Toilet      04/03/2019

Non-stick frying pan - easy and quick cooking without oil. How to choose a frying pan - useful tips for a practical hostess

In order to surprise and delight your loved ones with appetizing and delicious meals, little quality products and skills. Kitchen furnishings and utensils for cooking are of great importance. Pots, stewpans, cauldrons and, of course, frying pans. Probably every housewife has her favorite, the best frying pan. And most likely not even alone. Indeed, in their characteristics and purpose, they are very diverse. And if such a kitchen assistant has not yet been found, then it's time to make a choice.

The basics of choosing a frying pan

Considering a wide range of pans, you should take into account several basic parameters that are inherent in each appliance.

  1. Bottom. It shouldn't be thin. The optimal thickness is about 5-6 mm. It is better if the diameter of the bottom of the pan matches the diameter of the burner on which the cooking process is supposed to take place. If the bottom is embossed, then the bulges should be as voluminous as possible. Compliance with these parameters will allow you to waste less heat and evenly heat the food being cooked.
  2. Pen. Should not be too thin and light or thick and heavy. When buying, it is advisable to try the pan, hold it. The pen should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and have enough smooth surface. Special attention attention should be paid to attaching the handle to the pan, even if it is removable. When moving, there should not be a feeling of looseness.
  3. Weight. The pan should be of medium weight, regardless of its type. But the total volume and dimensions are determined based on the purpose.

Choosing a frying pan

When deciding which pan to choose, you need to think about its main purpose. Namely, it will be a universal frying pan or a frying pan for a particular dish.

  1. For stewing and simmering better fit frying pan with thick walls and a thick bottom. It warms up slowly and evenly and also cools down slowly. Food is cooked at the optimum temperature, necessary for gentle heat treatment of products.
  2. For frying, a frying pan with thin walls and a fairly thin bottom is better. The required temperature is reached quickly, and the products are fried as efficiently as possible.

It is best to fry the bulk of the products, from meat to vegetables, in a ceramic frying pan. And pancakes, pancakes and other flour products - on Teflon.

Choosing a frying pan by type of coating

Considering the various pans, you need to consider that each has a special type of surface coating. Choosing the right surface is important because best frying pans can only be with a high-quality coating.

  1. Ceramic.

A safe coating that is particularly durable both when cooking and when cleaning. Withstands high temperatures and provides uniform heating of the surface.

2. Teflon.

It has excellent non-stick properties. But at the same time, it requires careful care, since when damaged it becomes toxically dangerous.

3. Titanium.

Environmentally friendly coating. Wear resistant and very durable. The cost of such a pan is an order of magnitude higher than average, but it fully pays for itself with the duration of use.

4. Enamelled.

Proven over the years and familiar to many. Such dishes are financially available, but the coating itself is fragile and easily deformed.

The most popular coatings today are ceramic and Teflon.

ceramic coating

Manufacturers of ceramic pans

When choosing such a pan, be sure to find out who the manufacturer is. After all, the quality of the product depends on it.

The main thing you should pay attention to: ceramic dishes cannot be cheap. A manufacturer (brand) offering "quality" ceramics for a penny should immediately arouse suspicion.

Popular manufacturers respect their customers and offer only high quality dishes.

The main leaders can be identified:

  1. Italian manufacturer TVS. Users respond positively, especially please affordable prices.
  2. Belgian company BEKA. It produces frying pans with a chrome-plated ceramic coating. It also combines affordable prices with decent quality.
  3. Patlon takes its place of honor among the preferences of buyers. There is every reason for this, since the frying pans are made of high-quality aluminum and covered with the safest ceramics.

Also widely known brands such as Kukmara, Rondell, Pensofal.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-stick pans

There is an opinion that dishes are unsafe, and cooking in Teflon pans is undesirable. In fact, such beliefs are misleading.

Manufacturers who respect themselves and their customers use only high-tech developments and thus offer the best non-stick frying pans.

The main thing to remember and always take into account is that non-stick Teflon pans can only be used at temperatures not exceeding 200 degrees. At temperatures that exceed the permissible maximum, Teflon begins to release fumes that can really be harmful to health. Hence the statements about the harmfulness of this type of coating. But if you use the dishes with care, they will last a long time without causing absolutely no harm.

As with ceramic pans, there are rules for using Teflon pans. And they are no different. The same soft sponges and gentle cleaners. The same silicone or wooden cooking utensils. Frying pans with damaged Teflon coating must not be used.

Manufacturers of non-stick (Teflon) pans

The leader among manufacturers of such pans is, of course, the French Tefal.

Quality, proven over decades, is only getting better these days. Buyers trust the brand and speak only positively about it.

Also well-known companies producing high-quality non-stick cookware are TVS already mentioned above and no less famous Kulinar, Burletti, Epicure, Ballarini. Users identify different positive traits each of the brands. This and a special compacted bottom at Ballarini. And a high-quality solid surface from almost all of the above manufacturers. One of the main advantages of the dishes of each brand is the coating, to which products do not stick.

Choosing a frying pan according to its appearance and purpose

The entire wide range of dishes can be divided into categories. Frying pans are different appearance and for its intended purpose.

There are universal frying pans of various sizes and volumes. But progress, as you know, does not stand still. And in the world of kitchen utensils as well. Manufacturers produce pans not only from various materials, but also for certain types of heat treatment and even for certain dishes.

Knowing the main types, it is much easier to decide which pan is better to choose.

According to the material of manufacture, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Cast iron.
  • Steel.
  • Titanium.
  • Aluminum.
  • Ceramic.
  • Teflon.

It is possible to single out one more interesting group frying pans. Let's dwell on it in more detail.

The best pans - pancake, grill, WOK

How to bake delicious pancakes without burning your fingers and without worrying about the notorious first pancake lump? There is no secret. You just need to use a special frying pan - pancake. Such a frying pan has a thick and absolutely flat bottom and very low sides. In combination with a long handle, it is ideal for easy preparation of pancakes, as well as pancakes and omelettes.

How to cook a fried, corrugated steak? Easily. The best grill pan will help with this. It has a specific ribbed bottom, thanks to which the products are not soaked through with oil and are perfectly fried, covered with a crispy crust. Most often, grill pans have a quadrangular shape and a noticeable weight.

Craving a real exotic cuisine? It is not necessary to fly to Asian countries. You can cook dishes "with a twist" in It has a specific shape - a flat narrow bottom and expanding edges. Mandatory part of the design - two handles. The wok is perfect for any stove and hob.


Having considered a large number of all kinds of materials, types, shapes of pans, you can make some rating of the most popular parameters, as well as figure out which pan is the best.

The most popular pan bases are cast iron, titanium, stainless steel, and aluminum.

The most popular coatings are ceramic and Teflon.

The most popular types: pancake, grill, WOK.

Most common use: frying and stewing.

The most necessary additions: a handle and a lid.

The most important correspondences are: the diameter of the bottom of the pan and burner, the type and material of the dishes and the type of stove.

Based on the main noted nuances, you can safely choose the necessary frying pan. And best of all, not one, but at least three, because with the help of one it is unlikely that you will be able to fully reveal your culinary talents.

Rating of the best manufacturers

The most popular manufacturers of ceramic and Teflon frying pans that have won the trust of buyers have been considered above.

But you can also highlight other brands that are the benchmark for high-quality and decent dishes, including those that produce the best frying pans. These include:

  • Tefal.
  • Rondell.
  • Kukmara.
  • Ballirini.
  • Swiss Diamond.
  • Neva-Metal Crockery.
  • Biol.

Which frying pan should not be bought

In addition to all the advantages and basic properties and functions that the best pans have, there are also unpleasant moments that are best avoided.

When choosing a pan, you need to carefully examine its inside and outside. On their surface there should be no chips, scuffs, scratches. If a drawing is applied, it must be evenly dyed and not erased when touched. If the bottom of the pan is embossed, the pattern should be uniform, without clearly visible or falling fragments.

Additional elements, such as a lid and a handle, must also be of good quality, without cracks or inconsistencies in the seams. Dishes should not have an unpleasant odor.

Often low-quality goods are sold at promotions with tempting discounts. But dishes with a defect will not last long and are likely to cause damage to health.

When deciding to buy a frying pan and considering, for example, which ceramic frying pans are better or what is better to choose - a grill or a WOK, you need to weigh all the arguments. Well, if the opportunity allows, then you can replenish your rows of dishes with several frying recruits at once. The main thing is to choose dishes carefully and carefully.

In this article, we will talk about which pan is the best and safest: in terms of material and coating, as well as in price and quality. In addition, we have prepared some surprises - for example, a rating of the best frying pans and their manufacturers.

We will try to give comprehensive answers to the following questions:

And let's start with the main...

What are they

Let's look at the types of pans and their purpose - a key selection factor to consider:

Universal round suitable for almost everything: frying, stewing, sautéing vegetables. You can hardly do without it in the kitchen. Therefore, it is important not to save here - choose quality dishes from reliable manufacturers.
Roaster - a deep frying pan with small metal handles is ideal for roasting food in the oven.
pancake pan outwardly similar to the universal, but differs in low sides. It is convenient to cook on it not only pancakes, but also potato pancakes, pancakes, omelettes. Anything that requires careful turning with a spatula.
Ribbed bottom grill pan on the one hand reduces required amount oil, and on the other hand, it allows you to provide a beautiful relief crust on the product. For those who cannot imagine life without juicy meat - a must-have.
Deep wok with beveled walls and handles came to us from Asia. The shape, resembling a bowler hat, contributes to the uniform heating of food. Ideal for stewing and frying vegetables.
Saucepan. If you read ours, you probably noticed that he was also mentioned there. And not in vain - even cooks cannot decide what type of dishes it belongs to. A peculiar hybrid is useful for making sauces and jams.

These are six main types, which, according to experts, are enough for cooking almost all main dishes. However, fans of cooking something unusual can also find interesting dishes:

oval frying pan for fish of an elongated shape allows you to cook whole carcasses of medium size. Convenient and practical. Thanks to the special shape of the walls, the fish warms up evenly without overdrying.

Escargottierka at first glance bears little resemblance to a frying pan. Quicker, unusual shape for cupcakes. It was originally invented in France for the preparation of escargot snails. But now its functionality is much wider: omelettes, biscuits, portioned pastries.
Paellara - a large diameter frying pan with two handles. As the name implies, paella is cooked on it. But in general, it is suitable for any dishes with cereals. Due to the low sides, it is convenient to mix food, and the embossed bottom contributes to the mixing of flavors.
Tajine is a deep frying pan with an elongated lid, borrowed from Africa. Design features allow two processes to operate at once - uniform heating of food from the bottom and steam treatment. For those who love diet food - almost ideal option.
Tapa is a Georgian wide square frying pan with a press lid. Not only suitable for the iconic tapac chicken - any meat under pressure, vegetables, etc. are amazing. And no more fuss with irons!

Nowadays, the market is replete with various offers in absolutely any field, including in the field of dishes. Some frying pans, there are dozens of types in shape, purpose and materials from which they are made. Everything so that the picky consumer can choose exactly what he needs to prepare a signature dish, or find the ideal one that is suitable for all occasions.

Which pan to choose

Each pan has its advantages and disadvantages, and before buying, you should definitely study the range and understand what the difference is and which pan you need.

Materials used to make frying pans

cast iron pans, associated with old times and grandma's pancakes, they are great for food that needs to be cooked for a long time at high temperatures.

Cast iron retains heat well and will not give food an unnecessary aftertaste, and its excellent ability for high-quality and trouble-free frying of products provides a natural fat layer without any additional coatings.

The obvious disadvantages of a cast-iron pan are its heavyness and, oddly enough, fragility. In addition, modern detergents are contraindicated for cast-iron pans: after using the dishes, be sure to wipe them dry, otherwise it may rust, which is also not included in the list of its advantages.

aluminum cookware, as you know, the lightest and cheapest, but even the enemy would not want to cook anything in a pan made from this material without a special coating. Not only is the food aluminum surface burns and sticks, so besides, food residues are extremely bad when washed.

The appearance of the first aluminum plate during the time of the Roman emperor Tiberius at the beginning of our era was marked by the execution of a jeweler who presented dishes to his sovereign. The fact is that Tiberius was seriously afraid that light products made of a material resembling silver would devalue the main currency of all times and peoples - gold. Aluminum reappeared in the 19th century and has been in widespread use ever since.

Steel pans are famous for the fact that during their manufacture there is no interaction with any other kind of metals, therefore, you can not be afraid of the quality of food cooked on such dishes.

Materials used to cover pans

Teflon coated pans, advertised as "non-stick", as a rule, are made of aluminum or steel, that is, they combine the light weight of, for example, aluminum and a pleasant cooking process without the hassle and hassle of Teflon.

Teflon was invented in the USA in the early 30s of the 20th century and is a polymer whose full name sounds like "polytetratforethylene". When the new polymer began to be used in the manufacture of dishes and, for ease of pronunciation, the name was shortened to “teflon”, frying pans coated with it gained unprecedented popularity not only at home, but throughout the world.

In order for the Teflon pan to serve faithfully for many years, you need to take very seriously the spatula, with which the food is mixed and turned over during frying, as well as temperature regime cooking. The fact is that the slightest scratch from a metal spatula will lead to a very rapid complete destruction of the Teflon coating, and when overheated, the Teflon begins to evaporate dangerous substances, which, of course, contradicts the concept of "healthy food". In any case, such a frying pan will last no more than 5 years, which is its significant drawback compared to the same cast-iron frying pan, which, with careful use, can be passed down from generation to generation.

Frying pan with ceramic coating has a lot of advantages if the coating is really ceramic, and not cheap enameled.

In other words, ceramics will never be cheap, just as they will not emit harmful fumes when heated and collapse from the slightest scratch. When using it, it is better to avoid strong temperature fluctuations, but otherwise, having spent money once, you can forget about buying a new frying pan for many years.

Pans with titanium coating combine the advantages of an aluminum or steel body, namely lightness, convenience, quality and environmental friendliness in cooking, characteristic of cast iron products.

Perhaps this is an ideal option, if not for one single drawback - the cost, which is many times higher than pans made from other materials.

Shape and dimensions

Currently in stores pans of three main types: round, square and oval. Oval ones are designed specifically for cooking fish, and square ones differ from round ones in greater capacity.

Frying pans can be from tens of centimeters in diameter to infinity, the same applies to their depth, so when choosing, you should decide for what purposes and in which house the pan is bought.

As a universal dish for a childless bachelor, a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of up to 7 cm is suitable, for a large family for all occasions it is worth buying a large deep square frying pan, and a special frying pan for pancakes or fish, vegetable stew or french fries should be selected separately in each specific case.

Of course, the manufacturer of cookware also plays an important role, and here it is necessary to prefer reputation and brand to cheapness and unpopularity, because practice and experience play a big role in the production of pans.

For all other criteria - color, handle shape and weight - you should rely only on personal preferences and taste, because the range of pans will satisfy the needs of any housewife without exception.

How to choose a frying pan


grill pans features a ribbed surface, thanks to which it fries and bakes foods at the same time. Such dishes, as a rule, are made of cast iron, and this should be taken into account when buying, because the desire to purchase the largest, which means universal frying pan, can turn into the severity of its operation, and in the most direct sense.

After being selected optimal size, it is necessary to focus on the ribs themselves on the grill - it is their quality that will ensure further success in cooking. They should not be nominal just for beauty, but about half a centimeter or more high, otherwise the grill effect will not work.

It is due to the height of the ribs that when frying the same steak in a grill pan, a minimum of oil is required (you just need to grease the recesses), the meat does not burn, easily falls behind and turns over.

In addition, in such a pan there must be grooves for the outflow of excess fat, otherwise the effect of baking (along with frying) will not be felt.

When choosing a material, it is worth stopping at cast iron with a solid cast handle, which will certainly withstand the weight of the entire vessel. And although non-stick steel grill pans are now also quite common, as mentioned above, with the slightest damage to the Teflon, the entire pan will instantly become unusable.


A frying pan with a real ceramic coating has no drawbacks (with careful use, of course), so the only rule when buying it is the brand and price - the name of the manufacturer must be known, and the price is from one and a half to two thousand rubles, no less.

The range of opinions and reviews regarding ceramic dishes varies from extremely negative to admiring, precisely because some try a cheap fake, while others immediately start with a high-quality copy. To be in the last category, you need to immediately acquire a good ceramic frying pan, which will be necessarily expensive, or not to acquire any, because a Chinese fake can be simply dangerous to health and life.

cast iron

When buying a cast iron pan, there can only be 2 pieces of advice:

  • Buy cast iron (which is unmistakable due to its considerable weight and rough appearance) without any additional coatings and sputtering. In this case, this is superfluous both in terms of the impact on the quality of food, and in terms of price.
  • Pay attention to the handle: it must be one-piece cast, otherwise at one fine moment it may not support the weight of the entire pan.

At correct operation a cast-iron pan will last for decades, and for this you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Immediately after the purchase, before the first cooking, you must first ignite the pan with salt for 2 hours, then let it cool naturally, and then grease it with oil and wipe it with a paper towel.
  • Never again use water, and even more so dishwashing detergent - just wipe it with a paper towel every time after cooking.


When choosing a pan with a non-stick coating, you need to fully focus on the quality of this very coating:

  • teflon should lie in an absolutely even layer without any uneven and bubbles, and even more so scratches - even the most insignificant ones;
  • Teflon should be the same thickness over the entire surface of the pan.

If the first point can be checked visually right there in the store, then the uniform thickness of the coating is completely on the conscience of the manufacturer. That is why here it is worth relying on the name and reputation of the brand, no less than on inspection.


The wok pan came to us from China and at first glance it is very similar to the traditional cauldron for cooking pilaf. A wok pan always comes with a grate, which some mistakenly take for a hot stand, but actually serves to steam vegetables if necessary.

When choosing a wok, in principle, you do not need to know any special tricks, except for those that have already been voiced regarding cast-iron pans, if you settled on a cast-iron wok, or with regards to non-stick pans, which were also mentioned above.

For pancakes

A pancake pan is distinguished large diameter and low sides, but the material from which it can be made can be anything. That is why when choosing a pan for pancakes, it is most logical to apply the elimination method:

  • Everything sticks to an aluminum pan, so trying to fry pancakes on it is simply pointless.
  • A cast iron skillet is too heavy to flip pancakes quickly and easily.
  • Frying pans with Teflon and ceramic coatings equally well suited for frying pancakes, it remains only to decide on the amount of money that you could spend. Teflon pans are much cheaper, but unsafe for strong and long heating, good ceramic pans are environmentally friendly and safe, but they cost several times more.

For induction cooker

Induction cookers of the new generation are becoming more and more popular, and, consequently, the dishes for them are also presented in the assortment. In order for a frying pan to heat up from contact with an induction hob, it must have ferromagnetic properties, which can be easily checked by applying a magnet. If it is attracted, it means that the pan, which does not even have a special mark “for induction”, will heat up, if not, then such dishes are completely useless in a newfangled kitchen.

Otherwise, frying pans for induction cookers are made from the same materials and with the same coatings as for conventional ones, so you need to choose based on the criteria and features described above, adjusted for the mark “for induction”.

With a basic knowledge of the materials that pans are made of and the coatings that make it easier to cook food on them, you can safely go to the store and choose the right dishes. As for special frying pans - for pancakes or induction cookers, grill or wok - the most important thing here is to pay attention to the brand and price category, and in no case buy obviously cheap products, remembering that the miser pays twice.

If your loved ones are lovers of delicious food: your daughter loves omelettes, your son loves pancakes, your husband loves cutlets, and you yourself will never refuse fried fish, then you definitely cannot do without two or three pans. We'll help you figure out which cookware to use for what. So our starting point is materials, namely cast iron, non-stick coating, stainless steel and aluminum.

Cast iron pans

There is only one way to learn how to make thin, lacy pancakes - to bake them often, in large quantities and on the right utensils. What is the best pan for making pancakes? Now the assortment of pans for pancakes is large, but the time-tested cast iron is still the best choice. If possible, buy cookware with as low a rim as possible. Pancakes on it are easier to pry and easier to turn over. Before buying, try it on weight - just taking the product in one hand. It must be really heavy. The bottom thickness must be at least 4 mm. Such dishes are not deformed and will serve for a long time. This applies to everyone cast iron pans. By the way, in such dishes it is great to cook stews, stew and simmer - vegetables, meat, fish or poultry.

When you come home with a purchase, do not forget about the obligatory ritual - ignite your new purchase. To do this, wash the pan and wipe dry. Miss her vegetable oil, heat in the oven at 150-160 ° C, 1 hour. Let cool and coat the pan with oil again. Now she is ready to use. Just remember that long water procedures cast iron is contraindicated. By the way, if you are not satisfied with the dramatic black color of kitchen veterans and careful care for them, then your choice is cast iron pans with an enamel coating.

Pros: uniform heating and long-term preservation, reliability and durability

Cons: rather large weight of dishes, gentle care, long heating

Non-stick pans

Cooking with non-stick pans is easy and convenient. Usually such a pan is given to young and inexperienced housewives - for the first experiments. There are many non-stick coatings - there are plenty to choose from! The most popular and available are multi-layer ceramics, which are often applied to extruded aluminum. Directly the Teflon itself, covering the stainless steel, and the non-stick coating on water based. The latter, by the way, is a domestic development! How to choose the right non-stick pan? When buying, pay attention to the bottom. Usually, the patterns and ornaments applied to it have both aesthetic and technological significance. This coating when frying gives a beautiful golden crust. Non-stick pans are great for quickly frying vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, preparing breakfasts (scrambled eggs, cheesecakes, omelettes).

As for care, non-stick coatings do not allow rough exposure, and you can work with them only if you have wooden, plastic or silicone spatulas and spoons in stock. Metal is not allowed. At the same time, cooking in a scratched non-stick pan is unhealthy.

Pros: minimal burning of food, easy care, the coating allows you to use less oil when cooking.

Cons: relatively short-lived coating, ambiguous opinion about the effect of coating on human health - it is recommended to cook on low and medium heat.

Stainless steel pans

Stainless steel is most often an alloy of 10% nickel and 18% chromium. Usually on the product labeling it is indicated as "18/10". Such steel does not interact with acid, which avoids the appearance of rust. Pans with a multi-layered bottom are now popular, in which a sheet of copper or aluminum is sealed between two layers of steel. This design - sometimes even five-layer - allows you to evenly distribute heat over the entire surface of the bottom. At the same time, stainless steel itself has poor thermal conductivity, and you need to get used to cooking in such dishes. Food often burns!

For proper cooking in a stainless steel it is necessary: ​​1). Warm up the oil well. 2). Do not lay out a lot of food for frying at once: the temperature of the pan will drop sharply and the meat, if frying it, will begin to stick. 3). Do not rush to turn the pieces. Let the fried crust form.
Meat and offal are perfectly fried in stainless steel. And meat sauce, which can be prepared on the basis of meat roasts, cooks better than in any other pan.

Stainless steel pans are cast and stamped. The former are most often chosen by professional chefs. They are of higher quality, but also more expensive.

Pros: durable, non-porous, inert and corrosion-resistant material, durability, ease of maintenance, steel is as safe as possible for human health.

Cons: Requires attention to cooking and adjusting, requires careful selection to maintain shine detergents and gentle care, poor thermal conductivity.

Aluminum pans

Aluminum conducts heat quickly and evenly. It is sensitive to even small changes in temperature - it cools almost as quickly as it heats up. Aluminum is also light and durable, but reacts negatively to acidic and alkaline environments, so it is more often than others dressed in a non-stick coating or soldered in stainless steel. It is not recommended to store food in such a pan, especially vegetables. Also, aluminum does not tolerate overheating well, it can even deform. But this cheap material and used to be extremely popular. The bottom thickness must be at least 5 mm for a pan for meat and at least 2 mm for pancakes or scrambled eggs, omelettes.

Aluminum frying pans, like steel ones, are available in two types: stamped and cast. The first are made from ready-made metal sheets by mechanical processing. The production of cast aluminum is more complex due to the use of special forging hammers and presses. Of course, cast aluminum utensils, poured into original forms less deformable. Therefore, a cheap stamped pan with a thin bottom may only be suitable for gas stove. On an electric stove, it will immediately warp due to overheating!

Pros: affordable prices, fast heating, excellent thermal conductivity (almost 3 times more than cast iron).

Cons: does not get along with sour and salty foods, deforms when high temperature, easily scratched, short-lived.

And yet, when buying a frying pan, you should not forget about the stove on which you have to cook. The most democratic electric stove. She is friendly with almost any dish. The only thing is to keep an eye on the heating temperature of the tile. There is a strong opinion that it is still not advisable to heat Teflon pans above 200 ° C. For gas stoves, choose cookware with uneven surface outer part of the bottom. Respected manufacturers make special notches on their products to improve heating uniformity and to reduce deformations. This is ideal for gas stoves. Special cookware, perhaps, is designed only for induction hobs. The bottom of the pan must be absolutely smooth and it is best to choose steel pans, because due to the properties of steel, a high coefficient of useful action- up to 90%. In principle, who is suitable for whom can be read on the product label.

And lastly, when buying, consider how many people you most often cook food for. A frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm is quite enough for one eater, for two - 26 cm, for a large family - 28 cm. A frying pan with a diameter of 18-20 cm is convenient for quickly heating food. And be guided by the size of the burners on the stove. The pan should not be much larger than the heat source, otherwise the food will burn in the center of the dish, and remain underdone along the edges. Naturally, the diameter of the bottom of the pan should not be less than the diameter of the burner.

A wide range of kitchen utensils, although it allows you to find perfect fit, often introduces hostesses into a state of stupor. How to choose a grill pan and what is the difference between outwardly similar analogues? Teflon and ceramics - which is better? Or maybe even choose a product with a stone or titanium coating?

Can I use the same pans for electric and gas stoves? Which dishes are suitable for cooking models from of stainless steel? The answers to all these questions must be found before going to the store. Only if you initially decide on the coating, purpose and material of the fixtures, there is a chance of a successful purchase.

Types of pans and their characteristics

Our grandmothers did not think about how to choose a pan for pancakes, stewing vegetables or frying meat, and they did not hear anything about the induction cooker. At the same time, everyone successfully coped with the tasks set and prepared excellent dishes. Today there is no need to be limited to one product. If desired, you can choose individual tools to create specific dishes. At a minimum, you need to know what pans exist and how to use them correctly:

  • Classic. Everyone should have such a frying pan at home. If necessary, it is used for frying or stewing foods, sautéing components and baking dishes. Modern products are usually equipped with a non-stick coating that simplifies the process of their operation. Before buying, you should clarify which plate the tool is intended for. Appliances for induction, conventional electric or gas stoves may vary slightly.

  • Grill. Before choosing a grill pan, you should decide on the type of its work. Today, such products are divided into two large groups: grill gas and classic. The former have special form, grates and a hole inside through which heat from a gas burner passes. The second option differs from a conventional frying pan only by a ribbed surface. It is difficult to say which option is better, each has its own advantages. If you want to always get the perfect result, it is better to choose products with a non-stick coating. In this case, it will be possible to refuse the use of vegetable oil.

  • Brazier. Not every housewife keeps such a tool at home; it already belongs to the professional equipment of the kitchen. Traditionally, the object is made of stainless steel with the addition of chemical elements that guarantee an even distribution of heat. Optimum results are achieved when using the item on an induction or glass-ceramic hob. The bottom of a real brazier is made of three layers different materials, which guarantees high-quality frying of products and a minimum risk of their burning.

Tip: Electric frying pans that do not require a stove at home are in vogue. Unfortunately, the cons of such products so far outweigh the pros. Items are not yet perfect and using them can lead to an accident.

  • Wok. As the popularity of Asian cuisine has increased, so has the demand for such appliances. They are usually used for frying ingredients and making soups. The product looks like a bowl with high sides and a narrow bottom. Due to the characteristics of the bottom, this is not the most suitable option for glass-ceramic or gas stoves. But on an induction or conventional electric surface, the tool will perform as well as possible.

  • An item with a narrow specialization, which was designed specifically for making pancakes. Most often it is made of thin stainless steel in combination with a non-stick coating, but other options are possible. The bottom of a good crepe maker is perfectly even and flat, the sides are low, and the weight is small.

  • This frying pan is similar in shape and volume to a small saucepan. Most often it is used to prepare various sauces and creams, but if you choose the right product, it can be adapted for boiling soups and frying eggs. The ideal option will be a construction with marble or stone surface layer made of thickened stainless steel or lightweight cast iron. The impressive thickness of the walls will ensure uniform distribution of heat. If the work will be carried out on an induction hob, it is better to take a model with a relief bottom, this will reduce the risk of burning the contents.

From time to time new types of pans appear, but they are in any case an "improvement" or a slightly modified analogue of one of the basic options.

How to choose the best frying pan material?

Despite the variety of pans, their base material is usually represented by one of the following alloys:

  • Cast iron. The thick walls of the device guarantee uniform distribution of heat and its long-term maintenance. Cast iron cookware is heavy, but better than others for stewing and long-term simmering of ingredients. The device must be properly maintained. Cast iron pan should be cleaned regularly, otherwise the components will start to burn. After processing, the metal surface must be dried, otherwise rust cannot be avoided. But for storage ready meals this material is not suitable. And one more specific point - food in such dishes should be mixed with wooden or silicone spatulas.

Tip: For stoves with a glass-ceramic surface, you should select pans whose bottoms are the same size as the diameter of the burners. And it does not depend on what material the product is made of and what kind of coating it has.

  • Aluminum. Lightweight and affordable pans that are equally convenient to use on induction, gas, electric or glass-ceramic stovetops. It is worth considering that aluminum is not suitable for frying; with this type of component processing, it smokes a lot. Cheap metal is rarely accompanied by a non-stick coating. But with stone, titanium or marble coating, such products are increasingly common. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find good pure aluminum cookware. So it is better to use different hybrids.

  • Stainless steel. Stainless steel products are the most popular. This is due to the fact that they are not afraid of mechanical, chemical and physical impact, which in the case of other materials can be destructive. Regardless of which surface the tool is heated on, induction or electric, cooking can be started in just a few seconds. It is important to remember that stainless steel products are prohibited long time heat empty. Because of this, stains can go on their surface. If used correctly, the device will not adversely affect the texture, taste and smell of the food being prepared.

Do not purchase a product that does not list a material or some unusual alloy on the label. It is these products that are usually taken as the basis, but the presence of impurities is allowed to increase the practicality of products. And do not confuse the main raw material with the coating. For example, there are no ceramic or titanium instruments. Such materials are used exclusively as a coating.

Types of pan coating and their features

Before choosing a ceramic frying pan, you need to carefully read the label. Ceramics on such a product should act only as a coating, otherwise you won’t get any trouble with it. Today, for processing pans, the most different types spraying. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Teflon. It remains a fairly popular coating, despite the emergence of more environmentally friendly counterparts. In terms of non-stick properties, the material can surpass even a cast-iron surface. This raw material is now covered not only with stainless steel models, but even with aluminum. The main thing is not to scratch the coating, otherwise evaporation will begin. harmful substances. It is worth considering that such items do not last more than 3-4 years.

  • Ceramics. It heats up quickly and evenly and cools down slowly. Its neutral composition has no effect on the quality of the food. It is better for owners of an induction cooker not to use such a device, it may crack.

  • Enamel. Even if the pans are made of cast iron or stainless steel, the enamel on their surface can crack from impact. But similar products they are distinguished by an attractive appearance, are not capricious in terms of care and do not emit an unpleasant odor.

  • Titanium. One of the most resistant, durable and undemanding coatings. Such frying pans are universal, they are ideal for any stove, they will cope with all types of work. Finally, it is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, which will not lose its properties even after 25 years.

  • Granite. Another type of reliable and durable coating that heats up quickly and evenly. In the case of this coating, even the weakest fire can be used, and the food will still be cooked well. Despite the characteristics of granite, such frying pans are quite light and convenient.

  • Marble. Products with marble coating are very popular, but only because of their unusual appearance. In fact, this material does not have any significant features.

  • Stone. Stone-coated pans have only one obvious plus - their environmental friendliness. But they are not always suitable for glass-ceramic surfaces and are not suitable for induction cookers.

Frying pans with marble and stone coating are characterized by high cost, which is not always justified. Sometimes it's better to prefer more simple model with a non-stick coating, which in functional terms will meet all expectations.

Important nuances of the selection process

When choosing non-stick, highly specialized or universal products, you must adhere to a number of rules. Compliance with these nuances will reduce the risk of buying a poor quality product:

  1. Price. If you wish, you can find a frying pan for 500 rubles, but you should not hope that it will last longer than a few months. On the other hand, items costing from 10,000 rubles can be considered professional. The optimal range of prices is from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles, depending on the type of product.
  2. Country of Origin. The quality of Chinese goods has improved markedly over the past few years. But when choosing pans, it is better to traditionally give preference to dishes from Switzerland, the USA, Great Britain, France and Italy.
  3. Dimensions. Often this indicator is ignored, which is why later in the process of cooking there is discomfort. You should initially ideally choose the product for the burner so that the quality of the food does not decrease.
  4. Appointment. Profile items, although they will cope with their indirect purpose, this does not guarantee an ideal result. When buying a pan for baking pancakes, it is best to use it for this.
  5. Plate type. A self-respecting manufacturer must indicate on the label a list of plates for which a particular tool is suitable. Ignoring the recommendations can lead not only to a decrease in the quality of food, but also to damage to dishes and household appliances.

Before using the frying pan, you should carefully read the instructions for its use. It may contain many important information, regarding preparatory phase, caring for the object, the features of cooking food in it.