Mixer      06/23/2020

Heat-insulating paint corundum characteristics. Liquid thermal insulation Corundum: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Insulation paint paint and insulate

"... Reduction of energy losses,
percent, probably by 30, simply due to the fact that a little bit
tinted. It's amazingly simple. The device is guided, really one of
them - cold. She doesn't release anything. And the second is to smoke there

- Prime Minister Russian Federation: Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Insulation Corundum is a special paint that forms a ceramic thermal insulation coating which also protects the surface from corrosion.

You need to insulate
internal walls of the room, losing a minimum of area. Or maybe you
want to insulate the outside of the building, but without
damaged the appearance of the building, but also did not spend a lot of money on expensive
cladding materials? Or maybe you need to produce as soon as possible
high-quality insulation of any pipeline or tank?

Some people live for years with
uninsulated walls in cold panel houses simply because
they are afraid of the costly and difficult process of wall insulation, and this
true. But in all these cases there is material capable of
solve all problems with thermal insulation as quickly and extremely
effectively. This material is liquid ultrafine thermal insulation Corundum.

Walking through specialty markets in
any area of ​​our country, you can find a great variety of ceramic
coatings for thermal insulation, for example: mascoat, tsm ceramic, thermal
coat, Isollat, Astratek, Alfatek, etc. But now our scientists have created
a material that has revolutionized the thermal insulation market
liquid coatings, and this material is an ultra-thin
heat-insulating paint Korund, utterly superior to any other
liquid thermal insulation, and even cheaper than some of them.

The fact that this coating is liquid,
gives it a great many advantages in comparison with other types
coatings, for example, the possibility of easy application to the facade of a building,
window slopes, roofs, concrete floors, interior walls, and
various pipes, any containers, trailers, cooling chambers or
tanks. To on the pipes cold water condensation did not form
hot water pipes brought you water from minimal losses warmth, you
you can coat them with Corundum. Liquid thermal insulation Corundum is able to withstand temperatures from - 60 to + 250 degrees Celsius, and its service life is more than 15 years!

Superfine thermal insulation Corundum
is the first independent Russian development that is not
someone's analogue, in the production of which imported
components of the highest quality, and yet it has
acceptable price. This production has a certificate giving
guarantee to the consumer that the quality of Corundum thermal insulation is always
will be consistently high. The quality of this product is constantly
confirmed by positive customer reviews, so that the quality
Corundum thermal insulation is our pride. By purchasing this item, you
be sure to buy it again, as to compete with it in the ratio
quality-price-durability cannot be achieved by any other material for
thermal insulation.

To date, four modifications have been developed
thermal insulation Corundum. You can find a more detailed description of them at
pages on the links, and below will be a summary.

The modification Korund Classic was the first to be developed. In general, it is difficult to call it a modification, because this is exactly the Corundum thermal insulation that was developed for the first time.

Following the light saw a modification called Corund Anticorrosive.
The main feature of this modification was the ability to apply it even
on rusty metal, it was only necessary to clean off the loose flakes of rust
with a brush, and then it was already possible to fearlessly apply Corundum Anticorrosive,
using the instructions. This modification is a complete
anti-corrosion and thermal insulation coating and not just a corrosive preservative.

After Korund Antikor, a modification of Korund Zima was developed,
which feature was the ability to apply it at a temperature
air -10 degrees Celsius. Corundum Winter is the newest
development among ultrafine liquid materials for thermal insulation.
Other similar materials cannot be applied at ambient
temperatures down to -10 °C, since their minimum threshold is limited only
five degrees Celsius.

The next modification was Korund Facade,
which could be applied in layers less than one millimeter at a time, but
at the same time, its ability to pass steam was no worse than that of more expensive
facade coatings.

Also, two new modifications of Korund for specialized purposes have now appeared on the market:

The first is Korund Volcano - a modification that can withstand operating temperatures up to +540 degrees Celsius.

The second modification is called Korund
Anti-condensation, which protects the application surface from the formation
condensate is more efficient than, for example, Korund Classic.

This ceramic thermal insulation
can be applied to any surface due to its liquid
state of aggregation, and, in addition to protection against heat loss, also protects
surface from rust, water penetration and sound, which allows
use this thermal insulation in any of the cases listed above.

For the first time such liquid coatings For thermal insulation
surfaces were developed by NASA under the US government order to cover
space shuttle surfaces. Further tests showed that
this material can be used for more "earthly" purposes of activity,
for example, in industry, construction, etc.

Most of all, this insulation
applied to steam pipelines, hot water pipes,
equipment of boiler rooms, as well as roofs and walls of residential buildings, public and
industrial premises. Moreover, insulation was applied both from the outside
sides of the room, as well as from the inside.

Although the scope of such a coating was much wider than that in which they were usually used. Liquid thermal insulation
could be used as excellent protection against corrosion, chemical
impact, as well as to reduce the heat loss of metal structures.
Here are the most common examples:

Garages and hangars.

Crane beams.

Overpasses and bridges.

Hot water pipes.

Gas and steam pipelines.

Air conditioning systems.

Cold water pipes to prevent condensation.

Boiler equipment and hydrants.

Heat exchangers.

Steam boilers.

Underground and surface oil pipelines, as well as oil storage facilities.

Hot mixing chem. tanks.

Water storage.

Cooling chambers.

Internal coating of military and special vehicles.


Auto - and railway tanks with liquids.

Subway and train cars to provide sound insulation in addition to thermal insulation.

Ship engine rooms.

Coating of ships, boats, etc.

In addition to this list, the scope of such thermal insulation
growing all the time. If you look more creatively at where it can be
apply, then the use cases of ultra-fine liquid ceramic
thermal insulation will increase significantly.

The use of liquid thermal insulation
coatings under normal conditions, gives a guarantee of at least 10 years of service,
if it is applied on the outside, and 25 years - if it is applied on the inside
side of the room.

The following will list the advantages of ultra-thin ceramic thermal insulation KORUND:

This coating is easy to apply
absolutely any surface, be it concrete, metal, brick, plastic or
any other coating, incl. various equipment with uneven

Absolutely easy to adhere to propylene, metal or plastic, which gives the surface protection from air and water.

The material is waterproof and
immune to the effects of salt dissolved in water. 100%
protects the surface from precipitation, moisture and sudden temperature changes.

Reduces heat loss and provides corrosion protection.

Prevents the appearance of condensate on the treated surface.

For good thermal insulation
a layer 1 mm thick is sufficient. This layer replaces
half a centimeter of insulation mineral wool or brickwork in 2
brick thickness.

Insulation can be applied to a surface having any shape.

Due to the low weight and absence
the need to apply a large amount of insulation, absolutely not
creates a load on the treated surface.

Protects metal constructions from deformation under the influence of temperature.

Up to 85% of the radiant energy falling on it is reflected from the insulation.

No need to stop work
equipment for the inspection of machined equipment or parts that, in
in turn, reduces the cost of compensation for downtime of this

The insulation is immune to UV radiation.

Since liquid thermal insulation is quite
quickly applied, this gives a reduction in labor costs for its application - its
can be applied very quickly with a brush or special paint

If the coating is damaged, it is very easy to restore it.

Does not burn. But not just does not burn, to
In addition, it reduces the rate of spread of fire, since at a temperature
flame above 800 degrees, Corundum thermal insulation begins to release oxide
nitrogen and carbon, which give the effect of slowing down.

Liquid thermal insulation Corundum is environmentally friendly, does not emit toxins and does not contain hazardous volatile compounds.

Resistant to solutions of salts, alkalis and acids.

It has a relatively low price with the effectiveness of more expensive materials.

It has the lowest thermal conductivity of all insulating materials - 0.001 W / m ° C (at an ambient temperature of + 20 ° C).

Superfine ceramic thermal insulation Corundum
is a mixture with many ceramic and vacuum balls,
inside which there is a vacuum, which are in suspension in
liquids, which include acrylic polymers, synthetic
rubber and pigments. This composition gives this thermal insulation an unprecedented
flexibility, adhesion and low weight.

Thermal insulation is a homogeneous mass white color, after drying, which forms a thin insulating coating.

Thermal insulation Corundum can be diluted with water for use in non-ventilated rooms.

Can be applied to rubber
plastic, metal, concrete, glass, brick, wood and so on. Requirements,
which are presented to the surface before application are not large - it
must be clean, free of grease and rust (excluding Corundum Anticorrosive) and
have an acceptable temperature for this modification.

Superfine thermal insulation Corundum
can be applied both with a brush and with a special paint
equipment. In the second case, the highest

The thickness of one layer of thermal insulation can
reach a maximum of 0.4 mm. 20 minutes after
a layer is applied, a waterproof coating is formed on it. one layer
dries for about a day room temperature. The next layer is applied
only after the previous one has completely dried.

Insulation consumption when applied by roller
is approximately 0.5 liters per square meter. If
insulation is applied with special painting equipment, then the consumption
is approximately 0.4 liters per square meter of surface.
More or less consumption depends on the type of surface and the required
thermal insulation.

Applying the material is as easy as painting any surface with ordinary paint or varnish.

Ultra-thin ceramic thermal insulation Korund is produced in containers in the form of plastic buckets with a capacity of 20 liters.

Try the quality of the ultra-thin liquid thermal insulation Korund, and you will be satisfied with the result!

Technologies in the field of building insulation do not stand still. Not so long ago, a new development was introduced into production, which allows to improve and facilitate this process as much as possible. This material is called thermal insulation corundum. Its use is not yet so common and not universal, but there is confidence that it has a great future, and it will revolutionize the thermal insulation market.

Important. The material has passed all tests and is fully certified.

The consistency of corundum is liquid. Thermal insulation resembles a suspension or white paint. You can insulate it with a surface of any material. The method of application is the same as that of conventional paint. After drying, it forms specific coating with elastic properties. It has unique technical and thermal insulation characteristics. For comparison: 1 mm corundum can replace 60 mm mineral wool or a wall one and a half bricks thick.

Coating composition is unique

The composition of this coating is unique. Physicists and chemists in Europe and the USA have been working on its development for many years. It consists of microscopic ceramic balls filled with vacuum (rarefied air). These micro beads bind high quality acrylic polymers, thanks to which the material has excellent adhesion (adhesion) to all surfaces (plastic, metal, propylene).

The intensity of the action of rarefied air molecules located in spherical cavities endows liquid thermal insulation with unique properties.

Corundum also contains water. It occupies 47% of the total volume. After application, part of the water evaporates, and part participates in the process of hardening of the applied thermal insulation.

In addition to the base, corundum contains additives that prevent corrosion and the formation of mold and fungus in high humidity conditions.

Specifications and modifications

Thermal insulation indicators

Superfine thermal insulation corundum favorably differs from other heaters in its performance:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.0012 W / mS;
  • heat transfer - 4.0 W/ms;
  • vapor permeability - 0.03 Mg / MchPa;
  • water absorption - 2%;
  • t operation - -60°C + 260°C;
  • service life - more than 10 years;
  • low fluidity;
  • safety for humans and the environment;
  • does not support ignition (charred at +260°C).

The paint protects the treated surface from condensation and is not destroyed by ultraviolet light, aqueous salt solutions and alkali.

Unlike other heaters, corundum does not create any load on load-bearing walls and other building structures, and also protects metal elements from thermal deformation.

The application of thermal insulation results in a seamless coating that does not allow cold to penetrate through the joints (as with the installation of other heaters).

Important. Corundum paint allows you to operate painted surfaces without problems. They can be inspected at any time, which makes it possible to restore the damaged heat-insulating layer in time.

There are 4 modifications of ultra-thin insulation:

  • Korund Classic. Heat insulating paint for processing different types plastic, propylene, metal, brick, stone.
  • Corundum Antikor. Designed for thermal insulation metal surfaces covered with rust.
  • Corund Facade. Liquid facade insulation. Allowed for indoor use.
  • Corundum Winter. It is distinguished by the presence of frost-resistant additives (minor pieces of foam glass, flame retardants and inhibitors), which allow the paint to be applied at temperatures down to -10°C.

Application and consumption of corundum

For correct application paint there is an instruction for its use. The main role here is played by the preparation of the surface to be painted:

  1. We get rid of all irregularities on plaster, concrete or brick, cover up cracks, remove old paint, dirt and dust.
  2. Serious damage is better to first level out the draft, and then finish the plastering (relevant for walls).
  3. We cover the area to be treated with an antifungal agent, let it dry and apply one or two coats of primer.
  4. On the finished dry surface, we gradually apply corundum heat-insulating paint. First, one layer 0.5 mm thick, then the second (the first must dry completely) of the same thickness and the third similar layer. For greater effect, the layer of heat-insulating paint should be 1.5 - 2 mm.
  5. On top of the thermal insulation (after it has completely dried), decorative coatings are applied.

When calculating paint consumption, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the material and thickness from which the surface needed for processing is made. We also take into account the thickness of the thermal insulation layer.

Advice. Thermal insulation corundum can be used at the temperature of the painted surface ≥+5°С ≤ +150°С.

Laboratory studies have shown that the consumption of corundum thermal insulation with a layer thickness of 1 mm is 1 l / 1 m 2 (without taking into account the method of application and the type of material being painted). In actual use, we add the percentage of overrun (work in calm weather, without wind):

  • painting with a brush of metal - 4%, concrete - 5-10%;
  • when applied with an airbrush on metal - 15-25%, on concrete - 35-40%.

To make the calculation as accurately as possible, use the corundum thermal insulation consumption calculator. To do this, you will need instructions on the site and the following values: the length and height of all walls and the number of layers of paint. These values ​​are entered into special windows on the computer monitor screen, and the calculation is made.

As we can see, corundum thermal insulation is an ideal choice for insulation. Unique design, excellent specifications, ease of application - all this contributes good result and, importantly, a significant reduction in labor costs and working time.

FULLEREN SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION LLC offers you - liquid ceramic thermal insulation material CORUNDUS, which surpasses known analogues in its thermophysical properties. Own production, high-quality imported raw materials from the leaders of the chemical industry, allows us to offer our customers an exclusive line of modifications of ultra-thin heat insulators.

KORUND material has a full package of necessary certificates and fully complies with the declared technical parameters.

KORUND consists of a high quality acrylic binder, an original composition of catalysts and fixatives, ultra-thin-walled ceramic microspheres with rarefied air. In addition to the main composition, special additives are introduced into the material, which exclude the appearance of corrosion on the metal surface and the formation of fungus under conditions high humidity on concrete surfaces. This combination makes the material light, flexible, stretchable, with excellent adhesion to the surfaces to be coated. Material similar in texture regular paint, is a white suspension that can be applied to any surface. After drying, an elastic polymer coating is formed, which has unique thermal insulation properties compared to traditional insulators and provides anti-corrosion protection. The uniqueness of the insulating properties of Corundum is the result of the intense molecular action of rarefied air located in hollow spheres

Corundum material is highly effective in thermal insulation of building facades, roofs, interior walls, window slopes, concrete floors, hot and cold water pipelines, steam pipelines, air ducts for air conditioning systems, cooling systems, various tanks, tanks, trailers, refrigerators, etc. It is used to exclude condensate on cold water pipes and reduce heat loss in accordance with SNiP in heating systems. The material is operated at temperatures from - 60 C to + 260 C. The service life of the material, subject to the rules of application technology, is at least 15 years. Today, our material is used at facilities and enterprises in various fields of activity.

How does the material work from the point of view of thermophysics?

Let's start with the fact that there are three ways to transfer heat:

1. Thermal conductivity - the transfer of heat in a solid body due to the kinetic energy of molecules and atoms from a more heated to a less heated part of the body.

2. Convection - the transfer of heat in liquids, gases, granular media by flows of the substance itself.

3. Radiant heat transfer (thermal radiation) - electromagnetic radiation emitted by a substance and arising due to its internal energy.

Thermodynamics is a science that studies the laws of mutual transformation and energy transfer. The result of these processes is the temperature equilibrium in the entire system.

The method and effectiveness by which the insulating material blocks the redistribution of heat, i.e. the process of thermal equilibrium, and determines the quality of the insulation.

Heat transfer - convective or radiant heat transfer between the surface of a solid body and environment. The intensity of this heat transfer is characterized by the heat transfer coefficient.

Liquid ceramic heat-insulating material KORUND is a complex, multi-level structure in which all three methods of heat transfer are reduced to a minimum.

The ceramic heat insulator consists of 80% microspheres, respectively, only 20% of the binder can conduct heat due to its thermal conductivity. Another part of the heat is due to convection and radiation, and since the microsphere contains rarefied air (the best insulator after vacuum), the heat loss is not large. Moreover, due to its structure, the material has low heat transfer from the surface, which plays decisive role in his thermophysics.

Thus, it is necessary to separate two terms: Heat Insulator and Heat Insulator, because in these materials the physics of the heat transfer process is different:

insulation- the principle of operation is based on the thermal conductivity of the material (min.plate)

heat insulator- to a greater extent on the physics of waves.

The effectiveness of the insulation directly depends on the thickness: the thicker the insulation layer, the better.

The thickness of the heat-insulating layer of the ultra-thin KORUND heat insulator varies from 1 to 6 mm, the subsequent increase has practically no effect on its effectiveness.

Today, Korund has the following industrial modifications -

1. Corundum Classic.

Basic modification - the best liquid thermal insulation. It is a film-forming modification that allows you to isolate objects with a surface temperature of up to +200 ° C on a permanent basis.

2. Corund Facade.

For the first time in the world, a material has been developed that can be applied in layers up to 1 mm thick at a time, and has increased vapor permeability.

3. Corundum Anticorrosive.

For the first time in Russia, a unique material has been developed that can be applied directly to a rusty surface. Easy enough to remove wire brush“raw” (loose) rust, after which you can apply KORUND Antikor thermal insulation, following the instructions.

Thermal insulation Korund Anticorrosive is highly effective thermal insulation coating, with additional anti-corrosion properties, and not just a preservative and corrosion modifier. All technical characteristics, requirements, instructions for use are the same as for the main material KORUND. The use of KORUND Anticorrosive for thermal insulation is already existing structures and pipelines significantly reduces labor costs, since it does not require special preparation of the working surface. Thermal insulation Corund Anticorrosive should be applied as the first layer, and for subsequent layers (for the sake of economy) you can use the "classic" thermal insulation KORUND.

4. Corundum Winter.

For the first time in Russia, a material has been developed that can be used at sub-zero temperatures. Corundum Winter - the latest development in the line of ultra-thin liquid ceramic heat-insulating materials. Unlike all other GI materials presented on Russian market, work on the application of Korund Winter can be carried out in winter, while minimum temperature application of conventional LCTMs cannot be lower than +5 °C Corundum Zima consists of a composition of special acrylic polymers and foam glass microgranules dispersed in it, as well as pigmenting, flame retardant, rheological and inhibitory additives.

Now the "winter recession" in construction is not terrible for you!

Our products, created on the basis of the experience of creating domestic analogues, which have already proven themselves in the professional thermal insulation market, have the following advantages:

Can be applied to metal, plastic, concrete, brick and others Construction Materials, as well as equipment, pipelines and air ducts.

· Have ideal adhesion to metal, plastic, propylene that allows to isolate the covered surface from access of water and air.

· Impervious to water and unaffected by aqueous salt solutions. Coatings provide surface protection from moisture, precipitation and temperature changes.

· Effectively reduce heat loss and increase anti-corrosion protection.

· Protects a surface from formation of condensate.

· A 1 mm thick coating layer provides the same insulating properties as 50 mm rolled insulation or brickwork 1–1.5 bricks thick.

· Are applied on a surface of any form.

· Do not create additional loading on the bearing designs.

· Prevents temperature deformations of metal designs.

· Reflect up to 85% of radiant energy.

· Provide continuous access to the inspection of the isolated surface without the need to stop production, downtime associated with repairs, and failures in production equipment.

· Do not break down under the influence of UV radiation.

· Quick procedure Coating reduces labor costs compared to traditional insulators (easily and quickly applied with a brush, airless applicator).

· Easily repaired and restored.

· They are an insulating material that does not support combustion. At a temperature of 260°C they char, at 800°C they decompose with the release of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, which helps to slow down the spread of the flame.

· Environmentally safe, non-toxic, do not contain harmful volatile organic compounds.

· Resistant to alkalis.

· Hydrogen index (pH) 8.5 - 9.5.

· Time of full drying of one layer of 24 hours.

· Fully certified in Russia.

Liquid ceramic heat-insulating materials are currently presented on the Russian market, which find their consumer due to their wide range of applications and ease of use at low labor costs. Since the offered materials are mainly produced abroad, they have a high cost, which limits the possibility of their mass use in construction, energy and housing and communal services, etc. Whereas domestic analogues often leave much to be desired, and their "quality" and super high margin for "know-how" cause negative and bias in the end user towards liquid ceramic heat-insulating materials. Liquid composite heat-insulating material KORUND ® is the first product developed in Russia according to original technology, is made from high-quality imported components and has no analogues in terms of price-quality ratio. The production of KORUND ® is fully certified, which guarantees consistently high product quality. Pride in our product is formed from the positive evaluations and gratitude of our customers. Our customers appreciate the impeccable declared and guaranteed functionality and turn to us again and again. We are proud of the quality of KORUND ® .

Corundum - thermal paint developed by Russian specialists and a new word in thermal insulation of any surfaces. Some types of this paint work even at temperatures above 500 degrees. And all because the material is not combustible.
Easy to apply, Corundum is a thermal insulation that lasts for a long time, from 15 years, and in terms of heat preservation replaces an additional wall of one and a half bricks.
Thermal paint is a unique development that gives protective properties to the walls of buildings, facades, concrete slabs. Using corundum paint, you save money on thermal insulation.

In its composition, it is a suspension, water-based or varnish-based, which covers well different surfaces, even with irregularities. The consistency of the paint is pasty, the color is gray or white. It is convenient to work with a brush, roller or sprayer. The greater the thickness of the thermal paint, the higher the thermal protection will be. Its service life is from 15 to 40 years.

Insulation paint - multifunctional. It keeps heat well, does not allow water to penetrate into structures, and protects against mold formation. Corundum thermal insulation extends the service life of pipes, tanks, refrigeration equipment, conditioners. Keeping warm is the main purpose of thermal paint, so it is indispensable for thermal insulation of pipes. The materials currently used are short-lived and harmful to humans. Pipes covered with corundum thermal insulation endure exposure to precipitation and sunlight.

According to sad statistics, a huge number of fires occur through the fault or with the direct participation of heat-insulating materials. Often the walls are lined with combustible thermal insulation, and in case of fire, fire with lightning speed with the help of this insulation spreads throughout the building, spreads to the roof and neighboring entrances. To prevent this from happening, use heat paint. It is an inexpensive, safe in all respects material that does not support combustion.

Liquid thermal insulation Korund passed climatic tests, which showed that the effectiveness of protection of coated products is maintained for at least 10 years.

Thus, ultrathin thermal insulation Corundum is an effective technological material that meets all the requirements that apply to this class of heat insulators. Among its shortcomings, it can be noted that in the presence of operational characteristics inherent in all ultra-thin insulations, it differs in a disadvantageous way by a higher price.

An innovative material that has appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to attract a lot of attention in relation to itself. Why? The liquid base of ceramic thermal insulation Korund changes the idea of insulating materials after the first use. The substance forms a fairly thin film, which has protection from an aggressive environment and a minimum thermal conductivity. An interesting point is the weight of the thermal insulation material before and after application. When the composition dries, its weight decreases to an insignificant figure and is almost invisible.

The use of such material as liquid ceramic thermal insulation Corundum has very specific goals:

  • Protection from external factors and maintaining integrity;
  • Insulation of pipeline systems;
  • Thermal insulation of the room.

Korund has made sure that its products are as effective as possible for its customers by presenting the following products to the market:


It has multifunctional properties and is resistant to temperature runoff (-60/+200 °C) and is able to withstand short-term critical temperature points (up to 260 °C). Designed specifically for the insulation of the main elements of the building: plumbing, heating boiler, walls, openings, facade decoration and other partitions that protect the room from climatic conditions.


This thermal insulation from Korund was created to insulate the facade of the room (residential or not, it does not matter). It has good adhesion to many surfaces, that is, high-quality use is available, with almost any, facing material. It has a high rate of resistance to weather vagaries and retains a greater amount of heat generated in the room, compared to foam insulation.


A unique coating to protect and prevent the effects of rust. It has a high rate of resistance to corrosion. The mixture has been widely used for thermal insulation and protection of reinforced concrete and metal structures, pipes, which are used everywhere, as well as other metal products used in construction. It boasts such an opportunity as applying the mixture to the surface without first removing traces of plaque and rust.


Insulating coating, which is designed for conditions with low temperature properties. Thanks to its special composition, it is resistant to adhesion from surfaces after application. Including those surfaces that have different basis- liquid and solid. In addition, such a coating protects well from the effects of alkali, salts and many acids.

The use of liquid material - ceramic thermal insulation Korund

The use of such a heat insulator does not require special expensive tools. A standard air gun will work well. It is also possible to work with such improvised tools as a roller and a brush. The application itself is simple and fast. The coating that forms the heat insulator from Corundum is even and seamless. This property has a good effect on the preservation of heat.

Liquid thermal insulation Corundum is a kind of coloring material, after application of which, a high-quality ceramic thermal insulation layer is formed on the surface, which also protects the surface from the negative effects of corrosion.

What is liquid thermal insulation Korund

Do you need to carry out internal thermal insulation of the walls of the room, while you want to lose a minimum of free space? Or do you need to isolate the walls from the outside, but at the same time you want them not to lose their attractiveness? appearance and that a minimum of Money? Then the only correct solution would be the use of liquid thermal insulation Corundum.

Residents of our country have been living in houses with non-insulated walls for many years. And all this because they are afraid of a long, laborious and expensive process of warming. But today there is such a material that can effectively, quickly and inexpensively solve this problem. And this material is liquid corundum thermal insulation. If you walk along hardware stores, then you can find a lot of heat-insulating materials on a ceramic basis. But relatively recently, scientists have developed such a heat-insulating material that is better in its technical and operational characteristics than analog materials, while its cost is no different.

Scope of liquid thermal insulation Korund

Due to the fact that Corundum thermal insulation has a liquid consistency, it has a lot of advantages over its direct counterparts, since it can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces:

  • Roof;
  • window slopes;
  • Pipes;
  • Facades of buildings;
  • Various kinds of containers;
  • Internal and external walls;
  • Cooling chambers.

In order to prevent the formation of any condensate on the surface of the pipeline, and hot water came to you with meager heat losses, it is recommended to treat the pipes with liquid thermal insulation Corundum. The duration of the operational period of such a coating is equal to 15 years, such thermal insulation can withstand significant temperature fluctuations from -50 to +250 degrees, no analogue can boast of such technical and operational characteristics, and this is subject to the relatively low cost of the material.

Advantages of liquid thermal insulation Korund

The main advantages of liquid thermal insulation Corundum include the following positive points:

  • The application process can be carried out independently, for this a regular brush or sprayer can be used;
  • Just one millimeter of liquid thermal insulation Corundum will provide the same properties as 600 mm of rolled thermal insulation material;
  • Considered waterproof, not exposed to negative influence saline and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Provides visual access to the inspection of the isolated surface;
  • Is fire-fighting material, which does not support the combustion process. When exposed to 260 degrees, the material is charred, but if the temperature rises to 800 degrees, then the process of decomposition begins with the release of nitrogen oxide and carbon, and these substances stop the combustion process.

Thermal insulation corundum

The ultra-thin liquid ceramic thermal insulation Korund offered on the market is the optimal solution for many cases in terms of its product protection efficiency, durability, ease of application, but unfortunately not the price. Ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum is a water-based liquid composition, the main component of which is a polymer latex composition. Its scope is from covering the walls of buildings and structures to thermal insulation of various types of pipelines (air, water pipes). It is also used for application to various types of industrial equipment.

Properties of liquid ceramic thermal insulation Corundum.

Like all ultra-thin thermal insulations, in addition to direct thermal protection, Corundum also prevents corrosion. In addition, the material has dielectric properties. However, in terms of price-quality ratio, it is somewhat inferior to analogues - for example, Aktorm liquid thermal insulation.

Corundum, like all representatives of this class of materials, has a significant advantage over traditional insulation with mineral wool, as it lays down in a continuous layer, leaving no gaps. In the case of mineral wool, unprotected areas always remain, which are channels for the flow of heat. In addition, Corundum is very simply and quickly applied to almost any kind of surface. In this case, it does not really matter whether it is a plane, a rough wall, or complex-shaped equipment. The composition lays down in an ultra-thin layer, providing maximum thermal insulation, the application process itself is almost the same as conventional painting and does not require much time. The composition can be applied at temperatures up to -10 ° C, which is approximately equal to or even slightly inferior to that of Aktorm thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation corundum - prices and discounts for wholesale buyers

PRICE for 1 liter - 330 rubles. WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS %

For all positive qualities Corundum thermal insulation is also affordable. You can choose convenient packaging and save on installation: the paint is applied with a sprayer or brush. Consumers who have used Corundum clearly distinguish this thermal paint from similar ones. Even if you don't have special equipment, just putting your hand to the wall covered with Corundum, you will feel warm, while the unpainted wall will cool your hand.

Corundum - the warmth of your home!

Liquid ultrathin insulation (as an analogue) is a new word in the matter of thermal insulation of structures. Standard methods of thermal insulation are still good, but little by little more effective solutions are coming to replace them.

Liquid insulation is just such a solution. It is able to protect the structure from freezing, while being, in fact, rather paintwork material than insulation in the form in which we usually imagine it.

In this article, we will present to you all the nuances and features of Corundum liquid thermal insulation for consideration.

1 Features of liquid insulation

Liquid thermal insulation Korund is produced by the association of companies Fulleren. They have been manufacturing this material for many years and have managed to achieve quite serious results.

Note that liquid-type thermal insulation has not been invented recently. It is intended for the same insulation work, but it is reproduced in a unique form.

Standard insulation is a special material with low thermal conductivity. It cannot transfer heat and perfectly delimits zones with different temperatures by being in it a large number air.

That is, the heater certain thickness, is laid on the surface of the walls, thereby protecting them from the effects of external temperatures. As you yourself know, the working thickness of the plate can reach up to 10 cm or even exceed this figure.

But the characteristics of the heat-insulating material Corundum are completely different. This insulation is not in vain called liquid. If you look at it uninformed, then the composition can be confused with ordinary paint.

Indeed, this type of thermal insulation resembles paint in consistency, is applied like paint, and even the coating forms a similar one. However, after application, an ultra-thin heat-insulating film with unique parameters is formed.

This is possible due to the unique structure of the Corundum material (like y).

1.1 Insulation composition

In addition to the standard name in the form of liquid thermal insulation, this insulation has a different name - ceramic.

It is called ceramic not because it consists of ceramics or forms a ceramic surface. On the contrary, the main filler in Corundum insulation is an acrylic-type polymer, only more dense.

Ceramic insulation incorporates ceramic hemispheres with insulated filling. These hemispheres and allow you to create insulation with a thickness of 1-2 mm.

However, an ultrathin film does not consist of only hemispheres. It also contains anti-corrosion type additives, polymers, etc.

Together, they form a heater for walls, floors, ceilings, pipes, and in general any structures available to you.

After solidification, the polymer seizes, forming a very strong film, inside it there are frozen spheres, which occupy more than half of the space. They repel any thermal energy, protecting the insulated structure no worse than a layer of mineral wool, which is quite impressive in size.

1.2 How it works

The instruction for use states that Corundum insulation with a thickness of only 1 mm can replace up to 5 cm of mineral wool insulation. That's really super-thin thermal insulation. But how does she do it?

And everything is very simple. The fact is that when creating the Korund insulation, the developers were initially guided by the desire to eliminate heat loss in all three main areas. And these directions are probably familiar to you.

Heat loss at building structures most often due to:

  • Heat transfers;
  • convection;
  • Radiation (even if it costs).

Heat transfer is quenched by most standard heaters. But at what cost? To level the temperature difference, a person has to use a bulky insulation with a thickness of 5 cm or more.

In this case, it must be laid on glue or in special frame, and then veneer again. Liquid thermal insulation performs the same functions, only its structure is ten times denser, and the thermal conductivity index is almost zero.

That is, when finishing the walls, the applied liquid in the same way will not allow the air to exchange temperature with their insides, but at the same time, an ultra-thin film acts as protection here.

Convection is the transfer of heat from object to object. An extremely controversial method, because in conventional construction it practically does not play a role.

However, the liquid ceramic heat-insulating material Corundum can completely remove this moment.

But with radiation, things are much better. Thermal radiation standard insulation materials they are not able to extinguish (for example, inefficient ones).

That is, they can only take over the radiation, but a certain amount of it will still reach the surface of the walls. Meanwhile, radiation comes from all warm objects, especially from heaters.

For additional protection I had to combine the usual insulation with foil. The foil reflected the waves, and the insulation went about its usual tasks.

But the liquid thermal insulation Corundum repels radiation by almost 90%. Residues are simply extinguished and dispersed close to the surface of the walls.

The result is a situation where all three main consumable items are removed by just one ultra-thin protective film. Surprisingly, customer reviews are also completely in solidarity. Corundum insulation really works and does its job well.

1.3 Pros and cons

When choosing thermal insulation, it is important to pay attention to all parameters. Take into account technical characteristics, reviews and even consumption. However, first of all, you need to look at the properties of the insulation. What makes him good, and what, on the contrary, repels you.

Developers do not eat their bread in vain. Corundum insulation has a huge list of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages. So let's deal with them in more detail.

Main advantages:

  • Can be applied to walls, floors, load-bearing structures, roofs, pipes, etc.
  • The work is done by hand, improvised means are also suitable.
  • Dries quickly.
  • A thin protective layer replaces up to 5 cm of standard insulation.
  • Not exposed to external influences.
  • Not afraid of moisture.
  • Does not respond to temperature changes.
  • Non-combustible.
  • An elementary method of application, as in the case of.

And this is not the whole list. Full characteristics can be assessed only after you have the instruction and certificates for Corundum thermal insulation in your hands. But even from it it follows that the material is extremely useful.

What is only worth the fact that it can be applied with a regular brush. That is, any structure that can be reached can be processed.

And now remember the standard processes of insulation. How much time should be spent to finish one column with mineral wool. And what can we say about the surface of the walls, which are surrounded by a large number of pipes?

While Corundum insulation will not cause you such problems. All you need to do is stir it up and put it on the wall. Not surprisingly, the reviews about her are all completely positive.

Main disadvantages:

  • Pretty high price.
  • Serious expense.

As for the shortcomings, they are quite trivial. Like any innovative material, Corundum insulation is expensive. This is the cost of production.

The second point, which partially overlaps with the first, is the serious consumption of paint. Corundum should be applied in several layers. Accordingly, the consumption of such material will be very serious.

It is desirable to apply at least 4-5 layers on the surface of the outer walls. This is the only way to form a high quality insulation, and be sure that it will not crack or peel off.

2 Types and differences

Corundum insulation comes in several varieties. Each of them has its own technical nuances.

There is a corundum insulation:

  • Classic;
  • Facade, Facade-Lotus;
  • Anticorrosive;
  • Winter;
  • Fire protection.

Liquid thermal insulation Korund Classic is a standard option that is used almost everywhere. Thermal paint is easy to apply, dries quickly and has good strength parameters.

Thermal insulation Korund Facade is intended for exterior finish walls. The Facade-Lotus sample is the front, the second level of insulation. Applied for extra protection.

Model Antikor - insulation with enhanced anti-corrosion properties, ideal for protecting wood.

The Winter model differs only in the possibility of application at sub-zero temperatures.

Well, the last option is paint, which swells upon contact with fire, protecting the structure from fire.