Toilet      04.03.2020

How to make a countertop window sill in the kitchen: the choice of ideas and materials for its implementation. Window sill as a countertop in the kitchen: ways to get extra space How to change a plastic window sill to a countertop

The main disadvantage of small apartments is the lack of sufficient space, so here it is necessary to select best options distribution of free space. To one of these practical and relevant solutions refers to the window sill countertop, which is a continuation of the usual window sill panel. This option can be implemented in a large and small room, nursery, in the kitchen. There are a lot of design solutions, but which one to choose will depend on the specific interior, the area and configuration of the room, the thickness of the main wall, and the personal preferences of the owner of the apartment or house.

When a countertop from a window sill is relevant

The decision to make a countertop combined with a window sill is suitable in the following cases:

  • When the window opening has large dimensions in depth - at least 40 cm. This option is the simplest and most inexpensive, since the protruding part of the board is not necessarily equipped with a support, but when the width is increased to 60 cm or more, it can go into the surface of the curbstone or table.
  • Insufficient amount of natural light entering the room or kitchen, then a countertop is created specially at the window, smoothly turning into the window sill.
  • When you need to combine several pieces of furniture in order to preserve the style of the interior. This option is suitable if kitchen furniture, children's or bedroom set are located along greater wall with a window and a gap in the elements of the headset will break the single line of design.
The tabletop combined with the window sill increases working space

The undeniable advantage of this option is that harmony is maintained between the furniture present and additional elements, in particular a countertop combined with a window sill. In addition to increasing the working surface and improving aesthetic performance, increased convenience and comfort are created.

Materials for manufacturing

The most original solution is the installation of a universal countertop on the windowsill, which performs two functions. To create it, you can use different materials, therefore, this issue should always be approached seriously, because it depends on how comfortable and durable the surface will be. It is also necessary to take into account in which room it is planned to install a new combined panel or replace an old window sill with a countertop.

The market offers a large number of materials that are suitable for the manufacture of window sill boards in the form of countertops. It could be:

  • natural or fake diamond;
  • Different types of wood;
  • chipboard and MDF;
  • Plastic, including acrylic coated.

Each of the above materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, one should take into account what loads the window sill countertop will withstand, and what factors will affect it: mechanical stress, high humidity, the presence of fat accumulations in the air.

Natural stone is the most reliable and durable, therefore it is suitable for a window sill in the kitchen..

The most durable window sills are made from natural stone

The main advantages of the material are:

  • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • high levels of aesthetics;
  • resistance to fading even when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • high thermal stability;
  • durability.

Among the disadvantages: heavy weight, high price, difficulty in processing.

An alternative to natural stone is an artificial analogue, for the manufacture of which special materials are used.. With an artificial stone countertop, you can not be afraid for applying different kind mechanical damage, liquid spilled on the surface (tea, coffee, wine), you can put hot dishes. Despite the high price compared to other materials, there is a choice of more available option.

Surfaces made of artificial stone are not afraid of mechanical influences

Wood is practically not used in the kitchen, but can be used under a window sill in a room or on a balcony.. The disadvantages are: exposure to moisture, mechanical stress, the need for special care.

Wooden window sill countertop is most often installed in a room or on a balcony

Budget option - chipboard or MDF, which can be used to create countertops in the kitchen and in the room. Despite the presence of some disadvantages (lack of heat resistance, susceptibility to mechanical stress), there are also advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • simple care;
  • aesthetics;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • affordable price.

The most affordable material for a countertop window sill is plastic.

The design of the kitchen, room, balcony fits well with a plastic worktop combined with a window sill. This is a material that is resistant to moisture and thermal effects, which is the most affordable at a cost. Plastic is presented in a wide variety of textures, acrylic counterparts especially benefit in design.

How to mount with your own hands

In order to cope with the task and make a suitable type of countertop with your own hands, you need to stock up on tools and buy the appropriate material. But for starters, it is advisable to make a drawing of the future window sill, turning into a countertop, and measure all the details.

The accuracy of the calculations is very important, since the future table must correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and fulfill its functions.

There are several mounting methods:

  • adjoining to an existing board;
  • creating a solid slab that is cut to the desired size.

In the first variant, it is necessary to ensure a snug fit between the two canvases. If the material is a stone, then the joining edges are smeared with a sealer with a hardener (1: 2), after which the two parts are quickly moved and the joint is polished. Table tops serve as support.

A panel made of other materials will look more aesthetically pleasing as a solid sheet, which is cut to size and looks monolithic.

Almost under every window there is a heating radiator and if it is impossible to move it to another place, then when installing a window sill-countertop, this moment must be taken into account and special holes must be created.

How to replace an ordinary window sill in the kitchen with a countertop

A window sill is installed in the kitchen after the old panel is dismantled. This is one of the best solutions in a small kitchen, since the element does not take up free space, you can build a transforming structure when the top of the table is folding and folds when not needed.

A countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen solves the problem of maintaining design kitchen set, which, when separated, loses its attractiveness. And since the small kitchen does not allow it to be installed elsewhere, this is one of the best options. It is necessary to select the material and color for the interior of the kitchen and only then proceed to work. It is possible in a short time in the kitchen with your own hands to turn a window sill into work surface or dining table.

Installation in the nursery and in the rooms

Not less than functional solution- window sill countertop in the room. Such a model is a continuation of the window and can be used as a place for a child to study. The continuation of the window sill in the nursery allows you to use the surface for various purposes, for example, to store toys, and schoolchildren can place educational supplies, books, CDs.

In the children's window sill, the tabletop can simultaneously serve as a study table

This is also the only solution for a small room, because a variety of items or a shelf in the form of a small whatnot can be easily placed on an additional platform. For the realization of these goals, a wooden table top, which goes well with a desk, is quite suitable. The part can be adjacent to the window sill or a kind of step is made when the window sill is lower or higher than the level of the countertop. The transition element must be fastened at the junction with the window sill.

Table-top-sill on the balcony

Replacing the window sill on the balcony is associated with installation window construction and this is the best moment when you can completely change the interior and apply a modern approach. For example, if the additional area is originally planned to be used as an office, then you can install a countertop, which will be a continuation of the nightstand or desk. Look very original corner models, where docking is carried out not along the length of the balcony, but from the end. For creating interesting solution you can lower or raise the window sill.

Window sill countertop on the balcony is used as an original design solution

When choosing a material, one must proceed from the features this room. In terms of performance, plastic is best suited, including those with an acrylic coating, as well as artificial stone.. The use of a wooden analogue made of beech, oak, ash, cherry is not excluded. Such a table-top window sill fits well into the interior if there is no window and a door to the balcony, and it was installed instead of a window sill in the room. In this case, it must be in harmony with design solution rooms and balconies.

If you have questions about how to make a tabletop out of a window sill, and how to replace a window sill, you should not spoil the material and waste time - it is better to entrust the installation on the balcony, in the room or in the kitchen to specialists.

Tell me, please, what can you say in practice about the system of using the windowsill space as tables? extending it accordingly.

Window sills are large - stalinka.

IDEA: partially or all

1) baby workplace 2 pieces at the window from the window sill

2) extending the kitchen countertop to the window and using it as a bar counter? (we don’t want to bring the kitchen itself there, as this increases the cost quite a lot and adds work)

3) the allocation of the working area in the bedroom on the windowsill?

How much more expensive / cheaper than a regular workplace?

Or don't bother? lost mobility?

Do radiators dry your eyes in winter? Is there a hole above the battery?

Sunny side. Even more precisely southern.

Do not transfer batteries.

Photo for example


These are options when a workplace is located by the window, but regardless of the window sill.

Working area by the window in the nursery

Table-sill in the kitchen - how to equip the room? + video

If your dining room is very small, that even “there is nowhere for an apple to fall”, and there is simply not enough space for the table, then you can get out of the situation with the help of a window sill, which will act as a countertop in the kitchen. To adapt an ordinary window sill for these purposes is not a difficult task, experts assure.

Construction in the kitchen

Miniature table or stand - you decide. It is this option for converting window sills in the kitchen that experts advise using. Elements of window construction can be successfully used instead of countertops. The advantage of such a transformation is in saving space, money (you do not need to purchase a countertop or table), in practicality and in the ability to apply your design talents.

You can easily use the window sill as a table in the kitchen, and to complete the overall picture, you can always pick up chairs that fit under such a “false tabletop”. It will depend on your own design whether the window sill will smoothly go into the table, or vice versa, a specially selected table will replace the window sill for you.

The window sill, as a detail of the lower part of the window opening, has long become both an interior item and a multifunctional element that beautifully emphasizes the decoration and originality of your home. And if in the version with an ordinary window sill we can decorate it with flowers and photographs, then in the kitchen, a countertop window sill will delight you with even more functions. Now it will be not only an important part of the window and interior decoration but also an element of kitchen furniture.

If you want to get a modern apartment - experiment!

Nowadays, with a large number of materials and design ideas you only need to have money, desire and an apartment in order to make candy out of your home. Alternatively, you can use the window sill not only in the form of a table, but also children's corner(with a lot of toys and a secluded and safe place for your baby), as a library with shelves of books and even as a folding part under ironing board. Such a beautiful part of the interior can amaze you with its practicality.

At the same time, remaining, in fact, part of the element of the window structure, the window sill will prevent the penetration of cold into the apartment and prevent heat from leaving your room from the inside. As in the usual version, it will create convenience for washing glasses and allow you not to worry too much about a possible sudden breakdown, since the material for such a design is sufficiently resistant to stress.

It is easiest to come up with a system for multifunctional use from a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) profile. However, products made of wood, laminated MDF board or natural stone can also be used. The ease of use of a PVC profile lies in the fact that, as a rule, such window sills are cut to order only at the installation site, and you can buy them in the form of long processed window sill boards (usually such canvases standard thickness and width).

If you decide to base natural wood

For such window sills, wood of various species is used, and therefore it is much easier to roam here with a color scheme - you can choose natural material and give preference to beech, oak, ash, chestnut, mahogany, pine. The wood treated with a wax layer makes the product waterproof, and drying preserves the environmentally friendly material. Most often, products made of beech, pine, ash, cherry and oak are in demand. Pine will cost you cheaper, cherry is the most expensive.

If you prefer chipboard and MDF ...

The great demand for such window sills is explained by the fact that they are made of waterproof materials. Their wear resistance is great, they also do not need special care. Colors and patterns of your choice - can be both “stone-like” and “natural wood-like”. Naturally, the price will be much lower than for a window sill made of natural materials.

Such an element of the interior can be washed, but one must be careful - if the protective coating is broken, such products will quickly swell and deform. In addition, during installation, in order to avoid delamination of the board, the edges of the window sill should be processed silicone sealant.

PVC window sill kitchen table

Like PVC profiles, these window sills are waterproof and not afraid of sunlight. They are durable, fire resistant, have a tough and solid construction. If you don't want solid color, you can choose decorative pattern, for example "under the stone." This option, both in terms of price and “endurance” of the product, suits many owners. Such products are not afraid of mechanical damage (unless, of course, you specifically try to damage the board with something heavy), ultraviolet and moisture.

Protection at such a window sill under a layer of glossy or lacquer coating. Considering that the coating has no pores, it is very easy and convenient to wash it (only abrasive products cannot be used). Docking profiles and end caps can be found in any hardware store, in addition additional convenience in that it is possible to order products up to 6000 mm long and up to 600 mm wide (usually 18-22 mm thick).

Window sills instead of natural stone countertops

For such purposes, you can use marble, onyx, granite. The material will last a long time, but it will also cost a lot. Only craftsmen can work with such products (who, by processing blocks, bring the stone to the final result desired by the customer). Sometimes questions arise with color, since the same breed can turn out to be of different colors. Expert advice - pay attention to the veins on the stone itself - the more there are, the more likely the appearance of cracks.

Often they order a harder stone - granite, however, there is a danger that your table from the windowsill can harm the health of your family members (granite tends to accumulate radiation). Therefore, always ask what safety class the material was provided to you (you only need the 1st).

But marble has no problems with radiation, just as future owners have no problems with the choice of colors - it is diverse and can be both light and dark tones. Just do not spill acidic and coloring liquids on the marble board - otherwise, because of wine, tea or coffee, you will have to change the entire window sill.

Onyx will amaze you with its ability to transmit light and create lighting in the room. Agree that such a table from the windowsill in the kitchen will definitely pleasantly surprise your relatives, friends and guests. But, as with any stone, you need to be careful - scratches and cracks may appear.

Countertop in the kitchen in the form of a window sill made of artificial stone

A product made of mineral filler and polymer resin can serve you for quite a long time, and the use of dyes will help create a unique pattern with different shades.

Heat-resistant, durable, does not darken and is not afraid of liquid stains - these are the main advantages of such a material. The price is lower compared to natural stone, in addition, it is very difficult to “achieve” cracks ( artificial marble unlike real marble, it can remain crack-free for many years).

How to convert a table from a window sill in the kitchen?

Experiments with window sills can be continued. And if we take the previous models as a basis, then you can manage to make a socket for the sink in the windowsill, arrange a Japanese corner with figurines and flowers, or set up a mini-winter garden, transform it into a zoo corner with a house for your pet, or even install a sports wall! In general, it all depends on you!

So, are you ready to replace the countertops in the kitchen with a window sill table? Then you can calculate the options. The choice is yours!

How can a window sill be used?

During the replacement of windows, window sills also have to be changed. The first one that comes across is not worth taking right away if there is nowhere to rush.

First consider: is it possible to use window space in any other way than in the usual way. For example, if you place a countertop window sill, you will get additional space for tea drinking and work.


A countertop-sill in a small kitchen will be an excellent solution. Firstly, in small rooms it is very important competent planning so as not to clutter up the space. If the window openings in your apartment are very deep, then the window sill takes up a lot of space with little or no use. Winter Garden on the windowsill - no doubt, very beautiful, but in a small kitchen, a countertop instead of a windowsill will be more practical. In this case, the window sill can be turned into a dining table or a bar counter (if the window sill is high).

In this scenario, from the usual dining table and you can completely refuse if you move it to another room. The freed up space can be used for a dishwasher or for other needs.

For very small kitchens, folding racks can be used. While the hostess is cooking, the wider half of the countertop can be moved down so that it does not interfere, and when cooking is finished, raise the countertop and set it on one or two supports. A folding table in the kitchen is convenient with a wide window sill: since there is still nowhere to go from the window sill, but in the unfolded state such a table will be larger, since the size of the window sill is also attached. Such a bar counter can be organized according to the same principle, where the dark part above the radiator will serve as a window sill.

The countertop instead of the window sill in the kitchen can be used in another way. As a rule, the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen is not located near the window. But often, for a more rational organization of the kitchen, the working area should be moved there. Sometimes the layout develops in such a way that the most convenient location for the kitchen set is on the wall with a window. In such cases, a standard window sill above the kitchen countertop will be completely out of place. The best solution would be a solid countertop along with a window sill. And stylish, and beautiful, and practical. The only difficulty may arise: the insufficient height of the window sill to combine it with the countertop.

A countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen will be the best option even if the kitchen furniture is located near two or even three walls of the kitchen. To combine a kitchen set in one line, kitchen cabinets, located on different sides, unites the window sill-tabletop, which make up a single whole.

Window sill - countertop for the kitchen: from what?

The table-top - a window sill is most often made of an artificial acrylic stone - Corian. The fact is that acrylic window sills and countertops are quite light, and you can make a product of any shape and size without visible seams.

For the kitchen are popular and wide window sills from agglomerates and cast marble. But the size of such countertops will be limited due to the large weight. To combine a huge kitchen and a long window sill space using a single countertop will not work: you will need to connect several parts. But the seams look almost invisible - it is fair to say. Among the disadvantages of composite countertops - window sills is only the fact that they can only be of a simple form.

Slightly less suitable but more a budget option for a window sill tabletop - it is MDF or laminated chipboard. There are more original versions - for example, a single sheet of MDF, chipboard, moisture-resistant drywall, etc. sheathed with embossed steel or tiled, mosaic.

A PVC window sill is only suitable if the countertop of a small counter or kitchen dining table is supposed to be. The kitchen countertop is not made entirely of PVC material.

Window sill in the room

The tabletop instead of the window sill can serve as a desk for work if the window is in the corner. In order to make such a table, you need one support. If the window is not located in the corner, the table can be built using two supports. If the window opening is located strictly in the center of the wall, shelving is made on both sides of the table, and the table top serves as a desk instead of a window sill. Thus, it turns out that the window is built into the working area.

The space under the window can be used as a low cabinet or cabinet. To do this, order a countertop-windowsill right size as well as doors and shelves. It will be possible to store a large number of things in the interior space, and the tabletop itself can be used as a shelf for green plants or as mirror table when it comes to the bedroom. This option for the location of the cabinet under the window is suitable for you if the heating radiator is located elsewhere.

If the window sill is above the radiator and the radiator is not planned to be closed, it is recommended to order a window sill with one drawer. In this case, the window sill will be used for its intended purpose, you can put green plants or other decor items on it, and there will be additional space for various small things.

In the living room, the countertop instead of the window sill can serve as a fireplace, as a false fireplace, of course. To do this, the countertop itself will be used as a mantelpiece, and the console built from plasterboard or chipboard as a fireplace. The front surface can be closed with a grid so that the heat from the battery is distributed to the outside. You can use a wrought iron imitation of a real fireplace grate or a standard radiator panel. This original design solution for the window area is especially relevant if there are several windows in the room. The tabletop instead of the window sill in the bedroom can serve as an original headboard.

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When installing plastic windows, you should not immediately throw away the old massive window sills. The cellular plastic of newfangled window sills is not very durable. On the contrary, the old massive window sill has unique qualities: it will never be "led". She dried up for years.

In addition, old window sills have a spectacular radial sagging. By using old board you can build up a wooden window sill if both boards are of the same thickness. Increasing the window sill is rational when arranging a small kitchen.

By replacing a plastic window sill with a wooden one, you can get a wide plane, similar to a bar table. In addition, the working area will expand, which is very important for the kitchen.

With a newly formed countertop, you can at the same time cover the space in the corner between the stove and the wall. A gap 15–20 cm wide, common for such places, is empty due to the fact that there is nothing to put there. Cover unused space.

Such a “wing” of the table top that goes all the way to the wall is useful in order to put a massive frying pan, kettle. It is pleasant to sit near the massive wooden tabletop: there is where to lean on.

How loss turns into profit

First, you should cut off the edge radius of the old window sill, mounted tightly into the wall. The plane of the sag is leveled with a planer. If the corners of the future bar table interfere with moving around the kitchen, you can get away from the rectangular configuration and make an increase in the form of a triangle. The configuration of the entire window sill assembly will then have the shape of a pentagon. Other outlines are also possible.

It is more rational to mark with a template made of cardboard or fiberboard. The simulated growth is applied, the marks are refined. The template should enter freely, but, nevertheless, tightly fill the overlapped sinuses. If necessary, the angles are signed with clarifications: “+1 cm”, “+0.5 cm” - with values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are not enough to reach the exact value. The template is outlined on the board, taking into account the added. Cut out according to the outline, align the joint edge at the build-up board with a planer.

Triangular growth will require a hard fix at several points. At the junction of the edges of the old and stackable boards, 2 points of rigid fixation should be provided. Two more are against the wall. It is easy to attach to the wall with furniture steel corners. Gluing massive boards better with glue"Moment". Boards that have dried over batteries can be so hard that they cannot be drilled through. For these purposes, an extremely powerful drill would be needed.

It is better to choose fixation according to the "thorn hole" principle. It is preferable to use metal cores as pins. The metal strength of cores is much higher than that of screws or aluminum studs. Holes are drilled at the butt ends for the pins. Their diameter should exceed the diameter of the pins by 1 - 2 mm. Such a "backlash" must be provided, otherwise, during the connection of the boards, the pins may "slip" and get stuck tightly. Getting them back will be difficult.

Screeds are cut out of 2 plates of millimetric steel with the help of a grinder. These parts will support the added board from below. Four holes for screws are drilled in the corners of each of the plates. On front side drilling holes add facets. The plates are screwed to the floor long, they do it only under the window sill fixed in the wall. The second part is placed on the protruding plates, having previously lubricated the mating edge with Moment. In this case, the pins must already be inserted.

On the hanging edge of the additional board, tap with a hammer through a piece of rubber. Make sure not to damage the edges. When excess glue comes out of the joint, the entire structure of the future window sill is left to dry for a day. The tension can be so strong that the boards move away from each other. To prevent this from happening, they put the awl through the holes in the plates from below, make recesses and screw the screws into the build-up board.

Then you can move on to fixing the wing of the board against the wall. If the corners were fastened before gluing, they would pull the board towards themselves and the seam would open. The role of the corners during gluing can be performed by a bar with a height equal to the distance from the floor to the window sill. Wooden wedges are used for spreading. After the seam dries, the bar is removed.

Apply the corners, mark the entry points of the screws with a pencil. Holes are drilled under the dowels in the wall. Dowels are best driven in with additional sealing. The seal is made of rag tape, planted on glue. For a snug fit, the corners of the dowel caps are cut off. The screws from the kit are screwed into the dowels, and carpentry screws are screwed into the tree.

Decorating a marble window sill with paint

On the sunny side, a wide light stripe can blind the eyes. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive for the window sill to be perfectly white. If the kitchen apron is tiled with marble, the stone with diagonal placement of layers will look much more beautiful.

You can draw marble. First you need to remove the old paint. It is easily removed with the help of a pharmacy ammonia. The main thing is not to let the ammonia evaporate. The surface is lubricated and covered with a piece of polyethylene. The edges are sealed with tape. After an hour, the paint will swell. It is not necessary to withstand longer, otherwise the paint layer will harden again. old paint scraped off with a spatula or knife, holding the tool in a perpendicular position. First sanded coarse sandpaper, then small. Be sure to remove the dust. To seal potholes, wood putty is used. It is applied with a spatula. After drying, the surface is polished with a fine-grained sandpaper. In conclusion, the surface is impregnated with a conventional construction primer.

The first coat of paint is white. It is applied with a roller. Pre-paste adjacent objects and walls with masking tape. For the interior, it is better to use pentaphthal paint. It forms a strong durable layer, does not wear off, does not scratch, shines beautifully, it does not have a pungent odor.

To form several shades of green, white paint is poured using 2 - 3 containers. A green pigment is squeezed out of an art tube, rubbed with white spirit and gradually added to the pentaphthalic base. Get a light emerald color. With black pigment you get olive greens, with yellow - lettuce. I rolled the paint with pigment with a roller. They make it so that there are gaps of white. Dots and veins can be drawn with a brush or poured with paint streams.

The use of decorative self-adhesive film for such places is undesirable: it wears out quickly. You can manually paint the way it looks best for a particular place. Rollers must be used narrow, velor, with a small diameter. After each color, the nozzle is thrown away: it is impossible to wash it. To remove the velor villi, the dried layer is polished with a coarse cloth after the paint layer has completely dried.

One pentagon is good, but two is better

Beveled shapes will contrast with other countertops. But a set of such forms looks harmonious. Triangles, pentagons, trapeziums, if they are rationally placed, will free up a lot of space and decorate the interior. Old kitchen table easy to turn into a kind of fashionable headset. To do this, you need to combine the facades near the floor with a single tabletop.

No need to throw away the old pedestal table with a wide tabletop that is convenient for rolling dough. It is cheaper to increase the working plane in the area with a sink, and add a sash below the sink.

Modern apartments are usually spacious, but in the houses of the old fund, the living space is often small, and in order to save space, it will not hurt you countertop window sill and folding furniture.

Today, housing in the city is not a cheap pleasure, and if you are lucky, having taken a loan from a bank, you can buy two-room apartment for a family of four, you can consider yourself lucky. Own house it is also far from always possible to make it spacious, because the more square meters at its base, the more materials are required, which are not very cheap. That is why we are considering the option when the owners have a relatively small living space, with small rooms where you really want to create comfortable conditions. To save space, we suggest considering such an option as a countertop instead of a window sill in a room.

Please note that almost no living space is complete without such a necessary piece of furniture as a table. Written, computer, coffee, magazine, dining or kitchen for cooking - there are many options. Accordingly, in almost every room there is a window, and sometimes not even one. And this is where the scope for creativity opens up, one has only to wonder how to make a window sill that turns into a countertop. In other words, these two planes can be combined into one, creating a spacious work surface.

So, in the children's room, a long desk will fit in perfectly, the lower part of the window opening in the back, and a pair of cabinets with drawers on the sides, will serve as supports. In the living room, the window sill can be extended with the upper surface of a long chest of drawers, and on the loggia you get an excellent office if you attach it to the window folding table for laptop . In the kitchen, it is not difficult to arrange the space in such a way that the sun's rays falling through the windows illuminate the work surface for cooking, thereby contributing to energy savings.

Any material can be used - wood (deck or plain edged board), chipboard, MDF, laminate, plastic, as well as acrylic and natural stone. Of course, only a part of the above can be processed by you personally, in particular, artificial and natural stone and also have to order. Therefore, let's focus on wooden version or, alternatively, on particle board. If the design involves tiling the countertop, plain plywood as a base will also work for you..

By the way, tiles as a coating are very often used in the kitchen in the manufacture of home-made work surfaces combined with window sills. In addition to plywood, plastic can serve as a base, a metal sheet, chipboard or glued from bars, as well as a shield made of thin boards. The tabletop will turn out to be very reliable, since the layer of glue and the cladding itself will give it rigidity. A part of the kitchen wall can serve as a support, just two pedestals, from those that are installed under the sink, or simple wooden legs (from an old dining table) or from galvanized metal profiles.

When installing a window sill as a work surface, do not forget about radiators, which must be closed without prejudice to the spread of heat throughout the room. In particular, if you completely block the access to the top of the heated air, you will be guaranteed constant fogging of the glasses in winter time. Based on this, they will be useful in the countertop, with which narrow slots can be closed. It is also useful to try to limit yourself to one drawer in the front, instead of separating the radiator from the room with massive cabinets.

If you have an old fund house or a private new building with solid window frames, which do not let in dampness or drips of rainwater in stormy weather, wooden window sill sure to be the epitome of durability. In this case, you can not break it out, but simply fasten a tabletop of the appropriate thickness that folds down to it on hinges. Yes, the work surface will not be solid, but you will not put a lot of labor into solving the problem. If the window sill has dried up or seems unreliable due to the fact that the apartment was originally conceived of a plastic entourage for windows according to the project, dismantling work is inevitable.

Breaking out unnecessary detail, we measure the recess that the window sill occupied, after which we cut out the blank from plywood, chipboard or MDF. The first option is the easiest to process, since you can use ordinary jigsaw. It is better to take plywood waterproof, its thickness should be at least 12 millimeters in order to eliminate deflections. Chipboard and MDF use the highest grade, with high-quality adhesive impregnation and well pressed, this will also serve as a guarantee of resistance to high levels of humidity.

Let’s say you didn’t think of anything else but to make a table out of a window sill in a small kitchen where there is not enough space even for one. Thus, you free yourself from the need to install a dining set, and the room from extra furniture(although you will still need stools). We found out the advantages, let's return to solving the problem. We insert the workpiece into the cavity previously occupied by a typical window sill, if necessary, we put it under plywood wooden blocks or a board to raise the sheet to the desired level.

We fix it using pedestals fixed to the wall or steel corner brackets as supports. We screw plywood or chipboard to the window opening with screws. Next, cover the base special glue for ceramics with a notched trowel. We minimize the joints between individual facing elements, since we do not need wide seams with grout on the work surface where the cooking process will take place. We glue special ceramic linings on the ends, or use aluminum molding for this purpose.

So, we have already talked about the work surface in the kitchen, but you can go further, for example, insert a sink right in front of the window, which will free up some more space. In a spacious catering unit, using a window sill, you can make a circular cooking place around the entire perimeter of the room, which is very convenient in a large family where at least two housewives serve as priests in the kitchen.

In the rest room from the window sill, by attaching the head of the bed to it, you can make a kind of shelf above the bed. At the same time, the space can be quite spacious, that is, there is enough space for a couple of lamps with lampshades, and magazines with books, and, of course, an alarm clock. In the living room, a cabinet will fit perfectly by the window, on which you can organize a place to relax by making a soft bed. The result is something like a high sofa. Can think of many more various options using a window sill, up to combining it with a mantelpiece.