Toilet      06/26/2020

Spider mites on the face. How to deal with spider mites on indoor plants at home? Prevention is an important stage in pest control

If there are indoor plants in the house, the gardener periodically has to deal with attacks from pests; one of the most unpleasant and dangerous is the well-known spider mite. It is very small in size and is capable of producing a web, thanks to which it can move and also protect its clutches. Ticks can live on a wide variety of crops as they are omnivores.

Reasons for appearance

Flower growers often wonder where this pest comes from. Spider mites can appear on indoor plants for several reasons.

If new plants appear at home, they definitely need to be checked.– it is possible that they are amazed. However, due to the fact that detecting ticks can be difficult due to their small size, inspection is not always effective. Therefore, it is best to quarantine such plants for a little over 2 weeks to ensure that there are no pests.

Similar mites can also be found in the ground. In this case, infection occurs at the time of transplantation and rejuvenation of plants. Purchased land is no exception - it must also be processed before use.

Many of these animals live in vegetable gardens. Accordingly, placing plants in gardens and balconies can pose a danger. Also, ticks can be carried by the wind through open windows, and most indoor plants are located on window sills.

It is impossible not to mention the danger of old flower pots, which many gardeners prefer to store in pantries. They must be processed before use. Pests can also cling to the clothes of a person returning from the street.

Signs of plant damage

Experts call the spider mite an ideal pest. It is capable of reproducing very quickly, is omnivorous, and at the same time easily goes into diapause if conditions are not too favorable for life. Clutches left by the female and covered with cobwebs can be found on the walls of containers, on the leaves below, as well as in the ground itself. The eggs have a smooth shell. They can remain viable for several years, without dying due to unfavorable conditions, but simply slowing down their development.

Mite infestation is indicated by the plant habit. The main sign is the presence of a thin web, which is located at the bottom of the leaf blade and is a protective barrier for the mites themselves, as well as for their eggs and larvae.

If the damage is very severe, the plant will be noticeably shrouded in such a net that collects dust and excrement of these small animals. However some varieties of the pest practically do not weave webs.

Another sign of infection are eggs, but it should be noted that they are very difficult to see. The fact is that each is less than a millimeter in diameter and is very light or even translucent. They are located in small groups, from 1 to 3 eggs in each, and are covered with a protective layer of cobwebs, creating the most suitable conditions for development. It takes 3 days for the larvae to appear.

This mite eats plant sap. He can get it from anywhere in the flower. Small light spots appear on the affected area; they are best seen on the leaves. This leads to a slowdown in photosynthesis and disruption of intercellular structures, respectively, their proper functioning becomes impossible.

These spots grow over time and lead to yellowing of the leaves. They dry out in small areas and also become sluggish and inelastic. A coating of cobwebs forms on top.

Finally, the last stage can be called the falling of leaves. The spots on their surface join together, the leaf blade dries out and falls off. The more pests there are on a plant, the faster they can destroy it.


To fight a pest, you need to know exactly what it looks like. This mite is an arachnid, its body usually has a length of 0.2 to 1.2 mm. However, some varieties can reach a size of 5 mm. The duration of the life cycle of individuals is from 8 to 40 days. It takes approximately a week for the egg to develop into a viable tick that is ready to reproduce.

Most often it is difficult to see the animal itself; its appearance is identified by appearance and the condition of the plant.

There are quite a few varieties, but not all of them affect indoor plants.


These arachnids attack crops and can also live on indoor plants. Their size is about half a millimeter. Both eggs and adults are yellow-green in color. Crops are eaten at the roots. Several broods appear annually.


These pests have a particular weakness for indoor flowers. For example, roses, lemons, orchids and others suffer from them. These mites are very heat-loving, so they reproduce well at home. Females are brighter than males.


These small green-yellow pests can reach sizes of 0.4 mm. For reproduction the most comfortable conditions are heat and high humidity.Among indoor plants, preference is given to palm trees and citrus fruits.


The false mite is distinguished by the fact that it does not weave a web around the plant. It is very small, approximately 0.2 mm. The color can be red or green. Such pests attack citrus fruits, orchids and palm trees.


As the name suggests, the pest is an adherent of certain crops. Most often it affects cyclamens. If they are not found, it will settle on geraniums or gloxinias.

The cyclamen spider mite often lives in greenhouses. The most comfortable conditions for its active development are high humidity and warmth. Very small, capable of reaching maximum sizes 0.2 mm, so it is quite difficult to see.

Clusters of pests resemble dust in appearance.


This tick very rarely lives on garden plots, preferring indoor plants. It is not too difficult to fight, as it usually does not hide its clutches well. May appear mainly on cacti, ficus or citrus fruits.

Cactus flat

Such mites are also known as “flat mites”. It does not weave webs, for this reason it is not conspicuous, and there may be problems with finding it. Prefers to eat citrus fruits.


Despite the fact that this pest is recognized as a lover of cereals, it can often be found on house plants. It has long legs and moves quite quickly, infecting large areas. In apartments he prefers to live on ficus and pereromia trees.

Ways to fight

Killing spider mites is not simple matter. It easily enters diapause under unfavorable conditions, emerging from it very quickly.

There are basic rules for pest control. Let's look at them in more detail.

The affected plant must be isolated from others. The pot and the place where it is located must be treated regularly. The soil is protected with polyethylene during spraying.

If certain areas of the flower have too strong a concentration of cobwebs and pests, it is better to remove them. It is also important to periodically replace treatment products so that addiction does not form. Repeated measures are carried out within the time limits specified in the instructions, even if arachnids are not noticeable on the surface.

When the treatment is completed, it is better to transplant the plant into a new pot. In this case, the root system must be treated with biological preparations, and the soil must be disinfected.

Special means

Chemical preparations require compliance with the dosage and frequency of use. They are divided into two subgroups, consisting of acaricides and insectoacaricides. Experts believe that the most powerful effect will be achieved if compositions containing different active components are alternated with each other.

When using chemicals, it is necessary to take into account that this pest is not an insect, so there will be no result from using insecticides. Let's look at the most popular drugs.

Actellik is in great demand. It equally successfully affects both insects and arachnids, which are ticks. However, it is very toxic, so when treating indoor plants, it is recommended to take them outside, for example, to the balcony.

This drug is very effective, so it can be used even for severe infections. It even destroys exotic species of ticks that are rarely found in our country. The only drawback is that it does not have a negative effect on eggs, for this reason it will not be possible to limit yourself to it.

Another well-known acaricidal drug is Fitoverm. It is much less toxic than the previous product, so it can be used even in enclosed spaces. However, plants that have undergone treatment must be placed in a place inaccessible to children and animals. It is allowed to use the drug without a mask or gloves, the main thing is to wash your hands and wash yourself after spraying. Affects larvae and adult ticks without killing egg laying.

This drug may have another name - “Kleschevit”. It should be noted that maximum efficiency is achieved when the ambient temperature is between 22 and 28 degrees. Without this condition, exposure is significantly reduced.

If you need to destroy not only pests, but also their eggs, You can use the drug "Neoron". It is quite toxic, so when using indoors, ensure good ventilation. However, experts recommend using the product repeatedly to kill all ticks. According to the instructions for use, there should be at least three treatments, and the interval between them should be from 3 to 5 days.

The drug "Sunmite" has a similar effect., which destroys not only adults and larvae, but also egg clutches. The main nuance is that it is used only once every 6 months, otherwise the ticks will acquire immunity. The impact occurs only through direct contact; this point must be taken into account during the processing process, which must be carried out as carefully as possible.

Quite often to get rid of spider mites a drug called "Aktara" is used. It is very popular in controlling various types of insect pests. However, experts warn that spider mites are not insects, so the product may not be effective. At the same time, many flower growers speak positively about the experience of using poison in this particular direction.

Traditional methods

You can remove spider mites using traditional methods. They are safer and can be used without worry in areas where children and pets are present. Turning to home remedies is advisable when the infection has just begun and the mite has not yet had time to have too strong an impact on the plant.

Flower growers recommend using medical alcohol in the fight. It is diluted in water in proportions of 1:10, after which a small cloth is moistened with the solution, which is used to treat each leaf of the plant. This method does not affect egg laying, but allows you to get rid of adult mites.

It must be said that this method cannot be used on plants that have a thin and sensitive surface: fuchsia, rose or petunia. It is effective when the pest has not had time to lay eggs. This product is suitable, for example, for treating ficus or dieffenbachia.

Besides, spider mites really don't like exposure tobacco smoke . This method cannot be called the safest for humans, however, if there are smokers in the family, this bad habit can be used for good. It is enough to place the plant next to the smoking area.

Toxins and combustion products contained in tobacco smoke can have a negative effect on ticks. However, it is absolutely safe for larvae and egg laying.

Very popular for getting rid of pests various types ordinary laundry soap. It is most convenient for them to treat plants with large leaves. Using soap, a thick foam is whipped up, which is applied to the leaf plates and leads to the formation of a dense film that does not allow the tick to breathe and feed. The foam is left on the flower for 3–5 hours, after which it is carefully washed off in the shower with a gentle pressure of warm water. After water procedures, the plant must immediately be covered with polyethylene, which will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

It must be said that these actions will be destructive for adult pests. This may require additional processing to get rid of the eggs.

This method of struggle is considered one of the most common and accessible.

Helps in the fight against spider mite and garlic. One large head is grated or finely chopped, after which it is filled with 3 liters of water. The tincture is prepared within 5 days. After this time, it is filtered and used to spray the leaves of the plant. The method has been found to be quite effective, but only at the very beginning of infection, when the number of ticks is not yet too large.

Prevention measures

The main task of gardeners is to constantly monitor indoor plants. Only in this case is it possible to notice the appearance of pests in time. We must not forget that all new flowers should enter the rooms only after quarantine measures, which usually last from 2 to 4 weeks. Treatment with folk remedies would also be useful.

So, one of the main preventive measures is a regular inspection. The fact is that a pest can appear completely unexpectedly, being brought in, for example, through a window or clothes from the street. You can use glasses or a magnifying glass for inspection.

The lower part of the leaves is checked most carefully; this is where animals usually settle. If the plant has dry and unhealthy parts, they should be removed.

It is also very important to maintain a certain microclimate. Ticks feel most comfortable when the air in the house is dry and warm. This is especially true in winter. Most often, plants are located on the windowsill; therefore, there are heating radiators nearby, which contributes to drying out the air.

Humidity can be maintained in several ways. For example, a florist can place basins of water around the apartment or use a special humidifier. Direct sunlight and drafts also have an unfavorable effect on ticks, so ventilation should be provided regularly.

If there is not enough sun in the room, you can use ultraviolet lamps.

Spraying should also be carried out. They help wash away cobwebs and also cause a lot of inconvenience for ticks. However, it is necessary not to overdo it, because there are also crops that do not like moisture, for example, violets.

The foliage of plants should be washed monthly under running water. To do this, the ground is covered with a waterproof film, and the bush itself is watered with water from the shower. The pressure should not be too strong, and the temperature should be between 25–35 degrees.

We must not forget that any soil should be disinfected. The most common methods are freezing and baking in the oven. These procedures make it possible to destroy not only larvae, but also eggs, even if they are initially invisible.

Fighting spider mites is a very complex and labor-intensive undertaking. It is not always effective, and in some cases the plant may simply die. Therefore, prevention and detection of the problem at its earliest stages are very important.

Spider mites are widespread throughout the world. Each species specializes in certain plants. At home, red spider mites most often appear.

Biological features of spider mites

Spider mites belong to the class of arachnids. Their lifespan is only 2-4 weeks, but due to their fertility, they are able to quickly spread throughout the plant and destroy it.

Only fertilized females can survive unfavorable environmental conditions. They overwinter under the bark, in dry leaves. In apartment conditions, they find shelter in the cracks of the window sill, window frames, pots.

With the onset of the warm season, females lay eggs on the underside of the leaves, entangling them with a web.

The web plays an important role in the life of ticks:

  • Protection from adverse environmental conditions: precipitation, wind, low ambient temperature.
  • Resettlement into free areas.

In greenhouse and apartment conditions, development cycles occur all year round.

Stages of tick development

  1. Egg. The rate of embryo development depends on the ambient temperature. The higher it is, the faster hatching will occur.
  2. Larva. After birth, she immediately begins to feed on plant juice. Unlike the adult, which has 8 legs, the larva has 6 limbs. Development occurs within 1 – 3 weeks.
  3. Nymph. This is a grown larva, but not yet an adult, already having 4 pairs of limbs.
  4. Adult (imago), pictured.

How spider mites get into apartments

The pest enters domestic flowers in the following ways:

  • Infected plants brought from greenhouses, greenhouses, flower shops.
  • Bouquets of flowers, both greenhouse and field.
  • Through a window or balcony, especially if there is a forest nearby.

Signs of spider mite infestation

It is quite difficult to see it with the naked eye; the size of females is approximately 1/2 mm, and males - 1/3 mm. Therefore, it can be detected by indirect signs:

  • Marbling, yellowing, drying of leaves. These symptoms are the earliest; when they appear, you should carefully look at reverse side leaf. There you can see a thin cobweb, and on it there are tiny dots of black or red color - these are adult individuals. They will sit still or move.

  • The presence of a clearly visible web.

How to deal with spider mites

The following methods are used to control the pest.


  1. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the leaves, especially the lower part, with soapy water using a soft sponge or cotton swab.
  2. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  3. The pot must be closed first plastic bag, to prevent soap from getting on the soil.


The best remedies for spider mites are biological, because they are absolutely safe for humans, animals, and birds.

  • Predatory mites are used as a pest control measure: Phytoseiulus persimilis, as well as Amblyseius. In nature, they feed on spider mites. Predators are successfully used in greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Biological drugs. They are obtained using strains of special microorganisms. Some of the most popular drugs are Fitoverm, Akarin.


This method immediately gives a visible effect. Chemical substances called acaricides. They are used only in extreme cases, if the areas are too large or difficult to process in other ways.

  • Apollo. Has a detrimental effect on eggs and larvae. It does not destroy adult individuals, but sterilizes them. Release form: emulsion in ampoules and bottles. Safe for bees and insects.
  • Actellik. The drug acts against arachnids and insects.
  • Anti-mite. A highly effective drug, it is toxic for people and insects.
  • Neoron. Destructive for adults and larvae. It is not dangerous for bees; it is allowed to be used during the flowering period.

Important: due to toxicity chemicals, personal safety precautions should be observed.

Traditional methods of fighting spider mites

Folk remedies are widely used in the practice of getting rid of pests, since they are accessible and not as dangerous as chemicals.


Alcohol treatment is suitable for plants with large leaf blades. With this method, the leaves affected by the pest are wiped with a cotton pad moistened with a cotton pad or an alcohol wipe. It does not cause burns, as it quickly evaporates without causing any harm. The method is quite effective.

Colloidal sulfur

A 1% emulsion is made from sulfur powder or paste with the addition of water. For better adhesion, you can replace water with a soap solution. It is advisable to carry out the treatment by wetting, since the emulsion particles do not dissolve and will clog the sprayer hole. In a few days white coating wash off with running water.


You can add a small amount of kerosene to the soap solution and treat the plant with this composition. Then it is washed with running water.

Tobacco infusion

For 1 liter of boiling water take 50 grams of dry raw materials or tobacco dust. The prepared, strained infusion is sprayed onto the plants from a spray bottle.

Important: treatment using folk remedies is carried out at least three times, with an interval of 7 - 10 days.

Preventive measures

Spider mites do not always appear on indoor flowers. If preventive measures are taken, infection can be prevented.

  • Newly acquired plant specimens must be kept separately for some time, in quarantine.
  • Maintaining hygiene. Places where flower pots are placed: window sills, windows, frames, shelves should be washed soap solution or wipe with disinfectant.
  • It is advisable to warm up the soil you prepare yourself or pour boiling water on it.
  • Maintain air humidity above 40%.
  • Do not allow the air temperature to rise above 25C.
  • Periodically treat with acaricidal preparations.

Spider mites are a frequent visitor to indoor plants and are quite difficult to get rid of. To get a positive result, you will have to be patient and persistent.

Video: How to detect a pest, how to fight it, review of drugs

Typically, a tick can be found:

  • On the underside of the leaves.
  • Between lumps of soil.
  • Under dry fallen leaves.

As a rule, the main reason for the appearance of spider mites on indoor plants is the acquisition of another flower in flower shop. Larvae or even adults remain on the plants as a result of proper care for plants.

That's why! Every time you buy new flower, you should carefully examine each leaf of the plant, as well as the soil for the presence of harmful insects. To be on the safe side, it is better to place purchased flowers in a separate place, for quarantine. After 2 weeks, if no signs of pest activity appear, the flowers can be placed in their permanent place.

The first signs of mite infestation of plants:

  • The leaves begin to turn yellow from the bottom. Affected areas lose chlorophyll, become discolored and dry out.
  • Since the leaves do not receive the required amount of nutrients, they curl and fall off.
  • The places where the spider mite colony has settled are covered with a thin web.
  • If you do not start fighting these pests, the plant gradually weakens and may die.

The infected plant is immediately removed from its place and quarantined.

Help against spider mites:

  • Vermitek.
  • Fitoverm.
  • Aktofit.
  • Akarin.
  • Mites.
  • Agravertine.

Interesting! After treatment, it may take from 3 to 7 days before the pests die. These compounds are less toxic, and they act differently. Therefore, you should not expect instant destruction of pests or doubt the effectiveness of the drugs.

If mites multiply very quickly and biological products, and even more so traditional methods, do not cope with their task, then it is better to resort to the use of chemicals, so-called acaricides. Some types of mites have already managed to adapt to the action of chemicals, so you have to use 2 or even 3 different drugs. In any case, an effective remedy can always be found.

The use of chemicals requires the use of personal protective equipment, along with certain rules. For example:

  • Wear long sleeves, a hat and gloves.
  • To treat indoor plants, it is permissible to use drugs of toxicity class 3-4. More toxic products are intended for outdoor use.
  • Before spraying, the root zone is closed so that chemical composition didn't hit the roots. Alternatively, you can use a plastic bag.
  • Processing of the plant is carried out strictly according to the instructions. If the flower is seriously affected, then more than one such treatment will be required, but possibly all four, to ensure that the pest is destroyed.

The following drugs have this effect:

  • Sunmite.
  • Floromite.
  • Flumite.
  • Apollo.
  • Oberon.

You can prepare the following compositions:

  • Onion infusion. To do this, you need to take a medium-sized onion and cut it into strips or cubes, then pour boiling water over them. After 4 hours, the infusion is filtered, poured into a spray bottle, and then the leaves are sprayed with this solution.
  • Potato tops infusion. Green raw materials are crushed and poured with 1 liter of boiling water. After 4 hours the solution is ready for use.
  • The use of celandine. To prepare the infusion, take 1 liter of boiling water and pour it into 2 tablespoons of green or dried celandine leaves. After 4 hours the solution is ready for use.
  • Yarrow decoction. You need to take 1 liter of boiling water and 100 grams of yarrow. Boil the solution for 3 minutes, let it sit for 4 hours and it can be used, but before that it should be filtered.
  • Dandelion infusion. You need to take the leaves and roots of the plant, chop them and take 3 tablespoons, after which the raw material is poured with boiling water. After 4 hours, the solution is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Instructive! Only the upper surface of the leaves can be treated with a soap solution. The respiratory pores are located at the bottom of the leaf. If these pores become closed with soap suds and then dry out, gas exchange may be disrupted and the leaves will wither.

Spider mites on indoor plants - photo:

Numerous light spots, and if the colony is large, then the plant is covered with a thin, barely noticeable cobweb(hence the name mite) and very soon begins to dry out.

They can be difficult to detect due to too small in size and color, helping to blend in with the foliage (mites are brownish, greenish and yellowish in color). Females remaining for the winter are red in color.

Female ticks live less than a month, but during this period they are capable of laying hundreds of eggs. New individuals appear in the clutch after three days. The most a big problem is that eggs remain alive for up to 5 years.

They wait in the wings on the bark, in the axils of the plant, in the soil and even in window frames, on window sills and in chipped flower pots. That is why the fight against them can be long.

Spider mites are often brought from the shop, so the new plant must be quarantined for at least two weeks.

Types of ticks

Cobwebs on flowers: what to do? To understand how to remove spider mites from indoor flowers, you need to know that they there are several types:

Houseplants are also attacked by other types of mites: Pacific, strawberry, red(flat).

All mites are capable adapt to the most unfavorable conditions, slow down vital processes before the onset good conditions for reproduction. This state is called diapause.

How to fight at home?

Fighting spider mites is difficult, so it’s worth doing prevention.

Most types of mites do not like humid air, and plants need to Spray more often, maintain humidity on the right level different ways.

Immersing the plant in water It rarely helps, because mites are able to form an air bubble around themselves.

The leaves of the plant need wipe on both sides with a damp soft cloth, which must be constantly rinsed in hot water so as not to transfer mites from plant to plant. Fallen leaves and flowers should not be left in the pot.

Pots before reuse must be washed with detergents, it is better to store them in unheated rooms in winter. Wash frames with detergents. Wooden frames paint as often as possible.

Spider mites not only harm the plant themselves, but are also carriers of various diseases, for example, gray rot and spores of various fungi.


How to treat flowers against spider mites at home?

All remedies will be effective only if multiple processing. Neighboring plants, frames and window sills also need to be treated.


How to cure flowers from spider mites? If a mite is detected, the plant must first be thoroughly washed with laundry or tar soap. Lather each leaf and each axil, whipping the foam with your hands and carefully working all parts of the plant. Leave the flower for several hours (you can also leave it for a day), covering it with a plastic bag. Then rinse thoroughly with soap warm shower.

If the lesion was minor, then such a procedure will be sufficient, although it is necessary be sure to repeat two or three times during the week. The plant needs to be sprayed warm water twice a day and check regularly.

Wash the frames and window sill hot water with anyone detergent. The remaining plants on the windowsill also need to be treated in order to prevention. Spider mites do not tolerate fresh air and ventilation.

What to do if the defeat has gone far enough? You must first treat with soap, then spray with preparations "Intavir", "Fitoverma", "Karbofos". When treating a window, it is also worth adding Karbofos to the water.

Sometimes it helps A fairly simple method: Place an open container with finely chopped garlic or turpentine, tightly close the plant along with the container for 2-3 days. The edges of the pot need to be lubricated tar.

Ways to fight flowers

How to get rid of spider mites on indoor flowers? For each plant it is necessary to select an individual control method.


Spider mite on an orchid - photo:

The flower is amazed many types of ticks, for example, the phalaenopsis mite living in the sinuses. Spider mites on orchids - how to fight? First, the plant must be washed with soap, then treated with one of the chemicals, it is better to use a non-toxic one "Fitoverm" or an aqueous solution of the drug "Aktellik".

Spider mites on an orchid: what are the control measures? To combat mites, special sticks made in Holland are used, which are stuck into the soil in a pot with an orchid. Action “Plant-pin” and “Etisso” sticks based on the following principle: the substance of which they are composed dissolves during watering, is absorbed into the ground and, together with water, is absorbed by the roots, from where it enters the above-ground part of the plant, the flower becomes unsuitable for ticks to feed on.

Soil, moss, orchid pots after purchase treated with boiling water for the prevention of spider mites.

What an orchid affected by spider mites looks like and how to avoid infesting plants - in this video:


Mites often infest balsam trees. If this happened at the end of summer, autumn or winter, then the plant needs cut off radically. Wash the remaining part and treat it with an insecticide, better with medicine "Alatar", since it is very difficult to get rid of mites on balsam.

Spider mites on balsam - how to fight? If infection occurs in spring and summer, then the plant is treated with soap foam, then sprayed with an insecticide, the procedure is repeated several times after 3-5 days. If the plant is not of particular value, it is better throw away and prevent the appearance of mites on other flowers.

Spider mite on balsam - photo:

Indoor rose

How to cure and save a rose from spider mites at home? Spider mite on a rose in room conditions appears constantly Therefore, it is important to carry out prevention. But if the plant is already affected, then treatment must begin as quickly as possible. Are there home remedies for spider mites on roses?

On indoor rose a web has appeared: what to do? First, you need to wash the rose with hot, up to 50-55 degrees, water with dissolved soap. Leave the plant for a day under a plastic bag and then rinse with water at the same temperature.

Then you need to try the processing garlic infusion. If this does not help, then spray with any chemical, it is better to use "Neoron".

How to use a spider mite remedy on a house rose? In each case, when you have to process a flower, you must resort to the help of different chemicals.

Spider mites on an indoor rose - photo:

Spider mites on a home rose: how to fight?

About, how to process homemade rose from spider mites, you will find out by watching the video:

Several Yet useful tips About, how to get rid of from spider mites on a rose at home, you will get from this video:


To prevent spider mites, ficus spray regularly. Spider mites on ficus - how to fight? If infected, thoroughly wipe each leaf on both sides. well soaped with a rag and, after keeping the plant for a day under a plastic bag, wash off the soap with warm water. Then you need to spray the ficus alcohol solution of calendula, diluted with water, without missing a single leaf.

Irradiation of leaves is effective ultraviolet light, which ticks cannot tolerate. Ficus leaves can be covered oil-containing the drug and leave it like that for several days.

Spider mites on ficus - photo:


If you find numerous colonies of mites on a plant, you must first wash with soap, cut out those leaves that are severely affected. Then remove from the pot, inspect the roots, remove damaged ones, carefully rinse the roots in warm water and transplant into a clean container in new soil.

After this, spray the plant epinome. As a rule, such treatment is sufficient.

But if you can’t get rid of ticks in this way, you will have to resort to spraying more toxic drugs, for example "Karate".

Spider mites on anthurium - photo:


Most often, violets (Saintpaulias) are affected by the cyclamen mite. Trim the affected leaves, then spray the flower with the drug "Fitovern", repeat the treatment twice after 10 days.

Spider mite on a violet - photo:


The plant is attacked by a simple spider mite. The fight against it is to wash the long leaves in warm water with soap.

If after repeated water procedures the mite still remains, then you need to resort to an insecticide. For example, to "Fitoverma".

Spider mite on dracaena - photo:

The most effective prevention spider mites on any indoor plant - wash under a warm shower with laundry or tar soap.

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Spider mites are considered one of the most tenacious and insidious pests of indoor plants. This arthropod pest multiplies quickly and can spread to all house plants in a short time. With a lifespan of about a month, the female lays up to a hundred eggs of offspring every three to four days. If the affected leaves are not detected in a timely manner, it is very difficult to rid the plant of the mite and save it from death.

Types of spider mites

Spider mites have a wide habitat. Their colonies are found almost anywhere on Earth except Antarctica. It is very difficult to see mites on the plant due to their small size and faded color. Only adult females have an orange-red body color. You can see what the larvae and adults look like in a photo or under a microscope.

Ways to combat spider mites at home

Fighting a pest can be long and not always effective. Females hibernate when unfavorable conditions arise, and the eggs remain viable for five years.

The fight against spider mites at home should be comprehensive and systematic. If at least one plant from a home collection is damaged, all specimens in the house must be treated. The infected flower is immediately quarantined to prevent further distribution pests. Not only plants, but also flower pots, plant pots, windows, window sills and other surfaces where ticks can hide should undergo anti-tick treatment.

Among the ways to combat spider mites are the following:

Washing the leaves with hot water is carried out at a temperature of 45-46 degrees on both sides for a couple of minutes. The stems and top layer of soil are also watered. The treatment is repeated every 3-4 days in the first two weeks. Then for another two to three weeks, indoor plants are given a hot shower once a week.

For violets and other flowers with fuzzy leaves water treatments carried out in the form of a sauna. In the flowered bathroom, hot water is turned on maximum temperature. Within 10-12 minutes the bathroom should be filled with steam. The total time spent in the steam room for plants should be no more than 20-25 minutes from the moment of switching on hot water. The frequency of the procedure is similar to the above-described rinsing with a hot shower.

2. Treatment with soap solution. To prepare a solution in water room temperature dissolve shavings of laundry or tar soap. You can also use soft detergent for dish washing. Soapy water is whipped into a thick foam and applied to the leaves and stems from all sides, being careful not to get on the ground. Upper layer The soil can only be lightly sprayed with a spray bottle without affecting the roots. The soap solution is left on the plant for 3-4 hours and then washed off. The regularity of washing with a soap solution is the same as with conventional wet treatment.

This method has a lot of opponents who believe that soap clogs the pores of plants. In this case, the development of the plant is disrupted due to the blocking of the photosynthesis process.

3. Spraying with infusions from folk remedies. Folk remedies in the fight against spider mites are in most cases ineffective. You can get rid of the pest with their help by early stage infection when ticks have just begun to reproduce. But they are safe for plants, people and pets.

4. Treatment chemicals . Since ticks are not insects, not insecticides are used to kill them, but acaricides or insectoacaricides. All these drugs, to one degree or another, pose a danger to humans and animals, and therefore require special processing conditions.

The specificity of the fight against spider mites is that these pests very quickly acquire immunity to pesticides. After only 3-4 treatments, the tick stops responding to the active ingredient in the drug. Therefore, acaricides have to be constantly alternated.

Folk remedies for fighting spider mites

Every fight with a spider mite at home has individual characteristics. Folk remedy, which turns out to be effective under some conditions, may turn out to be useless in other situations. For plants with delicate and pubescent leaves, such actions are practically useless; it is better to immediately begin chemical treatment.

Folk remedy Preparation of the solution Processing Features
Alcohol Ammonia, boric or medical alcohol is used “Thick-skinned” plants can be processed: palm trees, philodendrons, ficuses, diefenbachia, hibiscus, aroids (alocasia, adenium, etc.), marataceae with pubescent leaves. All accessible surfaces of the plant are treated with a cotton swab, as well as flower pot, pallet and window sill with window. After a day, wipe the leaves and stem with a clean damp cloth. Effective method is when replanting a plant, lowering the whole or roots into ammonia for a few seconds. This method can be used to process, for example, cacti.
Garlic 1 way: 30-40 grams of garlic pulp (middle head) is poured into 500 ml of water and left under a lid in a dark place for 5 days. The resulting infusion is filtered and diluted in half with water. Method 2: the pulp of one large clove of garlic is dipped in a glass of boiling water and left for 5-7 minutes Before processing, the resulting infusions are filtered. Plants are sprayed with a spray bottle or wiped with a cotton swab, focusing Special attention hard to reach places and the lower part of the leaves.
Onion Method 1: 100 grams of husks are poured with 5 liters of water and left in a dark place for 5 days. Method 2: 60-80 grams (1 medium onion) of chopped onion, pour 1/2 liter of water in a sealed container. Leave for about 7 hours

Popular and effective chemicals for killing spider mites

To get rid of spider mites using acaricides, you need to know the main active ingredient of the drugs and change them periodically. For processing it is also necessary to know the toxicity class. Drugs with toxicity class 3-4 can be used in the bathroom, and class 1-2 only outdoors.

Rules for treating indoor flowers with industrial preparations

Treatment of the plant with chemicals is carried out in 3 stages with a difference of 5-8 days. The hotter the air in the room, the faster the spider mite larvae hatch from the eggs and the smaller the difference between treatments should be.

When using the drug for the first time, its effect must be checked on one piece of paper. If after a day of observation the plant has not reacted negatively, then the treatment is carried out on all plants of this species.

The treatment is carried out at an ambient temperature of about 26-28 degrees, generously spraying the dry plant. Small specimens can be completely immersed in a 50% solution of the drug. To enhance the effect, add soap to the solution.

Spraying is carried out up to 12 hours on a sunny day and up to 14 hours in cloudy weather. Until completely dry, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Prevention measures

The best protection against the death of flowers from this pest is timely prevention:

  • All new plants should be quarantined for several weeks;
  • Regular spraying, maintaining high humidity of leaves and soil, ventilation of the room;
  • Monthly inspection and treatment of flowers with hot water or steam.

Following these simple preventive measures will help maintain your houseplants and minimize the risk of spider mite infestation.