Shower      06/17/2019

What to do to turn green peppers. Peppers technical ripeness. Pepper harvest and storage

When the pepper does not turn red for a long time, this is a fairly common problem. If the variety matches, you need to understand a number of other reasons.

Pepper ripening stages

If some peppers do not turn red in the garden, you should figure out what color the fruits of this variety are (orange, yellow, green or red). Further, which variety is early or mid-season. In colder regions, farmers recommend cultivating early varieties. In hot climatic conditions, in the south of the country, gardeners grow mid-season peppers.

Best for greenhouses hybrid varieties. They tolerate temperature extremes well and have strong immunity to pests and diseases. In addition, hybrids have a distinctive tasty aftertaste.


Not all summer residents know that this culture has two periods of maturity:

Sweet peppers are almost always harvested at the first stage of maturity. Such fruits can be stored for a whole month, they do not deteriorate and do not crumple. Then, when ripe vegetables lie for a very short time. If Bell pepper did not blush, it is collected from the garden, folded into shallow boxes in two layers. The bottom and sides of the boxes should be wrapped with newsprint. Put the container with fruits in a warm and shaded place. Such a culture must be looked after with great responsibility. Otherwise, when he doesn’t like something, he will easily throw off the still unripe ovary.

Conditions for growing peppers for full ripening

If the peppers are already large enough, but still not reddened, this may be the variety. Their biological time has not yet come and we have to wait a little more. It is very important to comply with all growing conditions. This fastidious culture is too demanding of itself. and if the bell pepper has not turned red yet, it may simply lack potash fertilizer or the sun. To do this, make mineral purchased bait or simply water the shrub wood ash diluted in water. The ratio of the solution to 10 liters of water is 1 cup of ash.

For the correct and timely ripening of fruits, the plant needs 12 hours of daylight. Daytime the temperature should not exceed +30 degrees and not lower than +25. At night, the thermometer is unacceptable to fall below 15 degrees. Otherwise, the culture will freeze and stop in development. It is also necessary to remove all unnecessary ovaries from the bush so that they do not take extra strength for fruit ripening.

Timely watering is very important, especially during the ripening period of peppers. Irrigation is carried out only with warm, warmed up to +25 degrees water. Many gardeners fill containers with liquid, by the evening it heats up in the sun and is ready for watering. If there are no such containers, then the water must be heated. It is imperative to observe the watering temperature so that the plant does not stop developing. When hot peppers do not turn red for a long time, peppercorns must be kept on the bushes until they are fully ripe and are not plucked like fruits of the sweet variety. It is under such conditions that they accumulate their burning substances.

Therefore, bushes of burning varieties are kept in the garden, covering and wrapping them for the night so that they do not freeze. If climatic conditions no longer allow keeping the plant in open field, you need to carefully transplant it into a pot and take it into the room. Those crops that are cultivated in greenhouses need to provide the correct temperature and lighting.

Some tricks for reddening peppers faster

In boxes with folded and unripe sweet peppers, you need to put a couple of red fruits. It can be a couple of tomatoes, red apples or the same, but only red peppers. From above everything is tightly covered with newspaper.

Ruddy sides on the peppers will begin to appear after one week. The accumulated ethylene in scarlet fruits will spread to all vegetables and contribute to early ripening. It is very important that the vegetables lie in bulk all together. If each of them is wrapped separately in a newspaper, nothing will happen. The best stimulants to ripening - these are red apples, so they are not recommended to be placed next to already ripened vegetables. Such a neighborhood will lead to rapid overripeness and decay.

Some summer residents have adapted, and plucked unripe peppercorns are placed on food foil. The foil is then placed on the east or west window sills. The sun will begin to repel from the foil, this contributes to the early ripening.

You can artificially stop the development of the bush and stimulate ripening. At a height of 3-4 cm from the ground, pierce with a sharp knife through hole and put a stick in it. The shrub will stop growing, the peppers will soon ripen.

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Pepper care in the greenhouse.

Unripe peppers can be removed from the bush and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Unripe pepper can be removed from the bush, it ripens quite gradually.

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In an unripe pepper, there is everything the same as in a ripe one, only in smaller quantities, and the pepper itself is smaller.

If you remove the peppers now and feed the bushes, there will be another crop, or even two

I determine by feel. If it's soft, let it grow. If elastic - technical ripeness has come. I can pluck, I can leave until redness.

Here is the technical ripeness - and you have them green, another 10-15 days and you can tear, so they will be tastier.

Victoria is a variety of pepper, mid-season and resistant. The fruit ripening period lasts from 120 to 125 days. The bush itself is from 35 to 45 cm high, standard. The fruits are cone-shaped, two-three-chambered, their height is from 9 to 12 cm, diameter is from 6 to 8 cm. In technical maturity they are green, and in biological maturity they are dark red.

Pepper harvest. Storage and processing of pepper.

To the end


​Despite the fact that the industrial cultivation of pepper in open ground in middle lane continues to be for Agriculture a high-risk zone, many varieties, bred by selecting the most resistant representatives of this branch of the nightshade family, are confidently grown in open ground in individual garden farms.​

  • Bell pepper is a vegetable belonging to the nightshade family. It is very rich in vitamin C, which plays important role for our body. Well, about how much delicious meals can be prepared from sweet pepper, and generally it is not worth talking about. Take, for example, at least the well-known stuffed peppers, which are prepared very simply and quickly. Therefore, if you have your country cottage area, then information on how to properly grow sweet peppers will surely come in handy. More...​
  • Removing unripe peppers, thereby you give the plant a boost to ripen new fruits, although many peppers are removed by frost, but this unripe pepper should be used immediately or cut into pieces, put in a plastic bag and put in freezer for next use.​
  • Everyone does this, especially if it is then transported in batches to other regions or even countries for sale. It retains its taste, all the vitamins, so this is from a vegetable that will not deteriorate from early removal from the bush.
  • You can pick it off the bush when it is not yet ripe, but you need pepper or when it is already cold and there is a risk that it will freeze.
  • If the color rendering of the photo is 1:1, then in my opinion it is still too early to tear it off, it should acquire a slightly yellowish color. It may not be red at all, a variety of variety.
  • Technical ripeness of pepper occurs 20–45 days after flowering.
  • And if you want it early - pick (of course, only the largest ones) and treat with the drug Ripening - they will ripen in a week. (as in a box with Chinese peppers - all the red ones are perfect, they didn’t fit perfectly there themselves. dp is still all evenly red) And the small ones will grow, just don’t forget to feed.
  • Swallow is a high-yielding and early ripening variety. The period from planting to technical maturity is from 115 to 120 days. The bush is semi-standard, medium-sized, up to 50 cm high. Pepper fruits, three-four-chamber, oval-cone-shaped, in technical maturity the color is light green, and in biological it is dark red. The thickness of the fetus is 6-7 mm, and the height is 7-9 cm.
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The suitability of a variety for specific microclimate and soil conditions can only be verified by practice. For cultivation in open ground today, such varieties of sweet pepper as Denis, Slastena, Novocherkassky, Kazachok, Arsenal, Heracles have proven themselves. Well grown in open ground and varieties such as Nafanya, Funtik, Eroshka, Pinocchio. Through selection and breeding efforts by amateurs and professionals, many varieties of peppers, originally developed for growing under film, have been modified for open cultivation in the middle lane. More...​

Variety Gift of Moldova

The nutritional value of sweet (Bulgarian) and bitter (hot) peppers puts this crop on a par with the most popular immunostimulating foods - citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries, carrots, broccoli, etc. Vitamins A, B1, B2, P, PP and rutin , which are part of it, stimulate the strengthening of the capillaries of the circulatory system, improve appetite and digestion. The content of vitamin C in fresh peppers significantly exceeds those of other vegetables: 200 mg per 100 g of fruit fresh weight in sweet and 400 mg in hot peppers. Despite the relative healing effect hot pepper, doctors do not recommend using it for diseases of the liver and kidneys, but to ensure daily requirement in vitamins A, C and P, an adult is advised to eat about 30-40 g (1-2 fruits) of sweet pepper per day. Due to the almost constant availability of the product on the shelves of supermarkets, these recommendations have become quite feasible even in the winter, but the prices for "foreign products" still leave much to be desired. More...​

VarietyGolden Jubilee

Yes, not ripe, green pepper can be removed from the bush. If you put it in a warm place, it will ripen. And if you put a couple of ripe red peppers next to green peppers, then ripening will go even faster. I lay out the peppers on the windowsill and after two or three days the ripening process is already in full swing.


Yes, the peppers will ripen, but that's all. And there is little secret: put one bright red between the green peppers. Peppers "envy" the handsome man and quickly begin to blush. I do the same with tomatoes. I put ripe tomatoes between pink tomatoes.


We shoot regularly.


Technical ripeness - you can eat


Such fruits are fully formed, have a light green, green, dark green, yellow or cream color.


He is still green, let him sing

Gogoshary is a local variety of tomato-like peppers, of medium ripening. The bush is compact, standard, width up to 45 cm, and height up to 50 cm. The fruits are ribbed, four-chamber rounded flattened, in technical maturity the color is green, in biological it is dark red, weight 80-130 gr. The pulp of the fruit is 7 mm thick. ​

Bulgarian pepper, technical ripeness - what is it when to pick pepper? look at the photo - shoot one?

Vladislav Nikolaevich ©

Noble gardeners share hot (spicy) and sweet peppers. Sweet pepper is grown more widely, it surpasses tomato and many other vegetables in its taste and nutritional qualities, pepper is also widely used with fried, fresh, baked, dried, stewed, pickled, stuffed and pickled.


Pepper fruits can be harvested both in biological (when the fruit has reached its varietal characteristics - size, color, shape, etc.), and in technical (when the fruit outward signs has formed a fruiting organ, but does not have the ripeness inherent in this variety (color and size). The first fruits in technical ripeness can be obtained in 60 - 70 days. And one of suitable varieties is Flamingo F1.​

Nadezhda Kotsareva

Mexican Pepper, Vegetable Pepper, Annual Paprika are all names for the same plant. A home-grown ornamental pepper can become original decoration your windowsill. More...​

svetlana faynleyb

Unripe sweet bell peppers can be removed from the bush.


Of course, you can pick unripe peppers from the bush. In general, technical and biological ripeness is distinguished from pepper, which is what they write about on the packaging. During the period of technical ripeness, that is, when the fruits of the pepper are still green, the pepper can be plucked and eaten. For sale, just pepper is plucked during the period of technical ripeness, until it reaches the consumer, it reaches biological ripeness and turns red, yellow, or remains green in color (depending on the variety).

Lidia Gultyaeva

Not everyone ripens naturally.

victoria chaikovskaya

Biological ripeness - seeds ripened
Fruits that are fully formed are considered technically ripe (the length of the fruit with an elongated shape is not less than 6 cm, the diameter of the fruit with a rounded shape is not less than 4 cm), with thick fleshy walls, with a color typical for this variety (light green, green, yellow) and a characteristic peppery aroma. the seeds are in the phase of milk or wax ripeness.
Good! This is the technical ripeness of sweet pepper. Bulgarian pepper does not exist in nature. And to make it red, just don't tear it. I love red in biological ripeness. If you really want to, then leave the central one, it will ripen faster. And eat growing around.
Ruby is a late-ripening and high-yielding variety. The period from planting to technical maturity is from 165 to 170 days. The bush is compact, standard, and no more than 45 cm high. The fruits are three-four-chamber, rounded flat, thick-walled, no more than 8 mm thick. They do not have a bitter taste. In technical ripeness, green, and in biological - red.


​When good conditions sweet pepper can bear fruit in the garden from the end of June until frost in October. Pepper fruits tolerate transportation well and can be stored for up to thirty days. Hot pepper is used as an accepted seasoning, which limits its distribution. ​


Vladimir Bendrikov

20-30 days pass from biological to technical ripeness. The fruits are usually harvested in the phase of technical and biological ripeness, during this period they contain the largest number useful substances, namely sugars, mineral salts, vitamins. The ripeness of a pepper can be determined by a specific crackle when the fruit is touched. Harvesting of pepper occurs at the same time as harvesting of tomatoes and eggplant. The first harvest is obtained in early, mid-August and continues to be harvested until frost.

Marina Valentinovna

​Jalapeño is a variety of vegetable capsicum pepper (Solanaceae family) that is widely cultivated in Mexico and the southern United States.​
We often do this at home if we are preparing to cook borsch or want to eat stuffed peppers, but it has not yet fully ripened in the garden.

Is it possible to remove unripe sweet bell pepper from the bush?

Within 30 days after the onset of technical ripeness, biological ripeness sets in, when you can watch on the bush how your pepper changes color and begins to turn yellow, whiten or blush.


We lay it out in one layer on the floor of the loggia, where we always have an average temperature between street and home. Cover the peppers with an old blanket. We sort it out every couple of days, because some wither or rot - we delete them.


If you remove unripe green pepper and put it at home, will it ripen later? Will it then acquire red, orange or another color corresponding to its variety? If so, under what conditions can this happen?​

on this moment, you have technical maturity.​


In addition to red, there is pepper and the so-called white. It’s just that when ripe, it does not turn red, but turns white a little, which means ripe.

Kolobok is a mid-season and high-yielding variety. Bush height from 25 to 33 cm, low semi-stem. Fruits with light rounded edges, in technical maturity they are light green in color, and in biological ripeness they are red, fruit weight is 60-90g. Diameter from 7 to 8 cm, height 5-5.5 cm, pulp thickness from 9 to 14 mm.​

The gift of Moldova is a high-yielding and mid-season variety. The ripening period lasts from 120 to 130 days. Bush 55 centimeters high, strongly leafy, medium, standard. The fruits of such peppers are two- or three-chambered, cone-shaped, light green and green in technical ripeness, and dark red after the onset of ripeness. The diameter of the fruit is from 5 to 8 cm, the height is from 10 to 14 cm, the thickness of the pulp is from 5 to 5.5 mm, and the weight is 100-150 gr.



In countries with a colder climate, this heat-loving plant is grown mainly in closed ground- greenhouses, greenhouses and city apartments. More...​


Not quite ripe peppers are just as fragrant, but a little less tasty.


But even with self-cultivation of pepper, it is rare that my pepper in the garden reaches biological ripeness. But the fact is that while it ripens on a bush, new peppers do not tie and do not grow.

So we eat fresh pepper until mid-November.

Our grandmother always removed unripe peppers from the garden. In the garden, they did not have time to ripen due to the climatic conditions of Central Russia)))))). Green, she put them in boxes, covered them and put them in a dark place, usually under the bed ... and then they reached, took on their natural color ... it was the same with tomatoes.

If the peppers have become hard - technical ripeness (can be collected), the more fruits you cut, the more new ovaries will appear, if you do not remove the fruits at the stage of technical ripeness, the plant will simply drop new ovaries and buds


This pepper that I see is unlikely to be red

Pepper seedlings when there is no danger of frost, at least 18 cm deep and well-divided soil. The distance between plants in the beds is from 30 to 35 cm. The bushes need loosening and watering.

Beautiful glade

Golden jubilee is a mid-season variety, mainly used for canning, pepper fruits are ribbed, flat-round, three-four-chamber, in technical maturity they are green, and in biological maturity they are golden yellow, their weight is 80-140 gr., Fruit pulp thickness is 7- 8 mm. Bushes are medium-sized and standard (from 40 to 60 cm).

Nikolai Sosiura


​To the beginning

A heat-loving native of distant South America, pepper not only successfully took root in our climatic zones, but also firmly strengthened its position. On household plots sweet peppers are always present among cultivated garden crops, and the area occupied by them cannot be called small. And he fell in love with gardeners for several reasons. Firstly, pepper fruits are truly a pantry of vitamins (A, E, C, groups B, P), carbohydrates, minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine and many others), essential oils and acids. In terms of vitamin C content, pepper is much superior to lemon, and there is more of it in autumn ripe fruits than in summer ones. Secondly, it is easy to care for throughout the growing season. In addition, pepper, although it belongs to the nightshade family, which is extremely susceptible to late blight, is not susceptible to this disease. More...​

A native of the hot south, he has long since found his place both on our tables and on our garden plots. But the trouble is that the local climatic conditions are not always to the liking of the overseas guest and its fruits rarely have time to reach ripeness. What to do if the pepper does not turn red in the garden, how to speed up its ripening on a bush in the open field?

How to speed up the ripening of sweet pepper?

We will make a reservation right away that the sweet pepper culture is quite capricious, requiring a lot of heat and sunlight, so if the weather has already finally “turned to autumn”, the best way out would be to simply remove the existing crop without waiting for its biological ripeness. But if the night temperature does not yet fall below +10 degrees, the following measures will help speed up the ripening of pepper fruits:

  1. A bed with peppers should be covered with a non-woven covering material in order to build a film greenhouse over it a little later. In sunny weather, the greenhouse should be carefully ventilated, and carefully closed at night. If there is a stationary greenhouse on the site, you can also transplant pepper bushes with unripe fruits into it, but there is a high risk of damaging their delicate root system.
  2. Heavily overgrown pepper bushes must be cut off - removed side shoots and lower leaves, as well as pinch the apical points of growth. This will improve air circulation and send all the nutrients to the ripening fruits, as well as avoid the build-up of excess green mass.
  3. The green part of the pepper bushes must be treated with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or ash infusion, which contain all the microelements necessary for the fastest ripening of fruits. It is also possible to use fruit formation stimulants for foliar processing, such as "Bud" or "Ovary".

Pepper has been deservedly loved by culinary specialists all over the world for several centuries. Its sweet and spicy varieties are good fresh and canned, they give an original taste and unusual aroma to vegetable and meat dishes.

Thanks to the success of breeders in recent decades, this heat-loving guest from South America has become popular vegetable crop not only in the southern regions of our country, but also in areas of risky farming. Enthusiast gardeners successfully plant ultra-early and early-ripening varieties even in Siberia.

Growing a rich pepper crop is only half the battle. It is important to collect juicy, vitamin fruits correctly and, most importantly, on time.

When to harvest from open beds?

Harvest time depends on three factors:

  • from the ripening time of a particular variety, which can vary from 70–80 days for early peppers to 130 or more days for late-ripening ones;
  • on the variety of cultivated crop (sweet or bitter pepper);
  • weather conditions of the current season.

For plants grown outdoors, the latter factor is decisive. Heat-loving plants, even the most suitable varieties for your region, do not tolerate negative temperatures at all. Therefore, at the first threat of frost, all fruits should be immediately removed from the garden.

The degree of their maturity also affects the time of removal of the first peppers.

Sweet (bulgarian) peppers can be harvested when they reach the stage of technical ripeness, that is, at the moment when the fruits reach a size corresponding to varietal characteristics, but have not yet acquired the necessary color and taste.

Hot peppers are removed from the branch only when fully ripe, that is, only at the stage of biological ripeness. If the sweet varieties ripen perfectly, having already been taken from the bush, then the bitter varieties no longer acquire the necessary sharpness outside the plant.

Depending on the timing of ripening, early varieties can be harvested after 60 days of vegetation, mid-season - after 90 days, and late peppers - after 4 months. In the middle lane, the beginning of the harvest, on average, falls on the beginning or middle of August.

Harvesting in a greenhouse

If the timing of harvesting from open ridges is limited to the first frosts, then in a greenhouse this period can be extended until a stable cold weather. Greenhouse peppers are not afraid of early frosts, but at low temperatures, plant development stops and ripening practically stops.

When harvesting peppers, you should remember some features of the collection of sweet and bitter varieties. Bulgarian pepper requires compliance with several important conditions:

  • To increase the yield of the bush, remove the fruits immediately upon the onset of their technical ripeness. Clean your peppers at least once a week.
  • Remember that pods taken at the stage of biological ripeness contain maximum amount useful substances. However, they are better suited for immediate consumption or canning, and store much less than unripened peppers.
  • The transition from technical to biological ripeness takes from a few days to two or three weeks. The duration of this period depends on climatic conditions. environment, mainly on air temperature: the warmer the weather, the faster the maturation.
  • Ready fruits should be separated from the plant very carefully, preferably with scissors or secateurs, and always with the stalk.

Bitter varieties should only be harvested at the stage of biological ripeness, that is, fully ripe. It is then that the pods acquire the necessary sharpness, the color characteristic of the variety and a spicy aroma.

How to store sweet pepper?

For successful storage the harvest of bell pepper must comply with several important conditions.

  • Carefully sort the pods, removing any diseased or damaged specimens.
  • Fruits collected at the stage of technical ripeness, store in a cool room. At a temperature not exceeding + 10 °C, the crop will reach biological maturity in about a month. If you want to speed up the ripening time, place the pods in a warmer place.
  • Ripe peppers are best stored at temperatures between 0 and +1 °C and humidity around 90%. It is under such conditions that the crop will remain fresh for two months.
  • Small wooden or plastic boxes are usually chosen for storage. It is recommended to lay them out with paper from the inside or wrap each fruit individually with it.
  • You can not cut the pods, but leave the crop directly on the bushes, taken out of the ground along with the roots and hung upside down in the store.
  • Note that red and orange varieties keep better and longer than green varieties.

How to store hot peppers?

The presence of burning substances makes the sharp varieties practically invulnerable to pathogenic fungi and bacteria. That is why such peppers almost do not deteriorate during storage, but simply gradually wither.

  • Usually they are stored dried in whole pods, which are put into boxes or boxes, and sometimes they are simply hung on the walls in bundles.
  • You can grind the dried crop into a powder and store it in a paper bag or glass jar.
  • The original way to store fresh peppers is in vegetable oil. Pods placed in a glass or ceramic container are completely filled with refined oil, which over time acquires a peculiar aroma and can be used in cooking.
  • A cool place where there is no access to the sun's rays is best suited for storing a burning crop.


To obtain big harvest pepper, first of all, care must be taken to get the fruits as early as possible. They are removed from the bushes fully ripe for eating, or green, for storage.

The fruits differ in the degree of ripeness, which can be biological or technical. Biological is characterized by full ripening, when vegetables have grown to maximum size, have reached the shape and color characteristic of a particular variety.

When technically ripe, peppers can be slightly smaller, yellowish or green. The very first fruits of technical ripeness can already be harvested in 60-70 days.

The period when you harvest bell peppers largely depends on how you process the harvested vegetables. Let us dwell in more detail on the timing of the harvest of pepper.

General information

The thickening of plantings slows down the ripening time. If the bushes receive enough light, the fruits ripen faster. When growing tall and undersized varieties taller plants are placed in the center of the greenhouse, lower ones at the edges.

How to determine the degree of maturity

Depending on the varietal characteristics, ripe fruits can be yellow, red, brown and purple in color. The duration of storage of fully ripened fruits is short, it is only 2 weeks, therefore, after harvesting, they are almost immediately allowed for processing.

Unripe fruits of a greenish or yellowish color are stored for up to 2 months, they tolerate transportation quite well. For safety, they are placed in refrigerator compartment or cellar, stacking in boxes, pouring layers of vegetables with sand. In its absence, the fruits are simply wrapped in a single layer of paper.

When to Harvest Peppers

The specific time when to shoot bell peppers in a greenhouse depends on how ripe the fruits you need. The difference between the terms of technological and biological maturity ranges from 20 days to 1 month, depending on the variety.

The period when to harvest peppers in a greenhouse depends on what stage of maturity you want to harvest them. Pepper is no different long periods storage, so it is better to clean it in the technical degree of maturity. Compliance temperature regime and humidity can significantly extend the shelf life without losing the quality of the fruit.

How to harvest properly

Many summer residents are concerned about the problem of how and when to harvest pepper in a greenhouse, because failure to comply with these conditions significantly affects the safety of vegetables.

When grown in a greenhouse, the first peppers are removed in August, and the harvest is completed in late autumn. Determining when the fruits are fully ripe is very simple - when touched, they begin to emit a characteristic crackle.

When ripe, vegetables concentrate the maximum amount of useful substances: trace elements and vitamins.

At the technical stage of ripeness, the fruits are harvested weekly, cut off from the bush along with the stalk. Its presence extends the shelf life of pepper without affecting the taste.

What rules should be followed when harvesting fruits?

Remove the peppers carefully, without injuring the plants, as they are very fragile. - Do not delay harvesting the fruits, do everything in a timely manner, otherwise the ripening of the fruits may slow down.

On average, up to 4 crops of pepper can be harvested in one season.

Remove peppers carefully without damaging the plants.

With a sharp cold snap, they collect all the peppers remaining on the bushes. They are sorted according to the degree of maturity, damaged fruits are unsuitable for storage.

Shelf life

Unfortunately, the pepper does not have a good keeping quality. If storage conditions are violated, it can rot in just a couple of days. Vegetables are selected for storage without signs of disease, damage and dents. Thin-walled peppers are best refrigerated.

It is best to store fruits in polyethylene bags with a thickness of 120 microns, wooden and plastic boxes. The film does not allow air to pass through, carbon dioxide is released under it, displacing oxygen. If there is no polyethylene, paper is used in which the pepper is wrapped.

The best storage place is the basement, where vegetables are laid out in boxes, baskets, other improvised container or polyethylene. The average temperature should not exceed +10 degrees, air humidity 80-90%. Peppers wrapped in paper are stored for an average of 1.5 months without loss of consumer qualities.

Peppers have distinctive feature absorb odors, so take care of the cleanliness of the containers. There should not be any odors in the basement equipped for storage; it is better to lay out the fruits separately from other vegetables. In the absence of a cellar, vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for one month.

Sweet pepper is subjected to drying, canning or freezing, it is used in cooking in fresh and processed form. It is also added to various pastes, purees and caviar. Dried and frozen vegetables are used to prepare soups, side dishes, snacks.

about when to shoot peppers in a greenhouse


Vitamins P, C, B, B1, B9, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron, chromium, calcium and many other trace elements make pepper indispensable in the fight for a healthy heart and blood vessels. Unfortunately, in pursuit of big harvest an industrial vegetable is saturated with pesticides. Therefore, it is better if you grow bell pepper yourself.

Sweet pepper is not very whimsical, so it can be grown throughout Russia. Somewhere you will need to give it more heat, somewhere - nutrients, but, one way or another, its cultivation will not be a problem for you.

Plant varieties are different, and their choice depends on what you want to harvest in the end.

If you need the fruits of bell pepper for cooking all kinds of dishes and food in its natural form, then you should opt for varieties such as Gladiator or Ermak.

But "Medal", "Black Cardinal" and "Victoria" will suit you if the purpose of growing a plant is pickling. These the best varieties peppers for greenhouses have small size which fits comfortably in jars.

Greenhouse conditions, thanks to which the plant receives the necessary temperature for maturation, is not the only requirement for gardeners. The harvest of bell pepper ripens well when the plant develops in the soil specially prepared for it. However, it is not difficult to do this at all. The main thing is to create a new fertile layer.

It is advisable if you bring into the greenhouse a layer of soil that was previously used for growing pumpkins, onions, carrots or cabbage. The addition of compost or manure is also encouraged. In addition, during planting seedlings, the use of industrial mineral fertilizers. But for the presence of fungus and rot you need to look.

Then you can harvest a rich pepper crop.

Bulgarian pepper is a heat-loving and unhurried plant. Proper cultivation of pepper in a greenhouse also depends on the placement of seedlings in the garden. It is better to place it in the necessary conditions even before landing on the garden in February.

The seeds of the plant are placed in boxes, after a month they are transplanted into peat pots. This should be done when the bell pepper has a few leaves. They are planted in pots in pairs. For seedlings already at home, special care is needed.

For example, you need to loosen the soil daily. But it is necessary to water moderately.

The ceremony of planting seedlings in the greenhouse should be done when the soil has already warmed up - around the end of April, if the plant has a sufficient number of leaves. And clean up when mature.

The process of planting sweet pepper seedlings must be observed not only in accordance with calendar dates, but also with temperature conditions. So, the plant should be planted in soil warmed up to at least +18 degrees. By the way, if you are the proud owner of a heated greenhouse, then it makes sense to plant seeds directly into the greenhouse.

Growing pepper in a greenhouse can be done in two ways. different ways: in the garden or in special polyethylene bags.

Growing sweet pepper requires the creation of competent beds that will allow it to grow freely, and make it easier for you to care for it. How many beds you will have and what is their size, you determine yourself in accordance with the design of the greenhouse.

It could also be a greenhouse. However, you should not make them too high - just raise the ground up to 20 cm.

The length of the bed of bell pepper can be from the beginning to the end of the greenhouse, but it is better to make the width such that two bushes fit on it. So access to each bush will be optimal. The very same distance between plants should ideally be 30 cm, which will ensure freedom of ripening.

The method of planting sweet peppers in polyethylene containers creates individual, comfortable conditions. In this case, you will not need beds, and there will be a constant temperature inside the bag.

This will have a positive effect on the crop, as the seedlings will not experience daily temperature changes.

This method of growing bell pepper is relevant if it is not possible to make fertile soil in the entire greenhouse for some reason.

Summer residents should remember that sweet pepper, although unpretentious, can hardly tolerate transplants. Therefore, it is necessary to place its seedlings in greenhouse conditions directly in peat pots. This planting system is ideal as you won't disturb the plant's root system and provide additional fertilizer when the peat begins to decompose.

If it turns out that your pepper does not grow in special pots, it should be planted along with a clod of earth that forms around its roots. At the same time, 1.5 liters of water must first be poured into the hole. Then the hole must be covered with dry earth. Ideally, sprinkle mulch on top.

Care for pepper in the greenhouse is one, and in the open field another. If the climatic conditions are such that you can afford to grow a rich crop outdoors, then a greenhouse is not necessary.

In any case, even in open ground, some summer residents cover seedlings nonwoven fabric, which they pull on arcs.

If it is less than +15 degrees outside, it makes sense to cover an improvised greenhouse with a film so that condensate does not fall on the plants.

Only those plants that have reached the age of 60 days can be in the open ground. It should be planted at a distance of 40-50 cm. Otherwise, the bushes will be crowded.

Proper cultivation of bell pepper in film greenhouses will allow you to consistently harvest a good harvest from each bush of any variety. What needs to be done for this? Water in time, loosen the soil, tie up in time, remove weeds, fertilize and pinch.

The excellent quality of bell pepper is that it is not moisture-loving. It does not need to be watered often, which makes it easier to care for seedlings. However, too dry conditions in film greenhouses can ruin the plant. When it does not get water, the flowers fall, which ultimately negatively affects the crop.

If you do not have the opportunity to water the bell pepper in portions on time, create conditions in order to retain moisture. In this regard, mulching will help, otherwise, a mound of grass that is placed on the beds. Mulching also creates warmth and humus.

If you use mulch, then the plant can be watered only three times a week.

You can easily determine the time for gartering a plant by the ripening of the crop. When the fruits are poured, they begin to bend the seedlings to the ground. It was at this time that you need to install a support for each bush and tie it with a rag ribbon.

Pinching is also an important and necessary process so that the bell pepper gives beautiful harvest. It consists in breaking the branches on the stem of the plant from below. Otherwise, this is called the removal of stepchildren.

This must be done so that the nutrients do not go to the growth of additional stems, but to the ripening of the fruit.

It is not worth tearing off stepchildren in the heat, since in such weather they, on the contrary, help the stem to cool.

Greenhouse pepper care also consists in the qualitative removal of weeds that can oppress seedlings, depriving them of nutrition and light. Not only weeding, but also mulching will help solve the problem. In the shade of crushed grass harmful plants practically do not grow.

As for fertilizers, in this case you will have to work hard, because varieties of sweet peppers love versatile top dressing. In small quantities, fertilize the soil in film greenhouses should be weekly.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that during the growing season the plant especially needs nitrogen-containing substances. As it matures, you need to add fertilizers with phosphorus. If aphids appear, fertilize with potassium.

When to harvest?

There are no specific rules that say that it is definitely time to remove pepper from the greenhouse. But the summer resident can easily recognize ripe peppers by appearance. It is necessary to collect it in film greenhouses together with the stalk.

Take scissors and carefully cut the fruit. If your crop is large, then it makes sense to sort it. You need to remove and put a clean pepper in one pile, the damaged one will go for blanks - we put it aside in the second. And we remove the unripe in the third.

Peppers should be harvested in the fall before the onset of frost. It should be borne in mind that different varieties and ripen in different ways. So, early ripe varieties should be removed starting from the 90th day of their life. Mid-season ripen at 110 - 130 days.

And late-ripening peppers, respectively, need to be harvested after 130 days.

A word of advice for those who want to harvest quickly: unripe fruits will sing faster when you cut off the top of the bush. It is then that the pepper itself will do everything to make the fruits ripen faster. Although you can still shoot an unripe vegetable. After a while, he will mature.

Harvest problems

Caring for pepper in a greenhouse is not only timely watering, but also a fight against problems. In the process of aging, peppers can experience various difficulties, get sick and suffer from pests. But if you take care of it in time, identify the cause of the problems and provide competent care, you can defeat any disease and rot.

So, yellow leaves will tell you about excessively dry air, even if the ground is moist. If the plant does not grow or flowering has stopped, the reason may lie in the cold. If you notice that the trunk and shoots become as if wooden, the fault is inappropriate climatic conditions - the temperature is below +15 or above +30 degrees.

As for pests from the genus of insects, the enemies of pepper are aphids, thrips or the Colorado potato beetle. They must be destroyed with special chemicals.

If you want to remove blossom end rot, you should feed the plant with calcium fertilizer. This disease is considered a real pepper scourge.

By the way, rot will inevitably occur if the greenhouse has high humidity and constant heat. But if the plant rots under normal conditions, then the virus is to blame.

Preventive measures in this case are spraying healthy bushes with chemicals, but infected plants are also removed from the soil. Next, the earth needs to be covered with ash and loosened.

At the same time, you can not water it until it starts to crack.

Growing a pepper crop is quite simple if you choose the right soil for it and apply the appropriate care. Pepper does not need complex and multi-stage care, but it is important to know its weak and strengths. It is then that the harvest of this crop will give you moral satisfaction from the grown quantity, and its high quality will supply you with vitamins for the whole year.


Pepper harvest and storage

Before discussing the collection and storage of pepper, it should be clarified which particular culture will be discussed. Our gardeners grow two types of pepper - sweet and bitter. Their agricultural technology is similar in many respects, but there are differences, especially with regard to harvesting.

Sweet pepper (syn. Bulgarian, capsicum)

The maximum amount of vitamins and other nutrients is found in fully ripened peppers. But everyone knows that the ripe fruits of sweet varieties are stored very poorly - they have to be immediately eaten or processed. Therefore, it is recommended to collect not yet fully ripened pods that are in the phase of so-called technical ripeness.

The state of technical ripeness usually occurs 2-2.5 months after germination. At this time, the fruits already reach the size characteristic of a particular variety, but do not yet have the proper color. Terms of technical maturation are individual for different varieties and should be listed on the seed packets.

Peppers that have reached technical ripeness can lie for up to two months or even more. At this time, they gradually ripen without losing their nutritional and commercial qualities.

To move from one phase of ripeness to another, that is, from technical to biological, the pods need from several days to two and a half weeks.

The duration of the process depends on many factors, but, first of all, on the ambient temperature. The higher it is, the faster the ripening.

Therefore, in order to store pepper for a long time, it is necessary to provide it with 7 to 10 ° C during the ripening period, and about zero after its completion.

The onset of biological ripeness of peppers will be indicated by a change in their color - it becomes brighter, the same as the fruits of this variety should have. Another sign is a characteristic crackle that occurs when pressed. Immature pods do not have it.

Usually the collection of peppers is carried out selectively, once or twice a week, as they are ready. Total harvesting is carried out only with the threat of frost, which this crop does not tolerate at all. The calendar dates for the start of harvesting largely depend on where the plants are grown - in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open field.

Cut off the finished fruits should be extremely careful, with the stalk, so as not to damage the very fragile twigs. It is best to use a special pruner or scissors for this purpose.

To store sweet peppers, it is necessary to select healthy fruits that do not have damage. The easiest way to do this is to spread the pods in a thin layer in some cool and well-ventilated area, such as a basement. In about a week, sick and weakened specimens will certainly manifest themselves - they will begin to rot.

Healthy peppers for disinfection are recommended to be processed blue vitriol- it is enough to dip in a one percent solution and then dry directly in the air. It is most convenient to store them in boxes with a capacity of not more than 10 kg, which can be either wooden or made of other materials. The walls and bottom can be lined with wrapping paper, or you can wrap each pod individually in it.

If the temperature in the basement does not exceed 10 ° C, and the humidity is between 90 and 95%, the fruits will ripen within a month. Then you should lower the temperature to zero degrees - this will extend the storage for another two months.

If there is enough space in the basement, you can store peppers directly on the stems. To do this, the selected bushes with fruits are pre-sprayed with a one percent solution of vitriol, pulled out along with the roots and hung upside down.

Peppers can also be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, they are placed in plastic bags with small holes for air access. It should be borne in mind that red varieties last longer than green ones.

Hot pepper (syn. hot, red, chili)

Otherwise, bitter peppers are harvested and stored. They should be harvested only after reaching full maturity, when the pods acquire their true color - they turn red, orange or yellow.

Hot peppers are stored in a completely different way than their sweet relatives. The tissues of these varieties contain sharp and burning substances, which largely determine their specific taste.

The riper the fruit, the more this bitterness, which acts as a natural preservative, is in it. Because of it, the pod is practically not subject to decay - it does not deteriorate, but gradually dries out.

If required not very stinging and hot peppers, then it is quite possible to remove it from the branch unripe.

Hot peppers are most often stored in dried form - whole pods in boxes or boxes. But you can grind them and pour them into glass jars or paper bags. Some housewives tie each fruit with a thread by the tail and connect it into a bundle. It is convenient to hang such bundles somewhere in a cool and dark place.

There is one more interesting way storage of bitter pepper - in vegetable oil. To do this, ripe, well-washed pods are folded into glass vessel and filled with refined oil. After a couple of months, it forms a kind of fragrant tincture.


How to determine the degree of ripeness of pepper and when to harvest

Pepper in the greenhouse has several degrees of maturity. good harvest pepper in the greenhouse, care must be taken to ripen the fruit earlier. But in central Russia, it is not always possible to fulfill the plan, since daylight hours and weather conditions do not allow culture to develop actively.

Pepper ripens faster if the bushes are located at a distance from each other. In this case, the plants receive the optimal amount of light. If you purchased tall varieties, it is better to place them in the central part of the greenhouse, it is advisable to place undersized species along the edges of the building. Unthickened plantings are easier to ventilate, the risk of fungus is minimized.

The technical ripeness of the peppers means that they should be picked slightly underripe. Such fruits have a yellowish or greenish color, tolerate transportation well and are stored. long time

Determining the degree of maturity

Pepper in the greenhouse has several degrees of maturity. There are 2 main varieties: biological and technical ripeness.

Biologically ripe peppers differ in color. She may be:

  • orange;
  • red;
  • yellowish;
  • brown;
  • purple.

Ripe peppers should not be stored for a long time. The maximum storage period is 2 weeks. Therefore, the vegetable must be immediately removed and processed.

As a container for storage, you can use bags with a thickness of more than 120 microns

The technical ripeness of the peppers means that they should be picked slightly underripe. Such fruits have a yellowish or greenish color, tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time, if optimal conditions are created for this.

When the vegetable is harvested unripe, it can be stored for more than 2 months. It is better to place the fruits in the refrigerator or cellar.

Can also be used wooden boxes by laying newspaper or paper on the bottom. Peppers should be laid out in layers, sprinkled with sand. To increase the shelf life, each vegetable can be wrapped with thick paper.

Different types of growth of peppers (video)

Harvest time

Peppers in the greenhouse are harvested based on technical or biological maturity. Biological maturity involves the achievement by the fetus of all the characteristics inherent in fruit type, - color, size, shape.

Technical ripeness involves only the formation of the fruit. Usually it comes after 2 months. The interval between the biological and technical maturity of pepper is a month.

Sometimes it can reach 20 days - it all depends on the variety.

We also invite you to learn about the basic rules and methods of watering greenhouse peppers.

Biologically ripe peppers differ in color. It can be: orange, red, yellowish, brown, purple

Harvest Rules

The first harvest can be obtained in mid-August, and the last before winter. Pepper is harvested mainly when it is in the technical and biological stage of ripening. At this time, the optimal amount of useful elements is concentrated in the fruits, including vitamins, salts, sugar. To determine that it is time to start picking peppers is simple - by the sound: ripe vegetables begin to crackle.

If you are picking fruits in the greenhouse at the technical stage of maturity, you need to act selectively. Harvest vegetables at intervals of 7 days. Peppers should be cut along with the stem. So you will increase the shelf life of vegetables, and pepper will retain its beneficial properties.

What rules should be observed during the harvest?

  • Do not damage the peppers, as they are naturally fragile.
  • If you delay the timing of harvesting, the growth of the crop may stop.
  • During the growing season, an average of 4 fruit crops can be harvested.

For long-term storage you need to choose the strongest peppers. The fruits should not be mechanical damage- dents, cracks

When frost hits, you should collect the remaining peppers and get rid of vegetables unsuitable for storage. Sort fruits according to maturity. So you will understand how long it will take for certain vegetables to ripen.

Terms and rules of storage

Pepper, like many other vegetables, has a weak keeping quality. If stored incorrectly, it will rot in two days. When properly stored, these vegetables can last up to a month longer than eggplants or tomatoes. For long-term storage, you need to choose the strongest peppers. On the fruits there should be no mechanical damage - dents, cracks.

The ability to store depends, among other things, on the variety of pepper. If you choose the right type of vegetable, it will be stored for a long time.

As a container for storage, bags with a thickness of more than 120 microns or boxes can be used. Transport and sell vegetables in plastic packaging. There must be a perforated membrane on the side wall of the container.

Storage in polyethylene has several advantages: it does not allow air to pass through, and carbon dioxide is formed inside the bag, displacing oxygen. In addition to polyethylene, fruits can be wrapped in paper.

Storage in polyethylene has several advantages: it does not allow air to pass through, and carbon dioxide is formed inside the bag, displacing oxygen. In addition to polyethylene, fruits can be wrapped in paper

It is best to store vegetables in the basement. First, they are laid out in boxes and baskets or packages in 2 rows, and then put on the shelves. It is important that the ambient temperature is 10 degrees and the humidity is about 85%. Vegetables wrapped in paper are well preserved for 1.5 months without loss of quality and taste characteristics.

Pepper fruits absorb odors well, so it is important that the storage room does not smell of anything superfluous. It is good if the pepper is placed away from other vegetables. The container should also not smell and should be as clean as possible.

If it is not possible to store vegetables in the basement, you can place them in the refrigerator. In this case, the storage time will decrease, but if the humidity reaches 80% and the temperature is 9 degrees, the peppers can lie without damage until the next month.

The fruits can be used both fresh and processed. Peppers can be stewed, frozen, dried, canned and boiled, made with the addition of pasta, mashed potatoes and caviar. Fruits often go for conservation. Frozen and dried vegetables can be used to prepare side dishes and soups, and they can also be used as a snack.

You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about the causes of twisting and wilting of greenhouse pepper leaves.

Formation of peppers in a greenhouse (video)

After harvesting in the greenhouse, vegetables must be stored. This is not easy to do, since the shelf life of fruits is often short. But, if you correctly collect at the technical or biological stage of ripening, select the temperature and humidity conditions in the storage room and wrap each fruit in paper, the keeping quality can be increased.

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Sweet pepper even in technical ripeness has a great taste, is suitable for harvesting and even contains more vitamins than a ripe one. But every housewife wants to decorate the table with bright multi-colored vegetables, and peppers sometimes hang on the bushes for weeks and still do not ripen. What is the reason? How to deal with this problem?

Why doesn't the pepper turn red?

Often this question is asked by gardeners who have sown pepper with seeds from fruits bought in a supermarket. Usually these are fruitful, large-fruited, thick-walled hybrids. They were brought from the south of the Russian Federation, from Turkey, China or other countries with a warm climate and long summers. In terms of maturation, they usually belong to late varieties.

Supermarkets usually sell the highest yielding peppers, but we do not know their variety and ripening period.

In most of Russia, weather conditions are not suitable for the ripening of such peppers. They simply lack warm sunny days. Already in this situation alone, several reasons for the non-ripening of peppers on the bushes are hidden. And if we analyze the situation on different gardens, then there may be even more:

  • Perhaps you have seeds of a green-fruited variety or hybrid. Peppers also come in yellow, white, orange, purple, chocolate color, so they should not turn red.
  • Not enough heat. Favorable temperature for growth is +22 ... +25 ° C, at night +15 ° C, at +12 ° C peppers generally stop growing, and at +6 ° C their leaves die off.
  • Didn't get ripe. Moreover, even if the seeds are bought in a store, a specific period is written on the bag before the start of the harvest, in fact the peppers can grow longer. This happens due to various stresses: trauma during transplantation, cold snap, heat, rainstorms, drought, lack of food, diseases, pests. Due to each such reason, plants stop development for a week or more.
  • Seed bags indicate technical ripeness, when the fruits are poured, and not biological, when they are fully colored. The interval between these two stages can last about a month. And this is under favorable weather conditions!
  • Wrong nutrition. If the soil contains a lot of nitrogen during ripening, the bush grows leaves to the detriment of productivity.
  • High soil moisture, as well as an excess of nitrogen, activates the growth of tops, not ripening.

Video: Growing Peppers from Sowing to Harvest

How to speed up the ripening of peppers in the greenhouse and open field

Wherever your pepper grows, it needs to create conditions for ripening:

  • If the temperature drops below the optimum for peppers, cover them. Keep doors and vents in the greenhouse closed at night. You can additionally cover the bushes inside the greenhouse with agrofiber. Place heat accumulators on the ground: large stones, bricks, water bottles. They will bask in the sun and give off heat at night.
  • Keep the soil always moist, but not flooded. In the open field, protect peppers from heavy rains with foil and arches.
  • Eliminate fertilizing containing nitrogen. During the fruiting period, it is enough to feed the peppers with wood ash - 1–2 tbsp. l. under a bush, or mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizer according to the instructions.

But the main thing is to choose the right seeds. In most Russian regions, only early or ultra-early ripening peppers ripen on the bushes, and mid-ripening peppers in greenhouses. Carefully read the description of the variety, what period is indicated there: to technical or biological maturity.

In cool and damp conditions, while you are waiting for the redness of the fruit, they can rot. Therefore, collect peppers in technical ripeness, ripen at home or use green. And next year, take into account your mistakes and apply the existing, albeit negative, experience for growing red peppers on the bushes.

The main reasons why bell peppers they don’t sing on the bushes: they don’t have enough heat or the time has not come. And you can fight this by buying varieties with early ripening and creating for them optimal modes temperature and humidity.