In a private house      08.03.2020

Light in the bathroom. Lighting in a small bathroom. Shower cubicle or corner bath

We will try to tell you about how to turn a small bathroom into a comfortable and convenient room, and besides, to accommodate all the key elements of the bathroom.

If your apartment is small, or you live in Khrushchev, then you can only dream of a large bathroom, because in most cases it is only 4 or 5 square meters. Unfortunately, in the past, almost all apartments were built in such a way that in the bathroom or in the kitchen you can only fit sideways. To make a small bathroom as comfortable and beautiful as possible, there are many ways and design techniques for this.

How to visually expand the bathroom

Helpful information:

You can make your small bathroom look a little bigger. To do this, designers use several tricky tricks with which the space expands noticeably. A huge role in this will be played by well-chosen finishing materials, as well as the placement of all interior details. These little tricks will create some illusion of more space.

IMPORTANT!!! Not to be used in bathrooms dark colors. This visually immediately reduces the size of the bathroom. Any dark tones hide the volume of the room.

In small rooms visual magnification space, you can combine color combinations for wall decoration. When you make one wall in red, the other can be done in white or milky tones. Only this technique will visually increase the space.

  • If the bathroom is small, then medium or small ceramic tiles are usually used for wall decoration.
  • Always use only glossy tiles. Its glare and reflected light contribute to the visual increase in space.
  • The ceiling can also be made glossy or mirrored. This technique will create the illusion of a large volume.
  • If a stained-glass window or frosted glass is inserted into one of the walls, this will also give a particle to the visual increase.

bathroom lighting

In order for the bathroom to be not only beautiful, but also visually larger, you need to think through everything on your own. initial stage repair. You must carefully consider where all the elements of the interior will be. All this must be sketched on paper. This will help to choose the right lighting and distribute the light fluxes where necessary. This will turn a small bathroom into a more convenient and comfortable area.

Many do not even imagine how much lighting can visually expand the room. The main factor will be the brightness of the light. The bathroom should be lit as brightly as possible, taking into account the financial side.

For this, both spotlights on the ceiling and wall lights are used. You can also use directional lights to illuminate some individual elements interior. And this is not just one light bulb hanging on the ceiling in the center, it is a whole complex of lighting devices.

With the help of spotlights in the ceiling, you can make beautiful lighting in the bathroom. But this requires a false ceiling. If you do not plan for false ceilings in the bathroom, you need to do lighting with the help of wall lamps, which should also harmoniously fit into the design of your walls. It is the lighting that will give a pleasant feeling of comfort when entering the bathroom.

Shower cubicle or corner bath

This stage in planning is the most important. Since in the bathroom we relieve all the stresses of the passing day, the choice of plumbing must also be approached responsibly. Most often, the bath itself takes up the most space. If you are not a fan of long water procedures, then the bathroom can be replaced with a shower. This will save enough space to more conveniently accommodate the rest of the plumbing systems.

You don't need to spare money for a shower cabin. Since after a year of use, all the accessories will begin to peel off. Numerous features will stop working. At the same time, you should not buy the most sophisticated model. Think about what features you really need for daily use, and choose one. It's not worth overpaying.

Often put corner baths. To do this, you must definitely take measurements accurately, take into account the location of plumbing and drain pipes. It is the corner bathroom that will not only visually, but actually free up a significant amount of space.


If your bathroom is separate, then you can connect it to increase the bathroom. To do this, you need to demolish the partition. Remember that the layout must be documented. Shared bathroom does not have unpleasant odors as many people think. You just need to pay a little more attention to the care of the bathroom.

A lot of lighting fixtures is good, but not in all cases. Of course, each person independently determines for himself how many and what types of lamps to install. These can be spot, standard shades in the center of the ceiling, etc. It is necessary to proceed from the space of the room.

Let's take a closer look at the types of lighting in the bathroom.

If you rely on standards, then there should be a ceiling lamp according to the correct one and wall sconces. There may be an option to combine the main ceiling lamp and several spotlights.

Placement of lighting fixtures

Lighting is always needed, even if there is. Following the standards, lighting in the bathroom should be three levels.

Top lighting. Great for small spaces. One plafond on the ceiling will be enough, you can add a scattering of stars, if the budget allows.

Work area lighting. Of course it is. Install lighting fixtures on the sides, only at the top of the mirror. It is better to give preference to flexible brackets, so you can adjust the light, directing it to the desired area.

Floor lighting. It's more for decoration than functionality. Originally, you can emphasize the various elements of the room, you can build it into niches or steps. So it will be beautiful and additional light will appear. As in the photo of lighting in the bathroom.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The lighting is completely different from the big one. It is not possible to hang a ceiling hanging lamp. It won't be practical. And in a large room, one chandelier with several shades is not installed. It just won't be enough to light up the bath.

Second rule. Do not buy models made of colored glass, the light in such devices will be distorted. most popular and best option, ceiling closed type, made from transparent material, can be matte and white.

The third tip, choose lamps for style. Here for example: modern style requires bright light, there should be a lot of it, you can use a backlight of a different color. In the Japanese style, on the contrary, the light should soothe.

The fourth lighting option is a classic. If the interior of the room is fully consistent with the style, attach lamps with concise forms without unnecessary elements. Preferably vintage glass, it will create an interesting game on.

LED lights

We live in a modern world and every day I come up with new solutions in lighting technology. One of these LED lightening baths. It is beneficial in that it consumes little energy, the service life is about 100 thousand hours.

It is used to decorate various items: mirror, bedside tables, ceiling, etc. Here already to your taste.

It is also possible to use with a combination of spotlights. Of course, such equipment costs a lot, this is perhaps the only negative.

Installation of fixtures on a stretch ceiling

Today, more and more often you can find stretch ceilings in the apartment and the bathroom is no exception.

Consider the process of installing lighting in stretch ceilings in the bathroom:

Devices are mounted to the rack, which is located at the base of the ceiling. After that, the canvas is stretched in which holes are made for the devices. So that the canvas does not tear, the hole is fixed with special yokes.

Important! Choose lighting equipment with overhead mounts, in which case there will be no problems with installation. Do not choose chandeliers or shades with a flat shape, they are completely unsuitable for a stretch ceiling.

Ceiling lighting in the bathroom can be achieved using lamps with outdoor minions. Convenient and practical option.

Do not forget that the lighting in the bathroom is no less important than in others, because a lot of time is spent there, especially the female half.

Photo of lighting in the bathroom

If you have a small-sized apartment of the Khrushchev series, in which there is a very small sanitary room, do not despair. You can always find a way out, pick up interesting design to bring harmony and comfort to your home. The lighting of a small bathroom is increasingly attracting the attention of designers, as this room should be brighter than other rooms. Among the principles of proper lighting in a small bathroom is the use of a three-level system: lighting on the walls, ceiling, floor. With this option, you can create optimal lighting in a small bathroom.

Design secrets

With the right placement of spotlights, the effect is amazing. In addition to the classical ceiling chandelier, can be installed in the floor, around the bath, around the perimeter of the shower cabin halogen lamps. To give the bathroom a romantic atmosphere, you can use the backlight of the mirror.

An interesting lighting option in a small bathroom is presented in the video

Ceiling bathroom lighting

A single ceiling lamp is enough to illuminate a small bathroom.

Advice ! Depending on the chosen design option, open or closed fixtures can be used.

For suspended ceilings built-in options are preferable, for a regular ceiling - open models. Since there is not enough natural light in the bathroom, a spotlight with an adjustable angle of rotation can be used to solve the problem.

How to properly illuminate a bathroom mirror

Zoning is used in any room, including the bathroom. Separate functional area you can make space around the mirror. If a small bathroom has a podium, a niche, designers recommend lighting them as much as possible.

Advice ! An interesting solution there will be placement of spotlights on both sides of the mirror. They will provide quality lighting but won't dazzle your eyes.

How to light up a bath

For complete relaxation in the process of taking a bath, it must be separated from furniture and plumbing items. Some manufacturers offer bath models with independent lighting. Among the disadvantages of this choice is the high cost of production.

Furniture lighting

When thinking about the lighting of a small bathroom, you can organize the lighting of the furniture. For example, halogen lamps can be installed inside the cabinet. When you open it, you can easily find all the items you need.

floor lighting

An interesting solution would be floor lighting in a small bathroom. Suitable for the bathroom sealed and durable fixtures, the power of which does not exceed 5 watts. It is this light source that is suitable for rooms with high humidity. To give the floor an unusual lighting effect, you can use colored light bulbs.

With the right lighting in the bathroom, you can visually expand the space, make a small room elegant and spacious.

As interesting option lighting in the bathroom, a false window with decorative lighting protrudes. In bright light, a good option would be to decorate the bathroom with ceramic or mirror tiles. If spotlights are chosen correctly, they will not only be a source of light, but will also help create a variety of visual illusions that hide or emphasize the highlights of the interior.

Attention ! In pursuit of the wealth and beauty of the interior, we must not forget about safety. Take care of the grounding of lighting fixtures, do not allow direct contact with water.

If desired, you can additionally install special switches in the bathroom to control the power of the light. In the morning you can use maximum power light, while fully "waking up". After a hard day at work, when you want to relax and unwind in warm bath, lighting is reduced to a minimum.

Zoning Options

The ideal option is the organization of an independent source of lighting in each area of ​​​​the bathroom. A similar rule applies to small Khrushchev. Let's analyze some popular ways of zoning such small bathrooms. Spotlights can be installed above all plumbing fixtures. The desired object is isolated using a directed light beam, its source can be placed in various places. An interesting solution for bathroom design is the use of two-position spotlights for lighting in the bathroom. different zones. It is desirable to use diffused soft light so that the bathroom is comfortable and cozy. Designers recommend using a lampshade made of frosted glass. A white lampshade that does not distort natural shades is also suitable for these purposes.

Attention ! Mirrors are not suitable for lighting fluorescent lamps cold spectrum, as they will distort the image.

The spectrum of the lamps should be similar to the spectrum of natural light. You can fix the lamps directly to the wall with glue or self-tapping screws.

Wall lamps in the bathroom are divided into:

  • on near-surface plafonds, fixed at a minimum distance from the wall;
  • wall sconces, the lampshade of which is attached to a special bracket.
  • hanging structures made in the form of bowls various shapes mounted on special hangers.

For a small bathroom, small pendant lights mounted under the ceiling are suitable. Among the new fashion trends- the use of spotlights of the original form.

Advice ! If you divide the wiring into several buttons, you can change the light intensity.

Choosing a place to install lamps

The choice of installation location in the bathroom of the lamp must be careful, as such lighting will demonstrate all the smallest imperfections of the walls in this room.

If desired, floor lighting fixtures for this room can also be purchased. They are structures that are installed on racks of different heights. Such floor lamps can be with one or more bulbs that differ in shape, size, and color of the lampshade. Such devices help to modernize the lighting in a small bathroom, for example, in Khrushchev apartments, without wasting time on installation. Benefits floor lamps note: reasonable cost, variety of models. If you purchase a tall floor lamp, you can use it to illuminate certain areas, such as a bathtub. Before proceeding with the installation various kinds fixtures in this room, it is desirable to develop finished project. Having spent time on its manufacture, you will be able to take into account all the nuances, calculate the total power of the luminous flux, which you will eventually receive.


The owners of city apartments dream that all rooms are beautiful, cozy, comfortable for living. Considering that a person spends most of the daylight hours at work, it is very important to properly organize the lighting in your apartment so that in the evening it is cozy and calm, you can fully relax from a difficult day, tune in to new labor exploits. A special place in the whole apartment belongs to the bathroom. It is here that you want to relax, get rid of worries, enjoy warm water. The correct arrangement of bath accessories will give only half of the desired effect.

For complete harmony in this small room, you need to think about the lighting of all objects. Not all apartment owners can independently choose the best lighting option; professional designers are always ready to help them. Without theoretical knowledge in the field of electricity, practical skills in the installation of lighting fixtures, it will be difficult to perfectly cope with the task. They will take into account all the irregularities and defects of the walls, ceiling, floor, select such lighting options that will visually expand the walls of the bathroom. When implementing a project chosen by a professional, they will definitely take into account high humidity of this room, and the location of numerous accessories, so that the result is not only beautiful, but also safe for the inhabitants of the apartment.


With the right arrangement of the bathroom, you can turn it into a great place to relax and unwind. One of the most important conditions for this is correct organized lighting. If you use only one bright light in the center of the ceiling, you can not always achieve a wonderful effect. On the other hand, you should not limit yourself to backlighting either - general light is needed during cleaning, washing, or in the morning when washing. Therefore, it is better to combine in the bathroom different types lighting, which will create the desired comfort and coziness.
Arranging light accents is not as easy a process as it seems. Light colored walls ceramic tiles, faience sanitary ware and mirrors transform and refract artificial light, creating glare that strains and irritates the eyes. However, when correct design bathroom this can be avoided.



The chandelier in the bathroom is used for general lighting. It is better to place it so that direct light does not “hit” into the eyes, even when reflected from mirror surfaces. It is also important to choose the right mounting height and location of the chandelier, because heated lamps can burst from water droplets, which are quite difficult to avoid during water procedures.



Installing classic sconces will add romance to the bathroom decor. Shades of the diffused white glow of the lamp will help soften the light. However, it is necessary to provide another source of light in the room to provide sufficient lighting for grooming and makeup application.
Sconces provide a diffused light that does not cast shadows, softer, creating a cozy atmosphere. It is best to place fixtures on both sides of the mirror to evenly reflect the light. This will completely eliminate glare and shadows on the mirror surface.

Spot ceiling lights


Spotlights are often used for directional or general illumination of certain areas of the bathroom. Built-in lighting, usually, is auxiliary to the usual one. If, in addition to the chandelier, install point ceiling lamps along the perimeter of the room, then visually the size of the bathroom will appear larger.


Such lamps can be installed in the ceiling, on the walls, cut into furniture.

Surface mounted ceiling lights


Surface luminaires are ideal solution bathroom lighting issue. They are easy to use, economical, easy to install on any ceiling. Such lamps allow you to create comfortable conditions for cosmetic and water procedures. They are protected from dust and moisture by shades that prevent the ingress of wet steam and shower splashes. By installing overhead ceiling lights in your bathroom, you can endlessly enjoy the shining and warm light.

Suspended lamps (plafonds)


Ceiling lamps are great for basic bathroom lighting. They are mounted on top of a wall or ceiling. From the quantity is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, if the room is small, then one powerful lamp will be enough. You can also install several lighting fixtures on the ceiling or walls.

Directional light and illumination


In order to relax and be distracted in the bath, you need to at least conditionally make it a separate corner from other plumbing. There are bath models equipped with autonomous lighting - a wonderful sight, but not everyone can afford it.


More affordable option is the allocation of bathroom zones with directional light, plunging the rest of the room into twilight. This effect can be achieved using a colored glass lampshade or using a sconce.

Mirror lighting


There are several options for lighting mirrors. When the light is made on one side, then it should fill the entire room as much as possible. In the bathroom, mirror lighting is best done with diffused light. In other cases, you need to do symmetrical lighting to minimize the risk of highlights and shadows.


This is an additional light source that can also be used separately. They allow you to get a pleasant subdued lighting and decorate the bathroom.

Recessed recessed luminaires


Such lamps are a very good option, both for bathroom design and for saving energy. They are based on low voltage converters or halogen fittings. By adding a dimmer it is possible to adjust the lighting in the bathroom. As a rule, they are installed in the ceilings, but if the bathroom is small, then installing them will be problematic.

natural light


Natural light is the cheapest and healthiest. However, not all bathrooms are equipped with a window. And if mounting a window opening is not possible, there is an excellent solution, which consists in organizing a gap. Through such gaps, natural light enters the room. The tunnel clearance can also be used at night and in the evening by mounting a special illuminator into its frame.

Zoned Lighting


Bathrooms of large areas allow you to do space zoning with the help of lamps. Basically, the zones of the sink and mirror stand out (where the owners put themselves in order), as well as the bath zone (where they wash themselves). In this case, the light can turn on in the area where the person is currently located. You can “break” a room into zones using various sources of lighting, these can be lamps, local sources, chandeliers, led backlight etc. Here everything is limited only by the fantasies of the owner.

colored water


Currently, everyone can arrange a real aqua show and unforgettable relaxation in their bathroom. This is possible with shower heads, faucets, LED heads, colored ribbons, etc. Such devices allow you to decorate the room with new colors, making the atmosphere more cozy and comfortable.

Such backlights can have several colors, they are very easy and quick to install. In addition, these devices can also have many useful and interesting functions that allow you to make water procedures even nicer.

Illumination of water with lamps


Water lighting helps to make the atmosphere of the bathroom mysterious, romantic and unusual. Of course, you can do this using special nozzles, devices and other devices, but not everyone can afford it. But you can get by with lamps. They can be placed and installed in absolutely any place so that the jet of water falls exactly under the light beam.

Recessed luminaires


Such lamps are best suited for suspended ceilings. However, this is not the best option for the bathroom, since the beam of light from the fixtures that are built into the ceiling is directed downwards without scattering. The most suitable solution is to use luminaires with an angle of rotation that can be adjusted.

Furniture lighting


A bathroom simply cannot be imagined without various whatnots, shelves, drawers and a locker where you can store washing accessories, bathrobes, towels and other necessary items and things. Bathroom furniture can be equipped with spotlight recessed lighting, which will allow you to quickly and easily find the things you need.


In addition, the use of such miniature sources will give the bathroom an extra charm.

Color lighting in some areas


To give individuality to the bathroom and make the use of the room more pleasant, colored lighting of the zones allows. In the bathroom, recesses and niches can be distinguished. Light colored accents can be placed in niches used to locate various utensils and decor. You can make a few accents with a variety of colors. A lot of people are sure to like this one.
You can illuminate plumbing fixtures, faucets, furniture, etc. Even in a small bathroom, colored lighting can make a big difference. In addition to the appearance of the room, such solutions will make the bathroom comfortable. You can create a variety of effects and make your fantasies come true.

And finally...

The power and size of light sources directly depend on their number. The more lamps, the smaller they should be. If you follow this rule, it is possible to achieve uniform lighting in the bathroom.

Playing with light is so exciting that sometimes we can forget about the simplest safety rules. And this forgetfulness can lead to sad consequences, especially when it comes to bathroom lighting. It must be remembered that it is imperative to protect the light sources from direct moisture, and the wiring should be carried out by a professional craftsman, in accordance with all the rules.