Toilet      06/17/2019

Growing sweet cherries in central Russia. Spring planting of cherries: useful recommendations What month to plant cherries in spring

To fruit tree actively developed and bore fruit well, a sunny place is chosen for it, which is not blown by cold northern winds. A good option would be to plant a seedling on the southwest or south side of any building. Cherry loves fertile light loams, sandy loamy soils, and feels absolutely uncomfortable on poor sandstones, heavy peat and clay soils.

You need to plant only zoned seedlings, which are sold in specialized nurseries. In addition, they will definitely tell you how to grow cherries without any hassle. To improve pollination, experts advise planting two or three trees on the site, but if there is not enough space, growing cherries from your neighbors will save the day.

The main varieties loved by all:

  • very early - Ruby early", juicy " early ripening»;
  • early - unsurpassed " Valery Chkalov", tender " Homestead" And " Jaboule»;
  • medium - " pink pearl», « Adeline"and dark red" Veda»;
  • late - " Leningrad black", sweet " Drogana yellow" And " Bryansk pink».

IN middle lane they practice spring planting of sweet cherries, as this is a heat-loving breed that can freeze out in the very first winter.

We plant correctly

It is possible to lay a cherry orchard in spring from April to the second decade of May, provided that the seedlings will be with unblown leaves. September and October are most favorable for planting in autumn, because the young tree will have time to take root before the onset of frost (applicable only to the southern regions).

We plant a tree:

  1. Landing pits need to be prepared in advance. If you plant in the spring - cook in the fall, and for planting in the fall - around August. It is best to make the pits rounded, so the roots will develop well, evenly filling the space. The optimal diameter of the hole is about a meter, the depth is about 80 cm. We pour two buckets of good earth and 12 kg of manure, which must be rotted, into the hole. We mix everything thoroughly and leave it so that the earth settles and settles;
  2. At the time of planting, we dig a hole, leaving a small mound in the middle. We drive in a strong stake 5 cm from the center, which will protect the trunk of a fragile tree for the first time from strong winds and sunburn;
  3. We study the root system for damaged roots and cut them to healthy tissue. In addition, do not forget to put the seedling in water the day before planting so that it is well saturated with moisture;
  4. We put a young tree on a mound and carefully place the roots, while monitoring the position of the root collar, which cannot be deepened;
  5. We tie the seedling to the stake and fill the pit with earth, ramming it with our feet perpendicular to the trunk (heel to the edge of the pit);
  6. We create a hole around the trunk and pour 3 buckets of water.

Planted young cherry trees are subsequently watered at least 4 times.

Making a crop

Young trees grow very intensively, so the first 6 years before the leaves open, they make a formative pruning. The tree must be kept within certain limits so that it is convenient to harvest.

The most common crown types are:

  • sparsely tiered. In total, three tiers are laid, leaving 4 skeletal branches in the lower one (3 can also be), on average after 50 cm - 3 branches, and in the upper one, at the same distance - 2 more branches.
  • flattened. The principle of pruning is based on the compilation of three tiers: in each of them, two branches are placed perpendicular to each other. After laying the last tier over a weak side branch, the main conductor is cut off. Subsequently, the branches in tiers are cut off, adhering to the sparse-tiered principle;
  • cupped. Such a crown consists of mainly four or five strong branches, which form a kind of bowl. Due to good illumination, fruit twigs will live for more than a dozen years.

Upon completion of shaping for ten years, pruning is done moderately, removing all broken, unnecessary and growing shoots towards the conductor. So imperceptibly, the time of the first rejuvenating pruning approaches: you need to shorten all two- and three-year-old branches. Three years later, they make another one, cutting out branches with five- and six-year-old wood. The tree between "rejuvenation" continues to thin out annually.

Watering and fertilizing

In the year of planting, it is very important to destroy weeds in trunk circle cherries and subsequently continue to carefully monitor this. The ground around the tree can be mulched to retain moisture as much as possible.

Experts recommend that the first watering be carried out only after flowering, the next - in mid-June and then in July. Do not water during flowering the tree may respond by completely dropping the ovary. Water-charging watering is carried out in October - up to 100 liters under an adult tree. For good harvests, a tree will need a lot of nutrients, which means that you can’t do without top dressing.

Once every three years, 8 kg of organic matter per square meter is dug up with soil according to the projection of the crown. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in early spring and in July for loosening in liquid or dry form. The tree will be treated with phosphorus and potash fertilizers in September so that it has time to prepare for the winter cold. In addition, the cultivation of sweet cherries requires whitewashing of the trunk and skeletal branches in autumn and spring to prevent sunburn and frost.

Pests and diseases on our way

We have already figured out how to care for cherries, but how to protect them from feathered raiders is a real problem. Experienced gardeners take various measures - they hang shiny CDs, rustling packages, foil, hang rattles, install stuffed animals. But quick-witted sparrows quickly get used to it and again, without fear, they begin to treat themselves to juicy berries. Only shelter nets, which are easy and convenient, can really help here.

Among the most common pests are aphids and gypsy moths. The first feeds on the juice of the shoots, the second eats the leaves. Spraying trees with a solution will help get rid of them. Inta-Vir before or after flowering.

The pachyderm, which lays eggs inside the fruit, can completely destroy the crop. The larvae that emerge eat the berries, which eventually fall off. The situation will be saved by drug treatment Insegar.

The cherry tree is threatened by such diseases as gray rot(moniliosis), perforated spotting (clasterosporiasis), coccomycosis. Treatment and care for cherries in the fall in such cases begin with the removal of damaged berries, leaves and shoots. Treatment Bordeaux mixture several times in summer and autumn helps to save the crop.

Picking berries

Cherry varieties ripen from the beginning of June to the twentieth of July. It is customary to distinguish between two types of ripeness: technical, when the fruits tend to acquire their inherent color and taste, and consumer, when they are the most delicious and juicy. The crop is harvested in dry weather within just a couple of days, otherwise the crop can be lost. The berries are removed with the stalk and unripe and diseased specimens are immediately removed. For transportation, the fruits are cut off at the stage of technical ripeness.

Everyone loves cherries, because it contains many valuable elements, including vitamin C, nicotinic acid, carotene. Doctors recommend eating berries for those who have thyroid diseases, as it is also rich in iodine. And how many delicious blanks can be prepared from it - compotes, preserves, jam, juices, you can pickle and use as a side dish for meat dishes. And how tasty frozen berries are in winter: you open a jar, and there ... summer.

Without good skills, you cannot grow a varietal seedling on your own, so the vast majority of summer residents buy them in the markets in autumn or spring. It is much more profitable for nurseries to sell trees in the fall, after leaf fall, so the largest selection of varieties will be at this time of the year. However, plant them on permanent place it is best in the spring. To make the tree feel comfortable all winter, its root system should be buried- for this, they dig a small trench, lay out the trees at an angle and sprinkle the roots with earth, so as to completely cover them.

Choose a place protected from the north winds for this, even better if good snowdrifts form in this place in winter. In the spring, it's time to find a permanent "place of residence" for your seedlings. This area should be protected from northerly winds and well lit. the best option than the south side of the house or the slope, do not come up with. Cherry does not like lowlands, so when landing, avoid such places or build at least a small half-meter hill from the ground.

The tree feels best on loamy and sandy soils, which provide the necessary soil aeration and breathability.

Clayey heavy soils are not suitable, but if you have no other choice, then try to bring more rotted manure to a decent depth ahead of time. It does not tolerate cherries and excess moisture, although it loves it, therefore, soils with a similar level ground water also do not fit. It is best to plant several varieties at once to ensure cross-pollination. There is an opinion that cherries can also cope with this function, but this is a mistake - cherries are not able to provide high quality pollination, as can be seen from a large number crumbling ovary.

Planting cherries in the spring requires preparing the site since the fall. To do this, a hole is dug under each tree with a depth of at least half a meter and another large diameter. Its bottom should be loosened and several buckets of humus should be poured into the pit. During the winter, it will overheat, and substances that are too caustic for young roots will be absorbed into the soil, so that they can then gradually and without damage be absorbed by the root system. In early spring, superphosphate and sodium sulfate, 300 g and 100 g, respectively, are also added to the wells, and a kilogram of ash will not hurt.

Care for sweet cherries planted in spring in such a fertilized hole is practically not needed, the supply of nutrients is laid down for several years in advance. Until the buds swell and bloom, it's time to plant seedlings. Having carefully dug up their roots, they should be kept in water for several hours and only then distributed over the holes. It is impossible to plant cherries too deep, because you still need to remember about the sediment of the earth. After the tree is planted, make a small trench around it and pour a bucket of water into it. When the liquid is absorbed, properly mulch the watering area.

When planting a two-year-old tree, its branches need to be shortened a little, however, this should be done only before the buds swell. Did not have time? Then it’s better not to touch it - prune in the early spring of next year. Pruning can also be done in winter, in December or January, the main thing is to be in time before the start of sap flow. dedicated to a separate article on our website, which you definitely need to read!

In this article we will tell you how to plant cherries in the spring. Choosing a planting site and a seedling, preparing the soil and planting cherries in the garden.

Cherry is a wonderful fruit tree. Cherry berries are loved by both adults and children. But few people know how to plant cherries in the spring, but a properly planted tree is the key to a rich harvest.

Choice of landing site

First of all, you need to determine the place where you can plant cherries. This fruit tree is very thermophilic. Therefore, you need to choose a warm and sunny place, and protect the tree from the north wind.

These conditions will provide high taste qualities berries. Experienced gardeners advise planting cherries before the buds on the trees begin to bloom, but you need to choose the moment when it is no longer cold outside. If you miss the moment of planting, then you can ruin the seedling.

Particular attention should be paid to the depth of groundwater: at least one meter is recommended, otherwise the root system will rot, which will lead to diseases and reduced yields.

Buying a seedling

It is necessary to choose the right seedling. A good cherry seedling should be one or two years old and have a developed root system. It is advisable to buy planting material in specialized stores or nurseries, this guarantees its quality and compliance with the declared variety. Be sure to ask by what method the seedling was grown.

The budding method is preferable, because cherry seedlings grown from seeds do not produce good berries. After the cherry seedling has been purchased, it must be prepared for transportation. It is best to wrap the roots of the seedling wet, soft cloth so they don't dry out.

Soil preparation

Before planting a cherry seedling, you need to prepare the soil. To do this, you need to loosen and fertilize it in advance. Experienced gardeners are advised to think about it in the fall. That's when the soil absorbs required amount fertilizer and will be quite fertile.

In the spring, melt water will play a big role, which will be absorbed into the ground after the snow melts, saturating it with moisture. Before planting, it is necessary to loosen the ground again and allow it to soak in oxygen.

Planting a seedling

Soil preparation completed. You can proceed directly to planting a tree. To do this, it is desirable to follow the following sequence:

In order for the seedling to take root, it is necessary to dig a shallow hole with steep edges without narrowing to the bottom.

Apply ready-made fertilizers, for example, potassium sulfide and superphosphate. Experts advise not to add other chemical additives so as not to burn the roots of a young tree.

Pay attention to the condition of the seedling. If during transportation the tree has dried up, then it is advisable to put it in water for several hours. During this time, the seedling will absorb the required amount of water.

Now it is important to remember the method of planting the cherry itself. First you need to fill in half of the root system of the sweet cherry, then you need to pour out a bucket of water and continue to fill the hole with fertilized soil.

It must be remembered that cherries are very fond of moisture, but do not tolerate stagnant water. When all requirements are met and proper care, the tree will grow well, delight you with tasty and juicy berries.

How to plant cherries VIDEO

Heat loving plant. And if you want to plant it in your area, choose a place well lit by the sun and protected from the north winds. Cherries should not be shaded by any other trees. In addition, sweet cherries do not like sandy soils, as well as places where groundwater is high.

When and how to plant cherries in the spring? The optimal time for planting cherries is before the buds swell in early spring. However, if the air temperature is below 0 ° C, then it is impossible to plant cherry seedlings, even if you have purchased winter-hardy variety. Sweet cherries planted in May, when the buds have already blossomed, will hurt a lot and take root poorly. In autumn, it is also not recommended to plant cherries because of the danger of early frosts.

Sweet cherry is a cross-pollinated plant, that is, from pollination with its own pollen, its fruits will not be tied. There is a misconception that cherries can pollinate cherries. However, in order to receive good harvests, it is best to plant 2-3 cherry trees on the plot different varieties at a distance of 4 meters from each other.

Planting and caring for cherries

Buy cherry seedlings most often in the fall. At this time, their choice is very rich. Suitable for planting are both annuals and biennial seedlings. When buying, be sure to evaluate the root system of seedlings: it must be sufficiently developed. The height of annual seedlings should be about 80 cm, and two-year-old - about one meter. For the winter, seedlings need to be buried.

A place for planting cherry seedlings must be prepared in the fall. The soil on the site should be loose and fertile. When digging a plot for cherries, we apply fertilizers: manure, rotted compost and any complex mineral fertilizers. If necessary, the soil is deoxidized with lime. The pit for planting a cherry seedling in spring should be no deeper than 60 cm and up to 80 cm in diameter. First, you need to drive a planting stake into the pit, and then fill in a nutrient mixture consisting of humus, topsoil, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The pit is filled by one third, then a mound is made in the center and sprinkled with earth without fertilizers.

If the roots of the seedling have dried up, soak them in water for 6-7 hours. When planting, the seedling must be placed on a mound and half sprinkled with roots, constantly shaking the seedling so that the earth fills all the voids. Now you need to pour a bucket of water and completely cover the seedling with earth. At the same time, the root neck of the seedling should not be buried, but protrude 4-5 cm above the ground. When the earth settles, the root neck will be located exactly at the level of the soil. With your feet, compact the ground around the planted tree, make a hole with a roller, where pour another bucket of water. We mulch the soil around the tree with humus or peat, and tie the seedling to the stake with twine.

Further care for planted cherries consists in top dressing, which must be carried out young tree 2-3 times per season. The best fertilizer- slurry diluted in a ratio of 1:6. To this solution, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complex fertilizer for 1 bucket of water. Young trees need to be pruned to form a crown. In spring and autumn, tree trunks are whitened, and by winter they are covered with spruce branches, protecting them from rodents.

How to process cherries in spring?

In early spring, recurrent cold weather with frosts is not uncommon. To protect young cherry seedlings, it is necessary to water the tree abundantly in the evening and spray the crown with water. If you find aphids on your young cherries, start fighting them immediately. To do this, you can spray the tree with a decoction. wood ash, dandelion, garlic or onion. Spraying the tree with potassium sulfate will also be detrimental to aphids. But if the sweet cherry is damaged by perforated spotting, it is necessary to cut it out, and spray the tree with a solution of the drug chorus or fast.

By following the rules for planting and caring for cherry spring, protecting it from pests, you will soon receive excellent harvest these delicious berries.

In order for cherry seedlings to surely take root, in regions with a temperate climate they are planted mainly in the spring. spring planting in conditions of cold winters and extremely low temperatures, it is much more reliable than autumn.

What time is the spring planting?

Until recently, it was believed that sweet cherry is an exclusively southern tree, since it is not able to withstand the frosts characteristic of the middle lane. Thanks to selection work, varieties suitable for cultivation in various regions of Russia have appeared.

  • Southern regions. Here, sweet cherries are planted mainly in autumn, as soon as leaf fall begins. In autumn, the seedling takes root well, and by spring it becomes a fully grown plant.
  • Central regions, Siberia, Far East. Due to cold winters, autumn planting of seedlings is contraindicated here. Cherry planting is carried out here mainly in the spring. Seedlings are usually planted in the month of April - the buds have not yet swollen. Wells for spring planting are prepared in the fall.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring planting cherries

At the spring and autumn planting its pros and cons, which largely depend on climatic conditions. To determine the timing, it is important to evaluate and compare the features of autumn and spring planting.

Why is it profitable to plant a seedling in the spring:

  1. If a seedling is planted in April, then it has at least six months to take root and gain strength. Having grown shoots before winter, the seedling will safely survive it.
  2. Spring planting before autumn has important advantage- gardeners can observe the development of the plant in the summer, taking, if necessary, measures to eliminate negative factors - drought, waterlogging, pests, diseases.
  3. A seedling is planted in a hole prepared in the fall. During the winter, it settles, so it is easier to plant the seedling correctly - so that the root neck is not buried more than necessary.

Cons of spring planting:

  • If you plant a seedling in the spring, then in March or April it will suffer from dry winds and pest invasions.
  • In the spring, the seedling, spending energy on rooting, also spends energy on vegetation - the formation of shoots and leaves.

Seedling selection

There are a number of features that are important to pay attention to when buying a cherry seedling:

  • Graft. Grafting should be visible on the seedling - this is a guarantee of the grade of planting material. The quality of such a seedling is much higher than that of a seedling.
  • Zoning. Choose varieties zoned in a particular region - those that have proven themselves better than others in this climate zone.
  • External characteristics seedling. The tree should have a strong conductor that prevails over the side branches. Specimens with a forked trunk are not suitable - in the future they may break under the weight of berries. The seedling must have a developed root system. Broken and damaged roots should not be. The seedling selected for planting must be in a dormant stage.
  • Age. Do not buy seedlings older than three years.

They buy seedlings in nurseries or in specialized retail outlets that have permits. It is desirable that the seedling has a varietal passport, which usually indicates how to properly plant a seedling and how to care for it.

What trees can be planted with cherries?

Cherry fully bears fruit only with a favorable neighborhood. Moreover, if trees are planted nearby with which the cherry is in conflict, there may not be a harvest at all.

Sweet cherry is a tree with cross-pollination, in connection with this, two or more seedlings are planted at once.

Favorable neighbors for cherries:

  • cherry;
  • Apple tree;
  • plum.

Cherry is undesirable to grow near:

Planting a cherry seedling is a responsible matter that should not be rushed. One mistake is enough for the tree to die or not produce a crop. The gardener must take into account everything - from the neighborhood fruit trees to soil composition. Before deepening the planting material into the soil, you have to choose a place, prepare it and the seedling for planting.

Location selection

Landing requirements:

  • Good illumination. The site is chosen on the southern or southeastern slope - so that it is well warmed up by the sun.
  • Protection from north winds.
  • Low groundwater level. If the waters lie at a level of 1.5 m from ground level, the tree dies due to gum disease.

Cherries are never planted in the lowlands.

Soil preparation

In dry areas, sweet cherries grow best on fertile loams. In regions with sufficiently high humidity - on sandy loam. Clay, peat and sandy soils are not suitable for cherry. Suitable acidity is pH 6.7-7.1. If the seedling is planted in black soil rich in humus, then a pH level of 8.0 is acceptable.

The soil for planting a seedling should be:

  • airtight;
  • moderately damp;
  • weak acid.

During spring planting, the land is prepared in the fall - it is dug up and fertilized. In autumn, most gardeners also prepare planting pits.

If the soil does not meet the requirements for planting cherries, it is improved by adding sand to clay soils, and clay to sandy soils.

To provide cherries with nutrients, in landing pit make a mixture of soil and fertilizers, it is prepared from:

  • topsoil - 2 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • potassium sulfide - 50 g;
  • superphosphate - 100 g.

The components are mixed, and 10 days before planting the seedling, the pit is filled with the resulting mixture by 1/3.

Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied when planting cherry seedlings - they can burn the roots.

What should be the hole?

When a landing site is selected, they begin to dig a hole. In this case, the fertile layer is laid separately from the extracted soil. If spring planting is ahead, you need to prepare a pit for planting in 2 weeks, no less. Recommended hole sizes:

  • depth - 70 cm;
  • width - 80-100 cm.

The dug hole should not have narrowing of the walls. When planting several seedlings, a gap of 2 m or more is left between adjacent pits.


Its further development depends on the correct preparation of the seedling for planting. Preparation procedure:

  • 24 hours before planting, the seedling is immersed in a bucket of water to activate the root system.
  • Before planting, cut off damaged roots - if any.
  • Cut long roots - so that the root system fits completely in the planting pit.
  • Remove all leaves - so that the seedling does not lose moisture.

Step-by-step instructions for landing

The procedure for planting a cherry seedling:

  1. In the center of the hole, drive in a support to which the seedling will be tied.
  2. By mixing fertile soil with compost, and adding complex fertilizer, place the mixture at the bottom of the pit.
  3. Place the seedling in the center of a mound of potting soil, and fill in enough soil so that the root collar is 3 cm above the soil level. To remove voids, the soil is rammed.
  4. Form an earthen roller around the seedling.
  5. Pour 20 liters of water under the root of the seedling.
  6. Pour peat into the trunk circle - to prevent water evaporation.
  7. Tie the seedling to the support, carefully, without pulling the trunk.

Experienced gardeners are advised to take gaps between cherry seedlings with berries.

For information on how to plant a cherry seedling, see the video below:

Fundamentals of further care

Measures for caring for a young seedling:

  • Having planted a seedling, they immediately cut off the central conductor - shorten it to 1 m.
  • A seedling planted in spring is watered every 10 days. Irrigation rate - from 2 buckets. From mid-July, the tree can not be watered.
  • In the first year of life, it is not necessary to feed the tree - all the necessary substances are laid in the planting hole.
  • Throughout the season, gardeners should monitor the health of trees by spraying them with pest and disease preparations in a timely manner.
  • In the second year, several (3-4) skeletal branches are left on the tree, cutting them by a third. Gradually, cutting off the central conductor annually, and cutting out extra branches, three tiers are formed. The last tier consists of 1-2 branches.
  • Sweet cherry does not like weeds, so near the trunk - in the near-stem circle they should not be. The soil is regularly loosened, at the same time removing weeds.
  • For a successful wintering, a young seedling needs autumn dressing. In September, granulated superphosphate is added under the root - 40-60 g per 1 sq. m.

Common mistakes during spring planting

The consequence of any mistake made by the gardener is a decrease in yield, up to its complete absence. The maximum damage is the death of a tree.

Common mistakes made when planting cherry seedlings


Gardeners often have questions related to planting cherry seedlings. They are interested in what is the best way to plant this tree, and whether it can be transplanted.

How to plant grafted cherries?

Grafted cherries are planted in the same way as rooted cherries. But if the graft is located lower than usual, it is important to ensure that this place is not buried in the ground. It is desirable that the graft is 6-7 cm from the soil level. If the region is snowy, seedlings with a graft located at a height of 50-100 cm are needed.

How to plant a cherry with a stone?

If you grow a cherry from a stone, you will not be able to get the original plant. From a stone taken from the most delicious and largest cherry, an ordinary game grows - small and sour. A tree grown from a stone is frost-resistant, resistant to diseases and pests. Why is it? It can be used as a rootstock for cherry grafting or for landscaping.

How to plant a cherry with a bone:

  1. Bones are taken from perfectly ripe fruits. extracted from the pulp, washed and dried.
  2. Put the bones in a paper bag and store until December. Storage temperature is room temperature.
  3. When December comes, the bones are soaked for several days. Water is changed every day.
  4. The bones are placed in a container with moistened sand, sawdust.
  5. Put the container in a cold place (you can in the refrigerator) for 3 months.
  6. They take it outside in March and sprinkle it with snow.
  7. Sprouted seeds are placed in separate pots. Deepening - 1.5-2 cm.
  8. Shoots that have grown to 10-15 cm dive into pots bigger size.
  9. By autumn, seedlings grow up to 30 cm.
  10. A month before frost, they are planted in the ground, covered with plastic bottles.

Is it possible to plant cherries with cuttings in spring?

The method of propagation by cuttings allows you to get all varietal characteristics from a new tree. But this breeding option is not suitable for all varieties. Usually no more than 10% of the cuttings take root. And only in a few varieties this figure reaches 50%.

You can plant cherries with a cutting in the spring, this is done in the same way as when planting ordinary seedlings. But first, the cuttings need to be rooted. It's not difficult, but it takes time. In central Russia, cuttings are harvested on June 10-30.

How to transplant a tree in spring?

If it is decided to transplant a young tree from place to place, it is dug up in the fall and planted in the spring. Procedure:

  • Moisten the soil the day before digging.
  • The tree is carefully removed by first digging a groove around the circumference - according to the diameter of the root system.
  • Without destroying the soil clod, they dig in a tree on the street - on winter storage.
  • In the fall, they prepare a landing pit.
  • When early spring comes, they take out the buried tree. It is planted in the same way as a regular seedling.
  • So that the plant does not lose strength for the growth of shoots, its skeletal branches are cut by 30%. All flowers are also removed - in order to prevent fruiting in the first year of transplantation.

It happens that you have to transplant adult cherries. Such an event does not benefit the tree, but if necessary it is quite feasible. Transfer order:

  • In September, a circle is drawn around the tree with a diameter corresponding to the root system. Try to cover as many roots as possible.
  • Using a shovel, cut the roots 1/2 of the circle, and dig a trench along this half. Trench depth - 1 shovel bayonet.
  • In the trench, the roots are again cut by one bayonet.
  • Having fallen asleep in a trench, water it with water - the tree feeds on half of the roots that remain intact. New roots will appear on the cut part.
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