loosened, it is recommended to leave the shoot grafted in August until the autumn of next year. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to spud the seedling in order to completely close the graft with earth, and in the spring to free the root neck from the ground and remove the fixing material;


  1. growth. Strong pruning helps active growth overgrowth. The root system of the baby will form only after a year, then you can make a transplant. Care in this case is the same as for an annual.

Diseases and pest control

Almonds are prone to diseases such as scab, gray rot, rust, cercosporosis and perforated spot. All of them are characterized by the appearance of various spots on the leaves. Sometimes there is a gray coating. From these diseases, the leaves dry and fall off.

In these cases, branches damaged by the disease must be removed and burned. Treat the remaining parts of the plant according to the instructions with fungicides, for example, "Champion".

Spider mites, aphids and seed-eaters are the most common pests. You can get rid of them with insecticides.

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure, so do not neglect preventive measures. First of all, you need to follow the rules of cultivation: ensure adequate watering, remove weeds in time, do not forget about sanitary pruning of branches. Additionally, soil cultivation should be carried out in early spring and autumn after leaf fall. For processing, one percent Bordeaux liquid is used.

Bordeaux mixture

Preparing for winter

In autumn, seedlings are covered with straw, special covering material or dry leaves about 15 cm above the ground.

It is very important to prevent the root collar from rotting under the snow.

In young plants, the tops of fresh shoots are removed in the summer. The branches are covered with a layer of bark, so the almonds do not freeze in winter. Adult plants do not need special preparation for winter at all. The shrub quickly recovers after freezing of the stems.

It is not for nothing that almonds are called decorative - its sprawling crown, strewn with flowers, looks solemn. Such a plant is rightfully an adornment of any garden. In order to grow almonds on the site, ornamental shrubs, planting and care must be carried out in accordance with all the rules.


Almond is a deciduous shrub, sometimes a small tree with simple, lanceolate leaves, serrate along the edge; with abundant and beautiful, solitary, large, white or pink flowers; fruits - roundish drupes with pubescent, pericarp and separating stone. Almonds bloom for 4-5 years.

Almond is undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant, photophilous, responds well to soil liming, and tolerates urban conditions. Grows fast.

Almonds belong to those shrubs in which aging stems die off, gradually being replaced by root suckers that appear from the 3rd year of the plant's life. At the age of 7, they begin to die off. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the curtain, old shoots must be completely removed. special attention deserve highly decorative views.

Types and varieties of almonds

Georgian almond

The bush is about a meter high, has large leaves, 9 cm long, large bright pink flowers and a bristly, hairy fruit. Georgian almond blossoms in May, fruits ripen in September, begins to bear fruit at the age of 7. By winter, the shoots become woody and quite easily tolerate frost.

Less hardy, but in Moscow it is quite stable, blooms and pleases with its fruits.

Almond Ledebourg

Grows in the foothills of Altai. The foliage is dark green, large. The flowers are pink. Flowering lasts 2 weeks. Begins to bear fruit at 10 years of age.

Almond low (bean)

Grows in Central Europe, Asia and Siberia. Grows in hollows, along ravines.

Deciduous shrub, with a spherical crown. The branches are erect, reddish-gray, with densely covered narrow leaves. Bright pink flowers are solitary, bloom with leaves and adorn the bush in abundance. Flowering lasts 7 days.

Almonds are low photophilous, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, tolerate shearing well, give root offspring. Almonds are propagated by seeds, grafting, layering, root offspring.

Low almonds are grown in the middle, it blooms profusely and bears fruit, as well as in the forest-steppe part of Siberia.

There are two forms: white-flowered - with white flowers; Gessler - with large pink flowers.

Common almond

Under natural conditions, it is found in the Western Kopetdag, in the Caucasus, Iran, Afghanistan. Lives for a century.

It grows as a shrub or small tree with reddish branches. Height 3 - 8 m, resembles a sweet cherry. Leaves become oblong after flowering. The flowers consist of a calyx and a red or pink corolla.

Almond Petunnikova

Petunnikov's almond grows on the rocky slopes of the mountains, sometimes forming pure thickets.

Shrub one meter tall, with erect or splayed branches, with countless shortened branches. The shoots are pale yellow, bare, the bark of the branches is gray-brown. The leaves of Petunnikov's almond are linear, with a pointed apex, bluntly or sharply serrated along the edge. In almonds, Petunnikov's almonds have pink, single branches.

Winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Almond (Louiseania) three-lobed

Bush 3 m tall, with dark gray shoots and spreading crown. The leaves of the three-lobed almond are located on fruitful shoots in bunches, when deployed from the underside, densely hairy, then glabrous.

Flowers on shoots grow in twos, various colors- dark pink, red, raspberry. The flowers are simple, 1.5 cm in diameter. The shrub blooms in early May before the leaves bloom, lasting 2.5 weeks.

Two decorative forms :

"Captivity". Spreading bush, 2 m in height. Flowers double, pink, 10 sepals, 48 ​​petals. Pedicel 10 mm long. Blooms in May for about 10 days. Flowers bloom after the leaves open.

"Kyiv". Bush or tree up to 3 m tall. The flowers are pink, double. It blooms very profusely at the end of April for a week, spreading a pleasant light aroma around. The flowers open before the leaves open.

Louisiana three-lobed with simple flowers is grown only in botanical gardens, they are practically absent from flower growers.


Almond loves a sunny place or partial shade. The place for planting almonds must be protected from strong winds.

soil for almonds

The soil mixture should consist of humus, leafy soil, sand with the addition of lime.

Almond Care

Almonds are positive regular top dressing. On loamy watering should be moderate, on sandy - plentiful. With a lack of moisture, the flowering time is reduced, with stagnant water, the root neck rots. Loosening is recommended. The plant tolerates shearing and pruning very well. In cold winters, flower buds and shoot tips freeze near almonds. If there is a large amount of snow, then the root collar may be damp.

Reproduction of almonds

Ortho almonds are propagated by grafting onto sloes, plums, other almonds, and bird cherry. Almond species can be propagated by seeds. Sowing should be done in spring or autumn after stratification.

Annual seedlings grow rapidly and reach 30 cm in height. They tolerate transplant well, bear fruit for 3 years of life. To obtain a dense crown, a bush at a young age is formed by removing dry faded shoots. Almonds are propagated by green and root cuttings, layering and offspring.


Florists need to take into account that almonds are an ornamental shrub of spring flowering time. It is very beautiful in a single landing, it is used to create rocky slides. Effective almonds, planted in 3 - 5 pieces, against the background of conifers, on the lawn and in standard culture.