Toilet      06/17/2019

How to sheathe the outside of a frame house. Installation of OSB on the walls Finishing of the apartment OSB

OSB boards or otherwise OSB sheets are widely used for the construction of walls in houses, in particular in frame construction. Therefore their question exterior finishing very relevant today. Moreover, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also in terms of protecting the material from negative influences external factors(high humidity, sudden temperature changes, solar radiation and others).

The issue of installing OSB boards on walls outside the house is discussed in the article:. Here we will consider the following issue: finishing walls from OSB boards outside the house.

The issue of finishing walls from OSB panels inside a house is discussed in the article:.

Finishing OSB walls outside the house - the main methods

There are a lot in various ways wall decoration from OSB sheets outside the house. They all take into account OSB features slabs that are subject to the same deformations as wood. More details about the properties of OSB boards can be found in the article:. Among the main methods used for external finishing of walls made of OSB sheets are the following:


For OSB staining slabs, you can use a brush or roller.

Painting is the simplest and most common option, which does not require a lot of time and money. Water-based or oil-based wood paints are used for external works. In order for the coating to adhere well, it is important to properly prepare the surface for painting. First of all, it is recommended to seal interpanel seams acrylic sealant, and then thoroughly clean and prime the entire surface of the slabs. The paint is applied in several layers. Each of them must be given time to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer.

Applying plaster

Plaster allows you to extend the life of the slab and additionally protects it from fire. OSB boards can change their geometric dimensions over wide ranges due to changes in humidity and temperature environment. If you apply plaster directly to the OSB board, it will soon become covered with cracks and peel off from the base. Therefore, two main technologies are used: the use of an intermediate layer and layer-by-layer application of plaster.

Expanded polystyrene or glassine can be used as an intermediate layer. Expanded polystyrene has good moisture insulation and further improves thermal insulation properties walls. Glassine or bitumen cardboard has a low price.

To prepare the base, sealant is applied to the joints between the sheets. The sheets themselves are primed. After this, an intermediate layer in the form of polystyrene foam or glassine is glued. A reinforcing mesh is attached on top of this layer and a layer of plaster is applied.

When applying plaster directly to OSB sheets, the process is divided into several stages. After preparing the base, as in the previous version, proceed to the first stage. During which the first layer of plaster is applied, a reinforcing mesh is embedded in it. After drying, apply another layer. After this, a leveling layer is applied.

The option without an intermediate layer is less reliable and after 2-3 years the plaster may begin to peel off, so it is usually recommended to use an intermediate layer.

Installation of decorative stone

Artificial stone is one of the most complex and expensive finishing methods. However, excellent appearance The finished façade and the durability of such a coating will certainly pay for themselves over time. Stages of work:

  1. Before starting work, the seams of OSB boards are filled with frost-resistant sealant, and the boards are primed.
  2. Polystyrene foam is glued on top.
  3. Then it must be filled with frost-resistant putty.
  4. Then apply two layers of glue. Place the reinforcing mesh into the first one.
  5. Place on the second layer decorative rock.

Sometimes decorative stone is glued without an intermediate layer in the form of polystyrene foam. This option is less reliable and after 2-3 years the coating begins to peel off.

Siding fastening

Siding is a universal finishing method that can be used for any facade. The material has an affordable price and excellent appearance. Provided that the OSB board has a flat surface, fastening the sheathing is optional. At the same time, so that during operation the material does not swell from the condensation formed, it is important not to forget to install a windproof, waterproof membrane between the slabs and the siding.

You can read more about the choice of siding and its installation technologies in a separate article:.

Decorative facade panels

Installation decorative panels on the walls of a house made of OSB.

Decorative façade panels have a wide range of modifications and are manufactured using various materials: wood, metal, plastic, glass. The technology for installing such panels depends on the panels themselves. Most often used for fastening: dowel fasteners, brackets and metal profiles.

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. It doesn't matter which one you choose. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists and the correct technology.

OSB boards are usually used for cladding frame or half-timbered houses. That is why the question of finishing the facade arises. You can choose siding or ceramic cladding, but these options are expensive and labor-intensive. Painting will be much cheaper. For this they can be used different means. on the street? This is discussed in the article.

Why do you need to paint slabs?

To understand whether OSB boards are painted, you should familiarize yourself with their composition and appearance. They are easy warm material, which is used in the construction of external structures, interior walls and partitions. The panels may differ in brand; for the outer part, dense products are used, the markings of which have the numbers 3 or 4. Since the material is created by pressing wood chips and glue, it is breathable, environmentally friendly, but it is sensitive to atmospheric influences.

And when creating slabs, the chips are oriented longitudinally in the outer parts, and across the fibers in the middle. Because of this, the strength and thermal insulation properties of OSB boards are created. Is it necessary to paint OSB boards outdoors? The surface of the material is pleasant and warm to the touch, but does not have an entirely attractive appearance. That's why it needs to be painted.

Another reason for coverage special means protection of the material, and therefore the house, from destruction, moisture, mold, and fungi is considered. Although the products are moisture resistant, the connection areas are vulnerable. Therefore, such facades must be painted. Only before this, it is necessary to clean off dust, as well as putty and primer. It is important that there is a delay between procedures. After puttying, you need to allow at least 12 hours to dry. The same period is provided for complete drying of the primer.


Nowadays many types of paints and varnishes are sold. But not every one of them is suitable for this OSB board on the street; it must be determined after studying the paint properties and possibilities. When purchasing, keep in mind that the panels contain 90% wood. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the scope of application of the paint and varnish.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors to get a high-quality result? Alkyd paint great for these purposes. It is perfectly absorbed into wood and dries quickly due to its water component. But this fact is associated with a lack of funds.

The paint can be stored at positive temperatures, but when hardened it can withstand frost up to 30 degrees. The disadvantages include low level resistance to fire, alkalis. Alkyd paint is in demand due to:

  1. Absence unpleasant odor, harmful formations.
  2. Quick drying, long lasting color retention.
  3. Excellent hiding power or the ability to obtain a smooth surface without drips.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Affordable price.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors to protect the material from various influences? One that has a polymer component, colors and water is suitable. The main property required for outdoor service is the ability to create a reliable film.

Acrids have good adhesion and OCB. These properties influence the demand for paints for facade finishing. Manufacturers produce mixtures not only of rich shades, but also with different physical characteristics. The surface of acrylic paint can be matte or glossy, transparent or dull. Such mixtures:

  1. Dries quickly and is very durable.
  2. Used for processing porous, loose surfaces.
  3. They are water- and vapor-tight.
  4. Tolerates significant temperature changes.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors so that the material does not deteriorate from various influences? Oil paint is classic. Compared to modern mixtures, it is less in demand because it has some harmful properties:

  1. High toxicity. During operation you need to use
  2. Necessary long time for drying, since drying oil becomes the basis for obtaining paints.
  3. It takes experience to apply the product evenly.
  4. Due to its low durability, the surface needs to be renewed frequently.

The advantages include excellent absorption into the surface and ease of storage. Thick paint can be thinned with drying oil.


Which OSB boards are suitable for high-quality home protection? Are used latex paints, suitable for wood. To create mixtures, ordinary water is used, acrylic resin, latex polymer liquid substance. It's with her that it's normal acrylic enamel becomes a coloring compound.

The composition is based on polyvinyl, silicone, and other additives to improve performance. Facade paints are created to produce OSV with texture and density.


If you are interested in what is the best way to paint an OSB board, then you should pay attention to water-based paint. It is used for finishing external walls. The product is suitable for renewing concrete and stone materials, which must first be treated with putty and primer. Aqueous emulsions are divided into:

  1. Silicate. The base includes liquid potassium glass. Steam resistant paints.
  2. Silicone. They contain silicone resin and fungicidal additives. After drying, they do not allow water to pass through and repel dust and dirt.

The best way to paint an OSB board on the outside is up to each owner to decide for himself. The above products are ideal for this job.


These products are considered special, so their processing is carried out non-standardly. Working surface smooth, may be smooth and somewhat rough. Before finishing, the surface should be treated with a special tool.

The edges may be porous, so they absorb more pigment, resulting in uneven color. The defect can be eliminated using putty for exterior use. It will remove joints and seams, after which primer treatment is required. The procedure will improve the adhesion of the dye to the OSB panels. It also protects from harmful influences.

If defects or unevenness appear during installation, then the entire façade needs to be puttied. At outdoor work The paint is applied at least 2 times. A better visual result and a more durable surface is provided by painting in 3-4 layers.

Color options

How to paint an OSB board outside? This work can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Spray gun or spray gun. This method is effective for an even, durable coating. Painting with such a device is quick, but it increases paint consumption. In addition, the mechanisms are expensive. This method can only be used in calm weather using a respirator.
  2. Paint brushes. This option is labor-intensive and time-consuming.
  3. Rollers are used to speed up the process. With this tool you can quickly and efficiently update large areas. Used for different mixtures.


The internal surfaces of OSB boards are sprayed. You can also take a roller to paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion. In hard-to-reach areas, apply the product with a brush. When applying the first layer, you need to control the uniformity. If you use varnish on water based, then you need to monitor whether the slabs are deteriorating from moisture. Strokes should be done in one direction.

Before applying the next layer, you need to take breaks to dry the surface. To do this, you need to wait 6-8 hours, the time is determined by the type of paint. Drying should be natural at a stable temperature. Drafts should not be allowed.

The outside of the house is exposed to negative factors, so you need to choose high-quality paint for it. You need to pay special attention to the ends. Sharp edges of the slabs should be rounded with a radius of about 4 mm. Then the surface is cleaned of dust and a primer is applied.

When choosing paint for the final finish, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of clear varnishes. Many don't tolerate it well Sun rays. Water-based paints often deform slabs. Organosoluble, alkyd, oil products will be the most suitable. The principle of operation is the same as indoors. But at least 3 layers are applied to the facade.


First you should touch the joints of the OSB boards. The treatment of these areas will be positive, but not for long, since during the installation of the house the slabs “play” and the putty cracks and falls out of the seams. This will negatively affect the appearance of the facade. There is another option for decorating narrow areas - using decorative overlays. They cover the seams after painting. They are needed as protection and a design element.

The painting activity is carried out from the top of the wall so that the paint does not flow onto the drying area. You also need to take the weather into account. It is preferable to do finishing at positive air temperatures.

It should be remembered that a painted facade is considered unpretentious during operation, but maintenance is still required. The materials are usually impact resistant. Walls must be washed regularly detergents, unless the manufacturer recommends something else. Do not use stiff bristled brushes as this will damage the finish.

Thus, OSB boards must be processed. Paint will be an affordable and effective option. The house will be reliably protected from various adverse factors.

Wood boards are quite high quality and inexpensive material For finishing works. Their original texture is made up of wood chips. The sheet is formed using certain types of polymer resins and glue. For better safety and protection from moisture, OSB panels are treated with special paints - only in this way finishing material will last for many years.

Before painting the OSB board inside the house, you need to take into account that this material is available in four types. Each of them has its own properties that determine its scope:

  • OSB1 – low density panels without water repellent treatment, mainly suitable for interior decoration walls, except in rooms with high humidity.
  • OSB2 - have a little more strength than the first type, but this board also needs to be protected from moisture by painting.
  • OSB3 is the most common panel with high strength and moisture resistance. However, with prolonged contact with moisture, the sheet begins to deform, so the panel outside the building will have to be treated with at least a special impregnation.
  • OSB4 is a heavy-duty material that can withstand harsh environments. high humidity. But there is also a minus - the high price.

We do it ourselves: how to prepare and paint OSB indoors and outdoors?

The main difficulty with painting Oriented Strand Board sheets, especially grades 3 and 4, is their high moisture resistance. Difficult to find suitable composition, which would demonstrate decent adhesion, so the slab should be sanded first sandpaper for plane roughness. Don't forget to putty the joints of the sheets using wood putty. Some people prefer to make homemade mixtures using , gelatin and casein.

Step No. 1: preparatory work technology

In order to increase adhesion, moisture-resistant sheets on the floor or walls should be treated with acrylic primer. Before painting OSB indoors with non-water-based paints, the boards are primed with drying oil or polyurethane varnish. Primers based on synthetic resins have proven themselves to be excellent.

To obtain a perfectly flat surface, craftsmen often putty the entire surface to be treated. To prepare a moisture-resistant slab from the outside, you need compounds that are used to prime the surface before applying textured and mosaic plasters.

The technique for preparing panels on the outside of the building is practically no different from interior work. Additionally, it is recommended to treat them with antiseptic compounds and fire retardants. It doesn’t hurt to take into account the fact that the surface quality of each manufacturer differs significantly.

Step No. 2: how to paint OSB wood board inside and outside the house

In practice, the choice of paint depends on the type of particle board. In this regard, OSB1 and OSB2 are universal - they can be treated with both water-dispersion compositions and PVA- or acrylic-based paints. It is important to consider that although these sheets have good hiding power, due to their large porosity, the cost overrun can reach up to 50% compared to plywood or wood.

Among professional builders, there are certain rules when processing particle boards with paints and varnishes:

  • The paint must be made on a polymer base; an emulsion based on an aqueous solution is not suitable for finishing work.
  • Compositions based on acrylates will help make the surface convenient for subsequent cleaning and washing.
  • To provide additional protection from moisture, you need to use materials containing alkyd, latex and polyurethane components.

Homeowners who decide to learn how to properly paint OSB indoors should take into account the specifics of the work. First of all, it lies in the particularly pronounced texture of the material. The paint will spread over the body of the chips, so to high-quality coating 2-3 layers of paint will be required. For those interested in decorating slabs, this fact will be to their advantage - several layers of color will contribute to the implementation of original visual effects.

Tinting and multi-color painting are generally acceptable only for sheets with pronounced moisture absorption. As for moisture-resistant specimens - in cases where laying on the floor is not provided with insulation, then you should use enamels based on chemical solvents:

  1. Alkyd.
  2. Oily.
  3. Polyurethane.

Painting composition or how to paint OSB wood board on the facade of a building?

To cover OSB panels outdoors, you need special paints. The composition intended for interior work is not used here. The level of its environmental friendliness is much higher, and therefore the price is appropriate, so use such material for exterior finishing economically unprofitable. The technical side of the issue also plays a role:

  • Facade paint should be high level vapor permeability.
  • The coating must prevent moisture from entering the surface of the panels.
  • The best choice for panels with low moisture resistance would be latex and silicone based paints.

In reality, painting the slab and photos of the preparatory processes demonstrate that the outer OSB3 cladding is first coated with a primer. For these purposes, GF-020 and GF-021 soils have proven themselves to be excellent. Before painting the OSB board on the facade with a primer, it is first sanded and cleaned of dust.

For moisture-resistant sheets, alkyd enamels are suitable, which have repeatedly demonstrated examples of durable coatings. When implementing design projects the surface is covered with stain, but the question may arise as to what varnish to cover the texture with. The answer is simple - vinyl or polyurethane; the decorative benefits of such treatment are very noticeable.

Preparing paint and applying it

Paints and varnishes are usually applied to OSB panels in at least two layers. The first is diluted with 10-15% solvent of the appropriate type. Depending on the composition of the paint, it can be acetone, water or solvent. The second layer is not diluted. The coating technology takes into account the following nuances:

  • Latex and water-dispersed acrylic paints They have good spreadability, so even when applied with a brush, there are no streaks or streaks left.
  • Viscous alkyd and polyurethane coatings are applied with a roller.
  • Practice shows that using a spray bottle reduces consumption, which is very important when using expensive stains and patinas.

Basically, the painting of the slab in the video represents the process on already mounted surfaces. This method significantly reduces consumption paint and varnish material, but such treatment does not protect well from moisture, especially for the ends of the sheet on the façade areas. Therefore, it would be wise to paint it on both sides before installation.

Before painting an OSB wood board inside or outside the house, you should think about subsequent care of the surface. If you purchased high-quality paint and applied it in 2-3 layers, then the surface will retain its original appearance for a long time only with periodic washing. For preventive purposes, every 3-5 years you can renew the coating with a layer of varnish or translucent paint.

The ends are traditionally covered with planks, thereby masking the joints. They are attached after painting, often highlighted with a different color scheme. Over time, after the building shrinks, peeling of the sheets may occur. In this case, it is better to tear off the decorative strips and reattach them, filling the old holes with putty.

OSB - oriented strand board. The material is relatively new, but is already actively used in construction and decoration.

finishing with OSB slabs Photo

Pros and cons of OSB boards

As advantages This material has the following features:

There are some negative aspects, but they are much fewer:

  • some manufacturers do not comply with environmental requirements, which leads to increased release of harmful substances;
  • the material has low moisture permeability and vapor permeability, so rooms with such finishing require good ventilation.

OSB board. Video

Process of finishing with OSB boards

Often, rough cladding of walls with OSB boards is required. This choice of material is explained by the fact that the significant dimensions of the sheets make it possible to reduce the number of joints. When installing OSB boards on a wall, a number of details must be taken into account.

The slabs are secured in such a way that joint was located in the middle. A gap of approximately four millimeters is left between adjacent elements, which will compensate for the expansion of the material.

The OSB sheet hides the bottom harness frame structure. The top trim is also hidden, and the top side of the slab is aligned with the edge of the trim. In the case of a two-story building, it would be useful to install OSB slabs on the wall so that they overlap the racks of both the lower and upper floors. This will make the structure more rigid.

It is better to design a window opening in a building with two floors as a whole sheet, i.e. cut a hole in it for the window. As a result, the joints are transferred to adjacent racks.

To make rough cladding with OSB boards more convenient and reliable, it is worth creating additional jumpers in the frame. They can be located both horizontally and vertically.

For fastening, self-tapping screws or spiral nails are used, having a length of five centimeters and a diameter of four and a half millimeters. These two mounting options can be easily combined.

Basic rules for OSB fastening:

finishing of walls with OSB slabs. Photo

It is also possible to decorate the walls internally with OSB boards. Since they are quite rigid, it becomes possible to smooth out unevenness. Drywall is a more flexible material and often repeats such irregularities.

OSB for internal partitions

The popular option for interior wall decoration with OSB slabs is complemented by the arrangement interior walls and partitions made of this material. Since it is durable and easy to install, there are many possibilities for transforming the space.

You can attach the sheets to a wooden frame or on metal profile like drywall. But OSB differs in this case from drywall, since it does not deform under its own weight. This weight is very small, so it does not exert a significant load on the frame. Due to the strength and density of the slabs, cracks or pushing through of fasteners can be avoided during installation.

How to finish OSB walls?

The structure of oriented strand panels is distinctly wooden, which makes them especially decorative. The surface of such walls can be finished with a variety of materials.

The peculiarity of OSB panels is that they are impregnated with wax, paraffin or some kind of resin. The result is smooth surface. The difficulty of finishing lies in the fact that the finishing material is difficult to adhere to such a slippery surface. In addition, impregnating substances are able to reach the surface through the finishing layer. It will help you avoid such troubles primer layer. After the primer has dried, you can continue finishing with the selected material.

How to finish an OSB floor?

To finish an OSB floor, you can use varnish, paint or any floor covering.


The OSB surface should be as smooth as possible. If there is roughness, it should be sanded. An unpolished slab will not be easy to use and will quickly lose its aesthetics. After the leveling process, the floor surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased and primed.

Sanding is not necessary if laminated OSB sheets were used for flooring.

The varnish is applied in stages, in several layers. Can be used colorless transparent compositions or having a color tint.

The disadvantage of varnished coating is its sensitivity to synthetic detergents. For cleaning you will need to use special compounds. In addition, scratches often appear on such a surface.

Painting OSB floors

Paint is one of the most budget options OSB floor finishing. Often for such purposes it is chosen Oil paint, creating a reliable and environmentally friendly coating, permeable to steam and air.

First, the surface of the slabs is puttied, which makes it possible to hide unevenness. After applying the putty, sanding is performed to obtain a smooth surface.

The next step is to apply a primer, which ensures a more even application of the paint. The paint is applied directly with a roller in two layers. In order not to make a mistake with the shade and to check the interaction of the paint with the base, it is first applied to a small area.

Laying decorative coverings on OSB floors

The third option for finishing an OSB floor is laying flooring. This could be parquet or laminate, linoleum, tiles or other finishing options. The base needs to be prepared. To do this, all expansion joints are filled with sealant and sanded.

If only one sufficiently thick OSB board is used as the base, then the logs are laid at a distance of thirty or forty centimeters.

More rational option creating a base for coating is the use of relatively thin sheets, about a centimeter thick. They are placed in two layers, the top perpendicular to the bottom. Gluing with parquet glue or fixing the sheets with self-tapping screws will help to avoid horizontal displacements.

OSB (oriented strand board) is a modern building material replacing plywood. Wall cladding frame house The slab allows you to increase the functionality of the structure and give it an aesthetic appearance. In this article we will tell you how to conduct internal and outer skin walls, and also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards.

Area of ​​application of the material

IN Lately OSB products are widely used in various areas, for example:

  • in the production of furniture and packaging;
  • for interior decoration of cars and trucks;

In construction, you cannot do without this product. Thanks to its unique manufacturing technology, the slab does not deform, does not shrink, and also allows you to hide all internal defects. If we consider the use of slabs in the context of work, it is used for:

  • Sheathing the walls of the house, which provides greater protection to the structure from the penetration of moisture, dampness, and also additionally insulates the walls. After covering, the product does not require finishing work. The construction of frame-panel structures, OSB increases the moisture resistance of the structure. The slab can be used in the construction of reusable formwork.
  • External wall cladding. It is used as a base, and for interior work it serves as a finishing material.
  • Manufacturing of sheathing, rafters and roofing. The slab can withstand any load and the weight of the roof itself.
  • Leveling the floor covering or laying it from scratch. This material is an ideal option for obtaining a durable and even floor.

For information! If the OSB product is located outside the building and needs to be painted, difficulties may arise, because... the coating used must reliably protect the product from external factors (wind, precipitation, sun rays).

Types of plates and their characteristics

All products are divided into 4 types, each of which is responsible for its own area of ​​application. There are types of slabs:

  • OSB-1 – designed for work in low humidity conditions;
  • OSB-2 - intended for the construction and installation of load-bearing structures indoors;
  • OSB-3 - designed for constructing walls, partitions and durable load-bearing structures;
  • OSB-4 - designed for carrying out construction work accompanied by high loads.

For information! The oriented strand board market consists of 90% of the type OSB 3.

The main characteristics of the plates include:

  • Convenient product size, which is ideal for various applications, for example, you can cover two spans at the same time.
  • Ease of processing.
  • All products are easy to saw with any tool, and the cutting area is smooth, without cracks or chips.
  • Durability, the product can withstand heavy loads and hold any type of fastener. The quality of the slab is not inferior to a solid board. Smooth surface.
  • The product does not require additional finishing or processing; after its installation, you can immediately paint or cladding.
  • Low cost makes the product popular and in demand.
  • Light weight. Average weight The slab weighs 18 kg, which greatly simplifies the task of delivering and carrying it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The main advantages of the material include the following:

  • High strength: modulus elasticity, resistance to bending ruptures.
  • Moisture resistance due to special resin impregnation, which makes the slab resistant to rain and snow.
  • They absorb noise well. Due to the chips and resin, a high density is formed, which eliminates extraneous sounds.
  • Light weight. The product can weigh from 15 to 40 kg.
  • Easy to install. The product is easily attached and cut with absolutely any tool.
  • Environmentally friendly. The production technology uses a permissible amount of wax and resins, each product has a special “Eco” label.

Of the shortcomings, only one can be noted - the use of low-quality resins containing a large number of formaldehyde, which can evaporate and harm human health. But to use such plates for external cladding The buildings are absolutely safe.

Exterior decoration of the building

The external cladding of the walls of a frame house requires compliance with certain rules that follow from the characteristics of the products. For outdoor work, products with a thickness of at least 11 mm are used. The work process is divided into stages:

  • The OSV slab is attached to the rack so that the joint is located in the middle.
  • There must be a gap of at least 3 mm between the plates.
  • The bottom trim must be covered with a sheet.
  • In a two-story building, the sheet must extend onto the rack of two floors, this will give greater rigidity to the structure.
  • Sheathing window openings is performed as a whole sheet, which allows all joints to be placed on adjacent racks. Window openings are simply carefully cut out.
  • To perform fastening, it is best to use spiral-shaped nails or self-tapping screws.

It is worth noting that when covering the outside of a frame house, experts follow certain rules:

  • fixation of slabs in intermediate areas is fixed at a distance of 300 mm; slab joints are fixed every 150 mm;
  • For every 100 mm, the outer side is stitched;
  • to prevent splitting of the material, fasteners must be placed at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the product;
  • The slab should be fastened both horizontally and vertically, this will give greater strength and reliability to the building.

Interior decoration of the building

Sheathing a frame house inside with OSB boards is practically no different from drywall. The only thing is that when attaching the slabs it is necessary to use strong fasteners, because... the board weighs more than drywall. For installation use wooden frame and 50 mm self-tapping screws. After fixing the products, they can be sanded and primed.

For information! The slabs can be laid as flooring; to obtain a durable coating, the panels must be placed perpendicular to the joists.

In addition to priming and painting, products can be treated with absolutely any facing material.

  • Varnish. The technology of use is the same as for installing floor coverings.
  • Dye. Water-based paints and varnishes perfect option, because they are able to best pass steam and provide a good indoor microclimate. As a rule, paints are used for ordinary wood.

Important! The use of water-based paints and varnishes will lead to deformation of the slab.

  • Wallpaper is glued only after thoroughly priming the surface, using wallpaper glue with the addition of PVA.
  • Plaster. The sheets can be plastered; for this purpose, a mixture is used for interior work.

Sheathing a house with OSB product is the best and inexpensive option building material, capable of increasing performance and improving the appearance of the building.