Mixer      03/05/2020

Do-it-yourself hydraulic press for recycling. How to make a hydraulic press for waste paper with your own hands: drawings. Jack Press: Critical Links

By doing various works in the home workshop, it is often necessary to influence the workpieces by pressing. We will talk about how to make a hydraulic press with your own hands to perform such operations in this article.

The device and functions of the hydraulic press

A hydraulic press is an equipment that is specially designed for processing parts and workpieces by exposing them to high pressure. Such a press works due to the pressure of the liquid acting on the elements of its design.

Most hydraulic presses are designed to vertical arrangement working cylinder, but there are also models in which it is located horizontally. Various models of presses can create working forces in the range from several tens to several thousand tons.

The principle of operation of a hydraulic press is based on Pascal's law, known to us from a school physics course. The design of the press consists of two working chambers different sizes or, as they are also called, cylinders. The principle of operation of a hydraulic press, if we describe it in a few words, is as follows.

In the smaller of its cylinders, a high pressure of the working fluid is created, which is fed through the connecting channel into the chamber larger diameter and acts on the piston connected to the working tool. The latter exerts pressure on the workpiece, which is located on a rigid support to prevent it from moving under its action. All hydraulic presses use special oils as the working fluid.

Hydraulic presses are most widely used when performing such operations on metal parts as stamping, forging, straightening, bending, extrusion of pipes and other profiles. In addition, with the help of such presses, briquetting, baling and pressing are performed. various materials(as a rule, a mini-press is used for these purposes).

The device of the hydraulic press allows its active use both in enterprises for the production of rubber, plastic and wood products, as well as in other areas. A variety of functions and applications of this equipment determine the existence of its various modifications. For example, on sale you can find a hydraulic desktop press, a mini-press, a hydraulic floor press, a manual hydraulic press, presses with and without a pressure gauge.

Use cases at home

The use of a hydraulic press in a garage or home workshop is quite common. It is possible to use such a press, which is small in size, both when repairing a car, and for performing work of a different nature.

In particular, with the help of such compact equipment, it is possible to press out bearings or silent blocks, as well as to press new parts in their place. Apart from car repair, the hydraulic press can be used for bending metal parts, creating the required pressure when gluing surfaces, briquetting waste, for squeezing out oil and liquid. Factory equipment for this purpose (even a manual hydraulic press) costs a lot of money, and not everyone can buy it. Meanwhile, you can make such a press with your own hands, spending money only on the purchase of the necessary materials.

Remarkably, the design of a home-made hydraulic press can immediately be adapted to solve specific task with a specific part or workpiece. A do-it-yourself press will not take up much space; it will be enough to allocate a little space in the workshop or garage to accommodate it. detailed instructions on how to make a hydraulic press is given below. There is also a video on this topic at the end of the article.

home press design

Do-it-yourself hydraulic presses should not have too outstanding technical specifications, it is quite enough that they develop a force of 10–20 tons. This parameter of a homemade hydraulic press depends on what actions you are going to perform with it.

One of the most common and simple options homemade press

There are a number of other parameters that correspond not only to industrial, but also home-made household hydraulic presses:

  • dimensions;
  • weight of equipment;
  • piston stroke;
  • the presence of a pressure gauge in the design of the press;
  • characteristics of the machine used.

In homemade presses, the pressure in the working cylinder is usually created using a manual hydraulic pump, which can be either built into the design of such a device, or located separately from it. Such a design feature depends only on what equipment you choose for the manufacture of such a device. It is very easy to make a hydraulic press with your own hands, if you take a bottle-type jack as the basis for its design. Such a jack, which is convenient, already has a built-in hand pump in the design.

Bottle type hydraulic jack is great for use in DIY hydraulic press

Before you decide to purchase a suitable jack for making a home hydraulic tool, it is important to decide what tasks you will solve with it. Both the design scheme of the manual hydraulic press and the force that it will develop depend on this. The next step is to develop a drawing of a hydraulic press, which you are going to make with your own hands. You can, of course, find such a drawing on the Internet and even see photos and videos of the process of making a press from a hydraulic jack with your own hands. But in this case, you will be faced with the need to customize the devices you have for someone else's homemade press.

The development of a drawing of your future home-made press begins with the question of how it will work. There are only two options here.

  • The jack will be located at the bottom of the press - on its frame - and will push up.
  • The jack is fixed in the upper part of the press structure and presses, respectively, down.

However, when choosing a scheme for the operation of a home-made press, one should take into account the fact that for the main part of the jacks produced by modern industry, the only correct position is the pressing rod up, and it is simply not allowed to place them differently. That is why the first hydraulic press scheme is most often taken as a basis. The second option is used only in cases where you want to make it yourself hydraulic equipment for pressing out bearings or bushings from individual units and mechanisms.

Version of the press with the lower location of the jack

What to consider when developing a drawing of a homemade press

The supporting element of any press, including a home-made one, is a bed, the development of a drawing of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. Structurally, the frame is a frame, inside of which there is a jack with a working tool that puts pressure on a part or workpiece.

The type of bed can vary significantly depending on the purpose of the press.

The frame of a do-it-yourself hydraulic press must have high strength, as it will experience loads in two directions at once. The jack, which creates a certain force, will simultaneously put pressure on the upper and lower parts of the frame, trying to break it, as it were. That is why, when calculating the frame and choosing materials for its manufacture, its strength is provided with a margin.

The lower part of the frame - its base - is developed taking into account the fact that it must ensure high stability of the entire structure. When calculating the width of the internal opening of the frame of a homemade press, they take into account both the dimensions of the parts and workpieces that will be processed on it, and the total dimensions of all the constituent elements of the future press.

Another version of the bed with the simplest base design for stability

When calculating the height of the internal opening of the frame, the following parameters are summed up: the height of the jack, the desired free play of its rod, the thickness of the working body and the part to be processed. If a home-made press is made according to the first scheme, then its design is as follows: the jack is installed on the lower base, and the part is in the upper part of the frame; the force from the jack to the part is transmitted through its rod and a movable working platform moving along the guides in the side elements of the frame.

In order to ensure the return of the rod to its original state, two springs are used, the lower part of which is attached to the base, and the upper part to the movable working platform. If you decide to make a press from a jack with your own hands, then it is very important to correctly calculate the stiffness of the springs so that they effectively perform all the functions assigned to them.

When implementing the second scheme, a part is placed on the lower base, and the jack is installed on a movable platform, to which springs are also attached, connecting it with top bar frames. Both in the first and in the second case, at the point of contact of the rod with the movable platform or the upper crossbar of the frame, a so-called nest is made, which can be used as a pipe segment of the appropriate diameter.

Impossible to adjust the height working area simplifies the design, but significantly limits the options for using the press

A do-it-yourself hydraulic press will be much more convenient to use if you provide for the possibility of adjusting the free jack rod, which also affects allowable height workpiece. To do this, you can do the following.

  • An additional plate is located in the upper part of the inner contour of the frame, which can move along the guides due to a screw drive with a steering wheel. Thus, it is possible to change the clearance within a fairly wide range for the location of parts inside the frame.
  • You can make a removable stop, which is most often used as a mobile removable platform. It is possible to fix the position of such an emphasis inside the frame using bolted connections, for which in the frame with certain step holes are drilled. In this case, the spacing of such holes in height should not exceed the value of the free play of the jack rod.
  • From a solid piece of metal or metal profile You can make several interchangeable inserts-gaskets of different thicknesses.
  • You can also use several of the above methods at the same time.

If you are making a drawing according to which you will make a press with your own hands, be sure to indicate not only the dimensions of the main elements of such a device and the workpiece, but also other rolled metal from which the frame will be made.

Tools and materials

If you are going to make a hydraulic press with your own hands, then you will need the following tools, Consumables and equipment:

  • welding equipment;
  • electrodes;
  • hacksaw or grinder (angle grinder).

In addition, you will need the following elements that your future garage press will consist of: a hydraulic jack, two springs that will pull the movable platform back to its original state. If you find an old bridge fungus left over from a repair in your garage, you can use it as a pulling device for homemade presses with a lower jack. In this case, the fungus is put on the jack rod, the upper part of the springs is attached directly to it, and the lower part is fixed on the bed.

The type and amount of materials needed to build a press depends heavily on the chosen design option.

In order to make a press from a jack, you will need the following rolled metal:

  • channels (not less than 8 numbers), (with dimensions not less than 40x40), corners with a shelf width of not less than 50 mm;
  • steel sheet with a thickness of at least 8 mm, which will be used as a reliable foundation for the entire structure;
  • a piece of steel strip 10 mm thick - for the manufacture of guides and stiffeners, if necessary;
  • a piece of pipe - for making sockets for the head of the jack rod.

Manufacturing process

When the drawing of your future hydraulic press is ready, and all necessary materials, tools, equipment and components available, go directly to manufacturing. The first thing to do is to cut all the metal, guided by the dimensions indicated in the drawing.

Now you should make the base of the press, for which prepared square pipes are welded together, and a steel plate is welded onto the rectangle formed from them. Then the side and upper parts of the frame are welded together, carefully making sure that the resulting U-shaped structure is even and has strictly right angles in the joints. Now the resulting structure should be welded to the base and we can assume that the frame for your hydraulic press is ready.

The next element that you will need to make for the press is a movable platform. For its manufacture, you can use a channel, square or rectangular pipe. A piece of pipe is welded in the central part of the platform, which will serve as a socket for the head of the jack rod. For the manufacture of guides for the working platform, you will need two steel strips, the length of which should correspond to the width of the press frame along its outer contour.

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Any car enthusiast, and even a garage master, is familiar with the situation when it is necessary to press out any part from the shell, be it a bearing or a silent block. Someone needs to lay cardboard more compactly, and maybe even make fuel briquettes. But essential tool or the equipment may not always be at hand. Let's try to figure out how difficult it is to make a press with your own hands and whether it is possible. And if possible, what material is required and what is the algorithm for such work. First, let's clarify what a press is and what it is intended for.

Factory made hydraulic press

What is the purpose and function of the press in everyday life and its varieties

Such devices have a very wide range of applications. It can be not only extrusion various parts, but also a device for collecting hay and laying it in even rolls. Perhaps the manufacture of some durable concrete products is required, and perhaps a lot of sawdust has accumulated, from which good fuel can be obtained.

Consider the main work that the press can perform in everyday life. This equipment can be divided into several types. The device of some types is similar, while others have fundamental design differences.

Press for extruding parts from any base or shell

Such equipment will come in handy in garage conditions. It is not profitable for an ordinary motorist to purchase it, because. the cost is quite high, and they rarely perform work. But to make a do-it-yourself press in the garage with minimal cost, quite acceptable.

You can use a similar press for silent blocks or bearings, i.e. for those parts, the installation and dismantling of which is not amenable to manual work. After spending a little time, you can design and assemble a device, the cost of which in the store can exceed 50,000 rubles.

Device for compacting various materials to the state of dense briquettes

Such a device will help put old newspapers into action, which will make good fuel for the stove. A waste paper press will help you save on the purchase of coal or firewood. In addition, there is no need to dispose of unnecessary correspondence, which many have accumulated a huge amount.

Approximately according to the same principle, a sawdust press can also be made. The excellent fuel that will be obtained when using it has proven itself not only in stove heating, but even on vacation. Long burning, strong heat and lack of smoke - these advantages helped fuel briquettes made with the help of a press to gain popularity. Barbecue, barbecue or a hot fire with a minimum flame - what else do you need for a good rest?

There is another option instead of sawdust to compress coal chips. In this case, it will be a fuel that burns for a very long time and releases a huge amount of heat. And there is usually a lot of such crumbling in the coal sheds of the houses that are heated by it. So why not let him in?

Press for recycling plastic and cardboard

Surely many have seen cardboard boxes that are tightly compressed into a tight pile. This is also the work of the press. After all, it is much more convenient to export such material when it is compactly packed. A cardboard press is one of the easiest to make with your own hands. Approximately according to the same principle, other solid materials can be disposed of. For example, with the help of a press, plastic bottles are turned into neat layers that are convenient for transportation.

But still, pressing plants bring the greatest help in agriculture.

Mechanized Harvesting Assistant

To collect the straw remaining on the field, after harvesting, or fodder hay, it is optimal to use a homemade pick-up press. In addition, it will not only facilitate labor. Neat dense rolls will be rolled from the straw, which are convenient to transport and store.

In the drawings of the hay press with your own hands, it is imperative to indicate the dimensions - this will help in the end to assemble everything correctly. Although there are options for very simple units, but more on that below.

Well, for starters, before proceeding with the hand-made manufacture of such a unit, it is important to understand the designs of its various types, understand their differences and decide on the necessary material.

What is the main design of the press and its various types

Many may say that it makes no sense to spend time on designing and assembling and it is much easier to buy a hydraulic press or its mechanical variety, but this is fundamentally wrong. Of course, if it is used, for example, in a car service, etc., it is possible that the unit will pay for itself after some time. But for home use and one-time work, the acquisition will be a very irrational expenditure of funds.

To fully understand the essence of the work, consider the design features of some types of such units. And you should start with the possibility of making a vacuum press with your own hands.

The main thing that should be said about this device is that it practically does not find application in everyday life. The fact is that a thermal vacuum press is most often used for the manufacture of doors and window frames, as well as various furniture facades. It is with his help that the parts are covered with a film (NDF). In fact, it is a large laminating machine.

Note! Such a press is very difficult to manufacture. Some craftsmen say that it took them more money to make such a device on their own than they would have spent on a purchase. It is precisely because of the great complexity and small scope that we will not dwell on such a press in detail. It will be much more interesting to consider a baler that can compact and collect hay or straw into bales.

Design features of the hay pick-up press

Such a simple installation is assembled from boards and is very useful in the household, because. compressed straw during storage takes up much less space and, at the same time, neat “briquettes” will be convenient to store.

Such a mechanical press is a wooden box, 80 x 80 cm in size and 3 m in length. On one end there is a hatch with a lock, and on the other - a wooden platform with a long lever, through which hay is pressed. In order to more fully understand the principle of operation and the device of such an installation, you can watch the short video below.

Surely, after viewing it became clear that such a press does not even require preliminary drawings. As for the press for the walk-behind tractor, there are no fundamental differences between them, with the only difference being that the second option does not have a lever. Crimping is carried out using the same pressing platform, but through a cable drive, i.e. the second option is just a more mechanized version of the first.

Video: with homemade bale press in haste

Compact press for everyday small jobs

For home use The desktop hand press has proven itself very well. Of course, it can also be made in a hydraulic version, but we will consider more complex units a little later. And therefore, now we will try to understand what is the principle of operation of a mechanical desktop press.

Such an installation is a frame welded from profiled iron and reinforced with stiffeners. From above, usually, a manual jack is attached in such a way that when the handle is rotated, it moves apart towards the lower platform. The unit itself is bolted to the workbench.

Thus, it turns out that by placing a part in the lower part of the steel frame, for example, by substituting a tube under it, you can easily squeeze out the middle part by rotating the handle of the jack. similar details in your seats. The main thing is to ensure that there is no distortion under pressure.

You can make a similar press desktop or floor, if necessary, large sizes. But at the same time, do not forget that in this case you will need a more powerful jack, or the installation of a gearbox to increase the pressure force.

Sealing press or how to assemble a roller-based device

Sometimes it is necessary to roll out the wire or make a plate thinner. This is where the roller press comes in handy. The principle of its operation is easy to understand for those who remember the old washing machines with manual spin. Excess moisture from the linen in them was removed by passing things between two rollers. Turning the crank made them spin in opposite directions.

This is exactly how a mechanical roller press works, with the only difference being that it is possible to adjust the distance between the shafts, and there is also a gearbox that reduces the rotation speed, increasing power - after all, metal is much stiffer than fabric. Such mechanisms can be made both with a manual, mechanical drive, and with an electric one. In this case, instead of a handle through a chain transmission, it is necessary to connect an asynchronous motor. The gearbox with this connection will be slightly different. In addition, it is better to connect the engine through a frequency converter. This ensures more smooth start, saving energy and durability of the motor.

Production of high-strength concrete products - what is needed for this?

Someone may ask - what does concrete products have to do with presses? It turns out that the connection is direct. It is for hardening products such as cinder block, etc. vibropress is used. Inside such a device, where the form is located, a mixture of cement, sand, etc. is laid, after which it is pressed with a press and vibration is turned on. As a result, excess air is removed, and the product acquires the necessary strength.

Making such a vibropress with your own hands is quite possible, although it will require a lot of time, effort and knowledge. Usually when it comes to paving slabs or something similar, home craftsmen prefer to make a regular vibrating table. In fact, big difference will not happen if the solution in the molds is not subjected to pressure, but simply loses unnecessary, excess air during the vibration process.

Hydraulics as the most common type of pressure supply to the press

The most interesting and common type of such units is a hydraulic press with an electric drive. Operating principle similar device as simple as it is complex - and this is true. Low viscosity engine oil passes through a pump driven by an electric motor and enters the cylinder. It creates high pressure, which pushes the piston.

Of course, the drive can also be mechanical, without the participation of an electric motor and an oil pump. This is what will be the most common type of press, which is made by hand. For work in the garage, such a device, at times, becomes simply indispensable. And, besides, following some tips, even a novice master who knows the elementary skills of working with a welding machine or performing bolted connections can make it.

What is the device of a hydraulic press and how to make it

A press on a hydraulic drive in rural areas is generally indispensable. And it was invented back in 1975. The principle of its operation is to use communicating cylinders with pistons of different diameters. Moreover, the less pressing, i.e. the hydraulic pump and the larger the receiver - the hydraulic cylinder, the stronger the pressure will be created with less effort. In fact, this can be compared to the movement of a car in a low gear.

The most common form of hydraulic press, as already mentioned, has become a rectangular frame. And the main task in its manufacture - accurate calculations. The first step is, of course, to draw up a diagram of the future press, because. Without it, it will be difficult to deal with all the connections. The quality and speed of assembly of the unit depends on how detailed it will be.

All structural elements must be made of steel, with a thickness of at least 15 mm. This is done so that the frame does not lead during operation, because the effort will be significant. The main thing to think about is the design itself. At the same time, it must be remembered that hydraulic jacks are designed specifically to work in a vertical position and cannot be laid on their side, as well as installed with the stem down.

Ideally, you should get the following design. The rectangular, elongated frame is fixed on the frame. Inside the frame, vertically along the edges, there are 2 guides along which the horizontal crossbar goes up and down. On top of it, a hydraulic jack is fixed, and the cross beam itself is suspended from the upper part of the frame by springs that provide reverse pressing. cross beam when loosening the jack.

The hydraulic press thus produced will push down when the jack is "inflated" and rise up when it is loosened by the springs. A large nut can be welded to the bottom of the beam, where various tips necessary for a particular job will subsequently be screwed.

If you have a separate hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic pump at hand, then you can make a more convenient unit. Indeed, in this case, it becomes possible to install the pedal, and during the production of work, both hands remain free, which is sometimes extremely necessary.

In general, how to make a hydraulic press is everyone's business. And the answer to this question is limited only by the imagination and wishes of the master. A little ingenuity and now an exclusive device is ready that meets all the requirements of convenience.

The importance of drawing up drawings for a do-it-yourself hydraulic press

The main task in such work is accuracy and attentiveness. And if the dimensions, for example, of the vertical racks do not match, the unit may push a little to the side, which in some cases can be critical. And therefore, drawing up drawings of a manual hydraulic press with your own hands is very important. Moreover, all dimensions on them must be registered and calculated to the millimeter. And in the manufacture of deviation from the drawing is unacceptable.

Press hydraulic drawing which is compiled correctly and will function perfectly. For a typical garage installation, the ideal size would be a carrier frame 50 cm wide and up to 1 m high.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic press - how long will such work take and which connections are better

Do-it-yourself hydraulic press frame is best assembled for welding joints. In this case, the seams must be of high quality. Of course, if a 3-ton jack is installed, no extra effort will be applied to the frame, but it’s still better to play it safe.

And what will happen if the weak seams do not withstand and the structure "leads"? Let's analyze this with an example. A failed motor bearing needs to be replaced. It is pressed into the duralumin cover, and therefore it is necessary to work with a home-made hydraulic press to remove it. And if during its extrusion the frame of the structure leads, the force on the bearing is supplied unevenly in a circle. As a result, the duralumin engine cover breaks. We've arrived. Now, in addition to the bearing, it is necessary to purchase a cover for an asynchronous motor (well, or a generator, the meaning does not change from this).

That is why, before you make a press with your own hands, you should think about the connections. If you are not confident in your ability to make high-quality welds, then it is better to either contact a professional or stop at bolted joints. But with this type of installation, you need to be careful. It is not worth spending 2-3 bolts of small diameter on one connection, this will not make it stronger. The best that can be for a garage hydraulic press is a single but thick bolt connection.


To perform work requiring the use of the pressing method, you will need a hydraulic press. For this, it is important for motorists to know how to make a garage press with their own hands. The best option is a pressure of 10-25 tons.

This value is sufficient to perform the main types of work. A hydraulic press is required to work with bushings, crankshaft, sheet metal, fittings. We will analyze the principles of operation and options for using a garage press, and also learn how to make it yourself.

Garage press drawing.

A hydraulic press generates a force from several tens to several thousand tons, depending on the design and purpose. The use of such equipment is practical both in private garages and small workshops, and on an industrial scale.

The main functions of the press:

  • metalworking;
  • pressing;
  • briquetting;
  • production of steel profiles;
  • pipe processing;
  • production of rubber blanks.

You can get rid of expensive car services and make a garage press yourself. To do this, you will have to invest in component materials and arm yourself with knowledge. A hydraulic jack is taken as the basis, it is the main element of the device. Sometimes a screw or pneumatic hydraulic jack is used.

The physical principles of the device are based on Pascal's law. The press consists of two main cylinders and chambers. In a smaller container, the pressure of the liquid increases and it is transferred to a working container with a larger size.

Options for using a homemade press

A small press with a pressure force of 10-20 tons will greatly facilitate work in a garage or workshop. The range of application of such a device is wide and varied. The press is also used in repairs - for working with bushings, crankshafts, and in everyday life - pressing cylinders, metal debris.

Fulfilling construction works the press can bend reinforcement or bend metal sheets.

The amount of work that the press can perform depends on the power of the effort. To perform standard work, the average car owner will not have enough power of 5 tons, and it is not advisable to use more than 100 tons. The best option is a force of 10-20 tons.

The main advantage of a homemade press is that it is created for personal needs and when it is created, it is possible to independently control all processes.

Design features of a homemade press

Drawing and dimensions of the press for the garage.

As mentioned above, a press with a capacity of 10-20 tons will be enough, but the rest should be based on your needs.

The main and main element of a homemade garage press is a hydraulic jack. You can independently make a built-in pump with hydraulic cylinders. They will work on the principle of transferring oil pressure from a smaller chamber to a larger one.

Two cylinders are interconnected by channels through which special oil passes and presses on the piston. Thus, the force is transferred to the tool and the workpiece. The installation of the cylinder is carried out vertically, but for narrowly focused purposes it can be performed horizontally.

A pump pressurizes the larger cylinder. The lightest press based on a bottle jack. It is important to think in advance what work will be performed using the press.

You can adjust the stroke of the jacking rod and the height of the parts to be pressed.

There are several ways to do this:

  • installation at the top of the screw drive frame;
  • creation of a removable movable mobile table;
  • use of removable linings;
  • applying the above methods together.

All listed dimensions are entered in the drawing. It is important to consider the size of the jack, workpieces and rolled metal.

Press project preparation

Before assembling the device of the garage fixture, it is necessary to select the correct drawing, but it is better to make it yourself so that the future tool meets all the requirements. The most important structural element of a hydraulic press is the frame.

This is a frame along the rails of which a horizontal beam moves. The bed must be strong enough to withstand the forces of the jack, and also have a margin of safety.

If the calculation is incorrect, the design of the press may not withstand the load.

Garage press project.

The base is best done in the form of a platform. The width of the platform opening depends on the size of the materials to be processed further.

To calculate the width and height of the opening, add the following parameters:

  • thickness of the movable table and platform;
  • jack size;
  • stroke value;
  • workpiece dimensions.
  • width 800 mm;
  • height 1780 mm.

Important elements of the drawing are racks, stops, legs, spacer angles and spring locations. The design is supplemented with some elements to ensure the stroke of the stop.

What is the press made of?

homemade press for a garage, it is imperative to make it reliable and with a good margin of safety, since all nodes are subjected to serious pressure and load. Where to begin?

The process is divided into several stages:

  1. First of all, a frame and a platform are created.
    For this, channels with numerous stiffeners are used. A rectangular metal pipe is used as a blank. From this pipe, 4 pieces are cut according to the dimensions of the drawing and welded into one element. The rigidity of the mechanism increases if the seams go on the sides. Made from the same pipes vertical racks and emphasis.
  2. The frame consists of a platform, two racks and a bottom stop.
    The main functions of the frame: taking on the force, its distribution and ensuring the stability of the structure. The platform is supplemented with a latch made of a pipe 15-20 mm long.
  3. To ensure the movement of the press and create force on the product, a removable stop is made.
    The knot is made using steel strips, which should be slightly shorter than the distance between the posts. The thickness of the strips is 10-15 mm. The strips are fixed with holes.
  4. At the final stage, the hydraulic bottle jack is placed in the frame.
    During installation, the stops are pulled and fixed. Fastening is carried out by bolts or welding.

Press assembly tools

In the manufacture of fixtures are used various tools that are in every garage. The first thing you need is a hydraulic bottle jack. To prevent the unit from falling apart under high pressure, you need a reliable foundation.

To assemble the garage press, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • grinder with a disk for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • Sheet steel;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • electrodes;
  • profile corner.

If you are new to working with a welding machine, it is recommended that you first practice on inverter-type machines or trust the master. If it is necessary to use retard springs, you can take door springs, springs from the front seats of cars, or any other suitable for the given requirements.

Rolled metal for assembling a homemade press

The dimensions of the elements of the press.

To make a garage press with your own hands, you may need rolled metal:

  1. Channel, item No. 8 and above.
  2. Pipe of round or rectangular section not less than 4*4 cm.
  3. Corner not less than 5 * 5 cm. It is used when assembling the frame base.
  4. Sheet steel from 8 mm thick. Good for leveling different kind irregularities.
  5. 1 cm thick steel strip for stiffeners and guides.
  6. Pipe section about 10 mm. The diameter is selected depending on the size of the jack rod head.
  7. Inserts-linings from a steel profile.

Press Assembly Manual

The procedure for assembling a hydraulic press consists of four main steps that must be followed. At each stage of work, you need to check the drawing.

  1. Parts are made of rolled metal, in accordance with the scheme or drawing.
    The drill makes the necessary holes.
  2. Frame welding.
    Reinforcing ribs are welded at the corners of the frame. The “P”-shaped frame is bolted to the base and a bed is obtained.
  3. The desktop is created from sheet metal 10 mm thick.
    For vertical movement of the table, guides are made of 10 mm steel strip. The width of the guides corresponds to the width of the frame. A pipe is inserted between the racks of the bed, steel strips are attached, and the structure is pulled together on the sides.
  4. Fixation of retracting springs.
    Before installing the jack, you need to pull the desktop. Make a thrust socket and weld it to the bottom center of the table. Then the head of the jack will be securely rested on the movable table.
  5. Homemade press for the garage is ready.
    It remains to perform grinding and painting to give a presentation.


It is quite possible to make a garage press yourself, for this you need to purchase materials and tools. You can take a ready-made diagram or drawing of a fixture or create a new one for the desired dimensions. Finished fixture will be useful to every car owner who performs repair work on one's own.

How often do you use a press tool in your garage?

Production is unthinkable without pressing operations, and modern production is even more so: the processing of metals and materials in general by cutting produces waste, which ultimately has a strong impact on the environment and the economy. In a home workshop, in a garage, it is also difficult for an IP individual working on metal to do without stamping, forging, straightening, bending, forming (flattening), pressing and pressing blanks and parts, but the choice of presses for individual use is by no means wide, but the prices are scary. No less necessary is a press and just on the farm - for squeezing juice, oil, baling hay. Extra virgin juice/oil can only be obtained from a special press (see below); especially carefully and with skill you need to press the grapes on the wine. And with the choice of the finished press and the prices for them, the situation is similar to the previous one. Finally, rising energy prices are forcing many homeowners to consider switching autonomous heating for waste (alternative) fuel or, at least, how to make fuel pellets or briquettes from existing household waste (straw, husks, husks, sawdust, shavings); this also requires a special press. Here's how to make a press with your own hands for these and some other purposes (also see below), and this publication is devoted to.

When to buy

But in no case should you do the press yourself, so this is when you are engaged in precision mechanics, optics, jewelry work. All home-made presses do not differ in particular accuracy: you cannot make them better at home and / or artisanal conditions. And an inaccurate mini-press can break or irreparably ruin a tiny irreplaceable part, split a lens, a gem, etc. In these cases, it is still better to purchase a desktop mini-press; of which manual mechanical rack and pinion (see the figure on the right) are widely available and their prices are acceptable.

Beat go press?

Pressing operations are carried out mainly by pressure and impact. Impact pressing is very economical: from the impact, an elastic wave occurs in the metal of the workpiece, which makes the metal flow better and resists deformation less. In the practice of amateurs and individual craftsmen, impact pressing is widely used for cold forging metals, especially art. Impact presses are most often performed by impact-inertial: energy is accumulated in a mechanical storage device (flywheel, falling weight). Then the accumulator is engaged with the press punch, which hits the workpiece. Impact-inertial presses are very compact: such a press weighs 1 t and has dimensions in terms of approx. 1x1 m is capable of creating an instantaneous force of more than 1000 tf. But impact pressing is one of the most accidental and traumatic operations, so only one version of an impact press suitable for use in a home workshop will be considered below.

What to do?

Pressing by pressure allows you to perform almost all the pressing operations necessary in everyday life. Self-made presses are most often performed energy-autonomous, i.e. without a separate drive, reservoirs of the working fluid, pumping stations, etc. The choice of one or another design scheme of the press is ultimately determined by its purpose and working force.

It is easiest to use a car jack as a power block built into the press - it develops a force of up to 100 tf, and jacks of 10 tf are commonly used. The only operation that the press from the jack cannot handle is the molding (flattening) of the ends of the rods during artistic cold forging.

The jack used most often is a hydraulic bottle jack (but see also below). In this case, a hydraulic press can be made according to one of the following. frame structural schemes (see Fig.):

  • Pos. A - the jack is turned upside down, tightly fixed on a fixed upper traverse, and a punch is attached to the head of the working rod of the jack. This is the simplest and at the same time reliable and vibration-resistant design (see below about the role of vibrations in the operation of the press). Disadvantages - if the jack is needed for its intended purpose, it is quite difficult and long to dismantle it, and swinging the jack arm hanging upside down is not very handy.
  • Pos. B - scheme with a movable table. Structurally more complicated, because a movable traverse is added - a table. They pump the jack as always, it’s easy to remove it, because. it may not be attached at all. Disadvantages - the worst vibration resistance; in addition, the technology of most pressing operations is designed for the fact that the punch presses on the workpiece or part from above, and if vice versa, it is difficult and may not work out at all. But for repair and / or mechanical assembly work, this best option: if you need to squeeze out a shaft that is tightly rusted to it from a pulley or bearing, or, conversely, press them onto the shaft, then its (shaft) length is limited only by the height of the ceiling in the workshop. In general, a hydraulic press with a movable table from a jack is the most the best option for garage or service station.
  • Pos. B - with a power unit on a movable traverse. Structurally the most complex, but vibration-resistant, strong and durable, tk. load on the weak link- a movable traverse - not a point, but actually dispersed. The jack may also be loose, but if it twists and crashes, the consequences will be worse than if it falls off the base plate. The disadvantage is that it is not very convenient to swing the jack, which is slowly creeping down.

Note: base plate- the thing is heavy, bulky, material-intensive. It is not always possible to place a press on a stove in a workshop or garage. Therefore, the frame of home-made presses is most often placed not on a plate, but on a lower fixed traverse, structurally similar to the upper one (see below). The vibration resistance of the press is reduced by approx. twice, but for amateur conditions it is acceptable.

Screw press with manual drive(pos. G) allows you to create a force of up to a maximum of 1.5-2.5 tf. In working with metal, it is used when this is enough, in the next. cases (see also video):

When a pressing force less than the specified values ​​is sufficient:

Video: manual screw press for the workshop

Requires a large stroke:

Video: screw press 2/2

As a small or mini-press for small, not very important jobs:

Video: small screw press

How to puller:

Video: homemade press for removing bearings, pulleys

Note: a structurally simple frameless lever hand press, pos. D in fig. But it finds greater application in everyday life and households (see below), because. with its help, you can develop a force of no more than 300-400 kgf.

Is it just hydraulics?

A homemade press from a jack can be not only hydraulic. Many cars for sale are equipped with a rhombic screw jack. It gives no more than 2-2.5 tf force, but it is cheap (“new, good” can be purchased for 1300 rubles). A small force is not only a disadvantage: the frame of the press with a screw jack can be made of wooden beam from 150x150, and it is also possible to adapt an electric drill as a drive, see Fig.:

If the maximum that you need is to bend rods up to 8-10 mm, such a press is enough for this. And a curious fact: about 10 years ago, the author of the article happened to accidentally meet a figure who, working for 3-4 hours on the first 2-3 days of the week, earned 20-25 thousand rubles. per month At that time, the amount was considerable. How? I bought empty metal cans for half the purchase price of scrap metal, flattened it and sold it at a normal price. Beer cans were brought in most of all, they are aluminum, and it is expensive. He complained, however, that the work was dirty - the homeless brought the bulk of the raw materials.

Pressing and vibration

Vibrations of metal stretching during pressing are the scourge of large industry, and giant presses, like the one that NKMZ delivered from the USSR to the French Forzhal, because of this, are the most complex units. But entrepreneurs and amateurs should also pay the most serious attention to the vibration resistance of the press. A bully on a hardened shaft or axle shaft neck is an irreparable marriage.

Jack Press: Critical Links

Vibrations during the operation of the press often give themselves out as a creak and groan of metal. Mechanical stresses in the elements of its construction are inaudible and invisible, but they can quickly negate the efforts and costs of its creator, and a broken traverse can cause injury and damage. Therefore, the choice of structural materials for the press and its technical execution of the structure as a whole must be taken no less seriously.

An erroneous decision would be a welded frame made of corrugated pipes (item 1 in the figure below): it practically does not dampen vibrations, welds are prone to cracking due to the forces arising from pressing. The professional pipe is quite massive, very elastic and therefore is a good energy accumulator. That is, if a crack creeps along one of the seams, heavy, with sharp corners the traverse can instantly break and fly off to the side.

The frame of a homemade press must be made of channels, single or paired. An I-beam fits worse: at the slightest asymmetry of the clamping force relative to the vertical axis of the frame, significant transverse stresses arise in the I-beam shelf, which is contraindicated for this type of profile. In addition, the I-beam is not designed to receive concentrated loads.

A frame welded from a single channel with reinforcing braces (pos. 2 in the figure) will be sufficiently reliable and stable under a load of approx. up to 5 tf; The 10 ton jack is too strong for this press. Press traverses for clamping force up to 12-15 tf must be made from twin channels with shelves outward, pos. 3. This is again the best option for a garage or service station: there is no need to make holes in the traverses for the passage of shafts, which unacceptably weaken the frame. If the press is designed to work at maximum effort (stamping, forming, bending), then the best option is a powerful single channel (see below) and a bolted frame, pos. 4; tack welding in this case is technological, facilitating frame assembly. Bolts, firstly, will exclude the sudden destruction of the frame. Secondly, they will be good vibration absorbers.

What channel to take?

The dimensions of the channel for the frame of the hydraulic press from the jack are selected as follows. way (it is assumed that the profile is made of ordinary structural steel St44 or similar, and the traverses are solid):

  • For a force of up to 2 tf - single from 80x40x4 mm; paired from 60x30x4 mm.
  • For a force of 2-5 tf - single from 100x50x6 mm; paired from 80x40x4 mm.
  • For a force of 5-10 tf - single from 160x80x8 mm; paired from 120x60x6 mm.
  • For a force of 10-15 tf - single from 220x110x12 mm; paired from 150x75x8 mm.
  • For a force of up to 25 tf - single from 280x140x15 mm; paired from 180x90x9 mm.

What are the columns made of?

The columns of the press frame work not in bending, like traverses, but in tension, to which the metal resists much better. However, the design of the columns mainly determines the vibration resistance of the press. The channel bar is not ideal in this respect, it dampens vibrations unimportantly. For a test, tap with a hammer on the segments of the channel and the square professional pipe - they ring almost the same. The sound from a solid steel bar will be much more muffled. In addition, the round columns of the press take up side loads well, especially if the columns are paired. In this case, the press turns out to be as compact and light as possible (see the figure on the right), which significantly or completely compensates for its increased labor intensity.

Note: if the press is designed for small efforts (mechanical assembly and repair work), then the round columns of its frame can be made of pipes, see the video:

Video: jack press

Design examples

Vibration and mechanical stability of the press is very important in the repair and maintenance of vehicles; especially cars. Scuffing and misalignment of the fit of mating parts is not all, it is also important appearance cars. That is, the press used when straightening and / or tuning a car should be as smooth as possible and be as accurate as possible. This is achieved by increased material and labor intensity of the structure: the columns are made of turned steel, and the table and traverses are made of solid metal plates.

Drawings of a hydraulic press from a jack of increased accuracy and stability are given in the figure:

Without prejudice to the performance of the press, in the geometric center of its upper fixed traverse (det. 1), it is possible to drill a hole with a diameter of up to 40 mm for the passage of the shaft / axle when pressing mating parts onto it or, conversely, pressing it out of them. The maximum short-term (10 min / 1.5 hour break) working force is approx. 10 ts.

On the trail. rice. drawings of a press of a similar design and technical execution, but already for production and technological purposes, are given.

The maximum force is already regular long-term: up to 50% of the working time, therefore the design of this product is much more complicated. The peculiarity of this press is a double combined frame. Its undercarriage is on round turned columns, and the support is welded from channels. Such a frame dampens vibrations of almost any fashion very well. The fact is that the mechanical quality factor square pipe, butt-welded from channels with shelves, is very low: the elastic waves that have fallen into it, figuratively speaking, become entangled in the metal of uneven thickness and are additionally extinguished in the welds. For more on the experience of amateur manufacturing of hydraulic presses from jacks, see the video:

Video: press with an inverted jack and a frame made of professional pipes

Video: Sliding Table Hydraulic Press

Video: press with a movable traverse

Note: just in case - in Fig. drawings of the bed of a hydraulic press from a jack for a force of up to 100 tf.

press hammer

To put an end to repair and process presses, let's remember the promise: how is impact pressing applicable in a home workshop or at an IP individual? In the form of a pedal press hammer; it can be used as forging, riveting and stamping.

Presses of this type are also called lever hammers. Their progenitor is a blacksmith's hammer driven by a water wheel. The impact force of the press hammer is far from a record, only a few tf. But due to the above-described features of the behavior of metal under impact, lever hammers are quite effective, especially since the force and speed of impact can be adjusted accordingly. character by pressing the pedal.

The kinematic diagram of the lever hammer is shown in pos. a) Fig., and in pos. b) - a device of its traditional type. At pos. c) - the device of an improved lever hammer: a parallelogram suspension of the upper striker (as the punch is called in this case) on a pair of earrings (swinging levers) provides a direct blow, and by moving the yoke of the thrust (carrier) along the lower earring, as shown by the arrows, the impact force is precisely regulated . A pair of springs (lower - adjustable) allows you to achieve mechanical indifference of the striker: within the working stroke, it remains in any position where it is placed by hand; this makes it possible, without changing the weight of the striker, to precisely regulate the kinetic energy stored in it. Such lever hammers are used even by jewelers and yachtsmen - to install powerful eyelets in sails and assemble sensible things to tightness.

Note: in maritime terminology, practical things are items of supply that are immovable relative to the hull of the vessel, manufactured on the shore in production conditions - bollards, ducks, rollers, etc.

Screw presses

The first business that requires a press is the extraction of juice and oil from juicy fruits. The latter, however, is irrelevant in the Russian Federation: olives do not grow in our country, and you cannot squeeze oil from seeds by pressure, it is beaten out by impact pressing on oil churns. Juicer presses are often modeled after production and technological jacks in wooden frame, because the pressing force is required no more than 1-1.5 tf, see, for example. video:

Video: press for apples, berries and fruits

But the correct press juicer is necessarily a manual screw press with a wooden basket, see pic.:

The screw gives the hands the ability to sensitively adjust the pressing force, and only the press with a wooden basket produces the highest quality juice / oil. If we are talking about grape juice for elite wine, but all parts of the press in contact with it are also made of wood; best breeds for this - oak and mulberry (mulberry) aged for at least 3 years.

About winemaking and wine presses

The variety of grapes and the conditions for its cultivation is not all that is needed to make a good wine. For example, many excellent varieties of grapes grow in the Northern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov: the climate is suitable, there is an abundance of shelly calcareous soils. But at the time of the perestroika struggle for sobriety, an article flashed in Science and Life about the content of fusel oils in home-made alcohol. It was the northern Azov homemade wines that took the first place: 3700 mg / l (!!!). The second was taken by Sumy potato moonshine, 1900 mg/l; the rest of the "self-propelled gun" went by a wide margin. The holidaymakers, who at that time dared to try the local “varyokha” from one glass, excuse me, “planed further than they saw.”

Winemaking in general is a delicate matter, and squeezing juice for wine is its most important stage. Juice for wine from elite varieties of grapes is squeezed out as follows: for wines of the Pinot class (pigno), berries of a certain degree of ripeness are selected by hand directly from the bunches on the vines. Selected berries are pressed lightly in 3-5 doses, so that only pure juice is released without the admixture of mucous pulp, and the bones and skin do not have time to release tannins. The rest of the harvest is added to the squeezes from Pinot and crushed in the usual way; in this way, juice is obtained for wine of the same variety of the category Mosto (mosto). Real Mosto is also a very good wine, but Pinot… you know, hand-picked by the berry by experienced highly paid workers and completely hand-pressed “with bated breath”. Therefore, the prefix "Pinot" to the names of cheap draft wines (by the way, very often very decent ones) is nothing more than an unscrupulous scam. Unfortunately, it is now legalized in most countries with developed winemaking.

Drawings of a manual screw press for extracting fruit juices of the highest quality are given in the figure:

In addition to these, it has two more significant features. The first is a steering wheel of a relatively small diameter instead of a gate. Turning the gate is ideally evenly difficult, it transfers the pressing force into the hand weakly and it is easy to transfer the load of raw materials. The second is a rectangular thread of the screw-nut running pair. Better, but technologically more difficult - trapezoidal; threads of the same profile are used wherever smooth, precise clamping is required, e.g. in a locksmith's vice.

It is difficult to machine even a rectangular thread, and it is expensive to order, so if you make such a press, look for an unusable water or gas main in the scrap metal stop valves(valves, valves). Their running pairs are just with a rectangular thread, which, if cleaned of rust, is most often in order - the shutters become unusable first.

Note: for more information on making a juicer press with a wooden basket, see the video:

Video: juice press

Lever presses

Lever presses are also quite common in everyday life and households. For example, in the sewing business for installing eyelets, buttons, fasteners, dress rivets, jeans buttons. Device "tailor" desktop hand press shown in fig. on right. For precise centering of the clamp, its rod slides in the holder, as in a lever press with sliding stop, see above fig. with press types. But the kinematic scheme is different: in this case, a pair of pressure lever - earring is used. In such a press, the clamping force increases quite smoothly along the rod, which is exactly what is needed for high-quality flaring of the sides of metal sewing accessories. At the lower end of the rod there is a blind threaded hole (socket), into which shaped punches are screwed for various kinds accessories.

The next pressing operation, which is often required by owners of personal subsidiary plots and agrarians-partialists who keep livestock, is hay baling. Moderately compacted hay not only requires less storage space and crumbles less in the process, but is also much less damaged by pests.

To press hay for storage, mechanized balers are produced and sold, but these are expensive and rather complex units. Justifying themselves only in a fairly extensive profitable economy. It is better for the owner of a private household plot or a small individual agrarian, at least at first, to get by with a scythe, a rake and a manual baler lever for hay, the device of which is shown on the next. rice.:

This is a basket with an opening gate, a simple, without any kinematic tricks, a lever with a shoulder ratio of 1:6 - 1:10, and a pressure (punch) from a wooden shield. Hay is loaded into a basket with a closed gate - crushed, loaded - crushed until a bale of the desired size is formed; it is taken out by opening the gate.

Finally, let us recall the independent preparation of an alternative solid fuel. Fuel pellets, which give the lowest ash content during combustion, are formed in screw thermoforming plants of a rather complex device, see fig. on right. Their disadvantage from the point of view of the host-part is also in significant energy consumption, which can negate the savings on the purchase of regular fuel for a furnace or boiler.

It is much easier to build a wall-mounted manual lever press for manual pressing fuel briquettes from dry combustible agricultural waste, see next. rice.:

For more information about its manufacture, see the video in 2 parts:

Video: press for fuel briquettes

The hydraulic type press is widely used in a wide variety of applications. It is great for jobs that require application high pressure when processing parts. In the automotive industry, this applies to the machining of shafts, bearings and similar products round shape.

In everyday life, the hydraulic press is used to produce rubber, metal and plastic parts. This equipment is versatile and great for all kinds of work.

In this article, we will ask ourselves what the press can be made of.

Press application

To carry out complex and precise work, special equipment is needed, however, a simple hydraulic press will help solve some problems.

Here are the most common:

  • production of bearings of the required size, perfect for your own small auto repair shop;
  • bending of hardware;
  • maintaining desired pressure for gluing parts of the product;
  • assembly of rivet elements.

The best place to install equipment is a garage or suburban area. A photo of the press with your own hands can be seen below.

Hydraulic press for automotive works

Even for holding simple jobs you need to have some skills. It is necessary to correctly take into account the working pressure, as well as the weight, dimensions and other characteristics of the piston mechanism.

The simple design of the hydraulic press is only applicable to cars. For cargo vehicle need professional equipment. The ideas of homemade presses are unlikely to replace them.

Waste Paper Press

Such equipment, first of all, is necessary for summer cottages and suburban areas. A large accumulation of paper will sooner or later require its disposal.

The installation quietly works from a household electrical network of 220V at medium power levels. The press is different high performance even with small equipment.

Press for cardboard materials

In addition to cardboard, pressing is possible plastic bottles and tin cans. But in such equipment, a hydraulic pump is required.

sawdust press

It is used to obtain sawdust briquettes, widely used in heating country houses. The equipment is large. It consists of a table frame structure, the basis of the machine and the engine.

For manual application a jack is used, and mechanical use implies an electric motor.

Hay picking equipment

There are instructions on how to make a press yourself. As preparatory materials, prepare metal corners, slats and planed boards. First, we proceed to the assembly of the box, using boards and metal corners.

This type of press is available in two versions:

  • mechanically is simple design with low power and force up to 1 ton;
  • homemade version of a hydraulic press with a working force of up to 4 tons.

Of course, it’s nice to have ready-made drawings on hand, how to make a press correctly, since for self-assembly you will need fastening elements for the frontal part of the equipment, a base for fastening all the nodes, a running guide and a transport pick-up.

Self-made hydraulic press

A simple version of the hydraulic press will require welding inverter, angle grinder, hand saw, perforator for metal and metal profile. A jack is also needed, depending on the purpose of the press, from 2 to 100 tons.

This type of press is made in the form of a bottle mold. Any hydraulic press consists of moving and static parts. Assembly units such as channels, corners and thick-walled pipes are perfect.

As dynamic blanks, return units and a moving stop are used; various types of racks and bases are referred to as fixed products.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step production of a press, especially its base, is possible from any available materials. The center of gravity of the equipment should be placed as low as possible.

When installing the press on the floor, channels and corners with a thick section are used. To mount home-made presses on tables, square pipes are used. Materials from steel alloys are used as the material; the use of iron alloys is advisable with a workpiece thickness of 1 cm or more.

Do-it-yourself photo press