Mixer      06/17/2019

Description and types of Chinese apple trees. Apple tree Chinese Kerr: photo, description, reviews Purple Chinese all about her

Golden Chinese characterized low consumer qualities.

However, this best apples for making jams baby food and juices, and therefore the variety is widely used in production.

In the garden, such an apple tree often acts as decorative tree.


    Occurs due to the pollen of flowers of apple trees self-fertile variety, since the apple tree belongs to self-infertile type. Ideally, plant strips of two varieties at a distance of five meters from one another.

    Description of the variety Kitayka Golden

    The appearance of the apple tree is characterized by medium height, dense light green crown and yellow, small fruits.

    Tree medium-sized with a beautiful weeping crown shape. The branches are orange-yellow in color. The crown is quite spreading and lowered.

    Shoots are greenish-yellow, thin and straight. The leaf is light green. It has an elongated shape with serrated edges.

    Petioles are thin and long. Golden Chinese apple trees are often used for decorative purposes.

    Very small (average fruit weight is 40 grams), a beautiful even yellow-amber hue, but with low consumer qualities.

    The flesh of the apple is cream-colored with a yellowish tint, granular texture.

    Apples are sweet in taste with a slight sour taste.


    Selection history

    Early summer variety of apple-tree Kitayka golden bred I.V. Michurin. Produced by selective breeding Pouring white and Chinese.

    Region of natural growth

    The zones of natural growth for the Chinese gold apple tree are Northwestern and Volga-Vyatka region of Russia.

    However, the variety is well adapted in other sunny regions.

    If the climatic conditions are not suitable enough. It is important to ensure proper care, and above all, planting a tree (see below).


    The fruiting of the apple tree Chinese golden comes for the third year after landing.

    Maturation fruit happens at the end of July(approximately the 25th).

    Average yield per tree 100 kilograms.

    Within a week after harvesting, the fruits of the apple tree should be used.

    Apple tree sheds very hard during maturation.

    Landing and care

    The yield of an apple tree directly depends on care. Golden apple tree Chinese unpretentious in care. When planting a tree, classic fertilizers are used.

    Landing Chinese gold is desirable V autumn period(end of September - beginning of October).

    Then you need to choose a landing site, it should be:

    • in a sunny area;
    • far away from ground water(it is worth paying attention to this point, since the Chinese woman does not survive if this condition is not met);
    • with fertile soil;
    • well-drained areas with a pH of 5.5-6.5.

    When choosing a seedling, it is important to consider the following:

    It is necessary to choose seedlings with a developed root system and purchase them in an area with the same climatic conditions;

    It is better to choose a young seedling, then it will quickly adapt to the soil in the area where it is grown.

    Plants with exposed roots should preferably be placed in water for an hour before planting.

    The optimal parameters of the pit for planting an ornamental apple tree: 1x1x0.7m.

    Upper layer the excavated earth is mixed with the bottom layer and the following fertilizers are introduced:

    The pit is filled with a mixture of earth with fertilizers by 2/3. Fertile soil without fertilizers is poured from above. The pit is watered and a layer of fertile soil is added again.

    REFERENCE American gardeners do not prepare planting pits in advance, but make them on the day of planting. They do not use any mixtures and fertilizers, but simply, in layers of 15 centimeters, lay fertile soil, alternating with excavated earth. The top layer must be fertile.

    The year after planting in spring, it is important to form a deciduous crown apple trees. Trim the ends of each branch.

    For the first two years, it is important that the apple tree is tied to a wooden peg (it is better to use a linden or hazel tree).

    Desirable for the first four to five years, do not allow the apple tree to form fruits(it is necessary to pluck 80-100% of the flowers).

    In the first year in April, it is imperative to irrigate the trees with mixtures that protect against pests.

    This procedure should be carried out twice:

    • when buds began to swell on the branches;
    • before the buds open.

    Basic care for the first five years after planting:

    • tying trees to protect against rodents and hares (material - parchment, spruce branches);
    • humus mulching of tree trunks;
    • hilling with earth to a height of twenty centimeters.

    Diseases and pests

    Most often, the Chinese apple tree is golden subjected to the following diseases:

    • scab;
    • powdery mildew;
    • tinder fungus.

    Apple tree Kitayki golden is characterized by poor resistance to scab.

    A feature of this disease is that first of all it affects the leaves of the tree, and then moves to the fruits.

    The trunk remains completely healthy.

    The most common cause of this fungus is stagnation of air inside the crown tree or high humidity.

    The first signs scab are the appearance of green-brown spots on the leaves, also in in large numbers small brown, crust-forming spots on fruits.

    To avoid scab damage, it is important to isolate the apple tree from other crops in the garden, carefully monitor the plant and constantly disinfect and fertilize the soil.

    Scab prevention: application of ash to the soil, crown formation, feeding with potash fertilizers, feeding with compost.

    Quite often, in practice, there are cases when Kitayka's golden apple tree is subjected to powdery mildew.

    powdery mildew- This fungal disease. A characteristic symptom of the disease is the appearance of a fungus-mycelium in the form white plaque on the leaves of trees.

    Most often, the disease manifests itself after heavy rains. Infection occurs along the tree from the bottom up until it completely attacks the tree.

    The best way to deal with this disease is its prevention, which consists of:

    • pollination with colloidal sulfur and copper compounds;
    • use of varieties with high resistance to the disease;
    • destruction of affected elements;
    • application of fertilizers of potash and phosphorus type.

    tinder fungus strongly affects the trunk of an apple tree, but affects the fruits indirectly.

    It is NECESSARY to eliminate such fungus immediately.

    The daily stay of the fungus on the bark draws out a lot of strength and nutrients that the apple tree needs for a normal existence. If this is not done, the process of defeat can be considered irreversible.

    If the mushroom has not yet become too hard, then you can use regular garden knife to cut it. If the fungus has strongly affected the tree, it has become very large and quite hard, you have to use an axe.

    Naturally, healthy wood will also suffer.

    It is important to destroy the fungus at its very roots. Otherwise, after some time, the fungus will again “settle” in the same place.

    After removing the infection, the place in which it grew is necessary disinfect.

    The main thing is that the cut is even, most often it takes place to make a couple more cuts.

    Processing should be copper sulphate, after which it is desirable to paint over the treated area oil paint.

    If this is not done, the wound will soon become a nest for various types of pests.

    The fruits of the Chinese apple tree are indispensable in the manufacture of various jams, marmalades, juices, compotes and various baby food. Apples have sweet, honey taste. Apple trees are very graceful and often used in the garden. as an ornamental tree.

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Kitayka (paradise apple tree, Chinese plum-leaved apple tree) is grown in many countries of the world. The name Kitayki apple tree does not mean a certain variety, but a variety of varieties with similar characteristics. They appeared by crossing a berry Siberian apple tree with a short garden apple tree. At the same time, such varieties appeared: Kitayka golden early, Kerr, Bellefleur, Krasnaya and others.
Any of Kitaika's apple trees is distinguished by its decorative effect, unpretentiousness, resistance to drought and cold.

In the article:

Characteristics, description of the variety with a photo

Depending on the variety, the apple tree has large, white, pink or red flowers. In summer, the branches are covered with clusters of golden, greenish-red or bright red fruits.
The fruits are spherical in shape, small (in some varieties medium or large).
Not all varieties can boast of taste and long storage, but even various delicacies can be prepared from them.

Trees, depending on the variety, can be meter long, and reach 9 meters in height.
The leaves of all varieties of Chinese are pointed, elongated, green. In autumn, the foliage on the trees turns purple or ocher. The root system is strong, shallow.

Golden early appeared when the White filling was pollinated with the pollen of the Chinese apple tree. It is most often found in the Northwestern, Volga-Vyatka regions.

The apple tree is medium-sized, reaches 5-7 meters. Crown at young tree broom-shaped. An adult tree has a weeping, spreading, pyramidal shape and consists of long, straight, thin branches.
The branches are open, in relation to the trunk grow under acute angle. The bark on young shoots is yellow, with age it becomes orange-yellow.
The leaves are light green, slightly pubescent and elongated. The edges have a crenate serration. Stipules are large. Petiole elongated, thin.

The variety is fast-growing and early. An apple tree for good fruiting requires neighborhood with a pollinator variety. For pollination of the apple tree, the varieties White filling and Grushovka Moskovskaya are suitable.

Fruiting of the apple tree occurs after 3 years. The harvest is from mid-July to mid-August.
The fruits grow at the ends of branches. Apples crumble quickly when ripe. The fruits are not suitable for storage.

Fresh stored for about 5-10 days. Once harvested, they must be recycled.

The fruits are round, small, 5-7 cm in diameter, weighing 30 grams. The stem is short. The skin is amber-golden. The pulp is dense, golden-cream. The taste is pleasant, delicate, sweet and sour. The aroma is pronounced, pleasant.

The winter hardiness of the variety is high.
The disadvantages of the variety include the average yield, small fruit size and susceptibility to scab. The fruits are not suitable for transportation. Their commercial qualities are low.


Chinese Kerr was obtained from crossing Kitayka Long and the Haralson apple tree. The Canadian fruit variety Kerr is most commonly grown in middle lane Russia.

The tree is low. The crown is rounded, rare, does not require shaping pruning. Leaf blades are ellipsoid, smooth, light green in color. The edges are slightly serrated, sharpening upwards.

The flowers are large, bright, pink and fragrant.
Fruiting of an apple-tree comes from 3-4 years. The harvest takes place in September. The yield is high at first, it alternates with age (in one year it is removed big harvest, the next - medium). The fruits do not fall off when ripe.

When stored in a cold place, apples are stored until January. During storage, the taste of apples acquires honey notes.

Apples of this variety are rich in vitamins C and P. The weight of the fruit does not exceed 45 grams. The shape is slightly elongated. The color of the skin is rich dark red. The taste is sour-sweet, a slight aftertaste of astringency is felt.

The variety is winter hardy and disease resistant. The apple tree of this variety is popular with landscape designers when decorating plots.


The Bellefleur variety appeared as a result of cross-pollination of Kitaika large-fruited and Bellefleur yellow. The variety grows on the territory of the North Caucasus, in the Central Black Earth region, Armenia and Ukraine. When grown in temperate climates, it requires additional shelter for the winter.

Tall apple tree. The crown is rounded. The branches are strong and powerful.
Shoots pubescent, with light brown-red bark. The leaves are large, dark green, slightly pubescent below, oblong in shape. The edges have a large crenate serration, rise up, the tip rushes down. The plate is matte, thin, leathery. Petiole green.

A variety requires a pollinator. For pollination of an apple tree, it is necessary to plant such varieties nearby as: Kitayka Saffron, Autumn striped, Slavyanka, Cinnamon striped and Antonovka.

Fruiting begins in 7-8 years. Apples can be removed at the end of September. The fruits do not fall from the branches and are firmly held on their short stalks. You can store apples in a cold place for 4 months.

The variety differs from most varieties of Kitayki in that it has large fruits weighing 120-300 grams (sometimes reaching more than 500 grams). Apples have a round-oval shape (with a slight ribbing) and light yellow skin with bright red stripes on a pink background. Subcutaneous dots are light. The fruit stem is short. The funnel is narrow and deep. The calyx of the apple is shallow, closed. The saucer is wide, deep, the walls are almost even.

The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, the aroma is pleasant, spicy. The pulp is snow-white, fine-grained, juicy, dense and tender.
Full ripening of the fruit occurs after the removal of the fruit after 2 weeks. The yield of the variety grows every year, in adulthood it becomes periodic.

Apples are of high commercial quality and are well stored.

With insufficient care or frequent precipitation, it is quite often affected by a disease such as scab.
The variety is not very winter hardy and it is not recommended to grow it in cold regions.


Chinese Red is a fairly popular columnar variety. The variety is suitable for growing in any regions, as the variety is winter-hardy. The apple tree is zoned for cultivation in the Central region.

The tree is short, columnar. The branches are directed upwards. The foliage is bright green, elongated, pointed, finely serrate, pubescence is weak.

This variety of apple tree begins to bear fruit for 3-5 years. Fruiting at the apple tree begins in September. The yield is high, up to 165 kilograms of fruits are removed from the tree.

The fruits are small, weighing 25-75 grams. Raspberry red apples. The shape is rounded, correct. The pulp is aromatic, juicy, sweet and sour.

Transportability is high. In a cold place (cellar, refrigerator) apples are stored for up to 55-60 days.

The variety is frost and cold resistant. Disease resistance is above average. The only drawback is the likelihood of scab damage.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Apple trees are suitable for landscape decoration. From the crowns of trees, you can create hedges, garden figures.
  • Chinese is suitable for stocking other apple trees (with the exception of a few varieties).
  • Most varieties have good drought and frost resistance.
  • Apple trees are unpretentious and grow on any soil.
  • The fruits are suitable for the preparation of dessert dishes, preparations.

Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, but at the same time, with the right place and good care decorates the garden and gives beautiful and healthy fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

Chinese apple trees are frost-resistant, drought-resistant and grow on almost any soil, but for a good harvest, they need to create good conditions for growth. The soil should be non-acidic, light, moderately moist, mostly loamy or sandy. Heavy, acidic or waterlogged soils are not detrimental to the tree, but adversely affect the decorative effect of the apple tree and the quality of the fruit.

The planting area should be light or slightly dark.

Tree planting should be done in early spring or in the fall, no later than October 15. The distance between apple trees should be 6 meters.
For planting on the site, you need to take two, three-year-old seedlings, older trees take root poorly in a new place.

Before planting, the roots must be soaked for a day in warm water, and then dipped in a clay mash before planting.

To plant an apple tree, you need to prepare a hole. The pit should be 1 meter in diameter and 80 centimeters deep. To fill the pit, a fertile layer of earth is taken, rotted humus, peat, wood ash, 260 grams of superphosphate, 120 grams of potassium sulfate are added to the mixture.

The mixture fills the hole by a third. A peg is driven into the middle. A seedling is installed nearby, everything is covered with fertile soil. The root neck after falling asleep should rise above the ground at a level of 5-7 centimeters.

The trunk circle is trampled down, the tree is tied to a peg, watered with settled water and mulched with humus.

Kitayka Golden Early

After planting, the tree must be properly cared for.
Care for any of the Chinese varieties is standard and includes:

  • Watering;
  • top dressing;
  • pest control and disease control;
  • pruning.

Apple trees require plentiful, but not frequent watering. A tree requires 3-4 buckets of warm water. After each watering, the ground around the tree should be covered with a layer of mulch from crushed bark, dry sawdust, humus, peat or dry grass.

From the second year after planting, the first feeding is carried out. Under the tree in spring (3 weeks before flowering), nitrogen-containing (urea or ammonium nitrate) and organic fertilizers.
For the second top dressing, when forming the ovary, 250 grams of nitrophoska are taken, diluted in a bucket of water.
The third dressing is done after harvest. 250 grams of superphosphate, 150 grams of potassium sulfate are taken per bucket of water.
In autumn (before frost), the near-stem circle of the tree is covered with a dense layer of humus.

The Chinese apple tree has a fairly good resistance to most diseases and pests, but there are many factors that lead to a deterioration in the immunity of the tree and, accordingly, its defeat.

To prevent a disease such as cytosporosis, the drug Hom and a solution of copper sulphate are used. Spraying is done in the spring.
Used to fight scab blue vitriol, Horus, Skor, Hom, Nitrofen, urea.

Trees can be threatened by apple pests such as aphids, apple moths, apple beetles and others.
To combat aphids, a solution of soap and tobacco is used, which is used to abundantly spray the entire crown.

Apple moth and flower beetle can be defeated with chlorine.

In early spring, dry, damaged branches are pruned.
In autumn, after shedding leaves for the tree, a formative pruning of the crown is performed.
Formative pruning should be done from the second year of tree growth. First, 6 main skeletal branches are determined. Focusing on them, you need to produce crown formation annually. Shoots that appear below the first main branch must be removed. All crooked, improperly growing branches are cut off.

Before winter, the trunk is covered with roofing material or spruce branches. Such a shelter allows you to protect the apple tree from rodents and cold. The trunk circle is covered with mulch.

In early spring, you need to clean last year's leaves, grass and debris.
Since the root of the apple tree is located near the surface of the earth, loosening must be done with a rake. It is necessary to whiten the bole with a solution of slaked lime and copper sulfate. For a young tree, you need to use a chalk solution. Then the tree is fed with fertilizers.

The Chinese apple tree, regardless of the variety, with good care, allows you to decorate the garden with itself and gives good harvest fruits that are suitable for preparing blanks, desserts, cider and liqueurs.

Apple tree Chinese: video


The columnar variety Kitayka Krasnaya allows you to grow a productive and beautiful tree without taking up much space. The tree is unpretentious, does not require pruning, which greatly simplifies care. Apples are very beautiful, stored up to 2 months. They make a very nice jam..

I have two varieties of this apple tree growing in my garden next door, these are Bellefleur and Golden Early. What varieties like is the bright flowering and beauty of the fruit. The harvest is always good. From early apples I cook marshmallows, from Bellefleur various blanks.

I saw a Chinese woman in a friend's garden. I really liked her decorative look. In the nursery, I purchased a seedling of Kitayka Kerr. The tree is a real decoration of the site. It looks very beautiful in any season. The fruits, moreover, turned out to be just a godsend for making compotes. Apples are stored until the new year, which allows you to always prepare fresh drinks.

This species is the Chinese Apple Tree, they gave this interesting name"Chinese" because of the shape of the leaves, they are similar to the leaves of the Chinese plum. Kitayka was bred by crossing the domestic apple tree and the Siberian berry apple tree.

  1. The apple tree was bred by I. V. Michurin by hybridization of Kitaika and White filling. The resulting seeds sprouted in 1985, and the trees began to bear fruit in 1907.
  2. Kitayka gold early is included in the State Register for the North-West (it includes: the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Karelia, the Republic of Komi, St. Petersburg and Leningrad, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Kaliningrad regions) and the Volga-Vyatka region (composed of: the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Mordovia, the Chuvash Republic, the Kirov Region) regions.
  3. The tree is 5-7 m high. A very young broom-shaped crown, and when it grows, it becomes sprawling and weeping. The crown is formed from thin, long, yellowish-orange branches extending at an acute angle from the trunk. And the branches gradually become bare as they grow, that is, the leaves remain only at the top of the crown.
  4. The shoots are thin, straight, they have lime-colored bark. The leaves are light green in color, elongated, slightly pubescent, the edges of the leaves are crenate.
  5. Apples are medium-sized, their weight is 30 g, the main color is yellowish-amber, there is no integumentary color, the stalks are short. The flesh is yellowish-white, tasty, but acid predominates. The fruits are eaten fresh, they are used to make wine, marmalade and jams.

Pollinator variety: Papirovka.


  • The variety is early-growing, apples begin to be tied in 4-5 years;
  • Early ripening of fruits;
  • Good frost resistance of apple trees;
  • Fruit is quite tasty;


  • Fruits are not stored, they need to be used after 5-7 days, if you keep them longer, then their taste will become "cotton";
  • It is not advised to cook jam, as the fruits quickly fall apart;
  • Apples need to be harvested immediately, as they fall off the trees;
  • The trees are not resistant to scab and other diseases;
  • The fruits are medium-sized, they are 5-7 cm in diameter;

Collection and storage

  • Fruits ripen by the end of July;
  • They are collected quickly, as they can crumble;
  • Apples are not stored longer than 7 days;

Review - Natalia, Moscow region

The fruits are 5-7 cm in size, in the west of the Moscow region they ripen in mid-August, they have a taste of honey and an amazing color, as if glowing in the sun. But apples don't last long. When stored for a long time, they taste like potatoes.


  1. This Chinese variety was brought to Russia from Canada. Chinese Kerr was bred by crossing Chinese Haralson (Haralson) and Dolgo (Dolgo). Kerr is recommended for growing in the Urals (it includes: Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) and West Siberian (it includes: Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk , Tyumen region,
  2. Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Republic of Altai, Altai region) regions, as well as in the Moscow region.
  3. The tree is not tall, branches are rarely located. It bears fruit in 3-4 years. It has elliptical leaves, they are pale green, smooth, with small notches on the edges, the top of the leaves is pointed. The flowers are large, crimson-pink, with a strong aroma.
  4. The fruits are slightly elongated, their weight is 35-40 g. The peel is burgundy. The pulp is sweet, with acidity and astringency. Jams and compotes are made from apples.


  • Chinese Kerr is resistant to many diseases and drought;
  • trees are frost-resistant;
  • fruits do not crumble;
  • give high yields;
  • fruits are tied 4 years after planting;


Fruit ripens late.

Collection and storage

  • Apples are harvested from about September 15, but this depends on the planting area;
  • fruits are stored for a long time - 3.5 months;

Review - Sergey, Ryazan region

The Kerr variety has three advantages

  • Decorative. Blooms very profusely. It has many small but very bright apples.
  • Since it blooms profusely, it serves as an excellent pollinator for other varieties of apple trees.
  • Apples can be eaten or made into jam.

Bellefleur Chinese

  1. It was selected by I. V. Michurin by crossing Bellefler yellow and Kitaika large-fruited in 1908. Grown in the North Caucasus region.
  2. The tree is tall, rather branched, the crown has many branches and leaves, it is rounded in shape. Shoots are reddish-brown, with omission.
  3. The oval leaves have a bottle shade, they are fleshy, without shine, the edges with large crenate notches, with leaves drooping from below. Apples are tied on young twigs or last year's growths.
  4. Apples are round-oval, ribs are slightly visible, the main color when technical maturity- creamy, almost white when ripe. The average weight is 180 g, but apples weighing up to 500 g come across. The integumentary color is reddish-pink stripes on an indistinct pinkish background. The stem is short.

Composition of fruits

  • glucose, fructose, sucrose - 11%;
  • tartaric acids - 0.7%;
  • vitamin C - 7 mg / 100 g;

In fruits, the funnel is narrow, deep. The saucer is deep and wide. The calyx is small, closed. The pulp is snow-white, tender, with small grains, has a spicy sweet-sour taste, with a bright aroma.

In trees, fruits are initially tied every year, but as they age, fruiting becomes not sharply periodic. Up to 200 centners are harvested from a hectare on which trees aged 20 years and older grow.

Pollinator varieties: Antonovka, Cinnamon striped, Autumn striped.


The fruits have a good dessert taste.


  • The tree is tall, making picking apples difficult;
  • The variety is not resistant to scab;
  • It has medium frost resistance;
  • Fruits late, after 8 years;

Collection and storage

  • The fruits ripen in mid or late September;
  • After picking, leave them in a dry place for 2-3 weeks, then they will fully ripen and become an excellent dessert taste;
  • The fruits can be stored for 2 months after picking. If you put them in the refrigerator, you can keep them until January.

Review - Malyshev, Bronnitsy, Moscow region

During storage, apples from Bellefleur-Chinese become more red and beautiful, their taste becomes better. We start eating apples only a month after picking.

Chinese Red

  1. The tree was bred by V. V. Kichina in VSTIS. An apple tree can be grown in any region of Russia. This is a columnar apple tree.
  2. The tree is not tall, the branches are directed upwards. It has emerald leaves, elongated in shape, their edges are finely serrated.
  3. The variety is considered autumnal. The main color of the fruit is creamy. Cover color - reddish-crimson solid blush all over the apple.
  4. Round fruit. The pulp is creamy, very juicy, dessert taste, there is sweetness and acidity, with aroma. Apples weighing 40-75 g. Tasting score for taste 4.55-4.68 points. This universal variety, apples can be eaten and processed.


  • The fruits have excellent transportability.
  • Collect up to 125-165 kg of apples from a young tree.
  • The apple tree sets fruits in 3-5 years, that is, it is early-growing.
  • She is very cold hardy.
  • Has above average disease resistance.


Trees may be affected by scab.

Collection and storage

  • Fruit is harvested in September;
  • Fruits do not crumble, they keep perfectly on the branches;
  • Stored after collection for about 2 months;

Review - Maria, Moscow region

I bought an apple tree in a nursery near Moscow. Apples are very tasty, sour-sweet with a strong aroma.


  1. The soil for the Chinese is selected, which has neutral properties, crumbly, slightly moistened, loams or sandy loams are well suited. The place is chosen sunny or slightly shaded.
  2. An apple tree is planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet begun to swell, but the ground has already thawed. But you can plant in the fall, but no later than mid-October. If you are planting an apple tree in the spring, then prepare landing pits in autumn, if in autumn, then dig holes a month before planting.
  3. For the columnar apple tree Kitaika red, dig holes with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Keep a distance of 1 m between the holes, it is best to plant columnar trees in one line.
  4. For other varieties of Chinese women, the pits should be 1 m in diameter and 70 cm deep. When planting Bellefleur-Chinese, make a distance of 5 m between the pits, and 6 m between rows. 6 m between rows.
  5. Pour the top fertile layer of earth into each planting hole, mixed with 2 buckets of humus, a handful of ash, 260 g of superphosphate and 230 g of potassium sulfate. After pour 10 cm of soil without fertilizers. Each hole needs to be 1/3 full. Leave holes for the soil to settle.
  6. For planting, you should buy seedlings that are 1, 2 or 3 years old, older seedlings will not take root. If the seedling has an open root system, then lower the roots of the tree before planting for a day in warm water, and then dip in a clay mash.
  7. Drive a peg into the middle of the hole. Place the seedling, gently straighten the roots, cover with soil. The root neck when planting should be 5-7 cm above ground level. Trample the ground a little trunk circle, water each seedling with 2-3 buckets of settled water, mulch with humus with a layer of 5 cm. Tie each tree to a peg.


Chinese care is:

  • fertilizer application;
  • watering;
  • pulling out weeds;
  • pest control and disease management;
  • pruning;
  1. Apple trees should be watered abundantly, but not very often. Pour 3-4 buckets of water under one apple tree. After each watering, loosen the soil of the near-stem circle shallowly. Then you can mulch with chopped bark, dried grass, peat.
  2. Feeding begins from 2 years after disembarkation. 3 weeks before the flower buds open, urea and rotted manure are scattered under the tree. The apple trees are fertilized a second time when they fade and fruits begin to set. Pour 250 g of nitrophoska into a ten-liter bucket of water and pour it under the apple tree.
  3. Feed the trees a third time after removing the apples. Since August, you can not use nitrogen as a fertilizer. Pour 250 g of superphosphate, 140 g of potassium sulfate into a ten-liter bucket of water. Before the onset of frost, put a ten-centimeter layer of humus under the tree.
  4. To prevent cytosporosis of an apple tree in the spring, sprinkle with Hom or a solution of copper sulphate. To eliminate scab, use copper sulfate, Skor, Nitrofen, urea.
  5. To eliminate aphids, make a solution of tobacco dust and soap, carefully spray the crown. Destroy apple moth and flower beetle with chlorine.

Formation of a columnar apple tree of the Kitayka red variety

  • Prune the main trunk immediately after planting and completely cut off all secondary shoots.
  • After a year, pinch all young shoots that are longer than 30 cm.
  • After 2 years, pinch the top shoot 25 cm from the central trunk. Trim the side shoots, leaving 40 cm each.
  • After 4 years, cut through all the shoots of the last year, cut off all weak and deformed branches.
  • After 5 years, limit the growth of the tree upwards. The columnar tree should not exceed 3 m.

We will be glad to have your advice for our gardeners about the Kitayka apple tree, we are waiting for your comments.

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Our "paradise apples" - Toitai, siberian, ranetki . We mainly grow varieties in our gardens. house apple (M. domestica). There are more than 10 thousand of them in the world assortment, but with all the variety of varieties that can withstand the conditions of severe frosty winters in the northern part of the Central, North-Western, Volga-Vyatka regions, this type of apple tree does not. Here you can plant varieties and hybrids of domestic apple trees with Chinese, Siberian and other types of apple trees.

Chinese, that is Chinese plum tree (M. prunifolia), not found in the wild. She got her name not because she was brought from China, but for the shape of a leaf resembling a Chinese plum leaf. Most often these are tall, up to 10 m, trees strewn with small apples. In terms of taste, the Chinese, of course, cannot compete with the wonderful southern varieties of apples. And they appreciate her for her unpretentiousness and drought resistance, for the fact that she does not fail with the harvest even after harsh winters. And for amazing beauty during flowering and fruiting. There are many forms that differ from each other in the strength of growth, size, shape and color of the fruit.

Among the most popular - durable and fruitful " Chinese Saninskaya", found back in 1899 in one of the gardens of Samara, with sweet and sour fruits (25-30 g, up to a maximum of 60 g), and highly winter-hardy" Chinese apricot". It is popular in the Chelyabinsk region. It gives up to 100 kg of fruit per tree (with an average weight of 56 g).

The authorship of varieties exceptionally hardy to frost " Chinese anise"(fruits about 50 g)," Dessert Chinese", introduced into the assortment of the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions and distinguished by good taste, as well as " Chinese golden early"belongs to Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. The last variety has a medium-sized tree, with a rather rare narrow pyramidal crown. It begins to bear fruit in the 3-5th year after planting. Apples ripen early - in early August, but do not last long, a week and a half. They small (30-40 g), rounded, golden-yellow, as if liquid - translucent in the sun.The flesh is dense, yellowish, pleasant sweet and sour taste.The variety successfully bears fruit in the conditions of the North-Western and Volga-Vyatka regions that are unfavorable for gardening.

For more than 30 years, the Chinese variety has been successfully grown in the Moscow region " Kerr"Canadian selection. The tree is winter-hardy, small-sized, with a small sparse crown that does not require complex formative pruning. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-4 years, alternating a plentiful harvest with a moderate one. Apples - beautiful, dark red, weighing up to 40 g - hang down in garlands from the branches. They practically do not crumble and, collected in September, are stored in a cool place until December-January. They can become a decoration for the New Year tree. But, most importantly, they are delicious fresh, and are especially good in all types of preparations - marmalade, jam , compotes, juices, cider, wine.

Chinese " Long"originally from the USA. It is low, early fruiting, resistant to scab. Every autumn it is literally strewn with bright red small fruits.

Siberia is the birthplace of frost-resistant species: apple berry (M. baccata), or Siberians. It is able to withstand frosts up to 50 ° C and even more, it can exist without shelter at the latitude of Yakutsk. It grows as a tree, sometimes a shrub. She has a wide rounded crown, long raised branches. The fruits are very small, like currants, yellow, orange, red. The tree is very beautiful during flowering, for example, in the variety Street Parade"the buds are pink, the flowers are white, and the cultivar" Hopa"- purple-pink with a lilac tint.

From crossing Siberian with large-fruited varieties obtained ranetki . These are highly winter-hardy medium-sized trees, which begin to produce small (8-14 g) fruits in the third or fourth year. known various forms ranetok - "Ranetka purple", "Ranetka Ermolaeva" and others.

From crossing ranetok, first of all " Ranetki purple ", with varieties home apple tree ("Papirovka", "Pepin saffron", "Melba" etc.) obtained Siberian, Altai and Buryat varieties of apple trees: " Scarlet flower", "Altai dove", "Altai crimson", "Altai speckled", "Altai purple", "Gornoaltayskoe", "Winter saffron", "Komsomolets of Buryatia", "Malink a "and others. Fruits - 30-50 g, but the trees are very winter-hardy and successfully bear fruit, despite frosts of 40-45 ° C.

"Chinese" or "rayka" - this is the name given to the unusually beautiful, tasty and decorative tiny apples that were once often found in our gardens. In fact, a tree that produces such fruits is more correctly called a plum-leaved apple tree. In addition, "Kitayka" is not a variety, but a type of small apples, numbering several varieties that differ from each other.

Features, description and photo of varieties of Chinese apples

Frost-resistant, unpretentious and drought-resistant trees, on which Chinese apples grow, are also super-yielding, decorative both during flowering and at the time of fruiting. By attracting bees to themselves, they help in pollination and their neighbors, thereby increasing the yield in the entire garden. They are often used as rootstock.

The oldest of the varieties of this species - "Golden Early" - was selected by Michurin. Now this variety can be found only in old gardens. Golden apples ripen early, they weigh no more than 40 grams. Mostly fruits grow at the ends of the branches of a miniature tree. Under the weight of apples, shoots often break, damaging the tree. Fruits are stored for only a few days.

In addition to the "Golden Early", there are new variety"Kerr" which comes from Canada. At home, they decorate with these apples Christmas tree stuffed bird for Christmas.

In terms of aroma, these apples are not inferior to Antonovka. The round shape of the crown of low apple trees is preserved without pruning. Ripe apples resemble Burgundy wine in color, look spectacular in small clusters on long petioles against the background of graceful leaves. The taste of fruits is sweet and sour, with a barely perceptible astringency, which disappears after keeping them on a tree until the first frost.

Apple tree "Chinese Belfleur"- a vigorous variety with a rounded crown, large dark green oblong leaves. Shoots are strongly pubescent. Apples are large, oval, light yellow, with a pronounced blush. The flesh of the fruit is white, tender, spicy-sour-sweet with a dessert aroma.

The variety was bred by Michurin as late autumn. The apple tree participated in the selection of more than 10 new varieties. The disadvantages of "Belfleur-Chinese" include late fruiting of the variety, susceptibility to scab, tall stature.

The nutritional value

Let's consider why Chinese apples are valuable, using the example of the two most popular varieties - Belfleur and Kerr.

Use in cooking

Apples "Kerr" are most often used for making compotes, jams. A goose stuffed with these fruits has a special, exquisite taste and aroma. They also make candied fruits.

Belfleur apples are also suitable for making jelly, mousses, wine, cider, jelly, good as dried fruits.

Below are a few recipes for preparing delicious desserts from apples of the presented varieties.

Chinese jam

For 1 kg of apples with tails, you need 1.5 liters of water and 1.5 kg of sugar. For a soda solution - 1 liter of water and 2 teaspoons of soda. Apples are pricked and placed in a soda solution for 2 hours. Then they are immersed in hot syrup and heated to a boil, allowed to stand for 6 hours. Then the syrup should be boiled, apples immersed in it and again set aside for several hours. So repeat one or two more times. Then boil the fruits in syrup until tender.

Apple compote for the winter

Washed and dried apples should be put in a sterilized three-liter jar so that they take up half the volume, 2 cups of sugar are poured into the same place and boiling water is poured. Then the jars are rolled up, shaken to dissolve the sugar, turned upside down and wrapped.

Apple compote "Belfleur" for the winter

Apples are peeled, peeled off, cut into slices, poured into jars. Then they are poured with boiling water with sugar (3: 1), after 5 minutes the liquid is drained through a colander. So repeat 2 times. For the third time, apples are poured with boiling syrup to the edge of the jar (there should be no air) and rolled up.

Apple jam "Kerr" (video)