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Rowan nevezhinskaya planting and care. Distinctive features of Nevezhinsky mountain ash. Characteristics and description of the variety

Graceful, with thin trunks, the trees beckon with bright clusters that remain on the branches throughout the winter.

The fruits of the Nevezhinsky variety of mountain ash do not have traditional bitterness, which prompts many gardeners to grow this tree on their plots. Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is one of the most common varieties.

Variety Description

Nevezhinsky rowan tree was named after the village of Nevezhino. For more than a century, the variety has been grown in this area as a horticultural crop. The plant is completely unpretentious to climate conditions, which is why it has become so widespread in our country.

A little later, the variety received a second name from gardeners - "Nezhinskaya", but the original name is usually used.

The height of the tree can reach 10 m. Depending on the conditions and how light falls on the plant, the tree can form a crown in the form of a pyramid or a ball.

On a spherical crown, clusters with fruits begin to form not only on the peripheral branches, but also in the middle. The plant can live an average of 30 years. However, there are centenarians who are 100 years old.

The foliage of the tree is large. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, in corymbs, about 10 cm in diameter. They are unsightly in appearance. During flowering, rowan spreads a strong specific aroma. This smell attracts pollinating insects to the site. Flowering begins in late May, in cool areas - in early June.

The shape of the fruit is spherical. They kind of look like apples. The color of the berries is bright red, with an orange tint. The fruits are the same size, their diameter reaches 1.5 cm. At the end of September, it is already possible to start harvesting. With proper care from one tree, you can collect up to 40 kg of berries.

This species is divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Cubic - the most common type. The berries of this variety have the shape of a pentahedron, slightly elongated. The taste is sweetish with spicy sourness, very pleasant.
  2. Yellow - the variety is less common than its predecessor. The fruits are large, rounded, with ribbed edges. The color of the berries is yellow-orange, more close to yellow. Unlike Kubova, the fruits are not so juicy.
  3. Red - the fruits are large-sized, bright scarlet. Berries are the sweetest.

Landing on the site and care

Planting a mountain ash is a simple matter. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates severe frosts well. The difficulty of growing lies only in the fact that bright red-orange berries lure many birds wintering in our area, so you have to scare away or drive away the birds yourself.


You can buy planting material or get it from an adult plant. To get a sprout from an adult specimen, one branch is bent down in autumn or spring. After that, it is fixed and instilled.

After a year, the young shrub should be disconnected from mother plant and for another 12 months to grow in the same place. Then you can carry out a transplant.

Pollination of mountain ash occurs in a cross way. Nevezhinskaya refers to self-fertile plants that need a pollinator neighbor. Rowan ordinary can become an excellent pollinator.

It is recommended to plant 3 varieties of Nevezhinsky mountain ash at once in order to significantly increase its yield. It is important to remember that planting rowan seeds can produce results that are inversely proportional to what is expected. Trees grown from seeds do not inherit the qualities of the mother tree.

Landing Rules

Rowan planting is carried out in spring or autumn. The site for the plant must be selected well-lit. It is better to plant a tree on loamy soils. It is not recommended to plant on acidic, clayey, swampy, sandy soil.

It is better to plant mountain ash on the northern or eastern sides of the site in order to cover it with more heat-loving plants from cold winds.

  • The depth of the planting hole depends entirely on the size of the root system. On average, the size of the hole is 60x60 cm.
  • Humus is placed at the bottom of the hole.
  • Then they put a sprout, cover the root system with soil.
  • After the soil around the trunk must be tamped, watered, mulched.

Mountain ash is undemanding to moisture, but it does not tolerate drought well. .

Watering is carried out several times a year:

  • before vegetation;
  • 14 days before harvest;
  • 14 days after harvest.

One tree has 20-30 liters of water.

Over the following years, when active growth, the tree should be fertilized abundantly. To do this, use diluted mullein.

In the autumn-spring period, starting from the age of 5, sanitary and shaping pruning is carried out.

Loosening is carried out 5 times per season. During the first 2 years, the soil is dug up for 2 bayonets of a shovel. In the process of digging into the soil, you can mix organic fertilizers.

This is what care is all about. For the winter, the tree does not need special shelter or specific preparation. The plant is able to withstand frost down to -50 C o.

Rowan care is a pleasure.

Diseases and pests

Rowan plant is quite resistant to diseases. The only disease that affects mountain ash is rust. Yellow-brown spots appear on the outer side of the deciduous part, and growths containing spores of the rust fungus form on the inner surface. Spraying will help get rid of the fungus Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.

As well as mountain ash, various fungi can affect, causing leaf spot. Regardless of the type of spotting, old leaves are collected and destroyed, and the tree is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

The most common rowan pests:

  • rowan moth;
  • red-winged hawthorn elephant;
  • rowan mite.

Pests live throughout the winter in surface layer soil. During the active growing season, foliage and fruits are damaged. If the soil is loosened in time in the spring, all pests will die. In order to prevent and protect against pests, the most common lime is also used. She whitens the lower part of the trunk.

Berry application

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. Her healing properties have been in use for many years. Content useful substances in the deciduous part of the plant even more than in the fruit. Carotenoids, organic acids, antioxidants have a positive effect on general state organism, increase its immunity. Rowan fruits are used on an industrial scale for the production of food dyes.

If you have high blood pressure or have dysentery, have a metabolic disorder, or have complications after diabetes, use the natural first aid kit and prepare yourself juice or tea from rowan berries.

And also berry decoction helps to effectively remove puffiness, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Rowan fruits help stop bleeding.

At home, jam, jam, marshmallow, wine, tinctures, sweet molasses, and much more are often prepared from mountain ash.

Advantages and disadvantages of the plant

An unpretentious frost-resistant tree with useful delicious fruits practically no flaws. The disadvantages of the plant include its exactingness in lighting. Rowan simply does not tolerate shaded areas. In the shade of a tree, the rate of growth and development slows down significantly, and yields decrease.

Another disadvantage is self-infertility. It is advisable to plant two or three pollinating plants on the site. But if the land holdings are not so large, several varieties can be grafted into the crown of one tree.

The benefits of the rowan tree are endless. Consider the most basic:

  • high disease resistance;
  • good precocity (for the 4th year of the tree's life, you can harvest the first crop);
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • frost resistance.

The plant takes root even in areas where it is difficult to grow any fruit trees. The most interesting thing is that not only the aerial part of the plant endures severe frost, but the root system can also withstand frosts on the soil up to 40 cm deep. You will not be left without a crop even with return frosts. Rowan flowers can tolerate frosts down to -2–3 C o.

Another advantage of Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is its appearance. Landscape designers very often use mountain ash as a decorative element in landscaping. A tall plant can be planted next to more heat-loving varieties of fruit trees. Then it will cover them from the winds in the cold season.

Final part

Many gardeners believe that there is no plant more unpretentious in terms of care and living conditions than mountain ash. When planting a tree, it is important to find the optimal place and help the tree adapt during the first 4–5 years by regularly applying organic fertilizers, pruning and loosening the soil, protecting it from diseases and pests.

The plant responds well to care and gives high yields. Various culinary masterpieces are prepared from sweet and sour fruits, they are used in medicinal purposes, produce food coloring.

One of the trees that grows almost everywhere is mountain ash, so it can often be found on garden plots, in forest and meadow areas. There are quite a few different types this fruit crop, among which special attention deserves the Nevezhinsky mountain ash, which is a subspecies of the common mountain ash.

general characteristics

In the 19th century, Peter Smirnov, who received his freedom, his father and brother, having returned to Moscow, opened their own business, starting to sell wine. A few years later, a small enterprise has already become a vodka factory, whose products in 1876 were given worldwide recognition. During the world exhibition in 1889, the drink with the name "Nezhinskaya mountain ash" was given first place. The judges appreciated not only original design bottles, but also the taste of the drink itself, which was distinguished by the absence of astringency and bitterness.

Competitors mixed mountain ash with sugar and other ingredients, but they failed to achieve such success, and all because Peter used a special type of mountain ash that grew in the village of Nevezhino. In her honor, they wanted to name the same drink, but so that the rivals did not find out about the place where the tree grew, it received a slightly different name - Nezhinskaya mountain ash.

The features of this rowan are that its fruits, unlike other varieties, are larger and do not have a bitter aftertaste after full ripening.

Nevezhinsky mountain ash is quite unpretentious. It has high frost resistance, so the tree grows even where most fruit and berry plants do not exist. The outer shoots of the tree can withstand up to -50 ° C, and the roots at a depth of 0.4 m to -14 ° C, however, this variety of mountain ash does not like shade.

There are 3 varieties of this tree.

  1. Kubovaya has fruits of an elongated shape, the ripening of which ends by mid-September. They are quite juicy, their color is usually red-orange.
  2. Yellow is distinguished by a lighter shade of berries, which is close to light orange. The fruits of the tree are medium in size and quite sweet.
  3. Red has bright scarlet fruits of a larger size than yellow and vat.

plant description

Such a tree can reach a height of 10 m. Depending on the illumination, the crown will have a spherical or pyramidal shape. The bark of this rowan has a brown tint.

The leaves of Nevezhinskaya mountain ash are quite large, and the flowers that form inflorescences, on the contrary, are more inconspicuous. Their diameter is not more than 10 cm.

Features of the fetus

The fruits of the tree are shaped like sweet, very small apples, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Usually their color is red or orange-red. They contain many vitamins and useful microelements:

  • vitamins P, E, C, PP;
  • pectin;
  • cellulose;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus, etc.

Due to such a rich content of elements, mountain ash is often used to make jams, decoctions and various tinctures.


To grow rowan on your site, you need to choose a place that is constantly illuminated by the sun. It is important to make sure that the chosen soil is loamy and not waterlogged, clayey or acidic.

You can buy a seedling ready-made or get layering from an already adult plant. In the second case, with the advent of autumn, you need to bend the branch and be sure to pin it to the ground, digging a little. A year later, it is necessary to disconnect the bush from the mother tree and grow it for about a year.

Landing Features

Planting a tree is quite simple:

  • dig a hole about 60 × 60 cm in size, this is enough for planting an average seedling;
  • at the bottom of such a hole, you need to place garden soil and add humus to it;
  • place the seedling at the bottom of the pit so that it is convenient to cover its roots with soil when planting;
  • compact the earth around the tree trunk.

How to care

After planting, the mountain ash Nevezhinskaya needs special care. The ground around the tree needs to be mulched. Watering should be regular, as well as loosening the soil. Be sure to feed the plant with slurry.

With the advent of the spring and autumn seasons, sanitary pruning should be carried out for mountain ash. This is an essential part of care.

Diseases and the fight against them

Rowan Nevezhinskaya can be prone to various diseases:

  • anthracnose;
  • spotting on the leaves;
  • powdery mildew;
  • moniliosis.

One of the most dangerous and common is rust that damages the leaves. They appear orange-yellow spots. To eliminate this problem, the mountain ash must be isolated from the area in which the juniper grows. This plant contributes to the active development of the disease (this step is performed if there is a juniper near the tree).

Be sure to cut off any diseased branches. Then you need to spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture (1%). It is prepared by mixing 150 g of lime and 100 g of copper sulfate in water, with a volume of 10 liters. It is necessary to process a tree at least 2-3 times a season. It is best to start treatment in May, and repeat courses after 20-25 days. This method will also help eliminate leaf spot.

With moniliosis, the leaves look as if they were burned, and the berries begin to rot. To eliminate the disease, the drug "Hom" is suitable (40 g per 10 liters of water is enough). Bordeaux liquid can also be used.

Powdery mildew or white coating on berries and leaves, turning into dark spots, is removed by another method. First you will need to collect all the fallen leaves and burn them to prevent the spread of the disease. With the onset of the growing season, it is important to process a mixture of lime and ground sulfur (1: 2).

Anthracnose appears as black-brown spots, in which fungal spores are also visible. To overcome it, you need to collect all the damaged fruits from the mountain ash and burn them. The tree needs care with Bordeaux mixture.

Pests and methods of dealing with them

There are several pests that can be dangerous for mountain ash:

  • rowan mite;
  • rowan moth;
  • red-winged hawthorn elephant.

The mite usually infects flower buds and is the cause of lower yields. To combat it, you need to collect and burn all the fallen leaves, use colloidal sulfur in the interval between the ripening of the leaves and the beginning of flowering. Sulfur is diluted in a ratio of 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Rowan moth spoils the berries, as a result of which they become bitter and spotty. To eliminate it, you need a decoction of tansy. For 10 liters of water, 300 g of these plants will be enough. It is necessary to insist them until the moment of fermentation and dilute them with water by half. You need to apply it after flowering, and then several more times with an interval of about a week.

The red-winged elephant spoils the stalks, because of which the fruits begin to dry. To remove it, it is necessary to loosen the earth around the tree with the onset of autumn and be sure to treat it with special preparations. One of them is Decis. It is diluted in a ratio of 1 g per 10 liters of water. Fufanon is another product that is mixed with water in a ratio of 10 g per 10 l of water.

Prevention of diseases and pests

To avoid problems with pests and diseases, it is necessary to regularly carefully dig the soil around the mountain ash. This must be done so that the roots remain intact. The bark of the tree must be constantly cleaned of all kinds of growths and lichens. It is better to collect and burn fallen leaves; some types of pests can lay their larvae in them.


Rowan Nevezhinskaya - unpretentious plant, which can easily become a long-liver of any garden. It will not only perfectly complement the site, but also give a lot of useful fruits from which you can cook different dishes. Without proper care, a rich harvest and just beautiful tree will be corrupted.

Home Articles

How do I grow Nevezhinsky mountain ash, experience

Sometimes, in search of seedlings of some rare crop we will spend a lot of time for our garden, but we forget about what originally grows on our land.

For example, about the common rowan. But from its berries you can make spicy jam, healing tinctures, juices, kvass, compotes; they are dried, wetted, consumed fresh after freezing.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash, which differs from the ordinary, in a sweet taste, is especially valuable for amateur gardeners. I planted mountain ash, at first bitter, thirty years ago, a year later I planted it with sweet-fruited cuttings. The soil in my garden is clayey. Trying to preserve the natural conditions, I do not dig under the trees.

Occasionally I only apply mineral fertilizers to the wells pierced with crowbar, and I cut off thickening and defective branches, I cover the wounds with petrolatum.

Pests and diseases on mountain ash I didn't notice. This is explained by the fact that the plant emits repellent volatile substances - phytoncides. Their activity is even higher than that of garlic.

Rowan on my lot, besides saves tomatoes and potatoes from late blight damage. Rowan trees and rodents bypass the side. Flowers appear late and are not affected by frost.

In winter, mountain ash withstands frosts of fifty degrees. This culture is very unpretentious and productive (individual trees give annually one hundred kilograms of berries). Moreover, the fees increase with cross-pollination by other types of mountain ash.

To speed up reproduction, in the fall, before the onset of frost, or in early spring, forest mountain ash at the age of two or three, but not older than four years, with a good crown and root system, I transplant into the garden. I plant in the same way as other fruit trees.

In the second year after planting in early spring I vaccinate with one-year shoots and perennial (two or three years) branches with fruit formations(twigs and rings).

propagate mountain ash can also be root offspring and layering. This method is especially effective in the propagation of sweet-fruited mountain ash. But the beginning of fruiting in this case occurs in the fifth - seventh year.

Wilds for rootstocks I grow from the seeds of ordinary and Nevezhinsky mountain ash. I do it this way. After picking the berries and extracting seeds from them, preventing them from drying out, in early September I sow in well-fertilized, deeply dug, loose soil.

I sow seeds in a furrow to a depth of 1-1.5 centimeters and sprinkle with humus soil. When sprouts appear, I thin out the seedlings. I leave the distance between plants at 25 - 50 centimeters, but do not dive, so as not to delay their development.

Seedling care consists in loosening - weeding weeds, abundant watering in dry weather and in three or four top dressings mineral fertilizers with slurry over the summer.

The past year was fruitful for mountain ash. There are still berries on the trees. They can be collected, stored until early spring. And then remove the seeds and sow directly into the ground, as mentioned above. You can also extract them in winter, rinse well, mix with clean, damp sand and refrigerate for three to four months for stratification, and sow in the spring.

If the seeds don't germinate, and the first year, seedlings will appear in the second. And rootstocks can then be grafted with cuttings of sweet-fruited mountain ash. This is within the power of many amateur gardeners.

A. Frolenko, amateur gardener. Moscow region.

Grows everywhere. It is a variety but differs in sweet fruits without characteristic bitterness. The adjective in the title is not accidental. The first tree with delicious berries was discovered by a shepherd in a forest near the village of Nevezhino. He dug it up and transplanted it around his house.

The leaves are compound, unpaired, with teeth along the edges. The flowers are white, unattractive, small, with a pleasant aroma in corymbose inflorescences. The fruits are small false drupes. Their color is bright orange. Rowan nevezhinskaya blooms a week earlier than apple trees. The photo shows her in different periods of the year. Flowers are not afraid of frosts down to -2.5 ° C. Fruiting begins in mid-September.

The tree is unpretentious, frost- and winter-hardy. The roots are able to withstand freezing of the soil by 40 cm to -14 ° C. Yields are good year after year, especially when good care. For example, it is realistic to collect up to 100 kg of berries from a 35-year-old tree.

Mountain ash nevezhinskaya is demanding on lighting and is completely unpretentious in relation to heat. With a lack sunlight(if thickened

planting), the branches in the crown die off. In this case, brushes of berries can form only along the periphery of the crown. If the tree is sufficiently illuminated, then the pyramidal crown at a young age will transform into a round one over the years, capable of forming a large crop. This should not be forgotten when landing.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash can grow on any soil, but medium loam is preferable. The optimal time for planting is spring, before the buds swell, or autumn, a month before frost. In many areas, these trees are planted along the edges, then they protect other plantings from the weather.

Nevezhinsky mountain ash has a superficial root system, so the treatment of the near-stem circle should be carried out carefully. Optimal Care is to dig a trench 0.5 m deep along the perimeter of the crown and add 4 buckets of manure, humus or compost into it. The remaining space must be covered with excavated soil. It is advisable to repeat this procedure every 2 years.

Mountain ash nevezhinskaya begins to bear fruit earlier than other trees - in the 4th year. Delaying the picking of berries is undesirable, since flocks of starlings and thrushes, making a flight, will definitely stop to feast, and a few minutes will be enough for them to “make your work easier”.

If the berries are supposed to be used immediately, then it is more reasonable to collect them without leaves. If it is necessary to save, then the brushes must be collected with leaves, laid in a layer cm thick and placed at a temperature of the order of 0 ° C.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is an excellent source of phytoncides. Plants planted next to it are practically not affected by fungal diseases, in particular late blight. And how beautiful it is flowering and fruiting! Plant this wonderful tree near your home, the benefits will be both for the body and for the soul.

That’s what you won’t surprise a summer resident with, so it’s mountain ash. And in what here, it would seem, is the interest? It grows everywhere, both in forests and in fields, and just like that it is planted to improve territories. And how they just don’t call her names - and mountain ash, and yarobina, and even gorobina. This is if in Russian. And Ukrainians also call stinky humpback and skorushina.

The tree is very unpretentious, withstands frosts right down to -50 degrees, it doesn’t care about anything! And even in winter, if the birds do not peck, bright orange fruits hang on it. And lives up to 200 years! And there is no harm from it, sheer benefit. Maybe that's why they love her?

At the end of September, when rowan berries ripen, there is even a folk holiday - the day of Peter and Paul fieldfare. On this day, branches with rowan berries were cut and tied into bundles, which were hung under the roofs of houses. It is believed that this will save a person from various troubles and misfortunes. So rowan is not so simple!

Also, rowan leaves were put into the shoes of the bride and groom, and the berries were stuffed into the pockets of the newlyweds, so that not a single witch could interfere with the happiness of the newlyweds.

So we planted a mountain ash near the house. Maybe that's why everything is fine with us, so to speak, they insure themselves, because the mountain ash is also a symbol of happiness and peace in the family.

Rowan branches are very flexible, so it is easy to shape it, which we did - pulled the rowan branches with ropes and pinned to the ground so that it would grow slender and beautiful.

Here it is, already with berries, albeit bitter in taste. And the fact that bitter rowan even says its name, because its name is Sorbus aucuparia - the word "sorbus" in translation from Celtic just means tart.

Rowan Nevezhinskaya

However, one more mountain ash grows in our country house - the Nevezhinskaya variety. Unlike its bitter relatives, the Nevezhinsky mountain ash taste is very pleasant, sweetish, without bitterness. I can just eat it by the handful.

We planted this mountain ash near a pond, this mountain ash is weeping in shape, so we decided that the place for it was there. Let her cry in the pond.

Compared to ordinary mountain ash, the fruits of Nezhevinskaya mountain ash are devoid of bitterness and astringency even in an unripe state. Vitamin C in it is up to 150 mg, carotene up to 12 mg. In terms of vitamin C content, it can compete with such vitamin champions as lemon and blackcurrant, and in terms of the amount of carotene it contains, it is not inferior to rose hips and carrots.

Just like ordinary mountain ash, Nevezhinskaya perfectly tolerates frosts and bears fruit every year.

Rowan fruits are delicious both fresh and prepared. From the berries of Nevezhinsky mountain ash, you can make jam, and jam, and mashed potatoes, and marshmallows, and jams, and compotes. As well as marmalade, kvass, juices, wine, tinctures.

Rowan is good and how medicinal plant. It has a pronounced diuretic and tonic properties. It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Here is one of my recipes - rowan with sugar. Rinse the berries and dry them slightly.

If you are going to store, then you can boil this mixture a little. But I think that it kills vitamins, so I just put them in jars and put them in the refrigerator. They don't last long for me. I eat a few spoonfuls every morning. And tasty and healthy!

Varieties of mountain ash


The variety was obtained by selecting promising forms in the population. Differs in good adaptability, it is steady against spring and autumn frosts, wreckers and illnesses. The tree is medium. The variety begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years, is highly productive. Fruits of medium size, bright red, shiny. The pulp is juicy, without astringency, the taste resembles cranberries.


The variety was obtained by selecting promising forms in the population. Highly productive, high yielding. The fruits are very large (up to 2.4 g), red, juicy, sweetish-sour, without bitterness, collected in very large corymbs (up to 300–400 g). The variety is disease resistant.


Variety of national selection. Enters fruiting for 5-6 years, yield up to 100 kg per tree. Sometimes there is a periodicity of fruiting. Fruits are medium in size, elongated, five-sided, red. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, without bitterness. The sugar content is 10–12%. Dessert variety.

Daughter of Kubova (Solar)

The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to soil and air drought, pests and diseases. The tree is medium. Productivity is high, fructifies annually. Enters fruiting for 3-4 years. The fruits are medium, very beautiful, bright orange. The pulp is tender, dessert taste, without signs of bitterness. From the fruits of this variety, delicious juice and jelly mashed with sugar are obtained.


Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.)- deciduous tree of the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae), up to 20 m high (mainly 4-6 m), rarely a shrub with a superficial root system.


The bark is gray, smooth, the young branches are fluffy. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Young leaves pubescent below, later ones glabrous. Flowers white or pinkish bad smell(the smell of trimethylamine, reminiscent of the smell of horse manure), are collected in a dense corymbose inflorescence - panicle, up to 10 cm in diameter. Fruits are spherical, apple-shaped, bright red or orange-red, juicy. Seeds are reddish, crescent-shaped, sharp at the end. Blossoms in May - June, fruits ripen in September - October and usually remain on the trees until late winter. Rowan ordinary bears fruit from 5-7 years of age annually. A good rowan harvest is usually observed every 1-3 years, largest harvest gives from 35-40 years. One tree can produce up to 80-100 kg of fruit. Propagated by seeds and root suckers. Lives up to 200 years. It grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, in fields, along roads, in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests, along forest edges, planted in squares, parks, gardens. With a lack of light, it develops poorly and almost does not bear fruit; withstands cold and drought, shade-tolerant. It grows quickly, in one year it grows by 0.5 m.

Economic purpose

Use a very hard heavy wood that polishes well. Furniture, wooden utensils, spoons, pens, turning tools, machine parts are made from it. Thin flexible branches, strong trunks are used to make furniture, baskets, wickerwork, children's sledges. Black paint is obtained from young branches. The bark is used in tanning and dyeing leather.

Collection and drying of raw materials

Mature rowan fruits are harvested in August - October, before the onset of frost. Usually they are cut off with whole brushes, and only before drying they are cleaned of leaves, stalks and impurities. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, Russian ovens, well-ventilated rooms or under sheds. Fruit shelf life is 2 years. The taste of raw materials is bitter-sour, the aroma is mild. Leaves and flowers are harvested during flowering, dried in the shade, well-ventilated places. Shelf life of leaves and flowers is 1 year.

Fresh fruits are stored all winter at a temperature of 1-2 ° C or frozen.


Rowan fruits contain carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, K, flavonoids, sugar, tannins, pectin, bitter substances, organic acids, essential oil, alcohol, sorbitol, pigments, antibacterial substances, traces of hydrocyanic acid, trace elements (manganese, iron, aluminum). Phytoncides were found in the leaves, ascorbic acid, trace elements, in seeds - fatty oil suitable for food, glycoside, in the bark - tannins of the highest quality.

pharmacological properties.

The plant has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, capillary strengthening, vitamin, astringent, mild laxative, diaphoretic, diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure, increases blood clotting. Rowan fruit pectins prevent fermentation processes in the intestines, reduce gas formation and, having adsorbing properties, contribute to the binding and elimination of various toxins. Organic acids and bitterness of mountain ash increase secretion and enhance the digestive capacity of gastric juice, which, along with a choleretic effect, improves digestion. Oil extracts from the fruits of mountain ash, containing a significant amount of carotene and carotenoids, have a wound- and ulcer-healing, anti-inflammatory effect, and contribute to the formation of less rough scars.

Application in medicine

A decoction of the bark is used for hypertension. Has antibacterial activity.

The branches are used for rheumatism.

Infusion and decoctions of rowan flowers are used for diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they help with hemorrhoids, colds and coughs, as well as in gynecology. A decoction of flowers helps with goiter.

Leaves and fruits are used as a decoction for general weakness, scurvy, beriberi.


Infusion of rowan fruits. Infuse 20 g of fruits in 200 ml of boiling water for 4 hours, strain. Drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day before meals for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, hemorrhoids, diseases of the kidneys, liver, atherosclerosis, bleeding.

A decoction of rowan fruits. Boil 20 g of rowan fruits, 25 g of rose hips in 400 ml of water for 10 minutes, insist in a warm place for 12 hours, then strain. Drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day for hypovitaminosis, general weakness.

A decoction of fruits and leaves of mountain ash. 15 g of rowan fruits and leaves, boil in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day for scurvy, general weakness after serious illnesses, operations, beriberi.

A decoction of rowan bark. Boil 10 g of chopped rowan bark in 200 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, leave for 6 hours, then strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for hypertension.

A decoction of rowan flowers. Boil 10 g of flowers in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day for coughs, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, goiter, women's diseases.

Rowan juice. Squeeze juice from rowan fruits. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for scurvy, general weakness, hypovitaminosis, after serious illness.

Rowan syrup. Mix rowan juice with sugar, boil over low heat until the syrup thickens. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for rheumatism, kidney stones, bladder, salt metabolism disorders.


Rowan jam

1. Blanch rowan fruits in a 2.5-3% saline solution for 5 minutes, drain in a colander, rinse with cold water. Pour the fruits into a basin, pour sugar syrup for 3 hours, then boil for 10-20 minutes. After 8-10 hours, cook until tender, cool, put into jars, cover with parchment paper or plastic lids.

2. Put the rowan fruits in a warm oven for a few minutes, then pour boiling water for 5 minutes, put in a colander, dip in sugar syrup and cook for 15 minutes. So repeat 3 times with a break of 5 minutes.

3. Blanch the rowan fruits in salted water for 3-5 minutes, put in a colander, rinse with cold water. Put the fruits in a basin, pour hot sugar syrup for 8 hours, then cook over low heat until tender in 3 doses, periodically removing for 15 minutes. Remove the foam carefully. Cool the jam, arrange in jars, cover with lids or parchment paper.
(1 kg fruit, 1.5 kg sugar, 600 ml water.)

4. Blanch ripe rowan fruits in salted water for 3-5 minutes, drain in a colander, rinse with cold water. Put the fruits in a basin, pour chilled sugar syrup for 12 hours. Then drain the syrup, boil, cool and dip the fruits into it for a day, then cook over low heat until tender.
(1 kg of rowan fruits, 1.5 kg of sugar, 600 ml of water.)

5. Select large rowan berries, rinse them in cold water. Prepare sugar syrup from sugar and water, cool it, pour berries for a day. Drain the syrup, boil it, cool and pour the berries again for a day. For the third time, bring the berries in syrup to readiness at a slow boil. Pack the finished jam hot in sterile jars, roll up.
(1 kg of rowan berries, 1.5 kg of sugar, 2.5 cups of water)

Rowan jelly

Rinse rowan berries with cold water, blanch in salted water for 3 minutes, rinse again with cold water. Then pour water so that the fruits are covered, and cook over low heat until boiled. Squeeze out the juice, add sugar, cook until the consistency of jelly.
(1 kg of rowan fruits, 400 ml of water, 150 g of sugar.)

Rowan marmalade

Pour boiling water over rowan fruits for 15 minutes, drain in a colander. When the water drains, knead with a wooden pestle, pour boiling water over it, rub through a sieve. Transfer the mass into a basin, add sugar and cook over low heat until marmalade thickens, cool. Then put on parchment paper, sprinkle with powdered sugar or sugar, smooth with a knife, dry on a baking sheet in the oven over low heat. Marmalade cut into pieces of different shapes and put in jars.
(1 kg of mountain ash, 1 kg of sugar, 150 ml of water.)

Rowanberry drink with cranberries

Mix rowan juice with cranberry juice, add sugar, dilute with chilled boiled water.
(200 ml of rowan juice, 50 ml of cranberry juice, 500 ml of water, sugar to taste.)

Rowanberry drink with rose hips

Boil dried rowan fruits with crushed rose hips for 10 minutes, leave for 4-5 hours in a thermos, then strain, add sugar.
(50 g of dried rowan and wild rose fruits, 1 liter of water, sugar to taste.)

Rowan-apple drink

Mix rowan juice with apple juice, dilute with chilled boiled water, add sugar or honey.
(50 ml of rowan juice, 100 g of apple juice, 250 ml of water, sugar to taste.)

Rowan jam.

2 way. Boil the rowan fruits in water until softened, drain the water, add sugar and cook over low heat until the consistency of jam (can be mixed with berry, fruit, vegetable purees and cook together until tender).
(1 kg of mountain ash, 500 g of sugar, 200 ml of water, or 1 kg of mountain ash puree, 1 kg of any other puree, 1 kg of sugar.)

2 way. The berries are washed, dried, and then either kept for a day in the freezer, or boiled for 1-2 minutes. It is passed through a meat grinder, the mixture is poured with sugar (1 kg of sugar per 2 kg of berries), kept for 2 hours, 1 cup of boiling water per 1 kg of berries is added and simmered over low heat in several stages until the drop begins to spread over the saucer.

Rowan puree

Blanch rowan fruits in a 2% saline solution, rinse with cold water, pass through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve, arrange in jars, cover with lids and pasteurize at a temperature of 80 ° C: half-liter jars - 15, liter - 20 minutes. Seal the lids. You can add sugar to the puree.
(1 kg of rowan fruits, 800 g of sugar.)


Beat the egg white with water, dip the rowan fruits, sprinkle with powdered sugar and dry in the oven on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and sugar.
(1 kg of mountain ash, 2 egg whites, 50 ml of water, 100 g of powdered sugar, 80 g of sugar.

Rowan natural

The berries are washed, tightly packed in jars (0.5 l), poured with hot boiled water, covered with lids, sterilized for 20 minutes, hermetically sealed and cooled.

Rowan in sugar

Dip sprigs of mountain ash into hot 70% sugar syrup, then sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar and dry in a warm oven. Store in jars covered with parchment paper in a cool place.
(1 kg of mountain ash, 700 g of sugar, 300 ml of water, 100 g of powdered sugar.)

Rowan in its own juice

The berries are washed, blanched for 3 minutes. The cooled berries are placed in sterile jars (0.5 l), poured with boiled rowan juice, covered with lids, sterilized for 20 minutes, hermetically sealed and cooled.

Rowan on honey

Rowan fruits, harvested after the first frost, bake in the oven or oven on a baking sheet. Bring honey to a boil, mix with baked rowan fruits and cook like jam.
(1 kg of mountain ash, 250 g of honey.)

Rowan fig

Put the rowan fruits, collected after the first frost, in a saucepan, close the lid tightly, keep in the oven at 50 ° C for 4-5 hours until softened, then transfer to a basin, pour water to cover the berries, and cook over low heat 40 minutes. Rub the boiled fruits through a sieve, add sugar and cook, stirring, over low heat until the mass thickens and begins to separate from the walls and bottom of the pelvis. Transfer the puree to a dish moistened with cold water, put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Cut the dried mass into pieces of any shape, sprinkle with powdered sugar, put in glass jars, cover with parchment paper. Store in a cool dry place.
(1 kg of mountain ash, 1.2 kg of sugar, 150 g of powdered sugar.)

Rowan juice

Boil ripe blanched rowan fruits over low heat until softened, squeeze the juice, pour into jars or bottles and pasteurize at a temperature of 70 ° C half-liter jars - 15, liter - 25 minutes. Seal the lids. Store in a cool place.

Who has not known the original taste of rowan berries in his lifetime? Everyone at least once, yes, has tasted these small reddening fruits, which after the first frosts become sweeter and decorate with their tassels an elegant tree all winter long. "Nevezhinskaya" is one of the most famous varieties of mountain ash, and even those who do not know its name have seen the trees themselves many times in their lives. Meanwhile, this plant has one significant advantage - there is no bitterness in its berries, they are sweeter than those of the mountain ash that grows in the forest. But this is not the only advantage of the variety.

Rowan Nevezhinskaya was named so thanks to the village of Nevezhino, in the Vladimir region. It has been cultivated there as a horticultural crop for more than a hundred years. In fact, this is a clone of mountain ash, created exclusively through the efforts of mother nature. Given the unpretentiousness of the plant, it is easy to understand why it is so common in our country. For unknown reasons, mountain ash received its second name - Nezhinskaya, which can also be found in the everyday life of many gardeners. However, the original name should still be used.

The Nevezhinskaya mountain ash tree can grow up to 10 meters in height, and its crown at correct pruning takes on a pyramidal shape

The tree can grow up to ten meters. The shape of the crown depends on the lighting conditions. So, in the shade, it can take the form of a pyramid, however, having received the necessary light in the right amount, it transforms into a spherical one. At the same time, the fruits, previously growing only on the periphery, will also appear in the depths of the crown itself. The color of the bark is different from the usual gray-brown - it is darker and more brownish. The tree lives 30 years or more (there are also hundred-year-old mountain ash).

The berries of the Nevezhinsky mountain ash are larger than those of the ordinary, collected in large clusters

The leaves are large, pinnate. The flowers are inconspicuous and are collected in inflorescences-shields, which reach 10 cm in diameter and exude a strong and rather unusual aroma. The fruits of mountain ash are spherical, shaped like an apple, bright red or with an orange tint. Each of them can reach up to one and a half centimeters in diameter. Rowan blossoms occur in late May - early June, and the crop is harvested in September - October.

Flowering of mountain ash Nevezhinskaya occurs at the end of May - beginning of June

It should be noted that Nevezhinskaya is rather a collective name, since as a result of folk selection, varieties such as Nevezhinskaya cubic, Nevezhinskaya yellow and Nevezhinskaya red were born.

  1. Nevezhinskaya cube - the most common variety of the whole trinity. The fruits are red with an orange tint, five-sided, elongated. The taste of the pulp is sweet with a slight sourness, very pleasant. Seeds are small, light brown.
  2. Nevezhinskaya yellow - not so common. With large rounded and ribbed fruits of yellow-orange color. The pulp is inferior in juiciness to Cuba.
  3. Nevezhinskaya red - has large bright red berries. Of all the trinity, the pulp is the sweetest.

It is worth noting that the size and weight of the berries in all three varieties almost do not differ. Nevezhinskaya red has the largest fruits.

In terms of their useful properties, rowan berries are simply unique - they are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Rowan berries are just a storehouse of healthy trace elements and vitamins

Table: composition and energy value of red rowan berries

Element Substance content per 100 g
The nutritional value
calories 50 kcal
Squirrels 1.4 gr
Fats 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 8.9 gr
Alimentary fiber 5.4 gr
organic acids 2.2 gr


Vitamin PP 0.5 mg
beta carotene 9 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 1500 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.02 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 0.2 µg
Vitamin C 70 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 1.4 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.7 mg


Calcium 42 mg
Magnesium 331 mg
Potassium 230 mg
Phosphorus 17 m

trace elements

Iron 2 mg
Zinc 0.3 mg
Copper 120 mcg
Manganese 2 mg

Fiber and pectin are those substances that allow you to remove various toxic substances and even radionuclides from the body. The bark and leaves of the tree contain phytoncide. That is why mountain ash is a good neighbor for potatoes, protecting it from late blight. It's no secret that the potato harvest put into storage is sprinkled with rowan leaves. But it is quite surprising that freshly cut branches placed in a jug of marsh water make it usable after 2-3 hours.

Photo gallery of varieties of mountain ash Nevezhinskaya

Mountain ash varieties Nevezhinskaya cube Mountain ash varieties Nevezhinskaya yellow Mountain ash varieties Nevezhinskaya red

Advantages and disadvantages

It seems that it makes no sense to mention once again the content of useful trace elements in rowan berries. It remains to be noted that tinctures and decoctions are made on them, jams are prepared, dried for the winter and simply consumed fresh. In addition, the fruits of mountain ash are used as a prophylactic and for the treatment of beriberi, hypertension, anemia, exhaustion and atherosclerosis. Rowan jam is used for colds, lung diseases and rheumatism, as well as constipation.

The average yield from one Nevezhinskaya mountain ash tree is 35 kg, but this is far from the limit.

The unpretentiousness of mountain ash, or rather, the unique frost resistance allows it to easily settle even in those regions where many fruit and berry plants are not available. The aerial part is able to withstand frosts down to -50 degrees, and the roots survive the freezing of the soil at a depth of 40 cm to a temperature of -14 degrees. Flowers are not afraid of frosts down to -2.5 degrees, so the likelihood of a bountiful harvest during return cold weather increases.

Rowan is very decorative during flowering, when covered with white fragrant caps that attract pollinating insects.

Rowan early fruiting is good: the first harvest can be obtained already in the fourth year of the tree's life. Add here the annual fruiting, combined with high yield- it is quite possible to collect up to 40 kg from one plant. There are cases when up to 100 kg were collected from a tree over the age of 35 years. Of course, without proper care, it will be more difficult to count on such indicators.

The decorative qualities of mountain ash are beyond doubt, and landscape designers often use it in their work.

It is difficult to find shortcomings in Nevezhinskaya mountain ash. Unless its vulnerability to shaded places - there it slows down in development and does not bring a harvest. But this shortcoming is easy to fix by simply planting a tree in a well-lit place.

Self-infertility can be noted - with self-pollination, mountain ash will not set fruits, so plant other varieties nearby (Kubovaya, Yellow and Red). The ideal is to have 3 - 4 trees on the site (this will significantly increase the yield), but if it is small, it is possible to graft several varieties into the crown of one tree.

Plant rowan in an open sunny place - the Nevezhinskaya variety is very photophilous, and at the same time it will shade other plantings and close them from cold winds

Planting and reproduction

It is best to plant mountain ash on the northern or eastern sides of the site in order to cover it with more heat-loving plants from cold winds. Rowan itself, with all its frost resistance, easily tolerates drafts. However, it should not obscure other plantings.

Rowan is undemanding to soil types, but light and medium loams are best suited for it. Between the trees maintain a distance of 4 - 5 meters.

Landing is carried out in autumn during mass leaf fall or in spring - before the buds swell. In the second case, the landing pit has been prepared since autumn. It should be 100 cm in diameter and 70 cm deep. Before planting, a nutrient mixture is laid at the bottom of the pit, consisting of 500 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium salt and 10–12 kg of humus, which is covered with roots. You can add 400 g of ash. The root neck of the seedling can be deepened by 5 cm, while the tree will not be damaged - this is what mountain ash differs from many fruit and berry plants. After planting, the tree is plentifully watered and mulched. trunk circle humus or peat.

Rowan planted on the site repels many pests and diseases, so potatoes are often planted next to it to avoid late blight

It is possible to reproduce mountain ash by grafting or budding.

  1. Rowan ordinary is used as a rootstock. The best time for budding is July and early August. For her take a sleeping eye.
  2. The grafting is carried out in the second half of July, because it is at this time that it is easy to separate the bark from the rootstock, and the buds of the scion are already well developed and mature.

Budding is one of the ways to propagate mountain ash

You can also apply vaccinations for the bark - before the start of sap flow, as well as lateral grafting of the cutting when cutting into wood. To do this, take a seedling at the age of two - three years with a stem 8 - 10 cm in diameter, planted in a permanent place. In this case, the vaccination is carried out the next year.

plant care

Mountain ash will grow and develop properly with systematic feeding, pruning, tillage and the fight against diseases and pests.

Watering and loosening

The land next to the trees must be kept clean from weeds and loosened periodically. In order for the mountain ash to grow better in adulthood, after planting for two to three years, it must be dug around the perimeter of the trunk circle with a diameter of 3 meters. Digging depth - two shovel bayonets.

Remember, your task is not to damage the roots, but to feed them. During this process, compost or any other plant residues are introduced into the ground. In the first two years, it is advisable to grow onions, lettuce, dill or garlic in this place, and then perennial herbaceous plants. So there will be a turfing of the area adjacent to the mountain ash. Subsequently, when its roots penetrate this zone, the earth will already be supplied with all the necessary nutrients, and besides, it will easily pass water and air.

The first loosening of the soil is carried out in early spring, and after it another 4-5 times during the season. Be sure to do this immediately after harvesting, and then mulch with peat or compost.

Mountain ash is undemanding to moisture, but it also does not tolerate drought well - the number of fruits is reduced, and their quality is deteriorating. To avoid this, in the dry season, be sure to water the tree at the beginning of the growing season, two to three weeks before harvest and the same period after harvest. One plant takes 2-3 buckets, water is poured into a groove, which is dug around the trunk. The drier the earth and the older the tree, the more water goes to it.

Rowan hibernates in winter without shelter due to its amazing frost resistance

Mountain ash winters in the middle zone of the country perfectly, without requiring shelter. Generative buds, like vegetative buds of mountain ash, have less frost resistance, but return frosts are easily tolerated.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Systematic top dressing allows you to get a bigger harvest. In the spring of each year, humus (5-8 kg) and ammonium nitrate (50 g) are added to the near-stem circle for digging. Also, every year at the beginning of summer, a solution of fresh mullein is poured, diluted in 10 liters of water in a ratio of 1:5. You can replace it with bird droppings, but the ratio of 1:10 will already be applicable to it. At the end of summer, half a liter of wood ash and 100 g of superphosphate are also added every season. This is done after the harvest.


Pruning can be done 4-5 years after planting. During all this time, the tree is not touched at all, and it manages to form an arbitrary crown instead of a pyramidal one. At this point, they begin to form it.

We take the central conductor to the side branch, and cut out the shoots at the age of two to three years. We remove the semi-skeletal branch to the ring, shorten the annual shoots by a third so that the rapid growth of new ones begins.

Rowan pruning in the third year after planting

In May, the skeletal branches will need to be bent to the ground with the help of stretch marks. We tie the twine to the middle of the branch, after placing a piece of some matter under it, and fix the other end on a peg. It is important to tie exactly the middle of the branches, and not their tops, otherwise tops will begin to grow on the folds, which will need to be disposed of. We keep the tree in this position until autumn, after which we untie all the ropes.

New growths are cut off in the spring, as well as shoots directed upwards on the central conductor, as well as vertical tops - all this makes it possible to restrain the growth of mountain ash. In the future, it will be necessary to remove the branches growing under each other, as well as inside the crown, thickening it. In autumn, preventive sanitary pruning is carried out, the purpose of which is to remove damaged and dry branches.

Pest control

Among the rowan pests it is worth noting:

  • rowan moth,
  • red-winged hawthorn elephant,
  • rowan mite.

The rowan moth damages the berries, making small moves in them, which makes the fruits start to taste bitter, covered with dark spots. As a preventive measure, they dig up the soil under the trees (but not deep and carefully, trying not to damage the high-lying roots of mountain ash), fallen leaves, which may contain cocoons, are collected and burned, and the bark is cleaned of lichens and various growths.

Against the rowan moth, the means used when the apple codling moth appears are good. This is a decoction of tansy (300 g of plants per 10 liters of water - infused before fermentation and diluted with water twice), which is used first after flowering, and then another 3-4 times with an interval of 5-6 days. The drug entobacterin is also quite good (50 - 100 g per 10 liters of water - enough for one hundred square meters), which is especially successfully used at an air temperature of 20 - 25 degrees and above. The first spraying is carried out a week after flowering, the second and third with a difference of 15 days.

Rowan moth spoils berries, laying small passages in them

The red-winged hawthorn elephant, which gnaws the stalks, may be to blame for the drying out of the fruits. In the fight against it, the soil around the mountain ash is loosened in the fall, and it is also treated with Decis (1 g per 10 l) and Fufanon (10 ml per 10 l - 2-5 liters per tree, depending on age).

The female hawthorn elephant gnaws the stalks, as a result of which the berries begin to dry

Rowan gall mite especially often annoys mountain ash, destroying flower buds and reducing yields.. In order to cope with it, fallen leaves are raked and destroyed, and in the period between the appearance of leaves and flowering, they are treated with colloidal sulfur (100 g per 10 l).

Rowan gall mite eats flower buds and damages future crops

Periodic cases of attack by green apple and rowan aphids, which suck vital juices from trees, can also be noted. You can find it by curled up and drying out leaves at the ends of young shoots. At the first appearance of a pest, one of the insecticides to choose from is used - Decis (1 g per 10 l), Actellik (2 ml per 2 l - 1.5 l of solution per 10 sq. M.) or Karate (5 ml per 10 l) .

You can determine the presence of aphids on mountain ash by twisted and drying leaves on the tops of young shoots


Among the diseases on mountain ash are noted:

  • rust,
  • leaf spot,
  • moniliosis,
  • powdery mildew,
  • anthracnose.

Rust is the most frequent guest on the mountain ash and brings significant harm to the tree. It damages the leaves and appears as yellow-orange spots on the outside of the leaf. Especially often rust visits mountain ash in those areas where juniper grows, which serves as a place for one of the intermediate stages of the development of the disease.

To cope with it, the mountain ash must be isolated from juniper plantings (if, of course, there is one), cut the affected branches and spray with 1% Bordeaux liquid (100 g of copper sulfate, 150 g of lime per 10 liters of water) 2-3 times a day. during the season. The procedure begins at the end of May, and the subsequent ones are carried out at intervals of 20 to 25 days.

Rust is a common mountain ash disease, especially if juniper grows nearby

Leaf spot is caused by different fungi, so the signs of damage to it may vary. These can be small brown or ash-gray spots with a dark border (with phyllostictosis). Regardless of the type of spotting, old leaves are collected and destroyed, and the tree is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Various types of spotting are caused by fungi that are removed with Bordeaux mixture.

Moniliosis or fruit rot is especially dangerous during a long rainy period with low temperatures. Moniliosis is especially noticeable when the leaves, along with the shoots, turn brown and dry, looking as if burned. Fruit rot causes the berries to rot right on the tree, covering them with multiple whitish-cream lumps. If the weather is dry, the development of the disease stops, but only until the next rains. In the process of combating the disease, the drug Hom is used (40 g per 10 l). Processing with the same 1% Bordeaux liquid also helps.

Leaves and young shoots may be affected powdery mildew, which initially looks like a white coating, and then coarsens and turns into dark spots. Warm and humid weather only increases the spread of the disease. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, fallen leaves are collected and burned, and during the growing season they are powdered with a mixture of ground sulfur and lime in a ratio of 2: 1. For one square meter leaves 0.3 g of the mixture.

Anthracnose on mountain ash is also not uncommon. Because of it, brown-black spots appear on the berries, on which pads with fungus spores are noted. In this case, the affected berries must be immediately removed and burned, and the tree should be treated with an invaluable 1% Bordeaux liquid (in fact, this one-stop solution for any fungal diseases).

Anthracnose can lead not only to the death of the crop, but also to the entire tree.


In early September, the berries begin to ripen, they can be eaten fresh and frozen for the winter. Due to its density, the crop retains the best for a long time. taste qualities. Suffice it to say that without freezing and generally refrigerated, the shelf life will be about two months. At the same time, neither microbes nor bacteria can settle on the berries. But if you decide to create a stock for a longer period, the collected fruits will have to be frozen. To do this, they are washed, allowed to dry and laid out in plastic bags then tightly close and put in the freezer. Frozen rowan is stored for two years. It is also possible to dry or even wither the berries - this is an excellent and healthy delicacy, which will also be stored for a long time.

Pastila with a unique taste is made from rowan berries

Tinctures and decoctions are made from freshly picked berries, juice is squeezed out, fruit drinks, syrups and compotes are prepared, candied and even marshmallows are made, which have an original taste.

If for some reason you picked berries after the first frost, try to use them as soon as possible, because the crop touched by frost loses its ability to last for a long time.

Informational article about mountain ash nevezhinsky, its differences from mountain ash. Description of the plant, varieties, and care. The use of rowan fruits in folk medicine and cooking. Bright red brushes of mountain ash serve as a source of inspiration for poets and artists. And the Nezhin mountain ash also has its own history and its own secret. It is connected with the history and world popularity of Smirnov vodkas and tinctures.

Historical background on how Nevezhinskaya mountain ash became Nezhinskaya, description of the plant, variety

Back in the middle of the XIX century, the former serf Peter Smirnov, having received his freedom, arrived in Moscow from the Yaroslavl province with his father and brother. It happened in 1858. And already in 1860 he opened his first establishment, where he successfully sold wine. Three years later, the former serf becomes a merchant of the third guild and opens a vodka factory. Things are going so well that Smirnovskaya vodka becomes the winner of international exhibitions and receives worldwide recognition by 1876.

In 1889 at the world exhibition gold medal receives a drink released under the name "Nezhinskaya". The product impressed the judges not only with a very nice bottle, with an elongated neck and a base in the form of a pleated skirt, but also with an unusual taste. There was no bitterness and astringency in the rowan drink at all.

Competitors added sugar to mountain ash, but they could not get the desired taste. And the secret was that since childhood, Peter Smirnov was familiar with a very sweet and large mountain ash from the village. Nevezhin, which was in the Vladimir province. Where half a ton of delicious berries was collected for the Smirnovsky plant. Initially, the drink was planned to be called Nevezhinskaya Rowan.

But so that competitors would not guess where the raw materials for the next masterpiece of P. Smirnov were collected, the drink was called "Nezhinskaya mountain ash", and a whole box of high-quality drink was presented to the king of Spain. Indeed, at first glance, the Nevezhinsky mountain ash does not differ from the ordinary mountain ash. In fact, the plant is a kind of mountain ash, and got its name from the place of growth.

This is a deciduous tree with openwork, unpaired foliage, dense corymbs of inflorescences. white color. However, the fruits of Nevezhinsky mountain ash are large, by the time of ripening they do not have a bitter taste. At present, the following Nevezhinsky mountain ash has been bred and successfully grown:

  1. Cubic or Nevezhinsk cubic with elongated orange-red fruits, juicy and very sweet fruits, ripen by September 15.
  2. Yellow - its characteristics are similar to Kubova, but the color of the berries is yellow-orange.
  3. Red - the fruits are larger and sweeter than the previous variety, the color of the fruits is scarlet.

It remains to be learned how to grow sweet and tasty nevezhinskaya mountain ash in the garden.

How to plant and grow rowan nevezhinskaya on the site

planting material

To plant rowan nevezhinskaya in the garden you need planting material. Here you can either buy a ready-made seedling from a trusted manufacturer, or you need to already have an adult tree and get layering from it. For this, a branch is bent down in autumn or spring. After that, it is pinned to the soil, sprinkled with earth. A year later, the bush is separated from the mother plant and grown in the same place for another year. After that, the plant is dug up and transplanted to a new place.

Important! For getting good harvest it is advisable to plant two varieties of rowan nevezhinsky. IN last resort you can plant mountain ash as a pollinator. For reproduction, you can try to root, but you should not propagate these plants with seeds, new plants may not inherit the qualities of the mother tree.

Landing and care

Video about the benefits of mountain ash:

For Nevezhinsky mountain ash, a well-lit place with fertile loamy soil is suitable. Do not plant it on acidic, clayey, swampy and sandy lands. landing pit dig depending on the size of the seedling and its roots. Usually enough 60 cm by 60 cm or a little more.

At the bottom of the pit, garden soil mixed with humus is poured. Set the seedling at the bottom of the pit, cover the roots with soil. Compact the soil around the stem, water and mulch. In the future, the young bush should be watered regularly, and the soil should be loosened and mulched. In subsequent years, the plant needs top dressing.

They can be carried out with diluted slurry. In spring and autumn, thinning and sanitary pruning is needed.

In all other respects, Nevezhinskaya is an unpretentious plant, with high frost resistance. She can be a long-liver in the garden. The disadvantage of Nevezhinsky mountain ash is that their fruits are very fond of birds. Perhaps, in order to preserve the crop, for the ripening period, you will need to drive away the birds manually or use a special device - a repeller.

The use of mountain ash

Growing nevezhinsky mountain ash on the site, do not forget about its useful and medicinal properties. First of all, mountain ash is a source of vitamin C. And in the leaves of the mountain ash it is slightly more than in the fruits. They also contain carotenoids, organic acids. Organic food colorings are obtained from rowan berries.

Decoctions and tea from dried rowan fruits are excellent vitamin drinks. They are recommended for vitamin C deficiency and scurvy. According to the content of provitamin A, rowan fruits are richer than green onions and are equivalent to fruits. By the amount of iron, apples are three times superior. You can drink juice or decoctions from rowan fruits with:

  • high blood pressure
  • dysentery
  • diabetes
  • metabolic disorders

A good result can be obtained by using a decoction of berries to relieve swelling and stop bleeding. In cooking, the fruits of mountain ash nevezhinsky are used to produce marshmallows, jam, and fillings for pies.

It is unlikely that there is at least one person who does not know what mountain ash is. Since childhood, we all know the bitter taste of its bright, beautiful berries. Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is a sister of mountain ash, but the taste of its fruits is sweeter. With the onset of frost, their taste becomes even better.


Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is deciduous fruit tree growing up to 10 meters in height. It is called Nevezhinskaya by the name of a village in the Vladimir region, where it began to be cultivated as a horticultural crop more than 100 years ago. This beautiful tree lives and bears fruit for 30 years. You can meet her in Europe, almost throughout middle lane Russia, in some countries of Asia and in the North.

The plant has a very interesting crown, which can take on different forms: in a sunny open place - spherical, in a shaded area - pyramidal. The leaves of the tree can be up to 20 cm long, they are called pinnate, as they consist of 7-15 elongated leaves with serrated edges. The upper part of the leaf is painted dark green, the lower part is lighter, velvety to the touch. The color of the bark differs from the color of the common mountain ash - in Nevezhinsky the bark has a more pronounced brown tint, it has a smooth structure. Such mountain ash grows well on any soil, although loamy soils are considered the best, and not the most suitable - acidic, clayey, sandy, swampy. The tree has a powerful root system, but it does not go deep, but is located parallel to the surface of the earth.

During the flowering period, which occurs in the second half of May or the first decade of June, the tree is covered with inflorescences of creamy white flowers, the diameter of the inflorescences is an average of 10 cm. The flowers have a pronounced specific aroma.

The frosts that occur during this period, which are detrimental to apple trees, will not cause any harm to the flowers, and the yield of mountain ash is usually good - one adult tree can produce up to 40 kg of berries. Trees begin to bear fruit in the 4th year, and the harvest is given every year. However, you should know that on the pyramidal crown, the inflorescences, and, consequently, the fruits, will not develop inside the crown, they will appear only at the tips of the branches. It should be noted that this species is characterized by self-infertility - one tree by itself will not bear fruit, because this culture necessarily requires the neighborhood of several relatives.

By autumn, berries appear, which acquire a bright, noticeable color. You can harvest as early as October. The berries are usually larger than those of the mountain ash we are used to. They can reach a diameter of up to 1.5 cm, and already in autumn, as soon as they ripen, long before the arrival of frost, they have a sweet taste. The crop, which is not planned to be processed immediately, is harvested for storage along with the leaves.

If you leave the crop to winter on a tree, nothing terrible will happen - the culture can withstand severe frosts, the value of which can reach -50 degrees. In this case, care must be taken to protect the crop from birds.


There are several varieties of Nevezhinsky mountain ash.

  • The most common is cubic. The variety got its name because of the shape of the berries: they have five faces, elongated in length. The berries are red with an orange tint, they have juicy pulp with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Inside the berry are small brown seeds.
  • yellow not as common as cubic. The variety is so called because its berries are orange-yellow. They are slightly larger than the previous variety, and slightly inferior to it in juiciness, but they also have a sweet and sour taste and a ribbed surface.
  • The sweetest rowan nevezhinsky red. Her berries are larger than those of cube and yellow. Their color is red, very bright. The fruits have a more rounded shape and juicy pulp.

How to grow and care

Although the Nevezhinsky mountain ash is not the most capricious plant, it still needs to be taken care of and properly looked after. Since it is a frost-resistant tree, it can be planted in places where it will protect other plants that are more in need of warmth from the cold wind.

Planting material is best purchased from well-established manufacturers. Specialists will select seedlings, give helpful tips planting and care. Quality seedlings are not damaged, they do not have dry branches and signs of disease. If the seedlings have open roots, then they should not have areas with rot.

Due to self-fertility, you need to plant several trees, but if you want to have mountain ash for a very small plot, you can graft several varieties on the same tree.

Planting can be done both in the fall, 2-3 weeks before frost, and in the spring, before the buds swell. For spring planting the hole should be prepared in the fall. Its dimensions are about a meter in diameter and a depth of 60-70 cm. A layer of nutrient mixture is laid at the bottom of the hole. Having placed the seedlings in the pits, they need to be sprinkled with soil.

At the same time, the root collars are located at the level of the soil surface or deepened by 2-5 cm. Planted trees should be watered abundantly and mulched with peat, humus or sawdust.

Rowan can also be grown using seeds, grafting to other trees, layering. Whatever method you choose to get a good harvest, trees need to be looked after. First of all, you need to periodically loosen the ground around them, starting in early spring.

The first couple of years the earth needs to be dug up with the addition of humus. Subsequently, top dressing is carried out three times a year:

  • in early spring - humus and ammonium nitrate;
  • at the beginning of summer - infusion of mullein;
  • at the end of summer - ash and superphosphate.

Since the root system is not too deep, but spreads parallel to the surface, the trees absorb the top dressing well. You also need to trim. The first time this needs to be done 4-5 years after planting - by this time the crown will have had time to form. The procedure includes the removal of all broken and damaged branches, as well as the shortening of side shoots; you can shorten the barrel a little.

Due to frost resistance, special shelter for the winter is not required. This wonderful tree is less susceptible to disease than other fruit and berry crops, pests also do not do much harm to it, and since they gather for wintering in upper layers soil, then it is easy to get rid of them in the fall when digging.

Beneficial features

Rowan is an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients. There are several times more vitamins P and C in it than in apples, lemons and oranges. No less than in carrots and rose hips, it contains vitamin A. Apples are considered a source of iron for the human body, but in terms of its content they are three times inferior to mountain ash. The content of vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP is also high. There are also trace elements: magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and others. Present in berries and natural sugars, malic acid, pectin, tannins.

Rowan has pronounced volatile properties. An interesting fact: late blight does not affect potatoes growing next to this wonderful tree. Potatoes and other vegetables keep well when mixed with chopped rowan leaves. A few fresh tree branches will make the river water drinkable in a couple of hours.

Useful substances are found not only in berries: there is a lot of vitamin C in the leaves. For the preparation of infusions, the leaves are collected in the summer and dried. The bark is also used: decoctions from it are useful for hypertension.

Rowan berries are used to produce organic food dyes, and extracts from the plant are used in the cosmetic industry, as the fruit acids they contain have a beneficial effect on the skin, whitening it.

How to use

Rowan fruits are widely used. First of all, they can be eaten in their natural form. With proper storage, they retain their beautiful appearance and useful properties for a long time.

Dried berries are used to make decoctions and tea - great vitamin drinks. They are used for diseases such as high blood pressure, dysentery, diabetes, with impaired metabolism. Decoctions give good result when you need to relieve swelling, stop bleeding. They are known as a diuretic and tonic, so they are useful in cardiovascular diseases. Berries and decoctions from them are indispensable for colds, beriberi, exhaustion, and the list of diseases can be continued. Also, for many diseases, they drink a decoction of flowers.

You can make jam from mountain ash (1.5 kg of sugar will be needed for 1 kg of berries). Although the jam turns out delicious anyway, sometimes a little is added to it. citric acid or cinnamon. You can also make juice, however, for this you need a juicer. IN Food Industry and in everyday life, marshmallows and marmalade, jam and jam are prepared from mountain ash. Also prepare tinctures, wine, kvass.

However, mountain ash is not recommended for people with low blood pressure and those prone to allergic reactions. Because of the fear of allergies in the child, nursing mothers should refrain from eating mountain ash. With thrombosis, it is contraindicated, since one of its properties is to increase blood clotting.

Forest rowan - exclusively useful plant . And the honey plant, and her wood is beautiful, and feeds the birds in winter, and she is good-looking.

One trouble: its fruits, although healing, are bitter. That is why they are considered of little value. But this is if you take a wild bird, an ordinary mountain ash.

Varietal - a completely different matter. It's about her.

Our common, ubiquitous red rowan belongs to the large botanical genus Sorbus. In turn, almost all modern cultivars trace their pedigree from this plant.

Rather, from its two varieties-sortotypes: Moravian (Central Europe) and Nevezhinskaya (Eastern Europe).

Moravian rowan discovered in the Czech Republic in the 19th century and named after the region where it was found - Moravia. Its sweet fruits, 1 cm in diameter, made this variety interesting for breeders.

From it came, for example, the varieties Edulis, Bissneri and Concentra.

From two varieties-sortotypes of mountain ash - Moravian and Nevezhinsky - almost all modern cultivars trace their genealogy

Nevezhinsky clone was also found by chance - in a forest near the village of Nevezhino, Vladimir Region. Sweet, completely without bitterness, the fruits conquered the local peasants, who quickly figured out how to breed this mountain ash and sell seedlings to their neighbors.

And this also happened in the 19th century. So, almost simultaneously, in the two ends of Europe, nature gave man a sweet mountain ash instead of a bitter one.

Sometimes Nevezhinsky mountain ash is called "Nezhinsky". Everyone was confused by the wine merchant Fyodor Smirnov, who in the old days sold tincture on its fruits. Not wanting to reveal the secrets of the recipe to competitors, he deliberately threw out one syllable and called his product “Nezhinskaya”.

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin was very interested in breeding varietal mountain ash. Many of the varieties he created today are either lost, or pollinated and lost their original characteristics, or are stored only in scientific collections. But those that have survived often become the basis for modern breeding work.

With strictly scientific point of view, calling the fruits of mountain ash "berries" is incorrect. The correct word is "apple". Fruits of the same type are formed by quince, apple and pear.


This variety is one of the surviving Michurin creations.. It was created by complex crossing of mountain ash, pear and red-leaved apple tree.

Its characteristics:

  1. Medium-sized tree (up to 5 meters) with a rounded sparse crown. The shoots are straight, the color of the bark is dull brown.
  2. The leaves are glossy, dark green.
  3. Inflorescences-shields of medium diameter, the color of the petals is white.
  4. The fruits are slightly ribbed, rounded, weighing 1.2 grams. The skin is dark red, waxy. The pulp is yellow, sweet-sour, tart. The use is universal.

Variety Titan is frost- and drought-resistant, not affected by diseases.


Variety created candidate of agricultural sciences Tatyana Kirillovna Poplavskaya. Fanatically devoted to science, in the 70s of the XX century she was actively engaged in the search for and restoration of the lost Michurin varieties of mountain ash.

Bead - one of the first varieties that do not have a hint of astringency. It is a product of free pollination of Nevezhinsky mountain ash.

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. A plant of restrained growth, 3 meters high. Shoots gray-brown, straight. According to various sources, it begins to bear fruit at 3 or 5 years of age.
  2. The leaves are light green, toothed.
  3. Inflorescences are large, with white flowers.
  4. Fruits of the correct rounded shape, with red skin, weighing 1.2-1.9 grams. The flesh is creamy in color, with a hint of cranberry flavor, but without a strong acid. The purpose is universal. They ripen early, by the end of August.

Particularly valuable qualities of the variety- high resistance to extreme frosts, drought, diseases. The yield is high.

Liquor Michurina

One of the Michurin varieties, lost and restored. It has much in common with one of its "parents" - black chokeberry.

Characteristics of the garden variety of mountain ash:

  1. Srednerosly plant, about 5 meters, with a sparse oval crown. Sometimes found in shrub form. Gives strong annual growth (up to 30 cm).
  2. The leaves are dark green, alternate, pinnate.
  3. Beautiful dense inflorescences with a corymb diameter of 10 cm. The color of the petals is white-pink.
  4. The fruits are dark purple, almost black, weighing 1 g, ripen in September, stored for a month. The taste is reminiscent of chokeberry - sweet, slightly astringent. Purpose - for the manufacture of liqueur-type wines, jams.

Variety benefits: high winter hardiness and moderate drought resistance. Flaw: fruits can be affected by rot.


The Michurin variety was also lost, but found, propagated and transferred for variety testing by T.K. Poplavskaya. Like all old Michurin forms, this type of mountain ash has a slight astringency in taste.

Its characteristics:

  1. A low tree, 3 meters in height, with a drooping crown. Skeletal branches are located almost at right angles, shoots are straight, with light brown covers.
  2. The leaves are light green, with a finely serrated edge and a pubescent petiole.
  3. The shield is not wide, the flowers are small, pinkish-white.
  4. The fruits are rounded flattened, weighing 1.3 g. Ruby skin, yellow flesh. The taste is sweet and sour, slightly tart. The purpose of the fruits is for processing into juices, jellies, wines, liqueurs, kissels. Suitable for drying.

The plant is resistant to low temperatures.

The fruits of mountain ash of the Ruby variety can replace raisins after drying. To do this, you need to place them in a gauze bag and hang for a while by the battery.

Scarlet large

Variety bred by the Central Genetic Laboratory. Michurin (today the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Fruit Plants). An interesting, very spectacular plant, with really large fruits for red-fruited mountain ash.

Variety characteristics:

  1. The height of the tree is 5 meters. Crown of medium density, broad pyramidal shape. Slightly pubescent straight shoots with gray-brown bark and many large lentils.
  2. The leaves are dark green, with broadly lanceolate plates, shiny.
  3. Broad corymbs with many flowers.
  4. Fruits from 1.7 to 2.5 grams, slightly ribbed, juicy. The skin is scarlet, the taste is spicy, somewhat sour than other varieties, without bitterness. Appointment canteen and technical.

The variety is able to tolerate extreme frosts down to -50⁰С. Resistant to diseases and pests.

White, yellow and orange decorative varieties

In addition to the red and chokeberry familiar to the eye, the efforts of breeders varieties with yellow, orange and even white fruits have been bred able to decorate any garden.

For example, variety Yellow with thin flexible branches, which, with a plentiful harvest, bend to the ground. Rowan kvass, original fillings for pies, jams are obtained from its fruits.

Of the orange-fruited ones, it is very decorative. variety Ogonyok- one of the most heat-resistant and drought-resistant. As it ripens, it changes the color of the apples from yellow to fiery orange.

Rowan Daughter Cubovoy - new variety , bred by spontaneous hybridization of Nevezhinsky Kubova. The fruits of this tree also have a bright orange color in the ripeness phase, and their taste is juicy, bright, sour-sweet, without a hint of bitterness or astringency.

Kubova herself also has orange fruits, but the yield is not so high. Kubovaya is a derivative form from Nevezhinsky mountain ash, created by folk selection. Its apples are slightly elongated, five-sided, with a very pleasant taste.

But white-fruited mountain ash, unfortunately, is not suitable for food. For example, Kene or White Swan varieties have very bitter fruits. However, their compactness and high decorativeness allows you to create an interesting play of colors among other mountain ash.

Combining in plantings, for example, high Scarlet large, delicate Yellow and miniature White Swan, you can get a combination of utility and beauty.

All varietal mountain ash is self-sterile. To get a quality crop from them, you need to plant several different varieties or graft them into the crown of one tree.