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How to arrange furniture in the kitchen in Khrushchev. Kitchen design in Khrushchev: design projects with photo examples. Kitchen design options

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What hostess does not dream of a big and spacious kitchen? Only the one who already has it! But what if the kitchen area is only 6 square meters? I so want this little one to be equipped with all the necessary household appliances, so that everything is at hand, so that it is comfortable, and so that there is a place where you can gather at the table with the whole family, take relatives and friends. Create original interior and choosing a design in Khrushchev during repairs is not an easy task, but nothing is impossible.

Where to start planning a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Kitchens come in two types: square and rectangular. You should start with the most, at first glance, simple, namely, get rid of everything superfluous. After all, the main idea is to visually enlarge the space.

There are some rules for planning small kitchens:

  1. In Khrushchev it is recommended to place furniture and household appliances the letter "G" or the letter "P".
  2. Between the equipment it is better to leave gaps of 5 centimeters.
  3. Make the selection of furniture in favor of capacious, but compact.
  4. Instead of a stove, you can use a hob, there are 2, 3 burner options for sale.
  5. Provided that a hood is installed above the stove, the doors can be removed and the opening expanded.
  6. If in Khrushchev the kitchen has access to the balcony, then you can expand the area at the expense of it, having previously warmed it. The balcony will serve as a dining room (read here with a photo).
  7. As an option - transferring the sink to the window opening. So it will be easier to place kitchen furniture using corner elements.
  8. Above the surface where food preparation work takes place, there must be at least two outlets.
  9. For such a dining area, the most acceptable option would be roller blinds. They are practical and take up minimal space.

How to visually expand the space and choose furniture in the design?

In kitchens in Khrushchev with 6 squares, it is recommended to place furniture and household appliances with the letter “G” or in the form of a linear layout. When choosing furniture, preference is given not to hinged, but to sliding or folding doors. Folding tables and chairs will help free up space and make the interior functional. The table is better to choose a round or oval shape. Convenient - furniture that can be easily transformed, for example, a pull-out section. It can be used not only for storage, but also as a work surface.

Oddly enough, but the presence of large decorative elements in Khrushchev visually increases the space of the kitchen (photo below). The use of mirrors when decorating an apron will optically increase the space. Excess amount hinged shelves and lockers reduces space. Horizontal parts should be used as little as possible. It is desirable to fill vertically. Tall narrow cabinets-pencil cases will look lighter, more appropriate than low, but wide ones.

It is recommended to use corner furniture. Use all corners, use not only the lockers below, but also hinged models. You can and should use the window sill. Attach a folding tabletop to it or use the space under it to store inventory. The surface of the window sill can be replaced with a wider one and used as a working one.

Almost all Khrushchev houses have a mezzanine above the entrance. It can be dismantled, there to hang shelves, lockers. The use of many mirrored, shiny surfaces in the decor optically adds space. Glass furniture and glass doors will add lightness and airiness. The fewer open shelves in the design, the visually more space, which is important for such a small Khrushchev space. The floor will visually expand the space where the materials are laid diagonally (for example, laminate).

Sliding or folding entrance doors save space, keep odors out. In a small family instead dining table you can use the bar counter, it will also serve as an additional work surface, storage place (photo above).

The game of interior shades and lighting for visualization

In the design of small kitchens important role play color and lighting. Basic rule: do not use more than two colors, avoid dark shades of walls (read how to choose their design, photo + video) and gender. Dark colors will compress, and light colors will expand the space. Light colors will give the necessary airiness, lightness. You can place accents with bright, colorful decor elements. The combination of matte and glossy materials will also add extra volume.

Ideal for walls White color(see also white kitchen) or milky tones. Good - beige (viewed here (with photo)), ivory, cream, etc. If you still prefer dark colors, then be sure to choose light furniture. It is optimal if the wall of the kitchen (how to choose - here) and the adjacent room are made in the same colors. in Khrushchev wallpaper in the kitchen should not be overloaded with a pattern. Washable wallpapers are ideal. You can play with the color of the furniture. It can be bright, colorful, or maybe a tone or two different from the color of the walls and floor.

Lighting plays a big role. The best option is a fairly large crystal chandelier ( tips for choosing here) in the dining area and spotlights above the work surface. Pay attention to the window: if it is narrow, then maybe it is worth expanding the window opening? The better the room is lit, the more spacious it should look.

Curtains should be light or the color of the furniture, not to the floor. Light fabrics look good - tulle, organza (read also Curtains on grommets and Hinged Curtains). Blinds are appropriate in the kitchen. Heavy curtains will look bad. Fabrics tend to quickly get dirty, absorb odors. Lightweight materials can be washed frequently and dry quickly.

No need to get carried away with an abundance of decorative elements, 3-5 bright details for 6 squares are enough.

Repair and its mistakes

A good design choice, if you started a renovation in a small kitchen, would be to make the space in the same style. Kitchen appliances, sink, other work surface should be located side by side, at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other. The room should not be cluttered with furniture and well lit.

It is bad when the room is burdened with the wrong selection of colors in the interior, there is a mixture of styles, there is no unity. The abundance of lockers, shelves will significantly narrow the space.

Typical mistakes include:

  • poorly thought out installation of sockets for electrical appliances;
  • unnecessarily large work surface;
  • hood with a massive air vent;
  • lack of free space.

Style selection


Laconic, nothing superfluous, as simple as possible. The color palette is neutral. Compact, multifunctional furniture. Lots of free space or high narrow cabinets to increase volume. Minimum decor, simple technique life. A contrasting, but restrained color option is possible.

High-tech kitchen in Khrushchev

The abundance of household "advanced" appliances, furniture with glossy surfaces, contrasting, bright color palette. Here you can take your soul away by creating original design. Shiny surfaces, glass, expensive appliances are a must. Maximum metal, minimum natural wood, an abundance of newfangled details.


Practical style. Maximum amount household appliances, metal. This is the most a budget option design, made from modern available materials, serves for a long time. Contrasting shades and interesting little things are irreplaceable.

Classic style

Furniture made of natural wood or “under it” (told here). Light color palette. The use of stucco elements. It is impossible to fully comply with the classics in a small kitchen. You can take some elements as a basis. This style is suitable for connoisseurs of vintage and the Victorian era. The abundance of wood carvings and porcelain is a great way to make your kitchen original.


Elegant light furniture, the presence of floral motifs in the design, light colors, the presence of flowers in pots, curtains in rustic style, dishes of different colors.

Window sill idea

A countertop window sill is a great solution for a small kitchen of 6 square meters. Disguises the heating battery, gives a place for storage. Such a tabletop plan eliminates the need to purchase and place a dining table and, therefore, significantly save space.

The kitchen set into a single unit with the surface can be connected using a countertop-sill. Whether it would be better to make a bar counter, a countertop with rounded shapes or rectangular ones, depends on the interior of the kitchen.

Geyser placement

As a rule, the geyser in such houses is skillfully built into the kitchen furniture. It can be placed in a wall cabinet above the worktop or simply above the work area. The column should not be placed near refrigerators, hoods, gas stove. The cabinet for the column must be purchased from special refractory materials. You can not make a locker at all, but place it between two wall cabinets, completing the false door that closes with a magnet after complete installation.

The kitchen in Khrushchev has two main drawbacks - a small area (from 5 to 7.5 sq. M) and low ceilings(2.5 - 2.7 m). And it is often gasified, that is, it has pipes and / or a geyser, which greatly spoil the interior. But we also have good news:

  • Firstly, the kitchens in most Khrushchev houses have non-load-bearing partitions, which means they can be easily rebuilt.
  • Secondly, the problem of small kitchens is so widespread that furniture manufacturers have long adjusted to it, and designers have developed a lot of ideas and effective solutions how to make a kitchenette cozy and functional.

Today we will talk about 13 ways to get the most out of a modest "Khrushchev" kitchen and present 90 photos of real interiors for your inspiration.

13 solutions for arranging a kitchen in Khrushchev

Solution 1. Combining the kitchen with the living room

This redevelopment option is not in vain so popular among Khrushchev owners, because it is simple, super-efficient and almost always allowed for non-gasified kitchens. Of course you won't carve out of nowhere additional meters, but at least you can take the dining table into the living room, thereby freeing up space for working area, and visually the kitchen will seem much more spacious. In addition, the combined premises are good because they create excellent conditions for family communication. So, for example, all family members can be next to each other, doing their own thing at the same time, and mothers get the opportunity to cook, looking after the children with one eye. Even home holidays and parties are more convenient and more fun to organize in the kitchen-living room.

An example of combining a kitchen and a hall in a one-room Khrushchev

  • However, there are also disadvantages - due to the lack of a partition from the kitchen, culinary smells will penetrate into the living room and soak all the textiles in the room. The same applies to “kitchen” noises, say, from released water, an extractor hood, a blender, a kettle, etc. Taking a nap lying on the couch while someone is actively cooking in the kitchen, or making noise while getting ready for work while everyone is sleeping, is unlikely to succeed. . If these shortcomings of the combined kitchen-living room are significant for you, consider Solution # 2 - moving the partition.

Before breaking the walls, you will have to go to the BTI, order a redevelopment project and agree on it (even if you are sure that the wall is not load-bearing).

Solution 2. Enlargement of the kitchen due to adjacent premises

If the combined kitchen-living room does not fit into your lifestyle in any way, or if your kitchen is gasified, then you can increase its area at the expense of adjacent premises - a living room, a pantry or a corridor. Thus, the kitchen will become a little larger, but remain isolated, which, frankly, is much more comfortable for living. Here are some ideas:

  • Most often, the kitchen is increased at the expense of the living room by moving the partition. Below is an example plan two-room apartment in Khrushchev before and after repair.

  • If the bathroom is combined with a toilet, the bath is replaced with a shower, and the partition is moved, then it will be possible to expand the kitchen or create a niche for the refrigerator. Such a project is not often legalized, but for those who live on the first floor, the chances are quite high. The photo below shows an example of a kitchen in Khrushchev, enlarged by a bathroom, a bathroom and a living room.

And this is what the bathroom looks like after redevelopment

Solution 3: Sliding doors or open doorway

Swing doors in the kitchenette take up a lot of usable space and generally clutter up the interior. You can, at a minimum, rearrange the hinges so that the door opens outwards, and as a maximum, replace the swing door with a folding or sliding one, as in the kitchen interior in the photo below.

If the kitchen is not gasified, you can completely remove the door, leaving the opening open and, perhaps, remake it into a beautiful arch, as shown in the next photo.

And one more piece of advice. When renovating a kitchen in Khrushchev, do not miss the opportunity to move the opening and / or narrow it a little (up to 80-70 cm). Even a couple of tens of free centimeters of the wall often play a big role.

Solution 4. Converting the window sill into a countertop

The window sill is that hidden reserve, by using which you can save space and make the kitchen more functional. But for this it needs to be slightly redone, namely, built into kitchen set or turn into a bar / table.

  • By integrating a window sill into a U-shaped and corner kitchen set, you can use it as a cutting table, while hiding the radiator and creating additional places storage. True, for this, during the repair process, you will have to slightly raise the window in order to bring the window sill to the level of floor pedestals.

  • Converting a window sill into a bar or dining table most often does not require raising the window, you just need to replace the window sill with a larger countertop and install one or two supports under it (if you are making a full-fledged table).

When redoing the window sill, make sure that warm air from the radiator to the window. To do this, in a new countertop, you need to do ventilation holes and arrange them with a decorative lattice. If this is neglected, most likely, the window will begin to fog up, which threatens to damage the finish and the occurrence of fungus and mold.

Decision 5. Bet on modern minimalism or simplified classics

The choice of interior style is a matter of taste, but small rooms are more advantageous and easier to decorate in a modern way. For example, in the Scandinavian or Japanese style, as well as in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or eco.

Below in the photo you can see an example of a kitchen design in Khrushchev, decorated in scandinavian style.

However, lovers of classics and ethnics should not give up their preferences. It is only necessary to simplify the chosen style a little, for example, by applying a minimum of decor, relying on light shades and reflective materials.

And here is an example of a kitchen design in Khrushchev, decorated in a lighter version of the ethnic style.

Solution 6: Light walls and furniture

In the perception of space, a lot depends on the color of the walls and overall furniture. An unmistakable way to enlarge the Khrushchev mini-kitchen is to decorate most of the interior in white.

  • If your kitchen lacks natural light or is crowded with furniture, bet on monochrome: paint the walls white, choose white suites, a dining table, and even curtains on the windows. So all the boundaries of space will be erased, and the kitchen will seem airy, even if it is very crowded. Do not worry about the complexity of maintenance, because in fact, light surfaces are even more practical than dark ones (with the exception of textiles) and visually make the environment more tidy. And in order to avoid the feeling of hospital sterility, you only need to combine with each other different shades white and combine spectacular textures and materials.

White kitchen in Khrushchev-studio

By the way, when there is no way to hide pipes and a water heater, white facades and walls, including an apron, help out a lot. Indeed, against such a background, engineering elements will simply not be noticeable.

  • If you want to fill the interior with color, combine white with one or two additional shades. Use too bright or dark tones only in accents, otherwise the small kitchen will only decrease.

  • By the way, dark colors can also visually enlarge the kitchen. To do this, you need to decorate them with vertical surfaces, for example, an apron, headset facades, a door or part of a wall, and decorate everything else with a light shade. As a result, the dark area will go deeper, making the space more voluminous.
  • If desired, the white color can be replaced with light gray, beige, gray-blue, pale green, pale yellow or cream.

Solution 7: Finishing with an optical illusion

To visually push the walls apart, the floor should be laid diagonally or, if the kitchen is narrow, across it. The most advantageous pattern for laying a wooden floor is in a herringbone or run-up pattern. It is important that the floorboards are not too wide and long, as they tend to "compress" the space. The color of the floor can be light or medium saturation - such coatings are easier to maintain and the area is increased. Similar principles work with wall decoration:

  • The problem of low ceilings (2.5-2.6 m high) typical for Khrushchevs can be solved by gluing wallpaper in a thin vertical strip or rhombus on one or two walls.

  • If the kitchen is narrow, but has ceilings no lower than 2.7 m, do exactly the opposite and paint one of the "end" walls in a horizontal strip to visually expand the room.
  • Wall mural with perspective convincingly deceive the eyesight and deprive the kitchen of a feeling of crowding. The main thing at the same time is to decorate most of the interior in a minimalistic and neutral way.

  • Designers often use trick with a mirror, facing them with an apron, part of the wall in the dining area or one of the walls completely. This technique works especially well if the window is reflected in the mirror, multiplying the light in the kitchen. Of course, mirrors require frequent cleaning, so if you often cook, ditch the mirror backsplash idea and place the mirror away from the stove and sink.

The more mirror surface the bigger and brighter the kitchen seems

  • With wallpaper with a large and bright pattern, it is worth decorating only one wall or a small section of the wall.

Solution 8. Corner or single-row headset to the ceiling

In a small kitchen in Khrushchev, a corner set or a single row is optimal.

  • The corner set is less compact than a single-row one, but it uses two walls and a corner, allowing you to organize more storage spaces and work surfaces. In addition, it is more convenient to cook with such a layout, because three working points (sink, refrigerator and stove) are located in a triangular pattern. At the same time, there is enough space in the kitchen for a dining area.

  • A single-row set is the most compact, therefore it is shown if the kitchen is very small (4-6 sq. M) or when the dining room capacity is a priority, not the working area.

However, if you move the dining room into the attached living room, there will be enough space for a U-shaped or two-row suite. The main thing in these layouts is a free passage between furniture with a width of at least 90 cm, and preferably 100-120 cm.

  • The U-shaped set fits well into square rooms. And although it is rather bulky, the kitchen turns out to be very convenient, because everything a cook needs is literally at hand. In a small kitchen in Khrushchev, a U-shaped set can be built using a window sill. In the next photo slider, you can see the interior of the kitchen with a similar layout and a dining area in the living room.

  • A two-row set is more suitable for narrow and elongated kitchens, it can also be very convenient (subject to a passage of 100-120 cm) and combined with a window sill.

No matter how you arrange your headset, we recommend that you include a few non-standard improvements in it:

  • It is better to make the curbstone at the aisle narrower and beveled, then it will become much more convenient to move around the kitchen.

  • To use the potential of a small kitchen to 100%, the set should be built up to the ceiling, hiding an air duct in an additional tier and arranging cabinets for things that you use only occasionally.
  • In the basement you can build a couple drawers and put in them all kinds of rolling pins, baking tins, baking sheets and other kitchen trifles.

  • Another argument in favor of purchasing a custom-made kitchen is the ability to hide a gas water heater behind the facade. Such a “locker” should not have a bottom or top, and a distance of at least 3 cm must be maintained from the column body to the cabinet walls. The photo below shows a clear, albeit not entirely correct, example of embedding a boiler in a headset.

Solution 9. Laconic facades

Do you want to achieve maximum lightness and airiness of the interior? Then choose solid facades without any decor, panels, prints and maybe even without handles. However, gloss or glass inserts will not be superfluous, because they reflect light and visually lighten bulky furniture.

Solution 10: Mini appliances

In the struggle for precious centimeters, mini-format technology will help out, and, perhaps, even without compromising functionality.

  • A dishwasher with a width of 45 cm - fully meets the needs of a family of 3-4 people. If 1-2 people live in an apartment, then an even smaller model will do - 35-40 cm wide.

  • The refrigerator with a width of 55 cm is quite roomy, as it compensates for the narrowness of the chamber with its high growth.
  • The oven (45 cm) can also be narrow.
  • A three-burner stove will cope with the needs of a standard family, while a two-burner stove will suit a couple or a single person. By the way, according to the old rules of SNiP, in the kitchen in Khrushchev, the stove should be exactly the mini format - with no more than three burners.

In addition to mini-equipment, it is worth equipping your mini-kitchen with multifunctional appliances. For example, when choosing a combine, give preference to a model that squeezes juice and chop meat, and you should choose an oven with a microwave oven function.

All appliances - from the microwave to the refrigerator - it is desirable to build. So the small kitchen will look orderly and not cluttered.

Solution 11. Compact and functional dining group

Only compact and functional furniture can make up a dining group for a small kitchen, otherwise it simply won’t fit.

  • For 1-2 people it will not be a problem to pick up a small sliding/folding table, which is easily increased in case of receiving guests.

  • For those who lead a mobile lifestyle, a bar counter or a folding wall table is suitable.
  • Table with folding wings that double the seating capacity

    • In the combined kitchen-living room, you can put the same bar counter, which will not only become a place for meals, but also divide the space into zones.

    • More traditional option round or oval table, which fits into the living room better than a rectangular or square table.

    • You can also put a transforming coffee table in the living room, which in an instant turns into a spacious table for 4-6 people.
    • Chairs should be small and lightweight. It would be nice if they were foldable or at least stacked on top of each other.

    • And we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at the invisible chairs made of polycarbonate. They are inexpensive, fit into any interiors, are very practical, and most importantly, they do not clutter up cramped rooms.

    Solution 12. Several small lamps instead of one chandelier

    Even the most cramped and crowded kitchen will seem more spacious and comfortable if you create the right lighting in it. And vice versa, no matter how well the kitchen design in Khrushchev is planned, bad light will greatly spoil its perception.

    • So, for example, the usual central lighting with one chandelier will create unnecessary shadows for us and “squeeze” a small kitchen even more.

    What to do? First, make sure that nothing interferes with the penetration of natural light during the day - neither things on the windowsill, nor tulle, nor curtains, nor furniture. Secondly, instead of one chandelier or in addition to it, install several spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling or wall sconces in several places in the kitchen. Thirdly, highlight the dining area with light by hanging a chandelier directly above the table or placing a sconce on the wall near the table. Thanks to this technique, kitchen gatherings will become more pleasant, and the interior will become more modern. And of course, do not forget about lighting the work area with furniture lighting.

    Example proper lighting very small kitchen in Khrushchev

    Solution 13: Short curtains

    If the kitchen faces north and there is a catastrophic lack of daylight, it is highly desirable to leave the window without curtains.

    In all other cases, the windows of a small kitchen should be decorated with light and short curtains with minimal assembly. For example, it can be Roman or roller blinds, cafe curtains, vertical or horizontal blinds or ordinary curtains, slightly covering the windowsill.

Every fourth housewife in the countries of the former USSR lives in Khrushchev and complains about the tiny size of the kitchen. Why was this room designed the way it was? Let's find the answer to this question. We will also find out what size the kitchen is in Khrushchev in meters and what are the ways to make it cozy and practical.

and how did they appear?

A similar name was popularly given to Soviet typical multi-storey panel, brick or mixed buildings. They were massively erected on the territory of the entire Union from the late 50s until 1985. Despite the many shortcomings that have to be disentangled to this day, it was thanks to them that most of the country was provided with its own housing.

The father of the Soviet Khrushchevs (so named because of the appearance of N. Khrushchev during his time in power) is Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko. Yes, yes, it didn’t seem to you, he is not a namesake, but the grandfather of the singer Ilya Lagutenko. It is thanks to him that we have exactly this size of the kitchen in Khrushchev. Brick, panel or mixed construction - there is no difference, all these types of buildings were built on the basis of the Lagutenko project. Although in more recent times other builders, engineers and architects have refined its original design.

Today, Khrushchev residents often criticize their creator. However, at the time of their appearance, they were a real industrial miracle and were pleasantly different from the stalins (houses designed and built during the time you guess who). The new prefabricated houses were not equipped with elevators and garbage chutes and also had low ceilings, narrow corridors, long wagon-like rooms, small bathrooms and kitchens. Despite this, in Stalinkas (we are talking about housing for workers, and not about elite apartments), there often could not be a bathroom at all, as well as water and gas pipelines. In addition to this, the ceilings were made of wood to save money.

The size of the kitchen in Khrushchev was only a meter different from Stalin's, if it was not about 4-7-room apartments.

It is worth knowing that Lagutenko took many ideas for his project from French and German colleagues, who had previously thought of building houses from separate reinforced concrete parts instead of bricks. One of these borrowings was the size of the kitchen. Indeed, even in difficult post-war times, many German and French workers (namely, these houses were built for them) preferred to eat in cafes. It was cheaper and easier than spending money to buy food and time to cook it, as people in the countryside did. So they did not need large kitchens. Therefore, such rooms were made with the expectation that a stove and a table could be placed there.

For Soviet citizens, the luxury of eating constantly in a cafe was available only on holidays or at the movies. As for the public catering system, this topic has already been sucked up from all sides by comedians of different eras.

What is the size of the kitchen in Khrushchev?

How many square meters did the hostess need to be happy, according to Soviet and European architects? As a rule, the size of the kitchen in Khrushchev in meters (the plan is below) ranged from 5.1 square meters. m to 6.8 sq. m. While in the workers' stalinkas it started from 7 sq. m. m.

For example, all rooms of this kind in the five-story series 1-464 (1960-1967) were 5.8 square meters. m.

The same size was in 1-434 (1958-1964) for houses built in 1958, 1959 and 1961. While in 1960 the same series had slightly larger rooms - 6.2 square meters. m. And in 1964 - again 5.7 m.

According to the plan, the size of the kitchen in Khrushchev is 6 square meters. m (more precisely, 6.2) were in all apartments of the 1-335 series, which arose in 1963-1967.

In 1-434C (1958-1964) leapfrog began again and the footage could reach from 5.2 sq. m to 6.1 sq. m.

Thus, the difference in size in different years was very insignificant. It varied up to 1 sq. m. And the location of the apartment did not particularly affect this. So, the dimensions of the corner kitchen in Khrushchev were equal to the footage of similar rooms located in the middle of the building.

Some modern apartments, traditionally called Khrushchevs, are equipped with kitchens of 7 or more square meters. However, this size is not typical for classical dwellings of this kind.

Kitchen layout features

Although there are several options for planning apartments in such houses, the kitchens in them were built according to the same principle in all years. To prove this, it is enough to consider any kitchen plan in Khrushchev. The size (in meters) in this case does not play a role. In both five- and six-meter rooms, depending on the location of the whole house, the stove was placed either to the right or to the left of the window. This was done to ensure fire safety. Through the window, the fire can be seen faster from the street and it is easier to extinguish.

Next to the stove was a gas column. Before its appearance, this place was occupied by various furnaces, etc. In the corner is a sink. Its similar placement was due to its proximity to the bathroom.

The table was supposed to be placed against another wall, so there were batteries near it. It was both a place to eat and a work surface.

Also in such a kitchen it was supposed to place a cupboard where dishes and some food were to be stored. Nothing more was provided here.

It is this layout that determines such an impractical size of the kitchen in Khrushchev panel, brick or combined. It is worth noting that for its time it was an incredible breakthrough. After all, residents of communal apartments with shared bathrooms and kitchens, as well as people from villages, settled in such apartments. Both the comforts of the house, plumbing, central heating, and electrical were new.

Integral details of the kitchen in Khrushchev

The size of this room is not its only integral attribute. Although the design of Lagutenko has changed a little over the years, almost all kitchens in Khrushchev have a number distinctive features:

  • Refrigerator under the window. Its depth varies depending on the year of construction. The minimum thickness of the wall in this place is half a brick. In some cases, the refrigerator was supplemented with a through hole-vent.
  • Window to the bathroom under the ceiling. Despite its small size (40 cm), its location (neatly opposite the street window) allowed a little light in the bathroom, even without turning on the light there. In addition to this purpose, it served to ventilate the room. Because of this, it was made openable.
  • Wardrobe mezzanine above the door. Stocks of cereals, salt and matches for a rainy day or conservation for the winter were usually put here. In fact, the mezzanine was a very stripped-down version of the pantry.
  • Geyser. Unlike bedside tables and windows, this attribute was typical for later periods. Columns were installed only in those houses that were gasified or did not have hot water supply. Despite the many inconveniences, such devices today remain cheaper and more practical than electric water heaters. Therefore, they are not in a hurry to part with them.

Problematic appliances

Even the proud owners of a kitchen in Khrushchev with a size of 6 square meters. m, as well as less fortunate colleagues from 5 sq. m, still complain about the impossibility of placing large household appliances like a refrigerator there. Theoretically, it can be installed, but in practice it turns out to be a dilemma: either keep a refrigerator in the kitchen, or eat it here. And if you put both a table and a refrigerator, there is very little space left even just to stand for one person, not to mention the whole family.

The trouble is that when the unforgettable Lagutenko designed his panel houses, honestly "borrowed" from European colleagues, no one imagined that such a device would be placed in such apartments. Instead, cabinet-refrigerators were developed under the windows, where builders of later periods gladly stuffed batteries.

Another problematic appliance that is often put in kitchens today is the washing machine. The fact is that the size of the Khrushchev bathrooms does not allow placing this technique there. And not everyone wants to knock out the wall between the toilet and the bathroom in order to gain a few meters and in this way "settle" a "washer" here. And as an option remains the kitchen.

IN last years Another voluminous appliance has appeared, the placement of which in the kitchen requires special ingenuity - a dishwasher. Although small-sized similar devices exist, it is also not easy to fit them into the above-mentioned quadrature.

Practical or pretty?

Despite the tiny footage, if you approach it wisely, Khrushchev's kitchen can be made comfortable and beautiful. However, it is often difficult to fit both of these requirements into one project. After all, a tiny footage allows you to either make the kitchen functional or stylish. Why is that? Question for fashion. Now everyone is striving for the stylish minimalism that is characteristic of Japanese homes.

Trying to be in trend, they forget that the kitchen is primarily a work space. So, its functionality should be in the first place. Therefore, throw out most of the lockers from it, leaving beautiful table, stove, microwave and a tiny refrigerator, maybe fashionable, but not very practical. And you have to make sure of this after the first arrival from the store or trying to cook something. Suddenly it turns out that the bought / cooked does not fit in such a stylish, but small-sized refrigerator or there are simply not enough work surfaces.

On the other hand, if you prioritize only functionality, it often turns out that although it is convenient to cook and store food in the kitchen in Khrushchev, you don’t feel like eating there at all.

Is it possible to somehow combine both practicality and beauty? Definitely yes, though it will take a lot of effort.

Below are the most popular options for how to place everything you want in the kitchen in Khrushchev and keep it cozy.


In the last decade, this design solution is gaining more and more popularity. Its essence is that the door to the corridor is walled up and the passage becomes a niche for the refrigerator. At the same time, the wall or part of it between the kitchen and the room is removed. So the living room begins to fulfill the role of the kitchen.

  • Fits refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher.
  • There is no need to put a table in the kitchen, because it is transferred to the living room.
  • It is convenient to combine communication with family and cooking.
  • You don’t need a separate TV for the kitchen; with the right layout, the one in the living room will be visible from this room.
  • To unite both rooms, you will have to demolish the wall and figure out how to rearrange what relied on it.
  • Without a door, the living room and the furniture in it can stink of kitchen aromas.
  • Because of this neighborhood, more garbage will appear in the room.

Combination with a balcony

This tip will be a real lifesaver. However, it is not suitable for residents of the first floors, since in most Khrushchevs they do not have balconies. Also, its implementation is problematic for those buildings that have access to the loggia not from the kitchen, but from another room.

In other cases, it will solve many problems. Moreover, there are two design options: remove the doors and the window between the kitchen and the balcony, or leave it as it is, moving part of the situation there.

There are options in which a stove and a crane are transferred to the balcony. However, one must be extremely careful with such experiments.

  • More footage, you can place everything you need.
  • The balcony can be turned into a dining room.
  • Best Lighting rooms and its ventilation.
  • This method is not available to everyone.
  • If the balcony is not sufficiently insulated, it will be cold in winter. So you have to take care of installing an additional battery.
  • Laundry drying on the balcony can smell like a kitchen.

Window sill table

Unlike the previous ones, this method will not add extra meters, but it will allow you to use the existing ones more rationally. Its essence is that the window sill is extended and it turns into a table-rack and an additional work surface.

  • Eliminates the need to allocate space for a dining table.
  • An additional working surface with good natural light.
  • Such a window sill-table requires additional support.
  • You can not use curtains - only fabric or short tulle.


This method can be the most affordable for any kitchen in Khrushchev. In addition, zoning goes well with all of the above options.

Its essence is in dividing the kitchen into a working part and a place to relax. As a rule, the first zone occupies 3 walls (including the one with a window). For compactness, cabinets and household appliances are distributed as much as possible over the entire surface of the walls, from the floor to the ceiling, often even occupying the space above the window, where curtains are traditionally placed.

The free wall (opposite the corridor) is equipped with a small table. Sometimes a shelf with a TV.

  • Everything is placed.
  • No need to make drastic changes in repairs (hollow walls, change plumbing, sockets, digest batteries).
  • In the first place - functionality, less beauty.
  • There is very little space left. It is convenient to be only one person in the kitchen.

Bad Advice to Avoid When Designing a Design Project

In conclusion, considering the topic of the size of the kitchen in Khrushchev, as well as how to arrange it, you should pay attention to some design decisions that will do more harm than good.

Even at the design stage of these most notorious houses, many ideas, and the very construction of buildings from finished parts, were borrowed from colleagues from near and far abroad (USA, France, Germany). As often happens, borrowings were made without taking into account the peculiarities of Soviet realities. For example, the climate in Germany and France is noticeably warmer than in most of the republics of the USSR. Therefore, the inhabitants of their "Khrushchev" with naked panel walls not as cold in winter as their Soviet counterparts.

Even the appearance of a tiny kitchen in Khrushchev (the size of which is still considered quite acceptable for many Europeans today) is the result of such blind copying. Therefore, creating own project arranging this room, you should try to avoid following trends.

What are some of these tips for arranging a kitchen in Khrushchev measuring 5-6 square meters? m should be classified as harmful?

  • Placement of a washbasin by the window. At first glance, this layout seems to be successful. Its adherents claim that, while washing the dishes, the hostess will admire the view from the window (apparently, to the neighboring Khrushchevs). In practice, to move the washbasin to the window, you need to rebuild the entire plumbing system in the kitchen. Because of this, it will pass under the window. And there the wall is thinner because of " Khrushchev refrigerator". So in the cold winter, there is a high probability of water freezing in the pipes or simply their rapid wear.
  • Masking the column with a locker. Despite the fact that the modern Chinese industry produces a wide variety of designs of such accessories, not all housewives like to put them on public display. Therefore, they are often hidden in wall cabinets, not taking into account that the air circulation in the heating element of the device is disturbed in this way. As a result, the column ignites poorly and quickly goes out.
  • Battery clutter. Such a design decision leads to a decrease in the amount of heat given off by them. At the same time, gas / electricity consumption will be at the same level.
  • Long curtains / tulle in the kitchen - it's beautiful. But not just impractical, but a fire hazard. After all, the plates are located to the right or left of the window, which means the potential for fire. It would be wiser to limit yourself to short curtains, blinds or fabric roller blinds.
  • No doors in the kitchen. This is practical only when it is only used to boil a kettle or heat up food. If you cook soups, borscht, fry potatoes, fish, or, God forbid, heat lard, the whole atmosphere stinks of these aromas. So, if you want to pamper yourself with arches, you should either equip them with sliding doors, or install a very, very powerful hood.

The kitchen of 5 m2 is quite compact. However, it can become extremely convenient if you approach the issue creatively. Many see the main problem in being able to place a refrigerator, hob, sink, storage cabinets and a dining table in addition to such a small space.

So let's take a pencil

To begin with, let's face it honestly and write it down on a piece of paper so as not to forget anything.

  1. How often do you go shopping?
  2. How often do you cook?
  3. How many people are in your family? How often do you use all 4 burners? Maybe two is usually enough for you?
  4. How many people should be seated at one table in the kitchen?
  5. How many dishes are constantly in use?
  6. Can some of the kitchen utensils be moved to the balcony, pantry, or any other storage location?

Now you can start designing the kitchen.

Working triangle

Now we take a tape measure and measure our walls. If the length of the street wall is 2.5 m, then the remaining wall is 2 m. So, one wall with a window and the opposite wall with a door. In total, we have 8 m of linear walls along which our set with a refrigerator can be placed. Usually one wall goes under the dining area. There is not much left.

What you need to distribute in the kitchen without fail:

  • Refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Washing machine - 60 cm.
  • Gas stove - 60 cm.
  • Sink - 60 cm.

Total, 2.4 m for household appliances with a sink. Let's try to fit this into our space. Upper cabinets can be placed as your heart desires, the main thing to remember is that it is better to place a dish dryer above the sink, and an extractor hood above the stove.

If possible, washing machine Better take it to the bathroom. However, for her, you can contrive to find a place.

Costly option

The refrigerator can be taken out into a mini-corridor in a niche, which we cut off from the bath by installing a shower cabin. You will have to go through the dismantling of the wall, repairing the bathroom and abandoning the bath. But we win a place in the kitchen for a full table.

Cunning with arrangement

We put the refrigerator by the window, the sink in the corner, and the stove near the entrance. It is convenient that there is a fairly spacious countertop. It is possible to put a washing machine near the refrigerator.

But in terms of security, this option has a drawback, because. at the entrance, you can accidentally shove boiling water from the stove onto your feet. This is easily solved by adding a small side, about 15-20 centimeters, which will protect against accidents.

The second version of the refrigerator by the window also causes rather controversial judgments. So, the refrigerator is standing near the window, 10 cm from it is a stove, behind it a sink lurks through a cabinet with drawers in the corner, and near the door a narrow tabletop 40 cm leans on the lower cabinet. For safety reasons, the corner is rounded and equipped with open shelves.

The refrigerator needs high-quality cooling of the rear grille. She is always hot. If there is a stove with an oven nearby, then a problem arises. For a long service life of cooling devices, it is necessary to install them away from heating devices. Also, do not put them near radiators and heating pipes.

The void between the stove and the refrigerator can be filled with cargo.

What if you think about it?

The minimized version provides a comfortable dining area and an ultra-compact set.

Refrigerator, sink and stove line up along the side wall. Opposite the entrance in the corner by the window is located dinner Zone. In this case, you can put a kitchen corner in which you can put a lot of all kinds of utensils, organize the storage of dry products there, for example, groceries.

The dining table will act as a cutting surface during cooking.

And if you need spacious storage boxes?

The stove and sink can be placed along the street wall with a window. The refrigerator in this case will stand in a free corner.

Thus, spacious cabinets and a spacious work surface are added. Especially if you use a built-in oven and a domino cut-in hob instead of a stove.

Cramped and want space?

Let's try to build a working triangle along the window. Cold zone opposite the door. Next is a sink, a small cabinet and a stove. In the free corner is a chic table with a soft corner.

If you put a table along the wall from the door, and behind it a wide cabinet, in front of them there is a refrigerator, a spacious wardrobe, a sink in the corner and another part of the headset along a short wall. At the same time, wall cabinets will occupy three walls, absorbing all the accumulated goodness of the hostess.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then the task is simplified, and the suite grows. You are getting full kitchen with cabinets, a chic countertop and a refrigerator looking at the door from the window.

If you upgrade this option, you can build a place for lunch near the window, where you can have a bite to eat together.

And what about the washing machine?

It can be placed between the sink and the stove.

Or between the mini fridge and sink under hob. And the oven will move to a convection microwave.

Take a closer look at mini refrigerators that can be installed under the countertop. They take up little space. But you can win the desired cutting plane.

If you build a solid frame, then this option is also possible:

In this case, the main thing is that the frame on which the refrigerator rests can withstand the weight of the unit and products. If this pencil case is continued upwards, then several shelves can be added.

Do you still think that 5 sq. meters is a hopeless sentence? Then look for a competent designer who will help you create comfort in this space. Better yet, take a closer look at how these tasks are solved on a more modest area in European mini-apartments and tini houses. This is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for compact kitchens.

Kitchen interiors 5 sq m with a refrigerator in the photo in real apartments

See examples of renovations in small kitchens and get ideas.

Corner kitchen 5 sq m

White corner kitchen 5 sq m

Stylish kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

An example of a kitchen 5 to m with a refrigerator and a geyser. The column is closed with a white box.

Use the additional features of corner cabinets

Kitchen 5 sq m with refrigerator and washing machine

Jul 28, 2017 Werri

Have you noticed that often conversations about apartments begin with traditional questions: “how many rooms?”, And “what is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen?”. And the question of quadrature does not surprise anyone. Firstly, the kitchen has already become not only a place for eating, but rather a place for a common gathering of the whole family. Secondly, the variety of offers of modern kitchen furniture surrounding us sometimes makes us regret the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - how to “shove” the proposals of furniture and kitchen appliances developers into the interior of a kitchen of 6 sq. m in Khrushchev. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. See 50 photos of design ideas small kitchen.

How to arrange a refrigerator, gas stove, sink, microwave and much more, from the mere sight of which the hostesses are dizzy. And on top of that, there is also a dining table for three to four people. Therefore, the owners of Khrushchev houses toil because of the small area and not always successful planning in their apartments. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev is a large " headache". However, I exist best options allowing for successful placement necessary equipment and furniture even in the interior of the Khrushchev kitchen 6 sq.

Watch the video: The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. 50 photos of small kitchen design ideas

Some options include expanding the space by redevelopment of the kitchen and living room. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the wall between the rooms and install the bar counter in its place. Other options are more benign, not requiring capital work. For example, replacing a gas stove with a hob. In this case, you can “attach” an oven or dishwasher under the hob. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev photo:

The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev

In any case, the main emphasis should be placed on the optimal arrangement of furniture, then a lot of equipment will fit and there will be enough free space. Small kitchen interior design - ideal option is the production of kitchen furniture to order. Fortunately, there are plenty of relevant firms today, and computer programs allow you to choose the most good option sketch of furniture kitchen set.

Instead of a regular dining table, you can install a folding or retractable table or bar counter. You can also use the window sill as a dining table, having previously expanded it to right size. It may be successful to use pull-out modules with drawers equipped with wheels. The corner layout of the furniture will allow you to realize the idea of ​​​​reducing the depth floor cabinets installed near adjacent walls. At the same time, the depth of cabinets, in the countertop of which appliances or a sink is not built in, can be reduced to 40 centimeters. 20 centimeters is also a tangible savings for a kitchen of 6 squares. Interior of a small kitchen photo:

Believe the options to turn small room in a comfortable, practical and rational kitchen abound.

Small kitchen interior design

How often designers are happy to give their advice on how best to equip huge kitchen-dining rooms. What should people do who are forced to be content with tiny kitchenettes - the problems of ordinary "Khrushchev"? Such a tiny place is allotted for cooking, as well as eating in such a “masterpiece of the thaw era”, residents of large families often have to dine in turns. Kitchen interior in Khrushchev photo:

Whatever one may say, there is no need to despair. Even the interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev can be turned into a functional, comfortable and beautiful room. The main thing is to correctly develop the interior design of a small-sized kitchen, and then find a manufacturer who will be able to bring your idea to life.

Since every centimeter counts in the kitchen area of ​​a small apartment, it is necessary to use it strictly for its intended purpose, thereby squeezing out the maximum functionality. It is important to know and take into account all the features of the design. For example, it is highly undesirable to clutter up the room with heavy furniture. No matter how exclusive and expensive the headset may seem, because of its bulkiness, a small kitchenette can turn into a closet. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev photo:

Interior design of a small kitchen in classical style, which implies the use of contrasting elements, is undoubtedly the best option. Using small cabinets, large shelves, transparent surfaces of cold colors and mirrors, you can visually increase the volume of the room, expand the interior space of the Khrushchev kitchen 6 sq. M. to the entrance.

As for headsets, linear and corner models kitchens. To achieve free and functional design, it is strongly recommended to order furniture with ready-made connectors for household appliances. washing machine you can always pick up a stove and oven small size in order to save space. Built-in is very popular today kitchen furniture effectively saving room space. The interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev photo, created using the built-in headset, will become functional and neat.

Additional furniture lighting is also important, which can bring special originality. With the help of light sources placed on the walls or under furniture, in cabinets, amazing effects can be achieved. It is not recommended to use more than three colors when decorating a small kitchen, as this can “overload” the room, making it several times smaller visually. Interior of a small kitchen photo: