Well      04.03.2020

What to do with rounded ceilings. Uneven ceiling, how to disguise. What are the ways to fix a low and crooked ceiling. Ceiling repair and decoration

The ceiling in the kitchen should not only be an aesthetic and beautiful element of the interior, but also match the atmosphere this room, withstand temperature changes, exposure to steam and humidity.

  • The ceiling in the kitchen is best finished with practical materials that will meet all the requirements of the kitchen space.
  • For a kitchen with low ceilings in apartments like Khrushchev, more accurate and simple designs in light shades.
  • Overall, bulky and voluminous multi-level models are desirable to use only in a kitchen with high ceilings.

Ceiling finish options

The most popular types of ceiling finishes.

Stretch ceiling

A fairly functional, durable and outwardly attractive design option, with which you can easily get a perfectly flat ceiling surface. In addition, tension models are the most acceptable option for a ceiling space with a geyser.

Suspended ceiling

Such frame structures have many advantages, they involve the installation of various modular fixtures and allow you to hide communications.

From drywall

With the help of drywall products, you can create a perfectly flat plane, a stepped surface, or design a variety of complex radius protrusions. Suspended models from GKL are distinguished by a huge number of decorating possibilities.

Pictured is a small kitchen plasterboard ceiling in white and beige colors.


The ceiling structure of the rails in the interior looks very original and, in terms of design, is the best option for the kitchen.

Pictured is a rack suspended structure gray color in the interior of the kitchen.


Decorative modules or cassettes have quite easy way assembly and dismantling, have a rich color palette and wide choice design solutions.

wooden ceiling

An eco-friendly finish with an aesthetic appearance. natural and natural materials, thanks to the beautiful texture look really luxurious.

  • Clapboard.
  • Laminate.

The photo shows a kitchen with a ceiling trimmed wooden clapboard white.

Ceiling tiles

This ceiling design has a low price and a variety of color solution. Ceiling tiles can be easily dyed water-based paint any shade depending on the design of the room.


A modern way of decor that provides an excellent opportunity to give the ceiling space an aesthetic look, without too much preparation.

Plastic (pvc)

Plastic products are very popular in kitchen decoration. PVC panels are resistant to moisture and have a variety of textures and colors.

from wood

Wood panels have a higher cost and a refined appearance. In addition, they are distinguished by high soundproofing qualities.


The metallized surface has, not only original view, but also goes well with various chrome and glossy interior details.


The best choice for the kitchen, having a very long term service, high moisture resistance, wear resistance and fairly simple installation.

Trellised (grilyato)

Such a ceiling model, due to the unusual geometric structure, is particularly architectural. However, lattice structures are not advised to be installed in the kitchen, because dust, grease and other types of contaminants will settle on them that cannot be cleaned without damaging the decorative grillato layer.


Due to the unusual appearance, in combination with additional lighting, transparent glass ceiling products complement the interior and give it completeness. Before mounting the structure, a very powerful exhaust or ventilation should be installed in the room.

The photo shows a complex glass ceiling structure in the kitchen, made in beige tones.


Painting is a traditional, practical and durable design option, with which you can paint the ceiling in absolutely any color.


Caissoned models will become a worthy type of decor for high rooms in apartments, such as Stalinka, which have a large area.

The photo shows a coffered ceiling structure with lighting in the interior of the kitchen.


It allows you to visually change the space, deprive it of borders, fill the atmosphere with light and bring some mystery into the atmosphere.


Pretty interesting interior solution, which can simultaneously add to the room both rigor and amazing elegance.

From siding

Moisture-resistant, temperature-resistant finishing material, which is very easy care It has many positive characteristics and therefore is perfect for decorating a kitchen.


Ceiling wallpapers have a limitless range, from the very economical option, to expensive and exclusive. For this room, it is better to choose washable types of fabrics.

On the picture spacious kitchen and checkered wallpaper on the ceiling.

Decorative plaster

By using decorative plaster you can give the ceiling plane volume and depth, and turn it into real masterpiece. This finish allows you to hide various minor defects.

Varieties of ceiling structures

Based on the number of levels, structures are divided into three types:

  • Single level.
  • Multilevel.

Invoice types

There are three main types of surfaces.


It looks like an ordinary smooth ceiling plane. The matte texture has no shine and looks very harmonious and concise.


Gloss creates beautiful reflections and perfectly reflects light, due to which a kind of mirror effect is obtained. In addition, the glossy surface significantly increases the size of a small room.


It has an impeccable aesthetic appearance and has a fine texture. Models made of satin unusually shimmer in the light and at the same time do not create bright highlights.

Kitchen Ceiling Design Ideas

An interesting ceiling design for decorating a kitchen space.


Hidden LED lights creates the effect of a floating ceiling, which, in turn, gives the room not only a unique appearance, but also gives it volume and spatial depth.

Carved (perforated)

Refined and stylish perforated double canvases can have cutouts of a wide variety of shapes and locations.

with beams

Decorative beams made of wood or false beams made of other materials will undoubtedly become the most outstanding and memorable decor of the entire interior.


Two-tone black and white, red and white or other combinations always look much more interesting and original. They also do an excellent job of dividing zones and allow you to favorably emphasize certain areas of the room.

Drawings and patterns

They not only decorate the ceiling space, but also give it some dynamism. Drawings and patterns give the surface a compositional completeness.

Pictured with a white two-level ceiling decorated with floral patterns.

Combined ceilings

Thanks to a variety of textures, colors or other combinations, combined models open up wide decorating possibilities and can easily turn a kitchen into an original and unique design project.

With photo printing

Photographic canvases with 3D images, due to their realism, allow not only to refresh the interior, but also to create an additional element of decor in it.

stained glass

Always looks just great, transforms the room into better side and adds a special charm to it. The uniqueness of patterns is a distinctive feature of stained glass designs.

with stucco

With the help of stucco, you can create certain accents on the ceiling, highlight the desired areas and give the interior a special solemnity. This original style of the ceiling plane is also practical and durable.

The photo shows the interior of a classic kitchen with a ceiling decorated with stucco ornaments.

Examples of figured ceilings

Curly designs allow you to radically change the atmosphere of the kitchen space and make it truly individual.

  • Geometric shapes (circles, squares). Always up to date geometric figures have a simple and pleasant perception.
  • Wave forms. Perfect wavy lines significantly soften the geometry of the room, making it more harmonious and thoughtful.
  • complex figures. With the help of complex figures, you can not only create a bold and extraordinary design in the room, but also place bright accents in it.

Ceiling colors

Color solutions for ceiling decoration.


The laconic black color is an ideal and luxurious background that makes the interior graphically clear.


Gives the room visual space, brings light and freshness into it.

The photo shows a white ceiling surface in a Scandinavian-style kitchen.


A juicy red color adds cheerfulness, liveliness and volume to the space, while the burgundy hue makes it more fashionable and spectacular.


Noble and presentable brown, designed to create a cozy, harmonious and comfortable environment.


Light green shades always improve the mood, enliven the room, giving it a special brightness and juiciness.


Has a pronounced personality. Yellow is associated with sunlight and brings positive energy into the atmosphere.


It will add tenderness and romance to the room and form an exquisite and sensual design in it.

The photo shows a kitchen with a ceiling painted in a soft pink shade.


Moderate and harmonious gray shades are an indicator of good taste. They contribute to the formation of an elegant and serene interior.


Aristocratic and sophisticated lilac, makes the atmosphere in the space mysterious and a little mystical.


Fills the atmosphere with notes of charm and gives the room a special sophisticated beauty.


The most harmonious and natural beige color, is good option design for many interesting style decisions.


It is considered a rather original design touch, which creates very effective, winning and stylish accents that allow the interior to sparkle in a new way.

The photo shows a small kitchen with a stretch frosted ceiling of blue color.


It gives the room brightness, sunny positive mood and forms a non-standard and interesting design in it.


It will add coolness and freshness to the atmosphere. Sky or turquoise shades will bring airiness and purity to the atmosphere.

Choice of ceiling lighting in the kitchen

Properly selected lighting will create an appropriate comfortable atmosphere.


With the help of different backlighting, you can create a beautiful and subdued light.

The photo shows a two-level white-brown ceiling with lighting in the kitchen.


They are an excellent source of light that can be used as an additional or main light. Spotlights will help highlight and emphasize certain areas of the room, for example, above working area, corner set or stove.


A chandelier located above the kitchen table allows you to create beautiful accents in the room and create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in it.

Flat luminaires

They will be an excellent option for rooms with low ceilings. Due to their tight fit to the ceiling surface, these bulbs flawlessly illuminate the space.


With the help of a rotary spot device, you can direct the light flux to any desired point, and thereby highlight certain fragments of the interior. Spots provide excellent bright lighting.

In the photo there is a kitchen and a ceiling with spots located above the working area of ​​​​the headset.

Ceiling decoration in various interior styles

Ceiling decoration for a variety of styles.


Ceiling construction in white or delicate natural tones, decorated with beams or discreet stucco patterns, will recreate a cozy atmosphere of Provence.


Neutral colors traditional for classics and neoclassics, such as white, milky or light gray, will look especially elegant. Stucco molding, baguettes, carved plinths or discreet graceful patterns will be a great addition to this style.


Laconic design in the form correct forms or the most simple one-level or two-level designs, will become a practical and convenient solution for a modern style.

The photo shows a two-tone false ceiling in the kitchen in a modern style.

High tech

For high-tech hi-tech fit functional modern Decoration Materials with clear geometric proportions and spectacular appearance.


A rough finish, in the form of decorative plaster or a concrete surface, will be especially appropriate here. Such decor will create a feeling of massiveness and monumentality.

On the picture concrete surface ceiling in the interior of the kitchen in the loft style.


A wooden ceiling or natural wood beams in a natural color palette will give the country-style interior coziness and homeliness.


For minimalism, a high-quality ergonomic finish, such as plastic, metal, wood or glass, is suitable. Especially here tension products with various types lighting.

Non-standard solutions for the kitchen

Unusual decisions in the design of the ceiling.

Kitchen-living room

Multi-level designs will perfectly cope with the visual zoning of the kitchen, combined with the living room. With the help of height differences, different colors, textures or lighting, it turns out to harmoniously divide the space in the studio.

In the photo, a two-level white ceiling visually zones the space of the kitchen, combined with the living room.

Small kitchen

Ceiling models in light milky, snow-white, creamy or alabaster colors will bring additional space to the room. Bunk or floating ceilings will not look too bulky and overload the space.

In a wooden house

For the kitchen in wooden house The most optimal cladding option is environmentally friendly materials. For example, a plane can be sheathed MDF panels, clapboard or wood. They will provide an opportunity to maintain a favorable microclimate in the room.

Kitchen-dining room

Ceiling design in the form decorative beams or multi-level structures made of plasterboard with various volumetric elements, will allow you to divide the space and highlight the desired zones.

Kitchen with breakfast bar

Above the bar you can create a box with lighting, which will become a spectacular detail of the entire interior. This decor element can be made in the same color as the ceiling or highlighted with contrasting shades.

The photo shows a kitchen and a plasterboard structure that highlights the ceiling area above the bar.

attic kitchen

A simple and practical design in light shades, without unnecessary patterns, details and accessories, will not overload sloping sloping ceilings.

with a bay window

With proper consideration of the shape of the bay window ledge, you can create an optimal ceiling design that will fit advantageously into the kitchen space.

Photo gallery

A well-chosen way to finish the ceiling in the kitchen will allow not only to give the room uniqueness, originality and originality, but also to solve a huge variety of functional tasks.

If your ceiling has irregularities throughout its plane, cracks, spots that are difficult to paint over, decorative plaster is a worthy solution to the problem. There are so many varieties of decorative plaster that it is difficult to list them all. But basically they can be divided into two types: embossed and smooth. Which to choose? Here it is already necessary to build on the idea of ​​​​your interior and the degree of neglect of the ceiling. Before applying the coating to the wall, ask for a trial painting of at least the size of an A2 sheet and attach it to the ceiling. When choosing a color, take a little lighter than you want, because on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, the color will look darker and richer. Do not forget that the more uneven your ceiling, the more textured the plaster should be. And pay attention to lighting. Fixtures must be selected so that they favorably set off the ceiling finish. For example, if the coating is smooth, with overflows and beautiful transitions of light, it can be illuminated with direct rays - using a chandelier, the light from which goes to the ceiling, and then reflected from it, or with the help of directional light spotlights. If the plaster turned out to be very embossed, it is not worth highlighting it directly, this will make it look tougher. Then chandeliers and lamps are suitable for you, the luminous flux of which is directed downwards and to the sides, and the ceiling is illuminated only by reflected diffused light.


There are many ways to repair ceilings and each differs in repair technology. Everything will depend on what needs to be done and how badly your ceiling is damaged. We will talk about all the ways with you today.

Everyone, even an inexperienced master, is able to do ceiling repairs in an apartment with his own hands, even in the most difficult cases. Of course, many are faced with the fact that usually the ceilings become unusable due to the neighbors from above, who now and then forget to close water taps or something like that. After a good bay, repairs will cost you a pretty penny, so first you need to negotiate compensation with the pests or go to court. Yes, if everyone compensates you, this is not bad, but you still need to do repairs and do it in such a way that the ceilings not only look decent, but also serve you for a long time.

Ceilings are also repaired for many reasons, and not just when your neighbors flooded you. If the paint has faded and faded or the whitewash has peeled off, if the entire ceiling lining is swollen and warped, repairs are simply necessary. Otherwise, if you re-paste the wallpaper on the walls, and leave the ceilings as they were, they will pretty much spoil appearance rooms.

Helpful information:

Ceiling repair methods

Ceiling repair work can always be divided into several types: wet and dry, deep and superficial. In case of light damage to the ceiling, the dry and superficial method is always used. The most time-consuming will be a deep repair. Yes, there is practically no dirt and dust from it, but in return it requires the highest skill. Deep repairs, if you figure it out, are not difficult, but a beginner will have to sweat in this matter. Before starting a deep repair of the ceiling, it is necessary to remove furniture and carpets, if possible, it is better to cover the floor with a film so that after work it is easier to get rid of building dust.

The methods are different, because everything will depend on what you want to see in the end result. We list some ways to increase the complexity of the work:

  • Painting and sheathing of dry ceilings.
  • Cleaning for painting or wallpapering if the ceilings are even, dry and do not have visible drips.
  • Leveling and plastering. What to do if the ceiling has stains, streaks and the old plaster has peeled off in many places.
  • Preparation for further installation of hinged or stretch ceilings.
  • Finishing the ceilings after the neighbors flooded you from above.
  • Repair after your roof was leaking and the ceiling was just damp if it's the top floor.

Precautionary measures

gypsum dust, construction dust, cement dust is a kind of abrasive for the skin, which promotes the development of bacteria and infection. Also, this dust will be harmful if it gets into the eyes and respiratory organs. If the ceiling was flooded from above and not only with water, but also with sewage, you will have to remove red spots, and this is done with the help of rather aggressive chemicals that are very toxic and contain volatile compounds.

Repair work is difficult, as you will be under the ceiling almost all the time, standing on shaky surfaces. At the same time, arms, back, legs get tired. Therefore, before you start, take care of safety precautions and protective equipment.

  • Headwear is a must.
  • Clothing should be made of thick materials.
  • The sole must be non-slippery.
  • Goggles, or at least a cap with a visor.
  • Gloves and respirator
  • Reliable and stable goats, standing on which you will feel confident.

Required Tool

Always, before starting work, inspect what you have of the tools and what you are missing. Yes, I agree that everyone already has some kind of tool, but sometimes something is needed and you won't even know what you need. Therefore, I will list all essential tool for work:

  • Perforator - look for the weight to be less, but at the same time the power is at least 800 watts. To the puncher you need a chisel for concrete.
  • Nozzle mixing for mixes.
  • Bulgarian - we are also looking for an easier one, but not less than 600 watts. .
  • Abrasive mesh and straight bar.
  • Spatula with flexible and thin blades.
  • Trowel, roller and brushes.
  • Mounting foam and a gun to it.
  • Container for mixing gypsum mixture.
  • Spray bottle and vacuum cleaner.

Interesting! It is not necessary to buy bars for abrasive meshes. Can you find a piece ordinary timber and cut to the size you need. This bar is checked for evenness using a level. To prevent the mesh from moving off the bar, you can fix it with several brackets or self-tapping screws.

With a set of such tools, you are able to repair ceilings of any level of complexity. Of course, this tool is selected for the most complex ceiling work, and according to the degree of their ease, the list with the necessary tool will decrease accordingly.

Materials for repair and decoration of ceilings

The necessary materials for repairs, such as: finishing and starting plaster, paint, putty, primer, buy only from one manufacturer. Why? Yes, because all technological tests of materials are carried out on their own manufactured products and therefore guaranteed quality will only be when all materials are from the same manufacturer.

Performing any repair work on the ceiling, you will definitely need to cover the walls and furniture from dirt and dust that will fly in all directions. You can use plastic wrap for this.

Previously, when leveling ceilings, a ribbed mesh was used, stretching it on anchors and a strong waterproof cement plaster was laid on top. But sooner or later, the metal mesh will manifest itself in the form of red spots. Therefore, if you want the repair to be on long time, then it is better to use a polymer plaster mesh or special ceiling plasters.

If your ceiling is leaking, you will need a dye such as methylene blue to fix it. Remember that if you add dye to the mixed plaster mixture, then your ceiling will come out mottled. You must first dilute the dye in water, and then on this water and knead the plaster mixture. On the entire repaired surface of the ceiling, it is necessary to use only one batch of plaster mixture. You will not be able to pick up the second exactly the same shade.

If, after the neighbors flooded you, and the ceiling became unusable: the plaster, wallpaper, and so on came off, and you need to re-level the ceiling, then do not use metal beacons for this purpose, as they will come through the wallpaper or paint with red spots. Drywall strips are best for you as beacons. They are excellently fastened with PVA, or any other glue,. Just use ceiling mixtures to level the ceiling, such as isogypsum, which can be laid on a ceiling up to 20 millimeters thick.

Work order

A person who has never dealt with repairs or finishing work, but wants to do everything in the house with his own hands, is unlikely at first glance to assess the condition of the ceilings and necessary work for repair. On the one hand, this is not very good, but on the other hand, when a person makes repairs in his house, he has a whole bunch of time for everything. It is from this that the whole order of work on ceiling repairs will follow.

  • First of all, inspect the ceilings and decide what kind of final finish you will have.
  • If you are flooded, be sure to evaluate and document the condition of the ceiling before repairing.
  • The room must be completely dried by opening the windows.
  • Re-documentation of the condition of the ceiling.
  • We make repairs according to the chosen finish.

Damaged ceiling inspection

The main goal when inspecting a damaged ceiling is to identify all the defects that need to be fixed. It happens that the ceiling can sink in the middle, then here it is necessary to inspect the design of the beams and identify the cause of the subsidence. Until the problem is fixed, there is no point in starting repairs. If you have concrete floors, between which cracks have formed, then they must be completely cleaned and re-plastered, and in the future it will be necessary to align the ceilings around the entire perimeter. If you are flooded by neighbors, then you need to let the ceiling dry completely. View the condition of the plaster and if it has not moved away, putty with pre-treatment with special solutions,.

Documentation of damaged ceilings

Documentation will be, in this case, ordinary photography. This is also necessary for detecting defects. For example, if you take a piece of fiberboard and put it in the garage for a few days. With an ordinary glance, you will not determine the state after you take it in your hands after a while. And if you take a photo before and after being placed in the garage, compare the result on a computer, you will see that after - the piece has become darker. If you dry it even with an ordinary hair dryer, salt may appear and stains will appear.

This must be done so that after completion repair work on the ceiling, a stain, which did not seem to be, did not appear after the repair. There are times when spots appear after repair, which you have not even seen, the so-called hidden spots. Maybe the old owners painted the ceilings to plaster oil paint, oil that is perfectly absorbed into the concrete floor is biding its time. Therefore, after your ceiling has been damaged, you need to dry it thoroughly.

How to dry ceilings

Masters who deal with ceilings dry them with a building hair dryer after the surface has been cleaned completely, to the ceiling. But for household good drying, there are other excellent methods that we will talk about now.

  1. On the goats around the entire perimeter of the room, it is necessary to hang the most ordinary hundred-watt light bulbs at the rate of: one light bulb per square meter. This method will not damage your wiring, it will only increase the cost of electricity.
  2. In the middle of the room, silica gel is placed in vapor-permeable bags, half a kilogram per square meter. You can use the most inexpensive and even painted.
  3. A stool is placed in the middle of the room and a scale is placed on which several bags filled with silica gel are placed. With the help of scales, you can easily control the level of moisture absorption.
  4. Light bulbs on the goats from the silica gel side need to be covered with something so that the heat from them does not dry out the silica gel, you can use ordinary fiberboard sheets, or sheets of plywood.
  5. The room must be completely closed, without drafts and ajar windows. If, due to poor-quality installation of plastic windows, the sashes do not close tightly and there is a slight draft, then you need to adjust your PVC windows.

Drying the ceiling in this way will take you no more than one day. As soon as you notice that the silica gel has stopped gaining weight on the scales, or the indicators have slowed down in growth, you can finish drying after about two hours, be sure to photograph the final result and compare it with the previous photos.

It is also necessary to keep control over the temperature in the dried room. If it becomes too hot, then the lamps are turned off until the temperature drops within 40 or 45 degrees and the lamps can be turned on again.

Choosing a repair method and type of finish

After the drying stage, you need to decide how the repair will be carried out and decide which ceilings you would like to see in this room. Very carefully inspect the condition of the ceiling after drying. It happens that you were not flooded much, but the plaster can peel off from the ceiling in whole layers.

Check with a rule or level the ceiling for evenness. If the unevenness reaches five millimeters, then you can get off with a partial repair of those places that have defects. If there are differences of more than 15 millimeters, then a professional plasterer is needed who is able to level them to perfect condition.

To decide on the repair of the ceiling, you need to clearly understand its types and methods. This is necessary so that when the device, for example suspended ceilings, you did not plaster or level concrete floors. It will absolutely do you no good.

Whitewashing with lime mortar

This is a cheap, simple and old-fashioned method, which is no longer used anywhere in the decoration of ceilings. Whitewashing can also be an allergen, and this method will be more suitable for utility rooms.

Finishing plaster

I will say that all modern mixtures are a little dusty, so I do not recommend doing such a finish in a nursery or in a bedroom. You can do this if . This method is also not expensive, the only thing is that the ceilings for painting must certainly be perfectly even. Each defect will be visible on the painted surface. Modern paints, able to make your ceilings both matte and mirrored. The main thing is to prepare the surface well for painting.

Artistic ceiling painting

Here, of course, you need a professional artist. Painted ceilings are for an amateur and the ceiling is not required to be leveled to perfect condition, since the painting is done on plaster. If you decide to layer on top acrylic lacquer, then all the glare will negate all the beauty of the ceiling painting.

Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling

An alternative and cheaper option compared to painting. In almost every third apartment you can find wallpapered ceilings. Cheap, simple, but the ceilings must be leveled before gluing.

Suspended ceiling construction

There is no need to level concrete floors. Themselves and ideas. In this case, the ceiling space can be used for communications. The only drawbacks suspended ceilings- this ceiling level will be lower by 12 - 20 centimeters and their high cost. In the process is possible.

This type of ceiling work is considered the simplest and will not entail a lot of waste and time. Basically you will need:

  • Drill for concrete.
  • Self-tapping screws with dowels.
  • Drywall, you can even moisture resistant.
  • Of course, a screwdriver.
  • Gypsum plaster or putty.

If you decide to radically change your ceilings and, from the materials and tools you will need:

  • Mounting foam, dowels, self-tapping screws, anchor studs and bolts;
  • Collets for a specific type of false ceiling;
  • Drills for each type of fastener and suspension for a chandelier;
  • Materials for deep cleaning your ceiling: silica gel, or blue vitriol.

Stretch ceiling

It also doesn't require alignment. The only thing that needs to be done is to de-dust. This is done with PVA glue, which is applied to the entire ceiling or can simply be painted. Stretch ceilings are usually different types: matte, mirror, color, with painting, photo. They will also take away your height by 5-10 centimeters and communications cannot be laid.

False ceilings

They are made by sheathing ceilings, drywall, MDF and other materials. Sheathing is done on metal or wooden frame pre-mounted on the ceiling. Very often sheathed with plastic panels. They can be matched to any tone and color.

With the help of drywall, ceilings are mainly leveled for further painting or finishing. For example, in the kitchen, the crate is best made from bars or. Since there are more fumes and greasy contaminants in the kitchen, which always tend to rise. In other rooms, the crate can be made from the drywall itself. Which must be impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion. The strips are glued to the ceiling with glue and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Types of ceiling repairs and the process of performing work

How to sheathe for gluing or painting - this type of work is described above. I will only add that the previously stiff ceiling must pass deep cleaning and drying. It must also be treated with disinfectants. All work is carried out as in the case of a major overhaul.

Surface cleaning of the ceiling

This type of work will be a little more difficult, but cheaper consumables. It will be more difficult because when performing, hands are simply “taken away”. Materials for surface cleaning of the ceiling:

  • Bar and abrasive mesh.
  • Wallpaper or paint remover.
  • Gypsum putties for ceilings.
  • Gypsum primers preferably having biocidal properties.
  • Polymer finishing plaster.

Usually begins with the removal of old wallpaper, paint plaster. That is, the floor slabs must remain clean. If there are stretch and suspended ceilings, then this is not necessary. Using a bar and an abrasive mesh, clean the entire surface and remove dust, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

After the ceiling is dust-free, inspect it again more carefully for cavities in which paint or other coatings remain, re-smooth. Depressions on the ceiling are best repaired with gypsum mixtures using a hard and rather wide spatula.

Having puttyed it, it is necessary to prime it. We choose a primer with deep penetration, which is applied with a fleecy roller. After the primer is completely dry, you can start painting the ceiling with acrylic or other paints.

Video on how to clean the surface of walls and ceilings

Leveling and plastering dry ceilings

If your ceiling is painted, then all the paint can be removed with an abrasive or with a special remover. It is necessary to spray abundantly with water and after a few hours remove all plaster with a spatula. It should come off easily and in layers.

Once the ceiling is completely dry, beacons are installed on the floors along the width of your large spatula and. Pay attention during the alignment of the ceiling - the plaster mixture at the time of application should not come off. You need to knead the solution in small portions, so you will need an assistant who will constantly knead more and more new portions.

The last layer of plaster is applied very thin. As a result of alignment, there will be small protrusions or lumps on the ceiling. They must be removed with an abrasive mesh and a wooden block.

Attention!!! Ceilings are easier to plaster or level if glass wall paper is first glued on them. As a result, you will get a better surface on which cracks will not appear.

At the end, as soon as the plaster has dried, no more than one millimeter. This must be done carefully and immediately achieve a smooth and flat surface. If you want to stick vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, then they will easily hide small bumps and bumps.

Video on how to plaster ceilings

Overhaul of the ceiling

The next set of materials and tools you will need for serious work, such as repairing ceilings after you have been flooded from above, removing black mold from ceilings that occurs in the process high humidity, ceiling alignment and so on.

  • “Whiteness” is a chlorinated liquid oxidant.
  • Copper vitriol.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Primer, preferably deep penetration into concrete.
  • Reinforcing mesh - for sealing joints, if sheathed with drywall.
  • Mounting glue or PVA.
  • Starting plaster for ceilings. Keep in mind that sand-cement plaster will not adhere well.
  • Plaster beacons.
  • Drill for concrete and self-tapping screws with dowels.

This type of repair can be done both on separately damaged areas, and around the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

The stages of work during the overhaul are not much different from other types of work. Mandatory drying, re-plastering, complete cleaning, sealing cracks and so on. We clean the cracks, this is done with the help of a perforator and from the nozzles we select a narrower brush, according to the width of the ceiling crack. It happens that the plates fit very tightly, and there is practically no gap. In this case, we simply treat the gap with a deep penetration primer. We stick a masking bandage and cover the inter-tile cracks with plaster. Then you can already plaster.

Also, deep cracks between the plates can and must be repaired using polyurethane foam. First, we dry the crack, then we foam it, and only then we apply a primer. Remember that the foam may not adhere to the primer and again moisture may seep through the micro cracks. If a partial repair is needed, then finishing putty it is desirable to apply the same brand that was. Otherwise, the repaired part of the ceiling will stand out a little.

After you have been flooded, you need to remove the paint from the ceiling, otherwise yellow spots may appear on the new coating. You can degrease and remove microorganisms with the help of whiteness. Be careful when doing this as the chemical is very aggressive. If whiteness gets on the skin, you need to rinse the damaged area with plenty of water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

You can disinfect with a sponge, which is placed in a tray with a chemical. The sponge should protrude from the pallet and, by pressing the vessel against the ceiling, we disinfect it around the perimeter. As soon as the reaction starts - hissing, or foam goes, we move on to a new area. Everything is done in a spiral - starting from the walls and reaching the center of the ceiling. After this treatment, the ceiling must be dried. You can do it naturally.

After you can process the surface blue vitriol using a regular paint roller. Throw away all used materials immediately, as they are toxic and harmful to health.

Summing up the repair of ceilings

Based on the above, I think now everything is pretty clear and understandable, how and what to do. Most importantly, remember the most necessary and basic points:

  • Plasterboard sheathing - the easiest and most effective method make a flat ceiling in a dry room.
  • The base ceiling does not need to be plastered when installing suspended ceilings or false ceilings.
  • Wooden ceilings look beautiful if they are sheathed with laminate panels or clapboard. Which need to be covered later with several layers of varnish. But this is done in those rooms in which you are sure and the neighbors from above will not flood them.


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What is the first thing that catches your eye when you enter a room?

Without a doubt, this is the CEILING.

A straight white ceiling has long been outdated and, frankly, boring. A multi-level plasterboard ceiling is a great solution.

We have prepared for you everything you need to decide on the design of such a structure. And also choose the location of the built-in backlight.

175 photos of plasterboard suspended ceilings for the bedroom, living room and kitchen. Detailed help in the selection of the ceiling for a small room. Laconic and convenient infographics for choosing a design style.

Plasterboard ceilings come in all sorts of shapes, colors, designs and fit easily into any room style, be it classic or modern. Supporters of a simple interior can limit themselves to a single-level composition, and for those who want to create something unique and creative, the market offers several design options for plasterboard ceilings.

Two-level plasterboard ceilings

Two-level ceilings give the room additional volume and allow you to change the shape of the room literally beyond recognition, making the interior rich and sophisticated. The complexity and quirkiness of the ceiling structure depends only on your imagination! Such ceilings are first of all striking and attract the attention of guests!

Sharp changes in height or smooth flexible lines, built-in lights or unusual colors in the finish - all these decor features can be brought to life with the help of drywall. The geometry of the ceiling allows you to create any shape: corners, curves, curved and broken lines. Depending on the interior of the room, the ceilings can also be decorated with paintings or stucco.

With the help of height differences and competent lighting, they can be used as an additional technique for zoning the space of a room. And you can emphasize only individual interior items that you want to draw Special attention: bed, table.

Duplex ceilings will look great in. Drywall makes it possible to build any figures on the ceiling: flower, sun, alien ship, soccer ball...

Lighting design on plasterboard ceilings

The main function of designer lighting is not even lighting, but rather the creation of a special mood and a pleasant atmosphere in the room. There are a lot of options for its design, but LEDs and led strip. They provide soft, even lighting, visually increasing the depth of the ceiling and creating the so-called "floating" effect. By combining models of different glow colors and shapes, you can come up with your own unique design.

Types of designer lighting:

Standard. Such lighting is simple to implement: simple ceiling rails for lamps and standard pendant lights are enough for it.

Target. Suitable for zoning space, visually separating different parts of the room from one another. For example, in a place of active pastime, the light can be made brighter, and in a relaxation zone - muted tones and soft light.

decorative. Bright contrasting colors or gentle light with modulations: well-designed lighting, in harmony with the furniture of the room and decorative elements, will help create the atmosphere and festive mood in the interior you need.

Plasterboard ceilings for the kitchen: the choice of design

In the design of the ceiling in the kitchen, regular geometric shapes are most often used. The circular layout is good for highlighting the center of the room, while the rectangular ceilings perfectly adjust the shape of the room. For example, a square shape is recommended for visually expanding the walls. For the kitchen, you can also choose wavy shapes of unusual and bizarre configurations, starting with ordinary ovals and ending with unimaginable zigzags.

Attention! In the kitchen with low ceilings can not be placed complex structures: choose one or two simple shapes! When designing the shape of the ceiling, always measure the dimensions of the decor elements with the height of the room so that everything looks harmonious.

Designer ceilings made of plasterboard not only radically transform, but are also good from a practical point of view. Drywall has great moisture resistance, excellent sound insulation and fire protection, which will provide you with the beauty and successful operation of the kitchen for many years.

ceiling design in a small kitchen

Plasterboard ceilings are recommended only for kitchens with high ceilings or above average levels, as they take away the height of the room and do not reflect light well. For a small kitchen with low ceilings, you can make the design two-level or simply place a slight cornice around the perimeter: this will help visually "raise" the ceiling higher and make the space more airy and free. You can experiment with color and think of a different color scheme for each level.

An interesting design technique is the so-called "floating" ceiling. The floating effect of the ceiling is achieved by mounting the second level in the center without visible side walls. LEDs are placed inside this structure so that they are invisible, and only their light is visible.

Remember that the lights built into the false ceiling should be evenly spaced throughout the kitchen so that all functional areas are illuminated.

Ceiling in the kitchen-living room: competent zoning

What points should be taken into account when choosing for such an unusual room as a combined kitchen-living room?

As we have already mentioned, it is important to provide for a functional division into zones: a working (kitchen) and a place of rest (dining-living room). The boundaries between rooms can be created using unusual ceiling architecture, building various geometric shapes or dividing lines. Decorative lighting and the use of different materials when decorating the ceiling in the kitchen and living room will help enhance the effect.

Divide into zones not only the ceiling, but also the walls and floor. Play with design, duplicate different elements, emphasizing the overall style! This design will make your kitchen unusual, fashionable and will look much more interesting than the standard color of the ceiling in white.

How to decorate the ceiling in the bedroom?

The most popular among designer ceiling structures are wavy lines and irregular shapes: There are no restrictions here! Any of your decorating ideas, whether it is an asymmetric finish, multi-tiered friezes, medallions, arches, columns and domes - all this will be relevant and will fit perfectly into the bedroom interior!

Multi-level ceilings are made out, as a rule, directly above the bed. Avoid bright and eye-catching colors: design should be relaxing! Ceilings in warm light and muted tones are best suited for this task.

Design for a small bedroom

Choosing the right color scheme will help enrich the interior of a small room and make it more spacious. Traditionally painted white. But you can come up with something more interesting: for example, a pale blue suspended ceiling will resemble an open sky. Another unusual option for the bedroom - paint the middle of the ceiling with a deep warm color (for example, burgundy), and use lines from the center to make a systematic transition to the color scheme of the walls.

The use of glossy surfaces helps to expand small rooms well ... but this is not the case! In the bedroom, bright shine will only distract, so it is better to give preference to matte ceilings.

Avoid complex shapes and layered designs: piling up different elements visually narrow the space. Such a finish is permissible only if it is necessary to distinguish functional areas room or creating an accent on any design element.

Fixing a narrow bedroom

Unfortunately, square or narrow bedrooms in an apartment are far from uncommon! The main feature of such a bedroom is high ceilings, but this height can be easily adjusted with the help of color. To visually increase the height, pale tones are suitable, and dark colors help lower the top. If you paint the walls two tones darker than the ceiling, this will also make it look lower. Remember that the colors of the ceiling and floor should always be different!

Do not be afraid to experiment and feel free to use original colors for the ceiling of a narrow bedroom, such as bright hues pink, purple, orange, coffee color.

Be sure to build in a lot of spotlights in the ceiling structure. A large number of light in the room will create the illusion of a spacious free space.

Original design for a bedroom 12-14 sq m

Creativity in the children's bedroom

Plasterboard ceiling - a great opportunity to realize all your original creative ideas in the children's room.

In addition to the incredible design of the ceiling, which is also easy to build on your own, it also has other visible advantages:

  • Single and multi-level ceilings can combine chandeliers, lamps, and built-in lighting, which will provide enough light in the room and help divide it into zones. In addition to the central lighting, in the nursery, additional lamps with different light intensities must be present throughout the room. The study area should be best lit, the sleeping area should be darker, and in the center of the room, where there is a lot of light at any time of the day, leave a place for games.
  • With the help of drywall, you can create interesting ceilings and lamps in the form of all kinds of shapes such as a butterfly, a flower, an airplane, birds, which you can think of depending on the interests of the child.

An individual ceiling design can also be created using hand painting. This method is still little known and not widespread, but it allows you to realize any desire of your child and make a room for him really special and dear.

  • The choice of an arsenal for repairs in a children's bedroom should always be approached with particular responsibility. Drywall, on the other hand, refers to natural and environmentally friendly materials, so you don’t have to worry about the health of the child.

To decorate the ceiling in the living room, designers advise using designs of geometrically regular shapes: these will be all kinds of circles or shapes that emphasize the frame of the base ceiling of the room.

Plasterboard ceilings will help you solve the problem of several zones. Spotlights and various decorative inserts will create a special atmosphere and will be the final touch when creating unique design rooms.

The design of your ceiling should organically fit into the style of the hall itself. For example, in a glossy ceiling it will look at least strange, this option is more suitable for high-tech or modern.

Decoration of the hall in Khrushchev

The hall in Khrushchev is, as a rule, a room small area with ceilings up to 2.5 meters high and almost zero sound insulation. Therefore, when planning a room and ceilings, it is necessary to choose such design solutions that will help to correct these features for the better.

Say no to a large chandelier that will only clutter up the living room and make it look lower. Most best option- a small suspended ceiling with built-in spotlights: diffused lighting will visually increase the space. Soundproofing can be laid in the suspended structure, which will provide the necessary sound protection.

Another interesting design decision- combine drywall and glossy ceilings, which will reflect light and visually "raise" the surface of the ceiling.

Choose colors in warm light colors. And if you make the ceiling and walls the same color, then the boundaries of the room seem to blur, and this will also create the illusion of a large space.

Spacious living room 20 sq. m.

The area of ​​​​the room at first glance may seem large, but its visual and actual size is more dependent on the ceilings. If they are low, then you should not build complex two- or multi-level structures that will visually reduce the living room: one level will be enough. For a low ceiling, choose tones that will be lighter than the walls or glue that will visually "raise" the ceiling.

For lighting big room it is recommended to use plasterboard constructions with spotlights built into them that have the function of zonal adjustable lighting. Then, if necessary, you can adjust the amount of light in each part of the room. For example, turn on only two light bulbs above the closet or three lamps above the bed.

We make a plasterboard ceiling with our own hands

If you have even the slightest skill, installing drywall will not be a difficult task for you. It is only necessary to know some of the features of drywall sheets and what to do with them, how to design everything and successfully hide all the imperfections of the finish under the ceiling. We will talk about all this now.

First of all, you will need to take an inventory of your tools and, if necessary, buy the missing fixtures and materials, such as, for example, suspensions, screws, profiles and dowel-nails. Take a profile with a size of at least 4 meters, so as not to encounter the need to dock them.

  • The first level of the frame is always mounted in the same way. Before the drywall turns into a full-fledged structure, you will need to install a simple single-level ceiling. To do this, we make markings on the ceiling using a laser level and place a wall profile at a distance of ten centimeters from the main ceiling.
  • The size of the indent will depend on how the lamps are located in the interceiling zone and engineering systems. To level the frame, use the laser level again.
  • Fasten the longitudinal profiles by placing them at a distance of about 500-600 mm. The size of the profiles is usually fixed, so when installing the ceiling in a large room, they will need to be spliced ​​together using special tools.
  • Make hangers above the ceiling profile. Secure them with an anchor or with dowel nails. Attach the guides to the hangers and fix them with self-tapping screws.

All these actions will require you to extreme concentration and accuracy in measurements. Now that the main ceiling frame has been made, the question again arises: how can we design a plasterboard ceiling ourselves?

  • Wiring, ventilation, communication first, so that all wires are hidden under the ceiling before the sheets are placed. You can make holes for installing lighting both before and after installation.
  • If the walls in your room are not completely even, then sloppy joints can form when placing sheets of drywall. Therefore, before you make the ceiling and start laying out the sheets, you will first need to slightly trim the places of these joints with the wall or corner of the room so that your sheet lies nice and neat. To begin with, take and process all the sheets with a special primer to provide them with good waterproofing.
  • Leave a distance of a few millimeters from the ceiling to the wall so that the drywall sheets can "breathe" freely and do not deform later under the influence of high temperatures.
  • Start fastening the sheets along the supporting profiles, strictly following the checkerboard pattern: the first sheet must be fastened relative to the wall, and the next - from the longitudinal profile that comes first.
  • Installation stage completed! Now you need to make holes for fixing fixtures, laying pipes and other communications.
  • Puttying the ceiling should only be started after the initial ground finish has been completed. Use one that will penetrate deep into the joints: this will help make the drywall stronger and at the same time process the sheets themselves, preventing the appearance of mold, microorganisms and other fungi on the ceiling.
  • The installation of drywall sheets is completed, it remains only to add various decorations and decorative elements to them.