Mixer      03.03.2020

Thermal insulation roof coverings. Insulation of the roof from the inside: we choose a heater and do the installation with our own hands. Roof insulation under rafters

In the cold northern latitudes, the issue of keeping warm in winter has always been an acute issue. Even many centuries ago, an established technology for roof insulation already existed.

After all, what less heat is lost from housing during heating, the less resources are wasted to maintain it, the more comfortable it is to live in the house.

Years and centuries passed, now there is no need to build a fire inside or heat the stove - central heating greatly simplifies the task.

But roof insulation is still necessary - after all, when heat lingers in the house for as long as possible, less energy is spent on heating, and living in a warm isolated house much more comfortable.

Not so long ago, the most popular heater was glass wool. Using glass wool is cheaper than using other types of insulation, but it has some significant disadvantages that make people abandon it and insulate the roof with other materials.

For example, cotton wool is not suitable for warming inclined surfaces - it simply rolls down, exposing the very top of the roof, through which heat will seep. In addition, when using cotton wool, you need to think about how to protect it from moisture. However, cotton wool is still used in some homes, mainly because of its low cost.

Most commonly used now Styrofoam and mineral wool (e.g. rockwool). The thing is that they are devoid of the disadvantages of glass wool, but they have a number of additional advantages. - fairly durable material and is able to withstand significant loads, and mineral wool is a wonderful noise insulator. You can read more about roof insulation with mineral wool.

Choosing the perfect thermal insulation

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

It is of utmost importance insulation thickness. There is no way she can be counted on. For information on how to correctly calculate the thickness, read below.

Correct calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The formula for calculating the layer thickness in meters will look like this:

Layer thickness \u003d Thermal resistance of the layer * Thermal conductivity coefficient of the material (roof thermal insulation snip).

This data is provided by the manufacturer and may vary. Detailed information for each heater you will be helped to find specialists in a hardware store.

Many experts advise, after receiving the final result, to add to it another half of the calculated value. It is worth noting that when using backfill or crushable materials, they should be loosened from time to time so that the current layer thickness is not disturbed and remains stable.

roof insulation technology

Any properly laid roof consists of a certain sequential combination of materials that form the so-called roofing cake or a roofing plan.

Breaking the sequence or skipping one of the "layers of the pie" can lead to sad consequences., so let's take a closer look at the entire roof insulation pie, starting from the bottom and rising to the very top of the roof.

As a roof, you can choose any material you like: corrugated board , ondulin, soft tiles etc. And now consider the standard procedure for warming the attic under a gable roof:

  1. Consider all the layers of roof insulation in more detail. The first layer is interior decoration, behind it is a crate. These layers are not of great importance for the insulation, so you can skip them.
  2. Behind them is a vapor barrier.. And here it is worth stopping in more detail. does not allow warm (or even hot) air masses to interact with thermal insulation, so that moisture does not remain on the thermal insulation itself - the result of condensation. A vapor barrier must be present in each roof - after all, the insulation should not become damp.
  3. Above is the counter-lattice, on which the insulation itself is laid directly. We have already talked about it and will talk about it again, so let's pay attention to upper layer- waterproofing.
  4. As the name implies, waterproofing protects the insulation from water coming from above - like rain, snow, or simply moisture condensed on the roof. must also be present in each roof.
  5. Then comes empty space for ventilation and finally the roof itself. Do not forget about the insulation of the roof eaves, the easiest way to do this is with a sprayed one.

Laying rolled vapor barrier

Warming technology pitched roof

Roofing cake in section

Extremely important observe all the installation standards for each of the layers and the procedure for insulating the roof, otherwise the insulation itself may be damaged, and then it will cease to perform its functions. If you still have questions about roof insulation, then you can find the answers in the article - "".

Flat roof insulation

In isolation flat roof should decide on the purpose of the surface - whether it will be used or not. If so, then on top of the thermal insulation it will be necessary to make an additional concrete screed(for example, if you walk on such a roof - adjust the antenna, for example). If the roof platform is not used, then the screed is not needed. You can read more about it at the link.


The main requirement for flat roof insulation is strength and durability of the material. Indeed, in winter, a significant mass of snow will accumulate on a flat roof, which can deform weak fragile material.

Thermal insulation on a flat roof is of two types - single layer and double layer. As the name implies, two layers of insulation are used in two-layer insulation, respectively, one in single-layer insulation.

Thermal insulation of a pitched roof

In total, there are two types of insulation of a pitched roof - floor insulation(attic) and slope insulation(scheme of insulation of the attic roof).

At attic insulation the type and strength of the material is not so important - since there is no risk of slope, exposure and deformation of the material.

But with the attic you need to pay attention to material strength, on its ability to keep its shape and not roll.

When insulating floors, the attic should be ventilated, it is desirable to maintain a temperature in it close to the street temperature.

Roof insulation units - overhangs, parapets and roof cornice

When insulating the above elements, in addition to complying with standard requirements (waterproofing, etc.), it is important protection of the joints of the “layers” from moisture ingress during rain or snow. For these purposes, boards, lining, galvanized steel and other similar materials are used. They need to flash the roof from the end, leaving no horizontal gaps into which moisture can seep.

Warming overhangs roofs can be made with help mineral wool or finishing material- lining or corrugated board. By the same principle, the roof parapet is insulated.

Useful video

And now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technology of roof insulation using a practical example:


So, an important factor when choosing a heater is the type of roof, as well as the type of insulation, if the roof is pitched. Choosing a heater it is necessary to correctly calculate its thickness and add a little just in case. It is important to follow the sequence and correct laying of the layers, then your roof will serve you for many years, protecting your home from the cold and helping to keep warm.

In contact with

A self-built and equipped house is the real pride of any owner. An integral part of the arrangement of any residential building is the internal insulation of the roof. And if in most cases there are no problems with the thermal insulation of the walls, then the insulation of the roof structure can lead an unprepared master into bewilderment. Therefore, before proceeding to the practical part, study all the theoretical recommendations proposed below.

After installing the insulation and all related elements, the roofing system will look like a puff "pie". At the heart of the design is a system of rafters. All other elements are laid and fixed on it.

Modern roofing "pie"

IN classic version layers of the pie, starting from the finish roofing, are placed as follows:

  • roofing;
  • crate for mounting the finishing material. May be continuous or sparse;
  • bars of the counter-lattice. Needed to create a ventilation gap under the roofing material;
  • waterproofing film;
  • heat-insulating material;
  • vapor barrier material;
  • crate for mounting insulating materials and inner lining;
  • interior lining material.

A properly equipped roofing pie will significantly reduce heat loss in cold weather and prevent overheating of the space under the roof in the heat. Waterproofing will protect the insulation from atmospheric moisture, and the vapor barrier material will prevent the formation of condensate and the appearance of all the problems that accompany it.

What to insulate?

On the modern market there is a huge range of materials that can be successfully used for internal roof insulation. Try to avoid excessive savings - the materials must be of high quality.

Insulation parameters

When choosing a suitable insulation, you need to pay attention to a number of basic characteristics of the material, namely:

  • weight. The heavier the insulation, the more significant the load it will exert on the roof. This imposes a number of additional requirements for rafters and lathing - their configuration and strength must correspond to the characteristics of thermal insulation;
  • thermal conductivity. It is better that this parameter be as low as possible, if possible no more than 0.04 W / m * S;
  • resistance to adverse external influences.

Preferred heaters

Not so many materials meet the above requirements. Among all existing options professionals recommend giving preference to mineral wool heat insulators and foam panels. Ceteris paribus, mineral wool is more preferable.

Additional insulation materials

In combination with a heater, the roof will need to be additionally insulated using vapor and moisture insulating materials. For roof waterproofing, polyethylene and roofing material are usually used. These materials perfectly resist moisture.

The vapor barrier layer is best equipped with the use of special membranes, glassine or modern foil materials.

Regardless of the chosen insulation (installation is still carried out in the same sequence), in the process of performing work, you must adhere to a number of basic recommendations, without which you can not count on high-quality internal roof insulation.

All rules can be combined into one brief summary of tips, namely:

Thus, even before the start of thermal insulation work, the master needs to study a fairly large amount of information and remember a number of important requirements. The work must be done with the highest quality. Properly equipped insulation will make living in the house as comfortable as possible and will significantly reduce the cost of space heating.

Use the recommendations received and remember: you need to insulate with the obligatory installation of vapor barrier and moisture barrier layers. Only such a complex will make it possible to obtain a reliable, durable and resistant to any adverse external influences roofing system. It is better to immediately do everything according to the rules and live in peace in safe house than patching holes in a roofing cake after every heavy rain.

Preparation for roof insulation

The order of insulation remains almost the same, regardless of the type of roof, the materials used and other points. Having dealt with the main points of thermal insulation work, you can successfully apply them in practice.

First of all, carefully prepare the roof for the upcoming internal insulation.

First step. Examine the truss system. If rotten and damaged elements are found, replace them with new parts.

Second step. Process it all wooden elements antiseptic.

Third step. Check the condition of pipelines and electrical wiring, if these communications are laid under the roof.

Roof Insulation Guide

Proceed to work on the internal insulation of the roof. The event is held in several stages. Go through each of them sequentially, not forgetting the recommendations received earlier.

It is assumed that rafters, crates and other necessary elements already installed and you just have to mount the insulation materials, and then lay the finish roofing.

First step - vapor barrier

Lay the film with a 10 cm overlap. To attach the vapor barrier to the bars, it is convenient to use a construction stapler with staples. Tape all seams twice. Be especially careful and thorough when sealing various difficult areas, such as the joints of the film with pipes, walls and other structural elements.

The second step is warming

ECOTEPLIN - roof insulation

Lay the selected insulation in the cells of the crate. Usually, the crate is assembled with the expectation that the step between its bars is a couple of centimeters less than the width of the insulation, so you can place the heat-insulating plates as tightly as possible. Directly, the bars of the crate should be nailed to the rafters perpendicular to them.

With a strong desire, you can do without crates - you stuff around the edges rafter legs nails and stretch the wire between them. She will hold the insulation plates. However, it is better not to abandon the crate - it is more reliable with it.

The insulation itself is usually laid in 2 layers. In this case, the top layer must be laid with a certain offset relative to the bottom one - it is impossible for the joints of the insulation plates of both layers to coincide.

The third step is waterproofing

Place the waterproofing film so that it completely covers the insulation, crate and rafters. To fix the film, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler with staples.

Bring waterproofing under the roof overhang - this will create the conditions necessary for the effective removal of water in the future.

In the end, you just have to lay the selected roofing material on the roof.

Thus, independent internal insulation of the roof, although it is a very important and responsible event, there is nothing super complicated in its implementation. Do everything in accordance with the instructions, and very soon your house will become really cozy and warm, and heating costs in the cold season will decrease significantly.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside

The insulated roof is reliable protection buildings and prevent heat loss, saving energy costs for insulation. Therefore, the arrangement of the roof is a priority in the construction of a residential building. In this case, for thermal insulation can be used different materials, differing in characteristics, method of installation and efficiency. Knowing these features will allow you to choose the perfect coating for arranging a particular roof of a building.

Types of roof insulation

There are several options for insulating the roof of a private house. The choice of the desired type is carried out depending on what function the attic space performs, and this can be a living space, a pantry, or just an insulated attic. In any case, thermal insulation prevents the penetration of cold through the roof area and ensures comfort in the house.

The roofing cake of an insulated residential building consists of several layers

The organization of insulation is necessary in the case of arranging an attic room in the attic. If it is used in economic purposes or is not functional, then you can do without insulation, but it is worth equipping the ceiling of the room or the floor of the attic.

Arrangement of the roof in order to prevent heat loss in the house can be internal or external. The first option is optimal for roofs of any type and involves the installation of heat insulating material from inside the room under the roof. Features of this type are expressed in the following:

  • the structure of the roofing pie is created from the rafter system, the installation of waterproofing and lathing, and the roof covering from the outside. Then a heat insulator, a vapor barrier membrane is installed from the inside, and then follows finishing premises;
  • a gap of about 3–5 cm is left between the vapor barrier and the insulation, which is necessary to remove moisture. This will help protect the materials of construction from decay;
  • all popular heat insulators can be mounted from inside the room, having calculated the thickness of the layer and taking into account the technology of work.

At internal insulation roofs are possible different ways thermal insulation

In the second case, the material is laid outside, which is often convenient for pitched roofs co truss system. Such external insulation requires careful calculation of the weight of the heat insulator, since there is a load on load-bearing elements roofs. The option is optimal for flat roofs, and during installation, rigid slabs are used, on top of which pebbles or concrete slabs are laid.

If an external arrangement of a pitched roof is required, then such work is carried out outside the building. Roofing, load-bearing lathing and waterproofing film are preliminarily removed. After that, from boards 20 mm thick with inside rafters mount the base, on which the insulation will be laid from the outside.

Video: external roof insulation with Polynor

Thermal insulation materials and their characteristics

For the arrangement of the roof, you can use different materials, which are presented in a wide range and differ in characteristics, appearance, cost and method of installation. It is these factors that are taken into account when choosing one or another component, and it is also important that the characteristics of the insulation must correspond to the climatic features of the region, the type of roof and the method of arrangement. Another ideal material should have high sound insulation, long term service and resistance to moisture and fire, light weight.

You can equip the roof with different materials, but the insulation must have high performance

Among the wide variety of materials, the following structures are in demand and practical:

  • mineral wool - known, affordable and practical option heat insulator, characterized by a service life of up to 25–30 years, minimal water absorption, low weight, good sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. The fibrous structure and high rigidity make cotton wool optimal for insulation. Manufacturers such as Rockwool, IZOVOL, Knauf, Paroc present many material options in rolls and plates, for example, with a reflective film that provides a high heat-retaining effect;

    The Paroc brand produces practical and quality options mineral wool

  • structures based on polystyrene are in demand and diverse. These are expanded polystyrene, penoizol, extruded polystyrene foam. They are very light, presented in the form of plates, have good sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. Heaters of this type are characterized by high flammability, destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Penoplex, Extrol and Novoplex companies produce different variants structures based on polystyrene affordable price;

    Penoplex is practical and easy to install on different surfaces

  • cellulose fiber heat insulators are loose and light fibrous structures. They do not rot and are not affected by moisture, have antiseptic properties and provide good protection from the noise outside. Flame retardants give the material resistance to fire. Manufacturers Izotek, Ecowool-Center and others produce modern cellulose materials at an affordable price.

    Cellulosic materials are laid on horizontal surfaces, providing protection from heat loss.

All of these structures are in demand not only for arranging the roof, but also for the basement, floor, utility rooms, walls. In each case, the installation is carried out according to a certain technology, but all heat insulators are easy to lay and provide protection against heat loss.

Video: roof insulation outside with mineral wool

How to prepare a roof for insulation

Before direct installation of the insulation, prepare the roof. This is necessary both when arranging a room for an attic, and for simple thermal insulation of the attic floor.

Basic preparation rules:

  • all wooden elements of a pitched roof or concrete surface are cleaned of traces of mold and decay. You can remove such dirt from wood sandpaper, and from concrete - with a spatula;
  • after cleaning, dry the surface and apply an antiseptic agent designed for a specific material, for example, for wood;
  • wooden, metal parts of the roof after cleaning are coated with anti-corrosion or bituminous paint. Ordinary oil is also suitable, because these structural elements need protection from moisture and fungus;
  • in preparation, they check the reliability of fastening of all structural elements of rafters, partitions and other parts of a pitched roof. In the case of a concrete roof, all cracks, chips and leaks are eliminated.

The surface to be insulated must be clean, dry and undamaged.

For surface treatment, brushes, spatula, roller are used. Dust is best removed with a vacuum cleaner, and dried concrete surfaces you can use a building hair dryer. So it will be possible to remove all the dirt and prevent decay of the structure.

Choice of roof insulation method

Existing materials for arranging the roof are mounted different methods and therefore it must first be selected. The methods differ not only in technology, but also in the area on which the work will be carried out.

To eliminate heat loss through the roof, the following arrangement options are suitable:

  • fixing the material between the rafters. This method involves the placement of insulation between the rafters. Plates or rolls are optimally suited for this purpose, but it is worth considering that the rafters should be about 4–5 cm larger than the thickness of the heat insulator layer. This can be achieved by building up supports, that is, attaching additional boards. A vapor barrier film is mounted on top of the rafters, and then the decoration of the room begins;

    Warming between the rafters is convenient and does not require special skills

  • the laying of material along the rafters is carried out in the case when the desired thickness of the insulation is greater than the width of the rafters. This method is also applicable if roofing has already been laid. To carry out work to the rafters from the inside of the attic, a crate of metal profile or wooden boards, and then fix the heat insulator;

    Sprayed polyurethane foam refers to insulation along the rafters

  • for a cold pitched roof, attic floor insulation is optimal. In this case, logs are installed, in the space between which heat insulator plates are laid, granular components are poured, for example, expanded clay or cellulose material. On top of this design, the floor of the attic is laid.

    Floor insulation is suitable when there is no need for thermal insulation of roof slopes

All methods differ in the cost of work carried out by professional craftsmen. The most affordable attic floor insulation, since in this case you only need to equip a horizontal surface, and not work with slopes, corners and other difficult areas.

Stages of installation of thermal insulation

In demand is the arrangement of the roof from the inside. For this purpose, mineral wool in slabs or rolls is convenient, but foam plastic, foam plastic can be used, since the technology for their installation is similar to laying mineral wool.

First you need to calculate the amount of material. For this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof slopes is calculated from the inside, then the area that can be covered by one roll of mineral wool or a package of plates is determined. The average thickness of the heat-insulating layer should be at least 15-20 cm, which is optimal for a roof made of corrugated board, metal tiles, soft roofs.

The minimum thickness of the thermal insulation layer is 15 cm

The arrangement of the roof is carried out with the help of tools such as a tape measure, nails and a hammer, a strong thread, a sharp knife, wooden blocks(if you need to build rafters). Mineral wool slabs or a roll should be pre-cut into pieces of such a width that is equal to the distance between the rafters.

The main steps in the arrangement of the roof:

  1. Prepared pieces of material are tightly laid in the space between the rafters. Do not use glue or other fasteners. If the material has a reflective coating, then it should be located indoors. The material should not be pressed too hard, as its low thermal conductivity is ensured by the fibrous and airy structure.

    For easier fastening, profile elements can be installed and laying between them

  2. At the end of the laying of the plates in one row, nails / self-tapping screws are fixed to the extreme rafters or profiles, and a strong thread of synthetic fibers is pulled on them in a zigzag manner. Thus, the plates will be securely fixed between the rafters.

    To fix the mineral wool, you can use wire

  3. When laying each next row, make sure that the joints of the plates of the previous rows are not located side by side. There should be no gaps between the wool slabs and the rafters. After arranging all areas, a vapor barrier film is attached to the rafters, but not pulling it too hard, and then the room is finished.

    To finish the attic, you can use the lining, but it must be treated with an antiseptic

Vapor barrier is an essential component of a roofing pie, because such a film protects the insulation from moist air from the premises. Without this, thermal insulation will not be durable and effective even when using the best material.

Video: features of the installation of the material "Izover"

To equip the roof and prevent heat loss, you can use different materials, but you should always take into account their characteristics. The technology of warming also requires attention, because the right manipulations will provide a good result.

Roof insulation is milestone when installing the roof of any building in Moscow. These works require Special attention. To perform high-quality thermal insulation, the roof structure must be stable and durable and comply with the standards fire safety. Well-executed thermal insulation contributes to the creation of a comfortable environment, and also reduces the cost of heating the building. For its arrangement, it is recommended to use high-quality materials, install the roof insulation in accordance with the technology. Roof Technology specialists will make any building in Moscow warmer.

Prices for all types installation work on the roof are presented on the "Price list" page.

Warming technology

When choosing thermal insulation materials, it is necessary to take into account factors such as temperature regime and the humidity level of the building geographical position, the impact on it of mechanical loads and atmospheric precipitation, diffuse and capillary moistening of insulation.

With an increase in the range of humidity and temperature, the requirements for thermal insulation of the entire roof also increase. The materials from which the roof insulation is installed in Moscow differ from each other in terms of thermal conductivity, density and composition.

Installation of insulation involves the following steps:

  • installation of roofing insulation;
  • installation of roof insulation directly;
  • arrangement of vapor barrier.

Violation technological process at any stage of the work entails serious consequences. With poor-quality heat-insulating material, the house will penetrate cold air, which will lead to additional energy consumption for heating.

During the installation of roof insulation by Roof Technology in Moscow, ISOROC and ROCKWOOL materials are used, which have such positive properties as:

  • The ability to maintain the properties of thermal protection and volume with repeated moistening and drying.
  • They counteract the accumulation of moisture with a properly arranged ventilation space.

Installation of insulation for different types of roofs

The type of material for insulation depends on the type of roof. roofing flat design insulated with foam boards or mineral wool. The material is laid on the prepared surface, after which it is covered with pebbles or poured with concrete. It is acceptable to use expanded clay as insulation. The material is scattered on the floor slab, after which it is compacted and covered with a rolled roofing felt or concrete screed.

Important! Styrofoam can be used in the presence of fireproof pillows that protect the insulation.

Thermal insulation of a pitched roof in Moscow

Installation of roof insulation from the inside is carried out for both flat and pitched roofs. Warming is carried out at roofing works during the construction of the building. To perform thermal insulation, in the attic of the house, the material is laid between the ceiling joists on top of the ceilings. In attics, insulation is mounted directly on the roof slope. When using an attic space not for housing, the roof insulation is installed from the inside, hiding it under the boardwalk.

To protect thermal insulation material And building construction from the effects of condensate and moisture, waterproofing is laid. Protective material mounted between the rafters with an overlap, attaching it to the boards with construction stapler. After that, all joints and seams are carefully sealed.

Roof insulation installation: mounting methods

Roof insulation is fixed in the following ways:

  • stick;
  • invest in the crate;
  • into the flooring;
  • anchors and nails with wooden blocks.

According to the rules, a pitched roof is made according to the rafters with a step corresponding to the size of the insulation. The thermal insulation material should fit as closely as possible to the walls and rafters. During installation, the formation of cracks and gaps, leading to heat loss, is unacceptable. If necessary, several layers of material are used, for greater reliability, the joints are displaced. If the gaps could not be avoided, they are carefully sealed with sealant.

Insulation price

When performing light thermal insulation, it is enough to glue the material. The cost of installation of roof insulation in this case is reduced. The insulation is fixed with liquid nails or facade adhesive with frost-resistant properties.

Often the installation of roof insulation is carried out in mixed ways. So, the foam is initially laid in the crate, after which it is additionally fixed with dowels.

Depending on the complexity of the roof, the cost of installation work sq. m of roof insulation in Moscow can vary from 70 to 100 rubles. For laying steam and waterproofing, you will have to pay from 42 to 59 rubles. for each type of work.

Thermal insulation of the roof, as well as attic and attic rooms is one of the most important and necessary steps home furnishing. And now we will try to understand what exactly the process of roof insulation consists of and what are the reasons for its need.

Constant positive temperature in the house and attic room depends directly on the thermal insulation of enclosing structures - attic floors, external walls - as well as on the insulation of the roof, roof, attic. Such measures contribute to the formation of a comfortable microclimate in the rooms of the house and increase the chances of effective energy saving.

Roof insulation

A competent approach to the process of thermal insulation of a pitched roof will provide you with additional conditions for transforming an attic into an attic. Thus, another advantage will appear - the expansion of the usable area in the house.

When renovating a building, you can also reduce energy consumption by additional insulation walls, roofs and facades. Moreover, based on the new building codes, the requirements regarding the thermal resistance of walls and ceilings have increased significantly. Therefore, when building from scratch, during reconstruction and modernization, as well as during overhaul thermal insulation is impossible without the use of efficient materials.

Criteria for the selection of thermal insulation materials

The durability and stability of thermophysical, as well as physical and mechanical properties, which are part of the construction of the insulation material for the roof, depend on the influence of various factors. They must be taken into account when choosing a particular material.

It should be attributed to such factors:

  • the geographical location of the house or building;
  • change in humidity and temperature depending on the season (winter-summer);
  • diffusion moistening of the roof and walls;
  • capillary moistening of the roof and walls;
  • impact of mechanical loads;
  • wind and snow loads(their degree depends on the angle of the roof).

Please note that technological features mounting flat roofs differ significantly from the features of the installation technology of pitched roofs.

This applies directly to the roof insulation itself. Therefore, the choice of thermal insulation for a roof depends not only on the properties of the thermal insulation material, but also on the type of roof itself.

Thermal insulation materials differ in their composition, density, as well as in the coefficient of thermal conductivity, which expresses the average value of the heat loss of the insulation (1 sq. M per unit of time). Increased requirements for roof insulation are also associated with increasing humidity and temperature differences, which lead to an increase in heat loss of the material. Physical and technical qualities, in turn, affect the operational reliability of the design and thermal efficiency.

Functions of roof insulation

In addition to the above, roof insulation is also responsible for the following functions:

  1. Reduces the level of influence of temperature fluctuations on most roof coverings. This creates protection against the formation of cracks, which are threatened by uneven temperature changes.
  2. It transfers the center of condensation formation to the outer layer of thermal insulation. Thanks to this function, concrete or reinforced concrete roofing does not dampen.
  3. In addition to roofing, thermal insulation protects against air fluctuations from outside the premises in the house.
  4. Affects the reduction of temperature differences in the internal air, as well as the surface of the ceiling (even in the attic).
  5. Creates a favorable microclimate by raising the temperature of the interior of the ceiling covering.
  6. In cold weather, it prevents the formation of condensate in the "pie" of the roof. This is especially important for some kind of premises, such as warehouses.

Thermal insulation for a flat roof: roll insulationmiand masticmimaterialami

To insulate a flat roof, the following materials are used:

  • Styrofoam
  • extruded heaters
  • rigid (from mineral wool).

Each of them has certain qualities that serve as a selection criterion for different types flat roofs.

For example, foam insulation is used for unused roofs and only if the composition of their roofing "pies" contains a fireproof cushion that protects the insulation.

What is called a fireproof pillow? It can serve as a screed (on top of the insulation) and reinforced concrete floor(below the heater).

As for the extruded insulation, it is applicable for coatings on inverted roofs (operated inverted) and on loaded roofs.

On lightweight structures and flat non-exploited roofs with screeds, mineral wool insulation (hard) is used.

The type of roof, as already mentioned, greatly affects the way the insulation is installed, therefore there are several options for the process of laying the insulation.

Lightweight roofs require one approach to the device, loadable ones require another, and ordinary roofs require a completely third one. And this must be remembered.

Pitched roofs and their insulation

There are various scenarios according to which attic and attic rooms are insulated. This is due to the fact that the premises of this kind are fundamentally different in their structure. Differences are also present in the technology of installation of roofs. So, the roof in the attic is insulated along the slope itself, and in the attic - the insulation is laid between the lags in the ceiling, on top of the ceilings.

When planning to use the attic as an additional, but non-residential room, when laying insulation, you need to know that the thermal insulation layer must be hidden under the wooden flooring from the boards.

Please note - if the insulation layer is not protected by plank flooring, then during the operation of the room, the thermal insulation of the roof can be significantly damaged!

If the attic is rarely visited, for example, in the case of a control check, then to protect the thermal insulation layer from damage, it will be possible to get by with a flooring of pedestrian ladders.

Complete living room in the attic will require more effort, but it will also provide more opportunities in terms of expanding the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. Here you will need to make an effort - to arrange an attic.

Installation of attic insulation

Arranging an attic, first of all, you need to build a roof ventilation system. At the same time, observe all the rules of the technology for installing roof insulation. And it is here that various difficulties and mistakes can lie in wait for you.

If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, then it is better to resort to the advice of professional builders, otherwise an incorrect installation technology can lead to complete roof dismantling and replacement of insulation!

If we compare the installation of the attic and the installation of the attic, then with the thermal insulation of the last insulation, a couple more cubes will be required. Accordingly, the boards will also go more. And, most importantly, do not forget about the installation of vapor barrier and waterproofing, since the first can prevent the insulation layer from getting wet (due to the penetration of moisture vapor), and the second will protect the roof insulation from condensate that forms on the inside of the roof covering.

Remember that the attic and attic are arranged under a pitched roof, which requires the use of a certain type of insulation with the appropriate physical and technical qualities. Heaters for such purposes are of low and medium hardness, and their density ranges from 35 to 125 kilograms per cubic meter.

Typically, for pitched roofs, heaters with a mineral or fiberglass base are selected. Glass wool insulation is fraught with large heat losses, since their main quality is high thermal conductivity. But with all this, glass wool material is financially beneficial.

And mineral wool heaters are characterized by a low percentage of environmental friendliness.

Vapor barrier problems arising from the installation of thermal insulation of the roof

The classic thermal insulation of the roof in the form of a pie has the following scheme:

  1. Vapor barrier.
  2. Thermal insulation.
  3. Wind and moisture protection.

In Soviet times, parchment was used for vapor barrier purposes, mineral wool was used for thermal insulation, but waterproofing was neglected or, in last resort, used roofing material or the same glassine.

Today glassine was replaced by vapor barrier membranes - polyethylene films(characteristics 22mg/m2/day). Mineral wool has given way to expanded polystyrene (plain or extruded) and today it is losing demand, and perforated polyethylene (characteristics - 1000 mg / m2 per day) successfully serves as a wind and moisture protection of the roofing "pie".

Almost all have this look. country houses. Of course, many buildings are well-equipped and able to cope with the winter cold. But still, most houses cannot adequately endure the winter and the owners are forced to put up with either huge energy costs, or cold and severe frosts, or even leave the house for winter time.

It’s even more annoying that after the winter cold and snow, when everything seems to be over, the thaw comes and brings with it a new serious problem - roof leakage.

But in fact, the problem is not in the flow of the roof, but in something else. In what? In order to maintain order, consider the functions that lie on each part of the heat-insulating "pie" of the roof.

What is vapor barrier: main functions

The need for vapor barrier is associated with preventing the penetration of steam into the area of ​​thermal insulation layers. For what? Imagine that there is no vapor barrier.

For detailed interpretation we need to go a little deeper into physics. So, a water or vapor molecule has a very small size, but high level kinetic energy. Therefore, it can pass through any material, except for such as glass, metal and water itself. Even vapor barrier films made of special top quality polyethylene still let steam through (22 mg per 1m2 per day). In addition, the desire of steam to seep through the roof is associated with a huge accumulation of molecules in the space under the roof. Simply put, warm air indoors can not move up.

Such a process suggests that the steam that comes from the house seeps through the mineral wool and cracks at the joints of polystyrene boards or through cracks in the roof surface. In such cases, the temperature drops sharply, and the vapor molecule forms first frost, and then a layer of ice. It subsequently fills all the cracks or, if there is one, mineral wool, which belongs to open-pore materials. Ice builds up over time and, accordingly, the thermal insulation performance of the insulation deteriorates, and in the case of mineral wool, they disappear altogether, which makes it completely unsuitable.

So, vapor barrier is needed in order for the heat-insulating material to perform its functions efficiently.

As for thermal insulation, we have already discussed this in detail above.

But the wind and moisture protection, consisting of a film material, includes three functions that are performed to protect thermal insulation:

  • improving the characteristics of the insulation due to protection from moisture;
  • wind protection;
  • steam outlet.

It is the very same steam that nevertheless leaked through the vapor barrier membrane. This is the essence of perforated material: the holes are so small that rain and wind are not able to pass through them, but steam can pass fifty times better than through a vapor barrier film. It is this difference that can provide a uniform steam output at a temperature difference of 50 degrees Celsius.

So, having understood all the features of roof thermal insulation, we came to the conclusion that the main thing in this process is to choose the right material, follow all the rules for installing thermal insulation, taking into account the type of roof of the building (pitched, flat), and also, in the case of a pitched roof, decide whether the attic space will be exploited and how much. Choosing the right approach and knowing the nuances of installation (do not forget about vapor barrier and moisture protection!), You can insulate the roof of your house perfectly!