Toilet      04/05/2019

Top dressing schemes for tomatoes in the open field after planting and during ripening. Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field and greenhouse - practical experience

Properly preparing the soil for planting, growing healthy seedlings does not mean that you will have a good tomato crop. During the season, tomatoes go through several stages of development at each of them; tomatoes require their own set of nutrients.

Signs of a lack of nutrients in a tomato

Not always weak tomato seedlings are a consequence of infection or the presence of insect pests. External symptoms may indicate a nutritional deficiency. Knowing these signs, you can help the tomato with the help of timely top dressing.

With a lack of nitrogen, old leaves turn yellow in tomato bushes, the stems become thinner and stretched in length, the leaf plates are small, their color is not bright green, but pale, almost white. To eliminate nitrogen deficiency, mineral or organic fertilizers containing it are needed.

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When tomatoes lack phosphorus, a bluish tint appears on the stems and leaves, if you look at the underside of old leaves, a purple tint is clearly visible. With a deficiency of phosphorus, the roots develop poorly, the plant lags behind in growth. The problem is solved with the help of any fertilizer containing phosphorus.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency:

  • young leaves curl;
  • old leaves turn yellow at first, then dry up;
  • brown spots appear on the leaves.
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The deficiency is filled with potassium nitrate, the dosage is taken from the instructions for the drug.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaf plates are curled up. If the tomatoes lack zinc, then gray-brown spots appear on the old leaves, the young leaves almost do not increase in size and become covered with yellow dots. Spraying the bushes with magnesium nitrate (5 g per 10 liters) eliminates the problem.

The lack of calcium during fruiting contributes to the appearance of vertex rot on the fruits, a border similar to a burn appears on young leaves, calcium nitrate saves. With a lack of boron:

  • the color falls off;
  • growing points die off;
  • the plant forms many stepchildren;
  • there is a deformation of the tops of the central and lateral shoots.

Iron deficiency begins to appear with a change in the color of the lower leaves. They first turn pale, then begin to turn yellow, while the veins retain their green color.

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Iron deficiency leads to slower growth of tomato bushes. Eliminate the deficiency with iron sulphate.

Types of feeding tomatoes

When growing tomatoes in open field and in the greenhouse it is necessary to competently organize the nutrition of tomatoes, use two types of dressings:

  • foliar;
  • root.

Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying tomato bushes with nutrient solutions. Fertilizers, falling on the leaves, are absorbed faster. It is advisable to carry out foliar top dressing in certain cases:

  • bad weather;
  • the plant is weakened;
  • obvious nutritional deficiency.
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For foliar top dressing, it is worth purchasing an industrial sprayer with a volume of about 8-10 liters. Plants are treated in the evening or early morning, this helps to avoid sunburn on the leaves.

Important! Make no mistake, do not feed tomatoes at the root if the weather has been cool for more than 3 days. Nutrients are absorbed when air and soil temperatures are above 15°C.

All summer residents are engaged in root dressing. Any liquid fertilizer tomato bushes are watered under the root. A prerequisite: the tomatoes must be watered the day before, this will protect the roots from burns.

How to feed tomatoes folk remedies

Consider popular folk recipes fertilizing tomato seedlings after transplanting to permanent place.


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Many summer residents do not believe in the benefits of iodine for tomatoes and in vain. Iodine helps plants absorb nitrogen in the soil, which stimulates the growth of green mass of tomatoes. From sowing seeds for seedlings until the end of the growing season, no more than 3 top dressings with iodine are carried out:

  • the first time - seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves;
  • the second time - during the formation of flower ovaries;
  • the third and last dressing - during fruiting.

The main benefit of feeding with iodine during the formation of buds is an increase in the number of flowers, they are formed much more.

Important! Plants can be fed with iodine both under the root and along the leaf.

Watering with water with iodine during the fruiting period guarantees:

  • accelerated maturation;
  • increase in fruit size;
  • increase in the sugar content of the pulp.

Preparing water for irrigation is easy. 1 drop of iodine is dripped onto 3 liters of warm water and fertilizer for watering tomatoes under the root can be used. On mature plant consume 1 liter of liquid. Do not water the soil before fertilizing.


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Ash is a universal remedy that protects tomatoes from pests and diseases, making up for the lack of nutrients. Top dressing with ash is especially useful in cool weather, which in our northern latitudes occurs just after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground (greenhouse).

When the soil is cold, tomatoes do not absorb potassium well, so in cool weather it is better to carry out the first dressing with ash infusion. fast food. After transplanting seedlings, at least 10-14 days should pass.

The sequence of quick preparation of ash infusion for feeding tomatoes:

  • we take a container with a volume of up to 80-100 liters;
  • fill it with water;
  • for every 10 liters of water pour 0.5 liters wood ash;
  • mix everything well and top dressing from the ash is ready.

Important! There should be no chlorine in the water. Ash is only wood or made from grass. Ash obtained from the combustion of other materials (cellophane, wallpaper) is not suitable.

It is best to prepare an infusion from rainwater. The solution can be used immediately after preparation. On one root you need to pour 0.5 liters of infusion. The benefit of feeding with ash is that tomato bushes receive and quickly absorb:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

These are exactly the elements that tomato seedlings need to adapt and grow after transplanting into the ground (greenhouse).


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For cooking we take plastic bottle volume of 5-6 liters. Pour warm water into it.

Important! The water temperature must not exceed 38 °C. If you use hotter water, the yeast will not work.

  • water 3 liters;
  • 1 pack of any dry yeast;
  • sugar 10 tablespoons.

We mix all the ingredients, close the bottle with a cork and set for 4-8 hours in warm room. It is worth preparing the solution in the morning, because it is worth feeding the tomatoes in the evening.

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For root and foliar top dressing, a non-concentrated infusion is used, it is diluted with plain water:

  • 3 parts of the mash;
  • 7 parts water.

Tomatoes are pre-watered, after which 1 liter jar of yeast water should be poured onto each bush. Under the root, tomatoes can be fed 1 time in 14 days.

Important! Feed your tomatoes in the evening. There will be no sunburn on the leaves, nutrients will be better absorbed.

Yeast foliar top dressings are useful for tomatoes. They serve as an excellent prevention of fungal diseases. The working solution is used in the same concentration. The frequency of treatments is not more than one in 2 weeks. You can feed tomatoes with yeast throughout the season.

chicken manure

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In chicken manure, all the nutrients are in a form that is convenient for assimilation by tomatoes. If you want to get a rich crop of tomatoes, then make the first top dressing after transplantation with a solution of fresh chicken manure.

It does not need to be insisted, you can use it immediately after preparation. We prepare it, strictly observing the proportions:

  • 1 part liquid, fresh chicken manure;
  • 10 parts rain or settled tap water.

Water the tomato beds well the day before. Mix the chicken manure solution several times and pour no more than 1 liter into each well. Exceeding the concentration of the solution or dose during irrigation has a bad effect on seedlings.

Reference. Do not throw away the thick remaining at the bottom, pour it under any fruit-bearing tree or shrub.


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Mullein is a fertilizer that benefits all types of plants, especially tomatoes. It is a fertilizer complete in composition of micro- and macroelements. The list of what you need to prepare a solution of mullein:

  • plastic bucket with a volume of 10-15 liters;
  • cow cakes (fresh);
  • pour ¼ of the total volume into a bucket of cakes;
  • fill the rest of the bucket with water;
  • cover the bucket with a lid and leave for a week to infuse.

The present solution must be mixed. In a bucket (10 liters) add 1 liter of mullein infusion and mix well. Use the prepared fertilizer immediately, spending 1 bucket per square meter.

To get a good crop of tomatoes, you need to use high-quality seeds. These can be ordered on the official website "Gardens of Russia". The newest and most productive varieties can be viewed by clicking on the button.

Nettle 2018/05/27439.opgwyo.790.jpg 790w" width="500" />

We are learning how to prepare original nettle fertilizer. Nettle as a fertilizer is used precisely after transplanting seedlings into the ground. This is the plant that contains maximum amount nitrogen. And nitrogen, as you know, is needed for tomatoes to quickly build up green mass.

For cooking, we take a container (bucket) of 10-15 liters, fill it with 70 percent chopped nettles. We also send a decent dose of any jam there. Many will have a question, what is it for. The answer is simple - lactic acid bacteria, which we want to dilute in our infusion, love sweets.

Important! Add 1 cup of nettle infusion prepared in this way to a bucket of water.

Add water and 0.5 l of Baikal EM solution to the container. For the bacteria to work well, we tightly wrap the bucket with a film, it must be removed 2 times a day and the contents of the bucket mixed. A week later, a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms is ready.

The specific smell and decomposed remains of nettles indicate the readiness of the fertilizer. This fertilizer can be applied before the flowering of the tomato, later other plants containing not nitrogen, but potassium are needed.

When to Feed Your Tomatoes

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During the season, 3 root dressings are carried out. The first, very important top dressing, is carried out 10-12 days after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground. There are many fertilizer options. You can use mineral fertilizers. For example, nitrophoska: 1 tbsp. l per bucket of water, consumption of 1 liter of solution per 1 bush.

With high-quality soil preparation before planting using the whole complex of organic and mineral fertilizers, it is enough to fertilize the seedlings:

  • potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water);
  • potassium magnesia (1 tsp per 10 liters of water).

From organic fertilizers at the first stage of development apply herbal infusions or solutions of mullein, or chicken manure.

The second time the tomatoes should be fed during flowering. Take a solution of mullein (10 l), add to it:

  • complete mineral fertilizer 1 tbsp. l;
  • blue vitriol 3 g;
  • potassium permanganate 3 g
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The consumption of the working solution for dwarf tomatoes is 1 liter, for determinant-type bushes - 1.5 liters, for indeterminate plants - 2 liters.

In order for the fruits to be better tied, root dressings alternate with foliar ones. On the bushes there is an active formation of ovaries after spraying the bushes during flowering with a solution boric acid. For 10 liters of water, you need 1 gram of boric acid and magnesium sulfate.

The third dressing during fruiting should be carried out with ash infusion. How to cook it was described above. It is effective to use superphosphate during this period. Prepare the solution according to the instructions on the packaging.

The table shows the cases when foliar top dressing is needed for tomatoes.

By controlling the condition of the planted seedlings, applying fertilizers on time, you can grow strong tomato bushes with excellent immunity. Healthy plants always please with a good harvest, which is distinguished by its presentation, good taste and a long shelf life.

Properly preparing the soil for planting, growing healthy seedlings does not mean that you will have a good tomato crop. During the season, tomatoes go through several stages of development at each of them; tomatoes require their own set of nutrients.

Signs of a lack of nutrients in a tomato

Not always weak tomato seedlings are a consequence of infection or the presence of insect pests. External symptoms may indicate a nutritional deficiency. Knowing these signs, you can help the tomato with the help of timely top dressing.

With a lack of nitrogen, old leaves turn yellow in tomato bushes, the stems become thinner and stretched in length, the leaf plates are small, their color is not bright green, but pale, almost white. To eliminate nitrogen deficiency, mineral or organic fertilizers containing it are needed.

When tomatoes lack phosphorus, a bluish tint appears on the stems and leaves, if you look at the underside of old leaves, a purple tint is clearly visible. With a deficiency of phosphorus, the roots develop poorly, the plant lags behind in growth. The problem is solved with the help of any fertilizer containing phosphorus.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency:

  • young leaves curl;
  • old leaves turn yellow at first, then dry up;
  • brown spots appear on the leaves.

The deficiency is filled with potassium nitrate, the dosage is taken from the instructions for the drug.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaf plates are curled up. If the tomatoes lack zinc, then gray-brown spots appear on the old leaves, the young leaves almost do not increase in size and become covered with yellow dots. Spraying the bushes with magnesium nitrate (5 g per 10 liters) eliminates the problem.

The lack of calcium during fruiting contributes to the appearance of vertex rot on the fruits, a border similar to a burn appears on young leaves, calcium nitrate saves. With a lack of boron:

  • the color falls off;
  • growing points die off;
  • the plant forms many stepchildren;
  • there is a deformation of the tops of the central and lateral shoots.

Iron deficiency begins to appear with a change in the color of the lower leaves. They first turn pale, then begin to turn yellow, while the veins retain their green color.

Iron deficiency leads to slower growth of tomato bushes. Eliminate the deficiency with iron sulphate.

Types of feeding tomatoes

When growing a tomato in open ground and in a greenhouse, it is necessary to properly organize the nutrition of tomatoes, use two types of dressings:

  • foliar;
  • root.

Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying tomato bushes with nutrient solutions. Fertilizers, falling on the leaves, are absorbed faster. It is advisable to carry out foliar top dressing in certain cases:

  • bad weather;
  • the plant is weakened;
  • obvious nutritional deficiency.

For foliar top dressing, it is worth purchasing an industrial sprayer with a volume of about 8-10 liters. Plants are treated in the evening or early morning, this helps to avoid sunburn on the leaves.

Important! Make no mistake, do not feed tomatoes at the root if the weather has been cool for more than 3 days. Nutrients are absorbed when air and soil temperatures are above 15°C.

All summer residents are engaged in root dressing. Any liquid fertilizer tomato bushes are watered under the root. A prerequisite: the tomatoes must be watered the day before, this will protect the roots from burns.

How to feed tomatoes folk remedies

Consider popular folk recipes for dressing tomato seedlings after transplanting to a permanent place.


Many summer residents do not believe in the benefits of iodine for tomatoes and in vain. Iodine helps plants absorb nitrogen in the soil, which stimulates the growth of green mass of tomatoes. From sowing seeds for seedlings until the end of the growing season, no more than 3 top dressings with iodine are carried out:

  • the first time - seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves;
  • the second time - during the formation of flower ovaries;
  • the third and last top dressing - during fruiting.

The main benefit of feeding with iodine during the formation of buds is an increase in the number of flowers, they form much more.

Important! Plants can be fed with iodine both under the root and along the leaf.

Watering with water with iodine during the fruiting period guarantees:

  • accelerated maturation;
  • increase in fruit size;
  • increase in the sugar content of the pulp.

Preparing water for irrigation is easy. 1 drop of iodine is dripped onto 3 liters of warm water and fertilizer for watering tomatoes under the root can be used. For an adult plant, 1 liter of liquid is consumed. Do not water the soil before fertilizing.


Ash is a universal remedy that protects tomatoes from pests and diseases, making up for the lack of nutrients. Top dressing with ash is especially useful in cool weather, which in our northern latitudes occurs just after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground (greenhouse).

When the soil is cold, tomatoes do not absorb potassium well, so in cool weather it is better to carry out the first top dressing with instant ash infusion. After transplanting seedlings, at least 10-14 days should pass.

The sequence of quick preparation of ash infusion for feeding tomatoes:

  • we take a container with a volume of up to 80-100 liters;
  • fill it with water;
  • for every 10 liters of water, pour 0.5 liters of wood ash;
  • mix everything well and top dressing from the ash is ready.

Important! There should be no chlorine in the water. Ash is only wood or made from grass. Ash obtained from the combustion of other materials (cellophane, wallpaper) is not suitable.

It is best to prepare an infusion from rainwater. The solution can be used immediately after preparation. On one root you need to pour 0.5 liters of infusion. The benefit of feeding with ash is that tomato bushes receive and quickly absorb:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

These are exactly the elements that tomato seedlings need to adapt and grow after transplanting into the ground (greenhouse).


For cooking, we take a plastic bottle with a volume of 5-6 liters. Pour warm water into it.

Important! The water temperature must not exceed 38 °C. If you use hotter water, the yeast will not work.

  • water 3 liters;
  • 1 pack of any dry yeast;
  • sugar 10 tablespoons.

We mix all the ingredients, close the bottle with a cork and put it in a warm room for 4-8 hours. It is worth preparing the solution in the morning, because it is worth feeding the tomatoes in the evening.

For root and foliar top dressing, a non-concentrated infusion is used, it is diluted with plain water:

  • 3 parts of the mash;
  • 7 parts water.

Tomatoes are pre-watered, after which 1 liter jar of yeast water should be poured onto each bush. Under the root, tomatoes can be fed 1 time in 14 days.

Important! Feed your tomatoes in the evening. There will be no sunburn on the leaves, nutrients will be better absorbed.

Yeast foliar top dressings are useful for tomatoes. They serve as an excellent prevention of fungal diseases. The working solution is used in the same concentration. The frequency of treatments is not more than one in 2 weeks. You can feed tomatoes with yeast throughout the season.

chicken manure

In chicken manure, all the nutrients are in a form that is convenient for assimilation by tomatoes. If you want to get a rich crop of tomatoes, then make the first top dressing after transplantation with a solution of fresh chicken manure.

It does not need to be insisted, you can use it immediately after preparation. We prepare it, strictly observing the proportions:

  • 1 part liquid, fresh chicken manure;
  • 10 parts rain or settled tap water.

Water the tomato beds well the day before. Mix the chicken manure solution several times and pour no more than 1 liter into each well. Exceeding the concentration of the solution or dose during irrigation has a bad effect on seedlings.

Reference. Do not throw away the thick remaining at the bottom, pour it under any fruit-bearing tree or shrub.


Mullein is a fertilizer that benefits all types of plants, especially tomatoes. It is a fertilizer complete in composition of micro- and macroelements. The list of what you need to prepare a solution of mullein:

  • plastic bucket with a volume of 10-15 liters;
  • cow cakes (fresh);
  • pour ¼ of the total volume into a bucket of cakes;
  • fill the rest of the bucket with water;
  • cover the bucket with a lid and leave for a week to infuse.

The present solution must be mixed. In a bucket (10 liters) add 1 liter of mullein infusion and mix well. Use the prepared fertilizer immediately, spending 1 bucket per square meter.


We are learning how to prepare original nettle fertilizer. Nettle as a fertilizer is used precisely after transplanting seedlings into the ground. This is the plant that contains the maximum amount of nitrogen. And nitrogen, as you know, is needed for tomatoes to quickly build up green mass.

For cooking, we take a container (bucket) of 10-15 liters, fill it with 70 percent chopped nettles. We also send a decent dose of any jam there. Many will have a question, what is it for. The answer is simple - lactic acid bacteria, which we want to breed in our infusion, love sweets.

Important! Add 1 cup of nettle infusion prepared in this way to a bucket of water.

Add water and 0.5 l of Baikal EM solution to the container. For the bacteria to work well, we tightly wrap the bucket with a film, it must be removed 2 times a day and the contents of the bucket mixed. A week later, a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms is ready.

The specific smell and decomposed remains of nettles indicate the readiness of the fertilizer. This fertilizer can be applied before the flowering of the tomato, later other plants containing not nitrogen, but potassium are needed.

When to Feed Your Tomatoes

During the season, 3 root dressings are carried out. The first, very important top dressing, is carried out 10-12 days after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground. There are many fertilizer options. You can use mineral fertilizers. For example, nitrophoska: 1 tbsp. l per bucket of water, consumption of 1 liter of solution per 1 bush.

With high-quality soil preparation before planting using the whole complex of organic and mineral fertilizers, it is enough to fertilize the seedlings:

  • potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water);
  • potassium magnesia (1 tsp per 10 liters of water).

From organic fertilizers, at the first stage of development, herbal infusions or solutions of mullein, or chicken manure are used.

The second time the tomatoes should be fed during flowering. Take a solution of mullein (10 l), add to it:

  • complete mineral fertilizer 1 tbsp. l;
  • copper sulfate 3 g;
  • potassium permanganate 3 g

The consumption of the working solution for dwarf tomatoes is 1 liter, for determinant-type bushes - 1.5 liters, for indeterminate plants - 2 liters.

In order for the fruits to be better tied, root dressings alternate with foliar ones. On the bushes there is an active formation of ovaries after spraying the bushes during flowering with a solution of boric acid. For 10 liters of water, you need 1 gram of boric acid and magnesium sulfate.

The third dressing during fruiting should be carried out with ash infusion. How to cook it was described above. It is effective to use superphosphate during this period. Prepare the solution according to the instructions on the packaging.

The table shows the cases when foliar top dressing is needed for tomatoes.

By controlling the condition of the planted seedlings, applying fertilizers on time, you can grow strong tomato bushes with excellent immunity. Healthy plants always please with a good harvest, which is distinguished by its presentation, good taste and a long shelf life.

​Related Articles​

Why is seedling nutrition necessary?

After such procedures, you can safely proceed to landing.

When to feed?

The next top dressing is carried out after 2 weeks. For top dressing, it is advisable to dilute a tablespoon of potassium sulfate or superphosphate in 10 liters of water. In this case, the consumption is one glass per bush.

There is one more folk remedy, which is used for plant nutrition and soil disinfection - iodine solution. It can be applied under the roots and on the leaves of vegetables. It is recommended to take 1-3 milliliters of iodine, depending on the condition of the seedlings. If the temperature is low, it is advisable to take 3 milliliters, generally 1 is enough. Dissolve the substance in 10 liters of water.

All vegetables need to be fed, as this gives high yields and good plant development. Fertilizer for tomato seedlings is necessary because this nightshade culture takes a lot of the necessary substances from the soil for growth and fruiting. The gardener must know when and how to feed vegetables, because proper organization feeding will ensure a high yield. We will talk about this today in our article.​

Potassium deficiency

What to feed?

Ammonium nitrate - 0.6 grams, superphosphate - 4 grams, potassium sulfate - 2 grams.

Infusion of herbs - a bucket or barrel is half filled with nettles, weeds, kitchen waste and poured warm water. It is necessary to insist on the sun for at least 5-7 days. You can also add a little mullein or a handful of chicken manure - it will be more nutritious. It is good to keep a bucket of infusion in a greenhouse - carbon dioxide is released during fermentation, which has a very beneficial effect on vegetative plants - tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
After strengthening the sprouts, approximately 14 days after germination, they carry out the procedure for picking it into open ground or a greenhouse. Top dressing of tomato seedlings is done three times with an interval of two weeks. Feeding tomato seedlings for planting in a greenhouse or in open ground is slightly different. But high-quality and timely fertilization is the main condition for obtaining high yield this tasty and healthy vegetable.
Infuse the mixture in a warm place for at least three days. Before feeding, drain and dilute with water three times.
- potassium sulfate - 1.5 g;

Tomatoes consume quite a lot of nutrients from the soil at all stages of their development. Therefore, top dressing of tomato seedlings always justifies the effort spent on it, both when grown in wide boxes and in individual small cups.

How to fertilize pepper?
5 top dressing
When spraying a plant, it is useful to add settled milk or fermented kefir to the spray bottle.
Tomato should be fertilized from seeds. The vegetable grower must prepare the soil nourished with substances - growth and development stimulants - even before planting. The earth will serve as a source of feeding vegetables during the growth of seedlings until planting in a permanent place. The vegetable grower should remember important rule- Tomatoes love moderation. They should not be overfed, but minimizing feeding is also not recommended. In both cases, the seedlings will stretch and weaken - there will be no talk of any crop. Beware of adding large amounts of nitrogen to the soil mass. This element contributes to the excessive growth of foliage and the deterioration of fruit quality.

I have not been able to observe the seedlings. Although potassium is one of the macronutrients, that is, tomatoes consume it in large quantities.

1 teaspoon of ash.

Feeding tomato seedlings based on humates. To do this, purchase a solution or dry mix and prepare top dressing according to the instructions.
The first dressing of tomatoes is done 20 days after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. As the first fertilizer for seedlings, you can use a solution of 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. spoons of potassium monophosphate. Nitrogen substances during this period are not recommended to be added.

Eggshell tincture:

- water - 1 l.

Good seedlings can only be grown in fertile soil. But, choosing the soil for sowing, gardeners are more often guided by its other qualities: hygroscopicity, breathability, and convenient mechanical composition. They are more concerned about the absence of pathogenic microflora in the substrate than a long-term supply necessary elements. Of course, seedlings will grow without fertilizers - at the initial stage, they have enough substances stored inside the seeds. But this is only for the first time. Young plants that develop rapidly at room temperature will require more and more nutrition. Starvation, which inevitably appears when seedlings are kept in limited volumes, can be eliminated in only one way - top dressing.
​After you plant the pepper in its first container, you need to enter the correct and suitable system glaze. For these purposes, it is impossible better fit a weak solution of any fertilizer that contains a lot of potassium. By the way, a solution prepared once can stand for quite a long time.

The latest top dressing is done in a couple of weeks. A tablespoon of nitrophoska is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. A glass of funds is spent on a bush.

What does feeding nightshade with iodine give? They begin to ripen faster, and the soil is disinfected from various bacteria. When watering a plant, use half a liter of solution. Potassium iodide (1 tablespoon) can be added to it. After feeding with iodine, it is advisable to water the roots clean water. It should be warm and settled. If the plants are in a greenhouse, it must be left open.​

The amount of feeding depends on the conditions in which the vegetables grow. There is a general scheme: seedlings need nutrition after the appearance of 2-3 leaves, then a week after the first feeding (8-9 days). Every decade (10-12 days) the vegetable grower fertilizes the plants.​
It’s ridiculous to talk about all sorts of mythical “lack of boron, copper, molybdenum and zinc” during the seedling period. (​

Good results are obtained by using an infusion of eggshells or banana peels. Any of these components fill a three-liter jar by 2/3, fill it with water and set aside for 72 hours. After the end of this time, the infusion is filtered and used for top dressing, previously diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1: 3.

To feed tomato plants and at the first sign of disease, our gardeners immediately grab onto chemicals, although first of all you need to think about your health and your family. We have already listed which natural fertilizers can be used for feeding. We also want to briefly dwell on such natural and useful growth stimulants for tomatoes as Immunocytophyte and Epin.

The second time a tomato in a greenhouse can be fed no earlier than 10 days later. To do this, use a solution of brand A or A1. A solution is made at the rate of 45 g per 10 liters of water. This procedure is carried out at the time when abundant flowering in plants and the ovary is formed. An excellent fertilizer during this period can be a solution of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of potassium sulfate, 0.5 liters of bird droppings or liquid mullein, diluted with 10 liters of water. For each plant, you can add 1 liter of this solution.
​- eggshell- 2/3 buckets;​

It is advisable to carry out the first feeding of tomato seedlings not earlier than the appearance of the first true leaves in the seedlings. Some guides advise generally starting it only two weeks after the pick. In fact, it all depends on the planned number of top dressings, determined by the quality of the substrate used.

Top dressing of bell pepper should be carried out according to the scheme:

Ideal top dressing of tomato seedlings without chemistry

In addition to root fertilization, foliar top dressing is done. For spraying purposes, the same solutions are used. Upon completion of spraying with top dressing, after a few hours, the plants are sprayed with clean water from a spray bottle. On the recording, an experienced gardener talks about what preparations to feed tomato seedlings with.

Signs of malnutrition in tomato seedlings

​Time to receive useful substances vegetables suggest. Be observant to see what the plants require:​

Twice "ha")

  • While we are not yet moving into the greenhouse, we can talk a little about future top dressing. Although why about the future. You can start feeding tomato seedlings even from the very early age when they have clearly visible true leaves. The only question is the advisability of feeding and the availability of nutrients in the soil where the seedlings actually grow. You can rely on the old and good rule - if it's not broken - don't fix it. That is, as long as your tomatoes grow with dark green leaves and thick, slightly purple stems - there is no need to bother and interfere with the plant with your intervention.
  • Immunocytophyte is the best cure for stress and disease, and it is domestically produced, which means that its cost is quite affordable. In this preparation, it is recommended to soak the seeds before sowing, which is a protection against many diseases of the first weeks of growth, including blackleg. So, this drug increases the energy of germination and gives an incentive to lay flower buds faster.
  • In order to prevent blossom end rot, the tomato is sprayed with an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate. This is carried out during the flowering period of tomatoes: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fertilizer is diluted with 10 liters of water.

Feeding scheme for growing tomato seedlings

- water - 1 bucket.

Yeast infusion:

When the picking of seedlings is carried out in fertile soil, specially designed for growing tomato seedlings, then you can limit yourself to two or even one fertilization. Do it 10 days before planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If ordinary garden soil is used, the plants quickly develop symptoms of a deficiency of one or more of the main elements, indicating the need for additional feeding. It is not difficult to notice them - for this it is not at all necessary to have any special skills or surveillance devices.​

the first two days 1 teaspoon of fertilizer;

What else can you feed tomato seedlings?

Foliar top dressing


With a nitrogen deficiency, the green mass becomes lethargic and yellow; leaves fall quickly; growth slows down.

Unless, of course, you grow plants in sterile sand and water it with distilled water. These substances are consumed by plants in such an insignificant amount that it is necessary to introduce them specifically during the seedling period only in exceptional cases.

It is especially important not to freak out with

Immunocytophyte is also recommended to spray seedlings during the last frost, in the May and June heat, with significant differences in day and night temperatures. The drug serves as an excellent protection against late blight, rot and other common tomato diseases.

Other Nutrient Solution Options

​Get delicious vegetables and a good harvest is possible only if you fertilize after watering the plants.

Do not get carried away with chemistry in the garden and in the greenhouse

A rich harvest of tomatoes can only be obtained by planting high-quality seedlings. The indicators of the quality of the seedling material are: a thick, rather short stem with a noticeable purple tint; dark green dense leaves and a low location of the first brush. With fertile soil good seedlings crops can be grown without fertilization, but in most cases, top dressing of tomato seedlings is necessary.

When there is little phosphorus, vegetables turn purple.

iron deficiency

nitrogen fertilizers

Feeding seedlings of tomatoes and peppers

The second domestic drug of natural origin with a high degree of efficiency is Epin, which is also environmentally friendly and completely harmless. Spraying tomato seedlings with Epin allows it to quickly adapt to stressful conditions during transplantation, take root quickly, and successfully withstand temperature fluctuations. This drug is also indispensable in areas with unfavorable ecology.

How to properly feed seedlings?

To obtain an early harvest, it is necessary to make foliar top dressing. They provide plants with additional nutrition, which will avoid various diseases at the tomatoes. Moreover, tomatoes, like many nightshades, react very positively to this kind of fertilizer. Foliar top dressing is carried out weekly, alternating alternately with soluble fertilizers. In this case, you can feed tomato seedlings with urea, potassium or calcium nitrate, potassium monophosphate or Aquarin (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). It is recommended to apply such fertilizers in the evening, since early morning dew has a beneficial effect on their absorption.

Fertilizers for pepper seedlings

The second feeding of tomatoes is carried out no earlier than two weeks after the first. Its composition is largely determined by the condition of the seedlings. Healthy seedlings are quite suitable for complex fertilizers, such as Effekton O. But in the case of explicit stretching of the stems, it is better to use superphosphate, dissolving it in hot water at the rate of one tablespoon per three liters. For the same purpose, you can water with a special preparation "Athlete", which slows down the growth of the aerial part of the plant and stimulates the development of roots. But it should be applied with great care - repeated use can cause the stems and leaves to stop growing altogether.

- water 5 liters.

Too much purple on the stems and underside of the leaves indicates a phosphorus deficiency. And chlorosis, characterized by green veins against the background of a noticeable lightening of the leaf blades, indicates a lack of iron.

Fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes

In addition to special solutions with high content potassium, ordinary mineral fertilizers, which include ash and azofoska, can also be used as a fertilizer for sweet pepper. You also need to feed pepper with such fertilizers according to the scheme described above. When fertilizing seedlings, it is important not to overdo it! Plants should be fed properly. An excess of fertilizers, as well as their lack, negatively affects the growing season. vegetable crop, and in the future - on productivity.

  1. Growing and feeding
  2. If nightshades need iron, they signal with pale leaves and noticeable green veins.
  3. - chlorosis - may appear in especially zealous candlelighters, who for weeks around the clock, without interruption, highlight tomatoes. Well, they don’t know that plants, like people, need a night period “for rest”. Although, probably, the word rest could be left without quotes, but as far as I remember, it is at night that active cell division takes place and the nutrients accumulated during the day are processed.

. Those who, out of inexperience, believe that the currently sold granulated compost, biohumus and other lovely organic things can be poured under tomatoes in unlimited quantities, I hasten to upset. In principle, it is possible to pour them, but the harvest will not please you. the plant will begin to actively “fatten”, or more simply (hehe) develop along the vegetative path. There will be an active increase in green mass, fatty and beautiful leaves.

A little about feeding tomato seedlings

Experienced gardeners know that good harvest you won’t get peppers and tomatoes if you don’t put your strength and soul into growing seedlings ahead of time. And so that the labor costs for growing seedlings of tomatoes and peppers are not wasted, one should not forget about such an important procedure as top dressing. When planning top dressing, it is important not only to correctly determine what fertilizers to feed tomatoes and peppers with, but also to choose the right time for this. Our article will be devoted to the main secrets of growing seedlings of pepper and tomatoes.

Feeding tomato seedlings after picking in open ground is carried out at least 4 times. 3 weeks after the seedlings are planted in the ground, root dressing of tomatoes is carried out. The composition of the third dressing should correspond to the specific needs of the plants, usually determined visually. If these are not observed, and the seedlings look strong and healthy, you can limit yourself to a weak solution of complex fertilizers, such as Nitrophoska, Agricola, or do without it altogether. Stir well and insist for a day. Feed the seedlings with the resulting suspension. Fertilizer is not stored.​

For the first top dressing of tomatoes, you can use both ready-made fertilizers, for example, Nitrophoska or Agricola-Forward, Agricola No. 3, as well as self-composed mixtures: When the time comes for picking, the amount of top dressing must be increased. Moreover, the composition of the fertilizer does not need to be changed. When watering peppers with fertilizer, you should also carefully monitor that the soil is moderately dry.

Three weeks after germination, seedlings grow rather slowly, but subsequently their growth is activated. In order for the sprouts to develop correctly, without stretching excessively in length, it is necessary to withstand a certain temperature regime and timely fertilize tomato seedlings. Amateur gardeners who do not yet have experience in growing seedlings need to know how best to feed tomato seedlings. Do not forget that you can feed this garden crop only in the morning or evening, but not in the daytime.

Chlorosis is theoretically treated with the addition of iron in an absorbable, divalent form. And spray directly on the leaves with a light hypotonic solution (0.1-0.5%). True, if you really overfeed, the leaves will not be so beautiful - young leaves will curl like a crumpled cigarette pack, and when you try to unfold them with your hand, they will be easy break, become brittle. that's exactly what it looks like

Many inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of deciding for themselves that the more they feed the seedlings, the better the result will be in the end. In fact, this is not so - an excess of nutrients in this case can do more harm than their lack. Therefore, top dressing is necessary only when the seedlings look weak and stunted. Normally developing plants with strong stems and healthy green leaves simply do not need them. For example, an excess of nitrogen can lead to the fact that although the seedlings will look exemplary, they will follow the vegetative path of development, directing all their efforts to the formation of new shoots and leaves, but you will not be able to get a crop from such peppers and tomatoes. time, plants can be fed with a liquid solution: for 10 liters of water, half a liter of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska. 500 g of such a solution is applied to one plant.

In order to grow delicious tomatoes and achieve a high yield of this vegetable, you need to use only quality seedlings for landing. It should have a short and thick stem, on which the first brush will be low. Only in fertile soil is it possible to achieve this. When using poor and scarce soil, fertilizing is indispensable. Ash extraction:- urea - 1 g;

Organic fertilizers are strictly prohibited for pepper. And manure is generally forbidden for him. Unfortunately, it is these fertilizers that will bring a lot of trouble in the future, developing that part of the plant that will remain above the ground, but at the same time completely forgetting about the roots. Beginners in gardening may wonder: “Why feed the pepper?”. We answer. bell pepper is a very capricious vegetable. If he lacks nutrients, then you can say with an absolute guarantee that you will not get a good harvest that justifies the labors. Therefore, it is better to approach this matter in good faith, and in the fall to fully enjoy the results of your work than to regret the failure for a long time later.

1 feeding
Plants take up nutrients not only through the roots, but also through the leaves. Foliar nutrition of vegetables is done as needed by spraying with a spray bottle.

We won’t talk about the form in which iron is found in most fertilizers - what’s the point of upsetting gardeners. But in practice, such seedlings, in addition to iron, will need the entire set of trace elements and a normal night “sleep.” Excess nitrogen

To make pepper seedlings strong, develop well and further give excellent harvest, you should take into account all the features of this rather capricious plant. As you know, pepper came to us from the hot expanses of America, which means that for growth it simply needs enough heat and humidity. Without these two components, no top dressing will help to get viable seedlings. In addition, pepper needs light but fertile soils. With a lack of nutrients in the soil, it grows frail, sheds flowers and ovaries.

After blooming the flower brush, you need to feed the tomato again. To do this, take 0.5 liters of chicken manure, 10 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate. For each plant, 1 liter of such a liquid must be added.

Top dressing of tomato seedlings should be carried out in a timely manner immediately after planting in the ground or in the greenhouse. The main thing here is not to skimp, but also not to overdo it. With special care, it is necessary to treat such a component as nitrogen. Its excess can lead to an abundant increase in green mass and greatly reduce yields.

Proper feeding of tomato seedlings is the key to a rich harvest

- wood ash - 1 tablespoon;

What time to fertilize

- superphosphate - 8 g;

Pepper fertilizer in the garden

Seeds before planting

  1. The first application of fertilizer for tomato seedlings is carried out when the seedlings have the first true leaf. Top dressing is prepared as follows: Agricola-Forward fertilizer is diluted in water at room temperature in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Preparations "Agricola No. 3" or "Nitrofoska" are quite suitable, a tablespoon of which dissolves in a liter of water. On average, the indicated amount of top dressing is enough for 40 bushes. This solution best strengthens the roots of young plants.
  2. After the appearance of the first two or three leaves, the vegetable grower prepares the following mixture: 1 tablespoon of urea is added to 10 liters of water. It should be watered plants. Such top dressing is rich in nitrogen, because nightshades need to grow green mass in moderation.
  3. Lack of calcium

, one of the most common nutrient imbalances in the "diet" of our tomatoes.

You need to start feeding pepper seedlings when two true leaves are formed on it. As the first top dressing, mineral fertilizers or a solution of rotted manure are usually used. In no case should fresh manure be used for these purposes, as it will simply burn the tender roots of pepper seedlings. It is good to use the following nutrient solution for feeding sweet pepper seedlings: dissolve 3 grams of superphosphate, 1 gram of potassium and 0.5 grams of ammonium nitrate in 1 liter of settled water. In the future, the concentration of nutrients in the solution is doubled, and top dressing is carried out every 10-15 days.

What to feed

The final fourth feeding can be done after 2 weeks. 1 st. a spoonful of superphosphate is diluted with 10 liters of water and applied in this volume per 1 sq. m planting tomatoes.

For tomatoes that have dense and strong dark green leaves, as well as a large stem with purple tint, top dressing is applied only once, 10 days before planting seedlings in the ground or greenhouse.
- hot water - 2 liters.

- potassium sulfate - 3 g;

For planting pepper at its summer residence, the soil must be prepared. In all wells prepared for pepper, put 1 teaspoon of fertilizer. Just read the ingredients carefully first. Bulgarian pepper does not like chlorine very much. After the fertilizer is in the ground, the holes must be filled to the top with water. When the water is absorbed, you can start transplanting the plant. Just be careful not to damage its roots. After planting, the ground around the pepper must be compacted.

In order for all the seeds to sprout successfully, they need to be “awakened”, and for this it is worth carrying out a series of simple procedures. 2 top dressing For the second top dressing, a tablespoon of the Effekton preparation is diluted in a liter of water. If the plants are too long, experienced gardeners advise preparing fertilizer for tomato seedlings from superphosphate by diluting a tablespoon in 3 liters of water. With excessive stretching of the bushes, the Athlete is also suitable, which inhibits the growth of the top of the plant and enhances the growth of the roots. When preparing the composition, it is important to observe the proportions indicated in the instructions, otherwise the seedlings may stop developing altogether.

After 7 days, make a second top dressing - take 1 tablespoon of the mineral substance nitrophoska and stir in a liter of water. This is enough to water 25-30 vegetables. Follow this recipe for your next meal. This culture perceives organic matter well - biohumus, compost. For foliar nutrition, the following solution should be made: grind 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and pour it with a liter of water at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. After a daily infusion, the light substance of the solution must be drained into another container and diluted in 10 liters of water.

Video "How to fertilize tomato seedlings"

At seedlings, again, it is difficult to meet. It will show up later in greenhouses, the notorious tomato blossom end rot.

We share experience. How to feed seedlings of pepper and tomato.

Lack of nitrogen

Fans of natural fertilizers can use the following recipe to feed peppers: pour nettle leaves with boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and insist for two days. By watering pepper seedlings with this solution every 10-15 days, you can achieve very good results at minimal cost.​

In addition to these fertilizers, there are other proven recipes, after applying which you can grow very tasty tomatoes with abundant fruiting:

In order to understand which element deficiency plants suffer from, it is necessary to carefully observe and understand their symptoms:

Insist for a day, drain from the sediment and strain.
- water - 2 l.

Now you can relax a bit and forget about watering for a whole week. All this time, the pepper will take root.

In a warm steam bath, you need to hold the pepper seeds for about 20 minutes.
3 top dressing

When the plants are placed in a permanent place, you can use the following feed: soak cow dung in a bucket of clean water, let it wander for 10 days. Then you should take a liter of mullein and pour it into another empty container, diluted with clean water. This solution can be watered plants - a liter for each. Repeat the procedure after 10 days.​
In general, feed your seedlings little by little all the time. Look at the bottle complex fertilizer- if it is written to feed once a week or more often - then pour half the indicated dose when watering the seedlings and make sure that the plant does not begin to fatten. If the leaves become too greasy, green and start to curl, stop feeding!

, (our all beloved and tasty nitrates), looks no less sad, and occurs if seedlings grow for a long time on a window in a small amount of land and without appropriate, and necessary in this case, dressings. Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency are as follows - the plants look stunted, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. This, if anyone is interested, is due to the fact that the plant transfers nitrogen from the lower, less necessary leaves to the upper ones, which are more necessary for further development. Unfortunately, this trick cannot be done with other elements. It is important not to confuse the yellowing of the leaves from excessive watering and low temperatures with a lack of nitrogen. With excessive watering, not only the lower leaves, but also any others may turn yellow.
Now a few words about how best to feed the tomatoes. As in the case of all other seedlings, they start fertilizing for tomatoes no earlier than two weeks after picking in separate pots. When choosing a nutrient mixture for feeding, you can stop at any of the following options, all proportions of which are given

Banana peel infusion: 1 kg of dried banana skins is diluted with 3 liters of water.

Yellowing and falling leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. Low air temperature and excessive watering can also cause wilting and leaf fall in tomatoes. Therefore, it is very important here not to confuse the wrong conditions with a lack of fertilizer.​
Banana skin tincture:

Another option:

The question of how to feed tomatoes after planting in the ground is natural, since this plant with a powerful root system belongs to a culture that is demanding on soil fertility and nutrition quality. High yields of tomatoes are obtained by providing the plant with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Two basic concepts are used to characterize the growth of plants: "need" and "demanding". The need is characterized by the total removal of mineral nutrition elements from the soil for the entire growing season.

Tomato is a crop of medium removal, choosing about 400 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium per hectare of soil.

According to the second parameter, it also belongs to the demanding "middle peasants" who need large doses of the most significant fertilizers.

Its lack causes depletion of leaves, yellowness and drying out on the lower tiers. The veins of the leaves become bluish-red, the pulp of the fruit becomes tasteless, woody, and the fruits themselves become small. Without nitrogen, the plant is doomed to disease.

But most of all, a tomato needs phosphorus. The full supply of tomato with this element contributes to the formation of good ovaries, a strong root system, and the normalization of photosynthesis. If you feed the tomatoes with phosphorus fertilizers, then the harvest will delight you with full-fledged fruits with excellent palatability.

Fibrous, thin lignified stems, reddish-purple leaves, twisted and small fruits - this is how a tomato bush becomes with a lack of phosphorus. The deficiency of the element delays the flowering of the brush, the fruits become smaller, their ripening is delayed.

Its tasks are to activate enzymes, increase the resistance of tomatoes to diseases, and improve the supply of cells with water. It depends on him the flow of nitrogen into the plant and the increase in protein.

If the soil under the tomatoes is left without potash, then the leaves of the tomato turn into wrinkled and lifeless. Spots form on young leaves, giving them a bronze tint. The spots along the edges merge into a continuous line, and then turn brown. The stems become thinner, the fruits lag behind in development, ripening unevenly and slowly.

In addition to the main dressings, tomatoes will need trace elements: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum. But the deficit and excess of organic and mineral nutrition are equally unsafe for tomatoes, as well as the principle of “feeding what I have”.

Interchangeability of base fertilizers

Nothing else will replace nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements for a plant. When discussing the interchangeability of fertilizers, they talk about their types, which have the same components in their composition, differing from each other only quantitatively. You need to feed the tomatoes based on the conversion indicators (i.e., the quantitative recalculation of the component).

Interchangeability of basic fertilizers:


Basic foundation


Quantitatively equal

Ammonium nitrate

0.75 kg of urea;
1.7 kg ammonium sulfate;
2.6 kg of nitrophoska.

Potassium chloride

potassium oxide

1 kg

1.35 kg of 40% potassium salt;
1.8 kg of 30% potassium salt;
1.1 kg of potassium sulfate;
4.5 kg of nitrophoska;
0.9-1 kg of potash;
2 kg of potassium magnesia;
8 kg of pine wood ash;
4 kg of birch wood ash;
17 kg of spruce wood ash.

Simple superphosphate in granules

0.4 kg double superphosphate;

1.8 kg nitrophoska

Demanding soil fertility, the tomato grows well in areas filled with organic fertilizers:

  • manure;
  • slurry;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • chicken manure;
  • compost.

When the land is manured, only phosphate and potash fertilizers need to be added. But for tomatoes that are hypersensitive to chloride compounds, it is preferable to use potassium sulfate.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse

What fertilizers are required for greenhouse tomatoes? The choice depends on the cultivation method. It is possible to plant seeds immediately in the ground or initial planting in boxes and cups, followed by picking in the phase of the first true leaf. Without picking, you can grow seedlings in peat tablets with auxiliary additives of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulants that ensure its successful development.

With a normal supply of soil mixture with nutrients, tomato seedlings do not require top dressing. With their shortage, 1-2 additional top dressings are used:

  1. 10 days after the picking in 10 liters of water are mixed:
  • ammonium nitrate - 15 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 20 g;
  • superphosphate - 40 g.
  1. 10-12 days after the date of the first feeding or 5-7 days before planting in the same proportions.

Seedlings are transferred directly to the greenhouse soil at the age of 50-60 days in the presence of seven or eight leaves and the budding of the first flower brush. When planting a tomato, it is better to prepare the soil in the fall, adding 1 sq. m 2-6 kg of manure, 1-3 kg of compost, 10-15 g of potassium chloride, 50-70 g of superphosphate, or apply everything in the spring in the same proportions, but without calcium chloride.

After planting, tomatoes, even with a closed root system (from cups, pots, cubes), take root in a new place for 8-12 days. Therefore, during this period it is better not to touch them, creating sparing conditions, covering them from the bright sun, watering them infrequently, but plentifully, because they love dry air and moist soil. Adult planted tomato seedlings, after it gets stronger, are fed three times with mineral elements or organic fertilizers.

Doses of fertilizers (in g per 10 l of water) by growing periods:

Organics are used in the form of an aqueous solution of mullein in a ratio of 1: 8-10 or bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15-20. It is best to feed tomatoes with microelements, including ready-made ones, in soluble tablets and granules using a foliar (foliar) method of feeding using a sprayer or a regular watering can.

Top dressing with aqueous solutions of manganese sulfate (1 g per 1 liter of water), ammonium molybdate (0.2-0.3 g per 1 liter), boric acid (0.5 g per 1 liter) strengthens the bush, makes the stem, leaves powerful, promotes bond development. For some time after spraying, it is impossible to water so that the microelements are well absorbed into the leaves and stems of plants.

If the tomatoes were grown by direct planting in the ground and did not dive, they are simply thinned out, covering the moisture in free places with peat or humus mulch.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field

For open cultivation many varieties of tomatoes for various household purposes have been zoned in the country, but when planting tomatoes on household plots usually selected early ripe varieties. The quantity and content of nutrients is directly related here to the cultivation and fertility of the soil.

organic fertilizers- semi-rotted manure, humus, compost - usually applied for planting on insufficiently fertile lands. The main types of nitrogenous, phosphorus, potash fertilizers or their combination in the form of nitrophoska and ammophos are used. In combination with mineral elements, organic matter is applied in half doses. Effective for plants is the introduction of such mixtures into each planting hole: 300-350 g of humus with 7-10 g of superphosphate.

If, when preparing the soil in autumn or spring period mineral fertilizers were not used, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes after planting in the ground several times during the growing season of the bushes. Various sources recommend doing this every 2-3 weeks. But on fertile lands, two top dressings are enough when the bush has up to six true leaves, and during the period of fruit formation.

How to feed tomatoes after planting in the garden? Traditionally, 15-20 g of superphosphate is added to a bucket of mullein or bird droppings solution. This amount is enough for 10-12 plants.

Further top dressing is carried out with dry mineral fertilizers per square meter:

  • 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 20-30 g of superphosphate;
  • 5-10 g of potassium salt.

Organic fertilizers are easy to apply into the furrows. When watering, they gradually saturate the soil with the necessary elements.

When the tomatoes begin to bloom, foliar top dressing is carried out:

  • 0.01 -0.5% solution of boric acid (0.1-0.5 g per 1 liter);
  • 0.001-0.02% solution of molybdenum ammonium (0.01-0.2 g per 1 liter);
  • 0.03-0.05% solution of manganese sulfate or zinc sulfate (0.3-0.5 g per 1 liter).

For each square meter of area, 0.1 l of solution is used. The most suitable time for such a "recharge" is evening or just cloudy (not rainy) weather. Once on the leaves, nutrients are quickly absorbed by plants and contribute to accelerated growth and high-quality harvest. You can combine such top dressing with spraying tomatoes with substances that prevent the development of bacterial diseases.