Well      04/17/2019

How to equip small rooms? Ideas for renovation in a small room. Interior decoration of a small bedroom (real photos)

When designing the interior of a small room, they mainly adhere to two tasks: rationally use every centimeter or even millimeter of the available area and make it beautiful and harmonious at the same time. To accomplish these tasks, there are many ready ideas tested in thousands of rooms. They will be discussed.

General principles and ideas

Regardless of the purpose of a small room, there are general principles for their design. This is far from dogma, but adhering to these rules, it is easy to create a harmonious interior of a small room on your own, and not at the expense of functionality and convenience.

Styles for small spaces

The very first thing you need to decide is the style. It is much easier to develop a design, select finishing materials, furniture, accessories. Small-sized rooms should not be cluttered with objects; there should not be many accessories in them. The more free space remains, the more spacious the room seems. Because not all styles are suitable. The following will look good:

All of them are characterized by smoothly painted walls, clear lines, a minimum of details. All this will play into the hands of small room. Read more about almost all of these styles.

Color selection

It has long been known that light colors visually enlarge the premises. Light colors are not necessarily white, although white and its shades are used very often. They make the interior lighter and weightless, especially in combination with light floors and ceiling.

If you decide to make the walls colored, you need to remember the rule of three. Applied to color design its essence is that to create a harmonious interior, three colors must be present. The first is basic, there can be a lot of it. Two additional can be in very small quantities. If we talk about design in small rooms, the walls are painted in the base color and they should be light. Furniture - either the base color (maybe a very close shade) or one of the additional ones. Accessories and textiles - complementary colors.

If you take a closer look at the photos that seem most attractive to you, you will find that there are three colors in them. It can look good and more saturated with different colors, but only a good designer can put everything together correctly.

But how to choose a trio of colors? There are tables of matching colors that designers use, but you can focus on your own taste or peep at the photo. The most attractive combination can be implemented in your room.

Ceiling decoration

Most often, the ceiling is made white. Not necessarily snow-white, some shades and tones are often used. What you should not do is paint the ceiling in a dark or bright color. This can only be used in a very high room with excellent lighting, and it is better that the ceiling is glossy. Dark colors make the room feel much lower. If you need to remove the "well effect" - this is good way. In other cases, it is better not to experiment, although with the right lighting it may not be bad, but this also requires considerable design experience.

Dark ceiling - a controversial decision

In rooms with low ceilings there are several ways to visually make them taller due to the play of color and light. The first is to make the walls a tone lighter. At the same time, the boundary between the walls and the ceiling is lost, which is perceived by us as a higher room.

The second way is glossy ceiling. The surface reflects the environment, which again deceives our eyesight. From modern technologies this effect is only stretch ceiling, but the choice of shades and the degree of gloss and reflection is wide. Just be careful with gloss. It reflects everything. And what is on the cabinets too. Therefore, in such a room there should be perfect order.

The third is lighting around the perimeter or directed from the walls to the center. This option is usually implemented on two-level or multi-level ceilings. This stepping in itself also, as it were, lifts the ceiling up, and with the backlight effect it is further enhanced. Just thinking, do not create too small rooms complex structures. They are good for spacious rooms, not for small rooms.

All these methods can be combined, which is often done. It's important not to overdo it.

Floor decoration

The choice of color - light or dark - largely depends on the style, but there are those in which both options are acceptable. What then to choose? Focus on your own desires. If you want to get a sense of stability in the room, a dark floor is more suitable. If lightness is required - your choice is a light floor.

The dark floor "grounds" the interior, but gives a sense of stability

With the help of floor design, you can also achieve a visual increase in the room, however, a floor made of boards, laminate or parquet is suitable for this. Traditionally, they are laid parallel to the rays of light emanating from the window. To achieve the effect we need, it is necessary to lay the coating at an angle with respect to the front door. This breaks up the perspective and visually makes the room look bigger. Yes, this laying method is more difficult, and when using it, there is more waste - not all trimmings can be attached, but the effect is good.


Small spaces require functional and comfortable furniture, while concise forms with clear lines look better. Styles are also pushing for such a choice - they all need strict, simple lines.

When planning, choose the environment so that the horizontal surfaces are at different levels. This makes the interior more dynamic. If you put everything on the same level, it will be too monotonous and flat.

Another recommendation - do not load too much space. In small rooms you need to put the necessary. It is advisable to avoid a large number of massive objects. If this suits your idea, put the furniture on metal legs. They seem to lift the object above the floor, creating interesting effects.

To increase functionality when using a small space allows furniture that changes its shape or purpose. It is also called "transformers". Everyone knows the sofa bed, chair bed. They have been used for a long time, they only change appearance and mechanisms become more convenient. There is also a wardrobe bed (the bed rises and hides in the body) and a considerable number of similar things (a transforming sofa in the photo below).

There are very interesting and functional options furniture. These are the so-called transformers - objects that can change their shape and sometimes even purpose.

The application of these rules is not mandatory, but it will allow you to develop a beautiful and harmonious design of a small room.

Interior ideas for small rooms for various purposes

Now let's specifically see how all of the above is implemented in the design of premises for various purposes. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the design of the living room, nursery and bedroom.

The only room in the apartment

In a one-room apartment, the room should be super-functional. After all, it is used both as a living room and as a bedroom. First of all, you should think about the sleeping place. There are several solutions. The most obvious and common is to put a folding sofa. There are different designs, but the essence of this does not change. The only drawback of this solution is, after all, it is not a bed and sleeping on the sofa is not entirely comfortable. However, this is the most common option.

A sofa bed is often placed in a small room.

This option is acceptable if one person lives in an apartment. If there are two people, this is no longer very convenient: someone wants to sleep, someone else can’t sleep. In this case, they try to fence off part of the room with a translucent partition and place a bed behind it. The rest is furnished as a mini-living room.

The partition can be made from any material. The only condition: if it encloses the area near the window, it must let in enough light. In the photo above, the room is divided by a translucent glass wall. With an explicit separation, space is not fragmented. It remains whole. Another option is to designate the area with a plasterboard openwork partition or make a partition in the form of shelves.

If you still want more privacy, there is an option with sliding partitions that work like doors in wardrobes.

They can move apart in different directions (photo on the right) or fold to one of the sides. If such a partition is made mirrored, it will also visually expand the space.

There are also non-standard options for installing a bed in a single living room. For example, if the ceilings allow, you can move the bed to the ceiling. To do this, they build a solid structure in the form of a closet or podium, and make a bed on the “roof”.

There is another option with that de podium. Make a working or living area on it, and hide a pull-out bed under the flooring. It is difficult to imagine a more rational use of space.

The bed "leaves" under the podium

You can also play with the design of the bed. They can fall from the ceiling, be disguised as a closet. Such beds are already on sale and are called "bed-wardrobe".

Folding bed-wardrobe

In general, there are enough solutions. The interior of a small room in a one-room apartment can be both beautiful and functional.

small bedroom

Even if you don't studio apartment, a small bedroom is far from uncommon. For many, its area does not exceed 10 sq.m. In this case, only the necessary items are left from the situation. Mandatory bed, bedside tables. Everything else - if the interior of a small room is not very overloaded.

Small bedroom - nothing more

Without a closet in the bedroom it is very inconvenient, but a massive item takes up too much space. It can be replaced by a sliding wardrobe or. In fact, they differ in size and content. The dressing room must be at least 1.2 m deep (so that you can enter). In long and narrow bedrooms with front door on the short side, you can fence off a place right at the entrance. It makes the room more correct form- closer to the square, and such rooms are perceived as more spacious.

If the entrance to the bedroom is on long wall, under the dressing room, you can take one of the corners or also the end wall. It all depends on the specific layout. If there is the slightest possibility, allocate such a place. You will be amazed at how many things proper organization can fit in there.

One of the more traditional options is to fill the wall opposite the bed with furniture. But it will have to be made to order - in the entire wall. So the bedroom will have modern look. The design style of this “wall” is chosen based on the general style.

Another idea for arranging a small bedroom is to build the head of the bed into furniture wall. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is wrong, but from the point of view of rationality, it is an excellent option.

It is difficult to come up with anything else in such a narrowly specialized room. The main task is to choose the right color scheme.

Children's room

The concept of "children's room" is quite extensible. This is also a room for children of preschool and school age up to teenagers. As you understand, the design and content are significantly different, but the ideas are similar.

The main way to save space is to make bunk bed. In this case, there can be one sleeping place - upstairs, and a workplace is equipped on the "first floor". This is the option that suits both toddlers and older children. The sizes of the beds are also not very different: children grow too fast, so they generally buy teenage beds right away, adding a “childish” entourage with bedspreads, pictures and other accessories.

Beds are built into the furniture wall
Reliable option. Fits well into the interior of a small room and saves space At the bottom of the desktop, on top - the bed

If you are afraid of heights, you can make another type of bed - with a pull-out second bed. Also a good option.

If you don’t need a second bed, drawers for toys or things can be made under the bed. In the interior of a small room, everything is subordinated to the task of optimally using the entire available area, while freeing up as much free space as possible.

Optimal use of free space - the main motto of the design of small rooms

For older children, they use almost the same techniques, only in a different design.

When designing the interior of a small children's room, use the above rules: three colors, multi-level surfaces, no unnecessary details.

Small square living room

No matter how much you would like to stick wallpaper with a large pattern in a small living room, you should not do this. Unless in fragments or on one wall, using, otherwise they will “eat up” the space and the “box” effect will appear. You will feel almost on the physical plane how the walls are pressing on you. The best choice- plain walls in pastel colors.

One wall is finished with wood or stone - one of fashion trends the last time

Here the invoice can be different. It can be decorative textured plaster, wallpaper with an embossed pattern or fiberglass with a texture for painting. It is very fashionable now to finish one of the walls with wood or stone (stone-like tiles or flagstone). All these are ways to diversify a not too large set of furniture that is usually present in a small living room. Most often it is a sofa, two armchairs, coffee table and TV. It doesn't seem like a very large set, but there are many variations. Firstly, furniture comes in different shapes, styles and colors. And the number of combinations is very large. Some of them are in the photo gallery.

Fireplace in the living room - the dream of many Interesting design one of the walls, an unusual carpet on the floor and the interior "played" Wooden domed ceiling - very unusual To save space, the doors can be sliding for this room.

In the modern era of minimalism, not everyone can boast big size rooms in your apartment. Alas, not everyone and not everyone gets the mansions, and the issue of arranging small rooms is one of the most relevant in our time. You can deal with it both on your own and with the help of friends, acquaintances, the Internet, or simply look for ways to equip a small room. You can see photos of some interiors below. After reading the article to the end, you will know how to equip a small room, regardless of its purpose.

Actions from a small hallway

Any apartment begins with the hallway, and most often this place is not spoiled by good lighting and a lot of free space. To finish a hall in which there is very little space, you need to know how to equip a small room. The first thing to do is immediately remove all bulky furniture from the room. After all, in a small hallway there is no urgent need to put massive cabinets and cabinets for shoes. For clothes, you can purchase a special hanger that does not take up much space, or hang ordinary hooks on the wall. A shoe cabinet can be easily replaced by a special stand. Find today stand will not be great work, and it remains only to choose from the whole variety.

As for the techniques for visually expanding the space, here it is necessary to remember two main points:

  • Light colors of the hallway walls.
  • Good lighting.

First you need to make a choice between a bathtub and a shower. The second option, of course, saves more space, but you can’t lie down comfortably and relax there. Fans of soaking up in warm water should think about purchasing, for example, corner bath: it will take up much less space than a regular straight model.

If you are lucky and there is some kind of niche in the room, then you need to use this place 100 percent: take it with a washing machine or place shelves for various jars and tubes of cosmetics. If there is no such recess in the bathroom, then in no case should you put any kind of cabinets. It is better to give preference to small hanging shelves. As for the washing machine - if it is possible to put it not in the bathroom, but, for example, in the kitchen, then you should use it.

What if the kitchen is very small?

Kitchens have always been small in our country and fit only for cooking. It is almost impossible to use this room as a dining room. But still, you also want to cook in comfort. So how to make sure that a small kitchen always pleases the eyes of the hostess?

Firstly, you should not abuse the placement of wall cabinets, because they often block the light from the window and begin to "crush". It is better to give preference to built-in multifunctional drawers.

Secondly, when choosing the color of the kitchen, light colors should be preferred, this will remove the feeling of discomfort from being in small space and visually enlarge the kitchen.

Thirdly, when decorating a room, do not forget about quality lighting. It will also visually expand the room. Very good decision will be adding light in working area and in the kitchen in general.

As for suitable design solutions towards kitchen furniture, then in small rooms it is worth avoiding the classics. It is mostly made in a bulky style with various decorations, which will not fit well in a small kitchen.

How to make a small children's room cozy and not cluttered

Among all the questions about the arrangement of small areas, the question of the nursery is the most difficult and most serious. After all, few people without someone's help can come up with best way how to furnish a small children's room. When finishing it, one should start from environmentally friendly materials first of all. You can’t save on children, because using low-quality materials can greatly spoil the health of the child. To save space, you should think about buying modular furniture that takes up little space and at the same time satisfies all the needs of the child, or a mezzanine bed that will help save free space the size of a large closet. If there are several children in the family, then the best option will buy a bunk bed.

It is worth paying attention to the delimitation of zones in the child's room. One area is a working area, with a desk and all the accessories you need to study. The second is a recreation area where the child can play and spend his free time. In no case should you make a room dark color, the best option for decoration is light wallpaper. And, of course, good lighting. It is necessary not only to visually increase the volume of the room, but also to preserve the child's vision.

How to deal with a small bedroom

Very often it turns out that loving parents try to give everything to their children, including big room in the apartment, after which they have very little space under the bedroom. After this, questions arise how you can equip a small room so that it is pleasant to sleep, relax and just be comfortable there.

The bedroom is main room any couple, a place where people come after a hard day's work in any mood. If you want to comfortably equip it and a minimum of free space is allocated for this, then there are few tricks, but still they are.

To create the greatest comfort in a small bedroom, three things must be taken into account:

  • you need to decorate the bedroom in light, warm colors;
  • do not place the bed in the center of the room, as it takes up a lot of space;
  • can add more mirrors: they will visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

How to furnish a very small room

If you have an obscenely small room at your disposal, then you should work hard to make it look as spacious as possible. So, how to equip a small room when there is very little space? First you need to decide on the furniture. It is undesirable to put large rooms in small rooms. corner sofas, despite the fact that they fit very harmoniously into the corner of the room. They take up too much space and look like a crushing solid array. For a small room, it is better to choose small chairs that will fit in style. Great solution will post there frameless furniture: it is very convenient and allows you to save space as much as possible.

As for the design of the walls, pastel colors should be used here. If you really like bright patterns and drawings, then you should step over yourself, because they visually compress the room.

To summarize all the information on how to furnish a small room, and highlight the most important highlights:

  • Fill the room with light, the light visually increases the volume.
  • Wallpaper should be chosen in light, pastel colors.
  • Use mirrors and elements with the presence of glass in the interior.
  • Pay attention to the ceiling, it must be properly whitened.
  • Use multifunctional and non-bulky furniture.
  • Do not block the access of daylight to the room; when choosing tulle, thin, semi-translucent material should be preferred.

Most residents of cities - large and small, peripheral and metropolitan areas, most often are the owners of small apartments. But how do you want to organize even this space so that the interior is fully comfortable, cozy, ergonomic and beautiful! It is believed that for the most efficient use of space small apartment, its layout should be organized as simply as possible. It is undesirable to oversaturate the space functionally. Each room should have its own purpose. It is not necessary to unite them contrary to the prevailing stereotype of open space, but on the contrary, to separate the living area and kitchen, living room and bedroom.

Design tricks to visually increase the space

So, where does the transformation of a small apartment into a cozy, comfortable and functional home begin? That's right, from drafting simple project, which you can independently sketch on a piece of paper.

Of course, unfortunately, it will not be possible to physically solve the problem of space shortage, but it is still worth trying to make housing more ergonomic and comfortable for life. Moreover, a lot of positive feedback from owners who decided to resort to small design tricks conducive visual magnification spaces in their apartment speak of their successful experience.

Corridor and hallway

When decorating the interior design of your small apartment, it would be appropriate to use neutral and simple things. However, these things can be simple and at the same time stylish or even designer. Also, do not complicate and clutter up an already small space. For such apartments, the most appropriate style is - in the interior of which there are only the most necessary things, and other unnecessary junk is thrown away.

The main task of pieces of furniture is to make the most of the free space of the rooms along the walls, while using corners and hidden volumes. So, for example, a corner cabinet, visually taking up little space, will accommodate a fairly large number of items, and self-extending shelves will facilitate access to it.

Having thought through every little thing, you can get a functional and stylish art object that attracts attention

Objects built into each other will allow you to store them more compactly outside of use, the main thing is that their appearance is not complicated and intricate. It is appropriate if the furniture of one room is made in the same style and from the same materials or companion materials.

narrow corridor will not be cluttered if the shoes are not placed on the floor, but in a special shoe rack, which is compact, spacious enough and closed.

In general, the fewer open surfaces on which objects are located, the more neat and uncluttered the design of a small apartment looks.


bathroom space will save the competent placement of all its elements. Washing machine It is convenient to put under the shelf on which accessories for washing will be stored. This shelf can be multi-storey, which will allow you to place rarely used or purchased hygiene products for the future.

The place under the washbasin can be used to store towels and a basket with things, under the bathroom - buckets, brushes, cleaners or other plumbing products.


In the kitchen, the place above the refrigerator is often overlooked, on which you can install a cabinet with shelves for storing rarely used dishes. narrow space between floor cabinets or closet and wall good for pull-out shelf, which will hold pot lids, rolling pins and other compact items.

It is undoubtedly better to use color for decorating a small kitchen, this will visually expand the space. High wall cabinets also visually increase the height and overall volume of the kitchen. Dinner table it is better to have a sliding one, which will unload the space. When 1-2 family members take food, the table can not be moved apart, when the whole family gathers at dinner - increase its size.

It's a good idea to have a pair of folding chairs that can be stored hanging on hooks outside the door or in retractable design between floor cabinets. These chairs can be pulled out as needed and do not take up space when not in use.

Living room

The living area, if possible, should be divided into separate rooms reserved for the bedroom and living room. Having your own private bedroom creates a feeling of comfort, security and stability.

The device of modern beds allows you to use all its elements. lower part- for storage of overall things or bedding. headboard- as a shelf, and sometimes even a bedside table, on which you can place night lamps (or reading lights), favorite photos, souvenirs brought from travels.

If room layout has a niche, it is advisable to install a cabinet in it. It is better if it occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling. Then it will conveniently and easily accommodate all things - seasonal and everyday. Mirrors are perfect for cabinet doors. This will visually enlarge the room and avoid installing a separate dressing table.

If the layout of the room does not involve a niche, then you can install a corner cabinet. Such a design will not visually be cumbersome, while allowing the use of hard-to-reach corner space.

If nevertheless apartment layout forces you to combine the living room and bedroom, then you need to more carefully approach the choice of the sofa and the mechanism for its unfolding. It is worth giving preference to a reliable and convenient design, because you will have to use it daily. It is also necessary to provide for the presence of a built-in box for storing bedding.

Children's room

Under it you need to highlight the brightest room in the apartment. The one in which most of the day falls sunlight. Let it be small, but Light room. The table is needed for children of any age, and you need to place it by the window. It would be quite advantageous to use a single plane with a window sill as a countertop.

This will save money and make it interesting to beat the workplace, and place bookshelves along the side walls to the right and left of the window, which can accommodate not only a children's library, but also a family one.

If there are two children or the room is very small, then it makes sense to install a loft bed. In the first case, another sleeping place will fit under it, in the second, a place will be freed up for games or storing toys. Based on the size of the rooms - the master bedroom and the nursery - you need to determine the place to store the children's clothes.

If it does not allow you to place a wardrobe in it, and in the parents' room it is roomy enough, then all children's things can be stored in it. And for everyday things and underwear, allocate a couple of closed shelves in the closet for books or toys in the nursery. This is especially true when children are still small, and parents choose clothes. For teenage children, it is already necessary to allocate a separate storage place (wardrobe). The main requirement for furniture for children is reliability, safety And environmental friendliness!

Choosing shades for decorating a child's room, do not forget that the child in it not only spends leisure time, but also studies and rests. Therefore, the desire to dress up everything in bright elements and colored paints can result in fatigue and excessive excitability of the child.

Zone the space, decorate brightly that part of the room in which the child will play, where his toys are stored. And if the furniture in the nursery is already quite colorful, then it is better to make the surfaces of the walls and the floor in soothing light colors.


Now a few words about the choice of materials and shades for interior design of an apartment with a small area.

In a small apartment, you need to give preference to light colors and balancing pattern geometry. At irregular shapes rooms (long and narrow), short walls can visually stretch the horizontal lines in the wallpaper pattern, as well as a lighter shade of relatively long walls.

The floors in such a room are preferably parallel to the short walls (if it is a laminate or parquet board). In the case of linoleum, a pattern with a horizontal transverse direction is suitable.

Visually raise the ceiling will help design it in a white or light shade, as well as vertical geometry on the walls. Verticality does not imply the presence of strict verified lines.

Such an ornament will be boring and dull. Give preference to a pattern that is only perceived as a whole, as a vertical direction.

Its elements themselves can be abstract or of a favorite theme. Do not use saturated colors, rough and colorful fragments. If all the walls of the room are decorated in pastel colors, then one of them can be distinguished. To do this, it is good to use companion wallpapers, photo wallpapers, frescoes. The main thing is that the drawing should not be too loaded and heavy.

Hidden in the wall bed - a great choice for a small room


Take care of sufficient lighting in the apartment. A poorly lit room kind of "hides" the dark areas, creating a feeling of even smaller space. A central flat-shaped source is suitable as central lighting if the ceiling is too low (less than 2.5 meters).

Point sources on the ceiling are always appropriate, operating from one control center, evenly illuminating the entire room. In the rooms you can additionally use sconce And desk lamp if they correlate with the main lamp. The less diverse and discordant with each other interior items in the room, the simpler and more spacious it seems. In a small apartment, compartment doors or accordion doors will also be very appropriate. Then in the open state they will not take up much space.

The diversity and accessibility of modern finishing materials and materials for the manufacture of furniture allows you to overcome the limitations imposed by square meters. Properly planning the space, you can always visually compensate for its volume.

And following the simple tips outlined in this article, you can organize your interior of a small apartment comfortably, comfortably, and most importantly, as functionally as possible.

There are a lot of articles on how to make a small room seem bigger than it really is. And, nevertheless, having read many of them, I also wanted to speak out on this matter.

At the same time, get away from the standard cliché: "10 tips on how to change the room."

In general, for starters, it would be nice to decide what we are talking about! What is the smallest room?
Is your room really small, or is it just your imagination?

Consider an example.
Let's say we have a room of 9 sq.m.
Of course, this is not enough if we want to place a bedroom or a living room in it. Too cramped for a teenager's room.
But for a kitchen with a small dining area, this is quite acceptable. Also, it is quite possible to place in it an office or even a nursery for a child. preschool age using proportionate children's furniture.

And if these 9 meters went to the bathroom, then the unfortunate " TOTAL 9 meters» magically transform into chic « TOTAL 9 meters».

Thus, any room can be small if the desired set of functions that this room should perform is disproportionately large in relation to its area.

In addition, additional factors will have to be taken into account: the configuration of the room, which is sometimes more important than the area, as well as the height of the ceiling and the illumination.

Well, and last (but not least) - the patency of the room.

It is obvious that in general case bedroom (without additional features) has less traffic than a kitchen or nursery, for example. But if it is in this room that the only balcony in the apartment is stored, on which things that are very necessary in the household are stored, then its permeability increases significantly.

So the first thing to do is:

- try to initially distribute the functions and proposed areas in the most logical way, so that they correspond to each other.
- if possible, reduce the number of functions that fall into one small room.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and yet, before shedding tears, trying to “shove the unimpressible”, think about whether it is possible to make a competent redevelopment of the apartment as a whole in order to logically redistribute the area. Or maybe it is worth swapping the bedroom with the living room or the nursery? Or will it be possible to find a place for a wardrobe not in a tiny bedroom, but in a corridor, or in another room?

If the room has already been selected and is not subject to change, you should give Special attention arrangement of furniture in it.

In mathematics, “changing the places of the terms does not change the sum.” But when planning a room - the opposite is true. It changes, and how!

The so-called "first impression".
That is, what is the first thing that catches the eye when we enter the room. What do we see first? That's right, the front wall (opposite the entrance) and the "red corner" (diagonally from the door). Accordingly, it is these areas that require a special attitude in the design.
Do not overload them with bulky items and things that have lost their aesthetic appeal, be careful with small details(all sorts of open shelves with vases, photos, ducks ...)

But on both sides of the entrance there is a "dead zone" (especially from the side door hinges). Here you can easily hide both a massive wardrobe and an ugly rack, which for some reason you do not dare to send to a landfill.
- Zoning. Another controversial topic for small rooms.

There are a lot of pictures on the Internet, the room is divided into zones using a plasterboard partition, a rack or a sofa placed across the room.

It should be remembered that these solutions are not suitable for small rooms and not only make them even smaller visually, but often make it very difficult to use each of the zones for its intended purpose.

An exception may be a narrow, and at the same time disproportionately long room. But even in this case, it is worth using only mobile pieces of furniture, low chests of drawers or through shelving that let in light in order to maintain the overall volume.

It will also be inappropriate to look in a small volume different architectural excesses. Artificially created niches, arches, columns, multi-tiered ceilings of strange shapes, heaped up from drywall.

First of all, let's define the style.
It is better to say goodbye to the "palace" styles right away. Luxurious Louis XIV bed will lose all its luster if you by some miracle managed to shove it into a cell 3x3 m. And, alas, it will never give you the feeling of a royal bedroom.
Of course, most suitable for small spaces minimalism, with its laconic, ergonomic forms.

But not everyone is a fan of this style. In such a case, one can turn to the universal and much more cozy style contemporary

or graceful Provence.

For the most daring, we can offer eclectic solutions. For example, a grandmother's table may well get along with glossy cabinet fronts.

Equally important is the process of choosing certain furniture models that can reduce the workload of the room.

General principle The choice is simple:
- Furniture should not be much. Leave only the essentials.
Numerous, even small items, can greatly litter any room.
- Massive products should be abandoned in favor of lighter elegant models.
- In general, light furniture looks lighter than dark furniture.
- Numerous drawers of cabinets of different colors and sizes, and even with any drawings, patterns and panels will not add beauty, but will only split up your small room.
- Cabinets built-in or freestanding, but with smooth smooth facades, attracting as little attention as possible.
- Choose a bed without a footboard.
- A sofa of a simple form, low. The upholstery is preferably plain, not bright, not variegated. It is advisable to abandon the combination of colors and wide wooden armrests.
- The choice in favor of the use of non-standard furniture. Products made to order can be maximally adjusted in size and shape to given circumstances.
I will pay special attention to various transformers.
- Folding bed.

- Bed-podium.

- Pull-out beds for the nursery.

- Sofa bed for the living room.

- Table transformer.

- Workplace - secretary.

They will help you save space in the room.
After we figured out the furniture, we smoothly move on to color design.
Here, I probably will not say much new. All articles without exception advise using white, light shades and cold tones.

And it really works!
White color tends to reflect light particles, so the room seems not only larger, but also higher and lighter.

Light cold colors visually move the surface away from us, expand the boundaries of the room. While the warm tones of the surface approach.

“What do we do now, do everything white, like in a hospital”?
- Well, firstly, the interior will not seem sterile boring if you use different textures in contrast. Combine brick, shabby wood with lace and silk, and fur with the shine of glass or glossy facades.

- Can be used various shades of neutral tones

- Or to bring into the interior a small contrast note.

But that's not all!
If you prefer saturated colors, you can use any of them. Even black. At the same time, the walls and floor, as well as all large objects in the room should be the same color. Shades, saturation and textures may differ.

You can use this technique, for example, if you need to place a large, solid dark-colored sofa in a small room, which you can’t refuse in any way.
Since the color of the sofa will be close to the color of the walls, it will no longer look as bulky as before.

Now, what should definitely be avoided when decorating small rooms:
1. Sharp color contrast

2. An abundance of various colors.

They are often advised to use to expand the space.

Basically, that's the way it is. Perspective works best in this regard. But most do not even suspect how difficult it is to find the right image that suits your interior. One of yours: I liked this picture so much' is clearly not enough.
It is necessary to take into account both the plot and color solution, the size and geometry of the panel (square, rectangle (regular or strongly elongated in length or height), the proportionality of the picture, the horizon line and the correct angle for viewing.

It may happen that the treasured picture will be alien to your interior.
You can spoil the impression
- wrong angle

- an image inappropriate for the occasion, or

- disproportionately close-up.

Of course, the better the room is lit, the more spacious it seems.
That's why:
- Try do not block the flow of light with high cabinets nearby.
- Dense replace curtains with air curtains, translucent curtains.
- If planning allows, opposite the window you can hang a mirror, which will reflect the flow of light.
- Also, if window slopes wide enough, they can also be mirror.

In general, we’ll talk more about mirrors later.

One of the keys to success is uniform lighting.
The only question is how to achieve this.
Usage built-in spotlights on the ceiling is not always justified, and not always appropriate.
Firstly, it is still a type of technical lighting. Without restrictions, it can be used in the hallway, bathroom, dressing room and to illuminate the kitchen front.
Beautiful stylish models suitable for living rooms in the style of minimalism, hi-tech.

Secondly, it will be necessary to lower the ceiling.
The most win-win solution would be to add to the main lamp additional lighting scenarios.
- Sconces, table lamps, floor lamps.
- Illumination of glass cabinets and paintings always creates intrigue in the room, and
- LED Strip Light, stretched along the perimeter and hidden behind ceiling cornice, not only visually raise the ceiling, but also contributes to a soft intimate atmosphere.

In addition to its direct function
- reflect your person,
For him, there can be several more roles in the interior:
- Mirrors reflect light, positively affecting the illumination.
- The magic of reflections allows enlarge the space .
- They can serve on their own. decorative element .

Therefore, when hanging a mirror in one place or another, first decide which of these functions is in priority.
1. In the first case, the mirror is hung in such a way that it is most convenient for you to use it. If we are talking about a large mirror, there should be an approach to it in order to see yourself in full growth. In this case, the light should fall from the side or from above, but not from behind.

And this will happen if the mirror is hung on the wall opposite the window.
2. But the window will be reflected in the mirror, this will give you a beautiful perspective and a well-lit room.

For this purpose, if for some reason you are not very fond of mirrors, you can use glass or glossy surfaces, metal or mirror mosaics instead.
Also, instead of one large mirror, you can hang several small ones at a sufficient height. They will also reflect light, but you won't have to bump into your full-length image all the time (for those who don't like it)
3. If the task is to increase the space with the help of mirrors, think about what and how your mirrors reflect. It is unlikely that the reflection of an empty bare wall in narrow corridor, or a mess dumped in the corner.

4. When you hang mirrors exclusively “for beauty”, then you need to choose a place for them as if we were hanging a picture or other element of wall decor. Given the composition, style, shape and color.
- But you should not hang various-sized and multi-colored pictures and other decorations on all walls and free corners.
- Also, you should not hang open shelves with books and various “things” everywhere.
In the end, I would like to summarize all of the above and focus on the main points.

- Correctly distribute the area of ​​​​the apartment.
- Do not overload small rooms with unnecessary functions.
- Try to find as much as possible rational option arrangements.
- Refuse the "extra" architectural elements.
- Choose the right style.
- Reduce the amount of furniture.
- Avoid bulky models.
- Use non-standard furniture, made according to your size, and various transformers.
- You should not split the room with furniture of various sizes, facades of different colors and shapes, numerous shelves, paintings, etc.
- Opt for uniform surfaces without drawings and patterns.
- Avoid sharp contrasts and colors.
- Try to pick up all the finishing elements in one color scheme, the difference can only be in shades and textures.
- give preference white color, light shades and cold tones.
- Try to fill the room with light.
- Organize uniform lighting and different light scenarios.
- Properly use various design techniques aimed at visually expanding the space: photo wallpapers with a perspective, mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces.
I will be glad if my article helps you.

Combining a bedroom and a living room in one room is a common design move. This solution saves space in small apartments. When planning the repair of a combined room, to create a harmonious interior, you will have to take into account many nuances: the color scheme of the finish, the compact placement of furniture, and the zoning of space. Modern Ideas interior designs for a small bedroom and living room allow you to create a functional and cozy room in which you can comfortably meet guests during the day and sleep at night.

The choice of design style

To design a small room that combines a bedroom and a living room, you should choose one of the modern styles:


This style uses a minimal set of furniture. At the same time, all of it is distinguished by compactness, functionality and strict form. The decoration of horizontal and vertical surfaces is dominated by bright hues, mostly white and beige. Individual elements furniture, such as a sofa and/or armchairs, can be in contrasting black. The decor of the room should also correspond to this style: even plain curtains on the windows without decorations, paintings in strict rectangular frames on the walls, etc.

High tech

It is similar to minimalism, but involves the presence of a large number of modern technology, glass and chrome interior details. Such a living room environment may not seem very comfortable to some people.

Japanese style

In such an interior there is a lot of free space, the furniture is low, with even smooth surfaces, made of bamboo or other natural wood. wood paneling the walls are finished, the floor should also be made of wood. On the walls you can hang pictures with the image of bamboo or hieroglyphs, fans, on the table and rack you can arrange Japanese figurines, bonsai. The main colors are beige, gray, chocolate, dark green.


This rustic style is able to fill the room with a homely cozy atmosphere. In the design are used natural materials close to nature. For the floor, a tree is taken or decorative tiles, for walls - decorative plaster or wallpaper. The main feature of the style is the use of a large amount of textiles: decorative sofa cushions, blankets, tablecloths, napkins self made And so on. These interior elements can be in the same color scheme as the design of the room, or, conversely, stand out with bright accents. It all depends on the taste of the owner.

Advice! The sleeping area of ​​​​the room should be located in the back of the room so that it is not a walk-through and allows you to retire.

Space zoning methods

Among the interior design ideas for a small bedroom and living room, special attention should be paid to modern way zoning, which include:

  • Partition. The easiest way to create a partition with your own hands is to use drywall. This inexpensive material will allow you to realize many design fantasies. With its help, completely blind partitions are created from floor to ceiling or up to the middle of the height of the ceilings, partitions with niches of various shapes and sizes, decorative arches. From above, drywall can be painted with paint or glued with wallpaper. The partition can be made of plastic or glass. The surface can be transparent, matte, tinted, mirror, have applied drawings, stained-glass windows. Beautifully complement the interior of the room, decorated in rustic style(country, provence), wicker partition;

  • Sliding doors. When closed, they create two separate rooms, and when extended, they create one. The material used is wood, plastic, glass. They are decorated with carvings or stained-glass windows;

Advice! Glass transparent partition or completely transparent sliding doors - perfect option zoning for small room with small windows. Glass transmits a lot of light and visually does not take up space at all.

  • Shelving is a practical solution. On the shelves you can store books, vases, souvenirs and other items. The lower part of the shelving from the living room side can be made closed and even, and from the bedroom side, shelves can be left on it. It is recommended to leave the top of the rack open so that it allows light to pass through;

  • Podium. Creating a slight rise in the floor in the area of ​​one of functional areas- a popular type of zoning. Can be built into the podium drawers for bed linen or other things;

  • Decorative screen. It can be flexible and easily rolled up, forged, be a portable shelf structure. For ease of movement, wheels are screwed to the screen;

  • Curtains. You can choose from a thin transparent and translucent material or more thick fabric. The main thing is that their style matches the style of the curtains on the windows;

  • Finishing materials. You can highlight the bedroom area by laying carpet on the floor, and in the living room by laying parquet or laminate. Separate zones with different finishes walls. On one of the parts of the room you can stick panoramic wallpapers. The ceiling in one of the zones can be made hinged or suspended and highlighted in a different color;

  • Lighting. In the living room area, brighter sources of artificial light are usually used - a large chandelier or many spotlights. In the bedroom area, it would be logical to place several wall or floor lamps providing a calm subdued light.

Design tricks for decorating a small bedroom-living room

To create sophisticated and comfortable interior small bedroom-living room, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Finishing walls, floors and ceilings should be done with light materials. They visually increase the space, add light to the room. Light parquet or laminate is suitable for the floor, paint or wallpaper for the walls, glossy for the ceiling tension cover. It is advisable to choose wallpaper without a pattern or with a subtle pattern. The following colors are suitable for walls: peach, white, milky, sand. suspended ceiling can be made brighter: lilac or Green colour. The glossy finish will reflect the light and make the room more spacious and airy;

  • It is better to choose a transforming bed. It can be with a lifting mechanism and hide in a closet during the day or move out of the podium;

  • The sofa should be compact, but functional. For a small room, a corner folding model is suitable;

  • It is better to install the TV so that the screen can be rotated, and the image on it can be seen from any area of ​​the room;
  • Decor should be discreet. A large number of small items (vases, souvenirs, figurines) will create a feeling of clutter, which will visually make the room smaller.

Today there are many design ideas and tricks to create an elegant and modern interior for a small living room. Applying the advice of experts, you can visually hide the shortcomings of a small room and beautifully divide it into two functional zones.

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